The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, December 03, 1875, Image 2

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    Si i "jL'-mr
I, no MS III! II (I. Kill I) AT, MX. 3, is;
Hall Koatl TlnipTaliip7
lackawanna m.oom.supku kail mud
... .. ... . SOUTH. FCHTI
tci'oiiiiiirii.iiiuu j lain (1.4 A.M.
7.4 'A.J
r.. s 1.
IU1 'J I (11 It v fM ., J
.press 'l rain i.m 1'. M,
" Ml I'. M.
... ... south. poi-th
conimod.illon Train C.2S A. M, 7,t)o 1'. .V
I ' t',.piew 3,M 1'. Jl. 11.33 A. .V
TliruiiKli curs on Hxprcw Irnln cither to Now Vein
r Philadelphia. luii tr.iln runs between
it.tU 1SH.I illlll Vl lllllllllport
Si-euro otir souli for llic Tjinjl'tAX? to-iiighi
in llio Opi i;i Hiiiifc.
lliu Itlnglnwn fair ground U up at slic-rid's
A two weeks fi'K'iim of Court will open on
Monday 1 J 1 1 will alloril tiunvofourjiili
sciilic-rsaii oppoi tmilty to cull on tliu printer!-.
I'ir Inr.ntn In Lumber of nil kiml, ncr thr
mtvcrll- -iiii-nl of .lolui .1. Mellcnry, of Ilcnlon,
In another column.
The l!toninliiirg Cur.t'MiHASf U much Im-
p ovetl in nppcnr.mcu nnil interest under itmew
ni iiinejciiunt. Imhjiaiiknl Wtdhj.
1 here are two times; in a man's life when ho
3-"' I V "ram the. new-papers once, when lie
rn licen in an nwful ccrnpo; ami, aRiiln, when
' e It looking liir n pull.
The tramp litniiio-ss is getting In he entiielliiti;
' imcine. During three nijtlil.t of thi week tho
ilruiioriHwimniliteil In the lookup by Chief
ol luliec Nonihvaril nggregiteil twenty-one.
Tlio Ilaptiit Congregation have nihleil a gooil
.oil fiMoiobuilillng to tliu rear ol their church
o bj nnil for Siiml iv Sehool purpose-". It will
prove a gnat eouvenii lice.
louiiirTin.v. lhrongh a mi-take of one of
ur employee there lias liccii an error in the
i'-iinlieriiig of the Coi.u.Miil.ix for several weeks.
Tie proper number i-i icMnrc-i this week.
Messrs. llarman A Iliw-trt have at last com-muicc-il
business at their new Foundry and Ma
cliino Simp on V.M street Mow Hall Koiul.
Wo wi!i them success. .See their advertisement.
A cubic inch of gold is wortii SMOj a cubic
foot S2.VJ,2.S8. The ijnnntily- of gold now in ex
igence it miniated to be 5:1,000,000,000, which,
welded ill one ina, could be contained in a
cube of iSJ feet.
.V new street crowing i.t much needed on
Third street between Market 111111 West streets
say at Strawberry alley. At present there is
no-ie lietwccii those poinK savo at the Metho
dist church .1 di;-inci! of two squares.
iidusii:ii. Wo understand this Collection
U v -lino District Ii.-h liion abolished and e-on-ol-il'-cdwilli
the I.iizirnc District. This ofliev
g ' to Wilkes-1! irro. This loses nur fi iend (I.
I) Monl.iiiyi) his olfice,. flmtlord Anjuz.
Thank-giving service were held at the t'res-bv-ri-in
cliuieh, where a union meeting wis
conducted by Ken S. .Mitchell, and atHt. Paul's
l.p'sccpil c lurch. Tlie day pissed
remirkably fpijel in inner.
away 111 1
Mrs. Elizabeth Diihcr will ofU-r at inhlc
sale the e-niire stock of new furniture formerly
b -bulging to.laiues t'-idm in, beginning next
Mo-elay, Dec. Olh, at the store occupied by C.ul
mm on Main street. Tlio-e in need of "fuiiii
tare 0.1 ti riciire barg-iins.
The third week nf court was opened on Mon
day. J11 Ige i:iwell, of ( oliiinbia county, prc-id-Uig.
No cases of iimioi tanee am mi ili. I1.1 1.0.
ill,' nio-tiy 0I1I ones, and some of which
It'icki feller had been interested in, which necis-siuili-i'
his wiling .liidge l.'lwell. AoMauio--(ii
V X l is i vet:. The long continued obstruc
tion of the -idc walk on Third strcat. in front of
tile ruins of the old 1 lower hou-e, is 11 jil-t ctit'e
i-oinplaint. IC-pici illy is this so in the fall
winter month. The proper authorities
ild attend to the mutter at once.
l-'or the plci-iiig and able discharge of hi ar
ill ms duties. n, "Musical Director" n the late
c ii i.t,;ui.1 e-pe-cially for kind and courteous at-t'-mion
to us, wo letiiintn Mr. (ieo. K Hlueil
our mo-t cordial thank.
lii.oo.M-iii'f.ti Qtuin-mi: Ci.i-ti.
Nov. 27, 1ST.).
llio steambo-it, II. II. Wright, will go into
. winter I'H-irler.s 011 Mond iv, ami thu-e who wi-h
a boit rule must not put it i.d'too long. Jt will
ii.- lied up at the outlet lock, and a living
lip m it during the winter will wanh and protect
The nnn for whom it was n-iined crawled into
hi- hole about the second of N'ovember last.
Wo are glad to learn that Millard 1 Conner,
a 11 uive of thl county, and who learned hi
primer's tiade at this olliee, has been promoted,
l-'u--01110 years ho held tho po-itiou of mail
n,vnt on the Danville & H.i.lcton road, but lias
recently been tian-ferrcd to the fi-t mail train
b.tween New York and l'iltsbiiig. We wi-h
him luck.
AMvniiiit i:nroti.ii:ii
And now it is McCliire, of the Times, lie en
dors ! tho proposed land grab for the Texa &
l'a -ific rail road, lie should read our editorial
iu another column on that subject, and especial
ly die plank iu the Liberal platfoim In reference
"ii. Hut then Aleck alwavs had an alleclion
for the IVnii-ylvania rail road.
Ihc increase of the Hi-publicaii vote 111 this
county, as compared with la-t year, is neaily
oil -eight per ci lit. We call that prettv good
u u we can do better. Ulnnmthunj lltpuhliiwi.
Itridiey, of the Mmtoitr Amtriau, u mu-vir
t" die above squib, says;
The Hi-publican of Columbia Co. pdled
iiii-nt .i00 more vote thl vcar than la-t. The
!' iiHie-i-ats "saw" them and' went about !X)0 bet
ter. 1 hat's where the rub comes In.
Dr. Turner, the father of I). M. Turner, rdi
torof the Towanda Juumnl, was found dead in
bis office in Towanda, on the ISth iw-t. He was
an upright, nblo man, and respected and loved
I'v all who knew him, He was a con-tant con
tributor to tho column of the JanriHtl, and his
production were marked alike by clear, forcl
hie, though terse, diction. Tho death of Dr.
Turner is a sad loss to the conimiinitv iu which
he lived. Ti, his family it is irreparable.
Willi: J to,.,, Wai.kinu. Notwithstanding
Hi" inclemency of the weather, Main street, In
bo neighborhood of Ilruwu's hotel was crowded
li men, women and children to siv 1W.(?)
diaries l'ox w;,j and perform 011 a wire rope
Hre-tclie-,1 fioni tho third Hory of Huinn's Hotel
" Clark ,t Wolf's store. Charles performed all
that h agreed to do. It is ii-tonl-hlng how
'"my peoplo win g,ic.,.
sco a luau run the
ri-k of breaking Ids nce-lt. We noticid that an
'"HKUally Jargu ,mmn.r f j.j aij miirnj
to do about that time.
Woiloii't want to l. junipers, hut if wo were
"""gidto ihpeiidcn lliiMharily f the public
lor support wo would rather live In C.itawiwi
1 l0wi'ldp than any where else. They have an
cu-tseer of the. poor Iheio who looks after
Intcict of hi-subjects to well that he ha
"im fed on wuiiKs , chieken. Hut the poor
'"Jwl says ihnt after living k. ninny yeain 011
"Hi-kern ,,,! ilUMJ t)lU (jf f(j(lt)u. Awi m
"Sreo with Mm,. llu utuck - Jy.pq,.
Joe, hadn't you belter give him 11 little
1 tu Ullj uutw, or bomtthitig of that ort?
do and sco tho great drama "William Tell"
The, utonty Increase of our subscription list.
and our Increased job nnd ndverlislngpatromuto
aro exceeilingly gratifying. Once for all It must
ho understood that we cater In no clan or clique,
and therefore thoe who aro attempting to use
our columns for cither personal advancement or
for corrupt purposes had better seek some oryan.
