36? THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSE IJRG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Til IS COLUMBIAN. ' MIOMHtltllMI. K 11 f It A V, HFC. 10, 18 Unit Homl Tinio Tnlilo. LACKAWANNA Si HLOOMSIimiO HAlLltOAl) . , NOIlTH. Accommodation Train,..,,.. cUii A.M. Mull Trnlii 7,40 A. Jl Kipross Train l.f.3 P. M. " " Ml P.M. CATAWI89A HAlt, llOAl), MOUTH. Accommodation Train O.js A.M. Ilcgular Kxprcss s,m 1'. M. SOUTH. I. 4 J A.M. n, j r. M II. MA.At south t,3o r, M. 11,3a A. AI. Through cars on Kxpress train cither to New York or l'hllaiK'lihia. Accommodation train runs between Cnt.uvlss.i unj Wllllamsport. I'oti Kent. A largo now Storo Iloom, Hall, ntd Dwelling apartments. New brick building oil Mam sired near Market. Terms cheap. Inquire of GHO. W. SrKKN'KK. Dec. 10, '75-lf. Court opened on Monday morning. Notwitli' ftandlng tlio very uplca;int weather llio Court Homo thus far lias been well filled. We refriln from comments on tlic President's tru'iungc nnlil next week, when it will ho pre- Killed to our reailoii". Mil. laic, 01 llio Attn, beamed upon ns on cilnesilay laet. lie looks as halo and hearty a man 01 seventy, itis manv minds were ad to fee liim. ' Messrs. IS. M. Tiibbsaud II. II. Hutter, two lerprMug voimg men of this town have pur- utel nml assumed control of the Mountain ho at Hliiek-lilnny. We wish them abundant 'cess in their enterprise. )uit AnvnrtTisints. If ynti want to know uere to buy the best goods at the lowest rates, if ynu want to know the leading professional nnil business nun of the town and county, look over our advertising columns. Another of the "typos" of Illoomsburg has launched nut 1 11 the sea of mitrimony from which few return. This time it is Mr. Charles Hubert. The bride is the daughter of John liartman, of niickhorn. Charles is a graduate of this office. Our best wishes accompany them. On Sitiirdiy list quite an excitement wis cre ated among the truck wagons at the curb-stone market on Main street, by .1 run-away horse, at tached to a lumber wagon. The horse started on the hill, and ran nearly the whole length of Main street. No damage was done, Wn have not learii' d whoso horse it was. Aojounsiiu Salu. We are requested to no tify the public that the property of J. J. Hob bins, located partly in Pine an 1 partly in Green wood townships will again be oflcrcd for sale on Tuesil.iy, Deceniler -!lt, 1S75 at one o'clock in the afternoon. It consists of a grit-mill, saw mill, farm and timber land. On Friday last, as 1'iauk Aitstatt, ti citizen of Catawissa, was attempting to connect the breech with the b irrcl of a small revolver, unthinking ly placed his hand over the barrel and it was ac cidently dichaiged. The bill pii-scd through the index fmger and palm of the hand. Dr. Willits vvasiinuiciliatcl y summomd and dressed the wound. Our jovial fiiend, Freeman, of the Cornel, we nro told lias come to grief. A jury thought he had libelled somebody, and the judge thought he ought to pay 50 and go seven months t') jail. Well, Freeman, times are hard. Let the county hoard you. You can resl up a little and be fresh when you come out. We symp.it hi zc with you, having had a little experience of a suit for libel once to look after. Pennsylvania is the only State in the Union where real estate is not taxed for state purposes This repeal was recommended by Auditor General Ilurtranft nnil passed by u Hi -publican Legislature. lit militant. Tho main mistakes wo sco 111 the above .in- that real estate docs pay 11 tax into the ! te Treasury, and that Ilurtranft did not r nnmenda repeal of any such tax. Commissions; ns' Ornei:, Ili.ooMsiifitd, Dee. t, 1S7,", Ve hereby give notice that the rollcctois have 'ceil notified to make piouipt collection and over at once, ns the money is needed to meet proper ordinary demands on the treasury of . utility. WILLIAM LAWTOX. JOHN IIKIiNKI!, r Commissioners. JOtIN 1.NT. To Thachhiw and Fiuhnds or F.iu'C'.vtiux. The Annual Session of the Columbia County Tu tellers' Institute will be held at Orangeville, in the Academy, eommeucing Monday, Dee. 20, .it 1! o'clock p. m. Kvery Teacher in tho County is expected to be present. Hoards of Directors will act wisely in allowing teachers the time to attend Institute. The Directors are respectfully invited to ntter-il on Thursday. W. II. Snyiihis, County Superintendent. The money lost by Mrs. Hennessey at the Coii-ngham and Central la Poor House, an ac count of which appeared in the Coi.umiiian last week, has been recovered. The boy stole the money on Sunday, and on Tkursday follow in'; .Mr. Heiinessy received a dispatch (mm Clinton, Mass, signed by ltev. J. lVitterson, stating that tho hoy bad been caught and the moni-y could be returned. Tho boy evidently nude good use of his time, and spent some of bis ill-gotten greenbacks for rail road fare. So sudden a capture seldom occurs, Mr. James K. Kver met with a most distress ing accident 011 Monday lad, while assisting in the repair of a pump. He was supporting the piston by the rod when it slipped through his left hand, and the hook striking between the thumb and hand, tore out the fk'sh, and drew O iu of the cords of tho arm down from the el bow. A bono of tho hand was also broken. Dr. Turner was called in immediately, and dressed the wound, and though slide ing much pain, Mr. Kycr is doing as well as could be ex pected at lliis writing. The trial of Anna Given fur disposing of her la-tard child was called on Tuesday last. The Gr.indJiiry ignored the count In the indictment charging her wilh murder, and indicted her for concealing the death of Ihe child, Col. Freeze and John M. Clark, District Attorney, appeared for the prosecution, and Hubert P. Clark and K. It. Ikelcr, Ksqs., volunteered to defend the girl. The testimony elicited was mutli the same as given by us at the time of the occurrence, and Is I'otol a fit character to bear repetition. The principal line of defence was the weak mind of the prisoner. After a short elellderatiou the jury came in willi a verdict not guilty. A most during burglary was committed on Sunday evening lasit, at tho residenco of Mr. A. W. Try, cm Third btrect. Tho fami ly went to church, mid on their return dis covered that the back kitchen door was un locked, but thought little of It until Mon day, when lliey mUscil two cans of lurd.each nlalnlng about filly pounds, Upon closer A imliiiition it wiis found that 11 window in Ihe back part of tho house had been opened, J ft lot of apples had been taken with tho laid, Scmu near 11c ightiors sawn light in the house, but paid 110 attention to it, tup I f-ing that mint) intmbirn of Mr. Try's ta lly hud rc nialiieel at home. A singular part ol tho transaction is tho fact that u lot of fresh meat iu tho cellar near tho lard was untouched, No positive) duo to tho perpe tutor of tliU contcinpllblo theft luno yet li en discovered. Such llielu liuo bet 11 quite frequent In the mii.lXothct.U. A lew loads, of shot J'ropcrly distributed, wight correct tho evil. Tim TIIItSNANS. NORMAL SCHOOL PSNBPIT. Tlia Drama of William Tell was presented at the Opera House on Priday evening, by this Troupe. The people of Illoomsburg havo grown to feel that her amateur performers nro In many resjiects equal to, or even better than inot traveling companies, and therefore it was hut