The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, October 08, 1875, Image 2

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    t&mn WVn iT.m mxAJltmHliWl
8$i iTtlttuiBiiiu.
Friday, Oct. 8, 18V5.
To thn licailers of llio " Columbian. "
Tn resuming tlio Kdilorlnl clinir uf the
Coi.I'Miiiax, vacated by 1110 over two years
ngo, I fully appreciates tlio responsibilities I
incur, nud tlio additional labor will ho
imposed upon me. Tlio best gunranteo of
its futuro pollcj, U its muiagentout when
formerly under my control. It will bo made.
a. strong, nctlve, npgresslvo Democratic jour
nal j and will contain current, veneral and
local news; -reading matter Mr tlio family
circle, tlio business man, anil tlio politician.
It will be true, to tlio traditions of tlio party,
ami follow tlio teachings of tlio wise and
good men who founded our Government.
Whilst truo to tlio organization, it will not
shield a dishonest Democrat, nor defame a
meritorious opponent.
Gcorgo E. Klwcll is associated with me as
Editor and Proprietor of tlio newspaper. As
most of its readers know ho is a gentleman
of culturo, high social standiug, nnd posses
sing unusual ability and energy.
The recent Democratic successes in this
and other states indicate that with proper
effort wo can securo tlio election of our
candidates for Governor and Slato Treasurer
in November, and thus pavo tlio way to
victory in tlio Presidential contest of next
year. A well sustained county newspaper is
tho strongest agent in securing triumph, and
wo therefore appeal to the party for active
C. 15. I! hock way.
"Willi much dillidcnco I come before tho
public as associate Editor and Proprietor of
tho Coi.u.mman, for I am fully aware of tho
task that is before mo in assisting to mako
this paper what it should be, a first class
family journal. Our aim is to benefit the
Democratic party, and for this object we
shall give our time and attention and what
ever ability we may posses'; but without the
co-operation of our friends throughout the
county wo cannot hope 'to succeed, liy
them must bo solved tho question as to
whether tho Cour.MJiu' shall remain an
cflicent newspaper, worthy of the staunch
Democracy of Columbia ; from them must
come that hearty support which alone can
enable U3 to carry on tho cntcrprize which
we have undertaken. Tho former policy of
tho paper, under tho ablo management of
Capt. Urockway, has been indicated as its
futuro course, and I can only say that I shall
use every effort in my power to assist him in
adoptirg and carrying out that policy which
in the past proved itbelf tho proper and suc
cessful one.
Our legal business will not be neglected
by reason of our taking chargo of the Coi.
uimiAX. Ono member of tho firm, and
both when necessary will constantly look
after tho interests of our clients. , E. Ki.wxll.
Mr. Dicffenbach, as explained by him last
week, was induced to relinquish his pot as
editor of tlio CohuuuiAN, by reason of the
recent death of his wife making it necessary
to place his young children under tho care
of friends in Clinton county, whence their
mother came.
We know that it is with regret that ho
leaves the post which he had expected to
occupy for years, and tho peoplo among
whom ho had intended to pass tho remainder
of his days.
It will bo a matter of regret to his many
friends in this county, and to tiic profession
generally, that his pen, for the present at
least, cannot be wielded for tho cause in
which he has spent his life, and especially
at a timo when cditoral ability is in such
great demand.
Our best wishes go with him, and our
hope is that ho may livo long to aid our
cause by ins judicious advice, and that soon
he may sec the enemies lie has so long fought,
vanquished by an unbroken Democratic
front which ho has so much helped to
Stereotyped Statements.
In looking over our Uepublican exchanges
wo notice that tho charges against our can
didates, our platform, and our party, appear
siuitlTtaueously, and in tlio samo language,
with tlio samo italics and exclamation points.
Of course these leaders aro manufactured at
Republican head-quarters, and forwarded to
editors of tho Radical persuasion. J hey
are published as original, and without ex
amination. Tho result is that the RepublP
can papers aro edited by unknown and irrc
sponsible parties. Assertions are mado that
are proven to bo untrue,buttho mischief has
been done; tho calumnies havo spread, and
Jio word of refutation is ever heard
The charges against our candidates have
been shown to ho utterly false. Their legis
lativo records havo been misrepresented, and
neither editors nor speakers have tlio man
llness to tell tho truth. A man who will lie
for ft political purpose, will for any other
and is not entitled to tho confidence or re-
spect of honest men.
Fisher, a blatant loyalist, lato prosecuting
attorney for tho District of Columbia, who
was removed from ofiico by tho new Attor-
ncy General has been arrested for stealing
recognizance bonds from tho nrchlves.which
he was belling to tho Interested parties uu
der indictment, and also for stealing indict'
incuts and information against criminals,
Truly a raro specimen of Radical loyal ofll
Lirr Tin: Pj:oi'i.i: Havi: It. Tho Re
publican papers threaten us with Judg
rershlng's iccord. Let them parade it
No Democrat will have reason to be asham
ed of it. It will show no speculations witli
tho money of tho State; no connection with
treasury robbers: no tacrifico of the public
eood for privato interest. It is a clean re-
cord throughout and will need no defense,
Judgo Pershing has ever been tho con
sistent nnd straightforward friend of labor
ing men, While In tho legislature ho voted
for a bill which prohibited tho practico or
paying wnges willi store- orders. The bill
was inliodiircd by Hon. licrmml Relly, a
Democratic Senator from Hchuylklll county
wid pasted llto legislature, but was vetoed
by the Republican Governor, thus failing to
It coino a law.
Now niul Then.
When our nominee for Governor was a
candidate for Judgo In Schuylkill county,
his war record, his votes in the Legislature,
nnd his purity of character commended him
to the ltepublicans nnd Labor Association
in that county. T lio Miners Journal then as
now tho leading Uepublican newspaper spoke
of him as follows :
llKi'init.irANs, 1.i:ai and ni:n.r.(T.
"The follow lug is an oxtraet from tlio Legis
lative ll-cord of 1802, page Sol! i
Mr. Pershing, (on leave given) offered the
following resolution, which was twice read:
Rooked, That tlio llouo has hoard with
feelings of patriotic joy, tho intelligence of
tlio capture of Fort i)onetot) j and wo here
by tender tho thanks of the people of Penn
sylvania to tho gallant officers nnd men of
tlio army and navy, who, by tlio recent
victories nt UoaiioKo Island, Fort Henry,
and Fort Donelson, have ndded new lustre
to tho American name, blighted tlio hopes
of treason and of traitor, and thrown an
liiiticri-iinble glory over tho ne;e and nation.
Tlio above resolution, which was uuanl
nious'y adopted, was tho first of tho character
offered in tlio legislature of Pennsylvania
during tlio Uobclilon. -ftcr such evidence,
who teill dare repeat that Cyrus L. 'ershim
teas not a union war Democrat t Daily
Miner's Journal, October Wt, 1872 "
"We nlo givo tho following reasons why
all parties should vote for lion. Cyrus L.
Pushing :"
"1st. iloisn gentleman in tho primo of
life, of acknowledged legal ability, having
been the Democratic candidate for .ludgo of
thd Supremo Court in 1S09, lie having been
nominated without seeking for the office."
"2d. Jle belongs to that rlas of Democrats
who always sustained the union evtse during
the war. Jlc encouraged enlistments, and aid
ed in the raising of volunteers and bounties,
lie offered, advocated and had passed, in the
Legislature of 1'ennsijlvania, the first resolu
tion recognizing the services of our gallant
soldiers and sailors, as will appear bg reference
to the Legislative Jlecord for 1SG2, page 258."
