iitfitittlititir, BLooMsiiuna, pa. Nov. 5, 1875. WANTED IS 1'KXNSYliAANM I A DHMOCUATIO STATESMAN. W'c linvo been badly defeated, nml bo ciuso of our own blunder. At Pittsburg lat year our leading men strained every ncrvo to get a favorlto nominated for Judge, of tbo Supremo Court, because tbo nomination was oiulvnlent to an election. Tho balance of our ticket was considered a matter of form. At I'.rlp, this year, tho Convention was conplc.ioni1y composed of men who did not care to make a record. With n few ex ception Democrats of nbillty kept outside of tho Convention. The ticket nominated was unexceptiona ble. Hut, in order to givo Ohio a "send-off," Frank Hughes was permitted to put in the financial plank, which not only slapped our neighbor New York in tho face, but defied all tho traditions of our party and tho teach' ings of its fathers. As a matter of fact tho commltteo on Res olutions agreed upon tho l'itlsbnrg resolu tion, and tho Chairman, I' W. Hughes, re fused to report it in open convention, and tli Ohio platform was adopted in committee by a chanco of vote by Hcrrick of Bradford County. Tho next blunder was when Pershing re fused to resign ltis position of Judge, and go before tho people, lie should havo been tho leader in tho fight for Reform, and not skulk behind his jujicial robes. It is cowardly general who sends his men to tho front in a fight, and himself remains security to tho rear. To complete tho story it is only necessary to add that Ilendrick B. Wright was made Chairman of tho State Central Committee Ho possesses neither force nor talent. 11 treachery to tho party years ago lost him its confidence, and his demagougism know to ht3 associates kindled at Erie,nnd blazed forth in useless bulletins during tho paign. We aro proud of our Stato and peoplc,but as yet we havo nof found tho Moses to lead us from the land of bondage. If wo havo Democratic Statesman ho is hiding his ligl: under a bushel. Tho National Convention of ISCS did not develop him. In 1872, Baltimore he was not to bo found. At Pitts burg ho spent his feeble force on a noniinn tion for Judgo of the Supremo Court Erie it was Col. Wright and Frank Hughes, Election Returns. At tho hour of going to press wo are un able to givo completo returns, but such we have, we give. snssissirpi. Jaekson, Miss., Nov. 3. The Democrats havo swept the State, electing tho enti ticket in nearly every county. They havi about 20 majority in tho house and 6 or S in tho Senate. The Democrats elect tho entire congressional delegation, with the possible exception of the Sixth district, and returns indicate success in that district. WISCONSIN. Milwaukee, Nov. 3. Returns from all points received up to midnight show that Ludington, Republican, is elected governor by about 4,000. Tho balanco of the Repub lican ticket is probably elected, though there is some doubt about Baltz, for State Treasurer. NEW JEUSEV. Newlork, Nov. 3. Completo returns from Now Jersey show tho election of 37 Republican members of assembly and 23 Democrats. One or two close districts yet to bo heard from may change the majority one or two Republican majority on joint ballot, 17, Last year the Democrats had a majority on joint ballot of 17. Republican gain this year, 34. NEW YORK. New York, Nov. 3. Tho World says the Stato is very close, Wo claim it by about 0,000 majority. Tho latest returns received aro better for tho Democrats; tho Legislature is !u doubt, .the majority will bo small in both branches; tho Assembly, wo believe, will bo Democratic; tho political complexion of tho Senate cannot be determined till more returns are received. Bigelow's majority in tho city is 28,000 and tho anti-Tammany county ticket from 2,000 to 21,000. The Timet fixes Morrissy's majority at 3,500. PENNSYLVANIA. Philadelphia, November 3, 10 P. M. Re turns received up to this hour indicate thai Hartranft's majority in tho State is about 10,000. MABSJ CIIU6ETTS, Boston, November 3. Threo hundred and thirty-two cities and towns, and uino to hear ftom, give Rico 08,200, Gaston 77,009, Baker 8,911, Adams 1,774. KANSAS. Topoka, Kan., Nov. 2. Tho voto in the Stato to-day was light and returns come in siowiy. ino principal contest was over county officers, and in many of the counties there were threo tickets in the field, so that It is difficult to estimate tho party majority In the state, but it is perhaps 10,000 Repub lican. MARYLAND Tho Democrats made a clean sweep. VIRGINIA. Tho Democrats havo held their own in "mother Virginia," and elected their ticket. Colorado lias chosen a Constitutional Con vention containing a majority of Republi cans, and Oregon elects Lane, Democrat, to Congress by some 1,200. There wero no special party efforts in ado in cither case, aiul the elections havo no particular significance. Jn Colorado local Utiles governed tho sclec tion of many delegates, and In Oregon there was a triangular content, in which tho inde pendent voter had his say. Lane, tho suc cessful candidate, is u sou of General Joo Lane, formerly United States Senator and csndidato for Vico President with Breckin ridge lu 18C0. He is chosen to fill tho vacancy occasioned by tho death of La Pov, who was elected Jast fall by about 800 tduralily. THE IL COLUMBIA! Notwithstanding the general disaster to our party and came, wo can point with just prido to tho result lu Columbia County. A majority of 2113 well entitles her to bo styled the "Star of the North" and sho re mains tho banner County. The largest majority wc ever gavo on a lest voto was 199C for Piollet in 1SGS. Wo havo mado a good, square, honest fight.without funds, and under adversa circumstances. If rottenness and corruption is to prevail in tho land, wo cannot bo held responsible, for our full duty has been performed. HA Governor. Stato Trcs. DISTRICTS. 3 2 $ Beaver 197 40 197 40 Benton 153 mj. 153 mnj. Berwick 80 103 77 10(5 Iiloomsburg K.... 219 ICG 222 153 Do. W.... 150 113 155 109 Briarcrcek 115 38 114 38 Catawissa 153 170 154 170 Ccntralia 119 69 120 57 Centre 1C0 49 154 49 Conyngham N.. 158 0 158 C Do S.. 93 4 93 4 Fishingcrcek 205 53 204 63 Franklin 19 40 49 40 Greenwood 159 125 159 121 Hemlock 152 41 145 43 Jackson Ill 14 110 14 Locust 210 93 215 98 Madison 177 43 17G 42 Main 104 17 102 15 Mifflin 179 37 177 37 Montour 75 39 75 39 Mount Tleasant. 00 68 89 58 Orango 132 58 135 5G Pino 8G 25 84 25 Roaringcreck 59 3G 69 30 Scott 142 113 139 111 Sugarloaf 100 12 159 12 Tiio Future. 