At.riir.D. Tho olil story goes that "Mary had
a lit'.lc lamb," Ac, but
Alfred had a little pony,
It was lean and very bony.
lie let it and its mate, cXcrclso last week, and
they left lilm behind. In fict, they walked off,
and he cut across the field, and walled half an
hour at the canal bridge, when the runaway po
nles overtook him, lie now prefers walking.
The Gasclle & Jlullttln says In Its personal
column ;
dipt. Urockway will visit Washington next
Is thero another gentleman of that name, or
is it that the business of this firm is so extensive
that wo, like Malt. Carpenter, have to read the
paper of to-day to find out where wo are going
We have received No. L'l of a musical publi
cation entitled "l.a Cremo de la Cromc," The
selections nre nil good, and are intended for
moderately advanced performers, lCach num.
b;r e'ontaitis four or five pieecs,which separately
would cost four or five dollars, and yet tho work
is sold at fifty cents a cope, or four dollars a
year. I-.vetv player should ind for it to J. I,.
lVters, S13 llroidway, Xew York.
On Monday night last Mr. Ilaltzcr I.cacock
give a 'coon supper ton number of lovers of
gmiil eating. It was a success. The "varmints"
were young, fat and tender, ami, thanks to that
be-t ol cooks, Mrs. Ualtzcr l.eacocl;, were done
to a turn. I'liine eclery and the various cood
things which go to mike up a good supper were
on h mil, and when the vi.indj had been discuss-
ed and the mit-io began ask some of the boys
about it.
At an early hour 011 Wednesday morning of
1st week, Mr. Heubeii Culp, living near Light
Street, was aroused from sleep Ii- dogs chasing
his sheep. He ran nut in his baro fed, and
found the dogs had eha-ed some sheep in the
chicken hou-e. lie ran tin and clo-cd the door.
and having procured a light he found that he
had three dogs and one sheep c-iged. Willi the
help of Ills son and hired nnn he killed the dogs
with an axe, and rescued the sheen.
lloimr.liY. On Sunday Iat Thoma Hennes-
v, superintendent of the Conyngliam poor dis
liicl, accompanied by hi wife, went to church
in Ce-ntralia, leaving a hired bov in charge of
the premi-e. l'he poitionof the building occti.
piul by them was carefully locked. During
their absence tho boy effected an entrance into
their apirtinents, and stole SHU belonging to
Mr. Hennes-y whicli he found in 11 bureau
Irawcr. The boy is about sixteen years old,
roughly clad, live feet high, and has a red mark
011 one clievk. In time he will make an excel
lent Hadieal Congressman.
The (laelile piano ii-ed at the concert last
week gave entire -atisfaetion to both pel former
and audience. The tone is rieli and full, and
the workm ln-hip of the whole is of the very
bet. Tlie-o pianos are well known in this sec
tion, having hem u-ed for inaov veals, and we
ave never yet heaid a word of i iplaint. In
fact lliey improve with age. Mr. I. K. Miller
kin liy furnished the in-tr-Mii "lit for tho oe-c i-ion,
sending to H iltiinoi-e e-p -eially for it. Anyone
contemplating the pun-ha-cof a first class in
strument cannot do belter thjn by de-aling whb
.Mr. Miller. We con-iiler the (iaehlo piano
among the best tint are m ule.
In quick Ftiecc ion tho old resident of
Uli ouisl'iirg are fallowing caeh other to the
grave. We aie ealhd upon this week to notice
the iballi of Mrs. l'luche Thornton, which oe
urn red on W'i'ilue-day, Dec. 1, at her lata resi
lience on Market street, after an illness of fifteen
Mrs Thornton was a native of Columbia coun
ty j was born near the mouth of Hoaring creek
In lf-Od. and was therefoiu at tho- time of her
dentil ah iul 00 years old. Her ftther, Thomas
l'.ucoast, lived in this county a number of years.
At his death iu l.S'j:!, she came to llloonishurg
to live, where she met with the late James
Thornton, a brother of our town-man, K.J.
Thornton, to whom she was married iu August,
Hvij. The newly man ied e-ouplemovi-d at once
into the hou-e which had been built for them
on the coiner of Market and Hock streets.where
Mis. Thornton has lived ever since. 1'robibly
110 other lesident of the town ha lived so long
as .10 years in one liou-c. Mrs. T. early became
a member of the I' Hpbcopal Church,
though her parents were connected with the So
ciety of Krie ml. She was one of those most
zealous in collecting funds for the erection of the
brick chiiiih whieli was taken down the past
slimmer. She leaves five ehilditn and six
grand ehildien.
We devoutly say, ".Make her to be numbered
with Thy saints in glory everlasting."
wot at sxsTiuoui:. S3 rnitsoNs wounded.
Quo night last week 11 liar-tender of 0110 of
tho lintels of Nunticoko had 11 fight with a
follow Irishman and puiii-hcd him severely,
tin .Saturday night about 7 o'clock three
men I'tinio tu the hotel nnd privately inform
e d the bar-tender that they had been ap
pointed 11 committee tho night before, to ile
troy liiiii.und the spokesman of the. commit
tee said, ina-niiicli as tlie-y, (tho committee
ami bar-tender) were from .Schuylkill coun
ty tliey disliked to do it, and had come to
notify him of their lm-dne-. They prof'e-ed
tu shako hands a friend, for the last time,
when tho bar-tender gave them hi left luuul,
while! lie elicw liom hi pocket hi revolver
with the right hand, saying at tho same mo
ment that they had better inaku .1 sure
thing of their work the first time, lor ho wa
a llad man to kill. His pluck and their
friendship appeared to cud tho interview,
and in 11 few minutes the three committee
men retired.
About 1 1 o'clock these thteo men returned,
iiccoiupiiiilcd by thirty or forty friends, and
attacked the hotel and all who resisted tliein
inside A few policemcn.-uveral Holaudcrs,
mid others belonging to the house undertook
tu defend the bar-lender and themselves with
anything nnd ou-rythlng within their reach.
Tho brother of their intended victim took
1 1 i 111 tip tho stairs to the second story for
safety, and when tho murderous crowd at
tacked those wiio stood guard nt tho stairs to
ptotict the life of the bat-tender, tho battle
became desperate and bloody.
Tlio Irish used pMo!. and clubs, while tho
l'eilandcrs u-ed their knives, and the others
any wt-apons nearest at baud. Twenty-five,
persons were repotted wounded on both Hides,
when tho attacking party retired, and three
doctor were busy most of the night and the
next forenoon dressing the wounded.
These riotous and blood-thirsty gangs should
bo broken up, and if tho peaceful appliances
of tho courts are inefficient, for any reason
whatever, to put ti slop to thcni, there Is a
short cut to reach the end desirable, and
sooner or later it may bo necessary to resort
to It,
No arrests tiro made and nobody appears
anxious to take the risk of filing tlio necessa
ry information, Luzerne Union.
Fifty ccntu will securo a scat anil give you a
capital evening's enjoyment nt tho Opera House
TlinilKCKNT CON'cnitT.
t .... . . .
iMK.ssin, j-.niToti ! I he success which at
tended tho concert given at tlio Opera Homo on
Thanksgiving night was so unmistakable as to
merit more than n palng notice. Thctciidi
lion of the admirably selected projrammo and
the warm and generous appreciation of the audi
once arealike su.jcct of congratulation and
plovc beyond adouhl that neither In artlstlcabil
Ity nor musical lato are the people of lllooms
burg deficient, l-'rom the opening piece to the
linal chorus no error nor accident, however trlv
lal, marred the symmetry of the entertainment
a fart which evinces a degree of perfection rare
ly attained iu amateur performances.
Tho concert was given in aid of the Normal
School, an institution in which Illooni-biirg has
alwavs taken the warmest Inlerc-t. and the tier.
formers were of the best of our people, socially
and musically. It was natural that the lileliesi
anticipations of pleasure should be formed, and
it Is 111 jst gratifying to bo able to state that they
were more than fullilled. Nature, too, had lent
her aid, and the cloudless night which foil owed
the bright, sunny day proved Irresistibly tempt-
ing 10 me lovers of music, and a Well tilled hall
was ll.e logical sequence.
The evening's enjoyment began with .1 selec
tion of operatic airs arranged for the piano and
rendered by Miss and Mr. l-lwell with the Into
and skill which characterize the playing of thce
accomplished musicians. The Quartelto Club
fallowed with " Tin Old .Mountain Tree" and at
once secured the favor of the audience. Their
voices blended harmoniously, and tlio time was
perfect. Miss liiowcr and Mis Krcezo next
sang "Tlso Wind and the Harp," a delightful
illicit, Willi grace and ex; resion. They have
sung together 011 other occasion, but never with
more fiicce-s than on this evening. Mr. Hale.
