The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, November 26, 1875, Image 2

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rvi.ltiy, Nov. QO, 187 5.
drntit mill the, Clfl'Sj.
' jcjic meant than iniil Iti making
11 )i 'Hiin.'iit cniulitl.tto for President
i' .! ili' lar.ulon of State Oonvcti
liii t ii sirred ii temporary purpose,
',' 'p'lMii'.ui party is noteil for not
i ' i in pumilse. The oflli'u-linlcWt,
i a
in r over 0,0110, pttiiile the lurtv, mill
a i .. i'ois. They control the m lehinery
.,, uti't tlint is enough to sway the
n 1 1 nt i io average, Uepubliean voter. This
t i . I m.iiy of politicians would r.ither
h it 1 1 ic i. U'.'j now secured to them, than
t i. tli.MtiicurtainliiM of n new iiiluilnls
t U i .1 1 m not wish to sink into private
11 , a 1 '.in-i no fnturo unless ho succeeds in
U ' 1' ' 1 Term" aspirations, lie n stolid
u nl i llio piostige of success.
i n.ri.uly outlined the l'latform for
. , If ird money . He expects by this
, ' . ' i '.raw to his aid capitalist-! at home
i r M'l. lie will repudiate the "rag
o.' , " . am of tho .Ucpublicau l'.u'y and ask
.ii nu to bastardize their own issue.
'i. A foreign war. This will bring
ti . s .'import contractors, sutlers, and all
tho rcHhsj elements In tho n.itioii
I tl ). l'i- Sehooli. This would bo a
r vivid of Know Jxothlngtsni, and whilst not
a - tutlne isaue, would enlist in its support nil
1 i a Mle-headed bigots of flie nation, and
mi. r ,i, i.tte)y they aro not all dead, us seen
r a.Mn Ohio. Our ritatc constitu
tion, on this question says, (aut. x, sv.c. 2,)
' V in i.i j ra'd for the support of the public
s 's-ftln Cbmmonweallh shaft be appropri
a' ' ' or I for live support of any sectarian
s ho..." This should bo u sullicicnt answer to
u mo peal appeals. Kxperience has show n
I hat iioiv"sectarian schools" is a strong rally
in,"' cry. Tho l'rotestantClergy, an educated,
.ii. .Uit,vnt, and strong body of men, aro to
a .if t j iorg't that in tills land Church is di-
r .1 in m Slate, and many of them go in-
I I pi roxysms at tho baro mention of the
x' 4 . Their influence is great. It may
r ii sin ular that they should follow a
t -I' l 1 by Mich a man as Grant, but
' i!io end justify tho moans?" A
n it. i r of ministers would rather dis
ci s hir.ll fj uMtions from the pulpit, than
t . .. tj tin ''lowly and crucified Naza
r jo. ' ami perhaps very properly in one
v f t!io subject, because they know moro
a tLi former than they do of the
1 .-r.
If qiu jtions like these cnn'vitnlizo a party
a nl iivc ir success, then indeed have wo
nisj 10 despair of tho Itepublic.
Tiipy may nominate Grant on such issues,
but we cannot believe that the toiling masses
eiu bo induced to support him under such
r,n -uur exenanges nu .
anoi her enormous land steal is contemplat
cd. The main recipient is to bo tho Texas
an I Pacific rail-road, backed by Tom Scott,
Wallac, and Cameron a queer combi
nntioti, and yet strong.
Wo absolutely condemn tho various land
st;tils which digress has sinctioned. Yet
cai'h person, however poor they may bo, is
tjoowner in fee simple in common of thir
ty acres of land. It is public property it is
tru , but we are the public. This land was
puridiaicl with tho common treasure, or
conquered by tho army drawn from tho peo
ple. Vlready Congress has donated to rail
re. h over 200,000,000 of acres, or about
fi nr and a half acres of our property, nnd
bil'a aro pending to take -100,000,000 more.
Tlr amount nlnady given is seven times
thesis of Ohio, and if as densely populated
v mid contain 20,000,000 of people. There
ban be u given to the Pacific roads alone
123,(.JU'0 i0. Tho Northern Pacific which
ko sue s.,fully swindled tho people through
tlie pursuasivo arguments of Jay Cooke, got
47,0110,000 of tho best land in America,
aboti'. 10,000 square miles an area larger
than E a;-land and Wales. Thin we aro rob
b I of our real estate, our inheritance, which
pa..j iut j to tho hands of speculators, and
if we win'i t j "go West" and erect a home
lor ourwlves wo must geuerally purchase
what was our own property from some gieedy
On this subject tho Kepublican National
(Cbon-etUion of 1S72 said. " lie are opposed
to thejurtlt v ijranU of public lands to corpor
a ins end monopolies, and demand that the
nr urn di;n-i i be set apart for free
forf , . ."
I "-uiui ly for the party, this land
Btea'iii" j jir tho benefit of corporations has
nil a . under their auspices.
In I 7Jt'. Liberal Kepubliciins resolved
4 i -re pposcd to all furltier yranU of
I ' dt i,r alter corporations, 'J'lie
j (' r , tiould U held sacml to actual
i hi.. . i.itic National Convention1
IT ' -ni,' resolution.
' ' Mia 1ms been incorporated
in f i ' v -rn's of tho Grangers and Labor
,1 '
, " that the people hould hold
J ' J ..riit . and their representatives to
f tV Pittsburg Convention last
i ilnr r .olution was smothered,
ft T.uc a similar Kesolutlon, of-ti-author
of this article fell still
Y ught, Hughes & Co., had finance
r a
t bcru.
on i'ic I rain.
Hut tho people should demnnd that those
prom i l" kept, and retire to private life
any, birr who .-ells them out.
Samuel J. Itantlall.
Tho frieii'.i ol this distinguished gentle-
nan (i" ur hg his nomination as Speaker
bf the iif xt Iloue of lleprosentativeii. No
y election could bo made, llandall
t . veil of the party. Ho hiu stood by
a r k in its adversity, mid by his
iiiluf . r,d knowledge of parlhtmen
iX'k prevented nuiawi of Coiigression.
'.'I'll ii'Jurioiis to thu people and
a 17
1 i ie n cppoised to Jobs and rings,
r rl is c.Mtllent. Our delegation
1 be a unit lu his support, ami wo trust
I lui ho will bo successful.
Per Gulbordl little doeu his sheathing i f
per 'and cement and scrap-iron avail him,
cr r'i "rmo-js far too thin to resist the
r- lv rrint"d lances of the law now aimed
tl u 'rt urate body. Itia pretty certain
hu - f ill have to bo blastod out mid
uric I it'' ovr nunin.
T ' '"war JIudon Canal Company
us T'.utc'j r.ew rcau, ruiiea tnr
-'id'tjiudu r.-ilrojiJ, frim Al-
mi v t i 51 iitreal, Canada. 1
Uralli of tho Vlco President.
Jeromlnh Colbith, better known m Henry
Wllwit, Vl.-e l'reliknt of tho United States,
died at Wellington on Monday lnit after n
lingering illness.
The l'rrtidciit made the following an
nouncement: liXECUl'IVn MANstOS, W'AHUNOrON, D.
L, N'ovemlier !!:!. It Is with profound sor
row that the president has to nnnouiico to
the people of the United Slates tho death of
the Vice President, Henry Wilson, who
died in the capltol of tho nation this morn
ing. The eminent station of tho deceased, bis
high character, his tong career in tho service
of his State and of tho Union, Ids devotion
to the cause of freedom, and tho ability
which he brought to the dlschargo of every
duly, stand conspicuous and nro Indelibly
impressed on the hearts and nlleetions of tho
American people.
In testimony of respect for this distin
guished citizen, and fur a faithful public
servant, the various departments of the gov
ernment will bo closed on the day of tho
funeral, and tho executive mansion and all
tho executive, departments in Washington
will bo draped with badges of mourning for
thirty days.
Tho secretary of war and of tlio navy will
Issuo orders that appropriate military and
naval honors bo rendered to tho memory of
ouo whoso virtues nnd services will
long be borne in recollection by a gr.itelul
(Signed) U. S. Grant.
liy tho President:
IIa'miltox 1'ian, Secretary of State.
The doctors discovered the following:
Washington, Nov. -2 11:"0. Pour hours
after death, thermometer 0-'. Kxternal ap
pearances nothing unusual. Drain weight
4!) ounces. Sinuses of the brain full of black
fluid blond. Deposit of lymph on the sur
face of cerebral hemispheres; consistence and
color of brain normal; cyst the sizo of a
pea in each charoid plexus; atheromatous
deposits In the arteries; at tho basa of the
brain, anil in tho anterior and middle cere
bral arterio', spinal cord; nothing abnormal
in color or consistence. A
examination will be made.
It is not generally known that tho Vlco
President's name was originally.Tercnii.ihCol
hath, which he changed while still n boy for
tho naino of his adopted father. It is said
that his earnest convictions on tho subject cf
total abstinence wero primarily formed as a
coii-equcneo of his real father's drinking to
excess. His brother, who was with him in
his last illness, retains bis name, S. II. Col
bath, Ho has been for several years em
ployed as doorkeeper under the sergeant-at-arms
of tho United States Senate.
Hon. Thomas W. Ferry, senator from
Michigan, who becomes acting Vicj Presi
dent by virtue of his position as President
pro tehi. of tiic Senato was born in Miehigar
in 1S27 and is in '19th year. Mr. Ferry has
considerable congressional experience h.iv
ing served three terms in tho House before
his election to tho Sjnato in 1S71. Hois
said to bo an able parliamentarian.
