THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA Agricultural. Mannsemciit of llalky Hones Tlio first and boiler way U never to havo n balky horse, irtiorscs nrc liandknl prop erly they will never balk. Alter a horse bai been "foolrd," as horsemen very properly ay when a horso balk, It will require, ix VAst amount of caution management to cor rect tlio bad habit. Horses aro taught to balk by stupid drivers, who havo really less good senso than tlio animal they drive. Many strong and excellent horses aro man aged so Imperfectly that they soon becomo almost lncorrlglblo baiters; whereas, If a driver of ordinary Intelligence) had held tlio reins, tlio animals would havo always been as tmo as steel. If a horso Is properly man- nied ho will draw with all his might, trot or run as his driver may Indicate, until ho drops in his harness from exhaustion, After a horso has really contracted the habit of balking, the vico ran only bo cor rected by kindness and gentlo treatment. Tito more he Is whipped, kicked, clubbed, and handled roughly, the more obstlnato ho will be. Hence, throw away whips and clubs, and let tlio gentlo treatment bear rule. Then, beware of overloading. A person can coax out of a horso a service that whips and kicks never can secure. Always provide somo means to cnablo a team to start a hc:v vy load easily. Avoid stopping if possiblo where It will be difficult to start. It is better to let a team stop for a moment, ten times, when hauling n lead up a slope, than to allow It to Btop In a placo where it would bo difficult to start. The writer once was accustomed to carry pieces of plank to the Held for the wheels of the wagon to rest upon while it Is being loaded with potatoes orcorn bo that tho team would move oil' readily with a heavy load, that they could never start if tho wheels had been allowed to sink into the ground whilo tho load was increas ing in weight. When a horso balks on ac count of exhaustion, allow the animal to rest until he has recovered strength to draw his load. Above all beware of too heavy loud, of impatience or roughness, and over loading. Practical farmer. Keeping Apples through tlio Winter. Jlr. Alexander Hyde, a well known agricub turist of Massachusetts, communicates to tho New York Times somo useful suggestions in reirard to kcepine apples through tho win ter. Ono method is to wrap each apple a bit of old newspaper, the paper serving both to keep out the air and to prevent the apple from bruising In transportation method more effectual still is to fill the bar rels nearly full of apples and thea put in some dry fine sand or powdered plaster and shake It down gently. This will fill up all the intcre&ticcs between the apples and keep them fresh indefinitely. Another mode is to put the apples in some dry, sandy or gravelly soil just as turnips and potatoes are pitted. On this point Mr. Hyde says: "They will keep splendidly through the winter thus pitted, but must be used speedily in the spring after they aro dug out, as they will rot soon after exposure to tho light and air. In order to pit apples, select some dry spot whero there is no possibility of water filling the pit, and dig a hole threo or four feet deep and of any required size, place somo clean dry straw on the bottom and on this tho apples to tho depth of two feet, cov ering the whole with a layer of straw and then a layer of dry earth, raising tho latter above the general level of the ground and sloping it roof fashion, so that it will shed rain. Tho apples will come out in the spring as crisp as cabbage when pitted in this way." Hone Fodder. Tho practice of feeding horses with hay by the truss is wasteful in the extreme. Much of the hay placed in the rack is pulled out and trodden under foot by the horses, who uso it, not for food but or amusement. By cutting a truss of hay into chaff every blado of it will be con sumed, and it will bo found that three-quv-tersof a pound of cut hay will go as far as one pound of uncut hay in the daily rations of a horse. Coachmen and grooms in pri vate stables do not like tho system of feed ing horses on mixed forage namely on bruised oats, chaff maiso given together because owing to the bulk of tho forago sup plied being more easily weighed, the facili ties ior fraud aro diminished. It is Btatcd that an English omnibus company have for many years adopted the plan of mixed for age, and no ono can look at their horses without being btruck by their admirable con dition, notwithstanding hard work. A producer of pork in Muskingum coun ty, Ohio, who has made an experiment with hogs with a view to ascertain how far cold retards the rate of fattening, reports tho fol lowing results: Carefully weighing the hogs fed, and the corn fed to thsm, and estimating pork at four cents per pound, be found that what he had fed out during the first wetk in October returned (in p0rk) 80 cents per bushel; tho first week in November, CO cents, the third week 40. the fourth week in Nov ember asd the month of December, 25; the first half of January, 5; the last balf,0. It gradually grew colder till the latter part of November, from which time it remained about stationary till tho 1st of January, after which it rac down to zero, and below in the latter part of tho month. Tho hogs were well sheltered in a good pen with plank floor. Agricultural Ileport. Saving Seed Corn. In gathering corn, take such ears only as aro finest and from the mostnrnlifin Ht.