The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, November 19, 1875, Image 4
Agricultural. Tlfilit llipek Itelns. At one of tho meetings of tlio society for tlio yirotpctlon of tlio niiliiinls tlio ojilnlon wfti oxprcwil thnt the uso of very t'ght check reins on draft hone, wtw gradually going out of f.nliloti with m. An Individ ual vvlio professes to know nil about It nays if n liorso pulling a loud finds rt check rein holding hack his head ho cannot throw lils weight Into lils collar, and Is hindered from giving his body that position which is the moat natural nnd effective. He lias to pull hy tho strength of his muscle only; the weight of his body is lost, and so much pulling strength thrown away, whllo what remains Is exerted at n great expenditure 01 tho horse's power and health, to say nothing of his comfort. Tlio cnnsjojiicnco Is that his limbs and muscles becomo strained and dis torted, his knees aro boived forward and his locks backward. If a man pulls a load by n strap across his shoulders, ho bends his bead and chest forward, nnd relieves his letrs; a horse does the samo when ho can, and ri'i .lit always to bo allowed to do so. In ndJitinn t,it)ir. up a linrso's head in this wn w iil iti'i" 1'itp witli his tiicnthing and with t'uwir. ibitinn of tlio blood in the head. Willie Hie heart and lungs aro excited by w irk. This makes the horse feel ver.v uni unf'Ttuble, restless and irritable; nnd his "hi id actios and pains him, and in F'"ts many a violent jag and blow jnt bc 'au his driver eaiinnt understand the ..ills' 01 ins restlcsne". I have teen man) h ii js standing at public house doors and itlirr pla.-i s in this uneasy state, and by and by si t oil' in thir desire to get home and bo uiiliiiriuweil, when tho driver has rushed out and punished the horao for his own error." The samo writer enlarges also, of c mrse, upon tho inlluence of tho tight check rdii lu straining the muscles of the horse's nock, thus tiring him out and making liim rcstlos. J'o declares that tlio horse will sometimes rest the weight of his head on the rein, strctchln? his mouth, to escapo the other torment, and that nianv splendid horses incessantly toss their heads and champ their imutlis into a foam from tho intolerable un chines, of llie tight check rein. How to Miniagn Yeans Pigs. Until young pigs aro a week old, wo ex pect tlio sow to furnish all the food tho pigs require, for unless she can do so sho is not tit to bo a breeder. And hero I would say something about the selection of a good breeding sow. First select tho best, as fai ns can be judged from outward appearances. with :i cood sound constitution. When the xjw hns tho first litter, if .she throws good pigs, sound and lively, and can furnish a good flow of milk, then she should lie kor as a breeder; if sho can not suckle her young nronerlv. cannot supply enough milk to keep the young porkers in good, healthy conditioner the iirst week at least, then she should bo discarded. If this were generally observed wo would have much better swine than wo now have. When the young pigs arc about a week old, have a small or low trougii put wliero the littlo pigs cau get to it at aH times, yet out of reach or tho old sow. Tho young pigs will soon learn to eat out of it, and thus lielp fatten themselves and relieve tlio moth er. Wo first give skim milk, after which sour or thick milk is given. The trough should be kept well supplied, so the pigs can have as much and as often as tiicy wish. Tills is the true way to feed a pig, and the sooner begun the more profitable. As to tho ago to wean pigs, many breeders lifl'wr, feomn waving not until eight weeks, while others wean them at four weeks. We have weaned them at four weeks with no bad results', but think six weeks is better. Lire Slock Journal, l'lougliiug iiji Haw Soil. Wo sometimes hear farmers remark that, ploughing deep, they get less grain; that, bringing up the new mellow soil, their crops suffer. It would bo very strange if this was not the case; for this soil, even if ever so mellow, is raw, jiut like manure when it is green or long. It is not yet converted or changed into plant-food. It needs just what tho long manuro needs to be changed by the heat and tho air that is, decomposed or rotted. When tho top-soil is less fertilo than it used to be when tho land was first tilled, you may rest assured that.this under soil is always better than the upper soil because tho upper has deteriorated, while tho under lias not, but rather improved. &,lt is, thcrclore, inadvisable, nay suicidal in soma soils, to turu up deeply tho under ground in tho spring or in the fall at sowing time. Tho cold cheerless ground will not help tho grain, nnd were it not for tho other aoil mixed with it, an almost total failure would be tho result. But turn it up in the fall, and let tho frost and tho elements tako hold of it, nnd you have another soil ; it is turned into ma nure, a good