The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, October 08, 1875, Image 4

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II ti 1 1 p r Making.
Fnttr-fifilu nf tlio poor litiltcr Is poor frr-tn
very slight lrrogularlttin mid defects In llio
liictlmd (if initiitifhrlttrc, tinil wlitoh lnljf,lit
1)0 cnslly renir-dlrd. Kvory butter-maker
nuprwUlw tlio iiecesnity of i-U-nnllueN
In nil lief oior.itintn, nmt exercise tlio
moit -u'rilpiilous euro tn iiiiintiiltilnjt nil tlio
utensils perfectly sweet nnd clenn. Most nro
n'iri niv.iro Hint Imltcr or I'rp.mi is one of llie
nrtirlrs which Is easiest of nil to absorb tiny
nti'l i-ory kind ufojors nnd iresorvo them.
And nioulilines nbout the ll'iors mid idiclvcs
plvcs forth in.iuldy smells which nro taken
up nnd held by the ereniu or butter. The
prc-p-tce in the milk room of food which
arc odorous of the tublr, or kitchen will tnint
th" butter. Any odor which mny be prv-i-nt
In tlio cellar where butter is umm'ly kept i
liable to he Imparted to it. Very few eel
I.U" urj perfectly froo fnnil nil ilnplc;iuiit
ii. r-. All these and maiiv other murues of
(.liming the tntc of tlio butler mint bo euro
feVy quanta! ngiilnat, nnd, indeed, very gen
c illy lire.
N nv wo will Koine to apeak of it thing not
no creneiiilly rnjrrtriled, nnd Hint the cream is
n I taken from the milk us soon ns it ought
lobe. It should never bo permitted to re
main upon tho milk after it has curdled from
smrncss. It ouht to bo removed before.
'i summer, if one wishes to iniko tho best
of bu'ter, tho cream should be removed af
ter the milk has stood twenty-four hours nt
farthest. A nicer quantity of butter would
be made, by ski nun in after setting twelve
1' u. It I" desirable that no milk .should
ii- r moved with the cream. The prc.-eiico
of curd in the cream and IIk entrance, in the
bii..' will impair the quality of the butter
to prevent its keeping well. Tho curd will
change and bring change to tho butter. If
milk id permitted to become sour and curd
led before skimming, it ia impossible to pre
vent some of the sour curd from being re
moved with tho cream, and it will subi-c-queutly
bcoonio incorporated with tho but
ter. Every time, cream is added to tho cream
pot, tho whole should bo well stirred up so
as to uniformly mix it. Tlio cream before
being removed from tho milk often becomes
dried and skinny on top, and these, skins
will impair tho grain and appearances of the
tho butter, unless disposed of. lly early
sk'imming before tho cream becomes dry and
tough, and by thoroughly stirring it in tho
with the rest in tho cream pot, theso skins
will bo moro likely to soften and disappear
before, churning. It is an excellent plan to
have a cream strainer and strain tho whole
previous to churning. Tliis separates all
skins and other substances which might in
jure tho appearance of tho butter.
The churning should be performed with
tho cream at tho tcmpraturo of 00 degrees,
and should occupy from half an hourtoono
hour. A shorter or longer time is not desi
rable, cither of which tend to injure tho
quality of tho butter.
Now we cotno to the most important of all
in regard to butter making and that is the
operation of Ihe btfjter milk This must all
bo seperated if a first clrss article is desired.
More butter makers fail through a neglect to
removo the butler milk than from any other
cause whatever. So long as any butter milk
remains, thcro is that which will change and
injure tho quality of tho butter milk. The.
warmth of tho hands and sometimes an odor
from them will injure tho butter and tho grain
will not bo fully preserved.
Wheat After Potatoes.
A correspondent of tho Country Gcntkhiau
says: There is no better fallow crop for
wheat than potatoes, especially on strong,
heavy soil. Tho thorough cultivation need
ed for potatoes where planted in sod that is
usually well rotted by fall; and is turned to
the surface where most needed for tho young
wheat plant. The objections to wheat after
potatoes is thi difficulty of getting tho crop
oil' in time for sowing. With tlio old
fashioned I'eachblow it was practically im
possible; but tho Karly Hose inaugurated a
now era in farming. I know several men
and the shrewdest of farmers, who make a
practice of planting three to five acres of
Karly ltoso to bo followed by wheat.
Planted very early, much of it selling or
tho fancy prices generally paid in most
markets for new potatoes. There is then, a
full month for plowing and preparing the
ground. Even when planted later there is
usually time to get tho Early Hose off soon
enough for wheat sowing. And later-planted
Early Koo usually yield better than those
got in early.
A year ago this fall a neighbor marketed
threo acres of Early liose, ICO barrels, at
S1.60 per barrel. This gavo a gross amount
of $S0 per acre, besido somo small potatoes
for sceil nnd feeding. Tho ground was sown
to wheat, and tho yield t his year is 28
bushels per acre. Thero is an excellent
catch of clover, as I have noticed there al
ways is on potato ground. Of course the
land was rich, but it docs not pay to work
any other. Two bueh crops as those I have
cited will pay for a good deal of manure.
The exhaustion of tho soil, I am confident,
is less than it would hivo been if the potatoes
had been followed by oats and that by wheat.
Tho wheat crop is fully as "good as if the
pitat) ground had been auumer-followed
tho next season and then sown. Tlio great
advantage of sowing wheat after eaily pota
toes (or corn) in that it enables tho farmer to
keep his land in olover with only two year'
cropping Instead of three.
About Fattening Cattle.
Tho price of cattle fattened for market de
pends on tho symmetry of the animal as well
as tho "at" stylo as shippers term it. Good
blood is important, but not absolutely nee-canary,
to mako what is termed a good teller.
In order to fatten a steer to bring the highest
market juice, ho must bo kept in growing
condition from a calf, and innocaso allowed
to go hungry. It is tho first and tccoud
wintem which wilts and shrivels up a steer,
that causes him to be bold at a reduced price.
No amount of feeding will make him a first
class seller, no difference what his color or
b.ood. Anhnlinal well fed of nnv blood
from a calf until thcSpiing he is threo ycais
old, will bo smooth, with bones well covircd
and will sell at n profit; while a half-starvid
animal becomes crooked in tho back, bone
projecting and shriveled up, takes tho bet
part of Bummer to gtt in condition to liv
and will not bo in condition for market until
Jio is four years old, and then will bring a
price which Is unsatUfactory to tho producer
and to every ouo that handles him. This i
no theory, but a fact deduced from closo ob'
nervation, as I have tested the plan for sev
eral years. It will and does pay to feed corn
to calves nnd to yearlings. They htart out
to grass in tho Spring strong ami 'vigorous
You nro then nblo to market your cattle the
Spring they uro threo years old, weighing
1,400 pounds which U heavy enough to 1 ring
the first price. Tho boat steer I Mild in 187J
was a common imtlvo. llo whs a liainlcoine
animal, and was worth more per pound than
any I shipped In W2. lie weighed in Chi
cago 1,3 i i pound aged three yew. I now
Imvo a steer calf, eleven mouths old, from u
very ordinary cuv Tho calf now weighs
t!10lt , 1 think it will weigh at threo year, j
J.600 poumls. Drvitr't Journal,
Ilnpiiy lltisli.iruU.
It is a man's own fnult If hols tinhapiy
with his wife, in nine catcs out often. It is
a very exceptional woman who will not be
all she can to an attentive liubanil, and n
moro exceptional one who will not bo very
disagreeable if sho finds herself wilfully neg
lected. It would bo cry eay to hate a mnii
wdin, having bound a woman to him, mat'o
no dibit to niako her h.ippy html lint to
lovo one who was constant and tender ; nnd
when a woman loves, sho always strives tn
plc.w. Tho great men of this world have
often been wretched in their domestic rela
tions, while mean and common men have
been exceedingly happy. Tlio reason is ve
ry plain. Absorbed in themselves, those
who desired the world's applause were care
lej of tho little world at home; while IIhw
who had none of the egotism strove to keep
the hearts that were their own, and were
happy in their tenderness. No woman will
lovo a man the better for being renowned or
prominent. ThoU'th ho bo first among men,
sho will only bo prouder, not fonder ; and it
sho loses him through tills renown, a is of
ten tho ease, sho will not oven bo proud.
Hut give her love, appreciation and kindness
and there is no sacrifice she would not make
fur his content nnd comfort. The man who
loves her well is her hero nnd her king no
less a hero to her, though ho is not one to
any other; no less n king, though his only
kingdom is her heart and home.
ISrnkrn Promises.
Header, never break your promises I And
to this end never nuke a promise tlmt you
are sure you cannot fulfil, You may think
it a trilling matter to make an appointment
with a friend or agree to do a certain thing,
then fail "to conic time ;"but it is not a small
all'.iir. If you get into tho habit of neglect
ing to make good your promises, how long,
do you think, will your friends and acquain
tances retain confidence in you? Tlio near
est and dearest nf them will in time learn to
doubt yatt, and will put but little faith in
your words.
Thcro is a way of half meeting one's obli
gations, which might be called "bending" a
promise, which is also a very bad habit, and
should bo carefully avoided. For instance,
you agree to meet a person at a certain timo
but, instead of being punctual, you "put in
an appearance" several minutes, perhaps an
hour, after time; or you promise to do some
thing for a friend, and only partially pci
form the duty. You may not havo broken
your promise, but you have certainly bent
it, which is almost if not quite as bad. Keep
your promise to tho letter, bo prompt and
exact, and it will save you much trouble
and caro through life, and win for you tho
respect and trust of your friends.
A Huvoi.urioxAiiv I.vcim:nx A most
thrilling reminiscence of the American Rev
olution, is related (rf'Gen. Muhlenberg whose
ashes repose in tlio did Trappo Church, Mont
gomery County, Va. When tho war broke
out, Muhlenberg was a rector of the Protec
tant Church in Dunmore County.
On n Sunday morning he administered the
communion of tho Lord's Supper to his charge
stating that in tho afternoon of that day ho
would preach a sermon on "Tho duties men
owe to their country." At tho appointed
timo the building was crowded with anxious
listeners. Tlio discourse was founded on a
text from Solomon, "There is a time for every
purpose ami for every work." The sermon
burned with patriotic tiro; every sentence
and intonation told the speaker's deep ear
nestness in what ho was saying. Pausing a
moment at tlio close of his discourse, lie re
peated tho words of the text, and then, in
tones of thunder, exclaimed : "The time tn
preach is past; tho timo to fight has come !"
and suiting tlio action to tho word ho threw
from his shoulders his robes, and stood before
the congregation in military uniform. Drum
ming (or recruits was commenced on tho spot
and it is said that almost every male of a
suitable ageln the congregation enlisted foith
with, Couktisjy ix Nowhere is
well-bred courtesy or tho hick of it moro ob
servablo than in traveling. On tho steam
boat or in tho cars, tlio quiet observer easily
detects those who havo been educated under
refined influences and are possessed of native
politeness. It is not education alone, r.or
high social position, nor costly trappings,
that makes ono a pleasant traveling compan
ion. There must exist u kindness of fooling
toward strangers, a general recognition of
equal rights in tho comforts and conveyances
provided for tlio public, and a quickened dis
cernment of tho needs of others. Summer
journeying in crowded boats and cars is a
test of both patience and politeness. Thrice
happy they who pass nobly through it, for
tho comfort of companions, mid for tho rep
utation of poor human nature in general.