-ilt Never take from a stalk having but ono ear, u large ana tnrilty stalks can be round with two or more cootl sized ears. Generally lint one of them is fit for seed, and that usually the second one from tho ground; but if the lowest is the best take that. Alwavs take mu curs mai are niieu out 10 mo cuu, ana I nr. run navnnn Tim i.nai r liik t ton i.n 1 1, , , . , . I lmh f'fui 14 finr.fl tin ifir. it it in nm I ha I- 11 it not tho amount of land that makes ) farm rich, but the amount well improved, . few acres tilled to their utmost extent of i iiit.-i riM i -i . 4 4 f i. III i 1.!. J.ll.. i 1 1 T Will EIL1L II 1M IHhL (lllllill 111 II1I111. II II 11 I'll III lent lor hia Iiouhq and mrmlnrr tools, ana in fI !. ...J. 1 1 1 I. II lit: I V"I1111U LUBtB U LI L Ui 11 IJUIlUItU ilU (Till. ft 1 1 .1 If.. I .1 l.t.. I4 .1 it 1 Jt ifll rule of those who choo&e far miner fur I mil vifnTfauaTrtH Never put a particle of soup about your iivap it vn I wiu I in rf.rniii iiu nritrinni innirp -.1 1 ...l.ft! 1 1 1 'Pl. i. r r.l. 1.1. i .!!..,.. .(..!, UjI,. CUM ... IMV V..J V. ....,-. J "'VI9 IHfll IMVII BIMWI "J " t In soapsuds, us It makes It look like pewter." At York, Me., an old apple tree has jut ..n .nf .inivti waa lirnilrrht from Kn land In a tub In 1029, and has borne fruit very y wr luce. Young Folks. TIIK DOVE MAIDEN. A CATSK1LL i'AIRV TALK A littlo boy and girl were trudging home from school, swinging their luncheon basket between them. Tho littlo girl's faco was prcttfynnd good humored; tho boy had an ugly habit of frowning nnd shutting his mouth firmly when any thing did not please lim. Tho sister had only to find tho largest slice of buttored bread in tho luncheon bas ket to bi ing this ugly scowl ; nnd tho good school-mistress said that Otto would make neither a kind nor generous man if ho did not mend that troublesome temper of his. Tho evening was clear and beautiful. You never saw a country like tuat through which these children walked, Job. The laud was very level, and protected by dykes from tho overflow of tho sea. Tho meadows wcro rich with grass and wild flowers, whero large herds of sleek cattlo fc.1 j and canals wound in and out among theso fields, with barges floating along on their clear waters. If you were not an ignorant boy, Job, you -would know at a glanco that this country was Hoi land, where tho first Dutch settlers of New York came from,evcn as Nip's Yankco giant landed on tho coast of New England. The boy and girl, Otto and Sophia Snyder by name, had entered tno wido meadow which alone separated them lrom their home. "Let us rest a while," said Otto, throwing himself on tho ground J and Sophia followed ihs example. The grass rose like a green sea all about them. Over against tho sky was the neat vlllago whero they lived, tho red-roofed houses shaded by willow-trees. Otto knew Aunt Katrine would expect him to feed the hens and pigs, as well as to drive tho cows home; still ho sat In tho grass. They talked about tho beetles toiling at their feet, the busy, hurrying nnts, and Otto tried to catch a pretty field-mouse that dart ed past him to hide in the ground. "If I could find the nest, what fun it would bo to take the baby micol" exclaimed tho boy, crawling along on his hands awl knees to the spot where tho mouse had disappeared, Threo storks were roaming by the water' side, among flags and osiers, in search of frogs. Oh, Otto! look up there I" cried Sophia, pointing to the sky. Otto forgot the hunted mouse in a moment, and sprang to his feet to gaze in tho direc tion indicated by his sister. High up in the air were two doves, with feathers of dazzling whiteness, that soared along unconscious of danger. A large black hawk was winging its swift flight in. keen pursuit of the pretty doves. At last tho birds seemed to become awaro of their peril, for the hawk darted above them, prepared to swoop down on the helpless mates. The children, who had watched their movements with breathless in terest, now saw them circle nearer and near er to the earth in their terror of the cruel en. cmy in pursuit. "Dear littlo birds, I will shelter you,"cried Sophia, holding ont her upron in her eager ness to save them. The doves sank into tho apron, exhausted with fatigue and fear, and tho girl clasped them in her arms. The hawk dashed down until his sharp beat and glittering eyes were close to Sophia's face: and she screamed with