MVjirillif.n'i),iEHmwa THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSB UIIG, COLUMBIA COUNT!?, l'A. THE 00LUHB1AN. ii i, (i o .m s it i: it (i. r u I ti .1 v, oct i s, is;.. Ilall Komi TliiToTnlil( f.Al'ICA WANNA III.OOIHIIJ((l ItAII, 110A1I KOHTII. fllt'Tlt. .vccoiniwiinii ion i rain i v. .11, JIjII Trntii .... 4 A..M L-spross Train 1.40 I'. M. " MIl'.M. CATAWISSA UAIt, l(OAI). KOHTII. Accommodation Train fi,M A. M. llciiiLir Express S,M I'. M. 7.IW A. Jl r.. a I'. Jl 1I.MA. Jl south T.3II p. jl. 11,33 A. Jl. TliHMiKli curs on Kvpross I rntn either In Nuw York or Philadelphia. Accommodation train runs between lalaw Issa nml Wlllliimsport. SnLirrlkrn vlmliMir alil Hit rtllrln nlltor nf llio (III 1 mitm In Hil.nnrr. Kill li rmllltil Mllh tin lironunl tlie took of llrv.k. j h Hril. lhr n.w firm III kli nil nil a.l.rrlMngruiitrirt., NOTll'F. All conlrncls mule liy Mr. DieH'cnliacli fur nil vci tlscniciili", anil prc-paiil siiliscrlptlons will bo e.trricil out liy tliopresmt iiroprKlorH of IIim pa pir. llii'lucss canls In lliu illrcclnry will lie conllniieil, at lliu olil rates, unless otlicrwi.-o or-ili-rctl, anil will ilalo fium Oct. Ut, H"'. In ilolitulncss In tlioCol.UMiil.VN on any account from .Inly Ut, 1S7I1, to Oct. Ut, 187", will sottlu with Mr. DiclK'iiWIi. IVrpoimlc-iringtoflop tlicir paper, if any, anil those wMiing lo sub .libc or In liavo llicir iit ullicc cliaiigetl, will plenw notify in at once. Tliu paper will be con liiiiiul lo olil Mitucribers unless iillicrwUcorilei (il. Oiling In tliogreat nnionnl nf woik iuci iltnt upon taking charge of llio ollico wo have nut bail tinio to change tlio ilatcs on tbc piihlcil iliuiliiiiH. Next week ihcy will bu to Od. Slli, 1875. l!cv. II. II. Hcwclt anil wife, after mi absence of two liionlhs in Kuropo. retnrni'il lo their homo In Siuihtiry la-t week. (.'.iniily filrn anil horse-Mcus are having a lirgo run Ih'n scawou. (inv. llartranft is on ex liiliitiun at lnot of tnein. On aeeonnt of the nppriiachinj; election wenre runipclleil to ilevole an atimuntof space In tliu ili.-eii"iun of pnlitieal iptc-dions. William O. I'.ntler, Ki., of Danville is an in ili peiiileiit e.iniliilato fur prothonotary in Mon imir eoiinly. George V. Miles is the regular niMiiincc. The Noithiimbi'rhinil liuptist Association hehl it- lifty-llflli anniviiMiiy nt 1'iniick recently. The altiiiihince was huge anil the best ol feeling pnvailiil. Wo have secured the services of an excellent eurps of workmen, ami nro prcpareil to ilo all hinds of job work in the neatest manner anil at the most reasonable rales. Senil in voiirorilers. Mortgages, Deeils, Howl-, Note, Justice's Tonus, anil blank.s of all Minis fur sale nt the Col.l'MM.VN odice. A 1 -ii a lot of liunnil si hool orilers. !23 Hi paper sack, for buckwheat Hour, :'. cents each. large anil entlniiatie Deniocratie miss nii'cting was hehl in Allcntown last week. The melting was aihlriweil by Ilemlrick II. Wright, e-Maor Vaux, Daniel Kalbfiu anil Capt, C. IS. Ilrockway. An ailvertison-icnt tells its own story. It makes mi mistakes, as a solicitor might tin, anil stales exailly what the merchant wants to say, neither limit! nor less. Ailveilisemuils are honist anil f.iillifnl servants. .bulge Lowrio, of the Cr.iwfonl ili--Iritt, has maile an onler of Court that no altach liiint shonlil ho issneil ugain-t any witness win, has lint been paiil the mileage anil one day's fits iii that capacity. Dr. .1. It. Evans is pu-hing furw.inl his new hunt' on the site of the olil Thinl Sheet Aeaile inv, with iaiiility. When tumplilnl it will be a luiiibniiie anil convenient re.-iiltnce, creililablo In the bnihler ami the loin. U.illcr Lciicock thot,hnt Saturday, six fine -nipo, lour rail ami a tial. lie was ab-cnl but iliue hours, ami was at no linn: mure than half a mile fium town limits, l'ntly fair shooting, u shonlil say. The I!eiubliean organs are abusing our can didate fur tlovernoi' because he iloes not reiign In position ns .luilge. They fail, however, to allmlu lo llio fact that llarirauft hehl ou to the nlliie of Amlitur General when he ran fur (lov u,.or in lbili. If any suli-eiibeis either in town or out fail tn ja lluir papers nt the proper time they will e .iifn- a favor on us by inl'oiining us of the fact nt once. We have been altering our INls au l it may be that somohave been omitleil unintcn liniially. Oiling to the illness of Jnilno Klwtll, the nil jniiimil court appoinlul fur Oeluber Clh was tuiliHiiiil until the 18 h. The Habeas Coipus n-e of .Samuel Dogait was also continueil until MM .Monthly . Jmlgo Klwell is eonvnleseing ami exptels lo be abniit again in a few tlay.s. lol. riollet arrivtil in town on Mumlay even liy on his way to ailibess the (ir.ingcr.s of Cm lie luitibhip, As soon as his piestnce btcaine hinwnal.uge uuiiiher of cili.uis, irrespective nf party, callttl on him at the pallor of the bx tlimgo Ilotfl. Ilo was sereiiailul by the lllnijiii-huig b.iml, anil lesponileil 111 n brief ,'iuh, whiih was well itteiviil. Anotiii:u Hnaki:. William Slaubatli onhis pljie brought to town alive lattlcsnako which In tapluriil in Shiek-hiiiny valley la-t Wtilnes 'l.iy, whiih spoilul twelve rattles anil u.caMiiul oiriy uiilns in length. It was exhihiteil in sev mil places in town by -Mr. Win. Williams ami Mr Slaubacli in u inanni r that wouhl ilo justice i Dm Dice, the hog trainer. llmrick ImUjun, llmdir, do jou know that if you spoil a nuiipid inulnpo while aildits-ing it you can K'l (he value in stamps by presenting it at any 1 si nfliioV Knit I Jiihmuje. 'I ho stamp tan bu it moved fiom a spoiled ell mIiiIki bv tliu wiiriiilb and inobtilie of tlie imigue applied lo the back. Money can stiiiie- liintsbe MVcd by the Use of that unruly mem- l r, but not alwavs, We lako plca-ure In culling llio attention of oiirreailtislolhe fact that there is now every iia-oii to believe we are lo havo a coinpli lu and 'li'c.tilcd survey of Columbia enmity. TVis is a iiml we limer havu fell, for many reasons, Co liiinU.i eoiinly has all the lieililles bolb for iiHiiulaeiimng bu-inoss and farming tliat aio neeJtil to make the county larger in population M siiunger in point of wealth. All we ntn i u luoper showing and a desirable circulation t'iMiiiiu Iho desired end. Wo believe this to lie the trim menus of developing the rewiuiccs of ""rtoiuilv. (!. R.bwctt. the nroieclor of llio Mtrpriso, allbiim-h a voting man lias had extin 'ive expeilinoo as practical engineer and draughtsman. Ho is now engaged In revising die surveys. We hope every one will lako an "itlvo