01 wilkes-Hirro, gave "Jack's l arewell," and
won we.I merited applaii-e. His voice is liiuhlv
cultivated, full, clear and sweet. It i but fair
to Mr. Halo to say that the full excellence of hi
voice wa not displayed, fioin the tact that ho
was obliged to play his ow aceomp iniinents,
Hi. business engagemei'ts were such as to pre
vent bis being iu Illnonnbiirg iu time for rehear
sals and no one could learn his accompaniments,
.-uuoiiiH can exisi, nowevcr, mat Ins volco Is
one of great sweetness and power. The Quar
tette followed witli "See our Oars," which was
encored. A trio from Tailored!, for piano and
violin, was next in order, and wa admirably
executed by .Misses KIwcll and Ftitiston uiid Mr.
Wirt. It was heartily encored. Mrs. Montanye
ofTow.mda, next sang a delicious bdlad, "I
ari-e from dreams of thee," With the first clear,
mellow note of Mrs. Montanye' voice a mur
mur of delight rippled through the audience, for
it wa evident that there stood before them a
singer of no ordinary merit. Hichlywere the ex
pectations of her hearers rewarded and the con
clusion of the song called forth a storm of ap
plause which was not abated when she saig a
delightful little morceaii, "Hiding on a load of
hay." Mrs. Montanye' voice is one of good
compa-s, clearness and richric-s, and her enun
ciation is remirkably distinct. Tho satisfaction
of the audience was genuine and undisguised.
The Quartette sang "Little Sun-bine," afid this
met with an encore. The fir-t pait of the pro
gramme concluded witli the famous l'm-ian
Initio song, "The Watch on tho Hhine," which
was given with life and expression and was one
of tho be-t pieces of the evening.
The Quintette opened the second part with
"Tr.inkadillo," which was s(, sttcee fid as to call
lor a repetition. Mrs. Montanye, supported by
Mi-es Freeze and Iirower, Samuel and Hdw.inl
Iowii-cihI, brought luek the years gone by with
that sweet old mclody"Tlio Old Folks at Home."
There is a deal of inu-io in this favorite song,
.mil full justice was done its merit Mr. Hart
won applause by hiseipital rendering of "liy
the sad sea waves." "Natalie," by the Q larictle
came next, and agiin an encore was demanded
by the delighted audietieo. Mi-ses Ibower and
Freeze and Mr. KIwcll followed with an exquis
ite trio from Ileli-.irio, "Life lias no power."
This was one of the gems of the progranime,-ind
ihe singeis acquitted themselves with tlio greal-e-t
credit, evidencing a correct conception of the
beauti 's of the music and an ability to give them
expression. Another lovely son;-, "ICillarnuy,"
by Mrs Montanye,w.nenthii-iastiially r-ceived,
and as an encore she sing the ever popular bal
lad "Hock me to sleep, mother.'' "The Old Can
teen," by the, Quartette, was tlio most successful
of their efforts, iind Mr. F. P. Drinker, after re
peated calls and by request sing "Tlio Old Mus
keteer," and did it nobly. Mr. H-do gave next
the exqui-ite "Firewell" by tir.iliim, and fol
lowed with tho equally charming "Shepherd"
by llerg; buth of which ho sang with more
sweetness, if pos-ihlc, than lii lir.-t song. Tne
famous "Anvil Chorus" from Trovatore ended
the programme and the mo-t delightful mu-ic-il
entertainment ever to the people of
lllomnsbiirg. It is tho cat not wi-h of the whole
community that this may bo but thelir-t of oth
ers yet to come. I have yet to hear the fir-t un
friendly or adver-e critici-m of the Concert,
wliil-t expressions of pleasure and sati-f iction
are to be heard from all sources. Although the
labor necessary to insure tlio succc-s of such an
undertaking i undoubtedly great, yet it is to be
hoped that this may not deter those lovers of
good music to whom we aro indebted for the re
cent entertainment from agiin favoring us.
liven so hasty a sketch a thi would be In
complete without an exptesion of thanks, in
which I am sure 1 speak for tho whole commu
nity, to tho-e who so generously gave their time
and their voice to this prai-eworthy and chari
table entertainment.
Mr. Montanye and Mr. Hale, whose fine
singing formed so pleasurable) a pirt of tho con
cert, e-auio from a distance ami for the di-tiuct
purpo-e of pjitlcipatiou. We owe them hearty
thanks, and no one will ceiisiuc me, I am sure,
for tendering them herewith. Those who ieiile
in town were equally unselfish in their labors
and may be assured that their generosity i ap
preciated. Mr. Lowcnberg a-suiued the business
management and perhaps tho be-t proof that he
did well lies in tho fact that the conceit wa 11
financial success.
To the master spirit of tho wholo afl'.iir.whose
intelligent, zealous and unceasing cxcitions cre
ated and carried tj a glorious conclusion this
best of our musical feasts to Mr. (leorgo V. F.I
we'll too much pruiso cannot bo awarded. Those
who took part iu the concert best know how
much ho did and how well he did, and they aro
unanimous iu their approbation. Tho people of
lllooin-burg owe him a debt of gratitude, and if
he can only be prevailed upon to sacrifice him
self again iu like maimer, tho debt will grow
marvelluu-ly large, and will iu soma manner
surely bo paid.
I havo written solely as one of many pleased
hearers, and do not believo my brief ointments
will find captious critics, It was tlio plcaantcst
ending nf a Thanksgiving day I havo ever
known in Illooiiisburg, and I believo that I
speak not only for myself, but willi
Vox PoruM.
At a meeting of tlio Hloom.burg Quartette
Club and tlio ladies and gentlemen who took
part iu the concert last week, a vole of thinks
wa passed to Mrs. L. I). Montanyc,of Towanda,
and Mr. W. (i. Hale, of Wilkesbarie, for their
kind assistance at Iheintcitainiueiit. Tliebu-i-ncss
malinger, Mr. David Lowinberg.annoiinccd
the lecelpls of tho t vtliil'S to be one hundred
and scvuity-slx dullars. Tlio expenses amount
ed to foily-sevcn dollars and nlnily-lwo cents,
The balance will remain In Ihe hand of Mr.
I.uwcnbcig until the Normal School building Is
completed, when It will be appropriated to fur
iiishlng some part of the establishment where it
will bo most needed,
Several persons havo been arrested for
robbing u widow of Luzcrno county of fCOO
or SCOO whllo tho was tit church,
Tho following communication appears In
tl,o Mountain Echo.
The Town Council of lllonm'bttret lint
everything arranged so UiaC the "members"
aro at leisure, at least, n purtol their time.
One of tin-in concluded to enjoy liislclstirc
In "cock fighting." He purclm-cd 11 fowl,
and sent out hi challenge through the
length nnd breadth of tho town.
After many vain challenge 11 fowl was
found which it wa thought, con d test the
blows of the "imported bird." The tinri
was fixed, and one of the "dotfntown ball"
selected for the coiilliet th ck were
brought nnd tho hall wa ct In order for the
occasion. And beheld I the "member,"
finding that hi fuwl was not luining out
VKTolt, wa disposed lo lake hi- fowl and
himself out of the way of tho i-dcej hut,
being told by a legal iidvlsor in itetidam v.
"that 11 of tlio Town C imcll was
not llalde t arrest by an ofileer "i hi own
appoliituicil," returned hi fml jut in
lime to receive one more bliiw, wb 1 h quieted
the "imported bird" mid frightened tlio
member Into scarcity. Loud wer the call
of the victorious fowl but ncithei bird nor
member returned. M Qt'AD
This cannot be true. No member of nur
Town Council would so far demean himself
as to indulge in such disgraceful aniii-emcnt.
The proofs, Mr. J.'clio I
"Ttlltow l'livsto to Tin: Dons; Pl.t,
NoNi: or IT." We do not in the least feci
like bh'iuiiig Macbeth for tills expression
of di-gust j indeed, we are rather inclined to
sympathize with liim. I-'veti iiowndav
most nf the cathartic oll'eivd to the public
are great, repulsive-looking pill, tho very
appearance (if which 1 nillicieiit to "turn
one's; stomach." Had Macbeth ever taken
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pellets he
would not have uttered tlio-o word nf con
tempt. It is really encouraging, when one
is ill, to find that a little, sugar- coated Pel
let, tin larger Hum a grain nf mti-taid. will
as promptly produce the desired i-ll'cct a a
ilo-e nt great, nauseating pills, rueo little
Pellets, unlike other cathartics, aro renllv
nature's lilivic. Thev do not debilitate,
but tone and invigorate- the system. No
futnilv slinul l bo without 1).-. rieive s Pleas
ant Purgative Pellets.
TIIOItN'TO.X. t lierivsliL'iieeon .Mitil.el hlieet.
In niooinsbiirg, on "Weilne selay, December 1st, 1ST&
after a lliigi-rlng Illness ot llftccn week, Mrs,
I'lia-he iiiornlon, relict or tlio lato James 'lliornloii,
aged CJ years.
