Agricultural. TUB Olil) MAX AT TUB FAIIt. Inm very flinty and tired, wltot I'vo Just como linmo from thofntrt flogl'o mp my rlponnd tolneflo, nnd I'll nko my nny chnlr 'Tli n tlr"somo work ft plaj In' for fi-oblo old men Hko in i 'Tls n tlr.soino work ft secln' whero every one wishes to ROC Our (ntra wo ft runnln' down, wlto i thcynro not Hko llio fairs of old, Micro you took tho prizes for lirond. and for tiutttr St yellow ns sold , Thero wore hundreds of tiwtul thlnjs, that were wi ll worth aeeln' then, Now, doieni of riclu' horsM; ntidliundrfld" Of betlln mini 'Wuit nil tills fportln'wlll coma Id Is inor-sthaul now ciin toll! Hut, somehow, ltneems to ms llketha downward read to li-wo!l, t may be n Uttlo lursh, but I'm pc.iklnj the Mmplo trntli, Vr V tiln'.ractu' nnddrlnkln' aretUo fwsot our lie' lo yulttll. s ..liall -.oon bo ft nation of jrun'olew, it nutters keep on this way ; Why, what di yoa thin a yoauziter aottujlmo 'of Ix'ttln'todv I W'a- n I lallmy hud on UN tut i U tint hun't netii ten ., ears yet And c m 1 lilra a Una little tollow-uo answered me Kic k, "You bell" I" t : ' liiil.i mu,' sill I, "tut, filif t njver h. te iiuai'i i .iu '.in luy 50 tr irr.iti lpi'3 kajjl Lot mi raion with jrii.inv sou!" Hi . rai r i'"u l utmsjlt In hi clotho-i, ami sal J with u lo 'k so crneer, "1 dtdii t cj.un hsro for 'pmohlVs' old mm, walk oif on jour carl" Wo ni'V. r lizard talk llko that ; on and 1 were at. j ; My filler and untlier-Usl Uaai'am-ptt ftbrldlo tV .ii mj tongue, lutt dnul B'ttlu'btlnJ, I know, bula dHTrenoe I can peicelvo Twl;ttho bo.vsof elshtsen lianJradanl el.Mleen fcevcnty-tlve. How Is It about tho girls? Thsy, Wj, from tho path htvo strayed; I didn't 'Me ono ii slnwlu' tho butterbur hatidibiJ made ; hoy stood In tUIrpony ptuetcn, w Ilh a woman' easo mid graeo ; Anl shouted ns loud as nnywuon nfavorlto woo a raco 1 All eyes wcro watching tho track i tho raco was or- cry man's themo ; And t said to myself, "Is this a fair, or ts It only a dream?" I saw 'bout a dozen nova lookln' round at the sheep and swine, And tho froits of seventy winters hadn't silvered their beads Hko mine. Why on earth don't they chanxo tho namo when tho wrong namo It bos got? No longer call it fair but an agricultural trot ; Then men will not bo takln' things for senslblo folks to bee, With nobody there to seo 'em but crippled old folks Hko rau. There, take my pipe and tobacco! Ill sleep in my cosy rhnlr i Tls tiresome work u talkln' about ft degenerate fair; 1' ou necdnt disturb my rest, wito till tho bells of tho evening chime, For I may go back In my dreams to tho fairs of olden time. A Greenhorn Driving Oxen. Of course wo can drivo tho oxen home, we told the farmer. Ttio idea of doubting our ability, when wo have seen tlicm handled, every day, for the past month I lie handed over tho log whipand&tarted thein.wo taking tho proper position in front It was easy enough, though rather monotonous, till we met ft team coming the other way j then we "gced' thoso oxen into a ditch, and running against a tree, came to a stand-still. We re ceived a pleasant smile from the team-jter, as we had given him the whole road. Hut there wo were. We hollered "gee," "haw," and "back" till our throat felt rough. We couldn't get ahead unless we borrowed an ax and cut tho tree down, and when we tried to back them, they spread out from tho pole and stood face to face, nearly choking them selves. Then our patience gavo out; we kicked the near one iu tho ribs; ho play fully retorted by switching us across tho face with his fly dispenser. Wo lit a pipe and puffed smoke into thoir nostrils. This was a happy thought-; they sneezed over us and backed, but forgot to stop till they got a stono wall between them. Wo went home to borrow a steam derrick, and before the at- rangements were mado tho oxen came in view and calmly Btoppcd in front of the barn. You may think Ibero is nothing hu man in an ox, but we arc ready to swear that belli winked whi.ii they saw us, and one had a positive grin on his face. We refrain from expressing our opinion of oxen. New York Mail, Hollow Horn. If the horns of the ani mals nre cold iu tho morning, you may ex pect that they have tho horn ail. If the eyes look dull and heavy, aud matter gath ers in tho eyes, and the nose is dry ard does not sweat, it isanother evidence of horn ail. If the hair is dry and stands out straight, and the droppings aro dry and hard, it is a third indication. Take a common teacup half full of good strong vinegar, put iu a tablcspoouful each of lino salt aud blade pepper, ground fine, and let it soak. Iu the morning put a tablespoonful in each ear of the animal affected ; the next morning re peat tho dose. If tho case