The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, October 22, 1875, Image 4
Agricultural. llolat'nn in Crops. A judicium rotation of crops is ninoliilcly neccsary In uialntnining tho fertility of tlio soil Tills needs lit) demonstration, for It Is universally ndiuittcd. Hut Iimy to rotate to nccitrn tlio greatest Advantages Is tlio mnlii question No Khccifia direction. enn bo given to suit every fu'wi liocnmo "circilm Btnnces alter cases" Very much In regard to this point. The system that would succeed on ono furni would full on nnotlier, and vice vcr n, Governed hy general principle, the farmer must derido this matter for himself. Each elements vwntlnl lo ils growth and maturity, and hy continuous cinpplnp; how ever judicious tho rotation may be, the soil will evidently ho exhausted. Hence the ele ments ubsitructcd must bo returned to tho soil In tho shape of fertilizers. This seltlcs ono point that farmers keep stock, and the nearer they como to keeping stock enough to consume what their farms produce tho nearer they como to tho most Improved cul ture. Tho usual rotation is from the sod cori oats or barley, wheat and then grin. In good soil two crops of wheat van be grown, clover being sown on the first, in the sprlng.whlch will furnish ono crop of wheat, on which grass is grown for future meadow or pasiuro lands. A prominent agriculturist recommends tho following six years rotation; First year, corn, potatoes and roots, with ground heavily manured; second, oats; third, clover, plowed in and sowed with wheat in tlio fall ; then timothy and clover sowed on tho wheat in tho spring of tho fourth year; then let it lay in grass two years. Other systems of rotation havo advantages, suited to tho surrounding circumstances of soil, cli mate, etc. In wheat districts, where tlio soil rests on llmcstono or plaster, a simple rotation of clover two years and wheat one is found to bo good, nlways promising that plenty of manure is returned to the soil. How Farmer!)' Wives Break Down. A woman tells this story in tho lioston Gilthator, and many can testify to their own knowledge that it is very sadly true: "I can get forty women to marry mc,with in fifty miles of this village," said a man to mo tho other day, "but I can't find a woman any where who will come and help my wife, and sho is breaking down every day." Yes, breaking down I Can any ono look in her ashy white faco and not read tho story writ ten there, of hard work, in season and out of season ? Sho has four little girls-rtbc eldest six years old and the youngest three months, ller husbaud keeps six cows, and cultivates b farm of a hundred acres, employing two hired men to aid him. Three meals must be cooked daily for a family of seven, not counting the baby; four children dresseJ and cared for; tho milk of six cows attended to, and butter made, whilo tho weekly wash ing and ironing must bo a'ccomplishcd in somo way. From four o'clock in tho morn ing until ten, nnd sometimes eleven at night, ono pair of hands and ono pair of feet per form this labor, and now the tired body re bels and says: 'This cannot be endured." Let mo tell you of another case: The farmer and his wife havo three children, all under eight years of age. lie employs two hired men, boarding them, and keeps eleven cows. A woman comes In to do tho washing and ironing, but that is all the assistance the wifo receives, except tho few steps her children can save her. She must riso at four o'clock and preparo breakfast, so that her husband and his men can bo in tho mowing field at five. Every other day, however, one of the hired men remains to do the churning for her; hut this favor was not allowed her until sho had threatened to call in tho doc tor to declare to her husband her inability to do such hard work. Tiien it was reluctant ly conceded, although two forty-pound fir kins of butter were packed each week; for our farmer prides himself upon his herd of cows puro Aldemeys and sells his butter at tho highest rates, carefully depositing its proceeds in the bank, and rarely giving his wifo so much as a five dollar bill of it. His last injunction to the hired hand is, "John come just as quick as you can. Don't let Sirs. 31 keep you for anything else. Hay can't wait for woman's work." Thero are dishes to wash, milk to skim, pans to scald, beds to make, children to dress, baoy to nurse, rooms to sweep, and dinner to cook over tho boiling hot stove, and one woman to do it all 1 To Pkevent Smut in Wheat. A cor respondent of the Southern Cultivator says : , Mako n strong britio and wash or wet 'the wheat thoroughly ; then drain, and before the wheat gets dry, sift on ashes and stir well, bo that all tho wheat may come in contact with the dry ashes; or, in other words, soak the wheat in strong brine and then dry it with Sood strong ashes, (air-siaked lime would probably do as well, or better,) and then it is ready for sowing. It may bo prepared any time wiirti needed, but should not stand over too long, as tho vitality of tho seed might be injured. I havo seen it used fifteen years in succession, and never knew it fail to prevent smut. I also think that the wheat grows oir better when prepared in this way, than when sowed dry, or soaked in a solution of blue stone. Who is the Best Farmer ? Tho bc-t farmer is ho who raises the best and largest crops on the smallest surfaco of land at the least oxpenio, and at the isamo time annually improves his soil ; who understand lm business and attends to it; whose manure heap is very largo and always increasing ; whoso corn crib and smoke-house are at home; who is surrounded by all tho necessa ries of lifoj who studies his profession and tries to reach perfection in it j who keeps u strict account of his out-goes as well as his incomes, and who knows how ho stands at the end of each season. Such n furmer l. ... f Ill 1 1 ... r ...w mhiso uui wi lull, n ill BUtttUU UI1U I1UI only make farming u pleasant but profitable occupation, Try it, and 8eo how it is your self, reader J'armer'i Vindicator. Screws vs. Kails, Most mechanics who s'stand tho eminent superiority of wood screws over brads and nails. In many places one screw is worth threo or four nails. When 1 1 r. i.niin.. .t ... Vcleats to a wagon box, nalU nro very unsult- ,'ablo when compared with the efficiency of fcgluilet-pointed screws. Screws will hold two pieces of wood moro rigidly than nails ; nnrl If thn timber should shrink ntrifie. tho . 1 i .1 !..!,. . ...i !. I.. I screws tan uc tunicu uj iigut , wucri-uo it js difficult in most instances, to tiglitcn up 1 InAna i'tlli rmtlj lit nil ttlnvw ivliot-n L thero Is an unusual strain on tho parts to be C i. i ,i i,...ii.. 1ICIU IlKIIIOI, 1 Taking good enro of stock menus, In a ueneral way, making the animal comfortable. i'rhot is about all there is of It. To bo sue- Icessful In feeding stock a man mnst bccomn (Interested: tho work must be a pleasure not tuk j tho person must be quick to compre- lieiiu tho wants or tlio animals, ami prompt in sunlvlnir them. A blundering, heedless ' , , . . i man nua no uusiuess ainoug siuvk. ! l.'lnriiln iMinrnntecs U million p!lie-UPIil(H . -- lia season. THE SUI GENERIS. ion&hamlin CABINET ORGANS. UNEQUALED'XUN APPRO ACHED In copaflty Rtnl rxwllonco by any other". AwnrtM am. DIPLOMA OP HONOR VIENNA, 1873; PARIS, 1867. nill V American Oriffin nor ixwunltvl any tncdnl U it Lit in Kufoiior which rrwnt mih rxtruonH mtry excellence m to coinmaml a wide mile there. 