THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMS! OIIG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. f- THE COLUMBIAN. I il I, (I 0 M S III! It (I, I' II I II IT, MIT. SO, 1ST5 Hail Time Tulilc". LACKAWANNA A IILOOvlslinm IIAII. 110A1I S-nilTlt. tjfiltril Accommodation Train, c.4i A. M. 7.M A. M. Mull Train J.tioA.M n. a 1. M lispross Train 1,10 p, M, U.t4 A. At " " f..8l 1'. At. OATAWIMHA IIAII, I10AI). NDIIl II. Rrtl'Ttt vceommoit mon Train A. At. p. At. i- ,' liiiri'si .v I'. At. it.M A. At. Through 'Mis on Dxr-reBS irnln cither to New York i'UII'Mihl.i. Accommodation tialn runs between At iw.sanii'l Wlllhimsport. 'WILLIAM TKLL" AT TIIH Ol'KISA .ocsi;, Di'XK.Mliioitn. Meek, of tlio M'atehiMii, nlliiilcs tn 1 1 trtriin ft . a "ill- excellency." Yi u thought V. Cirnv iiunvo i" i eh lo.iilvi.m Dr. C'lrwen, Superintendent tiC llie State u.itio II I'pital, is of tlie npiniun tint no child ii i.lit sixteen years slinulil lie requite! to Hpeiul :n ire Hi in six hours n d.iy over its lcs-on-. Ann (llvi.ii wa placid in J ill Inst Titcsil.iv ou uie en iri,c in inuiiiiriiig ner cniiu. Mie sicun if iu li.loi),' in llio ( peasant el.i, audi' iitoilgjit liy miiiim tu bo weak minded. The pun i liiii.nt nlioii d dine upon the man who be ,m ia'eil Inr. l'lie lin'c tannery, lour miles from I.ipurte Siillivnii county, contains "00, and the Lipurte tannery vats." They aio buth i iiiniii;; oil full timu on Spanl-li note leather, ml employ 100 liuiuls. Tliit cumpiny owns ) i.OOO acres ol bark lands. (.hailcs K:iry, an Irishman, about twenty-si can of ngu, rather above the medium lieiglit, y 1 ft liis home at Willu's-ISureem the 2j11i ol Oo l toher to aiu-iul a miners' parade or meeting a1 i lytic Park, sine1 which limu nothing Inn been ml of ii : ill Any inform itinu cimecrmnjr him . il h" m "t thankfully received by Ills wife in .ll.e-U i re, or lii- hitter, at the lmue of R L. .1 1 iiii-.n. Tut; Catawi-sA I'iiiikii: was opened for travel on Monday last, and a number of free illcs woie taken. Under the agreement the euiitrac or.s will receive the lull for about three weeks, ipmo an item. We congratulate our fitter town on the completion of thit important wo.'k, A Iniilgo at that point is alike a necessl- iy and a convenience. - - Tomorrow I Saturday ) afternoon, at one o'clock, ('barbs lux will walk a rope from StohncrV iimcl A Wolf's building, Mr. Vox is an expel ii-nccil rope valker, aud performs ma ny difficult feu's during Ids perfoiniancc. Lust wick be walked the wire ferry rope, at C'atawis sa, vvheio alargecioMil wiiiicsse-il the daring tin lortaking. Tho-e who are fond of such fights fltouhl not fail to he picscnt. In. The 'rui works of Ilarmaii and I Insert be gan operations on Tue.-d.iy hist. This establish mint is liicjared to do all kinds of work in their line, and as the proprietors ate both experienced ni'dianics, they deserve a liberal patronage. Enterprises of this character should be cucour a,cd, as th y extend the bu-incss and add to tin lo.-pciily of the community. Patrons of llar n evi & llasse'il may be Hire of getting the best of work. I ojk oit run "Tun Thhsi-iass" on the evening of Fi iday, JJicitnlier "d. Their hill-ar- up, and a gieat treat may beexpected. The jy Tainme will consist of the play ol "William Teli," an exciling drama, and the farce entitled " V ( onvenient Distunoi''with a few varieties in the sliapj of i-ongs, dancing, Sx. Kvery liody wi.l be there, of course, as the performance is for the benefit of the Norm il School, Seats can be Rcured at tico. A. Clark's book store. M. C. Sloan A !ro. have ju-t completed the fill' .st piece of work, in the shapo of a two id' igh, ever made in this part of the country. It it intended for Mr. (leorgu Cieisingir, of Dan ville. This firm enjo,s an inviable reputation, in 'I only at home, but thiuugh the State, a flit which is clearly shown by the large number ol rs received bv them fioni a distance. Tbev are now employed iu turning out a stock of idn gle flcighs for the waiter's trade, which cannot be surpassed, f heir work can bo feen at any timu at their waie-rooms. 'I ho Williaiu-poit Him makes extracts from (J i. Henry Prick's Milloniun, published in Among them we find the following: Tie ro it :ui account of the tiial of (Jen. Win. Ii k, a Whig, for caning George M. Hnllcnback at Willics-llarre, at the election. The (Jen. was tin d S100. Ilolknback was a son of one of tin Airoeiate .ludgis, (itncral Hops was then 70 eir, old, and Ilollcidi.ick iand the ltcpulili cm PriM thought it an outrago tliat the Uener al -hjiilil have been iiiulctcd po severe, though wi recollect, now, that he rather took pride in 1 yuig for his punch at young Ilollenb.iek's i.vvs op GitAcr. AKilNTnni:r. P.eing i:A'riig.itcd as to whether a party, a bank or otherwise, has a right to demand interest o. the thre days graco on a note luade p vamV'with interest," tho Journal n Con M' "r-e answers that "the days of gravetipim a promiajory imto, for the purposes of reekon IiiS interest, are as much a part of tlio run ning time as if embodied in tho document iL If the maker of. i note promises to a ' a gien sum 'six months troiii date, with huerest,' this promise is interpreted to mum ' a' ho wdl pay a siinicnual to the piint'ip.ii and mteicst on tlie same lor ix months and tarcodayt, file general lawful reckoning would be to calculate upon thei said priuci p.i the tut uett for six-twelfths and one tenth of out-twelltli of tho interest for one year. Any other calculation is illegal. Il the maker icfused to pay the principal mid lii Jrest thus reckoned in lawful money, the uutomay bo iirotcsted, no matter who iuiKN it." PISTIICSMSO ACCIDENT. On last Monday Mr. JackMin Leidv of the linn of l.eidy Urn. & Co. had Ids nght arm tak en iff at the elbow. Tlie circumftaiieet areas fOTTuivs. On ihi'Kioml lleor of thu fiirnituie laeteiry Hands a uiiivuiil wood-worker on which is ll flnall ntancr. u hi, Ii u lii n In imilWin ittiiL.'w dine thou-anil revoliuious per minute. The fj rider uinvcs'lKUcalh the tabic, near which is null luiuneting with tho ficd lollcr. This btiUaniv oil imil Mr. l.eidy alliinptid to put it en walnut stopping the machine', mid iu this o'iratii.n ihiew his elbow up m that il came iu ei nuiitwilh the cylinder ot the planer, niieh t'Kjk oil tho elbow joint liistnnlly, leaving but a juilo kin em thefiont toconntit die upper and laur part or the aim. It wns dune o suddenly a a Air. Leidy icalli'.ed no pain whatever anil II" llOt kilOW thill I, is mm .,- rll' llltlll tlH til irtt il .t. itlUlu, 1. i,ircehid that the '."4 us iltuigling mid the blood How ing fro Iv. il- at oiiio cdiitl m Mr. Cottonlicld, who was In i ' room, w, lu .A ..u...,,,... u.i K1A,l He Mump, gripping it as tlghtlv as pussihlu to 'vVeiit tb, jmv f ,1J()ll willoMr. L., the vie- V,.,,tarr.'ul ,l,u ''and nnd amputaled aim iu Ids 'viiunij, uiiil ,u, ,1 ,W(1 Vl, ., ,uwll ijl.euol about two hiindi.d yards, while llie Weitl Il,nu,l (i piGii-ly. icniaikable "reui,il picsiiicoof mind. ArrlvniL- at the leafiirgion mis luiiuidhitclv called iu and ... .'i'l'l"'1' 'Hi" unfuitiiiinio nun was V i lulli boiifo of Ids brother, Mr. - ,,.111 Leaiy, wl.cie ho has i-ince Ueii. As ai titto-a,t, 1UWI11 as iimputatid mid y -'I. Ilels.lolug wdl i lint likely to ' hh any ,iffit,y ,!, ,U,,M ., ',u'l".Ul"e iiiiiniju(nt lolhc woniid. Ilseims , bin Jlr. I kis that he has experienced v ill n ii t l'a"i iroin the wound. It is n veiv r i rilli,Ir Ui,Iy i nboiit fully ycuis old, r ; , " "i mat nine in mo to pari witn a --Witmui.