THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. THE COLUMBIAN. II I, O ( M S II V It (I. V II HI A Y, OCT. SJ, Is;.", Itnll lloa.I Tlmo Talilo LACKAWANNA & llt.OOMSIlUlttl HAH. 1IOAII NORTH. Accommodation Train 0.45 A. Jl. .Mull Train A. M Lxpress Train 1.1(1 r, .M. " ls.94 1'. Jl. CATAWISSA HAH. 110A1). NOIITII. Accommodnllon Train Ms A.M. lii-gulnr Impress n,M 1'. M. Hnt.Tir 1M A. Jl. W 8 1'. 1I.M A. SOUTH T.r.u v. m. 11,93 A.M. Through cars on Kxprcss Imln cither to New Yoik or Philadelphia. Accommodation trnln runs between t"ntawls.s.i and Wllllumsport. KMli.rrlli rr io hut t Kl.! 11.,. rttlrlnir r.lilr of Ihit (Oil lltlllN In ,4.RnrA will li, miUlfl with Ihff til Ihff tinok. nf llrotki way A I In, II. Thi n.w firm will nl.o (ill ntl ..herlMng ronlr.rh. NOTUJi:. All contract mailo by Mr. Dicfi'ciiliacti furnil- veitlsetnciil", and prc-palil sulMcriptlons will be carrlcil out by the present proprietors of this pa per. llusincss cauls In tlio directory will be continued, nt tbo obi rales, unless otherwise or (lend, and will dato from Oct. 1st, 1870. In ileliteilness to tbo CoLUMiilAN on nny account from July lt-t, 1S73, to Oct. Ut, 1875, will settle with Mr. DicH'cnliacli. Persons ileslrlhg tostop llieir paper, if any, and tboo wnlnnji to sub scribe or to have tbeir pint ofl:ce cliangesl, will plea'O notify us at once. Tbo paper will be con tinued to old subscribers unless olberwiso order ed, Owing lo tbo great amount of work inci dent upon taking cbnrgo of tbu odico wo bave not bail time to change llie dates on tbc printed directions. Next week tbey will be changed to Oct, 8lb, 1875. Our legal duties will not be neglected by rca i on of our having taken charge of this paper One member of tbo linn, and both, when neces sary, will constantly look after (lie interests of our clients. On Satuiday wo will open a line of Ladies' leaily-tnailc Cloth Coals, which we will oiler at very low prices. Call and see them. Claiii; A Wo Turn out to the Democratic meetings and hear the issues of the dav discussed. The lliulctonians ale again agitating the new enmity question, K 11, Little, Ksip, has purchased the proper ly 011 Tliiul Street formerly owned by David l'.et, for SISjOO. Jlr. Samuel lloyt,of Kingston, died on Thurs day night of last week. He was widely known and respicted. ''What is tbo useofniy advertising, I have been here for twenty years." Tilt people so. That is advertising. John 11. 1'nrker, of Greenwood, at the lale I'air received a premium lor some extraordina rily large pumpkins. Wo tried to eat one and failed. Don't fail to read the local notices. That is the way lo ascertain who are tbo leading mer chants of tins town and the places where you can buy the best goods at the lowest rales. The important mining case of the Locust Mountain Coal and Iron Company vs. Joseph JL 1'iiek, tried in .Schuylkill county, has been decided in favorol the plaintiff, the jury award ing 17,000 damages. We arc thankful to our friends throughout the County for the liberal support and encour agement that we aio receiving. Keep the ball rolling. The larger our subscription li-t, llm lictler paper wc can allbrd to publish. The lilllo child of l'rankliu Keller's, on Iron Street, mentioned in last week's (.'oi.i-miiian was liuricd on Tuesday Inst, having died fiom the effects of the injuries received by falling into u kcllle of hot water. IhicUwltcnt seems to be a more than average crop this year. .). 11. i-'iitz counted the grains 011 a stalk of hue kwheat and found to his utter .Ktouishincnt fourteen hundred grains which had (piling fioni one seed. llenlon W1tl.l1. Invitations are out from his honor, Judge (iarrick M, Hauling, announcing the marriage ol'his daughter, Miss Harriet I tiller Hauling, to Mr. William W. Cuilin,hoii of the cx-Ciover-nor. The ceremony is to take place on Thurs day morning, October l!lt, ut 11 oclock, in St. Slcphen'a ciiuich, llecord 0 the times. No lloinxo. We are authorised by Hiram Schwtppcnhciscr to state that ho is not a candi date for County Treasurer. Ho believes llie ae tio.i of the Convention was not entirely legular, but for the sake of harmony and success declines to be the instrument to breed dissatisfaction in our 1 auks. Tin! following was found at the bottom of page i'l'i in Deed Hook K. in tho writing of Charles Conner, then Kecoider : "Tlio weather iqi to this period, l'ebruary 'lib, IK-IS, has been unusually mild, no snow above an inch deep anil a break up every few weeks. Veiy slrange weather, truly." lien. Noyes, with a wooden leg, managed to outrun tho ic-puiliutlem team in Ohio last Tues diy. I'itlston Claulle. Some person ought to inform llio editorof the (liiutti that Noyes was not a candidate this year. Hut, then, in these days any kind Jof stiill'suits Itepublican leaders. There was a "Grand Opening" of tlio Nagle House, in Danville, last evening, (Thursday.) Mr. Levi Duugan, of Philadelphia, delivered ;iu address, nuil music was furnished by Sloe's Orchestra. A ball was tho leading feature of tho opining. Mr. L. II. Strieker has taktu limine of the Naiilo House, and will make it a first-class hotel in every respect. Tho lllooinsbiiig JltpuUieun, in spiaking of tho Nob .Mountain Meeting says that "the worst traitors in llie nation wcio invited to attend." Among the speakers wcro C. 11, lluckalew, 1 leister Clyiuer, Gen. Lilt, Wesley ill, ami C. 11. lliockway, and tlio camp was guaidid by Cnl. Si-ulev and other sjldiers. Sonic ol these nun fought for llieir country, but neither Heck by or Drown ever smelled libel gunpowder. H. O. llartman has in his store window, an iiuieiiiouj niece of I'ltiicli nuchaiiisin. It con sists of a clock siiriounded by vines and (lowers, in which a humming bird hops about in the most life-like manner, while at the h.tso of the clock, which is a representation of a rock, a .biilllinch is thinking from a stream of water, .rinnilntr from the side of the lock. The birds ming and aro accompanied by iiiilsiefiom tbu in ttrior of the clink. It Is worth stopping 10 te We aro Informed that all tho money has heei subscribed nnd the ten per cent paid hi that is iiquired to mako llie turnpike from SliicUslilu ny lo l-'alrinouut Springs, but 11s ytt nil organl ..iliou has not bleu peilirlcil. JI10 piojcci is grand 0110 and we hope to announce, ere long, Iho completion of the same, 'lhero is not a fal IIIIO- Ifnillltlf 111 t- iiher Iho wistern portion of Liuiriio or Iho caslcill portion of Columbia who will mil In, In-ill filled bv It. and It Is tho duty of all lutereslul to push Iho woik along, Mvi Tin; Opim.V Holsi; On .Satur day evening last, despite tho iinpcrficuiollci and heavv rain, a ton-lderablo number ol ci zeits iiathered nt tho Opera Houo to hear tli kiii-ccli of Hon. C. It. lliitkalew. It was a calm and luiiuilial icvicw of tbu candidates and is- suiw. No abler exposition has yet been mad' of tho vexed curicucy question, uud theio wi mi niinintit lo evade or mislead In icg.ird to it As wo publish tho speech this week, our read ors t-au hidtru of its merit for themselves, urn we would call tbu at tuition