The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, November 19, 1875, Image 2
DLOOMSBUHG, PA. Friday, Nov. 10, 187G. lIKNiriT CONCKHT AT Ol'KltA HOUSE ON THANKSGIVING NitillT. TICKKTd AT OUOIIUK A. CLANK'S Tho negro votj elected Hartrnnft. Tlio ni'jority of our white voters nro Demo I'rats. Tlio Democrats carry Mississippi by u Jnro majority, and gain six Congressmen! ueueuury iMMjiiicr. Steady, Stable i The Stato Is entitled to but six, mid the Democrats had one. Tlio (insigcr Vote. The vote for Col. l'iollet shows that as an organization tlio Grangers took no part In the late contest. It is true that they tako no part in politics. Had they desired the elec tion of u farmer, It was In their power to do it, but they preferred n millionaire manu facturer. When it chance for reform was offered them they threw it away and defeated their ablest champion. Hard Times. The election is over, nml tho voters of this State havo again endowed the l.epubli- can parly. )ut tho times are no better. Money is as scarce as evcr,and it will be un til tlio present party is ousted from power, Tho Republican who voted to continuo this condition of nuTirs should quit grumbling, and tlio Democrats who slaid at home de serve, no sympathy. OJlicial extravagance, Hilary gr.ib,arnl general corruption has been endorsed, and it is somo satisfaction to know that those who helped produce this condition of affairs must suffer in tbo general dis tress. , Tho Democracy have attended fivo Gub' eruatorial funerals. Tho candidates were all from the East. Perhaps tho west may be recognized alter while. Pittsburg Post. Wo thought the West, was recognized in nominating Lieutenant Governor Latta, and Auditor General Templo at Pittsburg last year and Speaker of tho House of Represent atives. Tliofacfis tho West dictated the Platform at Erie which led to our defeat,and in tho teeth of delegates from the East where wo bavo regular Democratic ma jorities. Kkction Hots. Wo are opposed to betting, not only be cause it is contrary to law, but because it is against sound morals. Xor havo wc any sympathy for those who loso at this species of gambling. But wo insist that those who bet on a majority for Hartranft are obliged to pay, even by tho gambler's rule. We have been taken to task for having made this statement last week. Wo now fortify, it by an extract from a celebrated Sporting Journal: Majority Means Majoritv. Wiikes' Spirit of tlit Times has decided that a bet on Hartranft's majority in Pennsylvania, or on Hayes' majority in Ohio, must be decided by the majority over the whole vote polled, including the Prohibition vote. I'hilailclphia's l'rothonotary. Tho twelve Judges of the several Courts of Common Plea3 of Philadelphia met on Saturday last to elect a Prothonotary for said courts, in obedience to the provisions of tho new Constitution. Col. William B. Mann formerly prothonotary, was chosen on a voto of 7 to 5. Mr. Mann is undoubtedly an able officer, but his skirts have been so dragged through the miro of political un cleanness that peoplo in the country have but little confidence in him. But he is not our prothonotary, for which the Gods havo our thankR. Mann is the Republican War wick. He has made kings for Philadelphia, rind for the State for years, and he did more than any one elso to secure tho nomination and election of the judges who have now re warded him with an office that pays $75,000 a year. How beautiful is gratitude ! The Philadelphia Press does not crow as lustily over the result of tho election in this State, as somo of its more thoughtless con temporaries. It sees the hand writing on the wall, and sounds tho noto of warning to tho Republican party as follows: Gov. Hartranft's official plurality is an nounced as 11.01)0. In other words, the Re publican ticket came to Philadelphia de feated in the Stato and was only rescued by the solid Philadelphia column of 17,282. Not even General Hartranft's excellent civil, and brilliant war record could savo the ticket before tho people in tho counties. Now, what is tho meaning of this? Simply that the peoplo of Pennsylvania who demand,and intend to have, constant progress in the purity of government, and honesty of ad ministration, are not satisfied with the ex ertions of The Republican party in that di rection. Evidently the people of tho interi or aro not so well satisfied with tho respective tubal management in their own dUtricts,and their voto of this month is a voto of want of confidence. This is a condition of things which cannot exist without danger to the party. It behooves every county to set it self in order,and bo ready to enter tho Presi dential campaign in gooU lighting oruer. How to aiil tho I'artv. There aro at least fifteen hundred Demo cratic voters in this county whoso names arc not on our subscription hat. Many of them tako no paper at all. After each election two or threo hundred Democrats can bo counted who wero not at the polls. These aro mainly among thoee Democrats who do not read the papers,and therefore do not tin derstand tho necessity of voting. To bo n Democrat simply because your father or grand-father was of that party, and to voto tho Democratic ticket, becauso somebody asks you to do so, shows ail amount of imbe cility that no man ought to confess. There are great and vital principles upou which the Democratic Party is established, and every man should know and understand them, and in order to do that he must read the papers. Again, to bring up children in ignorance, la a crime, morally considered, It is the duty of every parent to Inculcate tho habit of reading iu their offspring, and there is no better matter for that purposo than a good family newspuper.Jwhlch keeps them informed of what is taking place in tbo world, and at tho samo timo furnishes interesting reading matter. That tho party inav reap tho benefit of a wider disscmlna. tlou of Democratic truths, and that parents may cive their children good bound lltera ture, wo will send tho Columbian free for one year to any person sending usne new subscribers and ten dollurs. Read this to your neighbor I Tub Official Jiksult. Tho official re sult of the election In this state aro promul gated from Harrlsburg. Hartranft has 304, 175; Pershing 292,145 ; Hartruuft's plurali ty 12,030; Kawlo lias 302,870; Plollet 203, 160 ; Rawle's plurality 9,725. Tho Temper, aiice vote was, Brown 13,244 ; Pennypacker 12,408. THE Tlio balior Association. Tho l'ottsvlllo Workingman devotes a column ntul n half of well written criticism on our recent editorial headed "Wanted in Pennsylvania, A Democratic Statesman." Very appropriately it precedes a circular of V. W. Hughes, "To tho friends of National money," mid both articles havo tho same ring. Wo do not bhimo Hughes, nor any one c!e for wanting more money, but we do object to their putting a parly in a false position because their financial speculations may not havo been successful. How far this nameless correspondent rep resents thcLabor Reform clement of Schtiyl Mil we arc unablo to say. Hut this wo do know that tho organization has been used by a few politicians, and sonic mercenary lead ers for political purposes until it has driven from its support some of the best men in tho State. It could havo dictated nominations and a platform, and yet when both wero iu accord with it, money and corporations con trolled its action. Our article embraced threo points: 1st. An anti-Democratic platform. 