".Id. Jlc has proven himiclf the firm, con
sistent, and tteady friend of the laboring men,
by us votes on the wages acts, the Itoga act,
money order act and all other just and
proper measures for this worthy elan of our
ellow-citizcns Daily .Winers Journal,
, 1872.
Judiro Persliiim's record on the bench.
where politics havo not been allowed a eat,
has been most excellent. Daily Jfincrs'
Journal, September, 1875.
The ltepublicans affect to believe thattho
rie platform means the repudiation of our
national debt. Xot a lino of it justifies tlio
presumption, no farasthecurrency question
is concerned wo are more conservative than
our opponents.
Hero is Lancaster:
Frco bankinir, a safe and uniform nationa 1
currency, adjusted to the groxing-wants of the
business interests of the countrypud a steady re
duction of tho national debt.
And hero is Erie :
Wo demand that tho volume of currency
be made and kepi equal to the wills of trade,
leaving the restoration of legal-tenders to
gold to ho brought about by promoting the
industries of tlio country, and not by de
stroying them.
Tlio real repudiators como from tiie ranks
of our enemies, and we wish to givo them
a sample from Republican leaders in relation
to tho payment of tlio Five-Twenty Ponds.
" When the bill was on its final passaye, the
question was expressly asked of the- chairman of
the (Jommttee oj n ais ami Attains, anil as cx
jircssly cntwered by him, that only the interest
was payable in coin." TllAll)i:U8 Sri:vi:.'.s.
Jf the bond-holder rejuses to take the same
kind of money with which he bought the bonds,
he is an extortioner nnd a repudiator." John'
" We should do foul iniititice to the Government
and to the people of the United States, after ice
have sold these bond on an average for not more
than suly cents on the dollars, noiu to propose to
mal-t! a rn-w contract for the benefit o f the hold
ers." Omvjjh P. Mor.To.v.
Comment is unnecessary.
A Contrast : Tho commissioners of
Schuylkill county two democrats and ono
republican were recently convicted of wil
ful misappropriation of tlio public funds. A
motion for a new trial was at once made, but
after being fully and ably argued, was re
fused, and Judgo Pershing sentenced each
of them, Patrick Conroy, Moses Hinoand
Valentino Rcnner, to two years imprison
ment, $1,000 fine and to pay back the
county's money which they had wasted.
They were, too, at once removed from ollice,
and their places filled by appointments by
tho court. Tnis was done in an overwhelm
ing democratic county, by a democratic
judge, and prosecuted throughout by demo
cratic officials.
Contrast this case with another wo all re
member, when thrco years ago a republican
governor, within a few days of the election,
opened the door of tho penitentiary and
freed two convicts whoso false, oaths ns a
consideration for their freedom, placarded
broadcast over the country, might gain votes
for tho then republican candidate for gover
nor, John F. Hartranft, now again before
the peoplo for tho samo ollice, who had rest
ed for a year under a chargo preferred by
tho oaths of these samo convicts. How do
you like the picture? Where, too, aro the
thousands of republican defaulters and cor-
ruptionists throughout tho land. Look
around, and you will find them in tlio front
ranks, nouo of them molested for their
crimes. Allentown Democrat.
A memorial celebration in honor of An
drew Johnson took placo in Nashville, on
Saturday. It included a procession compris
ing thirteen divisiousomposcd of military,
civic, trade and literary societies, which wero
two hours in passing tho Capitol ; nnd also
an addross in tho Capitol by ex-Senator
Fowler. A salute of twenty-o'io guns was
fired at suuriso; during tlio passage of tlio
procession minute guns wero fired; one gun
wasfiredcverylliftecn minutes through tlio day
and thero wits a natlounl saluto of thirty
soven guns at sunset. From seven to eight
o'clock in tlio morning all tlio bells in tlio city
wero tolled. liusiness was generally, sus
pended ; all tlio public buildings and many
stores and dwellings wero draped in mourn
ing, anil it is estimated that thirty thous
and people wero in tho Btrcets. Letters of
regret wero read at tho Capitol from Sec
retary Relknap, tlio Governors of Now
York, Maryland. Arkansas and Kentucky,
ex-Governor Loitcher of Virginia, Hon. G.
Welles of Connecticut, Adjutant Gencrul
Townseml, Senator Mcrrimond; H. C. Cuicy
of Philadelphia and others.
State (Inme .Usoriat'on.
This organization met at Harrisburg on
Tuesday last.
Tlio following resolutions was adopted :
lletoUtd. That tho corresponding secre
tary be authorized to communicate with nt
least ono representative gentleman in each
county requesting them to organize protect
live associations and appoint delegates to
tho convention on November 18,
The temporary organization was ordered
to bo continued until November 18.
One of the objects of tho state gamo as
sociation will bo to draft a law for tho con
sideration of tlio legislature which will mod
Ify and siinplfy tho present mixed gamelaws.
A new nnino was given at the recent meet
ing of tlio IlrltUli Association nt Edinburg,
to an old and well known disease "Emo
tional nephasia," raid n learned professor,"!
a disease In which tho pjiticnt, whenever ho
opena his mouth, speaks only nonsense."
The llnasleil Honesty of tlio llnmllinhlrrs.
According to tho act of Congress passed
nt Its last session, specie payments aro to bo
resumed in this country In 1871). Tills legis
lation suits tho National Ranks nnd govern
ment bondholders Tlio lntter class it will
ho boino in mind pay no taxes of any kind,
while tho National llauks havo large grants
from tho government to sustain their mono
poly, which is intended to mako tho rieh
richer, and tho poor poorer. I o iilustrato
how the National Hanking law works:
Suppose, A. 11. and C. havo ono hundred
thousand dollars and wlsti to go into tho
hanking business. Tlicy tako tlio ono hun-
Ircd thousand dollars and buy government
bonds with lt,whlch bonds they deposit with
tho government, and receive in return
ninety thorrSaiid dollars in national bank
notes, nnd then receive their charter and
open tlio bank. How much money can theso
three capitalists mako out of their money ?
Tlio answer is as follows :
For tho ono hundred thousand dollars
of the bonds which the government
holds, tho government pays A. It,
nnd C, six per cent, interest, or $iJ,000
Tlio national bank notes, amounting
to ninety thousand tlollars,for which
tlio bank pays tho government no
interest, nro loaned out to borrow
ers for ut least six per cent, interest,
nnd in many instances eight and ten
per cent are charged, but nt six per
cent, this sum of money would
yield in one year, 5,100
Total, 811,100
Thus under the National Hanking law.ono
hundred thousand dollars invested without
any banking at all, will mako almost twelve
percent on tho money, or 11, -100 interest on
$100,000 capital, and yet this large return,
in tlio eyes of the bondholders nnd national
bank', is not largo enough, but specie pay
ments nre to bo enforced four years distant,
which means that the property of tho work
ing peoplo now out of work will pass out of
their hands and into tlio possession of tlio
men of capital, who will buy it at a sheriff's
sale at n mero song. Caii thero bo any other
conclusion unless they obtain work? Tho
working people and their families must live,
md to obtain food and clothing they will be
compelled to raiso nioncyjthcy will bo obliged
to go to the capitalists, who will securo
themselves by taking mortgages or judg
ments on their property. These liens being
unpaid, measures at law will bo taken by the
leaders to get their money and thus tho pro
perties of thousands of industrious and
thrifty families will bo sacrificd under the
Sheriffs hammer, to pay tho persons who
loaned them the money. This terrible
calamity can be averted by a repeal of the
law, fixing a day for a return to specie pay
ments, abolishing tlio odious national bank
ing system, issuing more greenbacks and
taxing government bonds. Heading Gazelle.
Tom. Clialfant anil tlio Hiding Act.
