The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, October 01, 1875, Image 1

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Issued weekly, every Friday morning, nt
At two H0LI.AH3 per year, avnMa In advance, Or
during Mm yenr. After tho expiration of the lenr,
S,w) will tsj ch.irircd. To subKcrlN'ra nut of the
county tlictrin.i aro Upcrjcnr strictly In uflviihoo
IJ.WIt not paid In wlvanco noil f3.ou It payment
to delayed beyond tlio s oar.
Vn nnr ril-ieonf Inuml. lucent nt I ho notion of ttin
lMihUshor, until nil arrearages nro paid, tjtit lun
continued credits ntler tlio expiration of the Hrst
yi ar will not lie given.
Ml papers sent out of thofl'a'o, or to distant post
onlcos, mast bo paid for In advance, unless n rospon.
Blblo person In Columbia county assumes to pu. tlio
aitiwrlntlon duo on demand.
ro.s rA(iI) Is no longer oxactcd from subscribers In
t lio county.
Tlio Jobbing Department of iho Columbian Is very
complete, nml our. lob Printing will comparo favor
tbly wl i li that of I ho largo cities. All work Uono on
jomand. neatly and nt modernto prices.
Columbia County Official Directory.
President Judgo-Wllllam r.lwell.
,V ncUto .lU'Ues-lmm Dorr, Kmc S. Monroo.
l'rothonotury, .Vfl. U. I'rank Zurr.
(eglster x Iteuorder Williamson II. Jacoby.
filslrlcl Attorney -John -M, Clark.
!hiirltr Michael drover.
Murvo.or- Imuc. IMivllt.
reasurer lolui mi der. ....
Oo:ninlssloncr.s-WlllUin Lawton, John llcrncr,
Commissioners' Clerk William Kilrkbatim.
Auditors t'..J.Onlniuol',H. II. Smith, D.iMd Yost.
Coroner-Charles (l.-Murphei .
Jury Commissioners Jacob It. l ilt, William II.
1 cnuntv supcrlntcndcnt-Wlillam II. Hnyrtori
III00111 Poor IH-.1 let-Directors o. 1". Hut, Fcolt,
vVnt. Kramer. Iilonmslnirg nnd Thomas eroding,
H-oit, o. 1'. lint, Secretary.
Bloomsburg Official Directory.
llloomsburg Hanking Company .John .. l'unston,
I'reslden', II. II. nro 7, Cashier.
Kirs' National Hank Charles 11. Paxton, ''resident
J. I'. Tus In, 1 ashler.
Columbia County Mutual Saving Fund and Loan
Aivuclallon-1:. II. Little, President, C. W. Miller,
Htoomsburg llull.llng and SaMng l-'iitid Association
-Win. Peacock, President, J. II. Itublson, Secretary.
Htoomsburg Muiual NaMng Fund Assuctnilon J
nrowcr, i'resldeiit, C. 0. Harkley, Secretary.
Uor.J. P. TusMn, (supply.)
'l'ind.17 H 'rvlces -In', .1. m. and Srf p. m.
Sutid 1 school 'J n. m.
Prayer .Mcctliijr-Hvcry Wednesday evening nt Ojtf
S2.1.8 Irce. Tho public aro In Ited to at lend.
sr. .mattiikw's i.utiikkas cut'iicii.
Minis t r l!ev. J. McCron.
Sunday Srvlces loy a. m. and CM p. m.
Sunday School a a. in.
l'rn cr Meet Ing Lvery Wednesday evening at IK
Seats free. Nopows rented. All nro welcome.
llnlslcr-ltcv. Stuart MHshell.
Sunday SerMees 10 n. 111. and C,v; p. m.
SuniUiy school -9 a. m.
Praver Meoilng Lvery Wednesday evening nt tys
Seals free. No pews rented. Strangers welcome.
Presiding Llder llcv. N. S. Hiicklusham.
Minister Itev. J. II. Mcdarrah.
Sunday SerMees l'VM nnd oj )(. m.
Suiulav School J p. m.
Hlble Class-Lverv Monday evening nt C4 o'clock.
V'oiing Men's Pmer Memlng Kvcry Tuesday
lenlng at f,'A o'clock.
Jeneral Prajer Meeting Hvcry Thursday evening
Corner of Third nnd Iron streets.
Pastor liev. T. 1". llorrmclcr.
Husldenco Last street, near forks Hotel.
Sunday Services WA 11. m. mid &x p. m.
Sunday School 3 n. in.
Prajer Meeting Saturday, 7 p. m.
All aro ln lied There Is always room.
SerMees every Sunday atternoon nt 2 o'clock at
Idler's church, Madison township.
itector-liev. John Hewitt.
Sunday Servlees-Wj a. m., na p. m.
Sunday School a a. m.
1'lrst Sunday In tho month, Holy Communion,
Scrlces preparatory to Communion on Friday
Evening Ucfoi'o Iho st Sunday In each month.
Pews rented; but ever bodv welcome.
Persons deii lug to cuusull the Hector on religious
nutters will llnd him at tlio parsonage on Hock
Presiding Hlder Hev. A. L. ltceser.
Minister liev. J. A. Irvine.
Sunday Senlou 3 ji. in., In tho Iron street Church.
rra or .Meeting i; ery .
iabbatli nt i 11. 111.
All are In Ited.
All nio welcome.
Hector ltev. John Hewitt.
Sunday Services 3 o'clock p. in. every Sunday.
Sunday School 1:30 p. m.
Holy comiuuuton tho second Sunday In tho month.
iTLOOMSll VUi ' 1)1 lUCCTOli i'.
QCIIOOl, OltDKItS, lilank, in priiile.1 ami
J neatly bound In small books, n hand and
for sale ul tlio columuian oniee.
i-eb. Ill, lsTS-t!
"l LANK DElvDS, on Parclinunt uml I.inen
I ) P.itier, common and for Adinlnls' rators, i:eeu
f jrsaiul trustees, for bale cheap ut thu colusiiiun
f AliKIAOK C'EKTM-'ICATliSjiut printed
nnd fur sate nt ttiu coi.uintiAN Olllco. Minis-
its uf tho oosncl nnd Justices slioiild supply them
selves with theso uecessary nrtlcles.
J" USl'ICIvS and CoiistaliW l'ee-liills for sale
at 1 ho Columbian ofllce. They eonlatn tho cor
recled fees as established by tho last Act of the Leg
Mature upon tho subject. Kcry Justice and Con
stablo should havo one.
"VrKN'DUK NOT1CS just piintcd and for sale
cheap at tho Columbian ofllee,
AVID I.OWKNISKItG, Jlercliant Tailor
Main St., aboe Central Hotel.
