The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, November 19, 1875, Image 3

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II I, 0 0 SI S II U ltd, I' II 1 1) AY, NOV. 10, Ih;J
Hull lioml Time Table.
Accommodation Train,..,
.Mull Train
K.xprcss 'I'rntn
. MS A.M.
1.30 A. M
1.4(1 t'.M.
r..84 1'. M,
i.SO A, ill.
ft. a 1. 11
11.64 A. it
Accommodation Train c.2S A, M,
llogillar ll.xprcss 3,M 1'. M,
T.tlO P. M.
11.35 A.M.
Through cars on ll.xpross train cither to New Yorl:
or phlladclphlai Accnininoilatloh train rim? butn ecu
rataivlssn, and Wlllhimspoit,
All contract made liy Mr. Iic(ionci:icli for ml
verli-oiiiciit', nml iirc-i.ilil stili.-c:ilitions will 1.
e.irriul out liy tlio present iiniirlclnri of lliU n
pr. Ilii-inoss canls In (lie tlircctory wilt be
eoiitlniieil, at tlie old rules, iinliss ollterwi'o or
dered, and will dale frutn Oct. Ut, 1H7". lu
ll lilcdness to the C'i)t.L'MniAN on any account
iniiu .lulv 1st, 1S7II, to Oct. 1st, 1.S75, will Kittle
willi Mr. I)Ulenlacli. I'c-rsoiistloslriiiLitostop
tlieir paper, If any, and tlioso vvMiinc; to suli
scrilij or to linvu tlioir m-t olllce cliangiil, will
pl.'.i-c notify tii at once. The paper will lie eon-
muni to old siib-eriliers unless ollieiwiM ordei'
t I. Ouiiifr to tlic trrett amount of work Inci
ii nt upon taking charge of tho ollieo we have
it had time to change the dale on the printed
direction. N'o.xt week tliey will he changed to
Oct. Sih, 1875.
Our legal ilulics will not lie ncgleclril by rea
on of our linviip; taken e-li'irge of thin paper
Dim member of tho firm, and bolh, when ncces
fary, will cniKtantly look after lliu interests of
our clients.
l-'em Ur.NT. A room on the first lloorof the
Knt biiildiuK. For furilicr liniticiilars iiiititirc
ol Mr;. M. K. Knt." Xov.l'J.-'-'w.
do.vt l'oiuiicr rin: coxcrcitr on no
e:.ii!:u i5, at Tin-: oimou.v hoimi:.
Thanks-giving services will be held at the
I'nsliyi. nun eburch nt 1UJ A. M.
Wayne Mi'Vei'gli. (.'uniiron's sim-in-law, ha
declined the portion of Attorney (jeneral. It
had not been (endured him.
The new block of William Oilmoro i ap
proachhi!; completion, and make a fine addition
to the strict. Tho gla front will be lliiUhed in
a few day.
IVi-tmmtcr liecklcy ciow over the gain of the
Itepiiblicans in Heaver. True they gained 37
vote, but nl the same, time tic gained 111. Wo can
afford sucli iisults AV u long time to come.
We were mi-taken Int week in paying that
the Imp-c lint by Or. Itilier bad been driven
from I.ewitbing tho day before it died. It wa
driven but three or four mile, and showed no
symptom of sickne-H umil af1(.r rcturn.
We are informed by competent authority that
Mayberry (i. Huglie. of C'atavi-a ha purchas
ed the entire interest of (J. li. I'axton in upper
Lime It'ulgo for the sum of $12,000 cash. I.uw
llro. it Co. arc operating the quarries.
Tho Thc-pian will occupy the Opera Hoiic
on the trinlng of December ad. The play now
in rehearsal will be sure to plcac the large mi
(lieiico that will midoubledly attend. l'rocecils
are for the benedt of the Normal School.
Street Commissioner ilarlon i nt work on
C'ontio street iiluivo Jlain, grading tho road and
paving the gutter. It is to be hoved that some
niiangemcnt may soon bo niado by which tin
street can lie oiieiie-il its full width up to Ko.-e-moiit
, "Ixqunillii." Yon aro mistaken. Schuylkill
is not an Indian name, but the river wa nainid
liy the Dutch, it first di-eovcrers, and
"hidden liver." .SiimiiivIiiiiiiiii ha it origin
from So-ai-ipic-han-nunk, an Indian word mean
ing "a crooked, or winding river."
We learn that Samuel Rogart of Iiohr-burg
xva. furnished with a coat of tar on 1'iid.iy
morning lust. We are not infornici'i who cum
unl.cil thiact, but whether liogirt. deserved it
or not, it wa a eowanlly and ilng-raceful died,
and the perpetrators ought to be piMii-hcd.
On Wednesday la.-t the passcn ger ear on the
L. i'c li. It. I!, wa discovered to be on lire while
at Kupcrt. It originaled from the stove pipe,
and wa between the ceiling anr'i the roof of tho
car. An axe soon made an op ruing, and water
Irom the engine, promptly exlingui-hed the
Wanti d i.v l'i:xsyi.VAM a ! A Democrat
ic statesman. 'e'ii.i:milA.
How would llioel.way ibo, lor instance?
VulUrille. Simulant.
A decided improvement oi.i the Hughes and
Wright class, galvanuid -specimens of a dead
ia-t. t
Now that the deir sia.-oi i ha opened we learn
from exchanges that num'jers aio being killed
by hunting pai-tie. The piospett for lovers of
vcnUoii aie tneouraging. Hear. also have
grown bold, raid come out of their haunts to see
what the people ale about. Iliuin's eiiriusity
ha co-t him hi life in teveral instances, thu
cany in thu season.
Tun FAiiMi:na' Ci.un or LotLsr.An ac
tive, earnest organizatifiu has been formed in
I-ocun for the purposo of self protection. They
pi-opine to obtain a tl-,aiter and extend their or
ganuation. The m ain object stems to be to
purcha-o supidlei at tho leait iosihlo rate di
rectly from the mj nuf.ictuier. I!y reipietC. I!.
Ilruckway addio5f lHl the Club on lat Saturday
When will tli e city of Wi.kcsb.irie havosonie
maiiul.iciiiring o nteiprio to keep pao with oth
er Inland cities 1 It has an abuiuliinoe of coal,
W.LIf'l'. U'lklul ,i. ....... ............ ..,..1 i WllU
they cooperate '.: NVo'feiir the spiiit of enterprise
... .waiiig, jji .tzcrne iwitou.
All woiiavulc .kiiv iritlint if VMI;i'-l!.irrrt dull
sueeeed under .ueh eireuiiHlance', it is nut the
lu ilt of "thu ta tcr, men, woman, ito."
Miller, of tli o i:.xihangc, i one of tho ino-t
ae umuiodating derk in the State. And he likes
to s-o people k( cp their word. Wo are told that
a traveller who intended to take the 1:10 tram
w.n on the poii it of changing hi mind but .Mil
ler in-Utcd on hi carrying out his intention,
A few day.a;o Dr. of lientou wa, on a
visit here, and got tired, tcry tired. The stage
came round, It wa time to go, uud the Dr. could
not get in. Miller, seeing the situation, met it
like a hero. Me picked the Dr. up, put him in
the stage, and both were happy.
A step in the right direction ha been taken
by our young people, who have organized "Sociable-,"
for thu enjoyment of the long winter
evening, Tho material Or excellent society Is
not wanting here, tho only lacking eh men; be
ing sociability. It Is to be hoped that these
gathering will euro that difiet, ami then
llloonuburg can bual of a large and as refined
acirclo of "youth and beauty" us any town In
the 'interior. The "sociables" are to be held
ovcry two weeks, and dancing will be the chief
Last Monday night u party of young men
from lluckhoru started on a 'coon hunt. When
near the Montour county lino one of tho "var
mints" wa luid, but so high '.valis place of
refuge that stviral shots fiom the guns of the
party f.illul to dltlodgo It. One of the hunters,
a young man luimul fchoimaker, vohiiiticred to
a-cenil the tree and dilvu tho 'iooii out of tho
top. After clluibimr lo a height of more limn
thirty fctt, he in some maimer inUsid his hold
and fell to tho ground, dislocating his ankle and
bruiting himself badly. Ilo wa careil for by
his companions and will recover from the ellecU
of hl fall, but wu tloubt if he hunts 'coons ugalu
tlili biauon,
i:t8Atcu:o. a. cmhk'h.