1IUAY0 "warded highest prrmiunm nt Irwlui nUlnlu trlnl position, In American well n Kuropr. Outof humlrcU there havo not been Ms In nit n hero Any other organs havo been preferred. DECT I'""f,,l by Eminent Mnlrhn, In both ULwl hemliphen , to be uurltnlcd. Seo IK-Si'IMONIAL CinCUT.AH, with opinio.. of more than Olio TliuilMtittd (rent free). IMOlOT on hfiftntf a ilnfon Si Hamlin. Do not I (i U I U I tAko any other. Denier ffct LAiiarn cow miumoxb fur uUUi0 inferior vruan an,t for tftt reason often try very hard to tell tomtthtng tlte, MCUf OTVI CO 1(1 11,1 moel Jmiortnnt improvo ijtu 01 I IXo ments ever made. Tsvw Solo and Conibliintlon Moi Superb j;tUKcro nnd other Cuacs of new deftly lift, PIRNO-HARP CABINET ORGANS qnlftitn combination of these lnfitrurocnu. EASY PAYMENTS t formonthly or quarterly layincnta; or ream! until rent part for tho organ. OUT A I flPIICO nil Circular vlth fnUpartlo LA I (iLUUUCO iilnr", frw. AiUrcwi.MASON.'S lTAUUN OIUIAN CO., 1R4 Trfmont Street, 1)0 TON 55 Union Square, NBW XOHK or bO Si 6J AiLunafct., UHJUAUO. MASON & HAMLIN CABIIT ORGANS MAY BE OBTAINED AT WHOLESALE OR RETAIL OP L. B. JPOWEiL, SCRANTON, Pa, Of ne ml Agent also for tho celebrated CHICKERING PIANOS. ALSO, OF I. K. MILLER. ltLOOMSDURQ, rA., Dealer in nlioro Instruments. -March 19, '15 y llOLLIIXS & HOLMES No. 17 Centra Stro Ptatorc Gas ana Steam Fitters JIAN'UFACTUltEnS OF JC X 1ST "W -A. 33, E, GALVANIZED IRON COHNICE, WINDOW CAPS, AWNINGS, Wiro Trellises. Ac. Dealers in Stoves. Rane es, Furnaces, lialtimoro Heaters, Low Down Grates, Mantels, l'UMPS, Weather Strips, (CC. A130 GAS FIXTURES of the latest design. Special attention paid to re pair! n? sewlnc jiailitnt'M of every description, scales, Locks, Hell llunsrlnir. Key Fitting, sc. Private liesl dences Heated byMcamat a small cost above Hot Air. Feb. 20."7j-tf. T) LATCH JL) procd Wool) PUM CIILP;Y'S lm- 1 CDCUMllKIt MP Is the ac- Knowieuired standard of tho market, by popular verdict, tho best pump for tholeast money. Attention Is lm lied to Iilatchley's Improved Brack et, tho Drop check valve, which can ha umhflr-.iwn ti'tllintit IUitrl.l.. tt... ini.t. A??fis! an(l ltsa copper chamber which no(er jfw ' Hl1 cracks, scales or rusts anil 111 las,t a lllo 'tlffll tlinil rnPftnlil ltlf ilonlitm nml ,l.n,....iln Ifenerally. in order tolwsuro that you 1,-et lllatchloy's Pudid. bo careful and win that It lias my trade mark as aboe. It you do not knnwwhero to bur, descriptive circulars, together wit h the name and address of tho agent nearest j ou will bo furnished hy addressing with stamp, CIIAS. O. III.ATC'HI.EY, Manufacturer, 601, Commorco st Phlladelpnia, FOR HALE HY J. SCHUYLER k SON, BloomsW Pa. -March S la-am AN ACTUAL BUSINESS INSTITUTION AND TELEGRAPHIC INSTITUTE. For information call at Office, or send for Collso Advertiskk. Jun-SR-ly ELECTION PROCLAMATION Q.KNKUAL ELECTION l'KOCLAMATIOK. VViieueas, by tlio laws of this Commonwealth It Is inadu lha duty of tho Sheriff of etery county to give notice of tho general Election, by publication In ono or moro newspapers In tho county, at least twenty days K'foro thu election, and to enumerate therein tho onietrs to ho elected, and to designate tho place at which tho election Is to bo held, Therefore, I, lllthael lirover, High Bhertrf of Co lumbia county, do hireby make known and proclulra to tho iiuulllled electors of Columbia county that a general election will lm held ou '1UK.SUAY, "MIE SECOND OF NOVKMIIFIt, 1W4 (being tho Tues day next following tho first Monday of said month,) at the several districts within the county, to "It! Ileau r ton nslilii, ut tho public house of The. J, Shumaii. Beuluii township, at tho publle nouso of Illram Hess, In tho town of lionton. East lilooui, at tho Court llouso, tn Bloomsburg. West Hloom. at the Court llouso, In liloomsburg. Borough of Berwick, at tho store of John McAnull, In tho borough of Berwick. Borough of Centralla, at tho public liouso of Wil liam Pel ter.'retk township, at tho public school house near i:unsvllle. Cutan Issii township, at the public housu of Samuel KostcnbaiHer, lu tho town of CiUwlssa. Centre township, at tho fccbool house near Lafay ette Cieosy'H. Norlh conyngham District, at tho school house near tho colliery of John Anderson & Co. NcMith Conyngham District, ut the bouso of Thomas Kilter, lately Uxce) by a vote of the cltUens of that towu.hlp. , , , Flshliigcreek township, at tho school houso near C. U. Whltu s. FruuLUu township, at the Ijiwrenco school houso. Greenwood townsldp. ut the house of Joseph It, Putton, Hemlock township, at tho publlo houso of Chas. II, DletU'rtch. lu tho town of Buck Kuril. Joiksou township, at the houso of Eiekle! Cole. Locust township, ut the publle houso of Daniel Morris, In Numedla. Mtltllu township, at tho publlo houso of Aaron Hess, lu the tow n of iliminvllle. Madison township, ut the publlo houso of Samuel ''M'loware.fshiP. at the Uouae of it. W. MMontour township, at tho publlo house of W, It. T Main towns'hip.'at the publlo houso of Jorcmlab. E. 'Touer"uecreek townsWp, at the houso formerly oc cupied by Geo. W. Drelsbui h. Orungo township, ut tho publlo school houso In rAnolowhsblp. at the Centre School House, lately fliVdbymotoof the citizens of said township. Hugurlouf lowulp at the house of AUnas Cole. Scott townsUI, lh publlo Louse ot Wm. IWtlt, lnAtPvThlch time aud places tht qualified i elcctora will elect by UOIot Iht IoUOwIuk Ktt Mid County WJlcers, VUl till m COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA, Ono )icrtin for Governor ot tho commonwealth of jTniisjivniiin. linn Iviranit tAr ISIftln TriMifttirr-r. linn liprvnn tnr Mt.iintnr fnr Ihn Will lllSlriCt. Com I"., iluf llvMs.iinlli'stif t'oluinliln, Iruiriltiff, Won- lim, nn.t Uiitllvii one i ''rum lor Asswlalo .Imlgoot thorounty ot i-Miiiniiiiii. One vraoii for Pi'ollionotiry. oni' person for IU'x""'rniiil Recorder. (Inn ih'I-miiii for 'rit.iMiiir. Three persons fort'"inml'wloncrs, (b'ltno elector io oie lor moro t' n P'-i-miiis.) Tliiw persons lor Auilltn , fnit no elector to oto for mniv limn two iei-ni.i It Is further dlreetod Unit tho election polls of tho nev rnlilKltlcts shnli I oli'bed nt seven o'clock lu Hi forenoon, nnd shnll iIhiil' nnen wnnnit liner- ruptlon or mljoiumnciit until seicn o'clw 1; In the p ! nlliL, uhiti Mm iiiitln i III In r Inaeil. I'lirsuaiit lolhe pruMsloiis contained tn tlio ISIli ft Hon of the Act or Hie General Asscinniy oeing "A rmtlu'r Kiiiinliii.ii'iit tn 1lu net IpfftllntttUT elfS'- tli.u'. Ill tills Commonwealth," approved .Inn. 80, ls.4. Ki "HON l.i. As soon us tho liolls l imit cl'"-e, tho oniivrs ff I'lu'tlnn shall proceed tn foniil nil tho Mil. s enst for each rniidldiito uitod for, and make u mil n ntMi ut Ihn same in liipue.itr, wn:i n reiuni shl"Mn nilitlltuti. In ntl if Atlitl'tl tlmMitrn rcrf'Ucd by each enndlcl.itn shnll 1 given after bis or her name, nr. i in wonisnnu nguui in nguiefv, mm pinm lie signed by nil ot said oMivrs nnd cei tilled by oier seers. If any, or It not so eertlllrd, the overseers nml nnv noirt r rpfiisint- tn fcte-ii nr certify, or either of them, shall wrllo upon each of tho returns his or iiieir reasons ior noi. Kiguiuir ur cciuijiiitf iii.-iii. 