young Folks. TIIK DOVE MAIDEN. A CATSKILI. PAint TAL1J (ConctwIeJ.) It m not easy to cc.ipo from tho mer maid who hud caught Snowdrop. Sim wish ed to present her to Neptune, one said, nnd Mto cjuld not nflbnl to linelier. Then Snow drop clipped her nrtiu ahout tho neck of tho lovely mermaid and kli-cjl her, entreating thru slio mlgut ho released. "I nui!t find tho dovo chain for my mntli or, ',y is watching for mo nil this Ion;; lime," fttio pleaded ; nnd the mortnaid undo not another objection, but .carried her to the shoro. Tho mermaid was only frolicsome. How astonished tho dovo mother would h.wo been to see her child carried in a mer maid's nrius, with her star-robe crisp and dry I For tho first timo Snowdrop remembered to una her ring by wishing herself ut the palm-tree, and she found herself there soon er than any steamboat could have taken her. She saw nobody, nnd looked down into the well. A roso-coloreil liulblc came up to tho surface from the cool depths. ''Don't p iu-- 1 1 e it in the rove," said a voice, una the bulib'e nnk. Next n bin." bubble apiUMsvd. "Throw w.iiir over Daub's head," ami , tho second bubble sank. Then up came a green bubble. "Carry tho enchanted watery of thi well." "What shall I carry it In?" "In me," replied tlm green bubble, and popped out of tho well upon the grass n beautiful flask. Snowdrop walked through the grove,tliinl; ing she would soon finish tho matter. St.ito ly trees arched over head to form a cooi, green vault; tun turf was velvet smoutli.anii along the paths were spread tempting fruits Snowdrop recalled the words of tho rosy bubble, and walked on, turning neither to tho right nor left. Giant Drubb was seated in an immense arm-chair, hgwn out of granite, which com manded a fine view of the surrounding coun try, so that ho should know what was going on. Just as Snowdrop crept near, au ostrich ran 'n fro it of the giant and paused. Drubb ' d at t'ic ostrich with all the eyes in his 3 i it was unusual to see au os- -. a step nearer, nnd I will catch you in l ' anil. You uuiild make me a dainty br " . cried Drubb. Snowdrop climbed behind him, and sprin kled his first two eyes on the right with tho cficlinuted water. This blinded his eyes; nnd always hiding behind tho heads already sprinkled, she contrived to anuoint the whole ten. "Dear me i3 it night?" growled Drubb. "I thought tho sun was still hours high, but how short the days aro growing I" Snowdrop slipped the dagger from its sheath at his side and wished herself away from tho terrible monster. Tiio mermaid had waited for her on tho shore,amusing her self by singing sweet songs to bewitch the fishermen. Down they went through the rushing wat ers, and this timo Snowdrop was not afraid. It was an easy matter to use Drubb's dagger on tho cruel chain which bound tho lady j bui Snowdrop was surprised when the whole city roso to its place on tho blooming plain, the houses marble and stone, instead of clam shells and cowries. You see, Giant Drubb had made a sort of off-hand earthquake to immerse the city; no one ever heard of a town coming back that had been swollowed by n real, terrible earth quake. The Queen was very grateful. She lost no time in leading Snowdrop up the steep path to the wise woman on tho moun tain. They found her in a hut perched on n crag, where a goat might climb and in deed fcho was as nimble nnd sure-footed ns any goat. She liked to livo near the stars, where tho thunder crashed and the lightning seemed to leap from rock to rock. Tho visitors entered her hut, where an owl was perched on one sido of the hearth, nnd an eaglo on tho other. "Who have wo here?" sho muttered, peer ing at Snowdrop. "I will give you my ring if you tell mo where the dove chain is," said Snowdrop.ea gerly. Tho wise woman smiled nnd smoothed the little girl's hair. "I live nearer tho clear heavens than those below. The stars are my jewels," she Baid. "Jhis dear child lias rescued me from pris on, and in return tho desires to find her mother's dovo chain," said Queen Kornor. "Yes, yes; I know. Madam Skimp did all that mischief because sho could not marry tho fairy king; und ii was his gift. I hear all the news from my two friends here." "I s.av Skimp fly away with the chain in f" limit," tald the eagle. woman sprinkled scmo dried '.i .1 orazier, and a white cloud roso in thoi.n at the two visitors could not see Inr m -a. When tho smoko cleared, eho Bhook her head. "Go to the fairy king. Terhaps Skimp will tell you, after all." The eaglo offered to carry tho guests down tho mountain on ins back, and they found tho ride very pleasant. Snowdrop could on ly think of her lonely mother now, who must anxiously watch for her return, and bo decided to seek the fairy realm at once. Everything was in confusion ; tho fairy queen had been stung by a gnat,which caus