(leo. H. Kllcrt, late foreman of the HtpuUiean
oiriee, ba retired from that poion, and will
engage In some other biilnc at an early day.
OVi'iilOTt Ihmncrut,
The county commlloners will meet again on
next Monday, the 22il, nt their office to meet Un
balance of the collectors who failed to report on
last Monday as directed by letter.
Kslray or lot, a white sow pig, weighing
nlnity pound., with ring in noe. Information
of it wheitabouts would be thmkfnlly uceived
'y Samui:i, XiiYiiAnt),
l.lmo Itidgc, Pa.
Indian summer, with it hazy, lazy days, Is
over, and this morning fWediicsday)tho ground
appears in a heavy coat of frol, and the ther
mometer ha gone down many degrees. Tho-e
who have not yet adjusted their prof , lie stove
P pe had better bo about It.
CoMtxo Hack. II. h. Diellenbacb, Esq.,v!.
i't'il Iielt Haven (hi week and i now nt Ham
burg, preparatory to making Clinton his home
again, lie ha taken the homo on Kalrview
Strict now occupied by Mr. Illewelt, and will
ere long lake po-cion. CVinfAit Democrat.
Young Ilillmeyer, of I.ibcrly twp., who was
wounded so badly in the head some few weeks
since by the discharge from a gun, i still in a
prceanom condition. Ilei obliged to lie on
hi- luck whilst the piocen of forming a thick-
eniiig over tho brain i prceeeding which pro
ce I very slow. A liinarknblu rnsi Dan
ville Iiitelllijcnctr.
On Wednesday f It week while Lyman 11.
Urown of Colley towinbin, thi countv. wa
gathering bellbark from a tree near Koiksville.
he slipped ami fell to the ground, a di-tanee of
twenty feit , breaking hi back, from the eiKrL
"f which he died on I'rid vy. 1 lu wa (i j years of
gc, aim leaves a large circle of friends and rd
alive. Sdliein Co. UtiMml.
De-pile the hard time no town in tho State
of the same sic ha made such material progres
a liloom-liurg. New building are constantly
going up, and laboring men have employment.
The wage", it i true, are meagre, but any work
now i belter than the poor house. Much end
it i also due our Town authorities and poor di
rectors for management.
The concert at the Opera IIoue next Thurs
day evening prouiie to be one of tho best of
the kind ever given in llluonisbiirg. The Quar
tette Club will take a prominent part, and their
singing, a" well a all the election, will lie of a
iracter to plea-e every body. The ohket has
been to make a programme that the people will
appreciate, and not one that i calculated only
lo di-play skill in exieulion. Secure seats now!
I'or the benefit of those who are in tho hatit
of placing stamp on various paits of an envel
ope, it i statid that the department has ordered
all letters to be sent to the dead letter office that
have not stamp on the proper place the upper
right hand corner. It i just a easy to ( lace It
where it ought to be for the convenience of the
mailing clerk, a it i to slick it on any other
corner or the hack of the envelope.
Wa.vamaki:h A Unoww The largest cloth-
ing boiiso in America i that of the firm whoso
name head this notice, and i located at Sixth
and Market street", l'hia'telphia. Itead what
lliey say in their ailverti-ement on tho thiid
page of thi paper. The- will do all they prom,
i-e, and will give mih purchaser a guarantee
that their good are sold a low a Missible, and
then will taku them back inideof ten days, if
unworn and the customer is not satisfied witii
Of the estate of Philip Miller there wa sold
by the admini-trator, on Tuc-ilay lat, the
home-lead farm to Mr, (jingles for &I101.&8:
ami the back farm wa sold to l.lovd Shuman
for i'MiO. !)0. A couple of other lots were dis
posed of, hut all the quarry lots and the rivir
bill farm oi one huiulrid and twelve acres re
in ain un-old, and the sale wa continued till the
first day of December at one o'clock P. M on
the quarry piemi-e.
The centennial tea party given by the l.ulie
of the Lutheran Church on I'riday and Saturday
evening pi oved a grand success. The tables
Weie filled with all the good thing that a con
gregated people could summon, and in addition
to this the aiieknt dies represinted by the wai
ters, and the relic on exhibition, some of which
dated baik a far a two thou-and year, were of
great interest to tlioso who gave them a call.
The proeieds amounted to over two hundred
We hear a great deal about tho Postmaster
Ocneral's "fast" mail in other parts of the
country. We can boast of one in this section.
About three limes a week the morning mail gets
a far a Northumberland, where by some mians
or other it becomes "fast" and sticks there until
afternoon. We do not know to whom we are
indebted for thi ilt-Inj ,but whether it i tho fault
of the mall agent or of the rail road companies
we do know that it i a great nuisance and ought
to be abated.
Any information of a little girl named Lllen
(lilroy, twelve year old, with brown hair and
blue lyes.who wore and led shawl when
she lift homo in l'ibriiary la-t, will be thank
fully received by her mother, who reside in
Krowntown, near Pitt-ton, and who sent her lo
tho store to mako somo purchae, since which
time she ha heard nothing of her. Addn-s
Margaret (lilroy, Pilt.-tou. Papers ecpylngtlii
notice will confer a favor on a worthy poor wo
man. Tho contract for the beating of the Normal
Sihool building ha bein allotted to Hollin it
llolniesat ibemmof Jti,b70. Theiuateihd in
to bo entirely niw,iinil the boilers non-explosive
pipe slum gincrntor. of thu best manufac
ture. They ixpict to beat the Chapel building
and Ilemluik Hall within Ihiilyday. They
are now in New Yolk engaged In seleetihg m.i
Urials fur the work, which will be entered upon
at oi ee. lly Christina, certainly every thing
will be in working order. Kiutors : Tho senior editor of tho Vie
publican and ehaiiiiian of the Ilepublican Stand
ing Commitleo of tho county acrt "that not a
cent was Fpent by the Ilepublican to compel a
single vole in the county," What became of
the five hundred dollars that good liepuhlicaus
of the county allege wa sent to Mr. Chairman
Hcckley? 1 understand be denies this, asserting
and admitting that ho only received two hun
dred dollars, Pray, may 1 Imagine what was
done with this? Wa it used as a corruption
fund, or given a a compensation for the valua
ble services icnihrcdhy Mr. Chairman in in
creasing tho Democratic vote in the county? Or
lid ho do the other thing with it ? Mr. Chair
man you'have the lloor. X.
A girl of unsound mind was turned out of
t ullHiglium towii-liip poor noose lasi niiiv. wu
Satiiuhiy finialo apparel, Idinlltiid as bus, wa
loiiiui Hanging on a iree cne vy ""'
, , ii. ( ,,,11111111. mid it is eimrally believed
iluit ibo iiuloi lunate elrl diowuid beinlf. We
hao not leninid that the body has yit bieu re
loured. AMa'al Ailtocate.
The above, whlih has up)carcd in several of
our exihaiigis, I Incorrect, Iho girl named
, .i i - i
was not in mo tonjiigiiiiiu puoi nuns,.-,
but came fioui the 'ihuylklll county poor home.
We make this con lion in jiistico to thu over
seers of the Conynghnni and Ct-nlrulla poor du
ll let, a tho article above Is worded in such a
maimer au to cast reflection upon thciu.
The Arnnrati" llovle Untitle, for November, n
monthly' journal devoted lo railway interests,
literature, art nnd humor, comes to u In u line
new drcs thi month, it I published nt Atlan
ta, Oa,, by ll. W. Wienn, Oencral Pascnger
Agent, nt twenty-five cent per year, Send for
sample copy.
Onoil irk night, tint long ago, it burglar
entered a prlvato residence. On nccii(liiig
one lllght of stairs ho olnerved a light in it
chamber, nml while deliberating what lo do,
a largo woman descended the stairs, seized
him by the throat, pushed him down through
tho hull, and forced him into tho street be
fore ho had tlmo to think. "Heroic repulse,
of n burglar by it woman" wnt the way the,
story was told next day, Hut when friend
called mid congratulated her upon her
courage, she exclaimed: "(loud ginclouit
1 didn't know It was a burglarj III had I
should liavo been frightened to death. I
thought it wa my hii-band come home
drunk, and I wu determined ho shouldn't
slay in the hoiKe in that condition."
Fata i, Acciimxr. On Wednesday, Nov.
10,1111,80 1M .Clldcoii llun-cckrr, Martin
Stiney, and (Jharle Allen were blasting
koine very heavy rock work nt Cilen City
colliery, .1. A Losee, proprietoiyind the men,
having drilled n hole, clmrgcd and fired the
fue. After wnitiir but it short time for the
blat to explode, the men returned to the
work, nnd Ilun-ccker undertook to drill out
the chargo He lui''. ju-t commenced when
it cxplodrd. Stiney nnd Allen were thrown
against theidc of the tunnel, and Huneck
cr, who win standing dirctcly beforo the
bla-t, was thrown somo di-taticc. Pait of
his skull wa cut from the bend, leaving the
b-rain exposed, ficc and eyes badly cut, one
I'm badly ma.-beil, and a large hole cut into
hi body at the iippe, part of his breast. He
remained insensible, and died in four hours,
Stiney and Allen were not seriously injured,
nnd arc doing well.
Cos.un' Tmto' tub llYi:. An exchang
says the popular opinion of the mean
ing of "Coming through tho Kyc,"i9 entirely
erroneous. His theory is that the poet al
lude ro tho river "Hye," through which tho
girls had to wade on tlicir way to market,
and that custom sanctioned the theft of a
kis, if tho laie was met in mid-stream.
To support hi theory ho refers the reader to
tho original, ami argues from it that the las
wet her clothes in the stream.
"Jenulo 1 a' wat, pair ladle ;
Jennie's seldom dry ;
She Uratr'U a her pet'Ieoatle,
Coralu' turougu llio Itje,"
Now, in this short verso are
two proof
that our contemporary is wrong.
nnd that
popular opioion is right. The printer has
cleverly added his theory by setting "rye"
with a capital 1!, a if it win tho name of a
river, but Hum's wrote it, and hi Scotch
publisher printed it a it was intendeil'ryco'
that i grain. Again, the word "drag' it"
is a Scotticism for spattered or spotted, which
precisely cxpicc tho condition of "pair
Jennie's pel ticoates" while dawdling through
a field of hull", or quarter grown rye, wheat,
or oats, after a heavy dew, or a shower of
rain. Anv one who has been in tho country
in the sprint;, ami observed the milk mai B
tripping through the gr.v-s will understand
tho peet's meaning at a gl.mco.
Homo News.
It now appears that the steamer Pacific
which was lost on tho Pacific ocean recently,
collided with a sailing ve-sel, tho Orpheus,
which was soon after wrecked, on the coast.
The captain and crew of tho Orpheus wcie
saved, lint two survivors of the I'acific
have been rescued. The collision is attri
buted to carelessness on tho part of the cap
tain of tho strainer.
In the town of .Inuitis, X. Y , recently,
a man named Theodora I Iodine, who was
feeding a threshing machine, was killed in a
curious, manner, lie and other. wcru thresh
ing loo-o oats. A coil of fence wire had
somehow got mixed with the grain, and he
shoveled it tin-ecn into the hopper. One
end of it caught in tho cylinder and the
other end around his neck, and quicker than
a lla-h hi head wa drawn upon tho machine
and torn from hi shoulders. It wa only
when blood and brain wcro seen coming
out of the spout below with threshed grain
that tho man underneath attending to that
part of the work called tho attention of tho
others to the fact that something awful had
taken place. Tho unfortunate man leaves a
wife and two children,
"For. Tin: Ili.oon is Tun Lin:." Seo
Deuteronomy, xii : 211. Tho blood being tho
source from which tho system is built up,
and from which wo derive our mental a well
a physical capabilitiea, how vile, fe-tcring
poison, all organic functions become en
feebled. Settling upon important organs,
as the lung, liver, and kidney-, the ellcct 1
nio-t ili.-a-trou. Hence it behooves all to
kfep their blood in a perfectly healthy con
dition, and more especially does this apply
at thi-particular season of the year than at
any other. No matter what the exciting
eau-o niav be, the real cau-e of a largo ju o
poi tioii of all disca-e is bad blood, Now,
Dr. Pierce docs not wi-h to place hiOolden
Medical Di-eovery in the catalogue ot quack
patent nostrums, by I'lcunimciiiliiig it to
cure every ili.-ca-e, nor does he so recommend
it : on the contrary, there are hundred of
di-ea-esthat he acknolw edges it will not cure
but what he claim- is tin, that (hero isbut
one liirm ol iom disease that it will not cure,
and that di-easo is caiicer. lie does not re
commend hi DiscoU'ry for that disease, yet
be knows it to bo the nio-t jeaiching blood-elean-er
vet discovered, and that it will freo
tho blood nnd system of all other blood-poison,
bo they animal, vegetable, or mineral.
Tho (luldeif Medical Di-covery i Warranted
by him to cure the worst I'urnis of Skin Dis
eases, a all form of Illotche, Pimple., and
F.riiptions; al-o all (llandiilar Swelling,
and the wor-t form of Scrofulou and Ulcer
ated Sores of the Neck, Leg, or other parts,
and all Scrofulous Di-ca-cn of tho Hones, a
While Swellings, Fever Sores, Ilip-joiutand
Spinal Di-ea-cs, all of which belong to
Scrofulous diseases.
L'oNfin.Mi:i). Hii'-JoiNT 1) Cuitni).
IP Grove litntion, Jowa,
Dr.. Piur.tT, Hulfalo, N. Y.:
Jkartiir My wife first became lame nine
year ago. Swellings would appear nnd dis
appear mi her h'p, and she wagradully be
coming reduced, and her whole system rotten
with disease. In 1871, a swelling broko on
her hip, discharging largo quantities, and
since that time there aro several openings.
Have had five doctors, at an expense of
$122, who say nothing will do any good but
a surgical operation,
Jul)- 10, 187U, he writes thus: My wife
has ecituinly recieved a great benefit from
the iiso of your Discovery, for she wa not
ablo to get oll'tho bed and win not expected
to live u week when when sho commenced
using it, a year ago. Sho has been doing
most of her work for over six months. Ha
Usui twenty bottles, anil still using it. Her
recovery is considered as almost a miracle,
and we attribute It all to tho iiso of your
valuable medicine. I can cheerfully re
commend it as ublood-piiiillerand strength-re-lorer.
M. ItoniNKON,
(loldeit Medical Discoveiy is bold by
Singer, the sewing niachliio man, left Ave
wives and 22 children living,. Ho bequeaths
to the last murried of hi wives a life inter
est in his cstnto In Fnghiud, valued at if-!,-(
i,r.MiO.(HM) to her six children and
S3.000.000 to tho rest of the children. If
all theso Singers get to quarreling over his
will thero will be intuit-.
New Hum.
Stonewall Jackson's first and real
name wa Thomas Jonathan.
There will bo a grand review of tho First
divUlon of Philadelphia troop on Thanks
giving Day.
The old Pentiylvaiila freight depot, In
Philadelphia, I being put lu midliies for
Moody and Sinikey.
Damn Itothchlld, who I now on a visit
to thi country, lately had an interview with
Hrighani Young In Salt Luke City.
During the latthroo month mwlv one
thousand hoghavn died of cholera InSliilby
county Indiana,
The revival at Trinity church Danville,
i still increasing in Interest and In the
number in attendance.
"Let's retire twenty cent of the redeem
able" I the way they put it now in Calhoun,
Ky, when they'waiit to "inltate" a couple ol
Some contemptible I'adical editor wnnl
to know what Piollet, who is "interested in
a mowing machine," think of the Ilepubli
can "threshing" machine?
Don 1'edro II, Kmperor of Hrazil, will
leave Hlo Janiiroin M ircht187tt.fnr Kurope,
Altera short visit there) he will attend tho
Centennial Celebration in tho United State..
The Siinbury Jhtibj ha suspended pub
lication indefinitely. Sunbury is evidently
not a healthy locality for a daily news
paper. Gen. McClcllan think the IVnincrnt
will succeed ill the next Presideiilal elt ction if
the Coiign- which meet in Dece.uber leg-l-late
Hon. Alex, II. Stephens I expected to
be able to lake hi sent in Congress next
sc-ion, having nliuot entirely recovered
from hi seriou illne.
Will J. Hancock, of Danvilb . sport a
pair of boots made fr in the hid - of a six
hundred dollar team which he owned, and
which ho but by accident.
Hi friends havo heard from Oco. H.
Henn, at San Francisco. Ha lelt for Cali
fornia several weeks ago, witii the object of
introducing Pulton's petroleum gas in that
section of country.
Vice President Wil-ou w.n taken sud
denly and alarmingly ill at Washington on
Wednesday, 10, inst. He wa resting coin
fortalily on Wedne.-day night, and hopes are
entertained of his speedy recovery.
A building will be erected on the Cen
tennial grounds for tho shoo and leather
trade, where the products of that industry
and the modes of manufacture will be ex
hibited. Leonard Cox, cashier in the Hroadway
office of the Western Union Telegraph Com
pany, ha been di-eovered to be a defaulter
to the extent of $li),UOO and ha made a con
fession. It is intimatci! that Mr. New will soon
reign the poition of United State Treas
urer and quit the ollieo .'"bout New Year's.
The rca-on for thi step are the require
ments of bis private business in Indiana.
The two groat express companies: of tho
United State, the Adams and the American,
employ about 8,000 men, 1,000 horses, 1,200
wagon-, and use 3,000 iron safe. Their
agents travel more than 100,000 miles daily,
or more than 32,000,000 miles annually.
Anthony Lcnehnn who murdered Cap
tain Iteilev near Wilkes-ll.irre on Sept. in,
1S7-I, has been captured in La Salle. HI..
through the in-trunientatilv of the Coal and
Iron police, lie has been fully iudentilled
a the man who is wanted, and h now lying
in jail at Wilkes-llarre.
In Lehigh county a little girl wa on a
chair in the second story of the hou-e, and
falling or stepping down she struck a loaded
gun, which wa discharged anil t'io contents
sent into her throat, killing her instantly.
liev S. II. Thompson, pastor of the
Presbyterian church, ut Lewislmrg, a few
Jays ago had the tempting oiler of ."1.000 a
ycarand an elegant par-onage, a succes-nr
to Hov. Dr. Chambers, of Philadelphia. The
reverend gentleman declined the oiler.
An old man by the iiMno of Jerry Os
borne was found hanging to a tree near
Far toryville, Wyomingeoutiiy, i'riday after
noon, by a couple ofhuuters." Tho coroner's
jury rendered the verdict that he died by
his ow n hand while temporarily insane.
The manufacture of peanut oil is becom
ing an important indu-try nt th" South It
was first mado a a sub-titiithe for olive oil
during the war, when the latter could not bo
had. It is much cheaper than olive or al
mond nil, anil Weep both color and sweet
ness better than tho former.
I'M ward Wright, of llrooklyn, Pa., near
Fo-ler township, met with a horrible, death
on Saturday Ia-t. Ho wa at work on a
-call'obling twenty feet from thoground, and
whilo in the net of swinging a heavy beam
around, which wa suspended by tackling
over him the same broke, and sniahod his
head into an unrecognizable nias. He was
2d and lately married.
The coinpleto skeleton of a mastodon,
which would stiind about eleven feet high,
wa found recently near Circleville, Orango
county, N. Y. Tlio bone wero too decom
p..scd for removal, except tho teeth and one
thigh bono, the cap of which i as large as a
human skull.
We are glad to hear that Orvillo Drant
has stopped selling whiskey to (lie Indian,
and is now hauling Dclewrao whilo oak for
use in our navy yaids. For this we are in
debted to a suggestion of the President, who
rticntly oh-erved to his brother : "Orvillo, I
doii.ttbink it looks well for two niombcr.s of
tno family to bo in the whiskey business,
and you know I can't get out."
The bottom reached ! !
Extraordinary low prices.
1,000 yards Amoskeag and
Garner Prints at six and seven
cents per yard just opened at tho
popular cheap cash store of
V. P. Jonks & Co.,
Catawissa, Pa.
Silk Handkerchief in endlcs variety at
Clark & Wolf..
O, 0. Marr sells cheap for Heady Pay.
("Old Trust i Dead.")
Look out for Clark t Wolf next week.
They intend reducing the prices of their
dris good.
Moyer llro, havo received a car load of
ualcine l rhister ami t-i.iul. liuililers would
do well to consult their prices before pur
chasing elsewheie.
Collars and Ties lu great variety at Clark
Jt Woll's.
For a Xobby 11 at go to
1). Lowenberg's,
Towel, Table Linen, Ac, very low at
uiaru iv. vt oil s.
One ton of Lewis' Lead bought on the de
cline at Moyer llro,
A splendid lino of Satin Neck wear for
iieiils, in hows, scans, j les, itc, at
D. Lowenberg's
C. O. Murr sells Gum Diapers.
Cold blows the wind. So go and get a
Good Warm Suit at
1). Lowenberg's,
O. C. Murr Mills Sewing Machine Needles
una on.
Hlack Cashmere ot Clark & Wolf's.
Wljcu you go lu Philadelphia stop at
tho Allegheny House, No, 812 and 81-1 Mar-
kci street i naving ueen recently renoyuteu,
Pricu only $2 per day. A, HlX'ic,
jiurcn iv,iu-iy rroprietor,
The best nnd mot
to biiv. Trv tliini.
n liable for ivrv oi e 1
For tale at ..MeKii.- !
'0'"' i
Ladies, look nt Clark & Woll's beav. r j
cloth. Thev hnve something new nn I cheap j
In that line.' I
Hlack, Drown, lllue, Hod nnd DmI) Vel
veteen at C. C. Murr'j.
tn! Here I. W. H.irtiiiin ordered on
Monday over fi) piece of New Goods to ar
rive on Wednesday or Thursday of this
For Men, Youths and Hoys,
Great H.trgalns nt
D, LoHcnberg'..
Ladies' ready mado coats; at Clark &
Hard times no more. Cheer up boy.,pro
cure a genuine Key Wet or Havana Cigar
at Henilersliotl's Drug Store,aiid unioko dull
euro away.
Cenntcnnial Seamless Hags 30 cents a
Piece at M. M. lliissel's.
Mover llro, sell Hosendalo Cement at tho
lowest figures.
I,ot of new goods next week at Clark &
Woll's, cheap,
Ceo. A Clark has just received a Largo
Assortment of Papetrics. 1 ho largest lot
ever brought into this section of the United
States, l'nco l.oiu 10 cents to l a box,
2.00 FKI! .'A IK.
A large line of Collar. and Cull's at Clark
is- YVolt s.
A new lot of Apple-ton "A" Muslin at I.
W. llartmau'a for 0 cents cash.
C. C.Marrscll Flour and Table Oil Cloth
very cheap.
For a Good Cheap Overcoat go to
D. Lowenberg's.
Ladle, call at Clark & Wolf's and look
at their line of Laces, consisting ut tlu new
slyhs in Point do Gaze, Yuk,Guipuie and
oilier lace.
F.ii'.M rou S.m.i: Containing ol acres, in
Scott town-hip, one-half mile lioiti lllooni-huig.
(Jood buildings, spliliilid water, anil a first clj-
stone qiuny on the piemi-es. Price 5-),000
W. J. HcciCAi.nw,
Heal Estate Agent.
Lots of Fancy Goods for the Holday.s next
week at Clark cc Wolt'.
At the Central Tea Storo can bo found
new crop Itai-in, Prunes, Sardines, French
and Spanish Olives Sapsago Chctse.Thaiik.--giving
brand Mince Meal, choice Cream
Uhec-oe and other new goods,
Embroidered Slipper patterns at Clark &
A.Lewi, Huckster, lllooin-burg, will pay
the highest price in cash for Calves, Dried
Horrica and Evgs. Oct. 20- lw '
Great reduction in tho price of Dre.-s
Goods at Clark & Wolf's next week. Call
early so you may have the lir-t choice.
Tobacco, Cigars and Confoctior.cry at
wholesale, very lov,by M. M. Hussell.
Oysters of line selection, at M. M. Itus
sell's. Men, Ladies' and Children's woolen 1I0;0
at K. M. Knurr's.
Itubbcr Hoots at Mc Kinney's.
A few more of those cheap prints vet at
Clark- ec vt oil s.
F.wiMim, ArnsiTios. Hiki:t. take Hu tier
Kgg, Lard and Produce in exchange for good
Men Gum Gools,Hoys Gum !oot-,Ladics,
Mis-es and Children liiibbeis at K. M.
Choice variety of Cranberries and Mince
Heat at M. M. Hu-scll's.
All Coal slalcd and screened beforo leaviii;
the old established coal yard of C. W. NllAl. As
lino. iWtf
Good clean Coal to be bad only of C. W.
Neal A; liro. 32lf
If you want a good Hani,
If you want cheap and good Tea,
If you want Colfee Java or Hlo,
If you want good Canned Fruit,
If you want tho best Mackerel,
If you want Sugar for the lea-t money,
If you want the be-t Syrups in town,
If you want good Cigar,
If vou want arooil Tobacco.
If vou want anything in the Grocery and
Provision line, go to Krsisixi.'s, Main street.
Don t he worried and anoyed with not only a
poor quality of Coal hutilirlv and slaty beside-,
out imy oi u. . iM'..i. ec uno. who uc.ii only
in the best qualities. 32tf
S2.00 buys a good pair of Ladies Shoes at
Alchiuncy s. Call and examine.
Hni.I" TOMOTIIl'.llS NfltSINIl iNlUNTsj.
It is a conceded fact that mothers who havo
tho care, anxiety and draught ot nursing in
fants are weak and need the aid of some
strcntheuiiie: tonic to mako tin tho nour
ishment required for the growth of tho
child. Ale. iiortcr.aiu! lager beer have often
been recommended. Of late, since physician
havo become aware that Port Grape Wine
produced by Allied Specr, of P.i-saic, N. J.
is strictly pure thay havo prescribed it in
stead of alo and no'rtcr. This wine i prin
cipally sough for by mothers who have nur
sing infants as the best supply medium to be
found. The wine I rich in body and not in
toxicating but gently stimulating. Druggists
generally keep it, and tell it for a dollar a
bottle. Lnquirrr.
C. W. NilAT, iC-Hito., sparo noexpcneo tosend
out nice Coal. a-tt
Wyoming Si miliary and Commercial C'ollegi',
King-toil, Luzerne countv, Pa., lias accommo
dation for 175 hoarders and 200 day scholar. 1
Studint recti veil at any tlmo and charged for
boa id f 1 1 1 1 1 1 the lime of admission. Sliidint
piepared fur college, teaihing and business.
Commercial course and telegiaphv un-urpas-ed.
Common English studies thoioughly taught.
College pienaialor. course i to that of any
other sihool. Si nil for a catalogue and a Com
mercial Journal lo Piiv, I), ('opelnnd, Ph. I).
Commercial sludints addn-s Prof, L, L.
If you want a first class Farm Wagon,
If you want a Platform PIca-uro Wagon,
If you want an Kliptlc Hming Wagon,
If you want a Phasiire Wagon,
If you want your Wagon put lu good trim,
If you waul upalrs dune good with short
notice, Go lo J. It. F.c.
Farmer in want of first clas articles of
Thrihers and Ckancr; also, one and two
hoHoTiead Powers, call on or address J, M.
Hub-hirer, Light Strut, Columbia County, Pa.
3 in
Obi Cslnlillslied Coal Yard.
O. W. Nli.u, ci Duo., Wholc-alo & lictail
Dealers in all sizes ot the best qualities ol
Heil and White Ash Coal, at the very lnwcet
market rates, Have constantly on hand large
stocks of
Illaeksmilh's Anthracite,
and Linicburncr's Coal.
Especial attention given to tho prepara
tion of coal before leasing our yards. Grain
and l,uinbei' taken in exchange, for coal.
Coal delivered lo any art of tho town at
short notice. Orders lelt at I, W. McKelvy's
store, or ut our ollice, will receive prompt at
tention. Oliice and Yards at William Neal
li Sous' Furnace, East llloouisbiirg. Your
patronage respectfully solicited,
COAL. L7-tf-20 COAL,
Who said that you would liko to get such Clothing as City
People wear, rather than tho Wholesale goods com
monly sold? This will tell you how to do It.
The very laree tncrenso of our business allows ut to malie.
You Can Save Enough
In buying a Suit at Oak Hall
from anywhere In this County to the City of Philadelphia,
and have a day of sightseeing betides. WanamaUer &
Drown stand by this Statement, and so will
you alter one trial.
Character ol
I tic Goods ho sell I
1 For Men & Boys.
can be rtlicd
" as t( (fo not wftoleintf, but confine oursctve to
ret .ii I Wc bear no ill-will to any one, and state this only because some
dt.drs sill poor goods as coming from our house. To each of our custom
inc arc responsible for articles bought of us, Hy cur plan of Ticketing
the tight ti.tinet of the materials on our goods, no one can be milcd u to
Wan.imaker& Brown
trrsat their
nnywncre.amt mat ine quamy is as represented ,
aNo, that the money will be paid back in full, if purchaser within 10 das
uistui, for any reason, to return the goods, unworn, t
f rMIlS Is
where the Store 1$.
stop strangers
about where
IMnl.idelphla, It is n large building, the
SlX'lli-StX'lJl and Market Streets.
tne corner oi ni a. i
Those who cannot
J come
; to the City.
I any one c in
to the Express Co on receipt of" goods,
isalKw.d r fore paying Where
i nn iv, mi i iwc paying nere i;oous no not please, wc win return ine
money and pay thu expressage bat to Philidelphia.
J j shoufJ bt tutta tee our tiatue on the Buildine and ' oier the doer
at you enter
Dealer in Law JJIunks, Sunday School Libraries, Depository of tho
Pennsylvania Bible Society,
Books and supplied not on band can be furnished
On, Short Notice ut iho Most llcasonublc Redes.
Store in Exchange Hotel
Oct. S 1-.75-
Sclii'iick's Pulmonic sjnip, for tlio cure of consump
tion, finikin llll'l colds.
Tlio grout lrtuc (f this ini ilkliicH that It ripens
the mattiT nnd throws It out ot tho sjbtcm, purlllou
tlio blood, unit thus cnccl.s n cure.
Sehouck.sSiM ml 'I'onlc, inr tho etireof ilyi-pcpi l.i,
Indigestion, Ae.
The Tonic produces a hcallliy action of tliostom
nch, creatlii'," an appetite, forming chyle, ami curlnj
the most okstinito eases of Inrllpc&tlou.
fcehonek'ii MunitruKo l'llla, for the euro of ller com
plaint, Ae.
These pills are nlterntlie, and produce a, healthy
action otthe liver without, tho l".3t il.ui?.;r, as thc.v
are free from calomel, and et more elllciUoua lu
lestorinj; a healthy action of the lUer.
These remedies aro a certain euro nr consumption
astho pulmonic syrup ripens the matter andpurlll s
tho Wood. Tho inindrako pills act upon tholler,
create n healthy Olle, an I remove all diseases of tlio
liver, often u cause of consumption. Th" se i weeil
tonic gives lone and strength to thu stonHCIi,mal;"S
airood digestion, and enables tho organs tu form.
yuod blond, and thus crcat:a a Healthy circulation of
healthy blood. The combined action ct 'tlieso medi
cines ns thus eplaliud, win euro o cry cafco of con
Mimptlon, if taken tntlraoand the use of tho medi
cines persovc red In.
Hr. t-eh.'ncl; la professionally nt his principal of 'ce,
corner Mxtli and Aich Ms , 1'hlladclphl 1, everj Mon
day, where all letters fur acU Ice must ba addressed.
TjRo Aj pi"! rills for nil the purposes of a puta
tive, for constipation, Indljiesllun, hcadach", nnd lu
er complaint, lly universal accord they aro ILo beat
of all imrgutlu'8 for family use.
tiii:iii:nt ritoTECTiox.
Tlio best safeguards aganr-t epidemic (!lsiaco arc
thorough digestion and 111 m nerves. It Is because
they assure the regular performance of ihedlgesilio
procees. and InMgorati) Iho nenous system that
Ilofetettera Momaeh mtters aie suih a sovereign
protective njniln'.t the Intlueures which beget Inter
mittent id. lI. lilies nud those which directly allert iho
stomach nnd bowels. If tho nones aro healthfully
tranquil, the n"Hiillatlon of food perfect, as they
aro Fiire to oe uniur ine inuueneo orims siaimam
tonic and nenlne, malaria may bo dolled! and If, In
tlio absence of the most lellablo of medical safe
guard, the stem has fallen a piey lo dlfcaso of an
Intermittent or remittent tjpe, Ibo Hitters
persisted In, eradicate every vestige of tho malady,
lltllousnes.s, constipation, nml dyspepsia jU'ld with
equal eeilnlnly to the operation ot this potent vege
table alterative.
It Is no vrrnder Hint Invalids lose f.illh In spectlles
when so many wtithtcvs medicines nre advertl-ed
for lhoeiiieof v.nlous diseases, but which, when
tried are "found wanting." We have to learn, how
ever, of the Hint failure of Hi. Wlstnra Ii.dsamof
Wild Uietry tonne coughs, colds, and piilmoinry
dUease. m cents and II a bottle, largo bottles i.m;h
the cheaper.
Tho voluntary testimony cf thousands est lMUhus
beyond all doubt it fart of vital Importanca to tho
absolute spetlllc for remittent anil Intermit
tent fever, dvspepsla, constipation, blllousnc is, men
tal depression, sleeplessness, chronic diarrhcci, and
nil diseases of tbo stomach, liver, and bowels. Tho
uiimedleated stimulants usually prescribed In tlioso
cases only ajgrav ale tho symptons, Instead ot re
moving them. The Hitters, on tho contrary, act im
a corrective and, without produilLg tho
unpleasant uud dangerous ccnseipicnces of the old
school practice. The action Is mtld and soothing lo
tho Irritated stomach and bovvtH, promoting diges
tion unit preventing llalulency, nausea, headaches
and all Intestinal Irregularities. A wlnegl.issful to.
foro meals gnutly assists digestion. Iho convales
cent may use them with great bencllt, as a, means
ot rcstoi Ing st re ugi h unci c heerf ulncsti.
tiij; misT r uuanv'ii onici:.
Tho present Is a good opicrtunlly to remind tlio
friends of tho paper, ami tho public generill, that
I lie I'ci.miiiAN Job Pkintimi un icb liasniistis ilor
In thLs section, and, lu tome respects, Is w llhout an
eiiial. liurlug Iho last year we have eomplclely re
newed our tyiiesand made large additions, ami It is
no Idle boast to say lint wo have now iho Hist
Tresses, iho l'est Assortment of Tjpe, tho llcst
Stock U Paper, Cai ds, Ac., nnd thu Host orkmen In
tho couulry. our woikinin aro tpce'lully adaptictfor
the Ir places, and wo mako It n point to nlwayB give
our customers n neat, toi reel and sails facloi y Job.
We do not claim to do work for less than ollieis, but
will w a i runt It to boos cheap as can bo done any
where and jleld a decent rolli. All who nre In need
of Job Pi luting of any kind Plain or in folors-wlll
tlud it to their Interest tu give then uiiuuNdiilco
a tihil. We havo im hand every voilcly of Cards,
I'aper, Ink, rnvclcj cs, lugs, tc, that Is likely tube
called for, anil can furnish any quantity or stj lo of
vv ork on short notice, l.indli g to order. tf.
wnnrtmo .uivr.UTisi:.
A.T. Stewart says tl.o lest advertising mediums
ho baa ycr found ''aro tho old established organs of
the two political parlies, ut tho severul couiitj seats
ihiuugnout tho Union." 'ihm," lio sajs "rcacli
every faintly of tho least account In their several
counties, nml aro mom can fully load limn unj othor
claasot junuuiUi." H Mr. Mcwiut's Juilnmentlsot
value, tlieielsno diniciilij in deciding which jmpcr
it is lur mo interest of buslucismen toudveilUu lu
Thol'oi.tMBiA 1U.U0C1UT, uiHUi vvlilchlhls iinperts
paill.uij louiidod, vvaHcstublMied InlsSil, and Iho
CottsiuuN now enjoys a wider clieuhitlon and
gioaler roiiH'ilty than It cvoi did. It goes regular
ly Into two thousand uiuilltcs In Columbia and ad.
Joining counties, audby luosi of them Is read from
111 tli -i tu thu last lino. It is lliuonly rocognUed
vtnoncuiu! ueurjyflve Uiousand IwiLcxritle voters
In the louuly. Knives adifi tlsc nients a lusty dis
play, that uiultos them utliucllvo to Its pal rons, thus
cnsui'iiu gieutcr certiiliity I hey will pcrumi
iheiM. Wlillo 1U Oli'culatieulstiiidoubledly much the
inrocst in the count), tho advutlslug of the
tuuMBisN ure no higher than those o oiin r puiiers
wuiioai.ij uau .mi sn. raiiiotone.fouttlitheiiuiii.
her ot subscribers, fact s lli.e thi so spi a)s fur tliem.
selves. No shrewd buslne s luau will neglect to In
sert Ills atlv t rtuoiaents ui tho coiomtiH tf.
fy0 le ture of what we sell we manufacture our
I Roods, tome of them In our own building,
A. '1 hcv are well cut. icwed and finhhed. 1 hcv
upon Storekeepers out of the city
us when ihcvsnv ihevsell our cood.
r iiii, price in plain figures ana nothing eff . l he
I ft.une price to acquaintances and strangers,
'lo city people and country people equal
advantages, with each article sold.n Guatanite
Is Riven, that the 1'nce Is as low ns It can be bought
important indeed, beeause.unprincipled
naving stores in rniiaaeipnia( court
our signs, cards, advertisements, and
the store is, so that they may sellthelr
ine street, ivttnraiit airrcztont
roods. There is but one Oak Hall In
sire of four ordinary stores, and Is
u a ja l ii sia.hi-
patterns of material and rrlces bv
when requested. I'erscrut can have
- tin rood tent bv r.xtires. bv send
ing their measure (we furnish easv directions that
measure by,) and describing color
w. uuuu, ann price uesircu i aymeni can uc inauc
cceiot of cood. nnd the TitLvtlt-ce of evanainim them
and the privilege of examining them
;oods do not please, we will return the
Buikliim; Bloomsburc;, Pa
DYSI'El'SIA. HYSI'lll'sIA. DY.-I'Kl'f-IA.
Dyspepsia Is the most perplexing c f nil human all
meats, lis sjmpionis aro almost Inilnltc In their
variety, and the forlorn nnd despondent victims of
the disease often fancy themselves the pie), In turn
of every known malady. This Is due, lu part, to the
closo sympathy which e.Ws between the stomach
and the bruin, and In part nlso to the tact that any
dlstuibanco of the digestive- function necessarily
disorders the liver, the bowels and the nerv oils sys
tem, and effects, to somo extent, the guallty of tho
11. I'. Kiinkrs Illlter Wlno of Iron a f.uro cure.
This Is not a new preparation, to be trie I nnd found
wanting; It has been prescribed datlv for many year
ln tlio practice of eminent physicians with tmparal
eled huocws: tt Is not epccted or Intended to cure
all Hit; diseases to which the human family Is subject,
but Is warranted toeure Dyspepsia In Its mot obsti
nate form. Hunk-el's Hitter Wlno of Iron n-vcr falls
tocure. Symptonisof D) spepslanro loss of nppcltte,
v.-lnd nnd rising of food, drjness In moii'li, heart
burn, dlsteiisloii of tho stomach and bowels, consti
pation, headache, dl7lness, sleeplessness and low
spirits. Trytlw great remedy and be convlnctd of
Its merits, (let tlio genuine. Take only Hunkers,
vi hlch Is put only In $1 bottles. l)opot,!i'J North NMnth
it., I'hljadelpld.v
For salo'.by atlelrugglsts and dealers everywhere.