WASsnit. At the resMonco ot her brother, In ('.Ir
ani, Craw turd county, Kansas, on Sunday morning
Not ember Mil, 1ST-, Kato A. Waver, aged 83 cars,
four months and 17 dajs.
Kate A. W.isser was born In Columbia county, r.
011 tlio iTtli. day of .June, ISM).
WIIin:.-In ITshlnijcreok, Nov. til, iV. Mrs.
Pantile Franklin White, nlfo ot .lolin White. Aged
co year 2 month and a d.15 s.
.Mrs. Wlilto w as descendi'it from a family who were
among the eaillest settlers ot tlio Wjoinlng Valley
and distinguished for their Integrity and Mrttics.
John rr.iiiKllu becoming note 1 for tlio firm sland lie
took tti tho defence of the Valley In Its early troubles.
.Mrs. White Joined tho Methodist Uplseopal L'liureli
near forty ears ago of which sho has been a consist
ent and very exeniplarv member. Her loss will be
deeply felt by the climeli, wlillu the ol.l In tlio
community and tlio hearts ot her friends cannot, be
Wheat per bushel
f 1.2.-
ii. o " i :i
Cora, new, " f.t)
0, its, ' m
1- lour per iiarrei T.u
( 'lot i-seed 7,i
t-I.iseed l.r.
muter a
T.illow is
i'ul.llUCs 10
Di'leit .mile n
11.11ns u;
Miles.: l.llolll.le-rs 12
haul pel't'uund 1G
ua per loll yj.tie
llinolliy Seed
(irol'ATIONS Pllli COAL.
No. -I on Wlui f s 1.011 ner Ton
No. .'. " " $ 8,75 '
.No. Ii " " y t!,M) "
Hl.iekMiiltlis I.Hinpon '.vliaif J l.iiii " '
luuuuinuus j (,.im
Port folio, Drcka' dictionary blotter.
rn-ewnoil and walnut writing desks at G. A.
The best and most tellable for everv one
to buy. Try them For salo ,u McKiii-
When von go to court next week, lmv a
Holt of Applcioii A Muslin at I. W. llait-
maii's 'J cent cash.
For a beautiful pen knife or unv tiling in
the cutlery line go to. I, C-chuyler eirion, the
largest as-ortmciit iu town,
A beautiful lot nf clirumiis for Christmas
at ti. A. Clark's book store.
1'ancy Tics, Collars. Cud's, etc. Verv
cheap at Clark A Woll's.
(Jo to C. C. Marr for (icrmautowii Wool.
Mabio Todd ccCo'. gold pen and ncnell.
the best in tin. world, to bo had onlv at tl.A.
Clark's book s-ore.
J. Pcliuvler f: Son, will sellout their stock
nf (limbic barrel shut gun at cost. A good
ciiauco to secure a good gun at a sacrifice.
The Hroadwav Silk Hats jiut received at
I). Lowcnberg's.
Underwear a full lino at Clark & Wolf's.
A I! C and building blocks at G. A. Clark's
book store.
N'tibia, Unman .Scarfs. Wool Comforts,
Wool Hons, Silk Ties etc., in abundance at
l "A . llartinan h.
Granulated Sugar at C. C . Marr's.
Hargains in Dress Goods at Clark ii
Men Gum Gnnt.Hns Gum HooN.I.adic.
Mis-c anil Children Kubbeis at K. M.
P.iiify inkstands and beautiful paper
weights at G. A. Clark's book store.
-'AiiMi:its,ATTi:NTlii.v. Hussel takes llutter
Cggs, Lard and Produco iu exchange for goods
A large Hox of Christinas Good i list re
ceived at T W. Hartiiian's.
Gcrmaiitowu Wool 121 ner ounce nt Clark
it Wolfs.
A most important notice to gentlemen.
Just neeiveda full lino of tlio UUicrOvcr
Coals at 1). Lowcnberg's
New Hoots and Shoe at C. O. Marr's.
Pocket bonks, cigar cases, and ltussla
goods of nil kinds at tl. A. Clark's.
Handkerchiefs (if everv variety either
Silk, Linen or Cotton at Clark ei Willi's.
Call at Itiissell's and seo his slock of
F.wtM pou Hai.i: L'ontaiuiiur 51 acres, in
.Scott township, oiii'-half mile fiom Hloom-biirg,
Good buildings, splendid water, and 11 lit-t class
stone (purry on tlio premises. Price fo.OOO
. J. IllXKAlXW,
Heal 1. state Agent.
' o
Ches. checkers, backgammon, iackstraws.
dominoes, and a gnat uiricty ol gaiucs at G.
. uiari; s,
More new lioucr Cloth to-dav at Clark it
Oysters of fine selection, at M. Jl. Hus.
Rubber Hoots at McKinncy's.
Diaries for 1 870, from fifteen cents up, at
G. A, Clark's book store,
Choice variety nf Cranberries im.l Mine..
Meat at M. Jl. Russell's.
Jl en's cloth boots at K. JI, Kunrr's.
Toy books in endless variety at tho bold:
store ol G, A, Clutk,
French dressing at Knurr's.
Tobacco, Cigars nnd Confeclioi cry a'
wholesale, very low, by M. ,M. Russell.
Pictures nnd picture fraitus nt the bm 1:
stoio of Qeorgo A. Clark.
For a Nobby Cap go to ), Lowetiborg' .
Kid Gloves and Ladlan'iicek wear at Clark
& Wolf's.
For Jlcn, Youth and Hov,
Great Bargains nt
1) Lowt'iibcrj.'.
Gold spectacle, just tho thing for 11 Cbri-'-ma
present, at George A. Clark's book
All Coal "luted and screenisl before leaving
the old established coal vard of C. W. Ni:l. .i
lino. " B2,f
A full liuoof Holiday Goods now open nt
Clark A Wolf' cheap.
A clinico selection of the host authors re
ceived for the Hoiidaj sat George A, Clark's
Centennial Seamless Ihvjs 30 cent n
piece at Jl. JL I!iisel's.
When you go to" I'hll idelpfiia slop at
tlio Allegheny lloti-e, No. 812 and Sl l Mar
ket street ; having been recently renovated.
Price only $' per day. A, Ui:ck,
Jlarch l!V""'-ly Piuprictur.
Card cn-i . neatl mid llu-sia. at Geo. A.
Gnoilcb 1 Coal to bo had only of C. W. liu. Ul'lf
If you want n good I lam,
If you want cheap and good Tea,
If you want Colfee .lava or Rio,
If you want good Canned I'fuit,
if you want the best .Mackerel,
If you want Sugar for the least mono) ,
If you want the best Syrups in town,"
If you want good Cig.iV,
If you want good Tobacco.
I f von want nt'ythlt'L' In the Grocery and
Provision line, jjo'to l!pst:i,l.'tf, Jlaiii -trect.
Don't bewniiie'l ami niiiioyiii with tmt 1 nly .
poor ipi.ilitv ol't' but duty nnd slaty be-idi-.
inn liny of C. W. Nl;., iiiiu. who 'dial only
iu Ihe best ipialilies. IS'.'il
2.00 buys a good pair nf Ladies Shoes nt
JleKinne'.. Call and examine.
Hni.p to mo rums Npp.sino Lnpants.
It is a conceded lact that mothers who have
the care, anxiety and draught of nursing in
fant nre weak and need the aid of some
sticgtlicning tonic to make up the nour
ishment reipiiied for the growth of the
child, Ale, porter,and lager beer have often
been recommended. Of late, since physician
have become aware that Port Grape Wim
produced by .Mired Speer, ot Pas-aic, N. .1..
1 -trictly pure thay have pre-cribed it in
stead of ale and porter. Thi wine is prin
cipally sough fur by mothcis who have nur
sing infants n, the lie-t -upply iiiidltim In lie
found. The wine is rich in body and not in
toxicating but gcntly-timiilutin'g. Druggists
generally keep it, and sell it font dollar a
bottle. J-.nijiijivi:
C. W. Xi:ai. iC- lino., spare no expense loseiul
out nice Coal. IJ-Jtf
(llil !'.sta!i!islio,l Coal Yard.
C. W. Nr:,M, A llr.o., Wholesale A Tlotall
Dealers in all size of the best qualities ol
lied and White Ah Coal, at the very lowest
market rates. Have constantly on hand large
stock of
Hlacksmith's Anthracite,
mid Llmelmnicr's Coal.
Tvspocial attention given to the prepara
tion of coal before Waving our yard". Grain
and Lumber taken in exchange for coal.
Coal delivered to any part of the town at
short notice. Orders felt at I. W. JIcKelvy's
store, or at our olliee, will receive prompt at
tention. nnd Yards at William Nca!
A Sons' Furnace, Fast Hlnnm-burg. Your
patronage respect fit! I v solicited,
COAL. 7-tY-2.-. COAL
"TO AND (OlJ.rfT"'
Tin: ih:st ruorwTUw.