natural that the announce incut of this per' formanco was sufficient to fill tho house to over (lowing. Mr. U. Jncoby was thu stage manager, nnd the success witli which the play passed oil) nltests his efficiency in that capacity. There was not n hitch or baulk from beginning to end Mr. Jacoby took tho character of Tell nnd did It well. Hervey K. Smith, liq., as Gesler, ells played considerable ability as nn actor, appear ing at his ease on the stage. Miss lluyrd as Kmma, Master John ltuttcr ns Albert, J. S. Phillips as Melctal, plnvcil their parts in a pleas ing manner ; in fact, all who appeared on the stage, evidenced careful preparation of their parts. Tho new scenery and costumes, obtaincel for tills occasion, added much lo the general ef fect, while tho stage arrangements in Ihe way of wind, thunder and lightning, were well carried out. rheic we ro two fcenrs tliat deserve cspc- ciil mention; one where' Gesler loses himself on the mountains, and has jut given up in de spair, evhen Albert comes picking his way from rock to rook, 111 r.dn and storm and lightning and lescues the heartless tyrant, The other, where Tell Is overpowered by the minions of Gesler, ami loaded down with chains. This scene ended with a fine tableau. The whole play nbouueled wilh touching puts. The after piece was a farce entitled "A Convenient Dis tance." On Saturday evening tho performance was repeateil for the purpose of making up the ex ieiises, so that all the proceeds of the first even ing could be devoted to the Normal School. The after-piece was omitted, and in its stead a few varieties wcie introduced, all of which were well dono for home talent. Master M. Owen gave a comic song and dance', iu negro charac ter, which was encored. This was followed by a negro lecture by G. W. Dieber, who was also recalled. Mr. M. Hums then entertained Ihe auilici.ce with some verv trnod clof dancimr and he also had to come back. Owing to the unavoidable absence of Mr. El- well on Friday, and a previous cngagemenUby Mr. irtou Saturday, the part of the programme assigned to them was ncce-sariJy omitted. Those who got up this entertainment are entitled to much credit, and the people showed their ap preciation of tho efforts and object of the troupe, by a vote of thanks on Friday night. Mr. K. Jaceiby was tho leading spirit, and to him is ac corded the greatest merit. Mr. E. W. Kester undertook the arduous duties of Iliisincss Agent, mm no professional manager could have done better. The appreciation of tho communitv was justly shown in Ihe large audiences and the interest of the town in the welfare of the Nor mal School can never hereafter bo doubted. Oun sTowx A gentleman sojourning in our town is evidently favoribly impres-ed with it. We clip the following correspondence from the West Chester Daily AVus; IJi.ooMsm.'iKi, Pa , Nov. 9, 1S75. Illoomsburg, Ihe county seat of Columbia county, has a population of over -1,000. It is beautifully situated on the north bank of the Sii-quehaiina river on the line of the Delaware, Lackawanna A Western liailroad. 117 miles from Philadelphia, and .72 from WHIianiport. It contains a number of very handsome and well-built hoiies, and is fast growing to ben town of importance. A yet, no water works have be'di built, and it presents a line opening for some outside capitalists to project them with e-ertain success as to makiiiga paying inve stmi-ut. From a point within two miles of the town, on Fishing Creek, water can be conducted to an el evation sufficiently high to give fall enough from the reservoir to force the water to the top of, and over the highest building. The original cost would he about -tGO.OOl), as per estimate and contract, and the thing would have been con summated, but for the clause in the new Consti tution requiring a vote of the tax-payers. Should sonic speculative capitaii-t step in'and supply this great need, it would pay a handsome per eeolage on the ilivestmeut. There are on the outer limits of the town lime i 1 on furnates, and in it are foimdiics, ma chine shops, lumber factories, e-ar works,earriage f.ic-loric, etc., etc., nil of which give it quite a busiue-.-lil,o appearance. A Slate Normal Sehnol is located here, upon 1111 1 levali 11 that in el lnoks the town. The main liui.diiig was ih stiiiyei) by file in Septembe r 1. 1st. Anew siriietuie is In ing 1 reeted, and will be le.-uly fur oeeiipaiiev by Apiil, lh7o. in vi-iiiug the dilii re nt 111.11111H1 luring estab lishments, 1 was panieulaily struck with the exeei dingly handsome specimens of workman ship in the carriage fu-tiiry ol M. C. Sloan .v lim. The biiegies and dilleient styles of vehi cles are indeed beautiful, and the sleigh", both single and double, are elegant specimens of beamy, both in symnieliieal style anil liui-li. The firm is widely celebrated for their good mui kin.ui-liip nnd havdsome turnouts, and jii-tl v so, from the fact that they employ none but first-cla-s workmen, and 11-e nothing hut first-class material, A doiilile se-atcel sleigh brought to my notice, is one of the neatest things of the kind I have ever seen, nnd evinces in all its appoint ments great taste and skilful workmanship. It was built for a gentleman in Danville, and I think he ought lo he proud to posses it. Mr. M. C. Sloan, the senior partner and financier, is a line specimen of our self made men. Tho "F.xchango" Is the principal hotel, nnd is owned and kept by Mr. W. II. Koo .s, n very affable and genial man, fully up to the require ments of our progressive age, and well adapted to the business. With the assistance of his clerks, Messrs. A. K. Miller and 1-. li. hoons, 11 sojourn here is made very agreeable. We have feasted on deer anil wild game, anil noth ing is wanting to satisfy the taste of the greatest epicure. 1 cannot o n't mentioning in this con nection the gentlemanly caterer for the hotel, Air. J. Al. liartou. The weather in ibis section has been mi-era- ble, nnd I see b repents in your Local that eu are enjoying llio same. Your-, Skipjack. There are thirty dilleient makes of sewing acliines now iu the market, and each one is re commended by local or traveling agents as being far superior to all others. Many of them will work for a few months, but the only machine that has been 1e-ted, during the last twenty-five years, on a great variety of work by fifteen hun dred thousand families, is tho si.Neit:. These machine will run fifty years without getting out of order, and are found iu daily use. to ho a- represented, Ihe mo-t simple, perfect, and dura ble machine ever invented, lliey aie now fust superseding all others, as shown by the fact that their sales are two thousand eight hundred more a week, than thoso of any other machines iu thu world, which can only bo accounted for by the superior quality of metal, and excellent workmanship employed in their construction. Tlieie are hundred of Indies who are willing to give certificates iu favor of the Singer. MIOT UIUbLiLl'. Murray Henry, aged 12 yesrs, son of Mr. A. O. Henry, of this place, accidentally shot himself last Friday evening with a pistol which he was carrying in his pant's pocket at Jtlio time. After tho shooting, in order to stop the flow of blood, he filled the wound with paper. Tho next morning, his mother noticing that ho limped slightly when walk ing, iiiepiirctl