is not a bad one, two applications will generally effect a cure. As soon as tho.tiat warmth returns to the horns, then the cure is effected. I would re commend not to bore tho horns or cut them offuutil the abovo remedy has been tried. Iu upylying the tnedicime, it will bo nec essary for one person to hold the head and another to apply tho medicine. He suro to hold tho ear up, so that the liquor will not run into tho head. I have not known a creature to dio with the horn ail that has been treated with this, for forty years. Ex change. To Select Meat. It is always import ant to know how to chooso meat in buying. Ox beef should be of lino grain or fiber, tho llesh of a bright red color and firm ; tho fat white and distributed throughout tho lean; it should not bo yellow or scnii-iluid. If the meat Is moist and llabby it is stale. Mutton shonld bo of a clear pink tint; Arm and with a liberal supply of fat, Fine, wether mutton may bo recognized by tho presence of a small mass of fat on tho upper part of tho leg. It is more nutritious than ordinary mutton, and tho darker its tint tho finer Hh tlavor. Pork should bo of a pale nink tint, auu tho fat very firm. If it is soft or if tho fat is yellow the meat is bad. If it is semi-fluid tho animal has probably been fed on llesh. Experiments in Germany on frozen pota toes prove that tho freezing in nowise alters tho chemical coiiiposltiou of tho tubers Too change is simply physical, and if they nro lrozeu bard they me btill lit lor uistllla tion, or they may bo pressed to get rid of the water, und ground into a very good meal, adapted lor feeding cattle. Hoga lovo sulphur, und a considerable amount of it Is necessary to keep them in fair health. When hogs run at largo and find green food they supply thenitolves with what is needed but pigs kept In closo pens mid fed on house slops or corn, uood souio mora laxative food. tavu the corn cobs for kiudling, especi ally If wood Is not going to be plentiful next winter. To preparo them, melt together CO ji; its resin and -10 parts tar. Dip iu tho rob , und dry on bluet metal hcattd to about ll.o temperature of boiling water, Humorous. "Father," wild n young hopeful to his rather mistnblo parent, "I wish you'd cither ipilt swearing or family prayer, They don't jibe well together." "Tho prisoner nt tho bar seems to have a very smooth Inecy' said a spectator to the jailor. "Yes," replied the jailor ; "ho as ironed just before ho was brought In." "What Is that dog barking nt," nkcd a fop, wlioe bonis were more polished than his ideas. "Whv," said a bystander, "he sees another puppy in your boots." A retired Hchoolinastcr excuses his pavsion fur angling by sayliis; that, from constant habit he never feels quite himself unless he's handling the rod. A popular writer, speaking of the ocean telegraph, wonders whether tho news transmitted through tho silt water will bo Crash, Why aro ideas received whllo fot-hlllitlng like h.indhllls? Hec-ituo they aro Imprc sinus taken in the cliuso ".Inhn Henry" said his wife with stony severity, "I saw you uomiug out of a saloon this afternoon." "Well, m idim," replied the obdurate John, "sou uoutdn t have me day iu there, would ynu ?" A little boy carrying some eggs Imme from the shop, dropped them. "1)M jou break any?" n-ked his mother, when lie told her of It. "X(i,"said the little fellow; "but the shells came ofl some, of 'em." Little Willie, having hunted in all tho corners for his shoes, at last appears to give them up, and climbing on a chair, betakes himself to a big book on a side table. Mother (ays to him: "What is darling doing with tho book?" "It ith tho dictionary; papa lookth in tho dictionary for things, and I'm looKing in it to seo n i can llml my shoes." A drag driven by an elegantly attired lady, and with a trim and neatly dressed colored boy perched on tho footman's seat be hind, was passing through the streets, when it was espied by an old negro woman. "Hress do Lord," sho exclaimed, raising iier hands as sho spoke. "Hress do Lord, I never 'spected to see dat. Wonder what dat cullud young gemm.m pays dat young whito 'oman fur dnvin' dat kcrndgo? I know'd it'd come, but never 'spected to lib to see it. Dis nigga's ready to go 'way now." Tho little daughter of a clergyman in a parish not far from New Havcn.after having had charge of tho baby all day while the folks were renovating tho house, asked nt night if sho might pray for what she wished. The rccmest being granted,sho said her usual prayer.supplemeuting it with "And please, Lord, don t let us have any moro house- cleaning." A husband and wife t5ok their infant son to tho llcv. John Henry Jones for baptism. "What name?" asked the clergyman, as they wcro arranged before the congregation. "George Washington l'odgcrs," whispered tho father. "Xo; Isaae Newton Podgcrs," spoko out the wife. 