-Ctiiliuyc JWM. , 'lr' LtWy had Jun returned home fioiu a vis- ,' 'hi. cnunty to intend thu funeral of Ids r Lie million with all Iih frlemU wu ' ' i L t Ids accident. GO AND SEU "TII13 TIIKSt'lANS" AT TUP, OI'LUA IIOUSi:, l'UIDAY, DKCEM llLll 3. Coiumunlcatcil. Jtr.?iit3. KniTon i The llepnbUenn seems elated tiver the H'ptilillcan vote of Heaver Township, mid also bo.tsU that wi money was. spent to influence votes; but It dues not inform llio public what other Influences were used to increase this vote. A certain Individual who employs a mini her of men, -distributed ltepubllcati tickets iind -aid you can vote this 'jr quit work. It was one of the most disgraceful acts that a patty can bo guilty of mid leaves very little room fur boasting 11i:avi!U. ItAwvKtis in Luzcusi: County. Ily refer ence to the new rules of Court, prepared by (Ico. P. Knlp, Km., It will ho seen that there arc one hundred an l eight-six lawyers resident in Lu zernu county. Of the?e, ninety-six reside in Wilkes-llarrep fifty-six in Scratiton j seven Iu Cathotidaloj six lu I'itt'ton; four in Ilailctonj four In Plymouth; two in Shickshinny ; while Sugar Xotch, Ashley, Js'anticoke, Wyoming, Dunmiire and Waverly Iiavc one each. Plynioutli has the oldest iind also the young est lawyc" in the county. James A. (lordon ad milted August 7, 1S'J2, and Henry C. Magee ad milted October 'Jl, 187o. OiilTUAnv. Krederick I!. Swaliy died at the resilience of his son, Frederick J. Swahy,in ibis vill.ige, on Friday I.i't, having attained the ripe age of 85 yens, Mr. Swaby was born in the is land of Jamaica, iu the year 1701. lie was ed ucated iu F.ngland, and during the years ISOo and 1S00 was a scholar at the school near lin net Castle, iu Yorkshire, which lias since been rendered celebrated by being described in a vein of very broad but caricature by Dick ens iu Ids novel "Nicholas Nickleby," mi lcr the name of "Dotheboys hall," mid Mr. Swaby is perhaps (lie la-t survivor of that institution, lie came to this country with his family in company with his falhcr-in-law, Capt. John Ilaigb ol the, UritiHi army, iu 1821, and settled at the village of Kspy, Columbia county, Pa., wbcie he resid el until 1810, surioiindi'd by many warm friends, for whom lie to the last cherished the kindest riTollcclion and regard. In that year be removed to Seneca FalN, where he has since resided willi his fons. His father, Joseph Swa by, diul iu Jamaica In the year 1811; he was turn in 1727; the lives of the father and son consequently extended through a period of MS years. During the ncai ly thirty years residence of Mr. Swaby in Seneca Falls, ho has been little in public life, being rather retiring in disposi tion, hut In the homo circle and among those whose acquaintance witli him became intiiu lie, he was highly He possessed the keciies1 sen-eof hono-, which was always manifest in his intercourse with the world, and tho probity of his character was ever conspicuous. He was a eoininunicitit iu llie church of Kngland, anil always maintained llie highest standard of a de vout Christain. His genial and cheerful tem perament rendered him peculiarly a favorite aiming the young. It was while participating with them iu their innocent amusements, some live mouths since, that he received injuries from a fall, which hastened his death. His memory will rimain as a precious legacy to those to whom he has been a loved companion for years, .mil toward them the sympathies of all will be extended. His funeral was attended on Monday it the Kpiscopal church, Kev. Dr. Onion oflici aling. (biin'rr, NKWSI'APnti PATRON A(in. The AfhrrliferH (hzctte, a weekly journal de voted to the interest of advertisers, published in New York, publishes the following excellent 'hoiights on the above subject: '1 here seem to bo a great many different ways f defining and understanding the phrase "news- paper patronage, ami as a party interested in i correct definition of the same, we give the fol lowing di-ipii-itioti on the subject by one who knows whereof bo speaks. It may serve per haps as a mirror in which ceitain parties may be able to 'Vee thcni-clvcs as others see them." "Many long and dreary years iu the pnulish iug business has forced the conviction upon us ihat newspaper patriinago is a wind of many def initions, and that a great majority of mankind are cither ignorant of the correct definition, or are dihuncit in a strict llililical fcii'e of the word. Newspaper palionage has as many col ors as the rainbow, and is as changeable as the liaiiiclcou. "One man comes in, subscribes for a paper, pays for it in advance, and goes homo and reads it witli a proud satisfaction that it is his. He hands in his advciti-cinent, and reaps the ad vantages thereof. This is pationagi'. "Another man a-ks you to send him the pa per, and goes oil' without saying a word about llie pay. Time Hies on; you are in need of money, and ask him to pay llie sum ho owes von. Ho Hies into a passion, perhaps pays, per haps not, ami ordcis his paper stopped. This is died patronage. "One man brings in a fifty cent advertisement mil wants a two dollar pull' thrown in, and when you decline ho goes oil' mad. Even this is called p.itronnge. "One man don't take your paper. It is too high priced, but ho boriows and reads It regu larly. And that could be called newspaper pat ronage. "One man likes your paper, ho takes a copy, pays fur il, and gels his friends to do tho same ; he it not always grumbling to you or others, but hat a Iricndlj word. If an accident occurs in his taction ho informs tho editor. This is news paper palroiuge. "One hands you a marriage or other notice, ind a-ks for extra copies containing it ; and when you al: him to pay lor the papers he looks surpriscil : "You surely don't ask pay for such small matUrs?" This is called newspaper p.itrona;e. "One (it is goo 1 to see sitcls) comes iu aud .iy: "Tho year for which I paid is about to ex pire1, 1 want to pay for another." lie does so ind retires. This is newspaper patroi.age." Il Will bo seen from the above that while cer tain kinds of patronage arc the very life of the iiew-papur, there are other kinds more lata! to its health ami circulation than the culls of a hot constrictor are to tho luckless prey hu patron- Daring Kuhlirry ul Asliluiul. On Friday night of hist week, a most dar ing robbery occure d at tho house of Solomon SiMniati, Ashland. All the circumstances cunnected with tho case arc of an exceed ingly curious character, mid are as follows: Mr, .Silliuiau is an engineer at the Locust K ii ii colliery, where his lather fills tho posi tion of superintendent. On last Wednesday, Mr. Silliuiau went to the First National Hank ol Ashland, anil drew therefrom the stun of fCbO, wliich he inlenlid to deposit in tho Safe Deposit Hank of l'oltsville, on Monday, November 10th, but for the time being he locked it in the upper drawer of a bureau which stood in his bed room, ul'ter which he put tho key in what he considered u vale place. Nothing declined to disturb the tccurity cither ol the money or the fam ily, until Friday morning, when, in Mr. Silllniaii was about to arise from his slum bers, ho was stopped bv his wife who said, "wait a inonii'iit, Solomon, until 1 tell you of a strange dream I had hist night." .M!. SlI.I.IAUN'is DltCAAI. Last night I dreamt that 1 saw two men, with iiuisks upon their faces, enter our room with n light and piocecd towards the bureau where the money was. I then thought that I awoke itiiiHaid'wIiatiircjoudulnghereif" when one of the i -cn (the tallest of tho Uo) tauio towuids me mid putting n pistol to my head, said