part of it. A little lime mixed with it, scattered and harrowed in, or manure, or both, would faciliatate the process. In tho spring sow, either with or without anoth er ploughing, and you will fmd no moro oc casion to complain. We have great fertility to draw upon from below, but it requires managing. Uniting l'ot. How to Keep Sweet l'otntoe. Too nuestioii.m to sizo of bins is not so particular, as J liavo kept them equally as well from a barrel to l.COO baskets in one bulk. It la neccosary that the collar bhould be ii ell ventilated, especially from four to tls weeks after storing, whilo undergoing their sweats, avoiding too much direct dralt. Porno varieties nro much hardier than others. The Short Nansemond variety is as hardy ns any. It is very desirable to keep tho cellars lit ouo temperature. I generally separate iny bins with common, inch boards. Ono foot of air spaco between tho potatoes nnd ceiling is sufficient for the circulation of air. I would recommend that tho thermometer never go above 70 degrees nor below 00 de grees, between CO and 70 degrees proper. I built n preserving house, with cellar below and room ubovo, with bins on each sldo of tho cntranco to hold from 200 to 500 baskets, aud left spaco next to tho wall to enable ono to ci around; tho epnea to continuo iir through thotloorand aiound thoupperroom, so that tho heat and air might circulntefrom tho room below to tho ono above. Tho loom above Bhould lie brick-paved nnd plastered. This building had a wind-break on tho north tide, of eight feet wide nnd tho Ient"t!i of tho house. In cold weather tho potato bins should bo tight nil nround, rest on tho ground and floor with draw under aud next to tho wall, with straw around thrin. For few weeks nlto housing let the windows be left open, with wire screens In them, to protect ngInt rata and mice. It is very important that the pouiloett to be hrnsed be selected from u Jilgli ground n possible, mid gathered iuimediatcdy from 'he tln'r.eor plow. I once put 1,000 baket J u mi lei -horn in one bulk, and as they wc put In J et h ktove on a board on top ol the potatoes, nnd in that way dried off the Mveataa Jtroe,niid took them out ttt early Winter with very few decayed ones. Young Folks. tih: Dovi: .MAiinlv. A (WTMUltX FAIRY TAMJ ( Qmtinutd.) Skimp departed with the money, leavlnp tho broker delighted to havo obtained the chain so cheaply. Fairies havo no need of real money, rn Skimp hid hers by tho steps of n cathedral, wliero a good man found it nnd distributed tho gold to tho poor, which tho broker'nevcr would hnvc done. Thnt night n large rat, with bright eyes like two beads, crept Into tho chamber where tho broker slept, lie had tho chain inn stout oak box beneath tho bed, and his door was barred, ns ho feared robbers. Ho could not keep out a rat, especially when that rat was Madam Skimp. Slio gnawed up a quantity of bank-notes, which sho had adroitly slipped from between tlio leaves of n pocket-book, to n soft pulp. With this sho rolled two littlo balls, and popped them Into the sleeper's cars,so that he could hear nothing. Then sho attacked the box under tho bed ; gnaw, gnaw, went her sharp teeth until a tiny holo was made, through which sho dragged tho dove chain, and away sho went with it. "That was well done," said Skimp, chang ing into a hawk. Wo must now return to Aunt Katrine's nouse. Tho children nil grew up. Sophia, n blooming maiden of eighteen, married a wealthy mill-owner, nnd went nway. Tho dove child was tall nnd fair in nppear anci'. She had lung sinco outgrown the star spangled robe and tiny shoes she first wore. Tho duve mate had never returned to visit her. Otto did not mis the chain from tho hid ing place, for soon after Aunt Katrine had Inst it tlio cottage took fire from a smoking chimney, and the wholo building was de stroyed. Otto carried out tho furniture, but lie supposed tho chain must have been lost in the flames. Aunt Katrine still kept si lent, but she was very kind to tho dovo child, trying to repair the injury she had done her. "After all, sho is better off here in a Uliris- tian home," thought poor Aunt Katrine ; and then sho looked at tho spangled dress, won dprinsr where tho dovo maiden really had lived. Otto had grown to be a handsome young man. lie was faithful, honest and mdustrp ous, and rebuilt tlio cottage with his own hands. Still ho must always havo his own n ay. Ho wished to marry tlio dovo maiden. Aunt Katrine thought the girl could not do better: after she died thero would be no ono left to care for her unless sho married Otto. So the. dovo maiden went into the new cot tage as Otto's wife, although she wept many tears that this should bo her lot instead of liuding her dove companion once more. Aunt Katrine still scrubbed and polished, for in that lay her chief happiness, and the dove maiden was too delicate for buch hard work. One fine morning tho good aunt put on her spectacles to admire