ed her death, and tho king was again a will oner. "That comes from marrying beneath his rrnk. Sho was only Skimp's maid of hon or," cried tho gossips. Snowdrop heard them, for she stood be- luniktho bluebell in winch they were swing ii'g. "Bless mo I" exclaimed one, raising her o c-glass, which was mado of tho eye-hole of a cambrio ncedlo set in steel, "who comes hi re? It is Madam Skimp, and no othor." Sure enough, it was t-kimp, who hear 1 of tho queen's death, nnd decided to return to tho court, in hopes of winning tho seat on the throno beswetho king. Skimp was lovely. Sho had bathed her face in flower down ; her robo was sewed out of gold-leaf, with n bodico formed of nBingle ruby, and trimmed with diamond dust. Ilcr hair was combed into a high water-fall ; her hat was mado of a beetle, and her fan was dandelion down. iever was u moro charm ing toilet seen ; tho other fairy ladies nearly died of envy when she minced along, waving her fan In n fashionable manner; and in kneeling before tho king she showed two lit tle gold hoots with red heels to great advan tage. Tho king thought he had never i-cen Skimp look so pretty ; nnd when ho bado her rUe from her knees, ho imposed to drink her health in amber honey, which was served in beech-nut cups. Although ho was still dressed iu mourning (a sablo moth's coat), as a token of respect for the departed queen, ho Lad not sipped all of tho honey before ho wade Skimp an ofJ'tr of marriage, , THE Tho honey sweetened her temper ton lend'.)- that or prosperity and she igiin to feel nshnmcd of her naughtiness. Snowdrop mndo her presence kn wn, for tho little pcoplo were so much nb .rlic.l I ; their own affair that they had not not.ced her. Tho king Invited her to bo seated on tho soft moss, ns his chnir was too small ormor tnls; and you have no idci how 'ig nnd chrmy she appeared among tho fair1 ,qiiit' as great a contrast as Giant Drubl was tt herielf. "Dear, good fairies, t have baen dl oyer tiio cartli to find my mother's. dow chain, ,am! I need your assistance." "I should be nsliamed of my mi jects if the did nut help you," reulled tlm king. 'I2ery falrykln must hold up n i In to ken of willingness to nld Snowdrop " lW.i one held up n tiny list, and Qtit.n Si i-np raised hers with the rest. W ynot? Suo km willing to restore (ho elm! i since her temper had been swectmod v. h the honey. "hot by-gones be by-gones," she "If I was not tho fourth wito I iui tiio fifth." She (lew away on her gnu..! wing-, mil re turned in a trice, carrying the chain, whl-di she gave to Snowdrop, and kissfd liei in (lie bargain. S.iowdrop left the fairies in the midst t wul ling g lyetlos, thankful that Skim .'s nm b' i in had been tit la-t grat ilcd, Awn thi bail led htr to give up the e .nin, is v. II -li .iconic a goal sprue at la '. 1.) nicer was not over lor tu.- ilovi .i.ri s little ihiugliter. Scarcely bad slicqii idt fair.' kingdom when she heaid beliinl . rain'.iling liko distaut thunder. This sound w i- caused, by Ginnt Drubb, who win tranip i'lg after the bold girl who had robbed him of his iron dagger to rcleaso Queen Kornor from her enchantment under tho sea. 8 lo.nlrop, with the aid of her ring, chang ed I erself into a lily, which htld tha chain in i'a cup securely, nnd the giant strode on without noticing tho flower trembling on its stalk. Afterward sho resumed her journey, and walked behind tho giant, keeping out of rango of bis many eyes, thnt looked in all directions. When Snowdrop reached tho canal and the meadow, Giant Drubb was still striding' forward, looking before him, liko a great many other big people ; and perhaps ho is .still marching around the world, for Snow drop saw him no more. How .quickly she ran nsross tho meadow to the village I How gladly tho dovo mother and Aunt Katrine welcomed her I Otto was still cross over Snowdrop's long absence, of whom ho was fond in his way. Next morning he went to his labor in the fields, and Aunt Katrine stood all the copper pots of tho kitchen in a row to be freshly scoured. At that moment Snowdrop pulled her mother gently away through the door. Hastily putting the chain around tlu dovo mother's ncck,sho wished to become a carri er pigeon at tho same moment.and tliuy roso in the altogether. Olto was binding sheaves, and did not no tice that two birds hovered over him. A ring fell beforo him, and ho discovered a pile of cold. He missed wife and child, but tho pile of gold remained. They then flew toward tho sun and their kindred. Aunt Katrine and the village people thought that they were dead and had gono to heaven. ToTATOES TOR H0It8E3. L. T. Scotts writt'3 in the Country Qtntleman : Nearly ever) winter when I havo my horse up in stable, I think that I will call tho attention of your readers to the practice of feeding po tatoes to tneir horses, i once