What tho National Banking System Costs
the l'euiilo.
The greenbacks cost tiio pooplo nothing,
but tho national bank notes cost us an enor
mous sum. On every $00,009 of national
bank notes in circulation, tho people pay
40,000 in tho shapo of interest on tho bonds
deposited in tho United States Treasury
100,000. If tho entiro paper circulation
wnich we now have, S70j,079,C5 j, is convert
cd into national bank notes, it will cost thu
people $19,0ol,859.
jVnd yet sonio newspapers say that this is
not the proper timo to attack National banks,
but tho opponents of this sjMtcm should
wait until business is prosperous. lint when
times aro hard, business dull and'work ditli
cult togetat living wages, istho proper timoto
look into our financial troubles and not wait
until business is better, for such a period
may never arrive. Tho people are not to bo
humbugged in this way. Twcnty-thrco
millionsjouo hundred thousand dollars tho
government gives to tho National banks
annually, or in other words to tho rich, and
not one cent to tho workingmcii. In Kug
hind they grant annuities to tho reigning
l.imily, wlnlo in this country annuities aro
given to the .national banks, which under
a recent decision of tho Supremo Court of
tho United States, can charge any rate of
interest they choose, not being restricted by
tho laws of tho States. Is this right? Should
ono class of peoplo bo favored by law to the
detriment of another class? What right
has tho government to take tho money of
tuo tax payers and actually give it to the
National banks ? Let tho people ponder
over theso iacts.
.Seven Keason in Favor of tho Jury.
F.very now and then when a jury renders
a verdict which to some peoplo sicms at
variance with tho evidence, or in somo oth
or respect apparently iuconsUtent, tucro is
an outcry ior theabolitiouot the jury system.
llio following cogent reasons lor its mainte
nance are otfered by tho Albany Law Jour
nal :
"Why thi. Jury systemshould notboabol-
-'lieu; i. iiecau-ie iiui su istuiiMon ni n
judge for the jury gives ono man too tnucli
inHer ; j, it nnpn-cs too much responsibility
on a siniilo man: 'A. it lembrs tlm triliiinul
ol justice too casv ol'ntmrnacli indiirnnx
aim nnuery; -l, mo .ttiolition (it llio jury
w. mid necessarily greatly iucrea-ctho num
bir of judges; 5. in iiass'uii unou nues'.ioiis
of fact theadvantago of twelve heads, rather
than one, is enormous -the jury combines
experic nee, sense, anJ modes of thought of
rioiis Kiniisaiid inrms, auu tuo ulscinsioiis
nf the tivcho bring out every posstblo fact
ami pnase; o, tliejury system is a great
check upon oppressions and monopoly; 7,
tliejury is an educator of tho people, and a
moi poinii political loroo '
A I'linngo for the Worse.
it. ... . i i , .
mo uuirioi mis uccn cnangeu irom a
quarto to an octavo form. It has not added
to thonppearanco of tho paper. In fact It
looks dwarfed. Wo hopa our ablo cotera
porary will recon.lder tho matter and glvo
us tho "ohl Htyle."
Lvenifthis is not done, bocauso it is a
mutter of taste, our peoplo who need a dail
should subscribe for tho Patriot. It is ably
edited, full of news,' and gets to our place at
7:J(i in tho morning. The New York and
Philadelphia da lies do not reach hero until
5 clock in tho evening.
The Montour American s.ivs"irivo us John
V. llartranlt for our candidato for President
next year and wo will send you such a return
from Montour county as will inuko your
nriius nwiiii mm wo aro prepareo to lie
iicvB it There is not a county in the Btato
where tho Itqmblicans did better this year
tiiuu lu .Montour, mid they ought not to bo
forgotten. (Jautte it Ilidtttin,
Nor should Democrats forget tho so-called
leaders in .Montour who brought about such
a condition of affairs.
Senator Orris K. Terry, whoso health has
been fulling for so mo months past, died ut
his homo in Norwalk, Connecticut, on Sun
day lust nt two o'clock,
'iho vacancy in tho U, 8, Senate, caused
i-y his death will bo filled by a Democrat,
au'i givo us two Democratic U, H. Bciiutoru
irom Connecticut,
I) Ins Without Making a Will.
in nn article published somo tlmo ago,
entitled ' Wills and Imw'Hnf to mako them,"
i mi-'iti'MH'il that some porsoui nbstaln
lioin making will I v the reason as they say
that "tho 1 iw mak"s u good enough wilt for
them." liy this they mean says tho Ledger,
that what aro called the "Intestato Laws" of
tho Htato of Pennsylvania, makes n siilll
clcntly fair and proper disposition of tho
property of any person who dies "intestate"
that is to say without having madn a will,
lu general terms this Is true. Tho laws nro
In tho main just Iaw, and yet tho disposition
of the property of un "intestato'' as made by
tho law', is not utways such as tho deceased
person would have preferred, nor Is It always
an equitable disposition. In this article wo
propose to tell in a general way, mid for tho
benefit of general reader', how the "Intestate
Laws" operate In tho cases of most frequent
occurrence. There nro two principal classes
of property as to thu descent of which tho
"Intestato Laws' make a broad distinction
which must bo kept in mind. There ls"rc.n es
tate "which inoans(broadly)housesand lauds;
nnd "personal estate ' which means money,
bonds, stocks, good, merchandise, furniture,
jewelry, and generally all valuables that are
"movable." "Ileal estato" is subject to one
kind of disposition by tho law nnd "personal
estate" to another. When a person possessed
of property dies, tho first claim against the
property is the payment of tho just debts of
the deceased and tho legal charges against
tho estate. If thero bo no will, nnd no
marriage sottlcnient,tho remainder, after the
debts aro paid, is disposed of by tho law, as
follows :
Where the deceased person has left a
widow and a child or children, or the de
scendants of a child or children, the widow
is entitled to ono third part of tho personal
property absolutely (that is, to dispose of in
any way sho thinks proper,) and to one
third of tho real estate for the term of her
life. Tho other two-thirds of both tho per
sonal and real estato become tho property of
his child or children, and the descendants nt
any children that may be deceased. The re
maining one-third of the real estate, in
which tho widow has a life estate, also de
scends at her decease to tho child or children,
or tho descendants of any deceased child oi
children, or to their heirs.
Where tho deceased person has made no
will, and has left a widow but no child nor
descendant of any deceased child,but has left
what the law calls "collateral heirs," father,
mother, sister, brother, nephew, niece or
other kiiidrcii,tho laws mako tho followingdis
posal of tho property: One-half part of tho
personal estate goes to tho widow absolutely,
and one-half part of tho real estate for the
termofherlife. The other halfof tho personal
proper'- goes absolutely to tho father and
mother of the deceased person, if thev bo
living, or to the survivor, if one of them b
dead, and they take a life interest in tho real
estate subject to the life interest of tho wid
ow in ouo naif of it ; but, in this instance,
tho fee-simple to the real estate descends to
and vests in the brothers and sist.jrs. If botli
father and mother bo dead, then tho remain
ing half of tho personal property and the
real estato, subject to tho widow's one-halt
life interest, go to the brothers and sisters, or
brothers or sisters of "tho whole blood," or
tho descendants of any deceased brother or
sister of tho "wholo blood." If none ol
these bo living, then tho titlo to the real
VStetfcPSfMJlMck: to tho father and mother or
tllCBUniVor; u:u, ii uirj uo vn....,, ,..,., ...
brother or sister of the "half blood" comes
in. If uouo of these bo living, tho "next ol
kin" comes in, but as tho description of the
descent to these would go too much into do
tail, wo omit lurther mention of it at this
Where a woman dies possessed of property
and makes no will, the law disposes of hci
estate as follows: If sho leaves a husband
and a child or children, or the descend mts
of any deceased child or children, her per
sonal property goes to the husband, and the
child or children share alike the descend
ants of any deceased child taking tho shart
which such cjuiu would oo entitled to it
living. Tho real estato descends to tho child
orchildrcn and to the descendants uf am
deceased child ; but tho husband is entitled
to tho income of tho real estate during the
term of his life.
Where a woman dies possessed of property
and without making a will, and leaves a
husband, but no child, and no descendant of
any child, but leaves "collateral heirs," as
above described, tho personal property goes
to thu husband absolutely, and he takes also
tho income of tho real estato for tho term of
his life, as above described. Tho real estate,
subject to tho husband's life interest, goes
lur a lito term to tho lather and mother oi
the deceased woman or tho survivor, if one
bo dead; but tho feo-simplo titlo descends to
and vests in her sisters and brothers ol the
wholo blood." If neither father nor moth
er bo living, then tho real estate goes to the
brothers and sisters and tho deseeudauts ol
any deceased brother or sister of tho deceas
ed woman in the order already mentioned.
If no sister or brother or descendant ol any
sister or brother of tho "whole blood" be
living, the frec-simplo titlo of tho real estate
;ocs bacl- to tho father and mother as before
mentioned. Where such woman leaves
neither husband nor child nor discendanc in
any degree, her father and mother (Or the
survivor) tako a lllb interest in her I'state.the
lee-simplo going to her sisters and brothers.
If both father and mother bo dead, then her
estate goo.s to her brothers anil sisters and
descendants of any deceased brotheror sis'.er.
If nouo ot theso bo living, then tho title
goes back to tho father ami mother, and il
tney oo Uead,lheii to tho sisters nnd brothers
of tho"half blood." In default otlhese.then
the estato goes to the "next of the kin,"
among grand-nephews, grand-nieces, uncles,
auuU, cousins, &c., and tho courts frequently
uave considerable uitheulty In deciding who
Is "next of kin."