as to tho cause. Murray re plied that his pocket rubbed his leg nnd nialo it tore. When asked to show tho place, mid finding that ho was no longer able to keep tho matter a secret, ho admit ted that ho lind shot himself. Dr. Geo, Hill was Immediately tent for who probed tho wound, but owing to tho swollen condition of tho leg was unable to find tho ball. This is n Icbsoii to Murray, ns well. as it warning to other boys wlio aro iu Iho habit of carrying pistols, that ought not soon to ho forgotten. Jlughtivllle JCiitcrprite. Hudson Chapel, tho new M. K. Chu-ch at Soulhold, Huntington township, Luterne coun lr. will be dedicated on Sunday, the 2Cth of December, 1875, ltev. A. M. Kester and other ministerial brethren will participate in tho ser vices. J. "I'M. iVracier lit cAaryf, Katiuk POPSOif, I "A 11.UAM 1 1UHK, J- CWtlllM. COURT l'ltOCHKMNOS. Court met December (1th, 187G,at ten o'clock, a. m., His Honor, William F.lwcll 011 the Ucnch, K. II. llidlcman, John K. Glrton, Sam tiel Applcman, N. II. Fowler and George Shoe maker were appointed tipstaves. The Grand Jury being called and sworn, were charged by his Honor William Kindt at length on the crimes of Homicide nnd Infant! cidc, there being cases of that character to be Intel before them. The following is the sub stance of the charge! At tho present session of tho Court, In addi tion to tho ordinary business, we nro Informed by the District Attorney, that there will bo laid before you bills of Indictment charging homi cide against Individuals therein named charg ing the commission of the offense of murder j (hat there will be two such cases, ami in one two counts, the first charging the cinne of mur der in the ordinary form of such indictment, ami the second clnrging llio oflense of man slaughter. The grand jury, upon the examina tion of such a case, mny bud n true hill upon one count and Ignore the other. For example, If lliey are not satisfied that the crime of mur der lias been committed, bill that thecase is one of manslaughter, they may ignore the count for murder nnd find tho count for manslaughter a true hill, Thero being two counts of Ihls nature in the indictment, it becomes necessary for the Omit to explain to the jurors Ihe difference between the ollene of murder nnd that of manslaughter. Murder Is the killing of a reasonable crea ture and being, in the pence of the Common wenllb, with malice aforethought expressed or implied. The i-sselillal ilieredhnt in llm i-rlm.. ofinurdsr is the malice1, and by this teim is not merely meant spile and revenge, but the malice is implied wherever the act of one nariv In. wards another ewhl'iils a cruel dl-po-itlon a heart lieardless of lis duty lnu-.-inl. it. ft. lime. m-n.'-ind bent on micliicfiinv cruel and bar barous act by one Person toiraids another which act cventuaten in llieeleatli of one, mav be eon eielcred to have eliminated in malirn Tlm.lir. ference between the crimesof murder nml mm. slaughter is this that in the hitler, malice does tint i-vlar la nrtl In 1... T.-.i.-.l 'ri... If!..- rel, upon provocation, and in the best of hinml while the passion is up, so that there is both provocation and passion, nnd on the moment. without deliberation, one slavs llu- other ihr. crime may oe rceiuccei irom murder to man slaughter. ihe fact of malice existing is often I mm the character of the weanon ii.ed. lr .-, ucaiiiy weapon is useil without provocation, in that case the crime is murder. The provocation must be such as to show that the partv has no lime for deliberation, has not deliberated. Fur thermore, the WOUnd Illllst not bear trinnrnnt disproportion to the provocation. If it t'oes, the crime may be murder, as, if, for a trifiin" one-use, one man slioulil shoot another down, nl iiiinmii mere migiie no some provocation, it would not bo e-noutih lo reduce the otll lisp In manslaughter, in I ns state, t in rr mo nf mnr. der is divided into degrees murder of the fl'r-t and murder of the second degree. Murder of the lirst ele-cree is a capital ol eiise nnd ihnnnlv one punishable with death in this State. Mur der ol the seconil degree is where there is an absence of specific intent to take life. Hut thx grand jury have nothing whatever to do with the question of degrees of mil "der. If the grand jury lind the case In lie. in net of killing wilh malice, and without such provo cation and passion as reduce it lo manslaughter, then they find a true bill for murder, and the traverse-jury, under the direction of the Court, more fully given a-cerlains the degree1, so tbnt 1 need not trouble the gland jury with any nice distinctions between murder in' the fust and in the second de-glee, Wheiu there is a charge of ooui iniiruer ami mansiaue,nier, 1 ileem it my duty In explain to eon llio elillerence between Ihe two, and that, in order to reduce an unlaw fill killing fiom murder to manslaughter, tlieie must bean absence of maliee ihe killing mii-t have been done witli sulfide i.t piovocaliou, when pa-sion was exciied and the killing was iu the heat of blood. In another case which will come before you, containing two counts, there is a ebartre against a mother lor killing her bastard chid charging the crime of murder. The same principle ap ply in such a case as apply iu every other case of felonious killing. There i in that indictment also a second count, charging the concealment or endeavoring to conceal the eleath of a child, which, if born alive, would be a bastard, so that it could not ll known whether the child was horn alive or not. Ihe law does not make it a pccnal oflense lo conceal the birth. The ollene is the con cealing the tlmlli of a child, which, if born alive, would be a bastard j and in order to find mat to he the ease, the evidence must he such 11s to satisfy t,e !urv th;ll ti,u -! 1 1 1 was bom alive thai it was bom into the world alive and with an independent circulation fiom tln.t of the mother. It is of eour-e one of those painful matters which the Court and jury are some-time obliged 10 investigate, out wo nave luili-eliaigeoiiriluty under the obligation of the oath which we have taken. Take gentlemen, that oath which has been administered to you as your guide, nnd i it its spiiit, di-charge the duties which the law re quires at your hands. Auditor's report in the cslale of J. Kosten b iiider, dee'd., making distribution, confirmed ni. si. Commonwealth vs. Calvin Krc-sler. Recog nizance of defendant, and Joseph Mussclmau in $000 for appearance of defendant at next Court. Sarah A, Petrikin vs. The Town of Illooms burg. Kule to how cause why judgment should not bo entered without costs. Kule discharged. Auditor's report in thocstatoof C. H. Iirol-t' dee'd., confirmed ni. si. Lucinda Purscl vs. John Pursel. Petition in Di voice. Subpccua awarded. Auditor's report in the estate of John Yeagcr, dee'd., confirmed ni, si, Commonweahli vs. Samuel Miller. Recogni zance of defendant and Miner Hill in SC0O for appearance 01 defendant at next Couit. Auditor' re port iu the estate of Stephen Hill, dee'd., confirmed ni, si. Auditor's report making distribution iu estate of Jacob Mannon, dee'd., confirmed id. si. Auditoi' report in estate of Sylvester Cleaver, dee'd., confirmed ni. si, 111 llio estate of Kluabetli Itlshel, dee'd. Pe tition for partition. Partition awarded. Report of viewers of a