2nd. A nomineo for Governor who was afraid to tako the field. "il. An imbecile Chairman. The 'orlingman proposes to examine "these assumptions inversely," and at once launches into praises of Col. Wright, and abuse of other men. It falls to meet any other question. This does not explain the trick at Erie. Nor has Columbia county any other defence to make except that under all these adverse circumstances she increased her majority twenty-seven per cent What did the Hughes' Barr's, and Wrights' do? The returns show. The Democratic Voto in Columbia county was increased this year about twcnty-scTcn per cent over that cast for Lieutenant Gov ernor last year. Tho different townships mado their contributions to it in all cases except Benton where tho voto was the same that it was last year. Tho following list shows tho credit that should be given to each township. Tho gain is given in wholo numbers and is nearly cor rect. S. Conyngham Beaver N. Conyngham Centralia Pine Mount Pleasant MadUou Hemlock Fishingcreck Centre East Bloomsburg Roariugcreek Locust Montour Main Franklin Catawissa Orango Scott Sugarloaf Greenwood Mifflin Berwick Briarcreek Jackson West Bloomsburg Benton 13S per cent 12G " " 83 " 'i CO " .13 " " 45 " " 43 " " 34 " 33 31 " " 20 " " 25 " " 03 21 " 18 " 10 15 " " 14 " 14 " 12 " " 12 " " jo " 11 10 " j ti 4 " O " " It will bo seen by tho above table that Conyngham is entitled to the banner promised by the Standing Comraittco which will be presented in duo time. Wo con gratulate our party friends thero on the handsomo vote they gave, and their refusal to listen to Radical blandishments. Campaign Management Our recent criticism on tho last campaign, has called forth a friendly response from all sections of tho State!'"' Wo did not expect unanimity, but we are gratified at the en dorsemcnt of our ablest and best contcmpo raries. We should profit by the lessons of the post. No party can bavo a permanent existence which is not based on sound principles. For years Democracy has keen followiug after strange Gods, and it is timo we come back to tho true faith. In 1EG0 wo tried the ex periment of running two candidates, and of course, failed. In 1874 we put a popular General on a peace platform and failed. In 1808 we put a hard money man on a green back platform, and failed. In 1874 wo put a rabid Republican on a hard money platform, and failed. Wo havo experimented long enough. Let us meet the questions of tho hour in an open manly way, and have done with patent projccts,and with leaders who have forgotten that progress is the order of the day. The Rip Van Winkles should not control des tinies. Organization should begin at once. It is not necessary to wait until our opponents aro thoroughly drilled and ready for an at tack. Open fire now, and along tho wholo lino ! Call tho young men to the front, be cause tbo burdens of tho campaign fall upon them. If this bo done success in 1870 will lo assured. Our own blunders have given the opposition success. Luzerae Politics. If tho charges made against Dr. Trimmer and his clerk are true, both deserve prompt punishment. It will not answer for us to condemn fraud when perpetrated by our op ponents, and shield it when committed by members of our own organization. Cheating never pays in tho loqg run, and is as dis reputable to accomplish a political purposo as to effect a private one. The following indictmenta wero found by tho Grand Jury of Luzerne last week : Altering, defacing, embezzling, etc.. elec tion returns Samuel W. Trimmer, Michael Gaughan, Patrick Welch. I'orchiL' Dubllc documeuts Samuel W. Trimmer, Michael Oaughlln.Patrick Welch, Altering, ueiacing, uesiroying, etc., elec tion papers S. W. Trimmer. District-Attorney Farnhara and Chairman Chaso put special Detective Meyer upou the track of Trimmer and Gaugban, to detect them in altericg tho returns, nut iiieue teetlve failed to makB a point. Liwil nrocecdincs havo been commenced against Prothonitary Trimmer and Chief Clerk Gaughan for tempering wnn me elec tion returns. They gave bail to appear in enn.r. K. H. Chose. II. W. Palmer and II. B.Payno are the counsel lor tho prosecution. is. Li. ilerrlman u counsel lor inu ucieuse. Mr Pli nan Is chairman of tho Republican county committee, and Mr. Memman is chairman 01 me ueuiutruuu tuumy ur mittPP. It Is not alleged that Mr. Merri man was In any way connected with the crime ot alterlug tuo returns or miew any thing of it. Tin: Wisconsin Election. Returns from every county In tho state, according to Republican report, give Ludiogton, Repub llcan for Governor, 703 majority. This In clude the soldiers' home voto lu Milwaukee county of 183, and the Burnett county voto of 400 for LudlngtoH." At Madison the Dem ocrats claim 300 or 400 imjorify for Taylor, All tho Democratic stato officers, Including Secretary of Stato Doyle, aro re-elected. Doylo's majority will bo at least 1,500. II. D. Barrod Is defeated for tho state senate In tho north-western district. Ills aucwwful opponent Is Charles Smith, Democrat, ot Pierce county. This leaves ine senaio wim fivo Republican majority. Corrected returns as to the assembly give 61 Democrat, 46 Republican), osd 9 Independent. COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA The Itcmocrntlc Organization. Tim: Knnous or Tin: Campaign and tii Policy oi'thi: Fcrinn:. Mi:3tt9. Editors. An editorial under the caption ol "Want of Organization" ap pcared iu tlio Harrlsburg Patriot on the Oil: Inst., calculated lo load public opinion astray, and upon which, therefore, I beg leave, through your columns, to pas 11 few strictures. Tho Palf'vit says: " What was pain fully manifest throuahout the recent contest in Pennsylvania, was the utter want of organ! zalion in the Democratic party. The dissatis faction produced by the platform and the spirit of faction which prevailed at JCrie, could have been counteracted by a vigorous organization of party strength." Now, to what cauo aro wo to attribute this "utter want of organization In tho Democratic party?" Up to tho meet' Ing of tho Krlo convention, which took place on tho 8th of September, John Miller, of Chester county, In whom the Patriot places Implicit confidence, was chairman of the Democratic Stato Central Committee. Why then did not that gentleman organize the party as soon as tho Republicans, lu May last, had adopted their platform and nonil nated their candidates? In that platform and In those nominations they surely furnished enough material upon which 1111 aggressive organization of tho Democratic party could havo been established for immediate action. But Mr. Miller evidently thought that tho organization of tho Democratic party, for tho campaign, should mainly depend upou the nature of tho platform and tho character of tho candidates adopted by the Eric con ventiou, and, therefore, patiently awaited tho action of that convention. When that convention did meet at tho eleventh hour, it split into two ficrco factious iu the discus sion of a monetary plank with which it really; had nothing to do, and, finally, by tho adoption of a flagrant heresy committed as great a political blunder as signalized the action of the Baltimore Democratic national convention in 1872 when they nominated Horaco Greeley as their candidato for the Presidency I The latter nomination was mado by men who wero ruled by considera tions of EXPEDIENCY, regardless of the pulsations of tho Democratic heart, and re suited In tlio demoralization and defeat of tho Democratic party. Tho adoption of the soft money plank in tho Erie platform was also dictated by tho advocates of expediency, regardless cither of principle or tho record of tho Democratic party! EXPEDIENCY that prostitute mother of apostacy I Thus, on tho very threshold of tho clec tion, tho Erie convention gratuitously threw the apple of discord in tho midst of its own party, that had, the year before, marched to victory under tho banner of hard money ; and while tho Democracy of tho Stato was violently disturbed by this sudden change of front and mbsequently paralysed by tho rout ot too sol t money Democracy of Ohio, tho Patriot gravely asserts that the hundred