'Tut, tut," interrupted the preacher, "my name is a good one ; take that John Henry I'odgers, I baptise thco iu tho name of the father, and of the Son, and of tho Holy Ghost, Amen." Tho couple went away smiling, aud the husband after ward said that tho preacher had saved him from the biggeat kind of a row. Our Dan remarked to his wifo last even ing as ho left homo for tho ofiico : "I'll bo back by ten o'clock if I don't meet with any serious pull-back." "It won't bo well for you to meet any pull-backs, Daniel, serious or smiling, if I know of it," said his better half, in toues which indicated that she meant it. When Sally's arms her dog imprison, I al ways wisli my neck was his'n ; how often would I stop and turn to get a pat from a hand like her'n ; and when sho kisses Towser's nose, 0 1 don't I wish that I wcro those. Falsu Analogy Curious answers often come out in examination for tho Civil Ser vice. The word "inheritance" occurring iu a pago of reading, tho examiner interrogated tho youngster; "What is inheritance?" "Patrimony." "What is patrimony?" "Something left by a father." "What would you call it if left by a mother ?" ".Matri mony." A Valuabm: 1'Ar.rtOT A groceryman in South Haltimore, who has recently ex perienced much trouble on account of his wife's material lovo of the "ardent," has filially succeeded in finding a preventive. Tho heartless groceryman bought a parrot and trained it, at a neighbor's house, to scream, "Louisa, do take water I" Tho bird is now placed iu posse.-sion of the store, ami every timotlmt Louisa goes behind tho coun ter the "green monster" yells out, "Louisa, dotako water!" The persecuted woman vows that sho will tako tho "insect" out some night, whllo her husband is at tho lodge.and sell it cheap, or give it away to some one who is suffering for a imrot.Jlaltlmorc Acii'y. A JIn.iTAiiv Jour. A lieutenant whom Col, Serrell ordered into tho marsh where Gen. Oilmoro was going to plant the"swamp angel" whoso messages flew so unpleasantly into Charleston, said that ho "couldn't do it tho mud was too deep." Col, Serrell ordered him to try. Ho did to, and tho lieutenant returned with his men covered with mud, and said : "Colonel.the mud Is over my men's heads; I can't do it." Tho Colonel insisted, aud told tho lieu tenant to mako a requisition for nnvthinz that-was nectary for tho safe passago of mo swamp, 'llie lieutenant mado lils re quisition in writlug.and on tho njiot. It was as follows: "I want twenty men, eighteen feet long to cross a swamp fifteen feet deep." Hakd ok EniTons. Soon after Chief Justico Chaso assumed the gubernatorial chair in Ohio, ho lued his proclamation appointing a Thanksgiving Day. To mako sure of being orthodox, tho Governor com poed his proclamation almost entirely of parages Irom the Hible, which ho did not designate as quotations,presumingthat every olio would recognUo them, nnd admiro tho lltiiCMi of the words ns well as his tasto In their selection. Tho pioclamatlon meeting the eye of a Democratic editor, ho pounced at once upon it, nud declared that ho had rend it before couldn't exactly say where but ho would tako his oath that It was a downright plagiarism from beginning to end. Tlmt would havo been a pretty good fair joko; but tho next day tho Uepubilcun edi tor camo out valiantly in uelenco of llio Governor, pronounced tho charge libelous, und challenged any man living to produce one single line of the pr o ftjiation that had appeared In print before. THE COLUMBIAN AND VEGETINE WIt.l. CLMIK SCROFULA, Sci-if'tit(tii Dttiiiiitr. iT'-tlno will i' from tin- system v tri taint nt scrotul.i mi l tvrur'ilous humor. 11 n is n r m.iiieiiilv cured thousands lu linst m mid uelidt w ti'j had Injun long and painful surrerel's. (L'aitcvr, 1 umioroin mimr, Tim n.iv.-l illaoffprt. rif Vpffl'llnp In C1-) Of ("nlli'i'l" iinde.UKVMJS humor eliallenjics t In mint jir. t mild attention or Mif int'iucm I.ieuil... nnuij ui miium .u proscribing Vegellni to tin ir piitlvnts. .'U!l!t'l'. Vosfetlne Ins never failed to euro tho tnot lnnVl- bio euso of i' .Urixili liil HlM'tlM'S. Tin W'jetlno meets with wonderful success In tin euro ut tills cl ss of Dlscasos. C'ailt III (Sic Hoiicii. Bin this complaint tho Vegellne tsll.o great remed, us It removes from the system tho produil. gwusi Mill Etllcllltl. T..itrr. Ritt. wlieuiii. s aiililiud. sr.. will i ri dn'.i jleld to ihv' great nltemtne elfeets of Veg' tln.'