came near losing a very valuablo horso from feeding him dry hay and oats with nothing loosen nig. I havo never believed in dosing a horse with medicine, bat something is actually necessary to koep a horso in tho right con dition. Many use powders, but potatoes are better, and safer, and cheaper, if fed judiciously. If those who aro not in the habit of feed ing potatoes to horses will try them, they will bo astonished at the result. I havo known a horsechanged from a lazy, dumpish one, to a quick, active, headstrong animal, in five days, by Bimply adding two quarts of potatoes to his feed daily. If very much clean corn meal is fed, they do not need so raauy potatoes. Too many potatoes are weakening, and so arc too many apples. When I was a lad, I was away from homo at school one winter. and had the care of ono horse, ono yoke of oxen, and one coy, every ono of which Iliad to card or curry every day. Tho hoiBo had three pails of water, four quarts of oats, two piarts ofsmall potatoes, and two quarts of corn extra every day ho worked, with what liay he wanted, and n stronger, and more active horse, of his inches, I have never yet seen. How to Make Mince, Pies. To make mince pie : Hash five pounds beef with thrco pounds of apples, one-third pouml raisons, add three tablespoons spice, and cook thrco minutes; add threo table spoons cinnamon, and stir threo times ; add mace and popper and caraway and cloves and corriander nnd gooseberries and salt and citron, and keep tasting till you aro suro it is right; then set the pan in a chair and add one quart boiled cider, one teacup vinegar, two dozen prunes without the stones, a gill of whito brandy if you can get it, a wineglass of rosewater, and four pulverized nutmegs ; next add two cups of butter and one cup salt ; cook fifteen minutes, tattoand put the spoon back ; if you havo anything else in tho house you would liko to put in you can do so, onry exercise discretion in all your experiments ; bako in the oven and 6ct away in tho cellar till your mother-in-law otnvs a visiting. Detroit Free J'rcsa. Uvu.vsa Oath. Hulless oats aro offered to farmers at $1 per pound. It is asserted that they "originated by hybridizing the California Wild Oat with the'old fashioned KnglUh oat." This is not only improbable, it is probably untrue. Resides, these oats havo been grown in Kuropo and in this country lor nity years or moie. u is a scheme to pluck farmers, pockets, and we warn our readers of the comparatively worthless character of these hulless oats, based upon experience with them. III answer to tho question as to whether corn meal, if fed wet, Increases or decreases tho yield of milk from co.vs, tho Country ucnthman says. .Most dairymen, who make tho butter sent to our markets, now feed moro or less corn meal to their cows, tho year nround. It does not dry up the cows when fed regularly iu reasonable quan tities, but adds to tho yield of butter, and to its quality. Gather up the farm tools and carefully put them away for another year. Itemem ber, there is as much mado in saving as there Is in making. The tool thnt would wear out in a year or two, if left exposed, when protected with shelter and other care, will last you to raise severul additional crop. COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA OuUNTYU'A VEGETINE WILL CUl'.E SCROFULA, fJr.ronitons tlumor. YogctlhO will crvllMtn from thn njstem i ir taint ut Hcro'ula niul nomf ulo'is humor. It Ii p;i iiiinotilly cured tln)iis.iiiils In li.i-t m una vlio li.vl been lung ami painful nUh rers. I'll steer, Csuicitous 'tuiniir, The mirvlotuorfect of Vc-fcllne Pie.evof 'atic an. I -,iii"ero-n miinur chilii-n ,'"s Hi 1 must pr f -u i m trillion ot lliu ineill,i,il (.ii 'illy, limn) 0( Mhui.wii liu-an'luliiK Vegetlns U ji.itUuu. t'tinlmr. Vi jotlno Ins never f.illeJ to euro tha moit lull.'-.' bio case uf milker. Mercurial IlNeiws. Tho Wvretlno meets with wonderful success In th euro ot this cuss ot Diseases. !'n In in the Hones. Ia this complaint tho Veget Ino Is tl.c great remert nsltruuioH'struiath0 8tl-m tho proilm I. yi.i'.s Milt lllicllll) Vctti-r, salt llheitm, Si-nhl ilen-l. Ac, ulll eertalnl yliiu tu tho great nltorutno ctTivts nf Vi-Betlne. Jry.ntl'elH, Vejetlno h is never lullca to euro tho ni03t tn etc rnu eu.ii ut hoMiielas. IMMipleN mul tJtmnu.sol 111" t'tict Ki'iiviii shmilil tiMChus thnt n IMchy, ro'i'ih ' KM '.Ma ilepi.Mi.lJ tiit.ivi.' iihiii an lulerii.i .m'i.i- uii.l no nut aril uppl Ion can e it euro th uef -ct. Vctfetluo Is tho yieal blooil luilllor. Tumors, 1 leers or oi-eM are tauseJ by nu loipui o state ot tho blooil. t'h nnt tho bluoil ilium im, an J llwo eoi.i piutntiwiu ilisappcir. Catiirrii. For tills complaint tho only substantial boni'tlt cm bo obtained thruujli tno blooJ. Vectlnulsthe gleu blood purlllcr. Coiislliiallon. Vestetlno Oocsnot nctusacatluillo to ilebllll it tho nowcN, but cloiiusos nl tno organs, enabling inch to perform tho unctions Uovo.vlu uiioii tl. files Vcgetlno has restored thoasawls to health who havo been long and painful uuiroicrs OjHIIepslu. If Vcgetlho Is taken regularly, acconlln? to rtlrcc tlons, a certain and speedy euro will follow Its use. FalntueNS at tliu Moniach. Vc;ctlne Is not a Ktlmuktln; bltu.-rs which creates a notltlous npicllte, but a Rcmlo toulo, which assist nature to restore the stomach to n hcaltliy action. I'risnlc Wciikiit-NS Vejtctlno acts directly upon tho causes ot those complaints. It Invigorates and strengthens th wholo system, acta upon the secrotlvu organs and al lays lnllaaimatlon. Civncrnl IehlIty In tills complaint tho good crfects of the Vegcttne ararcallzed liumsdlatcly ufk'rcoinnn-nclng to lake It; as debility dcuotos d-'flelenuv ot Uio biood, and Ycgctlno acts directly upon tn blood. Vegetine is Sold by All Druggists. IIENDERSI10IT8 TO v i orrosiTE tiid central hotel. lias a complete stock ot pure and reliable nr.uos, MEDICINES, chemicals, dves, auids: S0AT3, aODA, SODA AStl, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, I'UTTV, VAKNISI1E3 AND ALL TAINTE113 SUPPLIES, SPONGES, I1HUS1I E3, PEltFUAIBltY, 4C, AT VERY L0WP1UUES. Country Produce taken In exchango for Drugs, Medicines, Dyes, ic. n CENTRALIS STORE. nl I s Have a carefully selected stock of choice TEAS, COFFEE, SUOAIi, SPICES, SOAP, PICKELS, SAUCES, FI3U, HAMS, CANNED FltUITS, . VEGETABLES AND OTHEIt FINE ClKOCEIt IES, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC Fruits, Nuts and Confectionary, all at tho lowest possible prices. tfCoantry Produce taken In cxchange.oj Moomsburg, March 19, lS7-y ROLLINS & HOLMES No. II Centre Stro Plrnnte Gas aud Steam Fitter; MANUI'ACTUItEKS OF nisrwARE, GALVANISED IKON COItNICK. WINDOW CAPS, AWNINGS, Wire Trellises. Ac. Dealers in Htnves. Rani-. cs, I'urnaccs, Ilaltlmore Heaters, Low Down Orates, Mantels, l'U.MI'.S, Weather Strips, IXC. JUao GAS FIXTURES of the latest desfirn. hpeelal attention paid to re- palling Sewing Machines uf every di'scrt 1CKH. IIOIl 1 linclnr. Kf'V KUllm-. n -rlvnln I'.-l union c.ues, donees Hcatnil hvbtpntnnt 11nmr.11 nt it... Air. Veh 2i!.1tf. TWO MONTHS FREE ! ! TIIK NEW YORK TRIBUNE. "The heading American iScvupitper,' ' On receipt of It and this advertisement IiikWkei i.t Thiuum: nlll he sent, pohtugu paid, until Heeeiu lr 3ist, is:, or for tw.&i, hix uinica i for tu.iiuwu i for HO, thlrti-one. Address Jan. l&,1t-ly. '1 1IK TKltiU.Ni:, New York. nVKUTISINO: Cheap t (iomii System. All nersons whoconocinDlatiimavint. e .n. (rutls Itli w Ith nuwbt).iners lor tlm liihertl n nriui ..r. tlsvnients, bhould und cents to (leo. p. Unwell x Co., 41 Park How, rinv York, for Unlr PAMPIU.KT HOOK (nlnetj -seventh edition,) containing iMaof over soon newspaper and estimates, showing tho cost. Advertliieinents taken tur lending nainrsln many Halls ut u licmenUous reduction from nub Ushers' rutis. (.irum Icon. Juri. lt'I5-ly, TO $20 per day. Agents wanted. All classes ot worktnir neonloof Loth boxen, voum? ai d old, make moro money at tvoik for us.lnuiilr own localities, during their hiiuro moincuts, or ull the time, thuu at ant thing cisu. 'o oifer employment that will pay handsomely Kr every hour's ork. fud particulars, terma, Ac, tend us your address ut once. Don't delay. Now Is the (lino. Don't look for work or Lu -JneRs elsewhere, untllyou havu leui li ed what we. otftr. (I. Ktinmin 4Co., Portland, Malue, iion. imn-iy. $1,200 PROFIT on $i()() InfekU'd In Ktirk 1'rlHleirea In U'ull-Hrttt. Ilnota and rlrvuLirs tiling, "Mow 'Us Uouo," sent fri , Address iUirsuaOo., liunkors,!! it oil au, Her Vwk. Ayer's Sarsaparilla Is widely known ns one of tho must ctlectual remedies ever discovered for cleansing tho sys tem and purifying liic blooil. it lias ' stood tho lest of years, with a con stantly growing re p titation, based on its Intrinsic virtues, and sustained by Its re markable cures. So mild as to bo safo nnd beneficial to children, and yet so searching as to cll'ectually purge out the great cor ruptions of the blood, such as the scrofulous nnd syphilitic contamination. Impurities, or diseases that haio lurked in tho system for years, soon yield to this powerful anti dote, nnd disappear. Hence its wonderful cure.", many ol which nrc publicly known, of Scrofula, and nil scrofulous diseases, Ulcers, Eruptions, and eruptive dis orders of tho skin, Tumors, Blotches, ltolls, Viniples, Pustules, Sores. St. Anthony's Vlre, Itosc or Krysliie Ins, Tetter, Salt Itliciim, Scald Head, Jtliigworm, nnd Internal UN ccrations of the Uterus, Stomach, mill Liver. It also cures other com plaints, to which it would not seem cspeci nlly ndapted, such as Dropsy, Dyspep sia, Fits, Neuralgia, Heart Disease. Feinalo Weakness, Debility, and IiUiicorrhflca, when they aro manifesta tions of the scrofulous poisons. It Is an excellent restorer of health and strength In tho Spring, lly renewing the appetite and vigor of the digestive organs, it dissipates tho depression nnd listless lan guor of tho season. Even where no disorder nppear9, pcoplo feel better, and livo longer, for cleansing the blood. The system moves on with renewed vigor and n new lease of life. PREP A RED n r Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass., .Practical and Analytical Chcmlttt SOLD BY ALL DIIUGOISTS EVEItYlYinUlB. ,p.ll li-.tjl TKW STOUK OF CL0T1HX0. AND 3-entlenitm'B Drous Groods DAVID L0WI3X11KU0 lntltes attention to his large andelegautstock of top ai Fashionable CliiE at his store ou MAIN STHKET, IN THE NEW BLOCK, ULOOMSIIL'ltO, PA., where he has Just received from New York and I'hlt adclphla a full assortment ot SEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING iucludlni; tho most fashionable, durable ahct IMIlOsUliUt DRESS GOOBS, COKSISTIN'O OK UOX SACK, FROCrv. AND OIL CLOTH JO ATS AND PANTS OF ALL SOltTS SIZES AND COLOIlS, He has also replenished his already Ierge stock of CLOTHS AND CASSIMBhUJ, STitipno, FlflUllED AND.PLAIN VKSTS, HUTS, CItAVATS BOCKS, COLLARS, IIAND1SEIICIIIEFS, (IIXIVES, SUM'ENllEllS, AND FANCY ARTICITiS. tie has constantly on hand a large and well 3eloct. cd assortment ot Cloths and Vsatinga, which ho Is prepared to mal;o to order Into any kind of clothing, on very bhort notice, nnd In tho best manner. All his clothing is made to wear and nio-t ot It Is ot homo manufacture. GOLD WATCHES AND JEWKMtY, OF EVEKY DnsCUIITION, FINE AND CHEAP. 1113 CASE OF JHWELKY IS NOT SURPASSED IN THIS PLACE. CALL AND EXAMINE HIS (1KNEHAL ASSORT MENT OF Clothing, Watohe3, Jol- ry, Die. DAVID LOWKNIIKUG. in v l.titf. Coughs Cold, Dion clilli, Sore Throat, In lhunza,Croiii, Wlioop ing Cough, HoarfcnesK LiverConiplaint, I'niiis or Soreness in tin Chest or Side, Weeding ut the Lungs, and every affection u io ihroat, I.ungs nnd Chest, nrna ced lly cined bv the use of Da. W istmi'b 1Iaijiu or Wii.n ; iiEitiiv, which does not dry up a couvlmnd leave tiio cao behind, as Is tho cnsanlth most remedies, but loosens It, cieauws the Isngs and allays irrlta- tviiiu.iui; iuu cuu!u w iuu coiupiaini. Consumption can be cured by a timely resort to this standard remedy, ns Is imu,cu v) iiuuuiios u is it nasrecelied AN ACTUAL IIU8INKS8 lNSTlTl'TlON AND TKLEOItAI'IIIO NSTITUTE. For Information call at onico, or bund AnviHriHKH. junrW-1y CONFESSIONS OF A VICTIM. Published asnwurnlnvand for the bun fit of iouiilt l..j.,s ot Womanhood, etc., L'lilug his lules or bdfc euro, ult r ui.ihrt'ulng much buffeilug snd expenm, and uialkd freu tu receiving 'i.iuid dliecieil tnielJiKi. Adia-hs ftiiuNui. Ifimii, p. o. ikx 1M, Uruoklyu, N, Y, July i,'l-m men und olhersuhu bunerfrom Mrioiw Iii.uit.. GRAN J OPENING 1 liLlAS MEN DiiNIIALL HAV1NO r. uineil (lie biisinivs of Merehuii illHlng nt his old bloic. on MAIN ST 1 1 WIT, tlLOOMSUUIIG, HKAll tttt (Or.SS IIOtEl, HeMresto call tl. nttei.tlch of his 1'iloads nnd tin l'uo!lcgchetall,u his ni;m, l ri.i. and varied STOCK OF GOODS, JUrfT OW3NJ01), And solicit a share of puMlepalronngo HIS STOCK CONSISTS Oh' DRY (100I1M, (lltOt'EUII'.s, til'EUNSWAHK. WOOllENWARE, WIl.l.oWWAlSr,. hoots t: shoes, IIAHDWARh, l't.oun AND l'l El In connection lth his toL of Mircnamlls.' In vonstntitly keeps on linnd In his yard. A PULL STOCK OF and Unclressecl Lmoh. AND SlllNllI.ESOF IlIS.MANt'FACTcltE. Dill Luitiliei' niiiilo n sppciiilify CALL AND SEE. Oct.3,1STD-tf. k ORE AT STRIDE i p unit rt i- Old .n. tSioiSs fVmiKi to l)t! latiltj-, in- iiliji'clliiii-all.-, (IKcattlLMl! A NLW AKD VASTLY ADVANTAOKOl'S PLAN IlICIt'illY AUOl'TLI) 11Y O.M.&J.K.LOCKARl At their Works in Uloomsburg, Fonnorly r.Ioomsbnrc Iron nnd ?Inntif.icturln IVhlto and itnl isli tntliracllc ;mil, FOR DOMESTIC PURPOSES, AND CUrULO, IILACKSM1TII AND UITUMIN OUS COAL, nt prices to suit the trade. All Cnnl Sfeclally rre Plows and Threshing Machines, nnd all 'kinds of Canting nnd Machine Work lM.'PAllll"fl llNIMintlV nttonil,i(l in 'Hmv M-ftnl.l retpeciiunj souui uie rnironnffe i.r me ruulle. U.SI.&J. Ii. UOl IvMlll. Oct. S, 'is-ly liloonii.Uurg, Pa, MARBLE WORKS. T. L. GrUNTOJT, Proprietor MAIN STRI:KT, IIP.LOW J1ARKRT. Manufacturer of ami l'mler iii alt iimls o MONUMENTAL MARBLE WOHKS We uso the bust AMERICAN nnd IT L1AN JlarLlc He has on hand and furnishes to order MONUMENTS, TOM IIS, IIKADSTONKS, URNS, VASKS, Sic Kverv varletv of Marblo cnttlni- ne-Jvpvi.ente.! u i.uu iije-,i. luaiKi'i. pile,-,, A loinr l)iuetlilecierlencennd nersonal uttentlnn to hiulni'SH m.ikc the nronrletor eonililcnt of l-u im- satlsMetlon. Ail orders by null jiroinntly uttenden to. P. o. hu wr. JSyA. II ;. iWi'rmi free flri'ii'.c.-'.Bn Aug. SI, H-ly. T. L. Ot'NTON, Proprietor. 8,00 PHK, TON. REGISTERED TRADE-MARK. A so.i fnivl ili-.i.sit iiii,ui leil I'Xiliisitfly b) Ulll'SI'ltl'S i I'll III Mllll II .illllTlCU. Annua: latal Hojisr-Ptalate. nalvils on each hair and nualltv L-uaranleed. See saniiU'Uundillculaii.,ouhaiid In dcalc.irsgem.rulo .I0SIAII J. AUUN'.S .SON'S, No-4 s. Dclawaio A 1 1 nuo Philadelphia. aug. 20-H A FIRS' CLASS NEWSPAPER. DAILY AND WEEKLY. mlcpontlent in Every thing! INVulrul in Xotliing, Opposed to all Corrupt llings in Municipal, Mute aim iNational Attains. TIIK DAILY TIMKS Hill bo l.wied on Saturday, lliu 18th ot Murehnext. nudeviry moinlrir Ihereutur. Sundain exeepted. under the edltoilul dlieellun il A, K. ilciiure, printed coinpaell.i fioui clear, nuw tlm-. on n larL-o folio bheet. cantuliilnir all Uiul.eua ol the day, lneludlui; t.'o ASMICIA I'll PRRSS Till. I' ll RAM4, t-peclal 'leleirrauis nnd l'orrepoudenee II oin nil 1X11111.111 Interest, und fearless edit. u ml ill. cussluns of current loplch. Prlie, TWO C'jJNTM. .Mall hiibserlpilon", potai;u riee, hl- dollars per annum, or j 1 r t etnUiHi month, tu advance, AdierlUeniei ts, niieen. Inenty nnd thirty cents per Hue, uteordlUK lu pututlun, The Weekly Times M ill bu Issued on Saturdav. March 20th. weehlv theieafter, eontnliilm; ull lmi ortaiit nenu ot the ivcck. uuu uoiiiiieiu jiurKei. uim riuam-iai ueiiuiia. MulL'd.Iorouu nur, iKjsluire fieo, at Iho follow Ir riiU'ai Ono Copy tl.ul Ten t'oplen 0.00 Twenty rimirii IC. n A DVIIK f IMKM KNTS tweuly-nve ceuta per line, lteinltunctti bhould bu luado bv Drafts or Post Of. Ilco ordera. Addrou TJ-TTC TIMER. Mo. U Uouth SeientCbtivut, l'lULADliLl'lllA, BLOOMSBUBG ?PALMAr4?- QUI fyjutMl$ltKKtt way -"'- CABINET ORGANS. UliEQUALED.rrUMrPROAClIED In enpa" n nu l rsi' I1, urn by nnv .-tin r. A'ji.M.J TISIIIiSTIlfflo an- DIPLOMA OP HONOR" VIENNA, 1873; PARIS, 1867. nl 1 Amorlmn Orpan rr aw tnlrd nny nmld UltLi In l'uro-,or uhl.h prciriit null exir ortll rmry .-xtvllfnc- a 1 1 cum.annd u vtilo mIo Iht-rr. filllf A V 0 nttir.1--l h -hi I p--. n rnni. nt ti'fV Hi II il 1 trnl I.XP "I'lon-. In Antrim iwvrtlu S'liriipr. Out or hun (r il-IUit. havo ml in i ii u in ull ulu-iv nn ollw r or.u i- liavc Uvli prcfurul. nrOT l' nril bv ltn.lnelit M'-Miti'. I" b"lh l)tM li.mvh i. I... Illlliwillil. h 'J HSTIMHN'1 t. ("liti'Ut.AH. villi "1 1"'"' " n,iro than One'l'llilllMlllil ( nit fni'). IMflPT "ii Imvliu n' Mn-nn Itamrn. Hi nut IllOlO I luki'nnvi.thir. it.Keri;flIl:iitiieoM miionii r heilini tuftiiur vni'tM. "' " iyiIMii ll In till lMrl I" i umutlilitll tint. IIF1U PTVI CP llh in"-' lnitiiiitlmpr"Vr IICW 0 I ll.hN .-r made. M'V Sol" nn.l Colllbllllltllill Mo. Miperb litugere wul whir 'iie cf lieu' leMi:n. PIANO-HARP CABINET ORBAH qulnito ivuiblnatlon of tlu-e lnnruniiiit. CPV IHVHC51TP OiwipiiniliHiirnih:or LAO I r A I HlfcH 1 0. r..rtm.nlM.v..r.unrtt.rly lament; or relite-l until rrnt pnja f- r tin' t.rKiin. flSTJI flfMICP ni1 Clniilon. lth full pnrtio LA I At.llllUtO,..-. AddrwOIAMiyA llAMMK llitOAN CO., 1M Turn, lit (lint. llOo U'ON'i V." F,imro, KUW XU11K; tr bU & CJ AJamnSt., CI1ICAUO, MAbUM & HAMLIN cabut mm may nr. onr'.r 1 1 at VHOLiSlI. C2 EST All Ii. B. PO WE ILL, SC5.AHT027, Pa. Qrnrrnl A'jcn: nl) r '''0 cclrlnatctl CHICKEPilNG PIANOS, ALSO, OF I. K. MJLLEI1. ni.oo.vsuvna, pa., Dealer in ubovo Iiiflniineiilrt. Jlareh l,75-y NEW GOODS! X HEAVY STOCK, OZiaapcs? than Ever! S. 11. MILLER & SON J In vo Just Received the large-it anil best suiiply ol A 0 Hi 1 DRY GOODS, They havo eer olTciea to tneir Irlemts ana euj- lomirs. . ijlotlis, Cfissimeres, a:ul gatinelts for MEN'S WEAK, Clolks, Alupacas, Merinos, for LADIES' WEAK, CAI.ICOI, MUSMNS, t'AAlIWtlW, ami every variety of Dry (itioils ileinil. STOCK Ol- CJarpet.3, Mat3 Ottoman i, CLOSED OUT AT COST FAMILY GROCERIES, incliiiling nil the varieties uf COKKICKS, TEAS ami SUtiAKS, OOUNTKY PRODUCE. uiul a general supply of arlieles ii-eful fur the tabic always tin lianil. CALL AND SEE. Country produce of all kiiuls taken in ex- change fur gnmls at casii Juices. Oct. 30,'J4-tf FARMERS TAKE NOTICE ! It li of groit l:nnoitan"o to you whit Mini of manure yo-i nppt toyour l.-uuli this fall. If you want a x'no.1 crop of Wheat nel neason, ami a heaiy crop ot (lr.isa to fulloiv, me. BAUGH'S Raw Bono Super Phospliato bl'ANDAIM) H AIIItANl'l:!). 1'llL lln til .ynli.l. li.uru 'I'llO ll.'0 ( f tills lll'l l!s. ihll . ,.i,l l.l.lrtUTIln. 