road iu llriarcrcek township, confirmed ni. si. Report of sale iu the estate of 11. F, Fowler, elec'il., confirmed ni. si. Conunonweallh vs. John W. Nc-yhard. A"e 1'ioseyui allowed on payment of costs. Report of viewer of a road hi lloaringcrcek township, near Cherringto i's store, confirmed ni. si. D. A. Heekley s. W. II. Hradlcy. Amended declaration filed. Heirs of Jacob and Hannah Evans vs. W. J. Cjx. Older lo pay money toSarah Stadon. Iu the matter of the estate of Philip Miller, dee'd. Auditor's report confirmed ni. si. Commonwealth vs. Reuben Millard. Recog nizance of defendant ami Jacob Millard in fGOO bail for appearance of defendant at next Couit. Commonwealth vs. Jacob Carman, Nut n true bill. Prosecutor, Henry Arnold to pay costs. In Ihe cslnle of Nathaniel Ovcrdorf, dec'il. Petition for rale. Sale ordered, lionet iu J3.000. M. G. Hughes nd II, P. Fortner approved as surety. H. J. Dietterick vs. Samuel Dietlerick. Rule on Sheriff Grovcr lo pay into Court Ihe amount levied on the goods and chattels of the defend ant In above case, or show cause why the tame should not be done. M. W'yiikoop vs. W. Gigrr. H11I0011 plain tiff to show cause why tho judgment should not bo opened, nnd defendant let into a defense to the amount of Ids offset. William Williams vs. J. G. Jacoby and Mor ris Rilleuliouse. Rule on Wllllamsand Jacoby to show cause why Riltenhouso should not bo subrogated to Ihe right of pUintlli; In tho matter of lunacy of Romaniu Strau ser. S. Kuorr, 1-sq , continued as Commissioner. Petition of Elizabeth Rollck for specific per formance) of contract. J. J. llrower, ICsq., ap pointed Commissioner lo take testimony. FIku Kromus vs. L. Acker nnd Mary Kllng er, Garnishee. Service of writ on Mary Kllng cr stricken oil', Estate of Adam Oable, deceased, Report of tale confirmed nl, si, Report of reviewers of a road in Ilentoii town ship, near Samuel Yost's, loiilllined nl. si, Commonwealth vs. Jacob S. lllnlerliltr. For nlcatlcn and bastardy. A true bill. Jury call, cd nd verdict of guilty. Commonwealth vs. Anna Given. A true bill as to second count In llio Indictment lo wit, con cealing tho death of n hastnul child. Jury call eel. Verdict not entity. County to pay nil Costs. Commonwealth s lluell Fuller. Fornica tion mid bastardy. A true bill. Jury called, Verdict guilty. Commonwealth vs. Peter Kllno nnd F. M. Kline, charged with nssault and battery on Sam uel Hogirt. Tine bill. Commonwealth vs. William H. Harlman. Rule to strike off finding of Grand Jury at last court, nnd leave granted District Attorney to lay a new bill before the Grand Jury. Not a true bill. Court sentenced Henry ICdwards, prose cutor, lo pay costs. Commonwealth vs. Daniel Kostcnbaudcr. Sure ty of the peace on complaint of C. J. Thomas. Court heard testimony nnd dismissed the com plaint, eacli to pay half the cots, Mary A. Vandersllec vs. Warren Vandcrslice Divorce decreed from bonds of matrimony. In the estate of minor heirs of Alexander Ya- pic, deceased. Auditor's report confirmed, and private sale ordered. Commonwealth vs. George rcttcrmnn. He- cognizance of Joanna Ashton, prosecutrix, for feited for S100. Oliver U. Yohey assigned to John Williams vs. William iolicy. jciiiciosuow cause wiry the judgment held by defe ndant shall not be set oil' against this judgment. Notice lo be given lo O, V.. Yohey and John Williams. Kxceptions to report of viewers on .1 road 111 Fishing! reck township near D. Achcnbach's sustained. Commonwealth vs. H. G. Crevcling, charged wilh forgery, on trial. THUOAT CUT I1Y ACCIDENT. On Monday morning of last week a pain ful accident happened to Hiram Diehl, while engaged in butchering nt tho residenco of Mr. Jamca Reiland, in Limestone, Upper Augusta township, 11 few miles below Sun bury. While engaged in cleaning a, hog which was lying on a platform, his foot slipped on 11 board. In falling tho elbow of his right arm hit tho edgo of tho platform, and 'tho knife ho held in his linnd entered tho neck below the right jaw, nnd by the force of tho fall was driven in nn upward di rection nearly tho length of the bfhde. Tho wound was 11 fearful one. The juglar voin was not cut, but an important orery was severed. Those who were present did all they could to stop the bleeding by holding the wound shut, until the nid of the doctor could be obtained. Dr. Maitin.of Sunhury, was sent for, who drcurd the wound, but at last accounts tho unfortunate man wrs lyine in an unconscious condition, with hut little hope of his recovery. It is suppo-cd that the knifo either entered the brain or injured the spinal cord. Mr. Diehl is about 40 years ol aire, and had a wile nnil six chil dren. Wo have since learned that Mr. D. died on Tuesday afternoon Sunb ry Ga zette. A Kentucky girl, 12 years old, has covered $o00 iluniagcs in a libel suit. A baby just horn in tho St. Joe, Mo., lIo ital, has M toes and but 0 lingers. Tnr. Way Ohio Disro.r.sor iti:r.TiiA5ip.i. Ohio pa-sed a vagrant net nt the lu-t session ol her legislature which the legis lator of our State would do well to tako a hint from. The following section shows how she! proposes to dispose of her tramps: That if any male person, physically able to perlorm manual labor, nnd to whom lanor it rcasonaolu prices lias ueen ouercd ami rcltised, or who Inn not made reasonable eflbrts to procure employment, shall b found in a state of vagrancy, or practism common begging, he shall, on convictio thereof, bo lined iu anv sum not exceedin fifty dollars, and be sentenced to hard lnborg in tne jail 01 tho county, lor wlncli labor they shall receive credit at the rate ol seven-tv-livo tents tier dav. until said fino and costs of prosecution and accrueing costs shall be paid." MA11KET KKPOllTS. IILUO.MSHURG MARKET. Wheat per bushel. Use " .. 5 1.15 .11 I .60 .40 7.00 T.ISI l.r.o .30 .25 .('S .40 .111 .K. .12 .16 , 20.00 .2.1 4.W Ceil n, new, " Oats, ' " .. Flour per barrel .. cioversceel l-l.ixsecu nutter I :, Ta ow- I'ut.lloes Dried pples llains sides .V shoulders . Lara per pound .... Hay per tun Ileeswax Timothy Seed QUOTATIONS roil COAL. No. 4 on Wharf No. 5 " " , 4,00 ror Ton , I 3,75 ' f 5.M) ' , 4,1111 " " , t 0,00 " " .no. i " Dlacksmlth's Lump on wiuirt , luiuuuauus Marriages. CKAWKOKD-JONES. t Orangevl.l", Dec. 4th, liy tho Ilov. N. Spear, Alfred rawfonl, ef lit. l'lsns ant, to Hiss Clara Jones of tho saino place. KILM AN- S slIIIEIt.-On the 4lh Inst., nt the It.E. parsonage, Town Hill, by I'.cv. John (lust, John W. Kllllan, of Wnterton, I.uicrne county, to draco B. Sarber, of Shlcltsulnny. MU.t.Un-itt:ilIt. November 1MSW, by lliollev. A. II. Hotttnsttln, Sir. James D. Miller, cf FtrnlcL-, to MM Siso A. ltelir, of Ileach Haven. 8il.TllI.Its-iir.ss).-Noumler 18, 1S75, by the Iter. A. li. llotlensteln, llr Wesley Sinclbers to Miss l.j ella C. Hess, both of ssalern lI0NH0i:-l'0r.ST.-0etcbrll,nt tlio New Colum bus hotel, by tho ltev, John cuss, .Mr. ItkiinidC. Jlonroe, of llnrefjvllle, to lllsu ilary E. roust cf Denton. II()Wr.VE-FAIlT.lt.-November 14, nt tlio resi dence of the brides parents, In I'Llilnfcreek town ship, by 1:. D. OrUs , llr. J, II. llowcje to Jtn3 mat. ra J, l-'arver. I.AWTON-COI.TI.