'Ihn vote, ns soon as counted, shnll also bo publicly nnd fully declared from tho window to tho citizens present, and n brief statement showing tho votes received by each caiidld.Uu shall lie made and signed by tho election olllcersns soon as tho voto Is counted, nnd thn same shnll bo Immediately posted up on tho door of tho election houso for Information ot tho public. Ihotilpllcato returns shall w eneioseu m envelopes nnd bo sealed In presenco ot tho onircrs, and ono envelovie, with the unsealed return sheet, ptvrii tn tli.. Inilirp. willed Htinll enntnlu one list of voters. tally-p.icr, nnd oaths of olllocra, and another oi saiu euvi lopes suau iki gneu iu in" iiiiiiuui., in spector. All Judges living within twclvo miles of the prothonotnrj's omcc, or within twenty-four nines, ll ineir iCMUcncn uo m n ion n, i iu.i.u oi uij upon tho lino of n railroad leading to tho county, shall, before two o'clock post mcrlJlnn of the day nfler tho election, mid nil olhcr Judges shnll. before twclvo o'clock meridian ot tho second d.iv ntlcr tho election, deliver said return, together with return sheet, tn thn nrothonotnrv of the court of common picas of the county, which said return sheet shall bo tiled, nnd tho day and hour nt illlng marked inereon. ami snail no neservtu oy mo iiroiiioiiouiri- ior piiouc iush.'ciiuii. Also. inai. wiiero u juuge, uy sivmium m uiuiiuki.i bln necident. Is unable to attend, then Hie certlllcato or return shall lio taken chargo ot by onn ot tho in- ineetors or clerks or l no election oi l nc Ulsincu who shall do and perform the duties required of said juugo unaoio to aiiciui. Tno foUowlng Act ot Assembly, regulating tho mode of voting In tho Commonwealth ot l'ennsjl vanla, was passed .March 10, ises, nnd reads thus: HiLTiov 1. no It enacted bv tho Senate and House of lleprcscntatlvoot tho Commonwealth of Pennsyl vania In General Assembly met, and It Is hereby en acted by tho authority of tho same that tlio iiualiricd voters of the several districts In the several count n of this commonwealth, at all general, township, bor ough and special elections, nro hereby hereafter nutnorLscu aiiu requirco lo voio uy iickcis priiucu ur written, or partly printed and partly written, sever ally classified as follows : one ticket shall embrace liio names ui uu .mugvs oi vuuris vuieu iur. nun labelled, outside, "Judiciary ;" ono ticket shall em brace tho names of all the Mtnto onicers voted for. and to bo labelled "State;" ono ticket sluUl embraco the names of all county officers oted for, Including tho oltlco of Senator, and Members of As sembly, If voted for, and members of Congress, If voted for, and be labollcd "county i" ono ticket shall embraco the names of all township officers voted for, and bo labelled "Township ;" ono ticket shall em braco tho names of all borough officers v otcd for, and bo labelled "Borough." section J. That It shall bo tho duty of thoSherirf In tho several counties of tho Commonwealth to In sert In their election proclamations, hcrcattcr Issued the lirst section of this act, N0TIC1US JUJHEIIY OIVEN, Tliat every person oxccntlng Justices of the Peace and Aldermen, Notaries public and Persons In tlio uillttU sen Ice of the State, w ho shall hold ur shall within two months have held any rnco or appoint ment of protlt or trust under tlio Ur'ted st.ates.or ot this State, and city or corporatcd district, whether a commissioned officer or otherwise, a subordinate officer or agent who Is or shall bo employed under tho Legislature, Executlvo or Judiciary Department uf this state, or of any city or ot nny incorporated district, and also, that every member of Congress and ot the state Legislature, and o( the select or common couucil of any city, or commissioners of any Incorporated district, Is by law incapable of holding or exercising at tho samo tlmo the olllco or appoint ment of Judge, Insiiector or Clerk of nny election of this commonwealth, and that no Inspector, Judge or other officer of such election eligible to bo theu voted ror. Tho Insocctors nnd Judgo ot tho elections shall meet nt tlio respective places appointed for holding the election in the district to which they respectively belong, before beven o'clock in the morning, anil each of said Inspectors shall appoint ono clerk, who shall bo a qualified voter of such district. In case tho iwrson who shall receive tlio second highest number ot votes for inspector shall not at tend on tho day of any election, then the person who shall have received tho second highest number of voles for Judguattho next preceding election shall act as insiiector In his place. And In Case tho person w ho shall hav o rccolv ou tho highest number of votes for Insm ctor shall not attend, tho person elected Judgo shall appoint an Inspector In his place and In cose the person elected Judge shall not attend, then tho Inspector who received the highest number ot votes shall appoint a Judgo In Ills plnco-or if any vacancy shall continue In tho board for tho space of ono hour otter tho tmo fixed by law for tho opening ot tlio election, tlio quaimcd voters ot the town-bin! ward, or district for which such officers shall have been elected, present ut such election shall elect ono of their number to nil such vacancy, It shall lie the duty of tho sovcraj assessors re spectively to attend at the placo of holding every general, special or township election, during the whole timu such election Is kept open, for tho pur pose of giving information to tho Inspectors and judges, when called on Hi relation to tho right of any person assessed by them to vote at such election, and on such other matters In relation to tlio assess ment as the said Inspectors or either of them shaU from tlmo to time require. No person Bhall bo permitted to voto nt any elec tion as aforesaid other than a male citizen, of tho ago of twenty-one years or more, who has been u citizen of tho United states at least ono month, and who shall have resided In the stnto at least ono year, nnd In the election district where bo otters to vote two months nrpcpdlnc Mich plppllnn und. If twenty-two jears of ngo or upwards, havo within two yours paid a state or county tax which shall havo been assessed nt least two months and paid at least ono month before tho election. Hum citizen ot tho United states who has previously been a qualified voter ot this State and returned and who shall have lived In tho election district and paid taxes, as aforesaid, shall bo entitled to voto otter residing in this suite six mouths. Provided, that clUzens ol the United states, between the age ot twenty-one and twenty-two who havo resided in tho election district two months, us aforesaid, shall bo entitled to voto although they shall not havo paid tax. NO nerson Shall honprmlttpj In vpln wliriCA nnmn Is not contained In tho list of ttixablo Inhabitants furnished by tho commissioners, unless, 1'lrst, ho produces a receipt for Uio payment within tw o v ears of a state or county tax ussessed agreeably to tho Constitution and give satisfactory oviilr'nen pltlipr nn his oath or affirmation or tho oath or affirmation of other, that he has paid such a tax, or on failure to luuuuiuii icieii'b Buiui iiiuivu uaiu co uio payuent thereof. Second. If ho claim the. rivhr. to vmn hv im lng an elector between tho ago of twenty-one and twenty-two years, ho shall depose on oath ur affirma tion that he has resided In this stato ut least ouu year next before his application, nnd mako such ijiwi ui i i-un-uiu in uiu lusinct. as is required by this act, and that ho does vertlv believe fromiiiH ml. count given him, that ho Is of ago aforesaid, and such other evidence as is required by this act; whero- ujnjii mu uuiuu ui uio gUTSOIl lulls UUnillUHl lO VOIO shall bo Inserted In tho alphabetical liat by tlio In spectors, and a nolo mado opposite thereto by writ ing the word "tux,-' If ho snail bo admitted to voto by reason of luv ing paid tux ; or tho word "ago" by ho shall bo admitted lo voto by reason of sueu ago which shaU be called out to tno clerks, who shall make tho like notes on tho list ot voters kept by thpm. 1 - In all COSCS Where tho nnmnnf ihn iuikmi ftnlmln.