Interest in this enterprise. Tlio Charley Itoss ca-o U brought 'gain by u letter wrlltcn In Mr. Uoh by one e'lo booth, who stales that ho helped lib' duct tho child and that Charley ii n' In Inland, wilh u band of pyjislc. I'"1'11' Kiu-iMr. ltos. full instruction-, wlicro In "il l Ids hou. A man bv tho iiaiiiu of ll.ikcr Preferred to In Ilooth'H letter, whom Mr 'loss took htons. to find. 1 to nays Unit Hoolh ladUrcpiitablo characlcr.btitiiow lUkcr has disappeared, and hiwuot been seen tduco tho 18 "It. London mid Irish police havo been l't on tho track of tho parties referred to y Hooth.but no ono is sanguine- ol kucccss Ono gentleman believes, it to bo n cruel canard uiul thinks Nelo Hooth and lluker Thonililrciisof llio DemocrntloStalocominllteo will bo foiinil on our fccoiiil page. It h a jilatn anil coniprchcn.'tvo ilocumcnt, nnil places the Is sues of tho campaign npiarely before the people. It shonlil bo carefully perused by every viler. Charles Heay, n brnkcninii on one of tho Pennsylvania coal trains, was klllcil near I.lmo Itnlgu last Wt ilnesilay night. It U stitinof ml ho loll oil the train, ns ho was tlead when found. Ills hotly wnn sent to his homo In Sunbury. if. Tho Democrats of tills place organized a club lat week by tho election of It. 1". Clark, Kwi I'rosiiU'iit; II. 11. I.lllle, llccordlng pocretnry, l'rank lllllinycr Ciirrespontliiig Secretary, nnd W. II. Kouns, Tieasuicr. CIuIhsIiouM bo form ed itt once all over the county, for llio parly means business this year, and must have organ hatio . Tho following ollicers were installed in Van Camp Lodge, 1. O. O. K, nt llloonnburg, ou Saturday evening last. X. (1., M. 1'. I.utzj V. (1., David Wenner; Assistant Sec'y, J. S. l'hil lips; S. W., II. II. Itulter; J. W., Teler Knipp; H. S. to X. (., W. W. liarrett ; h. S. to X. (I., llobert Stiirj II. S. S., A. V, Slayman ; h. S. S II. Illuelt; U. S. to V., (1., .1. Towmcnd ; h. S. to V. CI., .1. Penman ; C, lb (I. Phillips ; 1. 0., W. J. Smith ; 0. 0., 1!. 1'Miv.irtU The Sutibiiry Gusclle credits the Coi.l'MHl.VN with an Item staling that the Kew X. S. buck Ingham authorized us to s.iy that his name was put to the call for Iho "political Temperance) eonvontlon" without his consent and ngaiutli!s wishes, and that he lepudiate.s the movement. Mr. lliiekiugham tlenied this authority in a Id ler read before that convention, and as the pres ent editors of Ibis paper have no inleiost in this di-pute, they do not wlh to bo held responsible fur the mis-slatenienls of the Illoomsbiirg HqmU limn, book ngaln, Mr. Gitxttet If the largo boy who lost the mo4 important pait of his trowsers in an unsuccessful attempt, last .Monday night between twelve and one, to steal poaches from a tree in a front yard on Iron street, will call upon tho Udy who -'grabbed" him as he was disappearing over the fence, he cm have the patch ho left behind. And if the small hoy, in the same business, who eried"hist" will accompany the largo boy and be introduced the lady will be glad lo make his acquaintance. Also, if that one of the Iwo men trying to rob a neighboring hen-roost, who felt the brick on his back, will call upon the lady who threw it, she will present him with a bottle of liniment. She always sleeps with one eye nnd both cars open, and tramps may as well beware of the vi cinily. - Tun (iiiANfii:its in Couxcii On Tue-day la-t tho Grangers of Centre township met at Connor's grove. The day was fine and tho at tendance laige. Mr. Sharnts spoke first, nnd delivered a carefully prepared speech. Dinner was then served to all in attendance', and there were many ba-kets of fragments after all had eaten their fill. Cel. Piolelt then addressed the audience in a speech of sonic length, setting forth the necessity of the organization, its pur poses and aims. In no sense was his speech a political one. lie was followed by the Itev.Mr. Cattel of llenvick, whose remarks were original and full of humor, lie demonstrated clearly preachers are a necessity, nnd lawyers an abomination. He made no nllu-ion to liccchcr. The meeting was u grand success, nnd Centre has done itself credit. Header, have you ever seen a fish-hawk dine, or rather get the viands for his dinner? If not, you have niis-od a sight worth seeing. As lie poison over the water with an occasional lay motion of his wings, you would hardly im agine that be was desirous of gratifying a decid edly lavonous appetite. Slowly he sails in grace ffl curves, his wide stietehed wings barely muviiig, till his keen eye di-covers a fish near the jiirfacu of llio water beneath.' In an instant his liroail pinion-, are folded and like an arrow he d.nls down on the iin-u-pecling prey, and in nuulhcr moment he rises with the struggling victim in his strong claws. Slowly ho soars un til he roaches the height fiom which ho precip itated hiin-elf, ami then shaking the water from his feathers betakes himself lo the solitude of the woods for a comforting meal. Wo know of a man ou Third street who is death ou rats. In order to exterminate tliu spe cies lie set a inacliiiic about the size of a young hear trap in his cellar one night, and awaited results, before morning the thing went oil and his prey was caged. At the earliest appearance of sunlight ho airayed himself fur the impend ing conllict. A bag, a gun, a stove-poker, an io and a potato m.idicr were placed in readi ness for immediate use, and the trap was brought fin tb. Cautiously the lug was placed over the mouth of the maehinejieroically the masher was rai-ed, and then the Imp was opened, and if Komi: one had not recognized the caudal appen- l.ige of his young hopeful's pet kitten as it leaped into the net there would havo been great wailing and gnashing of teeth in about two min utes. 1 le says now he knew it was a cat all ill e time. Wo have upon our table a late publication of 'laxton, item-en v llnllellinger, entitled "Jo nah, the self-willed Prophet," a practical expo- ilion of the I ion!; of .Jou.ih, with a translation ind exegilical notes, by Key, Stuart Milehcl, i-torof Iho Piesbyleiian Church of illooms biirg, P.i. We cannot better express the object f iho work than in the words of the preface. 