The 1 1 -t . f. guards i.gninst i il(U tide ill-case ore
tlioioiiglullgiMloii i.iidtiitn nerus. It Is becm-e
they cssuie ll.e regular peif. ct tlieillgesthe
preens, mid Imlgnrnte tl.o system thai
llosti Iters St nincli Litters ale tueli a scrtenlgn
rruli ellie tl.c liiilin kci s, v I1I1I1 IK p t liil-r-nilt
K-iii n ulmlles unit these wlilili dheclly alici t the
stomal li mat bowel.s. if tho nerves tiro healt'ifully
triilii.ull tl eiisslin Until u er foiel perfict.a they
arc sine to lc under if this Misiiilaril i-i, d MiMne, 111a). ita im lie 1 and If, In
tho aln in 0 of the relinblo ct medical mfe ', ll.e s.istrr.i ha-- fallen a prev toellsento of an
iiiteriulttcr.ur lin llunt typo, the Hitters will, If
rrritsti ii in, 1 nuiieate cieiy eeitlge (f llio malady.
Mlleiin.iss, e(i.tllji.lltii, iii.d dS(ptl.i jleldwlth
equal ccin lnty totlic eeiutlcn it tlili potent vege
ablc alteratlvo.
A Tl! ' IN Of r.VII.S.
It weakness, (f the stomach Is allowed to become
chronic, tlio follow lug ei Us supi nene dli;eslloii Is
permanently Impaired, the s stem ls.ry lnix-i--fectly
noiirlslied, the tilood becomes tun mid wat
ery, and tlio blU-, b. lag imcinplojed for dlgesttio
and ev.iciiitlio iiirpos.-s, enters the circulation
through tho thoracic duct mid Injects Itself Into the
s' elirs, glilng to the skin and the white's
of theejes the salTrun tinge Indicative of biliousness.
Headache, iiau-ea constipation, pains In the stile,
heartburn, and many other ill-trc-slng byinptom
which accompany the lutor11.1l derangement nboie
de-i-ilbcil, which. If iiiicheckiil, Issuro to be MIow.
oil by sei lous disease, ns the il-Iugot the sun by Its
setting. It Is manifest, t hen fere, that an Inability
of tho stomach lo act upon the food should bo mer
coine without delay T lie tin Igorallng Inlluence on
the stomach of Hosteller's stomach Hitters ts spi ed
lly felt In tho dlsappc n.ine-e 1 f all the disagreeable
sj niploiiis alluded 10. 'I he presei Ibed mine ral rem
edies for general debility u-u dlj f.dl to aehlovo any
la'lliig result because they do not liiiltfor.ito Ihc
stomach; lloste-lters Hitters alw.ijs succeed ti-r
that Is their pilinal gftrct. Thoeio fact that thej
aro such 1111 excellent stoinaehlc constitutes them
one of the best ci 111 nil tonics In existence. Tore
stoio illsestlon Is the Mnul step tuw aids the recoverj
of health, when Impaired l-j any if the miillltuluiis
cempliilnts whli h spilnf from djsrepMa, and that
will bo found to liaie lit en taken bj the Invalid who
has mailed himself cf this r.imous tiiitl-djicptlc
A. T. Mewiirt sajs tl.o best ndtcrtl.liig inedlnm
ho hns cut runnel 'ale the old organs of
llio two polltliul panic s, at the several count teats
thiotighout tho tliiuii," "Hicse,'' ho sajs "reaeJi
eiery family ct tho least 11c count la their sen nil
counties, and 1110 more can fully lead than 1110 other
class of Journals." If Mr. siewaifs Judgment Is of
Gallic, the re Is no diniccdty tn ileeldliu; which paper
it Is for the luteiest of business men to udvittlio la
Tho e'ou-iiiue nsiiceiur, upon wld.-h this paper Is
paitl.illy fuundid, wascstubli-hiil In and tho
Cui.csiumn now enjojs a wider clre-uliitli u and
Kreater prosperity than It c ur did. It goes legular
ly Into two thousand families In rdiuul la nnd ad
joining counties, nnilb mosi of tin-in Is 1 r. id r rum
th llrstto tho last Hue. His tliecnl iceognlsdi
exioiieiit ot iiciirlj lle thousand loters
In tho nullity, Hglies iidierilseiiientsa tastj dis
play, that them ntlruettve to Its patrons, thus
ensuring greater certain! that they will peruso
them. While Its rlri'iilatloatsin.duutli-dly much the
largest In tho count), Ihe adicrllslng rales of tho
Cot eiinuN aro no higher than those of oilier papers
with Imivlj half end several not onc-fuuilh Ihc num
ber of subscribers. Puds like these spcal; for them
selves. No shrew d business 1111111 will neghct Iu In
seithls In Ihe C'oivuiian tt,
Tin: nixr riu.viTNa orpai:.
'I ho present Is a good opportunlly to rcmlml tho
ti lends of tho paper, iiiidllio public genenll, that
the roiifjuuN Jon I'i'iMisn (u ticK has no superior
In this union, and, In seme resects, Is without an
ciiual, Hurliig the last ) ear wo halo eeiiiplelelj in.
new rd our tjpesuud innile Urge additions, and Ills
uu Idle boast to tu) tint wo halo now the Hest
1'lesses, tho pest Assciliucnl ot 'ijpc, tho Hest
Sleek- of Paper, raids, Ac, and llio licstWoihii.ciilu
the country, our m me t cc-lall) oilji uittur
lhdrplice, nnd wo n.ukell a olnt tonwa)sgte
our ciisti mcrs a neat, ci rrect and satlsfacioi) Jub.
Wc do not (lalm lotto wmk fi r lesKthau etlu-is, but
will wuiiiint It to ben eluapas can be diaieaii)
whi ic oiidjlcld a dec nt i.n.t, All whoiiivliinivd
of JcbPiliitliurttui,vlliid PI, Uirr Inl .loi- will
llllllltlo IhtlflllKll 110 gllc llic l'l IllHUN tinice
a trial. We liaie 011 hand every variety of l aril,
Taper, Ink, l'ticlits. 'pi 4c that Is llke-l- tot.11
called for, cn.d run (uiM .Ii any iiuaiiiity or st)lo of
work on thort notice. HLndligtooidtr, tf.
Who said that you would liko lo got such Clothing as City
Peoplo wear, rather than the wholesale goods com
monly sold ? This will tell you how to do It.
The very larRP Increase of our business allows ua to malic
H Ollbc LUVVtll
You Can Save Enough
In buying a Suit at Oak Hall
from anywhere In this County to the City of Philadelphia,
and havo a day of slght-tecing besides, Wanamalier A
Drown stand by this Statement, and so will
you after one trial.
Character ol
tho CooJs wo sill I
For Men & Doys,
"O he turt
can he rtlied
HI 1 tmf
ru ul c bear no ill-uill to any one, antl state thu only because some
dealer sell poor gr ndi ns coming from our house. '1 o each of our custom
ers uc nre responsible for articles bought ol us Uy ur plan or Tn-ketinR
the -A'j tiiwttt of tlic material on our goods, no oik cun be misted as to
Wanamakrr& Broun
treat their
, , anywhere, and
lI'O. that the tnonev Will be nnlit t.-tr-L
wishes, for any reason, to return the goods, imwurn.
r JIIIS Is important indeed, because, unprincipled
Ciactly J peorle having str-res In Philadelphia, toun
wrir-rp thft lnr It ttrfrft our tip us, cards, sidserliscmcnts, and
, I about u here the store is, m that they may sell their
..,,. , , counterfeit goods. There Is but one OA Hall in
I Inlat.Llphia, it is a large building, the size of four ordinary store, and Is
ulv-h. 'i1???1 co,"le.T ,of hlXTH-SIXHI-SlXHI-SlX'lII-blXUI
&IXIH and Market Streets.
Those who cannot scr.d Pattc"1, of mMerlal and prices by
y' rnail when requested, Persons can liave
coma ' made-up go' ds sent by Kxprtss, by send-
i io Ihe Cily, ing their measure (we furnish c.iiy directions that
i nny one can measure by.) nnd describing color
, wanted, and price desired Paincnt can be made
to the Co on reccirt of goods, and the privilege of examining them
tfca.ibwt..t imum paying Where got ds do not please, we will return the
mon y and pny th cxprcsage back to Phi! tdjlph t
1 . .culii be sure to ut our mime on the JiuiMthj; andevcr'tke deir
as you enter
. r.v ' .1
Dtaier in Law Blanks, Sunday .School Librnrie-i, Depository of the
Pennsylvania liible Society.