1 The campaign which has just closed has its lessons, and wo may do well to consider for a moment the import of some of the questions that havo been introduced and ills cussed in this canvass. Reform is tho necessity of tho hour. Without it the future of America is truly alarming. Rome, tho proudest empire tho world has ever known, failed to check tho abuses that had crept in to the administration of her public affairs ; profligacy and extravagance became tho characteristics of her officials, and she fell, to rise no more. Is not the lesson worth heeding? Shall History repeat itself? This campaign is but tho beginning of the end. Never before has a political party engaged in a contest with a moro fixed and earnest determination to eviscerate and annihilato corrupt rings, and to frco tho people from their chains of oppression, than has the Democratic Party of to-day. It has a great, a noble work to perform, and though it may take time, the result is inevitable. It must come, lue .Republican party lias per formed its mission. It freed the black man from his iron chains. It has nothing left to do. It is too deep in the miro of corruption ever to hope for a chango through its own organization. The great work of tho Demo cratic party is to removo tho manacles from the poor white man, to tuko tho' burden o taxation from his shoulders, and make for him what tho Republicans have made for the black man, a free country. Next year there is to bo a President elected The questions that have been introduced in our State canvass aro the issues of that campaign, They will bo discussed con stantly until that time, and they are not merely tho quibbles of politicians, intro duced for partisan purposes. They aro vi tal, and upon them depends tho prosperity and happiness of our land. It is the duty therefore of every citizen to study our finan cial system, to exam 1 no carefully as to whether a reform in tho general govern ment is not required, and then when the time comes lie will bo prepared to go to the ballot box, armed with tho only weapon that can wrest tho nation from the hands of cor rupt, dishonest, and incompetent officials and deposit his vote in favor of a sound financial policy, of honest men, of peace, prosperity and national life. If ho do not this, re member Romel Scridner for November. Bret Harte's first novel, which has beeu expected witli so much interest, is begun, as a serial publica tion, in ScRMNER'a Monthly for Novem ber (the beginning of the eleventh volumo of that magazine.) "Gabriel Conroy', is tho title of tho story, of which seven chapters are here published. Tho scene is in that Western country with whicli Mr. Harto has mado tho world familiar, and the few who have read tho entire story iu advanco pro nounce it a powerful work. The scries on American Colleges begins in this number, with an article on tho old William and Mary Collego, of Virginia, by tho well-known .Southern writer,John Estcn Cooke, Eugene Thomas publishes a chapter on "Tho Curi osities of Longevity,', illustrated with pic tures of celebrated "cases," ancient and modem. Another curious illustrated paper is by bophie B.Herrick on "Glass Sponges," and "India and its Native Princes" aro also sketched with pen and pencil. Tbo follow- ng contributions should bo mentioned : 'Tho Story of Anne Maturin," by Mrs. Oliphant; "Foreign Dramatists under Ameri can Laws ;" "The Old Germania Orchestra;" The Hotel of tho Future," by Gall Hamil ton; "Tho Goetho Houso at Frankfort" (a very interesting study; (and poems by Boycsen, Louise Chandler Moulton, Sidney Lanier, and others. Dr. Holland.ln Topics of the Time, writes about "Tho Magazine's New Year." "The Political Outlook," "Mr. Moody and his Wok," and "American Honesty." JnTho Old Cabinet "Sentimentality" is discussed, The other cditoiial departments havo their usual variety, The publishers announce that Dr. Hol land's "Story of Sevcnoaks" will bo conclud ed in December,and that Mr. Hale's 'Philip Nolan's Friends" will begin in tho January number. The election of Lane, Democrat, to Gan ges, from Oregon, by a majority of at least 1200, against 300 lust fall, shows how tho peoplo think aud act when ouUiilo (ho reach f Government gold. Tho election of Dr. Eccleston as bishop of tho Protestant Eplrcopal Church for tho dioceses of owfl fias been confirmed, twenty four diocese having given tbejr consent to and only three refused. Of the remaining seventeen dloccies it it thought that fifteen At Unit wl yott y, COLUMBIAN AND Communicated. A Chango .Needed. Messrs. Uditors ! Conspicuous amonc tho many Instances of mismanagement which characterized our recent Cotintv Fair wero those relating to tho trials of speed. Horses entered incompliance with tho rules of tho Association wero set usldo bv the arbitrary decision? of tho Executive Commltteo or on tho appeals of Interested parties. Incessant wrangling and disorder was tho result and tho people wero dcfraiuUd of their pleas ure. It Is fair to prestimo that tho present Fx- ccutivo Commltteo docs not know tho meaning of tho term "frco for all," us lu tho purse of that namo a horse and nno owned in tho county at that was ruled oil' on tho fecbio excuso that ho had previously trotted in tho "county" purse. Tho wisdom of thu Commltteo virtually decided that a "free for all" purse means a purse open to every liorso except such as aro owned in Columbia County and who havo competed for a purse open to them only I A brilliant decision truly and worthy of tho source wlienco it emanated. In justice to tho judges and to tho President of tho Association it is hut right to say that they took just tho opposite view, but wero overruled by tho committee. There must be no moro of this and, as tho rules which govern the National Trotting Association havo been adopted, thcro is not tho slightest necessity for It. Tho judges who aro placed in tho stand aro chosen for tho purposo of settling all such disputes as arise concerning the eligibility of horses, and their decisions and not those of an irresponsible Executive Commltteo should prevail. It is idle to talk of putting a stop to trotting. Tho greater number of the people who attend Fairs are unable to resist tho fascinations of a raco Tho proper thing to do is to so manago these matters as to givo tho peoplo the greatest chanco for en joyment. Thoso persons who do not ml miro tho sport aro not compelled to witness it. Tho grounds aro amplo and, there are other means of enjoyment ottered. Tho ruling out of Mr. Koons horso "Gold Dust" from tho "free for all" purso was done in defianco of tho promise mado to Mr. Faux that tho horse should trot, and In con tempt of the expressed opinion of tho judges and President Quick. "Gold Dust" was the only County horso entered and certainly dis crimination should not have been made against him of all others. Ono of tho driv ers who was loudest in his protestations against tho entry of Mr. Koons' horse endeavored earnestly to havo his own horso in two rases after competing for tho prizo of fered for stallions! There's nothing like consistency. There should bo a chango mado in the Executivo Committee at tho next election and an entirely different set of men chosen. Tlieao should bo no moro conflict of decisions of jiidges and committees. Thero should be no discrimination against county horses. And it most certainly should bo understood, distinctly and positively, that a purso open for all entries means Free for all. Insane Hospital. Tho Trustees of tho jauoiiiuu mr me insano in mis piaco Hem a special meeting at theinstitutionon Monday last. They found tho new or west wing in rapid courso of completion. The inside plastering is all done and tho outside quite or nearly so. The floors, witli tho exception of a small portion in the lower wards aro all laid, and many of the doors hung and sash in place. Tho finish of tho door-frames, uoors, etc., in tho lower wards aro of ash and in the upper are of Caroline pliiowhicli, when oiled, looks quite attractive. Tho heat ing and ventilating apparatus aro almost finished and it will not be many weeks be foro tho wing