To the Kdltors of tho cou'ihiian :
As Tom. Clialfant pours out a considera
ble quantity of spleen upon your humble
servant in tho last issue of his paper, I beg
your indulgence for a small spaco in reply.
Through tho paper I had asked him to ex
plain why he failed to vote when tho "Hid
ing act"pa.sed,which enables TroasiirrrMack
cy to amass millions of tlio people's money in
the Treasury and pocket tho interest, using
it to corrupt elections and defy tho peoplo's
ballots, besides enriching himself, Ac. This
was a fair question which any constituent
had a right to ask without ollence,atid which
any honorable representative would have
felt bound and been glad to explain. In
stead of giving explanation ho scolds like a
drab, saying I obtained my information from
New York papers two years after tlio occur
rence, Ate. Tlio fact is, I havo not read a
New York paper or looked into ono in two
years, or in ten years, and I did not refer to
his culpable conduct bctore becauso ho was
not worth a reference until candidacy for re
election gave him soma momentary imp or
tance. That he was a tool of the. Treasury
ring during his Senatorial career his acts
demonstrate, and that ho was nominated by
their agent is equally well known.
II is attack upon mo is based upon tho
assertion that I charged too much for adver
tising tlio new Constitution. I will only
say that I charged strictly in accordance
with my published terms and at precisely
tho same rato that I charged Uloomsburg
merchants nnd mechanics for tho samo kind
of advertising. Tho job being a largo ono it
mado a large bill,perliaps more than I would
havo asked under different circumstances,
but tlio terms of tlio blank allidavit furnish
ed by tlio Secretary of tlio Commonwealth
required the chargo to bo mado at a regular
rato. When I forwarded my bill I at tho
same timo informed tho Secretary that I was
willing to take whatever amount was paid to
other reputablo papers of equal circulation.
And that is all there is of that mare's
Rut there is much difference in tlio action
of Tom. nnd myself in referenco to this
matter. Ho obtained nearly as much ns I
did for tlio advertising in question, though
liis paper had only about one-third the cir
culation that initio had, nnd ho therefore
dono only one- third ns much ivork! Which,
then, is guilty of charging exorbitantly?
Another difference ; my bill was paid only
after legal approval by tho proper officers,
(Secretary of tho Commonwealth, Auditor
General and State Treasurer,) while his was
paid by Mackey, ns I am informed, before
there was any law authorising tlio payment!
Tom. sneers at mo for being "old." Well,
while age is certainly not discreditable, it is
equally truo that I am considerably In
junior. 11. L. u.
Tin: Ciianoi: is Ai.ui:aiiy Noti:i. Tho
Philadelphia livening Chronicle says, bus!
ness lias certainly undergone n revival since
tlio Erio Convention, Everybody seems to
bo in better spirits, Merchants nro moro
smiling and hopeful, and everywhere tlio
spirit of business nffairs is decidedly more
encouraging. These healthful Indications
arc, of course duo to tlio generally prevail
ing impression that Pershing and Piollet
aro to fill tlio offices of Governor and Stato
Treasurer, and that, ns a matter of course,
tho affairs of tlio Commonwealth will bo
wrested from the hands of tho Ring that
havo so long controlled them and bo admin
istcred by honest and cnpablo incu, So far,
so good,
The victory in California gives the Dein
ocrats a majority of States in tho next Con
gross, so that if as is very improbable, thero
should fail to bo a choico by tlio peoplo in
tlio Presidential election tho Democratic party
would bo certain to choose the next President
Tlio becoud Congressional district in Cali
fornia, by-tho-way, which wo reported doubt
Ail last week, elected tho Republican candl
dato, which makes tlio delegation of the
Stato In Congress stand three Democrats to
ono Republican, exactly tho reverse of last
Congress, Lxchunge,
Li'.(iisi,A'nvi: itr.i'NioN' -This organl
zatlou will meet at Ilnrrisburg Nov, 10. It
comprises members of tlio Legislature prior
to 18al.
Political Notes from tho Cnpilnl.
A (
iiApri:ii rnoM iin: history or Tin:
.ions and .ioniums on this iui.i.. Tittwi:
MissiNo, ao.
Haihiisiiuiio, Oct. 1st, 187C.
Ono of the sinecure positions on tho "hill"
which will bo consigned to a resting placo
amongst tho things which were, when Judgo
Pershing assumes tlio duties of the guberna
torial oliico Is that of "Superintendent of
Public buildings and grounds," at least tho'
position ns it now is, with its nmpla oppor
tunities of extravagant jobbing ami fraud.
Tlio present incumbent is Capt. Wm, H,
Patterson, who, to his credit ho llsald, is ex
ercising tlio duties of hh ofiico with moro cir
cumspection than seems in havo been the
caso with Ills predecessor, upon whoso recoid
we propose to let tho light of day shine,
Upon nn examination of tho printed re
ports of tho Auditor General It will be seen
that large sums of money during 187.1, 187-1,
and up to April of 1875 wero granted on war
rants to S. II. Walter, Supt. of Public-Ground
and lluildlngs, and also that credits nro giv
en him for largo amounts of money dis
bursed, but for what purposes, in detail,
disbursed, a careful perusal of theso reports
fails to show,
As oveiits lately transpiring have rendered
in examinations of tlicso accounts necessary
the following statement of their condition
and of developments in regard to them will
loublless prove of considerable interest to
your readers at the present time. For a full
understanding of tho matter, wo submit Mr.
Walters necount in full :
S. H. Walter, Supt., of Public Rulldings
nnd Grounds.
1S73. Juno
To Warrants
fi( 10,011
July " "
Aug. "
Sept. " "
Oct. " "
Nov. " "
Dec. " "
1S7-1. Jan. " "
Mar. " "
Apiil " "
May " "
Juno "
July "
Aug. "
Sept. " "
Oct. " "
Nov. " "
Deo. " "
1S75. Feb. " "
Mar. " "
April " "
1873. No.
Sept. Ily disbursmts. 208
Dec. " " 285
1874. Mar. " " 307
Juno " " 600
Aug " " 33
Sept. " " 55
1875. Mar. " " 2U
Mar. " " 212
April " " 2S0
The numbers "20S," "2S5" e., to the
left of tho amounts in the above record of
lisbursements taken from the Ledger in tin
Auditor General's office, refer to tho pages of
tho day book where credits is given to S. II
Walters for each of tho above amounts ot
disbursements, nt tlio time tlio vouchers for
the samo wero filed, without which vouchers
no credits could havo been lawfully given.
Examining tho day book we find nn entry
on each of the above dates for cacli of the
abnvo amounts in tlio stylo of tho following
which is tlio first entry :
September 1873.
Scat of government Dr. to S. II. Walters
SuperintcmUut of Public Buildings &c, for
amounts of disbursements 1, 730,1 1
There arc in all nine entries of this kind
as can bo seen from flto Ledger account
So tho left of each entry, in tiie day book-
also, in their proper order aro found ceitain
numbers which refer to the accounts
ind vouchers for tho above amounts, being
the numerical position which they occupy
or should occupy among tho miscellaneous
accounts nnd vouchers for that month
arranged in "bridle boards" in order nnd
filed away in tlio cases, where, provided they
aro not misplaced, future referenco can be
had to them.