terror, but Bhc did not drop tho doves. JNow came the ugly frown on Otto's face. Ho seized a stick and aimed a blow at the bold hawk. "Tho doves belong to us I Let me see you touch them 1" he shonted, angrily. I he hawk gave a hoarse shriek of rage and disappointment, then roso slowly in the air, and flew away in search of other game. Tho children cautiously uncovered tho birds to admire them, and Otto held one, while Sophia carried the other. Never wcro such lovely birds seen. Their plumago was snowy on the wings, and shaded to crimson and emerald green on tho breasts. Around each slender neck was fastened a gold chain stud ded with jewels, which flashed in tho sun like a circlet of fire. The captives were restless to resumo their flight after tho danger was over ; but the children had no idea of losing such charm ing pets, so they carried them homo in spite of their frantic efforts to escape Xhe villago was as clean as constant scrub bing by the tidy housewives could make it. You should havo seen Aunt Katrine, rain or shine, polish the door step, just as they do still in the city of Philadelphia. Tho vlllago people were already drinkiug tea after the day's labors, and tho children passed open doors which afforded glimpses of tables, shelves and earthenware, all spotless pure. Auut Katrine was surprised to see the prizes tho children had captured at the ex pense of being late to supper. She put on her spectacles and held up her hands. "I never saw doves with chains around their necks," she declared. "I shall take mine off," said Otto resolute ly. Ho untwined the chain, and tho dove im mediately changed to a little girl with soft brown hair, her dress of somo delicate fabric, like a cobweb, embroidered with silver stars. with silver shoes on her feet, and a cap of saver on her head, bho was unliko any ono that Aunt Katrine had ever seen, and tho children thought her an angel. The other dove no sooner saw tho transform matlou of its mate than it gavo a loud note of alarm, and slipping through Sophia's fat fingers, soared high in the air. Sophia was staring so earnestly at the stranger child that she did not recover her wits until her pet was out of reach. The dove child, remaining below, gazed about worfdcringly for a moment, and then sprang up into the air and tried to snatch the chain from Otto's grasp, Sho nearly sue ceeded In doing so, but tho boy was larger and stronger, and held it in his grasp. "This belongs to me, and you do too," he said, irowning. "When I am a man I shall take the chain to Rotterdam, and sell it for a pot of money." Aunt Katrine and Sophia were very kind to the stranger. They stroked her fair hui and admired her (liens, while greedy Otter ran away to hide tho precious chain in a particular nook behind the beam, whero he kept a bird trap and fishing-rod. When sup per was served, tho dove child pecked dainti ly at tho coarse bread, but sho could uo'. talk beyond making littlo cooing sound qulto like a dove. Auut Katrine took off her star-spangled robo and laid it away carefully for holidays j then she was dressed just like Sophia in a woolen petticoat uud apron, yet sho seemed a princess beside tho honest littlo peasant lass ; and you could have made nothing else of her, she was so pretty and delicute. The children both learned to love her after their own fashion. Otto considered that he owned her, and ho scolded her us ho did Sophia when she displeased him ; yet ho would not allow others to be rude to her, especially In the school, where all tho village children met together, 7b t wi'taW, THE MEDICINE THAT CURES Taltlmr into ennld.,rntl in tlift nf Us voucher,, the history nf in circs nnd tlio lmmcnso Inci casing demand, VKdF.ri n mtiy bo ralrly entitled tho loading medicine ut tho tntc. Tor scrofula In tho blood, Vkuf.tink Is fin Infallible remedy.nndno person i.eodsuiTerfromtuniorvilccrs nnd till dtcoasesnrlsln,f from ltnpuro blood, If Vkof. tisb is used ncconUni to directions '1 Hero Is not n case of scrotnln In oxlsteticii VcmtriNti will not euro provided, however, tho it.U functions lmvo not lost their power of action, nil that may bo said to tho contrary notwithstanding. uosnsi! li pteaiant t tho taste, mild In its Influ ence, mi j absolute in inaction on disease, as tho iouow ing unnuesuonauio ct uicnco in snow. PAID NEARLY $400.00 ! ! .TANtTAHV 2. 1S73. 11. It, Strveks, Kacjt Dear Sir.: when about six years old I was vac cinated. Tho parties who were vaccinated from tho satno virus died from tho humor. Tho humorspread over me to such an extent that I was rolled In bran to prevent mo from scratching my person, Tho dis ease flnallv nettled In inrhead. I remained In this condition nbout twenty years, troubled nil tho tlmo mm Rorei urcuKiug m my ncau anil uiscnnrtfins; cor ruption from my ear. At this ttino n small kernel appeared on my neck, gradually lncreaslmflnslzo until a tumor formed of such an Immense slzo 1 could see It by turning my e) es downward. All this tlmo l wns latum? various remcuies ior my oioou wuuoui any substantial bencttt. I then went to a prominent physician In IloMon who, durlmr hU treatment of nit months, lanced tho tumor clslit times, which cost me nearly Hoo. Thti left mo with n rou"h,nEnrrnvated sore, without at an rllmlnlshlnir tho suo of tho tumor, nud a sickly, tee bio condition. I consulted another physician In .Nat lck. who. after considerable tlmo. Riicceedod In heal- incr the soro without reducing tho size. At this rtolnt I commenced to uso Veoetink, through tho earnest persuasion of a friend. After I had taken this meilb clno about ono week I exiwrleneed wonderful sensa tions. Jly whole body scorned to bo underirolnff a radical chansro. until, iliullv. tho tumor broko and discharged frightful quantities. From Ihls llmo It decreased In slzo until tho bunch disappeared, but my neck still bears tho ugly scars of tho soru and lanco. I am now healthy and btrong nnd nblo to wors overy uay. I vill also mention that I have been an acuta suf fcrerfrom lnnamntory rheumatism ever fclnco I can remember, until (commencing tho uso of Vimetine. when almost Immediately all rheumatic pains ceased. This st 'foment I volunteer for tho purpose of bene fiting other sutTerlng humanity, arfd you will confer a favor by giving it as much publicity us thought prupur. Very gratefully, O. JI. MAVELS, Ashland, Mass. WHAT ISVEGETINE? It Is a compound extracted from barks, roots nnd herbs. It Is nature's remedy. It It pert ectly harm less from nnr bad effect upon tho system, It Is nourishing and strengthening. It ucts directly upon the blood. It quiets tho nervous system. Itgltcs jou a good, sweet Bleep at night, it Is a great pana cea for our aged fathers nnd mothers, tor it gives mem. SLrengiu, quieis lueir nerves, and gives mein natures sweet sleepas has been proved by many an ugediierson. ltlstuog.'cat Blood 1'urlllar. Itlaa soothing remedy for children. It ha relieved nnd cured thousands. It Is very pleasant totako! every child likes it. It relieves and cures all diseases originating from lmpuro blood. Try tho Vkoktink. Gtvo It ix fair trial for your complaints ; then you will suy iu yuur inenu, jieiguuur uuu ucquaiuuiuee, "iry Report from a Practical Chemist and Apotnccary. HoflTflN. Jan. 1. 1974. Dear Sir! This Is to certify that I have sold at ro- uiu iHi uozen (iss oouicsi oi vour veuetinb sinco AnrlllO IfiTfl ... Inilu l.u Ihn, 111... nfmn lha a. . w, u.w, LUll UIJ OlVJf UJU.I. lino , UU tt. best satisfaction of any remedy for tho complaints iur wuicn it. wai recomracDuca mat i ever som. Bcarctly nday passes without some of my customers iceiuyicgio iui mention memseivos or ineir menus, I am perfectly cognizant of fifveral cases of tscrofu. lous Tumors being cured by VtuEiiNu alone In this Very respectfu'ly, yours, AL. OILMAN, 408 Broadway. To II. It. Stevens, Esq. Vegetine is Sold by All Druggists. HENDERSHOTT'S )w& raws OPPOSITE THE CENTRAL IIOTKL. Has a complete stoclc of pure nnd rcllablo DltUOS, MEDICINES, OUEMICALS, DYES, ACIDS, SOAPS, SODA, SODA ASH, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, PUTTY, VARNISHES AND ALL PAINTERS SUPPLIES, SPONOES, 11RUSII ES, PERFUMERY, &C, AT VERY LOW PRICES. Country "Produce taken In cxcliango for Drugs, Medicines, Dyes, &c flit CENTRALIS?! STORE. nave a carefully selected stock of cholco TEAS, COFFEE, SUOAIt, SPICES, SOAP, PICKELS, SAUCES, FISH, HAMS, CANNED 1'BUITS, VEGETABLES AND OTHER FINE GROCER IES, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC Fruits, Nuts and Confectionary, all at the lowest possiblo prices. tycountry Produce taken in Bloomsburg, March 1, 1875-y llOLLINS & HOLMES No. IT Centre atro Plmnte Gas and Steam Filters MANUFACTURERS OF TINWARE, GALVANIZED IRON CORNICE, WINDOW CArS, AWNINGS, Wire Trollises, &c. Dealers in Stoves, Kang es, Furnaces, Baltimore Heaters, Low Down Orates, Mantels, PUMPS, Weather Strips, GAS FIXTURES of the latcbt design. Special attention paid to ro palrinjf SewlnK Machines of every description. Scales, Locks, Hell Ilauirtnir, Key Filling, Ac. I'rtvato Heal' dences Heated bybttamat a small cost above Hot Air. Feb. il.H-it. TVTKW YOHK TItl HUNK. "Tl I K UOA l IV INO AMERICAN NKWSPAl'EIt."-TIIE IIEDT otYkutWINO MEDIUM. Dally, tlO u year. Semi- POBtuiro Free to the Subscriber. Hiwimnn rr,nir.a and Advertising Hatts Free. Weekly, in clubs of so or more' only JI, postage paid. Address Tuk'I'm. bcmk.N.V. Jan lOTD-ly. A DVKHTISING: Cheap! Good: Systcma Ux, tic. All persons who conoemplato making eon trutrawlUi newspapers tor tho insertion of adver tisements, should send us rents to Geo. 1'. Itowell n luitb jiuiv, pciy joric, ior uieir i AturiiLEir. BOOK nlnety.8ceutb edition.) containing Hats of riVPr VfWflfl n...l ..u. .... C.. ......... . i. .. ' uu CJU,n. . D t.U'1 I'OltlUUKOi DUUI.I1IZ 111U cost. Advertisements taken for leading papers In ..tuiij niuii-a ut n iivuienuuua rcuutliuu jrom put) Ushers' ralis. Git Tim I'oox. Juu. itns-ly. TO $20 per tlay. Agents wanted. All classes of worklnir noonle of both sexes, vaunt nud old, makoraoreiiloneyutuorkforus,lnthurown localities, during their spare moments, or nil tho tlmo, than ut unj thing else. Wo oiler employment that will pay handsomely for every hour's work. Fuil particulars, terms, va., send us your address at onee. Don't delay. Now Is tho llmo. Don't look for work or business ebewheru. until ou have learn. ed what we oiler. O, Kiinson & Co., Portland, Maine. THIS J'irlK IS ON ITTK WITH 0WELL & rHESMAN Advertising Agents, THIRP 4 CHWHUT STB,) 8T. LOUID, MO NBWI EW STOCK OF CLOTHING. AND G-ontlemon's Dress Goods. DAVID LOWENDElia Invites attention to Ills large andelcifantstock of lieaii and at Ms store on MAIN STREET, IN THE NEW 1ILOCK, ULooMsnuiia, ta., whero ho has Just received from New York nnd Phil adelphia n full assortment of MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING, Including tho most fashionable, durable, and nauasomo DRESS CJOOBS, CONSISTING 01' uox SACK, FKOClv. GUM AND OIL CLOTH, COATS AND PANTS, OP ALL SORTS SIZES AND COLOHS, Ho has also replenished his already large stock of CLOTHS AND CASS1MEHES, VIOUItED and:plain VESTS, STRIPED. SiIIKTS, CRAVATS SOCKS, COLLARS, HANDKERCHIEFS, GLOVES, ISUSI'ENDEHS, AND FANCY ARTICLES. He has constantly on hand a largo and well select ed assortment of Cloths and Vestings, which ho Is prepared to mako to order Into any kind of clothing, on very short notice, and In the best manner. All his clothing Is mado to wear ana most of It Is of homo manufacture. GOLD WATCHES AND JEWELUY, OF EVERY DESCKIPTION, FINE AND CHEAP, HIS CASE OF JEWELRY 18 NOT SURPASSED IN THIS PLACE. CALL AND EXAMINE HIS GENERAL ASSORT MENT OF Clothing, Watches, J e wi ry, tScc. DAVID LOWENBEItG. uly l.TS-tf. J. EVANS, READY MADE AND CUSTOM MADE CLOTHING. HE HAS THE FINEST GOODS, LATEST STYLES, AND EMPLOYS THE BEST WORKMEN For Good Fits and Promptness la filling orders thero Is tno placo to go. His coods aro selected with care and his CUSVUM WORK will compare favorably with tho b06t effort of the fashionable city Dealer. HE KEEPS A LARGE STOCK OF BOYS' & CHILDREN'S CLOTHING AND GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS At Astonishingly Low Prices. A. J. EVANS. July 1, 18TJ-tf. AGENTS WANTED. A LIBRARY' IN ONE BOOK. Tho Wisest nnd mnht brilliant literary peinn of f Arte ifaiuuna yean, solectcd from moro't ban 500 Authors, Poets, Reformers, Theologians, Statesmen, Philosophers & Wits, whose renins has Illumined tho world. This new cv. clopedu of thought Is arranged by topics in lllustru- wuu ui uiu uuapei hiury oi lurisi, primcu icrreier enco at tho foot of tho Daco. Other snectal features of this remarkablo book, entitled CIIKIKT I. IflTint.lTUKK aro given In our circular. Tho book is edited by Is handsomely illustrated, and Is In all rcspcctB an elegant and valuable work. Clergymen, Teachers, Agents, all who wish to earn money, should upnlv Immediately for tcrm and territory to J. H, FORD fc CX)., I'ubitslters, il Park Place, New York. i;. a- i it AN ACTUAL BUSINESS INSTITUTION AND TULEaitAPIlIU NST1TUTE. For Information call at omc, or send for Couku xtiTSRTisnH, Junesit-lv $1,200 PROFIT on $100 Invested In Stock Privileges In Wall street. Docks I and UrcuUri telling, "How 'IU dene," sent tree. Address !uxux0o., liuikus, it Wall bt., Nv tort. 1 GRAND OPENING ! ERAS MENDENHALL HAVING resumed tlio butness (if Mcrclintv discing at tits old Store, on MAIN STKEET, llLOOMSHUKO, xiun the ronts hotel, Desires to rail tho attention of his Friends and the Publio gencrnlly.o tils NEW, rULL AND VARIED STOCK OF GOODS, JUST OPENED, And solicits asharo of public pntronago HIS STOCK CONSISTS OF DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, QUEENSWAHE, WOODENWAHE, WILLOWWAHE, HOOTS & SHOES, HARDWARE, FLOUR AND FEED In connection with his stoek of Mtrcuandlso he constantly keeps on hand In Ids yard, A rULL STOCK OF AND SHINGLES OF HIS MANUFACTURE. Bill Lumber made a speciality. CALL AND SEE. Oct. 8, 1ST3 tf. A GREAT STRIDE ! Vp mill Over Old ItletlioilH found to uu faulty, or oiijcciioii alilc, (UtiOardL-ii: ; o: - A NEW AND VASTLY ADVANTAGEOUS PLAN HEK211Y ADOPTED I1Y G.HI.&J.K.LOCKARD At their Works in Bloomsburg, Formerly llloomsburg Iron nnd Manufacturing company), wnero win uc Kept constantly on nanu a largo assortment of While anil Itril Asli Anthracite Coal, FOR DOMESTIC PURPOSES, AND CUPULO, BLACKSMITH AND BITUMIN OUS COAL, at prices to suit the trade. All Coal specially pre pared before leaving the Yard. Also Plows and Threshing Machines, and all kinds of Casting and.Machine Work. REPAIRING promptly attended to. They wonld respectfully solicit tho Patronago of tho Public. U.M.&J. K. LOCkAHD, Oct. 8, '78 ly llloomsburg, Pa. BLOOMSBURG MAHBLE WORKS, T. L. GUNTON, Proprietor, MAIN STREET, 11ELOW MARKET. Manufacturer of and Healer in all Kindt of MONUMENTAL MARBLE WORKS Wo uso tho best AMERICAN nnd ITALIAN Marble. Ilo lias oa baud anil furnishes to order MONUMENTS, TOMBS, HEADSTONES, URNS, VASES, Ac. Every variety of Marblo cutting neatly executed at the lowest market prices. A long practical experience- and personal attention to business inake3 thu proprietor confident of giving satisfaction. All orders by mull promptly attended to. P. o. box i7. t3N. 11. ll'ori delivered free of chnrge."iBH Aug. 21, '74-ly. T. L. OUNTON, Proprietor. $38,00 PER TON". REGISTERED TRADE-MARK. A sea fowl denusil imioi'leil exclusively by UMiBl-lll'.l uuiu auiiiu jiuicmu, SOLUBLE MARIEIE SS-UAMGi. r-Phosu Analysis on ench bag and quality guaranteed. Keo suiupies ami urcuure.uii nanu uy ucuicars generally. J0SIA1I J. ALIEN'S SOXS, No- 4 S. Delaware Avenuo Philadelphia, nug. so-st 111 JEB5i!0 A FIRST CLASS NEWSPAPER. DAI1A' ANl7 WEEKLY. Independent in Everything ! Neutral in .Nothing, Opposed to all Corrupt Rings in Municipal, blato and .National Ailiiirs. TUB DAILY TIMES wlllbo lssuod on Saturdav.tho 13th of March next, und every mornlDg thereafter, Bundais excepted, under tho editorial direction of A, it, juui iiirt,, pruned uuihjiucii.v from clear, new type, on a largo folio sheet, containing all the news of tho day, Including tto AbSOt'IA'1 H PltEKa TEI.E (lltAMM, Kpeclal TclegrauH nnd Correspondent 0 from all points (! Interest, and fearless editorial dis cussions of current topics. Price, TWO CiiNTH. .muii BU1KM.111H1U119, pu.iuiKu irtf, mx uuuuni per annum, or lift? ceiitH per mouth, In advanco. Advertisements, mtccn. twenty and thirty cents per Hue, according to pusitlou, The Weekly Times Will be Issued on Saturday, March 20th, weekly thereafter, containing all lmorlant nows of tho week, and compleUi Market and Financial lteporto. Mallod, forono year, postage tree, at tho followD' rates t One Copy ... tlM Ten copies e.uo i neuiv luuit-a io.imi ADVEHTISEMENTH twenty.flvo cents per lino. Remltonies should bo mado by Droits or Post Of fice orders. , Address T.TTE TIMES. . No, it South Severn iiuueet, U PlllLADKU'UIA, SUI GENERIS. 1 v MASON & HAMLIN CABINET ORGANS. UNEQUALEDXUN APPROACHED in capacity and eioollencn by any other". Avardiil a diploma of honors VIENNA, 1873; PARIS, 1867. nil I V American Ortrana ever awarded any nll UnLi' in llnroo, or which present such extruorilb nary f xccllenco a" to command n wide (sale there. A I UAVO awarded hlshent premium! at Inrlni A LVl ft I O trial r.tpoltiun. In Am rlcn welt o r'urope. Outof hundreds Uieroltavo nut linn tlx " all w hero any other organs bato bn preferred. DCPT Declared by Eminent MtHcian;, in both Col hfmUphmii, to bo tllirltlllcd. Beo 'ifcsl'lMOSIAI, t'lllCUf.Alt, will. oi,inlun of than One TliollnmI (Kent free). IMPIPT on hatliw a Mann U Hamlin. Do not I II O I O I take any other. ciil 0lt IxnoFn com mibios for MlUiO Inferior organ, ami for rtaton ofun Iru tin lord o tell nmtthtng tlte. IIPI1I PTVI CP with mot ImiH.rtant Imrrovtv lit II O I 1 LCo menu ever mado. .New solo an.l I'liinlillliilliill Sop. Stll'erll IStuccro an l oilier Cuhcn of new ucli!ii. PIANO-HARP CABINET ORGANS qtiUtto combination of thcw instrument. EASY PAYMENTS. ru,y,?yr pnymcntfl; or rcntod until rent pays for tho organ. OIITAlnPIICP nnl Circulars, with fullpartlc LA I ALUIjUfco nlirsfrw. AddreM MASON ,fc HAMLIN OIHIAN CO., 1M Tremont no TON 25 Union 8unro, KLW VOllKJ or Ml ii 61 Adams Bt CUICAUO, MASON & HAMLIN i. MAY ED OnTAINKD AT WHOLESALE OR RETAIL or L. B. POWELL, SORANTON, Pa. Qtneral Agtnt also far tho celebrated CHICKERINQ PIANOS. ALSO, OF I. K. MILLER. ULOOMSIWllG, PA., Dealer in above Instruments. March 19, '75 y MEW GOODS! A HEAVY STOCK, Cheaper than Ever! S. II. MILLER & SON Have Just Received the largest nud best supply ot CHEAP AND' FASHIONABLE DEI GOODS, Tlicy havo ever offered to weir tl lends and cus tomers. (Jlotlis, Cassimeres, anil Satiaotts for MEN'S WEAK, Cloths, Alapacas, Moriuos, for LADIES' WEAK, CALICOES, MUSLINS, CAMBRICS, and every variety. of Dry Goods desired. STOCK OF Carpets, Mats, Ottomans CLOSED OUT AT COST EAMILY GROCERIES Including all the varieties of COl'l'EES, TEAS and SUGARS, COUNTRY PliODTJCE. and a general supply of articles useful for the table always on hand, CALL AND SEE. Country produce of all kinds taken In ex change for goods at cash prices. Oct. 3074 tf FARMERS TAKE NOTICE It Is of great lmnortanco to you what kind of manuro you apply toyour Whoat Lands this fall. If you want a good crop of wheat next season, am heavy crop of drnss to follow, uso. BATJGH'S Raw Bone Super Phosphate STANDAIID WARRANTED. rutupluiOOtti bags. The base of this Old Established Artlcla Is Iiaw or Unburncd Hones, nnd Its btrength cannot bo tx liaustcd with the crop of Wheat, but will provo ef. fcctl.o on tho following crop of Orass.nnd wlllabo permanently Improve the soil, l'arnicrs look to jour own Interests and provo If what wo Bay about Baugb's Raw Bono Pkoschato Is truo or faUe, and notify us of tho result Make application for It early to our ncarest.Deaicr In Manures, and It sou cannot socuro it through tnera: send your orders direct to j our friends BATJGH & SONS. Aug, I0-2t. 1!IIMI)KU'1!IA S UALTIMOIIE. 1110N IN THE I1I.OOI). TlIK I'EKOVIAN StllDP vltallnes and enriches tho blood, tones up tho hjs- tein. uuiKis up uio uroken down, cures d hnorsla Debility, dropsy, chills and lovcrSfurouio uiiLri ua'a tumour affecilons. bolls liuinorf, dlsCLses of the Kiiineju aim mriuuL r, iu' inalo coujilalnUi, &n. Thousands havo been changed t the uso ut tho remedy from weak-, klrklv. hiitferlnir creatures, to stronir. hcaMiy. hannv men and wotnen: and iiivmiu tiuiiiui i uauijuuiy ucsiuiiu iuiiuui, ,... Caution llo Hiiru vou wrct lliu "I'tnuvuN if... . V... .... n nlrii Svuur'Mnot reruvlan Halt.) f-uld by dealers pencr ally, A sic-page tiamphlet, containing a tieatlso on Iron as a in' dlcal agent und other vuluablo papers, tcstlmonUls from dlstlngulfehcd ph, clergy men and others, will bo sent fie to any address. Kktii w. KOWI.E J: Sons, proprietors, hj Harrison A veil ut, puaiuil. LATCIILKY'S Im- nroied ctiCllIlUlt (ion iMisii' ti tho ao- knowledned fcUndnrd of tho market, by popular mulct, tho best pump fur Iheleast money. Attention Is Invited to HlaUldev's Imnro.ed Brack- eLtho Dron check valve, which can bo kLfql withdrawn without dlstuiblng tho Joints, ILItj and tho copper chamber which ncv-r fxfiS cnuks, Kcnles or rusts and will last a life "WflS tlmo. l'urb.ilo bv dealers and tho trade generally. In order tube sure Uuitjou get Illatehlnys I'ui'ip, be careful und beo that It lias my trado mark as above. It you do not knowulicro to buy, descriptive circulars, together wll li the name and address of tho agent nearest you will bo furnished by addrcsstne with stamp, V); Cumiiierco St., 1'hlladelpnla. I'OH SALE II V J. SCHUYLER A SON, Bloomsburg, Pa. iiarcu 6 16-siu riMIE UliST l'AI'KR J. I'silt VAltMEIW. Now York Weekly Tribune ON'H DOLI.AIt rpr vrnr In rlnlia nf thirty nr nvpr. Epecltncn copies free, For terms and commissions, Auuu-bs -inn'iiuL,u.&,it:w xoric. B LANK NOTES,ttU1i or without oiemptlo va BMW a W VVLVH11M W-VVl A A bi) CHEAP AT THE COLUMBIAN OFFICE. The Columbian Printing Estab lishment is amply supplied with the necessary Presses, Types and other material for executing all kinds of Printing at low rate3 and in the most expeditious and satis factory manner. CALL AT THE Columbian Building. COURT HOUSE ALLEY, ULOOMSliUltG, Pa. When special material is required it will be promptly obtained. Books and Pamphlets, Hand-Bills and Dodgers, Largo and Small Poster?, Letter and Bill Heads, Envelopes with Business Cards, t Bussiness, Pic Nie, Wedding and Visiting Cards, Programmes, Bills of Pare, ttc. Will all bo supplied and excuted in superior stylo, at cheap rates and short notice. Tho best aro employed and the best material will always bo furnished. A liberal sharo of public patron ago is respectfully solicited. Bloomsuurc.,' June 18, 1875. RAIL ROAD TIME TABLES IIILADKM'IIA AN'I) lllUDI.VO JtOAl) iVHUAXOEMENT of' 1'ASBliKOHtt 'I'UAINS. . MAV M, 1ST. TitAtN's ixavk ncrncr as rtt.iowfi ti'miArt:.cKrtrii ror New York, I'hllmtclpliln. rrndlMr. PMIWllle TiirnftqiM, c tl,ss ii. in 1 Vr Oalawlssa, ll,n u. ni. and T,IS p. m. for WIUlanwport.M'i a. m, ana ,w ft. in. TltAISSI OK ItUrl.ltT I.LAB AS tTJI lOWf , tlll Ai IX lErTKli.) Leave Kcw York, t,ir. n, m, Ij'ino I'lillndelphla, s,ib n. m, I.ea.o Heading, 11,3 n. in., I'oltSMlle. U.lo n. m nnd Tninaqua, l,so p. in. ix?nvo cataw Hs.t, o,so n, in. nnd 4,(0 p. m. Unu Wllll.nufport, (i,Mn. m. and f,,00 p. in. IMseenjreis to ami Hum nnd I'lilladelplila go through w Ithout chniigo of enra. .1. I!. WOOTIIM, (leneint superintendent. Mays, lSTi-tf. DVWAIti:, LACKAWANNA AND WESTEItN HAlI.liOAI). 11I.OOMSI1U1U. DIVISION. Tlme-Tablo No. ait. Takes effect at :M A. M TiiuiimuY, in:t'i;.Miii:it id, isti. NOltTII, STATIONS. I MH.-T1I. p.m. p.m. li.m. p m. 12 sn hot l ir.l scr.intrm UK s it. w nolle. nr. 12 I H IB 18 II .... TinlnlMlle. J 11 4.-, s t.i I 2,i .Lackawanna... 1 11 :i s it, 1 nt1 ... . 1'ittKtmi.. . i 11 21 T W 1 Hi.. West 1'lttstou... ll iu T r,.i i .f, Wyoming I 11 n 7 44 1 IH) Mnltbv. I v zv 2 1 2 I'll V u i ftl 1 55 il ' 1 3 111 3 15 S 2 8 25 3i 3 r.'l r. 40 a 5 4 16 4 2i r, no n sr, 41 r, mi 7 III 7 11 7 111 7 25 7 tr, 7 4 7 ro 7 5S S 12 8 15 8 35 8 6 0 l '5 7 (I 7 12 7 IS 7 25 7 HH 7 47 7 ft". SIB 8 ro 8 35 S 4-1 S (V. 0 20 10 '4 Is 10 17 1(1 25 10 2'J 34 1' ltd 10 45 in 45 T 4 12 fill Klntnttin 8 25 7 1)5 12 4H . .Mnmdnn a 17 Tin 12 41 ..Ph mouth .lime. s 12 7 25 12 ....Vij mouth .... s "5 7 w 12 3' iondnlp 8.0 7 15 12 2.l JJiuitleoke 7 W 7 6 12 in .UtiiihH'K'x reck. 7 2H il .vi 12 ul . ..Mih-k.-hlnnv 7 tin s.1 il 4H ....lllck's lVrry... il r,7 il 2S 11 33 ....llcach Haven... o is a 2i u ni lierwlck .... 0 Hi 0. 3 n 2 liriuf Creel; 1127 ft 18 it ij ...willow (imve.... 0 20 0 in il il i.imu itidge II Ml fi M 11 H2 1.Vpy. nr.s ri4 to r.r.l . .mocinwinirg 5 51 5 41 1 i 4J import : . r 44 5 34 in 3 fntawlsMv llrldce. I ' Ml in r.-i II on II or. 11 10 11 is II 32 11 411 11 53 12 1 4 IM 4 45 4 61 4 Ml n in 6 12 n is 6 21 6 30 6 4S 5 M li 03 C 21 12 8 12 12 12 17 12 20 12 32 12 37 12 41 12 45 1 113 1 II 1 14 1 3 nn r. an to .in's hniten... o ir r la 111 'Jii Il.tllMlIC 5 lit f. 02 M 12 4 55 4 57 in us en moron 1 30 4 40 9 6 .Nottliumbciland. ii. in. p.m. n.m.l p.m. p.m. DAVID T. llOVND, sunt. Superintendent's onice, Kingston, .March 6, ls74. N TOIITHKUN CKNTIiAL KAIl.WAY On and after November 20th. 1S73. trains vlll lento hUNllUUY us follows: NOI!THY,.ItD. Erlo .Mall 5.20 a. in., arrive Klmlra 11.60 a. m " Cniiandnljfua... 3.36p.m. " llochestcr 6.15 " " N'lagara tl. to " Kenovo accommodation 11.10 n. in. nrrhe Williams rt 12.55 p. m. Klinlra .Mall 4.1.1 a. m., im Ivo Ulmlra 10.20 n. m. IlulTalo Express 7.15 a. m. arrh u Buffalo 8.60 a. m. SOUT1IWAKD. IlulTalo Impress 2.50 a. in. arrl.e HarrUburg 4.60 a. m " llaltlinorc 8.40 " UlinlraJlall 11.16 a. m., nnlve Iliirrlsbtiif; i.m) p. m " Wa-sliliigtou 10.30 " " Baltimore 0.30 ' " Wiiihlngton 8.30 " Hairlsburs nccoinmodatlon 8.40 p. tn.arrUe Harris burg 10.50 p. in. arrhe ISaltlmoro 2.25 a. in. " Washington 0.13 " Urio Mall 12.55 a. m. nrrUe Ilanlaburg 3.05 n. m. " llaltlmoro8.lo " " Washington 10.35 " All dally except Sunday. 1). M. HOYD, Jr., tieneral Passenger Agent, A. J. CAS9ATT, Ocneral Manager PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD; riiiliiilclplila & llric Ii. li. Division. SUMMKItTIMK TAIiI.E. ON anil after SUNDAY, MAY 2.M, lS7r, tho trains on tho Philadelphia i- Krlo lull itoad im bun will run as follow s : WESTWARD. 1'AftT LINK leaes New York o 25 a. m I'lilladelplila. .., 12.66 p. m ' Iialtliiioio ; 1.20 n! in " " " . 1',:',!'1,l5ljurg 6.1,0 p. m " " nrr, at Wllllumsport s.65 p m " " " I.oi'k ll ivoii 111,211 p. in " " " llellefonto 11.60 ji. m HUE MAlLleaes New Yoit 6 26p.m I'lilladelplila 11.65 p. 111 ;; :; U'.i,?!.iaUui'f 4.25 a.m M1 lAinsport fc.S5u.m " " " Lock llmeu o.isn. iu !' " " . Iteiiovo 11.05 a. in " " air. at Krlo 7, up 111 NIAOAIIA KXI'IIL'SS leaves Philadelphia.. 7.40 a, m ' " " Iialllmoie 7.S5n. m " " " Hanlsburg. ...10.65H. in ' " arr. at Wllllamsport.. 1.55 p. in " " " lkllacn..3.15 p. in " " ' Henovo 4.S0 p. in KLMIItA MAIL leaves I'lilladelplila 8.0' a.m " " " llalthnoie 8 so a. m " " " liiiulsburg 125 p. in " " arr. at llllaiiisport n.10 p. m " " " Lock llaiu 7.30 p. m ;o: EASTWARD. I'lIIL'A tXVllESS leaves Lock llatcn... " " " Wllllamsport., " " urrlvtsnt HariKburg..,. " " " li.illlinoro " " " l'lilluilcipiiia... " " " New York DAY EXl'IiKSS leaves llenovo " " " Lock II iten. " " " Wllllamsport. " " arr. at llaril-.buig ... ' " " Phlladi-lphla.. " " " New York " " " llaltlmoio . (i.4Cn. m .. 7.65 II. Ill .11 45 a. 111 ,. (U.'ip. 111 ,. 3.35 p. m . 0.45 p. m .. o.10a m 10. 6 a. in .11 mn. m .. 3.00 p in ,, 0.20 p. m .. 11.15 p. in .. C.15 p. in UIIIC MAIL leavc3 Kile 11.20 11. 111 " " " l.'enovo 8.25 p. Ill . " " " Ixitk Ilaen 0.45 p. 111 " " " Wllllatnsnurt 10.6011.111 ' " arr. at llaiibbiirg 2i'5ii. m " " " liulllinoro 7.35a m " " " I'lilladolulila o.jsii. m " " " New York '0.10a. 111 FAST LINK leavet. Wllllamsport ..I2.t5 n. in " " air. at Haii'Ubiirg 3.16 a. in " " " lialiliiioie 7.S6 a. in " " " Philadelphia .. . 7.t5 a. m " " " NewYoik 10.25 a. m Kilo Mall West, Niagara L'xpiess West, Klmlia Mall West and Day i:.piess Last moke close coimec Hon at Northumberland with L, t 11. 11, it trains for Wllkes-liarre and t-crniiton. Vi lo .Mull West, Majara t:press West and Clmlra Mall West make clusu conntcllon at Wlilhimsnort with N. c. It. W. trains-Norm. Krlo Mall Kast und West, Niagara Kxpress West Fast Line West and Ha) Kxpiess KasWnako clotft connection at Lock Haven with II. K, V. 11 lt trains Krlo Mull Hast and West connect at Hrle with trains on I, s. & M. H. It. It., at torry with o. c. A. V. it. It. at Kmporlum viltli u. N, y. & p. it, it., und nt Driftwood with A. V, 11. it. " " Parlor I'nrs will run Lelween Philadelphia and wllllamsport on M.igara Kxpiess Went, Fust Lino West, Philadelphia Lxpress Kast nud Day Kxpress Kuit, bleeping Cars on all night trains. W.M. A, 11ALDW1N, Jan. 8,16-tt tieneral Hunt GLAZING AND PAPERING. 7"M. V. IiODlNK, Iron Street lielow sec- 1 ond. llloomsliurtr. I'a.. Ih inviifirffl ti. ,l,- oi kinds of ' PAINTING, GLAZING, ami l'APEU HANGINGS, Inlho best styles, at lowest prices, and at short notice. Parties having buchwor to do wll save money by work warranted to trivn smNrnfiinn n-.,.,. solicited " ' WM. F. I10DINE. Mar. 6, 'T4-1y. A 'J?UN,;:rS, Hl'ANKH, Cointnon an.l f Judmncnt Honds, lust printed nd for tale at lis CoLL'imiiN iinicn. All iri.Mi ,y,...r.,i7... .Si" Si 'r v tiwivv4 t,u viUtTTi