. Wiretlno Iris ticwr failed to cuie the most lux le rutowiM' of hObllU' i'lmpK". mid iKciuorSdS lite Unci' IN-iiHuh H'loiitd leach ti thitn blolehv, r " -Ii r plaiDli"! i-l.ln depends cntiirn upuii mi liiuru,. i .mi. und no out md .u pi raipni c.iueu-r e.n.' tin (Meet. Vegetlue Is tit blood pumlcr. 'i'lllllOl'.l, lltMTM or Sllll MUX'S are caused by an Impure stnloof thebbod. Clranse (ho blood thoioiigltU ullli VegeWic, nud the.-.e coin. I't.iluWulll dUipi'iir. Catarrh. I'or this complaint tho bencllt can iioooutiieu inroun mo uiooo. lecunotsuiu gii-m UI003 jKiriuer. Const Iit,i1iili. Vcjretlno does not net n3 a cathartic to ileblllt-iti tho noil els, Mill cleanses :u I tuo organs, enaonn. each to perform tho functions devolving upon It. nics. Vcsretlno lias restored thousands to health who QUVU UCL'U lUUi; UUU p.illllUl S'lllClU?!. Wjspi'Itshi. If Vciretlbo Is tftVcn rcirularly, nceordlns to dlrec Hons, ft certain and speedy euro w 111 follow Its use. FaliidiUNM at ttiu Stomach. VcCTtlno Is not a stimulating bitters which creates a fictitious npnetite, ouiftfjcnuo lonic.wnicn assists naiuru lo rcmoru uie siomucn 10 a ncauu) ueiiou. female Weakness Vcjretlno acls directly upon tho causes of these complulnt-s. It limtforatas nnd strengthens the whole sjstcm, ucU upuii tho secretive organs and ul lays Inflammation. General IicliIMty in this comDlalnttha cood effects of tho Vccetlne nro realized Immediately after commencing to take as debllltv denotes dcilelcncy of tho uu food, aud Vegctlno acts directly upon tho blood. Vegetino is Sold by All Druggists. HE NDE IIS HOTT'S OlTOSlTETIin CKSTHAL HOTEL. lias a complete btock of puro and reliable DRUGS, MEUICINKS, OIIEMICALS, DYES, ACIDS, SOAI'S, SODA, SODA ASH, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, I'UTTV, VAHXIS11ESJ AND ALL l'AlNTEKS bOI'l'LIES, SPONGES, BEUS1I I'EltKUMEItY, &C, AT VERY LOW PRICES. Country Produce taken In exchange for Drugs, medicines, Dyes, Ac. CENTRALIS STOHE. Have a carefully bclccted stock of cholco TEAS, COFFEE, SUGAIt, Sl'ICES, SOAP, PICKELS, SAUCE3, HSU, HA1I9, CANNED FIIUITS, VEGETABLES AND OTIIElt FINE GltOCEIt 1ES. FOKEIdN AND DOJIKSTIC Fruits, Nuts anil Confectionary, nil at tho lowest posslblo prices. swuountry Produoo taken In cjtcbange.jw Bloomsburir, JIarch to, lS75-y 110LLINS & HOLM ES No. II Centra Stro (. PJnmlim Gas anil Steam Fitters MANUFACTUMEIIS OF J? 1 3ST W A. 3rv, E, GALVANIZED IRON COIINICE, WINDOW CAPS, AWNINGS, Wire Trellises, &c. Dealers in Stoves, Rang es, Furnaces, lialtimoro Heaters, Low Down Orates, Mantels, I'UJU'tf, Weather Strips, cce. Also GAS FIXTURES of the latest design. Special attention paid to re nal rlnj Sewlne Machines of in ery descrlotlon. Scales. iJKka, r.ell llantfnir, Key Finnic;, &c. 1'rLi atu Resi dences Heated by steam at a small cestui. ovo Dot Air. I''JS-tf. TWO MONTHS FREE!! TUK NEW YORK TRIBUNE, "The Jxadiwj American A'eietpauer.' ' On receipt of U and tlilsadvcrtlsemuntTiiK Wkcx- t.v Tbiuune will bo tent, postage paid, until Decern. bcr 3lst, lsia, or lor Siusu, fclx copies for t2',eluvcn ; for wo, thlrty-ono. Address Jan. T1IETIII11UNE, New vork. HTI8IN0: Cheat) i (iiKi.'i Solemn- All ncrsons who conoemnlatumaklnir con- Ituasvilth 1th newsiuners tor tho Insertion ofiulvcr- tlcments. bhauld bund 23 cents to Geo. P. ltowitll A Co., 41 l'aik ilow, Mew Vork, for their PAMPHLET HOOK (nlnety-soventh edition.) conlulnlnir lists of over 200O nuwspapers and estimates, Bhowlng the dt. Advertisements taken for leading papers In many statis ut a tremendous reduction from pub Ushers' rules. i,i.tiuiiLooii. Jan. itris-iy, (IJCiTOSiO per day. Agents wanted. All O U classes of worklngpeoplo of doth seses, young ai J old, make moro money nt work lor us.lii their own localities, during their boaio mouients, or ull the time, than at any thing eibo. v o oner employment that ulll pay hiudsomely for every houi'a worlf. Mil pai tleulars, terms, sc., bend us i our address at once. Don't delay. Now Is ttiu lime. Don't look for work or business elsewhere, until jouhaio learn ed what wo offer, u. a hnsoh & Co., Portland, Malnu, Jan. 15'twy. $1,200 PROFIT on $100 Invested In Stock I'rlvllegos In Wallstreet. Ilools and tlrciilars telluif, "How 'tis done," tent frte. A (Mr ess UiXTUi i Co., Hankitrs, IT Wall St., Mew Ver. DEMOCRAT, ELOOMSBUllG, COLUMBIA COUNTYPA Ayer's Sarsaparilla Is widely known ns ono of tho most elVcctual remedies over discovered for cleansliiB tho sys tem nnu purifying mo uioou. jt lias stood tho test of years, with n con stantly growing rep utation, based on its intrinsic virtue!1, nnd sustained by its re markable cures. So inild ns to bo safe nnd beneficial to children, nnd jet eo tcarchlng ns to effectually purgo oMt tho great cor ruptions of tho blood, such ns tho scrofulous nnd syphilitic contamination. Impurities, or diseases that havo lurked