HUNUY KMC1J1, Mniiafaclurer and dealer
In boots and bhoes, groceries, etc., Mali St.,
Tl M. KNOItU, Dealer ill Hoots and Shoes,
latest and best styles, corner Main ami Mai Uet
Sttecls, In tho old posl otuce.
. and Jewelry, M.i
Dealer in Clocks, Watches
iln bt., Just below the Central
OU1S ItlCUXAUI), Watch and Clock
maker, near southeast comer Mam onuirou.
1SS M. DKllUICKSON, Millinery ami
l'ancy (loods, Main St., below Murkct.
HC. IIOWICI!, Hats and Caps, linots and
. Shoes, Main street, alio 0 Com t House,
Q II. MIU.KR .t POK, dealers in Dry
O . (loods, groceries, queensware, Uour, bait,
hlioes, notions, etc., Main street.
( (1. ItAltlvMIY,
4 and a, nrow cr s ouuumg, in nuui ,
Dlt. WM. JI. 11KI1UU, Surgeon and Physi
cian, onico S. L'. corner Hock uudMuiket
T . EVANS, Jt. D., Surgeon and 1'hysi
J . clan, noith bide of Main btrect, above J. K.
liyei 's.
It. McKHI.VY, JL D., Surgeon and l'hy
blclan, 1101 Hi side .Main btieel, below Market.
lu Ihulmuu'sbulldlii;
IACOI1Y. Jlarhlo nnd llrown
Stone Works, Last Hloomsburg, llem lck road.
HllOSNlCSTOC'K, Photographer, over
, Clark Si Wolf's btore, Main btrect.
DU. II. (!. UOWIUi, Siirgisiii DentUt, Jlain
bt., above 111 ' Court House.
TH. JI.VIZK, Jlaiiimotli Grocery, line Gro-
eerles, 1'rults, Nuts, Provisions, Jce., Main und
Cell' 1 0 streets.
IS. KU1IN, dealer in Meat, Tallow, tic,
Cenli'ii btrcet, letweeu Second and Third.
M. CIII5ISTMAN, Saddle, Trunk and
, Harness maker, shHo's liloek, Main btreet.
riMIOMAS WKllll, Confectionery and Hiker;',
X wholesale una ictall, HAChango lllock.
'1 W. COItELL, Eiirnitiiro Itoom, three-
bisry unci;, .viauibireei, veai ui .uoimi 01.
1 V. UOI1ISINS, Liquor dealer, second door
.1 J , 1
from tho 1101 thwest comer Main nnd Iron
J. TIIOKNTON, rall Paper, Window
, hliaues anil nxiuics, iiuiieri aium i
7.M. II. AllliO'lT, AttoriK-y-at-Lavv, Main
DALLMAN, Jlercliant Tailor, Second
, bireei, 1101111111S' uiuiuiug,
"I) It. 15. W. ItU'lTElt,
onice, on Main btrect,
MaM7,'7I-y Cutavvlssa, Pa,
"y.M. L. EYEItLY,
CatawIsBa, l'a,
rollectlons promptly niado and remitted, onico
uppusuo laiuwthsu uepusu jmuiw. v,.,--.
.1 J plo'd Cuir.inou Sense Med I
V- I'leico, M. D. Tho most reo
d to sell "Tlio I'cn.
rcadv ftelllnif Uiok OUti
lixaluslvu territory and liberal terms, Address tiio
Author at Uurrulo, N, v,
All. UKUHING, Carpenter nnd builder,
a Main btrect below Pine.
Plt. O. A. JIIXl
1 Surgeon, Main st
A KG Mi. I'hvslciaii nnd
street, next door to (lood's Ho-
"AT O. ,t W. II. SIIOICMAKKU, Dealers in
Dry Goods, (Iroccrles and Oeiierul Mcrchan-
mjsiNKfeS CAiins.
jTlt. A. L. TUKNKli,
onico out Klelm's Drug store, onico hours from
1 In 4 p. 111.. for treatment of diseases of tlio H e, tar
und Throat.
All calls night or day promptly attended to.
onice, North Market street,
Mar.27,'7t-y Hloomsburg, Pa.
jQIt. 11. P. GAltDNEK,
onice above J.schujlcr Son's Hardware store.
Ofllce lu Hrower's building, second lloor, room No.
1. Hloomsburg, Pa. Julyl,"3 y
Q 11. A- W.J.liUCKALKW,
Hloomsburg, Pa.
onice on Main Street, llrst door below Court llouso
1'. t .1. JI. CLAKIC,
' attohnhys-at-law,
Hloomsburg, Pa.
April 10,'Tl y
onico InHutsllulldlng.
A. ci:svi:lin(I smith. heuvey kwino smith.
Hloomshurg, Pa.
SfAlI business entrusted to our cam will reelevn
prompt attention. Julyl.'n y
Hloomsburg, Pa. .
tvu business entrusted to our care w ill reeelvo
prompt nttentloii. sipt.ll,';i y
e. 11. 1.1 m.E.
iioii'T. 11. i.irrLK.
& It. 11. LITTLE,
Hloomsburg, Pa.
CF?"Ilusinesqliefnrn I tin It. H. l'iitpnf nine nnt inmlpil
to. Olllco In tho Columbian Hulldliig. ly 3S
e. onvis,
A 1 1 UJt.M, 1 -AT-LAW.
Wlllnractlco In all the courts of Columbia, sum.
van and L coming counties, lu tho Supremo court of
Pennsylvania, and lu tho circuit and District courts
ol ttie United Slates held at Wllllamsporl, Pa.
Will bo Hi bis onleo lu tho Columbian building,
room No. 1, Hloomsburg, on Tucsdajs, Wednesda s
and Thursdays or each week; nndlnllentouoii Mon
das, Fridays und Saturdays, unless absent on pro
fessional business. Sent, ls.lsis.
. CY, J.'xehango Hotel, Hloomsburg, Pa.
.. 0,6(10,0110
. 20,mn,o 0
. 13 J00.U1IO
. 10.U1JO, 00
. 3,100,000
.. 1,100.0011
r 0,000
.. l,0'H),(H)O
,. "3,cl
.. S,C0O,U(l
l'.tna. ins Co.. of Hartford. Connecticut..
LHernool, Lundon and (ilobe
Hoyjlof l.uerpool
Fire Association, Philadelphia
American of Philadelphia
Atlas of Hartford
Wyoming, of Wilkes llarro
Farmrrs Mutual of Danville
iiaimne Mutual
Dome, New York
March 2C,'4 y
"ni'I'IAM MOltUIS,
JUfcUCllA.M' TAlLUlt.