Referring to tho vouchers filed for each
month from September 1873 to April 1S75,
in search of tho following mimbeis, which
tho day book shows aro the vouchors, for the
amounts expended by Walters during each
of theso months as they appear above, wo
find that they have disappeared in all
manner systematic and mysterious, and that
too before tho new Auditor General took
his seat, but not before such charges ns that
for a walnut door, under tho head of im
provements, to tlio governors stable, had
been usually noted and remarked upon by
members of tue Investigating committee and
others. Tho following aro tlio missiii
vouchers :
1873. Sept. No. 1213
" Dec. " 1-107
1874. .Mar. " 305
" June " 1201
" Aug. " 1381
" Sept. " 0472
1875. Mar " 4122
" .Mar, " 411
For April 1875 a credit appears upon tlio
books for $502,03 cash refunded by tho es
tato of Walters, but according to tho Auditor
General's bonks oven this does not balance
tho account, for tho warrants show tuat Mr.
Walters drew $22,400,00, and giving him
credit for $502,03 refunded, ho has credit in
all for but $21,712,00. leaving $057,03 unac
counted for. it is claimed however that Mr.
Walter's account, upon the booh of the State
TreuHurer issipimcd. A most suspicious cir
cumstance, when taken in connection with
tlio missing vouchers, which wero tlio only
records of tho items, in detail, for which tho
abovo largo sums of money wero expend
ed. How many moro charges liko tlio
famous " walnut door " have gouo from
tliegao of tlio curious Tax-payeis by tho
mysterious disappearanco of thoso valuable
papers, Tinionlono may tell,
Whenever, by forco of public opinion, any
of tho dishonest olliclals of the Government
aro compelled to resign, it is quite delight
ful to noto tho ChrUtian-liko complacency
with which they laydown the baton of ollice.
They are not only willlngbut eager to bo re
lieved of tho aiduous duties of their
positions, would havo dono so long ago, had
thoy been assured their resignations wero
desiretl or would have been accepted. Delano
is a casein point, nnd now comes his fellow
worker in iniquity, Uulinit Commissioner
Smith, eacli giving expression to tlio samo
hypocritical utterances.
Tlio famous trotter, American Gill,
dropped dead in tlio first heat of a free-for-all
race, at Elmlra, on Saturday afternoon,
Sho was 13 vears old, was owned by William
Lovell, of New York, and was valued nt
$25,000. that sum having been offered for
her witliin a week. As soon as her death
was known, "the band played a funeral
dirge,'1 mid it Instated that the Driving Park
Association of Elmlra actually propose,
should her body bo left with them, "to erect
a thousand dollar monument to her
memory I"
A'hlress nf (lift Ucmorratlc Slain I'oinnilllcp.
The I'lnanclal Issues. I'.ills or 1 1 ail
(liivc nnnoiil,
To'Jhe J'lrrtors if J'ennsylrania:
Tito time has not come for the resiimnllon
of specie payments j nor has the timccoino to
fix a lime nt mat purnoso. io voice has
proceeded from the mills or nianufuelorlos
from tho mines or furnaces j nor from the
farmers or working men demanding cither.
Governments are established for tlio benefit
of tlio governed : and until tlio people who
represent tho industrial pursuits of tlio Stato
nsk for a change, it Is worse than folly to
agitato tho question. The people, therefore,
ol this Commonwealth, who aro engaged in
mining mid manufacturing ; in agriculture
and the other branches of industry, and es
pecially labor, which is nt the foundation of
il, .....J. ,nti ..( It. Ulnln u1.,.1.1 i
tin' (iiuivi iij m mu Kjiiiki-, niiwinii uu UUII-
sulted upon a qusetion of so momentous a
character, ns a change in the currency, or in
tho enlargement or contraction of its vol
I low forcibly does this nuestinn nreselit
itself, at a timo when the Industrial pursuits
of the peoplo of tlio Stato are so fearfully
depressed hhu ts rich lu her mines and her
manufactories niul in tho products of her
soil. Her great stables have been made avail
able in a liberal allowance to labor, but
causes havo arisen which liavo retarded the
march of her prosperity. hat has produced
this is not tlio subject of inuiiirv now. but
such is undeniably the fact.
1 lie country has now, and has unit lor too
last twelve years, n paper currency, irredeem
able in gold nnd silver. This has been ad
opted as tho basts of values. Tho system
was not tho offspring of Democratic legisla
tion. It is claimed, by thosowho introduced
it, as ono ot those necessities caused by tho
Rebellion. Right or wrong, the country ac
cepted it, and since tlio close of the war, to
the present moment, nil our business trans
actions have been regulated by it.
Upon tlio legal-tender basis tho tanner
lias purchased his laud, the manufacturer
ml in motion Ins machinery, nnd the work
nir man coucht the lot upon which lie erect
ed bis home. To change this dasis of values
suddenly, by tho substitution of gold and sil
ver, would depreciate the price id land ami
caiio alarm nnd distress in all tlio avenues
of trade. Tlio change will bo u work of time
and cannot bo effected until tlio country is
in a better condition to receive it. And
however much the politicians of the country
may interfere, the solid sense mid good judg
ment ol tlio masses win, by tlio loroe and
power of the ballot, prevent hasty and in
digested legislation on tlio question of specie
However much wo may complain of the
want of wisdom that prompted the intro
duction of tnc present system, there can bo
no doubt of the folly ol attempting now to
destroy it. Whatever evils belong to it have
already been realized; tho business of a
whole decado and more has been based upon
it, and only those who desire to speculato
upon a breaking up of all values, whether
of labor or property, aro now advocating a
contraction of tho currency, and it may not
bo inappropriate to add here that in nothing
has the commence ot tlio peoplo l it their
government been to strikingly illustrated as
in tho universal acceptance and use of tlio
money issued by H notwithstanding tho bad
management ol the administration.
Wo claim that tlio Democrat!)! paity has
always been anil is now m lavor ol a sound
and s'tablo currency, and wo have uniformly
opposed tho mercenary nidations that have
so often disturbed and destroyed tlio business
of tlio cuntry. Composed as tlio Democratic
party is, in a largo part, of the labor of tho
nation, it is essential to its best interests that
all needless fluctuations of tlio currency
should be avoided, and it is entirely safe to
sav that with the government in their hands
lies tlio only hope of reaching tlio specie
standard as the basis ol our currency. It is
no part ot its mission or its destiny to aban
don! this idea. It will not. Hut that same
party must bo governed by reason as to tlio
time, the mode aim manner in which tho
point is to lie reached. It cannot afford oven
if it had the power, to march on to tho ob
ject point over a desolate country and amidst
the ruin ot its industries, it does not pro
pose to commit any sucli folly ; and, there
fore, when in council at Erie, tho party de
termined to put ltseil in a conservative posi
tion and act witli deliberation and discretion
when they passed a resolve "demanding
that tho volume of money bo mado and kept
equal to the wants of trade, leaving the res
toration of legal tenders to par in gold to bo
brought about by promoting the industries
of the people and not destroying them"
they but evinced sound judgment, and mado
no sacrifice ol principle
Tlio effect of this is to make one common
currency, save where Congress has made spec
ial provisions to tlio contrary, in the nation
id loan. Tli cio is no inll.itiou in this pait
of tlio Erie platform ; is is but supplying tho
peoplo with tin1 amount ot currency with
drawn by tlio National Legislature from cir
The peoplo of this Stale cannot bo forced
into submission to a strictly commercial ruie
in their business affairs. Commerce clam
ors for free trade. Tho people engaged in
commerce carry on a Ir.ilhc with all nations.
They obtain and receive large profits. They
can well afford to nay differences in exchange.
Our mines, manufactories and agriculture
want and can only prosper under protective
revenue laws, Pennsylvania has always been
a protective Slato and is so now. and she can
not dispense witli this feature but with serious
Tho commercial interests of Pennsylvania
in common with tlio interests of tlio Western
States, aro identical in this particular, and
their common de-iiny lies in t no samo chan
nel. With tlio exception of Philadelphia,
and which may bo classed more as n iiiaim-
factniiug city," with a limited commercial
marine, they havo no ships upon tlio sea.