that if I mado any uoiso that he wotiul bl(iw my linliis out. I knudgcil you and tiled to muLooii, but it wiuoi no iuot Then one of tho nicu tried to open tho bureau drawer, In which tho money was, but tho key wouldn't fit nnd ho said "this Is not tho right key," whereupon tho other man said "well we nro bound t'i get tho right ono out of n dozen." Taklue; up tho hunch of keys that ncro lying ou tho tublolhcy opened the drawer and seelnrr tho package of money, one of tho inett grabbed It and put It In bis breast. They als'i took two suits of your clothes out of ntiotlicr drawer nnd having looked around the room and at me, they wont up stairs. I heard them como down stairs again and say "lie thought that silver and money was pretty safe, and will blame it on some of Ills friends, but be will bo fooled." Tho last thin? that I remember was lioiring them go down stairs. Although this was a most extraordinary dream, Mr. Sllllman did not pay much attention toll, but beforodrcsslng ho thought that he would look nt tho money to satisfy himself that it was safe, lie rcc ived a shock upon discovering that tho drawer In which ho had placed the money was open, but his feelings altogether ovcrcaino him when lie saw tho money was gone. Ilo searched wildly in every corner of the-bureau and room mid tried to persuade himself that he had placed the money in some other place but it was all of no use. Tho money was gone. Mr. Silliuiau then rushinl downstairs and noticed that the kitchen door was wnlo open and that the two suits of clothes of which his wife bad made mention in her dream wcro lying upon tho kitchen table. Thcso facts satisfying liim that thieves had indeed broken iu and stole he ran up stairs and told his wife that hcrilreatn was too true Hcmeinbering that he had left his watch upon a small table near the head of tho bed, lie lifted tho over which was thrown upon it in a carelcs manner and found that the watcli was safe, also another watch w Inch was hanging against the wall. Jift then thinking of the silver which was iu another bureau up stairs, ho went and searched for that and IbtiiL.tlial it also had been taken, l'ho silver was composed of a lot of old coins which had been brought Irom England by 'his grandfather, who had mado him a pres ent of it and of which ho was very careful. bhenandoah Herald. Death of William 1!. Astor. Nr.v Yor.ic, November 24. William 15. Astor died this morning in the eighty-fourth year of liis age. Ho had been iu ill health for a long time, nnd the event was not, there fore, unexpected. Murder or Suicide? A Sthujlkill County Mystery. PorTsviM.n, Pa, November 23. Tho re mains of a human body were found on the mountain near Mount Carbon, yesterday. Near by was found a revolver, with one empty chamber, and a slouch hat, coat and a Hebrew book. The body which has not yet been indciitified, appears to have been lying iu the woods fur ecveral months. The fact that Jefferson Davis is not a citi zen of Missis-ippi, and has not been a resi dent of the State fur seven years, will ma terially interfere with the dan of sending him to tho United State Senate, in accord ance witli the little programme telegraphed all over the country by tho Republican alarmists. Tell another before that gets cold. A few nioro pieces of that 25 cent l.iblon yet at Clark it Wolf. Men's clotli boots at K. M. Knorr's. If you want a set of furs for $-1 or $j, go to Liitz & Sloan's. I. W. Hartman's Furs now opened, $1.00 to S2.i 00 a set. Gloves of all kinds and prices at Clark tt Woll's. French dressing at Knorr's High Top Combs nt Claik St Wolfs. Tobacco, Cigars and Confectionery at wholesale, very M. M.ltiissell. Uazar Patterns at Clark &. Wolf's. For a Good Cheap Overcoat go to 1), Lowenberg's. A full lino of Trimming and lSinding liraids just received at Clark & Wolfs. Have you seii I. W. Hartman's New Dishes at - I.OO per set. If you want gents' lur collars or gloves go to Lutz iV Sloan's. CALF S110KS AT U. 51. KNOIiliS FOR 2.00 PKlt PAlli. If you want childicn's or misses' furs, ei er white or colonel, go to Lutz & Sloan's. ther Heaver Cloth at Clark & Wolf's. 5Ioyer liros, sell Kcseudale Cement at the lowest tigurcs. If vou want mink or sable furs for 20, 22, 28, 32, US. -IS, 00 or 00 dollars per set go to Lutz ec Sloan s. Wool lllankcts at Clark & Woll's. Cenntcnnial Seamless lings 30 cents a piece at 51. 51. Hussel's. A full line of Flannels at Clark ec Wolf's If you vaut Alaska or beaver furs at any price' go to Lutz it Sloan's. OVKll-COATS I OVIC1.-COATS I For 5Icn, Youths and Uuys, Grciu Bargains at D. Lowenberg's. trmantown Woul 121 cents: per ounce at Claik & Wolf's. If vou want L'cniiine seal furs for 30 or -10 dollars per set go to Lutz & Sloan's. Christmas Goods coming at I, Y. 1 lai t mau's. Hosiery, a full line at Clark it Wolf's. If you want imitation of seal furs at 8, 10, or J2 eloiiais per set go to i.uiz cc cioau 5!uM'r llros. have received a ear load of Cnlciiicu Plaster and S-lid. liuililcrs wotilil do well to consult their prices bclore pur chasing clsewheie. Claik it Woll's are now opening ouo of the largest line, ol Jiolitlay iioous tuaviiiey ever opened and at very low prices. A splendid lino of Satin Nctk wear for nits, hi liuws, Scarls, Ties, itc, at Gent D. Luwenberg's All c.inl wbiinl mill scicciud before leaving the old tHiiblUhid coal yard of C. V.Ni:ai, A; lllto. Gciiniintowii Wool at I. W. llartimiii'd. lSaigalua in Duss Goods at Chirk et M oil's, fa itM iThs"taki7 n one i:. V 1 ..ul. lliiikstir. llloonisbiirir. will Pay tho highest prito iu ciiili lor C'alM's, Drlid licnkiuidi:1:gs. Oct.20-lw Cold Mows the wind. So go nnd get a Good W in in Suit ul 1), Low. mlcrg i. lMfiM'st lino (if Lmllch' fmo liiit n Col 111 IV 11 ml Culls i vi r en mil in ltlooiusbuig,ut tiiu pnccB,is uv -in- - TOWANDA BOOTS I TOWA N DA BOOTS Tho bc?t nnd moU tellable for every one to buy, Try them For salo at McKln noy's. Ladles' Coats and Shawls cheap at Clark & Wolfs. Faiim roll Ham: Containing CI nens, In Scott township, one-half mile from ltloomburg. (loud buildings, splendid water, imil n first clas stone quarry on the pieiniscs. Price ?o,000 W. J. ItfCKSI.lAV, lical L'ttalc Agent, Oysters of fine selection, at M 51. Hus sell's. Slipper Patterns etc, very cheap at Clark ifc Wolfs. For a Nobby Hat go to 1). Lowenberg's. Httbber Hoots at 5IcKlnncy's. FAUMr.ns,.TTi:NTios-. Ititssfl tikes I'ulter F.ggs, Lard and Produce in exchange for goods Point Gaze Cashmere, Yak, Guipure Silk, and other Laces at Clark it Woll's. 5Iens Gum Ooots.Hoys Gum I!oot.,Ladies, .Misses aud Childieii Uubbcis. at U. 51. Knorr's. Centennial Pins nt Clark & Vi'oM'h. Worsted Fringe at Clark it Wolfs. Choice variety of Cranberries and 5Iinte Meat at 51. 51. Hu-scll's. Towels, Napkins, Doylcs, Table linens etc. very cheap at Clark it Wolf's. When you go to Philadelphia stop nt tho Allegheny House, No. 812 aim old -Market stieet; having been recently leiioyatcd. Price only Sri! per day. A., March l'J,'7&-ly 1 loprictor. Good clean Coal to be had only of C. W. Ne.ll A: lire. 32tf A handsome line of Jabots and Silk Hand le rcMol's, at very low priccsat Clark it vv . I'. If you want a good Ham, If you want cheap ami good Tea, If you want Cotlce Java or llio, If Vou want good Canned Fruit, If vou want the best .Mackerel, If you want Sugar for the least money, If you want the best Syrups in town, If you want good Cigars, If v.iii wiint imnil 'I filmpco. If you want anything in tho Grocery and Provision line, go to ltussut.l.'s, 5Iaiu street. ei-o I.a u-nrriixl fim! ntiOVPil Wltb Hot OllK' a ,.,,. ..ntliti. ntCvA Intl ilirrv 5i ml sbttv besitlt's. but buy of "C. W. Nk.u. it Ilito. who deal only In the Lest qualities. 