1'lie tiaii-lalion here tillered iiiin- not so much it giving a definite inteipretation to the text, as it putting (he render of English as nearly as iblo in tho saino position as tho reader of Hebrew. The notes are meant partly to ju-lify tho variations of the translations from the ail thoried versions: partly lo present interesting iuts of elvmnlngy and idiom; nnd partly to contain explanations, authorities and icfircnccs which might seem lo lntoiiupi too much the ' exposition. Tlio exposi sition socks lo lilt as euiisi-lciitiy as possimu uie biief oullinu of narration given by the text, and to aid the reader in deducing the lesson login ui.itely connected with it." The woik will bo found interesting to all lov crs of biblical liteiatiire, and invaluable to the Sabbath school teacher. Fur sale by (ion, A. Clark, bookseller and sta tioner, Iiloomsbiirg, Pa. tui: school Illoomsbiirg ought to be and we trut it is ve ry greatly iiitere-ted in Iho rebuilding ol tho Normal School boarding Hall. 1 lure is no en leipiise which bis given our place so much eclat and aided in our general development so much as that has done. Its conspicuous position and beauty commanded tho attiulion of every nasser-liy. and received l.ivoraiuo cousiiierauoii Its destruction was a groat calamity, but not an iiiinittlL'ated one becail-e Its rebuilding will cause to bo expended henvwithin tho next few months it least S50.000. All Hits will circulate among us here, and what our eillzens may give in tho erection of .llio new building will enmo hack lo ii .,. nt mice, wilh other money coming from I... Insiiranto Companies and from the Hute, Nor should it be forgotten that during the lint vear Iho money luougbt into this town by the s!,.i.,.,.l l.ns been moie than S2.VI00. It Is lut haul lo see whv Illoomsbiirg is improving, why new buildings are In process of election, and old ,.s l,i.iner ri nailed nnd rchltcd. ll Is that width has kept in ainployod while other towns hao stagnated, Let every one put Jmnhlcr to the wheel and urgo Willi tin a ids video and lulhiinco Iho pushing for .....1 nnd ooiiinltlioii of tho new building, 'i'i,.,r,. Is no expenditure of money which will vkld a larger in "ft Year after year tho .. l.nol will Increase : year after year llioexpen tlltures amongst us will double upj and every branch of trade and Industry will no iiciieiiuee fd'NDAY SCHOOL CONVENTION. Van Camp, Col. Co., Pn., Sept 23, 1875, KniTous op Col.tJJtniAN ! Tho Sunday School Convention of Columbia county was called to order by llio president, Ifev. Stuart Mitchcl, at 10:.10 this morning. Sccretnry, Prof. M. W, Xuss, A largo number of delegates wcro present. Tho opening prayer was oficrcd by llcv. 'J'.R Hofihieier. Mmlc, "ltcvivo us again," by tho choir. Opening address, by tho President. Tho following committees wero nppointod ! On business Key. A. Houlz, John 0. Wenner, and Miss Jfnto Aminerman. On nominations ltev. T. V. 1 tofl'incirr, John Ileishllno and C. 11. While. On resolutions A. C. Smith, ltev. H. Mitch el and Mrs. I Tout, Tlio President then addressed the convention. Subject "Itetpilsltcs iu the Sunday School. Music "Tho Saints Sweet Home," by tho choir. AFmtlNOON prssioN. Convention called to order by the President, who read from Will chapter of St, John. Pray erollored by Prof. M. W. Xins, and music, ''Coming, yes, we'ro coming," by llio choir. An cxorcNo for the children, subject ani mals of the bible, by ltev. S. Mltchel. "Who should select the siuiday school teach er ?" was discussed by A. C. Smith, ltcvs. T. V. Iloll'meler, Oust and lloulz. Music "Liltlo Children, you may Come." by the convention. How X. Spear then addressed Iho children. Subject "As we sow wo shall reip." IIVUNINO 8I1-3I0N. Opening prayer by Key. S. Mitchcl. A. C. Smith opened discussion on "Duties of teachers toward the pastor, tho superintendent, the scholar and the uncared-for youth," followed by ltcvs. A. Houlz, X. Spear, H. W. Hotfincler, S. Mitchcl, Prof. Xuss, C. 11. White and David I.nubnch. Muic, "Traveling on," by tho choir. Sept. 2fl Morning Session. Tho convention called to order by the Presi dent. Chant, by the choir. Prayer oll'orcd by ltev. II. W. Hofi'meier. Tho Convention was resolved into a teachers' meeting, ltev, T. I'- lloll'mcicr conducting the exercise. Lesson, St. John 17:7 1 1. Tho question, "How should Superintendents bo chosen," was answered by ltev. S. Mitchcl, Ifev. T. P. Holl'incicv and A. C. Smith. ltev. X'. Spear moved that the Convention hold its next annual session at Xcw Columbia, which was ngrccd to. "Tho advantages and disadvantages of the country schools" was dicused by Key. S. Mit chell, How T. P. lloll'mcicr, Prof. M. W. Xuss, John C. Wenner, C. H. White, A. C. Smith, W. H. rord and Peter Laubacb. Hcv S. Mitchcl lead an article from the Ilia era J'ecortler. ArTI'HNOON .T.SSION Opened with music, "Jesus. Lover of my Soul," by the convention. P.aycr by A. C. Smith. Prof. Jf, W. Xuss addressed the Convention. Subject, tho collections in the Sunday school. Hcv. A. Ifout. organized and conducted a formal class. Lesson, St. John 18:,"!:! .13. Lesson on biblical geography and travels in the Holy Land, by Hew S. Mitchel. Music, "bless the Lord, O my Soul " by the choir. The report of .1. M. Harnian, delcgato to the State Convention, wns read by theSecretnry,and on motion was received and filed. The committee on nominations reported ns follows: For President, Hcv. A. Houlz; for Vice Pres ident, A. C. Smitli j Sccretnry, JL W. X'uss; Treasurer, II. C. bittenbendcr j Kxev. Commit tee, Kev. X. Spear, Mrs. Kale Conner and Miss Kale Ainmcrman : Delegates to State Conven tion, Hcv. S. Mitchel, Peter Laubach nnd John Wenner. All were elected. Committc on resolution reported the follow ing : Htsohetl, that a vote of thanks bo tendered to the citizens of Van Camp and vicinity for their hospitality in entertaining tho members of tho Convention ; and to the choir for the excellent music furnished. Committee on business reported as follows ; Your committee would recommend that the 17th of October bo observed as a day of prayer for our Sunday schools, and that tho following order bo observed. 1. That during the morning hour between 7 and 8, all teachers engage in private prayer for (lotl's blessing upon their labors. 2. That where it is practicable the opening of the Sunday school bo preceded by the teachers meeting together for prayer. II. That the regular services of the sanctuary pel tain to the Sabbath school cause. 