It is bafer to bo humble with ono talent
than proud with ten, yea, better to bo a
humble worm than n proud angel.
S.mai.i. I'AitMs: Small farms make near
neighbors; niako good roads; they inako
plenty of good schools and churches; thero
is moro money mado in proportion to tho
labor; les labor is wanted; everything is
kept neat . less wages havo to bo paid for
help ; les timo is wanted ; moro i raised to
tho acre ; besides, it is tilled better ; there is
no watching of hired help, IhoJiiiiul is not
kept in a worry, a sto.v, a frot. all tlio timo
There's not so much fear of u drought of
woilher, of a frost, of small prices There's
not so much money to bo paid out for agri
cultural implements. Our wives and chil
dren havo timo to read to improve their
minds. A small horse is boon curried and
the work on a small farm is'nlways pushed
forward in season, Give us small farms for
comfort; aye, give u email fauns for profit.
O.wtr. or Ioiiuim, Tlio London horso
book s ijs : All horses must not bo fed in tho
samo proportion, without regard to their
ages, their constitution nnd work ; because
tho impropriety of biich a pr.ictico is self-ev
Idcnt. Yet it is constantly done, and is tho
basis of diseases of every kind.
Never uo bad hay on account of the
ciicnpnesK, because thero is no proper nour
ishment in it,
Hack feeding is wasteful. The better way
ia to feed with chopped hay, from a manger,
because (lie food is not then thrown nut, and
.is more easily chewid and digested.
Sprinkle tho hay wltu water that has Halt
dissolved in it, brcauso It is pleasant to tho
animal's taste, and more easily digested, A
tcnspnoutiil of salt in a bucket of water is
AViiirniiu'a ILuinu. John CI, Whiltlcr,
it Is bald, finds the caily morning hours tho
best time to composo poetry, llo Is also in
the habit of composing aloud, Tlio latter
fact so seriously interfered with tho slumber
of n sailor who occupied a room adjoining
Mr, Whltticr'a nt a hotel, that lie applied for
other quarters, "out of hearing of Mr. Whit-tier"
Taking Into conslili i itlm llio rlnrncter of Us
vouchers, the hlslirv nt U urcs nnd tlio Immense1, v im- k nmj bo f.ilrly enllllnt
the le.i liny meitti I lie nt llie nue.
Kit crotiila In the lilciml, i.uktivk Is nn Infallible
renii'ilvviml no person iirouisulTerfrum tiimors,iiteers
mil nil incenses nrlsintr from Impure liloml, If Vit
Hsu Is iisnl iiee.iiilliijf totllrecllons 'I here Is not n
ea"o of Hci'iiruta In existence III it Vfiiktink w in no!
elire tiroMitei!,hocMT, the Mini functions liniu lint
lost llulr power nt nclMi, nil that may lie said to the
"ontrnr.r nolwltlistamtlnir.
kiikiisk Is pleasant lu (ho Uste, lulM In Its Inllii
.Mice, nml nhsolut)1 In Its in lion on illsense, nsthu
(ullowltijf luiciuesllunalilo cMileneo will show.
cunn inn ?
.1 VNCA1IV 1, 1ST.',.
II. It. STV ENS, l:si!
I )en r Mr. : Wli n ii'iont :i .veal's old I was vne.'
Mn.iteil. Tin' parlies mm n, i" ,n t in it 'it fromlhi
i nil" Mm- til ! f mill the illllo'il'. The hlllll'il' spl e lit
over III" to sni Ii an exli hi lli.U I was lolled lu I ran
lopreveul tile Irolil i -r.iielihu hl pelsoli. 'Ihedls
ense Ihiaih -eitliiltn nn ii-.ul, I ivmnltieil III Hits
condition uhotit I vc liv .mmi's, liouliled nil Ihetliiie
rt Itli sores ImuMnir In tuj hi .id and dlseh.itiJlhir cor
million mini iu rnr. At this llnie a kiiiiiIi kerii"!
ipinMredon tin iicek, itr.nlu.illi; In si"
iihttl a tuuior formed of sueli nn Inline itscslc I rould
seen liy tnrntiiu' iiiv i'M'siIoimihiiiiI. All Hits lime
I w as tnMnir various remedies for m blood without
ai y substantial iH-neilt,
lth"ii winl ton prnm!n"ltt liMcl.iu In Muslim
win. durltur tils treatment of l months. I.ineed the
honor i kill times, whleh cost ineneailj flon. This
left ine wltli n run li,njnrmvnl(si wife, without, at it 11
iiiiiiiiusimiif i ne sii- o i ue minor, mm a siet.iv, lee'
Ole condition. I eotisulled mint her ploslelun In Nut.
lek. who. nrtereonildemlile lime, succeeded lu lieitt
in? the sole without roduehiKtneHlo. At this point
I ummii'tieeil lu use Vkukiim:, through ttie em nest
peisuvsiou or n menu. Alter 1 11.u1 taken this ineiit
elne about one week I OMierleneed wondel rut sensa.
Iltiiis. .My whole Imdv s 'cined to be uiiilei'Koitnr n
nvllent ehanu'e, until, llnnll.t, tile tumor broke and
illseli ir-cu rit.tittui iiuant llli's. I'liuu IliWtimell
ileei'cuiod lu fde until Hie liuneli dlsaiiheiired. but
m neck still U'.irs the 11 -I sears or Hie Mii-eaiul
l.itiee 1 tun how- healtti and strong nml able to
woik eei.v uaw
1 will nlso mention Hint have been nti neale suf
ferer Horn liitl.ini'.itoi'y rheumatism curslm I .in
remember, until commeneln ttie use of Vhiunnf,
when almost Immedl.del.i iillrhuiiintlepilni eased,
Thlsst tcment Moluuteer for the nitrnose "f bene-
ilttnir other stiflVilnir humanity, ulTd joa will colder
nfaicr by git Ins It as inucli ptlblklty us thought
Vciy Rratefullv,
(1. M. havixk, Ashland, Mass.
It Is a compound estraetod from balks, roots and
heibs. It Is nature's reinedv. It Is neitectlv harm
less limn nnv had ellect upon tho sstem. II Is
nourlsliln nnd bt rctiRl henhix-. 11 acts directly upon
llio blood. It quiets the nervous system. IIkims
you u kuou, sweet sieep at niffur. ir is n ir:o.u pana
cea for our uirod fathers nnd mothers, for It kcs
them htreinttli, quiets t licit ncnes, and utves them
natures sw eet sleep its lias been proed by many an
lived Person. It Is the (front Itlood I'm I tier. ItUa
soothing remedy ror rhlldnn. It has relieved and
cured thousands. It is very pleasant tol.ikc: every
child It. It lelleies nnd cures nil diseases
iiiUtnatlnv from Impure blood. Try tins Vcoktim'.
(Ivu It a r. ilr HI it fur jour complaints; urn )uu will
nay lo j our menu, neighbor mid ncipi.untnuu.', "i ry
It; it has cured me."
Report from a Practical Chemist and
Hostos, Jan. 1. 1ST4.
Deal tar: This Is to rertlfy that I sold nt re-
tall IM', do?en (Is.'.i bullies) of lour Vfiiktink since
Am 11 1'.', lsin. nnd can truly say that It has riven the
tK'ht satisfaction of any remedy for the complaints
for which It was lecoinuiended that I ever sold.
Scare, ly a day passes wit liout some of my c ustomers
testlfilajrlo Its merits on themselves or their friends.
I am perreetlv co;rnlunt of scleral eases of serufit
lous 'I uuiors beln' ruieil by Veuetink alone in this
Very resnectfu'lv, yours,
AI.. OILMAN, tos r.roadway.
To II. II. Stevens, Iiq.
Vogptino ia Sold by All Druggists,
ManM: How Lost How HeM!
JUST published a new edition of Dr. CUL
VllltVVKMS celebrated essay on cmr
(without medicine) of Hpcrmatoi linen
f-iiilriik or Seminal Weakness, Iinolunlao seni
AJSVpfSy lual weakness, liupotency, Menial nnd
os-iaivii' physical Incapacity, Impediments tu
Manlajo, etc,: ukso Consumption, Kpllepsy, ami Kits
Induced by self-lndulsenco orsextiial extravagance
riles. ,vc.
JSSyiViVr, in n miM cmclnpc, onty tU cenli.
Tho celebrated author, lu this admirable essay
clearly ileninnst ra.'os from a thirty j earn' successfu
practice, that tho Manning consequences of self.
abuse may bo radically cured without tho dangerous
use of Internal medicine or llie application of the
knife; pointing out a modoof cure nt once simple
cci tain, and clTeclual, by means of which eiery suf
ferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cur
himself cheaply pjlialcly, nnd radically.
SB-Tills Lecture should bo In llio hands of cicry
5011th and every man In the land.
Sent under teal, Inn plain rmclope, to any nil
dress, post-paid, on receipt of fK cents, or two pust
Address tho Publishers,
ClIAS. .1.0. KLINH CO.,
127 llowcry, New Voik, Tost onico llo.v. J.oso.
April in, TS-y
Independent in Everything !
Neutral in Nothing,
Opposed to all Corrupt Kings in
Municipal, Slate ami National
Till! DAILY TIMtlSwlllbc Issued on Satin d.vy.tho
13th of March next, nndeiery mnrntnir thereafter,
Sundavs excepted, under tlio editorial direction of
A. K. Mcdlure, printed compactly from clear, new
type, on a larjre folio sheet, cnntnlnlmr nil the news
or mo nay, lnciucunir tnu ansuui A n: i'iti:ss tui,k.
(lltAMs. special Telegrams nnd Corresnondenco
from nil points of Interest, and Tearless editorial dis
cussions of current topics. Pi Ice, TWO UriNTS.
.Mall subscriptions, postago free, sK dollars per
annum, or llfty cents per month, lu advance.
Advertisements, llfteen, twenty and thirty cents
per jiue, uituruiug; lu pusiuuu.
The W eekly Times
Will bo Issued on Saturday, Jiarcli sotli, weekly
thereafter, contalnlm,' nit Important news of tlio
week, nnd complete .Market and financial Ileports.
Jlalk'd, forono year, postage free, at the rollow ins
ono Copy .
Ten Copies o.oo
Twenty conies
A nvnUTIsBM llN'l s tw cnly-tlio cents per line.
Iteniltanccs should bo made, by limits or l'ost Of
flcu oi ders.
No. H South Seventh street,
tt l'lIILAllllLl'lIIA.
