THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA DLOOiMSnUUG, PA. v v i a iv y, s o'ptTTr , lsro, Tho wNl of Isaac 51. Singer, tlm sewing machine man, was filed in Jfew York n few days ago. llisestato is appraised at thd tccu millions of dollars. Alt llio Urpublican papers thai liavo f.ilr cliararlcr themselves, spenk In tlm highest personal terms of Judgo IViKliinj?. No man who knows him doubts cither his ability or personal Integrity. Gov. Pennington, of Dakotah, lias been spending a few days in Uloomsbtirg, with his friend and relative, Dr. Gardner. Tho Gov ernor is a lemarkably fine specimen of dig nified humanity and looks as though he wuuld adorn an executive- chair any where. Jlon.Sanitiel.Crtlvin.liitoii republican mem ber of Congress from tho lllair district, mado n speech at a Democratic ratification niccl finf in that county, on Saturday last, In which ho strongly advocated tho election of Pcrshirig and l'iollet. Other Republicans participated. The Ilarrisuttrg Patriot says that the 7rfV graph of that city lias found out that tho Popo is not a resident of Pennsylvania. Wo doubt tho 1'atriol's statement, and cannot conccivo tho Ttlcgraph so far advanced in popular information as to know whether the Popo walks on ono leg or four more or less. Tho Williamaport Gatctte iC" JltttltUn is particularly exorcised because a Congress man or two who took extra pay participated in tho Krio convention, but it docs not licsi tato to support Hartranft, tho foremost salary-grabber of all tho country, except Grant I Wo have before read of peoplo who strained nt a gnat and yet swallowed a camel. The G. & 15. is true to its type. Wo print on the first pngo tho remarks mado by Judgo Eltvcll nt tho meeting of cit izens called to consider tho situation after tho burning of tho school building. Tho people of this county aroall interested in tho Bubjcct and would do well to give it their attention. Tho remarks alluded to arc ex planatory and cover tho subject. Tho peo ple of Uloonnburg will no doubt do their full sharo nnd have thus fardono every thing' that was immediately required. Tho Republican papers arc regaling their readers by giving currency to an untruthful' report of a quarrel between Mayor Ilridgena of Lock Haven and Senator Wallace, in tho room of Col. Isoves, at Erie. Col. Xoyos, in u published note, declares that tho coarse language attributed to Mr. Bridgens was not used. Tho Republican papers ought to un derstand tho New York San better than to bclievo or republish any thing it says. bet it be Kcmciiibcrcil That John F. Hartranft is the first Snlarv Grabber who has dared to ask tho people of this Slato for their votes! Ho struggled to bo elected wlien tho salary was $.1,000 a year. No sooner was ho elected than he. struggled to have it increased to 10,000 a year. Ho succeeded, and although ho agreed to serve for f.i.OOO he has been pocketing $10,000 a year ever since. Wo guess that about this time tho Repub licans have concluded that they did not carry North Carolina or its Constitutional conven tion. The latter body has organized with n full list of Democratic officers from President down. All tho Republicans and a portion of the Democrats wero opposed to making any amendments nt this time, nnd this is why the former succeeded in electing nearly half the delegates and that is tho oulv vic tory they had. Wm. II. Shoemaker represented this Sen ntorial district in tho Krio convention, nnd C. U. Uroekway and Warren .1. liuckalew were tho representative delegates, Mr Shoemaker generally voted for Noyes, and tho others generally for Iiigler for Governor, hut all cast somo complimentary ballots, On tho final ballot, and some others, they voted for Judgo Pershing. For Treasurer Messrs. Shoemaker nnd Buckalew voted for Mr. Piolett on each bal lot after tho first, and Mr. Prockway for W. It. Playford. The Pcon-c Wast a Changi:. The Lewistown True Democrat says : Tho Cam bria Iron Company has ngain reduced tho wages of its employees in all departments 8 percent, mils it lias been going all over the country: not much work,'aiid Ircquent re duction i of wages j yet tho Radicals nro in power nil tho time, who promised fat things for tho laboring classes and general prosper ity for nil classes, if Grant should bo re-elect' ed. Why trust them longer? Let's have a change, by giving tho Democrats a trial. We give all the points of interest in our report of tho proceedings of the Stato cor. vcntioti. As tliero is no ollieial report, wo gather ours as best wo can from despatches and newspapers, being mainly indebted to tho Erie Observer for tho platform and bal lots. Every tomnoddy that can now days work his way into a Slate convention as n delegato wants to bo cither President or u Secretary, and yet the latter seldom think of making out authorised proceedings nnd still less frequently would have tho capacity to do it if they did think of it. Hut tliero was nothing of Interest except what wo print, Tho strongest cvldciico tho J'epullican has seen fund we substantially use its own words) that tho Democrats favor tho political tern perunco movement it finds in tho two facts that Mr. Orvis, a member of tho Democratic standing committee, gavo Dr. Clark u friend ly greeting and that tho Cot.miniAN an nouneed his appointments. That being tho enso its proofs aro purely imaginary, Dr, Clark mid Mr. Orvis are old personal friend nnd leading officers in tho same church, nn their intercourse hero extended no further than would bo proper and notural to persons having that relation to each other, lliou, neither peculiarly distinguished ns a temper nnco man nor dovotco of the cause, the edl tor of tho Cor.UMiiiAN has nil his llfo pub lishcd calls for meetings of its friends when ever requested. Tho difierenco may bo thus stated: while tho editor of tho Comjmuian is not professedly a temperance map lie pub lishes all calls for temperunco meetings in his locality while Mr. liicklty, of tho J!c publican, is professedly a tcmperauco man he publishes calls for tcmperauco meetings on ly when bo thinks they will do his party no lmrm. Dr, Chirk does his own talking and is re sponsible for himself, and has amplo ability to glvo satisfaction to his friends or enemies, lie holds his own meetings and so fur as wo know or believe no Democrat in Columbia "jtinty or elsewhere has in any wiso aided him. Democratic State Convention Tho Democratic JSiato convention met nt Krio on the 8th Inst, llcndrick 11. Wright, of Lucerne county presided, as Hinted last week, with tho usual number of Vlco Presi dents mid Secretaries. Tho convention determined nttho outstart to mako a platform befnro proceeding to other business, nnd a conunlltco of ono from each Senatorial district was appointed to pre pare tho resolutions and report to tho Con vention, Hon. V. W. Hughes being chair man. Thin conimltteo did not succeed in agreeing upon n report until the Oth. Upon assembling at 3 o'clock of that day, tho com mittee reported tho following, which, nftcr discussion, was adopted by a largo majority. Tho 7th resolution is tho only ono about which tliero was difierenco of opinion : ViY.oir,That wo hereby declare our un faltering devotion to tho fundamental prin ciples of Democratic government as enunci ated by Thomas Jetlerson in his first Inaug ural address, to-wit: "Kauai and exact iustico to all men, of whatsoever State or persuasion, rcugnmsur nmin.n j mo siii'int of tlm State irovorniiicnts In nil their tights as tho most competent iiiiniinisirauou ior our domestic concerns, and tho surest bul warks against anti-republican tendencies j tho supremacy of the civil over tho military authority ; economy in tho public expense, that labor may bo lightly burdened! tho honest payment of our just debts and the sacred preservation of the public faith ; free doniof religion, freedom of the press, freedom of person under the protection of the great writ (f habeas cornus and trial by juries im partially selected " 2. That tho wide-spread depression nnd sulfering which ntlect every business and em ployment that is rapallo of being touched by legislation, show beyond a doubt tho ignorance, ineUioiency and wickedness of tho leaders of thu party that has ruled tho State and nation for a period of years, and calls for their immediate nnd permanent re moval from tho placesivhlcli they have so long dishonored mid disgraced. !J. That tho undue multiplication of public officers, and tho inordinate increase of salaries and emoluments of ollico are among the many evils which radical rule has forced upon tho country, and favoring an economical administration of the Federal soriously oppressed, we call upon our Federal arui bmus representatives 10 sirivu oy uu proper means to reduce them both to the very lowest practical numuer nun amount. mt !i 1..- ,.f 11.- , c.,n o. xiiat mo cuiiuuot m uiu present, uihiu Trensurerin the management ol'thcCouimon- calth's finances: in ins neglecting to appro priate the moneys in tho sinking fund in n.ivment of tho miblic debt as rapidly as re quired by law : his non-accounting for the interest received oy nun on tnu pcupius moncv deposited with tho several banks and bankfng institutions throughout tho State, and his insolent refusal to sulmiitthonrchives of the Treasury Department to a legally oonstituted(committco uftho IIouso of Rep resentatives appointed to investigate thes.amo is cause for gravo suspicion and is deserving of tho severest condemnation at the hands of i outraged nnd already over-taxed people. 5. That the condition of our Stato Treas ury demands the most searching and thorough " .. .. t . . . I. In-- investigation, nnu weeau upon uiocouiiiiuieu appointed by tho House of Representatives to investigate the Stato of tho same, to reso lutely pursue tho duty which has been con fided to it. C. That the nominees ot tins Convention aro hereby pledged to apply nil moneys in thesinking fund as required by law in reduc tion ol the public ueoi ami tucreuy save me interest on tho same to tho amount so reduced mil that monevs due the Commonwealth from corporations and individuals shall be promptly collected aiwl paid intothoTrcastiry and not in any manner directly or indirectly to employ public moneys for their own prolit or purposes. 7. ThaUhc contraction of tho money cur rency and circulating nieuium neretoioro made by the Republican party, and tliol'urtli cr contraction proposed by it with a view to 1 . .1 ! ..!.. 1..... iorceu resumption ui niicuiu imyiiiuiiis, already brought disaster to the business of tliecountry and tiircatens general uanisriipicy. Wo demand that this policy bo abandoned and that tho volumo of money bo made and kept equal to the wants of trade, leaving the restoration of legal tenders to par in gold to be brought about by promoting tho Indus tries of tho people and not by destroying them. 8. That tho policy already initiated by the Republican party of abolishing legal tenders and ffivintr the National Ranks tho power to furnish all the currency will increase the power ot an already dangerous monopiy and tho cnormus burdens now oppressing the people without compensating advantage, mil lout uu uiu iiuuniini units, oiioiiinimii uu iroinptly nnd permanently retired and full egal tonders be issued in their place, t). That tho public interest demands that tho government should cease to discredit its own money, nnd should make its legal ten ders recicvablo for all public dues except wliero resncct for obligation ot contracts re quires payment in coin 10. The extinction ot tne present naiiona banks and flic establishment in their stead of a system office banks of discount and deposit, under such regulations as the states respect ively may prescribe, and no paper money except such as may be issued directly by and upon tue jauu ui uiu rvucinincniiiium-iir fordlntr practically a currency based on tho gold and silver and other property of the wholo peoplo ol the country. 11. Thalwiththisdcclarntion of principles and policy wo arraign the leaders of the Rc pdbhean party for their extri.vngant expen ditures and profligate wasto of tho people's . .i...! ....:-.. . r.. .... money , jur iiieir uuriiiiiiuu , jui men jiu culation : for their contempt of constitutional obligations ; for their extortionate increaso of the salaries ot our ptiOH oincers ; ior ineir oppressive, nnitist and defect! vesvstem of tax ation, finance nud currency ; forthclrcontinu- anco oi incompetent aim corrupt, uicu in office, and for the general mismanagement of both tho fctato and r edernl uovernincnis, and wo cord ally invito tho Liberal Kcpuulicans, and all other men, without regard to past party associations, to co-opcrato with us in expelling them from power and in securing such an administration of our public alfairs as characterised inpurerand better days the Kepuulic Tho following tablo fully exhibits tho re sult of tlio balloting for Governor and Stato Treasurer. I 1 I I t 1 I t 9 It 11 1'ershlng Itoss Noyes Munagliaii I'lolkt ItUler lurr It'll Its 1'ux stllos ?: Morton Prelier Mutt (illHiHII) . . .13 111 IS IS V, 23 W V, m 14') so m a'i us vi 41 r.i cs ...ill 84 31 if! 111 41 45 41 .111 .....13 14 12 13 IH 9 9 U H Ii ..11 II H 17 13 11 S S 11 T ...'.' 1 VJ 41 43 4S til M M r.-. M ...43 41 40 40 VI ta 4S 43 UI VI i 1 I tlU 1 ! 'if, in vj VI 83 l r. ft ISO . tin ... 5 B ... 4 4 ... 4 1 14 't b ... Ii .... 3 1 7 3 IT II 3 C -i Null l.. (Jo froth.. Hpansf 7. Ml'lK illlclii'U .. After tho 11th ballot the nomination of Hon. Cyrus L. Pershing was mado unanimous, amidst tremendous applause and cheering. Tho convention proceeded to ballot for 1 reus. urcr. Tho Unit ballot was too promiscuously scattered among beggars for "complimentary votes" to mako it worth recording. Mr, Tiollet was not started as it candidate until tho 2d ballot was about being taken, lie tween tlio principal candidates on that ballot tho vote stood l'iollet 111, Noble G2, Playford (51, and tho rcht scattering. On tlio 3d ballot tho votestood l'iollet liM, Pluyfordol, Noble 17. Tho nomination was then mado uiianl nious. A Stale Executive committee was then ap pointed, couipofcd of ouo person from each Senatorial district. J. 0. Ammonium, of Danville, was appointed for this district, Tho nominees mid tho President of tho con vention are to select tho chairman, Tlio following was adopted with hearty applause, h ; "That out thanks aro hereby tendered to the people of tho city of Erie for the generous and hospitable manner in which they havo entertained tho delegates to this conven tion," Tho convention (hen ndjourned nt 3 o'clock on Friday morning. The llrle l'hil form -Democratic Duly. Like tho dulchman's r.un who "got nbovo his business" by jumping over tho fenco from tho pasture of tlio sheep to that of tho cows, the delegates to tho Erlo convention got themselves mixed with tho Federal finances, with what success our readers may sco by reference to tho 7th resolution. The ques tion is ono with which tho Stnto nud this election havo nothing to do. Xcxt yenr, when tliero is a President nud Congressmen to elect, it may have practical importance, but not until then. Tlio business of tho Eric convention was to deal with Stato affairs and in that regard it has dono most nobly. It has given us candidates who are eminently qualified for tho positions named and nro eminently prop-1 cr men, nud ns to State alllilrs has laid down a platform that re-alllrms Democratic con victions and plainly expresses Democratic purposes. 'Ihose points were witliin tlio lino of Its duty and of its instructions, and its ac tion in that regard meets with universal commendation. It is to ho hoped that tho Democratic press and speakers will seo tho Importance of charging homo upon tho Radicals their mis government, dishonesty, extravagance and corruption, in both State and Federal affairs, but especially as regards the latter, and that they will steadily refuse to bo diverted from this grand purpose by any attempts of the opposition to mnko tho finances an issue. Tho people want to redeem the Stato from corrupt and oppressive misrule, from extrav agant expenditure nud squandering of pub lic money. That is tho solo business now and at this election, nnd let us not bo divert ed from the discussion of that purpose. Of courso the Radical press and orators will do their best to get up discussion on other mat ters and bring them in issue, just as they try to bring forward the war that closed ten b.ars ago, in order to distract attention from nho wroncs their ollicials havo nernotrnti'il a - i--i - upon tho people. Rut let the Democracy every where stick to the text and not bo fool ed into the discussion of irrelevant subjects. Tho cxtravaganco and corruption of llart ranft's administration and tho Treasury Ring of Stato plunderers, and tho gross corruptions of tho Grant government and his third term aspirations form tlio text of the issue at this election. Let us stick to those issues and not bo diverted from them. Tlio Xcxt (lovcrnqr. Cyrus L. Pershing is not only tho Dcmo-ci-.uie nominee but ho will bo tho next Gov ernor of Pennsylvania. Ho is a very able man, an honest man whoso integrity lias never been questioned, and ho is a vigorous reformer in whom all who desire a return to economical and just administration can have tho fullest confidence. When Pershing be comes Governor dishonest legislation will stop, tlio revenues of the Stato will bo hon estly applied, and squandering and extrava gance will cease. Of these things his whole public as well as private life give tho fullest guaranty. Judgo Pershing served fivo consecutivo yeais in tho Legislature, representing Cam bria county, where ho was born and reared, and he can point to his honorable rcconl as the sure proof cf his integrity and fitness for Governor. Although our Stato Legislature, under Republican sway, was about as cor rupt a body as existed any where, no man impeached or ever suspected tho integrity of Mr. Pershing. Always nt his post, and always discharging his full duty, his record as a legislator is without a flaw and without an act that raises suspicion either against his ability to judgo correctly or his motive to net honestly. So high did ho stand nftcr this long service that tho Democracy of tho Stato lSti'J nominated him for Judgo of the Supremo court, but he was defeated by tho same system of fraud and f.ilso counting that defeated tho election of Judgo Packer for Governor nt tho same time. Rut ho was not long suffered to remain in private life. Tho people of Schuylkill county, without distinc tion of paity and without solicitation, in 1873 elected him a Judge of their courts by a majority of over three thousand votes. In that position ho has discharged his duty with ids accustomed ability. Rut recently tho Commissioners of that county were brought before him upon a chargo of fraud in swin dling the county in the erection of an alms houso barn. Under his correct ruling the charges were established and tho guilty par ties convicted. Ho sentenced them to two years imprisonment and ouo thousand dol lars lino each, to restore tho sums improper ly taken from the county, to removal from oflico and prohibiting them from holding of fice hereafter, and to stand committed until tlio sentence was complied with. They wero menofstandingaudiufluence,asthooflicothcy held proves, two wero Democrats and ono a Republican, and ono of tho former it was shown did not participate in the frauds fur ther than to let them go on without opposi tion. In sentencing them Judgo Pershing, in remarks wo shall hereafter publish fully, referred to tho pain it gavo him to send men of their standing to the fcllon's cell, but said that fraud hud become, so common in official position that ho felt it a high duty to imposo severe scutenco as a lesson to nil either public officers who might como within rim inri.ilir'lwin nf lilj i..nrf MMilj affords a striking cxamplo of what Judgo Pershing will do with peculating officials when ho is eluded Governor. It gives a guaranty to tlio people that tho beginning of his administration will mark the end of olli cial rascality, that tho rights and interests of Vho tax-payers and upright peoplo of this commonwealth will l,o protected, and that impartial justieo will bo dealt to all with a firm hand. Judgo Pershing was several times n Dem ocratic candidate for Congress, anil always ran considerably ahead of his ticket, but was defeated becauso of tho overwhelming Re publican majority of tho district. Ho Is now about fifty years of age, in tlio prinio anil vigor of matured intellect. His election will bring back the pure and uoblo times of Francis R. Sliunk and glvo to Pennsylvania au administration that will form a laud mark in tho history of American govern meiit. Tlio nomination of Judgo Pershing Is re eclved with enthusiasm all over tho State,, not only by Democrats, but by conservative men and advocates of reform of all parties, Ills nomination was not brought about by arrangement of politicians, hitt by tho popu lar demand for nn honest, sterling, able man who would bo sure to put an end to govern mental abuses and oppression. Tho peoplo will flock to his standard. Wherever per sonally known ho will run far beyond his party strength. Ho will command tho votes of nil intelligent men who demand a reduc tion of tho immciiHo annual expenditures of our Stato government jo tho economy of tho olden time, and who desiro Just and honest administration and a strict accountability of all public officers, Stale Treasurer-Col. l'iollet. Past differences arising from local issuos whllo Columbia, Bradford and other counties formed a Congressional district, render tho nomination of Col. l'iollet somewhat dis tasteful to a portion of tho Democracy here, but it is to bo hoped that every feeling of hostility will bo submerged when cool rcllec tlon upon tho importance of the Isstio per forms its proper ollico. That Col, Piollct Is eminently qualified for tho position of Stato Treasurer wo pro sumo nono will dispute. That when ho en ters upon tlio duties of tho ofllco ho will take particular palm to ferret out nnd cxposo nil the frauds that havo in tho past been com mitted iqioii tho people, and that ho has am ple qualifications fur the task, will no doubt bo admitted by nil. In fact, in theso respects, ho probably has no mipcrlor nnd few equals in the Slate. That tho peoplo would bo Im mensely benefitted, therefore, by his elec tion, is apparent. Can any Democrat, then, hcsllato as to his duty in tlio case? If nmad dog wore approaching any ono in dangerous proximity ho would not stop to choose mong his friends who should knock tlio dog own, or caro whether it was friend or ene my wlio did it. Tho Treasury Ring is now in that attitude. It is the mad dog in tho path tho enemy to bo destroyed. That can and will be dono by Col. Piollct's election. His defeat would continue tho Ring nnd in crease Its powers and usurpations. Can tiny honest man of good sense licsitnto in ills choice? Shall privato resentment or patri otic emotions prevail? Rut ono nnswer is tolerable. Col. l'iollet has been a life-long Democrat, and though recently very prominent among the Grangers of the State, it was his Demo cratic instincts thnt led him there. A Frenchman by blood he has no doubt, ns al leged, been too impulsivo to bo always dis creet ho may nttinies of excitement havo uttered what his cooler judgment would con demn but under and over all that is the admitted nud most important fact that when elected HE WILL ROOT OUT THE COR RUPTIOXS OF THE TREASURY, cx poso mem to tlio people, recover haclc a gieat part of tho sums lost, and put a com plcto stop to all the dishonest practices thatij havo characterised tho treasury manage incut ol tho itauicais. lie is therefore a proper man for tho times just tlio kind of candidate that is needed, and ouo who ns au officer will fill tho demands of tho peoplo. Rally, tlKTcfore, for the reform nominees for tho men who will do what you want done in State affairs. Rut, he is a Granger, shout tlio Radical leaders. "Well, let him bo a Granger I That does not hurt any body nnd does not consti tute a reason nor will it havo the effjet to induco nny Democrat or reformer to voto against him. If there were more Grangers among tho office-holders it would bo far bet tsr for the people. A Granger in tho State Treasury just now will fill tho office of tho cross dog under the wagon tho pilferers and thieves will stay away tliero I Rally ior Treasury reform that's the point to be reached t! Tlio Senatorial Conference Duty of Harmony Tho Senatorial conference of this district will conveno nt Williamsporton Wednesday September 22, at 2 o'clock, as has been ar ranged by representatives of tho several counties. A protracted struggle may bo an ticipated but ought to bo prevented if possi blc. Tills is a time for unanimity of action above any that havo over preceded it or are .likely to occur for years to come. In the great battle of tho people against corrupt rings, peculation and fraud, every sacrifice ought to bo mado and endured for the peo ple's cause, and nil unseemly struggles for placo by Democratic leaders ought to be avoided. Tho whole energy of tho party ought to bo united against tho corruptionisls and used solely for their destruction. Who- ever docs any thing to prevent this is a more effective enemy to the caiiso than any open opponent. Then let us havo harmony. The confer ccs from Columbia will be tho only ones present who havo been appointed by a con vention and aro therefore representatives di rectly of the party of their county. Those of tho other counties aro appointed by tlio candidates (by authority of tlicir conventions) but aro therefore merely representatives of tho candidates. As such the candidates they represent aro responsible for their action. These, however, may bo appealed to (safely wo hope) to havo the great interests of tho party and through it of tho country, in view, rather than the interests of mere candidate. Wo appeal to all to avoid discord and divi sion, or long protracted session, and to give ,their party a unanimous nominee who will bo a faithful mid efficient representative, ns well ns n creditable candidate. Let tho as pirants show their manhood by tho exhibi tion of honorable unselfishness and heart felt desire for union and harmony. If noth ing else, will do, toss up, draw cuts, join the army, or do anything clso lionornblo to put au end to struggle. All this, however, an to a nominee wdio will bo a proper candidate and au honest representative of tlio princi ples and purposes of his party. llarfraiift's Extravagance. Tho snobish attempt of Gov. Hartranft to imitate a sort of regal splendor is costing" tho people a round sum besides making both Governor aixl people ridiculous. Ho keeps around him the following personal attend ants, at the salaries set opposlto their names, paid by tho Stato: Private Secretary, '- - - 53,000 Clerk to said Secretary, - - 1 ,-100 Messenger, - ... yuo Errand Roy, .... -100 $5,700 Tho privato secretary imposes all tho work upon tho clerk, at present, and spends his timo In Philadelphia as secretary of tho Re publican Statu Committee. Thu messenger is nliseut on tho sumo business, and tho boy does his work. That is tlio way tho people's money goes, though theso nro only items. There is no law lor any of tho above offi ces. Twenty years ago ono messenger, without ussistant, was enough for tho Ex ecutive, Ktato and School Departments, During Pollock's Republican administration ono was appointed for each of the-o depart ments, and now Gov. HartraulVH inc.sciiger has an assistant in tlw "errand boy I" Dur ing Gov. Packer's administration ouo of tho clerks was detailed as private secretary, with a salary of $(500, which was taken from the salaries of other clerks, and therefore added no expense. Rut now this "private secre tary" icccivos $3,000 per year, as much av Democratic Governors used to get, und lias n clerk at a salary of $1,1001 With such examples of snobish cxtrava ganco It Is no wonder that thu expenses of llurlranfl's administration are mora than double those of any of his predecessors und aro nearly, or qulto thrco times ns much as tho expenses of any of his Democratic pre decessors! When nil is counted they will bo found to exceed thrco times ns much. If tlio tax-payers stand all this, the proba bility is that it will bo doubled in a future term 1 MAINE ELECTION ! Tho Tidal Wavo Gathering Strength As It Rolls On! (WHAT BHMOUUATIU UA1XS! Tho Republicans havo barely escaped de struction In Maine, heretofore one of their strongest and most reliable holds I In 1872 Grant had 32,000 majority, though Greeley was popular in Maine, nnd Radical majori ties havo ranged from 15,000 to 40,000 for years past, according to tho voto out, but last year, on a light vole, was reduced to eleven or twelve thousand. Now, on a very full vote, they elect their candldato for Gov ernor by a majority of '1,000 or less 1 1 They mndo every possible cxeitlon niul lind tho best orators of their party in tlio nnllon in tho canvass, including Morton of Indiana. Tlio Democratic gains aw uniform through out tho State, and thcro is a larger gain of tho satno party in both branches of tho Legislature. Thcro was a vacancy to bo filled In ono Congressional district, In which tlio Republican elected their candidate last fall by 2,017 majority. Now tho contest is so close that only full returns can settle who Is elected 1 All hall, Tidal Wave messenger of re form, good times and pence I Thorough Organization Tlio Italy ef (loud llfinocrals. And now Democrats, your duty is nsplnin as a jilkc-stnff'. Tliero can bo no such thing a misunderstanding it. It is simply this: ORGANIZl'5 thoroughly in every town, township, ward and nrecluct. and do it promptly. You havo everything to encour- ago you to sucn action, l our standard hear ers have been named, and aro ready to lead you on to victory. Rut victoricsare not trcn- erally won by mere rabbles. At tho polls all men's votes count nliko; but the men must bo brought to tho polls in order to mako their votes effective. On tho day of election every vote should bo polled, and to accomplish this, dlscipliuo is vitally neces sary. Discipline and effective organization co hand and hand tosrether. They aro in separably connected, and when brought into play aro next to invincible. To work then at once and secure tho rnzo now offered to you, Vhila. hremmj Chronicle. All that is good, and it is to bo hoped that every Democrat in Columbia comity will act upon tho suggestions of tho Chronicli which aro not new, but tho valuo of which have been tested in many a cainnaisn. ORGANIZIO, in clubs and otherwise, every where, therefore, and prepare to poll every possidlo vole, and to take every ono from tho opposition that is possible. Lcavo no stone unturned. Rut no Democrat will fail to observe that any attempt at discord, any division within .the party, any "volunteering" of candidates, must have tho effect to injure if not prevent such thorough organization ns tlio times require. Any man who now offers himself as a volunteer candidato does so with his eyes open to tho fact that ho thereby injures his party, abstracts strength and votes from Judgo Pershing ho will thereby provo that ho is altogether selfish, and docs not caro for Democratic success at this important crisis, but that ho is ready and willing to sacrifice tho cause of Democracy to gratify his own personal ambition. Therefore, Democrats, if you would bo strong and do your utmost for success, frown down all attempts at discord, all family quarrels, and organize thoroughly, in every township, und where practicable in every locality. In this good work tho best Demo 'erat.s will bo foremost the most deserving of future promotion will take the lead nnd bo ino-t nctivc. Rally for tho cause for Pershing and l'iollet! Rally now! Montmir I!eiiililitaii .Nominations. Tho following is tlio Republican ticket of Montour county, to wit: Prothonotary Wilson M, Gearhart, Commissioners Geo. W. Dcrr and Daniel Do Long, Auditors .lames McMahon nnd K. M. Sheldon, An earnest effort will no doubt bo mado to elect this ticket nnd unless tho Democrats attend sharply to their business it may bo success ful, in part at least. The Democratic ticket is also a strong one, which with'proper effort, tho inculcation of harmony and sensible good will, can bo elected by the usual major ity. Small as tho county of Montour is, so common has bolting become there that tho Democrats aro split into spiteful little fac tions, and unless they wisely put au end to such nonscuso they will soon find it impossi ble to elect any ticket they cau nominate. The friends of the cause every where Iinpo to sco them forget their personal differences and struggle alono for tlio succesi of their principles. This end can only bo accom plished by a thorough acquiescence in nom inations regularly mado and au efficient and unanimous support of them. Union is a bulwark irresistible in majorities and always potential too in minorities. It will bo well for tho Democracy of Montour not to disre gard either end of tho truthful saying just repeated, Tliuso Walnut Hours. Wo aro informed by u citizen of Harris- burn that tlio Radicals (probably by ordor of tho chief executive magistrate of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania himself,) havo removed thoso famous Walnut Jfoora from the Governor's horso stable nnd re placed them by others! Alter tho election tho Walnut's will no doubt appear again unless somo enterprising Radical oflicial shall steal them. A number of vouchers havo also been discovered to have been stolen or removed from tho Auditor General's office, as there are no vouchers on filo for cer tain warrants that were drawn I Tills wholo matter, wo aro informed, will bo thoroughly probed, and proofs will bo presented estab lishing that a gross and monstrous fraud lias been practiced in order to screen this piece of littlo villainy and folly from public ob scrvatiou, What aro not theso rogues capablo of? Tho walnut stablo doors for some timo have been an object of ridicule nud just contempt for tho snobbery of their inception, nnd now records nro stolen, und perhaps tho doors too. to hldo tho shaniol Yet tho men who do theso things nro your Governors, Stato Treas urers and other high officials ol your Com iiiouweallli I is it not high timo for tho peoplo to arouse and eject them from power I Foreign Xi'M's. The Christian insurrection in Kuropcan Turkey Is not so nearly suppressed as tho Tuiks represented. Tho former have recent ,ly gained a decided victory and aro increas ing in forco nnd war supplies, llio great '.owers of Ruropo nro keeping a close watcli on tho progress of events anil may feel called upon to put an end to thu strugglo, Tho French commander "f thu Mcditcra nian squadron much excited his countrymen lry writing and publishing a letter In favor of re-establishing tho Umpire. Ho has been removed from command but another lloun partUt is put in ids place, Tho Allimsist forces contimu t bo uc cossful in Spain. What is thcro called uni versal siiflVago is to lio adopted, Nono but persons nbovo ii!) years of ago can vote, and wo beliovo none but housekeepers. Soldiers in tho field, of whom there aro 1 irgo nuin- J hers, can not voto llxrorjils ami N.nvs Unas I'.xclinnges, Tin- p.'ople are tired of xiibtilullnn. They nro tiled of having a villainous government Mibstllir.i d fur mi honest one. They are tired of having an liredcoinablo currency snlntlliilcd for real enrieiiey. They, nro tired of having Hiirlr.uift sub tltiiled for an honest man. Thanks In Prof. Mulsh, Mr. Welh nud Red Cloud, (he business of eliciting tho Indium Is not so profitable as It was. Orvlllo Grant has gone out of thu trade. This Is a bad indication for Dclimi. What care tho lenders fur tho com moil school ylem ? Did they not attempt to put a c!nuu In tlio Civil Rights hill which would have utterly destroyed the ".common schools lu nearly onc-hnlf (ho Stales of the Union? Out upon such hypocilsy. Democratic Stato Nomiuations. (lOVIIItSOlt, CYUUS L. PERSHING, Or Schuylkill county. btvti: Titr.Asintnti, VICTOR E. PIOLLET, Of Ilradford county. Columbia Go. Domocratio Nominations. snxATon, CIIARLI'-S O. 11ARKLKY, Illooinsbuig. asociai n .trixit:, Or.OltliK SCOTT, Cntnwissa. I'll H'llnNOTAUY, R. FRAN'lv -ARIL Uloomsbtirg. r.r.iiisnni and, WILLIAMSON II. JACOIIY, Rlnomsburg, Dr. HUGH V. McRHYNOLDS, Hemlock COMMISSION!:!".:.", SILAS W. MclIKNMlY, Jackson. JOHN IIHRNUR, Locust. AfDlTOllS, .10HN 11. CASEY, lilooiiHhurg, MARTIN V. It. KLINT,, Catawissa. Knpublican Stato Nominations. Governor Joll.V V. HAUl'UAXi r. Stato Treasurer HKNliY Rawi.1I. Prohibition Stato Nominations. Governor RoiimiT A, RnowNi:. Stato Treasurer Kmjaii K. Pi:xxtacki:i: !?NEWADVERTISEMENTS7 A UDITOR'S NOTICK. A i'stitk nt' .limit MAWl;fl. liErnvsEn. '1 lio unlcrsli;iu'(t Auditor to illstrllmlti tlio tuiiil hi tlio nanus ot tlio nxecuior, nun me win an liovi'il nf llio pstntn of .Inool) MnnnlllL'. tlet'Ctlsetl. ntnmif tho helm nnd leirutecs who may bo entitled in tlm sainn tinder tho will ot doeedcn'.w til meet tlio parties Interested for tliLtyinpose of ids uppoiiitiiienL Ull iUUUU I) . lAWmi n, ni, UK inumivni ... ..... ill. IUU UUICU Ul T.. 11. IIVI-IWI 111 I .tin IllO I .in ""mi time and place, all parties Interested will iitlend nnd present ificlr claims, or no forever dulurrcd from eominir in ior u uisiriuiunu wmnj in sum rsLim-. R 1'. IlII.LMYIIlt, lilooinsuurg, September IT, lS7.V4t Auditor A1 UDITOR'S NOTICK. IN THE HATTER OF TUB KSTATF. OF OEOKRE HACS, 1IECKASC1). Tho undersigned, Auditor to mako flistrllnitlon ot tho hamneo of the funds In the hands or Thomas .1 vnnuersi cp. Adm n strai or. wit i tlio win annexed, ninonjfst the parties cut Itled tliereto.w 111 attend to t ho lippoiniinenL iu iiiiuiiiuu, in luooinsour, on i iiun ilav, October 14. isj.5. nt In o'elocu, a. m , when and Nhi'rn nit nersons hnvlntr clntlns aualnst. the said esinto aro required to present I ho before tho Auditor, or lie debarred from coming in for a sharo oi sain num. uuiit'.itT i-. in,.ui, llloomsburt,', Kept. iT,'TS-4t. Auditor. ZPTJET-iICJ SALE of dlg REAL ESTATE! TX I Ihodrnhm'sCoiiitor Columbia counly. tho un','iied, nellntf llveeulor ot tho last Will nod Te.v lament of Adjju flablc, I.ilo of tho township of hmereel;, hi said cuuiily, deceased, w 111 exposo lu public sale uu 1110 promises, on SATURDAY, OOTORKR 0th, 187 eomtnencInK at 1" o'clock hi I ho forenoon of said day Mm rollowliii- tloscilbcd real estate, to wit: AU that certain niece, nai'ccl or trael ot l.mdsllil nie. lvbiL' and belinrlnthotownshlnnr ltoarlnu'ercek, In said eountv, hounded and described as lollows, lo wit: Adjolnlne; r.indsof Miljnion Mrnuscr on llio west, lands of Samuel llouck on thu north, lands of .lohn lllco on the east, and lands ot oilier i.v.ius on I no soinu, coniuniiiiK HIGHTY-I'TVU ACRKS, iimb r less, nearly all cleared land, whereon are ercv a Tvo-srouY i'ka.mi: iiousi:, a Vr.amn until: nam and other out-bulldlnes. There Is on tlio premises a (,-ood Apple Oichard, and other irillt. Also, Lromi waiui on inu niciiiiscs. i-ussuaaiun L'lven 1st of April, lsio. CONDITIONS Ol' K.U.i:. Tell per cent, of the one. fourth of tlio inonev to bo paid at thestrlk- lull down of thu properly, thu oiie-fourlh less thu ten per cent, at mo eoniirinaitoii ot ino saio iitin ino u.u iinee In one j ear there.ilter, with lnleresl from eon- iiriuauou nisi, oi saui saio. I.UCAS FAIIlllNdUIi, Sep. 17-4t, Acting j:ccutor $1,200 PROMT on $100 Invested la Stock I'riUleites hi WallStreet. Hooks nnd ehcul.irs lellhif,', "Mow 'lis done," sent free. Address Haxteii .t uo., llankcis, 17 Wall hi., New York. a. NEW BOOK BY MARK TWAIN, .lust, pun ill- for cnnvnsherH. Now then Is tho time 1o Itet terrltori-. Don't stop to experiment on oilier HOOKS. 'I UKO Ono Oil Know will sen. i iuihiiv U..11UM will trlvn nil fhiilei, of Held. Illlll COIdCll ItCtUrhS. Oeton time iirsoatonen nnd yuu will win. onttll costs iiolhlnir. eerythhiir furnished. Send hi our .names and towns you want, or tor circulars at once, .Address. ASIUUICAN I'Ulll.ISIll.(l CO., IlAUTioiiu, C'ONSKCTICCT. MORN AOKNTS "U'ANTKD. iikkiki hp 1TMNMVI.VANIA. i if."., i inn tiinu.rlil lietnvn Paced. UoaitllfllllV !! liistrated. Handsomely bound. No soldier should bo w Illiout It. "A lust tilbuleo to dlstlnuulshed ser ilrnu" A ti I'nrt.iin. "Your account Of Ileitis- hiirif it tho llnesl, nillest, unlivery best history of tho greatest batllo of modern nines, -l-o . .,. .-X-1..I.I.1V..I, wtetntii'i. "Tint most eotnnleto uc fount. extant.'' Mai. lien. II. lllltlerlleld. N. . Send for circular nud terms. 4th 1 . terms. 4in i.iu i ioa a i si i i.w.u Till! I'Iti:ss. T, 11, Davis & Co., horn St., l'hiludelphla. I'ubs , 725 Sai. of JIOO.IIM, .vvu, f.Ti,i), 2VJ'i. Jin.iOi, Hiniiller stuns nro nald la tho yointnjj lottery, which Is eoniliicteil bv sworn commissioners and duly lesrauzou ny hid v-omni,- wkihuiuiu. lte"iilar ilrawlHirs ir.tli muni mi oi earn monin minus ilietear. 'I each, li f ir la. 1 f ort.'O. ChCIl lain with fail Inform tiled ai.i.i:n x cu., - j n Assie nr., NBW Voiik, Sep. 17,-r.m. ELECTION PROCLAMATION 1 KNKRAIj Rl.JXTMJN VROCT.AM ATION. WiiEiiE.ts, by tho law) of t Ids ('uiiiinonweiillh It Is mado llio u uy oi um h ii i ul.v,lo. m Ico of thu general lUei'tloli, by publlcallon lu ono or lore newspapers In tho eoiintj.ut least twenty days before tho election, mid lo enumerate therein llio olllcers to bo elected, and to designate llio jilaco nt which llio election Is lo bo held. Therefore, I, .Michael (inner, High Shcrirf of Co linnbla county, do hereby make. Kiiohii iiiid proc la m h....,.,. i,,v iiij vi,fi.'Mlll.'ll. lstl l ie ng t ho 'lues ilav licit following tho Hist .Monday of said mouth,) lit tho districts wtlliin mo eiiuniy, i i in .uatcr township, nt thu puuno of 'llios. lleutim township, nt tho public of Illrnm In t ho tuwn ot nenioii. . St lllooin, at tho Court llmise, In I loisiisburg. :.. , .!i. i nn, I'.itiri misc. Ill oomsburg llorough of herwlck, at thu storo ot John .McAiull, '"iKftuXK Houso ot Wll. hrl'irc'reei; tuwushlp, at tho public- school houso " ca'tatVii lowuslilp, nt the public Hon) of Samuel Kostcnbaiidcr, hi Iho lownot Cntnwissa. ceiitio township, at tho bchool hoaso near Lafay. UlNijririiacony!ighnni District, nt tho school houso near tho colliery ot John Anderson X Co. SoiilliCbiijiigliaia lilstrlil.tit tho house of Thomas Kllker! lately aisI hyatotu ot tho cllUens of that ishingcreek Uiwushlp, at tho school houso near raiiVllutinvnshlp, nt thu Mwrenou bchool houso. (Iriwnwiioil township, at Uiu houso ot Joseph It, ''liemlock township, at tho publlo houso of Chas. II. Dlelterli-h, In tho town ot Uncle Horn. Jackson township, at llio houso of l..cklcl Colo. liciist township, at thu publlo h'jUso of Daulel M Jllinliiniuwi"sl'ilp',' at tho publlo houso ot Aaron Iliiss. lu Iho townof JinillhiWilo. .Madison township, ut tho publlo houso ot kamuet "VBWA'CIP, ut tho houso of II. W. Montour township, at tho public houso ot W, II, Chilli luwilsihliiot tho publlo houso ot Jeremiah K. 'i'lurmgueek township, at tho hou formerly oc euiiluil bv (loo. W. Drelsliath. orango township, at tho Jiubllo school houso la ''V'hoaowiishlp, at tho Centre School House, lately flxedbyiiioloof tho citizens of snld tow iisliln. Sugurlouf township, at tho houso of Allnus Colo. Scott township, ut tlio publlo houso of Win. 1'cttlt, in tipy At which timo und plaies tho fiuttlinul electors will elect by ballot tho fullowuii; bUituunU County btuccrs, Mil (inn ivrsoti for (lovernor of tho CoiniiionwcaUh of reiinsjltnnla, uno is'rson ior state i minn-cr. in.,, tu.tsuiii fur Hrnntnr (nr I 10 XVIh district, rum- posed of I he counties of Columbia, Lycoming, Mou- our nnu snuivnn, One person .iiiueooi tnorouniy oi Cohimiilt. one person ror rroinonomry. One person for Itoiffster nnd Itecorder. One iVrson for Treasurer. 1 hreo nerMotin for Commissioners, (but ho elector to vole tar more t Ii.iii two persons.) riireti persons ior Ainiiiorfi, omt nocietior i for inoro than tvto persons.) u milliner nirouoii mni ine eirenoo imiinn uiu 'Vernl iilsl rlels Klmll lio oiiened ntsoten imnck In the rorenooii, nnd shall ronlhuio open without Inler ruptlon or adjournment until set en o'eloel: In tho olrhlmr when the jiolls will be closed. rtnKiiani totiio piotisioiii cuiiuiiiieu in ue- ihu Section of tho Art of tlio (leiicral Assembly belluf lions In this Ciiininonwe.illli," approved .Ian. an, 1-74. NM.TIOM IS. As soon ns tho pulls shall close, llio nnteera nf nleellnti kli.lll lil-iwee.l In en'ltll all tllO A further sunn erne it n l ho act reiriuaiinir eiee. Voles cut tor each eiilidldalo toted for, and inal.e a full return or mo saino in iiipnoaio, ttiiu n r. uirn Riieei. In nililillon. in nil nf which I he votes receltcd by each ennill'lain snail no mum auer ins or uer name, niM In words and nrralii In llitures, nnd shall ie sinned by all or said unicorn nnu reunion ny over- Seers. It nny, or If not so ceitllled, the overseers mid niiyofllerr refusion lo slt-n or eeiilfy, or (lilierof liiein, snail wrno iijioii oitru oi uiu n-tuiiis in- m their reasons for not. slirtdoir or eelllfvlnc Ihrm. Tlu vole, ns noon ns counted, shall ii1hIn publl' ly niul fully dei lared trom the window in ui" cuiens prost'tit, nnd a brief slalenieiit showing the voles rceclH'd bv each rnudldate shall be made and signed bv Ih" fieri Ion olllcersns soon as the tote Iseoiniied, nml the same shall bo Immediately posted up on the door ot the tli'i'iloii house for Information of the public. The triplicate reiiirns Mian lie enclosed in envelones nnd bo senled hi itresenre of the oMrer. nnd one entelowe. v.llh tho unsealed lctttrti sheet. Chen to llio JihIk'o, which shall rnulnhi one list nt voters, lull) -paper, nml oaths ot olllcrrs, nml mint In r of said envelopes shall bo Kltrn to the Inlnnlllj In speefbr. All Judges Utlng within twelve miles of tho proiiioiioiar.t s oiurr, or it hum ineniy-mur m es. f their residence no in a town, iiuairo or city upon tlio lino ofa railroad lending to tho comity seat, shall, before two o'clock post meridian of tho day nfltr tho election, nnd nil oilier jmiiros snail, befiiro twelte o'clock iiini lilhiTi of tho second tlat niter tlm elect Ion. ilellter snld return, totrethcr with return sheet, to the prothonotary of the court of common pleas of llio county, which snld return sheit snail lie iueu, nnu mo n.iy aim nour oi iniiijf uinri.eii iliereoH, nnu mi.iii uo presertcu ny mo lruiiiuuoiary ror nuonc inspection. Also. 1 1 lilt 11 1 101 o n .nuiyc. u.v ru mil-ss ui iiii.iiuiii.i- blo nccldcnt, is unable to intend, then tho certlllcale or return slinll bo taken chariro ot bv olio of thu In spectors or clerks of the election of the district, who shall do nnd perform tho duties reiiulred ot said Jiidjro tumble to attend. IIUJ lOUOWIIl ACl. HI tSSCIHUl.l ll-tflll.lllUK Uiu inoiiii .or toi n-' li.ioo uoiinno nit' i i t oi i unim e tnnln. wni nassed March Id. isin. nnd rends thus: Section 1. lie It cmclcd by the Senalo nnd IIouso of Itepresentntlvc of the commonwealth of I'rnnsyl. vnnla hi oeneral Assembly met, and It Is hereby en nrteil bv I ho niitliorltt of tho samo that the nuatllleil l iners OI l lie Hcvrrai nisiricis in uu- seieun i-inunma of this commonwealth, nt all (fenernl, township, bor oush nnd speclil elections nro hereby hereafter nuihoi lsed nnd reiiulred to vote by tickets pruned or will ten. or n.irilv nrinteil nml nnitlv written, seter- nlly clnsslilcd ns'follows: One ticket shall embrace tho names of nil Jiidsrcs of Courts toled for, and labelled, outside. ".Iodic art': ' ono ticket shnll em brace tlio names or nil me suuo oiiicrrs voien ior, nnd lobe labelled "State;" olio ticket shall cmbracii the names ot all comity olllccrs voted for, Ineliidlni; tho onico of Senator, and .Members of As- senibf, If voted for, nnd membi rs of Coniriess, If voie'i tor, nisi no laoeueii "uooniy ; one uckei, noun etnlir.ien Ihn u:itiictof nil lownsh n oniecrs voted for and bo labelled, "township;" ono ticket shnll cm brneu thu names ot all boiouxh oalccrs toled for, nml ho labelled "lloroujh." section ii. 'll.ntllshnu no me tuny or iiiosneriii tlm Knvernl enlllit Iim of tlio I'olillllonuealth to ill- sei t hi their election iirotlainatloiis, hercatlcr Issued thu itrsi section or tins net. xotick is iiruruy givrx, Thai eterv person e.xcenlliur Justices of llio I'eaco nnd Aldermen, Nolurles Public and 1'ersnis In (ho lnllllia sertico oi ino siaie, woo so in noiu or so.ui i.' hiii two minims nato lie 11 unv rt!i"o or n ooo ui- mentor liiotlt or. I rust under llio I'm ;d Slatfs.or ot this state, und cllv or cornor.Ueil district, whether a commissioned ollleer of otherwise, a subordlnitu oiiicerornKeiiiwno is or snau no rmpioten unocr thu legislature, IXecutlve or .ludlcl.iry Department of this stnlr, or of nny city or ot nny Incorporated district, nnd also, that etery meiiliier ot Comjrcss nud of tho stato U'ulslatiue, und ot tlio select or common council or nny cut, or tommlsslonersof nny hicorporntrd dl-lilcl, Is by law incapable of holding or o.fcrolshi',' nttho samo timo tho ollico or npnolnt- ineni oi .luoge, inspector or fieri oi uny election oi this Commonwealth, nnd that no Inspector, .liideai or other ollleer ot such election shall bo eligible to bo men toteii ror. 1' ho Insnectors nnd JUdire ot tho elections, snau meet, nt tho lencclUe places appointed for holding the elect Ion In tho district to which the respectively belong, befom seven o'clock in tlio morning, and each of said Inspectors shall appoint ono clerk, who shall bo uipialhk'tl voter of such district. In oa-,0 llio person who shall receive tho second highest number of votes for Inspector shall not at tend on llio day ot nny election, then tlio person who shall have receive! tho becond highest number of lotes for .ludijo nt tho next preceding election slull net as Inspictor hi his place. And In ease tho person who snau nato receiteii mu ni.' uiiiiioer oi tines for Inspector shill not utleiid, tho person elected Judgo shall appoint nn Inspector hi his place and lu e.uso llio persun elected Judge shall not attend, then tho Inspector who received the highest number of totes shall nppolnt u Judgu hi his place or If any vacancy .siiauconiiinio in out noaru ior tuonpacooi ono hour after tho time tiled bv law for tho opening of I ties election, llio uualllled inters of the township, warn, oriusirici ior which such uniceis snail nato been elected, present tit such election shall elect one of their number to till such vacancy. tfMt shall bo tho duty ot llio several assessors re duce necllvelv to attend ut Iho place of holding every general, special or towinhlp election, during tho wholu timo such i lection is kept open, fur thu pur pose of glilng Information to tho Inspectors and judges, when called on In relation lo the right of any person assessed by Ilium lo totu at such election, und on such other matters hi relation to thu assess ment as mo sain inspectors or euncr or iiicia snau from time lo time reuuire. No person shall bo permit ted to voto nt nny elec tion ns aforesaid other than a male c Illon, of the ago of twenty-olio jears or more, who has been a clllcnof the I'ldled states at least one month, nml who shall havo resided in tho Slate at least ono vent und lu the election district where ho oifers to voto two months Immediately preceding biicli election, ttud, It twenty-lwo tears of ago or upwards, have within lit o jours paid a Stulo or county tax which shall havo been assessed nt least two months nnd paid nt least ono mouth before tho election. Hut a eltl7eii of tho t'nlted states who has nretloit-Iy been a iiu.illlleil voter of this state and returned and wiio shall hate Ilteil In thu cleetlun district mid paid tuxes, us aforesaid, shall bo intltled lo toto alter residing lu this Mate six months, i'rotlded, that iltl.ens of thu t'nlted Slates, between the ngu of twentj-ono und twenty-two who hate resided In thu uluetlon district two inontlis, us aroresald, slull bo rnilllcdlo toto niiuougii mjj snau nut nato p.iui lay. No person shnll bo permitted to voto whoso name Is not contained lu fl.o list ot taviblo Inhabitants tiiililshed by tho commissioners, unless, l lrst, ho produces a receipt for tho pajiiienl within two j ears of a Slato or eounly tax assessed agreeably lo thu constitution and eltesalisfaclorv eviilcucu either on hHoath or nthrinatlon or tho oath or iililnnnltoii of other, that ho lias paid such ii inx,iirou lauuro in proilueun receipt shall mako oath lo tho payment iiirrouf. Second. It ho claim tho light to lolo by bo lngtiu elector between Iho ngo nf twenly-oiio nnd tweiuy-iwo years, no Mi.inueiinso oiuiiuiisir uinriiui lion that ho has resided In lids statu at least ono tear next before ids application, und make such proof ot residence lu tho district as Is ruimlrcd by this act, und that ho doesieilly believe from tho ac count given him, that ho Is of ngo nrorcsniil, nud such other etldenco ns Is reiiulred by this net: where upon tho name of thu person thus admitted to voto shnll bo Inserted In thu list bv the in spectors, mid n nolo mado opposite thereto by wilt ing mo worn ' lll, 11 HU Sll.Hl 1JO lllllIllllOU III lOlO by reason of hating paid lav; or tho word "ago" by ho shall bo admitted to vote by reason of such ngo which shall bo called out to Iho clerks, who shall mako thu llku holes on tho list ot tutors kept by mem. In nil cases wliero tho name of tho person clnlmln; to into Is not found on tlio list riiniKlici hi thu com. mlssloiicrs und nssessor.or Ids right to tote, whether found thereon or noi, is oojucien to ny nny iiuaiiiiuu iltl.en, It shall bo tho duty of Iho Inspectors to ex amine such person on o.iliins to his iiuahllentloiis. niul It ho claims to hat o resided within Iho slato for ono tear or more Ids oath shall bo sullleleiit proof thereof, but he shall make proof by ut least ono com petent wit lies", who shall bu a qu.illllul ( lector, that lie hasicsliL'd In Iho district two months not Im mediately preceding such ileellon, and shall also himself swear that its bona Udu residence. In pursu ance ot Ids law (til railing. Is In said dl-lrl-'t, and that bo did not remove inio said uisirivt ior ino purpose of tilling thuieln. ltveri' iiersoo ouilltlod ns nforrsald. nnd who shall Irtako 'duo proof, It required, of thu residence und patlnrntof taxes us aforesaid, shall bo admitted lo loie in ine tuwnanip, wuiu or ui&uiii hi wihui no biiau resiue. It unv person shall prevent or nltempt lo prevent anv olih.'i'of unv eleellnu under lids net from hold ing such election, or Use or Uneaten any tlnlenee to any such ollleer, or shnll Interrupt or hopropeily lu teifere with him In tho exeeullon of bis duly, or su.lll liloi'K up l lie w lllilow or ui eiliiu in ttuy w iniiuw where tlio same may bu holding, or shall ilotously dlstiith the peaie ut nich election, or shall Use tiny I m li til i l.i 1 1 ii ilin ats. force or tlolunco. with design lo Inllueneo unduly or uterawo any chuor. or to protein nun irom loiing, or to restrain ine irceuum la iholee, such jwi son. on eonvlellon, shall bo Unci orun sum nut executing lite luuwlred dollars, and linpilsoncit for uny I line, not le-s Ihnji three nor muru than telio months, and If 11 shall h' shown to Court, when Iho tJsueh otfeneo shall bo had. that thu person so unending was not a iesld"ht of Iho city, nurd, district ur township whole theouencu was committed, und not entitled to votu Iheieiu, then on cunt let Ion hu shnll lie sentenced to pa) a lino of not less than one hundred nor more than ono thousand dollars, und bo Imprisoned not less than six lliouius nor uioro man iwo)uur. If niiv iiei-son. not hvlaw oualhled. shall fraudu. Icnlly toio nt any election of this Coiiiiiiuiiwenlth, or being otherwise ipiallllutl shall tutu uut of Ids proper district, or If any person knowing iho tvunt ot such iiuallllcnlloii, shall nld or procure such per son lo vole, the person oilcuillng slull on coiittcilon lu lined hi any sum not exceeding two Hundred Hot iars, und bo tuipilsoncd In any term not exceeding Uu eo months. If nny one shall toto at more than ono election district, or olhernlsu fraudulently toto more Hum oiicu on tho same day, or shall fraudulently fuld and dollter to tho luspoilor two tlcktts together with Iho Intent Illegally to vole, or who shall procure another to do so, ho or they circuiting bhull, on con. Mellon, bo lined In iiiiysum nut less than llltyuur inure mail uto iiunureii iionars, nun uu impiisuucit fur u term not less than thrco bomtoiu than twelio months. If unv norson not uualllled to voto 111 this Common. weal Hi agreeably lo law (except tho sousof iiuallileil cltlcus,) shall appear ut uny placu ot elecllou fur tlio purpuso of lnllui lulng the citizens iiuallileil in vole, ho shall on contUlioii forfeit und Pay a sum not ox. cccillng ouu hundred for etery biicli otfeiieo and bu luipilsoncu toraicim not excrctiing unvo uioiuns. THU RKOISTRY LAW. l Msii vit n notlco to (he electors of Colum bia county Uut by an net, entitled "An Act further supplemental lo Iho act relaliru lo Uto elections of this Comusiiincullh," approved Apill Ull, A. D, lsou, 11 is prut iueu us loiiun 1 1 hi:criox3. Alter Iho iiMOssnients havo been com ph led oil Iho slxty-llrstday beforo Iho Tuesday uuxl tiilluwlug thu llrst .Monday ot Novimber In each tear, thu nssessor shall, on tho following day, maku a return lo tho county coiiiiiil.sslniiera of iho names of nil jui sons assessed by him since tho return ru. ipilred to bu mado by him by Iho llrst section of this net, noting oppusllu euco name the ohicnalluus und explanations icnuli ed Inl noted nsufurt'sulil; und tho county coiniiilsslnhrrs shall thetcupoii cause llio samo to lie milled to tho rclurn reiiulred by llio llrst section of this m l, und a full ami correct copy there, of to Ih) mndo containing thu names of nil jiersoiis so returned us resilient l.ixulilesln said ileellon dlsti let, und furnish thu siiuie, together with tho necessary elecllou blanks, to tho oUitersot tho clctlloii In sucii i-lecHon distill t on or before kovcii o'clock un llio lntrliliiK,uf Iho i leelloii: nml hu linn shall lie per milled lo votu ut Iho eloiilon on (hat day whoso h.ime Is liol on :.uld list, unless lu shall luuko proof of his light to voto as herehiutior ruyiilred. KsenuN lu, on tlm day of tlocllon any person whine- natuu shall not upiiear ou tho leglstry of voters, und who iluhns thu right to otu ul said dec Hon, feliull produce at least ono iiuullfled t utor of the tlbl i let ua u w Itncss to Iho i csldunui ot iho claimant , InthnillMrlrtlnwhlrlt ho tlnhnu lo lie n voter, for iim tipiin.1 nf nt In.itttwn months Immediate)! tiro. coding Mid election, which w llness shnll be sworn or niiirinrti nnu siinsrrioe it wriiicn in itiu.i tiitiien niul partly printed nntil.lllt to Hie fails stated by htm. tvnti li iiuiiiat It snau iienne uritii.v tviieie mo residence. Isot the person so claiming to lie n loturi nnd the person so rlalmhig the rigid l" loie shall nlwi take ami subscribe a written or p.utl.v written i.nd uiriiv prinirti niuiiatii. siiiitng, in ine oest. tu ni knowledge nnd belief, when anil it hern ho mis liorni that he hns I icon a rlllzrn of Hu' lulled si.iKsfnr one Ir.ntilh, nml of tlm eotuinniincallti of l'rtitis-.. vntitaj Hint he wis resnieiiui tne eomnmiwi jiiuomi jrnr, or, If funnel ly a nitnlllled elector or n iinlltu born citizen theieof, nnd has u niotril Ihriefrom nnd returned, that, hn has tesldcd tliirclti six tuoiiths IlCXl. preecillllg mini eieeuuii , mm. lie mis 11 nien in the dlslilct In which ho claims to l a voter tor Iho iierlod of nt least two months Immediately preceding said election! that he hns not moled Into tho district for tho purpmie ot voting therein! that hn has, If twenty-two yenrs of ngn or upw arils, paid a Slnloorroiihty tnx within twuyrnn, which was as sensed nt least two months nnd paid nt lenst ono month beforo tho elecllou. Tlm snld pmdntlt slull nlso stnlo when nntl wliero tlm tnx claimed to bo paid by tho nninnt was nwsdccl, and whin and where nnd to whom paid) and the tnx ucelpt there for shall bo produced for examination, utiliss Iho nlllntit shall statu In Ids nflldavll tlnit. It hni bti-n lost or deslrojcd, or thut he never leeched nny ; nnd If n iiatur.ill7cd i Itlzen, shall nlso slate when, wiuro nnd ny wiiatcoitri im was naitiraiuen, nnu sn.inniso iroduce his ceruticntooi nniiiruiizanoii iorcs.aintua lon. mil If Hie ticrsnn soclitinltiir Hie right lo tulo shall tako nnd suhscrltm nn niUdaMt that ho I ami. tlio bom rlllrcn ot Iho I'tilleil Slates, or, If Iwrn elsewhere. xhnll stnlo tho fact In his nnitliitlt, nnd shall produce etldenco that ho has been natnrnlli d orthatliolsrnllllod lo II lenshlp by reason of his father's mititrnllntlon, nnd shall turlher stnto In his nltldailt, t lint he 1, nt tho time ef making the nnida int. ef the ngo of twenty-one nnd undi r fwctil,i-tHn irnist; mat no uas nei'ii u ciueu oi un- i nneu States one month, nnd Ins redded In the slab' ono Venn or, U iv iinllio bum citizen of the SI de nnd irininedihercfroin nnd retui'i)cd,thal he has nMdcd then In -IX months next prerrdiugs ii,t i ifon, unit lu the election illtrlet immediately two months pre ceding such election, ho shall Ik' entitled lo lute. nimoilgll no snau not. unto pain taxes, me stun Hi of nil tiersons making such claim -i. nml Hiu Us of tho wlthe-tsos to tlielr rcsldi nee shall bu preserved by I no election iionro, nun nt tin ciosoor the elecllou they shall bo enclosed with the list of voter, tnllv IIt nnd oilier papers leipilreil bv law to bo tiled bj 'the. rclurn Judgo Willi Ihe piothoiiotaiy, nnd shall tclnnln on tlio lli'tenllh In tho protlumo tnrt's onlce, subject to eTnmlnallon ns other clr Hon jui'iers are. It the elecllou olllcers shall Iltul that Iho applicant powsses till Iho legal ipt. indentions of a voter be shall be permitted to tote, nnd Ids naino slinll be added to the list of taxnbles by the elecllou oniecrs, the word "lax," being added where tho claimant claims tu voto on tnx, itlnl Hie word "age," ivhrio he claims to toto ou ngrj the suinu words bring added by die clerks lu each case, n spe tltcly, on the lists of persons lotlng ut such election. Suction 11. Ii shall bo lawful for uny iiuallileil citi zen ot the district, notwithstanding tlio natuo of llio proposed voter Is eontnliied on the list of resident laxublcs, to challrngo tho vole of such per un, ivhrrritpon tho hiiiiu proof ot tho light of MiXiago ns Is now reipilrrd bv law shall bo publicly made mil ncled on by tho election bonrd.nnd iho totn admitted or icjeetcd, according to Iho evidence, h'tfry person claiming In bo a nalurallcd dlth-en shall be rciintreil to produce his naturalization certlllcale ut Iho elec tion before lotlng, except where he has been for lltn 3 rnrs consecutively a totcr In the dlslilct In which lie otters his tote; nnd on tho voto of inch person being reetti shall bo tho duty of the ileellon olllcers in tvillo or stamp ou such n rittit uie tho word "voted," with the day, month and year i nnd It any elecllou oflleer or oniecrs shall lecclve a si cond tote on thu same day, by Mrttlu or thu same cert III catu, evcriitlng where suns nro entitled to tote, be cause ot the iiitiirnllr.nlleti ot their lot lid's, thrv nnd the person who shall offer such second mtr, shall lio guilty of n misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof shall be lined or Imprisoned, or both, lit tho discre tion of Iho court j but tho lino shall not exceed Ilia hundred dollars In each case, nor tho Imprisonment ono .tear. The like punishment shall bo tnlltelt-it, on coin let Ion, ou Iho olllcers of elecllou who shall uu". lect or rcfuso to make, or caitso to bo mad-', the en dorsement ruiiuU-cd ns afoiesald unsaid naturaliza tion certificate. SKCTioN lz. If any election oflleer sh.i'l rcfuso or neglect to require such nroot of the i Ight of sum-ago ns fs prescribed by this law, or tho laws to which this Is n supplement, from nny person olTetlng to into whoso ii.imo Is not on the list of assessed tot ers, or tvlio-j; light lo into Is challenged by uuy ipialltled totcr jiresent, nnd shall admit such person lo voto without reiliililngsiicli proof, every person so orrctul Ing shnll, upon coin let Ifii, bu guilty of a misde meanor, mid shall bu sentenced, for etery such of fence, lo nav a lino not exceeding Uto hundred dol lars, or to undergo an lmiiilsunineiit not more than ono year, or both, at tho discretion of Iho court, Skction 7. The respectltoa.ssessoi'S,liispcclorsnhd Judges of Iho elections shall each bale tho power to liuinnu-ier oius in uuy person eiaiiioiig uiu iigtiL to be assessed or tho right ot sulfrage, or In regard lo nny other matter or thing reiiulred lu be done or ln iiulred Into by uny of said olllcers under this net, nnd nny wilful falsu sweat lug by nny person lu rela tion to any matter or thing eoncoriilhg which Ihey shall bo lawfully Interrogated by nny or said oillccm or overseers shall bo punished us perjury. Skchon Is'. The assessors shall each rccclto Iho samo coiupensallou for tho timo necessarily spent in performing thu dulleshereby enjoined, ns is pro! Idcil by law to ussessurs making vuluallou-t, to bo paid by the county commissioners us In other eases, und ft shall not bo lawful for any assessor tu assess a tax ngahist any person whatever within tlxty-ono days next preceding tlio annual election In Xuvcmlter; uny tlolullon ot lids protlslon shall bo a misdemean or, and subject Iho ollleer so olTcndlng lo a line, on eonvlellon, not exceeding one hundred dollars, or to Imprisonment not exceeding thaO months, or both, ut the discretion ot the couit. suction 4. on the petition ot Uto or mora citizens of uny election district, selling forth that tho k polntmrnt of overseers Is a reasonable precaution to secure tho puritv nud fairness of the election In said dlslilct, It shall ho thu duty ot tlio court ot common pleas of tho proper eountv, nil tho law Judges ot llio said court utile to net nttho lime concurring, to aii polut two Judlclou-i, sober nnd Intelligent;' Illens of ilio said district belonging lo dlirerciil political pir llus, overseers ot elecllou to supervise the proceed ings of election oniecrs thereof, nnd lo makoiepoit of the s.unu ns they may bo reinilad by such court. Sutd overseers shall be jiersoiis iua1tlli d In serve upon elecllen boards und shall liato Ihe right to lie present with tho ullt'ers of such election durriii; Hie whole time the same U held, Ih" tut enmited, ami thu returns made out and 'I ;ii''d lit t,t" el-. ttnii nth eers ; t i keep u ll-J of Mitel's, if tin 5 se-in-jp t., challenge auy per-oii ottering to vole, au 1 bu rr i gate liiui and hi . witnesses under oaih, In r urd to Ids right of siiilne: at 1 dd elect 1 n, and in run m Ids papers produced; und the "Ulcers of sdd eh- -thin lire required loatrnrd to saldov.-rsoci's, s.i -eli t edunu upp ilnled every cunt enlunce nnd faedli.t u.i tho discharge ot their duties; nud If sail eleiiinn olllci r.s siiall rcfuso li permit said overseers in be ptescnl, mid peiform tlielr duties us atop' ull. -m- li uPdecr or olllcers slull bu gulttvot n uilsd. tin umr, nud ou conviction thereof shall ! lined mil etc. si log one thousand dallars, or ImiirlsonnmnL not e feeding one tear, or both, In Ilia discretion of the court for If llio oiersecrs shall bo driven away fium the polls by tlolence or liitlinldallon, all the rules polled In biicli election district may bo ivji i"d lit Iho proper tribunal trjlng a conic-1 under -aid elec tion, or a part or portion ot such totes aforesaid may be ruiuited, as such tribunal may deem lo a Just ami projier disposition of the case. Si'crioN ui. Any assessor, elect Ion ollleer or persun. appointed us nn tniTseer. who shall neghct or r run' to puiform any duly enjoined by thl, net, without reasonable or legal cause, shall bu subject lo u ih'U nlly of one bundled dollars; and If any as."., or shall I. now Ingly assess any person as a t ou-r w ho 1 1 not iiuallileil, or shall wilfully icficn to assess mi) one who Is ii'.ulllicil, ho shall bo guilty of u inlsd -ineauor In older, and on eoiiMctlon bo punished b a Ilnu not exceeding ono thousand dollars, or Impris onment not exceeding two tears, or both, nt the dis cretion of the couit, uudnlsO bo subject to un notion fur damages by tho party aggrieved : und It any per sun shall miudiileiitly niter, add to, deface or destroy unyllstof voters Hindu out as directed by tills act, or tear down or rumuvo Iho samo from tho plain where It has been llxud, Willi fraudulent or mischiev ous Intent, or for nny Improper puniuse, tho person so olleudlug shall bu guilty of a misdemeanor, nud on conviction shall bu punished by ii ilnu not exceed ing live hundred dollars, or linpi Isi ui uient not exceed ing two years, or both, at tho discretion ot tho couit; mid It uuy person slull, bv tioleiico or Intimidation, drive, or iitteuipt to drive from Iho pulls, uny person or persons uppuhited by tho conn to act us overseers of uu election, or In nny tvuy wilfully prevent said overseers from pel forming tho duties rnjolno I upon them bv this net. such nelson shall bo eolltv of : misdemeanor, und upon eontlctlou thereof shall hn punished by a lino not exceeding ono thousand dol lars, or bv unpilsonuiunt hot exceeding two tears, in born, at tho discretion of tho court. Any person who .shall, on Ihn day ot any election, tlslt u polling place lu any elecllou dUrtct at which ho Is not cnlltled In tote, und shall Hsu uny Intimidation or tlolence for llm purpose ut prutenthig uny ollleer ot election troin pciforinlng llio duties reitutreduf him bt law, or for tho purpusn of nrutenllng uny iiuallileil toler of such district exercising Id-night to tote, or fumi exercising Ids light tnclullu jge uuy person ollerlng to tote, such iersoii shall be deemed gulltv of a ml -itt-iiic.iuur, unit upon rout Ii Hon thrreuf shall br pun ished by a lino not exceeding one thousand dell-irs, or by Imprisonment not exceeding two t ears, or bnlli, at the discretion of the court. Any clerk, otcrscer or elecllou ollleer, whosh'ill disclose how nnj elector shall hate toled, unless reiiulred lu do sons a oil ncss In a Judicial proceeding, shall bo rrulllt of a ed demeanor, and upon contlcllrui thereof shall be pun ished bv :i Ilnu nut exceeding onu thousand dollar-,, or by Imprisonment not exceeding two yours, m' belli, in tho discretion of tho court, ' In obedience lu Iho reipilreinent of tlio (lovernnr of Iho Comiuonwit.itlh of I'riiiStlvanla, I heieht publish Iho lltiecntli Amendment of ihu iiiiisiuu llon of tue rutted States, Iho Act of congrcs i n forclng tho same, and tho Act ot Assembly remit" tllT'lo: Tho I'lftecnlh .vmendinent of tho Constitution ot the I idled stuirs Is us follows i "Skciion 1. Thu light of citizens of Iho I'Mtnl states to totu shall not bo duulrd or abridged bj thu I'nltuil stab's, or by any Slate, on account of raco, colnr, or proilous condition ot sertltislc." "skciion 'z. Thu Congress shall hatu power to en force lids iiillelo by upproprlato legislation," Au Act to enforce tlio light ot citizens nt tho i lilt ed states to toto hi Iho several stales of mis Union und for oilier puriKises: "Section l. in: hwcnicikii iiv tiir hknitk .tun Hocsk or IlKi'iiKsKsmivns or Tim I'liirKii Si'a iks ok AMEI1ICA IN CO.NIIIIKS.S ASSKMIII Kl, 'I'llllt lll Clll.t'llS of Iho I'tilleil Stntes, who ure, or shnll bo otherwise iiuallileil by law to votont uny i lei lion by tho people, 111 uny statu, Territory, dlstilcl, eounly, city, parish, township, school district, muiilclpulitt , or ollur li r. sub-dlt I don, shall be entitled und ulliined In volo ut nllsiich clecilons, wlthniit dlsiliictlon ot nice, color, or prctlous cundlllou of sunltudo; uuy Con. stltiulon, law, custom, usage, or regulation nt uny siulo or Tciillory. or by, or under ils authority, to tho contrary notwithstanding," skciion 2. anii iiKirii'inusii iiNicTKii, That If by or under Iho authority of Iho 'oust It nt tun or l.iwsof any stale, or tho laws of nny Tniltory, uny net Isor shall bu required to bo ilMions ll prerequisite or ijuaU mention for luting, niul by such cuiisiliution or law,, persons or ollleers who shall lio charged with tlu 'luirforiiiniico of diillcs lu furnishing to cltl.i-nsun opportunity to perform such Pirrrqulsllo, or lolio boiuu quallllcd lo vote, it bhiill bu Ihu duty of every sum person nml (iftlecr to glto to ull clllzriisof Iho I'ldled suites, Iho sumo nud equal oppoiliinlty to pel tol in btichpic rcqiilsltc,niiilto bieoino iliiullllcillo toto wlihoiit dlsiliicllon of nice, color, or pietloiH roiidltlon of srrtllildui nud If uuy biicli jr-i'siiii or ollleer shall rcfuso or knowingly omit to glvo full eUcct tu this sect Ion, he shall, forotcry suehtUTciico, forfeit and pay thu sum ot mt hundred dollars to the person nggrletrd t hereby, to bo iceovereil by uu action ou thu ciise, wllh full coitsniiilsuchullowiiiicu fur counsel fees lis tin) court shall deem Just, nml bhull nlso, for utcry such olfcuco bo deemed gulllyof n inlsileineuiior. und shall on cuntlrtloii thrreuf, bu lined not less tliiiu ltu hundred dollars, or lie liu. pilsuned nnl less than one mouth, nud not muru thuu onu year, or both, at the dlscicllou ot tho court." A further supplement In Ihu uit relating to elcc. Hons lu lids Commonwealth i "SmuiN m, 'Hint so much of every net of Assem. blv us proMdrs licit only whllu liirmeu shall be en. Iltlul to lolo or bu registered u.s tutors, or nselalui. Ing lo totu nt uny unirrul or sioclul ileellon of this Coiiiinonweallh, lie und Hn' same Is hereby icpi .did; mill that hi-naller all fn emeu, wllhoiil ill-, line. Hon of rolor shall lie eiirollrd und registered accord, lug to the piotUlonot llio Ilrsl suction of Iho m l Us liroveil llio ntii day of April, Isii'J, ratllled "An Art further suoDlemciiliil tu thu net relating to lie elee. tlous of this couiiiiouwi'utth," and when olhrrwlso nuallflod uiulcr existing laws, lie enlltPil tiitolout uu guurrai una siieciai ciccuoits iu uus t oiuiuou tvealih." lilren under my hand, at my onice,ln Hloomsburg, this Itlh duy of hepu iiiber.lntl.o jcur of ourlwrd i no th disiuid light hundred und sctuily-IIU'.und In tlio ouo huinlrtlliiiurtt ll.o Itidipiiiilciiienf Ihu L'nlt vdbtutcs. wiillAi:i. (,K(Ai:it, Sherlll of Columbia County, lUocuuluiir, I'a., tiidtniUr 11, UIg,