The foregoing as stated in tho beainnlnc of
this article, relato only to tho most frequent
cases in which property is distributed by the
"Intestato Laws," whero the owner of tho
property dies without making a will. Theso
laws, however, go into much minuter detail
than can bo specified in a brief newspaper
article It will bo seen that in tho mam the
distribution is an equitable ono ; yet, lu some
respects, it is not so. Ior example, where a
man dies without making a will, leaving a
widow, but no child or descendant and no
father, mother, brother or sister, tho widow
gets but ono half of tho personal property,
mid only a lite estato in one-lull of tho real
estate; und.after this is doue.tho I iw searches
ibout among iieplicws.nieces.grand-nepliews,
grand-nieces, ami great grand-nephews and
nieces, and mints and unclos, and coiuins.
and"uoxtof kin" of her husband to tho re
motest degree, as long as any blood kindred
can befuuud, before it will accord to the
widow tho other half of the personal proi
crty, and full title to tho real estate, which
she, pcrhups.had as largo a part In accumula
ting as her deceased husband had,
Similar disability happens In the case nf a
husband whoso wife makes no will. If she
dies leaving no child, and no father or moth
er, sister or brother, tho husband gets the
persouul estate only, and but a life interest
lit the real estate, und then the law (nukes the I
search nbovo recited among her nephews,
nieces, nnd other "collateral heirs," aunts,
uncles, cousins, Ac, beforo the husband can
take ii lull fee-simple titlo of thu real estate.
Theso lnt mentioned Instances tire among
those which show tho strongest necessity on
tho part of every man nnd woman possessed
of pioperty making a will, because they
how that tho"Intestnte laws,"wl'elv framed
and cquitablo ns they nre, do not always
make tho fairest distribution of property.
An Important decision lias been rendered
lu u case brought before tho Supremo Court
from Schuylkill county. Judge Gordon
tho other Judges sustaining him rendered
a decision to tho following cllVct :
1. If a national bank takes moro than
legal Interest, it forfeits the entire inter
est. 2. Usurious Interest taken b) a national
bank may bo defalked against tho amount
sued for by tho bank.
3. Tho Pennsylvania Act of Assembly
which limits tho time lu which usurious
Interest may bo recovere 1 back to six months
does not apply to transactions with
national bank'.
All the elections for Congress nro now
over, and tho Democrats will have a majority
of about 80 in round numbers in tho next
Hoiiso of Representatives at Washington,
Including the few who aro designated as
Put Wisconsin down as a Democratic
State for 1S70. The ollicial returns of tho
Into election gave Luddington, Republican,
S41 majority Air Governor, while tho re
mainder of the State ticket is Democratic,
tho majoiities ranging from G21 to 2S0-1.
Well done, Wisconsin I
Our brother of tho Bloomsburg Colum
bian, has our earnest aid in trying to find a
Democratic statesman in Pennsylvania, but,
brnther,wo will have to look in "those posts
of honor" which are at times said to bo "tl.e
private station." Philadelphia Common
wealth. Homo .News.
Kx-Scnator Fenton will summer in
Florida this winter.
U.iyard Tavlor is lecturing on "Ancient
Cardinal M'Closkey sailed for New
York on Sunday.
"An habitual criminal" is what the Na
tion irreverently callsjolm Morrisscy.
Tho health of tho Empress C.irlotta,
Maximilian's widow, is distressingly bad.
Mr. Coieoran, of Washington, has it in
contemplation to erect a stud.o building for
the artists of tho capital.
Tho vessels sent out to search for the
City ut Waco havo returned to Galveston
without finding any duo as to tho fate of any
person on the board lost steamer.
mo uotirt oi Appeals at Albany, vc
terday morning, dismissed the appeals in the
1 weed cases, thus refusing Tweed a reduc
tion ol bail and a bill of particulars.
Chandler has removed tho chief clerk of
the patent office, an ollicial of long staudin
and meritorious service who has made him
self almost indispensable. The charge against
turn is that ho is a democrat.
The State Hoard of Pardons concluded
i.'.i"r,t.filYw.P.'.'. W.'i'hi'iifihiv night, and adjourn
eil until tho hrst luesdaf oi lyecemuui
Among the cases recommended for pardon
were those ot Thomas Kca and J. II. Per
kins, of Philadelphia. Among those refused
were Iteuben J. Frankens and Andrew
lliyle, f the same city,
St. Louis, November 18. At St. Marv
.Mo., a small town a few miles south of here
a young colored girl whilo being married to
a man named Urookj on Wednesday night
was shot throng i the head by a discarded
lover whoso name is not reported. The
girl died and the murderer escaped.
Col. Win. 11, Mann has been appointed
irolhonotary ot the court for three years in
Philadelphia. The emoluments of the po
sition aro large. The appointment was made
at a secret meeting of the twelve common
pleas judges. It is understood the voto stood
7 to 5.
The recently revived rumor that the
United States aro about to acquiro another
slio of Mexican territory, by purchase or without foundation in fact. The
minister of Mexico being inquired of in re
gard to tho matter declares unequivocally
that no proposition has been mado to his
government looking to such an acquisition,
and that no negotiations for it havo been
.Vn old man in Georgia claims to have
pair of suspender buckles which he lias
worn constantly for 00 years, his father hav
ing worn them lor 2j years previous. Till
may bo true, but incredulous people believe
Unit tho old fellow is trying to get to the
ihe artesian well at Fort Wayne. Ind
has now reached a depth of 3000 feet, and
while some citizens think there can bo no
uso of pushing tho work further, others want
to keep on until they reach water or
The President has pardoned Mantou
Heard and Hubert A. Poison, who as Cash
icr and Teller of thu ilhodo Island Hank,
embezzled $200,000 and were senteneeu
three years ago to nine years' imprisonment.
Ilijr rascals iret clear.- and little ones li.ivn tn
servo out their punislinii'Ut.
-Salt Lake, Nov. 18. Tho case of llrh-
liam Young, held in custody by Marshal
Maxwell lor contempt, on thu order of Judno
liiireman ot October 20, coming before Chiet
Justice White to-day, on n writ ol habeas
corpus, it was decided by him that the judg
ment ol judge Lowe ol .May 10, discharging
tho prisoner from tho alleged contempt or
ilsobedicnco to tho order of February
Judge McICtau, requiring him to pay ali
mony to Ann Kliza was final and conclusive,
and tliat on tho adjournment of that term it
became beyond the power of this court to
review, thenforo the decision of Judgo Uoie-
maii, committing Ilrigham Young, is void,
mil that lio is wrongfully imprisoned and
should be discharged.
Tho Pcusaeohi (Kin.) Gatette says a ne
gro man in tlio adjoining county of llaldwin
Killed ii largo hog in tlio woods. He opened
tho animal, removed tlio eiitrnils.uiid devised
a method of carrying tho pork which was
Ulogether tunjcncru This maimer of trans
portation was effected by tying the hind leg.
together, passing his head between them,
and, the heavy carcass being in front, easing
the weight on his neck by lifting on tho fore
legs with his hands. It is presumed that la-
got along rcimukably wcl) until a rail fence
got lu his way ; and In order to climb this lie
needed hands. Accordingly ho relieved
them by lifting tho hog over tho top rail and
letting it drop ou tho other side, It Is pre
sumed that ho proposed to follow tho hog,
but ho didn't. A few days since a concre-
gallon of burzurds attracted attention to a
locality whero a negro man was found hang
ing on ono side of a rail fence and a hoi; ou
the other, tho weight of tho animal
evidently having pressed his neck down up.
ou the tail until ho was choked to death, I
News llcms.
Why don't Sweden have to send nbroiul
forcattlo? Because sho keeps her Stock'
-Tho only man not spoiled by being lion
ized was the Prophet Daniel.
Anna Dickinson makes her debut ns an
actress in New York, lu December.
Kx.Governor Curtiii has gone to Colo
rado, and will be absent about three weeks,
Ten million dollars of counterfeit green
backs were burned at tue Brooklyn navy
yard yesterday by order of tho govt riiment.
Tho Hgvptlan Ivhrdlvo has sent to
Kngland for liiiaueial experts to straighten
his "budget" and find out how much he
Senator Dawes, nf Miisachiietts, wn
seriously Injured at Pittslield, on Saturday
last, by tlio kick uf a horse, which lie had
been riding.
A letter was recently received at the
Hnrrisbiirg postolllec, addressed "To the
Secretary of the Ktcrnal jVHalrs at Harris
burg, Pa."
Tlio aggregate weight of Mr. Joseph
Welucl. wito ami d.iti'hter. of Port Clinton,
Is "18 pounds, Tho lather weighs 21J7, the
wile -'Jil and the daughter 201 pounds.
James W.Groll'. ex-shcrllf of Luzerne
county and ex-member of tho Legislature,
died at the ago of sevcntv-nlne on Tuesday
of last week, llu was the first postmaster
ot Uarbondalc.
A man of Bradford county. Pa. left Ills
wife of seventy-eight years, several weeks
ago, out oi mero jealousy.
Noisy little boys in Cincinnati nre told
that right in the centre of tlio hind hoots
of every live mule there is a littlu luinii ol
gold, which can bo easily dug out with a
John Surratt married a Virginia lady
last year and is now teaching school at a
village in Maryland, about twenty miles
thence. .Mi-s Mirratt married n Treasuiv
cltrk.but Immediately alter tho nuptials he
was dismissed irom thu department.
Straw The Republican vote in Iowa
this ear letl liUOO short ot the voto cast l.r
President Grant in 1S72, while tho Demo
crats polLd 10,730 moro votes than ever be
Tho Secretary of the navy has arranged
that a United States war vessel shall call
next spring, at convenient Kuropeau ports,
to collect and transport to the Centennial
tlio works ot American artists resident in
Cheese prepared in a copper press ser
iously poisoned a family near Runway, N.
A little girl named Mary Lougbucy,
need 12 years, whoso father resides in Pilts-
tou, was drowned on Wednesday, in Dun-
inore. nile urawiii'a pail ot water lioin
a well, sho slipped and fell into the water,
head downwiirds. Beforo she could bo res
cued she was dead.
Wo do wish Hon. Aleck Stephens
would mako up his mind to do ono linn ' or
llioother. llisobitiiaries have been on the
standing galley lor tlio past threu years.
The latest report of his health is such as to
excite very serious apprehensions among his
Ii lends,
It is reported that a movement is on
foot in PlyinouMi Church to havo Henry C.
Bjwui's name dropped from the roll ot
membership, as has been done in the case
ol .Mrs. Moultou and Deacon West. Bowen
says he will not he drhcii liom tho church
but will, most certainly, defend himself.
On Friday hist a little daughter of Mrs.
Thos. MsGowan, of Oxford, Chester county,
was suddenly killed by the lodgment of a
hickory nut in her throat. Too children
were eating nuts, when the little one, aged
about two years, put a whole nut in her
mouth and choked ou it.
Deli Norris, of Darby township, Dela-
tircarm to bo unloaded. The gun went oil,
tearing tlio cutiro lower part oi Price's fine
aay, and scattering his leeth and jaws over
Ihe roum.
METllKItlU.-CllU011IS.-0ti tUe -ad ot October,
by thi'Itev. J. lluultt, at tho liouso ot tlio bride's
father, Thomas McUiurlU uud Knmu C'liroiuls, both
of Ulooniabiirf,'.
fcfcJHiis. r.r -'-n mmi .iimiiwiwiiwi I imini.w n
McllCNUV. In "umbra, I.uzerno Co. Pa., Nov. 17,
1ST0, Paulino Metlenry, daughter of lion. Juioes
Meilenry, use J i j ears, I inoiitliauaj.'iU.ijs.
VOUMH. Near Walto Hall, s j I lealv, on tho lTlh
ust.. Jlis. Kebecco, who of Abraham Vouiis, ayeUU
.HIlOEMAKElt, XeirSereno, on thotst'.i Inst., of
consumption, Mrs. Leah K., wife uf J-.ltJ.ili sjioeinal;.
ir, and daughter of Jacob lAing, or l'lno buimalt,
lyttiisi jears, a months and 15 dajs.
Wheat pcruushcl....
Cum, new, " ....
oats, '
flour per barrel
m .V5
.1 S
Dried i miles
sides .C Shoulilers
Lai d per pound
nay per ion
11 unit hy Seed
.'o. 4 on Wluu f
.No. 6 "
i 4,00 per Tou
$ u,Tr, "
-Ml. (i " " i . m
Uiaelismlth's Lump on .Mi.irf j,uo
liiiuiniuoiis $ o,eu
k DM IvrSTl! 1'i nilV VlVI'li'l,'
Letters of AdinlnUtr.itlim r.n llim kt it,. ,.r r:i.i..
Illlnslni-er. I.llu (if IUilWI- tmwthli, i-iilm.o.l i ,',.
deceased, luyu been granted by Hie KegliUr of b.di'i
uu'iui. iu .11,1111 iiiinsiiiger, or lieaver tu.uii.hli all
ii rsiuH haling claims ugalDsl I ho e .Lite of lhed".e
u nl are reuoi'sied tn nu-sj-ut. huhm c.r
nul those indebted to Hi estate luiuiku p.mneiit
iu nu uuuersigiii'dikliullilstrulur Mlliout (fe liy.
..ov. Su,'d-ct- Ailmhiliuutor.
t. DMlNisTH v to it's xnrrnr:.
1 JL EjrATE Of MAHV A. I'. UKCaLlK, DtCCttlO,
Utiers of ton on tlio etatu ut .iury a,
hlll'.-lle. latu uf til,- 'limn i.f IDnrimOiiii... i'..i
nia comity, deee.wd, haiu isim granti'd uv llio lie;:.
Mi'i' uf siil.l coumy lo William II. (,'lhnure, ",1
UlUOmSbUl-T. All Dll-sulis- lentil -el.ilirw n i.l llm
esuitu ut thu decedent uro leijui-sted to pru.-ent them
IiirMettlemi'iu, und Ihoso Indebted to tho estato to
iniku payment to tlio undirslgucd lUiinhiUtratur
wtllioiitdel.ij. WILLIAM II. (HL.MOIti:,
.. auuiii isiiuuir.
Nov. 80,'iB-et.
I'ersons Indebted to tho undersigned for adrcrtls.
i',' or oilier urintlm.' must settle un linn. nil. m-li liv
p.ijment or note. MibscrlU'i's lu uirears fur tho
1'OI.CMIIIAN aro lllSO redllf'sfj'il fnkflllA lit-nm-wli- In
cash or note. T,o uiidei signed, ur wunbudv fol
ium, muy ut idl tunes bo found dm Ing business
hours, at room Nu. l. cihi'mkiaw nullum . fU.cnni,.,i
llV I! I.' llFll. IV.. ..u .. I ..I.... "' I
uci. u. lo-ll H, UIUI'TLNIHCH.
I' .S. K. L. MnverHls 111! Inn-riir niiflinHynil tlx nn
... ... ..o., , ,3 i, ,at, UIIUIl.
lect for me. When not In my olllcu m.iselt, L. K ut
vis. uud mii srs Iirucxnu. a Llnell will recelio
uiuvoiviiues? uuu me.
r 4 rpatoguo of New nooks on IliUMlng free,
KjIY 1 lilckuell & Co., lit wurreu tl., J(. V.
U1 Ii' V S 20 '-'want Oil Chronios inauntedla
ll O ll,iorl,orllwfur3 mr holiday
pit bents. Mitlonul Cluuino Co., Piiltudeliihla, I'u.
A OKNTS WANTKI) for tlio lest mul fast
.ost si'Uliig book eicr piibllshdd. hend forclreu-
l.n and our eAtru tcrnm In m.,.nr. V..IIaiii . nlu
UbhhigCo., I'hlladeltihlu, Pa.
Chances for till 1 Male und female agents nnd car,,
vasscrs. I'-ruu Itifuruiatlou, iu,d free samples with
curyurdcr. I'.o.boxfwJ
iiilton i- co., r,, worui bt., .n. v.
Kov. s-4 w,
l'utlipculv lu lILlii: IIOXM.
A Ti l imI mill Mu d Itt iut-il) .
For sale by druggists generaUy, usd JOlINSTOM
IIOIXOWA k C:,Vl4la3clpliia, I'u.
A I' II r'V I."' "'ni,'
Our Western Oordor Ouo Hundred
Yam ft so.
A h s' "i . uf tin' h r . , v h o tnrrl''ji'i
Innl r lit" I . t In-llll uv em. lit t- f r.'d .ilul wi u 1
to 's i:v tilt g ..,!". nti,H.s,c..r'ild, s, tiitius sou; n,
ple-wer limn" iii.dli'.H, Inuli.i 'un- j ;dh', e. in
Ifcniiil spoils Vbook 'or oiii, iii.i "I'l. N
dulliwo. Noi'oii.pelliimi. law; uss I'M, .Wins
Tf nnni unriiTO
III lit JUN MUCH I O. tn. trti.llhrlf .l.lrct.i rt,l
lrt tht (rrrit pfirtulitilT nt T(iop V. htiel new bock
"ittvtmtHt fr nin fiif' mini rn in inn tnrnr. o nmo
lhlt MtfHordlnorv nflfri M' uift fftt-l n cmnphtt MifI
trrlce II i& uteofHtilufrt? t-t rtnv rottiftrttt l ( nt'eilhrr
cotipjr !( (MR), nnd the cntln Prttl tronminre it
'the hi rt
ntw Imok rmt.'
ntw noon mil.' in iuwitrirr ii u rrf i
th iHHtk fur thi timri. un 1
We win t MWiAcriln rtcry
Wwmlitp, ntnl the n'iftte frfftt oTr M tom filt, lnr?c Jllui
fmtfd 1'mnntiM, Specimen pni $. irul full t"irtirulnr frco
4(Jdlll A X), VOIHl!UIO Ii CO., llAKTroKD (' Q.H.I,
"XI Pam, TUCK"
Tlie Great Aiirricau Tea Coiipy,
!5l KfiiJ V sv Mi i. t. X. H.
'Cons distribute 1 to clubs nt hnnortots' prl-ps.
I'ci'illtut nil ihlninns, ut illlTeri'iit sizes, presented
tn i ui e'iisersii' I. a, X 4 or ft iiuuinlsnf ten, lu clubs
nfjiunnil upwiirils. 'I tie Comimnv liisnnv,- rendv
f r ilelhi'i'V n 'pli'iiiIM (limine, cniltleil ' Me ami
Titc. iiin'iv fthici" pirindi pletur', showing a UH'ly
sur. Hibi twecn b.dn uud Ids i ct dug f ,r t lie pos
sesion nf n d ill. II Hsu full nf riurliig fun that no
d'".nlitloii urn letl the stun-i Hcllnstlie sbnlilo
tlili'ff tluinitlst. I'lie bittlc Is Just Mp nnd Turk,
nnd imist Iw seen to be appreciated, send lor circu
lar uf pilces, term-, .
TlllldllhAT AMi:r.ll!ANTn COMl'ANV,
ill & E8, Vesey Street,
p. o. not in. nbw vouk citv.
Nov 20, 'I ,-J.w
''.1 Repository of I'a'liion, Pleasure and In
struction." HAHPES BAZAR.
Knlim nf the Press.
Tlio t'.izin Is pillied nltliaenniblnntlon r tict nn 1
tnleiit we si-l, loin lind In any J uiiliul ; nn I tlie tour
Iinl II self Is tlie ef world u( f.islilon.
"Iloiton Travi Ur."
The 11 vt ronimetids lli It 'o eicry member ot the
lioiisilioi i-to the ihliiben bi droll und ,rctly ,lc-.iii-es.
to the uiuig ladle- b Its f.i.-ditoii-plidos In
enilless irtetv, to Hip pi-'-vMe I Iii'itroii b ltspit
tcuu for the ( iillitn n's elntlies, In p,t, b
ltsdesl?ns r,ir('ini,r,,M"l,'d sit pers mul luvtituiis
ih-i"JSliigg(nMis. llu! the renting mait"i'iir the t A
zauIs iinlfoi'tnli of preil euvll n e. I'lie n ipor li.i
iicquti'i'd u wtdo pipulirili for lue tin slit , eiij y
ineut It idturds. -'-New Yuri: Hi nlii 1'iM "
III Its iv.ii there Is uoildog ll'.e It. l'li-h ind trnM
wnitlij a. ii ta-hlou guide. Us slnrl-s mul i-s-.i.vs. It
poetry nnd senilis, nre nil Invigorating to the mind.
'Chicago Hi enlng JouriiaL'
I'ostngo free to nil Subscribers In the United States,
IliiU'Eii's IlAZAn, ono jcar, tl
li Includes prepayment ot U. S. postage by the
Subscriptions to IlAiirEii's Mao izime. Weekly nnd
liizot. to onendlress tor one icar. fio: or. two
Ibirp-r-s ! itodlcits, to one uddics for one ear, S'
po-,uige iree.
An extra eonv ot either the M io izi jk. Weekly. will bo sun.ille I iri'.itls for every eliibut the
sunserlbers ut $ uueach, In one reuiltt.ineu; ur, six
copies ror $ v. ittioul extra copj : p istage rree.
Hack numbers can bo supplted nt nny time.
Tho annuid volumes uf tureen's Hazaii. In licit
cloth binding, will liu si n hj opres. rre uf ex
p'iis ', for t! uaeli A c mplete set, eompi lMir;t'lglit
voliinies. sent un receipt , fcish nl theiutunf $r.
jier lultime, treigni ut exp -use ur p ireiuser.
Prominent attention w III be elien lu II ii:i'Ei.'.s I:
zm tosueli llltislrntluiisof the centennial loleniii Imposition iismay be iweultai ly iipiirnjirlate
bo us ootuiuiis.
.Newsp.ip"rs nro not to copy thts ndurtlscincnt
without llio express order ot iiniiicrx nrotuei's.
AdJress HAIlPLi: ft IiItoTIIIhtS .New yoifc.
Jl2j estati: or estiiku mteiseh.
i. -it-M-st "d nn 'iirar.n i tUiest it i of i:,i, i -r iiirli
lute uf Mndtvjn luwililp.CnluinLI ieuiini ,dei eased,
hale bi en grunted 1,. tlie tteglderof salJ cotinly lo
tl. A. Wilson, ur Madison town-.!p, I'uiinni.laeuiin.
tv. t'a . l)eeutor, to whnm all persons liidehled ti
s.dd evtuti! uro icpusted to make payment nnd
thnso balng claims or demands ug.iln-it I tie said
p-stato will m.iku Iheni known tolliesald i:eeutor
without delay. 1). A. IVA I'sO.N.
Nov. 0 ct. i:eeutor.
i mnxisTit atoius xoTit-i:.
V. estate or iton'r JoiiNsiov, i.itk or jumson
Lettersot Administration on Ihe estato uf Itobeit
iu ssiiir.
.luiinston, late ur .M.iuison lowiiitup, ( oiuniiii.i
county, d.'ceaseii, nave neen graiileu ny me llegl
lerof said coitnly to Kiao I', sml, of iVashin.
tonvllle. All persons haling cl.din, ugahist tlie
cstatu ot th'i deeedent are re piosted to present them
wlthouidetav. IsAM I'.MII,,
Nov. 111,-t.Viit Admtnlitralor.
For Cash on tlio Piw.t ivc lmroli.iscil 1000
yards Amn-kong Prints.
1000 vnrcis Garner Prints. Unilcr tl
niuikct price, .mil wo oiler tlicni lor cas
only. At 0 and 7 cents per yard.
This is tlio greatest It.irg.iin we have vet
ollercd. vi are also nirering Muslins, Tie!
ings, Cotton Flannels, ivc,, at uiiii-ualh
low prices.
Xcw (Joodsi Opeiictl This Week.
8 dozen L.ulies' Merino Vcts anil Drawer
at 50. 7-"i, Sl.(l0,Sl.a') nnd $1-10.
Kxiiniine our Vests fur 7,"i cents.
Full line ol Children' utiil Metis' Under
lii l7cn Fell SUiits nt $1.00, 1.00, 1.70
Haiti, 3.2i, to utiti.
Quilted Skirts at 2 00.
Full lino of Nitliias. Infants
Ilnods nnd t-aeipK s. All prices,
Lulies' ICnit Sleeveless Jackets,
45 M aafl CMos Slippsr Patten
at 70. $1.00, 1.20. 1.10, 1.70. 2.00 to Lr,0.
Large nwirtinent of Mottoes on Perforated
lioiitd atO, 8, 10, 10, 2D cents
The Lord's Prayer very hand-oiae, 40
chaded bilk lor working the above ,i cent
per skein.
Gold and Silver Perforated Hoard 80 cent
per sheet,
11:11 1 1 liri-tol Hoard 20 cents per sheet.
Ihe largest assortment of tlie-o goods in
tlie country.
One Case'iif 0 iVwu of tlio ccli'or.Ued
Uoilble .-steeled Corsets nt !),!. 00 anil 1.20
(mod Corsets at iTJand i.i cents
Madame Toy's (ilovc lining nnd Xur-ing
7 dozen L ulies' Cull's uinl Collars, all th
latest novelties.
New Silk Handkerchiefs and Neckties
ono lot 12 cents,
Qrcal Iiaryains in Table Linen
Linen Towels. Nankins and llandkcr
Turkey lied Tablo Linciifl.OO perynrd.
Our stock of Dress Goods. Shawls. Denver
uiollis, mangels and Waterprool, Is lull am
complete and wo are selling them at vrv
luiv prices.
Ourcflorts in cstabllshiiift the "Casli Sys
tern" iu C'ataivissa have lieeu successful, am
tlio advantages ive nossess liy Iliiying and
Selling Tor Cash Only, uro readily" seen hy
every Intelligent person. Wo nro always
anxious tn do business and if win will call
ami examine our goods and prieoi wo shall
endeavor to jileaso you
And remember there is only one
Cash Store in CitUnvitsa
nnd that is tlio
W. P. JONES & CO.,
BLANK NOTKS.wlth or ullhout ciemptlo i
for tale tt tha ooivmux oxc. ' '
JOTI' 15.
nsrsrmlnil'btod t llio mi'V rlgnd on look
A- lint ml irti.luti" lit I ?n. niiM'i'nii'siflir.M i i
, iin l -"tn ' bv noi-' or o' her vtsr- n.''i .nm-i irt isi.
is s. ii I'tei- Hi d nil tin ui' I" I m'"n mtswld In) )l ic
ed lu Hi. b ni ls of nu offleer STiiVPftll, . t.
I Hiving nsin'li'dl wlTh me Ur. Win. McKn'vv, w
nre pr ii ire I In il en I I'roiHplW to .ill nrofosstnn-.l
cillsl.i Medidii", siirger., nnd obslotrk'S. runllo
..... ...... mn I -llnil
pawn.,, .so , Tivvrt-.iiin A McK I5I.VV.
Jcrsc) tuwn, Nov, toAir,
lXIliTTOIt'H NorifB.
IJ f.TATF. lirStlSIS SISN'HV, tlUCItlSlill.
Letters to I iment in on tlm i'"(it 111 nil Mn;
ne, l.ilo i f Itlu'Wiih-irg, I'nlu nbla cnunty. ilcconsPil
luiu bi oii atnniil bv inn lti-j-1-t.-r nf s,it, eniinty bi
fi t, r hniglei', uf lilumisb irg, ( oliiml'la i o l'it. . Un.
IVeeut ir. to who n nil t'iwlis hi lebted nrere'l'lest
cd I', mii.o M'Miient. und those iiiiviiigclul in or d"
mauds ii Hint Iti" suit itt,ii,' Mill miue I Hem
known lo tue s.dd i:.c,itor .f,
oct. M.-f,w. ':' "''"'"r.
letters of All luHtr.illeii on tlm est In uf f". 1).
Itedllne. late of tlroeiiwuod lunusnlii.' Ol.imbl.ii-ii .
dei eiisi'd, Have lieeu gr.uitnd lij ihe Iteg'ster of sidd
cniintv, l i.l. s. Iti'illlne un.l liilas IVatts, nt (liven
woo l toiuishlp. Ml persons h.iiliuclidms ngidnsl
the (Mat of Ih i ileoo I 'lit. are le U,ist 'd lo tiresont.
them fir soltlo'ii 'ti', and Ih is'
to mtko pay moid to the iind'TnUue'lii'linlidstraloi'S
witiiout d"t i. 'ru s''w v'trs1, '
fsopt 22, wt.' ' ' Ad nlnl'strators.
ivilKKItW. un lor thn nsstgn nent of ,t .1. Iloig
Ian I, of Com rail i, for the boieilKif (.rudltnrs, the
said llo ti is mptl 1 1 to tlm Court of i-omui'iu
Pleas of i oluiulil i counly toluvo s't aside for tho
usnnf the nssUn ir and Ills family certain mlt'les
und things tmt oxeeclhig in value nl llio appraise
ment th"reof thri'ii hnu lred dollirs. Now, tti 'iv
roie.iiotlee Is hereby given tint upplle.ittjn will bo
nude on tho tlrst ilii of IVoeinb'r lennnt court
liet. to have released from tlie assigned estato f n'
the me aforesaid, ti. urlleles and tilings In said up
prdsom.'iilHpeeltled. J.J. ItoAUl.ANII
Nov. 5 'ir, it.
olumbl i County Jluhul
Waling Pitnd . Loan Ass.
Stephen 1 1. Wolf
In the court nf common
I'leus ot Columbia coun
ty. Levari 1'aclas.
Nm I'.", und '.if, Septem
ber term, is;.').
larl.i. Ins wife
Tlio uudltoi- utinnhitcd liy tho roui t t nnkc dl'trl-
lmllon of tha fuii'ls In eouit pi-o.lnood liy thu siie"
IIT's sale unit 'i' Ilio.Uioie wills, will ntteiid to tlio
duties ot Ids u'lpi'liitinent on s.dui'lu, the -Jtt H day
of Novoiiib r, i sf ft. ut iu o'clock . nt Ids unice In
th" t iivn ur llloniii "Urg, when and where all initios
Interested are tv pitred lo in ike tlielr el.iimsknowii
or bo led froiuco'.ilng lu up m said fund.
MI.IH l.L K -OKI!,
No,r, 4t. Audlinr.
T Lfi 1ST 1-1 It's NMnc-f.-s
JV Mill -e t 'n li'ti gti 'II t l .111 ll'fdoes, civ:t'-
I.t, an 1 otn, i"'i n 1'it.i.' ' I In toe oils ot
1.10 f'li ell'.,' d 'i'e l 'lit f all I ml mi's, t nil th" fol
Inwlnr .i.l.tiial trdiinand iru r il.m ueioiinl- li.ive
ne, Ii llled In til" illlee of llu- oeglster of l'oMl.i.,,.i
couutv, und will be presented for coiitiriiiutlon urn
nhimaneo In I no orpmin's Com L to ho h 'Id In
lllooinsbiirg. on IVodin -slay, the slli day uf Deeein
litr, is; , at ll o'clock p. in. on s,dd da :
l The nceo'int ot Mfiod l'.ek, guard! in of Pran
ces Ki-llor, minor ehh I of Naliiaa Klstler, late of
(.-uiuiiibl.ieouiit., deceased.
J The si eond mid llu il neeo mt nt Ileuben MltlT, ex
iciitornt Juliu Linden, late ot llilarereeli toivn
slitp decease I
3 'llioM'Cond and final account of U'f lyette Crcas
and Henry Mialfer, ndinlnlstratui'S nf I'eler II.
Wenner. Lite in till ircreek towns dp, deoeased.
4 'I ho llM and tiii.d aceouni ur .Iiihn A Kuiistoh, nd
mtulslr.itor nf allson Allen, at'j ot Madison town
snip, de 'ease I,
5 i he account , f .tamos Wardhi, executor ot Wil
liam Wunlln, latu of Centre township, di ceased.
B 't lie mid llu d uecouiit uf l-.U.ill 1 1. over, adiutn-
t-tr tn-tf siicl l-'owlcr, late ut llrl.ircieek town-
suln. deceaseil.
; Thu account f s.imu d. II. .lolinsm, administrator
nf Hal Id Johnson, latu ot Healer lunnsiilp, deceas
s Too neeo'int uf llonrv W. VaniLM-dlee. nil'ulnlstr.i
tiruf lolui II. Van leisdee, lato of tlu tiwu uf
Uloom -bill's d -ceased.
9 Til" .iceoimi i f . IV Mill t. of Isabella
Mns.iii.inlu ir child uf llubeit. Mason, late of lllooms-
burg, deceased,
lu I'lie lli-st mi I final account nf Aaron W. Iless,
guirdl und Hiiriii lies-., minor child ut (diaries ll.
Iless, lit 'of Allllll toiviislllp. deceased
ll I Ii ue-ounlof .Vlllla n II. Ivnsioi'. a l.n'nlstr.itor
of sj lvester I'e.iler, l.itj uf t''Wi'.n0vreek lo'.vnslilii,
lleglster's Oflloo. I W. II. J.V OIIV,
Mloomsburg, No-. s, Is75 ItegWer.
"TV 7" 111! )VS l'l'liA ISKMKNTd.
y I he following iippialsmouls ot real and
pi-isomd tiintieit.i sei apaitto wl.towsuf deeedeuls
liaie men llled In Hie ultlee nt the KcglsUr uf Cul
umbl.i county, under the miles ut Cotut, und will Oe
nri'seided for absolute eontlrmatioii In the onih.iiis'
court lo bo held lu und for saldco n-
o clock li. in., of s.dd diy mi. ess exceitlous to such Ion are iieil.iiisi tiled, of all per
sons Interested In said estates w 111 take notice:
tv. oiiMotmeMlil, inesinuayui ueeeinoer si .abz
I Widow- tit Idehurd V. Keller, lato uf Locust town
ship, deceased.
li u idow uf Philip Wllson,lato ot l'lshlngcreck town
ship, deceased.
3 td iw ut Aiu-aha n Adams, late ot Ilriarereek deceased.
I l l low nt John hw Ishcr. late ot Madison townthlp,
Ileglster-sonice, t W. II. JA' tillY,
Itl.vtri' Snvs. Istfi.f Iteglslel.
WHKUKAS, the lion. William L'iavixi.
President Judge of tho Court otojer and
Teriiiliicraud (ieneral Jal Hedvery, Court ot (Juur
ter Sessions of tho Peace anil the Court of Common
fleas cud orphans' Court In tho until Judicial 1)1-,-tilet,
cumpoicd uf tho coiiutt'S of Columbia und
Montour, and the lions, limi 111:11a and Isiac
Moniiok, Associate lodges uf Columbia county, bale
Is, ued their precept, bearing date thu lsth day ot
cpt., in the J ear of our Lord one thousand eight
hundred und sevuntj-llve, and to me directed foi
hol.llnga Court of oyer and Ter.iilii"!' and (ieneral
(;it trier Sessions of Iho Peace, Couit of Common
Picas and orphans' Court, In 111 JoiiisTmig, In ti i
county of Columbia, o the tlrst .Monday, belnj tlie
i.ta day uf Deuuuiuer 11 'M, to eontluuu two weens,
Notices ts hereOy given to tho Coroner, to tho Jus
tices of tin Ponce, and tho Const ibles ol tho said
county of Columbia, th it they ho therein
their proper pjr-o:i ut hi o'clock lu tlio forenoon of
said cth day of Heuomber, w un their records, lii'iul
sltl ins and other rutneinurauous, tudo tliosu things
which to their unloos upiiert.dn to bo done. And
those thai arc boiuloy reeoguUan -j to prosecute
against tuo prls in ,-rs aru ur in ly bo In tho J.dl
f thu sal 1 co ml) ol Columbia, to bo then and there
to prosecute thum as sh.dl 00 Ji t. Jurors aru lu-
'piested to bo puuitual In their ut tendance, agrceabl.i
1.1 their n ill ;es. tLUoJ at illojoisb'irg tuo .,tli day
. ,) of November, In tho yeji'ot Lord one
L. s. Mii.ius.nul elgut handled uud sevenii-iuu
t , j ami 111 'llu uliiel.v-uliilll ) of the llide-
.leliiunueul tuo Lulled Males ul Aluel lea.
Shell t's Olllcu, .MICHAIXllllOVIvIl,
Hlouuisburg, .Nov, s to bherltf.
CL.llllLIt ILll.M, 1S75.
I lllsr H KKK.
It. Ojrivll A Co, vs. Joseph M. l'leck.
u-auder carmen's uuvs, Willi. un Applemau,
Indrew Cuiwfuid vs I). W, Joanson,
William II. Crawford s I). IV. Johnson.
Clulstlan Wolf is N. K IV. II. 11. Ii. Co.
Stephen llolf it 11.. is. X. j; W, li, it. Co.
lolui Leggutt i A . I'rlek is. IMIiei lives ct. al.
(leorgu K. Truii el at. vs. Jauoo Hrowu el al,
lieurgu K, Try 011 it. il, vs, 11 tin l.'ilioM etal.
(luurgo K Tryon it al. vs. William curk ct al,
liuorgu K. Tryou ut al. is. Isaiah Ilan I ut ill,
liuurgo K.-lnon . t al. vs. christian Schackut al.
Wellington Uiiglus vs. P. Spjuuuburg.
i:. It. Joiiu's adiii 1 is. Aaron i.roier.
Kcudig vs 11. jioriis.
l". s, smith vs School Directors of Hen, on Towiuhln
m. uarris i. nem ks iioiuug .inn uu.
U. 1. .Morgan a; Co, vs. (saunu-l Julia wn,
11. f AnJi'jivs vs. li. i'. .Soyuji'i,
1)11 KOilalg vs. J. I). Kloo,
Loll Kluluj vs N. s, Campbell.