- to voto Is not found on tho list furnished by tho com missioners and assessor, or Ids right to vote, whether found thereon or hot. is oblected to hv nnv rinnntnvi citizen, it shall bo tlio duty of the Inspectors toex- iiiuiuu nuuii iiersou uu oain us 10 his quallllcatlous, and If ho claims to havo resided within the stato for onoveor or more his oath hhnii lm hnmcipnt nr.u.. thereof, but ho shall mako proof by at least ono com- iieieut witness, wuu enuii uo a quauucd elector, that ue uaa re&iueu iu uio uisinei. iwo months next lm. mediately preceding shell election, and shall also himself swear that his bona lido residence, tn pursu ance of ills lawful calling, Is in said district, and that he did not removo Into suld district tor the purpose Ul luuug lui-icm. Every person quallllcd as aforesaid, nnd who shall make duo proof, If required, of tho residence and payment ot taxes as aforesaid, shall bo admitted to vote In the towushlp, ward or district In which he shall reside If any iwrson shall prevent or attempt to prevent any officer ot any election under this act from hold ing such election, or uso or threaten any violence to any such officer, or shall Interrupt or Improperly In terfere with him In tho execution ot ids duty, or duuii uium ui iiid t.muuiv ui u.i-iiuu ill uny WIUUOW where the same may bo holding, or shall riotously disturb tho peace at such election, or shall uso any Intimidating threats, force or violence, with design to Intlui'jitu unduly or overawo nny elector, or lo prevent him from voting, ur to restrain tho freedom in choice, such prson, on conviction, shall be nned or uny sum not exceeding uvo hundred dollars, and Imprisoned for any time, not less than tliree nor moro unui iweivu luonuin, unu u it filial! Do shown to court, when the trial of such Olfeuce shall bo hod, that the person so unending was not a resident of tho city, ward, district or township where tho oilcnce wus commuted, nnd not entitled to voto therein, then on conviction ho shall bo sentenced to pay a tine of not less than ono hundred nor more than ono thousand dollars, and bo imprisoned not less than six months nor more thau tw o ) ears. If any irson, not by law qualltled, shall fraudu lently vote at any election of this Commonwealth, or being otherwise qualltled shall voto out of hbi proper district, or If uny person knowing tho want of such qualltlcatlou, shall old or procure such per son to vote, ttie person unending shall on conviction be lined lu any sum not exceeding two hundred dol lars, and be imprisoned In any term not excewllug three months. If any ono shall voto at mora than ono election district, or otherwise fraudulently voto moro than once on tho same day, or shall fraudulently fold and deliver to tlio Inspector two tickets together with tho intent Illegally to vote, or who shall procure another to du so, ho or they unending shall, on con viction, bo lined In any sum not less than flrtynor mure than lite hundred dollars, and bo imprisoned for a term not less than three nor moro than twiho mouths. It any person not quail tlsd to voto lu this Common, wealth agreeably to law (except tlio sonsof qualltled citizens,) shall uppear ut any placo uf electlou tor tho purpose of lnlluemlng Uie citizens quallllcd to vote, ho shall on convlttlou forfeit and pay a sum nut ex teciUng one hundred Hollars for every such oneuio and bo imprisoned for a term not exceeding thrto months, TUB IlEaiSTOY LAW. I also giro official notlco to the electors of Colum bia county that by an act, entitled "An Act further supplemental to the act relatlvo to the elections of this Commonwealth," approved April 1th, A. D. 16C9, II Is prov Ided as follows : ritCTioN 3. Alter tho assessments havo Ik en com pleted on tho slxty-llrstday before the Tuesday next following tho llrst Monday of November In each year, tlio assessor shall, on tho following day, make u return to tho county commissioners of tho names of all persons assessed by him slnee tho return re quired to bo made by him by the ttrst section of this act, noting opposlto eaco name the observations and explanations required to Lo notnl asafoitwaul; and the county (.ommlssloners sliall lherouioii cause tho some to bo udded to tho return required by the Ilrst section of this act, ami a full and correct copy there of to be made remaining Uio names ot all persona so returned as resident taxable In said election district, und furnish thu same, together with Uio necessary eletuu blanks, to the officers of the electlou In such electlou district ou or before seven o'clock on tho morning of the election : and uo man shall be per mitted to vote at the election on that day whoso name Is not on said list, uuless he sliall make proof of his right to vom as hfrctnafier required. section 10. on tho day of election any person whose name shnll not appear on Uio registry of rulers, and who claims the right to vote at suld elec. Hon. shall nroduce at least ono outlined voter of the tUstrlul us u witness W Uie residence of the ciaunuot In tho district tn which ho claims to lie ft voter, for tho period of nt least two months Immediately pre ceding s.ild election, which witness sliall bo sworn or ninrmeu nnu suoscrioo n written or pnruy written nnd partly printed affidavit to tlio fiicts slntedby him, which nllldaMt shall define dearly where tho residence is of tho person so claiming to lm n voter) and (ho person so claiming I lie right to voto shall also tako nnd suliscrlbo a written or partly written nnd partly printed affidavit, slating, to tho liest of ids know ledge nnd belief, when and where ho was born! that ho lias been n citizen of tlio United states for ono month, nnd of the commonwealth of pennsyl vnnla j that ho has resided In tliocommnwcaltli(mc year, or. If formerly n tiitalltled elector or a nnllvo born citizen Iheieof, mill has lemovcd therefrom nnd returneiL Hint ho (ins resided therein six months, next preceding said election i that ho has resided lu tho dlstilct In w lilch ho claims to be n voter for tho period of nt least two months immediately preceding said election j Hint ho has not moved into tho district for tho purpose ot voting therein j that ho has, if twenty-two jenra of ngo or upwnrd", paid a sinto or county tax within two jenrs, which wnsns pessednt least two months nnd paid nt. least ono month before tho election. The said nffidavlt shall nlso stato when nnd where the tax claimed to bo paid by tlio affiant was assessed, nnd when nnd wherennd to whom paldi anil the tax receipt there for sliall tin produced fur exatnlnnl Inn, unless tho ntllnnt shall stnto In his nlililailt Hint It has been lost or deslmyed, or thai he n.'ver recclied nuyi nud If a naturalized clllzen, shall also stnto when, where nnd by what court he wns nntiirallzed, nnd shall nlso piudtico Ids eertuicate ot naturalization foroxamlna I Ion. llutlf tho person so claiming Uio right to voto sliall tako and subscilbo an It that no is a na tive born citizen of tho United states, or, It born elsewhere, shall stato tho fact In ills affidavit, and shall produce evidence Hint ho has been naturalized ur that lie is entitled to citizenship by reason ot his father's nni unitization, nnd shall further statu In his affidavit, that ho Is, nt the time or making tlio nlllda vnt, of tho ngo of twenty-ono nnd