in the system for years, soon yield to this powerful anti dote, and disappear. Hence its wonderful cures, many of which nro publicly known, of Scroltllll, nnd nil scrofulous disease.', Ulcers, Irruptions, nnd eruptive dis orders of tho skin, Tumors, Itlolchcs, llollsl'ImplcK, Pustules, Sores. Sr. Anthony's lIrc, lloo or KryNiiie Ins, Tetter, Salt Klicuni, Scald Head, Jtiiifrworni, nnd internal Ul cerations of Iio Uterus, Stomach, nnd lilver. It nlso cures otljcr com plaints, to which it would not teem especi ally adapted, such as Dropsy, Dyspep sia, I'Mts, Neuralgia, Heart Disease. Female. "Weakness, Debility, nnd I.eucorrlHEa, when they nro manifesta tions of the scrofulous poisons. It is an excellent restorer of health nnd strength in tho Spring, lly renewing tho nppctite nnd vigor of tho digestive organs, it dissipates tho depression and listless lan guor of the season. Kvcn where no disorder nppears, peoplo feel better, nnd live longer, for cleansing tlio blood. The system moves on with renewed vigor nnd n new lease of life. ritETAnrn n r Dr. J. C, AYER St CO., Lowell, Mass., Practical and Analytical Chemlsti. BOLD BY ALL DllUOOISTS EVEKYWIIEKE. April 10-J511 N JKW STOCK OK CLOTHIXG. AND Gf-entlemcn'o Brraaa Gs-ood.3 DAVID LOWEXllKUQ Invites attention to his large and elegantstocU ol Cheap and Fashionable Hit at his storo on; JIAIN STltEET, IN THE NEW 1ILOCK, ISLOOMSllUIta, PA., whero ho has Just received from New York and Phil adelphia a full assortment of , MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING, lucludlnff tlio most fashionable, durable and. nuucfeumu OOiB'S, CONSISTING Of uox SACK FHOC.i AND OIL CLOTH, 0OAT8 AND PxlI7T.J, OP ALL SOUTS SIZES AND COLOltH, He has also replenished his already lergo stock of CLOTHS AND CASSlMElitS, STItirED, FIGUUED AND.,rLA!N VESTS, cuntr.s CIlAVATS SOCKS, COLLARS, HANDKERCHIEFS, OLOVES, ;suspeni)Ei:s, AND FAN CD Y ARTICLES. Ho has constantly on hand a large and well select ed assortment of Cloths and Veslings, which ho Is prepared to mako to order Into any kind of clothing, on very short notlco, and In tho best manner. All his clothing is mado to wear und inobt of It Is of homo manufacture. GOLD WATOHKS AXJ) JKtt'KLllY. OP EVERY DESCRIPTION, FINE AND CHEAP. HIS CASE OP JEWELRY IS NOT SURPASSED IN THIS PLACE. CALL AND EXAMINE HIS (1ENERAL ASSORT MENT OP Clothing, Watches, Jowl ry, &c. lVVID I.OWEXHERG. uly 1,'73-tf. Coughs Colds, llron chltis, Sore Throat, In fluenza, Croup, Whoop, ing Cough, Hoarseness LiverCompluhit, Pains or Koreness iu the Chest or Side, Weeding at tho Lung", and every affection oi uu, Lungs nnd Chest, nros rod lly cured bvthoubuet tm. v istih's Hawaii ok Wild cnuituv, which does not dry up a cough und leave tho cause behind, as Is tlio case 1th mobt remedies, but loosens it, cleanses tlio lsngs and nllays Irrlta lon, thus removing thocausoof tho complaint. Consumption can be cured by a timely rcbort to this standard remedy, nsls proved by hundreds of tibtlinonluls It husrccilved AN ACTUAL DUH1NESH INSTITUTION AND TELEllRAl'HIO NSTITUTIS. For Information coll at oince, or sond Aovbbtisiik. Junei-ly CON TENSIONS OF A VICTIM. Published asawamlngondfor the bcnelltof young men and othtrsvvho sutler from Ninous IHblllii, Lots of Womanhood, etc,, giving Ids lules of bclf curo, idler undergoing much bUHcrlng and ciiwuao, and wallid freo on reeilvlng a int.pald Uliectert envelope. Address NinimiL iliTfAIK, P. 0. Uox JM, BrooUyn, N. Y. ruy ,1Mia GRAND OPIMNCM It! LIAS 1L13N.D1j:NHALL EAVINO resumed the liulness uf Mcrehau discing ul Ids did Store, on MAIX BTKKKT, DLOOJISIlUnO, nr.n tub roitKs uotki, Desires lo call tlio attention of his l'llehds nnd the rublic generally ,o Ids NEW, 1TIX AND VAlllEI) STOCK OF GOODS, JUST OPENED, And solicits iihharo of public patronage Ills si'OCIi t'ONMSTSOl' DIIY HOODS. tlltOCEIIIES, (it:EKNSVAUE, WOODUNWAltE, WII.t.OWWAltE, hoots it shoes, llAHDW.MIK, ri.outi and i'i:r.i In connection with his Mofl; of Mi rcnnndl-.o Ik constantly keens on hand In Ids yard. A rri.t. stock op Dressed ui Undressed lm AND SlIINOLESOP IIISM Nl l ACTi 1!F. Bill Lumber nittdo it speciality. CALL AND SEE. Oct. 3. 1S73-tf. A. GREAT STRIDE l J! u ml Over Old IlIfdioiK CoiiikI to lie lit ti lly, or obieclloii licai'(lcil! A NEW AND VASTLY ADVANTAGEOUS PLAN HK112BV ADOPTED I1Y At their Works in Bloomsburg, I'ormcrlv nioomhburg Iron and Manufacturing company), hero will bo kept constantly on hand ii largo uuboi iiucni oi White and Sto.I .isli Antlirnclte ;o;i FOR U01IESTIC I'UIiroSES, AND CUPULO, I1LACKSJIITII AND IUTUJIIN- OUS COAL, nt prices to suit tho trade. All Coal specially prr- paiuu ueioio icawug ino inru. Also Plows and Threshing Machines, and all kinds of Casting; and Machine Work. ItEPAIlllNO promptly attended to. Tliev would respectfully solicit the I'ntronngo of the Public. U..M.