The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, October 29, 1875, Image 2

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Friday, Oct. 21). 187D.
The. Last Word.
To the Democrats of Columbia county, and all
citizens who are in favor of an honed ami
economical government,
Boforo nnotliar number of tho Columbian
is printed, tho election will havo been held
nnd tho question as to whether wo shall havo
a chaugo in tho conduct of our Stato air.tlrs
will havo been decided. You arc the juror
Upon you rests tho responsibility of giving
n verdict that will rclcaso you from tho
hands of public plunderers who have been
robbing you for so many yours. If you want
to know what is done with your taxes,
DATES. Tho only hopo of a return to
prosperity lies in tho result of this election
1'ULL DUTY. Uring out your teams and
Bee to it that every vote is polled. If wo tie
slro to ovcrcomo tho corrupt rings that have
been running the Stato so long, WE MUST
WORK. Ohio showed a gain of over 20,
000 Democratic votes. If Pennsylvania will
do as well, wo shall elect our caiulidates'by
a handsome majority. This is not merely
political contest. It is a personal matter of
DOLLARS and CENTS to every citizen o
this Commonwealth. If you would protect
your own right, if you would reduce your
taxation, if you would have a revival of the
industries of thocountry,if you would secure
to vour children tho blessings of an honest
and upright government, let every man put
his shoulder to tho wheel, and we shall rout
tho enemy. STRIKE 1011 YOUR COUN
the hepkai, or Tin: tax on heal estate,
In order to cover up its corruption and
extravagance, tho Republicans loudly prate
that they repealed the State tax on real estate
Every tax payer knows that his burdens are
greater now than over before. Tho act in
question was a mcro dodge. It simply
changed the manner of collecting the tax,
Tho Roard of Revenue assess upon each
county noio its share of Stato taxes, and o
course tho county levies nro made upon real
citate. To prove this wo give the following
table showing what Columbia county has
paid into tho State Treasury since the repeal
of tho law.
Columbia County .Stale Taxes,
18GG - 'J85.92
1807 - 1309.14
1808 - 085.02
1800 - 2123.31
1870 - 2123.31
1871 - 2005.31
1872 - 1011.00
1873 - 1041.00
In further proof of the burdens that real
estate must bear in the shape of taxation we
give an extract from Thomas J. Iiigham
chief of tho Bureau of Statistics under
Hartraaft, to bo found on Page 4, of his, re
port for 1874:
county Tax, ns por returns $10.6M,930.9S
School Tax, omitting I'lUIa 7,50u,o o.oo
ltoodTax, " c,auo,ooo.uo
l'oor Tax, " " 3.0 u.Oiw.oo
city ana Horo", extra, " s.ouo.u o.iw
State Tux o,3u uou.ij'
Share ot this raid by ocrsonal
property t3,3C-( SM.OJ
State Tux .7, o(5u0,oou.uo
Heal Estate pajs $M,X),"
In the face of these facts will any man
attempt to deny that real estate goes untaxed
for Stato purposes ?
A Specimen Brick.
Governor Hartranft this year advertised
fjr the annual supplies of Stationery for the
use of the Stato official. Their cost was
$7,000. Tho advertisements, given to pet
Radical papers cost 58,000! This is economy
with a vengeance. And yet tho people aro
asked to keep in power tho men who profit
by such robbery!
Democrats ! Get out every vote. Or
ganize your Townships by appointing a
committee for each School District. Two
more voles in each Township' in Ohio, would
have given us tho State. Frequently ono
vote decides the result of an election. Have
your teams ready.
A Challenge to liuwlo.
Victor E. Piollet, tho Democratic candi
date for Stato Treasurer, declares his views
nnd position as follows :
WV60X, October 11, 1875. Dear Sir:
I believe that all sums of money paid
to tho Stato Treasurer for interest upon de
posits are as much tho money of tho Stato as
is the principal, and should bo accounted
for by that officer. Plc.uo invito my oppo
nents to.como forward and state their views
and understanding of the law in this regard.
"Will thoso gentlemen agrco with me that it
is embezzlement to take n cent beyond tho sal
ary afllxed by law to the. office of Stato
I desire a precedent that will compel all
State Treasurers in tho futuro to show by
monthly statements who lias the Stato moil
0 on deposit and how much (ifunything) is
paid lor its use, with n corresponding entry
of credit on the books of tho Treasury in fa
vor of the people of Pennsylvania. I desire,
oven more than my election, that the condi
tion of the State Treasury be openly stated at
all times and tubject to the scrutiny of any
man, or set of men, desiring to verify tho
statement. Jn concluiion, J ayain aver that
interest paid for the use of State money it us
neredly the properly of the people at the prin
e'pal, V. E. 1'iolllt.
Piollet believes it to bo embezzlement to
take a cent while In office beyond his salary,
The taxpayers would llko to hear Ilawle's
opinion on this subject. Will ho daro accept
this challenge? Rlso up, Henry Rawle, and
Why dosen't Hartranft Imltuto the shin
ing example of Gov. Tildeu and issue n
proclamation to the District Attorneys of
tho Stato to indict all person detected in
using money to influence the 'election? Pa
Last l-'rlday niorilliii; District Attorney
llrltton entered thellrooklyn City Court, be
fore Judge NclUon, and mado a motion to
enter a nolle piv, in tho slander stilt of
ISecchcr against Tllton, nnd a similar motion
llceelicr against MouUoii, The Judge
permitted the entry to bo made. Mr. llrlt
ton made liko motion In all the indictments
against Tllton and Moulton, which wero nl-
owed. This ends tho business. l!ut what
are we, tho people, to understand ? Does
Hecchcr forgive them, or is he afraid? Is
this an acknowledgment of guilt on his part,
or does it show his magnaminlty? Did
Ueecher bribo Tllton nnd Moulton or did
they buy him oil"? It is about time for Mrs
Tilton, or some ono of tho precious crew to
writo n statement, and tell us all about it.
What has been tho clfect of this scanda-
ous proceeding? Simply to mako lions of
Ilcccher nnd Tilton. Tho former conducted
religious gymnastics up among tho White
Mountains' all summer, which were attended
by thousands of people, anil tho latter has
been engaged to deliver two hundred lectures
through the couutry, from which ho expects
to mako $20,000. What a people we are, to
bo sure I
Republican Spasm.
On Wednesday evening last Ex-Oov. Pol
lock nddresscd a largo audience at the Opera
House, on tho issues of the present cam
paign. Cuielly anil mostly, his aim op
pearedtobo to Impress upon the minds of
lis hearers the fact that there had been a
war, ami mat tno ucmocrauc party was
responsible for tiiat war, and that all Demo
crats were traitors, &e. &c, through the
wliolo lingo of that kind of stuff. Ho denied
that tho Republicans wero responsible for
linancial embarrassment of the country, and
insisted that finance was a mcro question' of
busiucss,and had no connection with politics
Perhaps somoof our citizens will remember
that only three or four years ago, this samo
gentleman was stumping the State, and tell
ing the people that all that was necessary to
bring about protperity and, financial success
was to vote the Republican ticket. Time
evidently has worked a chango in tho
opinions of tho cx-Goy. It is proper to
stato that Mr. Pollock was tho first and only
Know-Nothing Governor wo ever had, and
that ho is now Director of tho Mint in
Philadelphia, under tho appointment of
Grant. Of course, lie is a patriot.
i'arilon Hrokerage.
We havo been informed Hint a would bo
Senator fiom Schuylkill, of Irish French
extraction, proposes to make! heavy inroads
among the "Mollio Maguircs" in favor of
Hartranft by promising pardons' for any of
fences that may bo committed.. Ho is report
ed to havo said that ho has tho authority
of Hartranft for doing so. Any man who
would voto for Hartranft under such pledges
deserves to bo punished, and wo gladly an
nounce that tho majority of tho Roard of
Pardons happens to be composed of Demo,
crats, who are not disposed to pardon crimi
nals because they may have voted a certain
way. Hartranft has pardoned his partisaus
in the past, but unfortunately for him tho
new constitution now prevents him from
liberating them at his own will. Tho cause
must be desperate which requires appeals to
scoundrels and rufTiaus by the promise
Tell tho truth Mr. Columbian. Pleaso in
form your readers when the Democratic party
ever paia a cent on the state debt, or did any
thing to strengthen the national credit. lie
tion passed tho law creating tho Sinking
Fund by means of which the State Debt is
being reduced and under Packer's adminis
tration we paid off 1,900,000 of the
debt. Tho Republicans, as shown
the official records havo robbed that Fund
to tho tune of over $0,000,000, or tho debt
would have been that much less. A few
years ago a Republican Legislature also
passed a bill giving tho whole of the Fund
somo Nino Million of dollars to a rotten
paper railroad, and tho infamy was only
prevented by Geary's veto. Mr. llepublican,
don't ask too many questions.