L'ooks nnil supplies not
On- Short '.Votive at, Ihe
Store in Exchange Hotel
II. 1'. KCXKRI.'S lll'TFIt WIN'K 01 ll!()V.
It has ti'-M-r lireii kuowi. to full In tin euro
Aiuknpsntt.'iiilid with ayiiip'omi, In tlspo .1. Ion t-j
ecrtlnn, lusi i,t in -moi-y, dilllculty r I r-a'liln -,
'.vcnkiii-s-s, liurrureJ ilHeim, HUlit swra-.. f,-. i,
lllinill-s'S Dt .lslllll. lull, 'IIO-, UUiHTSUl 1 HsilHl!" 1,1 ,,
ui'X' s, -ti-in, e'ii.jf,.rj,i-i .ippclltv, llh p.
Ho sj upturns, iu,t liuniif, lleiMtln c cf llv Im; -lii-ssof
tin-fjev, pain In the luck, UciiMiii -1, r ti.i-eji-llils,
ti-u.ii.i-nt lilue-S t .t-, Ihlnj lief ire llu e- ,
with sufTu Ion nnil ,.ss i',f st-iit, nout i r ntti-nii .
ctei. -uM uiiij in si liotltn. uuttnu p-niiliu. i -iict
una ofyre, '-'MM .luth traet. r.iii.uii ii . i -.
Advlca fre-t. A-k t-.- li. 1'. Kuimel's lliin r , i .i
Iron, .mil take- in othi r. (ie-nulno tola uiil li. -.
Knnvors ii -niinr !
Debility, a cli-iiv..i-l,
NKurors i)::i:ir.nv :
Irrlliclilei suite 1 1 iiiiiui, ., iicnoiis. i ,i i-h!i-,i f -1'Urijr, hji-ik-i-'V or .ii I
iiiutlon, eioiitiiM-a lie-.eil, we.ik ine-moi-y, the run, -ilifDCusuf
i'iv . im ovc'i-H ork. Tl.l-m-uu i
ile-Ullly, ,i miii .-i-ii euro In U. I'. Kn .ki-iv li i.
te-r Wliit ot li.i l. II toiii-3 tl... b,sU-iii, ili-pi-l' IV
mental (flumn i-.n.l a inai'iu-y, una ruj'itcnu'c til
i Iillii s.ihU-iu. s.ild onlj In -tl bottles, (lot tlii-is"- n
iilno (ii:'..-i orlli Ninth Mreet, 1'lilladelpUI i, 1-.:.
Siildbynlldrii'.'siri. A-k fir K. i Kiinkel's l.l't,-r
Wine cf Iron, nnd no othor. Ucmilno .-.old emu
lull bottli s.
Tin: wnitM.
Ilcinoved i11m. with li.-ad comrilete, in from two
lo thie-elioiiis. No fee till ruupveil, by Ur. Ku:i!..-1,
Kl NVrtli Miith Miivt, t'lilliuN-lntil.i. Seat, lUnir.d
f.l.imich worms uNn lrinmoJ. Cull and see. Ad-'
vlcv f.-,-e. Send tor circa cr, or ask yci ir ilnujlst
fur liunk. Vi U una sj run. irlee Jl. It never falls
SeUeue'k'rf I'lilmcnle syrup, for Hie cure of consump- j
tl.Jll.l-lllljlH iiii-l eolls.
Tlie (treat lrtni nr nil- m -dlclno 1h that ttilpein I
tliu matter an I thmnstt otttatlio system, purttlci I
the blood, ami th'.H effeeia n euro, I
tchcr.c-l.'H toti V, eed Tonle, f,-r tl.o cure, 01 ilysreitla, j
I', e,
Tho Tonle prnituees n lieiilthy action of tlio Mom.
neh, cri-.itlinr nn uppotlt", fnrmltuc (iivle, and curlni; '
Hie tnoht ol slln -In ea'ie-s of liidljehtlon, I
sclicnckti MamiiMko rills, for tliacuio of llrrrcom.l
plaint, Ac.
Tliese Ills :. re rdli-riitlve, and produee n hciUby
action of the 11. .-r wlihivit tho l.a-t (Un r, in th".. I
are fiecfn m r-.ii.inu i. and yet. moio eflloac lou3 in
resteirlii'; a h alih, aetli.n of tlie llccr.
Tliene ten dies i n- aeeita'n ein-;' tirco-is'linptton .
aith" pill ,,onl i-v nip ripen . t'io tuatter and purl lli-s I
tliotilood. Hio i.vindiMke vllls net upon the liver,
crea'o a he i!v niie, an 1 rein no all disc iei of ihe
liver, ofi n a e.i-i -of eonsitmptlon. Tho oi weed I
tontei;lve.: . i and stroihftli to tho stoiuvli.iii'k's j
atfooil dl.'- -'Lii, and enables) thJ onrans t if inn
Sood bl .1 1, i.n.1 thus crcatee a healthy clre il.vUon or I
tK-.'il! Ill 1 1, iid. 'I l.e e.iniblncd aellon of tli-'te medi
cines, ii'. I hum piulneil, will cui'eciery case- of ion.
sumption, if taken In time and taouioof tlio medi
cines pc i-m-m-ii d in.
l)r. ft h -iicl; li rrores-flonally nt hlsprlnelml nice,
ccrncr tlth and Arch Hi , riillailtlphl.i,cvi n -Monday,
vliere alii tte'iu toradvlcointut be nj Iretfic'd.
Take's I'lil-iforall thepurposet of a purga
tlve, forcunstlpatlon, InilleeMIon, headache, and Ilv.
crcompiuini it;. iiii1vi-in.iI accord they aro tl.o best
of all imitative s for faintly uw.
It Is no v.-onder thai tnvallilslose faith In tpccltlea
Winn bo mi i. weilliless lneclli Inei. ale uiHeill-eil
for the ruivcif miiI.-iis illn-aM's, luitwli'c!', Mlien
tiled are "fuiiiid wniitlnt'." Weliace to learn-liocv.
over, i.f the tlrst f..iliire (f In. Wlstar's llaHainot
Wild (Iillii In i III., iMirin ,!,!. ,,ml i,.il,nnnr
dlsca'-i-. . 0 i-fiin unit 51 11 buttle, largo bolUc-B much
llu cheaper.
.Ml kluiU of
Drieii Fruits,
Canned FruiCs,
M Fish, Mackerel aid Col Fish,
Ami tUa lii;et
Gcnorttl Awuitincnt of Groceries
to 111; ForM) in Tin: county
M the
I Healer In
Cor. Mi it and Center Hs,, lHooniBlurcr, Pa.
Oil, 8, uw-
abAkt ur ciiiuls, ANU
of what e t-t we manufacture our
norm- ol them tn our own 'juiMinff
arcwell cut.,LViriandfiniriiil 'I hv
utioti Storekeepers out of the cliy
m whf n they ut they sell our k 'Oils,
iiihrtr.stf !.,,( . nf.n s.,. tu t,i
lHF- price !n plain fi;:urcs and nethingeff The
I same price to nci,uaint tnecs and strangers
To city people: otid iiuniry penph equal
advantages. With c.ich artklc sold, a Uuamntte
is given, that the Price .is law as It canbeboucht
that the quality Is as ret resented;
In full lfru,frk,.,,,.lil,L n A,. .
i! -1
on hand can bo furnished
Most ttousonahle Hales.
Building Bloom si mm, Pa.
Cherry -Pectoral,
For Disoascrj of tho Throat nnd LunsM,
such as CauKb.3, Colda, Wlioopini;.
Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma,
and Consumption.
Amoni- the p-cat
di'covcries ol" nioclcrn
Sfcicnee, few aio of
ffiVl?jmoi'o real value, tn
(i; mankind tluin this ef-
jiiiKeac 01 me inroat
and Limes. A vast
trial of its virtues,
throughout thi- and
other countries, has
shown that It docs
surely and cllectunllv
The testimony of our liet eitu
zeu, of nil classes, establishes the fact, that
Ciii.iinv l'l.t-TiiiiAi. will and docs relievo and
euro the afllietins disorders of tlio 'Ihroat and
I.'iiiR- heyonl any other medicine. 'Ihe most
il.iii-.'1'rous alk'ciions of tho l'ulmonnrv Orpin
j ii-l.l to Its power; and ca'cs of Coiivuniption.
cuie 1 by this preparation, are public v known.
to lem-u-kalile ns hardly to ho believed, weieR
nii-y 1101 prnieu oeyonu impure. As a remedy,
11, 1, ii'ieijuaie, on which me pilhllc inuv lelVfi
for full protection. Ilv curinp CousliV, tho?
forerunner of moro tcrfous dl-en-e, it saves un
numbered live, and nn amount ef uflei!iu; not
to bo computed. It cliallences trial, nnd con
vinces tho most sceptical. Kve-rv fmnilv should
keep it 011 hand as u piolcction nealnst the ciirlv
and uupereclved attack of riilnionnrv Afi'cr"
tion, which nro easily met ut first, but which
become Incurable, and loo often fatal, If t.ejr
lectcd. Tender limzs need this I'efeni-ci a'ul it
Is unwise to he without it. As a fiifeeiiui-il to
children, amid llio ili-lre.-imr di-ea'es which
beset thoThro itaii'l Chc-t of childhood, I'm i.nv
I'l.rriU'.Ai. is inv.iliiabic! fur, by Its timely use,
multitudes aro rescued from iifcronturc c'ravc,
and saved to tho lnvo and aflection centicd en
them. It act- speedily and 'luely upiimt ordi
nary colds, sccurtn: toiind nnd licallh-rcsloiliig
sleep. Ko o-io will suffer troublesome, Iiitlu.
rnzn and painful Itliilie-liilis, when tliey know
lio-v ei-ily they can be cured.