Culling, cleaning and repairing nromntlv attended
to. i:eliango lllock, second door above Postomco,
luumsuurj, i .1, uau. 0, '10 11
II. M. rrU33BS,
Ofllce lu Maine's Hulldliig. corner Jlaln and Centre
iSl.UU.USmJKti, 1'liWA.
reorders solicited and nromnllv rilled.
May, Ss,'75-ly
11. v. iiuw uic, jji;ktjst,
esncctfullv offers his urofesslunal servlceo fn 11m
ladles and gentlemen of Hloomsburg and lelulty.
Hulsnrell.ired to attend to all the vurlnim nnirutliiiiM
lu the line of his profession, and Is provided with thu
latest improved I Oucelain Tilth, which will bu In.
serted 011 gold plating, slUer and lubber base to
louk us well as tho natural teeth. Teeth extracted
by all tho nuw ami most upprovud methods, and all
operations on tho teeth carefully and properly at
tended to. '
Olllco a lew doors above tho Court House, same
side. lulyi,'73
woiihl annoiinco to Iho (Itlzensof Hlooms
Im'iif and vicinity lhat ho has Just received a ;ull and
complete ussortiucut of
and nil other goods In his lino of business. All tho
newestand most approved patterns of thudav aro
uHvays to be round lu his establishment, Mulu btreet,
iciow .vi.iri.ei. juiy i, ,ii
B. STOHNER, Propriotor.
Accommodations First CIass-$1.25 to $l.eo per day,
Largo, Airy Samplo Rooms oa 1st Floor,
A good stable in rear of Hotel.
Hloomsburg, July 2, ls7r,-tf.
X'lriLLIAM II. LAW, Jlanufacltirer ol
y Wrought Iron Hildges, Hollers, (laslioldcr,
vircnroof lluildlngs. Wioug lit Iron Hooting. Hooillug
i'nuni.M. l'lrturlng and Doors. Farm dates und Fenc
ing, ulsu Wrought Iron Pining, Stacks and all kinds
01 MUllu vv oik, au. laiLiits luuiupiiy uucuucu iu.
N, U. Drawings and Lsllinates supplied.
v., a, 11 1: K it IX ft
T) ICSI'ICCTEULLV announces to tlio lmljllc
jLi ma no uus reopeneu
JfaHTOV1 (old stand) Hloomsburg, Pa., nt tho
tfKi!! Forksoflho Epy and Light sireet
LL--JV. roads, wheru all dcseiliIlous of
' leathtr will bo made In the most
substantial nnd woikinnnltko manner, und sold ut
jirlces 10 suit mo limes, inu uiguesi pneo lucasu
win ut uu iiuiva uu j'uii .ui 1
of overy description In tho country, Tho public pat
runago is respectiuny boiicneu.
liluuinsuurg, aiuhii iz, ito-y
Published as a warning nnd for thoUuientof youn;
i.ii.niinil oihciswho btillerfrom Nervous Debllltv
Loss of Womanhood, cle., glng Ills rules of self,
cure, alter undergoing much buflerliig and,
,,,,.i mulled freo on receiving a nost-nald dtrected
envelomi. Address N'AlUMkL MiVUln, P. I. Hox
151, Hrookljii.N. uiyv.-.o-om
AliVHItTlsiNllMKHIlM, Dally, flu a year, bemt
Postugo Freo to tho Subscriber, Specimen Copies
and Advertising Hutes Free. Weekly, lu clubs of so
orinoru'only il, poblego paid, Addresa tub Tin
SUNK, N. Y. "" J"nyi
i:i,oo.iisufiuj, im.
llespect fully Informs the public that ho has opened
n New Music store. In tho Hloomsburg opera House,
on Centre struct, belowMaln, whero lio Keeps a full
assortment of
siiHirr Mi'sic,
nlvvav.s on hand and for sale nt the lowest prices.
Ho Invites tho patrons of music to call and examine
his stock.
also attended to on demand. Tho nubile patronage
Is respectfully solicited. nprll a 'ir,-ly
WIL y. kesteu,
Has removed to Iron street, second door above tho
Deformed Chureh.where ho wlllbe pleased to seo
all his old n lends nnd new customers, nnd hero
them with satisfaction. All work worrautcd. 15-y
31. C. SLOAX & intOTHEIl
AVE on hand and for sale at tho most
reasonable rates a splendid stock of
and every description of Wagons both PLAIN nnd
Warranted to bo mado of tho best and most durable
maecrlals, and by the most experienced woikmen.
All work sent out, from tho establishment will bu
found to bo of the highest class and sure to give per
fect satisfaction. They havo nlsoallncossortinentof
of all tho newest and most fashlonablo styles well
and carefully made and of the best material.
An Inspection of their work Is asked as It s be
lieved that none superior can bo found In the coun
try. July 1,1 S73-tf.
S. CROSSMSY 1ms on hand and for sale
cheaner than tho cheancst. for cash, or n til
iungu fur old Wagons on reasonable terms,
of every description both rlaln and fancy.
Portablo Top Hugnles, open Hugglcs, Plain and
Funcy Platform Spring Wagons nil of tho latest sty lo
and mado of good material nnd fully warranted.
not bo undersold. I claim that
ous for tho least money.
cisumific. 11a 1
make tho best wag-
I also do painting, trimming and repair old work
at tho shortest notice, old springs welded and war
runted to stand or no pay. I will exchange a porta
blo top buggy for any kind of lumber, such as heir
lock, pine, ash, linn hickory and poplar to bcdellvcr
cd at iny shop by tho Hrslof February, 1673. Iron
dalo orders taken and McKcIvy, Ncal & Co's fur rc
palrli j as cash. A. S. CHOSSLL'Y.
Julytt ,
F. OMAN liereliy informs the pulilij
that ho has entered Into co-narinershln w 1th
his bruther, (I. L. Oman, and that tho business Will
hereafter bo conducted under tho II rm uamo of
11. r. o.m ix & iutoTiii:i;.
They will havo on hand or manufacture to order
light wagons,
koal) wagons,
nnd every thing In their lino of business, of tho best
iiiuiiriu! unu niusi coinpieio worKmansmp, anu at
lutv ius can uu auurueu.
thare 0 iu6i'c patronage is reupcclfullij
Aug. 11,'71-ly.
Vl nml Over Old IlIellioilM CoiiikI
to he iiiiiliy, or ctitjuciiun
ublc, tliHCiii'Uvd!
: o:
At their Works in Bloomsburg,
Formerly Hlooinsburir Iron and Slanufactiirlng
company), whero will bo kept constantly on hand a
Wlilto and Red .isli Anlliiacilu
ut prices to suit tho trade. All Coal specially pre-
porcu ouiiru leaving uiu luru. aisu
Plows and Threshing Machines,
and all kinds of
Costing mul.Machiuo Work,
HKl'AIHINU prompt
respectfully solicit tho
ptly attended to. TUcy'wonld
no I'aiiouago 01 ino ruuue
0. M.JtJ. K.LOl'lvAKD.
Hloomsburg, Pa.
Jan. 8, '75-ly
nun ornamental
J- X vX-i J-irO mnital hfiri
.verirrccns. Orna-
Mirubs. I'lltnhliur
Piauw, lirapes, t urruius, uuosenerncs, cirawoer
rles, HaspliTrics und other small 1'rulls, Abparugus,
lUiubarb. Xl:
Seed Wheals, (seo jirleoSJ IJ ' J 'I ISJ
lists) orchard, Ky. Iilue,r Pi 111 I Jij)
nerus. vmii ' winr , r ,,
'llnioihy and other urass Seeds; Turnip Heeds of all
kinds: Vegetable and Flutter Heeds; lledgo and
Treo becus.
Hyacinths, Tulips, Crocus, I Hies nnd other Hums
ir n
'ull plautUig; llorlleultural (loods, Terra Cotta
ware, io
0 Hum lor nr
or price list, or enclose 'js cents for
Fuii illustrated catulo;
tiuc vuuress,
Nurserymen and Seedsmen, York, l'a.
Aug, 80-9ra,
Strange, Uronge for taeo nnd mo
Sndly afar 1
Hiou safe, beyond, above,
I 'ncnth tho star 1
Thou whero flowers deathless spring,
I whero they fudei
Thou lu (lod's paradise,
I 'mid the shade,
Thou where each gale breathes balm,
I tempest tossed j
Thou whero true Jjy 13 found,
I whero "Us lost,
thou counting ages thine,
I not the morrow;
Thou learning more of bliss,
I moro of sorrow.
Thou In eternal peace,
I 'mid earth's strife i
Thou whero caro hath no name,
I w hero 'lis life.
Thou without need of hope,
I whero 'Us vain i
Thou with wings dropping light,
I with time's chain.
fetraugc, strange for thoo and mc,
Loved, loving ccr;
Thou by life's deathless fount,
I near death's rlur!
Thou vv Inning w isdom's lore,
I strength to trust;
Thou 'mid the seraphim,
I In the dust.
Vv'hen she undid her hair at night,
About tho tlmo for ly Ing down,
She came and knelt. I was so small
There In my bed her curls did fall
All over mo light, gold and brown.
I fell asleep amid her prayers,
Her fair young face (tar off It seems,)
Iter girlish voice, her kisses Bwect,
Tho patter of her busy feet,
l'asscd mc Into charming dreams.
And when I nwoko at merry morn,
Through her gold hair I saw tho sun
Flame strong, shluo glad, and glorify
The great, good world, oh, ne er can I
Forget tho words : " Jly.darllng ono I"
Ah ! checkered years slnco then have crept
Past her and me, and wo havo known
Somo sorrow nnd much tempered Joy,
Fur Into manhood stands her boy,
And her gold hair snow-whlto Is flown.
The world has changed by slow degrees,
And as old day s rev Ivc, alas I
Ho much of trouble liavo tlio now,
Those rare far Joys grow dim, been through
Sad times as through a darkened glass.
Hut Just this morning, when I woko
How lovingly my Hps were kissed I
How chaste and clear tlio sunlight bhono
on mother's hair like gold-dust sown
Athwart thin clouds of silver mist.
LlAlil'KI'.'S Hizvk.
A Doomed Kate.
A correspondent writing from tlio Illnck
Hills gives tho following intorcsting facts
about the buffalo. The account reads like .1
fancy sketch, but any western man will testi
fy to its entire truthfulness:
Forty years ago the butTnlo ranged from
tho plains of Texas to beyond tho llritish
lines, from the Missouri nnd upper Missis
sippi to the eastern slopes of tho Kocky
mountains. Every portion of this immenso
area was either the permanent homo of great
numbers of buffalo, or might bo expected to
rive, each year, one or moro visits from mi
gratory thousands. Hunters' tradition says
that tho first great break in this regular ir-
cgularity occurred about the winter of 18-1 1-
15, in that portion of tho country known as
tho Laramio ' plains, That whole section
was visited by an extraordinary snow storm
Contrary to all precedent, there was 110 wind
and the snow covered tho surf.ieo evenly to
tho depth of nearly four feet.
Immediately after tho storm a bright sun
oftcned thesurf.ico which at night froze in
to a crust so firm that it was weeks before
any heavy animal could headway over it
The Laramio plains being entirely surround'
cd by mountain!), had alvvayH been 11 favor-
ito wintering: place for tho buffalo. Thous
ands were caught in this storm nnd perished
miserably bv starvation. Since that time
not a single buffalo has ever visited tho Lar
amio plains. When I crossed tho plains in
1808, tho whole country was dotted with
skulls of buffaloes, all in tlio last stages of
decomposition, nnd all apparently of the
atne age, giving somo foundation for tho
tradition. Indeed, it was in answer to my
request for explanation of tho numbers, uj
pcaranco and identity of ago of tho skulls
that tho tradition was related to mc by an
old hunter, who, however, could not himself
ouch for tho facts.
A curious fact illustrating the habits of
these monarehs of the plains is cited by our
author, as is a leaf from tho unwritten his
tory of the bull'.ilo, taken from the era when
the Pacific railways first spanned tho conti
nent. The winter of 1871-72 was unusually
scvero in Arkansas. Tho ponds and thu
pmaller streams of tlio north wero all frozen
solid, and tlio bull'alo wero forced to tho riv
ers for water.
The Atchison, Topcka and S.mta I'o rail
road was then in process of construction,
and nowhero could tho peculiarity of the
buffalo, of which I am speaking bo better
Btuddied than from its trains. If a herd was
on tho north sido of tho track it would stand
stupidly gazing and without symptom of
alarm, though tho locomotivo passed within
1 hundred yards. If on tho south hido o
tlio track, oven though at n dlstanco of ono
or two miles from it, tlio passage of 11 trail:
set tho wliolo herd in tho wildest commotion
At its full speed, and utterly icgardlcss o
consequence, it would mako for tho track
011 its lino of treat. If tho train happened
not to bo in its path it crossed tho track, and
stopped satisfied. If tho train was in tlio
way each individual bull'.ilo went at it witli
tho doiperation of despair, plunging against
or between locomotivo and car, just ns tho
blind madness chanced to tako them, Num
bcrs wero killed, but numbers still piessce
on to stop and staro ns soon ns tho obstacle
was passed.
Alter having trains ditched tvrico in 0110
week, conductors learned to havo a very do
cided respect for tho idiosyncntclcs of tho
bull'.ilo, and when thero was a possibility 0:
striking a herd "011 tho rampago" for tho
north sido of tho track, tho train was slowed
up and sometimes stopped entirely, Lato in
tho summer of 18117 a herd of probably -1,000
bull'.ilo attempted to cross tho Southern
Platto near Plum t'roek, 1 ho river was rap
idly subsiding, being nowhero over a foot or
two in depth, and tho channels wero filling
witli looso quicksand, Tho buffalo in front
wero hopelessly stuck, Those immediately
behind, urged 011 by tho horns and pressuro
of those yet further in tho rear, trample
over their struggling companions to bo
themselves engulfed in tho devouring Band
This wiu continued until the bed of the river
nearly half n, ratio broad, was covered with
dead nnd dying bulTalo. Only n compara
tive few crossed tlio river, nnd these were
soon driven back by hunters. It was esti
mated that considerably moro than half tho
herd, or over 2,000 buffalo, paid for tills nt
tempt with their lives.
There Is n very marked nnd curious (llfler
enco between buffaloes nnd domestic cattle.
Tho cow seems lo possess scarcely n trnco of
maternal instinct, and when frightened will
abandon her calf without tho slightest hesi
tation. Tho duty of protecting tlio calf de
volves entirely upon tho bulls.
I havo seen evidences of this many times,
but tho most remarkable instauco I havo
ever heard of was related to ino by an nrmy
surgeon, who was an cyo witness. Ho was
ono evening rcturnitm to camp after a day's
hunt, when his attention vras attracted by
ic ciinou action of n llttlo knot of six or
eight bull'alucs. Approaching sulllcicntly
near to boo clearly, ho discovered that this
llttlo knot wero all bulls, standing in n close
rclo with their heads outward, whllo in a
concentric circlo at somo twelve or fifteen
ct distant sat licking their chops in im
patient expectancy at least n dozen largo
gray wolves, excepting man, tho most dan
gerous enemy of the bufi'alo.
The doctor determined to watch tho per
formance. After a few moments the knot
broke up, still keeping in .1 compact mass,
nd started on a trot for tho main herd, somo
half a mile off. To his very great astonish-1
mcnt tho doctor now saw that tho central
and controlling figure of tho mass was .1
poor littlo calf, so newly born as scarcely to
bo able to walk. After going -fifty or n hun
dred yards tho calf laid down. Tho bulls
isposed themselves in n circleas before, and
the wolves who had trotted along on cacli
unk of their retreating supper, sat down
and licked their chops again. This was re-
catcd time and again, atul although tho
doctor did not see tho finale, it being late
and the camp distant, ho had no doubt that
the noblo fathers did their wliolo duty by
their oll'spritig and carried it safely to tho
When feeding, tho herd is moro or less
icattcrcd, but on the approach of danger it
closes and rounds into a tolerably compact
circular mass. Although there is not .1 par
ticle of danger in approaching such a herd,
in it a novice requires an extraordinary
amount of nerve. When ho gets within 800
yards, Iho bulls on that side, with head erect
tail cocked in air, nostrils expanded, and
eyes that seem to flash liro even to that dis
tance, walk uneasily to and fro, menacing
the intruder by pawing tho earth and tossing
their hugehcads. Tho enemy still approacU-
ng, some bull will face him, lower his head
and start on a most furious charge. Hut,
alas for brute courage 1 when he has cone
twenty or thirty yards Mr. Hull thinks bet
ter of it, stopj, stares an instant, and then
trots back to the herd. Another and another
will try tho same game, witli tlio same result
and if in spite of these ferocious demonstra
tions tlio hunter still approaches, tho wholo
ierd will take incontinently to its heels.
This bullying proclivity combined with his
natural indisposition to get out of tho way,
has been tho cause of tho death of thous
ands at tho hands of men to whom bull'alo
killing was no novelty, who needed no meat,
and would not havo gono fifty yards out of
their way to kill ; but in whom opportunity
so roused that spirit of murder which is in
herent in every sportsman's breast, that the
temptation was too strong to bo resisted.
Tlio Language of Signs.
A Spanim ambassador, of princely birth,
accredited to tho Court of St. James, dining
with King James tho First, of England, ex
pressed his ideas to tho King that ho was
always of tlio opinion that somo codo of
signs might be established whereby n uni
versal understanding could bo obtained
among nations of different languages. Tho
King, a vain monarch, and anxious to dis-
lay to tho ambassador tlio resources nf his
kingdom, immediately answered that ho had
limself given this subject much attention,
that ho had instituted a chair of language in
one of his northern universities. Tho am
bassador,,in ecstasies, insisted that ho should
set out immediately, and realize tlio visions
of his youth. The remonstrance of tho King
as to tho perils and distance of tho journey,
Ac, was of no avail, and tho ambassador
started on his journey. Although tho King
was a notorious boaster, lie did not wish
that foreign courts should loso respect for
urn, and started couriers post liasto to ap
prise tlio city, and promised his favor to gel
him out 0 the scrape. It so happened that
there was n butcher in tlio city who had only
0110 eye, but brass enough for a dozen. The
provost and magistrates accordingly in sol
emn council assembled, after tho arrival of
tlio king's message, summoned tho butcher
to their pieciico and oll'ercd him a rich re
ward if ho would go by their directions. Ho
was accordingly initiated into tlio mysteries,
which was to bo silent, whatever was spok
en ; .ami the second to get acciistomwi to
milking a bow in a professor's regimentals.
Tlio ambassador a hist arrived, and was
received with great honors. According to
his desiie, ho was immediately ushered into
tlio hall where tho great professor was in
waiting. Tlio ambassador, 011 cntering.bow
cd tho professor bowed; tho ambassador
held 1111 0110 finger tlio professor held up
two fingers j tho ambassador held up thrco
tho professor closed his fist; tho ambassador
took an orange out ot his pocket tlio pro
fessor took somo oat-nical crumbles out of
his pocket ; the ambassador then bowed and
retired to tho council, who wero anxiously
waiting tlio result of tlio interview.
They inquired, with somo trepidation, tho
result of tho interview. "Oh, it was grand,"
replied tho ambassador. "When I entered
I bowed, by which I meant to say, I respect
your learning, 1110 proiessor uovveu 111s
thanks to mo. I held up 0110 linger, to
say lucre is ono Wod, lio held up two,
meaning, You havo forgotten tho Son,
held up threo lingers, to acknowledge tho
Holy Trinity, Ho held up his lut, meaning
they nro 0110. I showed him nil orange, to
show him tho production of my country.
Ho showed 1110 somo oat'iucal bread, to re
mind 1110 that nature was good to nil. Oh,
ho is n wonderful man 1"
The butcher said: "Tho fool camo into
tlio room and looked at his shoes, and I look
oil nt iiiliie. Ho held up 0110 finger, to tell
ino that I had but 0110 eye. I held up two
fingers, to let him know that my 0110 cyo
was as good m his two. Ho held up threo
fingers, to let mo know that wo had but thrco
eyes between us, I took that ns an insult
and shook my fist at him. Hq saw I was
angry, nnd oll'ercd 1110 an orange, but I told
him oat-meal bread was better,"
Restraint of Social Life.
It Is common supposition that wealth nnd
station bring with them n proportionate free
dom of action. Tho poor long for riches,
not merely for tho ako of tho increased
comforts and opportunities they offer, but al
so for the blessed privilege, which they think
they would then enjoy, of doing ns they
please. Something of this is undoubtedly
true, Plentiful means tako of tho grinding
necessity of continuous labor in ono direc
tion, although often the caro nnd anxiety
that are substituted prove ns heavy a burden
to bear. " Hut in many other points tlio drift
Is in exactly tho opposite direction. Tlio
order, dignity, ctiquctto and ceremony of tho
wealthy classes Impose checks and restraints
which would bo instipportablo to those un
accustomed to them. Probably 110 family
in nil. England do less "ns they please" than
the royal family. They aro bound by innu
merable forms, checked by tho most abso
lute laws, aud restrained within tho narrow
limits of court etiquette as to their most tri
vial actions. Of course, ns monarchy de
clines, these restraints bocomo less severe;
yet even in our own republican land they
aro by 110 means, wanting. Perhaps it is not
possible, nor advisable, that they should
over wholly cease. Wherever order reigns
these checks upon impulse must exist.
Even tlio stated meals and tho general de
corum of a decent household impose a cer
tain restraint upon all its members, which
would not bo felt if tho loaf wero always
handy, and nothing intervened .between tho
sonso of want and its immediate satisfaction.
At tho timo when forks wero first invented,
certain protests wero made against them un
der tho pica that "God gave men good meat
and they wero become too proud to touch it
witli their fingers," when, no doubt, tho real
objection to them lay in of patienco
which tlio new method imposed, and tlio de
lay to tho satisfaction of appetite which it
caused to tho uninitiated. Sucli simple re
finements uso has now changed from painful
restraints to necessary comforts; but from
them, up to the complicated etiquette of n
Chinese Court, which is said to roquire years
to learn, thero is a series of steps, each one
placing an additional check upon tho im.
pulses, and causing an increased delay in
tlio satisfaction of the desires. Every
thoughtful person, in whatever rank of life
ho moves, is conscious of these social re
straints in some degree, and thoso who live
in the humblest and simplest manner may
find a material com. ensation for their pri
vations 111 their freedom from tho many re
strictions which tho stylo and form of a
high station imposes.
It becomes, however, n serious quest!on,
which wo should fairly settle for ourselves,
how far it is wise and right to submit to
these social check, and at what point wc
should resist them. Of course no abstract
rules can guide us in this matter. What is
a troublesome luxury, or a needless form, in
one country or age, is a necessary comfort or
a gentle courtesy in another; different cir
cles nnd different positions demand a certain
degree of conformity to prevalent custom.
Yet, with every allovvanco for these differ
ences, there is still a wide margin for our
choice There is a certain degrco of con
ventional regulations which is simply rude,
and subverts social order without any good
result. To appear in company witli negli
gent attire, to omit small tokens of respect,
lo cat in a haty and uncouth manner, to in
dulgo in any habits offensive to tho feelings
of others, will simply render the offender an
intolerable nuisance, and shut him out from
tlio society which he thus insults.
There is, however, far more danger of tho
other extreme. We aro not so apt to be
dazzled by the glitter of a stylo of living be.
yond our own, that we aro willing to sacri
fice much real comfort, time, money,thouglit,
and even principle, to imitato it. In tho
one matter of dress, for example, it is as
tonishing to see how gladly mauy persous
will lay down their individuality, their ta-te,
their comfort, their health nnd their judg
ment at the shrino of fashion. Others, to
satisfy tho supposed claims of politeness,
will forfeit sincerity nnd truth ; or, to copy
the stylo in which tho wealthy live, they
will part witli their domestic freedom and
happy simplicity, and sometimes witli even
integrity itself. To gain admission to somo
coveted circle, or to retain their positions in
it, somo will sacrifice trno friendship and
good advice ; or, to avoid tlio sneer of an
evil companion, they will relinquish their
innocence and peace of mind. All such
checks upon our self-respect and purity, up
on our good scn.-o and comfort, and upon
our health nnd happiness, vo should resist
will all tho powers wo possess. No hocial
restraints should ever bo permitted to bind
our sense of duty, to fetter our generous im
pul-es, to curtail our domestic joys, or to in
terfere witli physical health nnd mental pro
gross, ihoso on tlio other mum that aro
purifying and elevating in their influence,
that check kclfishncss and curb evil passions,
wo should welcome as benefactors; whilo
thoso which are simply innocent and harm
less regulations nt social custom wo may
willingly observe, bcc.iuso they oil thowhcels
of social life and prevent unpleasant friction.
It will require all our judgment and diocro
tion wisely to discriminate between theso
various kinds of social restraints, and to de
cide tho limit of their authority over us;
but tho very effort to do this is in itself an
important culture, and will yield good fruits
in strengthening moral principlo and clcva
ting tho character.
Thero is a good story of General Sheridan
in tills week's Independent. Tho ltev. Win
M. Hakcr says ; "Tlio papers cay that Gen
Sheridan is to bo married to-day. Perhaps
so ; but I am not so certain of it, remember
ing an anecdote in regard to tlio General
when I was for a few days, if not upon his
stall", assuredly within his circle. A youug
lady, it seems, was quito desirous tho bril
liant labreur, who was sojourning under tlio
same roof, should tako a walk with her, Ho
declined doing so upon tho pica of threaten
ing weather. A little while afterward de
tcctcd him stealing out of tho front door
alone. Upon charging him witli the incon
'slstency of ids conduct ho replied : 'Ym.
Mis, yes.' Tlio weather is too bad for two
of us, but I thought it might be good cnougl
for one."
Tlio abovo "good story," now going tho
loundi, was mado to do duty nbout seventy
years ago. At that timo tho parties wero
It i chard Ilriiiscly Sheridan nnd n mnidei
ntmt. When tho ltev, Win. linker resur
reels it and localizes it as ono of General
Sheridan's jokes, ho states u thing which h
knows to bo false. Such a theft of au eld
story is disreputable even in' a llrookly
Pciinnlvanla nml New llnglatid.
For many years past thero has been yield
ed to New England n supremacy In educa
tional nnd other matters, for which thero is
no posslblo justification. In our geogra
phies wo are gravely informed that New
England ha; long been distinguished for tho
intelligence, iudustry and enterprise of her
citizens; and, in our School Histories, threo
times as much space li devoted to tlio Pil
grim Fathers, witchcraft, nnd her general
colonial history of her sister colonics. With
a persistency wo cannot help admiring her
claims for superior Intelligence nnd progress
havo been so much pressed, that ono igno
rant of tho facts of tho caso might well sup
pose that tho rest of tho States might consid
er it .1 high honor to revolve around New
England ns an cducationnl centre.
Hut facts nnd figures, it is said do not lie,
nnd statistics examined and compared, dem
onstrate conclusively the hollowness of her
prctenslous clnlms. To nsscrt that in Mns
sachusctU, the "Hanncr State," with Hoston, ,
tho "Hub," tho modern Athens, thero oxists
more pauperism in proportion to its popula
tion than any other State in tho Union,
more insufficient prisons, and more unsuita
ble lunatic asylums, might excito surprise,
but statistics provo that such is really the
case. Hut in this articlo wo desiro to speak
purely of her educational claims, nnd in
doing so, we shall tako tho benefit of somo
very interesting statistics furnished us in n
recent report of tlio United State Commis
sioner of Education. Our authority, it will
be observed, is unusually good, It is, as it
were, tlio month of New England herself, for
he is n man full fledged and thoroughly im
bued witli her peculiar ideas.
Now, wherever thero is a demand for high
er culture, wherever thero is a desiro for per
fection in education, colleges will flourish
and higher institutions of learning prevail.
Such institutions are tlio nntural out-crop-pings
nnd fiuils of progress, and yet Penn
sylvania claims thirty-four colleges, and nil
New England but eighteen. Hut universal
education is not tho fruit of .1 collegiate
course. The poor never enjoy tlio advant
ages of such trainiug nnd aro dependant for
tho little knowlcdgo they acquire upon the
tho ordinary low grade of schools. The abil-
ty to read and write among classes is the
best test of nn educated people. What are
the slatictics on this point? Now England
as a population of 3,487,444, Pennsylvania,
515,093. Yet New England has 87,000
ho cannot read nor write, and Pennsylva
nia lias but 75,000. Nor has New England
made any progress in this respect. In 1S40
New England had 14,000 who could not
read nor write, and Pennsylvania 38,000,yet
New England, witli less population, has in
creased tho number six times, whilo Penn
sylvania merely doubles. Maine, the land
lumber and ice, increases from throe
ousand to nine thousand.
Female education also demonstrates the
interest aud advancement of people in cdti-
itional matters. Civilization, progress nnd
refinement gohand-iu-hnudwith female cul
ture. Hut, what say the statistics on this
point? Take Massachusetts, for example.
She sent a multitude of "school inarms" to
educate tho suffering frcedmcn of tho South-
She has a population of 1,457,352, yet the
excess of uneducated women over the educa
ted women is 12,000, while in Pennsylvania,
ith nearly threo times its population, tlio
cxecss is but 17,000. In view of these statis-
ics wc can afford to say, "O, New England,
keep thy school inarms and educational mis
sionaries at home ; first pull out tho beam
hich is in thino own cyo, then shalt thou
seo clearly to pull out tho moto that is in thy
sister's eye." Xational Kducator.
Who were Cominanilor in Chief of tlio U. S.
Tho question of rank held by tho various
officers who have been at the head of the ar
my since tho Hevolutionary war lias given
rise to frequent discussions. The New York
Mail, to meet tho demand for information
on this subject, furnishes the following list:
llrevet Hrigadier General Josiah Harmnr,
from September, 1789, to March, 1791.
Major General Arthur St. Clair, from
March, 1791, to March, 1792.
Major General Anthony Wayne, from
March, 1792, to December, 170G.
Ilrigadicr General James Wilkinson, from
December, 1790, to July, 179S.
Lieutenant General Washington, from
July, 1793, to December, 1799.
Major General James Wilkinson (again),
from June, 1800, to January, 1812.
Major General Dearborn, from January,
1812, to June, 1815.
Major General Jacob llrown, from June,
1815, to lVliruary, 1828.
Major General Alexander Macomb, from
May, 1S2S, to June, 1811.
llrevet Lieutenant General Winfield Scott,
from June, 1811, to November 1, lStll.
Major General Genrgo 11. McClellan, from
November 1, 18(51, to July 23, 1802.
Major General Henry W. Halleck, from
July 23, 1802, to March 15, 1801.
Lieutenant General U. S. Grunt, from
March 15, 18(51, to July 25, 18(50,
General U. S. Grant, from July 25, 1800,
to March 4, 1S09.
General William T. Sherman, from March
4, 1809, to date.
White Feet on lIorsM,
Awiitcr on agriculture says of them :
"Whether a defect or not, I believe whito
feet nro nu indication of good blood; nnd if
you will look through tho "Trotting ltcgls
tcr and Forrester's Horses of America," you
will find, out of twcnty.fivo pint en of horses,
twenty of them havo moro or less whilo
about their feet. Such horses as Dexter,
Lexington nnd Pocahontas hnvo four whito
feet; Ethan Allen three. Whllo visiting
tho extensive breedinc establishment of Mr.
Steele, near l'lilladeTphla, whero Happy Me
dium, 0110 of the best stallions this country
afiords, I noticed in one yard about a dozen
colts, only 0110 without whito feet." Wo
quotu this in order that our readers may
form tlicir own opinion as to its value, but
wo must object to tho following from th
same authority : "Tho best remedy for nn
interfering horso is oats. A half Btarvcil
horso cannot control his limbs und so nntti
ally interferes, Tho worst though not the
most invcterato Interfcrcr I ever knew wus
cured in u mouth by regular uso and higli
feeding," Wo havo always regarded inter
fcrlng in a defect in the form or structuro o
tho animal, or Is tired from a long journey
or a hard day's work.