-November 14. nt tlic resi dence of the oniclatlng minister, by the Klder t. s. Long, William 11. Lawton to 51 Ua Dinma J. Culj.both of HrcenwooJ tow nslilp. WAONi:it-l--lsnr.lt-Onthc tthlnst., nt tho Lu theran parsonngo In Calawlssa, by the ltev. William 11. Laiuie, Mr. David Wagner, of ltoarlug Creek, to Miss I.iiLluita rishcr, of Malnvllle. Deaths. IlIlIGtiS. In Nescopeck, November 25, Mr. John II, Ilrls'C3, iigc-il "9 years, 11 months nnd 13 days. 11AI.DY On Wcelncsday.Dcce ruber lst.ln Dnnvlilo Sarah II., wife of Peter Dnldy Sr., utjed 64 years, 3 months nml luel.ijs IlAHTON -On December 4, nt the reside nco cf her father, Sir. Newton lioone, Sirs. Ilnnnshi:. Iiarton, consort of John M. Dai ton Ksij., ngcd3Jcnrs. When you go to Philadelphia stop at tho Allegheny House, No. 812 and 811 Mar ket stiett; having been recently renovated, l'rico only per day. A. llr.ci;, March l'J,'7f)-ly Proprietor. COAL. COAL (11.1 Dsliibllslied Coal Yard. O. W. Niiai, e"v lllto., Wholesale et Retail Dealers In nil sires ol tho best qualities ol Keel and Whlto Asli Coal, at tlio very lowest market rates. Have constantly 011 hand hirge stocks of Domestic, Cupola, lllacksinlth's Anthracite, llitiiiniuous, and Llmchurncr's Coal, Especial attention given to tlio prepara tion of coal before leaving our ynrils. uraiii and Lumber taken iu exchange) for coal. Coal delivered to any part of tho town nt short notice. Orders left at 1. W. McKelvy's Btore, or nt our olliee, will receive prompt at tention. Ollico and Yards at William Neal &l Sons' Furnace, Fast llloonisburg. Your patronago respectfully solicited, COAL. 17 tf 25 COAL Business Notices. You can buy nf Clark .i Wolf ns cheap for product! m for cash. Latest thing mi'., New clilmo sleigh hell nt J. Schuyler e"i Son, A new lot of Ladles underwear just receiv ed nt Luti! et Sloan's, for GO cents each. French dressing nt Knorr's. Port folios, Drck.i' dictionary blotters, rosewood mid walnut writing desks nt G. A, Clark's. Wlmt a rush Christmas Goods, nt I. W. Hartmnn's Go soon. for Silk Handkerchief) nt Clark et Wolf's. TO WANDA HOOTS I TOWANDA HOOTS Tho best and most rcllablo for rverv nun to buy. Try them. For halo nt McKin- ncy s, Go lo O. O. Marr for alt colors of Oerman- towu ool. For a beautiful pen knife or anv thine in tho cutlery line go to J. Schuyler it Son, the largest assortment in town, 4 When found make a nolo of it, Ann go lo i). J.cnvenber s For a fine Diagonal Over Coal, Fino Fur Heaver. The I'lstcr Over Coat jti't received. A full line 1 1 Children's Underwear. Ho siery and j.!om s at Ltilz & Sloan's. WATKlt ) HOOF " WATLIt 1'IIOOF Boots nt M Kinney's, A beautiful lot of ch ramus for Christmn3 at O. A. Clark's book store. Ha renins' Wolf's. in Dress Goods at Clark it Mabio Todd ifc Co's. gedd pens and pencil', the best in tho world, to b-j had only at G.A. Clark's book siore. C C. Marr sells moro Gcrmantown Wool than any hctisc in town. Snow Excluders for sale at McKinney's. Just received, a nice lot of Skating Caps For boys nnd girls at D. Loweiibergs. All tires of Gum Shoes at C. C. Marr's. GUNS! GUNS!! J. Schuyler & Son, will sell out their stock ol double barrel shot guns al cost. A gooc. chance to secure a gooil gun nt a sacrifice. ABC nnd building blocks at G. A. Clark 'h book store. Mens Gum Gonlsjioys Gum Boot-,I.ndirs. Mis-os and Children ltubbcia nt L. M. Knorr's. Wishing you all u Merrv Christmas, we call your n'ttention to our l.iry;e stock ol Holiday Oooels and at extremelv low price ut Clark & Wolfs. Felt Skirls very cheap, at C. C. Marr's. I will go to I. W. Hartman's for my Christ mas presents. Fancy inkstand and beautiful paper weights at Ci. A. Clark's book store. Faiimiiiis, Attiintion. llussel takes; Butter Kgg, L irel and Produce in exchange for good Pocket books, cigar cases, and ItusMa goods of all kinds nt G. A. Clark's. Call at HussoH's Quecnsware. and see his stock ol llunning off, twenty-flro pairs of Boots nt moat cost at I. W. Hartman's, to close almost block Fakm ron Sam: Containing M acre, in Seolt township, one-half mile from Bloom-burg. Good buildings, splendid water, and 11 first class ftone quariy on the piemises. Price $fl,0(iO W. J. 1!l'Kai,i:w, Ileal Kstate Agent. Chess, checkers, backgammon, jack-straws, dominoes, and a great vaiiety of games atG. A. Clark's. Oyters of line selection, at M. M. sell's. Ilubbcr Boots nt McKinney's. Bus Diaries for 1S70, fiom fifteen cents up, nt G. A. Clark's book store. Choice varietv of Cranberries and Mince Meatnt M. M. Htissell's. Men's cloth boots at K. M. Knorr's. Toy books in endless variety at the book store of G. A. Clark. Grand Opening of Holiday Goods this week at Lutz & Sloan's. You can get Ladies' and children's Furs of Lutz et Sloan nt from $1 to ?Cfl per set. Make out a li-t of Christmas Presents you intend to liny and then go to Lutz et Sloan's to have it filled. Tobacco, Cigars and Confectiorery wholesale, veiy low.by M. M. Hits-sell. at Pictures and picture frames at tho book storo of Gcorgo A. Clark. OVKK-COATS I OVKU-COATS 1 Fur Men, Youths and Boys, Great Baigalns nt D. Lowenberg'. Gold spectacles, iu-t the thing for it Christ mas present, at Gcorgo A. Clark's book store. All Coal slated and screened before leavlntr Ihe old establltlitdro.il vard of C. W. Nr.ei. .v B110. ' 3i!if - - - A clioico selection of tho best authors re ceived for the holidays at George A. Clark's Centennial Seamless piece at M. M. Itussel'H. Bags SO cents n Card cases, pearl and Ieiissln, lit Geo. A. Clark's. Good clean Coal Ncul & Bro. to he had only of O. W. 32lf If you want a good Ham, If you want cheap and good Tea, If you want Coll'ce Java or Hlo, If you want good Canned Fruit, If you want the best Mackerel, If you want Sugar for the least money, If yon want tlio best Syrups in town, If you want good Clears, If you want gooil Tobacco. If vott want anything in tlio Grocery and Provision line, go to Bussdli.'s, Main street. Don't bewoiried nnd annoyed wilh not only a poor finality of Coal but flirty nnd slaty besides, but buv of C W.Ni:.J, & lino, who deal only in Ihe best qualities. 32U" lllll.l' TOMOTllDIiH Nl'ltSlNO iNt'ANTii. It is 11 conceded fact that mothers who have the care', anxiety and draught of nursing in fants in 0 weak nnd need tlio aid of somo strcgthciiiug Ionic to mako up tho nour ishment required for tlio growth of tlio child. Alo, porler.nnd 1 tiger beer have oltcn been rrcfiiiimeiidcd. Of late, since physicians Imvu lieiomo nwnre 1 lint Port Grapo Wiuo produced by Alfred Spi er, of Pastille', N. J., is strictly pine) tliay havo piescribcel It in stead of nle and potter. Thiswinois prin cipally sough for by mothers who have nur sing infants us tho lust supply medium to bo found, Tho nine is rich in body nml not in toxicating but gently stimulating. Druggists generally keep it, and sell it fur it dollar u bottleu Jwjuirer. O, W. N'l ii. it lino., spare no expense tosend out ulco Coal, Sill H li N DE RS II O T T ' S 1)11 Ut! STOIili is recelMnij n choice selection of HOLIDAY (.'(KIDS, consisting at nitt'ontsT'R strNiinini", roil.BTArtTICI.KII, , t'BRFUliriUY, U.S'elt.IgllSOAPS, rilDNCII nXTIIAeTl-S, POUT .MONN1IB, CIOAlt CASKS, COMB?, niiusiins, CUINnon AND JAPANESE UANtlKF.ItCIIlLTS, Key West and Havana Cigar? , unci lots of rino (100 Js. IS IT TO Who said that you would like to get such Clothing as City People wear, rather than the wholesale goods com monly sold ? This will tell you how to do it. The very large Increase of our business altows us to malte A STILL LOWER SCALE OF PRICES, AND You Can Save Enough in buylnc a Suit nt Oak Hall TO PAY FOR THE TRIP from anywhere in this County to the City of Philadelphia, and have n day of slght-teclng besides. Wan am alter & Brown stand by this Statement, and so will you alter one trial. r. . , ' "!"