a pretty baby which lay in the cradle, as white as milk, with sapphiro eyes. Otto mado a husband good enough, and ho was proud of his wife and child, but ho was surly and ill-tempered if any little matter went wrong, even with them. Tho dove maiden was ;now cheerful and happy; she called the child Snowdrop, and they gathered flowers together in tho meadow, whilo Aunt Katrino scrubbed. When the littlo girl had grown sufficiently large she was dressed in the star-spangled robe, shoe3, and silver cap which her mother had worn before her. Aunt Katrino was very much pleased with Snowdrop in this becoming costume. Tho dovo maiden led her to tho meadow, where she loved to sit near tho spot where sho was captured. Tho Snyder3 had never heard a word of her sto ry, but now she decided to tell it to Snow drop, who listened with bright, intelligent eyes. i dreamed about my sister iasi nigui, sho said, "l'erhaps if we wait patiently here she will come and pay lis a visit." "Hut how will she come? ' asked Snow drop. :ho will ny Here wltti lier Deautnul whilo wings, just as I did,"rcturned the dovo mai den, witn a sigh. "Attend, my child, whilo I tell you about your grandfather and rela tives in tho East. The King of Selgrobia is my father. He has a brilliant court thous ands of miles away from here, whero the palm-trees grow. I have a brother who is a Crown Prince, and will some time be King, My sister and I were the only daughtcrs,and wo were twins. We wero born with littlo gold chains about our necks, studded with jewels, and clasped with a diamond button. These were gifts of the fairy king at our birth, and would enable us to become doves whenever wo wished to fly away. Tnc Queen, our mother, considered this a very dangerous gift; and, fearing v.-e would avail ourselves of the chance thus granted us, she carefully hid away the two chains in a cas ket. We were brought up in the palace, yet seldom visited the state apartments. Ah, that was a happy life 1 Wo played in roso gardens with our maids, and bathed in mm- bie fountains. "One day there was a grand reception, in which a Prince of F.thiopia, black as ebony, nnd wearing a turban of yellow satin wound with chains of pearls, was presented to tho King, The Crown Prince, our brother, was present at tho ceremony ; but we were too young, although our maids ran away to peep through the lattice at the wonderful stranger. Left alone, wo rambled into our mother's magnificent apartments, and began to exam ino every rare, costly pieco of furniture with childish curiosity. Presently we found a casket In nu alcove which contained our chains, and wo at onco recognized tho fairy gum. '"LeUis go out on fhobalcony'urgcd my sister. "So wo stepped out, disobcyiug our moth er, and tried our wings as doves. We flew into the audience ball, whero the King sat In royal robes, and that was tho last time I ever saw him. Wo sped up into the clear sky, and after a journey of mnny days reached this place. It is a cld regiou after my home." As tho mother ceased cpeaking, the dovo sister came darting down to visit them. Tho dovo maiden caressed tho bird, shedding warm tears of loy upon ita snowy feathers. and even Snowdrop stroked it with her fat littlo hands. "I havo been to the fairy king," said tho dove. "He says that the workman who mado tho chain is dead, and the art died witli him, so we can never have another, The fairy sent this pearl ring to your daugh ter. No ouo cau tako it from her finger, and it-will irrant her wishes." The mother and child returned to their humble home, wliero Otto no sooner saw tho ptarl ring than lie tried to wrench It oil; but tlio ring held firmly as aleel. Tho viiluo of the ptarl would make mo a rlrh man. and I will have it." ho scolded When Aunt Katrino saw tho ring sho was inn- li oxcltbd, wishing to know where it Minn from: and littlo Snowdrop told her in it a beautiful dovo brought it from the Mtiiu. Then tho old lady told tho dove mat (h it the truth concerning tho disappearance ( I the dovo chain on the day when she had it fr,., mt lildliu- nlncn under the t ikon it from Otto's hiding place under the ''avc!i . . . i-. To l( continued, THE COLUMBIAN AND "iJEGETiNE WILL CUM' - SCROFULA, Scrofulous Humor. Vegctlno will or.idlcitn from tho system ovcr taint or acrofiiU and Merufulous humor, It has r. innniMitlr cured ilioitsimM In liosion ami Melultj who had been tons? and painful stirferers. Ciuictr, Cancerous Humor. The marvclouscrfect of Vcgotltie In casnof Cancer unci cancerous liumur challenges tho most profound attention of tho medical faculty, many of whom ore prescribing Vegctlnj to tlti Ir paltunts. Cunltcr. Yegettiio has never failed to euro tho most Inflexi ble else of Canker. Mercurial Diseases. The Vegetlne meels with wonderful success in the cure of tins class of Diseases. I'aln in the Hones. In tills complaint tho Vcgetlrio Is tho crest remedy as it removes from the sjstem the producing