1 1111111 ueii nones, uiu Iti iivii,'th cannot hu ox- nauiiej w in 1 n cronor Wlumt. Inn 1-111 v ,. r. feelU 1. on the fo lira i,,-. eron of ilr.iss. nml win nU,i lierm luiitly lmpiuii the bull. Kltrillerb JO ill til liAirftlYU llitei-rt fin.l nm-.nlf niuiv we hay auolll Baugh's Raw Bo:ir Phoanhalo litrucor fal-.e. anil nntifi 114 i.fiim ri-.init n.u iiiliueatljii iiir 11 e.u h to.Miur neaieat in aler In Munuif. anil if joueminut M-euie it through them, oiil j our orden illn et to j our 11 h-iiui AU - X: N iVS Aug. 10-2t. PlliL '.lll:i.PllIA i UAI.TI.MOni:. lltO.N IN TIIK m.001). Tins I'KHl'VIAS Svnt'i .V ilta!l'Scnaeiuloli..'a 'he " 1)1 toil, tiiii.u p Hie sm. - '- teui, bullil, up tin liruhi'ii ' ' 'loivn, ein-es tl spepsl 1 , iiii Debility, ili-upsv. clillH ami WflB'"1"' wiruiuo uiairiiiM ijfStl humors, diseases ,f ll,i- fit! uervoui auee 10111. in s . .'-vtt kiuuovs aii i iiiaii ler, io ,3' male couiplalnta, i . Ji' Thousiiiiils have tieen changeil b the u-o ot the remedy fiom weak, Mckly, huffi-rlng creatines, to slioli'.', heal hy, happv men uiul uonu-u; mi l llivallil e.iuiiot reasouahiy hetltalu logliu It a trt il. Caution. Ho siiio ou git tlm "'vun SvitL'l'" (nut Pertlll.lli llaik.l Knit! liv ilea ei-H eeni'i-. ally. A 33-pa!;e atuohli-l. cuntaliiln a Ireitl-u on Hon us a in M0.1l um-nL nu.1 uiher valualilu papers, testimonials from ilMlugulshcil ih hlelalis, tlei'irv liieu ami others, will he sent fre lo aus aildiens. suit W. l'mviB s, Soss, luoiuleUrs, Nl llanlson Avenue, Huston. HI.ATClII.KY'iS lm-rroM-il crt'in. 111:11 . I.t.llll l'l .MP H 1110 UO- ' Miou ledgeil (.Milliard of t uiu mat Let, ny popular y M ullcl. Hie lent iiiiiiiii for tbeieunt money Altenilon Is llillteil lo lllatiiilel's Ilnnriived llraek 1 1. the liiop iheck valie, uhleh can lie llllll-ilvu WllllOUl II1-I11I U1IU.'I1II JullllH, nnd thu copper chamber which mv-r (tucks, healcN or 1 lists ami will lat a llle time, ror halo h. ihali'is ami the trade gener.ill.i, Iu order lobe mho ihatou gel lilatihlei's Pii.ti,boearifuluiid see that It has mv trado mark us above, If joutlouot kmnvuheru to buv, ili'scilpllve circulars, together with the name nnd aildie-ii of the agent neiiicbl you lil uu 1111 uiMii-ti u,r uiliueiisiiii; Willi hl.lllip,, iii.AiLiii.i.i, .iiaiiuiaciiiicr, M ', riiiiiinereo M , Phlludclpiila, I'OII HALL' I1V . GOIIUYLEU li SON, Bloomsturg, Pa. Jiarcu d -to 11m 3U.S1NJXS C'AKDS. 3 visiTiNOfAiins, i.i.riiiii 111. aus hill iu:aiw. pkooiiammiw, Iti K'1'I.'IIU - I 11 NEATLY ANlirilKAPI.YPIIINTHl), A'l1 'i ik CO. i.ouiiAn urriL.).. TIMS IMl'EII IS ON l ll.i: WITH R DWELL & HESMAN . Advortlslntj Anents, TIIIRO . CHESTNUT 6T8., ST. UOUIS, MO rfrr 4 M cheap Jell AT TftE COLUMBIAN OFFICE. The Columbian Printing Estub lishinent is ttinply supplied with the necessary Prese Types and other material for exceutin'i all kinds of Printiii": at low rales and in the most expeditious and satis factory manner. !0ALL AT THE Columbian Building. COURT HOUSE ALLEY, 13.0Q,MSl!tJJlG; Pa. When special malerinl is required it will he promptly obtained. Hooks and Pamphlets, Hand-Bills and Dodgers, Large and Small Posters, Letter and Mill Heads, Envelopes with Eusiiies Cards, liussincss, Pic Xic, Wedding and Visiting Cards, Progiiinune3, Pills of Faro, ite. Will all bo supplied and oxcuted iu superior stylo, at cheap rates and short notice. The best workmen aro employed and tho best innterial will always bo furnished. A liberal share of public patronage- is respectfully solicited. BiiOOMsiiuua, Junk 18. 1875. fV IL flOAO TIM 6 TA L . U ln.AOliLPIIiV AN!) ItK.V'l ' b AB lAJfateMKiV'T OF 1 TRAILS. HAT H m. Al'lJATiMmtJil.lM ffrwiiAVi- ! , Vat Now Yorlt, llillmlelphln, 1 ei" h Tnm iiun, Ac, lt,m n. m r t'al4ivlM, fi,Miit. m. nn Mi', ii. I'd. 1Vlllau1!lpon,0,Vr.. m. .n I 1,1. i p. . THAlmrotl I.WRT IHAVII ,, H'Unv.H. I ivi I'kPTM).) iryo V'ew Ynf k, n, m, l.ei ve Phlliiilelphln, K,1C a. m. In ,ve Heading, tl.n it, m.,' Potmiuie, ,t p., niul "nnurnw, l,M p.. m, l.oi ie r'ntnwlMn, 11,110 a, in. nnd l.mi p. m. Lei ve H llilamni ort, !,' a. in. nnd m p. m. Pa 'imer.1 to and trum 1 in , I inrji gh ivltlioul ehniitfo of cor. .1, I;, woiiti , ll.'f, If. lioneml ndent I) CI. A WAU IC, IjAUKA VA N X A V,i:SIlt. KAll.liOAII. AND liLOOMSitt'lil) MVl.MoN 'Hhic-'inWii No. H'.i, Tunes prrwt ut 'i :.ln A. THUIMIAV, UGl'bAlliUK 111, 1-7,. N'OICIII, 1 BTAHON8. 1 M 1 mh. n.tii. p.m.' a it 1 ifi' fi-mnli.ii SB 1 411 lb II. mil. n 11) H .... Tu.l. nllle. . 8 III I H5 . ,I.ui l 11,. -.uim.,,, i 1 id . . l inwi 1,.. 1 11 ..Mi si imitim.. TI..I 1 Si Uij.i.iuj V H 1 .'inllli.,.. I J M Kh.n-tiill . .a la 4'i ., .hiiiuHUni I 1J VH ll)i'iuUi.iime T 125 111 11.1 ....I'lunillllll ... . l U ' Wi.miiie . 1 1;. l'J u N.intuolic ... I ii la HI .tlmihii-k'i teel; II VI 1-J 111 . ,.lil.,.hhm. .. D. 111. ;i 1 in 1 ii i M IT in U.'. In .1 I :.i 1 In 1: I t.u , pi 1. . II en '11 I.-, II 'I 11 '' II in 11 nl 11 t.i 12 1 u 1 12 1 11 ifi 11 11 II 3J II 111 11 n lir, s itn s 17 I !8 i m tl 141 ; j.i ; mi ; no ii (IT rt ft It !J ; ) an II iic f M A 111 r, 41 n 1 1 1. is r in 4 n.i 1 U.lll. 9-1 11 40 ....lick's Kerry.., ii n U ir.i .. Irs 11 mi , 1! a 11 .ileuch Haven. ... . lierwlelc ... ..flrlur ( iw !:.... 12 H It 1. II IKI II II I.l.iie I, I.I- ..... i it ... m llliiiv nr. iv,i. ... vi p.' 1 n Ml 11 l'l i im. la vi 1 . 1 -111 lit ..llhi-ii iii.iu'K... 1 -a 14 1 .11 1:11, 1 rt . ia .it .-i 1 in 111 .1 cnt,inlM.u lirlciifp. !.' :, . 1 1. ..ii In 1 1 . U.irl.'.i suit h. . 13 4.-, , . t. Hi 1 13 13 i'i vi iiariMihi iiii r, ,-. ....('Ii ilaKky. ...111 r. .. . ..UlllU'l'UH . ... 1 u U H.l .uilhtiiiiU-ilaiiil.l 1 a r, i 'p.m. p.i. I t.7 1 , 118 , 4 40 11 .' I p.m. u. In. I 1- v 1 DAVIII T. IIOIM). 11 Supirlnteii'Ieul's oniee, UliiTstou, .Muieh r,, 11 vrnirriir.r.x 17) t'OJU'AN'Y. Ci:.Vl'KAIi KAII .- On unit after November Kith, 1T3. 1 t ahe v ;i. ROM fliYas follows: -NOIlTIIWAUl). Ih lo Mall. MO 11. 111., nirlvo Klnilr.i 11, 1 ,, m " Canamlalgim . :i. ., ). m " Koehuitci' ii.i., " Magar.i u.iu llenoui aceommoilallonll.hia. 111. urine u..l. n rt UM p. in. Kliiiir.i Mall J.lfia. in., nnlie Khnlra KW.iu.m. lluiralo liNpress 7.1ft n. m, oiiho llilllulo s.tu 11. m. isOL'TlIWAIIl). liurialo i:pi-ens Will a. m. nnlie llorilsluirg -I..M' a. ni ' l.illl'tjie .n " Llmlr.iMall a. m nnhe llmrM m r i.'. 1 . m " NVasl.lligloli 10.3a " " lliiltliiii,i-i i;,.,ii ' ' WuMiliic,tuii S...0 " II.iiTl'biirgnccomnicdatloii s.-lu p. m. aiilve 1, mis baa SO.tKi p. 111. anlio lijllliui re 2.'.'.'. a. m " m n.1.1 Ih-lo Xall 12.55 a. in. airlve Ilnril-bui-i .i.h.'i u. ni. " liahlr.K.i-es.tii " " Wathlngton 10.35 " All Oally except Sunday. I). J. l'.OYD, Jr., (Icncral Passenger A;ent A. J. OASsATT, tlcneial .Manager PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD. l iiilutlelhliia & lltie I:. U. ) hnn. SUMMKlt Tl"511' TAHl.i:. OX mill after SUN'DVY, MAY 2,'M, 1s7.1, ilia trains on the 1'hllailjlphl.i i: i.rie iuu Ko.ul Wilson wUlluuiiufolloiva: lIViSTII'.l.'tt PAST LINK leaius New York " " " l'hlluli'lplil.i. ... " ". " lialllmniH " " " Ihrilsbiirg " " arr.nt UllllauisK,it .... " " " Look II Hen " " " ilellcfoiilo niill-: MAIL leavih New Yotk I lill.lilelphl.l Ilarrisburg " " " WllllamsiKiil..., " " " Lock llaien ... 41 " ' Ik-imio " " mr. nt Kilo . s sr. a. in . is...., p. 1 1 .. i.-.o p 111 .. ii.u'i p. in .in. "a p in 11.511 !'. m S,..'f. p. Ill ..II. !, p. Ill . !.'.'.' .1. Ill . N.ll.'i .1. Ill . 11. If. .1. ,1 .', ,. 01 , 7. 0 p lit . 7.40 a. 111 . 7 35 ,1. Ill .ln.55 a. Ill . l.f.5 p. ia 3.15 P. Ill 1 ull p. Ill s.o a. in . s .III ,1, IU I -J.'. p. m ".HI p. Ill 7.30 p. Ill .NI.OAItAi:XPl!i:sslo.vcs l'lill.uleliihl.i. " " " llallliouie.... " " " ll.lllMilll-g. " " air. at miiujiii-ih.ii. " " " I.01 1; llau'ii, " " ' liiiiolo r.LMIIl JIAIL loaves Philadelphia " " " Iljltlinoiu " " " ll.11 11-liiirg " " an', at Mil. Iamj nit .. . " " " LoeU lluuii : o: jirisnrAiii). 1'lllL'A IOTH115S JcavosLoc.!; Haven... " V . " Wlllliinsport.. . " " urilifisiit lhiiTl-itmrg " " " llullli.ioid .... " " " PliU id'jl.itil.i .. " " " Now Yui-K DAYKXPHISSloavos Ucnovo " " " iM'lt II U-ll. .. i.:.-. p. . 0. 15 p. . . n.'.u 11 111. 5 ... ..II. I. a. .. i'...' '1 .. 11 '.1 1 1. , " " ulliinsport. " " nrr. at .. " ' " i'li.uu.'1-.m.t.. " " " New Yoilt " " " Dulllinoro i;mi:.MAiLioau'.sr.iio " " " llwnoio " " " l.oek llaien " " " Wllllntusiioit ' " nrr. at U'lrrlihur,; . I'.i in " iiiuiiuiuru 7. 5.1 in " " " P'llllliliillilll.l 1, ,5 1. . , " " " Nowtork iu 1.1,1 1,1 I'AST LINK leaves Wllllamspoit i " : ,. m " ' urr. al llaiTl-biirg . , ,. , " ' " Hnlll..i.,ler...... . 7... 11. " " " Phil.i lelnlll.l , . .i., " " " New Vtll. lu.u. 1 ,1. iu hl Mall West, Nl".'um lluvis IU 1, I Ii hi Mull ill it 1,1.1) Uoj l;) ui-sI ,ni u.nkc ( a, , e 1 linn at :oil'iuiiilier..iii.l llb L. & U, II, 11 11. 1..- 1 ,r V.llko-.tniii nnd i-en.iilnii, ''.'i'".? 'tl -V-Uara Kxpress West utid Kl" I a Mail Wcbt iiiakeel.iso conntelioii at 1 llltuni-i 1 it lilth N. c. II. M. Irab s Nmtu. I'rlii Mall i:ai,i anil Went, riigaia Kvpiv-s Wist l',it.t I Inn tesl1111d Diiv I aiuim. k.isl n,i 1., ,. emiiioi II ui i.l I .in k ll.ncn hPIi ii. k v. 11 1 n.,ii i:ilii Mall 1'ist ami West eunmit at l.ilo null ti'ilim on I. s, M, h. p. it,, nt t erri with n 1 . It. It. at Knni rlum ultn 11. v. a i i 1.. ...1 in Drllli ond 11III1 . V. II. II. ' ' " ..,',',"'" 1 '".'' 1,111 l"'ti.ui) Phllad.lphl.i und Mill auiKpi,! ton Niagara l..,ue-.s Me-i, iVi line Jjl'st, P lllnl"lphll reus l'..l-t lllidllaj Hpl.MJ last Mi li.lng 1 arson all nuiit trains. W.M. A. IIAl.liWIN, Jam s,'ir, tieiieraisiipi DPIl-'i'Xl'sTO-, " GLAZING AND PAPERING. J.M. I". JIODINIC, Iron .lreit Ulow see I mid., ,u i,,.,,,.,, ., .,, kllilia 01 ' ' ' " uu l'AI.NTIXO, GI.A.1NO, ami I'Al'Klt HANGINGS, In the best etjlcs, at lonnt nrlecB. anil ut thort iiotlic. P.iilleshaMngsuchivBr to Uo wll bavo inonc I y work wai ranted to glio satlsfacllon, Ordir kolL'llea WM, F. IJ0D1NE. Mar. c, 'H-ly. pAl'l'KU llAUH ' - 10H HA1.U AT THE COLUMWA. OFFICE.