under twenty-two yenrsj that he lias been u clllzen of tlio United States ono month, und has resided lu tho state ono car; or, If a natlvo born citizen of tlio stole nnd removed therefrom nnd returned, that ho has resided therein six months next preceding said eleelfon, nnd In tho election district Immediately two months pre ceding such election, ho shall bo entitled to vote, although ho shall not have paid taxes. Tho sold affidavits of all persons making such claims, nnd the affidavits of the witnesses tn their re.sidnnpi. Minn hn preserved by tho election board, nud nt thn closo of tho election they shnll bo enclosed with tlio list of voters, tally list and other paiiers required by law to bo llled by tho return Judgo Willi tlio prothonotnry, and shall remain on lllo therewith in tho protliono tury's office, subject to examination as other election upers are. ir tno election otuccrs shall nnd that ho uliDllcant possesses nil the legal niialineattnns nf a voter ho shnll lio iiermlttod to voto. nnd his namo mum uo iiuueii 10 mo lust or iiixaoies oy tno election officers, tho word "tax," being ndded where tho vmiiu.ini. i-iiiuns ui vuio uu inx, unu ino woru"nge,' where bo claims to vote on .lrm Hi enmn -i.r.l. tlplm flrlrlafl 1.1 llin nlnel u In ....?.1.Tnn A.l...... .. . JJ 1 "' uui.uv.ii.-ii., H--niiVCllCli , on tlio lists of persons voting nt such election. SECTION 11. It Shall hn lawful fur nnv niinlltlpil rltl. 7cnof the district, notwithstanding iho name or tho proposed voter Is contolned on tho list ut resident laxables, to challenge tho vote of such person, whereupon tho somo proof ot tho tight of sutlrago uui, iuiuiii.ii u, i,i nuuii uo iHiuuciy mime aim acted on by thu election bniLril.iLiiri thn vfitj.nhnttt..,i or rejected, according to tho evidence, Kvf ry person claiming to bo n naturalized dltlzen sliall bo required to produce his naturalization cei tlllcato at tho elec tion before voting, except where he has been for nvo years consecutively n voter In the district In which ho offers his voto; and on tho voto ot such person being received. It shall bo tho duty of tho election officers to wrllo or stamp on such corllrtcato tho word "voted," with tho day, month and year ; und If any election officer or officers shall recclvo a second fukuuu iuu niuneuaj, uj virtue oi 10 same certlll cote, oxecptlng where sons nro entitled to vote, luv cause ot tho naturalization of their fathers, they and the person who shall offer such second voto, shall bo guilty of a misdemeanor, nnd on conviction thereof sliall be lined or Imprisoned, or both, at tho dlscre Honor the court; but tho line shall not exceed nvo hundred dollars In each case, nor tlio imprisonment ono year. The like punishment shall be Inliicted, on conviction, on tlio officers ot election who sliall neg lect or refuse to moke, or causo to bo made, the en dorsement required a njorvaald on said naturallza- UUU IU1 Lllll-lUU, Section 12. If anv election nmppr kshii T.nfi,Dn . neglect to require such liroof or tho right or suffrage as Is prescribed by this law, or t ho law s to which this . " ouinntjiiicui, iroui nny person offering to voto whoso name Is not on tho list ot assessed vuters. or whoso right to vote Is challeniroii hv i.m-iiu ,iinn,i ter present, and shall admit such person to vote .mii. imuii mi- stoi iiimuj, uory person so oncnu Ing shall, upon cumlgtlon, bo guilty ot a misde meanor, unq shall bo sentenced, for every such or rence. to nav n nno not pTepprlim- ih-p ii..itw,.i .ini lars. or tu undergo an lmnrlson tnpnf. nnf. mni. Ih.n one year, or both, at tho dlscrcUon ot tho court. section 7. Tho respcctlvo assessors, inspectors and Judges of tho elections sliall each have Uio power to administer oaths to any person claiming tho right to bo assessed or tho right of suffrage, or in regurd to any other matter or thing required to bo done or In- ntllmd lntn liv nnv nr wlrl r.nip..n. .,.i. ..t.i. and any wilful false swearing by any person In relo-. . I. . "r1 ""'j--'-1 "i imug cuuceniiug vvnicii they shall bo lawfully ; interrogated by nny oi said officers or overseers shaU bo punished as perjury. Section 18. Tho assessors shall each rccelvo the samo compensation for tho tlmo necessarily spent In performing the duties hereby enjoined, as is provided by law to assessors making valuations, to be paid bv the county commissioners as in other cases, and it shall cot bo lawful tor auy assessor to assess a tax against any person whatever within clays next preceding tlio annual election In November: any violation or this provision shall bo u misdemean or, and sub ect thn ntllcer m i,ir,.n,u.,,. ,n ,i., conviction, not exceeding ono hundred dollars, or to ..,..w...,.,iv.,v,(uv VAVucuiui; uilCU U10UIUS, OT OOIU, at the discretion of tho court, SECTION 4. On tbmietltlnn nf IH-n r. tv.AM nlil,nn of any election district, setting forth that the pa polntmcnt of oversoers is a reasonable precaution to , T ..i." .V 1 . ",;' ""'"iies-jui uiu eieciion in saiu d strict, it shall bo tho duty of tlio court ot common picas of tlio proper county, all tho law Judges ot the said court ablo to act at tho tlmo concurring, to an pulnt two Judicious, sober and intelllgentlclilzcns of tiiuouiumainLniciuuL'ui; 10 uiuereiit pouucai par ties, overseers or election tn Riinprvuo In,. r..'.,i lngs of election officers thereof, and to mako report flf tll U-ITTIl, flU lllilir nr1, Iw, ...m.luj t . - ' . . ... w J uv luuuueu uy suen court. Said overseers sh.dl be persons quallllcd to serve upon ctectlen boards and shall have tho right to bo present with tho officers ot such election during tho vyholo tlmo tho samo Is held, Uio votes counted? and Uie returns made out and Mcneii bv tii pipr-tim. V.m. cers; to keep a list of they sec proper; to challenge any person offering to vote, mid Interro gate mm and his witnesses under oath, tn regard to his papers produced; and tho officers ot sold elec tion are required to afford to said overseers, so select ed ana appointed every convenience and facility for tho discharge of their duties; und if sold election officers sqall refuse to. permit said overseers to bo present, und perform their duties as aforesaid, such on leer or on cors shnll lm irniitvnf n .,,u,i. .,.,.,, and on conviction thereof shall be nned not execed- iuii uua uiuusuiiu uouurs, or imprisonment not ex ceeding one year, or both, in tho discretion of too court: or If thenvcis.pprKt.h.'in im iirii.