will be entirely completed ami ready for patients. And it will not bo fin ished any too soon, as tho number of patients in tho hospital at the present timo is 2G0, entirely too many for their present nccomo dations. The hospital, under tho manage, ment of its present efficient head, Dr. S. S bhultz, promises soon to surpass any other institution of tho kind iu tho Stato iu every thing pertaining to an institution of its character. Intelligencer. Homo .News. A diseaao similar to tho epizooty, is kill ing off tho cattle in several counties border ing on tho Pennsylvania sido of tho Dela-. waro river. Trouble has broken out bctwecu tho At Iantic and Pacific Telegraph Company and the Dt. i,ouis IJriugo Company. North Carolina will bo represented at the Lcntcnninl by seventy varieties of nine tim ber, nine boxes ot minerals, and even one hundred varieties of herbs and roots. United btates Detective Washburno has seized $150,000 in counterfeit money, tho property of .Nelson Diggs, at member of a gang of counterfeiters arrested a Centralia Illinois. Exchanges caution the Masouio fraternity against a man calling himself Dr. J. M wguen, claiming 10 do lrom Texas, who travels around, dressed in good style, victim, izing tho Masonic lodges of tho State, Longfellow recently received presents of two canes, both of winch wero cut by a nativo of Arcadia. One of them grew on tho summit of Capo Blomidon, and the other is from an old apple tree tltat stood near tho shop of "Basil," tho blacksmith. Pittsburg Commercial says: If your horses havo the epizooty ,dissolvo a teaspoon ful of crystal chlorate of potash in a bucket of water, this amount making a morning doso for four horses. It will work 11 euro. Corn crop of tho United States tills vcar is tho largest ever known 1,100.000.000 bushels. Tho tax-burdened people of tho United States have paid moro than enough money, to the general Government, since tho war, to wipo out the National debt. But tho "Ring" thieves havo grown fat on their stealiiics.und tho mountain of debt still weiglu down up on our Industries, threatening tho nation's lite. Tho reminder comes from Washington that tho constitution to bo framed by the Convention just elected in Colorado, will. after its adoption by the peoplo at an election n juiy next, bo duly certified to bv tho President of tho United States, vliowill thereupon Issue a proclamation declaring Colorado admitted to tho Union as a State, Colorado will thereforo tako part in tho next Presidential election with threo doctoral votes. A tcrriblo conflagration at Virginia City. Novada,on Tuesday, laid in ashes nearly the whole business portion of the tovyn, Hotels, churches, newspaper and telegraph offices, tho.county buildings, mining buildings and stores wero destroyed, and it is estimated that leu thousand peoplo were mado home less, Tho total loss is estimated at about $2,000,000. A gang of burglars efl'ectcd an cntrunco Into an ofljcp (n New York, ono day lint week, and cut a holo through tho sldo of tho safe. They then distovcicd that tho eaf'u contained papers of no value, and furthor, that the safe was not locked In their dls guiit, the thieves hauled tho papers out of the safe and scattered them about the ofjlc. " I DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBUKG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA Tho collecting of monograms is tho latest wrinkle, nmong tho young ladles, When a largo number nro obtained tho young ladles pasto them on their fans, nml tho ono who Jias tho most nnd finest holds her head iu lofty scorn at everybody else. After a stubborn fight for moro than a year ngalnst public opinion in Jersey City and tho nuthorlty of his church, Rev. John S. Glcndennlng has retired, a vanquished man. llio dismissal of his nppenl by tho synod virtually settled tho case, nnd his re fusal to olllelato last Sunday showed that at last ho accepts tho situation. Concord, N. II., Oct 30 Very damag ing ovidenco against La Pace, recently In dicted forthoniurderol'JusloLangnniid, was I... .1... Tl I t....l!ll..l ,1.. Ul-UIMVM'U lU'UUJ . 11X3 IVUI IlilllUUVII il," uiu Innti afnn tli tint Iiiwlifij tutu 1)111 r..;ul ln.lt the girl uiusthavo passed over 011 thu nu.rn- Ingot the murder, and within about ten ininutesoftlietlmowlicnshoprobablypasscd, ho probably p; Fearful Leap. A few days ago an in sano man, iu charge, of his two brothers, whilo 011 their way to tho Pennsylvania Stato Lunatic Aiyhtm near Harrisburg, leaped from tho Pacific express train west, between tho junction of tho Columbia branch road nnd Swntara bridge, Middle town, whilo tiio train was running nt the speed of 40 miles per hour. The train was stopped and searcli was mado for tho miss ing man, but tho 1 artlcs who instituted tho search were unablo to Hud him. At noon tiio same day (Tuesday) tho patient was dis covered at Mount Joy, not much injured by tho daring leap. Ho walked all tho way from Middletown to Mount Joy. Ho was afterward taken to tho asylum by his broth ers. Tho man had been at the asylum bc fore,but watching nn opportunity ho escaped tho vigilance of the officers and mado his way home to Philadelphia, ills former resi dence. Tho decision of tho court in tiio matter of alimony pendente lite in tho case of Ann Eliza Young was lately delivered in tho Third District Court of Salt Lako City, by Judge Boreman. Tho coin t had previously ordered that tho defendant should appear personally 111 court, when a decision should bo rcndcred,but his counsel to-day produced the affidavits of two physicians, stating that defendant was scarcely able to be out of lied, aud that it would bo dangerous for him to leave his room ; for that reason ho asked to bo excused. Tho court gavo a brief history of the case, stating tlriit the granting of tho alimony pemtaite lite was not improperly made, and itstauds unrevoked. A court, in order to maintain its dignity, self respect and authority, cannot allow its orders to bo repudiated, disregarded or denied. It is, therefore, the judgment of tho court that tho defendant bo imprisoned until tho 9,500 alimony pendent lite nnd the costs of tho suit aro paid or released by tho court. In ac cordance witli tho above decision Marshal Maxwell arrested Brighnm Young this after noon, at tho lattcr's residence, where ho now remains in tho custody of the marshal. Seven months after tho shooting of Mr. Carruth, tho editor of tho Vincland Inde pendent, by Mr. Landis, his deatii revives all the interest in this singular case. When Mr. Carruth was shot no one expected him to recover, for though men have been known to live with bullets in their brains, instances of such vitality aro rare. But as day alter day passed and ho rapidly rallied from the shock thero wero feeble hopes that he might altogether recover. Mr. Carruth was shot with a pistol ball,, nearly half an inch iu diameter, in tho back of tho head. On March 20, the day after tho shooting, Dr. S. S. Gross, ono of tho ablest surgeons, probed tho wound, removed several pieces of bone, and declared it impossible t. reach the bullet. Here the surgical treatment ended, but that it was complete tho medical tcsti moncy of Doctor Toiler shows, as "not a single piece of bono or any other loreign substance which could havo been removed by the surgeon was discharged." The patient was thencefortli treated homojpathically. On June 2d Mr. Landis appeared beforo tho Supremo Court of New Jersey and applied to be released from jail at Bridgeton, setting fortli that Mr. Carruth had been out of danger for a week. Ho was released, aud bail was fixed at fifty thousand dollars. Mr. Carruth continued to grow better, sold his paper to Mr. Tcall and visited his relatives iu New York. This recovery must havo given Mr. Landis great satisfaction ; for un der tiio New Jersey laws ho is subject to trial for murder iu the first degree in tho event of Carruth's death within a year and a day after the shooting. Cabinet or Parlor Organs have become the most popular of largo musical instruments. There aro now about two hundred aud fifty makers of them in tho United States, who produco more than forty thousand organs per annum. Mostof these aro very poor in struments. This is naturally so, because there are few articles iu tho manufacture of which so much saving can bo mado by the use of inferior, improperly prepared material and inferior workmanship, a'ul yet which, when finished, show so little dillcrenco to theavcrago purchaser. Tho important pr.rts of an organ, made as well as they can be, cost two or threo times as much as if made as low as possible Tho wood ought to bo seasoned and prepared by running through several years, in order tostand properly. But this will double its cost. Reeds can bo made of tliin brass and tuned and voiced at one-third tho cxpenso of thoso mado from tliick brass, by master workmen. Tho rub ber clotli commonly used in tho bellows is mado principally from old gum, at a fraction of tho cost of that mado from new gum, and will last only a fraction of tiio timo, Simi- ar differences nro found iu the cost of other parts, Yet, when tho organ is done, it is not cosy from casual hearings to tell tho differ ence between tho best and a very poor one. Especially when bIiowii by ono who knows how to cover up defects, to 0110 who has not special skill in such matters, it is not dif ficult to mako a poor organ appear a good one. There is ono safo way to avoid boiiis cheated in purchasing nn organ. Buy of tho best makers. Mason & Hamlin nro among tho oldest, and their instruments havo been thoroughly tested. They uso the best ma terial, and hence hayo secured a world wldo reputation. Wldo Awake, tho Hoston juvenile mai;a- zino' for November, comes liko a wonder box, packed full with delightful pictures and Btories and poems. Tho number opens witli a poem, "Tho Sad Story of a Little Girl," by Mrs H. M. II, Piatt, tho most emi nent of our American female poets. Tho most noticeable paper Is one by T.A Cheney, 'An Alternoou with an Indian Princess," embodying a visit with tho Iroquois Chief, 'Uov. Ulacksnako," who was living ut tho timo in one of tho Indian Reservations in New York. It is full of interesting reinln- scences. and finely illustrated, Tho serials, especially tho"Cooklng Club," nro excellent, and eminently heajthfu! in tone, which may bo said of tho entire magazine Wonro glad to commend it to parents, and to add that it is only $2.00 per annum, D. Lotiikop & Co , lloston, Foreign News. As an Itiotnnco of tho longevity of ele phants, it is said that tho Identical stato ele phant which carried tho MnmuUni' HnstliuM jvhen ho visited Lucknow, India, n century ago, as uovcniorUencral, will be in the pro cession to welcomotho Prince of Wales when ho visits that city. Another of the Popos neat lltllo jokes is reported. A young American girl, six feet high, had just received tho Pope's blessing at a reception, and ns shu roso from her knees, Pope Pius began to smlio nt her height and bade her kneel again. "Miss," ho said, "I shall have to givo you u bless inn and 11 half." And ho went' Oil. SUllllllL' I . . , k JHM,. , - iliat the French Prince Inn ! ,wl t0 lkc n trip around the world is I ,c." b' tbu 1'"ri' which s:is: "At , Mum Prince of the Imperial film- Ily must respectfully hold lilmselfnt tho tli posal of ! ranee, which may ntany moment summon him." Which would seem to in- dicato a high degreo of confidence iu their cause, on tho part of the Uonapartists. In clearing nway tho refuse from tho an cient silver mines iu J.aurium, in Greece, a largo number of seeds were found, unknown to modern science, but described in tho writ ings of Pliny. Tho seeds took root, budded nnd blossomed, bearing beautiful yellow flowers, after a burial of at least 1,C00 years All hopes of a Servian insurrection seem to ho dissipated. Even the military prepar ations, both on the part of Turkey and Ser vla, aro ceasing. This is tho work of tho great powers, which nro determined, appar ently, that tho Chris'ian shall not bo permit ted to revolt against the Turk. London Oct. 30. The Leeds Mercury of to-day says, that tho largo iron producers, Blockow, Vauglittii & Co., employ iu their collieries, mines and works nearly 10,000 men, and that they have notified their em ployees at Mlddleborough, Wiiiou Park and tho Kston works, In Yorksire, that owing to the depression of trade, their engagements must terminate on the lath of November next. Tho Vatican, so far from being the asylum of 3,000 persons, as alleged, contains only 1537. Tho Swiss guard and pontifical gen darmerio muster 200, of whom 23 are mar ried. Tho pope, Cardinal Antonelli, tho major domo, and other officers number 14; the Secretary ofStato's establishment num bers 29; that of the palace administration 1C; and the secret printing office 8; there arc 30 valets and couriers attached to the popo and tho apostolical antc-chaniber, and Cardinal Antonelli has suites numbering 48, Spain GinriNa Riiadv ron Tnouiiu:. Advices from Madrid say that 011 October 25, tho Spanish secretary of tho navy issuod orders from headquarters at Madrid to the authorities nt tho navy yard at C.ir.ieca to get the iron-clads Z.iragosa, Arapiics, Tet uan, Victoria and Numancia, ami tho wood en vessels not immediately needed iu and around the Spanish coast,rendy for service-in tho West Indias. Following upon tho con centration of United States war ves-els iu tho North Atlantic, this movement in tho Spanish navy looks as If it was mado for the purposo of meeting any' contingency likely to occur. Symptoms of Catauwi. Dull, hcavv headache, obstruction of the nasal passa-'es, discharges falling from tho head into "tho throat, sometimes profuse, watery, and acrid, at others, thick, tenacious, purulent, bloody, nnd putrid; the eyes nro weak, watery, ami inflamed; there is ringing in tho cars, deaf ness, hacking or couching to clear tho throat, expectoration ot oU'ensivo matter, to gather with scabs from ulcers; tho voice is changed aud lias a 11as.1l twang, tho breatli is ouensi;e, smell and tasto aro impaired; uiuiu is ii rjusauon 01 uizzines, mental up pression, hacking cough, and general do bifity. Only a fewofthe.ihove-namcilHvmii ptoms are, however, likely to ho nrcsent 111 any ono case, Thcro is no disease iwiroctim 111011 tli.i 11 Catarrh, and nono lest understood uj (ill sjl', ;uis, Dr.Sages's Catarrli Remedy is, beyond all comparison, tho best nrenaratiim fi.r Ca tarrh ever discovered. Under tho influence ot its mild, soothing, and healing properties, tho diiea'-e soon yields. Tho Golden Medi cal discovery should bo taken to correct the blood, which is always at fault, and to act nj.i.AiiiiKmj- ujion to tiHcaseil lands and lining membrane of tho nose. Tho Catarrli .",'' sJ"mm bo applied warm with Dr. 1 lercea auiiui jJouche-Uie only Instrument "y which iiuicis can bo perfectly injected to .... mi; immiKos arm ciiaiuncrs 01 the nose mini which discharges proceed. These medicines aro sold by Druggists. A Wire clothes-lino agent called on well-to-do larmcr nt Meridan, Cayuga en,, and tried to sell him a wiro clothes-line. The farmer declined, and tho stranger mado turn an ofler togive him a lino if he(tho fir mer) would givo his name as a reference to uso in the vicinity. He gavo his name on a slip of paper presented by tho stranger, and wiueli was apparently carelessly folded, and about two weeks from that time received 1111 intuitu mi wire uiuouniing to sjuu as tier oruer, the carelessly folded paper proved to bo an order mado to a third party, and 1110 uesi 110 couni do 111 settlement was to pay HO to be released from tho order, 0; tako tho wiro and pay tho hill. Tho Wllliamsport rubber company em ploy one hundred and two girls iu tho manufacture of rubber shoes, turning out l,SUU pairs daily. Deaths. ii'i .1 , lc"."' Ca,mrta on tho 2th, of ' '"' mii-fcuauiii, ugo its jcursunu -1 "'V hunyv i.i-.it-in Macllon, October 7th, Jlrs.Kllza. beth V. wlfa of Iowls Schuyler, aged JI years, fl MAJIKET HEPOJITS. ilLOOMSMJKQ MARKET. Wheat per bushel Hj 0 Corn, new, " oats, ' " ,. Flour per barrel ciovcrseed Flaxseed Ilutter Heirs Tullow Potatoes Dried vnples Hams Hides ,C Shoulders Lard per pound Huy per ton beeswax Tlinolhyseed QUOTATIONS $ 1.S5 m t.o iu 7.UU 7.1 J' 1 1 ..Ml SO ! US 10 10 10 n IS , 20.10 2.1 1.50 OK COAL. $ -i.co per Ton No. 4 on Wharf No.O " No.0" " ... blacksmith's Lump on wharf " llltumtuous " . t li.CS 11 .. I 4,00 " " ., 0,00 ' ' jOTlCK TO CREDITORS. VVIIKKRAS, under the assignment of J J, Hoag. land, of Cenlralla, for the bencntof creditors, tho snld lIoiiKUnd bus applied hi tha Court of Common i'leas of Columbia counly tonavo set nsldo for tho uso of the u&slgnor and Ills family certain urllries nnd things not exceeding In vatuii at tlm appraise-, ment thereof threo hundred dollars. Now, theru. lorn, nollco is hereby given that application will bo mado on tbo llrst day of December 10 1 mot court novt. to havo released from tho assigned estate ror tho uso aforesaid, ti.o urtlcles and things In said ap praisement specified. J, J, 1I0AOLANI) ."SUV, U 13 SI, ro!uinbU County Mutual In tho court of common I'leas of Columbia coun ty. Levari 1'aelos. N0.1 05 and UT, Neptom- DUUUgl'UUU J.OUI1 AfaS. Stephen II. Wolf und Maria, his wife. IK.T UTIII, 19IO. Thn auditor nnnolnteil tiv tlm mnrt in mnl-n iiuiri. tuition ef tbo lundshiiourt produced by the ther m's imlo under thenbnvo writs, win iitfcinl to llio duties ul his uppointmea nn Saturday, tho Tlli day nt November, i8T, at lu o'clock a.m., ut his omco hi the town of lllboinfcburg, when and vvheroull parties Interested nro required to make their clalmsknowa or be debarred rroia comlnjf In upon said fund. Nsr, e-t, Auantr, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ,Ni:ei l'oii.s Miin;. l 1 . I'.n rv nt' .i.iitu mi-1 ten. tiitrKtRn. Iiloii ti"tmii'HI u-i mi ( no estnlool .lolili Mcl l I mm ut Si uti town hti tvilmiiiila couiit.v, ileeoas eel, Ii.im! iicen tfninif I Hi lli'i lii'Kll,r of nlt conn tv to J, A!, f. itiiiirk. or Sminioii, 1' ,., Kivcutor, to whom nil iicrsnus Iml 'Weil are ro iursu d to innko tuvMPM. nmt tliosn iiMlnir claims or uematms nttHln.-l 1 it" esfete w III m.iko tliein known tu the sitl I Executor without delay. ,,.,. il, M v , II A NL K, Nov.s. Cw, Exeenlor. 17XUtVT0ll'H NOTICE. KSTiTB OP BSTIIKIl IUIIIIPIH, HrCI!ASP. t.jrterst Mluuiauroiii 11 311 11.) l iii in' ilirUT lain otjtuillson tiwiiJil,roluiniil ieotintv,ili'ii'iiseiI, have licoti irranteil liy tiio HngWcr of saM enmity tu II. A. Wilson, of Miidlsnn iownlilii,oliuiil'l,ieomi ty, I'd, IJxecutor, to whom 11II per lis liilciitcil In satil estate nro nxiuestcil to innko payment nml tliow luting claims or dtminl ngnlnst llio s.Uil cslnto n 111 iniko tliom known tutliowiM llxecutor without ilel y I). A. VI l.ioN, Nov.n-ct. Bv itor IN fill. M VI il.H i). lit.. Ui. vi. 1 - t ito of 11 ir -ui A' V.iplos, lato of Centae ' itu-ulp, o-luinlila t,,int , ileev i-eil. ill!" mi . i'mj (,-( mv, 'lll" tk' Jl- 'll l' title at the viiiwd 0,1 or show cause ifA.y Mi tame should not be told. 'llio rommonwciltli of Pennsylvania to Susannah Wnpli'H, (widow), ltti i-toti tl. Wnplcs, Ann Ulrntietli Wnnln. Murali Louisa W'anlos. At irv.l W'anles. su- Minnili U'nples and llauna'i wallaen U'aples, lielrs ot burton W. Wnplcs, defeased. You nn.l each ot you are licmliy commanded to tj" nnd appear before the orpnun's Court of s.ild count to on hold nt ni i'iiiisourtf, on ino tint muniiav or iiixi:miii-.ii nest, A 11. 19T. thou ami tliro toaccentorrelusn take II1.1 real estalo f said llurton W. Waulcs. ( deeonsuil, nt Uiu nppralsi'd vnluo or show cause why Mill SillUU P11UU1U I1UI L'U U1 I Ii.v tho Court, llloomsburir, Nov. ft, l;i. II, KltANKZAIllI, Clerk. COURT rilUCL A MA l'lON. ITriUCRFAS. tho Hon. William Klvvt.i.l l'l evident .ludtfo of tho Court ofojtr and Terminer and (leneral J'l l Delivery. Court of ouur, lor sessions of tho I'eaconnd the Court of Common I'le.isund orphans' Court tu tho 'JCth Judicial Dis trict, composed of llio count les of Columbia nnd Montour, and tho Hons. Iham Dr.nu and Isuc S. Monroe, Assucl.Uo Judges of Columbia county, have Issued their precept, bearing date the lsth day of Sept., In tho year of our Lord 0110 thousand eight hundred nnd seventy-five, nnd to mo directed for holillng.i Court of oyer und Terminer and (leneral Quarter Sessions of tho Peace, Court of Common I'leas and Orphans' Court, In Illuomsburg, In tho county of Columbia, 0 tho nrst Monday, being tho ctli day of December noxt, to contlnuo two weeks. Notices Is hereby given to the Coroner, to tho Jus tices of tho Peace, and tho Constables of tho said county of Columbia, tlutlheybo then and therein their proper person ntlo o'clock In tho forenoon of baldcthdaj ot December, with their records, Imiul slllans and other remembrances, to do thoso things, which to their offices appertain to bo done. And thoso that aro bound by recognizance to prosecute ngainst tno prisoners that nro or may bo In tho Jail of tho said county of Columbia, to bo then nnd there to prosecute them as shall bo Juit. Jurors nro re- iiuestcd to bo punctual In thclrattcndancc, agreeably 10 meir notices. Dated nt hloomsburg tho 3th day (, O of November, lntlio yearof our Lord ono 1. M. V-thousand eight hundred and seventy-mo v . f ...in in liiit iiiui't j -uiui.il car ui mo inde pendence of tho United states of America. SheilU'sonice. jiiciiai:i,ouovi:h. Micrltr. lUuonisburg, Nov, 0 to T 1ST OK CAUSES l'OR TRIAL AT 1)E- jj ci;.MUi;iiTi;n.M, istc. 1 IUST WBCK. li. (lorrcll & Co. vs. Joseph M. l'rcck. Lcandcr Carmen's uso vs. William Applcman. Andrew Crawford vs I). W. Johnson. William II. Craw ford vs D. W. Johnson. Christian Wolf vs .V. & W. 11. 11. it, Co. Stephen Wolf et in. vs. N. .t W. II. It. Co. John Lcggott k A . l'rlck vs. l.'sthei Jives et. al. Oeorge K. Trj on etui. vs. Jacob Drown ctat. (leorgo K. Tryonetal. vs. Mai tin Lubold ctnl. Oeorge K Tryon ct al. vs. William Clark et al. (leorgo K. Tryon et id. vs. Isaiah Hand ct al. (leorgo K. Tryon ct al. vs. Christian SchacU et ul. Wellington Hughes vs. 1'. Sponenborg. K. 11. John's adm'r vs. Aaron Uruvcr. i:il Kendlg vs I). .Morris. !'. .1. smith vs School Directors of llcntan Township. in. narris v.s. liervvici; nouing .villi Co. D. I. Morgan .t Co, vs. Samuel Johnson. W. r Andrews vs. D. p. Seybeit. Dll Kendlg vs. J. 1). nice. Levi Klnley vs -V. S. Campbell. SECOND WKEK. Jacob Schuyler, endorsee, vs. J. .VI. Hartoii ct al. A T. ikelervs Jonas Doty. John Ucacoclc vs. Jonas Doty First National Hank of Iltoomsburg vs (leorgo Civa- ncc, ci a', Charles JI. JIarplo's Ilvr's. vs Ihios Jacoby. Samuel J. Case vs Jonas Doty. Wilson (ilbbons vs Jonas Doty. M. O. Hughes vs Jesso 1). Illco. M. (1. Hughes vs. Oscar I'. lint. U 1". Dav Is vs Jonas Doty. Jesso llnrtman vs Jonas Doty. William Abbot vs. William Miller. . Vastlno Iloono vs II. a. Crevellng. jonn .J. -viciicnry vs D. L. Ic W. K. Ii. Co. henj. Wlntcrstetn vs. William Houghton. Stacy John vs. H (1. Crcvclln.r. Ellas Miller ct al. vs. 1". it. itall Itoad Co. John Mccollum's ex'r vs (leorgo J. Lusu ct al. Thomas McOraw vs. John (Irow. Tho Screw Mower ft licaper Co. vs J. s, Turnbacb. I). F. Seybcrt vs. l'ldilp Applcman. Mary .McAlarney's uso vs. h. v. Ca-o ct al. It. Hobblns vs. Miaipless & Son. I. S. Kuhn vs. J. K. (irotz. J. I!. Evans vs. II. (llger. .Vi. Charles vs. J. I), mho et al. F. Itlchcrfs uso vs. W. 11, ltelnbold ct al. I. Vetter vs. Jacob (lining's adm'r. I. '. W, Souder vs. W. .Sehcehterly. J. Evans vs. 1. 11. Hagenbueh. N. lirandon vs. William T. hhuman. A. cole's uso vs. T. II. Cole. A. Colo's use vs. T. II. Cole. A. Colo'H uso vs. T, II. Cole. II. V, Mclteynolds vs. J. A. Loseo. S. Illoom vs. Allen .Mann ct al. S.H. Wolf vs. l'arvln Keller. W. -M lines' ex'rs vs Michael Orover, Sheriff. It. Taj lor ctnl. vs Ii. (lorrcll. Jeremiah Taj lor et al vs Hobert Oorrell. ltobert Taylor et al. vs. Itobcrt Oorrell. Jacobs. Illntcrtlter s William Menslngcr. C. 11- Urockvvay et al vs D. It. Applcman. James Dyko vs. William Howell A. II. Sharretts ct nl. vs It. c. Howell. A. K. Sharrets et nl vs David stroup. William lloivcllva James Dike. Wagner, Starr .t Co. vs. William rettlt. Uenjamlu Illoks vs. (leorgo II. Freas. Daniel Kllno vs. Charles Loo et nl. W. K. Longcuborgervs. Conrad llredbcnder. David Lewis vs. John blitz. Cutlurluo Do 3' uso vs. John stlner Juries for Sopt. Turin, 1875. GRAND JURORS. Illoom-M. Wjnkoop, Daniel bowman, lienton-lllrani Ash, Michael Hartmon. licrwiek-A. s. rnlillps. Ccutro-Lafajetto Creasy, Samuel Crcvcllng. c.Uawfssa-J. I,. Shuman, Daniel (leaihart. l'lahlug Creek-lsane Labour, John Wcnner. Franklin Montgomery Itoedcr. (Ireenwood-Ellj ih KUncr. llemlock-Ell Ohl, Samuel Alo Locust-Joseph Sanders, Mimiu-Joseph (I. Swank, Samuel Snyder. W. V Ilrovvu. I'lno William Karshner, Ashcr Fullmer. Scott-J. K Fowler, 1'. l Kelloy, Charles llrowu. TRAVERSE .JURORS. misr WEEK, llloom-A. McDowell, J. 1'. Wldcinau, o. M. iirown ii. i-. iiarimau, James c. llrowu. Jnim i.. flnrtri.ii .',... .11 u l, .in..... ' vi.v.l, a, 11. .lllllt-,- llenton-Earl lloston, John 0. Dlldtno. s. l Karnes William Applcman 1 Uerwlck-Ilcnry Ilovver, Alfred llower. llrlarcreck-IIenry Doak, William i.. v. rinn,i .7UUUI-I ui,, j-icii-s ruwier. Cutavvlf.sa II p. Former ContraUa James I) v ke. FlshlugcrecU-Aaron Hess, benlumlu (Jolder.Jo. i1 "iji uuoiiUl licas, JUCOO U. VVUSOU. i-ruuKiin jonn itoup. (Ireeiiwood-Jumes L. l'rcston. John 1'Hiti.n.m, Henry lletz. Ilcinlocc-Mathlas WhlUnlght Juckaou-ucnjauiln sa, uge, Augustus E i eihart Iicust Henry Heaver Miailn-i!. F, Workhelser .Montour William M.tjulc'k Madison (leorgo neugto t. I'loosant-Mutblus Kindt Orango-OeorBuM.bmlth. Silas Shuinan. Samuel llagcubuch, Ml&uel C. Vatico. l'luu-Johu is cotner Itoarlngcrtck-lloury lloiiman Scott-Jonah Townsend. Jumos Iltco. ltobert i:nt Heury Crcvcllui;, II, C. liclcbner second ween lUoom-Jostah ItaUtou, Juines llcuwood Ilcnton-Charles Kctter, William Holmes Iicaver-Mosos Sclillciier Hrlarercek-Atiruliain Jackwu. Josenh Lamon. II. II. ltlttt-uhouse, John II suit catawisea-ChasKrdgh, I, h Scesholtz, II.'. Clort ccl.tro-lsaao Crjdtr Couy ugham-M a-t hi I Jiughl In FiauMln-Mlchacl Monhurt. Andrew Lfihrmnn Greenwood-Theodora Lemon, m. hi. Anninmnn Itlcuard S. Evcs.blcmer Davis, John I-cggott, Jolui u till ton Hemlock John Mllltr, l'elcr S. bruglcr, Mathlus Hooro Ml. I'leasant-Jacob MtlKk MttdUon-A, J, curr Jluln-Johu Harmony, Hojd Ycttcr Oranso-Soiauu Henry, Moses ETcrclt scott-J. J.-KeUer, Iluton liaison Suuarloat-It. uile. SHEUIWS SALE- Y VIItTFIJ (" Hl'NDltY WHITS 1 mi u ft 1; l"j ournf tin curt of common 1 lam . ami tn me direct, d will lx exposed to plllilIO IMUO ai tho Court llouso, hi Uloonmbunf, 011 MONDAY, DUOEMDEIl 0, 1870, All that cer'liln inessimire and farm, cuntalntn ono hundri'-l and thirty four m res. niuro or less, sit-1 natoluoriintfo township, njjoiuinian'iioi uiu wirj of oeorge mini!, I'unlel Kiln", nnd Iwiin lad In pirt also hvl'Rilnff rroeS, being Ilia snm 1 premises con- tho IHrs VII V I'll I IV li. II. Jill HULL-, llllll II lu , , " widen 1 1 rr'teil 11 frame dwellhu house, a limit Dim, aud uuinuiiuiugs ALSO, loss, lath" township utornnic, adjjlulnif lands of Kliht acres of tlmb.T tin I, listhi .nne morn or .TihiI Uruintill,.a. Jil-innh Ills Hilt- Jalll'ls l.VC llanmaii nmt others, being thosnne premises eon vo ed 1 1 1'et T ll'll is bv .lames lives ami wife, to gether w ith tho hereditaments nnd ui pin ten.UK e. ei.eu, i.ik'-ii nno exi'ciiuoii unu ui uu aum in p.viiertj ot v. initios Li e. AISO, All tli.it eertiiln real e.-tt ite sltuatn In I'Ishtiigereek tuvvnshlp, bounded ns follows! on tho north by 'the odin I'arvtT, iintliewi't bv I'lilllp Atpllnan, Jo si ph Fullmer on the cat, by Alfred Preston on tho suutli, containing one bun Ired und tvvcnt.v-seveii acres, more or less, whereon nro erected u tivo-story house, n bam, and outbuildings. :oizeu. inKcn nun execuuun, aim 10 uo sum us uiu properly of Jacob l'arvcr sr. ALSO, All that certain lotcf cround situate In tho bor ough of llerwlcl;. in the eounti of coluinb i. nnd stato of I'cunsjliiudj, boundjd on the north by Sevuiilh Mrect.on the east by rhesinut t tivot, on the south liy slttn Mroct.nnd on tho west by u lot lielonglng to tho building association, known ns tin) Mnnsiiel propeity. Htuat In tho borough of llenvlck aforesaid; on which uro erected a dwelling houso and out buildings. AIO, Two other lots bounded nn the north by Eighth street, east by chestnut street, south bvSoienth street, nnd west by lotot llurtres (I irrlsou ; said lots being 40', feet by lvjif tect In length. Seized, taken Into execution, nnd tu bo sold ns tho propel ty of Margaret Parks und Amos Parks. ALSO, All tho following real estate to wit, situate In the township of heaver, county ot Columbl i, and Mate of Pennsylvania, bounded und described as follows, viz: on the north und east by lands nf Jesse Jackson, on the suutli by lands of the heirs of Thomas Mieurmnn, and on tho west by hinds ot Henry Hostler aud 1 nomas I.utz, containing eighty acres, more or less, whereon uiu erected a two story frame dwelling house bank barn and wagou-huuse, outbuildings, with tho iippurten.uiccs. Seized, taken Into execution, nnd to bo sold ns the proiieityot Jacobs. Illiitenlter and William Smith. ALSO, All that certain real estalo Mtuato lu Oreenwood township, Columbl county, bounded nnd described as follows : bv lands of John u. IMch, noith bsv; de gre.s west VJ pi relies; by lauds of John nubbins' nclr.s, north I, dej'roes east isa pea-lies ; by 1 inds of .lessi! hester, sunlli sjdegiees east loo perches; ot avid hosier, south 2S-V di-gites east r, perches: thence south sf degrees west, ss perches to place ot beginning; cout lining fortv auos nnd llttv-two ptiehes, moro or leas, on which uro erected a frame dwelling house und outbuildings. seized, taken into execution, and to bo sold as tho property of Ephrahu C. Kesier. ALSO, All that certain pleco ot ground Mtuato In Locust township. Columbia county, bounded bv lands of (leorgo Hiiulel on tho north, of John Kilno on the south, of (leurgo Heaver on the vvfbt, nnd of l"es3 'Jst' cu"talihig ono bundled acres, more or .-seized, taken Into execution, nnd to bo sold as the property ot John lihodes and Joseph Rhodes. , MICHAEL OltOVEIt. Micrin's oince, sherirr lllooniaburg, Nov. C. 1S75. ouinu. is On -Al'AV guaranteed using our WELL AIIOKIt tpn'J and Dltll.t.H. lino n month mild to good vii'01 1 Augcr b00l: AUitur ca hu L"'"'1' ACJICNTS WANTED. Dlplomxs nworded fc MEDALS AiN'I) for DOLMAN'S NEW '''"'bus'raUons. Address for new circulars, A. J. ----- ' -'"i ""i ,ivii auccL i iiiiaiieipuia. THE S50.000 KONANZT 5 OO to Sj50 Of! '"vestcd lu Wall fit, ZX ! l.'h ? fur- TONfi itl'Aw Wail .Tr&t'Sfo Vk'."1 UU:- 10 (IoIuii'h tl) ()() iluiiurs. i.xpianupry circular ho.vilu nluvoslodln stock Pi ivlleges has paid und v 111 pay Large T l' I s abroad Stocks, iiouds und (lol.t bought on m irgliis i -n ?,-,r, 4 .7. uu'yu" "H )sl s sunjoct tu P 'HI f.t'..'1",' i , bankers and brokers, 'Aallatrect, New Vork. ! o. nox,4.U7. l'OR !0UIIJ, COLDS, HOAHSEJTKSS. AWD ALL SaiviOAX 2JISBASE3 USI- WELLS' JARBOIJO TABLETS i iii,iiponiv iu ui.uk DOXE9. i 'S'i lcd ami stive Stcmc.lj. niVtml"vvV,r "l!,!tZ ?-',n;r;l'y. and JOHNSTON IIOLLOWA & Co., Philadelphia, 1'a. Immense Success 40,000 of the Genuine. ireadv sold. I lin I ir Utn .Kfnrv i.t it.ft rtKt n. i.. Iho wild land of tho ,lli) mastery, ophlr's gold, the r-Vnni.in T i"i iiiniiuiis ui superanuous beings v "vii luiia, rpieiHIHl lllllsir.UIOIlS .VIII- lions w ant It. want agents ((iilcklv , pruilts mil mVi0 r imV,1!"' .""""A"" ""OS., puus., 72J, San- $5.00 TO $10,000 jiuaueen iiiveaieu insiocKprivillgcsaud paid 900 per cont, profit. ii1.....1.1!."" .'! A m0K wall Sstreet sent free sVii. i v V-; f la' uanKt'rs aml brokers, a Wall a uiuis, -M (in, (JIIUO.M03 inounhil XA ;uo vi , for JI. Novelties and Chromes of iile ill ii i'i -""""u v-iiromo company, l'hll jriND READING, 1'riYCIIOMA N O M VAxCINATIOV. Sot-I. CIMKVIXU UKSVICKISU I .Miiiilagn (iulde, ahoulug liuvv either natouiidg.Un tholovo and nirectlon of any person they cheos3 Instantly, mo pages by mall w cents llunt.i co , 13-j south Uh at eet, l'h lladeli hia, ba Si 0 tO $)00 l',!'aU ?tr,r,et oncn. to u for Jlen am. iZii'wAl, S E T F W V. V, ,,l,c,Kusa t-0- bankers xevvvurk. J brukcra, u liroadvvuy, IllllDE & CO., 709 Ilroadvvay. N y. AGENTS WANTED FOR THE. ENTERINBAL HISTORY of the U.S. i no great interest In tho thrilling history of our i 'SF r.?.kV? "u 0 fastest selll,rgb, ,ok ovcrpuh-''(-""tains over I flua liLstorlcal ongrav lngs, uiidlio. p.iges.wlth a run account r,f the up. proachl if?L'rami eenii,, nii ..ni..!..,.. t,t ll.'SPrh,ll7,,7nnVl ...1. . ... . ' V.'"'" '.""" ' r U NATIONAL i'l'lll.l .HINU CO., I'hlla., I'a. wife'noTToT" BY ANN ELIZA YOUNG, Jlri'llt'tm Youna't relirlmua m-iJ. ,,,,mn,,V!y,,';',',mi,!v,U:S.PiH? 0t '!!' too SCtkETSOf Ism. ann cum now exposes to the world, as iiooth.' er woman can, ihnsuniuTs, uvsi'muks un i S of tho hn.rlblo svstemot iolvg.!inv"fn,m,iloR;?rs beginning. Nearly am Illustrations beautify tlui work. It is tho best selling book publish? Vo l moro men and women eanhnvo einpim ment and niako from v to f iu dillv . ah. i.ivk Aoents re w i it. lug for .Illustrated circulars with uiaic Tsais Sent iivu, ijunuiiieiay, uiu aiiiiress DUsTIN, OILVIAN i CO., Hartford ct. TIMS Awns wanted, flood chanco for inak. I I'i V i . big money, t parties who Xvotn i h?.i or part of tlinoln belling our leas? I lT.'il t-omrn i blons. Send for terms, l'.o. box Ml i tommls" ureal American Tea Company, al & J3 Vescy St. N.Y SHOJlTTHJ'rl'O KALTlF" pniNTEU'S NOTICli rl'eraons Indebted to I ho und Hi, llmlnHU.A.I . ... .. (OI.V1U1UN are ulso reipiesteit to tcttlo nroiuiifv In 0ct'1 I5 tf II. L. DIEFFENIHCH, XTOTICE Oii,"DIS.SOLUTIO.V, thetu'iWI!!!!;? fetoP?;'.on hy village of it Kitchen who is in .r ,"u' ''....u " tho una aud pay all Indebtedm. oi f tho VimoV 10 Ocf 16,'75-IVV ('.K.CIlAMIIKItLI.V, J. II. KITCHEN. EXECUTOR'S SALE! testament of Ti eurWo 7lm ,,i"u '" ." co?Sn:b'UBi'oumnyr Vmalw"' Cu TUJWDAV, NOVE.MI1ER ICtli, 1875, nt J o'clock V. M tho following described properly, A Shi scr; All Unit certain tract of land, sltuato ln ihn tnnn llo niaa leudhitf Him Catawls";,' t , ,'", u " Mf.'i1.;.1?1"1. 01 """"I Miller: bouthwilfdlv bv .ublloroiid leading lrom lipyto Malnvl ? vieiu waidly by lands of Oeorgo lirUaeh, coutalnlut;! O Acres of (jouil Tinker J,iintj, Terms inadq known ou duv of salo. JAMES MoAI.I.AltNKY Oct i-tt W. LONULMlKliaKU. fV" -J i T- ORPHANS' COURT SA.LR or H M iV'TA T!1" Dv vlrtuflof an order 01 tho orphans' court of luniMae nnty. tin undf-rstfntM, MtnitnlMrniors nt of thu cstnto ot i'cter Bltiier, ,lr , will expose 10 pub llo sate on tho prsmlssH 011 VVKDN'KSDAY, NOVKMI1KII lOtti, IS?'., nt ten o'oloek A. M., tlis f M jwlng dicrlb9J real es tate, ti wit t AMrMWUiri WD TUACr OP LVNil It'int" In rioiM t nvnsh'ii. ''i intv.if nl vtt'il 1, t. J itnlnvr I in is if Kdwir I -Him ist, DvtM Slln,'. V.t" I'Mi t nn I Lie ib 11 iW ' wnt ilnln one m'.vDini) v) HMitr v :.::,, mom or tos-i, saving and eenpihir f.iir n"rns of tiio II1UI l-HUUI II ,11b ,! , m,u 11 , iu iw n I Jtl I1IU land Is mostly cinareu, vvneicon is creciou a 2 Story Frntno Dwelling Houso nnd riiAME iusk tuns. TEIIMS OF s Vl.t:. Ten tier cent of the one-fourth of tha purcluso money tub' liihl at tho striking down ot tin" property; thmuo fjirtli osi llintcu lioret-ni. in ino otinnrm nioii oi inn .sue; unti inn iem lining three-fnurths in ono yo ir therea tei'.wlth Interest from conMnnatl m nbl. MiciiAKbsiivi:, Oct. 2I.-ts. Adintstratnrs. Si IE RIFFS SALES IY VIItTUEof awrl'sof Venilitlom Ex ) pon is ami Klerl I'aclas tssueil out of th- Court ut ' ounnjn Pleas uf t'olumiil i county, nnd 1 1 me di rected, will bo sold at public outcry on tho premises un TlItmSDAY.NOVEMllEU 18, 1S75, nt ten o'clock, a. hi., the followlii.-re ilestatoto-wtt: Alt tnatecrtahi pleco of groii'id Mtuato In se.itt township, Columbia eounlv, bounded on the north bv lands of A smiler, on the west ami cast by tha same, on the south by tho I.. X 11. It. 11. Co , contain ing tvvoucres more or less, whereot nre erected a planing mill und nil machinery und out building and tvv'oilvvelllng houses. seized, I. ike, i In execution nnd to bo toldns tho property of D snj der .t Co -MICHAEL 01tOVi:n, r.loomsburg, Oct. 1, IS7J. Sheriff ""shejilissale; " 11V VlttTt'n OF SL'NDItY Wit ITS isssued out ot the Court of Common I'leas of Columbia county, nnd to me directed will bo exposed to saloon tho tjuarry Lots of Jesso D. Idea, In seott township at 1 0 cluck, p. m on TUESDAY, NOVE.UHER 30, 1877, nil that certain undivided one-hvlf of a lot of land situate In seott township, Columbia count , lu., bo lngn Limestone (Junrn-, bounded on tho east by quarry lut of Marine A; f'nrsel, un tho north bv land of Aaron lloone, on llio w st by another quarry lot of Je.sso D nice, known us tne iireeu (pnrrv lot, south by luuls uf Aaron liooneand other Ian Is of Jesso D. lllc. on which nro erected two dwelling liou-cs. still house, stable, olllce, buy scales nml six limn kilns, being the undivided one-half of Hit' mi.ir ry lot put chased by J. D. ltleo ot Charles Leo with thu nppurtenaiiccs. ALSO; The other undivided one-half of tho qmrrv tot nlnvo described, being fie un llvlded one-hilf of said quarry lot purchased bv the sail J. D ltleo rrom l'oter hug, w 1th tho appurtenances. ALSO J Ono other piece of 1 ind In said township bounded by lands of Isaac vvhlto n thosDulh, on tno oast by lands of Ihn Hspy Lime and Cement ro , and others on the norlhbv lands ot Natlunlol H Campbell and on tho west bv land of 1'ur.sel ,t Wnples and tho quarry lots above described, containing ubout four ucres. ALSO; Ono wharf lot, sltmto on tho North branch canal In said township of Scott, bounded by lands of Cunt. Waples.tl. W. crevellng, and others, containing ono (Hurler nf nn aero, moro or less, being wharf lot pur chased of (leorf o llldl.o 's executors by tho said Jes toI). nice. ALSO, Two other wharf lots slluato on tho North branch canal In said lwp.,udolpng lands of Capt. Wnples dee'd, ('reveling x Movvry nnd others, containing nbout ono half ucre. ALSO, All tint tract of land sltuato tn Madison township. Columbia county, Pa., bounded nnd described us fol lows: beginning at a pool on the lu.iek Hun ro.nl leading from .Icrseytowii to Orangevlile, In llnoof 1 vnil or Perry Chrlatl.ui, Ihencony thos-uno north forty-nine degrees east forty-two nml seven-tenth pernios to apost, tlienco by Ihu s-iiue east lirtv-ono perches ton wliltejiak, Iheneo ninth ten degrees oust by lands ot Samuel Meredith eight v-Mx peiehe.H to ii post, tlienco by samo north thirty-two decrees V;!m,f0"y,"f"',?.pcrL'"0M to a post, tlienco by l.in7is or VJIlllam VVellbcr sevciity-Mx degrees west ntty- 1"'" perches to apost. theneo by lands of Daniel Uelllver south fourteen degrees west seventv-slv perches Ion post, thence bv tho same south slxty wo degrees west el hty-ilvo perches to u iiost In tho aforesaid road, tlieue i by hatd road smith twenty degrees east liny perches to the place of beginning, containing llfty-four acres nnd ono hundred and sev enteen icrehes nnd allowance, whereon Is erected a frame dwelling house, laigo barn und outbuildings ALSO, Another tract of land adjoining tho last above de scribed traa of land, on the north, Meredith on tho east and other lands of Welllver on tho south, being acres 1u'c"lwd 01 W' Wcl"r, containing about 41 prfe ota'cVii'.Vnce?"011' a"a ,0 b BOlJ 113 the Sherirf'somee, MI0,,AKI' mo&a Iiloomsburg, Oct, M.lSfr.. SHERIFF'S SALES By vlrtuo ot writs of Fieri Fnelas, Alias Kleil racl V end. hit, Levari I'aclas, issued out or tho court com men Picas nnd to me directed, vv 111 be expoVed as, of to public sale on the premises on T11LHSDAY, NOVE.MISER 18th,1875, atono oclock V. II., tho following real estate, to Alt that certain farm or tract of land sltu.ito in seott township. Columbia en.mti , on 1 1 0 nor 11 rn ink ol the norm bram-h of the Susquehanna river bet veen the towns of Iiloomsburg ui d Espv. bouiiiU ed on Iho noun by land or J. Harvey Crevellug, o a i"!!rtiiUyn"V."1 " ,',u"n hl""nin on iho vVestby land of II. O. Crevellng and Edward linvvlhig. con- purteiiaiices, and whereon are elected ono largo two storied brick dwelling houao with Mansaid iniif 'vvl n heat ng range nnd water uttaeluuenly, vvllh tta lo laiiiuiK iiiiiiia ui ucrea, more or less, with tiio uti- Uh stublo uii.i ..iuuuuusuuuuuii outsiiio buildings bel Ing to and currespundlng vv 1th said ilvv elllng hi Also onu two i storied fr.uno tenant houso undl leiong houae. bank- bum uiih si,,u i . . !r. ... r.""" "'Bu in good stato ot euli.vaUo,r' 1 i,o" ,1 u, n y ilfbo prepay it aml ,0 bo BuW " . ALSO, On tho same day at tw o o'clock I', nr.. tho folinu- 1".r':',ll,l'?1'i.,,u ;m h0 mM 'bo pren rseL: 10" ono lot In the town of Espy, bounded on tho smith by . a n street, on tho west by i nlley on ii.,1 nui th by un all-y, and on Iho oust by i t of V II- n hehechU'rly, being tti( feet front anil 113 v feot'leen whereon Is erected a two story brick ilvvullln-- bante and framo stable, with outbuildings. ""u"n UWK ALSO, ALSO, On 'ho same day at 3 o'clock I' M tlm mi,,.i reoleaiate will bo'sold at pubhc saloon ttopwIK All ttmt lnf nf rrrntn.H ir. . . ed on tho aoutii b MamttVecl, o tho tiffiiTlft' P flo bo t'o'idtCnSs tho ALSO. On tiio snmo day nt 4 o'clorir p t tun reu estate w,l, be'so'ld Awfl on tK'!!? frame stublo and outbuilding. . ALSO, .i i , 1UL suuato in Espy, bounded on tho tho p houso c- carpenter shop, lce-houso Ac. ALSO, Ono olhrr tnr fsitnntn in .. tho north by un uih'y", ,m tiio i eoit W ?Mra , i,'"i fZS,a ALSO. It. on tho weal by land of Mnor iSiTii" '! ALSO, Ono lot of land bounded on tho west bv I Mitetn.,, SlloiSdCmnorl'ftiy'iS ...m Itoblson and Jeaso0:!;!?!??,' lr of':5' 10 as tho ALSO, on Fill DAY, NOVKMHRU in iC7r. on l WTO,?' 3 0V,wk ' "o fouQl real tngs ;i2Viieffu,r,-,.T;', L. li. It. It. und l a co er , i "uZl of i idW"' berg, tlienco by said rail roa'l! SS ihU'Jie i1:1. Kr 12 perches to u stnim SS-i 2? I L Xh degr?Js 5S thenea byeamound degrees eastci nnd iaiui ot win i 0 lr,m ''"" I . ,, .: . ,' ' ras kouih I'i eight tenth iierthes tu uinm lot Ihoudd Stephen Thorn S si T mid four lent n perches , ,t Ono other lot In said town, hounded nn tho south by uu ulley, on the west by an nlley, on tho north b J second sireit, on tho east bv Win. (I (iirtoii ' bllnir SJk feet front by my, feclih cp, vvhereui Is'eri ct ed u 1.3 atury butcher shop, onico uad outbul dii?gs ALSO, nnwi?!01.11" lot ?f la"" ln 8a1' town, bounded on tho north by Second street, on thu tnst by bos W I'd Mn uriSpoHtriSK1 ALSO, one other lot of land, bounded on thn nneiii h, second street, on tho west by LbVatreet roii ono lot situate In tho town of p,v , the norm bj Main .trijt, i ftw east' l!- Tif1 on iu uiveiinir- i.iiij.. SOUlll by Main Mreel. r.n II,,. .. ." V'i. north by mi nilev. nn.i m. i7 T. I!...'l..'f."l!.t!h UVU3I.-, MUiJUIl none, uii:iieo by lam south r&i, degrees cu lluuhtonc, noiib H.-.v Pi'lehos to thu inldd i iheneo ulong tho bumo north tj deireeu w si u l"l s-lu perihes norlh s4 UewwB l L,Z ? flies to a htone,(by laid of l.v di. So,',, f ,S "J,?,',',1' by tho sumo uortt sii- ,i 'iVe s vtiat S'ite? !u."t0 dies to a stone, uud iioitl7;' dtit-L ilH , ll'r: y-1 Pi l-ches to a atone, lui pla'co of SieLMn ih'ii4,' lulnfng s uer.is asd Krehes of 11 dBnn. ton '. jth (ho appuitenaueos on w hhn' TjL.'rlT bilek dwelling liouso and frame "lura louse U 11 Hierlff's onico, MIuiiaki, Oitovkit. Woeinkburir, Ott, li, l(TC Bherltfi i