Their tiado "and barter is at homo. Their
profits are comparatively .small, and they are
not in condition to meet sudden convulsions
in tlio contraction of currency. 1 ho est
cm States havo realized this stato of affairs,
and tbev havo boldly assumed a position in
which the Democratic party of this Stato lias
sustained them.
Tlio platform ndotned nt Erio takes tho
position that hankers and brokers may not
havo the control ol the currency, that mo
industries of the Slate anil the great question
of labor have, as thev should have, n voice
in tho currency iiuo-tinn, and wo fearlessly
maintain that this is correct. Tlio men who
rcprecnt these interests aro entitled to a
voico in tlio common council of tho State.
To their elforls wo owe its prosperity, and
' their advice is not to bo discarded.
Tho coal and iron tradu to-day in lids
Stato is prostrate : it is paralyzed. Tens of
thousands of men who aro employd in these
Industries will bo discharged it the doctrine
of immediate resumption is suce-slul j nor
will they bo in a much poller condition if
tho currency as contracted by government.
with n view of fixing n day for resumption, is
I'cllow-citizciis of Pennsylvania, these nro
important issues, and they claim your serious
consideration in tho approaching canvass.
The pressure is upon us. If wo cannot
avoid its evil consequences absolutely, wo
must nmignu) mom as as is mum pum-i.
It has not been tho work of tho Democratic
nartv. "Thou canst not s-iv wo did it."
Therefore in declaring, at Erie, that wo
would not permit a contraction or tho cur
reney, we deserted no Democratic laud mark
Our policy, as a nartv. has ever been to pro
tect and L'linrd tho Industries of tlio country.
Wo demand that the legal-tender issues bo
made receivable for all dues to tlio govern
menta policy that will speedily bring them
to par with gold and inicrchiiiigeanio mere
Wo denounced tho system of National
Hanking. Wo did so for tho reason that tho
National Government pays tho banks, acting
merely as her fi-cal agents, over twenty mil
lions a year lu coin. As tho government is
responsible for tlio redemption of tlio notes
they issuo to thoso corporations, why pay
them a premium for circulation? Why not
let tlio government issuo legal lenders lu
their place, and appropriate tho twenty mil
lions of coin annually paid as Interest upon
banking bonds, towmd tho relief of tho peo
plo In taxation. And wo aro sure the pro
ducers of tho country will bo startled to ho
told, for they nro in realtly tlio taxpayers of
the nation, that Ibis bank note circulation
has in ten years, sluco tho eloso of tho war
cost them over ono hundred mid fifty million
dollars, which has been paid in gold raised
by taxation, and wlilclj has been constantly
sold by tlio banks for purpose of speculation
affecting by its artificial nnd gambling quo
tntions tho prices, if not tlio values, of jjveiy
tiling continued in tlio country.
Wo condemned, too, tlio policy of tlio na
tional government In the iucrenso of officers
and tho profligate system of salaries.
Wo rjsolvwrthat the unduo multiplication
of the public ollleers and tlio inordlnato in
crease of salaries mid emolu iieiils of offices
are niiMii tho ria ly evils which liadlcul
ni'o has luive l lip-m Hie country ; nnd lu
I'm .n it ail ivonnnilcal administration nf tlio
l'V I nd mid Htab' gov iMii.iiciits, so that tlio
ponplu may be as speedily a possible relieved
from tho burthen of taxation; with which
they nro now seriously oppressed, wo call
upon our Federal nod State representatives
to strive by all proper means to reduce them
both to their very lowest practicable number
mid amount,
i'lii abuse of Federal power cannot bo
denied. It Is known to the country and tho
people are untrue to ihemscHcs ll they do
not correct tlio evil.
And not more glaring nnd offrusivo is tho
conduct of souio of our local ofllcials. It Is
alleged that the largo nuns of money set
apart in the ,lato Treasury, ns n sinking
Hind lor tlio payment ol tho public debt,
have not b.'ou impropriated its the laws re
quire, and Hint no interest on theso millions
lilts been accounted for to llioState. If tills
be true it is n crime of great enormity. Tlio
res .life of the Coll vent Ion charges openly:
" I'liat tiie conduct of the pro-cut State Trras
tilir, lutlio m in.igeiiicnl of tho Common-
we dill's finance, in hli neglecting inappro
priate Hie sinking fund lu payment of tlio
public debt as rapidly as require 1 by law j
iKifaee.iiinting for the interest received by
hi. u on the peoples money deposited with
the -vri'itl banks and banking institutions
thi iiii,'!ioUt the State, and his Insolent refusal
to su unit the archives of the Treasury De
partment to a legal constituted committee of
the I Ion e of l!epreentatlves, appointed to
niM-tii,;.!!!' ine same, is cause lor grave sin-
l.i... ,, on. I w iliwiirt lit,, til' tltn ni'
deoiiialiou at tlio hanifs of an outraged and
nlivady over-taxed people."
l are astnumliug charges, ami Ihe
panics accused should put tbeiuseUesun the
di fi-mive. Their silence is ominous.
s the resolves of the convention have
gone forlh to the people of llioState, it may
not lie proper in tills address to go fiirllier into
And now as to the candidates we havo
plac ed upon this platform and pledged to
n icloiiii nf the aliu-es set linlli.
Judge Pershing, the nominee for Governor
lias pioved liimsell to be, in his legislative
capacity, a statesman ; ho is an upright and
feailis- Judgo a moral and conscientious
man. lie is i-iiiiin-ully fit for the high place
he is in: in nomination to till, and the tax
ridden people of this Stale cannot aliiiid his
flic candidate wo present to you for Slato
Treaaurer, in tho person of Colonel Piollett
is woithy ol your suiiport. lie is a plain
intelligent larmer. lie has no purpose to
accomplish inconsistent with the honor and
credit ol tho state, ins rigid honesty is
proverbial with tho people nf Northern Penn
sylvania, and if elected, the public monies'
principal mid interest, nro safe in bis hand.
Ho would scorn to appropriate illegally for
private gain a solitary farthing of tho people's
taxes. Heaven Knows, wrung as they aro
from the hard blows and preserving industry
of our people, they ought to bo honestly ap
propriated. With candidates who are beyond all ques
tion properly selected; Humiliated outside of
all political lings and com biualions; selected
because of tiieir peculiar fitness, they should
bo triumphantly elected. Our political op
ponents concede that they are upright and
Honest men, and we Know them to bo sucli.
Let us elect them.
,f,Tlio time lias coino for change in tho
management nf the National and Stato affairs.
And in that change is there any conceivable
possibility that nllairs can bo placed there
by in a more deplorable condition than thoy
aro now? Our eicdit, our industries, and our
moral reputation as n people are demoralized.
It is to bo hoped that profligacy bad manage
ment and cmbczzlcuinl and ollicinl peculations
have reached a point beyond which they may
not further advance Tho tax-paying and
tax-ridden peoplo of this State have it in
their power at tlio approaching election to
relieve themselves fiom the sad condition in
which thoy now are. Will they do it?
Tho campaign wo are entering upon must
be aggressive. We havo no apologies to
iiiaKo and no bribes to oiler. Keasou must
bo our argiiiuont, and tho peoplo of this
Commonwealth, who are deeply interested
in a pure ami economical administration ol
their ulluirs, must como to tho rcscuo.
Wo charge upon our opponents that they
havo wasted tho puplic treasure in tho be
stowal of it npon their politcul friends and
puitisuiis; that through a want of capacity in
conducting the public nllairs the trade and
liusiness of the country mo pro-tratcd ; the
iron mills nro out of blast, the coal trade de
pressed, the wages of labor reduced, and the
productsoffarin areata ruinous price. Gloom
and depression in rur industries sla c us in
the face, and the time lias come lorn change
of policy as well as a cbango of rulers. Let
those who'liold the political power of the lam
answer these charges at the great tribunal of
the people, l hey have no right to nsic a
further continuance in power if they are in
the wrong, and they cannot deny but that
they are responsible- lor that want ot pros
perity which tho people of this Stato are en
titled to and of right ought to have.
IIusiinii'K H. Wf.Kilii'.
Chairman Democratic State Committee,
I'rom the Farmer's Friend.
RncooNi iiov or, Faumiius. Tlio polit
ical convention which Assembled nt Erie on
tholSth of September last, had the sagacity,
at tlio latest moment, lo recognize tlio claims
of tho fanner, by placing in nomination for
the ollice of StatoTreasiirer, a representative
of tho class in the person of our worthy Stale
Lecturer, Col. V. E. Piollet.
While it is not our pioviiice, as a general
rule, to discuss the proceedings of political
convention, their platforms or nominations,
yel in this e.iso wo may pe permitted to say
a few words.
That the nomination for Stale Treasurer
was entirely un-ouglit by Ilrothcr Piollet we
know from u conversation had with hint four
days previous to tlio meeting of tho coiivcu
lion ; and whether lie will accept tho honor
tendered him wo have not yet learned; but
of tills wo feel assured, if lie accepts the
nomination and is elected by the people they
will havo a relormer lor 1 ronuicr who, in
the administration of tho nllairs of his de
partinent, will bo influenced by neither fear
nor favor, and will know neither friend nor
foo. We this prediction upon a per
sonal knowledge of the characteristics of the
Wo havo not tho riuhtnr inclination load-
viso members of out order to support this
nomination. Each ono will act for himself.
Col. Piollet has been nominated by n Demo
eratic Convention as a Democrat. That lie
is a representative fanner and a leading man
in our order, may not assist him in the
campaign, hut it should not injure him.
Ilavingsaid thlsniuch, wudhmlsstho mat
terlVom further consideration in our editorial
columns. Our order Is not political, and its
organ will not advocate the claims of any
party nominee for oliico.
Town elections wero held Oct. 5, in Con
nccticut, - Amendments In Iho state con
stitution ('hanging tho time of tho Stato
elections lo tho fall, making tho terms of llio
governor and other Slalo ollleers two years,
and giving tho legislature power to restore
forfeited rights to an elector, were also voted
upon, Tlio returns indicate that theso
amendments havo been carried by a largo
majority. Tlio election for local oflicers
seem lo havo had little significance, there
being no material changes from those of last
year. Under llio local option law "no
license" seems to havo carried all llio small
towns, nuil license all tlio largo ones.
Tlio black Hills Commission have reached
Cheyenne on their way homo from the Ited
Cloud Agency, All attempts to obtain the
Itlaek Hills country failed, as llio Indians
."held out for fabuhns sums." Tlio Noith
ern Indians nro leaving tlio agency, and a
bad temper prevailed among souio of Iho
Tlio celebrated trolling mure, Goldsmith
Midd, undertook lo bent her best timc,lasl week
ut llio Southern Ohio fair, Klioonly nuido 2;30,
2:21 and 2;40J, Doblc, her owner, said she
wns not In trim. Ho It would appear.
News of Hie Week,
Abraham A. Wlnegardner, a wealthy citi
zen of Willlamsport, Pa., committed snleido
on Saturday night by drowning himself In
the iiimil,
Mr. Coleman, who is nietilloned ns
Delano's successor, recently presented to the
Piesldent a number of llolsleln ealtle.whicli
havo been shipped to tho President's farm,
Grant for tlio first time had a elnineo to
realize llio dullness of trade, In selling his
St. Lonls farm stock. Ho finds a big salary,
witli perquisites, easier than n horse-farm.
Rev. Henry Ward Jbecher preached his
first sermon after his vacation yesterday to
ns largo an iiudlenco in was ever assembled
in Plymouth ehurc.i. Nearly all tho Hecch
cr f unliy were present
Coi'nsHAOi'A', Oct. Ith. The Swedish
steamer, L .1. H iger, iimiilng li.'tween L l-
beck and Copenhagen, has been burned in
tiie ll.iltle. Tweutv-foiir of the passengers
nnb eleven of the crew perished. Tho
steamer was a smalt one, uud was built in
1858 at (lotteilbui-g.
flic Rev. Dr. Porteu, nn Episcopal e'er-
gymau, and L, I'enjainin, were diowned last
week near Ncwpoit, It. I., while out sailing
in a small boat. There was some suspicion of
foul play, but Dr. Portoti's friends discount
enanco it. Tlio body of iicnjamiu was wash
ed ashore near Glen Coo Island, L. 1,, on
Sunday night.
Tho members of tlio Canadian Institute
havo decided to hold tho funeral of (luibord
on 1'iiday or Saturday next. They will ask
military protection on the occasion, "and a
secret preparation is to bo deposited in the
gravo which will lender it dangerous for
meddlers to attempt to disturb tlio body.
London, Oct. 4 Tho 7Yir in its second
edition to-day has a telegram from Shanghai
in which it is said that Mr. Wadel is still at
Pekin. It is reported that Hon. Mr. Gros-
venor, second secretary of tho legation, will
go to England with despatches. The details
aro unknown, but it is not believed that a
final settlement lias been reached. It is also
announced that Mr. Wade has notified tlio
Hritish legation hero that his negotiations at
Pekin nave averted immediate war.
Wheat m-rlaishel
t 1.M
Il.u " 'J
Cm n "
(lata " l
l-'oiii-pcrliaiicl hi
Cloverseeil ".no
riassecil 1.MI
Tallow a
Poialocs la
Piled Apples h
Hams in
sides Slioulilei-s 1.
haul per pound is
Hay per toil 20JM
'I'linolliy Weed 4.MI
No. 4 on Wliaif l,ni) per Ton
No. r, " " H.7.1 " "
No. il " " $ " "
ULieksinllli's Lump un '.vli.irf J l,tm " "
" lllluialnoiH " t nam " "
Democratic State Nominations.
. Of Schuylkill county.
(tut. Titi'.Asmir.i:,
Of Hradford counlv.
Columbia Go, Democratic Nominations
CIIAULKSti. HAIilCLF.Y, Hloontsburg.
associati: ji'iiiii:,
(ILOUOI-: SCOTT, Catuwissu.
Ii. FltANK '..Win, Uloomsburg.
ur.wis'iTi: and i:i:('ii:pi:i:,
Dr. HCail W. MclM-'YN'OLDS, lleiulock
SILAS W. MclIICN'ltY, .laekson.
JOHN 1 1 KILN Kit, Locust.
JOHN It. CASKY, Uloomsburg,
.MARTIN V. II. KLIN'K, Oatawisa.
Republican Stato Nominations,
(loveinor John- F. IIaui'iianit.
Stato Treasurer M pxi'.v ItAwi.i:.
Prohibition Stato Nominations.
(lovernor Koni:iti' A. HiioWNi:.
State 'Treasurer Kl.l.i.ui F. l'i:NNYi'A('i'i:it
lleroinitie Meelings
DciiHk-rallo meelliis v, llllm iu-1 1 as announced lie
low. Tlio Vigilance romnilllees will please see that
tho places wlieio meetli.jts nro llxcil nio propcily
wanned. Twc speakeia Hill attend each mectlne-.
lliickhoiii, at DR'tteilek's hotel, .Monday, Oct. 11.