thousand disgusted voters who staid at home ou the 2d of November could have been rallied and marched to tho rescuo of the Democratic party by "a vigorous organiza tion of the party strength!" This assertion is simply ridiculous. Under such adverse cir cumstances, no living man,noither tho Hon. Hendrick B. Wright, nor oven tho Hon. Win. A. Wallace, with all his experience, could, in the limited space of two or three weeks, havo rallied and organized the Demo cratic party of Pennsylvania 10 tho support of a platform which had just been smashed to atoms in Ohio, notwithstanding tho in- comparablo organization of tho Democratic party in that State, under the guidauco of tho veteran and experienced chairman of their Stato Central Committee! Tlio IXitriot does not seem to havo profited by Its experi ence of 1872. Let us hope that its experi ence of 1875will teach it that tho Democracy of Pennsylvania cannot bo united iu the support eitherof false gods orf.Uso doctrines; all tho organized machinery in tho world cannot do It, Principle alone will unite them in determined and concerted action. In tho article under consideration tlio Patriot goes on to say : " One of the prom inent blunders of the campaign consisted in de posing the chairman of the State committee who had so prudently and successfully con ducted the canvass of last year." We aro not disposed to deny to Mr. John Miller any praise he may de3iro for his management of tho .campaign of 1874; but wo do not hesi tate to assert that tho greatest blunder of the campaign was committed by him, when ho and his committeo determined to drag tlio Democratic state convention to tho remotest corner of the State, in a little town without accommodations, and that, too, at so lato a period of timo in the campaign that under tho most favorablo circumstances thero was not sufficient time left for party organization. Whatever may havo been Mr. Miller's mo tives for convening thu Democratic conven tion at tho furthest extremity of tho Stato and at so very lato a period as tlio 8th of Scptc!uber,hc, by so doing, displayed a want of judgment. Tho Republican convention having met in May and mado their nomina tions, overy consideration of sound policy should have Induced tho summoning of the Democratic convention to meet at tho latest in July lost; and, from tho fact that Harris burg is the seat of government and the central railroad point of tlio State, amply supplied with tho best accommodation, both for tho convention and its individual mem bers, more cheaply reached from all parts of tho commonwealth than any other city iu tho State, tho convention should have beo:i con vened at Harrisburg in the interest of the party and of ita individual members. Tlio practico which baa' lately obtained of ped dling tho Democratic stato convention from town to town, in remote, out of tho way places, void of proper accommodations, without regard to tho comfort of the dele gates or tho euormous expenses to which they aro gratuitously exposed, clashes with the dictates of common fairuais and of com mmon sense, and is calculated to excite among tlio people suspicious of dark in trigues which should not attach to the leaders of a great party. We agreo with tbo Patriot that the chair man of tlio Democratic Stato Central Com mitteo should bo appointed by tho conven tion, not by tho candidates, and that his headquarters should bo at Harrisburg. As regards organization for tho campaign of 1870, it should commenco immediately, on tbo basis of opposition to tho ro-oloctlon of U. S.Grant to third jtcrtn and tako in at onco every Republican sincerely opposed to a third term. Tbo first step towards this or ganisation should bo immediate prosecution, under tho direction of tho Democratic State Central Committee, of the Individuals con cerned iu tho election frauds perpetrated at the lato election lu Philadelphia, Luzerno and other localities. It Is tho impunity al lowed every year by the Democratic party to tho avowed Republican perpetrators of elec tion fauijs, which is tho main causo of the demoralisation and discouragement of thous ands of DemocraU who liave become dis gusted with, tho baro-fuced effrontery with which their political opponents are per mitted year fffcr year to cheat them out of their votes, It Is the imperative duty of the Demo cratic Stato Ceutral Conimlttoe to abate this great wrong. Their predecessors havo shamefully neglected that moit Important duty. Hut In this liurajnent political crWs, which must decide the lato of our Republi can Institutions, wo lnvoko tho patriotism, courago and energy of our State Central Committee, and especially of Its chairman, to tako tho first step iu the efficient organi zation of tho Democratic party, and thus lo Infiuo new life and fresh courago In the hearts of tho devoted patriots,vho,ycar after year, without oven tlio Incitement of hope, havo marched lo tho polls and battled In vindication of the Democratic creed, al though cxpcrlenco taught them that t heir leaders havo quietly succumbed under tho monstrous accumulations of flagrant election frauds without an effort to punish tho guilty or vindicate their own cause. Mr. Chairman of tho Democratic State Central Committee, organizo your party In tho prosecution of tho perverted villains whoso trade It Is to cheat tho peoplo out of their sovcrigu rights, and you will havo opened to your party tho road to emancipa tion and victory. It is disgusting and disgraceful to hear after each election, in this once respectable commonwealth, Individuals and newspapers complalnlng,llko crying babies, of notorious election frauds, amounting to thousands of votes, sufficient to exalt and Install minority candidates over tho legitimate choice of the people, and yet not 0110 organized body found to enforco tho law against tho well known perpetrators of such monstrous mls- leeds. Democrats, rouso yourselves! Now is tho time to act and ORGANIZE I "AN OLD DEMOCRAT." "(Jetting tho Voto Out." Considering tlio actlvu and earnest nature of the recent election canvass in Pennsylvania, it is surprising to see how largo a proportion of tho voters of tho Commonwealth stayed at home, or neglected to go tho polls. The aggregate voto issixhundrcdand nine thous and, five hundred andsixty-four (009 504) not so great an aggregato by moro than 03.000 as wascastatthoGovernor'selection in 1872, and not so many votes by moro than 40.000 as wero cast for President in 18G8 seven years ago. 'Making allowance for tho sick and thoso absent from homo on business and otherwise, and for tho increase of popula tion since 1872, the absentees at tho recent election must number from eighty to ninety thousand. Thero was thus a great failure all round in tho strenuous efforts made to "get out tho full vote." About one voter in every eightornine failed to respond lo tho appeals mado to "rally" him. The Dem ocratic voto is not so heavy by nearly 30,000 as it was for Auditor General seven years ago, and the Republican vote is not so heavy by nearly 38.000 as it was for President in that same year 1SG8. Tho Inchest accrecate voto ever cast in the Stato was that for Govenor in 1872, when it was G72.344 ; tho highest Republican vote ever ant by Penn sylvania was that for Hartranft in the same year,353.387 ; and the highest Democratic voto in tho Commonwealth was that in 180S for tho Democratic candidato for Auditor General, 321.739. Thanksgiving PROCLAMATION BY Till: GOVEKXOIt OF PENNSYLVANIA. The following proclamation has been is sued; In tho name and by the authority of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. THANKSaiVINCl PROCLAMATION. In the abundant crops with which Heaven has blessed us ; in tho absence of pestilence and want from our midst; in tho diminish ing distrust that pervades tho channels