WiiEUEi", by tho laws of lids Commonwealth It Is
made I tin duty of the Sherllf of every county tiiuliu
notice of the general i'.lecttou, by publication In ono
orinoro ninvsivpers In llio county, at least twenty
days befuio the election, and lu eiiumeratu therein
Ihoolllceis to lie elected, anil In ilosljrnutu the placu
nt which tho elect lun Is to bo held,
Tliciefori), I, .Michael drover, lifciU Sheriff of Co.
iiimbla county, do hereby make known and proclaim
to tlio quallllci! eleclora of Columbia county that u
Kt'iieriil iieeiiou will lie liem on Tl'liSll.w, Till;
'I Illicit DAY Ol'NOVKMIII'U, 1ST! (belief llio Tiles
day next following tho tlrst Monday of said month,)
ul llie scleral liMrlcts within I he county, In wit :
Dealer tuwnshlp, nt thu public house of 'i'lios. .1.
Ilenlon tuwnshlp, ul the public liouso or Illram
Hess, lu llio low n of llenlon.
Ktst III'Mjiu, ul tho l oin t House, In llloomsbiiri;.
West bloom, ul the Couil, lu llloouishurtf.
Ilurouh of llemlck, nt the slure of .lohu .McAuall,
In tlio Ijorouxli of llerwlek,
llorou-hof cciilr.illa.ut tho publlo house of Wil
liam I'elfcr.
Ililaicreek township, nt tlio public school
near UiiinsWlIc,
Calawlss.i township, ul the public house of Samuel
Kohleiibauder, In llie town of CntaHlssu,
centio towiiolilp, nt llio schoul huuwj near Lafay
ette creusy's.
Norlli Uonytiifliain Iilstrlct, nt tlio school houe
near Ilia colliery ot John AnderMai c Co.
South Con) nullum l)Mrlel,nt Ihe house of Tlioinns
Kilker, lately llxed bynvolu of llio eUl.eiis of that
Uiw ushlp,
ruhlinfcreck township, nt llio school liouso near
C. II. Whlto's.
I'riiiiklln lowiishlp, nt llio Ijiwrcncu school house.
Iliueunuod townalilp, lit tho liouv) of Jusepli It,
Hi mloik lnwnsldi, at Ihe public I1011..0 of chas, II,
llletteiich, lu llie lowuiit llmk Horn.
.Iiickhou tiiwuishlp, nt tho house of I'.n kli 1 Cole,
Ixiciisl tuwnshlp, ut tho publlo liuusu of Haulel
Morris, In Numedia,
Miniln tuwusld), nt the publlo liouso of Aaron
liens, lu Iho tonuof MllllliiWllo.
Madlnou luMiixldp, nt tho publlu liouso of Samuel
Itliuby, lu.lerix')towu.
.Ml. I'leusant lunimhlp, at thu liouso of II, V.
.Mi llli k.
Montour lounslilp, ul llio publlu hoius) of W. It,
Tubl., lit l!U'lt.
Main township, at llio public house of Jeremiah II,
I'uaiiiitfcreek tounshln, at the house formerly oc
cupied by (leo. U', llri lslkiill.
oraii'.'e tiiwiishtp, ut thu public M hool house In
1'lue township, nt Iho I entre Kchool Iluusn, lately
IIni Jbv u lute of llie cllU'-usof aid tuwusUln.
su -irlo.if tuw ushlp. ut thu lioiisouf Allnus cole,
Scott tjwnshln. at tho nubllu hou.-.o of Win. 1'etllt.
la l'Jiy.
At which time and blAces tho nualltled clectoiB
will elect by ballot tno (olluwuiir blato and county
omcas, Ui
One person for Ooumoruf thot'oinmoiiwcallliol
One person tor stale Treasurer,
one nerson for Senator for the XVthdlstilcl. criin-
poacdot the counties (if Columbia, I.) eomlliK, Mon
tour mid sulhmti.
ono person for Assoclalo Judge of tliocounly of
ono person for rroinonoinry.
One iierson for llcgfMrr nml llccoriler. .
one js'i-son for 'I'reasurer.
Thlee persons forCominlssloiicrs, (but 1111 fleeter
to into fur more than two persons.)
Throe persons for Aiidltoist, (hut no elector to lute
for mere 1 ban t wo persons.)
It Im further directed that llie election polls of the
sever d dNttlcts shall Is- ocned at sevt n o'clock In
Ihe forenoon, nnd shall continue open wlthont'if.ler
rupiton or mljoiuiimciit uiiill seien o'clock In the
CM nltijf when the polls will lie elosi d.
I'urnu.iiit tuthe proi ltoiis eoiitalned In the lilh
Secllon of tlie Act of llie t.eneriil Assi'iiilil. beliiit
" further Niiipleinetd. to the net reKUl.illl eh'e
llons In Hits Coiutnonwciilth.'npprineil, HI I,
Hfciuv) IB. As soon ns tho polls idiall close. III"
onicers of eleetlou i.llllll proi'is'd to could 11U tin"
voles east for each eaudldale loteil for, nnd make a
full retuili of the same In tthOlin'e, with n ritiirn
s'Het In udlltlou, In all of whlili llie Mites reccli'i'il
b.i each caiiilldalc shall Is' jdieii afler his or ln-r
tiauie, ursi lu winds and nimhi In li'direK, and shall
be sttflu d by utl of said nllleeiM and cci tilled bv ocr-siei-s,
if any, or If not so eel tilled, Hie oiei seer and
niij ollleer roruso(; to sljrn or isitlfj, or 1 Itlu n f
lliein, shall will.' upon inch of the returns Ids or
llulr re.isons for not siirntiur or citir.itie them,
Ttie lote, as sihiu as counted, shall also lie publld.i
and full) declared from Ihe window In ttieeltleiiH
present, and u brier staleui'iit stiowbi' He1 Mitts
rect ht'd b 1 aeli candidate shall be m ide nut nl'j;iii'il
b I lie elect Ion onieersns soon ns t lie ole Iseouuled,
and Iho H.iuie shall be Immediately po-sted iipuu Hie
d'Hir of Ihe ileellou hous,. for liiforuiatloii of Ihe
public. The Htplle de returns "lull 1m' eiu losed 111
eniel'ijM's nnd l-i s..n,'dln pri'scnee of Ihe oiileei's,
nnd one enii'l- , with Hi" iiuscided return sheet,
BlM'li to III,' J'ld,", w Ideh Uiiill eonllllll one Hit ul
Miters. I.ill,-p ip.'i-, nn 1 oat lis of oniccr-4,uiul .inoilu r
of said cm elopes tiliall bo kIm-ii to Hie inlnoillj In
siMstor. All judges IIMtu within twelie miles of
III"' s "lllei , or wllldn tucntv-foui'
miles, If their resldetii e lie tu a (own, ltlaw or i ll
upon Hi" II ii - or u lallio.el leadlm; In Hiccoiuit.v
si'at, shall, berore two u'cloek tiost meildliu of the
d.iv alter Hie election, nnd nil other Judges slnll,
In foie twelie ii'cIih k iie'tlilltiu ot ttie second d.iv
after the election, dellier Raid relurn, toip'llii r with
relnni sheet, to the piotlionotai) of the coiut of
common pleas of Hie county, width said ivtniii sheet
shall be llled, and hour of llltn inaiked
inir.'on. nun snail ue presened by int.
for public hi'ptvtiou.
Al o, that win re a .tu.Ure, by sickness or unavoida
ble net Ideal. Is unable In attend, then the ecitillcate
or letuin sh ill be t iken t h..rjce of by one of the In
sjM'i'lors Ol't'lelks or the clcellon of Ihe dhMlet, who
shall do and peiform the dulhs icpdred of snltl
Judi' unable lo attend.
'llie rulliinlhir All of Astembtv. l'",;ulallnK the
mod" of Mitliur III Hie i onimoiiwcallh of PeniisW
Mini. i, was p iss, d Man h til, was, and rends Huts:
su itov I. He II i iiaeled by the senate nnd House
of Itejiic, nlal he or Hie Common w call Ii ot rennsl
atili In ilcticrul AmeinMi met, nnd It Is hciubv en
aeli d li.s t'l ' nuihoiliyof the Name thai Hie tpialltlcd
Miters or llie seieiel dUlilets In the scleral couiilles
ot lldseoiuinouwi .ilth, at nil general, township, bor
tnwli an I spcclil clectlom, me beiebv herenftt r
uiilliorlseil nml reipilreti to 'ite bv tickets prtulcd or
w-'ltten, or partly print, it nnd pal II) wilileii, sen i
nlly clas..ued ns follows: one tit ket sliall embrace
tlio names of all Judges nf Courts luteal Tor, untl
labelled, outside, "Judiciary:" ono ticket shall em
brace the n lines nf all the state oillecrs lotetlfur,
and tu lie lalielled "state:" lie ticket shall embrace
Ihe names ot nil county ulllcers Mitetl fur. Including
ttie olllei! of Senatui', nnd Members! of As
sembly, if Mitetl for, and members of Conjrrcss, If
luted for, nnd be luljoltcil "County i" one ticket sliall
embi'iico the names or nil tuwnshlp unicorn lolcdfor,
and lie libelled " Townships" one ticket sliall em
brace (lie luunesof nil buruu.ih olllcers lotedfor, and
be lulelle I "lluniiiith."
sn-riiw2. That II shall be Hie ilutyof Hie Shcillf
In the scleral counties of the Commonwealth loln
sei t lu their election proclamations, hereatlcr Issued
Iho llislsetllon of this net.
notick i.s iii:i;i:iiy (iivkn,
That vcry person excepting Justices or Hie Peace
and Ald.'iineii, Nutatles 1'ublle nnd l'crsnis In the
lutllllasenlco i.f tho stale, who shill hold or slnll
within iwu months li.iic held any r"t"o uriinpolnt
inenl of prollt or trust, under Hie l'i"t a'es,or of
this State, and city ureorporated district, whellier a
cominls'loned ollleer of otherwise, n subordinate
ollleer or usrent w ho Is or shall bo employed under
llio Lcfflslaiuro, incentive or Judiciary Department
of this State, or of any city or of any Incorporated
district, and also, tint every member of Congress
and of the State Legislature, anil of the select or
common council of any i it) , or commissioners of nny
Incorporated dWilct, Is by law Incapibleof holding
orexerclMngntthesaino timo Ihe ulltee or appoint
ment of Judge, Inspector or Clerk ut any elect Ion of
this Commonwealth, and that no Inspect or. Judge or
oilier ollleer ut such demon bliall bo ell glbio to bo
then voted ror.
The Inspectors nnd .liulire of tho elfctlons than
meet nt llio re-pectlvo places appointed for holding
Hie election lu thcilMrtct tu which I he respeclliclv
belong, before reien o'clock In Iho morning, anil
each of said inspectors shall npilnt onecleik, who
sliall beiitpialltied ulcr of siiili dlrtrlct.