cause. Salt Itliciim. Tetter, salt Klieum, Scald Head, Ac, will certainly yield to the great alterative effects of Vegellue. IlrysltK'las. " Vcgcllno has never failed to euro tho most Invete rate care of Ho slpelas. i'linplesaiiil lliutioi'Sof IIir race lteason should teach us that a blotchy, roush nr pimpled skin depends entirely Uion an Internal cati-to uud no outward uppl cation cau ever euro the detect. Vegetluo is tho great blued purlller. tumors, I'lcurM or old sores nro caused by nn Impure, stito of tho blood. Cleanse tho Wood llwrinnjldy nlth Vegellue, und thuso com plaliitSMlll disappear, Catarrh. For this complaint tho benefit can bo obtained through tho blood. Vegetlne is tho great blood purlller. Constipation. Vcgcllno docs not act as a cathartic to debilitate tho uoncls, but cleanses all tho organs, enabling each to perform tho functions devolving upon It. nics. Vegetlne has restored thousands to health who hao been long and painful sufferers. Dyspepsia. If Vegctlho Is taken regularly, according to direc tions, a certain and speedy euro will follow Its use. I'aliitiicss at the Stomach. Vegetlne is not a stimulating bitters which creates a fictitious appetite, but a gentle tonlc,whlch assists nature to restore the stomach to a healthy action. Female "Weakness Vegctlno acts directly upon tho causes of these complaints. It Invigorates and strengthens tho whole sj stem, acta upon the sccretho organs and al lays lntlammatlon. general Uebi'ity In this complaint the good cirects of the Vecetlne nroieallzod Immediately after commencing to take It; as debility denotes dcilclcncv of tho blood, und i egeuno acts uireciiy upon me oioou. Vegotino iB Sold by All Druggists, HENDERSHOTT'S OPPOSITE TI1K CKNTItAL HOTEL. lias a complete Mock of pure and rollablo DItUOS, MEDICINES, OHEMICALS, DYES, ACIDS, SOAI'S, SODA, SODA ASH, TAINTS, OILS, GLASS, PUTTY, VAKN1S1IES AND ALL rAINTEItS.SUl'PLlES, SPONGES, BltUSII ES, 1'EltFUMEHY, AC, Am irmn tmu uriTnijo Country 1'roduco taken In excliango for Drugs, Medicines, Dyes, 4c. CENTRALIS STORE. Have a carefully sclocted btocl; of choice TEAS, COFFEE, SUGAR, SPICES, SOAP, PICKELS, SAUCES, FISH, HAMS, CANNED FRUITS, VEGETABLES AND OT1IEI1 FINE GltOCElt IES, FOREIGN AND.DOMESTIO Fruits, Nuts and Confectionary, all at the lowest possible prices. RTCountry Produce taken In exchange. ci Wooinsburg, March 19, l&75-y ROLLINS & HOLMES No. IT Centre Stro Pirate Gas anil Steam Fitters MANUFACTUHEItS OV TIN-WARE, OALVANIZED WON CORNICE, WINDOW CAPS, AWNINGS, Wire Trellises, &c. Dealers in Stoves, Rang es, Furnaces, Iialtimoro Heaters, Low Down Orates, Mantels, PUMPS, Weather Strips, iVC. Also GAS FIXTURES of tho latest design. Spetlal attention raid to ro- itunug newing Aiauuneg 01 every aescnpiion,hcaies, ;.ocks. Hell llaniftnir. Kev Ftttlni?. Ac. I'rfeidii Went. denecs Heated by Steam at a small costaUovo Hot Air, roD, ti, TWO MONTHS FREE ! ! TIIK NEW YORK TRIBUNE, "The l.(aitini American A'ewfpaner.' ' On receipt of ti and this advertisement The Week LY nilBINK Will 13 M'lll, puilkUKU HUU, Willi JJCCeill lr 3ist, 1S70, or for I1K.W, six topics ; for JiJ.elcvin j lor iju, iiiiriy.uiiu, auui i-nn Jan. 166-ly, THE TH1I1UNE, Now vork. A DVUUTIf A tlc.-AUpe trufcltt witn ncwi UTISINd: Chean: doodi Byetcma- persons wno conoeraplato rooking con. newsnatierH for tho lose rtlon of wive r tlneraents, should bend 25 wilts to Geo. p. Howell s ,.a iiiirir nmu Kluuf Vnrl Inr I hi I r l A 1 ll r I ItoVtK (ninety-seventh edition.) containing Usui of over 2000 newspapers and cellmates, showing the cost. Advertisements taken for leading papers in many btatcs ut a tremendous reduction from pub Ushers' runs. Git Tins noon. Jan, unny. TOSSO nor ilav. Atrents wanted. All riaueu nf worklne noonle of both Mixes, youw andoid. make moro moooy at work for us.ln their own ifiiuii.i riitrlntr Lhelr fmaru lAGincnui. or all tlio time, than at any thing else, Wo otter employment that will pay handsomely frr every bour'B work, rud niutlcuUirs, urms, sc., bend un our address at onci. Don't delay. Now is tho time. Don't look for WOrk Or UUSUlWSS rim mi r, uu m j oirai u' ed what we oner, O. bimsoN 4 Co., Portland, ilalne, jan. in io-iy. B LANK NOTES,wlth or without eienildloi for sole in) uolvxim" u". DEMOCRAT, BLOOMS-BURG, COLUMBIA COUNTXPA Ayer's Sarsaparilla Is widely known as ono of tho most effectual remedies over discovered for cleansing tho sys tem anil purifying tho blood. It has Af stood tho test of ?s III. . jutti;-, im ik tun- stantly growing rep utation, based on its Intrinsic lrtnes, nnd sustained by Its rc markahlo cures. So mild as to bo safe nnd beneficial to children, nnd yet eo t carching ns to effectually" purgo out tho great cor ruptions of tho blood, such ns the scrofulous nnd syphilitic contamination. Impurities, or diseases that have lurked in tho system for years, soon yield to tills powerful anti dote, and disappear. Ileneo Its wonderful cures, many ol which are publicly known, of Suroliiln, and nil scrofulous diseases, Ulcers, Eruptions and eruptive dis orders of the skin, Tumors, lilotclics, ltoIls, Pimples, Pustules, Sores.81. Anthony's I'lre, ltoso or Erysipe las, Tetter, Snlt Klieum, Kcnld J loud, JtiiiKWorm, nnd Internal Ul cerations of the Uterus, Stoinnch, iiutl Liver. It also cures other com plaints, to which it would not seem especi ally adapted, such as Dropsy, Dyspep sia, Pits, Neuralgia, Heart Disease. Pcmnlo AVcalcncss, Debility, and Leueorrhocn, when they nro manifesta tions of the scrofulous poisons. It Is nn excellent restorer of health and strength in tho Spring. Ily renewing tho appetite and vigor of the digestive organs, it dissipates the depression nnd listless lan guor ot the season. Kvcn where no disorder appears, peoplo feel better, and live longer, for cleansing the blood. Tlio system moves on with renewed vigor and a new lease of life. rnnPAitED n r Dr. J. C, AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass., Practical and Analytical Chemists. SOLD 11Y ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. April ie-?5yl EW STOCK OF CLOTHING. AND Gentlemen's Dreus. Goods. DAVID LOWENBEim Invites attention to his large andclegantstockot Cheap anil Fashionable Clotliii .at his store on! MAIN STREET, IN THE NEW BLOCK, BLOOMSllUnO, PA., where he has just received from New York and Phil, adclphla a full assortment ot MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING, lncluduiff tho most fashionable, durablo and; nanosoino DRESS GOODS, CONSISTING OP BOX SACK, FKOCtC, GUM AND OIL CLOTH, COATS AND PANTS, 01' ALL SORTS SIZES AND COLOItS, lie has also replenished his already large stock of CLOTnS AND CASSIMEItES, STRIPED, FIGURED ANDJPLAIN VESTS, , SiIIUTS, CRAVATS SOCKS, COLLARS, HANDKERCHIEFS, GLOVES, ISUSPENDEItS, AND FANCY ARTICLES. Ho has constantly on hand a large and well select ed assortment ot Cloths and Vestings, which he Is prepared to make to order Into any kind ot clothing, on very short notice, and In the bOBt manner. All his clothing Is mado to wear and most of It la ot homo manufacture. GOLD AVATCHES AND JEWELltY, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, FINE AND CnEAP. HIS CASE OF JEWELRY 18 NOT SURPASSED IN THIS PLACE. CALL AND EXAMINE HIS GENERAL ASSORT MENT Olf Clothing, Watches, Jewl- ry, &c. DAVID LONVENHERQ. uly l.TMf. Coughs Colds, Ilron chilis, Sore Throat, In fluenza, Croup, NVlioop in); Cough, Hoarseness Liver Complaint, I'alns or Soreness In the Chest or Side, Weeding nt the Lungs, nnd every affection of tho Throat, I.unirs and Chest, nros ced- ny cureu Dy tne uso ot nu. w lsrui'S luiJfAM of wild Ciikrht, which do(s not dry up a cough will leave thu cause behind, as Is tho caso with most remedies, but loosens It, cleanses tho lunirs and allays Irrlta- lou, uius removing mo cause oi mo complaint. Consumption can be cured by a timely rosnrt to this standard remedy, ns Is pruvru uy nunorius oj uuuinouiuis u uasreeeircu .IT ft. LU ' ' - I. N -, AN ACTUAL BUSINESS INSTITUTION AND TELEGRAPHIC NSTITUTE. For Information call at omce, or send tor Coixkci Apvuhtissk. )uucS4-ly $1,200 PROFIT on $100 Inuktcd In Stork Prt (Urges In Wall Street. Hooks and tlruulars telling, "How 'Us done," sent free. Attdress lliiTCK t Co., I'.ankcrs, II Wall bt., New 1U1K, pAPI'EU BAGS FOR BALE AT THE COLUMBIA OFFICE. GKMD OPENING t ELI AS MtiNDENllALL HAN IMI resinned the business of Merchan discing at his Old .Store, on MAIN STHUUT, IlLOOMSllUna, NEAH TIIK tones noiri., ncilresto rail tho attention of his Krlcnds and tin Public gcncrally.o his NEW, I'l'I.L AND VAllini) STOCK OF GOODS, JUST OPENED, And solicits nsliaro of publle patronago HIS STOCK CONSISTS OF DHY GOODS, (inoCEltlES, QUEENSWAltE. WOODKNWAIIE, WILLOWWAUE, BOOTS SHOES, UAltDWAltL, VLOUIt AND 1'EED In connection with his stock of Merchandise he constantly keeps on hand In his yard, A FULL STOCK OF Dressed anil Uatefl Lute AND SHINGLES OF HIS MANUFACTURE. Bill Lumber made a speciality. CALL AND SEE. Oct. 8, 1873-tf. il CHEAT STHIOE ! Ui nml Over Old ItlctlioilN round tube (Unity, or objccllou iible, UlNcai'detl! A NENV AND VASTLY ADVANTAGEOUS TLAN IIEIiEUY ADOPTED BY G.M.&J.K.LOCKARD At their Works in Bloomslmrg, Formerly llloomsbure? Iron and Manufacturing company), whero will bo kept constantly on hand a largo ubsonuicui. oi White nnd Red AnIi Anthracite Goal, FOR DOMESTIC TURPOSES, AND CUl'ULO, HLACKSiMlTII AND MTUMIN. OUS COAL, nt prices to suit the trade. All Coal bpcclaUy prc- pareu ueioro leamiu mo. mru. aisu Plows and Threshing Machines; and all kinds ot Casting andMachino Work. HCPAlRINO promptly attended to. Tliey'wonld rcspeciiuuy solicit ino raironago oi uie ruunc. U.M.&J. K. LOCIvARI), Oct. 8, '75 ly Uloomsburff, Pn. BLOOMSBTJBGr M&HBLE WOBKS, T. L. GrUNTONv Proprietor, MAIN STREET, I1ELOW MARKET. Manufacturer of and Dealer in all kinds of MONUMENTAL MARBLE WORKS Wo uso the best AMERICAN and ITALIAN Marble. Ho has on hand and furnishes to order MONUMENTS, TOMIiS, HEADSTONES, UllNS, VASES, &o. Every variety of Marble cutting neatly executed at tho lowest market prices. A long practical experience and personal attention to business makes the proprietor confident ot Klvlng satbtactlon. All orders by mail promptly nttendca to. P. O. box VT. BSfN, J!. Work delivered free, of charije.'isH Aug. 21, 'H-ly, f . L. GUNTON, Proprietor. $38,00 PER TO 1ST: REGISTERED TRADE-MARK. A sea fowl deposit imported exclusively by ourselves from .South America. SOLUBLE "Ammoniated. Snper-Fbospliate- Analysis on each bac and quality Kuaranteed. Nco samples aud elrculani,on baud by dealears generally. JOSIAH J. ALLKN'S SONS, No- 4 s, Delaware Avenue Philadelphia, aug. so-ot A FIRST CLASS NEWSPAPER. DAILY ANlS" WEEKLY. Iudcpcndcnt in Everything ! Neutral in Nothing, Opposed to nil Corrupt Tlings in Municipal, State and National Aflairs. THE DAILY TIMES will be Usued on Saturday, tho 18th of March next, nnd every morning thereafter, Kumlass excepted, under tho editorial direction of A. K. McClure. nrlnted comiiactly from clear. r.ew type, on a larito folio sheet, containing all theiini'S of tho day, Including tho ASSOCIATE PRESS TELE (HIAMH, hpcclal 'lelegrama and correspondence rroin an points ot inierebi, una iearifi euuuriai uis eusslons of current topics. Price, TWO CiSNTH. Mall bubscrlptloni, postage free, six dollars per auuuui, ur mi; ueum per uiuiuu, lu uuvuiuu, Advertlscinentu, mteen, twenty and thirty cents per line, uccorumg m iiosiiiou. The Weekly Times Will be Issued on Saturday, March 501 li, weekly thereafter, containing an uuportant ne no oi uiu weeK, onu compieio jaarxet ana finuneiui iieiiurui. Moiled, for onu year, postago free, at the follovrti' rales i One copy.... Tim Conies , II.M s.oo Twenty Cople; ADVEltriSEim IPS U.IIO KN'lfi tnentv-nta rent ner line. liemltances bhould be mado by DralU or Post Of' nee Orders. Address rri tt in Ns. li out ATenthKtrtMir. 1TUIULLIILPUU StIX GENERIS. MtRUIT-!'rtRATf MASON & CABINET ORGANS. UNEQUALEDZXUNAPPROAGHED In cati?itT an excellence by nny othrrs. Awnnltd a DIPLOMA OF HONOR AT VIENNA, 1873; PARIS, 1867. nMIV Amrrimn Orpanii cvrp ftwnnlcl nny mMul UllLtf In Knror,nr whl.h prccpnt mih cTtniordb nry pirt-ll.'tic to command n wlJe wile there AlUf AVO ftM"'l(Hl hldhrt rrpmlnmn nt !n1m ALlI A I O 11 EipmlUn, In AmtlcB';ll linH. Oat of hunJrciH Ihrro hnvu not lmn hli in alt whtrf ny olhiT orrfiviH hao Ikvh prcfcrrcil. DCPT IpclrM by Eminent Mii-Ihn. In Iwlh BCA hemlii.tier to bo iiiirltnleil. Sro 'lnsTIMONIM. CIUI'tJf.AIl, llh nplntoMol mora Uin On Thounmul (cnt frif), IUPIPT n hoTlnpr a .Mn-on lfamlln. Do not lilulu I take nny uthor, ltctxlcr let LAnotn com. wmiiiof f"T tPlllntt inferior PWlfi. (Itut Jttr Ml rtvnn flifn try terv fwrt to sell tmn'thing elM, IIC1M PTVITP Mlthmo-t ImiKirumt Imiirevf ntll O I I LC '"" ever mnile. rv Solo nnyftomlilimlliiii Mop". Siiperli KtiKcre ami other Own of lie" ucl;ii. PIANO-HIVRP CABINET ORGAN tini4t combination ot theco Inst.Tinienti. EAST PAYMEUTS. rlnontnlV?qrterlJ Ijmfnti or rented until rent pnya f. r tho orgnn. flUTII nPIICC nnd Clreukrmillh full I'lirtlo. LA ALUbUtO A.ldren.MASOy fi MAllILlN OIKIAN CO., 1SI Tremont Btreet. 110S TONl 25 Union Htiunro, NEW V011K', or SU li ii AUaunBt., CUICAUO, M Abulia HAMLIN CABINET OBfiAIS MAY TIE OBTAINED AT WHOLESALE OR IlETAIL OP li. B. POWELL, SCRANTOIT, Pa, Otnernl Agent also for Hie refc6rnftl CHICKERSNG PIANOS. ALSO, OF I. K. MILLER. isLooMMtuna, pa., Dealer In abovo Iustrunionts, March 10, 'I5-y NEW ! A HEAArY STOCK, GZicapei than Ever! S. IL MILLER & SON Havo Just lleceived tho largest anil best supply ot CHEAP AND' FASHIONABLE DRY GOODS They havo ever offered to their friends and eus. tomcrs. (Jlotlis, Cassimeres, and Satinetts for MEN'S WEAR, Cloths, Alapacas, Merinos, for LADIES' WEAK, CALICOES, MUSLINS, CAMWUC8, mid every variety of Dry Goods desired. STOCK OF Carpets, Mats, Ottomans CLOSED OUT AT COST FAMILY GROCERIES including nil tlio varieties of COFFEES, TEAS nnd SUGAKS, COUNTRY PRODUCE. and a general supply of articles useful for the tabic always on hand. CALL AND SEE. Country produce of all kinds taken in cx change for goods at cash prices. Oct, 30,74-tf FARMERS TAKE NOTICE It is of great Importance to you what kind of manuro jou npply to your wheat Lands this fall. 1 you w ant a good crop of Wheat next beason, and heavy crop ot Crass to follow, uso. Raw Bono Super Phosphate STAN1IAHI1 WA1II1AKTKD. I'ut up In i!O0U hags. Tho haio of thU Old Established Artlelo Is Haw or Unburncd Hones, and Its fctreni;th cannot ho ex- misted mm tho crop of Wheat, hut will puo ef. recti o on tho following crop of (Iraas, and w 111 also permanently Improio (ho soil. Farmers look to your own Interests and i roelf wnat uubaynuout Baugh's Raw Bono Phosnhato is truo or false, and notify us of the result Mnko