Jacob Hclmyler, en 1 jrsj !, vs, J, JI, Carton ct ol.
, T. Ikuler vs Juu.n Hoty.
Jo in llo 100::; vs. Jon is !) jty
first Natl 1.1 il UaaS of llloj nib ir vs Uuorgo Cava.
nee, el a .
Charles M. Marpl j's L'-s. vs Knos Jaoob)-,
Samuel J. casu is .tunas Doty,
d INiu (llb'wus is Jonas Hoty.
M. 11. Hughes vs Jesse I), ltlco.
M. tl. Hughes is. Oscar P. Lid.
I.. I-'. HailsvsJou.n Doty.
lesso llarliu.111 vs Jonas Doty. bbutvs. William Miller.
Vistlnu Hoono vs II. it, Cruvullng,
ro.iii J Meilenry vs II. L. X IV. H. It. 0 1,
lleuj. IMiiterstela vs. Wllllatn Houghton,
Stacy John vs 11 11. Cruvulln;.
mius Mtllor el nt. vs. P & It. It ill itoad Co.
John .McCullum s ux'r vs 1 io irgu J, Mi:d ct al,
I'hoaus .Meili'aw vs. John llro,v,
Iho s.-ru,v Mower s lloa;ier Co, vs j. s, Turnbach.
I). 1'. Soybet t vs. Philip Applom 111,
Mary JIoAIaruoy's usu vs. S. P. c.vso ut nl.
It. Kobhlns vs. Kh irpluss .'; Son.
s. Kuiiu vs. j. K. (irou,
11. Hvaus vs 1: Glger.
.Chirlusvs. J. I). Itini otnl.
llleheils uso vs. W. II Kelubold ct al.
I. Yetter vs. J.ioob (lltllii ''.s a.l.n'r.
W. Homier s. W. Selwuhterly.
I. llvansvs. I. II. Ilagenburh.
X. llr.iudon vs. William T. bhuman.
V. Colu's use IB. T. II. Cole.
A. Colu's usu vs. T. 11. CuIj.
cole s use is. T. II, Cole,
11, W. Jlcltui Holds vs. J. A. Luseo..
Illouui vs. All.'ti .Mann el nl.
II. ll'ult vs. Pari lu Keller.
IV. Mlluos' ex'is v siieluut (irover. Sherlir.
II. Taylor et al. vs 11. durrell.
Jerouil.ili TaWur ut al is ItoUort Ooirell.
Itoberl i'uj lor etui, in, Itoburt (lorrull.
Jaoobs, lllnterllier -s WlllUm Mensiugur,
O, IP Uruekiray et ul vs I), 11, Apnhtuiau.
James Dyke is. M'llilani lloivull
,t. i:. siurretls ct al va It. O, llotvell.
A. K. Wurrcts it nl is n.ivld Stroup,
1VIIII.1111 Howell vs James l.e.
iVaginr, HtarrJt cj. vs. Wllli.i'ii p. ttlt.
Iluiilamln HI :ks v 1. lie iro 11. rrias.
Uinlul Klliii vt. Charles Ju etui,
W, K. lmgenuorger vs. tourad Hredbender.
llavld Lew Is vs. John Dlltz.
Cuthrulne Ut i' use vs. John Sttstr
' 7 V KTUB OK BltMlrTIt I WHTf, llV'll.
' irtlorsoi.Mmlnl Irstl 'II ofi I .0 Kst.dont MlrNtli
lloli'rtsof siiMi-iint'iv ). Coin I lminitlt'il'.ssi"iswn
, inivu boon gram 0,1 ii tii,- i.-rgl'' rnf ,li1 0 uutylo
ii., 11.,,, nrir 11ft 11.. I'ol unhl 1 P iKnt-. 'it., to
whom nil P3KHK la l'mt 'd to sidd Kst ito nru re
n iiistcil t make pvy ncnt. mut tti iso h ivltig ollm(
ngdns thn ml I est 1I0 will make tlioin Riioiln lotlio
said ft Imlalsir.itur wttliout dsl iv.
(II.UKIIIV mn,ll'.,
N'ov. 11,'T!. Adliiliilnliator.
oiTiMiANV'Tocii'r ?alb "
Uv vh 110 nfnn order of Ihe ( rphntis Court, nf 6
limit 1 1 mull, th" ukM w ,1. idudnl'triitorii 1 f
tie , -tide 1 f 1 hi 1 1 VI1I1 1' (WcM.., Ih expo etoiMlllo
snle 0 1 the pi utilises nn
wudnk-hay, nr.oKMnr.n it, is;.',
the fj'lowlng hps nliM real est. ic, towlt,cotinncnc
Ing nl I n'eloek P. ' 1 , t
I. 1' Nil II, Xll'in'o In Centre township n'oronld,
boini'lod and dos'Tiln d .is fo'lows; with" w, d by
1 in, 1 1 f .lames Carr, 011 the sjitinbv lot uf Itonjjtiilii
Miller, in tlieon-t by purpail Ni i, mil un iho
no. 1.1 i piiipnrtnj. K.eontiiliihigiroiierehcs.wheie
oii Is a
LOT NO. K. Pltuoto tn t'o'itro tiiwushlp nfon mild,
bntiiid, d und do-erlboi nsfnltim-s: 011 tti" w-st by
purpsits Nns. n nn 1 1 und lot ,.f 'H'liJ niiln Mill, r. 011
Ihe s ottii Ijy puri -ut No.l.nn' 0 oust b n'tt p.n t.
I.e. 11. and nti th mirth II piirp. i t Nu. i, containing
2 ueies and BO jierchos, whereon Un
I.1Mi:sTONi: tjl'AHllV.
t.oTNO.r.. snti.ite iii Centre township tforosnld
h iitti'led on ttie we-i, suiitli, cn.t and north bv pi r
tuirts nns. .M, and 2 resiwet H " y, c intidnlug two
ucres and lUtj-nlin; iierches, whereon Is u
1,0 r NO ". "lt'iato lu cenlro lo,vnhlp nfiresald.
b imideil (in the west, south, cast nnd iieith lo, pur
puts inis. a. 1, s and 2 lespoclheh continuing two
acres and tiro tilno pel-cues, w hereon Is a
KiTNO.e. sltitat.i In centre towtishl 1 nforcnld,
boiih'led uti Die lioitli. w"st ntidsoith bj purparls
tins, e.s and I l-os ittlvelv. nnd uti the east h pur-i.i-ts
ufis. II and "2 1111 1 lot nf Andiii.v dingles nnd
John ll,, (outlining tivo iieieK nnd flflj
iilne perdies, whueou Isa
I.O " No. tn. fit into lu Centre tnwiis!ilnaforon.itd,
hounded on the north, oi,si and south I iv purni,rts
nosinnl , and o 1 tin-Wo.t bv '"irp.ius nos. II mid
eland 11. lot 1 f liidi'eiv sluglei. mid Inhn v . sins
miiti. 1 , iiliilidug uio acres and", tij-nine p.fihes,
w lie, eon Is a
mmitovf: (jt'A rty.
Hi' N". II. Mi'i it" In ( etdi'. iTOIishlpnf'Tcsitd,
1 iiiiiil'1 1 on I'lowist, noitti 111 east li piit't-art.!
in. 1.2 nd I" r- s. e, Hi. ly, mul .11 Iho so'ifh i.,-1 ,t,
.f simjien ml iniiuli..- iiiuani, eontaltdng
llfl iioiehes, un will, h Is 11
LOT NO 12. slluate In CcntrctoiMisldpoforefal,!,
bound, d un tlio tioith by the lHn kuwaiin.i.V 1 dooms
iuirg it. l; 011 th" ea-t south nm' west i,j put'i'.itts
no,, to, I und u tospocllU'ly.cunt .liilngllfty 1 situate lu .Main low-nslilp, county
afres.ilu, Lounded nn tlie 1101th uy Ihe siisiiieh, 11,11.1
rlier, on the east und south by hinds now ur late ut
Iho holt's of (leoi'go Longenborger decou'ed, and on
Ihe we-1 In land nf , containing 112 ncics und 02.
perches, all wood land.
LOT NO. 16. A wharf Id, situ de In tho illlagjuf
nspi, columiil.i count iiforesald.a ,J lining thu Nurth
ili-.iiuh 1 '1u1.1l 011 the Kiu'h. an allevou thuiieilh,
and tstie, I In said on tho wes , continu
ing about three-tutu ths uf a sipiiirv I etch.
TKItMS OF s I.I!. -Ten per cent, cf tho on.
rmii'ih nf the purch ise luo-iui to be paid ut the sli Ik
ing d iwn , f the prot'crti j Ibu uiie-fouilh less the
ten per cent, a! the 1 oii'lrmatlo.i uf 1 lie sale: and
the rem. dnlug three-f nut lis lu i no ,1 ear theivutier,
Mlth Int'-iest fi'oin comii'tuatl 111 td-1. ( tu
mn lor Heed or Heeds except t,.u pui causers uf no.
lil-thoutatu to piy for Deed.
A. K. Silflt
Nov. 15-ts. Aihiiliilsfrtifnrs.