() he fte of what we Bell c manufacture cur siaracter ol I Roods, some of ihem in our ou tuikling the Goods wo Still ' J- They -.rewell cut.scwcrfnmtfinishcd They Tor Men & Uov$. C1" ',f; l'1-"1' "Jl'1 St on. keepers out of the city ' nus represent us hn they say they sell our poods, nitterfj not nhoUsale. but confine ourid-.es to r t i W bear no ill-will to any one, and Mate this enly becauie some 1 p or p- ods as coming from our house. 'lo h of our uistom- t rs .in r. iponsible for articles bought of us IW our yUn of '1 icbctins the t ight names of the materials on our goods, no one can be milcd as to qualities How 1 Wanamakcr& Brown treat their CUSTOMERS. advantage1. Is ziven. that anywhere, and that the quality is as repreiented , alio, that the money will be paid hack in full, if purchaser within 10 days w Uhcs, for any reason, to return the goods, unworn. Q '"lHIS U important indeed.because.unprincipled Exactly I peoic wncrc ini aiore is. $top Grangers on the street, wttk Jaht directiont about w here the store is, so that they may sell their counterfeit poods There is but one Oak Hall in Philadelphia, it is a large building, the size of four ordinary stores, and is m the bouth east corner of MX'I II S IX'J II SIX'I H SIXTH blXHI-SlX'lH and Market Streets Those who cannot come to the City. to the Express Co on receipt of go I allowed Uforo paying where money ami piv inn exprcssage w li lo 1 mi hculd It surt tjut our name at you enter mi WANAMAKER & BROWN.., BOOH! SILiLBIR ASffD SST Duller in L:tw Llanks Siuiiliiy x'eiitisyiviiiKii WINDOW CURTAINS, WALL PAPE3, Looks and supplies not On, Slioj'l J'bice at the Storo in Exchange Hotel Oct. S. ISTK- TOWX AND COUNTJtY. i:. r. ki-xkeivs iurrr.it wine of iron. ft lias iimt been Known to fall in tlio cu ci cf eieaktipss uttrniluel with ymiitoins, lnell.pi sltun to e-.crti, Iih, of memory, iinili'ultj- ot treat Mu;?, wcakiiChs, horror eif disease, nl'ht stteati, cold feet, dimness i r vM m, languor, unlUTs.il Ubsltudo or the muscular sj stem, enormous appetite, ulth iljs-pep-ile siymptoms, liot hands, llu.-.)iluj; ot tho liody, dry ness cf the f.iev, pain In tin: kick, lieailn cr the ej cllds, frequent hlacl; fcpoU II) lug before the cjes, with buffiklon and loss cf blslit, want ot attention, tic. fold only lu l liottlcs. Bet tht) genuine. lie pot nnd office, 8i North Mnlli Street, I'lilladelplda. Aihlcofree. Ask for 1.', I'. Kiinkel'j Illltoi' Wlnect Iron, and take no oth'-r. lieniilno sold only In $1 bottle. XEuvoii umiility ! .sekvocs nnon irv ! Debility, a depressed, Irrltablo state t'f mind, i v eak, nurroiis, esh.iustod feeling, no energy or ani mation, confused head, weak memory, llio ceuw eiuenceaote'M'essea, mental neertwk. Thlsnt nous debility nnds a soveieljjn euro In I!. 1'. Kua'col's lilt- 1 lerWlnee.f Inn. It tone.stlio sj stem, ill ipels llio mental ejuem audelefpoudcncy, anil iejueena:i'sthe entire sj stem. Sold only luf I bott'ea. tlet thep'n ulno. oniee. North Ninth Street, I'hlladelplil.i, IM. Sold by all ill iisrlsts. Ailc fer C. 1'. KunUelH Hitter Wine nt Iio.i, and tnke no other. Genuine sold only In tl bottles. T.V1T. woiisi, HemoM'd allee, witli head complete, In from two to three u mr. No tea till reinousl, by Dr. Kunkel, KS9 North Mulh Kirect, I'hllvIelpUIa. Seat, p n and plomach wnrnn nlso remorod. Call nnd nee. Ad vice free. Send fur circular, or aek your drugM fur KuiikelM Worm Sj i up. I'ricefl. It lienor falls o SchcncUV. Pulmonic fyrup, for tlio euro of consump tion, roughs and colds. The great lrtuu ef this meellclno Is that It ripens the matti r nml throws It out of tho system, p irlflca the blood, and tlitu cfTeels a cure, schenck's sea w ceil Tonic, for the cure of fly 'persli, Indigestion, .to, Tho TeMc rri duces a healthy action ot tlio ftom ach, cre ntli.ir an appetite", furinlncr clu le, nnd curing tlio most ol pi Unite enf-os ef Indigestion, schciicl.'s Mandrake mu, for Hie euro cf liver com. plaint, Ac, These UN nro nl'erntlve, nnd rrodu"o'a lieallliy action e.fthe IIvit without tho least dan'r, as th'v aro free from calomel, mid .vet more elllcaclous In restoring a liculthy action of the llu r. These renn dies ore u certain euro Or cnnBiimptlnn as tho piiln.ontc yrup ripens tlio matter and purl lies the blond. The mauilr.iko rills net upon ll.ollesr, cre.no a healthy i.lln. an t remuve all d's'.nei ot fi3 liver, often a cause, of aonsumptl in. Tho K'v wn.vl tonic glvos tun" nnd strength to th ) stomioh.m ik 's asood UlgoRiion, nnd enables t'm organs to form good blonil, and thus creates a healthy circulation ot healthy blood. Tho combined notion of these medi cines, ns thus ejtplalnrel, will cure every cahoot con. sumption. It taken in time md tl.o uso ot tlio medi cines persevered In. Dr. Schenck l.s professionally at Ills principal c fllco, corner sislli and Arch sts , Philadelphia, cvt r Mon day, where all letters for ade Ico must lei addressed. e- Take Acr Tills for all Iho purrovM of a purga tive, forconstlpnllon, Indigestion, headache, and liv er complaint.. Ily uiiItc real accord they aro tho be st of all purgatives for family use. o It Is no wonder that ina!ldelofe faith In speelnos when so many worthless medicines aro ndveitl-ed for the euro ot various dlscai, but which, when tried nro "found wanting." We have to learn.how. over, ot tl.o first failure cf Dr. WUtar'B imlnainof Wild chciry to euro roughs, colds, nnd pulmonary disease, cm cents and St u lei Ho, large tsjitli n much tho cheaper. Tin: iii:t niivriMi owtrr.. 1 lie 1 rose nv Is a good oppoitunlly to remind the fi lends ef tho paper, oi.it tlio public pcncrslly, that tho i oi.uihUN job I'mntimi ennci; lau no supeilur In thlsnelloti, and, In seme respects, U wlihoul an cipial. luirlug tl.o lut tear rve havocomple tely le ne i d eitir IJl es anil mad? large additions, unet It U no Idlo boast to say that we hate now tho Dost ITeues, Ihe Ueit AHorlii.cr.t ot 'iv, tho )efct Meek of l ajer, ( aids', ic, and the Hot Wcrkiuen In thorountry. dur weil.ii.en urefieclallj ndaitidfor their pldcm, und hp im.ke It e j oint to nlnnjs give our cust'iuieis a neat, ci rrwt rud sutMactor) lob, Wr do nt claim (odo wcrk for less thmit'tlieiv, but will warrant Itlu tos iheapus can bo doi.eiui). win ie and j h Id a elt cei.t rent. All who me In need olJeb I'll) ill cf an) Mnd-l'lutncr Inc. ors- will tlndlt to tin ir .iiie rest to glee tl e ce human Ofllco a trial. We hate ou linud ecry vcrlciy of UtJ. l'uier, ink, 1 t.ecloi'i s, 'I k, te ttut is ilsc-i,, tute called f-r, u nd e u furnish any quantity or si) n of work on short not ico. lllndli g to ordeir, tf, TEA STORE li now opining the vry chotorat Inipoitti and (Jom'oitio Grocories tor the Holiday trtele, itamajc ntAcnw, ruratcu !iaiPANiiit oi.ivns, iAllDIRIIC, f Al' s.Mio i;in:nsi:, rilENCH AND Tt'ltRL'V 1'HCSIM. All kinds of linlslns, Torelifn anil Domestic Fruits, Nuts and Confectionery, unci another lot of tlno ITow Crop Jap.iu Teas. TJ:fg P m US n T1IF, price in plain figures and nothing rjf The same price to acquaintances and strangers To citv tteonle and countrv rteoole enual With each article sold, a Guarantee the Price is as low as it can beboucht .a .fi .i. i ! :. . navinc stores in i'miaacipnia, ecun WE send patterns of material and prices by mail when requested. Persons can hae made-up goods sent by I-xpreis, by send ing their measure wc furnish easy directions that nuy one c in measure by,) and describing color U anted ntii! Iirirn Hps (red I'ai'mmt rnn het mflrfr d , and the privilege of examining them -;oods do not please, wc will return the Philadelphia on the hnilding and r the dor 'J2;"i"i-iii."J.li'ltl Siti (rdiool Libraries, Depository of the uiDie society, PICTURE FRAMES, REWARD CARDS. on band can bo furnished Moat Jicasonable Hates. Biiildiim- Bloomshiim, Pa. I Tin: best ntirm'Tiox. The best s;.f. guards ogalust epidemic disease aie 1 thorough digestion and tlrm nerves. It is because tlice- i.'