& J. K. LOCKVUl), Oct. s, '15-ly llloomsburg, l'n. 33LOOnVES33"CJK,G- MARBLE WORKS. T. L. G-UNTON, Proprietor, MAIN STREET, nEl.OW MARKET. Manufacturer of and 1'ealcr in all kinds vj MARBLE WOBKS Wo uso tho best AMERICAN and ITALIAN Marble. lie has on hand and furnishes to order MONUMENTS, TOM IIS, HEADSTONES, UUNS, VASES, &c. Every variety of Marble cutting neatly executed at IUU HJU t'SI. llllirKl'L lu iccs. A long practical experience nnd personal attention to business makes thu nronrlutor contldent or cl In" satisfaction. All ordeis by mall promptly nttcndcu f3yAr. Jl. II W; delivered free of cwirrc.TtSU Aug. 21, 'H-ly. T. L. (iUNTON, I'roprletor 3,00 PSR TOjCsT. REGISTERED TRADE-MARK. A se.i fowl deposit iiiiiurti-il exclusively by uuisi'lves from Smith America. SOLUBLE Souer Analysis on each bag nud quality guaranteed. Ree snmpicsunucircuiar!,omiaml uj Ueulears generally JUSIAII J. ALLEN'S SON'S, No- 4 S. lielawaro Avcnuo Philadelphia, auj. so-lit DlTEPifflTnienr A FIRS'. DAILY CLASSNEWSPAPER. anIT weekly. Indepeiulent in Everything ! Neutral in Nothing, Opposed to all Corrupt Kings in Municipal, State and National A flairs. THE DAILY TIMES will bo Issued on Saturday, tho 13th of Maichiie.u, nud every moinlrg thereat ter, M1W1.DH excepted, under tho editorial direction of A. K, Mcciure, printed compactly from clear, new tpe, on alurgo follu sheet, containing nil tiioni'us of tho day. Including t.m ASSOCI A'l E 1'llE.s-i TEI.E (IRA.MM, hpecl.d Telegraini and Corronpondeneo Irom all points rinteri rt, mid fevrlessidllorlul dis cussions of current topics. Price, TWO Ui5N I S. .Mall bubbcrlptluns postngu fiee, blx dollars per unnum, or fifty centn per month, luadvaneu, Advertl'.emer.ts, llltcen, twenty und thirty ctnts per line, according to itositloii. The Weekly Times Will bo lsfeiiod on (Saturday, Maich 80th. weekly Iheieufter, containing all Impoiluut neus cf the wick, und complete .Market und financial KcpurUi. Mulled, furouo your, poktugu f lue, ut the follon lr rulcsi Ono copy..., Ten Copies .tKU .. u.oo Twenty 1 1 AtlVlllll'lMl I t'onles 10.' o I1.MEN1H twonu'.tlvo cents ier Hue. Remit ancos should bo mado by Drafts or IVbl Of iico Oidcrs. Address TII TIMES. No, U boutli Hou'uilistreH, 1'lllLADELl'ElA, STUI GENERIS. JtPALMAMl'QUI CABINET ORGANS. UNEQUALEDrXUNnPPROACIIED In enparlty nnd rxrcllpiun by nny nthor.. AnrJii TilKilTiiBffi k DIPLOMA OF HONOR AT VIENNA, 1873; PARIS, 1867. oJI U Amcrlmn Ooranii ever awnrdod rny mnt'd II It I , in l'.nrniie, or which iicint mill pxtmorul liriry t'tix'lUneo m V ccminancl a vlAc ilc there, I t ill II VP unimVd hldliert rtrmlnm. nt Indnn- III Willi trlnlP.xp. -ttlcm . In Aiuctl..! !" "urlpc. Olllof htmilrr I. there hnve nc.t l-'en ,ix In nil where nny ollic r own. lmve been m rrrrccl. nrjPT by Eminent Mn-ldmj. Jn llh UtM liem,.lier, I. to I.- lllirllllle.t. Seo jlSTIM'iSIf, i Ilt'Tf .VII. ili"l'li.l"if twro thin OiirTlioiiMiml ("int free). ItlPIOT en hnl" ' Mn-on ti llnnil'n. Do net flO 0 take nn, uihcr. toilfrwMAiitiiio. iiimijm .r -tl.i 'thr . tntron vjttn U l r ! '"" ' '" '" MiwlrtM '. nrill PTVI np an ino-t lmi"-Ttit.l In.i'rovi '( M iLr.'N "'r iiin.le. SSi-iy ii' nmU'illlll.lllillloll Mot'-. MIMrb Ilii"ertf iin.l ' fur nxrn ev clciisn. mm-UW? RARiNET ORGANS qnMte ivinblnntl m "rtln--oliilruminlf. EftSY PAYMENTS. KinS l-n mcnl. ; cr rente d mil I n nt y f r the crgnn. niTI I nPMCO "I'd t'lrrulnn. illh full lnrUe UA ALUUI ltd l.l, .,l,lre.. MAK1.V f. HAMMS "itnAN CO.. 1M UlPrt. 10 TON; ST, Union K.miro, MAV VU1IU) or Ml tj AdiUWBt., CIltCAO'J MASON & HAMLIN G1BI1T ORGANS MAY lit'. O'tT.MVEl) AT WHOLESALE OR ItETAIL or I.. Bo POWEIiL, SCRAIITON, Pa. Ofttcrnt Ayctit also for tho celebrated CHICKERING PIANOS. ALSO, OK I. K. MILIjEH. JILOOMSHUUG, PA., Denier in nbovc Instnuncnts. March 19,'15-y NEW COCDSJ A HEAVY STOCK, Olieaper than Evea?2 S. II. MILLER & SON Have Just Received the largest nnd licst mpnly ot CHEAP AUD" FASHIONABLE DRY GOODS, They have ever offered totueir frlendj und cus tomers. ijlotlis, Cassimeres, anl Satinetts for JIEX'S WEAK, Cloths, Alapacus, Merinos, for LADIES' WEAll, CALICO IiS, MUSLIM, CA.MUHIC3, "uiul every variety of Dry Good 4 desired. STOCK OF Carpofcs, Mats Ottomana, CLOSED OUT AT COST FAMILY GROCERIES, including nil the varieties of t'OKl'EICS, TEAS nnd SUOAltS, COUNTRY PKODUOE, and a general Mtptily of articles useful for the tabic always on hand. CALL AND SEES. Country produce of all kinds taken in ex cliango for goods at cali prices Oct. 30,'Jl-tf FARMERS TAKE NOTICE I It Is ot great Imnortanco to you what Mud of manure jou npply to your Wheat l.and lliH fall. If you want a good cropot Wheat next teuton, and a heavy crop of tlrass to follow, use, BAUGH'S Kaw Jjone iSuner Phosnliate 1 1 hT A N I) A I ! 