IJ ii'ituf tin Curt of evil 11 1.1 l'l 'as mil
toino (llivchd will he epo,ed to public sale ut
tho Com I House, lu Illoom-lnrg, ou
MONDAY, l)i:UKMlii;H ll, lS7o,
at one o'clock, P. L,
All ceiLdn farm or I'loceof land .situate In
llrl ircrii'k Inwiishlp, Culiniihl 1 enuiitv, liound d und
ileserli'Cd as f illows; a siunecorueron
line uf laud of Marl, t.ienee liy ihe sjino
nurtli eighty degrees eh ven and elglit-ti mhs
peiches tu u stone, flu m u souih une d -gri e east i"n
and tuo tenths perenos lou ht me, tliencu nnitli
clgldj degreis oust si'ietii.i-elgi.t nnd two-tenths lo a stone, thence soulu one degree ea ,t leu
and 4-iu pi'i'ehes lo astone.thi neeny landuf-l. I.ians
tint tit 'eventi -eight uud u li df degr, es east ouo
liuu hod and f .iir.111 i ouo-ienlli p. relies tun stone,
tin tie,- h 1.1 lid uf .lames Laiuoii noithonj degree,
iiosi t.uiili-roiir-mdilglit-teutlis perches to .1 post,
lui'ii'V ni'illi seventy-six und 011 -fourth d 'gives
easi i.M-iu,i-ilve and nine I, iilhs lien he, to a slums
thence I,., land nt 11 lilt 1111 Van l'i ,t uortli 1 tgnl and
ull'fouilh deglei"! 1 U'ld--evili p'-rc.ii'S to a
.jl'lnv ',-,',' 1 1 oioii sniitli I'lghtj und Ihree-fjin Hi
(1,'giei's w,- uti'i huh.fivil and si'veniy-nlne 11
seieii- eiitli perches ton slonoeoiiier at ifie e. a 1 iu
nf he iUUle rull'l, liehcu hy land nf said John liuuv
lie soiitll Ihhti-slx d -gives we-t Hint, tiv .m l
i lght-tuithiienlies to u -toi.e, thence s. u n nt'i'
d.sjtoe east peiehes loured ua Hi, neo
.soitneieu'ii lii-gi-ceiwe.-t loriy-lx peiche., t n,c
"f '"'shilling! containing um, iuindied und
l.llitj-lilue neies .Hid one Imudied pcrehes, sli let
oie.isuie, iiiiiie or loss, with the npp'ti lenancos ; en
untuunmllihu -s l,"tnu!,u'rJ ''"chhig house, bam
selied, taiceiAuto exectitton, and to bo sold as tho
propeity cr John ll . llanl..
All tho fotlilivln'' real estate, tn nil . ir,. 1., ,
; i.,,', "i,vuiiuj ii v oiuinuii, anil
IViinsiHiihlj, bo uided and do-ciloe,lus foil nf
US follows It.:
. 'I I' V'" "y ,J 1 :' V.ilil..,v,oi, tne e,t i,y
inalii io.,,i mid lands uf llnid Lee, on tho' e,t by
lands or ituusu Kilriuui, ii'u.i ivliiehlserecledatwi
S; S'leLs""11 "u
prop ea'cilm'ie-s Lcef U"J"' ""J t0 Lu kul'J " ,"
All th it cerUiln tot or lind -iciato in tho town or
,s?'.,"';', u" ''?!'''' 1 J.'um JW w '"'J'.1' led.hy
.1.1 setsiruoloii thoivust,iot uf.s.nn'iel lildleunii
uu uu noi 111, lit uf .suviioii Aeh,'hb.wn un t,,j ,i ,,,
and .111 .die, ou thu so'i'h, wneroju aro uruct.'d.I
pm1euaiieo-'U iU uulb'llwlu3, l''" tnunp-
se,.u., Luua lutuexoeiitljii, and to bo suit as tho
propurt 01 c. u . 1 rump.
All that eert.d.i lot of gro m l sit 1 it m th to n 11
of atuvus.1, c.ita ilvii in.vitsuip.u ,iujioI u-o jut, .
1 1.11 .10,1 on too uorta (1 1 1 uj 1 m 1 t , nom 1 , i.1
Harder, on uio u ul u, taut) by paudo ma I to pa r
mill, until.- sou ii(,.i, f.'uitii 'lo.ur ,s, ,j, i;,1, Vi'il
anion tuu wesi re.'l) u, fo'irtii ruet; on i,.,i-il
ShiiMMiVui.;. aW" arta""
PlSt1, ISYJiii' 'l -li upson.1'' il!Ul ,0 b J as lUa
..... 1 ... 1
un 11101.1 cuiiuij, oo.uid 11 on the oortn bv .1 ouudo
0.1U, uu no ea,t 0., land of Kie.iaid Knu ,uorih, on
th" suunic, land ut .Monro Cieu hug, and on 111,1
west, bj an I ot ..001 1 rausuo ; uouuluhig "oout
1 ne- our 11 uf uu acie, mole ur lis,, ivuenon uro
.uunmufffih!-;,?" "u"w ""J u,a m"
vZtttiVT nmuJbu sUJa3lh0-
All tiiat eertdn m s.i,i 1 n, n.,.i i,-,,, ..,,,.,
""""."''"I'lililHj fJ4r;iJius,murJor lo'n m.
Hat -1 1 oi'.i nf.i tiiii'ii.., 11 .,,11, .no,, . . ... 1., ... ... . . ...
li hue, ui.L'l'i ll.i',. .u,- oi'l.idol in p rt
X v? l l,v V' l,U,M -e" ', '".i I'lvmlses Lo...
bal-lildoruoulldln' UeU" UM
Jlttrlit :ifritst r.f limit i nut i, ii..s, .
iiuZL in Vi r ' " ""i w un i.i.uw m'irj ur
leod to I'eler 1 he . .,in., -i-iu !,,- 1 .. 1,.. . .
'W.f V1.,".,,",.l,,;rB,"u,nc"w","lli P'UteuaiK'es,
1.5' ot c'liarlu-s h.!r'mJa tU " tulU 111
ALSO, rci tain rout o.tito hint-itf, in i-ijio..... ,.
township, bounileil us foilows: un tuu nuitii by I'lie!
odulv 1'iu'ier. on ihe . i in- 1,1 .111,1 ,,...i..... ... ...
sepi, funnier un the ea-t hy Alfred' Pai'dou o, 1 t ej
iioutu, eonuih ng ouo hunlred mil iwehii-suvuii
pretty H Jol! ""J l ,J" &0"1 M "
Alt that certain lot , f oinumi f.o,i,i.i ,t,,...
ough of Uerwlck. In the count ut Coluiiibi i. nnd
slalo nf h'liiid.'d un thi 11, r l y
seveiilh Mi'o"t,on the east by ( heslnul struct 00
he so itli bv sixih strui-t, and on tho w1, st 1 v 1 lot
lielougliig to tu-. building avoelatiou, know 'a i m
.Maiisoel iiropci t.v, sltu.,1 m tu j lioroi gh of lier.i lu :
TWO Other lolS linilllili-,1 nn tin, 1... 1..1 ......
s ect, eat by Cheslinit stieel, soulli In Ko.-ei. I
'l'i"'.""1."?1, 1,1 "' l'H-lies U rrlsoiiisa j
lots being Met Uy l-g feet lu length.
Sieled, lukon Into oxeeullon. unit 1,1 1 ,ni,i n...
projierty ut Margaret Paiks and Amos Parks.
All thn fnllfill-ln'. real i,st:il tn wu .i,
township ut lle.uvr, county uf Cnlumfdj, uud statu of
I'etinsj van 1. bouuUod and du.01 iiui ,,-' 1 1 .T.ii .
on llio norm uud east by lauds of Jesac Joniisoii. iii
tho south by lands of tnu hehuof IhomusMieaiii uii,
unit on the west hv lauds uf ilmry llodler ill 1
Thomas Lilt. riiiitidulnu'ci niv.i,.r..j' ... 1 ..Jzl
Kheruoii aro ereuied a two slur fiamu diulllng .
ho ,0 liaiik barn and w agou-huuse, oulbulldiiii.n.
llllll tllll uppilllell.llices. ...b"
tsJlzi d, liikeii lniuu.e.ciillun, nnJ tobusolj 113 tho
pi-oiityuf llllliawMulth.
All that rcrlnln teat citato situate In (ireetiivood
towiiKhlp, Cnluuibl cuiinti, iHjunded und Ueurlbod
us ioiiuws 1 oy iainn ut .louii c. men, nurth si. do.
grneB wosf w l en hesi b lands 1,1 John ttoOiin,'
liclrs, mn th i)t degiees cast sa ieithe t bv lands uf
hettcr, so'iili s'Jdugieis east IW Kuhesi uf
l nil.I Kesicr. sumhvss, ilegnus inn ft tV-niicH-Iheiiou
nilh sf ilegrees wvsl st, ien.ie8 to pl.u J
iH'giiiiilngi cuhiiiiuihg Mi.v wren uinl iiiii-tiio
neicheii, tuoii. ur less. .n which utu etttitd u Irauii
divi'l inghiiuwiaiidoulbulldlngs.
selneif, taken lino i-jtuu,uiuu"uuil to be told us iho
proiwi ty ut Hphralm u. Kus er.
.,'A1.1 rei tain piece uf giuiuul tituuto In Locust
owlish! l (iiutubu cuuiily, bi,tin,l.d in uwuTif
(lenigu (lunt,iii il.eiii.iti., (; linn un llio
lOUlll. Of 0 '.. I e, Ml ,, the w, . t, ,)!',
uti liiu i. 1 , innl dnltiy tiiii huudKd uirts, inoru or
I'l'i il, t.ilKiiliitotxiciittiii . nd lolc i'ldl o
I'lu; 11 tj of John Ll.tiK s nnd J, -n h Ida u .
...,, , .MICIIAlLl'l.l 1 1 1"
fcliMhTaimce, Hitritr
tilicmiluig Nov, 6, 1115, '