application lor It early tojotir neaiest Dealer In Manure", and If jou cannot securo It through thtni, send your orders direct to our friends I3AUGH 4t SONS. Aug. lO-St. rillMDIXl'IIIA A IIAI.TIMOItl!. IKON I.N TIIK 111.001). Tim Pl.'RUVlAV Kvnni' Mtallws and enriches Clio uiuuu, iiiiie.s up iuo teni, WUIils up tholuokeii flown, cures il mipii.!l Iiebllltv, ill opsy, cl.lilniml ietTi)?Tiiruiiio uiarriKoa nervoiii ulleclons, bolls humors, Ulienses of tho kidneys and bladder, fe male complaint, Thousands hao Ken changed I) tho uso ot tho remedy fiom wealc, sickly, suffering creatures, to tdronsr, healthy, happy men nnd women i nnd Inlands canuot reasonably hesltnto to glvo It a trial, Oinios. llo sure jou get tho "Pkkuvian svitur" (not rermian nark.) NjIU ny ueaiers teuer al lv. A sn-iuiru Damn h et. contnlnlut; a livatwi A s--pagu pamphlet, containing a ireatUo on Iron ns a mi dlcal agent and other valuable papers, testimonials from distinguished phtsleluns, clergy rgy. address. iiieu uim uiiiera, iu ue belli, ireiu uio risrii W. Fowl e 4: Sons, proprietors, bO Avenue, Boston. Harrison S LATCH LEY'S proMti CL'Cl'M Hi ri'iMl' Is tho 111" ao- 2 know lodged standard of .7 tno luarKet, by iwpmar verdict, tho best niiinn for 'fit' tholeobl money. Attention Is Invited to Hlatcliley's IinproedUrack cl.lliu Drop ihcck valip, which cin bo withdrawn without disturbing tho Joints, nnd the copicr chamber which never rracks, bcales or rusts and will list u Hie tlmo. I'orsalo by dealers and tho trade genrrolly. In order to bo mire that jou gci itiau-juej-s i-tiuip, uo careiui uuu boo that It has iny trado mark as uboo. If yon do not knowwhero to buv, descriptive circulars, together with Uie name nnd address of the agent ncai est you will bo furnished by addressing with stamp, ClIAH. (1. III.ATC1II.KY, Manufacturer, 601, t'oinmorco St., 1'hllaUclpnh, FOIt HALK IIV J, SCHUYLER li SON, Bloomsburg, Pa. March e Tti-tini TUSINESS CAHDS. 1J VISITINOCAItDS, 1IKAIIS. 1111.1, IIKADS, I'ltOdltAMMHS, I'OSTlillS, tC, 4C. NEATLY ANDOinAI'l.Yl'IIINTKI), AT 'lllk CO LUMDIAN OVVICE. III1S 1'APEK IS O.N FII.B W ITH ROW ELL & HESMAN . Advertlelng V-s Agents, THIflR A CHCtTNUT ST8., T. LOUI, MO I'" j'' ffl TT ff" M B -Ksl CHEAP AT THE COLUMBIAN OFFICE. Tlio Columbian Printing Estab lishment is amply supplied with the necessary Presses, Types and other material for executing all kinds of Printing at low rates and in tho most expeditious aud satis factory manner. CALL AT THE Columbian Building. COURT HOUSE ALLEY, Ploojishukg, Pa. When special materiul is required it will bo promptly obtained. Books and Pamphlets, Hand-Bills and Dodgers, Largo and Small Posters, Letter and Bill Heads, Envelopes with Business Cards, Bussiness, Pio Nic, Wedding aud Visiting Cards, Programmes, Bills of Faro, &c. Will all bo supplied and excuted in superior stylo, at cheap rates and short notice. Tho best workmen aro employed and tho best material will always be furnished. A liberal sharo of public patron- ago is respectfully solicited. Biiooiiauuiio, Junk 18. 1875. RAIL ROAD TIME TABLES plIliiADKt.rilA AM) HEADING O.U) AliltANOEMENT 01-' TltAINS. SIAV Od, 1STC TIUI.S'S IHAVn IIITKIITAS H)I.IOS (Sl'NMAV HSCRHIrti For New York, l'hllndtlrhlfii lienillnjc,.l ollsllIo Tniiuiqua, Ae ll,n n. in lorcalnwlwn, ll.ssii, ni.nml 7,SCp. in, For Wllll.uiisport, c,i n. m. anil -hod p. in. TltAINS 1011 UtTtllT IKAVB AS rol.l.OIVF, (Sl'NUAV h cEi'rer.) i Leave New York, r,1 n. m. Lo.ivo Philadelphia, v,tc n, m, Loiivo Ileatllng, 11,3 n, in., I'olteMIlc, 18,10 p. in nnd I'ainaqtia, 1,R0 p, in, l,e.tvoi.'aiawlssa,n,!on. in, nnd 4,no p. m. Leuio Wllll.uiipoil,i',tiiii. in. nndryii) p. m, l'.issengcrs In ami Horn nt.d l'hllaileli.ldn go thro igh w Ithout change of cars. .1. l wootkv, General Superinlendcnt, -Mays, lS74-tf. D vLAWAKK, LACKAWANNA WISmtN ItAlLKOAI). IILOOMHIIUHO DIVISION. AND Tlmc-Tnblc No. ira, Takes effect nt 4:30 A. M, iillxjiiiek in, 1S74. NOltTII, STATIONS. fionTI. a.m. p m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. 12 s as 1 4ft 1 40 13 a Scranlon llclll'UlP .... T.nlnritl!,. 2 2D 2 2(1 2 Ka 12 2 s at 8 li.l s 1:1 s n 7 f.3 7 ta 7 43 7 4 T nr. 11 . 10 (4 HI 1 U 4,1 U a 11 8l tl 10 II 0 III 4ft S lift S 17 8 12 8 "ft 8 no II I..1 II 41 (I fu 7 III! 7 1 .1 7 11 7 10 7 2.1 7 I..1 7 4. 7 t,0 7 H s .a 8 lft H I..1 S ft II (.1 7 01 7 12 IS 'II 111 17 10 2.1 10 211 11 HI 1 2ft 1 10 1 11 l ir 1 00 VI M 12 4(1 ...LniKawaiuia..,.. 2 4 2 M 2 f.5 II 1 .... ritinon West I'lltstun... SlnllbyT 1' IIS II l ll ....Kingston . .Kingston 1'lHiioiilh.liiiic, ..n.unontli .... ... .Avuml.ilo 10 4ft II 1ft in mi ri 2 7 :t 12 41 in r. i 11 ihi a 2i II .'I a so 3 40 il ft 4 Ift 4 2' I 2S 4 till 4 Ift 4 ft' 4 ftri ft 01 ft !2 IV IS ft 21 ft 30 ft 4S ft fts G I'll 0 21 7 2.1 12 ,16 7 10 12 S 7 1.1 12 20 n Oft u in 11 1H 11 112 II 40 7 'ft 12 10 .ilimlock'.s leek. antieoke... 