-,.n nWn tho polls by vlolencoor lnUmldatlon, all tho votes njuuu ui puui uicuuvii uisinct uiay no reiocted bv ho nioner tribunal trvlnir a contest. iinri,.rt.,i,i ,,ij. tion, or a part or portion ot such votes aforesaid may lm counted, n.s Mirh trlliiinnl iiAnM ... a Just and proper dlsposlUon ot tho case. section 1. Any assessor, election officer or person apiiolnted as nn overseer, who shall neglect or refuse to nerform anv dutv cnlolnnii iivtnw npr wiihn... reasonablo or .legal cause, shall bo subject to a pen alty of ono hundred dollars; and if any assessor sn.iu luiu.iiiiijij' iiMi'ss uny person as a voter who Is not qualified, or shall wilfully retusn tn ussps n,.v one who Is shall bo guilty of a misde meanor in office, aud on conviction bo punished by a lino not exceeding one thousand dollars, or Impris onment not exceeding tw o j oars, or tiotli, at tho dis cretion of tho court, and also bo subject to an acUon for damages by tho party aggrieved : and If any per son shall fraudulently niter, add to, deface or destroy any list of voters mado out as directed by this act. or tear down or removo tho samo from tho place where It has been tlxed, with fraudulent or mist nicy- uua uiiLiii, ur iur uny improper purpose, tno person so offending shall bo eul tv uf a inisiipininnnr ,,..,i on conviction shall bo punished by a lino not exceed ing uiuiiuuuii-uiiuimi s, ui uiiiinsumneut not exceed ing uiuiuui'. u uutn. ui. iuu ui-scri'Liiin nr inn nrnri- and If anv nerson shall, by violence nr inti,i,i.,ii,, drive, or attcmnt to drive from thn nniis nnv ,.rt., or persons apiwlu ted by tho court to act as overseers of on election, or In nny way wilfully prevent sold overseers from performing Uio duties eujolned upon them by this net, such lierson shall bo guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall bo punished by a lino nut exceeding ono thousand dol lars, or o v imprisonment not exceeding two years, or both, at tho discretion of thn court. Anv npin,, uhr. shall, on tho day of any election, visit u polling placo In any election district at which ho ts not entitled to vote, and shall uso uny Intimidation or violence for uiu puiimMi ui I'leveuuug uny umcer of election from ncrformlue Ihn duties reoulred nf nun liv i..w or tor tho punwso of preventing any quallllcd voter of such district exercising hlsilghl tuvote.orfrom exercising ills right to challenge uny person offering to vote, such ierson shall bo deemed guilty ot u luts- ticiiictuiur, nun uiiuii luiiTituuii mereoi snail 00 pun ished by n lino not exceeding ono thousand dollars, or by Imprisonment not exceeding two years, or both, at tho discretion or Uio court. Anv riprk-. mpt-w,... or election officer, who shall dlsdoso how any elector shall havo vouhI, unless required to do so us a wit ness In a Judicial proceeding, sliall bo guilty or a mis demeanor, uud upon conviction thereor shall bo nun. Ished by u tlno not exceeding ono thousand dollars or by Imprisonment not exceeding two years of both. In the discretion or tho court. ' In obedience to Uio requirement of tho Governor ot tho commonwealth ut Peniisj lvanla, I hereby tfuuitfi. .J . ...-.v.... ...U..IU.U. ii, vji im uunsiKU lun of tno United States, tho Act of Congress en forc lng Uio same, and too Act of Assembly relatli c thereto : Tho Fifteenth Amendment of Uio Constitution of uiu uiiiiu niiiu-s is us WIIUWH I "KrCTiON 1. Thu right ot citizens of the United States to vote shall not bo denied or abridged by the fui...u iiiaii-i v. wj .j uu uiiuuut ui race, color, or previous condition of servitude." "Sicno.N i. Tho Congress shall havo power to en force this urtlclo by appropriate legislation," An Act to enforce tho right of cltiirnsof tiimimi. etl suites to voto in tho several states of this Union and for other purposes : "Section 1. lis it enacted bv tiir rpui,i ... House oh Hei'kesestatives ok the United States op Amebic in coniiiiess Assi.ubi.eii, That all citizens of ino iiniu'u nuues, who are, or snau bo otiierwlso iiuoiuii;u uj iuu iu luMJiikuuj viviiiuuuyiuoiieonie. lu any state. Territory, district, county, city, parish township, school district, municipality, or other ter! mortal sub-division, shall bo entitled und allowed to voto at all fauch dictions, without distinction of race color, or prev lous condition of scrvltudo j auy Con! sutution, law-, custom, usage, or regulation of anv State or Territory, or by, or under Its uuUiorlty. to the contrary notvvlllistandlng." ' Section vi, Ano but fuutheh enacted, That If by or under tho authority ot too Constitution or laws of any stato, or the laws ot any Territory, any act Is or shall bo required to bo donous a prerequisite ur (.uai. tllcatlon for voting, und by such Constitution or law Iiersons or officers who shall Iw charged with toe lierformanco ot duties in furnishing to ttUzonsan opiiortunlty to perform such prerequisite, or to be some qualltled to voto, It shall bo thu duty of every such person and officer to glvo Wall citizens of too United btales, tho samo and equal opportunity to I crform such prcrequWto, und to bocorue qualltled to voto without distinction of race, cnlni-. nr condition of servitude: and It uny such iwrson ur officer shall refuse or knowiugly omit to give full effect to tola section, ho shall, tor every such offence forfeit and pay Uie sum ot nvi hundred dollars to the person aggrieved thereby, to bo recovered by an action ou the cose, w Ith full costs and such allowance tor counsel fees as too court shall deem lust, aud shall also, for every such offence bo deemed guilty of u misdemeanor, and shall on conviction tkercor. bo fined not less than five hundred dollars, or bo Im prisoned nol less than ono month, and not more than one year, or both, at the discretion of tho court." A further supplement to Uio act relatliiL tu dec tlnna In t litu (VmitnniiH'pfillh , " "Section 19. 'inat so much of every act of Assem blvnsnrovidcslkatonlv white, freiiiiipn uiinii tu. titled tu voto or lm registered as voters, or as claim, lng to voto at any general or Biecial election ol this Cumttionweullh, uo and too samo Is hereby repealed1 and that hereafter that all freemen, without distinc tion of color shall bo enrolled and registered accord ing to too provision ol the Urst socilon of too act un proved lho nth day ot April, lsu, futiucd "An Act further supplements to lho act rtUtlng to tho elec Hons ot this Commonwealth," and when otherwise qualined under existing laws, bo enUUed to vote ut all general and special cleitlons In this Common woultii." Given under my hand, at my office, In Uloomsbure, this II to day of Hcpiembcr.ln too j ear of our I-crd one, thousand eight hundred and scvenly-ttve, aud lu the one hundrelU JCMOt Uio Independence ot thu Unit ed Slates, MW1IAEL UliOVKH, Sheriff of Columbia County, Dloouuburg, Va., September IT, Wt, BOOKSELLER Denier in Law Blnnks, Sunday School Librnricy, Donository of lho Pennsylvania Biblo Society, WINDOW CURTAINS, WALL PAPER, PICTURE FRAMES, REWARD CARDS. Hooks and supplies not on hand can bo furnished On Short Notice at tho Most Itcusonablo Ji'aics. Store in Exchange Hotel Oct. 8, ISM RECENTLY BLACK CASHMERES, NEW MUSLINS, ' COLLARS AND CUFFS, NECKTIES, HUCIIINGS, BACK COMBS, LADIES NEW KID GAUNTLETS. NICE ASSORTMENT DRESS GOODS PROM 25 CENTS AND UPWARDS. :o: NEW PALTj PRINTS TO ARRIVJ3 THCS WEEK AT THE POPULAR CASH ST011E OF W. P. JONES & CO., OATAWISSil. Pil, EW STOCK OP CLOTHING. AND Gentlemen's Dress Goods. DAVID L0WENI5ERQ Invites attention to I1I3 largo ana elegant stock ot Cheap an! Fashionable ClotMci athlastoroon MAIN STREET, IN THE NEW BLOCK, DL00MS11UU0, PA., where lie has Just received Irom Now York ana Phil adelphia a full assortment ot MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING, Including tho most fashionable, durablo and' nanasonio DRESS GOODS, CONSISTING OP BOX SACK, FROCK, GUM AND OIL CLOTH, COATS AND PANTS, OP ALL SOItTS SIZES AND COLOItS, no has also replenished his already largo stock or CLOTnS AND CASSIMBKBS, FIGUUED AND TLAIN VESTS, STItlPBD, jillKTS, SOCKS, COLLAItS, IIANDKEltCIIIEl'S, GLOVES, SUSPENDEKH, FANCY ARTICLES. lie has constantly on hand a largo and well select ed assortment ot . Cloths and Vestings, which ho la prepared to mako to order Into any kind ot clothing, on very short notice, and In tho best jtner. All his clothing is mado to wear and most ot It Is o( homo manufacture. GOLD WATCHES AND JEWELKY, OP EVERY DESCRIPTION, FINE AND CHEAP. HIS CASE OP JEWELRY IS NOT SURPASSED IN THIS PLACE. CALL AND EXAMINE HIS OENERAL ASSORT MENT OP Clothing, Watches, Jewl ry, &c. DAVID LOWENKERG, uly l,, GRAND OTENTOH ELLAS MENDENHALL HAVING resumed tlio business of Merelian discing at bis Old Store, ou MAIN STREET, I1L00JISI1UR0, NEAK THE 10UKH I10TEI, Desires to call tho attention of his Friends mwltho Publlo generully.o his NEW, FULL AND VARIED STOCK OF GOODS, JUST OPENED, And solicits a sharo ot publlo patronago HIS STOCK CONSISTS OP DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, QUEENSWARK, WOODEN WARE, WILLOW WARE, HOOTS X SHOES, UAltDWARt, VLOUlt AND FEED In connection with Ula stock ol Mtrcnandlso he constantly keeps on hand In his yard. A FULL STOCK OF Dressei ani Miroil Lie, AND B1I1NULEH (If HIS MANUFACTURE. Bill Lumber made a 'upeciulity. CALL AND HIiU.. 0Ct.l,16M-U.. STATIOHJE3R, .Building, Blooinl)iir Pa. O-OOIDS RECEIVED. A. J. EVANS, READY MADE AND CUSTOM MADE CLOTHING. HE HAS THE FINKMODS, LATEST STYLES, AND EMPLOYS THE BEST WORKMEN For Good Fits nnd Promptness In tilling orders mere is tno placo to go. Ills goods are tclectort with caronndhlsCUSVOM WORK will compare favorably with tho best effort or tno lasuiouablo City Dealer. TIE KEEPS A LAltQi; STOCK OP BOYS' & CHILDREN'S CLOTHING AND GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS At Astonishingly Low lTlccs. A. J. EVANS. Julyl, lST3-tf. GLAZING AND PAPERING. TX7M. P. I10DINE. Iron Street Lelnw or. . T ond, IJloomsbunr. Pn.. Is prepared to do al kinds of PAINTING, GLAZING, anil PAPER HANGINGS, In tho best styles, nt lo-west prices, and at short Parties Inn lng such wor todowll saveraoneyty .work warranted to giro satisfaction. Order bOUCUCU WM. F. I10DINE. Mar. , '74-ly. FARMERS TAKE NOTICE! It li of great iuiportanco to you what kind of manure you apply to your Wheat Land? this fall. If you want a good crop of Wheat next season, awl n heavy crop of Grass to follow, use. BATJGH'S MARK Raw Bono Super Phosphate STANDARD WARRANTED. Put up lu iiOOlti bags. Tho baso of this Old Established Article- Is Raw or Unburned Hones, nnd Its Mrenglli cannut bo ox. Iinusted with the crop of Wheat, but Mill pro 0 i f fectlvo on tho following crop ot Urns, and will also permanently lmproo tho soil. Farmers look to jour own Intercbtsand iinnotf wuat u 0 say about Baugh's Haw Bono Phostihato lstruoor false, and notify us of tlio result. Make application lor It early to jour nearest Dealer In Manures, and It you cnunot bccuio 11 through thciu, send j our orders direct to your friends BAUG-II & SONS. Aug. 10-M. PHILADELPHIA & BALTIMORE, DPXJ33LIG SALE OF VALUAIILi: REAL ESTATE! TN PUItSUANUE OV AN ORDER OF I lho Oruhnn's Court of Columbia eountv. tho un. uerslgucd, acting lixicuUir ot tho last Will ami Tes tament oi Afiam uuoie, uiu 01 ino lownsnip Of llo.d liigci'ecW, 111 said county, deceased, v, Ul expose IU puouu buio 011 uiu jneiuiaes, ou SATURDAY,' OCTODER Dili, 1875, commencing at 10 o'clock In tho forenoon of bald da)', lho following uu&eriovu Itui uouuu, iu nni aii iimin rinin nlico. iiarLtl or tract of landbltu- ato. U lng and being In tlio townshlnof llourlngcreek, In said eountv, bounded and described as follows, to wit: Adjoining lands ot Solomon btrauscr on tho Wl'St, UinUS 01 Bumuci num u inw iiui 111, luiiua vi .lull 11 luce on tho eabt, and lands ot Oliver Evans on Iho houtli, containing EIGflTV-EIVE AORES, or less, nearly all cleared land, whereon aro enacted n 'I'WO-HTORV FRASIH DWELLING 1I0UHE, A Framo Hank Ham and other out.bulldlngs. Thero Isou tho premises 11 good Apple (irihurd, and oilier fruit Also, good wnterontho premises. Possession given 1st of April, ism. CONUITIONH OF HA I.E. Ten per cent, of thoone. fourth of tho purchase money to bo paid at tliuhtrlk. log down of tho projierly, tho ono-fourtli less tho ti n wr tr.iit. at thu eonlirmatlod of tho sale und tho bal. unco In ono year therealter, with lutertbt Iroui con .tu nisi, ot said bule.ufoA(j VAllmNf)EUi Bop. IUU Acting Executor. 1UJTi0Ni-Iy wifo Ellen linvlng lift my ; home, lied uud board, n llhout Just cause of complaint, 1 hereby Inform ull persons that 1 v(ll puv no debts sho muy contract. JACOD B'lROUi'. Wt.Plettsau, October 1,1M0. ; LIMB Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, ForDIsoa.ios of tho Tliroat and Luncs, suoli ns OourIis, Colds, VliooplnK CoukIi, Hronchltls, Asthma, nnd Consumption, Atnonp lho preiit ilUeovcr c of modern Jfclence, few nio of Jinoro real vnluo In . mankind thnn IliU cf- ' fcclunl remedy for fill f illwn'ct of tlio 'llnont "ami I.unc. A vat trial of IU virtue, throughout tlit nnd other countrlc", lm fliown Hint It doc nrolf ntwl rlTni-llmHir control them. Tho ttntlmnny of our best clll rem, of nil clnc, etublllies Hie fact, Hint Ciiniuv l'icinu.ii, will ntnl doe relievo nii.l euro Hie nllllctliig ilionlers of tlio Tliront ami l.mupi beyoinl nnv otlier mecllclne. 'Iho mot ilnnseroiH nlli-cHofH of tlio Pulmonary Orpin yield lo Hi power) nnd cnei of Consumption, cured hytlii prcinriitlon, nro publicly l.uowii, tn remnrknble ni hardly to bo believed, wero thev not proven bcvmiil "dlimle. A n remedy, It ft ndc'iunle, on 'which liio publlo may rely for full protection. Hy curliiR CohrIi, Uio forenmneri of mora fcriotn dl'ciue, It fni'9 un numbercd lives, nnd nn amount of Hifferlng not to bo computed. It challenge trlnl, ami con vince tho mot nccptlcnl. livery fmnlly hbuld Keep it on hand n n protection npint the early nnd unperecived nltnek of l'ulinoiinry Affec tion", which nro ea-ily met nt firt, but which becomo Incurable, null too often fatal, If neg lected. Tender hint; need till ilcfcnco) nnd It Is unirlso to bo without It. As n jafi'Ktmrd lo children, amid Hio dllrc!lnp dl' which lict tho Tliroat nnd Chejtof chlldliood.Ciiniiir PriirmiAI. I Invaluable! for, by It timely lie, multitude nro rescued from premature grave, nnd saved to the lovo nnd ndecHon centred on them. It acts speedily nnd surely npiinst ordl mry cold, sceurlni sound nnd lienlili-re'lorlng sleep. No one wl(l sillier troubleomo llillll. vnr.a and painful Ilrnuclilll, when they know how ealiv lliev can bo cured. Originally tlio product of long, laborious, nnd successful chemical investigation, no cost or toll is sp'ircd in making every botllo In Hie utmo't possible perfection. It may be confidently relied upon n poscslng nil tho virtues it hii ever exhibited, nnd cnpablo of producing cine n nicmoniblo ns tlio grentest It has ever effected. ritEi-AKEn 11V Dr. J. C, AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass., Practical niul Analytlcnl Chemists. SOLD UV ALL IJliUUOlSTS EVUllYWlIEnE. Apill lfi-TCyl A HEAVY STOCK, CSieapes? tkazi Ever! S. H, MILLER & SON Have Just llcccivcd the largest and best supply ol CHEAP AMD' FASHIONABLE DRY GOODS, They havo ecr ottered totuclr friends aud cus tomern. Cloths, Ossiineres, anil Satinotts for JIEX'S WEAR, Clotli.s, Alapacas, Merinos, for LADIES' AVEAR, CALICOES, JIUSLINS, CA.M1IIUCS, anil every variety of Dry OomU ileslreil. STOCK OF Carpets, Mats, Ottomans, CLOSED OUT AT COST FAMILY GHOCERIES incltnlliifj all tlio vanelien of COFFEIiS, TEAS anil SUGARS, COUNTRY PKODUCE, anil .1 general supply of articled useful for the tablo always on liaml. CALL AND SEE. Country proiluco nf all kinil taken in ex chnngo for goods at cash price.", Oct, 30,'74-tt , BLOOMSBUEG MABBLE WORKS, T. L. GUNTON, Proprietor, MAIN STIHXT. Iini.OU JIAUKllT. Manufacturer of and L'cakr in all kinds of MONUMENTAL MARBLE WOKKS WousotliobestAMIllllCAN and ITALIAN Marble, Ho has ou hand and turnlshes tu order MONUMENTS, TOM IIS, HEADSTONES, URNS, VASES, Ac, Hvery variety of Mnrblo cutting neatly executed at tho lowest market pi Ices. A loiiB practical experience and personal attention to biulnenH the proprietor eunlldeiit of uU loir snlM.iiilon. All orders by mall pioiiipllyattendeu tiiS"X. Jl. Work ddhcmlfne of 'fmrrCtBa AUjf.JM, 74-ly. 