1 1 V A II I i.N IT: I). Put up In 2'jlt.t, h.ijji. Thohasoof thN Old i:,t iblhliol Mllcle H ltaw or I'nhurned Hones, und in htivnsth cammt bo e.v. luiiibtedwllhtha crop of, but will pmvo cf. f. eth e 011 the fo luivlnc crop of flmvs, and v. Ill abci perni.ineiitly Improi e tho soil. l'armer luul; tu our own Interests nud provolf what we bay nbout Baugli's Raw Bono Pliosnhato ii truo or false, and notify us of llio result. Mako application ior It carl) to jour nearest Dealer .lu .Manures, and If jou cannot sccuie It throunh llitm, tend jour orders direct to j our I ilends HAuai-r & sons. Auf. 10-21. PIUMDULPIIIA .V IIALTWOIti:, IUt)N IN THU 111.001). THE Pmtl'VIA vi;ni ltnlizi'H and iinlei.iu n... biuud, tones cp the. sjr. i.-i.i, uui.u. lllunniKeil down, cures d .-prpbla Dublllly, dropHy, elillN.iini tu.eis, cuioiuu uiallll'11.1 liervous utteo Ions. hull.. humors, dKeasus ot tho HiciuujHiiii'i uiuuiier, iu. male complaints, iu. Thousands havo been changed b tho u.e of the remedy fioia ivcaV, blckly, suffering creatures, to niiuii, uc-ai ny, nnppv men unci uiiicii, unci Invalid- cannot reasonably hebltate to flo It a trial. Caution. Uu sure jou git llio "l'i:uuitx Svhit" (not Peruilaii llaik.) bold by dealers i;ener ally. A 82-piii;u namphlet, eontidnlui; 11 troutKo 011 iron as a 111 uieui uKeiitund other uiuams papers, tebllinoidalslrom UMIngulbhed ph hlclans, 1 leifj uu 11 and clheis, will he hcnl fru lo nny address, hmiiW. l'owt.u ,v iios.s, propilitors, so llariUuu Avenue, Huston, J")LATflILEY'.S lni J liroied Ci;ciTMlli:it 11OII I'l'.MP Is tho ne- : knottledied standard ot S thu market, by popular ITUlCl.lUU .est muni) for thoicaia money. Attention Is milled to lilatehlej's Improved Hradt it.llici li:,ii duel; vnlie, which can bo Mlthdrmui without cluiuiblnu'llm Jjlnts, and the cop'per ehitiubcr which nev.-r cracks, seules or rusts and ill l.ut a Ulo time, Korsalo by dculem unci tho trado Bene rally. In order to Lo sure tint jou net lllatihley's I'ui.ip.boeurilulaud boe that It has my I rado murk us 111.010. If jou do not kuowwhero to buv, iln rlptlvi1 circulars, together with tlienameunduddienHof the ut(ciit nearest jou will bo fuiiilolicd by uddrcssl.ur wllhhlump, i.ii.3.u. iti..iiiiiii.i, .iiuiuiiaeiiirer, I'l 1, 1'oinniaroo st , I'J.Uudolpl.ia, I CUl 8AI.K IIY J, BOHUYLER i: SON, Biwinsburj, Pa. .MUt'CIl S li-'JIU BUtil.N'lKS C'AHDS, VIS1TINI1 ('Aim's, I.IWITIUI llIiADf, 111 I.I, IIDAIH. I'llOllllAMMHS,'.:im. e. Xlv NEATLY ANIK'IIKAI'I.V PIIINTKU, AT TT1K CO. this riri.n is ox 11 1.1; with R DWELL & pilESON . Advertising Agents, THIRP tt CHESTNUT STB., 8T. LOUIS, MO , Z. r,J VMtRtllT.g'FERTf 'will rtf 1 j CMBAF j&.i- AT Till COLUMBIAN OfflCE. The Cohuiibiim Printing Estab lishment is amply supplied with tho necessary Presses, Types and other material for executinir all kinds of Printing at low rates and in the most expeditious and satis factory muniicr. !OALL AT TUB Columbian Buildins COURT HOUSE ALLEY, lir.ooMSnuitG, Pa. When special material is required it will be promptly obtained. Looks and Pamphlets, Hand-Bills and Dodgers, Large and Small Posters, Letter and Bill Heads, Envelopes with Business Cards, Busbines3, Pic Nic, Wedding mid Visiting Cards, Programmes, Bills of Fare, &o. Will all bo supplied and oxcuted in superior style, at cheap rates and short notice. Tlio bust workmen aro employed and tho best material will always bo furnished. A liberal share of public patron age is respectfully solicited. Bloomshuko, Junk 18,1875. ffil!.! 1 WW MB RAIL ROAD TIME TA;irES Tpllll,AI)i:i.l'IIA AM) i KAU1N. l, AIIIIANUn.MHN'l 01' PA(vi,.,Vl. ). TItAKN'S. MA V Bd, 18ft. tuains leavk uurF.iiT A l oi.t.01 s (fspAv rxcrrn n I'or Now Yolk, Phlladelpldn, ttendlhg, f n ,mi Tnma.U:i, Sx 1 1, VI n. in I'or cntnwliwu, H,M u. m. nnfl ",nfi p. m. I'or Willi mnport, o,Ss a. in. ami i,in) p. m, TRAINS FOII ItlTKIvr t.IIAVfi AS l'fll t OIVJ, (sf PAYE CKI'TEU.) I"n-o New York, 0,16 n. in. U'iwc I'hlladclphlii, .', I r. n. In. IHYo Itendlng, 1I,S n. in., I'ullsMlle, p,m and Tniiiiitiua, t,so p. ru. U'ne(.';ilnHln, ii.stin. In, nnd 4,m p. m, I.ISI10 Vllll.ituspiiil,ii,i(iii, in. nml ,ut) p, m, 'aeiij(crs to ninl Horn and Phllndi , 0 through without change of cars. .1. E. WOOTIA', May 6, isn-tf. (Jeneml Hupeilnti ndent TOltTIIICKN CKNTIIAI, ISA HAW Y COMPANY. On nnd ntler Novtinlier siotli, 173, trains will ic.aie SlINIIUltYnsfullows! NOUTIIWAIIO. I'.rle .Mall r.,20 n. in., nrrlve Minim " Ciuiaii'lalgua . " llmlx-der " Miiguri lietioni nertiniinoilatloii 11,1011. n. nitlu U l.'