.iure tl.e regular Kiroimimee f ihe digestive pi-eeeis. mid inwgerute the ntnou. system that Hostellers sumach Iittus me sia'h a sovereign rri.li elite r.galmt Ihe million es which beget Inter mit lent liml.ie'.ks and iliote Mlilih dlic ctly allect the slomr.ch and bowels, it the m n s me hcalt'ifully tiai.uul! the asslmllatli n f.f food infect, as they am sine to le under tholnlU:en" e t this standard tonic end limine, malaria mn 1 e el. Med; and If, In tho nij'incecf tho mest lcllalh of medical safe guard, the sj stem has fallen npu tndlM'nsoeitnn I ntoimlilcnt or leinltlcnt type, llio Hitters will, If 1 erflsted In, eir.elle'ate cmij vcslls'e i.ttho malaelj. HIlloii'iieiF, eoi.sllpallcii, and elj.-i psla jlelel with equal cei taint to the opcicllon ol lids potent vege ablo alterative. A TUIN1H' r-VIU". Invoakness of the stomach Is allowed to become ehioiile', tho following e Iks supervene digestion Is permanently Impaired, tho se stein Is ury Imper fectly noiiikshed, tho blood becomes thin nnd wat ery, and tho bile, being uneinploved for dlgestlee and oe.icuatlve purposes, entere the circulation through the thoracic duct and Injects Itself Into the supcrtlclil veins, gliing to the skin and the whites of the ej es the saHron tinge Indleatle e of blllvnisness. Headache, nausea, constipation, pains In tho side, heartburn, nnd many other dl-fe'si:." : i.iptr.ins which accompany the Internal derangement uboec described, which, If unchecked, Is sure to b3 follow, ed by mlous dlscav, ns tho rising ot the sua by Its setting. It Is manifest, therefore, that an Inability of tho stomach lo act upon tho food should bo over como v.Tlhov.t delay. Tho lnvlgoiatlni: Inlliicnec on the stomach of llostetter's stomach I.Ulcrs Is speed ily felt In the dlMippoaranco cf all thu dlsagrceuble sj mploins alluded to. Tho prescribed mineral rtm cdli'S Or general debility usually fall to achieve any lasting roult bocatiso they do not Invigorate Ihe Homich; llostetter's Hitters nlw.ij.s succeod for that Is their primal errect. THe eery fact that the nro such an excellent stomachic constitutes thorn ono of tho host general Ionics In existence. Toi... storo dl0'csll'jn i5 the final step t.nT.irds ihe recover) ot henllh, when Impaired by any ol Ihe multifarious comphilnla which spilng from dinpr-ivslit, and that will bo found to havo been taken by the lnvullt who has uvailed himself cf this faiaous unU-dyspeptlc remody. wiikhi: to ,i)VEin isn. A. T. Stewart tnjs the lesl nilverUstng mediums hu has ecr found "are the old established organs ol tho two political i artles. ut the se ral county seats throughout tho l'r.lon." "Theni, ' l.o sa;.s "reach every family of the least account In their several c.mntles, uud uro moro careMU.e re ad than uuy othei class ut JmiuuLs." If Mr. suw ai l 's Judgment Is of talue, tin ie Is no tUfllruliy lu dt-cltllng which paper It In for I he lutCRsl of bulness men lo auveriUo In The c'ou'iiru Dkwocbat, upon which this paper U pjnl.illy founded, was established In lsnil, and Ihe Coii'iinuN now eiijojs a wider circulation and greater prosperity than Itceerelld. It goe-s icgul.ir 1) Into two tl.ouuel families In i clumtu nnd ad joining counties, and by most of them Is rend from th llrst to tho laat line. It Is the only recognised exponent uf nearly mo thousand DciLocratlo voters In tho county. It gives advertlsen.enls a tatty dls play, that makes them attractive tu lis patrons,thus ensuring greater certainty that they will peruse them. While Us circulation Is undoubtedly much the lar,.cst In tho cour.tj, tho ndecitlslng ralcB of the t'ou'iicuN aio no higher than those cf other papers with baiel) half snd several not onctourth thonuni bcr ot subscribers. Tacts llko these speak for them selves. No shrewd business man will neglect to In seithls ailtcrlliemei.tslullioe'011'uiiuh tf, .TOTia:. til persons inileUeel to the undcrHerned e.n Hook Account pilor to Juno lit WB, uie respiestcd to will uml Mine l.) i.eto ei otherwise Ululo Jtiiiumy 1st, win, us slier thai all uiiniihsl ne countM ill be plac ed In the l.uuels e f an elllccr for col!ecllon. l..l.h,lMii;ii,iM, ii, IliiMiifr nuoetatiHl w llliiuo Dr. Win. WcKelvy.we ore pcpaied liialiend iomptl.e mull luctosslonal calls In Mi die nv, Mirgir, oi.il obstetrics. I'ubllo puliiniiigu liitics?uull so Kite. I. ., . bWlfcHKUK VcKtiLVy. .Icrsej tow ii, Nov. IP -Cw. A DMlNISTllATOlfti NOTICK. J ISTATK W 1 LlZCBlCril UOUHlLIS. Itvr'tt. 1 l I ors oi Ai) ml nlstral ton oil I Uei KHtate of i:U'4U i li lleliciis.iit sugHi loaf t p. t'olumbla founts el-eeiuscd have hoc u gi aiilest l.j tho Huglslei ut said coimly to llio. llooie'.ssugarlouf i.vp., eToIuinW county.l'nT, lu whom all ptrsons ludcUed to said llulo aie ie iiucstcd to mako puyuient, and those huvlug evlsliuk uguiioit the suld osUito will make I hem known lothe uiu ivuuiiiiuviiueui viiiioui. eieisy. llhemOKlKHllIU, fu.v. 1,'I5. Adinlnlslrulur. 1i'siNi's.sc.ni)s, J VlhlTlNlll AUDS, U.T 1 Hi: iu.ads, HIU. llhADH, I'liOUItAMMLB, NEATLY aKDrilEAl'LYl'IIINIhU.'.Vl' 'i Ilk C(- i.taiuiAn urrivi. LOUIS BERNHARD, Dealer In Silverware, Wtttebes tuul Jewelry tifxioMint'ito, pa. ' ladles' and fientleinen's Oolel nnd M vcr Wnb lies, of Amrrlenn nnd IVrelgn tnntiufactm. , Silver and Plated Ware, Clocks. riNI JEWUI.IIY, dC, AO. RBPA11UKG AND ENGRAVING I'roiitjitly i:'Ciif ctl. ocLVf-iy jotici:. From this date Ihe Illoomsburg Oas t rmpany will put In sertlco pipes nttlrst cost and furnish and set meters ntfoureloll-srs eseh. Tho eomnanv bfte on hsnil a lot or ctils tar l ailed for mlnl Ing roots, nnd jiosts or other tin bcrs placed under groiiinl, l'rico lo ccn l'rico lo cents per gallon or H.M per barr. 1, MI1.I.KII, Sect. ocM5,';.',.tf Juries for (Sept. Term, 1875. nitAxn .luitoits. Dlooip M. Wjtikoop, Daniel Howmin.. Hentonlllram Ash, .Michael llartm. u. Herwlek-A. I'nbllps. Centie Uil.iyetie creasy, Samuel e rr n, e iitawlssn .1. 1 Chu.iiaii, Daniel i. ,n , l'lshlng creek Isaac labour, John Wnu I iMiiklln Montgomery lleeder. i.r.s iiwoesl-hlljili Klstwr. Ilemiiick-r.ll Ohl, Kniunel Ale Ijjiint .tewpli Huiidcni. MiniinloKopii tl. swank, Samuel snider, V. V Hrow n. I'lne William KoMincr, Asher 1'nlln.i . ScottI. K. l'owler, P. 1'. Kelley, rinn s I.i wn. TltAVKllSK .TUR01!.. 