f THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOGMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. THE COLUMBIAN. II 1, 0 O 31 S II II II (I, V It I II A V, SV.IT, 17, Is;.-, Hull Koail Timo Tnlile. LACKAWANNA M.OO.I.Kll!ll HAH, 1IOA1I NOItTII. Accommodation Tmln , cm a, .m, Walt Train T.ild A. M I'sprc-Hi" Trnl n , 1,19 1'. M, " " 6.IU 1'. M. OATAW1HHA UAH. 1KIA1). Willi II. Accommodation Train Ms A..M. llcirulnrll-iprosa 8,M 1. M, KOtlTII, ;. an ..u, r..' a r. M 1I.M A, M POtTIt ?i3o r. ji. 11,3.1A.M. Through cars on IlxprcsH train either lo Now Yorl; or I'lill.nlelplila. Accommodation train runs between U.Uawlssa nnil WI1Hampoi,t. Mr. 1". I.. Mvmis, collector for tlio Coi.miiiak, will wall upon thoao Indebted lo thin olllcu for tlio pur. posof reccUlngllio nnioutilH due. Wo trust that tliuso Indebted will bo prcpircU to pay what they cmo when Ho calls, built not, they will again bo called upon. It will scarcely bo demanded ot us to oner an apology fur iiiaUnif collections, Lulfortho Mttsfiicllun ot llioso desiring It wo will just say that ni wo halo to pay cash for every llitus as wc go our purso Is not lontf or deep enough u hold out unless 11 1j icplcnlsliid Willi fioir.o drgri'O of pioiiiptness. A Locust eorref pomlencc comes to hand m wc po lo prcM too late. Mail curlier. O- - ' It lia. at length liccn deniontralul lliat big feet are not in vain. Tlicy are good for (.mash ing pot.ito lings'. The conclusion of "Angel Sleep ami Angel Doalli" will appear next week. Also, a fliort criticim on the use of the term "Angel." The Itariisbiirg mail, nrrivcil hero on lime onto during the past weeh. Generally it is n full day behind. A fair example bnlh of Hail, ical governnicnlal enlerniM: ami LncUa-raiina ami llluomshurg railroad energy and hiisiniM tact. c SoMilwitAT Ir.ltiA'iini'N'r. .Somo people around tho Minicy Hills, wo aiu informed Irealed a clergyman who ollicialcs at a ehuieh about three mill's from While Hall, lo a liberal mpply of eggs, but directed them with-rather uncivil foteu lownids his noo, endangering his rpeeluclcs as well as the market value of the chicken fruit, lie is said lo have insinuated that one of his parishioners had stolen a b'tblu f lorn the meeting Iioiih', mid otheiwNc ollendul the sensibilities of his lloek, All the indications logilher would K'em to invite a niWonary to that quarter. TKMPI'HANc'K CONVENTION. Wc, Iho undersigned, citizens of Columbia county, do issue this our call lo the I'rknds of TenipcraMce lo alembic in convention at Or angevllle, I'a., on Saturday iho -oth day of ,Si ptemher, IbT.j, for tho purpose of organiza lion. Dr. A. .1. Clink, of I.cwisburg, I'a., will he present on that occasion. Come friends, one and all, and lit in leasou togetlur, sailh the J .mil. Itev. i X. H. lluekiiigham, G. W. Correll, Jlloomslmr-;- Hev. U. S. Long, 1'. 1). Wad;, Itohrsburgj Capt. (J. CI. Jackson, llerwiek; Jacob Melliek, A. N. White, Light Street Xel noil John, l'eler ll.ihly, Catawissa; Huv. A. HouU, Hev. Gearhart, J, M. llarman, Orange-villi-. Pnorixn- Tin: lin:i)3. Tho Country (nnllc ii.mif.yg that n Grange, in onu of tho boiilliern countius in tlii h Slato calls upon all fanners, whether niembcrs of Granges or not, lo join in protecting tliu insectivorous birds from destruc tion by men and boys from chics 'and vilages, who wander over tho fields and woods in every direction, shooting indiserimiii.ilely all kinds of birds ami wild game, he-ides throwing down Juices and slone walls, when Ihc'su come in their way. ruder tho game laws of tho State no one has a right lo cuter premises of another, without his consent, for Iho purpose of shot ting or li-h-ing, and it is lo bo hoped that iho Grange nr g.iui. itioii may unito with the public generally in (he laudable mdcavor to protect faimcts from Iho ilcMiuction of their fcatheicd friinds. IlAbl! HAM,. On Saturday the lltbint., ipiitealargeirowd as-enibled on tho grounds of Iho llerwiek lla-o Hill club, (and especially of the fairer sex was there a large attendance) lo wilnc.-s n game of ll.no li.ill between a l'iekul Nine of thai place, and eight oT the Daisy Cutters of llloonisbiirg, in which Iho former were defeated by a tcoru of 8 to 21. Wo failed to secure tho naino of tho 1'erwlck scorer. L'mpiie, W. Sniitlicrs, G. W. Wilson, scon r for Daisy Cutters. Wo lender our heaitfelt thanks for the tn couragemint given us by llie presence of many ladie.s, and hope they will lurn out better in our own town, Also, do uu thank the spectators for Iheiroiderly behavior and tho kind treatment received from Iho llerwiek club. Signed, Daisy I'lttiun. Whereas, wc have been to jour place lo play we'li-ink it no more than ju-,1 thai you shuuld leluni said vMt. Therefore, we, Iho Daisy Cutter, of liloomsburg, do challeiigei tho ller wiek I'ieliid Nino to a friendly game of li.i-u Hall lo bo played on tho Fair Ground of our place at your earliest convenient day, Cait.un D. C'ri. DI'MOC'ISATTO STANDINll COMMIT'iTl'. A meeting of Iho Demoeialie Standing Com mittee was held at the Lxehango Hotel on Mon day tho Hlih in.st. Tho temporary cliaiiinaii called tho meeting lo older. An election re sulted in the choice of Waireu J. I!uelalew Ls(.,a. Chairman, Samuel Snyder, Secietary, aim K, H. lkeler, Lsq.,Tu-a.surcr. Twenty-two cleciiou di-tricts were ivpivsu;tcil. After trans uiiiug die bu-ine-ss for which the niceling was called, and the selection of Iwo persons in each election dUrict lo act with the member of Iho coinmitleo as a vigilance coiuiidttce, iho coin, umtee adjourned to meet at Iho call of the chair man. The following persons comprise tho vigilance eiuiiiiiiiiees, Iho members of Iho standing com milieu being placed lilst on tho lUt: Heaver Moses Slither, Allen .Maun, Isaac lellngeiinan. Heiiion K. 1C. Orvis, J. .). Melleiiry, James 'Connor. Heiwlcl: Samuel Chambcrlin, I-alah Huwer, .rncob Diellciiek. Hlooni :. W. J. Huekalew, W . II. dllnioie, Thus. Iliekev. , , Worm W.-K. H. lkeler, Geo. A. Clark, Sti pbeii Knorr. llriaicieek Win. Lnmon, Samuel L. Smith, Isaac I lower. lalawisMi If. .1. Hccder, W. L. I'yerly, M. V. 11. Kline. , , I'cnlic II. D. Knorr, Freden'ik Jliigtiibueh, Isaac 1-rvln, CiiitraliaThonias Gehiily, 'William Hifer, TMwaid Cuihy. , Convngham Noilh N. Lciilhau, 1'. Conway, S. 1'. I'lvan. Lonyngham South John Crane, Hoger Dix- sin, I'e'ter l.ubj. ,, , , . l-'ishlngercek Silas Me-l'fenry,Cyrus Hobbins, U.K. Kdgar. , , Franklin W. F. Stoker, Jonalhan Lorunan, Washington l'arr. Greenwood John Lcggolt, Albert Kline, Andrew- J. Dirr. ,. Hemlock G. L. .shoemaker, II. . Mclicy lloblri. IN li r K. Iblll'ler. Jackson Kniaiiucl Savage, Frank Derr, Geo. Ilurhyman. , ,, , , Locu-t Isaiah Ye-agcr, Holaudus llerbdn, Jl. Hcinbold. , , Main Win. T. Shuman, U. J. Campbell, J. H, Jainlson, ,, Mndboii A. J. Car.-, John Allen, "A m Mos Uller. Mlllllii-Siiiuml Snyder, John 11. Heller, Juiius j, Jlowier. , , , Mcniloiii John N. Golden, W. H. lubbs, I'dei-S. Kviiiis. . ,,, -Ml. l'leii.iin; 1). n,App!iinnn,".m. Miller, MlusHuHlll. , , Oiunge J. H. llaiiumi, W. II. Snjder, II. H. Klini", Hun 1'. W. Foncs, Geo. Gelly, Adum H.ibb. Hoiiiing Click - J. H. Klingcr, David Long, biuhaiu Heuxcr. , , ,. Scon J lliulinan, 0. 1. lint, John f-av ' lie. Sugorloaf K. J. AlUiUou, Aliuiis Cole, Jluiry (i. He, The Agricultural Association, embracing Iho le-gton ol lower Luierno mid upper Columbia will hold its nnnual l'alr at llailelon, on Sep lenibcr aid, i!3d mid Lillli, 1875. The Northern Montour Agricultural Society holds lis annual l'alr at Washliigtonvllle, on October Oth. 7th and 8th, 1875. Tho Montour Society holds lis Fair at Danville, on Septem ber 22(1, IWd, 2llh mid 2oth, 1875. If iho leader of the liloomsburg hand did not know (as ho alleges) that they disturbed Iho meeting of citizens In front of the court houso on Iho occasion of tho tempiraneo meeting, when they played full blasts In tho street In front of iho Exchange, wo cheerfully acquit him of all responsibility. NOHMAI. FUllOOi. l!U!,i:S. Hides and Regulations for the guidance of Sludeiils from abroad, In attendance at lllooms burg Stale Normal School, for the term ending December 21st, 1870. KTl'llllXTi All!! KXt-IX'THU 1st. To bo prompt mid regular at meals. 2d. To bo regular in ntlendanco on family worship, in familie.e where such worship is reg ularly maintained. ill. To bo gentle and couiteous in the fam ily mid quiet and well-bchavid on Iho street. 'lib. To cheerfully conform to all requlrc inenls of the family, expressed or Implied, where they are located. filh. To repair promptly to their rooms for study, at Iho ringing oftho'bell for evening, and Saturday morning sludy-hour. tith. 'To atlend their usual places of worship on Sunday morning, and to repair promptly to their rooms on Sunday afternoon at tho ringing of iho bell for (jfinr "lioflt, and remain there till supper hour, or till 5J o'clock. 7tb. To bo in their rooms Sunday evenings unless in alteiidaiieo at church with Tin: l'AM li.Y where they are staying. Slh, To be regular and prompt in llieir at tendance on all School duties, lllh. To be in their rooms on Saturdav even ings unless in allciidaiico on one of the Normal School Liteiary Soclclies. sruiiENis Am; Nor i:.v.i-i:un:i) 1st, To be out of their rooms after the ring ing of the bell for evening study hour, except Sunday and Satutday evenings when In attend mice at eliurch or at one of the Literary Socie ties. 2d. To make or receive calls from, or tido or walk, with one of (lie oppo-ito sex, without lirt obtaining peiniiss'mu Irom the 1'riucipal. "d. To vilt saloons or places of public amii-eiuent. 1th. To be out on tho streets or out of their rooms, when excused to study away from iho school building, dining the school hours of each dav, or between the hours of 8:15 o'clock, A, M., and 1 o'clock 1'. M., except on Saturday. Any Students failing to comply willi tho above requirements will be promptly subjected to such discipline as circuni-tanees may require. Teachers and Heads of families are requested lo aid in securing the good results to beobtained by carrying out tho above regulations, by promptly reporting any essential violation thereof lo tho l'rlncipal. T. L. Gnisw oLl). September 15th, 1875. Tlio I'hiladelphiii J.al'jir ipiotcs from the Itcpiiblican platform of this (state, that it demands "free banking and n safe unci uni form national currency adjusted lo the grow ing wants of the business interests of tlio country," and it adds: "If it menus any thing, mcniM nidation." And yet tho Had ical organs are howling about tho Ohio Democratic plalfoim, became, il opposes con traction. Consistency, cte. couiiT rnociXDiNus Commonwealth vs. Joseph Van Sickle fireeny of "ten dresses" from .Mrs. Kachel Howell, at tho burning of tho Normal School dormitory. We think tho following speci men explains tho whole matter. It is the testimony in full of n single witness (not more than one-tenth of tlio case,) for tho de fence, who ueems to bo singularly clear headed, although a lilllo singular in his Kng-Ji-ih. K. K. lkeler, F.sq , conducted the ex limiuation. "Mr. Frank Slayman, wero j-ou .it tho lire last Saturday "Iwas." "Are you Acquainted wilh Joseph Vim Sickle, the defendant hero? ' "I am." "Did you sco hint there ?" "I didn't see him there, but I eaw him on the way going there when I was going there. "I low long had ho been then at work?" "That I can't tell." "Well, about, as tw as yon can." "Can't say how long ho was there at all. I met him when 1 was going there." "Did you assist liim any with this bundle of clothes ?" "I did." "Whereabouts did you help carry them?" "I assisted him witli helping them over the fenco between the corn field and wheat stubble." "Will you stale from your own knowl edge', what his object was in taking tho clothes and removing them?" "Well, from the story that ho told me it looked plausible that ho were trying to savo them for Mrs. Howell and her daughter Hiichcl." "With that impression did you assist him?' "I did. Glial ies Deekar and I stalled from the planing inill in East lilooinsbtug, at tho time of the Cue ; and, instead of going up East Street, wo stiuck right out below and crossed up through tho fields in a direct eouiso from the planing-niill tortile building lliat was on lire; and, when wo got up to tho fence between the cornfield and wheat stubble, we saw some one, (wo didn't know wliit it wa at that time) with a large bundle that I supposed he got at the lire, and il somewhat amused us at his exertions, trying lo roll that bundle of clothing (it proved to lie al'tenvaid) away from tho lire. And Mr. Deekar made the remark to me that that fel low was exerting himself very much with tlio bundle, but neither him nor I know who it was at the time. Wo stayed there) for n few minutes tit Iho fence, and this fellow (Van Sickle it proved lo be afterwards) hol lered and made a motion for one of us to t'omo up (or both of us to conio up) to assist him to get that binidlo away, and Deekar told mo he would go up and bee what tho felluw wanted, and I stayed still, What paed between him Mid Deekar I can't say, but Deekar helped him down toward the fence- whero I stood, and I saw then that it was Van Sickle, tho man there, tho prisoner now, and as soon as he came, I says, says I, 'Joe, what's tho matter?' Said he, 'I have got Mrs. Dowel's (Hachci's) clothes hero mid, says lie, I am going to take eaio of them. That wu the amount of it then. Well, says I, how far are you going to tako them I Says he, I am going to tako them down to the far side. Says I ho bhoulel leave them here. Hut ho said, no, I am going to tako them down to Fourth Street, to John's. No, ho said, they are Hacliel Howell's, and tho old lady's mid I am not going to tako my eyes oil' them. I am going to tako them clown there, then I shall know they arc safe.' Tho bundle had como open and tho clothes wero duty some. 1 tola him to tio them up, mid helped him tio them up. Ho said, I am go ing to do them up right nicely and tako cam of them. Well, mid I, that's all right Wilh that I fctarliel on, and went up to tho lire." "Did you think ho was under tho Inllu rnco of llnuor? Did you notice that ho was?" "Well, ho might huvo been, very bllghtlji not bo much uu but what ho know what ho was about. Ho was a lltllo cxcllcd, liko ov cry body elso there, but I don't think tho in- lluenio of tho llmior Hurt liim in an. Thli witness was not interrupted nor cross examined, topoko in n straight-forward manner, easily reported, nnd Is n model wit ncss, in your reporter' opinion, Tlio court briefly charged tlio jury, who, without leaving their seals, rendered tlio ver dict, not guilty; and Mr. Van Sickle, dis charged from custody, received Iho congrat ulation of his friends. Sept, 7. On motion of Geo. H. Klwell, William Itryson and Franklin 1. HUlmyer wero ndinittcd to practico lawoln the several courts of Columbia Co. , Sept. 8. Tho Grand Jury made their final report and wero discharged. Commonwealth vs. Stephen Thomas. tio cognizanco of Elizabeth Thoma', prosecu trix, nnd (). 11. Millard, In $50, forfeited in open court. .Sept. I). Mount Carmel Savings Hank vs. J. 1). Meltciirj. Jury return a verdict, in rcforeiico to tho nolo of i?S0O finding for plaintlfi; otherwise for defendant. Tills waj a feigned issue to try the validity of certain judgments in this court, live in all. lint in procecs of tho tri.sl tho validity of all but one, or a note of SSOO, said to h.iio been given to 1). F. Edgar by William E. Edgar for a piece of laud, was acknowledged. Tho question was then reduced lo virtually this : Tho bank aliogo that that, note was a fraud that the brothers had put their heads togeth er lo protect the property of Win. E. Edgar against tho claim of the bank, and that tho note, from which tho judgment was entered, was concocted and gotten up for tho ptir poso of giving u spurious lieu, &. Was tho nolo a fraud? Tlio verdict said it was, and E, E. Orvis, Esq, of counsel for defen dant, filed motion (on the lUth) and reasons for a new trial. In tho estate of N. S. l'ronliss. Hcttirn of inquest confirmed hi. Lcidy vs. Leidj. Divorce decreed from the bonds of matiimonj. Tlio following sheriff's deeds wero ac knowledged in open court, to wit; Hiram ltecce, fur i!8ncios in Montour. Abel Thomas, for 87 acres in C'atawissa and Main. Scott & IIolllng3liead for 11 1 acres etc. in Catawissa. Thomas MeNinch for 1 lot in Catawissa. E. H. lkeler lor 87 acres in Fishingcreek. Abbot it Haldy for 1 lot in Catawissa. Freas lirothers for 1 lot in Hcrwick. Thomas Hughes for 21 acres in Locust. Thomas Hughes for 10 acres in Locust. liloomsburg M. S. F. for 2 lots in lilooms burg. M. E. Jackson for 1 lot in Hcrwick. William Yohey vs. Oliver E. Yohey. Verdict lor plaintiff. lload in Jackson near 1'ine Grovo lo School house. Ho,.ort of viewers in favor of road confirmed nwi. Petition for reviewers for a road in Jack son near John Hafl'erty's. Isaac Hiock, M. M. Applenian and Mathias Kuawer appoint ed reviewers. Petition for the road in Sugarloaf, near J. Harrington's. Samuel Hartman, John P. Hess and Isaac Dowitt appointed viewers. Petition for a bridge acioss Litllo Fishing creek near Samuel Eckmau's in Pino town ship. John ltantz, Jacob Snj-dcr and Dan iel S. Young appointed viewers. Petition for a change in a road in Fish ingcreek township near tlio blacksmith shop on lands of John Zauer. Samuel Koan, James Long and John Dildiuo appointed .viewers. Petition for reviewers of road in Hriar creek town-hip near Samuel Sweet's. Sam uel Snyder and Aaron lles appointed view ers. Jctemiali Hiiicy, James Sullivan and Daniel McCarty sworn as citizens of tlio United States. Kcport of viewers of arioad in Centre near the houso of Cicorgo 11. Kelchner, deceased. Continued niV. Petition for a road in Koaring creek near land of David II. Ca-c. Joseph Xiiss, Jos eph Gciger and W. T. Shuman appointed viewers. Petition for a road in locust near!). IIcl- wig e. Jl. U. Ungues, Caspar Jiliawn, antl Sol. Mensch appointed re-reviewers. Petition for a road in Milllm near John lloofnagle's. John Keifer, Adam Festcsalf and Samuel Drum appointed viewers. Petition for an alley in Catawissa near Go. Sells' shop. Daniel Morris, ,1. II. Vas lino and Itcuben Fahriuger appointed view ers. Oliver Yohey vs. William Yohey. Judg ment for plainlifi'by con-.ent, for 270. Petition to change the place of holding flection in Madison. Elcctiou ordered. loiin J. .uonenry vs. jonas i-oiy ec .u- ron Fellows. The name of Miron Fellows was stiiekeu out. Tlio jury returned verdict for plaintiU'fori-oO.ll. Aaron liarrol vs. Lycoming 1-ire Insurance Company, (Galbraith and Conily for plaiu till', Hill and Joluisou for deft.) was called on Monday morning, the loth. Counsel for defence wero ab-enl, and Col. J. G. Freeze moved continuance, becauso lulling lately come into the ea-e, ho felt unprepared for trial ; this motion being denied, ho obtained a postponement for ono day on account of tlio absence of an important witness, 1511 miles distant, whom both parlies had sithpic- nied, and for whom both parties asked an at tachment, which was promptly ii licit Tuesday afternoon tho witness arrived, but too late, as the ca-o had been settled by tho parties. Judgment for plaintiff for 5-2,000. First National Hank of llloonisburg vs. Charles Lee, W. G. Shall'er and Fred. ll.i- geiibueh. This was an action upon a note for 2,500 which tlio defendants had endor.s- :d. Tho case was tried at great length on Monday and Tuesday. Verdict for 2,200. The Couyiigh.ini School district vs. tho Lo.-ust Mountain Coal and Iron Cmipany. Argument on caso stated. Freeze for daiiitill', Marr for deft. Quostiuu of the meaning of tho act of Assembly piovidiug for a separate school-tax for building pur poses, tho plaintiff claiming that repairs aro included, the defendants refusing lo pay Iho tax, and claiming that, if paid, the money must bo applied solely to buying ground mid building thereon. J. J. McIIenryvs. Jonas Doty. Deft, files motion and reasons for a new trial. Locust Mountain Coal and Iron Company vs. Thomas Gehrity. Motion of deft, todis nolvo Injunction argued by Hrockway for deft., Marr and Wolvertou for plaintill's. Decision reserved. First National Hank of liloomsburg vs. Josso I), ltiee. In this case, which was ex pected to bo called on Tuesday, an attach ment was issued on Monday for Charles Lee, who was absent through blckncos, during tho caso against him and others. Wednesday. Tho caso of Levi Kluly vs. N. L. Campbell was called and a jury im paneled, but important witnesses for plain tiff wero absent. Attachments wero issued and tho caso postponed. Pardee, Marklo and Orier vs. 11. G. Crevo ling was then called, tho same jury as in tho former caso Impaneled accepted, and tho trial proceeded with, Tho defence was want of personal notle-o by tho notary personal notleo being reqiiisllo (as tho court also charged) when the party lives in tho samo town with tho notary and whero tho nolo is payable. Tho caso was sent to tho jury bo foro ten o'clock. Verdict for plaintiff. Tho gentlemen of the bar then Informed tho court that thero was nothing of Impor tance BiilTiclcnt to reqtilro calling tho trial list again, nnd tho court, nflcr determining various petitions fornppointment of guardi ans, adoption of children, adjourned to Saturdaj, discharging nil jurors not already impaneled. Tho caso stated between tho Episcopal Church (St, Paul's Parish) of this place and executor of Chas. Conner's will, bequeathing a legacy of 31,000, wns argued by Geo. E. Elwell, Esq,, nnd Col. J. CI. Freeze. Tho church owed tho testator u note of sj-IiOO, and claimed that tho will gavo them $1,000 mid tho note. His honor, Judge Itockcfeller, of or the 8th judicial district, who heard tho ar gument, decided that tho church would tako f 1,000 less the note. VlNIl CLI.Tflli: AND MINI! MAKING. Mr. Alfred Specr, of Pasalc, N. .1., so Ion? and lavorably known as the wine man of New Jersey, expects a bu-Rer yield of grapes this year lli.in usual, and has reduced, tlio price of his four year old port to ns to bring it within tho reach of the poorer families who need a imre mid licit wine for medicinal purposes. Mr. Speer's modo of fermenting and keeping his wine diflers from the UMial methods. This is the reason why it is so much superior in quality, but it requires four years management and changing of lemjieralure In order to make one Ii a perfect line wine as il is; tho knowledge of changing to various temperatures at dlHerc-nt limes, and at tho right time, is where he has tlio advantage of gelling so rich a wine without llie u-e of liquor. Large quantities of Speer's Port Grape Wine have been ordered lo South America, nnd by Europeans, Phj-sicians rec ommend it ns bupoiior In inot of the European wines. It is dealt in largely by druggists. Daily Jirprtm, Wyoming Seminary and Cnmnierci.il College, Kingston, Luzerne county, Pa., has accommo dations fur 175 boarders and 200 day scholars. Sliidiuts received at any lime and charged for board from the time of admission. Students prepared for cellese, leaching and business. Couiniereial course and telegraphy unsurpassed. Common English studies thoroughly taught. College ptcparalory course equal to that of any other school. Send for a catalogue and a Com mercial Journal lo Hev. D. Copiland, Ph. 1). Couiniereial students address Prof. L. L. Sirague. TOWANDA HOOTS 1 TO WANDA HOOTS I Huy ll.ein, try them and you will always want them. For sale at McICi'uney'a who is solo agent fur Hint's line Shoes. HATSi IIATS! HATS I Latest Styles ! Lowest Prices 1 Largest Sloekl At D. Luwcnberg's. Hoots for f.illtradcal Knorr's just lecelvcel try them. Guipure, Yak and other Laces at Clark & Wolfs. Great reduction in tho piicu of Kid Gloves at Lutz i: Sloan's. Ladic, look at Clark it Wolf's new lino of Fall and Winter Hosiery. '17 dozen just lee'd. C. O. Marr has the largest slock of E. Uulter ick it C'o's. Diess Patterns in town. Ca-li ami Produce liuj-s cheap at C, C. Man's, Ladies, if you would have a neat lilting dress buy the H.i.aar cut paper patterns of Clark 0 Wolf. They are the best. New Patterns now ready. Tulneco and Confectioneries, wholesale and retail by M. M. l!u--el. You can get 0 I Inches at Lutz A Sloan's for 15 els., or 12 for 25 ets. Men's Calf Hoots at E. M. Knorr's. Go to C. C. Marr's for cheap Hoots and Shoes, ::o Ciarl- dozen worsted t Wolf's. fiinge, now in stock at The largest Stock in Iho county to select from at D. Lowenberg's. Hair Druids at Clark it Wolf's. Pewter Sand for sale at Hussnis. Good clean Coal N'eal .t Hro. to bi had only of C. W. 32tf Gcrmantown Wool at Clark it Wolf's. New Goods at Knoir's fur fall trade. Clico-c I Cheese ! of Cliec.-e at Htusel', Checsol Fine assortment Cashmeies, ilm il' ch; Mohairs, Alpacas, Me rinos, ,C-e., at Clark it Wolf's. For a stylish Heady Made Suit go ,to Lowenberg's. D. Semi 15 els. (o Lutz it Sloan, liloomsburg, Pa., and get Iho book on Fashions, telling you "What to Wear," whero to get it and how to make it. Go to C. C Man's for nice Dre-s Goods. Faumkiii, An lasTioN. His.-i:i. takes Hutler Fggs, Lard and Produce in exchange for goods. For a Nobby Sliiit go to D. Lowenberg's. High Top Combs in erreat variety at Clark it Wolf's. Don't be worried and anoved with notonlv a poor quality of Coal but (lit tv and slaty besides, but buy of O. W. Ni:.u. it lino, who "deal oirly in (he best qualities. "J'Jtf Hinsel is receiviiiL' fresh Watermelons. Can- tclope", Uauanas, ite., dally. Go to Hussill.l.'sj for vour Groceries, llo selli for cash and will not bo undersold. KUg.iut Coals and Wis, Latest Style, In Heady Made', at I). LoucnbcigV, Fine stock of Itubbers at McKinney'.s. Nu'klics, Collars and Culls, Kucliiny.s and a full line of Fancy Goods at Claik it Wolf's, Farmers hi want of first class ailiehs of Threshers and Cleaners; al-o, one and two horse Tread PoV.els, call on or add less J. M, llul-hiirir, Light hired, Columbia County, Pa. ulU" O. W. Ni:.u. it- lino., spare no expense to scud U2U' out nlco Coal. Granulated Sugar for sale at liussi:is. Waterproofs at Clark it Wolf's, Oat Meal for sale at Htissci's. Call and try it. When vim go to Philadelphia stop at No. 812 and 811 Mar- tho Allegheny House kel street ; having been recently renovated Prico only $2 per day, A. liix-n, March l'J,'75-ly Proprietor, If you vault a first class Farm Wagon, If you want a Plalfmiu Pleasiiio Wagon, If you want an Lliptlc Spring Wayon, If you waul a Pleasure Wagon, If you want jour Wagon put in good tiim, If you want repdrs done good wilh short notice, Go to J, H. F.u-s. Heaver Cloth at Claik'it Wolf's, All Coal slated and screened before leaving llie old established coal yard of C. V. 'i:.w. it Huo. ailif Genuine Mason Hu-sel's. Fruit Jars for sale at M. M. CO AD. COAL llhl IMalilislieil Coal Yard. C. W. XllAl, it Ill-.o,, Wholesulo & Hetiill Dealers In all sics ol tho best utilities ol lied and White Ash Coal, at tho very lowest market rates. 1 Ia o constantly ou hand largo slocks of Doineatie, Cupola, Jllacksmlth's Anthracite, Jlituiuliious, and l.lmeburncr's Coal. Ilspccial attention given to the prepara tion of coal before leaving our yards. Grain and Lumber taken in exchange for coal. Coal delivered to any part of tlio town at nhort notice. Orders lell at I. MeK'elvy's storo, or at our olllcc, will receive iirompt at tention. Ollico and Yards at William Neal (cHons' Furnace. Kast liloomsburg. Your patronage rcspcctfullv solicited. COAL. 17 tf-25 COAL New style Corsets at Clark .0 Wolf's. SPECIAL NOTICE. A splendid slock of Fall Goods jut received at David 1OWtnlterg's, Consl-llng of ready made ('halting for Men, Youths and Hoys, nil of the latest nyic ami lowest prices. Marriages. In llcrwlel., on tlio ssih ult by llcv. A, 11. liottcn tslcln, Mr. 11ANIKI. W. STUVilNH, to Miss ANNA It, Dlln inilCI;, belli or thai place. At tlio it, V.. Parsonage, In Cenlrall.i, September Utli, 18T5, by llev. (I. Jl. I.irncil, Mr. I.. .1. t.AMIimi SOX, anil Miss CLAIIA t.ONU, both of l'wlllor, Nortliuuiberlaiiil county, Pa. Deaths. In lllooinsburif, on Friday night, AllTlli'lt HIM. I.Ijy, son of Hubert C. anil lllcatior Ilurly Neal, aged 4 months ami 4 days. In Jlalionlii'f lownslilp, Montour county, on tlio Sil Inst., Mrs. I'ANNY li()L'si;i, wltoof Win. Hoiiaer, ago,! si jears, (S in His and 10 ilaj-s. In Catawissa township, July vslh, lsis, Mr. 1IANIIX (il'NHII,, nsed about SI j ears. I'arly conse crated to (lod by holy baptism, and In later j enrs court rmeil a member ot tho Keformcd Church, In r.loomsburi,', on tho Mil tnsl., 1'ANNT, Infant, daughter of John and Maria Cox, nged 0 months and 8 el 1 s. Iii Madison township, Columbia county, on tlio sth Inst., Mrs. MAItV, widow of tho lato John Heller, aged 71 years, II months an t no days. In Ccntrevllle, Columbia county, on tho tlth Inst. THOMAS i:. CAIN, sou ot John nnd Cathiilno Cain, aged 1 year, it months and 11 days. In Centre toanshlp, on tho Jth Inst., Mrs. LM11A1I UIDI.AY, n- d "S yean, 4 months and a diys, NearJer-,- town,Stptember9,lTlANKt.IN Wool). SIM'S, rod ii" Joseph and Christiana Demott, aged 1 j-ear, 0 montlis and SO days. "Tint Infant U a seraph now I . . That beauteous boy, with harp anil crown, llvtiltliij: spreads his slber lnrs 1 Thou almost nearest those poifei't stilngs Whoo muscle Is to thee unknown, Sound whero tho glad Immortals bow, Whero children cast their honors do.vn, Whero elders and apostles meet At Jesus' feet. Think, mother wlillo sweet tears aro shod, How blessed aio llie caily deail." In Jersey! own on Iho Oth Inst., Mr. JOHN SWISH " 11, In the sith year ot his age. Pl IIWII, I Will WHUMIi ,Hi, I M. w IH l ,1 , ,, ma ,, . "market liii'oia's. 1SLOO.MSHUHG MAH1CKT. Wheat per bushel f l.st) Hyo " o Com " o.its " f.o l'luur per barrel ".uu Cloverseed ".on l laxsi'ed 1..V) llulter 3U I'lrcs is Tallow os I "ni aloes i.) Dried Apples Hi Hams 10 sides ,t MiouliliTH la I.ard per pound is I lay per ton 5n.no Ui'i'swav -r, Timothy Seed 4.10 QUOTATIONS 1011 COAL. No. I on W1i.il f 4,fi0 per Ton No. ti " " $ 3,; " No. 0 " " $ 2.MI " " Hl.icksmUh's I.uinp on wharf $ l,oo " " " limtniliiotis " t i',,i) " " TOWN AND "COUNTRY." Scn 'rises r o'clock 2t! minutes seta fl o'clock 31 minutes. o (10i.n Is now quoted at a premium ot about 113-la other woids green backs are about 13 percent, below par. o DI..VSK Deeds, on l'arehmcut and linen paper, com mon and for Admliilatr.itois,r.xccutor3aud Trustees, for sale cheap at the Co cmcian olllce. o K"Ttino tries all things," and has proven that Wl.s tar's llaKun of wild Chei ry Is tho remedy par excel lence for the euro ot coughs, cMels, croup, whooping cough, bronchitis, asthma, phthisic, sore throat, In lluenza, and "last, not least," consumption. 50 cents nnd Jl a bottle, large buttles iniieh tho eheape r. o II. 1'. KL'NKKI.'S urHT.lt WING 01' I HON. (Hies tone to the stomach, linprou-s tho appetite anil assists digestion ; excites tho bowels to healthy action, expellliu all iho foul humors that contami nate tho blood, coirupt the secretions and ollend thobiealh. It.exeltes the liver to a healthy action ami strengthens Iho ncnes, imparling that glow to life thai pioeeeds nlono from perfect haith. Thous ands In all w all.s of life, tcstiry to iho i lrtues ot this excellent mi'dle'lne In correcting the derangement 'of the- dlgestHe organs, (let the genuine. Suld only In I buttles. Ask for I', r. Kuiikel's Hitter V.'lne cf Iron, and lake no other. IHm'Eisii. Dvsi-crsii. Dvsru'su. V.. V. Kuukel's Hitter Wlue of Iron, a sure euro for this disease, lthasbeen piei-cilo-ed elatlj for many years In the practice of eminent physicians with un paralleled success, sjmptoms are loss ot appetite, wind nndil-lngof food, dryness lumouih, head ache, ilklness, sleeplessness and low spirits, net tho genuine. Not sold In bulk only f 1 buttles. Do joimant something to st lengthen you, or a good appetite? Do you want to get rid of nenous ncss? Do j ou want energy, sleep well, or be ciuvd ot dyopcp'la, kidney or llier disease? Try H. r. Kuukel's Hitter Wlno ot Iron, livery bottle guaran teed to do as recommended. Sold only In $1 bottles. Depot and olllce, sr.!) North Ninth St., Philadelphia, I'a. (ieltho genuine. Suld by all druggists. Ak for H. I'. Kuukel's, and take no oilier. T.ii'i; Woiim Hemuu'd alive with head complete, la from two to Unco hours. Nofeo Ullrcmocd,by 11. 1'. Kunkel, 2.VJ Nurth Ninth St., Hilladelplila. Seat, pin and stomach woims also rcinoied. Call unit lco ; adWi'u fiee, or bend for circular. Ask your druggist tor Kunkel's Worm Syrup. I'llce, l per botlle. o IMl'OliTANT ItllSl'LTS 1'LHASANTI.Y ACHIEVED. Although the days of liraltonal mediation aro Happily passing away, and Intelligent plij.slcl.ins halo ceased to measure tho supposed e'l caey of a remedy by tlio violence of lis effects, there sitlllln- gorsamong tho older practitioners a few ot these pre- itllii'llioislu favor ot "heroic" treatment, which It would bo Hu'Uy for their patients If they tiad ab in iluiied. One of these Is a loudness for administering draM lo piiigatlux, siuh as lilua pill, adumi 1, Jalap .111.1 castor oil. A COltl.u,t ot Iho elicits of lllese drenching drugs wlfii Ibe i.dtd and lieiiellcient oper ation of llostter's i-tuiiiaih lllltei s, Is the u best argument that cm bo aildili oil against Iho wlsil.iai ot hllill llitlllietlU' lliatliulll. The old fasillolied calhaill'-i cuitvulse t Ik ttomaeh, mid relax tho bow. els so abruptly and eurluiisly nalo weaken them, Hostellers r.lllcrs, ou ilm contrary, never gilpo the liite.slbies, but pioiluco a l.iiatlu-1 licet resembling Iho action of nature. At the same time Ihey rcmuo Iho cause ot coiistipattuii, by arousing the iluiiuant liver to senile Iho llie necessary to tho regular pel formalin-if Ihu exeieileo function, and enablj l lie btoiuae-li lo thoroughly digest tho tuud, luillges llou bllloiiMiess having been thus oveicoine, u regu lar habit ot body Is Iho necessary consi'iiuenee, which Iho uceaslonal biibswiuenl Useiot the Illllers renders permanent, livery disagreeable symptom which, la Iho absence of pnfeet ellgestlun and eac u.illuu, harrasses the. s-slem, vaiiblus under Uiu lullueucc ot tho great nalloual ttoinachlei and altera' llie, llcilili unci vigor aio lvUiiblesblngsth.il fol low Us Use. o SCHITC'K'H PULMONIC SY111T, l oll THE Cl'ItH Ol' e'ONSl'.Ml'TION, COl'lillS AND COI.DH. Vho great vli tuo ot Ibis liiedtituo Is all that It rip ens iho matter and thiows It out ot Iho sjstem, pu- I llles the blood, and thus eiructs a cure. SCHICK'S "FA WKEH TOXIC, toil 1IIK frill! 01' IIVS. I'CI'sIl, IMJIOESHOX, KC, Tho Tonic produces a healthy action of tho stom ach, clouting uu appetite, tunning ehj le, and cluing tho most obstluatu cases cf ludlgusllou. Se'licML's .Mamuiakc I'll iji, Ton nils Ccue of I-ivku COMl'lAlSr, iC. These pills aio iillerutne, and produce a healthy action of iho liver without the least danger, nslhey aro free fioin caloii'.il, and i et laoie ctfueluus In le sturlng a hcidthy action of the liver. These remedies, aru aceitalncuieforconbuinptlon, us iho Pulmonic Sjrup ilpi'usllio inalteraud puri nes Ino bIod. 'Iho Mandrake I'llls act upon Iho llv er, create a healthy bile, and reniov o all disease of tho Hut, oltenn rauso of consumption. 'Iho Sea Weed Tunic gives lone and strength to the stomach, makes a good digestion, and enables tho orgaim to form good blood j and Ihus creates aheallhy elrcula Hon of heallhy lilood. '1 ho combined action ot these inedlelues, aiu thus explained, will euro every caso ol consumption, 11 taken In lime, ami tho use of tho medicine pi ebi'l v ed In, o THE MlXTl PLICATION Of DISEASES, Diseases multiply. Onu begets nnothir. A trif ling inelUpoblllon may, therefore, originate a compli cation cf dangerous maladies, Inillgcibtlon Is-gets tar uioio furiuldablo elleuses; n inullltudo of nil ihcnts aro tr.ieculilo lo eenstlpullcu i fever and oguo uiihluges Iho cullro tuluii, mid Is therefuio tho buuree of tho protean ailments whleli iiirint that poitlonof tho human crganUm, Ilosletter'sMom- ueli lilitt rs, however, whciher rescued to at Iho In ception of those ct Mil del 8 of Iho stomach, boweU or liver, which glrublilh to tho inajuillyof cIIsciiihis nnil dhubllltles, or taken when they have Hienud Into formidable nuluilty, nio nllkcionerfiiltocuie, 'Iho pioee aof leiovciy Is, of couise, longer when the mulady liasgaltied liaday,hut It Is none mo liss ceitaln, D)siepsla, coiiMlpallon, blllouswss, klduoy complaints and Intel udlteiit fever, Invaria bly h id to the opt rutlon of tho treat altcrath o and Inv Igoraut, FARMERS TAKE NOTICE! It Is ot great lii,noiiiiiu-i to -oil what kind Of manure jou apply tooiir Wheat, Lands this fall, If you want a (."Mill cr ;iof vi itneM ijeiisnn, nnd a heavy crop of (, i.i , b, I- iioh, u-c. Haw Bono Super Pliospliutc STANDAltl) WA Itll ANTED. rut up in won. biurn. The base of this Old lstnbllshed Arttclo Is Haw or L'libunied Hones, nnd Its strength cannot bo ex hausted Willi tho crop of Wheat, but vv 111 prove of- fceiivo on Iho follow Ing crop of (Irons, nnd will also permanently Improve Iho soil. Tanners look In your own Interests and prove If what we say about Baugh's Eaw Bono Fhosnlmto lslruoor false, and hotiry us of the rcsull. Make application for It early to vour nearest Denier In Manures, and It you cannot seeuro It through them, send j our orders direct to j our friends JJAUGH & SONS. Allg. Hl-2t. l'lIILAUHLl'lIIA ,t I1ALTIMOIIE. "ITlXl-XLTOlt'H NOTICIC. J j kstvti! of iim.tr ntunt, pkceaseii. Letters lesliimentury on the csUIeof 1'hlllp Wil son, hue of I'lsiiingcreek township, Columbia county, deceased, have been grunted b) tho lteglster ot said county, to.iiilla A, vvllson and .Ineob o. Wilson, of rishlngcrei l; township, Columbia county, I'a. Exec utors, to whom nil persons Indebted to said cslnto aro requested to make payment, nnd those having claims or demands against, the said estate win make them known to tlio said Executors without delay. u i.i.v .v. vv ii.-mj., JACOHO. WILSON. Aug. ST, '".vet." llxeculors. lXLCCTOlt'.S NOTICE. J J KrATr. ni-' jouv Micinnr,, nnccvsni. r.-l t,isi I, l nt.jfv m, 1 1, i.wliilf, i.r .t,,li M lr1inr.t late of Minna tow nshlp, Columbia county, deceased, nave ncen granted nv the llegisterof said county to loliu II. inner, of Mliillu tnwiishin. Ciiliiiiiblacoiiii- ly. I'a, Executor, lo whom all pcrscns Indented to said estate are leiiuested to make pavuicnt and Ihose having claims or demands ngalnst tho witd esiuin win iniiKo luem Known ioiucs.uu i.xeruior without ilelay. JOHN II. IIETL15I!, Aug. lu-ct. Hxecutor. ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE. "VTOTICK IS IIKKKHV OIVKN that the 1.1 uiidei-stgned has been appointed an Assignee lut-lhe bi'iielltof Hie creditors of. I.. I. lloiurlanil. of Ceiilralla borough, In Columbia county, and has take tiupon himself theclutli'sot the trust, All persons aro the lefore leipilred to seltlewltti him, adjust ami paj luiiiinaii neeouuis. ueiiisiiniiiiiiesoi iiiesaiu.i,.i, lloaeilaiid ; and thoso having claims to submit them to the Asslgueo pre-perly authenticated. MA'.ITINIIASS. Sept. a-Ct. l'axtnos, Northumberland Co., I'a. Truof Bird U A valuablo Bird Deposit, Imported Into tho Untied slates ron BAUGH & SONS, PHILADELPHIA AND 1IALTI.MOI1E. Tills (luano possesses the most remarkablo cliarac teilstlcs as a cheap fertllUter for all drops. Tho analysts of four cargoes shows an average of r,s.lo.-i per cent, ot Hone Phosphate of Lime. Tho testa havo been highly satlsfadorj, ami when you once adopt llie article, you will iho ni oilier In preference. Packed In Hag, of 2nd r s each. Price, S38 Por Ton. BAUGH & SONS, Solo Proprietors, 20 S. Deliiwiiro Ave, Philu. 10." South Street, jjiiltimore. aug. 10-'jt. fflanW: How Lost How Moral! JUST imblislieil a new edition of Dr. CUI, VHltWKl.l.'S celebrated essaj' on tho radical cuio (without medicine) of Spermatoi 1 ha-a t iviarjii, or seminal VV eakness, Involuntary Sciu-itrir.vJK- Inal we.ikne'-s, Impoteuey, .Mental and r-ilrsLlciir piij.-leal Ineapaclly, Impediments to Marriage, etc,: also Consumption, Epilepsy, andl'lts Induced by selt-lndulgenco orsextual extravaganco Piles, Ac. l&B'J'ricc, in a scaled ennfape, only tit caifc. Tim celebraled author, In this admlrablo essay clearly demon- traces from a thirty jcais'suueessfu practice, that Iho alarming consequences of self abuse may bo radically cured w Ithout tho dangerous use of Internal medlclno or tho application of the knife; p'llullng out a modo of euro nt oneo simple ceitaln, and effectual, by means of which every suf ferer, no mailer what his condition may be, may cur himself cheaply pilvatcly, and radically. Cv-Thls Lecture should bo In tho hands of every youth and every man In tho land. Sent uuder seal, In a plain envelope, to any ad dress, post-paid, on receipt of six cents, or two pest stamps. Address tho rubll.shers, OKAS. J. C. KLINE .t CO., 12" liowcry, Nct? York, l'ost onico Dox i.tso. April lo, '75-y I'OitTTNK IN' IT. Kverv family hues il. Sold by Agents. Address, (I. S. WALKElt, Coughs Colds, Iiion chilis, Sore Throat, In lluenza, Croup, Whoop ine; Cough, Hoarseness Liver Complaint, I'ains or Soreness in the Chest or Side, Ulcctling at the Lungs, and every alTeellon of uie Throat, Lungs nnd Chest, nres-ced. Ily cured bv the u-e ot Iin. Wistcu's IIci-samok Wii I) ciikuuv. whleli Hoes nut dry upn euughaml leave the cause behind, as Is llie case Willi most remedies, but loe, ens It. cleanses tho lungs and allays Irrlta lun, thus removing thoemisoof tho complaint. Consumption can bo cured by a timely result lo this -.Inmlnrcl reinedv, as is proved by hundreds of lestlmonlsls It has received. None genuine null ss Mined '!. lll'TTS" on llo verapix-r. Lueenls and i abullli,; large bntll, m uiu, Ii I he i hi ii'i'. SI! ill W. I'lnVI.E .t; sons, ITopiL'lois, Huduii, .Ma--'. Suld bv ilo.hr.sg, u- ll'.lllV. .lan.ii'J, 'it.-ly IIVLUTISl.Mi: (henii: Hood: Svslcma- All nelsons velio ee,iiu(-mi,1.iteinal.liier eon- li. e Is with iiewsn:ip, j-H p,i- the ihseiil, n Mnilvcr llseuients, should m lei 21 eenls lo line I', lloeeell ,v Co., 41 Talk How, Ni w Yolk, for I heir I'AMl'lll.ET r.ooH (iiliiel.v-si'Venih leliilon.) cuidalnlug Hstsof over 20IH1 iiewsiiapi rs ami (-.lluiiites, sliuwliigthe eost. Ailveill-eiiii'iits I ii I, i n In- hading pnpcrsin 1:11111V Mutes lit ll til InelahUS KllUlllDII 11' 1:1 pill Ushers' intis. cn n 1 I cel.. .isn. l.'"t,-ij. AGKNTS WANTRDM (in-ut Hull:. MIIIIT SCEM..-, IN THE Hllll.E, 1111(1 a in igntili lent NEW Huolv just from I'less. Ad dress, J. c. .Mee l HUV a. CO., 1'hll.idelphla, I'a. II!WD riEABIIia.PSYCO'iJAUOV, rASOIUATIOlI, huiil 1I1.11 lullii. M( nni l I-111, nnil MairliiKe- uuhli', showliu liuvv , lilie-r wx may fast'liiali' .mil eraln tin1 lovo .uui alU'Clli'ii ( f nay pi'isfn ilicy ( luicisi' Instant ly, l ilt,-nv iiiaii, ruii-iiis. 11, niriiiLic'r, inw is itm .uni I'f lire alar, lint abuuki.t -inii 1 11m k Ailclre-oh, HL'NT & l'u 1.1-1 Suutli Till t lill.iilell,!ll.l, i'a. i ni.lCASANT AM I l'l.lliMi:X'!'.--r.i'; lioiv iuwly !" " lull 11 n Ti:oriTAi!i.i: km c'liutireil 1 "C'lianiilni;! ' "lili, arei they vioil 1 " Ac Mali aru cve-laiaiitlons by llui- vv tio sco Uiu l.irii- clctrant lii-w ('lirdaioH iii-ikIiuciI liy llie llnrupe'an anil Aiai'r le'.in C'liruiiKi I'liWhliliii; Cn. I'.vcrj oni will want Hula. It n inilivs in, inlhlii, 10 Mil Ilm lilctuus. tlll'V 81 .IK till lll,llls.'l,'n. I tllivassi Ih, tUTl'lllH, ami laillea unit p ml, 1 uu, "in "I I'lnplo.viiiciit, vein llnil IIils llie- U si ,,, uliiK' i-r on.-ri-.l to mala liioni'.v. Tor lull pariu til.n.s m ml n.inii tor coMI- 1lc111l.1l cire'ui.ir ,v,uir. s.s, r (,i,i,.v5u.si .v; eei us W a-ElllIlis'l-'ll Mire-1, isusieli. 11.1.SS,. A TTOUXKY'S lll.ANKR (.cummin ami H-OfeDE & s? si; ! I ?0 i. ?!' a fl uu,l,lll,'llb liouus, iubi i'iiiiia-ii 11,1 lur rtiiuui,. lluuiur. i,i Coi.tMiiuN onico. All kliuU of if tu.rui'yn blanks i!nuci- , ulw.r e,nr mi li.iml nr rrlnliul Id oi-ili r. I "a RECENTLY BLACK CASHMERES, NEW MUSLTNS, COLL AltS AND CUFES, NECKTJES, KUCJUNQS, BACK COMBS, LADT ES NEW KID OAUNTLI NICE ASSORTMENT DRESS GOODS PROM 25 CENTS AND UPWARDS. ' 2 m NEW RALJj PllENTS TO AU11LVM TMIS WJiKK AT THE rOPUJAK CASH STORE OF W. P. JONES & CO., CATAWISSA, PA. LAYTON HUN'YON. HARDWARE STORE. LAYTON RUN YON, & CO., BLOOMSBURG, I'A. keeps coiistnnllj on li.iinl .1 1'uU nnd Completes Stock ol' vvliicli vro will sell to the Piililic ut Prices so Low- us to defy competition. (HIH STOClt CONSISTS IN l'AHT Ol'j -YJi IRON, NAILS, PAINTS, OILS, G-L ASS and PUTTY, MECHANICS TOOLS AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS of nil Grades nnd Latest Improvements, BLACKSMITHS BELLOWS. ANYILS, SLEDGES, and HAMMERS. Burden's Horse and Mule Shoes, Horse Nails, etc, PATENT WHEELS, OLD'S AND WARNER'S PATENTS, Spokes, Hcn,vy nnd Light, Carriage MaUobcls, Axles, Spring?, Gum and Oil (?lo(lis, Valentines Varnishes, Spirits Turpentine, and 11 gcncrnl Stock of WAGON AND CARRIAGE MAKERS GOODSI Building Materials, such as UNCANNON NAILS, Lewis' Lead, Best Colors, Pure Oils, etc., as low as the' can bo bought in the county. GIVE US A CALL AND SEE FOR YOUliSELF. LAYTON ItUNYON & CO Mar 19, lSTS If. NEW HARDWARE STORE! SUCCKSSOKS TO .1. . s.- ' I f Oimlcts, Gouj-l-s, Twee-zcrs, Pliers. l'eits ami K itlcv, Pans and Friers, J.VI1 tilings for all korts of bnyer.s. Ujr- - - -m ill! 1 nit?. Wc liuvo also added to ourStock PATENT WHEELS a SPOKES, WHEELBARROWS, GLASS, PUTTT, GBIN-DSTOIsTES, eScC- OJJll STOCK IS COMPLETE In all it Pr.inclics, Carefully Felected and Pnreliai-cd low for Cash giving Advantages fur S-elling which can not be excelled by any other Hardware Sl01' m the Cbuntry. GIVE US A CALL AND BEE FOR YOURSELF. Wc GUARANTEE both in PRICE and QUALITY of our Goodd. The Largest Stotre in the Country. J. SCHUYLER ind 01 ErrHh's "Inthr.t Dress Elevator." Nil Oil. Tills of nil. Il lai iin w-,m V TiiuriTiiowiino r s5?rrA n rTnrv.ir Vart (if Iho OUV.Wltll ll.e, "JtlOs. Vliior " una to. inu i cm talaa jour cklil I -wlill I'Milnj n mud ...y .....v. ...... lit UH(-rynrukp lltri(l. ikcrMtt form may f. cl Uu , ,1 .... I Tl,..,, , tklrtrron mo mini. 1 it jjonxium 1 mri is a Taattfful Btld I'll' ibFotinl.lrl ,fliIo or inn Fv;i, rhionfiblo Itannor. I drwB u li fulLnnfla to lu urV, wkl tli BtrftiKht front. n Ravc-a moro than Tn Tim ttaCOSt. Il rin wiiieMirlliniioa. men imxnis i,ir Il-s.-l. ,, ,,tprn. tbiogrd lromOnDrOiBliftnotllor. 1 S,i. ot mcrsl.ni. (kali modi 1, a SWSi pilii rn, ve .vinrciiiv."-!' mm zinni a on t ""I'l'i , Oil ilm J'niiors" nnt.nmli .J'0'1!',1.",,",1. ,,,",,.liX,w!.lV, ?.V. .?.!". "sr .to ii! t!'. h 1 olio ii-ui1- "I'.vrmi.'i iiA.A.iic." A. BURDETTE SMITH'S fori of Fasliios FINE AflTS and POLITE Literature, Nlimlo Oonlosi 25 I'cntn. Kobsi-rlptlon Price 6't a rpar. ist.M, Indmllntr J priraium of Tno Dollar.' vvortli of - uiu.ruam.-u lo caca (.utibcribcr. We Kn,! our f!r.UTIPICATI.S n' '" l,p,m rn-.ii.t i.r .uUscrllilUm I'l'W ( ''.'. '."",.!! It ls lll.r.VA-rOHH Mill bo gin 1 l PI.ACl. et en.a lilUrawurtUbl I'allkTUl.UU.lKU;. Tho "JIONTIILY AVOltTlJ -T7, hitllAV II (linvPV lllli'iht.l 111,1.1 iii-aiiiiiiti, niti ai tiip laupiziiic to Smith's Illustrated Pattern Bazaar he I'ciunil 111 (his i-oiinlry, ami i-vi'ry pr- sainpu cop-. , i cents, soil lli) liogllli Willi lllleill il. "ill; subsnlpttun I'rliv, fi.niaje.ir, poitpalil. NKVKIl ilisfUlllilllie it while) It is imb-j ono iiull.ir's vvjriliot ratte-rnsulventocvcli litlll'il. suiiscilljei' fre-e- us pruuiluui, $4,500.00 in Gold Coin to Givo Away ! Wc will irlvi'l'i.tTiuo In c.eil.li CdlNto Ct, i vvl 1 u'lve li.wm.On llill.l) t'liIN to 183 pi-r-p, im iis vvlio M-iiel ii Uu- l.iri;,st imnilsr of niis vvuumikI uk tlio laruest iniinlie'r cf Mill, bulisi uiu rs I o em r "Mirlilof I'lisLleii!-, " ul t n rll'cit. tu our "l.aiiiur," at fl.lu caeli, bt-furo i-iuli, bifoio Man 111,, itT0. Mnreli 1, ls;ii. iu ine- i,(iie'r-up 1 1 (11c Ii' eiiM eluli.. ..til. 11.10 In Cdil r(,ln. '.'1 1 I.Hri,'i'si dull ml LniKcbl (lull Sill l.lllt'Cl-t cllil Mil l4l!'l M Clllll r.tli Uue-i'! 1 lui "Ill UllKl'M dull sili I uricebt 1 lul Mil laih-i.tiluli I Hi I nir- i-e eluli ,. visi.iu liKiolili'iln.i , 1 n.isi in (,olil colli. .. liw.iii In (told Kill. , lii'.wiln (iiililiolii ! , 11 ,eii 111 liold coin. I , 11 11 '0 In com coin. I . ;r,.u 111 i.olil coin. 1 .. liusi 111 (,olil coin. 1 Bri.isi In Colli coin, lt.11 Incoletcotli. I I'D Mir-fl'M Clllll. ami locn to llicC'tli Uu tCbl dub. iiil 11 1 11 premium for cvory nubsk-rlb -r yon taoml us. AND ovury Biibcrlle'r gvln n rfcmlmn. 11(11 (lot tlicbo Col, coin I'le-Be-nls olfcn iv 111 Ihi fouinl al full lcimlli III Uiu tscptcinlicr lilt II t -bc-r, U'l le-b Uiu iininuM iiinl 1. o uililivsoj of Ml is-r.sons lo vvliuiu u liavo Just pal.l ti,13... mi in iiol,l, ae-coi'iiiii',' uxuir pii vlouaoirnd. Ion can vvrlio to onu or till of thorn, unci they will toll yim t ,at w a do iu wo proiulxv, Vfil T I) P IO'liWiiy Islobcnil your own Mibcrlnllon to cither of ivur MnifMlnos, wlion 1 UU IV DJ'JO L )ou vvlllitet iu-ilriat nuiniai-r iiiiil5ourccrililcnU'8of iircinluius, whleli v 011 can slum-, and ut onco Ih'L'lu liullliii,- uueiocrlbcr', or bilid corns S3 ctntrt for ono copy. S-e nd sUiuip tor l'aliluii 1'nl.ilutf uo. r. O. IIok 0065. Til 15 KUNNKSAAV GAZK'ITH, A MOStllLV Mi-mi, l l l'l wumi AT ATLANTA, U.. lk-Vntt'll In ltlllll, ul lull 1 r I I llt.rnrnrr,. U Ir ,,t,,l lluuiur. naciiiisi r jcir, 1 lininu toev rv bub - AUdie a Kinm i,w I'V'kiit, AtlanUi, ca. GOODS RECEIVED. TO. J CIIA1ILES W. 1IUNYON. F. Wl WCMAX et CO., Keep on Hand tlio LARGEST STOCK s. . rm- HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE In the County. & SON, Blooffishuvg, Pa. I'oslumi) wins tlio oilniliallun of lliciso njlc-n llujl Him in i !4 ilLD GOSN Presents! nlo.W, C'tli'Clillly n U IS -.'iprniiriuiu ir uu iii.ilctUI, i.iul r, itnlre'S lifs tiood; In niil.o tiiiiii a.. u ..,1.. p l,,I( ,.r .,,11 l.,,nte'. IL Is (inu of tlui 1 . , . t(.( ti. I u III llnil II pu.se'sscs just tit,- FCfntcluritltliat j I, ... ..l.a.. 11m .11 ,ht fir UtT i'lt y viVr., never foiulviu-.t-iscourly .t (, t1, r, "ilUr tuliUer .lunel 1 uurep - ii in inraiij iu " vvnii-n nriy "'' '--' J!, ir ircsr.y-ininiii - nu. i is,,. I!., r ,r. 1 mod' 1. 23 CIS. el. 41; luiie-n, wall 1 1". N'. ol mi Icr-Mrl, all cloth mmtI, t0 ew. .iib.crliiUoi. ic. ll.c Ab ii,iiuvh: 10 1110 (.ciicr-up 01 1110 Ab lollOVVb'. l.Ul'L'tH dull.. IWMIlKllu colli coin, , VlKl.KIIU Colli coin. tMI.Oll 111 Colli colu. , m.nu lu CoM coin. . 1 0.(10 In Colli rotn. , 7v.uu In CoM coin. , Mi.ou In UlIiI coin, , !-,. 0 in (l. M coin. , 'j.oo in (loia coin, , is.tiuliiC'lilcotn, mi I iniii-Kt club Sil I nrgoU eluli sill 1 nii:it club f.tU I.uri-ci,l club (Ill 1 urge ft club till Urtcktclub Mil l.ar,', l dub (lib larj-i'tl club 1"IH Uirp'ft club llili ijiri-i'st dull .... vn.ii" 111 110111 coin. ami fco mi 10 tlio ts-icl l.irtro.t club. . lUJHDETT SMITII, 911 llroadwny, New York City, GEORGIA 8 aORJDASHS;; kliniild bubbci Ibo for Iho Hoummi Nkvv, publUliud ut taiiMiiinali, 1 la. Uully,ieii Weekly, tlr uniiuin , Adv. rin cm dcBlriiii; cuhionnra Iu thesu MnJia, hinuiiii use Us colmiis). It is llie U'St iucr lu I tic i-uutli. ant. Mpcauiiu copli s unt 011 ruclpt of e cviits. AchlrcsJ. 11, 1..VH1.I, tavuiiiiiili, tiu. EI. VKK MOltTCIAGKS forbaleclicanattlio t'OLVUBUNOlllCe-.