Now answer us this. How comes it that
the expenses of our State Government under
Packer in 1800 wero but $3,000,000, under
Curtin in 1SGG but 4,000,000, and under
Hartranft over 7,000,000? Tho pcoplo
want to know.
Projected Frauds,
False Registry Lists Prepared for use in
Luzerne county,
Tiie Scranton Free Press says: Ono of tho
shrewdest anil yet at tho Bamo time most
villanous plots has just been discovered, to
thwart tho will of the people nt tlio next
election in this comity, that it has ever fell
to tho lot of the Sunday Free 1'ress to expose.
The first intimation that tho democracy of
Luzerne county had of this viilany was from
the following communication which appear
ed in the Philadelphia Times of Tuesday
what's in Tim wind?
To the Fditor of the Philadelphia Times:
Do you know of any reason why the rep
ublican btate central committee should havo
printed a full bet of registry books for Luz
erne county afac simile of those printed
for tho county commissioners of said county?
That such a set of books were printed in this
city, tho bill sent to Jlovt and tho books
shipped to a party in Wilkcsbarro tlio latter
part of last week, I know of a certainty. Mv
opinion is that they aro to bo filled up to suft
tlio views of tho republican leaders, the gen
uine books abstracted and these hubstituted,
Onu Who Knows.
A closo watch in tho right quarter soon
revealed "tlio reason v.hy tho Republican
sUtc committee had these books printed,"
It was discovered that E. II. Chase, Grant's
internal revenuo collector for this district,
went into tlio comity commissioner's offico
at Wilksbarre, and took therefrom certified
copys of all tho registry lists of this county,
took them to Philadelphia and had fraud
ulent ones printed. Then ho took tho cer
tificates from tho genuine boots and pasted
them upon the fraudulent ones. Theso bo
gus books aro to bo sent into tho republican
wards and districts where tho eloction boards
can bo controlled, and the books manipulated
so as to secure returns to suit their purposes.
These fraudulent lists, intended, for use in
tho Fourth and Fifth wards of this city, havo
already been sent to tho notorious A. B.
Stevens, who In conjunction with tho scamp
E. 11. Chase, last year, gave out falso tax
receipts and ho mado voters of hundreds
who were not entitled to that privilege.
Tho Treasurer of Lyon county, la., has
just defaulted for ?15,000. The Republican
papers do not generally dwell on tho subject.
The following is the voto of Lyon county for
tho last three years:
1872. 1873- 1874.
Republicans - - 87 211 209
Democrats - 1 0 13
Tho Democrato of Williamsport held a
meeting at tho Court House, on the evening
tho 21sl. The house was crowded,
spcccho.1 wero mado by Col. Tate, President
f tho meeting, Col, .1. 0. Freeze, Hon.
leister Clymer, nnd others. Wo glvo below
brief outline of Col. Itcczc's remarks as
reported by tlio (incite if Ihillctin,
col, viutRiB at wii.uiurour.
Mr l'rctzo eoiniiii'i'.o d bv recounting his
wearying cperieiieo III tlio Dcmoeraflc con-
lerciico lie spoke nl tho general good
nnturo which was manifested bv those who
arlk'limtcil in tlio sessions. Tlio defeated
candidates had all pledged tlicir support.aud
tho voto of their counties to the successful
candidate. Tho districts of tho common
wealth aro drawing themselves together for
ono more.and ho trusted a final assault upon
corruption. The President had given the
tidiest offices to his retainers, without re
gard to capacity. Wo havo seen tiio father-in-law
of tho President nctlng as an otlico
broker. Wo have seen tho President putting
tho financial management o'f tho country
into the hands of a linn which had become
bankrupt, and a per cent, was to go to tho
President nnd ins relatives in consequence.
In tho District of Columbia speculation the
leader was an intlmato of the whito house.
A cabinet officer had been driven from posi
tion on nccountof fraud, and tho place had
been lined uy tno appointment oi .acti.
Chandler. Is it not about time an admin
istration was put in power in this country
that should bo honest, nnd a protection to
our people? While tlio wages of tho labor
ing men were coming down to ninety cents a
day, tho President was traveling deadhead
about the country on a salary twice as largo
as Washington had, with half as much work.
Tho wholo country has been debauched,
and it is tlmo to cry "halt I" It is tlmo it
was stopped.
ltd rccard to tlio state, we are in very
much tlio samo condition ns with the federal
administration. Tho treasury was being
used for tho purpose of debauching the pub
lic sentiment and carrying elections. It -was
an open secret. We know tho treasury ring
has manipulated tho voto In Philadelphia.
and thereby beaten Democratic candidates.
Thcro is n Pilgrim ring in Philadelphia
which has piled up a debt so great that a
limit had to bo fixed by the constitutional
convention, nnd vet tho filching continued.
It is the business nt tho people outside tlio
city, to rescue the citizens of Philadelphia.
There were Pilgrim rings in every city in tho
btate. ihese were lor tho purpose or cor
rupting the voters. JWhen these men go
nuout with their money it means corruption,
nnd that must be struck down. Governor
Hartranft has for three -years winked nt all
this, and it is growing worse. It is within
tho power of the people to reform this; the
Democratic convention has nominated men,
who. it elected, will cniorco honesty.
lhe sneaker came from tho county of
Columbia, and ho was proud ol his county.
mo I'emocracv always marched to the pons
auu voted solidly ; it would givo two thou
sand mammy lor rcrshing and 1'iollct,
N'otso Lovely.
Evidently all is not serene in the Repub
lican borders. Tho Berwick Independent,
Republican, hits Daniel, tho chairman
hard one. AVhy dont you shcllout Dan? Where
is tho $500, you got from tho Stato central
Judging from the past wo conclude that
the Democratic county ticket will be elected
Columbia county is known as the star of
.Democracy in the state, nevertheless no fort
ress is so strong that it cannot be taken by
a wen organizeu, completely uisciplincuiorce,
led by a uroad guaged and competent leader,
In conductinc a political campaicn in n
county like Columbia everything depends
upon the county committee, especially upon
its chairman, and as we have been no fruits
Irom the labors, it there havo been any. ol
the Republican county committee, we have
reacueu uy a natural sequenco tho conclus
ion set forth in tho beginning of this article,
jj. A. uecKley, esq., we believe is tlio chair
man of tho county committeo named, and
post-master at isioouisourg, nnd it is possible
have a programme of operations and may be
at work, but we have seen none of its tracks
m this particular locality. Como what may
however, we believe the affairs of the county
will be safe in tho hands of Democrats or
Jtepublicans. lhe men named on both tick
ets are good and competent persons, and se
lections irom cither would bo satisfactory
If a certain ciiouo of RemiblicnnH in Ulnnm.
burg presume to control and manniro thn nil-.
airs of tho party and defeat again comes liko
a rushing, mighty wind, tho responsibility
must rest with them. The Democratic maj
ority in IJolumbia can bo reduced nnd the
offices divided, but it can never be done by a
uurruw guugeu, seiusu set OI loin tit politi
uuii3 m mu iciurc.
Robert P. Allen.
The gentleman who has been nominated
as tho Democratic, candidate for Senator in
this district is a lawyer in large practice in
the city of Williamsport, and a gentleman
of ability and culture. Ho is about thirty
five years of age, and lias a future, which is
a pledge or good behavior at tho present
Instead oi an cnlogium which wo might ou
selves pass upon him, wo givo an extract
from the Gazette it Bulletin, a Republican
newspaper in Williamsport, as tho highest
compliment which we can ofi'er. The Gazette
it Bulletin says :
Tho Democratic senatorial conference nfter
a tedious experience of three weeks,conclud
cd its labors by tho nomination of Robert
P. Allen, foq , of ibis city. The result is
ono that will not surprise anybody, as Mr.