of trade, and the prospect not only of a revival of commerce and manufactures throughout all the States of tho country, but of the hap py and cordial reunion of tho peoplo thereof, the nation has occasion for thankfulness. I respectfully ask, therefore, that tho people ot Pennsylvania, in accordance with the recom mendation of the President of the United States, assemble on the 25th day of Novem ber, 1875, to give thanks to tho Great Au thor ot all our blessings, and to petition for the continuance of divine favor to our na tion and State. Given under my hand and tho great seal of the State, at Harrisburg this eighth day of November, in, tho year of our Lordeigh teen hundred and seventy-five, and nf tlio Commonwealth the one hundredth. By tho Governor. J. F. HARTRANFT. M. S. QUAY, Secretary of the Commonwealth. Foreign News. London, Nov. 13. Whilo thetidowas ebbing to-day n bore or tidal wave, ten feet high, swept up tho Parrett river, in Somer setshire. At the Bridgewatcr dock tho gates were buret open, and vessels wero broken from their moorings. Ono vessel was sunk and twenty were moro or less damaged, Bores aro not unfrequent along the shores of tho British Channel, but tho ono to-day was larger and moro destructive; than any for a lung time. Tlio weather is still inclement, Tho floods In tho inundated parts of Englaud are increasing. Poonah, Nov. 13. -The Prince of Wales arrived hero to-day and had an enthusiastic reception. His movements alter leuving hero are uncertain. Thero aro bad accounU of tho spread of tho cholera in various dis tricts of tho Madras presidency. The trip of the Prince to Gairsoppa Falls and his shoot ing expedition to Baypoor havo therefore been abandoned. It is doubtful whether ho will even visit Madras. Paris, Nov, 11. Tlio Franco-American Union for tho erection of tho Centennial statuo iu New York harbor is organizing a grand feto to tako placo at tho Palais d'In duatrie on tbo 19th Inst. President MacMa hon, tjio members of his cablnent, many dep uties, and other distinguished persons h.we subscribed to tho statuo fund, and several of tho principal cities of Franco havo voted contributions. -London, Nov. 16, 5 A. M, Disastrous floods aro reported throughout England and Ireland, and the streams aro also rising. The river Falka, near Dublin,bas burst its banks and submerged thousands of acres. Rome, Nov. 1G, Verdi, tho celebrated musical composer, yesterday assumed .bis sent In tho Italian ben ate. Supkcmh Couiit in Banc Justlco Will iams has decided the caso of Tho City w. Edwards et al, IIo decided that before a property owner could bo charged with the paving of the sidewalk In front of his prop erty ho must havo actual notice, and that leaving a notice on tlio premises under a stouo was 110 iiotlco at all j that tho act of 1813, which applied to tlio district of South wark, and which restricted the character of tho defence In such cases, does not apply to tho city, and was impliedly repealed by tho consolidation act, and that if Councils had nqt ordered tho street to bo paved tho Chief Commissioner of Highway vvus without a shadow of authority to enter Into a contract for tho paving of tho sidewalk, hut If they tisu 110 was uounu to uo ii, in uccoruance with tho provisions ot lue ordinance ot Auy 3, 1850, St, Louis Is to havo a big hotel, will), two thouand rooni,nt a cost, with furnlttml of two million dollar. It will bo called tln Hotel Grande, and will bo larger limn thr new Pnlaco Hotel lu Sail l'rniicitrn, which is now tinstirpas-cd in the woildilisize Con struction will begin next spring, Boston capitalists providing the moiiey. Until tho election of tho I'alneo Hotel, tho Grand Ho tel, In Paris, was without n rival, Marriages. l'I.i:cKKNSTINIJ-Hi:iXA3. Ill OraiitfeUllo ou Nov. 1 1 tli, by tlio Hev. N. .S' lill.un l'lcckcnstluc to .Miss Ualtlo llelUs, nil ut ur.uifeMlle. l'l'LLEN'-MoMtCIIAKL-Ult thoUdult., by tho llev. J. A. In Ine, .Mr. WlUUm l'ullen to Miss surah .McMlcliaol, nil or Light I.trccU Clir.SSLKIt-IIOUOllTON.-On tho Sth Inst., by tho Hcv. J. l'.Tusttn, Mr. Lloyd Cressler to Miss Sarah M, Houghton, all ot Columbia county. Deaths. FOX. lu Pine township on tlio 10th Inst., alter brief Illness, .Mrs. Catherine, uKoot John Fox, ngetl 40 years, 4 months nod is days. liI!OOLIK.-In Woomsboitr, on tho 12th Inst., Miss Mary A, r. Uroglle, ngcu !) )cars, 1 mouth ami days. MAKKET liEPOKTS. BLOOMSBURG MARKET. Wheat per bushel., nju .. Corn, new, " . . oais, ' " .. i' lour tier barrel .. Clou'rscod I'laxsecd llutter I.fc'gs Tilllow t'otatoes Dried Annies f 1.2.-, .CO 1.6U .3 1 Hams Mdes 1: Shoulders . Lard per pound .... Hay per ton ileeswnx Timothy seed .10 S0.UO (juotations run coal. No. 4 on Wharr No. 6 " "" " Blacksmith's Lump on wharl , " llltuiulnou3 " , . t 4,00 per Ton . 2,50 , $ 4,00 " , $ 0,00 " NEW ADVERTISEMENTS A DM I N ISTRATOR'S NOTICE." XJL KSTATE OF KOB'T JOHNSTON, LATE OP MAIUSON TOWNSHir, Letters of Administration on tho cstato of llobert lonnsion, lato ot .iiainson lownsuip, Columbia county, deceased, havo been t'runtcd by tho lleirls ter of said county to Isaac b Haul, ot Washing, tonvlllo. All persons having claims ugalnst Uie estate of tho decedent, nro requested to present them for settlement, and those Indebted lolho estate to make payment to tho undersigned administrator wiiuoui neiay. ia..u N. ill,, Nov. n,'75-ct Administrator. 4: DM I N ISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ESTATE OV Kl.tZ IIIETH HOElKltTS. DER'D. .ettcrsoi Administration on tho i:sutnr Kllzahnth noDeris 01 sugnrioa r twp. Columbia county deceased havo been granted by tho ltoglster of said county to ,uu. .iuuiu, nvp.. coiuiiiuia coiinty,r.i., 10 whom nil persons indebted to said Kstuto nro re quested to mako payment, nnd thuso h ulng claims against tho said estate will mako them known to the said administrator wimout delay. (1KOKOE MOOHK, Nov. 19,n5. Administrator. "1VTOTICE. All persons Ii persons Indebted to the unilcrsluned on nook Account prior to Juno Ut 175. nro renuested to call .iiiu semi- uy nuiu (ir uuicrtt isu ueioro January isi, mtu, us liner mat uu unset lieu accounts win uupiac in iuo nanus vi uu uiuccr lur coi:cclioii. T. J. swini:u, M.D. HaMng associated w 1th mo Dr. Win. VcKelvy, wo aro prepared to attend promptly to nil professional calls In Medicine, .surgery, nnd obstetrics. Public patronage is respectfully solicited. HWIbilLKftMcKCLW. Jerseytown, Nov. 19 Cw. ORPHANS' COURT SALE or REAL ESTATE Ilv vlrtllo of an order of tho Ornhans Court of rri. lumbla county, tho undcrFlgned, Administrators of the estate of Philip Sllllcr.dec'd.w 111 expose to public saic on mo premises on WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 1st, 1875, the following described real cstato, to w It, commenC' lag at 1 o'clock 1'. M.: 1.1 it No. 3. situato in crntro township aforesaid bounded nnd described as follows: on tho west by 1 urn 01 dumcs curr, on lliu houiii uy iui ui iieiijatiun Miller, on tho oust by purpart No. r, nnd on tbo north uy purpart no. v, containing 11'J perches.w here, on Is u LIMESTONE QUARRY. LOT NO. is. situato In Centra township aforesaid. bounded and described as follows : on tho west by nurparus os. & nnu 4 nnu lot 01 ncnjamiu .Miner, on tho south by purpart No. 1. on tlio east by purnait. No. G, and on tho north by purpart No. 2, contaUung acres nnu ctj percnes, i nercon is u L1MUSTONE QUAItUY. LOT NO. s. Slluato In ecu tre township aforesaid uounuen on mo west, houiii, east unu norm uy pur parts nos. o. 1, 7 nnd '2 respectively, containing two acres unu imy-nino percues, wnercon is a LIMESTONE QUAHItY. LOT NO. 7. Situato In Centre toivnsldn aforesaid. bounded on the west, south, east and north by pur parts nos. e, 1, B and 'i respectively, containing two acres uiiu uuy uiuu pcrcucs, nutrcuii is u LIMESTONE QUAHItY. LOT NO. 0. Situate In Centre township oforcsnld, buuuded on tho north, west nnd south by purpr rts nos. anil i respectively, unci on mo cast uy pur parts nos. 1 1 nnd 12 nnd lot ot Andrew dingles and aonn vv. Miiiniaii, continuing iwo ueres luiumty. nine perches, whereon Is n LIMESTONE QUAHItY. LOT NO. 10. hltuato In Centre townshlnaforcsnld. bounded on tho north, oast nnd south by purparts nos i unu i, unu on tno vvesi uy purparts nos. u una liana oylotot Andrew Mngies nnd John w. Shu man, containing two acres and Iltty-iilno perches, vvnereon is i LIMESTONE QUAHItY. LOT NO. 11. Situato In Centrotownshtpaforesald, bounded on tho west, north and eastbv purparls nos. u, i and 10 respectively, and on tho soulh by lot of Andrew singles nnd John W. Shuman, containing liny perencs, on wnicii is u LIMESTONE QUAHItY, LOT NO 12. situato In Centre township aforesaid, bounded on tho noith by tho Lackawamu.t lllooms burg It. It., on the east, south iind vcst by purparts lius. if, 1 uuuir iL-siJctuicij (Cuiiuiimiiifiiiiy peienes, LOT NO. 15. Situato In .Main township, county aforesaid, bounded on tho north by the Susquehanna river, on tho east and Bouth by lands now or lato of tho lie rs of oeorce Longenberger deceased, and on tho vvest by land of , containing 112 acres nudti pcriues, uu vyoou xanii. LOT NO. IS. A wharf lit situato In tho village of Espy, Columbia county nforesahl,ad Joining tbo North nrHiieii uanai on mu mjiiih, uu iiuey on me noun, and Market street in Raid town on tho west, contain. Ing about three-fourths ot n square perch. TKHMK OP H I.E.-Tcn per cent. c,f tho one- touri n or tno purcuaso money to oo paiu at tno sti Ik ing down of tlio property: tho one-fourth less tlio ten per cent, nt tlio conllrrnatlon of tho Kile: and tlio remaining three-fourths In ono year thtrcnfler, with lnurest from couilrmatlon nW. Purchaser! tu pay for Deed or Deeus eicept uio purcuascni of no. iu luuisuuu w pay lor ueeu. 11ENMMIN MILLEIt, A. K. SI1UMAN, Nov. 19 ts. Administrators. 1) lXHSTER'S NOTICES, Ik, Notlcu Is hereby L-lven to i to all legatees, credl- turs and other persons Interested In tho estates of tho respective decedents and minors, that tho fol lowing administration and guardian accounts have oeen iueii in uioonico or mo icetristcr oi coiumuin county, and win bo presented for confirmation and nllowanco in tho orphan's Court to bo held lu uioomsburg, on Wednesday, tho sin day of Decem ber, 1ST i, at 2 o'clock p. m. on said day; 1 Tho final account of Alfred Eck, guardian ot Fran ces KUtler. minor child of Nathan Klstlcr, latxj of Columbia county, deceased. 2 Tho second and final account of Itcubcn Miller, ex- eeuiuroi juuu ijuucu, laio ui uriartrceK luvvu shln. deceased 3 Thu second and final account ot Iifayetlo Crcasv aim iieury ruaiier, imiiiuusiruiura ui t-cicr ii, Wenner. Into of llrlarcroek township, deceased. 4 The tlrst and final account of John A l'unstou, ad ministrator or wiisou Alien, hub of .viautsou town slilo. decexscd. 5 'I ho account of James Wardln, executor of Wil liam Wardln. lato of Centre township, deceased. 0 Thu first and Heal account of Isaiah llowcr.adinln- tstr torn Ashtl povuer, lato of urlarcieek town shin, deceased. T Tho account of Samuel It. Johnson, administrator o: uaviu jounson, law oi uuuvcr towusmp, ucccas ui. 8 Tho account of Henry W. Vauilersllcc, admlnlstra- tor of John 11, Vandetsllco, lato of tno town or Uioomsburg deceased. 9 Tho account of c. W Miller, guardian of Isabella Alason.tnluor child of llobert Muson,lalo of llloouis buri?. deceased. 10 '1 ho first and final account of Aaron V, Hess, guardian or liinuia Hess, minor ciiuu oi unarms ii, Iless, lato of .Minil'i township, deceased. 11 'I ho account of William II. Rosier, administrator of hj lvesttr Pcaler, lato ot ITsUlugcrcek township, deceased. ltetrtster's Onlco. 4 W. II. JACOI1Y. llloomsUurg, Nov, s, i76.( ilegtster, V Tlio follow Ing appraisements of real and ;crsonai property sei apart vu w iuuwa ui ucieuciiiu iiive been filed In tho onlco of tho Iteglster of Col umbia county, under tho Itules ot Court, and will bo presented for absolute confirmation to tho orphans' Court to be held In Hloomshurg.ln and for said conn, ty. on Wednesday, thu sth day of December isfo, ut 2 rfclock n. m.. of hnlil day unless executions to such connnnuUon aro previously filed, of which ull (cr- Bouij uiuru&icu IU bum cbwiiib win vuu uuiivc; t Widow of ltlchard F. Keller, late ct Locust town? f hip, deceased, 2 WiAow ot Philip wilson.laM ot Flshlngcrcek town- shin, deceased. 8 Widow ot Abraham Adams, late ct Iirlorcrcclc 4 Widow of John WnUher, lute ot Madison towncldp, lteglster's Office, 1 W.JI, JACODY, UloomsiAirtr, Kui , ItevUWi. , A D.MIN'IHTU VTOU'S NOTKT. tj,ltor4 nf Adinhil .(ration liti Hie r-sliltp of Mar Kim t curry, 1 lie irf ivniinli.i imroiurh county f iiuWiiihl.i. Mule t,f lVinis.vU ihl.i, cleeensed, luve iK-.-n trant' d to li.inh l !'. curry, of Ceiitralh boi-MU'ii, Vii., to whom nil pi rums hulehled ImaM ist. iti- mo requested lo make pavhioiit, nnd tin1 havlngiUitins or demands will make known I lie tame without delay. 1IAMIX 1'. tTltltv, oclS'J ow Administrator. "Un'imrtiona'ibi the bent tuttnined voihcfthc l.iml in the lIV,." HAlU)l,iR'STlAGAZIN13 ll.M'STItATED. Xntices nf the The rver-lncrcnMng rlrcu! jtlon of Hit cwllWit monthly proves lis luliptatlon to popular de-lirs nnd needs, Indeed when wo think Into how in in) homes it prneir.iles every month, we conMilerlt ns one of tho educators ns wetl ns entertainers of the public mind. "Huston tllolin " The character nhleh this mag.irlne possesses for variety, enterprise, nrtltlo wealth, nnd literary cul ture which It has kept Pace wllh. It It has not led the times, should cvimj Us conductors to regard It lth JiistltMblR complacency. 'I ho inig.ulne his none good nnd not evil nil tho dajsof Its life. "llrooklyn linirlo." . , some of the most popularot modern novel have first appeared ns nerl.ils In this magazine. In nil re spects It Is an excellent periodical, and fully deserves lis great success. "Philadelphia Ledger." ts: tis : Postago free to all subscribers In tho United states. llAKrni'a Maiuzise, ono, $l.m Jl Includes prepayment of United States postage by tho publisher. subscriptions to llAiit rn's Maovzine WEmv, nnd tuxiii, tooni) nildre'sfur one jtur, llu: or, two tf Harper's periodicals, to ono address for one year, $7; posi.itre free. An extra copy of either tlio Magazine, Weekly, or liaar will ho supplied gratis for every clubot live suliserli'iTS nt fl each In ono remittance; or, six copies for t'M without nn extra copy: postage free. flack numbers can bo supplied at anv time. A cumpleloset of llanter's Magazine, now com piMmr fd volumes. In neat cloth binding, will In Bent by express, freight ut expense ot purchaser, for tl S3 per volume single volumes, by mall, postpaid, Jl I loth casts, f )t binding, ts cents, by mall, post paid. A complete ahull Ileal Index to tho tlrst fifty vol turn s of Harper's mawlne has Just boen published, rendering available for Itferenco the vast nnd varied wealth of Information vihkh constitutes this period ical u peifeet Illustrated iltenry eyclopoill.i. svo, cloth, .f h lit calf, 15 as. Sent postage prepaid. Ascites ot papers under the title of Mho first Century of tho lit public," contributed by the most eminent American publicists. Is now betng publish, cdln Harper's Magiilne Tlilsserlesif overtwentv papers gives a compiehnslvo review of progress dm Ing tno century now closlng.ln overy department of our national Hie. Newspapers nro not to copy this ndvcrtlseiucnt without tliu express otder of Harper .V lirotliers. Address HAltl'El! & into 1'llHlts, New York SEIMER'SM0 NTHLY for 1876. Tho publishers Invito attention In tlio followln-jllst ot souiu ot tho iitlracllvo m tides secured forscrlu ners Monthly, for tno coming year. In tlio Held of Ilctlon, besides numerous novelettes and shorter sto ries, thero will bo Two Remarkablo Serial Stories BY AMEItlC'AN AUTlIOItS. Tho first of these, now complete In our hands, "GA11RIEL CONROV," by HltET. HAUTE, N begins In tho November number, nnd will run for twelve months. Wc shall idso begin In the January number, "riUMl'NOIi.VN'S FKIKNDS, or. Show Your Passports," by EDWAIID EVEltlilT HALE. Tlio bceno ot this story Is laid In tlio south -cstem territory, now forming tho -tales or lulslana anil Texas, nt tho timo of Aaron Uurr's treason Tin characters lived In n section which was now Amert can, now French, now Spanish, and tuts record if their adventurous lives nukes n story ot intense iui4 unllagglng Interest throughout. A SKUONI) "FAUMEK'S VACATION,'' by COL. GEO. E. WAhlNO, Jr, Col. Waring Is now In Europe, visiting, In n row boat ride of two hundred nnd titty miles, ono ot Hie most ferlllo and Interesting ot the vl no-grow In? val leys of Europe. This second series of papers prom ises to bo even moro Interesting than tliat with which our leaders aro already familiar. GKNTKNMAL MiTTEHS. edited by JOHN V. CIIENY. A rare collection ot Revolutionary Letters, miinlj from stores In thu hands of the deseendenl.s of L'ol Joseph Ward. They nre full ot Inleiost, and will m read with n rare rellsii tn connection with the Co n tennlal celebration of tho y car. Brilliantly Illustrated Artidcs on AMERIUAN COLLEGES. Written respeclvely by their friends, will appear during the year. OLD NEW YORK, Rlecantlv Illustrated articles on Old New York-, by John Mines, will appear nt once, nnd wl 1 ntlrait the attention or all, In city or country, who m irk w n u interest 1110 uo . c onmcut or mo great metronu. lis, aud alfectlonately remember tho quaint peculiar. iiies ui lis uiuuii tune. Every numlier Is nrofusolv illustrated, tlitu enn, Wing us to glvotoourdcscrlptl omul narraltvonitf. cles un Interest and permanent valuu never utUUuud in 11 uuu-uiiistraLou periuuicui. The Editorial Departments occupy over twenty pages of each number, nnd con win ur uouanusvi-orousnnii uineiy if well as revluws of tfio latest works In Art, Litem luro, nuu ncicucc. tl n Year, In ndranco; 35 cents a number. Tho 10 vols, comnletu. Nov. 1870. lo Oct. 1ST5. uounu iu maroon ciom ii.o do. do. bound In half morocco, so.oj Vols, begin In November and May. Any of the earlier volumes!! to VIIDwill bo supplied scouateli to parties who wish them to complete sets, utthU rate. I. o.. cloth, ti : half morocco. i. nilooksellers nnd post musters will bo supplied nl rates that will enable them to till any of tho above orders. suoscrloers will nlcaso remit In I O. money or. ders, or In bank checks, or by registered letters .niouuy in tellers nut regisiei eu, at senucr s nsa SCItlllNEIt A CO., W Ilroadway, New York. UIIUCSALKOK I VALUAIILE HEAL ESTATE Tho underslirned. Administrators of tlm estate of John Menseh, Talo of Franklin township Columbia couuty, uocexsed, win exiwso to ptiuiio salo on WEDNESDAY, DEUEMMOR 5tli, 187 In tho premises In Franklin township aforesaid n oonds ot -Michael Mensch, lion) unlii Ford, Jonathan tract or ianu situate in rr.inkiin ton omnig i,uiiniiaii unu outers, containing 110 ACRES AND liti PERCHES of good quality of laud In good stato of cultivation, on wuicu is crecieu u largo unu comnmuuus IlltlCK Ilwni.LINO HOUSE, outhouses, bank barn, sheds. Sc. mho to commenco nt m o eiocii n, m. or said day, wiieu cuiiuiiious ot saiu w in uu uiaiio Know ll. JIICIIAKI, .MENSCH, J1SE MENsl'H, Franklin twp., Nov. Sill -iw. Administrators. Juries for Sept. Term, 1875 GRAND JURORS, liloom M. Wynkoop, Daniel Howman. llentou lllram Ash, Michael Hartnuu. llerwlek-A. S. Phillips. Centru Lafayetto Creasy, Samuel Crevcllng. Cauntssa J. L. Shumin, Duilel tiearhart. Planing Creek Iiaae Labour, John Wenner. Franklin-Montgomery lloedor. Oreenwood-EIlJUi Klsiicr. Hemlock-Ell Old, Samuel Alo Locust .Joseph Sanders. Mifflin Joseph O. swank, Samuel Snyder, W. V. Brown, Pine William lCarshner, Asher Fullmer. Scott J. K Fowler, F. P. Kelloy, Charles Crown. TRAVERSE JURORS. HUjT WEEK. Illoora-A. McDowell, J. i widemau, c. M, lirown II. F. llartman, James C. lli'u.m, John I.eacuck, Ocorgo Correll, S. II. Miller Ilenton Earl Boston, JohnO.Dlldlno.S.F. Karnes, William Applemau ( Berwick Henry llowcr, Alfred llowir. llrlarcnck-Hcnry Uoak, William L. Fioas, David Shatter Jr., Frcas Fowler. CatawUsa-ll P. Former Centralia James Dyke. Flshlngcreek-Aarou Iless, Benjamin fielder, Jo nas Doty, Jostah Hess, Jacob o. Wilson. FranMlu-John Houp. Oreeuwood-James L. Preston, John Patterson, Henry lletr. Hemlock -Mathlas Whltenight Jackson-Benjamin Savage, Augustus Everhai t Locust-llcnry Beaver Mimiu-B. F. Workhclser Montour-WUllaio M, Quick Madison lieorge Boaglo Mt. Picasant-.Matht.u Kindt Orango-tieorgo M. brnlth, bllas Shuinau, Hamuli llagenbuch, Michael V. Vance. Pino-John V. comer ltoaringcreck Henry Hoffman Scott-Jonah Tow usend, James Hlce, llobert lXt. Henry Creveltug, 11. c, Kelchner SECOND WICK Bloom Joslali llalslon, James llenwood Bouton-Charles Hotter, William Holmes Beaver Mosei Schlicher Briarcreek Abraham Jackson, Joseph Lainon. si. II., John II Suit Calawlsaa-Clias Knlgli, I, II Seesholti, II, F. Clark Contro-Isaao Cryder Convngham-Marllu Laughlla Franklln-Mlchael Manhart, Andrew Low-man Ureenwood-Thcodore Uinon, M. M. Annleman. ltlchard J, Evcs.Dlcuier Davis, John Leggou, John 0 (llrlon Hemlock-John Miller. Peter S. Brugler. Mathlas Uooro ill, Pleasant-Jacob Mellck Madison-A, J, Carr j Main-John narrow, Boj d Yitter Orango Samuel Henry, Moses Everett Bcott J, J, Keller, llustoa Hoblson - Kuvirlotl-IUKtlt, COURT PROCLAMATION. Tr!Il'-HI'"-f;. tlic lion. Wit.ttAM Hi.wr.M. President .Itidgo of tho Cowl of oyer nnd Terminer nnd licnrrnl .111 Delivery, Court of ('Hur ler Sessions of the I'eneoniul tlio Court of Common Plensnnd orphans' Court In tlio 2Cth Judicial Dis trict, composed of tho counties of Columbia nnd Montour, nnd tho llon. Ittui Dtnit nnd Isvau s. Miiniiur, Associate Judges of Columbia county, havo Issued their precept, benilng dato the lstli day ot Sept,, In tho yearof our lmt one eight hundred unit sovohty-IUe, and to me directed for holdlngn Court of Oyer and Terminer and (icnernl (jtiartor Sessions of Uio peace, Court of Common l'lens unit Oiphnns' Court, in Uioomsburg. In the county nf Columbia, o thu first Monday, llng tho cth day of December ti"xt, (o continuo two weeks Notices Is hereby glien to tlio Coroner, to tho Jus. tlces of tho Peace, and tho Constables ut tlio Hold county of Columbia, that they bo i hen nnd thero In their proper person at la o'clock tu tlio forenoon of said cth day of Decetnlior, with their records, liupd pill ins nnd oilier remembrances, to do those things which to their unices appertain to bo done. And Ihoselhat nro bound by recognizance to proseeuto against the prisoners that nro ur may tie In tho Jail of tho said county of Columbia, lo bo then and there to prosecute them ns shall bo Ju t. Juiursnio re quested totiepilhcliiallhllit'lralteliil.iliccngi'eeiibly to their notices. Dated nt Uioomsburg tho .Mil day ) of November, Intlie yeiirof our Lord one Mhousjnd eight htuitliod nnd evelily-llvo 'Intuitu the nlnetv -ninth year of the Inde l.. pendence of the I'nltcd siules of Ameilca. sherirsOlllee, MICHAEL UliOVEIt. Uioomsburg, .Nov. r.-to sheiirr. T IST OK CAUSES t-'OR TRIAL AT I)E- Jj CEMIIEHTEIIM, IW.. lllSSTWKEK. It. !lorrcll .V Co. vs. Joseph M, I'reck. Lc.ihder Carmen's use vs. William Appleman. Andrew Crawford vs D. W. Johnson. llllam II. Crawford vs 1). W. Johnson. Christian Wolf s N. it V. II. It. II. Co. Stephen Wolf et ui. vs. N. .V W, It. It. Co. John Uggott Ic A . Fl ick vs. Estliet Eves et. nl. George K, Try on ct nl. vs. Jacob Brown ct nl. (joorgo K. Tryon etnl. vs. .Martin Lubolil et nl. (leorge K. Tryon et ul. vs. William Clark et nl. George K. Tryon et nl. vs. Isal.ili Hand et nl. (leorgc K. Tryon it al. vs. chrUHan Scliack il al. Wellington llugh"S vs. I'. Spotionberg. E. II. John's ndm'r v. Aaron Grover. Ell Kendlgvs D, Moirls. F. s. smith vs school Directors of Ilenton Township, Wm. Harris vs. Berwick liollln? Mill Co. D. I, Morgan & Co, vs. Samuel Jollnson. W. F Andrews vs. I). F. Seybert. LU KendU vs. J. 1). Hlce. Levi Klnlcy vs N. S. Campbell. SKCOMI VVfcKK. Jacob Schtij ler, endorsee, vs. J. M. Barton et al. A T. ILeler vs Jonas Doty. John lleaeock vs. Jonas Doty First National Bank of Bloomsburg vs Goorgo Cava nee, it ti'. Charles M. Marple's Evr's. vs Enos Jacob-. Samuel J. Cuso vs Jonas Doty. Vllson (Ubbons vs Jonas Doty. .M. (I. Hughes vs Jcsso D. Hlce. M. II. Hughes vs. Oscar P. Ent. I,. F. Davis v.s Jonas Duly. Jesse llartman vs Jonas Doty. William Abbot vs. William Miller. Vastluc Boone vs II. (I, Crovellng. John J. Mcllenry vs 1). L. .t W. It. Ii. c,t. Ilenj. Vttnterstclu vs. Willi im Houghton. Stacy Jolm vs. I! (I. Crovellng. ElloM Miller etnl. vs. P li. lull Hoad Co. John McUoIlum's oY vs George .1, Luce et al. Thomas MoGraw vs. John Grow. The screw Mower .t ltsapcr Co. vs J. s. Turnbach. 1). F. Soj bert vs. Philip Appletnan. Mary McAlaniey's use vs. S. P. case ct nl. It. nubbins vs. Sh irpless & Son. I. S, Ktihn vs. .1. K. Grotz. J. It. Evans v.s E. Glger. M. cii vies vs. .1. D. Hliio ct nl. F. Itlcherl's me vs. W. II. ltelnbolil et al. I. Yetter vs. Jacob Hilling's adm'r. E. W. Soud-r vs. W. Sehechterly. J. Evuns vs. 1. II. Hageiihueh. N. Brandon v.s. William T.shuman. . Colo's uso v.s. T. II. Cole. A. Cole's use vs. T. 11. Cole. A. Cole's Uso vs. T. II. Cole. II. W.McKc Holds v.s. J. A. Losce. s. Bloom vs. Allen Mann et nl. s. H. Wolf vs. Pan in Keller. W. Mimes' ex'rs vs Michael Grover, Sherirr. I!. Taylor et nl. vs It. Oorrell. Jeremiah Taylor et nl vs Hobei t Oorrell. llobert Taylor et nl. v.s. llobert Gorrell. laeobs. Hiiiterlltcr vs William Menslnger. C. IP Bruckwayetnl vs I). It. Applemau. James Dyko vs. William Howell A. E. Sharretts et al. vs ll. c. Howell, A. E. Sharrcts et nl vs Dav Id Stroup. William Howell vs James Dke. Wagner, Starr ,t Co. vs. Willi un I'ettlt. Benjamin Hicks vs. George II. From. Daniel Kilns vs. Charles Leo et al. W. K. Longenbergervs. Conrad Bredbender. David U-w Is vs. Juhu Dlltz.. Catharine IIo s' use vs. John SHner W. P. JONES & CO" Gatawissa; Pa., invite the attention of cash buyers to their unusually lanre anil at tractive stock of EJESW COOD5 which they offer at jiopu ar low mm foicasii Il'anilsoine'line of Dress Goods at 2o cents per yard, iu all the new shades, Goods usually worth ;51 cents. Still better goods at ou, 'Mh, 50 cents to 4. Shawls of every description, single or double, at very low priced. We call especial attention to our large assortment of BEAVER CLOTHS for ladies coats anil sacipies. Sev en piece, just opened, at $2, a, A, 6, o,50, and $(5 per yard. Turkish Toweling, corduroy and white niatallasse cloth for children's cloaks and sacques. Wati:ii-im.oof cloths, all colors, from 87 cents upwards, A spe cial bargain at $1.10, worth $1.25 Wq have the largest twsortmcnt of ladies' and children's fancy ho siery and men's underwear to be found in this county. Ladies' and children's Merino Vests 50, 75, 87cents to $U50 Gents' undershirts and drawers from 50 cents each to $2.25. 10 dozen ladies' 2 button kit! gloves, black and colors, at $1 per pair, warranted. Full line of ribbons, neckties, ruches, collars, culls, belts, combs, and tlio largest assortment of fan cy goods to bo found in this sec tion. Bargains iu Ui,amci:ts, at $-1, $5. $5.50, $0.50, to $8.50. Prints at 8, 0, and 10 cents. Cotton flannels at all prices. Most brands of bleached and brown muslins as low as can be found elsewhere. Please call and t-eo us and wo shall endeavor to convince you that wo can sell you coods as low as any establishment outsido of Aew iork. Buying, and paying lor our goods in 10 days, enables us to oiler very low prices, and you will receive polito attention whether you purchase or not, Till 1'OrULAIt (JHliAl' cash stoiu: AY. T. aONES & CO., CATAWISSA, PA, Nov. 0, 1875. p-VKctrroit's xoricn. I J iTATnrst'AN kivsbv, tm i ltter tt'-wmontsrv tin the e.iab of hoy, late of liloomsbiirir, Columbia count n l,l i ii it u ' , r- in t iinii . tu. in iinvii mien irmiiiuu nv me iteui Ileiil-li i-uf iH eti r ItruRler, t f Blooinshurg, lWeeutor. tu wliiim nil nei'iioiis ludi iit, I i itinr. i ii ii i,ii , , oil In innkv im.vinent, mill thime I until) against the ml,l estate win i, known to the said executor without u.ia I'l.l'HIl I),. I I M l!, l)Ct. S2.-OW. 1. U('ri ADMIN IS'Flf 7T ) I t'HN ( IT I (' l iwtitk nr u ii iikhiisr 11111.1. i u tters of Ad Inl-ti'iition on llm tst ic ot t ll lleillliie, late ot GrecnwiHitt t()u ri-tnlp. i ' o deceased, hale been grunted In the i;eist r of Fnltl county, to. I. s. lleillliie nml it wntts, of i.reen. wood loniishbi. All iikoiis luivlii',-ci dm, naln l, theesliitenr the il'eeti.'iit. uiv i.'imst lloen ent them for settlement, nnu thus,' in I. hi . t, t a. i r t tI to make luivinenl lo the until r-1 u tlniii.uii -i.i ors vvllnutil delay. Jtm.iM . 1.1 i,i.,i, , . lXl.Vs vv VI is, Seit ti, '-Mi. Aduiinlitiators. j-oncH to cuiiDiToits. ' lllllltf M. under the ,, i.l rr r r u ...... land, of centrum, fur the bei.t ,lt . t creditor,, iho juld llcmgliind h is iiipll"il to th (. . urt of t oimntui I'leiisof i ultiuibla county tun v.. s,-t dde rurlho iisiM ttheniwIgiinr ntntlils family eeitaln iniMcs and Ihltigs not oxeeeilliig in vul" nt tin mu ,1,,,. Illi'lll th-ixsif lliree htlndl'eil 11 ll il-s, Nnw, t Here roie. Iiollee Is hereby given tin I apnllcillnn will bo nude on Uio llest ilai of Deei , imr term of euurt net. n-.itii tin isi-n,d i r lliouseiirori'aild.ii.eiiithlesni Hi rs in jiidmi l.ralsenient s,,.ellled. .,. J. iiiiai.I. T UV . ti to It, oltinibla county Mutual Mat Ing Funds Loan Aus, vs. Stephen It. Wolf nnd Mat la, his wife In Ih Court nf ( y, rion no, tv. ot Columbia l tin. I.evnil Fuelai. Nos , and u;. s picm. ber t ini, Is.n, ,lhennillli,riiiiioliiteilb.vtlio.,,urtt m d.e dl ,trl. billion of Hie funds lucouit jiro meed In the Mu". Ill'n sale mider theiibovo wills wm nti mi tiiim tnlav tin ' tiiiii; ot November, his, at 10 o'clock . .Mnthl ui.i- in Hie I own of Blooiiisliiirir, when nnd wiierealliMin,,. liilereMHdiire reiiulied lomik ilielrcl.iliiit.huwii or bo debarred fromeouihii In uinn s.iltl tiinil. Nov, ti- 4t. Auditor. "1 7 X IX' UTO I t'S .NOT I CM. JL J I'STATK Ol' JOIIV Mfl.tCK, HECK ISFO. a;tler tentainentary on the ist teof Jr Im Mel. teli, lalo of scotl ton'iishli I'oltintbla eountv, at ee,. . ed, halo been Kruutod by the !te,'ntcruf sar I tunn. t to I, .M. C. ll.llick-, of scl.ilttoii, 1" Kietlir lo wliiiui all pci'Miits Ipdebied are re mesl si to liauneiit, and tluwo li.ivtiitr elalnis or it. inainls nifulnst tho said estate will make them known t . 11 it sail Bxecutor wit bout delay. . .1. M. t. ItWi .. Nov.S.-Cw. lxecii ti'. ITIXI'XTTOK'S NOTIt'K. Ji iisrAiKor nsTiicit miinnit, nrcKA'-iKti, iterstesl iiiieiiiarvonlii'iMti on: , , i , .,. lale of Madison towuMtllM'olulllbl icotlllt .if I have been itraiited by the llcrlsti rof snl.1 e ami . i ', D. A. Wilson, of Matilsiui tnw-iisiiiti, coiiitntil , n ty, IM, lAeeulor, to whom all , ,' ti tint, nt ui', s.iltl etaio are ietueted to make i.ijiut'iii un.l thusn h.ivlni! claims or demands tii'aln it tli nt I'Ktuto will make Ihcm known to the Kil.l l eut jr without delay. Ji. a. l ATS'j' Nov. 5 Ct. i:xi 'in ir BY.viirrn: of si-miiiv whits issi pd otitot IhoCoirtof i:oin:no:i I'l as am! to mo directed will be exposed to pillule Hate ut the Couil llotihe, In Bloumsbur, on MO.VDAY, OIX'KMIIKll 0, 1S70, nt ono o'clock, 1". si., All that certain farm or piece of land situate in Briarcreek township, Columbia eountv, bound, si ami (lescilbed us follows : Beginning at a Mont-corner on lino of l.intl of Mart, thence by the una north eighty degrees east eleven nnd elght-t nibs perches lo a si one, thence south one degree east ten ami two tenths perches ton stone, theiuv norm light' degrees east seventy-eight iind tw-o-tuntin Jterches to u stone, thence .south one degree eu ,t t.ui tnel l-ltipeiches tu iistoiie.theneeliv land of J. IXius north suvenl v-ctght and u half d-grs's ea.t one hundred and f.iur and ono-lenlh pereht h to u stone, theneo by land of Jmnes Liimon ninth on,' de'iuo west tvvcuty-ronr nml eight-tent lis ierehes to u p,,-t, tlienco north fcci'dily-slx and on.'-rourth degr.-es east tw'entv-tlvo anil nine tenths pert lies ton stone, thence by laud ot v llllam Van Pelt it. a Hi 1 1 'lit nml on. fourth degrees vvest eighty-seven peri'le's lo a hickory tree, theneo south eight and iiirce-r.iuith degrees wo-,1 one hundred ami seveniy-iilii'1 anil seveli-tentiipeielies loa stoueeorner tit tlte o.tst l.le ot the public road, thence by land of said John i.i'av ner siiuth thhiy-slK degrees west Ihhlj flv 1 and eiglit-tenlh tierelios to it stone, thence s u h "he degree east Iwentv-cLht peiehes toaiedoak.thenee south eleven degrees west forty-lx perehea to the Place of beginning; eoiitalnlng one hundied and thlrty-iilno acres and one hundred perches, st rh t measure, mote or less, with the iippuit.'iianee ; ..n which are vrett da two story dwelling house, barn and outbuilding-. seUetl, taken lnloeeeutton, and to bo sold us tho properly ot Johu W. Hawk. ALSO, Ail the following real estate, to w It, situated In tho township of Seult, county nt Columbia, and or I vnnsxUanla. Iiouniled ami ile.scilhed as rollims il -ou Iho north by I md of John Vaiill' iv, on the easi in lands ot VVllltim Mairimd David the smith In main road ntul lands of Divld, on the wesi In lands of Keos' 1'alna in, upon whleli Is erected, i two story frame house and outbuildings, containing one hundred nnd twenl-llve netes, more or less. seized, taken Into evecul Ion, and to bo bold us thu property ot Chatles Lee. ALSO, All that certain lot ot land sltualn lu Iho town of Ilspy, .-cutl tiiHiishlii, Columhla iMunit,liiiimdi-tl.i.v Mtilkot stlect ou tho west, lot of- turtle! Illilli'tu it on the ninth, lot of Stephen Aeheitiiach on tin . , t, nml uu alley on the south, when ui are eie.a da frame dwelling and outbuildings, with i nt .ip ptirlonancc!. seueil, taken Into execution, and tj be sold ui tho property of c. VV. Trump. Al.fc'0, All that certain lot ot ground situate lu th .,wn of L'tttawlssi. Catawissa towiishlo.t oiuiiiui.t . oiitj. bounded en the itui'lli (to leeli by I mil or i I.. Hal tier, on the east (i.v feet) b public n,a I to t.a - i mill, on the south (I 5 feet) by loi ot s. i. umi.., and ou the west !;.'.', feel) ti,t I'liurttistre. t, on i, nl ii are erected u ono and ahalf bton tlm lung hmi-e, a stable and outbuildings, seized, taken Into execution, and to be a.lil as t It. propel lj of Isaac Thompson. All that certain piec" ot land In seolt I nm-iii , Coliimblicounti, boiiin li'il on thoiiortti b .ip'tmi roail, on t l,o east b Ian. In! Klch.iril Kinisw ,rtn . n the Huulli by land uf Moore crovellng, and on in west by l.tml oftieorge Tiiumio; cuiitalniii r aiion oue-rourlh of tin ucie, more or Ii s, wiiei n ure erected a two story iranio house and out buUUIn ,. with the appurtenances. sel.ed taken Into execution and to bo sold as the proier!y ot Samuel II Iless. A IO, All tu it, eerliln messtii;o anil farm, c ntilnliL ono hull Ired and thirty four acres, lutitv or le ,s In Orange township, iitlj.ilnlng lands of the hobs of lieorge Kline, Daniel Klin-, and bounded in pot also by Fishing creel:, helug Hie same premises u. Voletl by 1-.. II. lilckells nnd wlf; to IVUT Bellas, oil which Is erected a frame divcoU-i.' hous.-, u bank barn, and outbuildings. ALSO, right acres of timber lafid, bo tho same more or less, In tlio township ot Orange, n.lj ilulm,- lands of Jesso llrumstetk-r, Joseph itWinrt, James Lv.s, ll.triinaii ant! others, betng then unu pruul m-.ui-ve.ved to I'etiu-Bellas liy James lives mid wire, i -get her with the heieilltami'iilsinid ,n ptnieuan. i . Seized, taken Into execution met to be sold ic- the property ot Charles Lie. ALSO, All that certain real estate situate In lTshingei k township, bounded ns follows: on Hie north in 'I lie odore I .trier, ou the west by Philip Appl .1111111, .1. seph I'lillmer 011 tlio east, by Alfred Preston on tli. south, containing one huutheil and twenti-sci. 11 acres, more or less, whereon uru erected a two-sturv house, 11 barn, 11ml 0111 buildings. selzetl takm Into execution, iind to bo sold us tlio propel ly of Jacob 1'an or. sr. ALSO, All that certain into! ground Mutate m thelmi ough of Berwick, lu the county ot i'oiiiiub 1. and stale of l'eunslvtuil.i, liti.imled en Hie iiorihle seventh street, on tl asl bj I'hestuut -in t.on Ihesoulhb Mm sireel, antl on Iho w.stln ui.,t beliuigliig tu the building association, knuuiia. ihe prop,.tv, sltii.n n, mo Uuroilgh of in nil. k liter, said; on which aro erected a dwelling h..ti,e mid out buildings. ALSO, Two other lots hounded ou the norlhbv IIL'hi.. street, east In i'hestuut street, south In Si ,.-iith street, nnd west by lot of Burtres iiirrlson; said lorn being 49 feet by leet tn length. seized, taken Into exeeuilon, and lu I e sold as tin property ot Margaret I'ai ku uud Amos I'ai ks. ALSO, All Iho following real cstato to wit, situate in the towiisiilp or Heaver, count of fuluinUa, anil stale ol I'emiSj Ivaiila, bounded mid described as rotluus. viz 011 the 1101th and east b.v lands of Je hso Joiiiisou, on the south bj lands nf Iho heirs of Tli.iauss.;,n,,,,n, uiu1 on Iho ttost b.v lands of Henry Hustler and 'I homas Lilt, containing eighty ueres, mine 01 it ss, whereon are creeled a two stor) frame dwelling house bulk barn and, outbuildings, with the iippurli nances. Seized, taken Into execution, and to bo bold us tlio propel ty of iv llllam smith. ALSO, All that certain leal estate situate In lirecnwood tOWIlshlo. I'olumbl eti'iuty. hounded nml (lesi' as follows: bv lands of John c. lleh, north ss de grees west n perehesi b lands of John Bobbins' heirs, nut th 1 degieos east a'J H-rehes ; by lunis ot Jesso Keslcr, south M degreos east ion perches; of David Hosier, south as degiees cu-o'a in-iches; llienee suiitli 81 degieus west is pel this to place of beginning! containing forty ucrus mid nii.v.two lierehes, more or less, on which are elected a frame duel lug house anil oulbulltllugs. selziil, takt 11 lino i xeeutlou, and lo bo'sold us the pi o peil of Kphrulm c. Kesicr. ALSO, All that certain piece ot ground bltuato In locust lovTiishh). Columbia county, bounded by lands of Cenrgo lluntzcl on Iheuoith, of John Kiluo ou Iho bouth, o! lieorge Beaver on tlio west, it ltd of en tho east, containing into hundred acres, more or less, M led, Inken Into execution, nnd to bo sold as tha propel! of John Ithudcu and Joseph Bhodcs, MICHAEL UHOVL'lt, Mierlll's onice, bheilff. Bloomsburg, Nov. s, 1815 CONFESSIONS OF A VICTIM. Published nsa wnrnlnL' nml r,.r 1 1,. 1,. .., nt r . r.n men mid uthcrs who sutler Iruni Nnous Delilllt.'! Loss ot Womanhood, lie., irivini. t,i niics . s. n. cuie, utlir underifolug ii.ucli miiTuiiik siidi-Mnnse, and tmiuttl Ireo 011 n,rtlilr,L- a 1 .-.. ,1,1 ,1. n.I envclojio. Addresu Naiumkl Mav.iik. I". 0, Box iw, iiroosi!!, n, , juij ,'I&-Cm KSl'Y STEAJI FLOUtlKy mil, m'Y, ) a STOUT ic I1HEISCH ntOtMUKTOHR. Ciiieiol di uk is In 1 imr, i.iiu, torn dihb to biutr, III- ft. CU8-ulkiu