Pleasant-faced people nro generally tho
most welcome, but tho auctioneer is ulway
pleased to see u man whoso countenance 1
for bidding,
Ono Inch, (twelve lines or Its equivalent In Nonps
ell type) 0110 or two intcrtlotis, tluto inecr
Hons, J,oo.
srACB. lu. 5M. 8r. . 1y
ono Inch U.M s."o H.oo IM I'M)
Two inches 8.M) r.oo T.oo . l.oo
'Jlircolnches .oo T.oo b.iki llr.oo
roortnehes I.oo o.oo li.oo it.oo 81.00
(Warier column 10.00 la.m co.oo
Half column 16.00 ls.00 ro.oo tees ro.oo
011 column 3 .00 so.oo co.wi
Yearly advertisements paynlilc fiuorlerly. Trail;
Blent ndrertl'eincnis must Im pnld bcl im IiiHrtia
except where pontes liasoneeouiits.
U'gaUdicrtfsemcntH two dollars tier Inch for lhn
Inserilons.nndattliatrnto for additional lows-tn. 11 a
without reference to length.
Executor's, Administrator's nnd Audilor's Notices
three dollars. . ...
Transient or lacnl notlees, twenty cents a line,
xcgularndtertlscments half rates.
Cards In tho "lluslnetw Directory" Column, ono
dollar per year for each lino.
- . 11 ..LI.' !
Wise Sayings.
Frugality bcgcU wealth.
Virtue has many prenchcra but few mar
tyrs. Mnn Is caught by his tongue ; nn ox by
his horns.
Men spenk to each other by wo ds ; ani
mals by Bigiu.
Help somebody worso ofl than otirself,
and you will feel that you nro better oir than
you fancied.
You will gain n good reputation if you
nvoid thoso actions which you censure and
blnino others.
Wo take great pains to pcrsuado otlicw
that we nro happy than In endeavoring to
think so ouisclvcs.
Wo cxaggcralo misfortuno nnd happiness
alike. Wo nro never cither so wretched or
so happy as wo say wo aro.
That, which is taken in with thomilkonly
goes with tho sonl. Faults contracted in In
fancy disappear with death.
With parsimony n little is sufficient, nnd
without it nothing is sufficient, whereas fru
gality makes a poor man rich.
God has given us speech in order that wo
may say pleasant things to our friends, and
tell bitter truths to our enemies.
Wo should not quarrel nbout trifles ; yet
there aro persons who will contend with a
friend about matters of no importance.
Wo have many acquaintance!, but wo can
have but few friends ; this mado Plato say
that ho who hath many friends hath none.
Obscurity in writing is commonly an ar
gument of darkness in tho mind. Tho great
est learning is to bo seen in tho greatest
Never be sorry for any generous thing that
on ever did, even if it was betrayed. You
cannot afford to keep on the safe sido by be-
g mean.
Wrro we to tako ns much pains to bo what
we ought to be ns we do to disguise what wo
really are, wo might appear like ourselves,
ithout being nt tho trouble ot any disguiso
at all.
In seeking a situation, remember that tho
ght kind of men are alivays in demand, and
that industry nnd capacity rarely go empty-
Wo look nt donlh through tho cheap glaz
ed windows of tho flesh, and beliovo him the
monster which the flawed and cracked glass
represents him.
All thing) aro by fate, but poor, w ak man
sees but 11 part of the chain, the nearest link,
is cyo not carrying to lhat equal beam tha
poises all above.
It is ono of the first effects of prosperity to
make a man n vortex instead of a fountain,
80 that, instead of throwing out, he learns
only to draw in.
Children should bo taught the frequent
use of good, strong, expressive words words
that mean exactly what they should express
in their proper places.
He who freely praises what ho means to
purchase, aud ho who enumerates the fault?
f what he means to soil, may set up a part
nership with honesty.
The best capital a young man can start
ith in lifo is industry, witli good sense,
courage, and morality. They aro better thar
cash, credit, or friends.
It is with fortune as witli a fantastical mis
tress sho makes sport of thoso who aro
ready to die for her, and throws herself at
le feet of others that despise her.
This is most true, and history bears testi
mony to it, that men may second fortune,
but they cannot thwart her ; they may weave
icr web, but they cannot break it.
Tho cause of freedom is identified with tho
destinies of humanity, and in whatever part
f the world it gains ground, it will bo com
mon gain to all thoso who desiro it.
To pardon thoso absurdities in ourselves
hich wo cannot suffer in others is neither
better nor worso than to bo more willing to
e fools ourselves than to have others so.
Wit loses respect with tlio good when
seen in company with malice, nnd to smilo
at tho jest which plants a thorn in another's
breast is to become 11 principal iu the mis
chief. Futurity is impregnable to mortal ken ;
no prayer pierces through heaven's ndaman-
110 walls. Whether tho birds fly right or
left, whatever ho the aspect of the stars, the
book of nature is n maze, dreams nro a lie,
nnd every sign a falsehood.
He frank with the world. Frankness is
tlio child of honesty and courage. Say just
hat you mean to do on every occasion, and
iko it for granted that you mean to do what
is right.
llabelais has written hoiuo sensiblo pieces
which the world did not regard nt all. "I
will write something," Bays he, "that they
bhall tako notice of !" And so ho sat down
to write nonsense.
Tlioughtfulncss for others, generosity,
modesty, and self-respec t aro tho qualities
which innko n real gentleuinn or lady, ns dis
tinguished from tho veneered articlo which
commonly go by that name.
Thero is nothing that wears out a fine faco
like tho vigils of a card table and thoso cut
ting passions which naturally attend them.
Haggard looks and pule complexions are tho
natural indications of a female gamester.
Among all other virtues, humility, tho
lowest, is pre-eminent ; it is tlio safest, be
causo it is always nt anchor, und that man
may bo truly said to llvo the most content
in his calling that strives to llvo within tlio
compass of it.
What is commonly called friendship is 110
moro than a partnership, a reciprocal regard
for ono another a interests, and an exchaugo
of good offices ; in a word, mcro traffic,
vhereiu eclf-lovo always proposes to bo a
As laughter enables mirth and surprise to
breathe freely, bo tears enable sorrow to vent
Itself patiently. Tears hinder sorrow from
becoming despair, und laughter la ono of tho
privileges of rca-sou confined to the human
Thousands of people might bo enjoying
reasonable lives, with opportunities for self-
culture, for social enjoyment nnd for chari
tablo elforts, whose wliolo energy is absorbed
lu tho despcrato struggle to add supcrtlultics
to comforts,
Tho grcatcbt obstnelo to being heroic I tho
doubt whether 0110 may not be going to
provo one's telf a fool'; the truest lierol.m is
to resist the doubt, and the profoundest wis
dom to know when it ought to bo restated
and when to bo obeyed.