Allen from the start had been one of the
leading candidates; whichever way it turned
tho probability of his nomination has always
been held in view. He has finally succeed
ed, and the nomination will provo a gratifi
cation to moro than tbobo of Mr. Allen's
party. The simple fact that tho district is
strongly Democratic is recognized by all,
and it is a peculiar gratification to hayo
such a gentleman as Robert P. Allen pre
sented for tho position. Tho action assures
us that whatever transpires tho NXlVth
senatorial district will bo represented by an
honest, upright, intelligent gentlcinan.whoso
personal character cannot be impeached. It
would not help the cause of tho Republican
party to abuso Mr. Allen, and there is noth
ing to bans abuse upon if we were inclined
to indulge in Hint stylo of warfare; wo do not
bellcvo thcro Is a citizen, no matter what his
politics, who can havo a word to say against
Mr. Allen.
Judoe Peushino'at Home. A corres
pondent of tho Reading Fayle at Pottsvillo
writing in regard to Democratic prospects in
Schuylkill county, says:
Judge Pershing stands well In this com
munity, and it is confidently oxpected that
ho will carry Schuylkill county by at least
2,600 majority. You can't ask a poor man
or a workingman in Judgo Pershing's neigh
borhood but who will tell you that ho is an
honest man and a warm friend of him who
earns his bread by tho sweat of his brow.
Tho pcoplo in Pottsvillo havo great faith in
Pershing ; they believe in him and trust In
him j uud further, they are going to support
him for governor. Some gentlemen in high
standing and who aro bupposed to know
something about politics, think his majority
in tho Stato will reach 25,000 votes.
I was talking to n representative miner
ubout Gov. Hartranft, when the gentleman
said that there was no uso in him oxpcctlng
any support from them. Tho men wero not
outspoken as a general thing, but they will
voto against him as they say he had no right
or cause to treat mep who were struggling
for their rights, in such n disgraceful man
ner by menacing them with armed troops
from all parts of tho Stato, This is tho gen
eral feeling among tho miners nnd they will
voto ugalutt Hartranft,
SINKINU KUNl)-l,la3,3HI OVKIlCltAltnKl)
PlllLAI)i:i,l'lIIA, October 22 Tho follow
ing report of tho Stato Treasury investlgn
tfng committeo was promulgated last night.
It speaks for Itself:
To his Ftcellency John F, Hartranft, Gov
ernor of Pennsylvania,. andJustut F, Temple,
Auditor General.' Tho committeo of tho
houso appointed to Investigate tho nffiiirs of
tho Stato treasury beg "leavo to prccnt tho
following additional report :
iVItcr tho Stato treasurer, In April last,
refused tho accountant of tho committeo ac
cess to tho books and papers in tho treasury
of the Stato tho committeo continued Its
work by an examination of the public docu
ments published yearly by tho different de
partments of tho Stato Government. From
thes examination the committeo ascertained
and in their report of July 1G, 1875, stated :
first, 'that Irom about tho year 18CG to
1874 nearly ?3,400,000 was largely taken from
tho sinking lund,
Second. That during a period of twelve
years, beginning with December , 1SG2, tlio
different fetato treasurers had an averago bill
anco constantly on hand of 2,100,000, but
had not accounted to tho Stato for ono cent
of interest un the same, the tax payers be
ing thus practically robbed of $1,400,000,
'third. That the law directing tho quar
terly application of all money in the sink
ing fund to the liquidation of an equivalent
amount of public debt had been constantly
and systematically violated, to the great lo?3
of tho pcoplo and tho enrichment of tho
Stato treasurers.
The committee, continuing tho samo line
ol investigation smco that report, havo fur
ther discovered :
First. That from 18G5 to 1874 there ap
pears to bo a yearly overchnrgo on tlio in
terest account on tho public debt, the dif
ferent treasurers taking, credit for paying
moro interest tha the Stato debt bore. The
grand aggregate thus unlawfully taken from
the Stato treasury,in tho eleven years named
amounts to the enormous sum of 1,1 23,301,,
Second. That from 1S70 to 1874 thcro ap
pears to havo been an excess of premium
charged on the purchnso of gold to pay the
interest on the gold-bearing bonds amount
ing in all to 121,427,95.
JIany other minor fraudulent' transactions
came under the notico ..f tho committee,
but those hero mentioned may bo tabulated
as follows :
Unlawfully taken Iroin thc&lnklni:
. 'UUI $3,400,000
Interest on public deposits, i,40o,io
u. . ....... Hv .it luitua. ui uuui, J.12J..1UI
uvvrciMnro in goiu premiums, I2i,6i:
iotUl, fcVM.O-l)
Tho committee having pursued this lino
of inquiry as far as practical or useful,
subpoenaed the State treasurer, R. W. Mack
cy, and his predeces-ors in office, to appear
and explain, if possible, any of tho above
items. Theso subpoenas wero returnable
October 5, at Harrisburg, their service sworn
to, but thcro was no appearance, except by
Mr. Alackey, and ho declined to testify un
til his predecessors in offico wero sworn
certainly an unusual dictation on tho part o
a witness. But tho committee met from day
to day, and subsequently subpomed -Mr,
Mackey to appearand testify in Philadelphia
on Wednesday, October 20. Mr. JIackev
treasurers have studiously avoided tnoifitxv
iiigsot the committee. Had tho committei
the power to issue an attachment for the!
arrest that power would bo promptly used
but that is a prerogative of the house which
must of necessity remain unexercised until
tho house is in session. What inferenco is
to bo drawn? Certainly it is fair to assume
that all tho charges above mado aro true, an
tno treasurers do not appear when lawfully
suupoencd, and explain or deny them.
in this connection the committee cannot
refrain from referring to another difficulty
had to contend with. Tho committeo was
created by tho houso alone, the Senate rc-
lusing to concur, and tho committeo was
wholly deprived of funds to pay any of its
o. II. ItEiailAItD.
1'ItEO. W. aU.N'STEIt,
A woni) To The Lahokino Classes.
Tho wages of labor havo fallen an avera
of GO per cent, in tho last two years, while
food and fuel aro as high as ever. Thus, tho
laborer who threo years ago earned 3 a day
on tho average, now earns only 1 if ho can
get work at all whilo tho prime necessaries
of life cost just as much as they did before.
Where is the fault? Who is responsible for
this destruction of industry, for this suffering
of honest workmen? Tho Republican party
and its system of Grantism and plunder. Let
thoworkinginen remember this, and voto ac
cordingly. The Democracy aro seeking tho
good of tho great class of active business men
and workingmeii, who aro really tho life
blood of tho country. Tho republican party,
in its ruinous nttempt to force specio pay
ments, is working in tho interest of rich id
lers and salaried offico holders. Choose yo
between them. Ailentown Democrat,
Whenever ministers of tho Gospel so fur
forget their vocation a.sto utter In tho pulpit
stuff liko this, it is timo Christians ceased to
attend the churches where it is uttered :
J'arson Xicwman Thanh God for the Jtcsult
of the Ohio Fection.llov, Dr. Newman
yesterday, at tho morning service in tho
Metropolitan M. E. church, thus alluded, in
oni ot his prayers, to tho recent election in
Ohio: "Wo thank Thee, O God, for tho
recent evidences exhibited by the people of
their purposo to remain truo to those princi
ples by which a people will continue to bo
irco, and that by theso signs they showed n
desiro to perpetuate the principles inculcated
by our forefathers and to preserve them for
futuro generations." Evening Star, Uth
It Is sacrilege to nttributo tho result to tho
Almighty. Remember, it teas a very close
Thero is moro scandlo about relatives of
tho President. Some of tho Innumerable host
who havo claimed kindred at tho Whito
Houbc,"and had their claims allowed," aro
said to bo partners of a prominent distiller
In St. Louis who havo been Indicted for
frauds upon tho rovenuo. This man refuses
to plead guilty, and threatens to mako it
warm for his partners of tho Presidential
family if the prosecution Is pushed. Thoso
relatives will bo tho ruin of Grant yet.
Philadelphia Tunis,
A San Francisco dispatch says that the
lato election there was a triumph of tho peo
ple solely in tho choice of good men. Poli
tics wero utterly Ignored. Democrats voted
for republicans and republicans voted for
democrats. San Francisco feels very proud,
and tho outspoken and rejoicing that rich
scoundrels, as well as poor rascals, can bo
dealt with by the judiciary here.
A Problem.
Tho amount of gold In tho country Is n
llttlo over 1,000,000. The annual produc
tion of tho mines of California. Nevada,
Utah, Colorado, Molilalia and Idaho, aver
ages about 70,000,000. Tho annual export
of gold from tho country in payment of in
terest bearing debt, and in adjusting the
balance of trade, Is nearly SO,000,000. Gold
Is also used to a considerable extent in tho
arts and manufactures. In tho vaults of the
United States Treasury there nro now nbotit
75,000,000 In gold. With these figures as
a basis, wo would llko somoof tho advocates
of contraction to tell us how tho government
can redeem 380,000,000 of paper money
with 75,000,000 of gold. And if that
can bo successfully accomplished, wo would
ITko to know how 150,000.000 in gold will
servo tho purposo of a circulating medium
for tho business of a country which required
twlco that ninount of money fifteen years
ago. Wlicn they havo answered these
.questions wo hnvo a few more posers for
them. Standard.
Election Boards would do well to read tho
"note" printed on tho bottom of the "Trip
licate Election Return." Wo publish it be
low for tho benefit of all voters.
Note. Three of theso returns must be
signed by tho officers and certified by tho
overseers, if any olliccr or overseer refusing
to sign or certify, shall endorse tho reason of
his refusal on each return. Ono return with
the tally paper, list of voters and oaths of to bo placed in an envelope, sealed
up, and delivered with the unsealed return
sheet to tlio Judge of election. Ono of the
returns is to bo placed in tho ballot box and
sealed up with tho ballots. The third re
turn is to be scaled up in an envelope, and
given to tho minority inspector. All three
returns are to be sealed up in the presence of
the olhcers.
Tho return sheet contains tho following
Note. This Return Sheet is to bo siencd
by all tho officers, and given unsealed to tho
judge, and by him delivered (at the tlmo tho
return is delivered) to tho Prothonotary.who
shall mark thereon tho day and hour of
hlitig, and preserve it for public inspection.
Just for tlio purpose of showing how well
the Philadelphia banks aro prepared to rc
sumo specie payments, wo quoto tho follow
ing from tlio weekly statement published
yesterday :
1-oana 01,411,578
Circulation 11,087,055
bpecie 140,740
Which shows a specio dccrease'of 20,251
within a fortnight. Won't those banks have
to pull up sharp for tho next three years to
raise that eleven millions of specio? Well,
they will. But they will not consider it a
hardship, for tho reason that they arc bent
upon having honest money, tho greenbacks,
their own bantlings, being only rags, you
know. Philadelphia Chronicle.
Full Vote of Ohio. Full returns have
been received officially from all but ten
counties, and from thoso tho returns havo
been received from tho local committees of
both parties, and the voto for Hayes is 297,-
813; lor Allen, 292,204; for Odell, 2,471.
Hayes' majority over Allen. 5,549 ; over all
3,098. The Republican candidate for Stato
Treasurer is the lowest on tlio ticket, ho is
elected by 3,903 majority. Tho total voto
polled is 692,548, being over -10,000 more
than over were cast in tho Stato before.
A few of the Republican newspapers havo
admitted that Judgo Pershing did not fire
rioictt uiu iioiTsa'-.u"vjiiAiio -jvJu),V"-Cffl,
generous I
ml.. fin m.. . 1. .
j.uo aiuonc lotai Abstinence union pro
poses a grand parade of the Union at Phil
adclphia next year in honor of tho Centen
General Grant sold his old war horse, vicks
burg, at public sale, for 30. Was tho love
of money tho prevailing sentiment that led
to the sacrifice of this faithful old animal?
In Albany township. Berks county, there
is an aged man named Daniel Correl, who
has spent sixty years of his life hunting wild
animalson"LudoMountnin." Hois known
as tho "Wild Old Man of tho Woods." am
is almost as wild as the animals themselves
Daniel Webster's Marshfield ostato is now
reduced from 1600 acres to nearly the orig
inal purchaso of about 400 acres, but the
homestead retains tho characteristics of it
old ownership, though most of tho works in
tho library have been removed for sale.
All prospects of a war between England
and China aro at an end, Mr. Wade,- the
English minister, having obtained from tho
Chineso government all tlio guarantees bo
considered necessary. This is satisfactory
intelligence, as a war witli China would havo
no beneficial results, and would bo certain to
inllict immense damago upon commerce.
Wheat per bushel..
Ujo " ...
corn-new, "
Oats; ' " ...
Flour per barrel ...
.. $
.. .Ill
, . T.00
lilted Apple !.
Hams .. '
si.losiSliouhlei'B .,
i.aru per mjiiiii
. . 80.00
quotations fou coal.
No. 4 on AVliarf i 4,00 per Ton
No. 6 " " t s.T.v "
No. 6 " $ i,tAl "
UlackHinlth'sLutnpou'.vuarf $4,00 " '
" Iiltuiutnous " i o.oo " '
SIMMONS-IIUNSON.-On Wednesday, October),
isio, at tuo resilience or tno urine's parents. In Cen
tralla, by tho Itcv. (1. M. Lorncil, Mr. W. II, Simmons
to Miss Lizzlo Ilenson, both or I'entralla, Columbia
counij, m,
NEVIIAItD HN VUEIt At Oratitfovllle, on tho
ISth Inst., by tlio llcv, N. Spear,I. L. Neyhard to Jllss
ui'gina Mijuer, bom 01 oransevlllo.
l'LTTUItOLI' GOKONElt On tlio ICtu Inst.,
by Itev. J. A. Irvine, Mr. Henry A, Tetterolf and JIlss
isncnj.doruncr.of IJglit Street.
llOATMAN-TltUMI'.-On tho 14th Inst., by tlio
Itov. William O. Laltzlo, Mr. Christian Iloatinnii to
Miss Elizabeth Trump, both of lloarhiKcrreek tonu
blilp, Columbia county.
DENT-l'HEPEHICK.-On tho SCth lust., by tlio
same, Air. JOiin w. Dent toMlss Clara Jennie Fred.
crick, both of Catawlssa,
KLINE-In llloomsburtr, on October 8S, Mrs.Husnn
nah Kline, aged is jeurs, 0 months and 80 days.
JOHNSON-In Jerbcjtown, lu, on October 81, ot
cancer in tno biomacu, Mr, Ilobert Jolinbon, In tho
891b 'car of Ids ago.
lUTTKNIlKNnKlt-Oii Thursday, October UUi.
Mrs, E. lllttcnbender, who of Conrad Iitttenbendcr
h moomsburt'. Ascd4 scars, 8 months uud
3 (la) s.
MKNSCH-ln Locust townslil p, on October 80. Mr
Jacob Mcnscli,OECd 71 years, 10 months and 81 ilajs.
1IAUTZF.LL In Mala townsplilp, on Octobers!.
Miss Kate- Ilartzelll, ofed 14 3 cars and 9 dajs.
Democratic Stato Nominations.
Of Schuylkill county.
stiti; TiiEAsunni!,
Of Ilradford county.
Columbia Co, Domooratio Nominations.
CHARLES O. BARKLEY, Hloo.msbtirg.
GEOROE SCOT!', Catawlssa.
B, FRANK ZARR, Bloomsburg.
I'.IMIsi'EU and UKcoitiii'.u,
Dr. HUGH W. McREYNOLDS, Hemlock.
SILAS W. MfHEN'RY, Jackson.
JOHN II. CASEY, llloomsburg,
MARTIN V. B. KLINE, Catawlssa.
Eopublican Stato Nominations.
Governor John F. 1 Iahtii anit.
citato Treasurer Henky Rawle.
Prohibition Stato Nominations.
Governor Roiif.itr A. Ruowne.
Statu Treasurer Elijah K. Rennveackeu
m vnrrrn or su.Nnuv writs isssuod out
of tlicl'ouit of Common i'leasof columM.i countj.
nnu in mo (nrt-CTciMMu uo cxposou in s.uu on mo
UHittTV Lois or .lesso I). It co. in i-eott towns i n at l
nil that certain undivided one-half of n lot of land
Minute In Scott township, Columbia countr, fa., be
ngn Limestone Oiinrrv, bounded on tho east bv
quarry lot of .Mnrnle X f urscl, on the north bv land
of Aoi-ou Iloone, on tho west by nnolh'T quarry lot
of Josvi I) nice, known ns tho (ireon mi irrr lot.'
KOUth by lands ot Aaron lluononnd other lands of
.lesso I). Illcc. on which nro eroded two dwelling
nouses, still house, staoie, oince, nav scales nniisif
lime kilns. iKine tho uiu Hided one-half of tho quar
ry lot purclnsed by ,1,1). Itlco ot Charles Leo with
tlio appurtenances. ;
Tho other undivided one-half of tho ouarrv lot
uuovu iii-scriueii, iieiu inu iin'iiw'ieu ono-uni oi
said quarry lot purchased by tho said .1.1). Itlco from
l'cter isnug, w iia mo appurtenances.
One other pleco of land In said township bounded
hy lands nf Isaac Whito n thosouth, on the cast by
lands ot the Espy I.lmo and Cement Co , nnd others
on tho north bv lands of Nathaniel II. Camnbell and
on, tho west by land of l'urscl K Waples nnd tho
quarry iois aoovo uuscriueu, containing nuout lour
Ono wharf lot, sltuatn on the North lirnnch Canal
In said township of Scott, bounded bv lands of Cant.
Waples, (I. W. crc'cllng, and others, conlnlnlngono
quarter of nn ncre. moro or less, belmr w hart lot pur
chased of Oeoivo llidlay's executors by tho said Jcs-
U 1. nice
Two other wharf lots sltuatn on tho North llranch
eanai in huiu iwp.,auioimng lanus or capt. waples
in-cii, iociiiij," iv .nuwry uim oiners, eoniainin1
about ono halt ncre.
All that tract of land situate In Madison township,
Columbia county, lu., bounded nnd described ns fob
lows: lleirlnnlnir at n noni nn tho m.ieir linn m.oi
lending from .lersoytown In Ornngevlile, In llneof
niimm i;cnv, iiii-iicuoy ino .samo norm
fortv-nlna decrees east fortv-two and seven-tcnth
perches to a post, thonco bv tho same east lirtv-ono
perches to a whlto'oak, thonco north ten decrees
east by lands ot Samuel Meredith elghty-sK perches
to n post, thenco bv samo north thirty-two decrees
enst forty-twn perches lo a post, thenco hv lands ot
William Welllver scventv-sK degrees west llfty
threo nerches to a nost. thenco bv l.miis nf n.mip!
Welllver south fourteen decrees west seventv-sK
perun.-s ui a posi. uieneo ov 1110 samo Kouill Rlxly
Iwo degrees west eljhty-llvo perches ton post In
i no aioresaiu roau, luenco oy said roaq HOUU1 twenty
in-Kii-i". uii.v jt-icue.sLu inu piacu oi oeginning,
containing llftv-four acres nnd ono hundred nml Rev.
enteen perches nnd nllnwnnce, whereon Is erected a
inline uwcumy nouse, largo oarn nnu ouinuiiuings
Another tract of land ndlolnhnr tho last nbovo do.
scribed tract of land, on the north, Meredith on tho
east and other lands of Welllver on tho south, being
lands piuchascd ot w. WcllHcr, containing about 41
Seized, taken Into execution, and to bo sold as tho
properly oi jesso n. nice.
Sheriffs omoe, Sheiln.
llloomsburg, Oct. 29,1875,
Letters of Administration nn tho nhib, of ro
..TSTTClTI, lfVMltl VATllnn
garct curry, late ot ccntralla borough county of
been granted to Daniel f. curry, of Centralla
borough, fa., to whom all persons Indebted to said
estate uro requested to mako payment, nnd thoso
having claims or demands will mako known tho
duiuu iu.uut uciuy. J-IAiNl!.!, 1-. CUUKV,
Oct 20-ow Administrator.
. Letters or Administration on tho estnto of c.
...... w. ..u. lull ll-Mllil, v.uiuuiuiu t,u
deceased, havo been granted by tho lleglstcr ot sahi
county, to J. s. ltcdllno and Ellas Wntts, ot (Jreen
wood township. All persons having claims against
the estate ot tho decedent, aro requested to present
them for settlement, and thoso Indebted lothoesUito
lli'illfni. Int., nr lr,iw,.l ,,n.hin .
iu iiiumj ii.ivincui iu tuo uuuersigneu administrator
vm-iiuumeiay, .lusi-.l'll M KliDI, INh,
Sept. 22, is-cts Administrators,
Letters testamentary on tho estate of Susan Kin
Dev. l.ltll lit Itloninslllln- f VUmnlifl.i rmit,t.. rtwnm..,,,
have been granted by tho Iteglsterotsald'counW to
i cier nriigier, oi iiioomsuurg, Columbia county.Pn.
Executor, lo w horn nil persons Indebted nru request
ed to mako payment, and those haUm- claims or do-
mands against tho said estnto will make them
Known to inu saiu t-.xecuior wiuiout ueiay.
I'E'l'EIt IHtfULEIt,
Oct. 22. W.
fcrsons Indebted to tho underslo-ned for miveriis.
Ing or other printing must scttlo up Immediate
payment or note. Subscribers In arrears fur tho
Columuian aro also requested to settle promntv. Ui
cash or nolo. Tho undersigned, or somebody for
him, may at all times bo found dining business
hours, at room No. 1, Columbian building, occupied
...... J, -!, Ml, U3 M lt" Ulllte.
Tho undersigned, executors of tho last wilt and
LVMaiueiii ui iit-uru Luiigeuuerger, uec (I, win ex-
iiu7u iw duiu uu me picuuai-s, in luill low u-uiu,
Columbia county, ou
nt 2 o'clock f. M., tho following described property,
All tiiat certain tract of land, sltuato in tho town-
shin of -Main, Columbia outinty. fa., bounded and do-
ncnucu us iuiiuws, iu wu : jsormwaruiv, uy tho imb
ue loau leaning irom uatawiss.i to Mltlllnvlllo: east-
wniuiy, uy lanus or Daniel Miner ; southwardly, lu
public road leading from Espy to Malmlllo; west-
waruiy uy lanus ot (leorgo lireisch, containing
; Acres ol' ooil Timber I.tnil.
Terms mado known on day of sale.
Oct.22-ts. Executors,
llv lrtllfl of an order nf tlm nrtUi.mi rvn-t r.f rv,-
lumbla county, tho undersigned. Administrators ot
ui uiu csiuio ui reier miner, dr., will expose tu pub
11c solo on the premises on
at ten o'clock A. M tho following desorlbcd real es
tate, to wit:
situate In Locust township, County ot Columbia, ad-
j'.iiiiiik iHiiuT ui r.iitiu miim-tiiT, oune, A.l'
Usher and Jacob liable, containing
moro or less, saving nnd oieenttn? four nin. of tim
aforesaid Iract of land set apart to tho widow, Tho
luuu m mostly cicareu, wncieon is erected a
2 Story Frame Dwollinjr Houso
and nuuE dank iuun.
TEItMS Of SALE Ten ner r-enf. of flinnnn-fnn.M.
wt mu iMiiiiuou oiuuuj mm paiu III, mo SltlKlUg
down ot tho property! thoono fciiirin less in,, i,-,7
per cent, at tho couilrmatlon of thu sale ; and tho
t . tiuiu-iuui iui in um jour iiiereuiicr,wiiii
luUiest from couilrmatlon nUI.
Oct, 21. ts, Adinlstrnlors.
TttO WKf&t nml mtlkt lirtlllntit. Mtnrarv trnirta ni
Hrv tnuuiumt ytart, buiwi-ju jruill moro WUUI
500 Authors, Pools, llolbrmcrs,
Theologians, Statesincn,
Philosophers & Wits,
whoso genius has Illumined tho world. This newcy.
clopcdla ol thought Is urrunged by topics hi illustra
tion Of tho Oosnel htorv of Christ, nrlnteil fnrr.,rr-
enci) ut thu foot uf the pago. other fciieilul features
of this reinarkublo book, entitled
cmtisT i a,iTi:ii.vruiii:
nro glieu In our circular, Tho book Is edited fly
Is handsomely illustrated, andW In nil respects an
elenantand tuluablo work. Clergymen, 'll-ucheri
rtBeuls, all who wish loearu money, should apply
'."I'SW-y'fT !ur iena aud territory to J. p.. Miti
X CO., Publishers, HI fark 1'lace, Kew York.
llv Mrttie of wrlls uf fieri, Alias Hc-rl wi
ns Vcnil. Et., U'vnrl Kiirl.i, isii"'il otit of llijcuiirl
iif l'niniii-m I'lcns ntid tu me illriM-leil,lll heetwwil
to public wile en t he prehiHes on
nt ruin o'clock 1'. M., tho following real estate, to
W'i'iii... .ln lomn, l.shil MUinte In
1 Scull township. Ciiliiinl-I.i cutinti , on Iho norllurn
11 ink ol the rlli bran, h ot tin- sus luelnmm ilv r,
between 1110 um-nnu nuniniMi tmu "--iV, - "
ed on tno norm ny mini or.i. inim-jr .. .
tliu pnt by land ot.lohn Minium mi the west b
land of It. 0 crcullnit nnd Edward lliinllrut, nm
tiiliiliiir nliout IHI acres more or lev, llh tlio up.
puitenniires, nnd whereon are irci ted unci iriro two
storied brick dwelling houso Willi .Manoard riiMf, In
henttmrrare'o nml water attachments tlli MaMo
nnd wnifon Houso nnd nil uulohlo bulMlnirs belomf-
inir in ami coni-puiimuK mum n.u,i ..., .
,Zn n,,n .( btf,ri,i rr,imn teimtit ho use and laiiro barn with sheiH nml other outbtillillnitsland
liiltood Mate of cultnntlmi. 'I ho proper!) will ho
sold In two parcels, or to tho best nihnntage to pur-
nasers nnn creniinro. . ,. , , , ,.
seieil. taken Into execution nnd to bo sold na tho
property of Daniel Snyder
nn h umnit.iv nt. t wn nVlnck I' M.. lhe follow-
Ins real estate will bo Mjld on tho premises !
one lot In the town ot Espy, lioiindcil oil tho south
by Main Mreot, ou tho west by an nlley. on tho
north by nn nlly, nnd on tho east by lot of H llllam
schecliieilj, helnif siitf feet front ntul li.i'i fectilcep,
w Hereon ll erecieu u io niwi j mi, u ,iiiiii,iji
nnd stable, u un outbuildings.
nnnnlhodnl' In tinhl I mvtl. llflll 11 il Pt nil IllO SOlltll
bv nn iillnv. llm Wtst. 1V ntinllPV. Oil ttlO inrth 1V
Ht-coiul (iippAHt by win. (. (itrton, iKliitf
fret front tv 1!3$ tet ut-rp, wlHTwm u rivet-
t'U a ijoj filury uiuimT snuis uincu mm uuiuuiiuiug-x
nn. filler Int. of Inml In nald koivn. bounded on Iho
north bv Second street, on the east by Thus. W. Ed
trar, on tho south by an nlley, and on Iho west by M.
A. urceti, nml other property ot II. tl. crcvellng, bo-
erected n two story frame stable
imrs2V ieei iroui ov iij.i u-e
rninilier lot, of land, bounded on tho north by
Second street, on the west by l.lghlstrcet raid, on
thnuoutn bv At. A. Ureen. nnd on tho east bv other
property ot ll O. cretellug, Dclng-on Second street
nnd on I.lghtslrcet ruad, whereon Is ended a
two story framo dwelling aud oiiliiullillnss., nnu exeeuuun nnu iu uu euiu us inu
property ot It. u. creveiuig.
On fh samo dav nt a o'clock f. M.. tho following
real estalo 111 bo sold nt public saloon tho prem
ises !
All that lot of ground In tho town of Uspy, bound
ed on the south bv .Main street, on tlio west bv ll -o,
f manual, on tho north bynn nlley and on tho enst
uy an aitey, uejnjf uu reei ironi mure or n-s-i, wnere
on nre erected a two story frame dwelling, framo
stable and outbuildings with thu uppurtcninec.
seized, taken into t'iceuilou, and to uu sow ns tno
property of Ell Ilaitmau.
On tho same diynl4 o'clock f. M Iho following
real estate will uesuiuui puoncsjieou mo prem
ises! Ono lot sltuato In tho ton not Espy, bounded on
the nortn by Main street, on tho east by an nlley, on
tho south by nn alloy, and on the west by Nchemlah
ilicuarus, oeing w ieei. noni, au i ieei, iieeii,wiieru
on nro creeled it two story framo dwelling house, a
iramc suioio nun ouiuuiiuiu;d.
Ono oilier lot sltuito In Esnv. bounded on tho
south by Main street, on tho cast by a street, ou Iho
noun uy uu uuey, auu ou inu husl uy iuun oi miiiei
Kdirur. Duliiir luu lect front nnd uo feet deen. whole-
on nre erected a two si ury i l ame house, " agon houso
carjieuier snop, ice-uoiisu .vc.
One other lot situate In said tonn, nnd bounded on
tho north by an allej-, ou tho east by .Mrs. It. '1 nom
as and on the west bv A. Ileckmaii and llalld Whtl-
mile, un tho nurlh by uther land of Ahr.un sn der,
containing acres whereon uro erected u frame
barn, shed uud outbuildings.
One lot of land In said township, bounded on the
enst by Llghtstrect load, on thu smith bv L. .t H. li
lt, on the west by lund of Mooro crcvellng, and on
inunoriii oy oilier i.iuus oi .Moure creciinj, euu
taming 3S acres, moro ur less.
Ono lot of land bounded on tho west by Llghtstrcct
roau ou uiu suuui oy l,. v u. it. ii on ino easi oy
public ruad, and on the nurlh by laud uf the heirs uf
.funu UUU14UU unu aes&u u..-ucrici, cuniaimnj? 44
Sclod, taken Into execution, and lo bo sold ns tho
propel ty or Abraham Snjdcr.
on tho premises, at 2 o'clock f. M., tho following
real esiaie, lo iwi:
All that certain messuage or tenement and stone
uouso nnu lot or parcel ut land sltuato In lirlarcreek
to nshlp, t.'ol. Co., bounded ami described ;us follow s,
viz: Ucgliintng aln stonoon the south stile oflhe
L. & II. It. K. and a corner of land of l.vdla Snunen.
berg, thence by said rail road north S3 decrees west
s uud four-tenth perches, north SI', decrees west
12 porches to a stono In lino of land ol Daniel l'urscl
tnenco uy saino unu lanu ot win. b. rro is south ;u
dciirees eastci undtlu-ht tenth perches to a Unu
stone, thence uv laud or tho said Menhen Tliomnu
south degrees easi 7 and fuur tent h pel ches to a
lino stone, north nii'i degrees east :il and nlno tenth
percnos to ino miuuio ot tno .Norm lirancli canal
thenco along tho samo north 77 degrees westOiuul
8-10 nerches north sk deirroes east. IS nnd o-lo ner-
ches to a stonc,(oy land ot l.jdla sponenberglthcnco
by tho samo north si ' ilcirrees w est 4 and v 10 ner
ches to a stone, nnd north ",' deitieeswestlCahd
3-bi nerches to a stono, tho place of beginning, con
taining 8 and 47 perches of land, neat meas
ure, with the appurtenances.
Seized, taken Into execution, nncfto bo sold a3 tho
property oi Jacuu Kociicr anil .Maria his wire.
.miuiiai;l uitovKit,
. Ity vlrtuo of nn order of tho Orphans Court or Co
lumbla county, tho undersigned. Administrators of
.uu wiaiu ui i-iiiiip jiiiier,uecu,will expose to publl.
the following described real estate, to w it, comincnc-
"h " . u v.iui-iv -. ..I, I
LOT NO. 1. Hounded nml ileserlheil no Mim
on tho west bv land uranium i
rlson, on the south bviim Niwiiin,ii,iir, ri,-., .....i
tho heirs of Sa Ilia Webb, on tho east by tho hi Irs of
Asencth llakcr mid Lo I Miller, aud on tho north by
n,i.ui,i,i,v uiooinsuurg ra road and pur,
parts Nos. 4.n. 0. 7. ill. Innml f. uiitnt.. 1.. Wl.
tow nshlp, and extending Into Scott township, In tho
county of Columbia utoiesald, containing lucres
nnd 1,1., perches, w hereon are erected a Lugo
with omVMtehcn, good water nt the door, nn Arm:
OKciiAiiu, mi tmpruied land.
LO T NO, 2 Sltuato In Centre township, in tho
County tit Columbia nfon said, bounded anil describ
ed as follows, to wit: ou tho west by Scott township
Hue, 011 tho south by purparts Nos. :i, li, u, 7, s, 0. 10
anil 11 and I lie Lackawanna X illoumsburg rail road
on iho east by land of N. I.. Campbell uud Joseph
oho, nnd on thu norm by land ot Frederick lln-cn
hnehjCunuiniiig Macros and 07 perches, wheieuii
Aiiooi) bank iuun, water comenlentto houso and
iJmd' rrLK 0"C"AK"' Auo"' t"1 "ores aro wood
1 i'"'1,' 3: ,sltiato in Contro township uforesahl,
boundeil aud described as follows: ou tliu west by
mm! .r "S iu" 1110 K'JUtl' lot ul "enjamin
.Miller, on Iho east by purpart No. n, and on tlio
jo'hy imi'iiaitiio. 2,contatnliiglioiicii.lies,ivlieie-
i,,1.'.?1,' Ni0, "l 'tuato in centro township nforesald.
bouiidedand doscr 1 bod iu fuiioivu, 1,1,11,,. .,
nuriinrts N'os. n i,ii 1 ,in,i i... ... n.... "y
Iho soutti by purpart No. 1, ou thu east by uiar"
No, (,, and un tho north by purpart Nu. 2, eoulaliiliiir
i ucres uud t'j iierehes, whereon Is a -"""u"iui,
LOT NO. li. Sllll itn In 1'r.nlr. I.,,....,.,
bounded oi. tlm wesl s ' , ' X, 'u
'""J ''"?;;!;?. '".".'- .respectively, containing two
.v ...... ....j-iiu.u jjuiuw, wuereuu 1SU
.OT N'l). 7. SUMI-itn In r-,., ..... ..
imi.n i ,, .1 ;. :r u", '','i, "urcsaiu,
ii.ui.s nos. 11, i,snmi2 resiiecl u-lv. coiitahiluL' two
acres anil t flv 1,11,,. ,,r.,-,.i,,.i ,. i.... ".'.. ,'"""""! two
" "vnj, nuum, east unu north bv iinr-
' . - I ... , limil 19 U
LOT NO. 9. MtlMfA In lnnl. ...,
uuuuaeu on tnu north, west andsuiilh by iiurrnrts
. . (. vvmtu ion 11 -niii 11 ni(iri'!iui
nos. , o unu 1 resneeineiy. nnd on iho east by nu r
nai ts nos. It unit 11 1 mt r .1 ,,.i..i... '.
liluopmh-wi;ereUuU,S " mKa U,mm1-'
LOT NO. 10. Mtu.itu in -.,,. 1
111 ,i 11.1,1 ... . V " i"'"? "s. 11 unu
LOT NO 11 kltlllfn In ...
Jylun toUSt," nortl. lid S T, v "punu S
llfty perches, uii whiu, is a ' """" u"-a""uK
LOTXfV 19 Mltnnf.. I,. -
,,AiB. '. "' , bHllul a"d west by purpai Is
nos. 10, 1 uud 1 rcsiwctlvely.euutalnlugtlttVpeiciies.
boVmiieo ,',,! . i ll,la,P, '", Contro township aforesaid,
from II oomsburg to llerwlck, on the e.m by land of
10 htlrs of Eo Webb, ou 1 losoutli 1 tlio Norii,
brunch Canal, una on thowest by land of TIUuiu
Naglo eon alnlng tno acres and ono 1 liudred uiiS
eleteuiierches, whereon Utrectedu uuuuuu'u'
T am? rwelllns Iloaso .nd Outbuildings.
I.0TNO.1J. Slllifitn In i-,,., i ..
bouniUd i.11 tho'nuiih hPlUi uub lS SRS !
ho heirs of Eliza Thomas deceased, on lhe snui iVJ
,111101 iiumaii isngle. nud un tho ucst by scTiool
c'rVcleu; X'ldltlm l
LOT NO. 15. Sltuato In Main township, county
nforesald, bounded on tlio norUi by the Tsui VieCa
river, ou tho cast and south by lands uow Or late of
tho heirs of Oeorgu Longenborger deccasul. and on
SIS! iS'ra-' """'h IW ucres'a'K
lug about tliree-lourths ot 11 square jierch.
Jen per cent, ut ihu coiillrmulloii ut tho iilu T niid
thoreiuulnlugthree.fourtlis lnonojear theri-atur
! ! IVi-n" r0.'!' ouiillrmallon ntsC I'urohisera to
isith, : l" I'urehusci-s of uo.
1 ll Canal on V .T,'".n ., ,r . "u
.Markitslre t l,7vo, iX.""? 7' .
Oct 22 tu. A K' B"L'MAN, '
oct. 22-ta. AUmhilstrators.
lie morrnntltfl business heretotoro carried on bv
tho mm of I'liniilKTlIn & Kltrhen In the Milage (f
Espy has tnu niv been iiioooiveu ny mutuaieonseni,
1 lie hnslncfio wl I herenrterho enrrloil ou bv .1. 1.
Kllehen wlin is nuthorHeil tocnleTI nil debts due
the 111 m nnd pay ult hidebtodnciM of th" snme.
Oct' l.V"n IW J' KITCHEN,
From mis date tho liloomslnirir Ons Company will
put In cruco pipes nt first cost nml furnish and set
merer ni lour ikui.iim eiii-n.
The company on hand a lot of gas tnr nulled
,r palming roofs, and posts ur other limbers placed
urt.i" frnlltu!.
i-rice in cents perBiiuuu urxz.w iw-i iiuim-i.
(KMV'Mt f1-
estate ov niciiAiii) r. iei.i.f.h, nrc-n.
,'lirAin ,,iiiiiiui-iiiitrfii iiii uiu ...nii.i . i. it nt, 1 1.
. Keller of Ccntralla. Columbia county deceased
hao been granted by tho Hoglstrr of said county to
Samuel I.. Keller Ccntralla. Columbia county, l'a., to
whom mi persons inunoteii to pain isinie nro rc
quested to mako payment, nml thoso hnMng claims
1 Kill US' I III nltl1 1 ISllllll ..111 IllilhO III v III MIU.,11 IU illu
laid administrator w llhout delay.
nA.Mll-.l, l. ll,l.L.r.u, Auiiii.
Sept. 2s, IST5.
Auditor's .wnui;.
.... i r.1 .. I... .I , If
l.itale oj isyiecticr vicavcr, taic nj i ranhitn,
f0UV.ill', lit l-rfi..i-u.
Tim unrlerslirned. Auditor to tnnko distribution of
tho tunds In tho hands of tho Administrators of Sjl
estcr Clemer. deceased, w ill intend In tho duties of
his appointment ol nis o, nee in uaiaiw-s.i, on nies
day, theietti day ct November, IMS, between tho
hours of s u. m., nnd 3 p.m., when nnd whero nil
persons having claims ngnlust tho sail estate nro re
quired b pi cent the samo before Iho Auditor, or bo
debarred from coming In for n share of paid fund.
11,1.1A.11 1.. L.11-.IU.1,
Oct. 15,'75-lw Auditor.
UDlTOR'fi NOTiCi:.
In th
c Ornhtinf Court of Columbia Omnty.
FtTAlKUrl. I. BIH'IISI, I''.
Tim tinilendiriieil. Auditor to distribute Iho fund
In the hands ut Probst
Jeceiscd.wlllntteud to theflutlcs of hiss appointment
at tho oilleeot llfockway K Eiw ell, lu llloomsburg,
on rriuav, Miemuer o, isin, in, ui uciueu, a. iu.,
when and whero nil persons haUng claims against
the said estate nro required to present tho saino
beforo tho Auditor, or bo debarred from coming In
for a sharo of said fund. UEO. E. ELWEI.L,
luoomsuurff, ici.", isiy.-iu .vuuuur.
.etters of Administration on tlio ostato ot John
Swisher, lato ot Madison township, Columbia
county, deceased, navo uccn graiueu uy ino uegis
tcrot M county to H. A. Watson, of Madl-on
tmvtisiifn. Alt nei-sons havlmr claims nirnlnst tho
estate of tho decedent nro requested to present t hem
for sciucmeni, nnu inoso iiioeuieu ionic esiaie iu
make payment lo the undersigned ndmtnlstrutor
without delay. 1). A. WA I'MI.V,
t)Cl. S, i.VliL
tie ff Jacob Koslcnbaudcr, deceased.
Tlio undersigned Auditor to mako distribution of
tho balance of the funds In tho hands of .7. II Knltllo
nnd t). 1). L. Kostenuauiler, Administrators of tho
e-tato ot Jacob Koslenbauder, deceased, among tho
parties entitled thirelo, will intend to tho duties of
Id appointment at his olllco In Catawlssa, on Tues
dav, November oth, IsTft at, 10 o'clock u. in., when
nn'd whero nil persons linWng claims against tho said
estate are requested to pie.seut tho same beforo tho
, tumor or uo ueoarieu noni coining iu lor a miiu-u oi
said fu:
Mil. . I1.A1IIIOI T,
l Ct. 8,'75-4w
Tlm undersljned. nuilltor nnnolnteil bv tiio Op
phan's Court of Columbia county to make distribu
tion of tho balance in Iho liamlsof Stephen Hill, Ad
ministrator of the estalo of Adam lllll, I.Uu of Ccnlro
tuwnshlp, will utlenil to thodiilles of his appoint
ment nt his oniee, In llloomsburg, ou Saturday,
tho oth day of Nuveinber, ls7. at lo o'clock, In tho
fnrennoon, when and w hero nil persons having
claims ou Iho fund nro required to present them
or ho dobamsl from coming In fur n sharo of tho
same. E. It. IKELEIt,
Oct. 8, '75 (w Auditor.
'ino undersigned. Auditor to distribute lund In
thu hands of tho ApmlnNtiator, ot tho estalo of
Jiienb .Manning, deceased, among the pal lies en
titled thereto.w 111 meet Iho pal ties Interested for tho
purposo of his nppolnlment'ou Mondav, October is,
isi. nt Is o'clock, n. in., nt the ollleo ot E. K. Ikeler,
In llloomsburg, nt which time and plaeo all parties
Interested will intend nnd present their claims, or
bo forei er debarred from coming In for a dlst rtbutho
shnro In said estate. P. f.,
llloomsburg. September 17, lS75-lt Auditor.
1'I.IK VHl.ll.
The linilerslgned, Auditor to mako distribution nf
tho balance of the tunds lu the hands of Thomas J,
Vundursllee, Administrator, with thu will nsuexed,
nmongst t ho part les cnl llled thcreto.w 111 attend to tho
appointment nt bis olllco, In llloomsburg, on Thurs
day, October 1 1. 1S7,1. nt lo o'clock, n. m , when and
whero nil persons baring claims against the said
estate are required to present Iho samo before tho
Auditor or be debarred Irom coming In for n sharo
or said fluid. KOhlillT f . CI-UtK,
llloomsburg, Sept. 17,'75-lt. Auditor.
lA.-tterste.stnrnentarv on the estut.-'of' I'liuin Wil
STATE OP I'tttl.le irn snu nrrn.rn
son, lato ot f hliingcreek township, columbl.itounty,
deceased, hnu- been gnuiteil by tho HegWer ot snld
W',n,(UHIn, iU'nnmlJncnb o.jwilson, of
nro requested lo mako p,"yineiit,"nml Vhoso"h,n Inir
c alms or demands ngaln.-a thu saldcstatu w ill mako
them known to tho said Executors w ithout delay.
Aug. 27, '75-Ct.' E.eculors.
, ftt'rslestameiitnry on tho estate of John .Michael,
lute of Mllllln township, Columbia enmity, del eased,
hao been grunted by Iho IlegMer or salil coiinu tii
John II. Heller, ot Sllllllii township, Columbia coun
ty, fa , Executor, lo whom nil persons Inilehled to
said estnto nro icquested to mako pajment nnd
thoso having claims ur demands against tho said
estate will make them known to tho said Executor
w ithout delay. JOHN 11. llETl.EIt,
Aug. lo-ct. Executor.
assigni-e;s NOrriCE.
IV undei-slgiieil has been nppolnled nn Asslmieo
furiho benelltof tho crcdlloi-sofj. J. lluaglatitl, of
Leutralla buruuRh, lu Columbia county, and lias
takonupun himself tliodutles of tho trust. All persons
aro therefore required to seitlewlth mm, adjust and
pay to hlm.ill necuunts. debts and duesof thes.iid ,r. ,1,
llo.iKl.iml: nnd thusu having claims to submit them
lo Iho Assignee properly authenticated.
...,. . . MA'.tTIN IIASS.
Sept. 3-dt. I'axlnon, Northumberland Co., fa.
Y' VIRTUEof a writs of Vomlitioni Kx
JJ punas and fieri facias Issued out ot tho Couit
ui coiniiion fleas of Columbia county, nnd to ino di
rected, will uu sold ut public outcry cn tho premises
atAton.0'c!ock'.n', m" .tuo 'ollow Ing real cstato to-wlt :
tnt;,LI,i','lt!-'.l:1;r;ll'!.l'k'c'u,'f Srouuil sltuatuln scult
K ? Culuiulil.1 county, bounded on the north
bylandsot A Snider.on thowest nnd east bv tho
same, on tho soulfi by tho L. 4: 11. it. 11. cJ , l-unud
lug two acres inorour less, whereon aro erected 11
vlTnyolTlnnM loh0 80111111 "1U
Elopmsburg, Oct. 1,1 s. MI-"Aa""B,,
15Yyi'ruEof awritof KieriI''ncias,is.iiieilout
,4' i,oui 1 ui lAiiunion rieasand to 1110 1 li ec t
CT1, will bo exposed to public sulo on tho premises uii
w'ltV o'clock, p. m tho following real estate to-
kp''! I!','?.1. cc;r,tali. PlocP,or parcel ot land situate In
of Jo, in ," 1 1', '.firm ""W'l cci',lntJ'' """hded by lands
V. . . p" Hw-Kmin mi l others on tho north, of
fetor llugeiibueh, on tho oast, of James Uiko oii thu
suuili, and of heirs ut John niblson ilec.Lsed 01 r
west, containing abimt elMity-s v aci-esV
011 which are erected twu framo dwelling houses 11
ni-one fib , f"1?',?,',, !L";!,,fr "' to " ko U is tlm
llloomsburg, Oct. 1, 1&7&.
reacd w 111 bo expuseit tu publlo saiu in the pi Jiulses
-MONDAY, OOTOIiER 25, 1875,
houso and out-bulldlu'-s "'""0 dwelling
prepiuy aVA-.TuStoS;U,,on to b 60,11 03 tho
llloomsburg, Oct, i, i9I5, i"C"A:'a"0S,-ir
I ii.,.ni,.i o:".u'
101 ot
wfflUWjfflllS? ""a",ub0 E0"" "
t'n una iirij't-ii ti.r.t i,i,.i. ' '
llloomsburg, Oct. 1,1 sTQ
' MtE IlKST 1'AI'ER '
- I'OUI'AltML'ItS.
Now Yorlv Weekly Tribune
ground sltuato In tho bom 1 .h ,, " ,' .
u. uuiuea .JL-IUIIUIM. IO-U
un county, bounded as follows 1 on th. , .Siit'iTj1 . "'
ton street, on tho 1101 th by p opei tv t f fieffm 1 ,lx
on tho west bv land of ffiu iJ?iir if, ,.L.orK Jones,
Ilvo fi-ii ut't'i) mid in ii'i-ii fifit Ilunl h tH'Uty.
u, iiin iiiu.LNU, New York.