1. And that all tamilies who hold family wor ship remember the Sunday school especially in their prayers. Music, "There is a Happy Land," by the con entioii. i:vi:nin'0 simon. Opening prayer by Hey. S. Mitchel. Subject, ''How the family and Sunday school may co-operate, opened by John C. i nor, fol by Hcv. T. F. Hollineicr and S. Mitchel. Mu-ic, "(ialhciing Home, by the choir. "Tho responsibilities and duties of parents to their children," was discussed liy H. C. bitten- bender, A. C. Smith, Hcv. T. F. Iloll'meior, M. W. Xuss, Hcv. S, Mitchel and Peter Laubach. Mu-ic, "Good Xight," by the choir. Palling words by the President. "l'raiso Uod from whom all blessings How," by the eonvcntlon. benediction by Hew A. Houtz. Thus ended one of tho most interesting con ventions of the Columbia county Sunday School Convention, Tho attendance at all tho scs-ions was large, tho church being filled, aisle and benthos. I mi indebted lo tho Secretary for reference to his minutes lor the foiegoing upon. Yoiirs.Ae., J. W. ICI.IX.AXT SUITS, Latest Style, In Heady Made", at D. Uiwenberg's. At C C. Marr's is tho place to buy goods cheap for cash, Husscl will nnon his Winter trade in Oys ters on October lllth. I, W. llartman's for lluttcr and Kggs. but. & Sloan havo tho Largest Stock of Dress (looils they ever opened consisting nf it nek- A 1 micas, a eriiiocs.uasiinieros, nanis, iVe., tVt',, al prices to sun overyoouy. HOOTS I HOOT'S! 1100T.SI Shoes, Shoes, Shoes, Hubbers, Hulibcrs, Kubbers, Heavv. Fine and Suiierliiip, At nriccs to biiit everybody at .Melvinnoy's, .... V i. . i.-i i.n r..,,rt ll.iisi. .nil iioor uoiotv inei wiuu w..-v. Shot only 10 cts. per pound at J. Scliuy ler it Son'a'Xew Hardware- Store. Yak and Guipure. Laces, Worsted Frin ges, ami n great variety in uiom i riiiiiiiiuui, with a largo stock af Notions, such as alt ladles like, very cheap at Clark & Woll's. A splendid variety of Women's and Chil dren's Shoes just received at U. Jl. Knorr's. No moro trusting nt 0. 0. Marr'a. fin to HtiFfii'.i.i.'H fr your Groceries. Ho sells for cash and nnd produco and will not bo undersold. GLOVKS GI.OVKS I GI.OVl-S 1 Fine French Kid, Fino Castor Heaver, Fine Vcloin Driving Gloves, l.'lnn IliioL- DrlvbiL' Gloves. An F.legaut Stock jut received nt D I.owenbergs. Don't falTto call and pay 0. 0. Marr. Wlicro did you get tlint nico dress? At I. W. Hnrtman's. Thoso No. 10 Shoes nro still ntMcKlnney's Shoo Store, anil tho party that ordered them will plcaso call nt onco or they will bo sold in sections or otherwise So.vii:tiiin(1 Nnw, A. C. Philips has opened n Hook nnd Slntloncry Sloro In 0. W. Storncr's new building. Give him a call. Don't nik any credit at 0. 0. Marr's, ns you will bo refused. Farmers, you can buy ns cheap of Clntk tt Wolf with butler nnd eggs ns for cash. They niako no distinction. Apiilclon "A" Muslin 10 cents per yard nnd Fruit, of tho Loom nnd Hill Semper Idem both yard wldo Muslins 12 cents nor ynrd by the bolt nt Lutz it Sloans. O. W. Corrcll has just received n splendid lot of Looking Glasses nnd Furniture- which will bo sold cheap for caih. Fresh nrrivnl of blankets. Lnn Holies. nnd llullaloes, Ilull'.ilo Lining and border. ranie prices at u. s. l' tinnan s. Printers say it pays to tiso their ink and Clnrk it Woll use it to let their trado know they now have in their Largo Full Stock nt prices lower than over sold nt before by then). SIIIHTSI SHIHTSI SHIRTS! Fino Dress Shirts, Percale Shirts, Fino Chcvolt Shirts, Hoy's Shirts, Tho only reliablo fitting Shirt is at D. Lowcnberg's. New Grocery Department at I. W. Hart man's. Lut & Sloan havo thirteen nlocos of Water Proof ranging in price from 75 cents to 1.00 per yard. People coming to tlio Fair who arc in need of Hoots or Shoes can find the best variety nt h. M. knorr's. Stonowaro at I. W. Hartman's. - - . - An elegant lino of Gent's Underwear, Puro Merino Shirts nnd Drawers, Medicated Flannel Fine all Wool, Canton Flannel. Childrens nnd llov's Merino Pants mnl Vests nt D. Lowcnberg's. To tub Laiiiix You will find at Clark & Wolf's a great variety of Dress Goods hiich as Alnaeas in lilack or Ilrown, Cash meres in nil colors, plain and plaid from 25 cents to 4-1 per yard. Large variety of Mens and Hoy's Kip Hoots just received at K. M. Knorr's. Calico. S cts.. 0 cts. and 10 cents at I. W. Hartman's. Heaver Cloth ntf2.50. .!S..r0 nnd S5.00 nor ynul, .Wnter Proofs nt lowest prices, Flan nels in nil colors nnd prices with lots of oth er Goods nt very low prices nt Clark ei Wolfs. You can get Cotton Flannel nt Lutz cc Sloan's for 10 cents per yard nnd upwards and Wool Flannel from 20 cents per ynrd to ij ti'iiti. Men's Fancy Slippers nt K. M. Knorr's, 150 pairs of Wool Hose at I Hart- man's, 20 cents to SI. 00. Ajiplcton "A" 10 cents per bolt Hill and Fruit Muslins, 1 yard wide 12 cents a yard per bolt.aud o'licr Muslins very cheap. Our stock of Domestic Goods is full. Ci.ahic it Woi.r. S-1.00 will buy you a nice set of White Dishes at I. W. llnrtman's. 1 1 ATS I HATS! HATS I Latest Styles. Lowest Prices, Largest Stocks, At D. Lowcnberg's. Men's Calf Hoots, best in market for $5.00 nt K. M. Knorr's. When you conio to Town bo sure and look nt Claik & Wolfs stock for their prices will bo low and their goods nro in great variety and prices. Xr.w Goons, Xew Goods, received at K. M. Knorr's. All kinds just If you want a good Ham, If you want cheap and good Tea, If you want Colleo Java or Hio, If you want good Canned Fruit, If you want tho best Mackerel, If you. want Sugar for the least money, If you want tho best Syrups in town, if you want good Cigars, If you want good Tobacco. If you want anything in the Grocery nnd Provision line, go to Hussr.l.i.'s, Main street. tf-25 The constant increase in sales of the Singer Sewing Machines in 1875 (when they sold two hundred and forty-ono thousand machines in ono year) shows that families have learned their real merits and advanta ges over all others, and buy two thousand a wool; more lingers tnan ot any otlier make. luey having received tlio lirsl premium by the regularly appointed and competent jutigex at a lormcr rairoi tins county the machines will this vear bo shown at tho of fice in the Opera House where as irood or better work will lie done than by any ma chine on tho Fair ground. Oct. S 2iv Pewlcr Sand for sale at Hussni.'s. Good clean Coal to ho had only of C. W 32tf Xenl it Iho. Cheese! Cheese! Cheeel Fine assortment of Cheese at Hussel's, Faum nits. Attention. Itivsr.i, lakes Holier F.ggs, Lard and Produco in exchange for goods. Don't be worried and nnoved wilh not onlv n poor quality of Coal but dirtv and slaty besides, out iiuv ol u., iV into, wno deal only in the 'best qualities. tl'.'tf Farmers in want of first class articles of Threshers and Cleaners: also, one and two liorso Tread Powers, call on or address J, M, llulslilzcr, Light btrett, Columbia County, l'.i. ,iiii" C. W. Xll.U. t-Illto., nparo nncxicii!o Iof.oii1 nut nice Coal. a-'if AVyiiiiiini; Seminary nnil Ctnniiiercial College, Kiiitrstoii. I.ii.erne louiilv. l'a.. Inn aii'iiinino- il.ilioiH fur 17fl limrilcrs ami i!0() il.ty scliolais. .Slmleiits receivi'tl at liny tinio nnil i'liari;isl for linai'il limn tlie llino ol .'iiliiiis.-ion. Miiilents iireiaritl for colle-e, leacliinj? nnil luiine. i'oniinercial I'oiir.-e anil lelcgrupliy iiiisiirpas-eil, (Viinmon l'iiKli-h i-tiiilies tlioiouglily lau-lil, Colli'Ko ireiiaratorv imiri-e (dual to that of any other hIiooI. Semi for a c.itnmKiie ami n Com- mereial .loiiilial tu ICev. I). Coiielaml. I'll. I). Comincicial httiilents adilress I'rof. L. 1.. Sirugiie. Oat Meal for halo nt lliisf-d's. Call ami try ll. Wantcil, it man to work on cnntH,nlo girls to work on pants nnil vests, 1'or Win. Morris & Co. Tho Columbia county I'nirwill pobcltl nt IlltionisburL', October, 13, 1 1, mnl Ifi, Tliu prospects lor lignum exhibition aro flutoriiiL' Kxciii'slon tickets will bo Issued ou all tho ilillcrcnt railroads leailingto this place, iit Win. Morris & Co., nt tlulr new More In llio Kxiliango Mock, have jiikt recelvitl a grniul flock of Men's iiml Hoys' Clothing, (ients I'nr. nlflilng tiootls, Jlnls uiul Capr, Llollits, Caxsl. ineriH, .(e-, all of which mo nllt reil to the pub lie or will he mnilo up lo onlir nt the most ua Kiiialilo rates, If you want n firi-t clans l-'arm AVngon, If you waul n Plalform rieitMini Wagon, If you want nn Kliplio fsprlng Wagon, If you want it 1'lcnMiro Wagon, If von want vour Wagon wit In cms! trim. If you want n pairs ilono gootl wilh tliort notice, Oo tu J, It, I'M vs. When you go to riillailelnbla hton nt tho Allegheny House, No, 812 ami 811 Mar kct streetj having been iccciitly renovulcil, I'rleo only a per uuy, a. iiixk, Mnrch lll76-ly l'roprletor, COAL. COAL Old IMal.llslted Coal Yard. 0. W. Ni:ai, & lino., Wholcsnlo & Hctall Dealers in Jill sizes of llio best qualities oi Hcd and White- Ash Coal, at tho very lowest market rates, Jlnvo constantly on hand largo stocks of Domestic, Cupola, lllacksmlth's Anthracite, bituminous, nnd Limcburncr's Conl, F.spoclnl attention given to the prepara tion of coal beforo leaving our yards. Grain and Timber taken in exchange for coal, Coal delivered tn any part of the town ut short notice. Orders left nt I. W. McKclvy's store, or nt our ollice, will rcccivo prompt at tention. Ollico nnd Yards nt William Neal ft Sons' Furnace, Host lllooinsbtirg. Your palronago respectfully solicited. COAL. 17 1 125 1 COAL Hum1 TOMoriir.r.s Nuksino Lntaxts. It is n conceded fact that mothers who havo the care, anxiety and draught of nursing in fants aro weak nnd need tho aid of somo stregthening tonic to make tip the nour ishment required for tho growth of tho child. Ale, portcr.aud lager beer have often been recommended. Of bite, sinco physicians havo becomo nwnrc that Port Grape Wlno produced by Alfred Specr, of Passaic, N. J., is strictly puro thay havo prescribed It in stead of alo and porter, This wine is prin cipally sought for by mothers who havo nur sing infants as the best supply medium to ho found. The wluo is rich in body and not in toxicating but gently stimulating, Druggists generally keep it, and sell it for a dollar a bottle. f.wjujrcr, 4hll Conl slatitl nnd screened before leaving the old established coal ynrd of C. W. Xll.Vl, tV Huo. 2if Marriages. I1:LM:s SANTi:i:. In llenton at the rcslitenco of Cornelius Miultz, Oct. r, ls"j, by Kev .1. M. Harder, lr. Issac Helios, ot 1'lslilngeieek township, to Miss l-'rances E. Matitce, ot llenton, Columbia county, Tn. TOWN AND COU-NTHY. The Wood owes Its red color to minute globules ! which Uoat In thai Ilultl, nnd contain In a healthy person, a largo amount ot Iron, which gl.os vitality to tho bio )d. Tlio Peruvian Sj nip supplies the blood with this Mtal clement, and gives strength ami Igor to I ho wholo sj stem. o DYSPKPSIA. IIYSPKI'SIA. llYSl'EIVSIA. Dyspepsia is tho most perplexing ot nil human all. ments. Its ssinptouis are almost lntlnlte In their Muiety, nnd tho forlorn ami despondent .Icllms of tho Uncase often fancy the prey, In turn ot every known malady. This Is due, In pail, to the closo sympathy which exists between tho stomach and tho brain, and In part also to tho tact that any dlsturb.enco ot tlio digestive function necessarily disorders the liver, the bowels and tho nervous sjs tem, and effects, to some extent, tho quality of the blood. II. 1". Kunkel's Hitler Wlno ot Iron a sure cure. This Is not a new preparation, to bo tried nuil found wauling; It has been prescribed daily for many j cars In the prncttco ot eminent clod success; It Is not oipeciod or Intended to euro nil tho diseases to w hich tlio human family is sul iject, but Is warranted to euro Dyspepsia In Its most obsti nate form. Kunkel's Hitter Wluo ot Iron never falls tocure. Symptomsot Hyspepslaaie loss ot appetite, wind nnd rising of food, dryness In mouth, heart burn, distension of tho stonucli and bowels, constl. patlon, headache, dlz.lness, sleeplessness .anil low spirits. Try tho great remedy and bo convinced ot Its merits, tho genuine, lake only hunkers, which Is put only In 1 bottles. Depot,J North Ninth St., liilladelphla. Tor sale by all drugjhts and dealers everyw here. TACK W'OKSI L'titlrely removed with purely vegetable medicine, pasilng from tho system alive. No fee until the hejd passes. Come and refer to patients tieatcd. Dr. II. F. Kimkel, No 1!VJ North Ninth St. , Philadel phia. Advice free. Seat, tin and stomach Worms also remov ed, Tho medicine for l cinovlng nil others but Tape Worm, can be had ot j our druggist, nsk for KCSKEl.'S WOKM svitii'. lileo !. 1.'. P. Kunkol Philadelphia, Pa. o- AN IMI'OllTANT l'ACT. Tho voluntary testimony of thousands establishes beyond all doubt, a fact, ol vital Importance to tlio tlckaiul debilitated, vl.,th.U Hosteller's stomach lilt tors Is an absolute speeliio tor remittent and bitei mlt leiit fever, dyspepsia, constipation, biliousness, men tal dopiesslon, sleeplessness, chronic dlarihcea, and all diseases of the stomach, liver, uuJ bowels. The unmedlcated .stimulants usually prescribed In thoso cases only aggravate tho symptom, Instead ot re moving them. Tho Hitters, on tho contrary, act ns a corrective and luvlgorant, without producing tho unplexsant and dangerou's consequences of the old school practice. The action is mild and soothing to tho Irritated stomach nnd bowels, promoting diges tion nnd pi eventing llatuleney, ii.uisc.i, headache and nil ti regularities. A vvlneglassful be fore meals greatly assists dUedlon. The convales cent may Use them with great benefit, as a means ot residing strength und chccifulncss. o CONSIMI'TION CAN HE CUltHD. Schenck's Pulmonic sjrup. Schcnck'.s sea Weed Tonic. Sihonck's Mandrake lills. Are the only medicines that will cure I'ulmonnry consumption. frequently medicines that will stop a cough will occasion tho death ot the patient , they lock up the liver, btop tho circulation of the blood, hemorrhage follows, and In tact, they clog tho action .ot tho very organs that caused tho cough. I.lver Complaint and Dyspepsia aro tlio causes of two-thirds of tho cases of Consumption. Many persons complain of. a dull pain in tho side, con stlpatUju, coated tongue, p du 111 the shoulder blade, feelings of drowsiness and restlessness, tho food lying hoav liy on tho stomach, nceoinpalned w It li aci dity and belching up of wind. Thesa symptoms usually originate from a disordered condition of tho stom ich or a torpid liver, Persons so arfeeled, If tlioy take one or two heavy colds, and It tin cough In those cases bo sinldcnly checked, will Unit tho stoinich and liver clogged, i v induing torpid and Inactive, and almost before lliej aronwaro llio lungs are a mass of sores, tin 1 ulcerated tho result of which is death. Schenck's Pulmonic syrup Is nn expectorant which does not contain opium or anj thing calculated to check a cough suddenly. Schenck's Sea Weedi'onledlssolvesthefool, mlvs with the gastric Juices ot thestomach, aids dlgjallon and creates a ravenous appetite. When tho bovvo's nro costive, skin shallow, or the symptoms otlienv Iso of n bullous tendency schenck's .Mandrake lills are required. Thoso medicines aro prepared only by , J, 11, sciikxck .V Sos. N. C. corner Slxthnml Arehsts I'hlli. And arc for sale by nil druggists and iKders. -o Till: OltEAT ANTI-VEItlODlU Tho certainty and promptitude with which Hostel ler's stomach Hitters conquer tho most obstinate cases ot nulailal disease, nnil the complete protec tion which thoy nllord tlio system against the,- uutle poison which Impregnates tliu alrof low-ljln; 1 "--"-rally localities stamp them its the foremost of I Amciloan rintlpcrlodles, Wcereior on tlilieontlnent feicr aiidiiffUolsnrcKiilaiMhUaiit-ln tho bottom lands of thoSonlh, tho new clearlnus and mlnliu dlslilttsof tho West, nnd In nil localities In the East em nnd Middle Rates where iiularl.i provallcs, the Hitters nro recognized as llio only truo specific for Iho disease, and Its most reliable pieventlie. They are, moreoter, n i-afo and nxrccablo as well as acer taln remedy, unit on this account nro lmme.nmably supeilor lo tho preparations ot quinine, arsenic bl liiulli, and other mlnolrnl polsou? mlst.ikenijl.iilmln Istercd as curallres for maladies caused bj niUisni.t, und which II persisted In work Irreparable Injury to tlio constitution. Vnfoi tunntely, fever nnd njruc, and tho other febrile coniplalnls generated by miasma, are not Uie only ei Us hlch result from It, A great variety ot disor ders aro superinduced by tlio Irritation which It causes. Among these nro neuralgia rheuinatHn, gout, periodical headache, palpitation, painful affec tions of tho spleen, nnd various iloransrcincntsoi tlie stomach. When Iraceublo lo inalail.t, tho above af fections nro apt to aclinic, like tho disease which oilslnatcd tliem, nn Intermittent typos that Is to say they lecur nt regular Intervals, llosletter's Hitters, however, obviates them all, by banishing tliu mias matic v ti us from tho sj item. o nn: HEsr ritiKTiSH ofi'ice. Tlio present lsn good opportunity toicinlud tho fi lends of tlio paper, and tho public gcneruily, that tho Cou'miiian Jon I'iiimimi Ohice has no Mipcilor In this nctlon, nnd, in somo respiets, Is without an cipial, During Iho last) car wo IinvocompUtely ie netted our l)es and nutdo largo additions, and It Is no Idle bo.ut to Bay that wo liavo now tho Host Presses, tho llest Assortmint of Tpe, tho llekt Stock ct Pit pi r, Curtis, Ac, and Iho Hen Workmen In thccouutiy, our vs oilmen nie kptelally adapted tor their places, and wo make It a point toiilwujsglte our customers a neat, coireit and fcatbfactory Job, We do not claim to ilo woik fur lens I lain otlui's, but w III wai rant It to boas cheap rm can bo tlonouny wlicro and jlcld a tlio nt piollt. All who uie In liioil ot Job Pi luting ot ony klnd-l'lnlii or In coloi-b-wlll llnd It to their lulciisl to glie the t'oi vmhun Olllee a trial. Wo have on liana every vailely ot tards, Paper, Ink, Knulopis, Tags, Ac, that Is likely to bo called for, andean (urnUluuiy quantity or M)lu ol workoutltort notice. HUidttg to order. tf. Health, the poor mini's riches, tho rich man's bliss Is found tn Avmi's Mkiucinrs, after a fruit less search among otlier remedies. A word to tho , Iso Is eilfll cl"nt. -o wiiKiu: to ADvnimMi:. A. T. Stewart mijs the best ttdviillslng mediums lio hns ever found ''nro the old established organs ot tht two political pnrlles. nt the several county Benin throughout tho Union." "Hiese,'' ho snjs "icacli every family M the lciut account In their several counties, nnd nro more eyef ully read than any oilier class of Journals." If Xrr. Stewart's Judgment Is ot Value, there Is no ilinirulty In deciding which paper It Is for llio Interest ot b ilnuss men tondterllso In Thol'ni.oiniA Dksiochvt, upon which this pnpcrls partially founded, was uitnbllslie'd InlsSM, mnl the Coi.i'iniiAH now enjoys n wider circulation nnd greater prosierlty than It ever did. It goes regular ly Into two thousand families In Columbia nnd ml Joining counties, nnd by most of thein Is rend from Hi nmt to Iho last line, Ills the only recognised exponent of nearly live thousand Democratic voters In tho county. It gives ndvirtUcinents a tatty dis play, that makes them attractive to Its patrons, thus ensuring greater cci Utility that thoy will peruse them. While Its circulation Is undoubtedly mtuii the lnrsost In tho county, tho advertising rnles of the Columbian are no higher than those of other papers with barely half inn I. sev end not one-fourth the num ber of subscribers, facts like thetc speak for them selves. No shrewd business man will neglect to In sert his advertisements In the Coi.niui u tf. KSirYSTHAM FLOlTltlNH MILL, fsl'Y, l'A. STOUT & imF.ISCII, PliOPltlETOILS. (lencrnl dealers In flour, drain, Feed, Ac. cus tom done tu order. sep.-im NORMAL HALL LETTING. MM l H TMTSTKKS of the Stale Normal School ! at llloomsbuig will reei Ivo proposals until Wed in'sdjy, October lath, ls;n, for the itl'.liftl.DINO of Till: llOAIIDIMI 11 ALL of said Institution, recently destroyed by lire. Hie building Is lob" of oilck.rour stories high, 1CJ feet trout by 4a In depth, and a wing attached 7') by '2 feet, i he foundations will be pre pared by tlio'i raster's and the on hand Is to boused, from nnd after Monday, Oetoncr II, com plete plans nnd speclllent Ions iniybe seen nnd ex nv.lnod nt the omco of the Illoomsbiirg ll.inklnv Company. Information will at any time lie given bv calling nn the undersigned oreillieret thtin. Cash will be paid as the woik progresses. .IOIIN A. 1'1'NSTON, L. II. ltt'PLIII', i:. Mi:ir,NiiALL, sop. W-!t. Untitling committee. 80 EUIFFS SALES. BY VIIlTLMCof a writs of Venditioni F.x pounsnud fieri facias Issued out ol the Court oi common lie.ts or Columbia county, nnd to ino 11 i octed, w 111 bo sold nt public oulcry on the premises on SATURDAY, OCTOHF.H 23, lSTfi, at ten o'clock, a. in., tho following ronl estate to-vv it: All that cei lain piece ot ground situate In scotl township, Colilinbti county, bounded on the north by lands of A snvder, ou the west and oast by the same, on the south by the L. A; 11. it. II. Co., contain ing two acres more or less, whereon nre erected u pi mini; mill and nil machinery and out biilMlug and two dwelling houses. sti.od, taken In execution nnd to lie sold as the propel ty of D snider tc Co, MItiI.i:L(IItOVi:il. Illoomsbiirg, Oct. i, isTs. UieiliT. SlIElllFFS SALE. BY VITTKof a writ of KitniKaci:ivaU'(lout nf tho Court of Common 1' cii, will h'j uxivttcd to public w.ilo on tho prcml'sca on SAT UH DAY, 0CT0I5EU 2.1, ISTfi, at two o'clock, it. in., the follow Ins reulostutn to wn : All that certain iilcco nr imvelof taiul siriute In scott township, CommliU county, lwundoit by lands of .losi-ph llt'cUmm ami uth'M's ou Urn north, of IvtiT ll.r'.'iibuch, on tin1 oast, of.tamfH Lake on the south, uiulnf heirs or .luhu Koblson, oVeu-vd, on the, eontalnlnj; about uliihty-lx acres moro or lofe-s, on which are m-cicd two frame dwelling houses, a b.itik barn and out-bulldlnvrn w ltn the itppurtetmnees Seted, taken In execution and to b" sold as the property of Thomas t rou-im'.:. .Mli.'llAi:i.iillovi:n. liloomsburtf, oct. l, W.i. MiiTiir. SILE1UFFS SALE. "Y VlRTUKofawritt.f 1-icri l'r.cla-, i-siicil lJ out nt tiici'Diirl ot I'oininon I'lc.ts mid to me di rected w 111 be exposed lo imoile s.tlo on tlio prembes tin MONDAY, 00T0I1EU 2.'), 187o, at 10 o'clock, a. 111., th tollowln real ostato to-H It : All that certain int"u.iKt of land situ, He In the lll.ti;eot I.K'ht Mice!, on tlio sldoot a public road leading trnm lilooinsljurtf toOr.i!iKellIe,liound ed by tliu public road aforesaid, lands of llcorgc Miur, lli'iu'K'e .luhu, lvter White and Maltheii McDowell, eutitiiliiliiir 7 acres and l:i pcrcliesor land, whereon are erected a two-story traine dwelling house and out-lmlltlliiKS, N'lml, taken Into execution and to be sold as the nropi rty of 1'. Kclley. MiuiiAi-:i,iiitovi:i. HiOOUlibUI', Oct. 1,1375. bhcrlir. SILERLI SALE- VIinTKof awncm" Levari Facia-' issueil I out of the t-'ouit of Common Pleas and to me tliruc'd, will be sold at public outcry on the premise on TUKsDAY, OCTOHKU 20, 1875, at 10 o'clock, a. in., the follow Inif real estate lo-wlt: The follciwlutr ilescilbed bulldlii!; and lot ot ground of James .lennliiKH, to-wlt : ljcalcd on a lot of ground slluatc In the lioroiih of t'entraila, Colum bia county, hounded us follows : on the e.ul liy 1'av tun street, on the north In property 1 1 Ucorjie Jones, on Iho west by land of Iho Locust Mountain coal A: Iron Co., on the south by lot of James Mtcuiiuosti, It beliik' a frame stable hUleen feet front by twenty mo fci-t ih en and nfteen feet ht-'h. seueil, tiiKeit ineecuuou anil to oo soiuns me propenj oi dames dcnuiuss. ..lie ll.l l.f, t.llU . 1,11, Uluottttuurg, Oct. 1, ls7.') f-hetllT. I ;l,200 PROFIT on $100 s. Iniested In Stock I'r Uletres In WallMreet. Hooks and itrcul.irs ti'ltluir. "How 'tn done," sent free. Address iia. r r. it iv co., tiaiikers, u nan t .now YolK A Tl'OHXHY'S P.LANKK. Common anil f JU'U'iii'nt llonds, Just DrlntP 'Jid for silo at tho coi L'sim tv onice. Ail kinili of Attorney's blanks culler Kept ou nana or VJrcuicu to oracr. Coliglis Colli-', 1'iton dull-', Sore, In lliieuz.i, Ciotip, Whoop. ing C ough, Hoari-eneM l.ivvrdiuipliiiiit, l'.iins or Soreness in the Chest or Sule, Weeding nt the Lungs anil every affection of 1.1. 1'nroat. I.un-js and I hi si. ares eed 11) cured tn theiisoof lilt Wi.sTtn's iuijiim of Wit n I ilKiutv, which docs mil drv up a cotuh und leue lilt- f lllst- in lllllil, as isllie c.isi' Willi lllilsl It'llll'llH'S, but loosens if, cleanses the lungs and ulla.vs irrlta- lun, mm torn jving the cause oi the complaint. Consumption can be cured by a timely lesurt to this standard remedy, as, Is proved by hundreds of testlmunlils II Ins reielved Y"AI.WKI(HtTs; CO., WHOLESALE (lUOCEUS, S. E. corner sccondand Arch strcejs, l'lIlI-ADELI'IIIA, Dealers In TEAS, SYHUPS, COl'l'EE, Sl'llAl!, MOLASSES I ICE, flMCES, IlICAtlE S01U,AC.,AC. reorders will recelvo prompt attention. 1.7 tf IKON IN Till! 1II.OOI1. TlIK I'KHL'VIAN SVltfl' vitulln's ami em lehes Ihe tuooii, turn's up the sjs- ic-in. uiiiiiii ui iiieuruHcii iii'wn, eiiivs ti M.'nsla l)elillltj,ilioisj,ehlsaiid reverse, nrouic ui.iri Inea nenuiii, alfce luns, bolls huiiiors, diseases of the Ktiinetsanil til.tilder, fe mint- complaints, .ve. riioie-antls hate bei' Chan,, d b Ihe me of tlie rcnicd fiom weak, sickly, hunnlng creatures, lo (struii-,, heal h. Iiappv men and wi'ini-n; and Invalid- eaiiuot ie.tson.iblv hesllale lo gtte ll n I ACTION, lie sure volt get the "l'Mtl'VIAN svuif iiiut ruuv an lark Mi d by dealers ucnir. all). A lci-p.i;re oamplilit, containing a treatise ou linn as a ne iiu-.ii nut-in tiiui ouu-r laiuauiu i.i-is, tesllinunlals Hum illslliigutshed pin slt'l.itis, clergy, men and ulhiis.. villi Ikj scut fleto auv addless, hKTH W. l'owi.ij a Sons, pionlttois, so llaulsou Avenue, Huston, ?OK SALIC! A Very Desirable Town Property A c-ry desirable Town rropeity sitn.itol on tlio noiui-.MM lui ir r ii mil au'iiuu ami i I'liut' hin t i ikiw uITi'ivil fur suit) on f.iMjiiiljh' itTiiiK. Tho lut HW feet lioiituu Mil AU'luit) and iHi net Hunt on Lvmiu Miivi, una ronuuiih u i.tivu numnci' or apnir ttcad i. U'ur ami nluni nv. lounu' uiul liroiuu uin In tfuuil iH-uiltitf foiidltluii, at alnn ujirlrui, inLtailne aiai Duiiuiu'tiuu nil's, itiiiucuu'B, turivms, if :j STOllY DOUI1I.K UltU'K, thoroughly and completely ilnlshed and com piirutluly new viltli cellar under Iho whole mid iMs In all the loouis. Theie Is also i I'O.MPl.EI'E 11 UN. wtlhoirri.iuc huUsoiindhheilnt tallied Uieieto, and a I other necessar) out.butlillngs on tho iirendsih. llolh mi-ii and Llsiern water con venient, 'I he fences have all Is en le-wt lu u most i-uii-i,iiiii.ii milliner, and tin Min t mails uie p.ived Posm ssloll Kllcll at any (line upon bhnlllioln e. l iir pelf und home tuniltuie will ulsule dUp'istd of, 111 leasonaoi rules. I or terms, Ac,, apply on tlio picmlsia or ul thQ COLl'tlOUN ollice, to II. L.DIK1TENUA(.'1I. B003KSEM.ER iUTO STATIOBIESR, .Dt-iilor in Law JJlnnks, Sunday School Libraries, Depository of llio Pennsylvania Bible Society, WINDOW CURTAINS, WALL PAPER, PICTURE FRAMES, REWARD CARES. Hooks and supplies not on band can be Airnished On Shorl Notice at tho Jlfost Reasonable, Jiaios. Sloro oct. s, is;r,- in KxclmiiKo Hotel 3sTIH3"W RECENTLY BLACK CASHMERES, NEW MUSLINS, COLLARS AND CUFES, NECKTIES, HUC1IINGS, BACK COiMHS, LADIES NEW KID GAUNTLETS. NICE ASSORTMENT DR3SS GOODS PROM CENTS AND UPWARDS. :o : m NEW FAIjJu PRINTS TO AH1UVE THIS AT THE POPULAR CASH STORE OF W. P. JONES & CO., CilTiLWISSJi, Pii. jS1 JUW ST(J(JK OK (JI.0TII1X0. Gontlemsn'a Dross Goods. DAVID LOWKXISKKQ Invites attention to ltls l.irsoamlclceant stock ol and nt his Moro on MAIN STltUCT, IX THE NEW BLOCK, lir.OOMSllL'Itt!, l'A., wlicro ho lias Just received trom New York and riill ailelphl.a n full assortment ot MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING, inclmllnff t hi- most r.iiMonable, durable ami; l'OSSIbTIN OV I10X SiACIC, KUOOr:. CUM AXD OIL CLOTH, COATS AND PAMTS, Of ALL SOKTS SIZES AND COt.OltS, Ilo has also replenished his already targe stock of CLOTHS AND OASSlMEKEi), STltU'ED, rinujtnn AND PLAIN VESTS, "illltTP, CKAVATS hUCKt!, llANDKKIiCllint'S, OLOVEH, ISUSPENDGltS, AND FANCY AltTTCIES. He has constantly on hand a large and well select ed assortment of Cloths and Vostings, which Ue H prepared to make to order Into any Mud "s, of clothing, on very short notice, and In tho best manner. All his clothing H made to wear and most of It Is of homo manufacture. (JOIil) WATCHES AND JEWELKY, 01' UVEI1V DESCltll'TlO.V, FINE AKD CHEAP. HIS CASE UP JEWELKY IS NOT bUUPAisSED IN T11ISPI-CE. CALL AND EXAMINE J 1 IS (1ENEUAL ASKOItT- MEN'T OP Clothing, Watcheo, Jewl- ry, &c. IUV1D LOWENliEUG. illy 1,'I.i-tf. GBAHD OPENING I ELI AS MEN DEN HALL U'AVlNti tesiinieil the liiiilnoss of Mcrcliau- J.JL discing at his Old siote. on .MAIN STliUKT, I11.00M511UHC1, NEAK TUB I01IKS IIOTKI., Desires to call the attention of Ills Friends and the Public general!) ,u his NEW, FI LL AND VAUIEI) STOCK OF GOODS, JUST OPENED, And solicits asharo of publlo patronage HIS STOCK CONSJVl'S Ol' DltY HOODS, lillOCEUIES, (JUEENSWAIti:, WOODENWAIIE, WII.LOWWA1IE, HOOTS X SHOES, IIAIIDWAKL, ri.OUlt AND V'l-ED In connection with Ids kluk of Mircnandlgo lio iniiklniilly ke on hand In Ids yard. A I'lll.l.bTOCKOP AND HIll.NULUSOF HIS .MANUI'ACIVHE. Dill Lumber nuule iv speciality. CALL AND bEE. Oct.S.lSIJ-tf. JJuilriinx, Dlooinslxirs, Pa. GOODS RECEIVED. 25 IS, & 1st R E A D Y M A D 15 AKD CUSTOM MADE CLOTHING. HE HAS THE FINEST GOODS, LATEST STYLES, AND EMPLOYS THE BEST WOKKMEN l-'or tiood Fits and Promptness tn f.lllng order there Is tho place to go. Ills goods nre selected with care and Ids Ct'feVUM WOU1C will compare favorably with the best cffn t of the fasldonablo city Dealer. HE KEEPS A LAItOK STOCK OP BOYS' & CHILDREN'S CLOTHING AND GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS At Astonishingly Low Prices. A. J. EVAJ.S. Jtllyl, 1S73 tf. GLAZING AND PAPERING. rwMc K. liODlNE. Iron Street helow- fcc- ond, llloomsburg, Pa., Is prepared to do al kinds ot PAINTING, GLAZING, anil FAPEU HANGINGS, In tho best styles, at lowest prices, and at short nonce. Parties having sttcliw or to do wll save money by work warranted to clve satisfaction. Order solicited WM, K. I50DINE. Mar. a, 'Tl-ly. FARMERS TAKE NOTICE ! It Is ot great Importance to ou what kind ot lu.Uiiiie upplJ t" your Wheat Lands Ilils fall. If jou want a good crop of Wheat next season, and n heal crop ol lirass to follow, use. BAUGH'S Raw Bone kSuper Phospliato M'ANDAIID WAItltANTED. Put up in -joint, bugs. The base ot thU old Established Article Is Haw or t'libuined Hones, and Its strength cannot bo ex haui.led Willi the crop ut Wheat, but will provo ef feitlie on the rollowlng crop of urass, and will also permanently linproie Ihe soil. Farmers look to j our own Interests nnd provo If what we say ubuiil Baugli's Raw Bono Phoswhato Is true or r.tle, and notiry in ot tho result. Make iipplleatlou for It early to .tour neatest Dealer In Manures, and If jou cannot secure It througlt them, send our nrders din et to j our friends H AUG I I & SONS. Aug. lo-at. l'llll.MIEI.PHIA llALTIMOllE, PUEIjIC S-A-XjE OF VA1.FAUI.E REAL ESTATE! aMiE IN lTUSt'ANCK Ol' AN OllDEH OK I llio orphan's coutt i f Ci luuibla louiilv. the tin- i.i rHgncil, ueilng Hit eutor ot the htkt 111 nnd 'It tu iniiit-iii i.i jvuiim iiiiiue, line (i tno lownsuip ot lloailtiecieek, In snld county, deceased, villi exnoto tu publlo sale on the premises, on SATl'ltDAY, OCTOUEU 'Jtli, 1875, commencing nt lo o'clock In the forenoon ot mid day, ,ltii .u,i,t, ii 1 1. M, .villi., IU Hit. All that ci rlaln piece, parcel or tract of lnndnttt ale, lvlhgnnd U liiglnlho townblilpot ltoiulngcrceli. In said ooiintv, U.uiilleii and descilbt d as lollovis, tu whi aujuiiiiui minima ruiomen t-iruun'i on tun hi'm, lutiiiH oi Niuiuei iioui k i ii mo tion u, minis oi .lchii lllcu on thn can, and lands ol Oliver Evaus on Ihe south, uuitnlnliig ElGHTY-l'n'E AOItlCS, more or less, neatly ullilciirid lund. w hereon m,. uicled n TWO-SIUKV FHAJlli DWULLlNtl HOl'KE, Al'iamuHunk lUru uud other out-bulldlugs. There U ou tliu piemlbesagood Applo oiiliuid, unit other Irult. aImi, gooilvtuiiroutheiTemlm, IWcbtlon glteuUlot Apill, lstu. I'ONHIIIONS OV kAlE.-TfUlirteiit.iittlicoiic. fotuiliot the iiuicliaw uioiioy to le paid ut il.i- .-trit-li tt duw u ot tl.e 1 1 o ny, the oui-foiirt li li m. Hu ii u li nut. ut 1 lie icni.i inutli.dll the tah und ihe I nl- iince tu one jistr iniliimil, with mil it si Inn. nn ni'luallun UUI. ol laid Nile, I.VCA8 rAIIlllNl.EH. Sep. lT-lt. AillUg fcjiiculur ( 1AITI()N.-Mv wife lliu luvli'g lift my ouril. Mltliout ltist iiievn .,r lioiuc, bid Mnl bouril, lulilaliit, I liculy Infoiiu nil m.-ii s tl.ut 1 win in) VUUCkllBNJDUUI, LVlilllKl l AlOU Dl IIUI 1 , Alt, pleufcuni, October l, nic Increastsl ami remunerates!. ro ono ami tho nauio person.