In cuse llie ieison who shall recilie tho i-econd
hlgliest nuinber of voles for Inspector shall notat
tendon I lie day of nny election, thou the person who
shall hale received llio second highest number or
lutes forjudge at Hie next preceding eleillon shall
ntt ns Inspector lu Ids plaie. And In c.w the person
who shall have let elicit Ihe highest number of voles
tor Inspector sliall not nltcntl, the K'iou elected
Judge shall uppoint an Inspector tu his plaee-nnd In
case the person elected Judge shall not iillend, then
the Inspector who received the highest nuuilicror
Mites shall apiwlut a lu Ids pl.iee-ur If any
lacancysh.illeoiillnue tu tho board lor tha space of
one liour idler the itme lived liv law for Hie opening
i.f the election, the iiualllled Miters or the township,
ward, or district for which such linkers sliall haiu
been elected, present at such eleillon shall elect one
of their number to lilt such vacuiiev.
It Hull bo Hie duly of tlio scleral nsscssnra re
spectliely to attend at the place ot holding even
gcneial, sped it or township election, duibig the
whole lime such election Is kept open, ror Hie pur
no-..' of glilng Inrormalion lo the lnsieciois and
judges, when called on in lelallon to Hi" ilghl of any
icion assessed by them to vote at such tleclloii.
and on such other mailers lu relation In Ihoussess.
menta.slhesatd luspciioi-s or cither ut them shall
tioin lime to time require.
No pi rson shall be is'i inllied tniote at nny elee
tlou us aloiesald oilier than a male illl.i-ii, of tho
age of tivcntj-one jcars or more, who lias been a
clllenuf the l ulled stales at least one mouth, nnd
who shall hale resided In the statu nt least one ye.n,
and In Hie election ilMrlcl where ho oilers lo vole
two uionilis linincillulcly preceding such clcellon,
and, ir tcnt)-to jcars ur ago or upwards, hale
nlthln two jimih paid a Slate or county tat which
sliall hale Iwcn at least two liionths ami
paid ill least one mouth before Hie election. Hut a
cltlcu of tho t'nlted Stales who has preilousty been
it iii.ooie,i ,oier 01 nils .-line llllil ll'liuiieil ami Win
shall hate llled In Iho edition tlKliicL nnd l
faxes us aforesaid, shall be entitled lo vole aller
Msiiiiu.; in Ihls sialo M months. IVoilded, that
iiirni ot toe i ouch riafcs, iHiwecu in" ti'e 01
I went -one and tu cut) -I wo who have rc-lded in tin
clcciiou ill-irlel two months, ns nfore-,al.l, sit ill tie
cntlllccllo Mile nllhotigli thsy sliall nut hale paid
No iierson shall be permuted to Mile whose n.nn,
Is nut contained In the list of taxable Inhabitants
iiiinisueii ny mo commissioiiers, unl'-ss, ursi, lie
produces n lccclpt fur tho payment within two jcars
of a Slate or county tnx assessed agreeably tutho
Constitution and gli e satisfactory oildenco either on
Ids oath or anirmatlon urlhuoalh ur alllrmatlou of
other, Hint ho lias paid such a tax, or on failure lo
produce a receipt shall mako oalli to tho payment
thereof. Second, If ho claim tho right tu luto by be
lug an elector between llio ago of twenty-ono anil
twenty-two, ho sh. ill depose onoaMior ullliina
lion that he has resided In. ihls Stnto at least ono
)car next ueioro ills nppucntlon, nnd inako such
proof of residence. In tho tilstilct ns Is rciiulred by
this ud, and Hint ho does verily bellci o rrom tho ac
count gUen Mm, that ho is of ago ntoresaitl. ami
such other eildence as Isioiiuireilbv tills net: w hen-
upon Hit) nanio of tho pei'suu thus admitted toiolo
suau no inseiieti in mo aipuantiicai by tnolu
suecturs. and u nolo mado onno-llu thereto bvurtt.
Ingtliowoid "tax," It ho sliall bo ududtlotl ioioto
uy leason oi naiing pain ia.v; or llio worn "ago" by
lie shall bo ndtnllletl lo vote tv reason of such utre
which shall bo called out to tho clerks, who shall
inako thu llko notes on Iho list of otera kept by
In all cases whero the name of tho person claiming
to ole Is not h. melon the list fuinlslieil by thu com
lulsftloners and assessor, ur his i Iglit to vote, w lictlu r
loiinii tiieicuii ur nut, is uojccieii lu uy un) ipiauueil
tiu.eii, it hii.iu no toe iitnyoi tuu llp'oiors 111 ex
nmlno such person on oil ins tu Ids iiuallileailons.
and It lie claims to haie leslded wllldn the stale for
ono year or muro his oath shall bo sulllclent pioof
tuci fin, out no nn.iu 1II1II.C 'I utl tij lit li'lisi unu COII1-
peient witness, wlio sh ill lie a qualltlcd elector, that
lie lias leslded in tiie district twu months next Im
mediately preceding such declltin, nml shall also
himself swear that his bona tide rothl'iiec, In pursu
ance of Ids lawful calling. Is In said dlstiict, and (hut
he did not remove Into said dhirlct for Iho purpusu
of ollmr therein.
Kiciy pel sou ipnillllod as aforesaid, and who shall
make due proof, If reiiitied( of the icsldeniu and
paimcntof luxes as rfuresald, shall be iidudttedlo
vine in me lowusuip, warn or ciisiuci in widen lie
suau ri'siue.
If any inrson shall proicnt or attempt to orniant
anyoldcerot nny election under this net ironi hold
ing such eltciton, or uoor Hirenlen nny Woleneo to
any sucii ouiccr, ur suau inieri upt or nnpropt'i ly in
teifero with him In tlio oxecuilou of Ids duly, tr
shall blick up Iho window ur nietiuo to un window
where tho Mine may Ui holdliii:. or shall iloiousl
dlstuili Hie peaeo ut such elecllon, or shall useuny
Iniliniihitleg Hin ids, luieo or ilulente, with design
to iiitlaeni'i iindiilv or oierawo nny elector, or to
ureteni mm utau m ung, ur lu restrain tuu iieedoin
In choice, sin h 'it'.n, un cum lit lun, shall be lined
or any sum nut exceeding tlio hundred dollars, nnd
Impitsoued h r any time, not less Hum three nor
mule llun incite months, und If It shall lie shown
to Com i. when llie M..I of such uilencu shiill bu hail.
Hint ihe a i-on to unending was not u resident of
me city, wai ti.tuii i it i or low Usnip Where llieoilenee
was coi.iiuiiitu, anil i.oi cuiiueii lu loio uieiein,
then on couwclloii he shall be scnlenecd to pay ultiii
of not li ss Hum one hundred nur moro than out'
lliuui.tiitl dollars, und be Itnpilsoncd not less lliau
six uiiuiths nor uoru Hun tun icais.
If any pel-sou, not bylaw iiualllled, shall fraudu
lently cotu ut nny diction of this Cummonweallh,
or tiling otherwise iiualllled shall into out of his
proper tiisuici, or u un) pi rson Knowing inewiini
of such tiuallllcallon, sliall idd or luoourc sucli pi r
son lo lole, the pi rson olleudlng sliull on ciinitcHoii
be lined lu uny sum nut uxcciling two hundred dol
lars, unu no impiisuufu in uiij l ei in nui e.xcecc'lii
tluce mouths.
If nnv one s liall into nt more than one tleclton
iIKIrlil, or otlici'Wlso Iraiidiilchlly lotu tuoio lliau
i 1 1 on Ihe same day, or shall iraudulc ntl) fold unit
di Hut tu thu Insrxt'tur tnu tlekels together with
the lulent Illegally lo vote, or who shall procure
uiiuther lu do .-o, lio ur lliey ollemllng fli.ill, on eou
ilcllon, be llnctl lu nny sum not less Hum llfly nor
uiuie tuaii me iiuuurcii iioiiars, uiui no imprisuueii
for n term not Lbs lliau Unco nor more than twelie
II nnv iierson not nualltled lo vote In lids Common.
wealth agreeably Inlaw (except tho sonsof iiualllled shall npiH'iir ut any place of elecllon for Ihe
purpose of liiiliiciicliig the i Illens iiualllled In lute,
he shall on coiitlt tlon foifelt ami pay u sum not ex
ceeding unu hundred dollars for eiery sutli ollenco
nnd to Imprisoned fur u term nut exceeding thuo
I nlaO glvn otllclal notlcn lo the electors of Coluni-
oia eouniy thai ny an act, eniuieii "an Attfuitiier
suiiplemeutal lo Iho nil rclallio to thu dcetlousol
this Coinmunweullh," nuuuud Apt 11 llh, A. D, IM'j,
11 Is iro lil'.'d us fultuwsi
Sia'iluNIi, Afler Iho usseSsiiients halo been cum
lili ted on the Klxty-iti'stil.iy Is fine Ihe T'uesil.iy next
lollowlliL' Ilia lli-l Molid.iv of Noveluliee In 1..11-I1
)ear, Iho assi-vXr shall, on the following da), make
a return to thu ciiuuly eummlShloiiei-H of the naiuos
tf all iH'isons nssci.M-d by him slncu thu return le
1 1 u 1 1 itl to Im tnaile by hhn by Hie tlrst sotilou of this
act, nutliig opposite eace iiiuue the otwi'ialioiiHiinil
explaiialttiiiH leipilred lo If noted us ufurcsuldt and
Hid county couimtMloiiei's slull thereiiiuueuUMi lite
suiuu tu lie attdeil In the relurn leipilretl by the Hi's!
wt I Inn of lids net, and 11 full und col reel copy there
of lo Is' luade cuntaliilug the names of all icrsohsho
1 1 lurnud as 1 eslili lit laxahles lu H.1I I elecllon iiuti let,
ami the same, logclher With the Jicccssur)
1 ieellou blanks, to the olheersof the eli t tluli In such
ili't'ilou dt .iitit on or to r 11 .' heieii ii'iloik on the
inoiniiigui me eiei'iiou: unu nu man iijaii be per
lulttcd t l it ul Hie ele 'lton on that day ivliu e
name Is not on dd 11 ,t. Hide s lie sliall luuke on ,f
of his rl'cut Ui Mite, nu hereluufUT reuulr si.
buTioN III. On thu day of ilei lluti nny peraon
wlio-.u name shall not upiiear on the reglitry of
1 Dters, nnd who claims thu right to volo at said vice
Hon, bhull produci ul least unu qualllled voter of tho
district its a witness to tho luUdvnco ot tho HiUutU.t
In Hie itlsltlet In which lie claims In lie n voter, for
llioiierlod of nl least Iwn months Imtnettlatcl) pir
rmltngHald t'lcclioii. which witness shall lie swum 01
affirmed nnd subsi ilbe 11 willt si ift' puilt) wrllii n
nnd pnrtp. prlnled 11III1I.1MI to the rai Is Klaled in
llllil. Willi II llllldaMl sllllll III lllle I lenll.t Will le I'll
nslileliee Isuf Ihe pi'rsoii t'" ' Inlinliix to b' nl"' 1
nml llie person su cliilmlng llie Hjht toioieslnillul
take nnd subscilbe n wrlttiii or initly written una
partly prlnled nnid.n It, staling, to the be d of id
knowlctlge nnd Ik IIiT, when 11I11I wheie he wants in . he has Ikjcii n rlllicn of tho t'nlled Stales in
one ir.onth, nnd of the eunimoiitieiiltti id I'entis))
rnnl.i; that he has resldtslln the eominiiiweulllioni
senr, fotmerlv n iiualtthd ileclor or 11 luillu
Isnti dt Izen I hereof, nmlluis icmnied then from nnd
returned, Unit lie has resided llierdii fl 11111U1
next preeidlng said elect ton : Hint he has c Idnl Ii
Hie iilstrlct In width ho claims In lie iiMiler tortlu
pel hid of nt least twulnuliths liumcdluti ly pn 1 dill
suld i lei llun 1 Hint tin has not mined ltd" Hi
dlstrlit for Ihe purpose U otlng Ihirilni tin li
has, If twciit.i-two )enrs of uge or upwards, p.tld
state or rouiil) lux within two)eur, widen was us
sessedat Icost twu mouths und paid nt least tun
month In fuie tin' eleillon. 'ihe said nmduMt sliall
nl'i stale when und whore Ihe tax ihihnoit lo le
l.dd by Hie uniaiit. was assessed, and when nnd
where nml to whom paid; nnd the lax lccclpt tin rt -for
shall b" pruiliieed for e.Mimlnallun, unions tin
iilllunt shall 'lute lu his nnidalll that II has Ik in
lust or destrii.Msl, or thai he neier rect Ived mix ! ana
ir a mil tir.iltoil 1 II Inn, shall also state when, wle u
mid bv cuuit he wns iiatuialb'ed, and shatl 1 ,
produce hlsi ertiilcaleor luitur. Ilatlon Ion Mimluie
Hen. Hut If the person sin lalmlii'r the right IiiikIi
shall lake and suWilbo an 11 illtl.ix It thai be Is a tub
llie lulu elllcu of the I idled Slides, or, if bun
risen hi re, h ill si ite Hie fa. I In Ids nillil.iUt. ami he has Ih 11 nuturalli it
of Hull he Iselilitled to clllc lishlp In leison of hi
f din IV 1 1:' 11 in 1 1 u I ln 1. nnd shall fuitlit r state In lib
niini.iMi, 111111 lie is, in ine nine or making II tllda-
at. of the aire of I weiil) -one und under t wenii-liM
jours: that I," has lu'en n dilen of me I tilti a
St.ltt'tone laoultl. llllil hns Itslileilln the s- He tint
jeer: or. If 11 o.ilhe Ihuii dtleu or Hie state and
rciiini ed tin reltom und returned, that he has re-.ld tl
tin rein s iiioutlis next piccrdlngsald electfoti, und
111 tin' t'leci 1011 tu.siii 'i luimeiu.iiei) iwu inonius jiii -cedluv
such eh 1 Unu, he shall In' t ut II li t! to tote,
although he shall not have paid luxes. 'Hie -ihl
iini'l iilisor all h rsons makttigsuell claims, ami Im
ntllit.iMlsof ttie witnesses to llu lr resilience Mi. ill l.
preselM'tl b Hie eleetlou buiirtl, ntiil iitlhetlos ol
I In- decll. 111 they shall lie tnclucd Willi Ihe IM ol
inters, 1 -alls Hid and other pas'i's letpdred by law to
iieioeii o) me rcuiiii jiuure wuu ine proiiionoiarj 1
mid shall remain on tile therewith In the ntollioiith
tar)'olllce,siiliJei I tocxiuulnnlli'it ns other clet Hon
i'iiK-rs 111-e. 11 ine eit'iiiou oiiici rs siuiii und unit
in" uppiii nut pussesses nil the legal ipi illile.iilolis
11 Voter tie slnill lit. in'imltlitl loloti.and Idtll'i'
shall bend led to H'C list 1 f taxables bv Iheele I! ill
uinccrs, ine word "lax, being ndiletl win re tin
claliuaiit claims to vote on lux, and the word "age,"
wheie Ii' d.ilins to Mile on iu;e; the same nui.I
being lidded by the deiks III rach ense, respecllicli,
on 111" lists of pel sons MillntF nt Kilt h etecltiin.
si.tnos II. 11 shall be law nil for nil) iiualllled ill I-
.-11 ,i- ,,i-,iiii i, inn ine tauuing ui'1 name 111 ine
priipo ri M,ter Is contained mi Ihe IM of resident
lax. itiles, to etiatlelee Hie vote of such liclsoll,
whereupon the same moot of the ikrtit of sunraue
m Is now required In law shall In' publicli made and
nclcd on by the elecllon In iiird.iiinl Hie Mileudiiilltcil
or lejecicd, aecoiiling tuthe 1 Wdciiio. I.iri) person
t'l.ilinlnv' to U' a naturallt tl dltleii shall In. ri.uoii'eii
to produce his naturalization ceillllcitc ut Hie elec
llon belore voting, except where he hnslnvh for llie
ji.iini-uiiM-cuiitiit 11 miht in ine tiisiiiei in winch
he tillers Ids lolt ; and on Ihe M.te of such person
Inlng recelted, It shall lie the dull of Hie eleetlon
otliccrs to wrlto or stamp on such lerllllcatc the
word "loted," with thoda), mouth und war: and It
any election ollleer or olllcers Mmil reeelie u
Mifeon tho same day, by virtue of llie sani" cert 111-
tine, cce iiinjf wueiesons nro eniiiiuiio vote, be
cause Of the nnttmillzutlcn of their r.ltliers.lliev nml
llioper.Min who shall niter such second lole, shall be
gulllyot .1 mlsdemeniior, nnd on conilctlon 1 hereof
shall bo lluetl ur lnipiNoncd, ur bulb, nt tlio discre
tion or Hieromt: but Hie tine shall not exceed llie
hundred dottars In each ease, nor the Imprisonment
one j cnr. The like punishment shall In' Inlllclcd, on
cnnilclloh. on tlio milccr of ciei iinn itn,, wte.u 1,1.,.
tect or refuse to make, or cause to be made, llio en-
i,,,, UK-Hi ie,iiueu iiiinesaiii 011 sain iiaiiirauz.
tlon ceillilcate.
si'i'Tios p.'. If nny elecllon oniecr shall rcfuso or
neglect to renulre such in'ouf or Hie rb-iu or miiii-
iw Is prescilljed b) lids law.ur the laws to which ihls
is n supplement, from uny iktsuu otftrlng tu lute
iin.jn,ui.i4in niiuiuii tuu IISLUI llSSCSSLtl lOIlTS, 111'
whose right to vote Is challenged by any ipiallllctl
uter present, nnd shall ndnilt such iierson lo lulo
Wttliollt I'eOllll llltr sliell lll'imr. cccrt nernii v,i .OTeiwt.
lug sliall, upon coin lei Ion, bo guilty of 11 mtsde.
ineiiiiui , iinn Minn ne seiiieneeu, ror every sucnof.
fence, tunai a line nut exceeiiiter ti,,, luu.iireii ,i,a.
lars, or tu undergo an Itupilniniiictit not more than
one j ear, or both, at tho illscrctlnti or t lie coui t.
SKcrtoN 7. The respedlie nsseisors, inspectors and
IlldCCS Of till' del Hons slt.'lll oneli leite llie ttntver In
lulmtiilstcr oaths lu nny pei'suu dulndug Hie light lo
lie iisscsscd or the iLrhtof suirrage. or tn regard tn
,,j '""'i iii.uit-i 01 111111K ieiiiireii in ue none Ul in
tuiiicii into 11, nny 01 alll oii'cers uniier tins net
unit ItllV Wilful r.lNo swell) III" bv nnv nct'nii In i-,.l i
Hull lo mil' Ill.lltel' of tliller cnncei tilmr t htelt llu.v
shall l.e lawfully Interrogated by any of said ulllcers
ut utcmccin mi.ui ue pumsiicci us perjury,
Srcriuvls, The assessors sliall each recclio tho
same comiK'iisatlon for tlio time necessarily spent In
eel nu iiiiu me , nu icn lici t u.y eojoillCll, US IS pil!li0l
by law lu ussesstun making valiiatluns. lo bo Haiti bv
Hie county eommlssloiicrs ns In oilier enses, pntl It
shall not be l.iwlul tor any assessor to assess a tax
against any iierson whateicr within sixtv-one dais
next iiieccooitr uio iinuuui elecllon 111 Noiemiier
nny Molalloiiot Ihls pruUslon shall ben tiilsdeinc.m.
ur. ami sun eet l ie 11 lieer so oiremiio - tn n iinn on
eouiletl ,11, not exceeding one hundred dollars, or to
,iiiii-xiiiii, 111 urn eeccni IIIICU lUOIllllS, III' 1)0111
ul I lit' discretion or the cum I.
SKcnnx' I. on Ihe petlllonof llie ur more elllens
ol an) election dMilet, selling forth that the pa
pnlut incut i.f ovei'scei-s (s n ic.isoiiuble precaulloii lu
r, .in.-,,ie jiuiii, 1111111, iiiocssiii ine eiccuou 111 said
d stilct, 11 shall be llie did) of the court of coinuion
pirns in ine pi opor couiiiy, nu ine law judges or tie
said Coin t able toad ntlliollio" rotinm in,-. 111 nn.
iKilnl two JudleloiH, soPrrmid Intelllgenijirieiisuf
me mini tu-sti in in iiiiieiiij; iu iiiueicnt poiineai par.
tlt'S. UMTM'Ct'S t.r decllnli In i-oiiei'tUe Hi., ,-. ........I
liigsof elecllon ulllcers tlieicnf, and tu make rcpint
... eiv r...,,,. ,n j m.ij flllliril IV MlfU CHOI I.
S.lll OM'rM'el'H Kll.lll lie In I-VOIW nil .1 1 II... I In k..,.,
upon rleel len boardsaiitl shall haie Hie light lolie
luesent wllh Ihe oillecrs of such elecllon diiilnglhe
whole time the same Is held, Hie lutes collided, and
the returns made out nnd si'-m-ii bv tin, 1 1 einm mil.
en's: lo keep n list or Miters, ir they scu prnper: In
ehalleuge any pei'suu unci lug to vote, and Intel ru
gate him and Ids wIIiicsm's under o.ilh, lu leg.uil tu
n-main."! rmoiiie ut k.iiii eiecuon, unu loexuiiiiuo
un i-.nn-i.i jiiooot-eii: ail'l lull OIIICI r.S 01 SUIII CICC
tlon till' rt'lllllrcti toatrol-ll til Snhlotetveeiw vn hele, I.
ed anil nppullitedcicl) eonielilence mid racllltv for
ihe dlM'haige or tlidr dutle-,: mid tr said eleetlou
ollioorshiiiii rrliiso to penult said ucr.scers lu In-
iiier.t-in. nun in-iioi in uieir iioiics us niure.sal.l. hiich
oiiicci'iiroiurci'.s.sii.iii ue glllllyurn llllsileineanor,
and on ci.inli ilon Hiereor shall br lined not exceed
lie; ,iue i un i-i.iiiu iinn. irs. i r uiiill iiiioneiiT nni
ceeiUuir ime I.,,, li, ti... .11......,, .,.
conn: or If the uvcihorrs sliall be ilrlien away irnui
.11. .ini ,1, .iiiieiiie .,1 iiiiiiiiiii.iiioii, an lactones
polled lu such election district max be rejis-icil hi
Itn- proper 1 1 Ibunal In tug a ooutii under said clcc
llnii. urn pan or poitfiin of such Miles nfoi es.iliin.i)
urciiuni ssuru iiiounai ma) tirrm iiecess.uj tu
, j . ,,i-)"en 11,11 ul llllll.IM',
sh-iios 1:1. Any ussessor.t icrllon nlilcei-or iierson
appointed ii- 1111 oM'i-seer. who sliall neijlect or n ruse
lo perinrm any duty enjnliied bj this act, wllhnul
,l.i,.u tuie ,11 le.u. .him-, Mliiu un hllCCl lOUPell
illtv ot Olio bllliill-rtl tloll. id nml If line ,..1-..,
shall knowingly assess am ioimiii ns n xoier who Is
nut ti!itiioi-o. or huau willilliy lellliu III assess ahy
oiiewhols oualitled. ho shall bo trniitv nr -i inu.i.r.
mcaiior In olilce, nnd on conilctlon he puulshed by n
lino nut exceeding one thousand dull.irs, nr Impils
oninent not exceeding two jcars, ur bulb, ut tlio dis
cretion of the cuttit, iinilalsn Im subject In un acllun
.... -lain ui-, ui moonlit tiiicieii; 111111 11 nil) Iier
son suuu irauauienuy uuer, add tn, deface or tleslruy
nny list of utei-s made out its directed bj this act,
or tear ttown ur icmovu tlio samo n 1 iiu, t,iei.
where It has In-en tlxed, with fraudulent ur inlscliley-
ous iiiieui, ur ior nny impruiHT purpose, iho iiei-sun
toulfentlliigsh.ill bn guilty of u nils lemeauur, nnd
on mi.ui nu iiiiniMieii oy 11 11110 not exceed
ing live hundred tlollai s, or Impi Isoumeiit not exceed
lug two )e.irs, or both, ut Ihe dherellon of tho cotu I;
nlai If 1UIV liei-soll shatl. by llolence or liillinl,! itlni,
dilie, iirntteniit lu driio Irom llio pulls, any persun
or i.'i'uns npiKilnted by tho court tu act us uvcrseers
or an clci Unu, or In any way wilfully prcient said
oicrseers from ierforndng tlio duties enjoined upon
them by tldi nil, such person shall bo guilty of u
misdemeanor, und upon cumlctlun thereut shall bo
i-iiiisiirii uy a line nui uxeecuing uiio uiuiisand dul
l.irs. orbv luinilsuninentnutexeeedlii" 111-n ,.r
both, at the dlseietlon of the court. Any in-rson who
shall, on the day of any election, islt a pulling place
In any tied lun district ut which hu Is nut entitled to
lote, nnd shall use any tiitliiddallon or Molencc for
1110 purpose tu iieieniiug any uiiicer of election
fimn peiformliiir tho duties reoulretl of Idio lo im-
or fur the piirmsn of iireieiillng nny tpialltlcd inter
v. nn ,-uneiii'4 ins 1 ixjii iu loie, or irom
' " isni 111 . niit tn t iiioieiiKr uny in'-sou Ollcllll''
lo Mite, such IW'l-soll shall be ileelneil irnui.. ,,r ..oj1
deiueatior, and iijioii eoiiilctlon tlieicof shall be nun.
ineii V it inn- nut ,-t-reilllia mill iiiuusanti IIOtlaiN,
or b) liiipilsnniiieiit nut exceeding two) ears, ur liuih
at the dlscielliiu or Hie court. Any clerk, uicrsccr
n, .1. . ,1,11, .nut-el, tiiiuniniii tti-it luse now 1111) fit Clor
shuil huio loted. unless retiuli-ed lu do so nun un.
iievt 111 11 judicial proceeding, thall be guilty 1 1 a mls-
Meiri.-nuej, nun iiiuu , uu , h i inn inereui suau lie luiii-
... .. nn. .. . ..i.iui uue lUll-,lll I UUIiaCS,
ur u) iiiii'ii-iuiiuiciii 1101 rxeeeuiiig iwu Jcai-s. or
bi.tli.lnHinillstTcllunorthecuiiii " ' ' '
In ubcdlcnoo to thu reiiulreincnt of Iho Oovernor
cf the Cuinmoiineallh of I'chn.ijluinl.i, I hereby
publish the l-ltteenth Aineiidmeiit of Iho Cunstltu
Hun ot tun I'nlietl states, Iho Act or Congress n
ton In-; thu same, und the Act ut Assembly relallie
im i-itleenili Amendment of thu Constltutloii c.r
toe 1 linen niairr, is lit, llillltw B ;
H..L...I ,nu I 'II... .I..I.I i, ..III . ..... ...... .
Slates lu into shall not bu denied or abridged by the
. r-mi.-n, .,1 njf tin, .-nine, tin ItCCUIllll Ul 11110,
enlor, nr prei Ions condition nf sen Undo."
"StunusK. 'Ihe coiurrrss shall haiu power to ell.
fun e this in tit le liv uiini-otill.itn ICL'Isl.itlmi "
An Act ttieuroiie the tight ut elllensut Ihe nidt
ed Males lo oli- in I he scleral states of Ihls I'ldun
untl for uther purjiuses:
lllll'si: 01' IIKI'IIKsKMAIlU'SIIFTIIK I'S'll K II S-11 1'S 111'
AitKiiiei is cnsuiiKss AsnKiiiiini, 'Ihatallellliensuf
.ue i ihii-,1 r-tui.-n, Olio iiir, Ul Sllllll 110 OlUCrWIsC
ipiullhed by law to luteal any rlecllonb) (heiiroplr,
In am state, Terrllnry, dlst i let, c utility, illy, pailsh
IniVllsllln. Sl'hUul lll-llll'l. IllUtdctll.llltt. ill' oilier le,.' siiti-dliMuu, sliall ! eidltleil mid iilloiied to
.nu ut ininiicii cieciiuiis, wicuuiii iiisiuicuuii of race,
' i, "r pn tiotis loiuuiinil oi scniiuiie: uny I'mi.
stlliitlun, law, custom, tis.ijjr, or ii'gut.itlon of tiu
stale or Ten llori. or by, or under its utithoilt), tu
I lie . , i,i I r.i t-t i.i.i vt O liioiiillo,.
SKrllON 'i. ANII UK IT I I'UIIIKll KS'll-rril. '-!i.,l ir I,.
or under the tiuthoilt) uf Ihe Constitution or i.uvhuI
iiiij niitie, ,i tin-lawn n tlll.V 1 1 1 1 IIOI) , IIU 111 I IS 01'
shall lie relltlhc (I lo be donens a lii-ci-eiiiiNlle m- meii.
location for voting, und by Midi constitution or law,
poisons or ulllcers who sliall lu diarged with the
inturin.iiifc ot duties lu riiinlsldng to iltl.cnsuii
upinnt unity to pciiurui sui li pieicuiiMln, ur lube,
suine ipi.dllled lu Mile, It shall bo the dill) ot nei)
such pi rson and ollleer tuglie to till cltleusuf the
I'nlietl slides, thu same und rtpial opiniiiunlly In
I riloiiii Mit hpri rriiiistlr,auiIlo Ueonio iiualllled lu
lolu wlthuut dlslllietlun or race, color, oi- t
...,.(. t. nei.iiuiiu, mill It llllj SlltU in'ISUIl l('
ollleer shall rt-ruso or kiinwlnirlv uintt in, inn
dbs t to lids set-Hun, lio shall, fur uicry such iiiteiice,
u,,it, e..-. i'uj tin, niiui ,, in, lltllltlll-ll IIOll.UH Ul
1 ie llerstlll liuulteied llieietiv. In Imi iei-ni., ,.,l l... ....
aetlun nil I lie i use, w It Ii full rusts and such ulluw aiice
fur cuutist l fees us thu court shall ilociii Just, iicul
shall alsti, lortiery such nnciice bu ileeuied gullli uf
n iidsilciueiiunr, and shall on rnnilt lion tkeicof, Im
lined not less than me hundred dollars, or Ik- Im.
pitsoiiod nol les i Hum ono iiioulh.niiil not moiu tlino
one . ear, ur butli. ut the illseidlon uf tliu couil."
A fill till I' KOOIllellll-llt. Ill Hill HI I. I el 11 he' In ..I.....
Hons III IlllsColillllnlilU'Ultll I
"Hl.rilus 111. 1 1ml hi I liillt-li of evert- nei .f li.,.v
bll lis pi ui hits that olds wldlo lirriinn shall born.
I llled Iti vulu ur Im leglslcied us lulus, urns claim
liij; Id Vole ut uny general urs'clul rlrrllnn i,f Hits
l omlnoillieutlh. In. mill llio simiiiU lieieliv i-,..ul. ,i .
und Hint hereatlcr that nil fieeiueii, wllhout UUIIni'
tloiiot enlor shall l'i iirnlleil i. nd r-'gWui d an uitl
lug In the pridslnn of Hie llrst seellon of the net hp.
Ploud Ihe mil il l) of April, ImU, inlltltnl "An Alt
further in (lie uct relating tu t he eh c.
tiuu.s ,, hum c uiiiuioiiwi aicii," uiui win u lillu-rwlse
'Piallllcd under exMliiK laws Im ndliled IomiIoiiI
all liiiii ml unit sn' i littlous In Ihls l omniou
wen Hi. 1
(Hi - ii under my hand, ut my oniee.ln llloomsbiiri'.
Ud , 'Tthil'iy uf Srpleinbi r.ln Ihe ji-ur nf nurliril une
lliuy -mil rl -lit huiuln il und i.eieiity-IIU',niul In Ihe
one lilllldlelh veal-of lliu lmleiM-iiileni-ei.r iln. I ,,u
cUbtatcs. MldlALL (iUOVIJlt.
Shtrltr of Columbia County,
Iilootniburg, Va., September it, uts.
1st wltlcly known
nti ono nf tlio ino5t
clleetiial rcmcilles
ever illscovereil fur
t'lertntlni; tlio pys
tein niitl purifyltie;
III" lilnnil. tt lias
iLCki slaiitlvctowlngieii-
litntion, b.tscd un its
Intrinsic xirlues, nml mstalnoil li)' its ro
lnnikulilo euros. Ho inllii ns to lio f.ifo nmt
lieneficial to clillilren, nmt jet r-o ecarclilng
ns tu elli-eluiillv purgo out llio great cor
liiptlous (if llio lilooil, fticli ns tlio fcrnfliluiis
nml Mj'lillillc ciiiil.imlu.itlon. Iinpiiriliei,
or iIIkmsos that liaie lutki'tl In llie sipleni
for ) ears, toon ) leltl lo llils powerful tinll
(lole, iitul (li?aiiear. Hence lis wonilerful
ettres, ninny of wlilcli me iulilicl)- known,
of Scrofula, ami nil scrofulous illseafi-j,
Ulcers, Km il Ions, ami erujiliio ills
onlors nf tlio skill, Tumors, ISIotclics,
ltolls, IMinplcs, I'ustiilcs, Soics.St.
Antlioiiy's Fire, Koso or Krysipi'
1ns, Teller, Salt lilietim, Scald
Head, tliiirwonn. ami internal Ul
cerations of llio Ulerns, Klomacli,
nnd Ijiver. It also cures oilier com
plaints, to wlilcli it wtmlil not seem efpeci
nlly iiilapteil, such as Dropsy, Dyspep
sia, Fits, Nenraliria, Heart Disease,
I'Vnialu AVoaltness, Dclilllly, nnd
J.i'llcoi'l lKen, when lliey nro manifesta
tions of llio scrofulous poisons.
it is an excellent restorer of health ami
Mrrngth in tho Sjirin;:. II)- renewing Iho
nppetito and vigor of the iliolio organs,
it ilisslii.iles Iho ilopression anil liflless lan
guor ul tho scaon. Kirn whero no ilUonler
appears, people feel hotter, nml live lunger,
lor cli'aning llio lilooil. 'llie system moves
on with reneweil vigor nml it now leam of
pnr.i'Aiir.i) nr
Dr.J.C.AYER&CO,, Lowell, Mass.,
J'racttcat and stmttyttvnt Chrmhts
SOU) BV AMi IHlUOlilSTS i:xitvwnKUE.
dti it it.-i.'ij i
Have JusL llocoivcil
the largest untl hest sttpiily (it
They vq vwv uttvicd lolm-ii fi kiuls amicus-
(Jlotlis, Cassimeres, and Satinotts
Cloths, Alapacas, Merinos.
forl,Al)IK',S W'KMl,
unci every vaiicly of Dry Ci'iimls ilcviretl,
Carpets, Mat3, Ottomana
in great variety ami at Iho
itiehitling all the vurlelios of
a)i'Tj-:i:s, teas ami siifiAits,
ami a general siijijily of uillcles useful for tl
tahle always on liniul.
i,oiuiiry iirouiico ol nil loiuls (alien in ex
change fur gooils ut cash iiilccx.
Oct. .-.u.'.l-lf
- s'.k-- "i
T. L. GUNTON, Proprietor
Manufacturer of ami L'caler in all tlmh of
Wo uso tlio liest AMr.ltlCAN und ITALIAN Mai bio.
no lias on liana una furnishes to order
TOM 1!.S,
Ult.WS, VASICS, feu.
nvory yailclynf Murlilo cuttln!i neatly execuletl at
fcl.M ..... , I. IllillhCI. JlllCf-,,
A lorn; eicrlenee nml ntlrnllon
to m.ikes the propilctnr cuiillilenl of irliliie
s.itlsf.icllon. All oittcis tij li..illiuoinillyiittenileii
CSr"A. h. II oil: tlitinml free 1 firfff."a
All?. VI, 'Tl-ly. T. I,. (ll'N'I'ON, VrOjirletor.
$33,00 PBB TOIST.
A nei fnwl i!fu)s iiiiuiik'. t-Mliisiti'ly hy
uuiM'iirs 11-11111 .miuiii Aiaei'll'lt.
AiiiiiiBPiaM Wliospliate.
01 niiui 1 011 ciieu n.l',' llllil lll.lllly (,'ll.irntitceil. Kcu
..-.ii.n.Tiii.niii,ii,ii,,.,iinii:imi i,j iie,iie,irii;enc-iilly,
No, 4 S. Ilel.livuio Avenue I -1 ,1 1 1 . 1. 1 1 ,1 . 1 1
. 1
.Mouture, ilet. ut line
organic) Mutter, DM cni,ibloof prodiiciui;
Aimuoiiu, . ,
H iluaUu iitul 1'roclpUiilcil I'litwplioilo AcM,
. iui lu I'lecii.iiaU'tlulul Hone l'lio.iili:ile,
l'ndH'uiiiKjnri liouo 1'licwpliale, .
I'UK'i:, 5118 I'KU TON.
I' icKetl lu tuns of 2 '11 r , etch,
bauqii as sons,
folo l'reiletors,
Ko. SO BuulU Di-Uwuio Alcuue, I'lillaUelpLIa,
No, 103 South blact, llaltlmore,
Sep. $0-Vt.
w vm
It ..St.
-vtaliJITK li .
Qvov Thitfy-fonv Compclitovs
-pIIlIiAIil.l.HIA N1) lil'.AIUNti liOMi
JIAV Sil, is;Vi.
Tit MSS I KA t: lll'l'hl.l Art 101.1 0118 (MMiAV KM'tl'l I D
l'or New Y01I:, 1'lill.ulclr.lil.i, Kentlll.g, l'ollsMlle
TiunaiU.i, Ac, 1 1, Mil rt. In
l'orl'.ilawlisii, tl33n, in. nml ",rii p. 111.
l'or Vllll.unsiiort,c,is n. in. 111111 4,(16 p. 111.
Tit.itxa ton niiruT ir.Avr. as ioiiowp, (tinnAv
Unit- Xev.- Yotk, 5,iri n. in.
I.0.H0 l'lillailclplitu, a. in. Kemllns, ll,:i 1 a. in., I'ollsvllle, 12,10 p. in.
anil 'I n 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 .1 , 1,;:n p. 111.
Ij'iie I'ulav.lssj, cyw a. in. ntut 4,tm p. in.
I.e.iie Vllll.iiusport,ii,iiia. in. atulfi,no p. in.
I'assc iiBrrs to mitlfiom New Vol I; unit l'lill.nlcl
plilajju tliroujji wlllioitUliaiijru of cms.
.1. 11. M'OO'tT.K,
.Mays, 1S74 If. (leneial Supei IliU'iuloiit.
AN' I)
'I'liiie-Tnlilu Nn. l:'J, 'I'ukes ellcet nt 4:P.i A. Jl.
Tiii'KMiiAY, iii:ci:miii:ii m, is;i.
Mill I'll, I STATION'S. v Mllt'l'll.
p.m. p.m. p.m. 11.111. p 111. jun.
13 ai s 1 ir.l scriiiilon 11 m a an 11 an
taai s:n i4n lit Heme in 1 1 a sit 11
ia 1 1 Mfi 1:1:1 t.i ion inc.... is 10 a ii.i 1141
11 1.'. s t.i 1 .i.ut'kuu.iiiu.i in 1; a 11 it r.u
II Hi Hi:, Itn I'lllKtoii in a.-, a Ml Ten
111 ; tu 1 ill.. Wi-ftt l'iitMton... to an m Tin
II 111 T M 1 ift .... W.ionitna: tutu ail Til
11 in T 4s 1 in .Mllllliy t'l lis ad! Til!
1114.1 Til 12 M UlliKsl IiM.'i III.', T 2.1
s a.-. 733 12 4ii KiiuNuii a a 1 T an
sit Tin 12 it ..I'ljinoiilti .lune.. 111 tr, a an its
s ia I sr. 12 an ....l'ljiiioiiiii 11 mi a an itn
s ii.i Tin lain Moiiii.iie 11 or, a m t r.s
sin Tin 12 ai', .... Nuiitlcoke 11 tu a 411 sis
T 4i'i Tm 12 11: .lluiitoek'H nek. II Is ;t,',i sir,
Tail it no 12 in . . Miiiki-iiliini 11 i.-i 1 in mm
Tim ii sr, 11 411 ....lllck's I'ei ry... 11 ns 121 sn-
r. tr, ii at 11 an ....r.entli llnien... 11 ta 1 as u k,
(i in n ai 11 :n itn w hk .... 12 1 1 m: t mi
fi 32 ii 3 11 aj 1 11 1.1 r Click ta ' s 4 in T la
II at II IS II IT ...Willow (Hole. .. 12 12 1 r.u t is
t! an fi u.t II II Mine lllili-e 12 11 4 Ml Tan
u mi n ;,:i 11 02 i:pi 12 si; n to t as
r. t.s ,-,4.1 111 f.'.l .r.looM-liul'i; 12 32 r, 12 T IT
r. nt r. 4U M 4nl 1:11pm 12:17 ft is t tr,
nu nsi lu i3i'utiiwisvi liiiil:e. 12 1: ., ai sia
r. in r 311 111 1 1 . Clark's sullen... 12 4.1 r. so s ti:
n in n 12 to sal ii.iniliie 1113 n ts s sr.
n ni n 112 in 121 eiiut,i-ky 111 r. r.s s 4s
4 tr, -i tr, mm cnnieriii 1 11 r. 113 s ,v,
4311 I4ii on .Noilliuuilieil.inil. 131 ii ao ',1 so
a.m. 11. in. I p.m. p.m. a.m.
Muperliilenilcnt'.s oilier, i;in,'slon, Jl.titli ft, 1st I.
On nml ufler Nnieiulier Snlli, IsTS, trains will le.iie
MIXIIl'ltY as follows:
i.rlo Jl.uin.2ii a. in., nuliu Klinlr.i 11..M1 n. in
" Cniuiiiil.iiii.i... 3.::np. in,
" itoelicster 0.1.1
" Nl.iir.uii
Kenoio Ion ll.lua. 111. nnlio Wlllluius
IM t p. in.
i:imli'ii .Mull l.!fta.iii.,nulio Klinlrn a. in.
Iliilfulu Ikvpicss T.1.1 11. in, ui ilie r.uil.iloh.!.ua. 111.
iiiiii.iiti i;ircs3 2.:.i)a. iii.ariliell.iiil.sljur); t.f.un.111
" I'.lltlmoie.
i:imlr.i Mall ll.lnu. 111., nnlio ll.uilsliiuj; l.nn p. m
" lkiltliuoro fi.::u "
" VVusliliiijtiiii K.311 "
ll.inlsiiui;aeeoininuikitlon p. in. uiiivo Ikirili.
uiiitr iii.nn ji. in.
111 1 lie it.illluioru m
" Wnslili.s;lon i;.l:i
Kilo Mall 12.ft5 a. 111. nulie ll.iilMiur;:.n.'. a. 111,
" "
. , ,. " Waslilnaton 10.35 "
All daily except Sunday.
I). M. llllVli, Jr., (icneral l'.isseii(rer Agent
A. .1. CASSA'IT, (icneral .Manager
ritilaili'lpliht & Ili'ie I!. 11. Ilh ision.
ON ami after Sl'NDAY, MAY tKM, 1R7
, llie triilns on Uu, IMiIKkK-I nhl.i ,t l-aie l!;i DUlsuii inn mil us follows:
FAST I.lNllleaies New Yolk '.
" ' " I'lilkulelpliki
" " " Italtliuoi'u
' " " ll.iiilsbuii,'
" " nrr.nt Wllll.iinspnii,
" " " luck 11 nui
" " iellcfuiilo
.... t S.I 11. Ill
12.W. P. 111
1.211 p. Ill
. ... p. in
.... Kt.; p. in
. p. ni
,...11. .Ml p. lu
liiiii: -M AH, leans NeivYoik
1 lillaili Ipliki
" ' " IIiiirlNliurif
" " " Wllltainsiiiiii....
' " " Lock ll.ueii ....
M " ' Itcnoiu
. s.2.1 p. ni', p. in
. . 4.2ft II, in
. . KSt, II. In
. . I). 1.1 u. In
. II. In
.1 it .......... ..
"" I. Op. Ill
NIACIAHA llXI'IIIISSIeaicI'liliaileipiiia.. T.toa. m
i.utiiiiitMr 1.3,1 u. ill
" lliuiMiuru'. . Ki.M
I', " nrr. ut Mlll.iins,t..
; 'k iiaicii.... u.1.1 p. I,,
"s""' p. in
l.'l.MIUAJIAII.Ieaios I'lill.ulelnlil.i Ruin 111
I' uliiniiiiu s':;ii I
llnirlsiiiirir . 1 an 1
" " nrr. nlWIllkimspuii 1.1011 n!
" " lAJckllimn tit.up.iu
: o; -
I'llllA llXl'IIIXSleaios lick llaun...
. .40 n. in
Mini, iinsiujii.,
' ' unlitsiit llnrrlsbuitf
' " " ll.lllllllOII)
' ". " I'lilluilolplil.i....
' " " Net York
... (.Kill, in
..114.111. Ill
... 0.15 p, lu
.. 3.3.1 p. lu
.. u.4a p. in
... 9.10 n 111
. in. nu. in
..11 31u. Ill
... 3.00 p. ill
HAY r.XI'Jti;s.s lraves Itenovo
" uk ll.iien, .
" " Vllll.lllSIOt..
' " nrr. nt 1111111,111111,'. ...
" " I'llllailelplilj...
" " NuivYuik
" " II.1III111010
.. cm 1 1. lu
...0 IS p. ,
.. CM Jl. lu
...ll.son. 111
.. S.2.1 i. III
. . 0.4.1 p. in
.. iu.ftup, in
... a.snu, in
.... 7. Win in
.. (i.i.i 11, m
. ,'u.luu, ni
...12.3ft 11, 111
.... 3 M II. Ill
.... T.3.1 u, 111
" ueiioin
" " Lot k Haul
." " WllH.uniorl
" nrr.nt lliiilsliuri;
" ' ll.lllllllOlO
" " I'llllllilcllilil.l
" " New York
rASl'MNUlenicH Wllll.iiiispoit
tn I ut. imi 1 mini ir
" " llilllluiolu".
" " I'lill.nleliilil 1
" " Now Yolk
.. . l.ra 11, 111 iu
il:,,,'V,-M'.'" V''.,'-,Nlllwr'1 li'l'liwH WrM, i:imlia
.Mil Uesl nml 1 .iv kinnu 1 ji -1 t ,. , i.,.! ............
1 1,. ... . . . . .1,,.. , . . . ' . .1. ; . "" t .nii,-o
i 1 """""""' iuil'1 "nil II. It, It I'll 1I.S for
kOS-11.11 10 lliu M-I'iltiliio
m',,l,lu-,u'.1 V'',1' N,1'1" iJipici Went nnd Clinlra
.ni'. jinn 1.11M111111 him, Miittaui I prr-s Wctt
ullJnn Wistiiini 11.1v i:ni, .Ij i- ,l, ..... 1 .. . .
U".'l,Ui'.',Uv!l,l!,'-'0iL V. II lt.,trulns.
'.I 11.1 Oil , N. .V Jl. S. t. II., l (uny Willi 11. (-.A
11. 11. 111 1 111 iiinuui wi 11 11, n, y, a p, 11 1,
rifiuiHiil uitii a v 11 11 ".i unu
uini1.';"-.'.' "'"f"" lirlwerii I'lilladelpliln nml
rS ' iv!' J' . 1 I 'I I.xpf'Ml.unt undlluy jjxpruiit
Last. Muplni; curs on all nliflittruliiH. '
i .., .. ww A' DA IiU WIN,
Jan, 8,'T5-tf Ui'iiclalBurA
SjjM. l"7 "4 -J''iL
In cuiiaflly ntiil cxcflK-m-n ty nny ollur. Awar.liJ
VIENNA. 1873; PARIS, 1867.
nlllW Atncrli nn On -ins ntr ntrinlisl nny nmlil
UllLrf In r.uroi"'. or wlilili l-n' nt Mull i .irioull. rxtt ll.-iit-e in l-i i- niiiinnit u vililti ilo Hit re.
1 1 ill UP nuariliil ln;tii -I pMnlii n nt 1ii,1n.
ALlllllu ti ul l'.ii ' ilinu .liiAinrrlfiiiinillii4
r.nrnpr. (lilt nl lllllnln- U III' re tram lint Is I II ' IX III
nil HliiT.' any e.ti-r 1 1, 1 1 1 1 ,m !' l prifirrnl.
tlCOT Dc'nr- I liy llmtin-tii Mu-I' I ui". In l'ili
Utol tii'iiiH'lu " M t'" itill llillril. h.o
'1 LSI IMIINI t, CltlrUI.Alt, Willi i.pinlni rf liwro
than Dlir'riliillMlllil (-ml fm).
IHPIPT "U liiiTlnit n Mn-nll & llnliillil. Dn lint
IllOlOl tiiknnns t'lliT. WiMltlijinilHimu
MIssuiNH i'l trif lit.ilor ,iiil'lii-, itrnl Jul' til
fv.wwi i(.' irjMj lfir.l l" i :t wui,t!ilHH elw,
HCIJI PTVI CP Willi must liniitrt.ilil Inn rove.
lihW OllLtt) n.i.ts t.r mute. rsrw
Sulii nml C'oiiiliilllllliill Mops. Sliprlli
lilliirrrc mil oilier CllM-utt lirw tlrollli,
iiiMlec.imti!tiiilliU nt tl tn n mucins.
ln)iui'iilit; t.r icntcil until r. nt f- r tin- nrmut.
nit THI npiirp ii"! I'll ii''"' kM' fniii'irtie
LAI ALUbULO '''r;.fr.,c A.l,lr,s,JtM(lr..-,
IIAMI.IN II1K1AN Ctl., Iftl Troiiiiuit t list t. Ill In
ItlNi 21 Union iiiue, N1AV YOllUi or W) . tj
ruTiTt.Tr-rn nnri
Ii. B8. BMDWBiJili,
(Ifuvrttt A'jvnt ulm for the crtt hnttnl
J. K. jMlliT.Kli.
m.ooMsisvna, y..,
Dealer iu ulmvu Iiistrunii.'iil.s.
Jiarcli ln.'T.Vy
No. li Untie sir.
Finite Gas awl Steam Filters
MANiTAc'iriinis or
!(iai.vanizi:i)i:(in ( (insic n,
WiniTrollisCK, eve. DenlriK in St-no , l!uii!'
cs, l-'iunuiT.s, 1:11111111(111' llenlri., Ilium
tiriili-.s, .Miiiitels, I'luMPS, i-iillic-r M.ii
iU: AImi
of lliel.iti-n ili-sl'ii. Spulil nllciillou imlil n r.
lulling s-nlnj; Mm lilncsnfciciMif cilitlon . n ..
1.01-l.s, Hell lliiiiKlua-, Krj I'ltiiiijt. At: i'llintc t.'i u
ili'liees lleiitetl Iij Mrnlltnt .1 Mn.ill ll I iiliol Dot
Air. I'rli Vii, . if
1 l.Tt III.IA'S Im.
J I MOM It ( I ( I Mill I!
,. luitltl I'l Ml' Is lie in
knoll Iriltil t-tutiil.ilil i.f
tlio 111:11 kit. Ii'
.... .ti.., ,i... t
,.S .. ., iiiii . ,, ,, i
Ju ' lliuicLsl nioney Alteiillnii
Is llilltcil to Ilt.itelilet'H linmoM-il tli-iicl.
( I. Ill" Droll i licet; c.ilir. tlilcli rim lie
KJ II llill'illl 11 ll llliout illsl llililnj; I liu Joints,
H '"'I llio copper cliiiinliii' ililili iieiir
SSi rrueks, Kc.ilts or riisi.uinil iillll.i-.i ullli'
fml.iSim I'ori-nlo liy tlcnlera nml ttie Ir.ulo
tryJJlKj ireliciiillj. Di oi tier lolichiue lli.ll Jim
- -.s.i-J Kt I'i.llt lliry it Clllt'llll llllil Ki-e
tluilltiuisiiij truile nn nl.iur. If toil tin not.
l.nmvii liere in Inn, il -si ilpin,- t ii-riil.u-i, lieri'Mier
li li Ihe n.iiiieiinii uiliticof the iiL'enl nciii-M ..oil
mil oefiiiiiMiril Iij nilitii .-Ine- null tl.iinp,
Cll.s.(i. I',l,'l'l .:s, M.niur.ielllrcl'.
CVIi, (.'oui.ll 'l-e,- si. , I'lill.itleljilll.l.
nut si.i: nv
J. SCHUYLER I; SON, Blcomtar, Pa.
.M.ircli n 'is iim
(V 11 . ' l't''i,y Kivin llint llie lllootiih.
rl;,li .'"'sr -'s f'Jinpny will pcit in c niie pus- un
i" ii it i V t? '"i,"'1' '"i't'is-r iiiooiti'luis n-i
:.Imm .i,.I",''u.,"c !l"lniir irom Un sMcct docs n .1
n . , , JVC'.V l's,:v'H "' '" 'v" iMIlut'clwictcil I
hn luteoIMiu-iila icrloot uu'ii K',ei' t
Jbq 11. 11.-11 '-W. MW.UIt.tK-cre.urj
(ii'i'osn-K'i iu: ciiNTiiAi. iiuti:i..
lUsiiroiiiiilcluMocli of luue unci iclhiMe
di!1'(is,.mi:dk im:si (ihiisiicai.s, du:.s, ai ids,
MIAl'S, MiAl M,)A As ,.,STS 0s
I'AIN I Kits bl'I'I'I.IKH, hl'(i.N(ii:s, ma sn
t'ouiitry I'loiluco l.iKcn lu lor Dm:?,
JlcclleliicH, l)c, Ac.
CETOli&STOItlt ft cnrefullj' teleeleil Muck of tnolco
ii:ah, coi-'fi:i:, bi'tiAii, si'ii i.s, bo.i', ni hi:i h
HAUUIIS, 1'ISH, UAMM, CASSi:i, i-'Hui'S,
vi:( and oTiiuit riNi: insocmi.
i'niils, Kins nml Coiilwtioiiary,
till III IllO iGAH'fct lOS-,lhlo ilcca.
tffomitry I'loilucu luken lucxcliaii';e..
moctniiburi,', lureii in, io;,vy
for Information call nt omco.or u-mi mrcnutnt
ADVEKtlSUl. ioitoso-lv