1.1-,'Ul Slreel, at lulek school house, .Monday, Oil
I'entie, ut Sliuiiirm's lintel, Tuesday, Oct. 1'Jtli
.Mountour, at, Plelterlck'.s sthool house, Tuesday,
Oil. 1.
.Mount Pleasant, at Jl liter's school house, Saturday
Oct, pith.
Main, at Mainline, K.itunlay, Oct. loth.
Sent I, nt lSpy, Saturday, Oct. Kill,
oi-aiiKcUlle, Monday, Hi t (Mil.
.Ici-seitown, Monday, net, lsi,
tmliTsWllc. Tuesday, Oct, IVIh,
t'l-anklln, Tuesday, (let, t'JIh.
Ijji-itst, ut Ye.iitci'a hotel, Wednesday, Oct. '.oth.
Mlllllii, In sellout house, Wednesday, Oct. Sulli.
Itohrsluirj;, '.Veduehd.iy, del, Mil,
('eiili'.ill.i, Tliuisd ly, Oct. til,
Mlllwulcr, Tliui-sday, not. 81st.
IIjei'H tirovc, Tliuisd.iv, iu-1. 21st.
roiludi-jMlle, 1'ild.iy, Oct. Wil.
IkMUT. Tildas, Oct. '.'id.
Inla, K.iiurdiy, Oi-l. Sid.
Jackson, Sitmd.ii, Ocl, uud.
Ileiiton, Monday, Oct. ti.Mli.
SU,'. Illo, if, III i:.eklcl Cole's, TllCsdiy, Oct. VCIll.
'I he nliot u nil! ha cu'IiIiik iiieellus niul Mill com
mence at 7', o'clock. Wlicm no liulldlii' Is named
llio uiemlieis nf the ataudlii',' conimlllcu will mu
a place Is pioeui-ed. Places nut iiold-il for will lm
llllcd hy writhe,' lo the (-li.ili of Hie Comity Com-
mil Ice. Ily order uf I lie Standing Cuininlltee.
W. .1., chairman,
IOH UI'.M. llio olhco formerly oceiipieil
1 hy Mr. Plclfenliacli, hi llio si ruin! sloiy ul the
loi.CMiais IihiMIic; Is lorn-iil. The sam nun lia.-i
lieeu cli.uiKcil to thu lawulllcuuf Urockway X Clnell.
fi .M.llllOWN,
I. Healer 111
pooiX ANII KIJOIIS Tiiuanih Pool's a speil.ily.
hepah 'm; done at slant nullce. PinUr llroiin's IIih
tel. llluniuMiiiit'. del. s, Id ly
Oct. s,';r,y JOHN I.AYCOCK, I'lop'r.
MHihitf Machines and Machinery tf all kinds le
paired. Omi Uucsk lliilldhiif, lllooinshuiir, I "a.
Ocl l,'T.'i ly
0i)iisilii tlio Cmiil IIoiisk,
III.OOMSIU'ltd, 1'A.
Tho Miuiksi' and llusr hi all icspn Is hi the county
Oct. 8,'IC-ly 1'ioprlelnr.
A T T O U N K Y-A T-L A W,
oniee. llailnniii's Pluck. euiner .Main nml .Market
Sllects. Oct, s, 'in
Ail IJIIIS 1. V-A I - LAW,
Itooins In Kuliajigo llluck, vd Hour, lllooin&bur, I 'a.
a r III H i i-i 1 iS-A T-lJ a w;
cm. I mi. ian licit. Pisa, niunmsliim-, lM.
Members lit llio I'lilteit Stales l.nw Assixl.illdii.
Collei linns lii.uli' In iiiiv ii.irl of Alui'ili'.i.
Aif'-ius tor i oiiiliieinul Lire nisitinwc company or
S.-IU1 ,.L. Amhi.Is, lit JMlMIHHIO. 'I tin III -.1 In Dm
eulililr-. Semi tor ilcsi-i fpl Ivu piini'ilili't. If
Itlll'Intt'S N'MTII'I-'
2 kstatk or e. ii. r.uonsT. m:er i:n.
lit me uiimiini iwinnj ! wninnm iviiiun.
The tniili-l-sWlii-if. Auditor (o ilislllliutu tiie 'mint
hi tiie Ii mils or tin- Ailmlnlsiiiiti.ri.r l', ll Hinlist.
Joe enseil, will ntteiiil to I he iliillcn nf tils iippnliil limit
lit the Wllcenf Umckwny k lllnell, In hlooiiisliiirif,
on 1'iMn.v, Now IiiIht A, 11A, nt 1" o'clock, n. In.,
when nun wiiorc 1111 MTsnni inning cniims 111,'uitisi
the witti estnte lire i-eiili-eil lo u-scnl the situin
lu-fol-u the Aiiilllnr, or bu ilelinireil from coining hi
fur a slmiii nf Midi final. (Il.u. 1). lil.U
IlloolllSUlllg, Ocl.S, I17.VII. Allillllil',
I.STATH 111' JOIIS SWISIICIl, l.ATK. Ill' M llll0
III,. .S ,
n Iters of Aihaliihll-nlliili on llio estate of .ti.lm
Swisher, Mtn of Miullsoii township, ('nliiinhu
coiinly, ilrcciiseil, IniM' l.eeii Kr.uiteit by tlio Keels
tirof sal.t county lo P. A. Watson, nf .Maill-cm
township. All persons li.iUiitf elulins njf-iliist llio
eslale or lliotlcccilciil nion-Ton-sti'il lo present them
fur tenement, mill llmse liulelili-il lo ihe estate lo
mako p.mucnt lo llio iiiulcisltfiieit niluilnlsi i-.itor
11 lllltll IICI.I. I", .t. ttAIMI.Si,
,,.'i.s, ,r r,i .Miniinisiialor,
talc of Jarob Ktntcnbuiithr, demised.
1 lm tiiidcrsk'iiod Aiultlorlo make dUlrlhiillnn nr
the haliincenr I lie fund In the hand or ,1, ll Knlllle
niul o. I). 1,. Kosli tiliaiuli r. Administrators nr itm
e-l.ile nt .tiicnh Kostciih.niilcr, ilceenscil, miinmMho
panics elilllled then lo, "III alien, 1 1, i llinilull suf
his al'iinhitmelil ut lilsollko hi Cal.iHlssa. on Toes
day, Noiemlicr I'th, l7r nt lu o'clock n, m.,t!ien
and whole all persons liaMnsclatiii nalnsi Hie said
estate nl-e leipiesled lo prescnl Hie same hefure Iho
Auditor or he iteluired tiein coiulm; hi fur a .liareuf
salilfilad. V. II.AIIIIOIT,
i ct.s.'To iw Auditor.
m-vri: ok .(inn iiil.t.. ni:eni-.i:ii.
The Ulidcrslcucil. iniilllni' lllinolliteil liv Hie Or
plum's I'uiiit nf I'nimnlil.i count) lo make itlslillm.
lion ut the halance In llic liandsiif sieplieu mil, Ail
mini! niter nf I lie eslale or Adam lltll, lap' of Centra
toitnslilp, mu niieinllo llio ilutli-s of Ids appoint
ment at 111! nllli-e, In llliiniiisliill'i.', nn S.iloi il.iy,
the d i) nf Nnvcinlief, s;r,, nt la o'clock, In tho
fni-cniiooii, uhen and where nil ih-i-siiiih hailicr
claims on lie mud are reipihed lo present llicm
in i,e neii.iiii-n iium coming in inr u snare in I no
same. i:. II. UilXKlt.