Orljin illy llio product of lnnp, lalorions, and
successful chemical investipntion, 110 cost or toii
is spared In in-iliinp; every hottlo In tho utmost
possible perfection. It may be confidently lelied
upon as possessing all tho virtues it hiis ever
exhibited, and capable of producing cuies as
inemorabb in. the greatest it has ever effected.
i-nni'AnrD iiy
Dr, J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass.,
Practical nnd Analytical Chemists.
sold n- all or.ucaisxs cvnuywiiEiti:.
Independent in Everything!
Neutral in Nothing,
Opposed to all Corrupt "Rings in
.Municipal, Slate and National
A flairs.
Tin: 1MII.T TIMES will be Issued on Saturday, the
nui 111 Niircu ne'At, anucM-ry lur.) litre- then-alter,
!;ul1'!'".!,s V,xl't'PU;(1 iimler tho editorial Ulrectlon ot
V l'l i icuii tuui..ii.v iruni elixir, HOW
lle, on a l.inni folio Miect, i-unialnlni.-all tlio new s
of the day, Ineluilliiir t .hi ASSOCIATR l'lti:ss TKLE.
(iinv, Kiut Tc!..riiun tiuil l'eirie'i)ondene-o
rron- nil points of inten-yt, nnd fi.rleiiditoiliiiuia.
euisloim of 1'iirii'iil tuples. Price-, T cl ti".NT8.
.Mall fciitiserlDtl'iti'i, pilnce free, Hx dollars per
annum, or lift, cent i r mouth, tu ndcaneu.
Adveitisemei-ts. lltteen. twent nnd thirty cents
fcr Hue, ucvuidlni; tu iontlo:i.
The Weekly Times
Will ho Isuuert on Saturday. March SOlli, weekly
theieulter, ooiitnlulnif nil Important news of tho
week, anil complete .Market and Hniir.clal lipixirU.
Mall jiI, forouu j our, poitagu flee, at thu follott li
linn fnnv
.. WW
Ten foplos
Twi'lltV I'OMOS .
AIIVKU'f PJIIM KNTS tHentV.llve Clnt lu-r linn.
HemlunceniiliouUlliu undo by lirattsor PotOf.
tlco urdew. ,
Uu, U South M-vemli Mieut,
Tor Infurmntltn call at oniee, or tend for t'oixvu
rubllMuMl as n werulinrnna dr U bout m r f vouiitf
lf WoiliUlihlMf, (tf,. LUlIiL lllh lUU-H Uf h?lf.
OUrt. Mil r trndittO-iilmr mm I. ciiH.u tin ....I ... ...
V n ""lie i IMS ami i- p IIMT.
aud iHiiihU froo tu loctiuuir " iur.iM iiliti'twl
MlVClipC. AthtH'-iS N1U1SUL iUUAli. 1'. tl. HuX
ivt ui-j'wijh, it jmv uvoiu
1 I M.M. ( iininriM mul
I t Jut f nt v n'
Iir . tli lit, ml f.,r al n
the cvhm un i n (s M klcd ioi Mt'irneVdllauU
" I t'll"! t Ml H HI l'l lllj
1 V li
control tliem.
1)1 KMlKwltli or wlil-out exiuuitloi
' i) torkttloattllOtuU'KBIINO CO.
U.X. llrHOfMll8IIEfrtItBV,l(MHIHB.
1. tt-rs of Aitmliiwratlon tm tho enutc of Mur
1 1 err.-, latent (vntrnJI bormigh count u
. ,'u,v 1,1. Ntuto of Pctitwylvatilft, dweu-s d, lia.o
" 11 erniiied to Iinntol K. uurrv, if (entrain
, 1 ..1, l'n to n linm nit prnwinii Indebted lo laid
' i" r-.iuested to muk" pajmi nt, and thoso
1 11,. , ,i,,i r demands lll mnleo to
1 l'l, ,ut delay. DANIKI. P. CI ItUY,
('i -1 "' Admlnlstrutur.
ni ni.nsM.roK
1 v.M.t'Ain.K null, i:vr,Ti:
- nid r !ned. Ailmln(trat(irH nftli" t i f
-a ' -li. late of Fiunklln totMiihlii n 1 uii...a
,1 . di ci ised, lll expose to pulillo mh- on
. i.ii;.-'iay, i)noiiMHi:n ctii, into
'n i t n!-is In rr.inlilln township of r, -ild a
fi til liiiatBtn l'i-.inklliitosiiiihlp,iidj-iliiln!f
"I f l. ii.u l Mi-nwli, Itenjamln Ford, Jonathan
.1 iu hi and uthcr.i, cntitiellilng-
11) At'lMH AND 2(i I'lJIICtllW
of - 't iiu.illti- of land In (rood at.ile of c ililvatlon.
j.i 1111 1 li Is erected a IMye und commnlloui
lilil' K nWUI.MNll I101HK,
illli'iu , s. ti mk bnrn, sheds), te,
-I- to t uumfiicc! at til onlock n. m. of RiMdav.
s u 11 e indlt. un of sale w III Ix: maile knon 11.
ftSH .MK.NSL'lt,
I'r.inklln tup., Nov. sthlw. rs.
Juries for Sopt. Term, 1875.
llio irn M. ttikoop, Daniel l)oinn.
Hi iiton-lllimn ArIi, .Mlchatl llartman.
Henv, U-A. s. Piildlpn.
t utre I af.u ot to criwy, Samuel Crerellnt'.
t ii i ls i ,t. I..,(iniinan. Daniel (!rnart.
I'll iinet c-r.-ek Ijilwur, .lolin Weimer.
I r .ukdii -Mont,Mincrj- tteedor.
(,r, uiM.iod i:ujih Kisncr.
lleinloi -,v-i:il Ohl, ii),inucl Ala
I,oi'iisi -,io ph Handera.
M iiiui -Joseph (I. swank, .Samuel Snyder, W. V
Plm -William Knrshner, AHirr l'tillmor.
!-i i' -l. Iv. router, P. 1. Kellcy, cliniloa Ilrown.
llloom- . McDowell,.!. P. Wldeman, C. M. Ilrown
It. I-., .Jumeii V. Ilrown, John Lcaeock
O or, e' irr.-ll, H. II. Miller
11 -in ui -i:,:vl l'.iiitoti. .tolm 0. Dllttlno, ..r. Ilniin.!?,
Willi in Ap,i!.-inin
r . e :. n.'iiry ltower, Alfred rwrr.
Hi i Henry 1), ml,-, William I.. Proas, D-vId
Sh., l're-ui fowler.
f u.i i. -1 li p. l'orlner
( --nt l i -.lumen Djke.
Pi..,,. !. Aa-in Itfiei, lionjntiiln Colder, Jo
nas On , .1 s. di lie k, Jacob ti. Wllrtin.
I , i I -tin Koup.
(.1 ,v 1. 1 1 Jiiiiiea I,, l'rejton, John Patterson,
II in . Ii -v..
II i-.'.i, White lihfht
J.v 'iss.ui Uei!j miln Hnvaife, AuiruitutEifertiart
Locust Henry Homer
Jlllllln-ll. P. Workhelser
Montour William M. (ulck
Madison Georifo lleaijlo
Ml. l'leiuant Mallilm Kindt
oranso-ueorae M. smith, hllM Shuman, Saaiuel
llagenbucli, .Michael 0. Vance.
Pine John 11 cottier
lloarlngercek Henry llollman
Scott-Jonah Tow nsend, James ltlcc, Itobcrt Pnt,
Henry (Jrovellng, II. c. Kelchner
llloom loslah ltal',ton, .tamos IIcuwockI
Henton-Ph.irles Keefer, William Holmes
Heaver Moses schllchcr
lii1.ii-ci-e-el; -Abraham Jac!;9on, Joseph Iitnon, St.
II. Hltteiihouse, John II Suit
c.iun lisa-Chas Kielsh, 1. 11 Scefholtz, 11. 1. Clark
( ent re Isaac Crjeler
Cuiij nslum-Ia-tlii I.aughlln
franklin Michael Mnmiart, Andrew Lohrman
lireenwoud Theodore Imon, M. M. Appleman,
HI hard j'. Kves.Ulemer I)a Is, John U-,'?ott, John O
Hemlock JohnMllIer, Peter S. Pruglcr, Mathla-t
.Ml. Pleasant-Jacob Mellcl:
Madison . J. carr
Main John Harmony, lloyd Vtttcr
Orange Samuel Henry, -Moses Everett
scott .1. J. Keller, Ilitstoa P.oLUou
sugitiloaf-lt. Kilo.