.M, p, in, i:iiuImMcilU,lhn.m..urrive I'd, irn Iltiffulo hspruas ,i. in. nrrlvu imm.ii - H.' 10 la .1.. 5 ... ,a O.C.'l 1 V. Ill " V II.. ,. 10UT11WAIII). Rilll.ilo Ciipi-Bssi!.r,ii u, m. arrive llarrlsburi, J..'jn. t.i " .la llliucjreN.iii " i:iinlm Mall 11.15 a. in., nnUo 1 .nrlsliuii i...n i. t " ' Hshiurloii lo.o'i . " l..illlmore cm " V.ililhj; " UuirNburfrnceominCKlallon S.IO p. in. tinlio It nls. UIUf lo.Mp. m. nrrlie P.'lllmore !!.. n. in " .1- lilr.gion r..u 11 Ilrlo .Mall 1 'J.r-i a. m. nrrlvo linn Ki.utg ;i.o5 a. m. " llaltlm.iros.4u " " Washlt.irtcn I0.35 " All dally except Sunday. 11. M. 110YI), Jr., ( I'assenfcr A,-rr.t A. .1. OASATI . (lenernl Miitingcr PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD. I'liiliitlclpliln & i:rio II. K. DivMon. SUMMKUTI TAIII.i:. OX nnd nfler SUNDAY, MAY 2:M, lS7.-(, the trains on tho Philadelphia & llilo II. ill Uo. ul im ison w ill run us follows : WESTWARD. FAST I.INT, leaves New York " " " I'hlladelplda. " " " Italtlinoru.... " " " ll.irrlsbut'L'... . 9 ai it. m ..ISA's p. in . 1.20 p. in . fi.i'.i p. m " ' " arr. nt Wllllainspnrt . p. in Luck II ieii ln.yci u i " " " iiellefonto p. m Elili: MAI Meaies New York . s.vsp.m " " " I hllnd.dphl.i 11. r. p. in ' HnrrMiiinr 4.HA11. in " " " l!ll.iiii."irt s.:i5n.m " " " Lock ll.uen iu.". ii. m " " " ltenoo, a. m " " arr. at lit lo 7. u j) iu NIAOAltA KXPIIISS leaics Philadelphia 7.10 u m ' " " PalttliiGlc 7.:i.1u, In " " " llarrW.urif. ,lii..v,a. m ' " nrr. nt Wllll.iinsport.. Luip. in " ' " I.oik llmeii.... 11.15 p. iu " " " Kcnuiu 4.3c) j.. iu i:i.MIUAM.MI,lenC3 Phlladelphl I s.u n. in " " ll.tltlmoie h nil n. m " " " Il.ii rishurK 1 nn p. in " ' nrr. at Wllll.uosport iuu p. m ' " " Lock Uaicu 7,sop. m : o: EASTWARD. PIIH.'A r.Sl'Iir.S31cavos Lock Haven... . f.tu a, m " " " U'llIlamsiort.. . taiii, hi '" " urrlvrs at IlnrtMiuti; 114111. m " " " Ilalttmnin 11.15 p. m " " " Phll'ididplil.i .... 3J-. 1. 111 " " " Kuw York 0.1.1 p. m DAY KXl'HKSS leal ci Itenovo 9.U11111 " " " Lock li nen. in. ,1 u. in " " " William ,iort... II 3'.a. ni " " nrr. nt llnrrNbi.ri; ... s.iBipm ' " " Phlla.l.'l Ida O.'.'t) p 111 " " New Y01 k " " " lialtimoro . . .. o.a,', Ji, in Hill U .MAIL leaves l'rlo 11 ma in " " " Itenoio s.'-'.i i n " ' " Lock Haven ' p. n ' " ' Willi. HiKpult in;.1. . in ' " nrr. ut lbirrWiuri,' 2.2.1 u. 11. " " " 1 1.1 It tnu.icj 7.3.1H in ' " " Plilladeliilda ii.iiu, 1.1 " " " New York 10 111 11. m FAST I.I Nil leaves Willtamsport 12.35 a. m ' " nrr. nt I Ian Mmi k' am 11.111 " " ' lialtlmuro 7.35 a m " " " Plilladcdphla 7.35 a. m ' " " NewY'oik in.2511. m Lrlo Jlall West, N'tninim Kxprcss West, I'lndia Mall West nnd Day i:press Kiist make close count c tlon nt Northumberland with I.. Ic 11. II. it trains fur Wllkes-Ilano und sciuntoii. Urlo Mull West, Niagara hxpress West nnd lllmlia Mall West innko close connicllon at Wllllamspoit ullli N. u. It. W. tralnn North. UiloMnll Kastitiul West, yinnara llxpress West FlibtMno West and Day llxprea Last innko close connection ut Lock Haven Willi II. K. V. It It., trnlns Krle Mall Hast nnd West connect nt III lu with trains on L s. & M. H. 11. 11.. at Corry with I). C. A. V. It. it. at Umpoilum with II, N. Y. & P. It. It., und at Driftwood Willi A. V. It. II. Parlor Cars will run between Philadelphia and WUllanisport on Nhm'uru Hxiness West, l ast Line M ost, Philadelphia Expresi liist mill Day Hxpiess Kast. blieplut; cars on ull iilitUl trains. W.M. A. llALIiW'lN, .Tnu. s,'75-tf tleueral Supt GLAZING AND PAPERING. IlODIXi:, Iron Stiett l.elow sec lilooiiisburt', Pa., Is prepared to do a) ond, klncls of PAINTING, OLAZING, und PAPER HANGI.VG?, In tho best styles, nt lowest prices, and nt short notice. Parties having such wor todo V.-11 savo money ty work warranted to glvo satisfaction. Order pollened WM. J nODINK. Mar. , "TI ly. 7"AINWRiailT&CO., WHOLESALE (IKOUEIIS, N. E. Corner becond nnd Arch Streejir, PiiiLium.i'iiti, Dealers in " TEAS, SYItUl'S, COri'EE, fcTHAIt, MOLASSES HICK, STICKS, I1ICAKB tOPA, AC, &c. iworders m 111 rcceno prompt attention. sl.T tf of f UKi.fH.fl, mi, fsivMio. ts&,iHio, f an,, co, tuyco' nllh oilier sinnllersiiii u aiopuld lu tho Mjoinltii Lottety. which Hcoiiduclidln swoincoiutiil'-loiu is and duly IckuIUiiI by tho W-nmlni; Lctl.lntuic. liet'tiliir draw Huts ir.lh and uclli of eueii uioiiih uui In 1; llui'enr. Tlckils 11 each, tl I lis, 85 furJJU, llicu. lars with Hid Infonnntloii mailed free, ALLEN ti CO., Ill Nassau bT., New Yoiik, Hep, 11,-cm. tJSINEKr) CARDS, VlSlTINOOAItDH, LETTHlt HEADS, J11L.U iiiAiin, I'OSTEIW, AO., St).,. Neatly and Cheaply printed at tlio IttAN Olllrd. pAPPUlt 1IACJS I'OU BALIS AT THE COXyUJIWA OFWCE. fOlTUIH