't. U (lUN'I'dN, I'roprlelor, $S85oo pse toostT nEGISTERED TRADE-MAnK, sou foul il.'iiosit imiiortiMl oxilusivoly liy win. irn i" iiimii nun 1 11 tlUUTIva. solujum-: Ana!sHoiu'.rich ijacainUiualily KiiarunUrd. Sto Duiujuvn twin i'ii i;ui.Ub-,UH iriuu u)- lieuit'ars Kt'lltTaiiy .JUSIAIl ,1. AlililuN'S SONS, No. A S. UeUwaro Avenuo rhlladelnlii.i. aug ao-ut. iSPHO-FISH Molsturo, (let. at loo c. 11.7T 3.18 G.CI 12.31 15.30 Ort'anlo JIattcr,, capablo ot pioducluir Airunoniu, - - , rloluablu and rroilpltatcd l'hosphorlo Add, Uuual to ruclnltalid una liono I'hosplmte, Unflcconiiiosril Hono I'hospliate, 1'RICE, W8 I'EIt TON. racked lu bafc's of 800 lis. each. BAUGH Sa SONS, Bulo 1'roprletorn, No. SO South Ik-la. wuro Avenue, riilladelphla, ANII Ko, ion Houth btiut, Ilaltlmoro, fiep. n-il. lEltLMsi&LJ mWM'm 3b J AWAnntmiiEfiii mm Qvov Thitfy-fonv Compctiiovs RAIL ROAD TIME TABLES pilILADEl.l'IIA AND READING ROAD ARRANGEMENT OK PASSENGER TRAINS. MAV 8d, 197.1. TIUIS3 t.KAVC Ilb'I'EIlT AS lOUOWH (RrNPAVKXCErTED ror New York, rhlhulelpliln, llendlng, rottMlllo Tamnqnn, Ac, 11,33 a. in l'or cntanlwa, ll,3;i a. 111. nnd ",r.r, p. m. For Wllll.imsport,0,iis a. in. and -1,00 p. in, TltAlNS 1 OU lllTEKT 1 1'AVK AO I 01.1 OWf, (Bt'MiAY FX IKrTEO.) I cave Now York, 11,15 a.m. . Learn rhlladclphl.1, li.lfin. 111. Leave Heading, 11,3 in. in., 1'ottsTlllc, 12,10 p. 111. and Tanuqun, 1,30 p. in. Li-aM-U.UuhKs.1, c,2iin. m. and 1,00 p. m. Wllll.inisporl, 9,'jiin. m. mihI r.,(ici p. m. l'lu-si-ncr-i to and from ami Philadelphia go throufh v llhout chaugo of cars. .1. . WOOTKN, May 8, lS"4-tf. Cenernl Supeilnteiident. D ELAWARE, LACKAWANNA WISTUUN ItAlLUOAl). ANI) RI.OOMSIUJRG DIVISION. Tinic-Tnblo No. 3-J, Takes effect at 4:30 A. M TIIl'KSHAY, DIX'Il.MlIUIt in, 1S74. N01IT1I, STATIONS. SOUTH. p.m. p.m. p.m.1 n.m. p m, p.m. Ill 111 2 211 ll 3D ll) I I 2 21! (', 35 IS HI 2 33 I! II 10 17 2 41 I! Ml 10 25 2 Ml 7 llll 10 2D 2 r5 7 111 III III 11 01 7 It in 3 3 (II 7 10 10 15 3 15 7 25 III Ml 3 2' I 7 III, II) M 3 25 7 4ri 11 llll 3 31 7 Ml I I 05 3 si; 7 58 It 111 3 41) 8 12 11 18 3 5!) 8 15 11 32 4 05 8 35 II 411 4 21 8 r 11 fht I 2S 11 (15 12 1 4 31) 7 00 12 ' S 4 45 7 12 12 12 1 .VI 7 IS 12 17 1 Ml 7 25 12 2( 5 05 7 3S 12 112 5 12 7 47 12 37 5 18 7 65 12 11 5 21 8 1!! 12 15 5 30 8 111 1 113 5 4S 8 III 5 5S. 8 4S III IS 113 8 ,v; 131 I! 2l 'J 211 p.m. p.m. a.m. iz 1 nit 1 15 1 411 13 3 Keinnton IicIIcmio Tnjlonllli-... ...I.;i(k.ialin;i Pulsion . Wcstriltston... Wyumiiii; Miillby Kllik'Ml'll , Kliii;slnii ,.1'I.Miiiiiith.luiii-,, ...riymoulh Aiond.ilo ..... NlltltlCOkl- VI '1 1 8 Ull 12 11 S -J.1 II 45 X 13 11 .11 h in 11 20 7 KI 1 2! 1 ll! 1 11 1 ir. II ll) II 10 III 45 8 25 8 17 8 12 8 or, 8 (0 7 411 7 2il 7 Oil fi 1.7 (I 4.5 Ii V,l 27 ll 21) Ii III! 5 f.S 5 M r 41 n 10 6 15 r 01 4 11. in. 7 M 7 4S II 12 .51 7 35 12 411 7 3'l 12 41 7 2.5 12 3(1 7 111 12 30 7 15 12 2ii 7 U. 12 ll! 0 ,M 12 III .Iliiiilnck'8 reek. ..Milck.-Iilnny . .. .Illck'8 lvny... .Ileiith lliieii. Ilei-Hlek ..Hilar rivek 0 S5 11 41! (! 2S 1 1 .".'.) I! 2D 11 31 II 13 11 22 0 18 11 17 0 113 11 11 5 t,3 II 112 willow unui-.... ..I.lmo l'lil-re INjiy .liliMiiiisburir 1 11 1 11 1 1 fi 411 10 55 5 III 1l 1.1 .'. 31 11) 43 t-ntnwlss.i Itrlil'e. 5 !!ll III 4l . .nun. .1 r- 11c 11... n.inUlU! 1'hul.isky I'tiim-ron 5 12 111 22 .', 112 HI 12 4 f.7 ll) IK 4 41) !) .'. p.m. a.m. .Noilhunibeilaiiil. DAVID T. Superintendent's Oillce, Klnjtou, I'.OI'NI), Sunt. , .Mmcli 1st ( . N' ORTIIEUN CENTRA I, RAI1AVAY COMPANY. On and ufler Not ember bUNUUUYusrolloHs: :i)(li, 1S73, trains ttllllcato NOIlTIlWAItD. I.'ilo Mall B.20 a. ra arrive Klmlra.', a. 111 " (.'amunl,ili;u,i., . ii.35 p. in, " llocbcMcr 5.15 " " Nl.i4rar.i y.411 " ltcnoto ion 11.10 n. m. uiilto Williams 01 1 12.55 p. in. nimli a .Mall 4.15 u. in., unit 0 Klmlra 10.20 a, in. lluiaio llxprcss 7.15 a. 111. 111 rlt u llululo u. in. SOUTIIWAKD. Uuirnlo Uxprcss 2.50 a. in. nrrlte llnrrl.sbiirs 4.50 n.m " H.1III11101118.111 " Llmlra.Mall 11.15 a.m., arilvo ll.iirhbuiK l.M) p. m " WiLshlnittuu 10.30 " " Il.1ltln1010O.311 " " Washington S.30 " Harrbburg accommodation 8.40 p. m. arilvo Hauls, burg 10.50 p. 111. nrrlvo lialllmoiu 2.25 a. m. " W'ashli-.Klon 0.13 " Ilrlo -Mall 14.M a. m. nrrlio llarrlslnirg 3.05 a. in. " Ilaltlmoro 8.10 " " Washington 10.35 " All d.iUy except Sunday. 1). M. 110YD, Jr., Ueneral IMsscngcr Agent J A. .1. CASSATT, (Icneral Manager; PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD. l'liilaui'lnhla fi: Erie I!. It. Division. SUMMER TIME TAIIIjE. ON anil after SUNDAY, MAY 23,1, 187.',, tho trains on tho i'hllaik-lnhla Sz Krlo It.dl HoailDltlsonttmruu as follows: ll7iS'2'lllJ?J. l-'AST UNU leaves New York " " " I'lilluii-Iplila. " " " liulllnioio " " " ll.irihbiii-g " " arr. ut " " " 1K-k 11-iten ' ili-llifonlo Will: MAIL leaves New Yen k 1 hlladi-lphU " " " ILiiilsbiiri,' " " " Wllll.uiiport " " " IjKk ll.ncn " " " Henovo " " nrr. nt Kilu ... n 25 a. in ..,12.55 p. m ... 1.20 p. in .. 5.111) p. in .. b.55 p. in . .10.20 p. lu ..11.50 p. Ill . 8.25 p. m ...11.55 p. lu . . 4.25 11, la . . 8.S5 11. Ill . . U.45 11. m .. 11.11511, m ... 7. 0 p 111 NI.UIAUA llXl'ltnss leaves Illl.uielphla.. 7.40 a. m " " " II.1III11101V 7.35 a. m " lliiirMnirg. .. .10X511. m " " air. at tt llll.imsKirt.. l.M p ! ' l.l L- II.H..N I, IR . . ' " " " HellOtu . 4.30 p. m s.oia. m , s 3D a, 111 1 25 p. lu I'.IO l. in 7.30 p. Ill KI.MIItA MAlI.leates Hillailelphla ll.illlinoio " " " lliirrbburg " " air. at tt ' ' " Ukk lluten :o:- HASrU'AlU). I'llIIVA EXl'IIUSS leates hock Ilatcn... " " " tvilll.imspoit... " " urrlvcsat IliiriMiing " " " ll.lllllllOlu " " " I'lilUdelnhla..., " " " New York DAY UXTIIIISS leates llenoto " " " lin k Hilton. .. " " " Wllllaiitapmt,, " " nrr. at lliiiihbiiiL' " " riiiiiub-ii.iii.i.., ' " " New Vol k " " " llalllmoro fi.ioa. m ,.. 7.5.1 a. 111 ,.11 45 11, in ., 11.15 p. Ill .. S.U5 p. Ill 1. 0.15 jl. in ... 0.10 a m lo. 5 a, in ..11.35 a. 111 .. 8.01) p. m ., C.211 p. in .. 'J 15 p. Ill ., C.! p. Ill .11.20 a, 111 .. 8.25 p. Ill . 0.45 p. m lll.Mlp. 111 . 2.2511. h .. 7.35(1 111 U.45 II. lu .,'U.lOu, 111 ..12.35 n.m .. 3.55 a. 111 ,. T.85U III , 7.35 11. hi ..10.25 II, III Ullli: MAIL leaves Krlo " " llenoto " ' 1.01k Haven " " Wllll.nnspoit " arr. at ll'inUlmri; " " li.illlinoro ' l'UIladelolila " New York 1'ABT LINK leat is Wllilnmspoi t air. at iiiirmuunr " IUIII111010 l'hlhiilelihl.i " New York..., Krlo Mull West, Nlairarn Kxpress West. Klmlni Mall tVoht and Day Kxpii-HSKusf mako ilooconiu e. tlou nt Northumberland tilth I.. II. II. It, trains for IIMIL ..lj.II..... .i.i.l Ui'riintri,, Krlii Mull tVefat. Nluiruril KMiroKS Wokt. nnil l'litilm Mall Went miikoelow) coniiielioii ut ttlllUiiniiori Willi N. 1'. It. tV. trains Norm. Urlu Mull KUfcliuid Wil. Mngar.i Kxpiowi West l'iii,t 1.I110 Weblnnil Dav l.xnrciM R11t111ui.11 nru.,. comieellon ut li-k llaten mill ll. 1,'. V, ll ll., Irulns 1.110 JUUll lahi iiiui nesi l-oillli'll, ill kuo tilth ruins 011 I. H. .t M. H. It. II.. at I'nirv ullh 11 i- a. V, It. It. at Kiniwiltiin with II. N. Y. & V. It. It., and ul 1)1 111 wood wllh A. V, II. II. I'.irior inrs win run lciwooii I'liiiudchihla mid WIUlainsHj 1 011 Nluiraru Kxjiieha ttoM.rast I.I110 West, Philadelphia Kxprcss Kast anil Hay Kxpress liust. bleeping I'ura on ull night tratiiH. W.M. A. JIAI,DVIN, Jan. 8,ir-tl tltncruisupti r" A.