I'.ll'K Wouii
laitlrciy rcrab'vVit with purely vegetable medicine,
!nssln? from the system nllve. No fee until tho
head passes. Couie and lefer to patients treated.
I)r. 11. 1'. Kunkel, No ii;,o North Mnth s.:., Philadel
phia. Adv leo f rco. Seat, l'ln and stomach Worms
nlsu reinoved, Tho medicine for removing all others
bul Tape Worm, can be had of ) our druggist, ask for
Hi'ski i.'s Wonv syiici1. l'rlce 1. U. 7. Kunkel
Philadelphia, l'a.
Dealer In
All kinds of
Dried Fruits,
Caiiiicd Fruits,
Fresli Fisli, Mackerel anil (M Fisli,
Ami tho La'rgest
Genernl Assortment of Groceries
TO 1113 l-OUXD IN Till: CUUXTY
(M tho
IvlAMMOf&CIWCErvY Main and Center &ts., llloonisbure, I'm.
Oi I. s, ls75
liulepcndent in Everything!
Nontral in Nothing,
Ojiposcd la all Corrunt ."Rings in
unicipiil, Sttito and Nutioiial
Tim DAILY TIMKS will be Issued on Saturday, tho
13th of Marvll next, and everv mnrnlnc-tli,..jiriir
sundajs etcepud, under tho editorial dliecilon of
A. h. Mcliure, printed coiujuieily from clear, new
tvpe, onalaigo folio sheet, couudnlng all thonows
nniiuilay, Including imi Ahscii lATj; I'UIISSTIOI.K.
UIIA.MS, hH'clal Telegrams ami coiresponcleneo
liuui an Hiuin C1 llnril'Sl, nun ll auess eOUOIIal U:
custlcusc'f curient tot'les. Price. 'I'll n c. vtk
Hull eiibscrlpilons, postage free, six dollars per
uniiuia. or llllv cents nor month, in advam...
Adverllsemeits, llltmi. twentj and llility cents
mtr line, net tnillliL' In niiialtiui
The Weekly Times
Will lw Issued on8tttuidy, March Will, weekly
tun.,....,, ...niKiuiuK "II lllireillliuc Ilivesoi IU0
,.v wti'niiu jiuim i uiiu i lUHiiemi iiepous
rule "u 0U l'uu't(u "'U1, ftt lllB '"h"11
i en i'uiTn
l weiiiy c'qpias lu,. li
AD SHT UmEnT8 tweiilj-tlm eeiiU ir line.
IteiultuiiuM should I'o uiudoby Diatl or 1'u.t Of
ucn uratfru,
No. It bomb MivomEstii-Lt.
l.'l V.IMIK til1 SI NllltY WnlM tM'eil out
flu i .ii.i ut liiminon nemof Columbia county,
ii i in in' il'ientwl will ti cxposul t" Ml" " 'J'"
lu nn hotsor ,leno 1). ttleo.ln Scott townsulp at t
u c ii k. p. in on
Tl'K'-'DAY, NOVHMtimi 30, 187C,
,11 Hi it certain undivided one-half of a lot of land
u .leiii semi lownsiiip, ('oliiiniilR countv, l'u., it"
in. 1 1 i ni-iiine ijimrry, Iwuudod on the cant br
on irrv loi , f MnrHe K (Mrsel, on t lie nni 1 Ii l li nd
f ipm lioone, on ttip west Hy anuthi r . i n h
.f ,1 li. Idee, known as tno ureen cuan i
-inn bv linds ot Aaron lloone and other lnil;i.r
.1 ,ii. Ill' '.on which nro erected two clwc'lln .
lull-, s, still liouv, stable, ofllce, bay wales nndi.u
line kilns. iK'Init Ilia undivided ou!-hlt of lie ipi. i
r i ' pui 'h ise.l by .1.1), ltlce of Charles Li e with
the uppurtenances.
'Hi ' oilier undivided one-half of tlio quirry lot
nlii'.e described, being tno undivided one-half ot
i- ild o'l.irrv lot purchased by tliosabtJ.I). Itleo from
l'et r shu j, with the nppiirtennnws.
one other piece of Imd In said township ucmviiM
bv lands of Isaac Wlillo n the south, on (lie cast by
land of Ihe i:spy I.lme and Cemcut fo , nnd others
on Iho north bv l.miH of Nathaniel II. Campbell and
on Ihe west liv land of l'nrsel Wnples nml tho
unarr) lots abovo descrlbad, containing about four
one wharf lot, situate on the Vorth ttrnin li f anal
In f dd township ot Scott, hounded by lands of I apt.
Wapli s, (i, vv. Crevellmr, and olhers, containing ono
quarter of nn acre, more or less, being vvhnrf lot pur
th is d of (leowe llldlay's executors by the said Jes
se ll. nice.
Two other vvhnrf lots sltinte on the Noith Ilrnnch
final in said twp..ndl'ili Ing lands of Capt. Wnples
tli il, Cri'v llng A Mowry and others, containing
about ono half acre.
All that tract, of land Mtu.ito In Msillon township,
f nluinbl i countv, l'a., bounded am deserllj. d as fol
1 iws: ii. ginning ntn pool on the Hlack itutiri.ul
Ii .dliu' trim .icrsevlown lo clrangevlde, in llu'of
land of l'err.v C'lirWIan, thence ny tlie sain" noilli
fir' -.litm degrees east forty-two nnd se. n-lentn
r i In ton post, tlu'iice by Hie panic east imv-otie
Hen lies tin wlillelnuk. thence north leu dec-re s
jst by lands of Samuel Mi redllh elghty-M-i r c nes
tiiipjt, tlieino liv nune nortli thirty-two h
i ast f ,rt -two perches to a (sist, thence b 1 -nds of
William' Heltlvcr sevcntv-slx rtegivts w rf'v
1'ir p r.litsto n past, lliencc by lands, ! l anl I
v lllv t south fourteen degrees west seventv-K
li hr, lo a po .1. thence bv tho xaino wiulh slxti
'wo (Ic.'rci-s ivcst eldity-tlvo perches ton p,,tln
li nfor, Mil foal, thence by snld rend font li t lily
ili -ri , se nt inly perches to Hie 1 lace of Is I'iniilii ,
ml iIiiIiilj liriv-four ncies nn 1 1 ii" hundred in lr v
Hi ii i lies nnd allow, nice, whereon li i.,,'uln
', it m il'i house, 1. ige burn unci etilb':!!' . s
eni.t'i i trvtcfland adlelnlng tli" last n ,' v ile
. li ' f land, (in In" liurlll, Mevedttb n I n
ad li -i I in It of i.e. liver on thesoiit.i b : ig
i ili.,-, ,1 ot VV. i' lliver, coiitali.lns i 'ii -.i
.s e I. ' il !, Into eceultcn, an I tobeyoK too
' ri of vi li. nice.
MK'IHKI. (iliOV, ',
Sll ll'l 1)111 Sll I iff.
I'loiimsbiirg, (id :d,1s;s.
L ti.' of nir'on VV Wanlei, late of Centre,
tuwnship, coliiiulla county, deceased.
Utile on Heirs to nceeit orrefwc Ihe llml fil
iate at Ihe vatuitlon or tltow cause tri.y the
Mine rhouhl not bcrolil.
The Commonwealth of 1'ennsvlvanla to Susannah
Wnples, (widow), llurton (1. Waples, Ann Kllrabeth
Waples, Sarah Louisa VVaplcs. Mary .1 VVnple su
saiinah Waples and llaiina1! vVallaeo Waph , heirs
of llurton VV. Wnples, deceased. You nnd i a it of
.vou nre hereby commanded to bo and o foro
the orphan's Conn of said count, to li" h 1 nt
liKHiinsbiirg, on the llrst .MONDAY ot l)i:c
hoi, A I). 1st,'., then and there to nccept or refuse to
take Ihe real estate of snld Billion v. Waph s, de
deceascd, nt the nppraled value or shoiv cause why
the same should not bo sold.
lly the Court,
llloomsbiug, Nov. 5, lsT5.
JL How i it her se niav fascinate and gain tho
hue and nlTectloisof any person theyehijoseli.staiit
ly. 'I his simple acquirement ail can possess, fiee, by
mull, for use, together with a marriage guide, I'.jvii
tlan, oracle, dreams, hints to ladles, wedillng-iiight
shirt, Ac. A ipieer book. Address, T. William .v. Co,
1'ubs., l'hlla.
T 4 TrPl?l 1 Agents for tho best selling
I 111 L7 Prize Package In the vvorliP.
It contains 15 sheets paper, is env elopes, golden p"h,
penholder, peiicll.lpatent yard measure, and n tilecu
of lewelry. single package with cleant prlze.poit
pald, '.'5 cents, circular free.
liltlDli .v oj., TC3 liroadivay. N y.
ficmd, uni.i 11U.K urs ash vvosien to solicit orders In
a hii-t-ci.vss pa) lie: badness. (Ud established aim
reliable house, i:cluslvu territory. Liberal ln
duconieiils ottered nnd coiistani emplnvment given.
Ih'fercnees as to character required. Tor full par
ticulars encloao a cent 1 tamp nnd address
Nov. 12. 4vv I nlon cttj , tile Co., I a.
WIFE NO. 19.
Jlriyh'im Youih'b rebellion.! wife
The tidy complete expose of all tho bEcr.KTSof
bkiuiuvi's HAittM ever written. Horn In Mornon
Isin. ann now exiwses to Ih" werld. i.a no ri'h
cr wuniaii can, ihe si:r:t.:rs, iivsrumm and cki-ibs
of tho horrible system of Dotyaiiii, fn.m tli.i very
boglnnlii't. Neaily sui lllii-lratl ins beaimrv thu
woik. It is tho stllln,' boon imbilshed. 'ia,o o
inorijmcn and w.imcn hale emir.ov merit, and
make from $ to $ln d ti'v. vi i. i.ivn Auiin'ts are witt
ing for lliiistiaied eireii.ars wl-li iakjbteiius, sent
free. 1 o no' dela.v, bi,i .-.lilies-
111 -VI.., (iii.vian i- i o , Hartford ct.
Of) . A ! Y gu irauteed using our WIXI, AI (ii:il
C.'t and DUII.i.s 1-I0J a lnonih paid lo good
Agents A uger book free. JU: Auger cj., St. Louis.
J.3L. awarded fir IKH..MAN S NBW
'arc'o:iits tiss:j.::
urn 1 llu-1 rations. Ad-Iress for new eln-iilari, A. .1.
IIULMA.S A. Cu., U3.i, Arch street Philadelphia.
the scio.onn hotana.
&5.00 to &50 OO IM'SM'!!:
tune, run particulars sent free. Address i:-iii.i-.
ION ItllAU, 05 Wall street New 'iorU.
m doitiii'-i io ro (loiiui-.i.
llvollliat irv l-lr olir h vt-Cla he.Ai...,., i i..
stoi!,; l'i.illeg.-s li.npild and ..til pay Lingo l'roilts.
Ilallnia'l st icks, derails andilold bougut on i larglns.
Iiu.-i-est six perieui ullowediin dejjsi.s suhje, to
sight dratt. I'l, , ui en l: e-o. bankers and
Aullhta-ut, New Yorl:. l n. Iiox, -uif.
Alili 5?2En.O.T 2JISEASI1S
in nponiv in iii.t i; ntixr.?,
ATl'ifil tstltl Sine Rj-tlicilv.
t'lirs,,).. llV lll-lln- rl la tn.n,t .11 t..,i...a..
, ,: ' - -s. - " ta.ij, ana ,j wij.-,-s. e ti;,
HtlLLlAv V) ,t i i., I'll I'o.
Siierrw I
ll'.nilll otthe G'huht
Alr',l I - ill. '. ,, till. '.Ill el,H, ,,1 II,,, ,,,.1.1,1 lit.. I
till' U ll'l .Hint c r 1 11. Mel ll.' 1 t IIMlllrV e'.il.l llw.
lluii w,t i ii , . . .in .i -t ui.-, mu tviv, im.nrs u i,
lJL'li Im- I. ,'l H.i.;,lr. HI'i.v' u ...
bum m , l'laia , '
S5.00" TO S10,000
lias 1 1 en ,sbd In Hue 1: prliltlgesand paid
900 per cent, profit.
MOW t tl. 11 " A lldtlk (III Willi Stf.xnt u,.n
Till MliliUHii; a. co., butiLira mul brukcr. s Wall
A(il,N'fSM ? .Vi- ( lll!010.-i moimtcsl
2 i x . f ar tl. Novo ties und chi-ouios or
ever de-si llptloll. National Chiulnu Uuuiiuuy, Mill
udclphla, l'a.
1 Vsl INITIOS', Sel'l. Clt.CltVlMl SH-'SMKIIIMI, ollll
..-sv nw,.uiii inner sex may l.i.sC'1-
nine and gain the low nnd ufliitlon ot uuy per,-on
tin. i In-iantly, 4W pages by mull mi cents.
llilllt A I 11 . 1..'. klllltl, Till .Ihl. T .11,11 ..I. I.. 1.1 . '
- - , .... .... E , ,...auvijii,ui, . a,
to r00 111 WnU s"!vt n(t'n '''""s l-i n for-
- 1'iiKo uook euii u ai
Men nml I ill. in is ,,f U .ill il , . ..v. a .it...... .....
S I VT llMill ll1 .'OllS 11 II kl ISO iV CO.. t'.ltj l.el S
Now Yorl- I'lokci i, u UruiUiiii. ,
(sl AGENTS WHiuO IUR lltt
. J HISTOBYoftheU.s.
.... t... ,1. ,nw. r, iii i iii tiiiuiinir uisiory oi our
cnunirj llils the fastest s, iniigbno): ei ei liub.
I.shed. II contains out i line historical engrav
ings, unit lik, pngi s.v. lib iifti.i uiiount rf the up.
lirn. i-liltii. t'i-!,iwl ,-,.i.mi . I,,. .ti.,..
'. : n n ..... .mi, . . ,i .,, nuuii, cvuu .or .e
ileserlptliin ni.ii exu a lei ins in agents.
NATleiNAL I't IlLlslll.Nti co l'hlla., IM.
'VXf xl Agents wanted, tinoil chance f r piak.
I rui Ing inor.ej, to parlies who elevole vviielo
c-r part oi u no in seiiiiu; ur tens. Liberal corunils-
slons send for lerius. 1'. 1 1, box lean.
ureal American 'i ea Ceruivuiiy , 1,1 .k ja Vesey St. N.Y.
I'linnces for nil Matc ui d fi nialo agents nnd cnn.
vasM-rs. I teu iutorinutlui, hiicl freo MiuipKs with
every uiclir. IMi, lux r.'cu
lIlI.Tu.NAio.,i;j,Worth st... .
pr.i.N'rat's NuTici:.
i. .. .i ...... v " v i.iMni lur aim I'l's.
li. or oiher pnntlug luu.t si itiu up luuiedlau l .by
i.i.iiieni or uito, hulscitieis in uirems ur'tiio
( iiiiuiiUN urtiiil-siieiiiiesliid in -etuei proii'p i m
.ii. i or uoUs 'Ihe undci-khined, or' i.u
hliu. way nt nil I mi', Ule.uud duilhg Im.lii. ,s
f". V', V,l.'w ll"-.'-""ii hullelluil.tKeuplia
b 1.. K. invis, Un , imu luw eiilice.
.l.'t'1li',il,., inuwrKMiAui.
IJUSlXtPS c.i:ds,
J VlMIISi.t A,,'s,
11ILI, IlKAlis,
Ni'iiUyaua Cleanly iiriut.U ut HipChum
uia.n Ullice.
liiirkOliu Inrti l.le.1 .n .. .....