Oct. h,V, -lw Ainlllnr,
Dealer In
X3z,cmr WAXcxrar;, clocks,
Silverware, Wittchtw mid Jewelry
III.OOMsliritll, I'A. '
Ijnlles- an I (leiitlemeli's (Intel nod SI cr u niches,
of Aiia-rli an and l'm-cUti maiuiiucliiiv.
Silver and Plated Ware, Clocks.
FINK .IKWKL1IY, .".(., .('.
I'l'oniiiUy flxcciilod.
oet.s.Tr. 1)-
Dealer In
All kind! nr
Dried Fruits,
Canned Fruils,
njUEo inr.Arjs, ieams,
Fresh M, MM ami Coil Fisli,
And Ilia lai'ifest
CJonorul Assordneiil of (iroeerios
At tho
Cor. .Main anil Center St.., Hloomslmi-jr, l'.i.
Oct. S, IsTS
'Ine undci-sliied, Auditor lo dlstrlliule mini 111
Ihe hand or ihe Aiahilslralur, nt Ihe eslale nr
.laenh Maliiillc,', deceased, amoic,' the panics en
titled Iherelo.iillliiieet I he parlies Intel c.sleil rui ihe
purpose or Id appointment on .Mond iv, lirlolu-r is,
Isl.' niu'innk, ll. m., lit llienlllcu nr II. It. Ikeler,
In llloiiiiishio-;, at uhleli lime and place all milks
liileiesli-d ivlllallend and iie.scut lliclr claims, nr
he fmvi erdeharreil li-nuicumliu; In for a OKI ho hi said eslale. r. I'. IIII.1..M YKIi,
lllnoiiisburj; Sepleuilier 1", tsl.VIt Audltur.
in 1 iik i (I'lKiuii' iiii: csrui: ocoKoKiin macs,
iim r.A-i i.
The undersigned, Mnlllor lo m ike illstilhiilloii nf
Ihe halance ul ihe iiiinl hi the hands nr 'Ihomas.l.
Nauili-i-sllee, AihuliiMraliii', i.llli Ihe will aiiii,,
alllnli',',1 Ihepalllesi Utllleitllielelii.HlUallellillolhn
appointment nl Ids oliico In lllouiiisliiii'),', nnTliuui
ila.i, Oetolier 1 1. is; ,, ol la o'clock, a. in , u la-nand
uhern nil persons h ivln r ilalms uicahisl Ihe said
eslale me recpiln-d lo pn-scnt Ihe same heiiue llio
Ainlllnr nr he ilcharicil rioin i uinln;,- hi lor a shaic
uf said fund. ISollliUl' '. L'l.AhK,
lllunmsliure;, Sep!. i;,'i;,.it. Alldltul.
I J 1"- I'ATi: OC l-llll II' llnv, lllCFASl'.li.
I.i Hers I. -si. nn. iii.irj nn the e,i-.inf I'tdllpWlf
hun, l.ue or l-'lsiiiii.'cii-i-k limnshlp. colinniitacoiiiii),
di ceased, h ne hern irr.-inied h Ihe IU";lsU-r nf said
coiiiiI), io.lull.1 A. Wilson nnd ,l.n nh u. Wilson, ur
I'lshllik'cieek lorthshlp, culumlila comity, In. Hee
titnis, ui whom nil pcisom Indehiul to said cslnle.
uie leipiesled lo make pa) ineiil, ami thuac h.nlnu
i lahus or demands niialhsi n. s.iidi-slate mil make,
them known to the said h.ei nlors wllhoiitdel.H.
.11 I.IA A II.son,
Ale;. '.'I, "Ml.' i:eeiilois.
irt-NKClTOlt'S NOTK'K.
.1 j i.srAruo!- joiin Minim,, iuck(si;i,
Ij IterslesiaiiieiilarvoiiiliecslaU'nf.lnhii .Michael,
l.ile nr -Mlllllii linviiHilp, I'olninU.i i oiuit , di leased,
have lieeu 1,'i-aiiled h. ihe 1,'ckIsIci of said (nlilil) to
.loliu II. Ih iter, uf Mlllllii ttmnshlp, C'olnnilil.i ooim-
ly, l'.i , i:eeiilui-, lo I i nil ptrsi us llidclileil in
said estate am iiiuisled to make lujlnml ami
those haMiii; i lahas or demands uj-uliisl the said
i slalo will make Ham known inthesald i:ii illor
milium iicki). joiin n.
Aus. I-Gl. i:eculur.
KSI'dK III' llll'lllllll I'. kri.l.KII, IIFC'II.
I., tiers ni Adinlidslralloii on thelMateut I. It hard
I'. Keller nf Ceidralla, eiihiinlil.i Cnunl) deceased Ih-i-ii irr.nitcd hy the llcKlslei-nf said count) lo
Kimucl l Keller rclili.ill.i, Uoluinhla cnunl), I'a., lo
whom all persons IndeUled lo said IMale arc re
ipieslcd lo make pa) iiieut, and those hailiii- t lathis
iijmIiisi I ho wild estate mil make them known lulhe
said nilniliilMrnlor mihoiil delay.
HA.Ml i:i, I.. Km.l.hll, Minn-.
Sept. 91, lsT,
"VTOTICK IS llKKKIlY tiiVKN that llio
iindersljiiied hasuccii apmluled nil ASsI rneo
lurllie iK-uellluf lliiMTcdlloisnt.l..l, IhUKkiinl, uf
lent rail. l hoi-ouirh, hi CohinihU eouiil), mid han
takeilUiollhllilselrlhi'ihltte.snth''llllst. All pi I sons
arc Iherefuiii icipiheii lo n I leu II Ii him, niljusi mid
p ly lo hliuall iiccounls, ilclilsand iluesnf I In-said .1. .1.
1 lnu'jl.iml 1 and thoso li.ivlnir claims lo submit Uu in
to Iho Assignee propel I) aulhciillealed.
Sept. .V,t. I'.lVlllos, Nuilhlimhellalld Co., I'll,
TTaluafclc Property,
In pin-KUanco nf mi order nf thu Orphans' (,'ouit nf
Colninlila County, Iho uiidcrrUiieil, Adinlnlsiralor
nf Kli-liuid I', Keller, late nr Centra!!.!, Colninlila Co.
I'a., ilivoati d, will evposo lo public sale at Ihel'ulilU
Union ul ,1. II. Klhufcr, hi lioailngcicck, In bald
eoiinly, on
KATl'ItDAY, OtTOIIKIt is-,".. ,
Coniini'iK In'al 1 o'cloi I: lutlienileiiinoiint said i'ay
Ihe followlm; ilescillnit heal IMale, In wlti All
that t el lain piece, paii-il or Kin I nl lluihci-,
Kit nut In lioaiir lounslilp, Cohimlil.i luiiuly, ml
jojuluif laud uf .lolin Mimcr), Haldol (fcarhait,
Trunk In I.. Miiiiii.ui, uml ndu-ix, cniiiuliilnn
150 ACRES,
All Tin, In r I uml, cniihM hit; nf While. md I'lleh I'lmi
White nnd Hi i k Oak 'I IihUt, I) Iter within I . inlks
nf the ( uluwlssa rnllioad.
coNlirilONKOl' fAl i: ' nne-hnlf
(f the iiKlaiM' nami) In In old nl llio slilklni;
iK-wn 1 1 II I-1 l(J 1 11), Ike l la l ull It sh li e Hn -i-ii
Id. lole luld ut tin iddlimuilin if Ihe ndc uml
the Ultimo In din Miir ll.tiinmr, with Interna
Iniii (Hillnnullui nlM nf mid t-utc.
KAMI 1 1 U hl'Uril.Atflii'r.
Jfciillntcuik, t-ipt, ft, md- lu