32lf Tics. Fichu Canes, Aprons, itc., jut opened at Clerk it W oil's. 2.00 btivs a irood pair of Ladies Shoes at 5IcKiuiiey's. Call ami examine. llnt.i" tosiothi:iis NunsiN'n I.ntants It is a. conceded tact that mothers who have tho care, anxictv and draught of nursing in fants are weak and need the aid of some tregthening tonic to make up the nour ishment required for the growth ol tire chihl. Ale, porter.and lager beer have often been recommended. Of late, since physicians have become aware that Port Cuape me iroilncpil bv Allrctl Sneer, of Pa-saic, N. J., is strictly Vttre thav have prescribed it in stead of ale anil porter. This wine is prin cipally sough for by mothers who have nur sing nilatiis as uie nc-i supply mciiiuui iiom found. The wine is rich in body and not in toxicating but gently stimulating. Druggists eener.illy keep it, and sell it for a dollar a bottle. I:nijnim: C. W. Ni:ai, it-I'no., spare no expense to send out nice Coal. 3'Jlf Clark it Wolf are offering some of their Dress Goods at cost and below. Wyoming Seminary and Commercial College, KitiL'ston. Luzerne county, Pa., lias accommo dations for 173 boarders and 20,0 day scholars. Students received at any time and charged for boanl from the tune ot ailmis-ion. Muuenis prepared fur college, teaibing and business. Coinineicial course anil telegraphy nnsiirpa-ed. Common Kngli-li studies thoroughly taught. College preparator. course equal to that of any other school. Send for a catalogue and a t'oni- mcieial Journal to Key. I). Copelaml, I'll. 1). Commercial students address Prot. L. L. Sprague. If you want a firt cla-s Farm Wagon, If you want a Platform Pleasure Wagon, If you want an Kliptic H;ring Wagon, If you want a Pleasure Wagon, If you want your Wagon put in good tiim, If 'vou want reoairs done cood with short notice', Go to J. 1!, Fals. FOll 1U:NT. "Centennial Hall. 1 to 10 years lease. Call ou I. W. Hart man. Farmers in want of first class articles of Thrc-hirs and Cleaners; aNo, one and two hoiso 1 nail rowers, call ou or ailttress .1. Al, Iliil-hizer, Light Street, Columbia County, Pa COAL. COAL Old IMalilhlicd Coal Yard. C. W. Ni:ai. it I!i;o., Wholesale it lletail Dealers in all sizes of the best qualities ol Wed ami White- Ash Coal, at the very lowest market rates. Haveeonstitntlyonliaiid large stocks ot Domestic, dipt da, lllacksmith's Anthracite, liituminotis, and Limeburncr's Coal Kspccial attention given to the prepara- tion of coal before leaving our yards. Grain and Lumber taken in exchange lor coal. Coal delivered to any part ol the town at short notice. (Inters lelt at I. W. AlcKelyy'i (.tore, or nt our office, will receive liionitit at tention. (Jllico ana ants ut w illlam -seal it Sons' Furnace, Fast llloonisburg. lour patronage respectfully solicited. COAL. L7-tf-251 COAL TOWN AND COUNTRY. o A Tit UN OP KVII.S K vil;ni'8s ul llio ttomitcli la nlluweil to ticeomo cliruulr, tho fotluulni; nils unnerve-no illgi'Mlon la IHTiiiiine'iitly linpulrnl, ilm a.fiti'm l-iwy Imper fectly iioui Islii'd, thotiluuit becomes lliln wulwiit ery, ami llio lillo, betinr tmemplo.iecl lcr 01,'psltvo mm ovacuatlvo purposes, rntcii the ( treiil.illuii tliroiii'li tliu thoracic Uiictiiml InJecH ltscilf lutotlio U'Iih, KlMtig to tlio hUln anil thoHliltea ot tlio ejes tlio Hitlroiuinse Indicative of lilllnusiiehs. Ile.idaclio. nausea constipation, p.ilns In tlm hide1, luuriuurn, and many ollur dWie-tUng lomptoma wlileluiei'ompaiiy lie- luteiiul dcr.inui incut ulxo described, u lileli, If uucliecHed, la btuo lo be follow ed by Heilotis dbcase, us tlio iMns of the Mm by Its Ktllni;. U U uunltist, thcrifori', that un Inability ot tho stomach lo net upon llie fnoil hhouKt lu ertc'r roiiw without delay 'Hie lnlKor.itliii; Inllueiico mi tlio btumucli of llobtetter'ii Momach Hitters Is speed ily fell In the dlsappoar.ii.eoef all the ilKii;reenLlo s) niptoiiih alluded to. 'I lie presci Ibeul iidnerid rem I'dles fur general debility usually full to ucliloe any Lulhii,' rosult because lliey do 110V llio stomach' Hosteller's llltt-ra ilnys sucteed for that Is their pilnul effect, 'llio eery facl that they nro such an excellent stomaehlo constitutes them one of the bent general tonics In existence. Tore btwo digestion Is llio tlnal step towuids the iccou-ry of health, tt hen linpahed by any et tho multlt.iiluiis complaints ttiilili tprlnj; from d spc-iMa, and that will bo found to havo been taken hy tlio lin.illd i'm has mulled Idiuielf ot this taiuous aiill-dyipeptlo remedy. o Tin; iu:st imiotix'tion. Iho list siitcBiiaids agulnst epidemic dlseani nro tloiutigliilltinlon nndiliiii iimrf). Ills bie'iniso lliey nt mo tlio n itutar ixiformanco ot iho dlsioslUo proeeet. uud InMxoiuto tlio nervous sslem that llostitlei'HMimueli i:ittirs uio such a hotenlgu liliiticllic pgaliikt tlio liillucnees whlehluK't Inler liiltlint inaluilles nnd tlioso which Ulieell) uiticllho ttenuieli mid towels. If thoneieesuio he.ilt'itully truniUll llionsslintlalleii et foid they aiusure-tu bouiulir llieliilli'dicu if this standard touHe!.dnciWiie, inulurla innj In) elt Ill-el; and If, In tho iiUcmcc: tl.o mitt nllablo ot incdlciil mfo nuuii', ihes.Mtinilu sfiillen n piey loillteafcootnn lull I ii.ll Ii i,l ir nullum I mo. 1110 11111(111 will, it Hitltttd lu, iiadlctile nil) esllsocf Iho inalndy, IHlli.uiiitiMiisiliatlin.iiid Uj'iipla jlildwlili t-eiual it to ILe, ej eiollen el lids poleu. M'KC blu MiUuUi . xtit Who said that you would liko rcopie wear, rather than the "Wholesale goods com monly sold? This will tell you how to do it. The very large Increase of our business nltows us to make A STILL LOWER SCALE OF PRICES, AND You Can Save Enough In buying a Suit at Oak Hall TO PAY FOR THE TRIP from anywhere In this County to the City of Philadelphia, and have a day of flight-seeing besides. WanamaUer & lirown stand by this Statement, and so will you alter one trial. '"IO be tut I poods lliey can be relied Character of tho Good wo sell! For Men & Doys. in lire present a r th net ivhottsaU, but confine ourselves to retail, We bear no ill-will to any one, and state this only because some dealer Sell poor c d a coming from our house. '1 o each of our custom tn we nrc responsible for articles bought of us. Ily our plan of Ticketing th-: right H,mtt ut the matcnaU on our goods, no one can be misled as to qualities How WanamakcrA Brown treat their rTHI; price same CUSTOMERS. :io. Wcivcn.that anywhere, and alio, that the money will be paid back "isiics, lur tmy itusuii, iu iciuru mc guuus, unworn. Q I "I"MIIS Is Important indeed. became. unprincipled Cxaclly I people having stores in Philadelphia, vn- whrfl tha Slrm Ii tfteit our signs, cards, advertKenients, and wnere me aicro is. stop strangers on the street, nvUhahe dtncthnt about where the store Is. so that they may sell their counterfeit good. There Is bnt one Oak Hall In Philadelphia, it is a large building, the size of four ordinary store, and is n the bouiheast orner of falXl JIS 1X111 SIXTH SIXTH SIXTH-SIXTH and Market Streets. those Mho cannot como . to tho City. V send man made wrfiiitu, anu jincc ueirca 1'aymeni can oe maae to the Lxpress Co on receipt of goodi, and the privilege of examining them is allowed before paying Where good do not please, we will return the money and pay thu oiprcssige back to Philadelphia J ffu thouU It ttire to ue our name on the Building and oxer the door at you enter KIM WANAMAKER & BROWN.-, vfeiwvfesTiiiai BOOK JEIbLER Dealer in Law Blanks, Sunday School Libraries, Depository of the Pennsylvania Bible Society, WINDOW CURTAINS, WALL PAPER, Books and supplies not On Short Notice at the Store in Exchange Hotel Oct. s,i;s- n. p. KfNKni.'.s nirTHii wini: o iiiov. It lias ncr been knowi to fall In the dire e f weakness attended with symptoms, Indisposition ti exertion, lost of mcmury, dnilcully of breathing, weakness, horror of disease, night sw s, cold feet, dimness of Mslon. languor, unlersjl 1 lasltudo of the muscular sj stem, enormous appetite, with dispep- 110 symptoms, not hands iiusmn or the body, drv nessof the face, pain lu the back, heaviness ot the eyelids, frequent black spots flj lug beforo the eyes, with suffusion nnd loss of sight, want of attention. etc. Sold only In 1 bottles, (let the genuine. Do- pot and onice, SW Xorlh .slntti street, l'litl.ulelphta. .dtcefree. Ask for i:. 1". Kunkers llllter Wine of Iron, uud take no other, lieuulno sold only tn Jl bottloa. NKKVOCS DFUILITV 1 NEIlVOt'S DRBILITV I lie-blltty, a depressed, Irrttahlo state ot mind, a weak, nenous, exhausted foclln ', no energy or ani mation, confused head, weak memory, the conse quences of excesses, mental over ork. This nervous debility lli.ds a socre1,'U cure lu C. r. Kunkel's lilt- terWli.eot Iron, it tones the sjstem, dl.spels tho mental gloom anil despunclency, and lejuvcna'.estho entlro sjsti-m. Sold only In 1 bott ci. llexthegen- iilno onii-e, North Ninth strert, I'hUaitclphli, I'a. Sold by all druggists. Ask for K. 1'. Kunkel's Utter Wine of Iron, and take no other. Genuine sold only In 11 bottler. TAI'E WOUM, llemoved altie, with head complete, In from two to three hours. Nofeotlll reinoted, by Dr. Kuukel, aw North Ninth sn-eet, Philadelphia, Seat, pin and stomach worms nl-o removed. Call nnd see. Ad. vice free, send for clreu'ar, or a-sk your druggist fur Kunkel's Wonn'.jrup. TrlcoSI. It neter falls' o schenck's Pulmonic syrup, fcr the cure of consump tion, coughs and colds. Tho great Urine of this medicine Is that ttilpens ho matter and throws 11 out of tlio sjstem, purities tin- blood, nnd thus elfeets a cure, schenck's Sea eed route, for tho etireot dyspepsia, Indigestion, Ac. The Tonic pralines a healthy action of tlio stom ach, creating an appetite, forming chyle, nnd curing the most ohstlnnte i nes of Indigestion. Schenck's Mandrake l'llls, for tho euro of liver com plaint, kc. These pills are alter.itUe, and produce a healthy action of tho lUer without tlio least danger, as they are free from calomel, and jet more cflleacloua In restoring a hinlili) action of the Hut. These remedies are a certain euro f r consumption as tho pulmonic rup ripens the matter and purl lies the blood. Tho mandrake pills act upon the liter, crea'e a healthy Mle, and remove all disises of tlu liver, often acaiisoof cinsuinptlon. Tho seaweed tonic glve.s tone and strength to thu sto:ii.ieh,mik-s il goon digestion, and enables the organs to form good blood, and thus creates a healthy circulation ot healthy blood. 'Iho combined acllon of theo medi cines, as thus explained, w III cure eery ease ot con sumption, If taken Intlino ami the use of tlio medi cines persc-M red in. Dr. Sclu-nek Is professionally nt his principal ofilcc, eornir Sl.xlh nnd Aichsts, Philadelphia, ever Mon day, w hire all letters for adUee muat hv addressed. o- Tako A j cr's Pills for nil tho purposes of a purga tive, ror constipation, tndlgosilon, headache, nnd liv er complaint Ily universal uccord they are tho best of all purgatives for family use. fl it Is no winder lint Invulldsloe faith In unci tries when so rnnu wnlhless nudlelnes nie ndveitt ed for tho cure ot vailius mseafes, butwhleh, wlun tried lire "fourd wnutlng." We hate to tho tlrst failure cf 1)1. WMnr's Iialsauiof Wild Cherry locuro eoughs, cold-, nnd pulmonary disease. M cents and ;i n bottle, lari-o bottles much tho cheaper. o- TIIE HCiT I'lUNTINO Ol'l'It'i:. Tho present la a good opportunity to remind the filendsof thoiuper, nnd llio public genculli, that tlio Cm.i'MiiiAN Jon Piii.MiMi oi i in: has no supeiloi In Hits seitton, ni.d, In rime respects. Is without nn equal. Huilcg llie last year wo hate eompli li 1 le nened our Ijpi sniid Hind largo oddlllons, and It Is no Idle bout-t lo say Unit we luto now il.e Ili-t Presses, the I'est Asu.ilment of Tjiv, the rot Slock of paper, ( aids, ,c and Il.e ltest W01I.11..11 In Iho e'uuntiy . Our wi ikincn uie t celallj uoupluirnr their, plircti, ui.d wo u.ake It ape-lnt touIwajsgHe our tustimi-iKa ileal, ettieit and inll-failorj Jeb. We du not i lnliu to do woil. lor Itm Hum eiil.n, but will warrant It to bens eheapns umbo doiionnj whero nnd jlelduilieei.t I'lellt. All w home In need of Job l'lli.tlngienj'laln r In i o!ois-wlll Iind It lo il.elrli.tiiiHtii gUcil.ecut'iiMNOfllce a tilal, v hn on hand rwiy vmlilj if Cards, 1'uier, II I , 1 melons, Tags, 4c, that Is llkilv tube ciilltd for, uud cun luinl'linny qiianllly irttlonf work on thort uoilie. lilndli g to order. tf. o wiii:iii: io .i)Vi:i:iisn. A. T. Hcwnit fajs tho lest ndmtMlig medium , ho has evir found "uie the old ei-laUb-hod orgiins of Ihu two pollllu.l I allies, at Il.e seurul eount si uts throughout the I'ntcn. Ihcse,'1 lie ni.s "letch every lainlly ot Iho least aicoui.t In llulr sound counties, nnd ure more emetully read thuu unj other clasiiol Joninuls." It Sir. siewuit's Judgimnt Isof vulue, tlu ie Is no ilinicully In duldlng will, h paper It Is fur the Interest of bu-liu ss nan to ndu'111-.c In Tho Coi.tiiiu liKMii'iUT, uui which lids .itil.i pal I lally founded, wasebtabltslud liilSM, imdim Coi.i'miua:. now t'lijojs a wl.ler clr. ulnttnn and graiti r losU'illy than It iur did. 11 yvm legul r ly lutotwo IhoinniKt fiiinlllen lu I'olumll-i and ad-1 Joining count lev, and by n-ostof Iheiil Is ii .d from i III lo uio lasi line, lint uieuiiij inegui- u eipeiieul i f niuily llo lliousaud Hen nr.ile t,ut rs lullio county. Itglus adiutli ta tj i'is. play, that mrkvn them ntir.ielln- lo lu i atron-.tluis ensuring si-euter ecrtululy Hut iluj will p. in. n till in. While tuclrculul foil Is uuduuLlcdlJ I..U -li 1 In lar.ckt In ihe county, the ..duulsing rales of the coi.vuniAN me no higher iin.ui I it her pafir. Willi li.uili hull lul sou ral not oue-foui Hi ihe Lum ber of bubsei loci a. TuelK like Ihi no s( uul; for Ihem sell en, No shrew d but-lnca luuii w 111 ueglect lo In seit hlsuduill-en.eiitslu the Ci iuiuun tf. A TTOIINl'Y'H II MH, (miiiiioii uud t Jin cii.iiit Lends. Just Mli.teil Ml for b.ili ul tin. Cm L-u r ian dhii-ei. Ail Kit .1: ot Altoruui's UlaiifcH either kepi eiu luend or l ilulcJ lu older. io get such Clothing as City e of hat w e stll we manufacture our mp of them In our own building, nrc well cut.icwcd and finished, 'Ihey uton Sionktepcrs out of the city w when they say ihey sell our goods, In plain figures .ind nothing rjf The rricc to acnuatntances and strangers. m 8 n To city people and country people equal advantage. With each article sold, a Guarantee the Price Is n-t Iowa It can liehrtnoht that the quality Is as tt presented In full, if purchaser within 10 das patterns of material and price by wnen requested, rcrsons can nae -n ti rood tent hv Knrp. hv send. Ing their measure (wc lurnish easy directions that any one can measure by,) and describing color I I'll ,- f ,, -v fcsfi1 Mtti b?i- PICTURE FRAMES, REWARD CARES. on band can be furnished Most licasonublc liaics. Buildiii"-, .Bloonislmrsi;, Pa. J, H. MAIZE, Healer In GROCERIES AND U1SI0 s, CUOCKKUY, CLAStSWAIlK. tiUlCENtiWARF, WOODKX WAKE, All kinds of Dried Fruits, Canned Fruits, lDPelEI) MEATS, HAMS, Fresli Fisli, Mackersl and Coil Fish, nurs AND MOLASSES, And tho Largest General Assortment of Groceries TO HE FOUND JX THE CUUNTY At tho MAMMOTH (JROCERY Cor. Main ami Center cts., Hlnoinsbnrg, Pa. O". S, lsf Ayer's Cathartic Pills, For tho relief nnl mil; of all dt rano menU ia the f-toin-acti, liter, aiul low tli. ThcY are a uulil aperient, ami nu excellent puigMUe. llL-ins uiely vejftf' t a lile, they eontalu lioinercmyorinipu ral vhQtcii' Mmii serious iicUir5 uui BuffcrJi-fflspi-cvt'uf ol hv uicir tiiiHlv ut; nnil overy fimllyfhouUl hate themou hatul fur tlieir piotection a,tnl relief, uhcii rciuiieit. IjOujj uxpeneiue had provetl thru) to he llie t-nf c.t, Murcst, ;uul c-l of all tho w iUi w hh h tho miirkn uboitiKU. Ily their occaaioml ut-f, Ihu Llood in tiuiiileil, thu coiuiptlons of tlifl m'i tcm cxpelleJ, uhbLruetioiiii iemoTel. nitit tho ltlioU iimchmei-y of lile icUoreil to iu henlUiy activity tntoinal oignns which become clonic J and sliiffUli are clennsod by Autr' I'iU, nnd fctimulaieit Inlo action. Thus incipient ctUoase 1h elKineil intu licnlUi, the rMue of u Inch chanctf, uhen l uekoncd on Uiu vnst nmltitiulco v ho enjoy It, ran hardly ho coiuuteil. 'Iheir tiifrarcu:itin inaKci them pleasant to taLc.nnd nreyei ve.- Uieir vutued itninipaiied for any length of lime, so that they mo ever fteth, aud perfectly icliahle. Although eearehinpr, thpy are mild, and nuerato iihoul dutut h.mee to thu constitution, oi diet, or occupation. I'liil durctioiiH nro Riren on the wrapper to ea.'h hox, hoiv to uo Ihem ,ut a Family rliytlc, nnd for the foltonin coniplamU, which Uie&o I'itl r.npldl tno Tor ifla or Biiillrtlon, I.Utlont n Iiiiiruir uud I.utut of Aiii'lit,thcy should ho taken moderately I0fthnulale thotLom ach, and ietiio iti healthy tone uud action. l'ir IJ (Nttit (il 4i lit i aud its vniioiut xymn tOllli, llltllMIN BIUlllt( liC, Ml k llt'dll lu lus .taiimlli-i or Jrrn Hit Uurm, Bill liiiiMi'ulU' and Ullfou IV en, they thould lio JmUtirtuIy taLen for each ea-o, W -'ourct tho diMM-"ed action oriemovo tho ohitiuetloni uhlch cjuho it. Tor ljrnlrrr or lltanliwrf, but ono mild do.e it Koneralty ifnuued. For ltlit'iittiiitiui. -'out, f.) ravel, Ial iitintluii of IIih llrailt K'.Hn In tho hlilr, llacL and l.if nt they t-hould Lf contin uously taUen(ai lecpiired, tn change the diseased ftcthm of tho ey Klein. With ouch change thoe couipl.iints For lriiiijr And lrapienl Wrlltnjr, they should be taken in largo and froipieut doetd to prod iu o the cdod of a diaetio lungo. For Miipprrotitoii. a latco dote fliiild lo taken nsU proilucui tho UcMied cflett hy fcyin pathy. As n fnfr Villi tM.n one or two VUU to prttm-'te difTetlnn nnd ivlune tho atmiMch, An occasional dose stimulates thu im:nch ft nil bowel, ictore Iho appetite, and iu uorate tho r.atcm. Hence It h olleii advanla-,'eom whei-u no "I'ruHH dcranneinent exUlfl. One ho fecli tnlerahlv uelt. often llmU that ft doe of ther a I'UIh make him feel decidedly bettec, from their eleanfinjr and lonovnting eiToct tm the Uigcdivo appaiatui. rnn'AUr.n 2r,J.C A r;;.C VO Vrnctlcal C!umt$t, LOH'VLL, MASS,, U, 8 A, KOU RALli I1Y ALL I)ItUU0IST3 LYKUYW'UUltB. (VmgliH t'o!i!, ISion oliltl-", Korc '1 lmint, In fltnnzn, I'roiiji, linn ing (.'oiijjli, Hoar-rniw I.lvi'rCoiiiiiluint, I'aiiii or Run-noss in tin t'hest or Siilc, Uluilini; ut tlie LunKi1, nn 1 every i i-r t. I.umra -.nil ( 'lam. nres eed I i t I K. Wit i 'HU llll-AHOI- Wan dots in dry up a cous;li ulul leiiio o ii. i-i HI I. IS' miii 11.1 M II llll-lUl-O, lis, s mo iv uet. iir.u iir.eis iiina- u Ii c ii i; Hu. luux'Ct llu emu; 'ulnt. Oonsuxuution can bo cured by lll.iely i to this Hand.uil rin.idv, nuls ) 1 ix i a l In. I on i. s el iittlu.ebt Is II l.uMteee-it pri'in lives l OH Ml 15 AT TIIL COLl MBIA Ol TIC K. i,,, -I ,n , j .1.1 ,i 1 1' l 111 III V. Il III. I ll I 1 I ' I , s .1 ll II, I. VKfrTOT;'- XOTICK. rti Atk or .I'liiM vEMrtr. DT.ri?Arn. tt'Tf t' t.'uri.tiiv on tho cfclatpof Jnhn VM- I k.t.Tfiif ''utt t lUf.ddp Ittmbli comity, deceit r t, iinp n n 'r ndfd iy the Il'tfhtpr of mldcoun i ' Ai, . . nniicK, cr wranion, r Kxecuior, to vh u ,u l "tmn Indebted nro !iiiiicded to inakn p.t m nt, and thow hnvin? rlntm fr demands nj l it tli'aldtt do ulllinako them known to tl.o ui j j-xicumr wnuouiueiay, r. M.C.ItWCK, I hllMRUSSALE. Hi' VPiri K OV SI'NllilV WI1IT1 lud nut ' ul i" ' -'mr' hi i iniin in nrwiir ro i tut. i rutin v. iti'li -i t ri-cii'd will li 1 Ptpnspd tn snl-) nn tie , ( i rri liis f .U-.-SI- 1). ltlof.ln H.-ott lowualitp at 1 !U L 1 . IX. . III, ,1,1 Tt JXHAV, XoVniDKR no, 187.-, nil t riTtnln iitnllililcil of n lot ot lanrt " i t"in r it timns-hlp, t'lilinniili nmntv, l'n , ins, wi- i i.iiii.-si in,. wiinir.v, ii'Muini'ii nn iiic rose iiv qu i r;.' I it tit MarpV K l'ur'l. nn the inrili bv lahil if mi tlnnnp, un thi wst hv ot .1 ssf II liio. kri'iwn in tli3 llri'ti nmrrv Int. tr in? luti'li ot Aaron lioono ntul oilier lahflsof .hi., li. Ha on which nrc iTi'Ctcit two iluHlInt: n mi i nun iimi-u1. si tine, niuce', nnv Fr.ii nun l-u llini- kllni. ix'lni? the- umlM'Inl onf-liAlf ot tho rnirtr rvlnt ti'ir.'lifl-'il liyj. l). ltlco ot t'harlM k-c nub eue- unnuncu:iiceis. ALSO; 11m ot'inr un llvlilmi otip-lnlt ot tin nunrrv lot ntmv I wrll I. Ii'lnjr t'io nn-llvhl-il niu'-half of nil 1 n'l rry hit tmre'lin soil liv tho'l !. I), ltlco from 1'etcr Shu;;, with tho nppurtciunccs. ALSO; one nthrr plco of loml In nll townhlp tiotinrtml liv liintsnt la,io Whim n than ml Ii, on I tie rait by l.unH ot tho Fipv I.lmo nn-1 foment e'n , ami othnri on tlio north In laml-ief Xut li.itite-1 II. rninnbrll nnd f,n tin' nost livlniiil of I'nr.-tcl X Wnplvi ntnl Ihp ipi.irr. lotiutiovo (I'-icrlbtxl, containing nbout four iicruu. ALSO; line wlnrf lot, sllmtH on tlio Vnrth llr.inrh Onnnl 111 Mil tiiAllh'.hlOf -lOOtt, lHJUIlll.-il bv l.llllU Ot Clipt. Hu-'ms :, i n'M'lln ninl othiTs, rontnlr.lnv ono ipi irl. r ot ntmi'iv. Innro or hv, be'lhL wharf lot pur- his ,t of (ionr:v lllill.ij '4 executors by tho salil.Ies i' 1). Met'. AI.PO, Th i thorwhnrflot.'isltuitcon tho North Iiranch i-.ui i in ilil t'p..nilotrl!ir lnn-ls rf ('apt. Waplcs ab'jui, on hall .nro. nun; . .'i-ji.i. mm uinuri, eunuunin; ALSO, Ml Hi it tract of lanil snutn In Mmllmn township, olutni li county, lu., himmleil nnd d"scrlbi-d iw fol low : I'.iylniilnn at a pool un tho Illack linn h Hu; :oroj,nvn to (r.itigi Witr, In llnoof no if ivm (, thenco ny the Mine north furl i. Mao ili'j.-ri'1's cast torty-twi) nnd Fcrcn-tcntli I' -ri-u--, to u po'.r. t'icni " liy th" same Aast nttv-nnc P'lCi- ui.iii'juk, thence north ten deKrees t b L.tilsofSiinue! ilcr.-ill'h i-lthty.slt perches I j .i p 'st, theinu liv same north thlrlt-two d.'rees ist s uti-two pcn-h-M ton post, tlitte'e by lands of i' till i n Niclll'ir '.eventv-slt il.-irie.-s mt nttv i I. , relii-Hio .' inni. thence bv lati-l-i et lunlel .'Ilil -1 .Ultli t. urle'-n il"l.Tees west seenlv-sK Ii" ' -1" .1 p isi. 'Ii -iieo liv ri, si'ne south sixtv. IV . o 1 IV.-,' el hlv.tlv,' p. '.-ties to. I post fll t , r, s ii. ro.,-t. th ui iii sii.i mid ,nth twenty i - 'i--rit' ou Ii s t,. tlv-Mae of bivlnnlne'. i 'h'Mif'i-r .ill-.o-ies nnd ti" hundred and se. !l ' I il. i ., 'I't .1 u i-.l lllii-e. wlii'ri'on In i.recleil n" il..elh:i. ...jtis . ir-r.- barn and ouibullUlne-a ALSO, Another tract of land nfllotnlnrr the ltist nlmm rte- ficrlbed traet of land, on tho north, .Meredith on tho east nnd other lands of Welllier on tho south, belnif 1 indi puichase-il of W. Welllier, containing about 41 ticres. hclzed. taken into execution, nnd tn he sold .is tin prope-ity ot Jcssu I). Itlcc. , , ., 3IICIIAEL OltOVF.n. f-henn'somce, t-licrirr. ijiouuisuur, lice, x -'.ls.o. X Till-: MATTUIi OK Till-: 11KAI, ICS- tilto nf lllirton W e',,nlrta tn it s.n,n (uivnshlii, Columbia county, deceased. title nn Heirs to accept or refuse the Ileal tarr al tin valuation or show cause why the same should not be told. The Commonwealth of tn Rnsnnnnh Waples, (widoii), liurton (i. Wnrdcs, Ann Kllznticth Wnples, Sarah Louisa Waplcs, Mary . I W'aples, Mi p.umali Wnples and llanna'i Wallace Wnples, heirs of lllirtotl W. Wnnles. ilecenBCfl. Yon nnd each nf j ou nro hereby commanded to he and appear lieforo Hit. firnlimi'a I'n.irt nni.n... tn l.n l.n1 . Illoonisburj;. on the tlrst MONDAY of DKCKMnKIt het, V II. istfi, then and there toacceptorreruse to t-il;e the real estate of said Ilurton W. Waplcs, de ileeeacd. at the appraised vnluo or show cause why iho saino shoul-1 not bo sold. ltv the Court. n, FItANK ZAItn, Clerk. Hloorasburir, Nov. 5, ims. PSYCIIOMANCY or f-Ot'I, CHARMING. HOW e-ltlier SOX lull- f.isrtnutn mill rnn tlin luie and nnvctl,nsot any person they choose Instant ly. This simple acquirement all can possess, free, by mall, fur '.wc, together with a mnrrlitLU Kutdo, E?iiv, oracle, dn-atns, hints tn lailles, weddlns-nlt'lit -uiu, .vi-. . tuee-r ne'UK. Auu.css, i . M uuatn lo, tius., i una. W A ""rPI?r Ajjents for the best selilnt; V i I i'j I I l'llze I'.ick.-IL'., In tlinwnrlil. It contains 15 sheets paper, 15 envelopes, (tolden pew, penholder, penell.lpatenl j aril measure, nnd a piece of J-w elry. hlu,d, package w 1th elegant pald, 2'. cents, circular free. iiiiiuu s co., ica nroadivay. N. Y. WANTED. flood, r.nuiBi.ESir.N ash women to solicit orders In 1 tUST-C!.eS Having business. (Mil established ntid reliable house. UxdUsliu territory. In- h.cein' nts oiler -d and constant einnlovment irtven. Id ferences its to character renulreil. Knr full in dial a tin .use 1 1.1.-111 suiiuii nun iniiu ess lIII.llltllTll, YllfNO ,t Co.. Nov. 12, Jiv L'nlon city, L'rto Co., I'a. WIFE NO. 19. BY ANN ELIZA YOUNG, Jlri'lhinn Voumi's rebellious wife Tho nilyconi'.lcto expose ot all tho secrets of uiuiHM'.i Hem 11 evir written. Horn In Mormon- lu. an'n iuizi mm exposes to the world, na no oth- r woui.iue.iti, !'..' sie'UETii, uvsmiiRs nnd cuimrs f the hoirlbjo sisteniof pol.iuram, from tlio er.v Iie,'lnuinK. Ncniy ano Ultistnitlons lieuutlfy the work. Il Is tin I est sellliiR book published. lO.wo lunre men nnd i.eimn can have t-inplojiuent, nnd make from f.'i b :i dally, au. un: Aoems nro wrlt Inj; for Illustrated elreulars Willi LAiiuii teiuis. scut tree. Lo hoi d 1 1. , but address uts'. irv, (human .v co , Hartford ct. C-n " A HAY guaranteed using our WEI.I. AUOEI1 OrC'J and Hltll.iS JluO u month paid to good Aci-nts Auger book rree. juz Auger co., St. Louis, iissoun. A CiKNTS WANTED. MKDAI.S AND Dlpk'inas awarded tor DOLMAN'S NEW ":t join vi, ttuci.cs :00 1 llii' tratluns. Address for new circulars. A. J. DOLMAN a. Co., OJO, Arch street Philadelphia. THE $50,000 BONANZA- " S5.G0 to $50 OOjyM,5 un . bull paitieutirs sent free. Address EN 1)1. E . liEAl), OS all stree-l New York. I UN , SENT FREE! ! IO lloIIUl'N tU .'lOO (lollill'H. lxnlan itorv 1'ireulir howllii to llinvestcd In ftoi-u Privileges) has paid and Kill pay Lnrgo Protlls. inter, sts'pe no'r'eent nllowod on deilosl.s subj"et to' sight e'rutt. lloi'KvvAi.Thit 'o. bankers nnil brokers, iuu siroe-i. -ew luri.. 1: 11. nux, sli. 7i.imcn.i; Sitrects I 40,000 of the Genuine already sulil. 'Ihe tl. rilling story of the nobla Ufa In the wilil laud (if Iho Mlo uij stery, Ophlr's gold, the ions- u r, nun nuiuons oi sunerstuiuus oe-ins iranhlo descrlntlous. tnteudld illustrations Mil iums want It. we want agents nu ck v, protlls nto. "cun ror terms, hhjhaku nuus)., puus., at, niui so.ii st , phua., ra, 555.00 TO 8.10,000 I'asbccn Invested In sioikrrlvlllges-and paid 900 per cent, profit. How lo do It " A book on Wall Sstreet sent free nil MliltlDiii: .V co.. bankers ana brokers, a Wall si reel, new iori;. 1 riKN'Tsi "n (in. pminMns! .im..,,i,i 2i. lzo for f 1. Noveltlos and Chromos of i-i'i-i-v ilescrliillon. National CI11011.0 Comtianv. Phil. llUl'11'Ul.l, i-.i. INI) HUADIXO, I'SYt'IIOMA X C Y, 11 rAPi'iseTios.fiu'i. ciiAiiviMi unsMEKisu.nnd ,'u e.ulde, slunv lug how either sex may fascl - jiiaulae'u (.uldc. slunv hu: how either sex ltiav fasci nate and gtiln the love and ntTecllon of nn.v tieT'on tlu e-hooso lnsl.iutl, .no pages bv mall to cents. iiuui fi lo , idv bouiu .en siieei, i-iuiaucipuia, i'a, Sinin Qr.fw 1 in wan !-ireet otten ieana to a ror- ll' V""1' tune. A 72 page liool: entitled: Men and Idioms et Wall street. ' ixnlulnlm: eve-rv tnlnir sJ 1,' V 'I' I.' I I,1 Iv1 John 11 icsi inu a. co. l ankers iU I 1 JAUii' und brokers, ,1 nroadivay, isew ioik AGENTS WANTCO TOK Tilt E 'OF the U.S. The mil rest In iho I lit 111 tner history of. our count tj innkes lids the fastest si illng book ever puli- iisueu. iLi-uuiaiiis uii-r " uui' i isioinui i-ei.i, ln.'s. nndf) n-ii:es.wltli iifu'l i.cenunt (f the an- lillilli lung gr.inu it-inei un'.i 1 1'li'iir.iiinii. reim 101 .1 liesiripiun ami e.u a lei ins io hi;i-iiis. NATIONAL I'ellll.l-SHIMI CO., Phlla., I'a. inu 1 it Ae-cnts vvnnted. (lood ehanco for niak. I !,Ai, Ingnioney, to p; rtlcs whodevolii wliole or pari or nine in selling our ie.' i. i.ux-r.ii i-oiiiuus-stons send for terms. P. ei. box MilJ. Great American Tea Cuiupanj , : 1 .u Vcsey St, N.Y. CONFESSIONS OE A VICTIM. Published asa wm iiIuu an, I for llieleiietltof .vounir menuiid 01 beiii who si.r.ei limn Nirvom Dobllliv Lo.s of Wiii-ianlio,,d, (tc, giving his lules of siji", cine, ufii 1 i.i iiii going li nen tuliet Ing uml expense. ami luaueii iree in u-tuviui; 11 ri.' i-riuu uui-eiou envelois'. Address Naiumel Maviaiii, P. (. Ilox 1M, liioukl 11, N. 1 . jutj K.T.vcm AN AC'rVAl HIS1NESS ISBTJ'l'l'TIOS ASU TELEUIIAPIIIU SbTlTUTK. Fer itilciu.tlH-iictlUt Oiuev.or send torcoun Auvn.Tii. Juuv'lWy 7 AD.MrNISTltATOn'S N0TICH. I'flTATIl Ol' MA1V1ARKT COURT, DreHASKD. IHts ot Admlnlstrntlnn cnlliocstatn of Mat KBitt curry, latent cenlrnll Iwirouffh county u (loliunlil.i, stnte ot I'limsilianla, deceased, lat vn irninteil to Daniel I-', curry. tt ontrnlla horntixh, I'n., lo whom all persons Indebted to said I'ftatenie n quested lo Inakn t.ij ment. and thoso hallux: claims or demands will inakn known the sum" w llliotit delay. llANIKI, V. CUHItY, Oct 2D ew Administrator, nUDLICPAI.EOI'' JL VAI.CAIlI.i: ItKAt. KSTATK The iindcrslirncil. Ailinlnlstrntora of llio estntett .toliu Menscli, lute ot Franklin township column!., county, decerthed, will expose to 111111111? sale on Wi:i)NKS!)AY, DKl'KM Iir.U Ctli, 187f In the rrenilvs In I'ratiklln township ntoresald tract of hind Mtuate In l'rnnkllnteiwniln,iidjilnlnir oinds of .Michael Menseh. Ilenjimln Ford, Jonathan I.olirman and others, contiilriln llfl ACKia AND 2C PKItOIIKS of cood qinlllv r,f land In irood state ot cultivation, 011 w hlch Is erected a law and commodious 1I1I1CK DWKLI.INd HOUSE, oulhotises, bank barn, fIiciIj, tc. nalo to coininence nt 10 o'clock n. m. of said day, when conditions ot sale will In-made known, .MICIIAllL MIINMCH, .ik'-si:mi:nscii, Franklin twp., Nov. Stli-ltv. Administrators. Juries for Sept. Term, 1S75. OHAXI) .lUItOllS. Hloom M. Wjnkoop, Daniel liowuinn. lieiiton-lllram Ash, .Michael llartman. lkrwlck-A. S. 1-nLllps. Oeiitre Lufaycttn Creasy, Samuel Crevellns. CaUwtssa-.T. I shuinan, Daniel (loarhart. Fishing Creek Isaac Labour, .tohn Wcnner. Franklin Montgomery Iteexler. (Ireenwood EIIJ1I1 Klsner. Ilcmlock-KU Old, Hamuel Ala Iwust Joseph Sanders. Minilu-Joseph O. Swank, Samuel Snyder, W. V. lirown. 1'lne William Karshner, Asher Fullmer. . bcolt-J. K, Fouler, V. I'. Kelley, Clurlea lirown. TKAVKKSI) .IUKOI.S. rinsT WEEK. Hloom A. SIcDowell, J. 1'. Wldeman, CM. lirown II. F. llartman,;s C. lirown, John Leacocki (leorgo Corrcll, S. II. Miller Ueuton Karl Huston. John O. Dlldlnc, S. r. Karnes, William Appleman llerwlck Henry llowcr, Alfred Doner, llrlarcriek Henry Donk, William L. Frcas, DavU MuifTer Jr., Frcas Fowler. catnw Issa 11 1'. Fort ner Cei.trnlUi .lames Dike. Flslilugcreek Aaron lies', ncnjamln Colder, Jo nas Doty, Joslah ltc-s, Jncub o. Wilson. Franklin John Koup. (ireenwood James L. l'reslon, John Patterson, Henry lletz. llcinlock-Mathta Whltenl-ht Jacksou Uenjamln Savage, Augustus Evcrhart Locust Henry Heaver Mimin-ll. F. Workhclscr Montour William M. Quick Madison George lleaglu Mt. l'leasant Mathlos Kindt orange (leorgo M. Smith, silaa shuman, Samuel Hageiibuch, Michael C. Vance. Fine John U C'otner lloarlngcreek Henry Hoffman Scott Jonali Townsend, James Klce, Itobert Ent, Henry Croveltng, II. C. Kelchncr SECOND WEEK Bloom Joslah Italston, James Hcnwood Ilenton Charles Kccfer, William Holmes Heaver Moses Kchllcher Ilrlarcrcel: Abraham Jackson, Joseph Lamon, M. II. lilttcnhouse, John II Suit Cataw Issa-Chas Ki elgh, 1. II. Seesholti, H. F. ClarS Centre Isaac Crj dcr Conyngham Martin Laughltn Franklin Michael Manhart, Andrew- Lohrman Greenwood Theodore Lemon, M. M. Applemnn, Richard J-. Eves.Dlemer Davis, John Leggott, John O GIrton Hemlock John Miller, 1'eter S. Hruglcr, Mathlas Mooro Mt. Pleasant .Tacob Mt-Uclc Madison A. J. Carr Main John Harmony, Dojd Tetter Orange Samuel Henry, Moses Everett Scott J. J. Keller, Huston Hoblson Sugarloief H. Kile. "Unquestionably the best sustained Korkof the kind in 1,'ic II orw. ' HARPER'S JIAGAZ1NE ILLUSTKATKI). Xbticct of the JVcss. The ever-Increasing circulation ot this excellent monthly proves Us adaptation to popular desires and needs. Indeed when wu think luto how many homes It penetrates every month, we consider It as ono of the educators as well as entertainers; of thn public mind. "Hoston (Hobo ' Tho character which this magazine possesses for variety, enterprise, artistic wealth, nnd literary cul ture which It lias kept pace with, lf It has not led tho times-, should cause Its conductors 10 tvirard It with Justlilable complacence 'Iho nngazlue litis dono good imil not evil all the days of Its lite. "Hrooklyn i.aie. sninoof the most nonu nrof modern novels Have tlrst appeared as serials lu this magazine. In nil re ? 'I .V"'"' lu lutce'ss. 1 linaueipiihi spects It Is an excellent perlodlenl, and tuUy deserves Ti:ttlS: Postage free to all Subscribers In tho United Statso. II iui'Ku's M en 171SE. eno N ear. f l.uo M Includes tirenavnunt ot United States postaco by the publisher. subset unions tn Haiu'EU's Mahazine. Weekly, nnd liAAK, to one nddrcsstor ono je-ar, f lu: or, two of Harper': pel lodlcals, to one address for oao year, 7; postage free. All exir.l eopv 01 cmior me .uagiizme', iicckij. ur Haar will be sunnlled "ratls toreverv clubof llvo subscrli ers nt i each, lu ono remittance; or, six copies for f 2n w ltl.oul an extra copy : postage tree. liae'K numners can uo suppueii ui nny lime. .-v coiunleto set of llnrners MaL-azlne. now com- prl-lng fci voluuies, in neat cluih binding, will tie sent by 1 xpiess, freight at expense ot purchaser, for 1! vr, per volume, single volume's by mnll, postpaid, S.I ciuiu cases, f jr binding, ta cents, by mall, post paid. A complete analytical Index to the first fifty vol umes ot llariie'r'H magazine has Just been published, rendering available for reference the vast andvarle'l wealth ot Information which constitutes this period ical a perfcit Illustrated liter iry eyclopadla. svo, clotli, f J; hull calf. 25. M-nt postugo prepaU. A series it papers under thu title of 'The First Century if the llepublle," contributed by the most t-mini'iii .viufric.iii I'uuneisis, is now iw-iii iiuuusn ed In Harper's Mug-ulna This series et over twenty papers Uve.s 11 comprehensive review ot progress during Hie centurj now closlug,tu every department ot out life. Newspiners are mt to copy this advertisement wit. lthout iho express orai-rot Harper .t Hrot hers. Addr. HAKl'Elt & DUO I'tlKUS, .New York. 1 RfiTJT'K'NF'R 'S MONTHLY for 1876 "u-aiDw-a 0 lu.UeMlT.ux IUi iuiu The not. Ushers Invite attention 10 the following list of some of the nitrai 'lve articles secured rort.crtb- ners M uitiili, I ir tu 1 coming year, in eue 11cm vi llctloti, o. sides numeious noveleties and shorter sto ries, inert will bo Tws EsnorkaUs Serial Stori3 HY AMKltlCAN The first of these, now complete tn our hands, "GAimiKLi CONHOY," liyllltET. IIAHTB, begins In the November number, and will run for tweivo months. v e su.ul also begin in me January numoer. "Pill LI l NOLAN'S FKIENDS, or, Sliow Your Tassports," b) E'JWAltl) r.VEHRTT HALE. The s.'i-ue .,t tl.s torv Is laid In the snutnivestern terrlti i... now foi uilng tlio states of lnilstanr. uud exiis. altne tinieol Aaron wirrs irensou inu char.i' ti 1 - ll.i d In a siTtloti vvhteu was now Amerl- au. now i-i, ueii, now i-panisi, anuinis rccoru in ihi ir iuiu 1 1 in mi . lives ma 1,1 s u stur ot Intense and linU.i.'.-l.i - tlitt-IVst IhruUL'hoUt. . ' . 1 Sl'.LO.M) t l',H ft tAUA llUA. 1 ' by col. (,KO. 1:. wAi.isu, Jr, rr.i WnrliifMs now In F.urone. vlslllntr. In a row. boat tide ot two hundred uud fifty miles, one of llio most ferine una interesting 01 mo vmu. growing vai- , .,,... This seesd series ot naners nroin ltf, , t, ;.e0n more inter, sting than that with w htcU our readers are ulrcadj familiar. CKNTUXNIAL liETTKItS, edited by JOHN V. CIIFAY. A rare collection of ltevolut lonarv Letters, milnly from stores lu the hinds of the desoeuJi'tils of col. Joseph Ward. They are full of Interest, and will no read with .1 rare retlsli lu e nuu'iilou with llio Ccn- leiuilai ceicuraeioii uiumj ear. V.r'dliandi) lllut,.thd Artielcs on AMERICAN COLLEGES. Wrtitvii rosivctUtly Uy tueir frletuW, W aiieor luuii;; 1110 jar. OLD NEW YORK, r.le.-anllv Illustrated articles on Old New York, by John 1'. Mini s. w III appear at once, and w 1 1 at trait ill - ..tieiiilnnnt nil, In elly or country, who mark 'Mih tub rest ihe deie-ie'inii mt ot the great inelropo- .ls. and! Iv remember tho uualnt nccuUur. Itles ol Its olden time. i:v rv number Is profusely Illustrated, Htm cnn. ollug us 10 give t'lour (I, si nptl' e and narrative nrll-''.,-., un interest utnl in'iinai.ent valuo never uttnliied la u 11 'ii-lllustrated perlosll-al. Tlio r.ilitnrial Di'partmenti occupy ove- twenty p iges ot each number, nil I con lain Ur Holland's vlgurunsuh l timely editorials, us wi-11 asrevitiwHui inu lau'sv wuii.a 111 ah, eaivra turu, und MKiice. Ti:n.i!.. I-i u Year, In ndvnuce ; u I'et.ts a number. The 10 vols. ( oiunlele, Nov. IstP, lo Oct. 1T5, ueMilia 111 ii.iux.s'il 1 lent inii.mi do, Uo. iKitiud lu half wot 0000, 90.00 Vols. lLMn lii Novetiiter timl Vsy. aiiv ot tho eanli-r voluui.-s,! to ipi Ui tupi'llvd lepAraUly io parties wu 1 lUaii iinmio evinpiile Mis. al this rule, 1. c.. elotti, ' ; liulf uioroeeo, j. liueksi Her .ui ik st uiusli r vv ill le suiipllesl at rates Hint wl I euaVIe tw in tu till uny ot the ubovo oruvrs. Mibscilters will n', ase remit in P. (I. money or ders, or lu Uuik clinks, or by regbtered tellers. tuuvv iu it-uvo uuv ,t sisvvixu, 1.1 K-nuw lisi.. kC'lUllNEU i CO., Tit ViuudMi', Ken Ttei'k. M'l