11BST WttKK. Illoom-A. MeDonell, .1. V. Wldemon, C M. Hrown l. V. llaitman, .lames t. Hrown, .l.ihu LeacTck ueorge Corrcll, s. II. Miller II nlon fieri Iloston. .lohn e. Dlhllne, s, i . Karnes, V.'llllJiii Applemau Ilcrwlck lie nry Hower, Alfred lumcr. Hrlaicrevk Henry Donk, William I.. lreas, David sii.ifTer.lr., Fre.es Ko'.vlcr. Calawlfss II. I'. l'ortncr C'entralla lames Djke. ruhlngi reel; Aaron llcw, r.enj-iniln tioldcr, Jo nas Doty. Joslah Iles, Jacob o. Wll'-on. I- 'raiiklln Tohn lioiip. tireeiiwood-.Iames I,. Preston, John Patterson, lleiirv llelz. Hi inlock-Malhios Whltcnjghl Jackson Henjamln savage, Augustus r.vcrliart Locust Henry Hi aver Mimin-ll. 1'. Workhcler llontour William M. ejulejc JladNoa ieorgj Heaglo Jit. I'ioasant Manilas Kindt or.ine eieorgo M. smith, Silas shutuati, Jamiiel II iB' nuueh, .Mle.uu'l C, V.iuce. I'lin John 11 evjtuer ltu.ii ingcrcek Henry Hoffman Si utt-.!i)ii.ih Townsend, James Kh . . It l Tt Knt, i i.. . eveveilv, II. c. Kelelilier KhCOSIl WBE I'loo'n Jnsl iu Hul.slon,.Ia'Jies Hei.wo.,d I'ei ton-e'h.i-lcs Keef. r, William Hulnn li. .ve. r M see selillch. r I :l..icieek-AUr.eli.im Jackson, Joseph I ii ion, M, II. hi '-'uiiouse, John II suit i ..i ..l-.-.i I'hdsKn lh, I. II Sooth ill., il h Clark i i ..Itc-lsaae Coder i . ic iighniu .Ma-tin Ijiughlln I I- uikllu JllchacI Mannar!, Andicev Ihnnau m. enwooel Theodore Lemon, Jl. .V. Apil'man, III i. ii d .1'. V. es.Dlemcr Darts, John Ivott, John tl (;' i .'i II Milock-Ji.hn :.ll!lcr, Peter P. Prater. Mu'tilas M ...ie ''. ri 'asnntIacob Jlell.k J! .UHun A. J. e'arr Main John Il.'irm my, Hoj J Yfttor Orange Samuel Henry, Hoses Keere tt Scot t J. J. Keller, IlUstou llol.lson Sugarloaf-i:. Kilo. "Unquestionably the best pmtaineit Korkofthr hind in the Il'nrif," HARPER'S-MAGAZINE ILLI'STIIATEI). 2'otict'i of the 1'refS. The ever-Increasing clrruiatlon of this excellent monthry proves its adaptation to popular desires and needs, indeed whin wn think Into how many homes It rcnotrateseverv linu.th. wo consider it iu one of the educators as well as entertainers of tho public mlud. "Host. in eilobu " The character which this magarlno pof.( esses for varietv, enternrl-e, nrtl.-tle wealth, and literary cul. turo which It has kept p.icowlth, it It lues not led tho limes, should cause Its conductors to regard It with JiHIlllalile complacency, 'iho mncmzlue has donn good and not. ee II all tho days of Its life "HrookTyn Eagle." somo of the most popular nf modern novels havo llrst appeared ns si rials In this iaiigul:ie. Iu nil re spects It !-. an CMVllent perl.niie.il, nnilullvdi screes Its great success. "I'ldladelphhi Lcrtgn." T Kit MS: Posta.i" free to nil Sub -erlbeis In the I nued Statse. ll.e'ii' s's MAdeyisr, n.e ear. ti.eio $1 Ine'.u ii 1 Mepuymcui ot I idled Stales postage by the j.ubll-h. i. subseiitc tuns t Ilei.riut'.e Mac.czimj.Vv kci.i.y, and llAZiii. tinii.e e'ldii.'s r.T eineecr, $li- or.Hvoiit Hal p. r's pel lullleals, to one address for okb year, t"j postage fiee. An exira cupv of cither tho Jlagazlne, Weekly, or Il.iz.ir will be sii'ipiicd gratis for every c'ubot live subserli ors nl cadi lu one lemltlan. , or, six cuptcs tnr f'jn evi;ii,.u nn eMr.i e'up.v : iR-siago fr . Hack nut,. I. eis cm be sii'iplle.l at any lines .e eui.ipiete is'i or Harper's Mn;ivzlne now e'om pilsln M ee.liinies. In ict e-'otli blniUne-, will 1st sent by e .pre: n-oihi m c jenscot puix-nascj, for tl !!' ja r euiiini" slug o volumes by niall,olpald, $3 c lotli i ..ti for I 'I .ding, t cents, b) mall, (iosl pald. A com) let at. vl.v 11' ul Index in iho llrst Hfiyvol umes ut ilarpei 's maerulue ha. Jul been published, rendeilng .nallablj lor iifeicncc tho vast and varli d wealth oi latin mutton s Iilou constitutes this pciloil leal u iieifect llliihtruleil literary ejclopodln. svo, cloth, i . ; lull cut, fs t". Sent postugo pro-aid. Aseih.. et paiiers under tho tltl of 'lliu PHst Uontur.v ui tl.e l.epub'.le," conlrlbulisl bj tho meMt eminent American publlclsm, Is now being publls)' id lu llaipci s .Mugiila i Tlilssnleset o or twenty p.ip"is .,'.v's a ceiiipiehiislee review of piogress dailn u;e ecu ur) iiuvvcloslii,liu ,ryd 'paitinent of iiar h ir.oual Hie. Ne"vs'.ip..rs ure not to copy this advertisement wit Hum r.ie ex, ivss oilier of Harisr K. Ill others. Addre a llAHPHlta: Hl!OTTli:i:s,New York SORIBHLR'S MONTHLY for 1876. The puhlsh"rs Invite atlonllon lo the followln list of s.iiinn.f the uitrucUvi) ailleleh sccuie'l furscrlb ni'i's -iluiithlv. fur 111 coining ve'.ir. In tho field of lletl.'ii, . I'l.'.u mi. ens novclellosaiidshcrtcrslo rles, tin 1" will bo Two ?.3markabb Serial Stories HY AMCUICAN AUT110I1S. The llrst of these, now complete In our hauls, 'UAliUU-h CONltOY," b H'.H'.T. IIAI1TI3, begins lu the November number, and w 111 run for twelve month. v e shall ids i begin lit tlu- Jaimar) numi' t, PEILIPSOLAS'-J Fill ENDS, or, Hhoiv Your l'nsspori--," by HDWAltH KVKItHTP II U.l. The sceiio ot Hi's Mi.rv Is Inl.l In the . m'li csfrn terilior.v, now t mull k Hie -luies 1 1 i..i,'-.,n. and Texas, nc th. li. .e of A.iniu Heir's i.- Tno I'hurueK rs lived u n n v IU n vv l.hh vv .. - uw inerl enn, now I'ci ii li,iuw spiua-n, tn.ilil.1 rt ird of tbilr niivi n up i-"'-e,ii, - lister; ui. u und mul.y,lii.; lim. i i.icj . , .1. ..il. ASKCOXI) "FAKMhirS VACATION," by Ceil.. Gilo. 11. WAr.lN'll, Jr, Col. Warliic, Is now In Huroiie. sMtin?. f i a row. lioat 1 Me e.f two bundled and fifty mil. , ono cf tho inuM ici 1 in uuu iiiieicsiiug ui eno viuc-e.iuvvinK val leys of Hiiro,.!'. This scco-.d series ut papi ra pre in Ues to bo even moro Ininesilug than th. t with wiiicu our ii'ieucrs lire uiieeeiiy lumiiiar. CKSTKNNMAL liF.TTKItS, edited by John v. ciikn'Y. A rare rollrotton ot llevuliitlnnarv l"lers, mnlalv from stores In the luiu.ls ui tho desccndonis or col, .losc.h V, ul vl. They nro lull of tutorest , nnil will bo read w lih a rare reltsh In 0011110011011 with llio cen tenntul celvbriittoii of the J ear. Uulliuntly Jltuftitxtetl .lrliris on AMERICAN COLLEGES. Wllttmi tV.Cfifllr.li' l.v tlii.lo frli.ivila s.-lll OLD NEW YORK, 1 Jckantly Illustrated i.rlleles on Old Ni vv Y vk, li John v. Mines, will appear ut onco, and wl 1 utir.n the audition of nil, tu city or 1 uimii y, vflm inaii, wilh Intci'osi 1I.0 eleve'opuieiii ot iho kreut 1. lr pc Its, Hint anectlonab ly leiuennber the epuilnt p. , a' 1 . itlcs of lis olden lime. ' Kverv nnu.ber Is profusely Illustrated, thm tui. l.llng us 10 glVHtooitrUej,erlHl' eund iMiiaiiv. : r 1 elcn un mui 1 st uud iii.uin lit vulue ne ver ultaiued lu 11 iioii.tllusliuled perludleul. Tins Kiliturliil Ueimrtmtiils oeeupj over twenty lwucgeit eacli nunibre, and con tuliilir. llullund s vloiuusuiHl llu.clv niii.n , . s well nsis'Vlcwse.t llio latest woiks lu mi, m ,u. Hue, unit science. tl a Year, In udvuuce; u, ivuts a uuii.b. r The 10 ciis, complete, Nov, lT, tu Oct '.i-rr., .1 "jUIld In luaiui.li cloth J 'o ri) elu. Uo. bound III half 11 11 e. . n il Vols, leuln in Keivcmlcr and Ma. An. it ti ' earlier Veluiiicsvl to VllDwUl be tti 1 l ed i intil. r lopartlis win. v. Mi tie m tu eomi a Ic tci-. ullhls l l'c, 1. p.. C li .1 II. i; lltilt llHT'Seu, n. l.wkM Hers 1 ua linu.nsieis will tu si ; 1 1 ' il t r. le, Mint will 1 tiubV tl em tu till unj of V ut-u'e. triers. heiOfc.ilbers viu pie. e inidtla P. (1. 11 rney u dirs. or 111 bank thicks, or by ie,.uteitd leilter a Monty In loiters noeitblst'ieu, at i.Uei sink SUilHNKIt co,, W Hroadnoy, New UU