''Oiyitft-fiowiWy the best mi-tnintd Kork (jf the Und
in IM II eiiia.
JNufV(.i of the Jrcss.
Tho rvtr-lncrcnMnsr rimUflllon of thH e::r -llont
.u'.ntlilv i r a c ls ,nlatiUl h to iMimlar lie iirs
jntl .:i-((K Indivtl whvn wl tliltiJc luloliotv in-Jtiv
IioiiuhK penrtr itt4rviiy month, wo cnn-lt:trll ih
oni'i.r llio otlncdt trsnH wlliis cMeituliurauf tliu
punUi' mtud. "nnst'U 'Jlfibi "
i iif iiiiir.iLii'r win ii i ins inaiiirio possiosr-inr
r! t -. tntTjMU, nrllTlc Mialllt. nnUUt'Tji- cul
rc ,Itloli M .ah KtMil wtci' with, ff Ir li:iNnnr le.l tlm
li.,. sltimtrt c.i lis cjii'lih-tor i-nvtmnl !i vnh
in-Utniiil" .irnnhn'i'iK'v. Tli lur.azlnt? has rtono
o ! nmi ti'.t fu nil tho aajs of lis life. iiruuLl;.u
si'hit' 'if tl.t-'ni ist tnn'i!iir nf rntMlrrn novol- li.tvn
tr-' p,"ir I t v'l'l.ilt If i t LIh ln.iL' c?lnt. 1iin.lii'.
p.., it. i . iient porl-iiit.- ti. timl ti.ljU wwa
E:t4 t:
't- ta o ir
lo u'.l SiiU-e.-iijiia In llio PnltO'l S'.itjc.
M'iez'NB. ( no i-ir. ?i ou
ihclu li-
ur 'pa, iie'iit 1 1 t tilted states puhtajro
. 1'ic t.ii'i.) li r.
Su'TMi)!ln: s 1 1 IlArKt.j AlAfiA7.i;:: Wuvki.v. nnd
" !t. di nn jk!i1'v.-.s lor unt ,.ir, 3i: or, iv. f.t
UurniM- t Iodic ;U. tu una n-rono uar. tl:
aii i i p,v ttr fiiuiT i no .mcii7ine, i i-.iv. r
iiimil i'ls tit i ciitii lu tino lvmltuhce.! six
ji.ii'K iiuiuncr tun w ujhuji ut inm
a c-tiiimifti-Mt t-f il.trH'i M M iif.i'lniMiow rom-il-'.im
tt ..tauosl I-'-'- clutU Mmiln. trill lm
lit l i sim - ., frt-U'lit at f.Mk'iisuM I iiurelKiscr. lor
(i .Hiuiif. Mturt' v--liimt s, liy iitull.iKi-tjutil,
ft tl-iUi cav a, tv ltiiillii, Cs (.'ints, by mall, jKist-
- i-mii;'!' ii-unuij iie-ui uin; hi iiHMirhi, itu
utiifs i f ilan i'i h in.iinzliii' lus I'l.t be- n nul.Ii-Iit' 1.
ri'iitU-ritu' iailaUo Mr rt'twvin v tli tt uinl .irtt-U
u .ill a i 1 lui i.t,i..UtM, v i .-ii imstltutfs til I rli 'l-
1 .il u i Mint MuHiulfU littT r.v I'jelupotJl i. Svo,
vi.nuv 1 I U'f i.i ii:l,.l,1" c niilh'tti'fl lty tin tmt-.t
Iiii)lf..l m l n iili Utl Klels, 1. lli.t' li 'lli'Z puWl'-h-
ti ! i li.- iu-.'.. Muff .la Tii-.-'iU-it l ot'rtvvtiitv
p.iiw ' . -iha rt.t. 1)"'1i"IiMvl' r.-U-w tt pitns
u uiu '- I'.ituo uj c'loiUi(r1tucLTyk'rama"ia
r m.i i tli Mil 1U',
-' p.iMT4 .m ii'-t to copy this nlvf-rtl- nent
vl'l.. I In t xpit ss o.u it li:ilH-i.t lirutln i
Ail 1 UAKi' v iu;.i'ui;iis. New urk.
t:. r
Miei. Ir.Utoatteml.iu to tho follow In; list
I ihe i-Ki-ui llvo iul!iIi't.i-ecarod furserlb.
.'.in, nidi, f ir th,' I'liiiilie; j ear. Ill tlio Held of
ii, i.i les iiuui-roiiij iiuvele'UeisaridKliorte-r&to-Im
ie iv Ul bo
Two Sirhl Stories
ii v .Mi:.tif.K.AL"nioi:s,
Tli r.r ' of these, now complete In our ImM-i,
"tiAiiimoL eoxnoY,"
by p.itKr. ii.nrr
1 o,lm lii the November number,
;md e II! i un f ,r twi-lce mnntliu.
We bua nihj ucftu m tliu January iwmuer,
eir, SIkht Your Pa-wportH,"
by i:i)-.vAiii Kvumrrr iiAi.B.
Tl'e see.!,- ol Ui!s sier.- ts lot-l In tho houthctcrii
tent ui., . lei 1 .riiilni; ihe -lutoM of I.uiilUiu. and
Ti-mh, , iiiiu- li. i i.i e.nrii inirra tPaMiii 'I no
ein r.e i' 1 1- llu ii in a n-etl -ii which was now Auierl
cu ii. MA-.' I 1 1 tit ii, i," -ui.ii. aud lids li i-oru of
He Ir i dM'iii. mj i . -l.-s mal. -, a tory ot Intense and
unll.ij'.liiK iii'i-ivst thiouIuui,
Asuro.Ni) "r.utMiir.'s vacation,"
1 101.. (IEO. P. WAI.INd, Jr,
Col. Warltur Is now tn llurono, visit tnir. in a row.
Iioal tide nf two lmnilu il and tlfty miles, one of the
mow feruio und ini. lestlui; ot the Miii'-gronln, val.
I. jh of Puriipe. 'lids seeo.'.il series nf papers (.renn
Lis lo t' ueii liiti-reliiK thau that with
i)i;cn our tealern aio already fnuillur.
ortlti'it by JOHN V. C1IKNV.
A ran coUi etlnii ot'lleviinitinnarv I-ticr?. malnlv
from stores Iu tUeliamlsnf the itesceudents eit col,
,los,-ih Ward. 'I hey tire lull of lul jiesl, mid will un
nun v im n ruro reii-u in eoiiiieeuoii Willi llu cen
telililu! celebru.loii c t the ear.
Hrilliantly Hluetrattil AvticUs on
Written respeeihely by th.'lr filonds, will npnear
cluiiiii' y.e jear.
r.leifat.tlv llliihtruu-.l arileli a on old New York, t.y
John p. Mints, ,ill ut unee, nnd wl 1 atii.ii t
th ailciKl' li of all, Iu clt or emintry, wlio m-irk
wuh lull rest (he de e opu e nt of tlio great iiietr io
lis, and.iitectloi.ately U'luunitn-r tho uualnt incuUat.
tl Ics ot lis old t li ttme.
P.verv niin.tK r l iirofiisi-lv illustrated, thus ena.
bllnj; lis waive tuiurdi-M-Hiip earn! uarriiltie uril
ell's mi intercut and pi-uunm nt uluc ueur utlalnecl
lu u Iiuu-llluitraU-ilpertuetteal.
Tlie Killtorlal l)smrttut-nt
occupy over twenty piifenot noe-U iiuiul r. and con.
tutu lit- llolhin I k tl.MMu ami llineh pclllorlala. nsj
Mill urctloukot llio late-kt wortu Ut Alt, Llteiu.
lure, und St-leiict.
U a Year, lu advuuco ; at cent d, numU r.
Thu Hi il ls, c.iiiipleto, Nov, 1.10, to Oct, liTo,
ill I1UUUW11 I.1S.IU
do, do.
bound tn half tnoroceo, MM
Vols, bi mii lii . si ml i f and Vu,
oil n i-.. Hum - I tn MM i 1 1,, -ui i li.
In p ii- I l w'-ll I, I, t , , i, i, i,
rati . I i , i u f i ,t i, ir 1 1 f
11 i ''i 1 1-1 i -i i ui I
rate i nmt wl e i 1 u i t n i u i
( rdels,.
Any of tho
d u' . 1 1 ly
it e it
d 1 1
u ril n vt i r i-i
do- 1 1 uu
It 111 P O. tr-
V f T
' 1 1.
) i.
Mjuey in i ie mi i j, bi
SUtiUMtit 4: Co vt I'roaawa,-,
BW Y -tk