7 4tl 7 mi il ftn 12 nl . . Miu kMiinny ....nick's Ferry... ....Heath Haven. Herwlck .... Hrlar creek ...Willow-drove.... Llino llldgc r.'i-py. . .liloimisbtirg 7 Itil It sft 11 4S 0 57 0 2S II 83, 11 r.:i 12 1 '12 8 12 12 12 17 1 12 20 II Ift 0 32 0 21 11 31 0 3 11 22 0 18 11 17! it n.l il il C, 27 Is II 211 7 2.1 7 r.s 7 -U 7 M 8 ( 2 s (c 8 35 R 4S 8 .V. (I 00 ft f.3 11 (12 ft ftS ft 40 10 ftft 12 .12 12 37 ft M 5 4 1 P 4J .... iiuj'rri ft 41 ft 34 10 S,Calawlsa lllldirn. 12 it ft 10 ft an Hi 4-1 ..Clark's MiMiUi..., 12 4.1 ft lft ft 12 10 221. .ll.lliMllo 1 nn 1 11 1 14 1 ft ol l Mi 4 3 a.m. ft 112 1 1 12 4 ft, l'l US 4 4(1 9 5 p.m. a.m. inuiasKy Cameron .Noithtimbeilaiid. 0 20 'p.Ill p.m. n.ui Superintendent's Ofllcc, klugston, jlaichi.'lsh.' jOimnCIlN CENT11AL KA1UV.VY On and after November 20th, 1S73, trains w 111 leavo SUNIlUHYns follows i KOUTIIWAltD. Erlo JIall 6.20 a. m., nrrlvo nmlra n.r,o n. m " Canandatgua. . . 3.35 p. in " llochcster c.lft " Niagara " Kenovo accommodation a. m. arrive Williams rt 12.55 p. in. Llmlra JIall 4.15 n. m., arrlvo i:imlra 10.20 a. m. lluffalo impress 7.15 n. m. nrrlvo Iluffalo 8.50 n. in. SOUTIIWAllI). Iluffalo E.xpresB 2.M a. m. nrrlvo Harrlsburg 4.60 n. m " ll.1lthnoro8.10 " Klirdra JIall 11.15 a. in., nrrlvo Harrlsburg 1.60 p. m " Washington 10.30 " " Hall Imorc 0.30 " " Washington 8.30 ' Harrlsburg accommodation s.40 p. m. nrrh 0 Harrls burg 10.50 p. m. nrrlvo Iialtimoro 2.2.1 n. m " Washington c.1 3 " Eric JIall 12.65 a.m. arrive Harrbburg 3.05 a.m. " Iialtimoro 8.4(1 " " Washington 10.35 " All dally except Sunday. I). JI. IIOYD, Jr., tlcncral rasscnger Agent A. J. CASSATT, General JIauager PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD. I'liiliulelnlild & Krio II. II. Division. SUMMERTIME TABLE. o N ami after SUNDAY, MAY 2.'1.1, 1S75, tho trains on tho Philadelphia & Krlo Hall ltuadUlvlson wlUruu as follows: wusnrAiw. FAST LINE lcavc3"New York " ' ' Philadelphia. .. " " ' Ilallltnoro " " " llarrbburg " " HllUainspurt.... " " " Lock lliven " " " llcllefonto , ... o 2.1 a. m ....12.6.1 p. in .... 1.20 . m . .. ft.llll p. Ill ... 8.6.1 p. Ill ..10.211 p. HI ...II.mi p. m l'.llli; .MAIL leaves New Yoifc " " " I'hlladelphlJ ' ' " llarrlshurg , " " " Wllllaiusport " " " Iwk Haven " " " I'.cnovo " " nrr. nt Urle ... 8.2.1 p. in 11 ..',. p, m . . . . 4.2.1 11. Ill 8.3.1 u. Ill .... .... ll.o.i a. ni 7.-.U p m NIAOAItA KXI'IICSS leaves Philadelphia. " " " lialilnioie 7.40 n, m 7.3ft a. m llitrrlibtiru ,10.65 n. in nrr. nt Wllllainsport.. 1.55 p. m " Lock Haven.... 3.1ft p. in Kenovo 4.30 ii. in ELJ1IUA -MAIL leaves Philadelphia 8.00 a. m " " " Ilaltlinoii) s 30 a. m " " " HarrKburg 1.55 p. m " ' orr, at Wllllainsport iuo p. in ' " " Lock Haven 7.30 p. m EASTtt'AIW. 1'IIIL'A EXPIiESS leaves Ixick Haven .. , " " " Willi jmspurt,., " " nrrlvcs at Harrlsburg " " ' iialtimoro " " " 1'hlladelphla..., " " " New York DAY EXI'ltESS loaves Itenovo " " " Uick Haven. " " " Wllllamspoit.. " " arr. at Harrlsburg ,., ' " " I'hlladelphla.. " " " Now York " " " Iialtimoro EHIEJI AIL leaves Eilo " " " Kenovo " " " Link Haven 4 Wllll.ilu-piilt ' " nrr. at Hurlsbtirg " " " Il.iltlinoro " " " l'Ulladelnhla New York 1'AST LINE loaves Wllllamspoit " " arr. al llaiilsbiiig " " " liallhnori' " " " I'lilladclphla " " " New Yolk . (1.40 a. m .. 7.6ft a. m .1145 a. in .. 0.1.1 p. m .. 3.3.1 p. in . 0.45 p. Ill .. 9.10 a ni 10. s n. m ,.113111. m .. s.oo p in .. 0.20 p. in .. 9.1.1 p. Ill .. ti.35 p. in ..u.20 a. ra b.25 p. m . V.4.1 p. Ill 10.60 p. in . 2.2.1 a, m ,. 7.8.1(1 111 . 0.4ft II. Ill ..' a. m ..12.85 a. m ... 0.6ft a, in ,. 7.S5U m . . 7.85 n, in ...10.25 u. Ill Erlo Mall Weft, Niagara Express West, Elmlia JIall vwsl and Hay Express East make closi' connec tion nt Northumberland with l ii. it, it trains tor Wllki'sdiani' and seruutun. Eilu Mall West, Niagara hxprcss West una Elmlrn JIall West mako close vnuncttlua at Wllllainsport Willi N. v. 11. W. Indus Norm. Erlo Mall East and West, Niagara Express West Fust Lino West and Ilay l.'.xpivsa East make cloto connection nt lack Haven Willi II. E, V. It ll trains Erlo Mall East and West connect at l.rlo with tralus on I. K k M. N, It. It., at furry with ti. f. A. V. II. It. nt EitiK,rlum with li, n. v. A I'. It. K and at Driftwood wlih A. V. 11. It. .. Parlor cars will run between Philadelphia and W llllainsport on Niagara Express West, Fust Una West, Philadelphia Express East and Day ExpicbS Last, bltcplug cars on all night iralns. WM. A. BALDWIN, Jay. 8,'75-tt General Sunt' 3?i3sra?iisrG-, GLAZING AND PAPERING. 7"M. 1'. I10D1NE, Iron Slreet helo ond, IUoomsbuiVi I'a., Is pmparcd to do al kinds of PAINTING, GLAZING, anil PAPER HANGINGS, notice bCSl stJrl(:s' ttt l0WC6'' Prices, and at short rartles having Buchwor todo wll mvo money by work warranted to giro satisfaction. Order solicited . WM. F. BO DINE. Mar. 0, '74-ly. ,6 TTOHNEY'S BLANKS, Coinnion and tOiVMiiuN omco. All klnba U Altoiuty'j UuiU viUiw mi lia&a or luUiUU to uUvr,