of our readers to lis utterance)!. Mr, Duckakw was followid by O, D. Drocl Tho lover? of oysters, mid lrgton Is thonamo of such, will bo delighted to learn that ancient oyatcrmen nre predicting tho best season for that sort of sea fruit since lSfiO. Wo have a new carrier, and mic of our sub' scrlbcrs havo failed lo rceeiv ho Columbian. Wo hope thai in tlio fiituro .lsucli omission8 will bo reported to us promptly that wo may rectify them, All notes, drafts nnd checks drawn through nny bank, require a two-cent stamp, This Is a new decision of the-Internal revenue departniont, Tho penally is filly dollars. Non.tAt. School Huiluinu. A good deal of Interest was manifested nt tho letting of tho Nor lual Hoarding Hall last week. Seven bids for tho cnllro work were received, varying from $17,000 to $59,210.89. An estimate of tho ma tcrinl 011 hand determined tlio result, nnd tho contract was let to John S. Sterner, of Illootns burg, at S 12,19 1. A large number of bids for portions of the work were nlo received, but in the aggregate were not available. Di:.MocnATio Mki'.tings A Democratic meeting will be held at Kspy, In Halter's Hall, Wednesday evening, October 27lli. A meeting will also be held at Itupeit In the school house on tho same evening. A meeting will bo held nt Mainville, Thurs day evening, October "Slh ; also oiie at Mt. Pleasant, Miller's tho samo evening. The above meetings will commence promptly at seven o'clock. In response to our suggestion of last week concerning an entertainment for the benefit of the Normal School, Mr. E. Jncoby has kindly tillered his services as manager of a Dramatic Troupe for the purHsc mentioned. Any of our citizens willing to take hold of this matter can obtain information. and help to complete ar rangements by calling upon liiin. The lirst thing to be done is to organize, with a compe tent head. Tho enterprise must 1h) carried through. Sixoui.Ait AcviiiKxr. The Muncy Lumina ry says that John (lortuer, of Jordan township, Lycoming county, lost two horses last week un der somewhat peculiar ciieuinslaiices. Mr. (lorlner was plowing on a very sleep side hill, and below him was a liercely burning log heap. l!y some means the horses stumbled and tell, nnd becoming tangled in the harness, struggled and rolled until they landed inj the fire,and were so badly burned that to end their suller ings they were killed. Vic, I'iollet's l'isbinccrcek record is unpalat able. Did he go from "Nob Mountain Camp Meeting to Canada direct?" Uloomsburg llrpnb Horn. What bosh! Somebody should muzzle that junior editor because lieckley certainly did not write the article. He knows better. A lie well stuck to, it has been said, is as good as the truth ; but the ltepnUhun should remember that the "Canada meeting" was in 180-1, and the Nob Mountain meeting in 1SG5. Sheri ft' CS rover met with an unfortunate acci lent last Tuesday night, from the effect of which he will sulfer pain and annoyance for some days to come. He was at the house of Sainuel Dietterich near Lime llidge, and step ped from an outer floor, thinking there was a porch outside to receive him. This was not the ease and the result was a fall of some eight feet to the ground beneath. The medical gentlemen state that no bones aro broken, unless it may bo 1 minor fracture of a rib or two, and the shcrill will make his appearance in society as soon as a cut hand and a bruised frame will permit. We understand that active steps will be taken luring the winter for the erection of water works. This has grown to be rather .1 dry sub ject, but the immediate necessity for the works still remains. Within the last few years more than four times as much property has been de stroyed liy lire as would hiifllce to pay for llie most complete improvements, and much of this destruction might have been prevented but for the entire absence of any facilities for extin guishing llames. With addition of waterworks llloom-burg will be one of the most complete towns in the interior of the State. nmso.NAL. The genial face of our friend, Col. L. L. Tate, beamed upon us in our sanctum last week. Tho Col.'s many acquaintances through Iho County will be pleased to learn of his good health and prosperous condition, lie was here attending the senatorial conference, Hon Geo. I). Jackson, Miihacl Meylerl, of Sullivan county, llobert P. Allen, ex-Sherilf Pi att, J. Gamble, Hon. J. J, Metrgar, Col. Lm- ick, of Lycoming, J. S. Sanders uf tho Hazleton utinel, Thomas Chalfant, of tho Danville Intel- lycncer, Col. it. II. Jtickclts, ol ilkcsbarriyuiu tny other distinguished gentlemen were in town last week. Mr. C. M. Leo, who was elected County Su- icrintenilent of Wyoming county while be was student at the Not mid School, attended llie air. Air. lias enieiTU upon 1110 mines 01 is office. The Centennial Dramatic Association may ell fell gratified and encouraged by the success f the performances at the Opera House on Thursday and Friday evenings of last week The House was packed on both occasions j in let it was the laigest audience ever in attend ance, not excepting tbo opining nights. The people aio evidently beginning to appieciate the Hurls of our young friends. "Tho Hidden Hand," though a somewhat diflicult piece for llieiu to attempt, was well rendered, and t he stage rrangenicnts were the best we ever witnessed there-. The niii-ie, under tho leadership of Air. W. Monroe, was much improved, and added ureatlv to the excellence of tho entertainment though we must suggest that If that high note' on the viollH, at the end of each piece, weie iiiillted it would be much more agreeable lo the As all the members of tho Association did themselves credit ill their pails wc shall not at tempt to particularize. Wo hope to hear from them soon, again. Till! HUSATOItl.M. CONFISIIENCH. The Democratic conference of tho 21lh se-na lorial district met at lllooiiisburg on Th ursday, the 1 lib. All the counties were iepresenleil. Columbia by lion. John G. Freeze and Cy rus IS, McHenry. Lycoming by H. 11, Cummin, Hon. John Meliger. .Montour by James MeCormlck, William Yoiks. Sullivan by Michael Mcylert, John G Wright. On assembling, on motion of Mr. Me-ylert, of Sullivan, Hon. John G, Freeze, of Columbia was elected chairman, mid II. H, Cummin, l'.q. of Lycoming, was chosen secretary. Nomination jr senator being lu order, Mr. Wright nominated George D. Jacksgtt of Sullivan. Jlr. MeCormlck nominated Thomas Ciiulfant of Montour. Mr. McHenry nominated, Chailcs ei. Harkley of Columbia. Mr. Metzger nominated ltoVtt P. Allen of l.vcominL'. Tbu subsequent proceeillJg of the conferenci consisted mainly of ballo'-.ngs nnd adjournments It icnialned lu session until 11 A. AI. 011 balur- day lu which Unit-150 ballots had been taken wilb varviug lesuU, nut none 111 securing 10 any candidate 11 nomination. Great good mv lino and the mos' aniicaiuo inieicoursu luctaii id among ull prrtlcs during tho whole contest n.linii-iiliiij weru Increased by Iho fact ll. at .1,,. nit sent is a oil" year term, succeeded by two year Urm, and ihiii a four year term and fiiulliiL'lt Impossible lo overcome them ut the present sitting, tho conference udjourned to meet at Wlllhuaiport on Wednesday, OUobcr 20lh at 10:30 In tho forenoon. Jlidgo Pershing Is a man of medium stature, rather slightly built, villi thin, clear cut features, keen eyes and hnlr verging Into grny. Ills de liberate way of speaking nnd hearing glvrs him a judicial aspect that Is heightened by his clean shaven face and tho gold-rlmmed spectacles ho always wears, A lilllo in his looks, and still more In his manners ho resembles Charles 11, lluckalew, lfoncsduk lltrald. It is Inexplicable why Iho management of so many county fairs in litis State Is conducted on the narrow gaugo principle. This sort of man agement seems to havo been a particularly dis lliigulsnlng feature of the Columbia county fair held at Hloomsbiirg last week, ll wns conspic uously parsimonious In nil Its relations to the public, nnd seemed to thnk It tho proper thing to utterly ignore the newspaper press of tho county a fact that cannot hurt tho papers nor help the future of tho agricultural society. (7u Kite it Jtulletiiu AxoTiinn Dixkakkh Hviint. The large breaker of Messrs Graeber & Klinbel, at locust Gap, this county, was consumed by fire on Tues day night lat. This is tho second time the breaker burned, the last 0110 having jut been completed. Its cost is about one hundred thou sand dollars. It was considered ono of the best In Iho Shainokln region. The lire was caused by incendiaries, who set it 011 firo In three places. Wo havo not learned whether there was any iii'tiranco on tlio building or not. Sunbury American. HE.MOCKATIU JIUi;riNllM. The meeting in tbo school house at Jersey town, Monday, Oct. 18lh, was nddrcsscd by Col. J. G. Freeze nnd Geo. U, Klwcll. The house was well filled. A meeting was held at Oraugcville the same night, addressed by 13. K. Orvis and W. J. Huckalew, lvsqrs. The Fowlersvillo meeting on Tucday even ing was organized by electing Henry Shaffer President nnd l'rankliu Lamoii Secretary. At tendance was fair. Addresses were made by 11. 1!. Little and 11. Frank Zarr, F.sqrs., of Hlooms blllg. Tlio meeting at Calawissa was well attended and was held at tho Masonic Hall. It was or ganized by electing J, H. KnitlbJ Chairman, and Joseph Martz, Secretary. Prof. Walker, of this place reported the speeches. F. K, Orvis and C. li. llrockwny addressed the meeting. The CatawNsa Hand furnished music for the occasion. Catawissa is alive and will do her share. A meeting was held at Lawrence's school home in Franklin, on Tuesday the 10th, Jesse John presiding. W.J. Huckalow made a speech. Much enthusiasm was exhibited. C. W. Miller and George H. Klwcll nddrcsscd n meeting nt ltohrsbiirg on Wednesday evening last. Joseph Keller presided. There was a reasonably good attendance. At Locust, same evening, H. Frank Zarr, O. H.Hrockway and William Hryson made speeches 'to a large audience. Elias Helwig presided. At Milllinvillc, same evening, 11. 11. Little and K. K. Orvis. Esqs., addressed a large audi ence. Christian Wolf was president and A. W. Hess and Charles Woikheiser were elected sec retaries. KilKlllTKlTI, TltAtinilV. llAOKr.TTOWX, N. J., October 10 2 p. 111. A German painter, named Hitter, shot his two children this morning, at this place, and then shot himself. Tho youngest child, aged four years, is dead, and tho other, aged eight, cantiol livo until night. Hitter, himself, is not dangerously hurt, the ball not penetrating his skull. Hitter had some trouble in his family pre vious to this and had been separated from them several years until recently, when they started anew here. Hitter, nt tho time of tlio murder, was just recovering from a drunken spree. DnuT-Ai, Assault. Saturday night about 12 o'clock as a man by the naiiio of Milton Hlack attempted to cross tlio canal bridge at this place, with tho Intention of going to his home in Nescopeck township, he was brut ally assaulted by Jako Duck, son of Jcsso Duck, formerly of this place, nnd terribly beaten. On Sunday tho man Dlack npnear- d beforo Ksquiro MeAnall in 11 sad looking plight, his head cut open, faco bruiseel and clothes torn, and sworo out a warrant for the arrest of Duck. The warrant was placed in tho hands of Constablo Knorr who started for Xc.scopcck for the purpose of arresting Duck, but did not sticced 111 doing so, as Duck got wind of the affair and inado him self scarce. No cause is assigned for Duck's brutal treatment, and If caught he will be severely punished. Ikrwick Imlqiuidcnt. TIIEOItEDlTSVSTKM Tlio practice of buying on credit the ne cessary aiticles of tho household is fatal to good economy. Tho housekeeper must ill- tys pay dearer when she docs not pay cash. Tho tradesman must have interest for his muncy, for a man will never in a busy com munity bo willing, and is seldom ablo if he cro willing, to forget it. To tlio ordinary ash price of the article ho therefore adds tho nterest which may accrue during the time that credit is allowed. This, moreover, i not all ; lhero must be a premium exacted by tho dealer fur tho risk ho runs in trusting his goods to that class of nioro or less dan gerous customers who never pay ready mon- y. Even tho most honestly disposed of Iheso aro often unsafe debtors, for they nre generally such us nro imprudent enough to anticipate) their incomes, and to oven 1111 them in expendiluic. Tlio credit system, moreover, is it temptation to unnecessary purchased. There is .1 sort of check 111 tho sight and touch of the hard won money to the disposition to dispose of it lightly. On the other hand, there is something in tho fa cility of credit, removing ns it does the dis.v greeablo necessity of payment to 11 vague fit ure, very seductive to tho buyer, who can gratify his lovo of possession with n moiucn ary sense, nt any rato that its gratification costs him nothing. Thcro is no such cheat and cautious purchaser as cash. ltUN ovint 11Y TIIK CAItS. On Tuesday evening about seven o'clock train No. 12 on tho L. it D. road from Ply mouth ran over a man who was sitting 011 tho track at the timo near Toby's Eddy. Tlio engineer did not observe) tho victim until too late to prevent a collision, Tho train was stopped at oncbiind tho body was placed on tho baggago car, Tho man was not iccog nlzed by any of the train bauds, and he was supposed to bo dead, as blood was llowiu freely from terrible gashes In his head nnd lhero wcro no signs of animation given, At Kingston tho conductor thought to removo tho body, but soino one there suggested that it bo carried to West Pittston, as It was be lieved that tigent Dlauchard could tell wb ho was. On arriving at West Piltslon Ulan chard was culled, and ho nt onco recognized tlio bruised and mangled victim us Andrew lluuluck, a nephew of Judge Harding, who with his parents resides on hxeter street, Tho body was at onco removed, and while Dlauchnril and another wcro subsequently engaged In wushlng tho faco of what was sup posed tho dead man, ho suddenly revived Uaro was now givou hlin and shortly ho was removed tu his home. Ills wounds wcro dressed and It was discovered that no bones wcro broken, although ho was terribly bruls cd on many parts of tho body. It will bo soino tlmo before lfuulock will bo ublo to tret about, but ho ought to be tuaul'ful that he lias escaped with mi life. Cbnicf. LOST I LOST I i On Tuesday Oct. 1th, nt James Ammcr man's storo near Still Water, n liver colored Spaniel Pup, long curly cars, had on a black strap collar with tinned ring. Any person returning, or giving information leading to tho recovery of samo will bo liberally re warded by applying at this ollicc. On Saturday wo will open a lino ol La dies' rcady-mado Cloth Coats, which wo will oflcr nt very low prices. Call and look nt them. Cr.Anic & Wow, Ho not buy a Merino or Cashmcro dress without seeing Lutr. & Sloan's stock. Jacoby sell Fino Tub Oysters at 3.1 rcnU pcrqtinrt. Ills Oysters aro always fresh as Ills sales nvcrago -10 gallons per week. Mens, Ladies' and Children's woolen II030 at E. M, Knorr's. Mnrtlm AVasliiiigton Neck Handkerchiefs and Jabot Tics (list received at Clark &. Wolf's. Lutz ec Sloan claim that their Dlack Al paca's nro better this year than ever for the snmo price, which is a fact. 10 Dozen Now f icand '27 dozen of Linen Collars and Cull's, just received nt Clark it Wolf's. Overcoats I Overcoats I Overcoats I for Men, Dovs nnd Children. Great Dargains at 1). Lowcnbcrg's Felt Skirts at C. C. Marr's. I. W. llartman sells tho best Dlack Alpaca for tho prico In Town. Oo nnd seo for your self. Ladies, did you sco that largo caso of Rib bons, all at 2.1 cents per yard, from o. U lo 7 inches wide, at Clark t Wolf's. Machine Needles and Oil at C. C. Marr's-lilma-pts Flannels. Gimrliams. Prints and full lino of all tho leading Domestics nt Clark & Wolf's; Hoyx.Flno Doots ct E. M. Knorr's. t w. llnrtman oncns his pound Calico and sells it at 0 cents per yard. flirt- Wnlf lmvn iust received a lino of standard Prints nt 7 cents per yarn uy 1110 bolt. Go to C. C. Marr for E. Dutterick it Co's. attcrns. Calf Shoes at E. M. Knorr's for $2.00 per pair. ... A bin lino of Dress Cottons in all tho new tylcs nnd a full lino ol tlio new styles 111 orstcd Fringo now open at vviars. iv Woll's. Mens Kin Doots at E. M. Knorr's for$i.2.". Hoys Kip Doots from $2.f0 to $11.75. Moro Muslins. Calicoes and Cotton Flan nels this week at Lutz &. Sloans. A full lino of Corsets at Clark & Wolfs. in l'isr-M Amilotnn A. Muslin 10 cents per yard by the bolt, for cash only, at 1. W. llartman s. For 3 1.00 cash you can get 40 yarels of pplcton A. .Muslin at i,uu is eioaivs. a n!..n linn of .nil the leading styles m Draids, Gimps,-i0 dozen Moss tercc bringes, Laco in Guipures, Yak, and Common Laces ;it Clark it Woll's. Vnn mm cet Dlack Heaver Cloth for ladies' sactpies and coats at Lutz it Sloans lor &!.&, vftf.ou ami ?vi.ou per yaru. A new invoice in Silk Handkerchiefs and Hibbonu at Clark it Wolfs. Hubber Doots at McKinncy's. Do not forget that Clark it Wolf sell A..,.Wnn A inr 10 cents per vara bv tlio bolt.llill and Fruit of the Loom 1 yard wide for 12 eamts per yam uy me oou. Oysters by the gallon or quart, atHussel's. TOWANDA HOOTS j TO WAN DA llOOl'S The best and most rcliablo lor every one to buy. Trytlicm. bor sale at aickiu ney's. imti uor. tlmt 9.1 cent Dress Goods at Clark it Wolf's both Plaid and Plain with a full lino of other Dress Goods at Clark it Wolfs. J.00 buys a good pair of Ladies Shoes at McKinncy's. Call and examine. 1MP011TANT NOtTcfJ Specialties just received at 1). Lowcnbcrg's. Gents' C'aslimero Mufllers, Gent's Silk Mufllers, Gents' Silk Handkerchiefs, Gents' Linen Handkerchiefs, Gents' Linen Cuffs, Collars, itc. A full Htm of Underwear for both Ladies' and Gentlemen from 00 cents to S2.00 at Clark it Wolfs. Farmers in want of first class articles of riireshejs and Cleaners: abo, one and two horso Tread Powers, call nn or address J. JL lluMiiziT, Lielit Street, Columbia County, P.i. Jni C. W. Niiai. it- Duo., spare no expenso to send out iiico Coal. 32tf Do nut fortret that cheap lot of Dibbous at uinrt: iv Woll's only 20 cents per yarei. HI. ICG A NT SUITS, Latest Style, In Keady Madcs, nt D. Lnwinberg's, An elcpnnt line of Gout's Underwear, Pure Aleiiiio Shirls and Drawers, Medicated Flannel Fino all Wool, Canton Flannel. Childrens and Dov's Merino Pants and vests at i. l.owenuerg s. Cashniercs in all tho new shades from $1.00 peryaiil, and up, at Clark & Wolf's. Fresh arrival of Dlankcts. Lap llobes, mil Dullalocs. llutlalo Liihiil' ami iiorucr. Panic prices at 0. . l'lirman s. SHIUrS! SIIIKTS! S1IIKTSI Fino Dress Shirts, Percale fchlrts, Fino Chevolt Sliirts, Dov's Shirts. Tho only rcliablo filthier. Shirt is at D Lovvcnbcrg s. Men's Fancy Slippers at 10. M. Knorr's Men's Calf Doots, best in market for ?5.00 at lv. Al. Knoir s, If you want a good Ham, If you want cheap und good Tea, If you want Coffee Java or Kio, If you want good Canned Fruit, If you want tlio best Mackerel, If you want Sugar fur tho least money, If you want tho best Syrups in town, If you want good Cigars, If voii want nood Tobacco, If you want anything In tho Grocery and Provision line, go to ltUbtiEl.l.'rJ, Main street, Good clean Coal to bo had only of C. W, Ncal & Dro. U2tf Cheese I Chcesol Chcesol Fine assortment of Cheese nt Itusel's. Faiimi:iih,Atti'.ntion. Hi-kski. takes Duller Eggs, Lard uud Pro'hico In exchange for goods, Don't bo worrinl ami nnnyeil with not only poor uuallty but dlrtv nnd slaty beside but buy of C, W.NllAl, it Duo, who deal only in llie bent ipiallllcs, J.u HATS I lUT'SI "lUTS I Latest Styles. Lowest Prices, Largest Stocks, At U. Loweuberg'a. All Coal slated mid screened before leavlii, tho old utublhlud coal yard of C.W.Neai, Duo, 32lf Wvomlnc Scmln.irv nnd Commercial Collcec. Klng'ton, Luzerne county, Pa., has accommo-1 dntlons for 175 boarders nnd 200 day scholars, niuucnu rccciveil at any llino mm charged lor I boarel from tho tlmo of admission. Students I prepared for college, teaching nnd business. I Commercing course and telegraphy unsurpassed. I amnion r.ngusu similes inorougniy laiigui. I that or any I mcrciat journal to jicv. i. ijopcianu, rn. 11. I Commercial students address Prof. L. L. Spraguc. Oat Meal for sale nt Kussel's, Call and try It If you want a first clnss Farm Wngon, If you wnnt a Platform Pleasure nngon, If you want an Kllptlo Spring Wagon, If you wnnt n Pleasure Wncon. If you want your Wngon put In good trim, 11 you want repairs done trow I with short I notice, Go to J. H. Fa vs. I When you go to Philadelphia stop at tho Allegheny House. No. 812 nnd 814 Mnr- ' House, iso. svji nnd su Ai kct street ; having been recently renovated, ..''." . ..1 iritouiity ji peruuy. j. m.t,K, I iu i" iiiquicwi. COAL. COAL 1 Old Kstftlillslictl Coal Yard. I C. W. Nr.AI. it lino.. Wholesale it Hctail Dealers in nil sizes of tho best qualities of I Hed and White Ash Coal, nt the very lowest market rates Have constantly on hand lurirc ""k wl" "n(1 1110 stoinacn anil nver cioggeti, ie .np n? constantly on iiaim turc mainng totplll nm, nac(lvc, n a ftlmost More tliey stocks of Domestic, Cupola, Dlacksmith's Anthracite, Bituminous, and Limcbttrner's Coal. Especial attention given to tho prepara tion of coal beforo leaving our yards. Grain and Lumber taken in exchango for coal Coal delivered to an v part of tlio town at I short notice. Orders lcltat 1. YV. AlcKelvy's store, or at our olHce. will rcccivo prompt at tention. Office and Yards nt William Ncal it Sons' Furnace, East Dloomsburg, Your patronatro respectfully solicited, COAL. 7 tf-2o COAL . . ' ", . . .1 . . .1 . , . , I ll is a conceded met null moiucrs wno novo me care, anxiety aim eiraugtii 111 nursing in-1 , - ... J 1 1 . , . -,.1 P I lams arc weaK ami need itic am 01 some siregiiieiiiiig eunio to iuiiku iqi mu iiuiu- i lsimicnt required lor tlio growth 01 tno cm d. Alp. noripr.anti meter peer nave ouen I ucen recommended, yi uue, since pnysic mns have beconio awaro that Port Grapo Wine I sing infants as tho best supply medium lobe r.,...i '!. .,.:.. : ,:i, ; i..i,. , t C I found. The wine is rich in body and not in- toxicating but gently stimulating. Druggists generally keep it, and sell it for a dollar a bottle. hnquircr. TOWN AND COUNTRY. 0 Wllinti: TO AllVKIUlSL'. A. T. Stewart says the best advei Using mediums lie has ever found -are the old established organs of tho two political parties, at the several county seats throughout the I'nlon." "These," ho says "reach every family of thcleast account In their several counties, nnd nro moro carefully rend than nny other class of Jonrnals." It Mr. Stewart's Judgment Is of value, there Is no difficulty In deciding which paper It Is for tho Interest of business men to advertise In Tho Columbia Demociut, upon which this paper Is . iKic,, . pariiany luuiiiieu, niiatsiuuiimu ... ..... emnnnuv now 'cnlovg a wider circulation and ,,.!, it rvpr (Uil. it roes rptrular- Kii-un, v.. . - W Into two thousand families in I tnininir counties, and by most of them Is read from produced by Alfred epeer, ol l'assalc, fl. J., , rcrsoiisinueuteuiotno undersigned for ndvcrtls- U sti-Setk- lium ilnv I iirescrilipil it In. ig or uthcr printing must settle up lmmcdlati ""cl1 pure tlia) prcscriucil ll in- p.ljmcnt or note. Subscribers In arrears for iho stead of ale and porter. 11ns wine is pnn- e'oi.iimAMnronlsoreiiiiesU-d to settle prompty, In nlnnll., enlint, V- l.u mntlinra tilhn ll!l vn till r. CltSll Or llOlO. TllO lllldCrSlffllCCl. Or SOinCbodV fOV thvllrstto tho last line. Ills the only recognised "TTMiiTnifs: vnTiri. ..n.riviun tiiniiunml Keir.ocrattc voters A ui'iivjun .vinin,, l'S"""" . in tho county. It gives ndver iseme us n iiisij it s- play, that makes them attractive to us pairous, urns ensuring greater certainty that they will peruse I ,i,p,n mule Its circulation Is undoubtedly much the largest In tlio county, the advei Using rates of the Columbian nro no higher than those 01 oilier papers w lth barelv half nnd several not one-fourth the num ber of subscribers. Tacts llko these speak for them selves. No shrewd business man w 111 neglect to ln- tort his advertisements In the Columbian tf. o THE BEST rltl.NTINd Ol'lTCE. Tim nrpioni is n pond oiroortunltv to remind the friends of the paper, and the public gener.lvv that the Columbian Job l'niNTiNd Ol fick has no superior In this section, and, in some respects, is without an ,i,in iiin i,.., lour p linve coinnletelv re- equal. During tho last) ear woiinvtcon P'y"r neweu our types unit inuuo u..u.i.m..o, ...... . no ldlo boast to say that wo have now tho nest rnwa. tlm lu-st Assortineiit of Tvpe, tno nesi .stock of raner. Cauls, &c and tlio Ilest Workmen In the country, our vv orkmen aro specially adapted for their places, and wo make It n point tonlwajsglvo our customers a neat, correct and satisfactory Job. We do not cf dm to do work for less than others, but ill warrant It to bons cheap ns can be done nny here nnd ) leld a decent rrollt. All w ho nre In need nf .inn l'rintliiL' ot nnv Miid-1'laln or In Colors-will nnd it to their Interest to give the Columbian onice . ... , , V., ,,!,., i-,,,k a trial. Wo havo on hand every vailetj of Cards, nner. ink. Env clones. Tags, ,tc., that Is likely to be called for. and can furnish any quantity or btj le of oi k on short notice. Ulndlr g to order. tr, o DYSl'KI'SIA. llYSl'Kl'SIA. DY3Pi:i'SIA. , , ., t, .,,vin(, r.r nil iMimn ni l I Dvsnensla ts the most perplexing ot nil human ai 1 ineitts. Its symptoms are nlmost lntlnlto In their arlcty, and tho foilorn nnd despondent victims or , ,,M,,i,n, iimiii-pi- In turn I the dlM-.tso often fancy themselves tho piej, in turn of every known malady. Thlsls due, In part, to the I cliisosviniiathv which exists between tho stomach , ,i, .,t. nisn to tho fact that any u,m ...-j .-.., . - I dlstuibaneo of tho digestive function necessarily I disorders the liver, the bowels nnd tho nervous sys tem, and effects, to somo extent, the quality ct tho i:. t Kunkel's Hitter Wine of Iron a sine cuic. . - - This Is not anew preparation, to bo tried nnd found anttng; it has been prescribed dally lor many J car- intimnraetlceof eminent physicians with unparal' clcd success; It Is not expected or Intended to euro nil tho diseases to which tho human family Is subject lmt Is warranted tocuro Dyspepsia In Its most otistl- nate form. Kunkel's Hitter Wlno of Iron never mils tocure. Symptomsot Dyspepsia are loss of appetite-, wind nnd rising of food, dryness m mouui, ncari- burn, distension of the stomach and bowels, const!- ...... .iiinnc. clrinnlow&npii nml ImV -,,-, ' , , ,.n.l l,n nnvlnnil (if lllll IU1I. lll'UUUI. 111'. IllWluto.-, oi.- - . spirus. iij mo kibui, ituum its mir tu. Get tho genuine, tukm oniy nunsei s, which is Putonly.ntlbolt.cs. Depot,Nort.,Nlnth St., PhlUdelphla. l-'or sale by all druggists and dealers everywhere. Tai-k Woitu Entirely removed with purely vegetable medicine, nasslnir from the system alive, N'o feo until tho head passes. Cumo and refer to patients treated. Dr. L". V. Kunkel, No 4iJ Noitli Mam h'.., ruuauei- phla. Advlco free. Seat, l'lu and stomach Worms also removed. Tho medicine for removing al others but Tapo Worm, can bo had of your druggist, ask for Ki'NKiii.'s Wokm bvavr. l'rlco Jl. K. t, KUUkCl 'lilladelphla, l'u. o AN IMI-OUTANT KAC1'. Tho voluntnry testimony of thousands establishes beyond all doubt a fact of vital lmpoitnnco to tins f likand debilitated, vU,that Hostctler's Momncn mi ters Is nn nbsoluto speclllo for remittent and Intermit tent fever, djsK'psla, constipation, biliousness, men- tnl tienrosslon. slecnlessness. chronic illarrhira, and unmedlcatcd btlmulanU usually prescribed In these cases only nggrnvato tho symptons, Instead of re- ri-,,.iii,tnrQ ..n ihn i-mitrni-v imt uH ii.u.iiib n.viu. .UUI.U.V..,-.. . acorrectiYuuuu ninguiuiii, u..uu ... unplcusant and dangerous consequencos ot tho old school practice. The action is mild anu sooitung 10 tho Irritated stomach nnd bowels, promoting diges tion and preventing flatulency, nausea, headaches and nil Intestinal Irregularities. A winegiassiui Be fore meals greatly assists digestion. Tho convales cent may uso them with great benefit, nsa means 'of restoring stiength nnd cheerfulness. Till: (IllUAT ANTl-l'EIIIODIO Tho certnlnty and promptitude with which llostct ter's Stomach Hitters conquer tho most obstinate cases of malailal disease, and tho complete protec tion which thry nfford tho system against tno mias matic poison which ImrrosnateBtho air o( low-Ding, marshy localities stamp them oa tno foremost ot American antlperlodlcs, Wccrover on this continent fever nnd ague Is a regular visitant In tho bottom lands of tho South, tbo new clearings and mining districts of tho Webt.nndtnalllocalllleslnthoKast em and Middle States whero malaria provallcs, tho Hitters nro recognized as tho only truo specific for tho disease, and Its mast rellublo preventive). They are, moreover, a Eafo and agrccablons well ns a cer tain remedy, and on Ibis nccount nro Immeasurably mi pel lor lo tho preparations ot quinine, arsenic bis muth, and other inluolral poisons inlstakcniytadmiu Utercd as curatives for maladies caused by miasma and v hlch It jierslsted In woik Irrcparnblo Injury to tho constitution, Uulortunately, fever and ague, and tho other lebrllo complaints genernled by miasma, aro not the only evils which result from It, A great variety of dlsor- ders aro superinduced by tho Irritation which It causes. Among theso aro neuralgia, iheumatlsn, gout, periodical headache, palpitation, painful affec tions of tho spleen, and various derangements of tho stomach. When tr&ceublo to mul.ii la, tho above uf lections aro apt to assume, llko the dlscaso which originated them, an Intermittent typo that U to say tbey incur at regular Intervals, llomtter'a hitlers, howover, obviates them nil, by lanUUlbg thu mU muUvlrutlromUissjitem. Health, Iho poor man's riches, the rich man-s bliss U found In AvKK'sMtuiciNKs.ntler a fruitless search amonsr other remedies. A word to tho wlsoUsufll- t - nin. -0 Tho lllood owes Its red color lo minute globules which float In tin t fluid, nnd contain In a healthy person, n largo amount of Iron, which gives Mtallty to tho blood. Tho Peruvian Hrrun aunnllcs tho blood with tilts vital Mrmntit nml trlvraktrpntrtlintirl vigor 10 tlio Wltolo sjstem o L'ONSUMITIO.N (JAN UK CUIIM). Whenck's Pulmonic Hyrtip. hciionck's sea Weed Tonic, schenck's Jlandrako l'llls. Aro tho only medicines that wilt cure Pulmonary consumption. Frequently medicines that will stop n cough will occasion I ho death of tho patient, they lock up tho uvcr, stop tno circulation of the Wood, hemorrhage rnitmra. nmi i ,t ,.. ,,, ,i , ,., very organs that caused tlio couirh. Mvcr Complaint and Dyspepsia nro tho causes of two-thirds of tho cases of Consumption. Jinny t'Vl.TVil-J VUllllllillll Ull 11 .UUll Hillll 111 L1IU Hldl!. UUIH persons complain of) a;dullpaln In tho side, con stlpatlon, coated tongue, p.tln in tho shoutdcr blade, feelings of drowsiness and restlessness, the foist iynig ncawiy on tho stomach, accounalned wit 1 act. dlty and belching up of wind. Tlieso symptoms usually orlglnato from a disordered conrtition of tho stomach or a torpid lUer, 1 crs0"3 so aucctcd. It they tako ono or two heavy ??ld'- "J"1 ' P0.u"."' tu?so n b? nrn awn ro tlio lungsnro amass ot sores, nnd ulcerated tho result of which Is death. schenck's Pulmonic Hymn is an expectorant which does not contain opium or anything calculated to check n cough suddenly. Schenck s Ken Vt eed Tonle dissolves the food, mixes with the gastric Juices of tho stomach, aids digestion and creates a ravenous appetite, when Iho bowels nro costive, skin shallow, or tho sjmptoms otherwise of n billions tendency Schenck's .nanurnKo ruisnro required, Theso medicines nro prepared only by J. II. Sciibkck so. N. i:. corner Sixth and Arch Sis l'hlli. And nre for sale by nil druggists and dealers. ATOT ICE OF DISSOLUTION. Tho mercantile business hcrotofoi-o en rrlpil rm lu tho firm of I'liamborllu Kitchen In tho village of fiv us miy ot-en misum-u uy muiuai consent llie bus nnss will liprnnfN.r lip i-M..,t nn li, .1 u Kitchen who lis niithorlVti i ll roiiect all debts mu nun uuu pay nu inueuicuncss 01 inesaine. s. -i f am hhkli N, ''"" umnnwiM, -)iUNTElt'S NOTICE, I :tn hours, nt room No. 1. t.'ni.runiAM lmUfUm- nppnnipii mav nt nil times lin fnunil ilnttm- inning by K. ii. Orvis, Esq , ns a law onice. Oct. 15,'JMt II. L. UlErFEXllACII. N TOTICL. From this date tho llloomsburir (Ins Cnmnnnv lll put In service pipes at tlrst cost and furnish and set meters at four dollars each. The company hnv o on hand a lot of gas tar suited for painting roofs, and posts or other timbers placed under ground. i ncB m cents per gallon or iz.oo per Darrel. W. illl.LEIt, sect. Oct. 15, ';:; A L'DITOU'S NOTICE. Jistate of Slimier Cltavcr, late of Franklin toiviuhip, (tccrasnl. Tho undersltrned. Auditor tn make, ilutrll.utlnn nf the Hinds In tlio Hands of the Administrators of SJl v ester Cleaver, deceased, will attend to tho duties of his appointment at his orao lu catawissa. on Tues- iuuj, uu iviu uuj ui .uiuiui:i, ioio, ueenteu uiu injurs m n.m.,nnii3 p.m., when and wlicro all persons having claims against the said estate nro re- 'li'Ired to present the samo beforo the Auditor, or bo Oct. 15,'i5-iw Auditor. f.- KSTATK OF C. S. IIK01IST. DECEASED. (( lh( () ,mllJ CW( of Clhlmbia Lh,m,,. The untlcrslgneil, Auditor to distribute the rund in tlio hands of tlio Administrator of c. H. l'.robst deceased, .will attend to the duties of his appointment at the oniceof llrockwny A: Klwcll, In illuomsburg. rrldav. November r. 1ST5. nt ill oclock. a. m.. when and where all persons hav lng claims ngnlnst Iho said estate niu required to present the same before the Auditor, or bo debarred from coming in tor a share of said fund. OEO. KI.VV'EI.L, Iiloomsuurg, oct.s, isi5.-it. Auditor. A DMINISTHATOK'S NOTICE. ESTATE OP JOHN SWI3IIEI1, LATK OF MADISON TOWNSHIP. Letters of Administration on tho estate of John Swisher, lato of Madison townshtn. Columbia ai t0Wnslilp. All persons having claims against the estate of the decedent aio requested to present them for settlement, und those Indebted toilie estate to maku p!ilnent to tho undersigned administrator tho undersigned administrator Hitnoutuei.ty. V. Jl. VV A 1 nl'.s, Administrator. Oct. s,'75 ct JUDITOK'S NOTICK. tiitulc oj Jacob Aoslenoauiter, decerned. The undersltrned Auditor to make distribution of the balanrc of tlio funds In the hands of J. II. Knltlle and o. ll. 1,. KosteiibaiidcT. Administrators of the estato ot Jacob Kostenbauder, deceased, among the paitlesentltieu tnereio, win nitenu to ino amies oi Ids apiiolntmeiit at his olllcv In Cataw lss.i, on Tues day. November utli. lsTa. at in o'clock a. m.. when and where all persons havlngclalms agalnsttliosatd estate aro re-quested to present tho same before tho AmmororlK.,ll(p,irre,l t;um coming In forn share of said fund. V7 II. Allium-. t'ct. 8,'15-lvv Auditor, A UDITOK'S NOTICE. X ESTATE OF ADAM HILL. IIECECSED. The. undersigned, auditor appointed by the Or P nan s court oi conimuia couniy 10 m.iKo nisinuii. i , . , . .,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,,., j.,,...,-. mi, , tm-iilstrutaruf ihoestnte or Ad.un' Hill, Into of Centre township, win aiieuuio iiiuiiimes oi nis anpoini- llicill Ui ins onice, in iihiuiiisuiiik, mi .-siuuni.iy, xovembi-r. 1S75. at Hi oclock. In me feireuuoon, vhen nnd vv hem nil persons having claims on Iho fund are requited to present them or be dcb.incd from coming in for a share of the same. u. it. itvci.tit, oct. 8,"5 ivv Auditor. i UDITOK'S NOTICE I r vstatii of jirnn viiKNiMl. nECKASEn. I 1111 lllltli'IlLTlll'll. .iiuiuur lU 11I3I11UUIU 11.11,. 11. ,nn,i n, . tnintnivtrntnr. nr tho pstnio of 1 Jacob Manning, deceased, among the parties eu- ;,VrV0s0 ,;( ffi nppK is, 1STS. nt lllnVlork. n. in., nt till-nttlcn of E. 11. IkellT. In lllooinsiiui'g, at vvlilch thne nndplacuall parlies Interested will attend nnd present their claims, or no lorevcriieoarreiiiromi-oiiung in ror a msiuuiiiive snare in said cstale. l . I'. I)I1.i,.myi,h. lilooinsliurg, septemoer l ., is.o-4t Auditor UDITOK'S NOTICK. STUB MAT1KK OF THE ESTATE OF OLOKQE MAUS, llECEAsEO. . , , , . , I 1 UC UlllierSlglll-U, AUII11U1- 1 II 111UKH U1SII liiilllUll ill tlielialancuot llio funils In the nanus ut Tiiomas.1 vnnders oo. Ai in n stridor, wil l t m win nnnexeii, aiong& dav. October 14. IsT.i. at 10 o'clock, a. m . when and vvnero nu nersons nav n? claims atruinsi tue saiu estato nro required to present tho samo beforv the Auditor, or bo debarred from coming in for a share or saia runu. kuiii-.hi r , ci.a hi,. lllooinsuurg, Sept. iT,'7S-4t. auqhoi- EXK' :cutous NOTICK. fAltora tostnmentarv on tho rstatocf l'hllin WU- SDii, iaio oi risiHiiin.TL't'K lownsnip, L oiumuiueuuni dcccitseil, lino been crranU-d by tlio Heirlater or s.v toiintv. tn.lull.i A. Wilson ami Jacob o. Wilson. r lain ll LTC rt'fK imvnsiiiii. I'nininniA rouuiv. I'll. ipr. utora, to uliomull ln-isons liulcbtrd toh.iKl estato nro rciiiio.sUMl to m.tku mvment. nnd thoso li.ivlnir claims or ileiiuinU ntfulii'-vt tho sultl estato w til make tnem known to tno bam Executors w ttnoui nemy. juua a. wh.sux, JACOH O. WILSON, AU. 27, '"evet,' Executors. 5 7Xi-:cT"roK'.s noticb. -J KSTA1KOF JOIIV M1C11AFI.. PECKA'Ktl. tlr4t.u.inini.iitnrv rm tin, nhtnln nf .liihn llrlisel. into of Mllllln towiishln. Columbia countv. deceased , . ,,a i Kecutor, towhom all peWns Indebted lo estato aio icquesled to mako pavment and those liavlutr claims or demands ucatnst the saltl I pwlnlrt lllll mnLn tlif-ni klifiwn tn tin, Mllil l-!Yi(Mltnr wltIlou, de uv. JOHN II. 11 .TI. '. t I Aug. lo-ct. Eiccutor. A DMINISTHATOK'S NOTICE. KSTAIE tiV ltlL'IIAllll P. Kkl LRU. DEC'll. Ij-tiersoi Admlutstrntton on tliel-stuteof hlch&rd I', Keller ot Centralla, Columbia Comity deceased havo been granted by tho lti-glster of said county to Samuel I,. Keller Centralla. Columbia countv. 1'a.. to whom nil ltersnus Indebted to said ltato aro re- qucsicu en uiuiiu p.iyineill, anu must! iiiiving ciaini-i llgailli. lliv Biiiu i-aiuiv n ill muku lueill Ivuul, u w U1U said udmlutstrator without dela). Sept. 80, 1ST5. puuuc, OK Valuable Property. In mirsuancfi of an order of tho Orohans' Court ot Columbia County, tlio uuderslgned, Ailinlnlstrator of Itlchard V. Keller, lato of Centralla, Columbia Co. ra., ueceaseu, win expose 10 puouu saiu uv ino j -uuiic lloiiso of J, 11. KUngcr, la Koarlugcreek, In said couniy, ou SATUMUY, OCTOHEK 23, 1875. Commenclntrnt 1 o'clock in thn afternoon of said dsv tno following ucbcriocit tu-ai i-.atate, tu win ah that certain piece, )arcel or tract of tlintK-r land, bituuiu in iicuvi-r lonnaiiiii, i umiiium i-tjuiiijr, tm lolulng lands ot Jehu Mowcry, Daniel uearhart, l-rauieiin i.. snuiiiau, auuotiiers, containing 1BO ACRES, All Timber Land, consisting of White and 1'ltch l'lno w hllo and Itucktialc Umber, Dluswlthla 1 miles ot tho Cutuulssa railroad. roNDITlON'Htll' SAI.H Ten ner cnt.of omvlinlf ot tho purchasu money to bo paid at tho striking dowuof tho proju-tty, the one-half less tbo ten h.-i-cent, lo bo paid at I bo continuation of the tulo and lue iiuiuiiiu in ouo cur iiiereaiivr, tflku luveivbb liuui tuuiiritiuiiuu 1IIM ui nitiu suiii. SAML'KL L. Kb'LLKIt. Adm'r. Itotrlugcreck, Sept. u, l-u - 1 TJLANIC MOKTOAQL'Sj fortale thiii at ill JL) cotcntus urcce. CHEAP I At the COLUMBIAN OFFICE. Tlio Columbian Printing Estub- islimcnt is amply supplied with the necessary Presses, Types and other material for executing all kinds of Printing at low rates and in tho most expeditious and satis factory manner. CALL AT THE Columbian Building. COURT HOUSE ALLEY, Bloomsuukg, Pa. When special materiitl is required it will lie promptly obtained. Bookrf and Pamphlets, Hand-Bills and Dodgers, Largo and Small Posters, Letter and Bill Heads, Envelopes with Business Cards, Bussincss, Pic Nic, Wedding and Visiting Cards, Programmes, Bills, ol' Fare, etc. Will all be supplied and cxeuled in superior style, at eheap rates and short notice. The best workmen aro employed and tho best materiitl will always be furnished, A liberal share of public patron age is respectfully solicited. Bi.ooMsuna, June 18.1875. PRINT E formerly ncctiiiieil serona siory in u" Thn snnctum linn Iwn changed lo the lawonico ot llrockwny fi Klvrt II. 8t. MMllillRSTPArKn" X I'OIt KAltMKIW. STcv York Weekly Tribune. ONIlIioIXAHperyenrln clubs of thirty or over. Specimen copies free. Kor terms and commissions. Address TIIK TltlllD.NK, New Vorlt. ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE. JOTICI-: IS HKKRIIY (UVKN llmt llio undersltrned liaslieen nnnolnted an Assltrneo ho benelllof tbo creditors of J.J. lloaclaml. cf Centralhi boroturh. in Columbia county, nnd has take nupon himself I ho duties of thn t rust. All persons nro thetefore required toseitlcvvlth him. adjust anil pay in tiimnit accounts, ueoisnnu uucsot iiienain llonnland; and thoso havlmr claims to submit them lo Iho Assignco properly nulhentlcnled. JIAHTINtlARf. Sept. 3-6t. I'axlnos, Northumberland Co., To. SJ J lUEFS SALES" BY VIKlTKof o writs of Venditioni Kx iKinasnnd l'lcrl l-'aclas Issued out of the Court oi uoininon Hens of Columbia county, nnd to mo di rected, vv Ut bo sold at public outcry on tho premises ou SATUKDAY, OCTOHEK 23, 1875, at ten o'clock, n. m., the following real estate to-wtt! All tbatfi rtnln piece of ground sllu&toln Scott township, Columbia county, bounded on the north uj t.iiiusui a iMiyucr, on mu ivenL uuu i-unt uj mu same, on tho south by tho I.. & 11. II. It. Co., oontnln Injr two acres inoroor less, whereon nre erected a planlni; ml 11 nnd all machinery and out building and Iwodwellliig hordes. tint; mm nnuaii u divellliig hordes. Ized. tiikcii In e: Seized, Inkcii In execution nnd lo be told as tho property of li snjder K Co, .MICIIAEI.UIIOVKR. Sheriff. lilooinsliurg, Oct. 1, 1S75. SJ LERIFFS SALE. BY- l, Willi Y VITHKof a writ of l'ier iKnclss,is.sueilout tii :ourt of Common Pleas and to me dlrect- bc exposed to publlo salo on the premises on SATUKDAY, OCTOI1KK 23, 1875, nt two o'clock, p. m., the following real estate to wlt! AH that certain plccoor parcel of land sltuato In Scott township, Columbia county, bounded by lands of Joseph lleckman and others on the north, of l'eter Ilagcnbuch, on tho east, of James Lake on tho south, nnd of heirs of John rtoblson, deeased, on the west, containing about eighty-six acres moro or less, on which nte erected twu framo dwelling houses, a bank barn and ouubulldlngs with the nppurtenauci-F. M-letl, lltKCU in cxcciiuun imu eu ue suiu as uio property ot Thomas crovcllmr. MlCHAKI.OltOVElt. Sheriff. Dloomsburg, Oct. I, istb. SIIE1IIFFS SALE. BY VIKTUKof a writ of Fieri Kscins, issucil out of tuo Court of Common I-lcas and to me dl lected will bo exposed to public sale on the premises on MONDAY, OCTOHEK 25, 1875, at 10 o'clock, a. m., tho following real estate to-wlt : All that certain messuage ot land situate In tlio village ot Light Street, on the east sldoof a publlo road lending from IllonmsliurgtoOraiigevtlle.tiound ed by tho public road aforesaid, lands of c.eorge snug, (X-orgo John, l'eter Wlilto and Matthew McDowell, containing 7 acres and 124 perches of land, whereon aro erccti-d n two-story fnunc dwelling house and out-bulldlngs. seized, taken Into execution and lo bo sold as the property ot r. r. Kelley. 11 MICHAEL OltOVEIt. Uloomsburg, Oct. 1, 1875. Sheriff. SHElWF'S SALE- B elirci i" VIIITUE of a writ of Levari 1'acias issued r,wt nt tlm court of common 1'lcas. and to mo Trcioed, will be sold at public outcry ou the premfces TUESDAY, OCTOKElt 20, 1875, at 10 o'clock, ti. m., the tillowlng real estato to-wlt! Tho following described building und lot of ground ot Jnmes Jennings, to-wlt : Located on a lot of ground sltuato In tho borough ot Centralla, Colum bia county, bounded as follows : on tho east by Tax ton street, on the north by property t f Oeorge Jones, outho west by land ot tho locust Mountain Coal A; iron Co., on tlio south bvlotof James McColluogli, It being a framo stable sixteen feet front by twentj nro fee t deep and lltteen feet high. seized, taken In execution and to bo sold us the propeity ot James JiICIIA1!L m(0VKlt, Uloomsburg, Oct. 1, 1.67.1. Sheriff. Ayer's Sarsaparilla Is widely known as one of the most effectual remedies ever discovered for cicansme; the sys tem anil purifying the blood. It Las stood the test of years, with a con stantly growing rep utation, based on its intrinsic virtues, and sustained by its re markable cures. So mild as lo be safe and beneficial to children, and jet so searching as to ch"cctnally purge, out tho great cor ruptions of tho blood, such as the scrofulous anil syphilitic contamination. Impurities, or diseases that have lurked in the system for years, soon yield to this powerful anti dote, and disappear. Hcnue its wonderful cures, many of which aro publicly known, of Scrofula, and all scrofulous diseases, Ulcers, Irruptions, ami eruptive, dis orders of the skin, Tumors, Blotches, liolls, Pimples, Pustules, Sores, St. Anthony's Fire, or Erysipe las, Tetter, Salt Klicuin, Scald Head, Jeinirwot'in, and internal Ul cerations of the Uterus, Stomach, null ijivcr. it also cures other com plaints, to which it would not seem especi ally adapted, such as Dropsy, Dyspep sia, Fits, Neuralgia, Heart Disease, Fcmalo Weakness, Debility, and JUcucorrliocn, when they aro inauiiesta- tions ot tlio serotinous poisons. It is an excellent restorer of health nnd strength in tlio Spring. ly renewing tho appetite and vigor of tho digestive organs, it dissipates the depression and listless lan .... i'.i i- t ii i uui ui mu M.I&UII. w licit; nu uisuiucr appears, pcoplo feel better, and livo longer, lor cleansing the blood. The system moves on with renewed vigor and a new lease of life. PREPARED n Y Dr.J.C.AYERriCO., Lowell, Mass., Practical and Analytical ChcmltlB. SOLI) BY ALL, DItUGGISTS EVEKYWHEUE. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, For the relief and euro ol nil dernngc ineuts hi the- stom ach, liver, and bow els, TlieymcainlM npcrietit, nnd nn fxi-ellent purgative. iieing purely vt-ge-' table, tbei- contain no mercury or mine ral whatever. Much serioiiH sickticiisand stiflVringiiipieveiit. ' i-il bv their tliiu-K use; nnd every family t-liould hav e them on hand lor tticir pi-ntecimn and relict, when required. Long c-xpc tienco has proved thcni lo be the af est, btirext, and lct of all thu Villa with vvliii-h tne inaiket uuoitniis. uy tncii- oecabiiiniii um-, tho blood is liurillcd, the roiruptions of tho sv s tern cxpcllt-il, obbtrui-tions leinovcd, and iho vvlioln inacliiiicry of lll'o i-iMarcd to Its hcnltliy activity. Internal organs which become rloggenl ami biuggibit aru riranseil uy .11er'a J'fffii, una btllliuluted into action. Thus Inrinlent tlmeima is changed Into health, the value nf which change, v hen rm koned on tho vast miiltltuileh vv ho cnjuy ii, l-uii nurriiy uc cuinpiiicu. i ne-ir biignv coneing makes ineiii pieasaiu 10 take, nnu iireset'vcs ineir virtues liniinpaired for nny length of time, so that llicy nro ever ficsb, ami pi-i-ltclly ichablo. AltlioiiRh searching. Ihey aio uiitil, mid npcralo without ilUtui bancu tu llio coustllutlon, or diet, or l-'ull illrcctiotis ai-q trlven on tho wrniincr tn each boi, how to ufo them as a l'aniily rhyble, nnd for tbo following complaints, which theso J'If rapidly cure; ror i?iptiu or iuuig-i.tiuu, Libtiras ii-Mii. x.niiiriiui- and I.tib of .tiiii.Uft-,lhey bliould bo taken moderately to Bthtiulutc tho btoui ach, and restore Its hrnlthy tone and action, for l.iv r t'oiii itlul nt and Its vat Ions svniti. toilis, llllluiib ikt-uilut'lKi, Milt lli-ml. IOK KF.NT.-Tho oflico fn 1 by Mr. DlelTenbach, In Iho ? (iiU'hbiav building Is for rent, l.uan , t.nnr.n.1 l.tll.n ln.0hn(.. ... tl A UA iiciii. juuiig.ii-- or turri-u NicUiira, nil ifiiib Colic mid llllltiua t-Vvt-rii.lhey ihotild Ik) Judirioinily taken for each case, to correct thu dUeabi aclkni or remove tho obstructions vv hlch canto It. l'or Hyn-un-ry or lllurilioeu," but ono mild dnsu is generully ivqiilicd. For lllieiiniallbiii, Cluut, tnrusfl. lu. ifllutlmi of lli lli-url, Ititii l lin, Mil, llue-1 and fLoliib, they bliould be coutln. tioualy taken, as rcqiiheil, to cluingo tbu dUiau'd aitioti of tlio system. V lth mcli chango thoto complaints disappear. for Itruiiny and Itroiilciil Mm-llliiia, they bhould bo taken In larito anil dequeut (lutes to nrodiico the ellect of a drantio purge, 1-or Niiiiri-aloii. A largo iWu sliouM bo taken, us It produces tho desired cirent by sym pathy. As a Dinner I 'III , talto ono or two i'lllj to promote digcbtlon nml re-lievu Iho btouiaeli. An iiccasloual dnso bthiitilatcs tho itoinach nnd bowels, rerlores llio nppctile,nnd invigoralca the syttt-m. Ilriu-u It Is ollen advantageous wlicro no serious deriingemcnt exluts. One who fi-eU tolerably well, onen lltids that a doio of lliena J-lf makes him feci decidedly belter, from their cleamlng uud renovating effect ou tho Ulgcstivo apparatus. t'KKi-AltEti nr Dr. J. C. AYVll X- CO., i'racflffif C'irmlif f, r.UWHLL, MAUS., V, H, A, IfOll SALE 11Y ALL IJHUUUUTS tVtUYWUtUII. A rrOHNEV'S 11I.ANK8, Common nml Lrt Judgment liohils, just prltiu-diind tor i-ale at Ihii colchsun omce. All Uluas ot Alloicej's blaLks viuier Kepi on nana cr (ilatN to order, way In a brief speech.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers