THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Miscellaneous. JBS A NO JIII5. ltroallj don't wrm long njro, Wnco j on wcm.lcn nn1 1 wna.loe, Hut forty jcatu hato passed nnd Bonn fdnco wo commenced to trudge along Yea, forty j cars of wedded life, Slnco you booamo my happy wife j Hut now they oatl mo Undo .too, And you have changed to Aunt Jonnette. HutMlll t never will forget When you.wa.1 bello and 1 vim beau. Ah j os, It's very long ago, sineo our joung love commenced to grow, And o'er our heads tho Jenra have lollod, And pooplo call ui rather old j I'm sure It don't seem bo to me, ou'ro sixty-one, I'm HUty.threo It really don't soem It 'two so, Hut when tho children pavi us by, They always say 'liout you and I, There's Aunt .Icnstte and Undo .loo I Ah, well, (lod will soon call us homo, And thin In Heaven wo shall roam, And wife, perhaps vt 111 bo bo, You'll look llko Jen, I'll look like .loo. Then wo'll commenco our lovo onco more, A1) happy ns In days.'&f yore, L'or thoso wero happy.daya you know And vcct nnd Joyful It will bo, To Uo throughout eternity, Au bonnlo Jen. and loving .loo. l'or tho COLBMBl IN. AND AXUKIi DEATH. ANCRI, .SLI'.Kl1 HY TIM.Ii: LAIJBAC1I, Qmtimied, chap nou VII. "O, brother Angel Death," sniil the Angel Slrep, but before ho could say moro the Angel Death interrupted ! "Listen brother, or you will lose all tho sermon," Tho Angel Sleep did as ho was bid, and what ho hcird so interested him I will re peat a part of it. Ho said, "go my brethren, go my sisters, spoak to your friend who aro still out of tho ark of safety. Pluck tlicm ns brands lrom tho burning, ivvery soul whom you, under God, are tho means of saving will bo a star in your crown of re joicing. Kvery soul whom I, under Clod, am tho means of saving will bo a star in my crown." "What!" interrupted tho Angel Sleep, "Docs ho mean every soul be, under God, is tho means of saving will add a star to his crown in tho spirit land, nnd if so, how many do you think ho has been the means of sav ing, and how many your aged clasaleaders ? Seo his locks aro silvered with many win- tors." "IIo has very nearly lived three scoro nnd ten," replied Angel Death, "and has been, perhaps; forty years in tho Mas ter's scrvico. Aye, oven forty years in tho ministry, and, therefore, n thousand would. bo a very low estimate, and your good class leader has boon about tho samo timo in the samo army nnd under tho samo Captain; yet I daro not estiinato moro than fifty for him." "Then," said tho Angel Sleep, "ono will wear a crown decked with a hundred bright jewels through tho counties ages of ctcrni ty, whilo tho other's crown will only have fifty. Think you such a thing as envy can enter tho spirit land 1 And do you think tho minister works so much harder for the Master than docs tho classlcader ? And if ministers receive such beautiful crown?, will they bo so much happier than others?" 0, Baid he, waxing enthusiastic, "X cannot but think of babies, nnd tho many idioU who cannot expect oven ono star to deck their crowns. Am I to understand tho spirit land will be graded like this? Hold your majes tic light, brother, and let mo seo if tho preacher's words aro consistent therewith. "Every ono may receive tho things done in his body, whether they be good or bad." "Aye," Baid tho Angel Sleep, "but that docs not answer tho question, as babes and idiots have dono nothing; as the former had not tho timo and the latter had not tho nbil ity. "Hut havo they really dono nothing, brother," said tho Angel Death. "Have they not accomplished that whereunto they wero sent? Havo they not traveled the wholo journey of life, viz: "from tho cradlo to tho tomb ?" And think vou tho Mastor requires moro of them 1" "That certainly presents tho subjoct in a new light, brother Angel Death," said tho Angel Sleep, thoughtfully, "Hold your majestic light." "Nay, replied tho Angel Death, I have already shown you all which may bo seen by my majestic light upon that subject. Uoth will bo happy in tho spirit land." "Then," said tho Angel Sleep, joyfully "if tho Christ can savo babies and idiots with out reference to works, or to their own exer tions, can ho not savo tho heathen, also, ayo, even thoso who bow to wood nnd stone, if they know no better? Hold your majestic light, brother, let us seo what recommenda tion it requires to stand at tho great throne : "This woman hath given her all." "Sho hath dono what sho could." "Ah, thoso sentences, true, aao written in letters of gold nnd sparklo brightly. And is such encomium indeed sufficient to savo?" "Yes, brother, Angel Sleep, I venture to say it is, who ever gives his all to Christ, who ever does nil ho can do, I venture to say, will bo saved." "And do .you mean, too, that they who do much will receive a great re ward, nnd thoso who havo little to givo will recelvo accordingly. 0 1 whnt great joy for tho few I what comparatively llttlo for tho many 1" "Do not tako that ns n mnttor of fact, dea'r brother. Thero will be services horo this evening, you como and listen what tho preacher says, I cannot bo here, I must bo with ono of your favorites, your beautiful boy. Nay, do not chide," said tho Angel Death. Tho Angel Sleep would havo remonstrat ed ; but when be looked up ho saw tho Aiigcl JJentu liau vanished. CHAPTEP. VIII. Angel Sleep searched diligently for tho Angel Death, but did uot find him 'till threo days had nearly passed, nnd ho had well bo gun to despair of over finding him again, when his curiosity was aroused by seeing a procession, nnd wishing to know what it meant, placed himself whero ho could seo it pass, and in tho procession ho found tho Angel Death, who, to his great joy, rccog nized him Immediately, nnd following tho procession they both entered thoehurch with it. Tho Angel Sleep was almost confounded nt tho costly sombro robes and tear-stained faces of tho multitude, Ho listened in dreamy sort of way to the words of tho good minister; but when he heard him speak of the child ns a white robed Angel, bearing a palm of victory and wearing a crown of glory, walking up nnd down golden-paved streets, nnd iu and out pearly gates, singing a now song tho song of Moses and tho Lamb. Only gouo before, watching, wait ing to welcomo his parents to that better shore. Tho Angel Sleep looked at tho An gel Death and naked, "docs ho seo nil that by your mngestio light, brother?" Hut o'ro tho Angel Death had timo to reply, tho An gel Sleep's cycii beheld n casket which rested on tlio altar which ho had not beforo noticed. And nt that moment It was opened and ho beheld his littlo favorite. Ho looked at tho casket; it was of tho faint IDao huo without, nnd decked with sliver edges, sliver handles lunl silver diamonds. Within, it was pure Whlto buvo tho dellcuto tinted lllao flowers, Within tho casket lay tho boy ns white ns tho Unworn (sweet emblem) wlitoli decked his frail, white- hands, nil, savo tho golden curls, which, all unchanged, decked his now innrblo brow. 1 to saw immediately Angel Death had drawn tho whlth curtains over tho lovely eyes nnd bound fast their gold dyed silken fringes. "0, beautiful, beauti ful," murmured tlio Angel Sleep. "I knew not tho Angel Death gavo so beautiful a iouo to the delleato clay caskets ho carries to the laud of tho dead, lieaiitifiil indeed is that narrow dwelling, sweet even for its lovely Inhabitant " Then hurrying to Angel Death hn said, "I know not how to adequate ly express my feelings of grntltudo to you forgiving my favorite " "Nay, my brother," clilded tho Angel Death, "I did not givo him that beautiful casket. Llttlo ho reeks what now holds his frail, clay body, Tho beauty of that casket of hi?, puro while robes and of thoso exniils- Ito flowers aro nothing to him now. Did you not hear tho minister speak of his spirit In tho spirit land, reveling in joys celestial? How think you ho cares now for thoso evan escent, tcrrcstlat casket, robes and (lowers ?" Surely wo may say of him A celestial (lower, Doomed to bloom awhile In tcrrostlul bower; Hut now transplanted, homo Where fairest, sweetest flowers bloom. There, In tho Father's gnrden, Where Impure air, Or, sun's hot rays, tho Warden Will no'er.nllow to come, Now forc crinoro To safely, s eetly bloom. "lint," said tho Angel Sleep, "where, or how was the beautiful casket gotten, if you did not give it?" "His parents gave it to him," answered tho Angel Death. "What," returned tho Angel Sleep, "they did not buy it? It must havo cost a great deal of money 1" "About a hundred dollars," answered the Angel Sleep. "Hut," continued he, "come with me now," and ho led tho homo of tho boy whero tho Angel Sleep was sur prised at tho preparations there. "What," said he, "Angel Death can it be they aro glad ho is gone. Aro tliey preparing a feast?" Even tho grave Angel Death could not help smiling at tho eagerness and questions of tho good Angel Sleep, ns ho answered : "No. They aro not glad ho is gone, but thoy are preparing a feast." "And for how many?" asked tho Angel Sleep. "Perhaps sixy or seventy," replied Angel Death. "And how much will it cost?" still que ried tho Angel Sleep. "Forty or fifty dollars," answered tho An gel Death. "And what is tho use of such extrava gance, Angel Death 7 When tho child lived he was deprived of the necessities of life, becauo his parents were too poor to procure them and now " "It is tho way of tho world," returned the Angel Death. "liut is it a good way?" asked tho Angel Sleep. "Let conscienco answer that," said tho Angel Death ; "but it is now timo for us to part for to-day." "0, stay," said tho Angel Sleep, "I so long to know who will be greatest in tho spirit land. Tho minister, tho little boy,tho class-leader, the aged grandfather, tho youtl or tho little babe, and I want to know who will bo happiest." "Good night," said tho Angel Death, and beforo tho Angel Sleep had timo to remon strate, was gone." 7b be Continued. A Sunny Temper. What n blessing ton household is a merry, cheerful woman ono whoso spirits nro not affected by wet days, or little disappoint ments, or whoso milk of human kindness does uot sour in the sunshino of prosperity. Such n woman in tho darkest hours bright ens tho houso like a little piece of sunshiuv weather. 1 ho magnetism of her smiles and tho electrical brightness of her looks nnd movements infect every one. Tho children go to school with a senso of something great to be achieved ; her husband goes into tho world with a conqueror's spirit. No matter how peoplo annoy nnd worry him nil day, far oirhcr prcsenco shinos and ho whispers to himself, "at homo I shall find rest." So day by day sho literally renews his strength and energy, nnd if you know a man with a beaming face, a kind heart, and n prosper ous business, in nine cases out ol ten you will find his wife of thrfe kind. In Lancaster county is tho greatest nickel mino in tho world, and tho only ono that has yet been discovered in tho United States Tho mino lies upon the dividing ridgo be tween Chester county and Pequa valley, Besides nickel, iron and copper ore havo been found. Tho copper has been known there for seventy years. Tho nickel oro is of a gray color and so hard thatitcanbeob tained only by blasting. After it is broken into small particles it is thrown into a fun nrice and subjected to a strong heat. It is then smelted liko iron. After being placed between two heavy iron rollers and pulvbr- Ized it is sent to Camden, N. J., whero tho copper is separated from tho nickel. It is next protected from foreign nickel by forty percent, duty. The average price of puro nic kel is about ?2 00 a pound. In tho Lancaster mino -100 or 000 tones aro obtained monthly, 1 t l 1 1 .1 1 nt uuu iiuuiH uuo nuuurcu nnu nny men aro employed. Tho captain of a Bteamcrsaw an Irishman smoking away abaft tho wheel-house, step ped up to him and said : "Don't you seo that notice stuck up there?' "Dy'o mano that bit o' painted tin ?": "To bo euro 1 do. Why don't you follow that?" "I haven't seen it move It's nailed fast I consider," 'I mean havo you read that notice-?" "DIvil a bit, shuro I don't know how to radc." "Well, it says, no smoking allowed here." "JSo the powers, it doesn't conaaru mo u mile, thin, for I nivcr smoked 'aloud' iu my file." It is a well-known historical fact that tho L'atliolic colony of Maryland was tho first to establish perfect religions freedom in tho new world. Few, however, of our readers, wo presume, have over read tho celebrated Maryland proclaiming this great and iucs tlinablo right now enjoyed by tho wholo American people. It was enacted in 1031, only after tne Pilgrims landed nt Plymouth Hock, nnd is in tho fullowlng brief mid com prehensive language ; "No person within this provinco professing to bellovo lu Jesus ChrUt shull bo In any way troubled, molest ed or discountenanced for his or her religion, or In tho freo cxerclso thereof," An cxclmngo says: "tho Sandwich Island ers bellovo that Ilcclzcbub walks tho earth iu tho form of a woman," And now and then you will find a man in this country who believes so too, and that 1)0 has married tho woman, VEGETINE rificj tin Blood, Iloaovates and Invigorates tho Wh:lo Syttom. lis Mi-illtal Proprrlln are LTERATI V Bl'ON 1 0,S0 LV I5NT AND DIUUBT10. VrnKTtNK lsmado exclusively from tho juices of carefully sclerted barks, roots nnd herbs, and so strongly concentrated that It will cIToctually cradl onto from tho sjstem every Mint of scrofula, scrofu lous numor, luinor, cancer, cancerous iiutuor, ery sipelas, salt rheum, syphilitic diseases, canker, falntness nt tho stomach, and nil diseases that arise from imrnirn hlnod. sciatica. Inflammatory and chronic rlieumnt Ism.nenralgla, gout and spinal com plaints, can only uo ciieciu.iuy curcu inrougu uiu blood. Vnr ulcers and rrnnllvn diseases fil tho skin, mis tules, pimples, blotches, bolls teltcr, scnldiiead and ringworm, Veiietink has nevcr;tallud t cllect n per maucnt euro. For nalns In tho hack, kidney comnlnlnts. dropsy, femala weakness, leucorrhioa, arlso from Internal ulcernl Ion. and uterine diseases and general debili ty, Veoctinu acts directly upon tho causes of thoso complaints. It Invigorates and strengthens tho wholo system, acts upon secrctuo organs, alloys In- iiammauou, cures uiccruuuu uuu uuuimia mu bowels. 'or catarrh, dvsneasla. habitual eostlvenes, pal- pltnllonof the heart, headache, plies, nervousness) and general prostration of thotierous system, no medlrlno has out given such perfei t satisfaction ns tho Vriiktinr, It puililcs tlio blood, cleanses nil of the organs, and possesses a controlling power out tho nervous system. Tho remnrknhlo cures nlTcctedby miktink hao Induced many physicians nnd npollircarlos w hum wo know to prescribe nnd use It In their own tamllles. in fart. VniKTiNK Is Ihn best, remedy vet dlscncr- ed for tho above diseases, nml Is the only reliable union ruiuiiiui jet. piaccu tieioro tne puunc. Arn ant Ihn tnnnv tpKtltnnnl.ils irlven for thedlrfer-. ent complaints snltsf.ictory any reasonable person sintering from nny disease mentioned above, that tuey can oe eurem jteuu inu irMiimmi;in k' ami no ono can doubt. In many of these eases tho nersons say t hat their rain anil butteilng cannot bo expressed, as Incases of scrofula, v here, apparently, too wuoie oouv was ono mass oi eoi rupnuu. u i-;u-ktink v.111 relleui pain, cleanse, pmify and euro such diseases, restoring I ho patient to perfect health after trjlng different physicians, many remedies, Buffering tor j ears, is not conclusl . o proor. It jou nro a sufferer, j ou can bo cured 7 Why Is this medl clno performing such greateures? ll works In tho blood, In tho circulating fluid. It can bo called tho (li-pat ltlooil l'lirltler. The trreat sourco of disease originates In the blood; amino modicum that does not act directly upon It, to purify nnd renovate, has any lust claim upon public nttenltou. When tho blood becomes lifeless and stagnant, either from cuange or weainer or oi enmaie, want- oi eM-mse, Irregular diet, or from any other cause, tho Vl'dK- tinb will renew tho blood, carry off tho putrid hu mors, cirnnso tlio siomacu, reguiaio lae uonois, uuu imnarta tone of Itror to tho whole body. Thecon- ctlnu Is In the nubile mind us well ns In the medi cal profession, that tho remedies supplied by the cgeL.ioiu iviugiiotu are mure sair. mum aui-io-nii In tho euro of disease, than mineral medicines. Veiiictisg Is composed of roots, lurks nnd herlw. It Is nleasant to take, and Is nerfectiy safe totrlvo to nn imam. io you nccu ilv no ivji uusiuuu iu iiy it. l ou w in never regret u. WOULD NOT, BE, WITHOUT VEGETINE FOR TEN TIMES ITS COST. Tho creat benefit I havo rccelvod from thousoof VnfiCTiNK induces mo to givo my testimony In Its fnior. I believe It to be not only of great value for restoring tho health, but a preventive or disease peculiar to the spring and'suinmer seasons. 1 VrOUlU UOt OU 11 UUUt it 1UT 111, Ilium II IUSU. UIIWAltU TIl.DU.V. Attorney nnd (leneral Agent for Massachusetts of i;rarrsmcn s i.uo -As-iurnucu juiupauy, no. u auura Hutlding, Boston, Mass. Vegotino is Sold by All Druggists. EW STOCK OF CLOTHING. AND Gentlemen's Dreas Goods. DAVID LOWENI5EKG lmltcs attention to his large nnd elegant stock ot fliesi) and FasliionaMfi Clotliii 'at his store on; MAIN STltllRT, IN Tlin NEW ULOCK, llLOOMHllUUO, I'A., whero ho has Just received from Now York nnd Phil. tadclphla a full assoi tmcnt of MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING, Including tho most fashionable, durable and numibomo DRESS GOODS, CON3ISTINC1 01' BOX, SACK', FllOOh:, nuji AND OIL CLOTH, COATS AND PANTS, OF ALL BOUTS SIZES AND COLOIIS, IIo has also replenished his already largo stock of CLOTHS AND CASSIMEUES, 1'KlUItKD AND !'LAIN,VESTS, STltll'ED, SiIIltTS, CliAVATS SOCKS, COI.LAItS, HANDicnnciiiuFs, OLOVE3, ;SUSPENDnit3, AND FANCY AIITIOLYES. lis has constantly on hand a largo and well select ed assortment of Cloths and Veotings, which ho Is proparod to make to order Into nny kind ot clothing, on vory short notice, and In tho best manner. All his clothing Is made to wear ana moit of It Is of homo manufneturo. OOUV AVATCIIKS AND JKWKLKY, Ol'EVEHV DESCltllTION, FINE AND C1IEAI' HIS CASE OF JEWELTtV IS NOT SUIH'ASSED IN THIS PLACE. CALL ANDJ1XAMINE' HIS OENEItAL ASSOUT MENTOF Clothing, Watches, Jowl ry, &c. DAVID LOWKNHEK0I, uly 1,73-tf. AN ACTUAL HUKINKSS INSTITUTION AND TKl.lidUAl'llIO INSTITUTE, l'or Information call nt Ofllco, or bend for Vtiiixet AuvEKTitaiB. Junm-ly TTOItNKY'H HLANKS, Common and f Judgment Itonds, tlm Cm rruniiti flfltrj,. j jaginem nonas, jusutinoici na ror tnio at uhuun onioo. All kliiHuratterney's Hauls either kept on bund or prtuuU to order. CHEAP AT THE COLUMBIAN OFFICE. The Columbian Printing Estab lishment is amply supplied with tho necessary Presses, Types and other material for executing all kinds of Printing at low rates and in the most expeditious and satis factory manner. CALL AT THE Columbian Building COURT HOUSE ALLEY, Bloomsdukci, Pa. When special material is reqtnrei it will bo promptly obtained, Books and Pamphlets, Hand-Bills and Dodgers Largo and Small Posters, Letter and Bill Heads Envelopes with Business Curds, Bussiness, Pic Nia, Wedding ant Visiting Cards, Programmes, Bills of Faro, &c, Will all bo supplied and oxcutet in superior style, nt cheap rates and short notice. Tho best workmen aro employe and tho best material will always be furnished. A liberal share of public patron ago is respectfully solicited. Bi-ooMBiiuna, Junk 18,1875. mm opening t 1LLAS MENDHNIJALL TAVIN'G rceunicd the business of Morclini,. JLX discing nt his old Store, on MAIN STUUET, llLOOMSHUltO, NEAR TIIK KOUKS UOTH,, Deslresto enlltho attention of hU friends nnd I ho uouogencrniiy.o his NEW, KULLAN1) VAKllit) STOCK OF GOODS, JUST OPENED, And solicits nsharo of public patronage 1I1S STOCK CONSISTS 01' Ditv noons, oiioci:iui:s, QiiunxswAiti!, WOODENWAKR, WlLLOWWAllU, 1100TS A SHOES, IIAHUWAIlH, 1'UHIIl AND VllEl). In connection with his stock of Jlercnandlso ho constantly keeps on hand In Ids yard. A FULL STOCK OF Dressed and Undressed Lite, AND SIIINULES OF HIS MANUFACTU1IE. Bill Lumber made a speciality. CALL AND SEE. Oct. 3, 1ST3 tf. J. KVAiNK, HEADY MADE AND CUSTOM MADE CLOTHING. HE HAS THE FINEST GOODS, LATEST STYLES, AND EMPLOYS THE BEST WliKMEM For flood Fits and Promptness In tilling orders thero la tho placo to go. His goods aro selected with caro and his CUSTOM WORK will compare favorably with tho best effort of tho fashionable city Dealer. HE KEEPS A LA 110 E STOCK OF BOYS' & HI LDEI-N'SLOTHIftG AND GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS' At Astonishingly Low Prices. A. J. EVANS. .Ttllyl, 1873-tf. 3?-A.I3Sra?I3STC3-: GLAZING AND PAPERING "WPI. 1'". IlOniNE, Iron Street lielow mc- t t omi, nn lllooinsburg, l'a., Is prepared to do al kinds of PAINTING, GLAZING, and TArER HANGINGS, In tho best styles, nt lowest prices, nnd nt short notice. Parties ua lng such wor to do wll save money by work warranted to givo tatlstactlon. Order solicited WM.IF. 110DINE. Mar. c, '7t-ly. PHILADELPHIA ADVS. DHAUTirTTIi 3MB W SONG. "NO Friendly Voleo todrcet Me," by II. 1'. Danka. Sent post-paid ror 35 cents. Order our cataloguo forlsffl. VM. II. IIONNEIt & CO., MH-.10 Publishers, 11 OK, Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. July 1C-12H-. SSXBX'S COTTAGE ORaANS. Organs and Arlon Pianos. E. SI, llltiri'i:. IMi'heht nut St., Phlln., formerly of 13 norlh 7lh bt. Jy.ld-lMV "yAINWKIGIIT & CO., WHOLESALE dHOCEItS, N. E. Corner Second and Arch Strccjs, 1'lllLADBI.rilli, Dealers In TEAS, SYEUrS, COFFEE, SUGAIt, MOLASSES I'.ICE, SrlCKS, BICAIIB SOW, &C, C. rw'Ordera will receive prompt attention. clj-tt A FIRST CLASS NEWSPAPER. DAILY ANl7 WEEKLY. Independent in Everything! Neutral in Nothing, Opposed to all Corrupt Kings in Municipal, Stato and National Alliiirs. THE DAILY TIMES will bo Issued on Saturday, tho ISIIi of March next, and every morning thereafter, bundajs excepted, under tho editorial direction ot A. K. AlcClure, printed compactly from clear, new type, on ft largo follu i-hoct, containing all the news of Ihl) day, including tno ASSUCIATllI'ltESS TELE (IUAMS, Special Telegrams and Correspondence from all points of Interest, and fearless editorial dis cussions of current topics. Price, TWO I'ri.VI S. -Mall subscriptions, postage free, six dollara per annum, or fifty cents per month, In ndvunee. Adu-rtlscmcnts, fifteen, twenty and thirty cents per line, uccordlhg to poslllou, The Weekly Times Will ho Issued on Saturday, March SOth, wccMy thereafter, containing all Imiiiatant news of tho week. undcompleUi Murkct und Financial Iteixirts. Mailed, tor cue j ear, posUgu free, at tho following rates i Ono Copy... .. f 1.00 Ten copies Twenty copies lo.tio AKVEIl'l IHI'.MEN'IS twcnly-fHo cents per line. Iteinltanccs should bo made by Draflsor lust Of. tlcu orders. Addrcsa THE TIMES. . . No.UBOUlhHovenlhNtrett. U l'lllLADtXl'HlA. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, For Diseases of tho Tliroat nml LunRSi Buoh na OoUKhs, Oold, Whooping Ooujtti, llronchltis, Asthma, and Consumption, Among tho greo dUeovcrlei of modem telonco, fot nro of moro ro&l valuo to i, mankind than Hill cf- fectual remadr for all ducaiei of tha Throat nnd Lung. A rut trial of IU Tlrtuei. throughout tldt nnd other countries, ha thown thst It docs turolr and dToetuallv control thorn. Th Uitlmony of our bent cltl ien, of all ckiiti, oitnbllihei tho fact, Hint Cnr.iiur 1'ncrouAL will nnd (loan rdlovo and euro tlio afflicting diwrders of tho Throat tind I.titigi beyond any other medicine. Die most dancerom nffectlon of tlio Pulmonary Organs ylold to IU powari and cue of Consumption) cureJ by this preparation, are publicly known, o remarktbie ni hardly to Le believed, wero they not proren beyond dispute. Ai a remedy, It li adequate, on which the public may rely for full protection. Ily curing Coughs, tho forerunner! of more erfous disease, it saves un humborod lives, and an amount of Fullering not to bo computed. It challenges trial, nnd con vinces tho most sceptical, l.t ery family hould keep It on hand u n protection against tho eaily nnd unperccived attack of Pulmonary AITco tlons, which aro easily met at first, hut which becomo incurable, and too often fatal, If neg lected. Tender lungs need this dofencoi nnd it Is unwise to bo without it. As a safeguard to children, amid tho distressing diseases which boet tho Throat and Chostnf childhood, CimitiiT l'l-.CTORAt. Is iuvahiabloi for, by Its timely ue, multitudes aro rescued from premature graves, and saved to tlio lovo and affection centred on them. It acts speedily nnd ftirely ngaint ordi nary colds, securing sound and health-restoring sloop. No ono will sufier troubicsomo Iiillu CM17H and painful Uronchltls,whcn they know how oasiiv thoy can ho cured. Originally tlio product of long, laborious, and mccessful chemical Investigation, no cost or toil Is spared in making every hottlo In tho utmn.t poslblo perfection. It may bo confidently relied upon as povossing all tho virtues it has ever exhibited, and capable of producing cures as mctnorablo as tho greatest It has over effected. mirr-ABHo iiy Dr, J. C, AYER L CO., Lowell, Mass., Practical nml Analytical Chemists. SOLD Y ALL DKU00IST3 ISVCttYWIIISBD. Apill ICibjI A HEAArY STOCK, Glieapes? tlian Ever! Q i:i MITTT?D Qr GfiAT llavo Just llcccivcd tlio largest and best supply ol CHEAP Aff FASHIONABLE DRY GOODS, They havo ever offered totneif frlcnd3 nnd cus tomers. (Jlotlis, Cassimeres, and Satinetts for JIKN'8 WEAK, Cloths, Alapacas, Merinos, for LADIK'S AVKAK, CALICOKS, AlUSLINS, UA.IIIKICS, and every vnriety of Dry Goods desired, Carpets, Mats, Ottomans, in great variety nnd at the LO WEST CASII PJirGES. FAMILY GROCERIES, including nil the varieties of COKFEKS, TKAS and SUOAKS, COUNTRY PRODUCE, and a general supply of articles useful for tho table always on hand. CALL AND .SEE. Country produce of all kinds tahen in ex change for goods nt cash prices, oet. 3o,'i4 tf BLfOOMSiuRQ MARBLE WORKS. T. L. GUNTON, Proprietor, MAIN' STIIHHT, HIH.OW MA1IKHT. Manufacturer of and Dealer in all hind) of MONUMENTAL MARBLE WORKS WousothobestAMIIHICAN and ITALIAN Maible. llo has on hand nnd furnishes to order MONUMENTS, TOMIiS, HEADSTONES, UHNS, VASES, he. Uvery variety of Marblo cutting neatly executed at tho lowest market prices. A long practical experience and personal attention to business makes the proprietor eonlldent ot giving satisfaction. All orders by innll promptly attended 10. 1'. u. UOX TJt. S.SiV. 11. Work ddiuredfrce of clMrrjeS'QH Aug. 21, 'J4-ly. T. L. (1UNTON, Proprietor. fSS-OO FEE, T03XT. REGISTERED TRADE-HARK, X sea fowl deposit iniioiU'il exclusively by OIII'Sl'lVI'S II'OHI ftUUlll Alliei'll'il. SOLUBIiK AiiimoiiialEd SDiier-Pliosiiliale. Analysis on cncli bajr nnd quality Kiwrnnlced. Pco .10SIAU J, ALIiliN .S SONS, No, 1 S. Delawnro Avcnuol'hlladelphla. ,iug20-9t. NOTICE TO THKSSL'ASSEHS. -TOTK'i: IS III-HEltYdlVEN lo nil per- l sons not lo tresspass on tlio premises of tho Tffiilerslgiicil lu limiting, fishing- or nlhc ndse, ns the is'iialty of tho law will In eury ease bo mforced ugnlnst them. N. L, Campbell, L. A. Hutchison, H. A. Miairetts, hamuel Neyhard, (ieorgo Conner, Philip Creasy, llesK, .lames Trump, Win. II. Mnhl, V. Illnpensletl, Haliim-I llldlay, I.cvl AlMiuui, Isaao Cieasy, 1', ll.llagenbuch, J, Ji Alkmuii. Sept. 3-3t this is ox i it.n with R OWELL & rHESIVlAN Advertising Ancnls, THinn 4 CHESTNUT STS 8T. LOUIS, MO BUSINESS 0AHD3, VISITINdCAHDS, JJJTfKlt 1IKADS, J11L1, HKADH, l'OSTKHS, 0 iiO., Neatly find Cheaply printed ut tho C01.UM iiian Olllco. mm SElH BSSBSSL fjvav Tlxith-fonr Competitor RAIL ROAD TIME TABLES TMIIIADKLIUIA AND HEADING HO AD WINTEI1 AllllANGEMEN'T. NOV, Oth, 187-1. TlUtNS LEAVE 111'1'EllT AS I OLI.OWS (SCNIIATKXCFI'TKD l'or Now York-, Philadelphia, Heading, TottsWllo Tnniaqua, Ac, 11, S3 a. m l-'ur Catawlssa, 11,13 u. in. and T,30p. m. l'or 'Wllllamsport, o,2S n. in. and l.oo p. m. TRAINS 1011 UUrEIlT LEAVE Afl l'Olt OWF, (SUMlAY EX CEITEIi.) I.cavo New York, o,no n. m. Lca o Philadelphia, 9,15 a. in. Leave Heading, 11,3) n. m., I'ottsvllle, I2,10p. m, andTnmaqua, l,3op. in. Lcavo Catawlssa, 0,20 a. m. nnd 4,00 p. m. I.cao Wllll.imsport, l),2()n. in. and 5,tio p. m. l'asscngcrs to and from New York nnd Philadel phia go through without cbango of cars. j. i:. wootun, May 8, 1S74 tf. General Superintendent, D ELAWAHE, liACICAWANNA AND W11ST11UN ltAH.UOAl). m.OOMSHUHG DIVISION. Tlmc-Tahlo No. SO, Takes effect nt 4:30 A, TllUHSDAY, DIXE.MIimi 10, 1S74. N011TII, STATIONS. SOUTH. m. p.m. p.m a.m. p in., 2 25 d ii.'j H 31 8 2.1 8 13 8 15 7 t.'J 7 53 7 43 l i: Seranton llelh-Mie Tnylortlllo.,.. . .Lackawanna.... Plltston ..West Plttstou... Wyoming ilnltby Kingston Kingston ..l'lj mouth .nine.. J'lj mouth Auimlalo Nnntlcoke .Ilunlock's I reek. . ..Milckhlnny... ....Hick's Kerry... ....lieach Haven.. . l'.erwlck .... llrlar creek ...Willow drove.... Lime llldgc i:py ...Uloomshurg llupert Catr'Alssa llrldge. ..Clark's Snitch... Danville chulasky Cameron .Northumberland. 10 CO ZD 2 20 2 S3 2 41 2 50 2 55 :i til 3 ('fi 3 15 3 2U 3 25 3 311 3 30 3 41) 3 5D 4 (5 4 20 4 2S 4 30 -1 45 C 31) VI 21 12 1') 1 40 13 il 1 25 1 If, 10 (4 18 (0 10 17 10 2.1 IU 20 10 34 Id 38 10 45 10 50 II) 5i 11 00 11 05 11 19 11 18 U 32 11 40 11 53 12 il 12(6 12 12 12 17 12 20 0 31 C 41 11 45 6 50 7 (III 11 31 II 20 11 10 1 II 7 0, 7 1 11 10 lTo 7 10 7 25 7 35 7 45 10 45 7 41 12 51 8 25 8 17 8 12 8 05 8 (0 7 40 7 20 7 (111 0 07 45 0 32 r. 27 0 20 ti or, n r,s 5 M 5 41 5 III tt 15 n iu 4 r.5 4 30 7 35 12 40' 7 311 12 41 7 25 12 30 7 10 12 30 7 15 12 20 7 15 12 10 0 Si) 12 111 C 85 11 40 0 2S 11 30 G 2il 11 31 C 13 It 22 f. 18 11 17 I', 03 11 11 5 53 11 02 5 40 10 55 5 40 II) 40 7 50 7 5S 8 12 8 15 8 3 8 5 0 ( 7 0 7 1 7 1 4 5H 4 50 5 05 5 12 5 1S 7 25 7 3S 12 32 12 37 7 47 7 55 5 31 10 13 5 30 10 4ll 6 12 10 22 5 02 ID 12 4 57 10 OS 12 42 5 21 12 45 1 Hi 1 11 1 14 1 3J 5.30 8 (0 5 4S 5 5S 0 03 C 20 8 3! 8 4S 8 55 4 40 0 5 p.m., 9 21 n.m. p.m. p.m. a.m. DAVID T. HOUND. Sunt, Superintendent's Office, Kingston, March 6, is, 4. N' OKTHEKN CENTIfAIi HA 1 LAVA Y COMPANY. Ou and atlcr Novcmher !i)th, 1S73, trains v 111 leav SUNUUltYns folio v.8: NOUTI1WAHD. Hrlo Mall 5.20 a. in., nrrlvo Elmlra 11.50 a. in " Ciinandalgua... 3.35 p.m " Hochestcr 5.15 " Niagara 0.10 Henovo accommodation 11.10 u. m. ariho Williams Port 12.55 p. m. :imliaMall 1.15a.m., nrrlvo I'.lmlra 10.20 n.m. llullalo Ilxpteiia 7.15 u. m. an Ho lluir.ilo8.50a. ni. SOUT1IWAHU. Uuffalo Express 2.60 a. m. arrlvo IInrrls.hurg 4.50 n. " " EludraMull 11.15 a.m., nnUo llnrilshuig 1.60 p. m " Wiushlngton Hi.30 " llaltlinoioc.30 ' " Washington 8.30 Ilarrlsburg accommodation 8.10 p. m. arrUo Harris- burtf 10.50 n. m. nrrlvo Iialtltnoro 2.25 a. m " Washington 0.13 Hi lo Mall 12.55 a. m. arrlvo llarrhburg 3.05 a. in, " Hall Imoro 8.40 " " Washington 10.35 " All dally except Sunday. 1). M. 110YD, Jr., (leneral Passenger Agent A. J. CASSATT, General Mnnager PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD I'liiladcliilila & Krio U. U. Division. SUMMER TIME TA1SLE. rN and nfler SUNDAY. MAY '23d, 18: J the trains ou tho Philadelphia S: Hilo Hall itoau m isou iu ruu as iuuuws : WESTWMW. FAST LINK leaves New York 9 25 a. " " 1'iiiniiieipiu.i 12.65 p. " " " Haltlmoro 1.20 p. " " " Harrlshurg.. 6.(io ji. " " nrr. at Wllll.imsport 8.65 p. " " ' Lock linen 10.20 p. " " " Hellcfonto 11.60 p. Ellin MAIL leaves Now York 8.25 p. " " " l'liuadeijiiua 11X5 p. ' ' " llarrlsburg 4.25 a. " " " Wllllamsport s.36a. " " " lock uaeu 0.15a. " " " Henovo lMifiu, " " air. at Hrlo J.'O p NIAOAHA HXPIICSS leaves;i'hlladelphla. . 7.40 a. ' " " lUltlmoie 7.35 n. ' " " llurrliburg. ...lo.r5a. arr. nt vwiuauiport.. ijiii, " " Iick Ihnen..,. 8.16 p. " " " Henovo 4.30 p. KLMIUA MAILlenvcsIPhlladelphla 8.00 n. " " " lijlllinuiv S3i)a. " " " lliiirWiuig 1 25 p. 'i " arr. at Wllllamsort cm i). " j.ueiv iiittcu i.uup. :o: lCASTWAlll). PHII.'A UXVKUSS leaves Lock Haven... . fi. ion. .. 7.65 a. .11 45 a. .,0.16 p. .. 8.35 p. . 0.49 1 1. .. 9.10 ft. . 10.. 6 ll. .11 35 a. .. 3.00 ), ., 0.2U p. .. 9 15 p. .. 0.35 p. .11.2011. . b,25p, . 9.45 p. 10.60 11. . 2.2511. llll.llll.-,liui . " " arrives ntllarrhburg.,.. " " llnltlmoio " " " Philadelphia... " " " New York DAY EXl'HHS.S leaves Henovo " " l.oek Haven. . " " " WUllainspoit. " " nrr. at llariMmig.... " " " Phllaili'lplda.. ' " " New Vol k " " " llaltlmoio HIIIG.MAII.leavesHrlo itenovo ' " " Loek llaen ' " " Wlllhimspoit ' arr. at lisiiUbuig ' " " lijlthnoru ' " " I'hllailclDhla , 1 " " New York .. 7.35 H 111 0.45 ll. Ill .,10,10 a, 111 I'AST I.INI! leaves Wllllamsport 12.35 a, m ' " nrr, at Han Nburg ,, u.r.5 a, in " " llallhnore T.S5 a. in " " " Philadelphia 7.35 u. m New York 10.25 a. In Hrlo Mall West, Niagara Impress West, Elmlta Mull West and Day Impress Host maku closuconnec linn nt Northumberland villi L. .V 11, JI, It. tialnsfur Wllkes-liarro and Scranlon. llrlo Mull Wi st, Nl.igura I'.xpress West and Klmlra Mall West make close connection at Wllllaiusiiurl v Ith N. C. It. W. trains Norm. Hrlo Mull Hast and West, Niagara llxprCRS West, 1'ust Lino West and Day Hvprcsu Lust iiuiko close connecllon at J-ock llatenvtlth U.K. V, It, H., trains. Hrlo Mall liist and West connect at Kilu with trains on I, H. i M. H. II. It., at curry ulth o. c. A. V. it. ll.. at Rmpnrlum with 11. N, Y, 1', it, 11., and alDrlttwoodttllliA.V. 11. 11. Parlor Curs Hill run between Philadelphia and Wllllamsport on Niagara Kipress West, I'ust Lino West, Philadelphia Expicss East and Hay KiQress ICast, Sit eplug Cars ou all night trains. VM. A. IIAUJWIN, Jan. 8,15 U UencralSujit B LANK JlOHTQAOICa forBtilecliennBttlio WbVBUMnVIUWl SUI GENERIS. fS"pAlMAM&UlA!G I' ' ' '" .-.Lw' U MERUIT'U'FSnATTI ON & HAM N CAB ET ORGANS UNEQUALED"!."XUNAPPROACIlEn In cApftolty nnl cxwllonco by nny other. AwfmM mamim an-b DIPLOMA OF HOHORat VIENNA, 1873; PARIS, 1867. ntlju Amorlmn Orpms ever awixnlM any mnlnt UllL t I" Karel11, or which prcpent stirh extmonll naiy cxccllcnco as ti commniul a ltlo wilo there. AMUKVO nwnrilcd hlghert premlurnn nt Imlnii. ALVlHlO trinl lliposltloim, 1 ,1 Anitrlrn 11 in l.urope. Ontot handrail, Hiiro Imyo not luiii m in all wlicni any olhcr organs Imro been preferred. DCPT Declared by Umlncnt .Mni-lrlin, la Imtli DUO I heinlnplicrm, In bo llurUilleil. Beo IKSliMONIAI, ClIlCUf.Alt, will) ophilona ot moro than Ono'I'llotlMllul (ent free). IfJCIPT on ha?lng a Mnwa ii Itetnltn. Do net I ll Ol O I tako nny other. Dcalem atl unaru com MiRaioHK for telltiu inferior oiw, S"r "' rtfiwoii often ttvrerv Aird to tell ttomciritn dee. HCIU CTVI CO with most Important Improve.. If tlS 0 I I LtO ments ever mndc. New Nolu ami ; 1,1 mi tli Mops. Superli litnuero and other Cnscn of new tleslKlls. PIANO-HARP CABINET ORGAN . quUIto comblnntton of theso instnnnrntn, EASY PAYMENTS. ?SlS,S, pnymentii; or rentetl until rent pnyii fin- llio orKan. fUTAinPllrP and Clrculnrs, with full pnrtlo LA I IlLUbULo lilnm. free. AililrcuMAHOM HAMLIN DIKIAN (JO., 151 Trrlnnnt Blrttt, 110ft. TON 2-- Union Hquiu-e, NUV YOllliJ or bO il til Adams Bt CU10AUO, MASON & HAMLIN CABINET ORBANS MAY 1111 OBTAINED AT WHOLESALE OR RETAIL op Ii. Bo FOWEIili, SCRATJTOI-J, Pa. General A'jent alio for tlio celebrated CHIGKERING PIANOS. ALSO, OF I. Iv. MILLER, iiLooMSinmo, pa., Dealer in above Instriiiiiciits. March 19, '75 y 110J,L1ISTS & HOLMES No. 17 Ccnlro Stro Plninte Gas and Steam Fitters IIANUTACTUHEKS 01' J?IN"WAEE, i UAI.VANIZLU IKON COIINICH, WINDOW CAPS, - AWNINGS, Wire TrellisCH, &c. Dealers in Stove, llanp cs, l'uriinces, llaltinioro Heaters, Down Grates, iMantels, l'UJIl'tJ, Weather .Strips &c, Alo G-AS FIXTURES of tho latest design. Special attention paid lo re pairing Sewing Alaehlnes of e ery description, I, Locks, Hell Hanging, Key Pitting, Ac. i'rlwito Hi 1 dencea Healed hybteaiuat atiiuill cost nl,oe Hot Air. i','75-tf. IDLATCIILKY'S Ini I) proved c'l'L'I'.MliDli WuOlt PUMP l-t I ho ur Knowlcdged d of tho market, liy popular verdict, tho Lest pump for tholeiust money. Atlentlun Is lin Med to lllalehlej 's Improved llr.u k- H1?) withdrawn without dl-du'ibliigthn juinti. Khss and tho cornier cliamhor which neer urrrl et-iirkH. Kr:ili-H ! riist nnd will InAt. a llfn It'V tjf-t-J time. 1'orsnlo by dealers and tho Ir.ulu ji.jwrfi generally. In order tube sine thatjou SSsSl get Hlakhley's l'umii.lio careful and see that It has my trado mark as above. If you do not Knnwwhero to buy, descriptive circulars, together with tho name and uddiess of tlio ngentnearest jou will bo furnished by addressing with stump, CHAD. (1. lll.ATOIII.r.Y, Manufacturer, Ml, commerce St., Philadelphia. FOll BALK HY J. SCHUYLER & SON, Bloomsburg, Pa. March 5 '75-sm CARPETS ! CARPETS ! ! S. H. MILLER & SON HAVE JUST KECHIVKI) nml nro onering forsalo at very low prices ono of tho best as sortments of CAHPIl'IH ever ollercd for tale of tho town ot llloomsburg. They are all new und In Ihoverylatenstyles. Pilces nrr from ssccutato $1.60 per j nrd. Cull and bee them. Oct. SJ, '74-tf, NOTICE VTOTICK is licivliy' given that tlio llloom iy burg this company will put In sertleoplpe nnd furnish meters to the citizens of llloomsbiiig ror I1K.50 where tho distance from the ttreet does imt oxceedsofeet! excess of 50 feet wilt bo charged ut tho lntouftoeeuts per root until September 1st 1S75. c. V, MILI.Ult, becretary. tept.1l, '7t.-tf i? oppospi'i: tiii: chnthal iiothl. Has a eompleto stock of pure and reliable DHUOS, Sir.IHCINCS, OUHMICALS, DYllH, ACID', SOAl'S, SODA, M)!)A ASH, PA1NTH, OILS, GLASSY, rilTTV, V.MlNISIIIiS ANI1 ALL J'AINTOIS SUPPLIIIS, KPONOHS, UHt'SIl l'.S, l'Kltl'U.Mi:itY, 4C AT VERY LOWIMUOKS. Country Piodiico taken In exchange for JUus,m, JlcdldneB, DjC'S, "-' Havo a rarcrully.Eclcctcil.Mcck of choice TKAS, COl'l'KH, 8UO.AH, Bt'ICi:?, EOA1', 1'K KI.i:, SAUcia, risu, hams, cannhh i'iilits, VIXILTAHLHS AND OTUUlt 1'INH (litOCHl! 1113, FOUKION AND DOMIiSTIC Fruits, Nuts und Confectioiuiry, all at tho lowest posslblo pi lets. tveountry Troduco taken lu exchange.! Hloomtburg, March 10, UTC-y xtl)n
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers