The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, September 10, 1875, Image 3
THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. TUBOOLUMBIAH. I) 1, 0 O M S 11 V It (I, V ll I II A Y, SKIT. 10, lr,i Kail Itoail Time Tnlilc. LACKAWANNA & M.OOMSIItMtO KAIL ltOAII NOIITII. nniiTII A' 'ommoii.itlonTrnln,,..,,. (i.w a.m. 7.30 A, M. Mall Train T.iia a. n r,. a v, M Impress Train 1.14 1', M. 1I.M A. M ' " 6.84 r. M. CATAWIS3A 11A11, ItoAl). south, cnrrit Accommoilallon Train li.s-i A. M. 7,au 1'. M. ii siilnr llxprcss 3,M p. M, 11,5.1 A, M. TlirongU cars on Kxprpss train cither to New Yoi k or riill.ulelpliln. Aceomtnotl.uioii train runs between Cittuwissu and llllniiwport. Mr. K. I'. Mybiii, collector (or tho (.'oMniiiiAv, will wait upon Uioro luik-uli'il to Hill ofllco for tho pur imspof ivecUing tlio amounts due. Wotrust that tliuio Indebted will Iki prcpircit topay wlnttlicy o'o when ho calls, but It not, they will njtulii bo t tlli'd upon. It will scarcely bo (Vunnwlulot into olfcr nil npolmry for linking collections, but tor tho f jtlst.u tlon ot those desiring It wo will Just sny that us wo have to pay cash for ctrry thing as wo go our purao Is not long or deep enough to hold out unless It Is lepionisncu tutu nomo uegrco in promptness. There Is point ntul substance. In our report of court proeeciVmg, lliat make it worth the lime of any one to read llicni. Crows have been unusually prevalent about lUiwlck. Tlio IiuhprmliiU ascribes it to the condition of Koine of the liorsea of that locality. D.tviil It. Itandall, Uq., a prominent lawyer and politician, and formerly a Democratic can didate for Congress in this district, died nt Wilkcs-llarre on tho .'lint tilt. The Berwick band is praised by tho local paper for extraordinary tfliciency, and tho ex cellence of its music is ascribed to the ab-ence of drums and cymbals. Kvcry DoinoctJl In tho county ought to read tho Commmax from now till after elation, if lie never lead it before. Wo aim lo give our leaders all tho important or interesting news both general and political. Thero is general complaint all over the country of nntiMial numbers of nnt'nuitoiy, and many places that have never known them before are annoyed by them now. Tho unusu ally long lontinued prevalence of southern wimU is no doubt tho cause. Flies aro atao unusually plentiful. A few sharp frosts will be welcome visitors. Tho Kingston Seminary and Commercial College is assuming an iiupoitaut place among the educational institutions of tho Slate. Though linked together in a business relation they aro Kcparate school, and the couri-e in etch is distinct and complete without refeience to the either. The management and instruction of both are represented lo be most satisfactory. Tho barn of Oliver ICvans, of Locust town ship, was dcstioycd by lire on tho .'id inl., in cluding all his hay and grain. Probable los $1,000 light insurance, ilr. lOvans was not at home at tho time, and the origin of tho fire is unknown. There were no pen-on except his wife and children about tho premises at the time and neither he nor they arc tmokers. 1'rof. S, N. Walker, a practical and compe tent htcnographer, has been appointed elflieial reporter by the court. This plan very much expedites business and in thu end is a mca-uro of economy. It has been in practice in many of tho courts of tho State for tome years and w e believe is every where approved, l'rof. W. is also reporting a synopsis of the court proceedings fur tho Ciii.i'Mman-. Al though our lcpoiK for tho l.i-l two years have belli mole reliable and sati-foctory than any other that have been made in this county, we expect material iinpiovcinent, i-pace however veiy much limiting the uporter. AITUAY AT KOIIliSllUWi. We regret to learn that a K-iious and pnt-ilily falsi allray ociurrul at llohi.-buig on Tuesday morning la-t, between Siiniiel llogart and his lailiet-in-law, Abraham Kline. The parlies have been on bad leinis and in almo-t a con stant i-t.itc of ipiarrcl for some years, the unfor tunate relation extending even into l!ugarl' family. It is represented that on Tuesday morning Kline went to iiogart's Mure anil as lie was abuiit inteiiiig made .some tlucits of per sonal violence. Jlogart was (.landing in the iluor anil as Kline eayed to enter the former giablkil a piich-1'urk from behind the door and stabbed him in the forehead willi it, pti-hing Jiim back. How t-eiiotis the injury to the skull in iv ho we ale not uli.ibly nt this inning (Wednesday) but Kline is reported ilia lying condition, liguit was promptly placed under arrest. The miry Kt afloat by i-omtbody who is jkile indillerint to facts, that one of the de feated candidates for Trca-uier before the late Columbia county Democratic convention hail a iiiiijurfty of delegates instructed for him, the fame story witli vaiiations that he at any time had a majority of the delegates pledged to him, and that other absurd ono that he had a nnjor ity of the popular vote, aro each and all pure fiction. Ii'ot one of the delegates who voted for ); Melteynolds was instructed or elected for any body el-e, except for candidates who with slrow beeauso they had not Votes enough to give 1hem a fair clianco of nomination. The unsuc cessful candidate who makes the most fu-s over his failure did more to defeat him-'clf (by iiu piudinco, than any man or set of men in the county. Ye solid men, tlrlnU but light potations; Ye soil. I men, m,tl:o but sliui l orations I XOIUTAL hl'UOOI. INl'IDUXTS. Tho couimj of iu-truction in the Xunnal School at llloom.-burg was only comphlely in terinpleil for two dajs by the binning of one of the buildings. On Wednesday instruction was again resinned and carried on as u.-ual, in tho Uiapptl building. The pupils of coui.-e have to boatd willi cllucns, who chargo the same latcs as wife paid at tho school. The rules of discipline will bo as carefully cnfoietd as they werei lormerly, Tho citizens of llloonnbiirg promptly r.ti-ed anil lialtl over ir-ll.liu for tho leliel of pupils wlio needed it ill con-upieuee of los of clothing nnil books, am! mi aeldilluiial amount has been Mili-eribul that may bo called in if leipilred, Tho people of llloonisliurg have shown n mo.-t guitiou-) feeling and strong determination to keep the school up, at all hazz.trils, and the Faculty hau- made the utmost illort to get every thing in wotkiug older again as pioiuptly as pos; ible. lill.Uue'lt.VlIU hTAMUXO COMMITTIX. Tho members of thu .Standing Committee are reipiested lo meet at the Kxchango Hotel on Monday the ltith of September, at 10 o'clock a, in, A full attendance is dwlreel as luislne of iinpoiuuce is to bo transacted, W. J. liiCK.U.liw, Chairman. The following named petsous tompoeo tho committee : l!eavu-M. Slither. Ilenion K. K. Drvls, Iii rwlt-h Samuel Chambeillu, Jlloom K. W. .1. lliukalew. llloont W. i:. It. Ikekr. Ilrlaieuek Wm. Luinuit, 1 latuw s.s.i II. J. Iteeder. Cintralla Thomas (iehrlty. t'entie II. D. Knurr. I'i-hlngcreek Slhm McJUmy. 1 lanklin W. 1 MnUr. (reenwood .lolin l.tgjotl, Huiilnc,, (i. 1.. Shoemaker, 'a. I, -on Kmanutl Savage. Locust Isaiah Yiugir. Jladhon A, .1. C'uiv. Jliiln Win. T. Sliumau, -Millllu Sauiuel Snyder, Montour -John N. lioiden, Ml, l'l..i-an. -J). It. Appltuian. Orange J. 1!. lluriuan, 1'ilte I', W. Hones. Iteailng Cieil. J. II. KHngw. Sugarloaf R J. Albeikou, Jicxilt -1 Jlurlnian, s wlio man will get people Into tho liablj of believing In his ndvcrtlfcmcnts, by making their oilers good, A ceiiiipound of alum nnd salt, In nlmiil equal pails, It Is said will Invariably curu tooth-ache. It will cost but liltlo time or money to try It. Tomatoes have nt length lincned In Sullivan county. So says the Laporlo )cmotrat of .Sep tember 1st. Green corn will bo In order before December, already cooked, During the present week of court, V, 1, Hill inyerand Wm. Ilryson, after a proper and lo them highly credit iblo examination by n com mittee of attorneys, were admitted to practice law in the several courts of this county. They aro young men of promising nbllities, who -.villi duo care and continued hard sludv will no doubt become tlllcient lawyers and perhaps nriiuaiit ornaments to their honorable profes sion. We aro not informed where either in tends lo commence business, People about Marietta, If tho local papers tell the truth, have only to go out into the river with boats when black boss junip into their crafts witli enthusiasm, Ono man claims that ho gobbled twenty-olio in that way, whit It weighed from two to Ihrnn iifinmla ,,r.l Vn once'Iheard an old fisherman telling nbout suck ers being so plenty in tho Wet llranch nt ono time that they crowded each other out of tho water until their tails became sun burnt, but Hill llarker's dnt-v is villus ibrnun In it... shade by tho alleged performance of tho black otss auoui .Marietta, uiving lull laitli, bow ever, to the statement, wo expect in a year or In 0 to soc Col. (Irotz compelled either to enlarge I'ihingcicck or teach his bast to drill in battalion and inarch for the river, clso they will load every wagon that attempts to cross that stream and possibly dispossess ordrownthe il river I llfltNINd OP Till: XOItMAt, hCIIOOMlUILDlNII. The large-t of the Xormal School edifices at Hiooni'lnirg was burned to the ground on Sat uiday la-t. It was a four story brick building. exclu-ive of basement and inclusive of the Man sard, built in I, form, eaeli wing 111 feet front, was complete in all its parts, and was erected in ISO'.), at a cost of $70,000 to 875,000. It was in-utcd for $.10,000 on the building, but the fiirnituro and fixtures were without insurance. Tho fire w.ts at II m t discovered abput i o'clock, p. in., in tliclth story of the south-east comer of tho building. Opinions differ as to whether it originated in a room at that point or in tho Mansard roof. In any case the latter was tho cause of the entire destruction of the building Had there been ordinary water facilities the file could have been easily extinguished when first ili'covcred, but in the absence of any, destruc tion was Inevitable. Alarm waspromptlv given and neatly all the citizens of the town rushed it once to the scene of conllagration, but wcto useful only in saving tho furniture, school books, clothing of pupil', Ac. .Wo believe tlitso were mo-tly rescued. Although, as is always the case at fires, some unduly excited peoplo did foolish things, the citizens generally as well as (ho pupils did all in their power to save and protect property. Temporary quarters for the pupils were al-o promptly furnished by citizens. The school can bo carried on (and will be) in the leuiainiiig building, but the pupils will have to be boarded in private families until a new building is erected, and tho faculty will al-o bo compelled to seek other lodgings and boaiding quarters. The loss is a very serious one to the town, to the stockholders, and to the educational interests of this Xormal School district. The buildings had been erected mainly by the generosity and public spirit of a few of lite citizens of lilooms burg, but some aid was afterwards obtained fiom tl'.e State, and tho school was an honor to the place as well as an item of large in terest, l'or some years tlio financial business of the school had been badly managed and it failed to jield profits, but since it lias been under the control of Dr. (jriswold as principal, il has exhibited great prosperity and given high promi-e of becoming a very succe-ful educa tional in-titution, Although ju-t opened for the nuliuun teim, the school was already more than full, and the new building that is tj be elected will no doubt be of enlarged proportions, eoi' uithoul a tle'iU tiniUr box on the top of it. l'or pro-pects of rebuilding, &c, see proceed ings of meeling printed in another column. MIllMAt, SCHOOL MUUTINQ, Sn-rK.Miiiut tl. The citizens of liloontsburg convened in the Court House, were called to order at S a, in., by Judge Klwell. Itev. J, 1'. Tiistiu was ehu.-iit Vrcsidcnt of the meeting ; W. 11. Jaeoby, Frank Cooley ami James C. lliown, Secretaries, Judge Khvell then briefly addressed the as sembly, and was followed by Dr. T, I.. (Jris wold, principal of tho Normal School, Itev. D.J. Waller, Col. J. (1. Fieezo and others. Com mittees were appointed to raise funds for the immediate relief of the principal suM'crers among the pupils, and lo see about procuring boarding places for tho-o who should remain. A resolu tion was unanimously adopted, setting forth the seiiso of the iticcling as pledging the citizens to stand by the board of tru-lees in any action they might take in regaid to rebuilding the dormitory nnd continuing tho school. Col. J. O. Freeze read an exhibit of the in surance on tlio building in several companies amounting to thirty thousand dollars. It was also slated that the institution was some fifty thousand dollars in debt ; that many of the pupils whose rooms were in the fourth story nearest the fire, lo-t all, or nearly all, but the clothes on their back ; that tho reservoir was full of water which could not ho used for lack of means to get It to tho fire In time and In suf ficiently large quantit'ic. Tlio feeling in the community, as evhleni'etl by the sentiment of the meeting, is one of dcleimiiiatlon to go on with the school without intermission, and to rebuild at once. Dr. liriswold, who was the heaviest lo-cr in per-onal eU'eels, did not so much care for himself (older mid better able from experience lo bear as for thoso who had lost all even borrowed liuids and the savings of hard-earned wages, which they hail laid by for tho purpose of their education, The incidents of the conllagration may bo found among tho items of news in another col umn, We may say here, however, lliat the school had begun with the nio-t ll.tlteiing pros peels for a full session more having alieady applied for admission than could bo accoiuniu dated willi lodging at tlio school buildings, Court IVoceeilliiS"). Monday, Sent, 0. Tho September term of comt opened litis morning nt ten o'clock with tho usual returns from constables of townships, which contained nothing of par ticular interest, except In tho billowing casos: M. (J. Woodward, of Uloomsburg, amended his return to ceiisttro tlio nltin of construc tion of tho c.tnal bridgoncnr I'axton A liar- iium's. mill iw to crowning anil unirovitleel with suilablo itiitiroache.s. Upon tlio rcpro- seutathm of Mr. Charles U. llarkley that tho canal comiianv had been duly nuiineil ami had begun tho work of embanking, agreeing to finish it In good time, and upon tho ex jilitiiatloii of Col. J. O. Freezo that, although tho company had "promised fair," ho could ot vouch for their performance- being up to the inaik set by tho town, tho whole- matter was passed (or tho present, tho court Hired lug it to bo put in tho way of compelling tho canal company tit next term itiiloos they should have- prcviouly complied with tho 1 Of ill imiiiciit of tlio council, Henry P. Km i r, of Centre, corrected his return to say "Tlicro is no unlicensed place, &!,, kept In hi bailiwick," the word no lmv inadvertently omitted. Several other lettirns were informal, and therefore icturiicd to tho coir tables to bo rc-rcturncsi Klchard Hess, of ,Iackon, returiiciVroads nnd bridges good with tho exception of new road to llcttton," and, lu reply to a question by the court, reported llmt tlio fences wero down, that ho did not know how long tho road had been laid, nor until today that it was opened, had not seen It himself. Court' "Tell tho supervisor that ho had bet ter sec to It, and, beforo tho next court, yon can nsccrtalu for yourself." Com t. "Mr. Clerk, the) couslablo of Mad ison townhlp, 5Ir. Mcllrido returns two pieces of road as lu bad condition, and as having been neglected after notlco to the su pervisor to put tticm in order, lie nlo re ports tho names of witnesses 'on tlio Jersey town road, Abram Young, A. 1'. Kcster; on tho other road, John Christian, John llcll licini' In regard to theso roads. Cause n subpieiia to bo issued for them, nnd lay an indictment before tho grand jury." Subsequently, however, it appearing that tho roads were affected by recent rains, Mr. Mcllrido amended his return, removing from tho supervisors the imputation of blame, and charging tliosamo upon Providence, tbo tem porary bad state of tlio roads being conse quent upon tin "act of God," Court. Mr. Crcssler Samuel, of .Scott township, thero aro any complaints by any person against this restaurant, for any violation of law any misconduct let it come here in tho shape of a petition with the cvldenco to support it, and tho court can then hear the case ; but to return, in general terms, that a restaurant is not needed lliat is a question that tho court, upon tho evi dence then given, has already passed upon when granting tho license. If thero is any complaint of any specific thing, then we-will hear petitions and evidence upon tho sub ject, and take proper action upon it." Mr. Crcssler. "Well, Judge, it is a com plaint among the women, and they aro ac cusing me, and I don't know whether they are selling liquor or not, it appears that .some of the men get a little tight on tho way home ; that's all I've got to say on the sub ject." There were a number of "rich things" con nected with tho constables' returns, but wo have given a fair specimen which must suf fice: indeed, wo have nlscady allotted to this "branch of tho business" more than ils pro portionate share of space; but we wish to give people who cannot attend court a sort of bird's-eyo view of tlio proceedings, some thing more than tho bare husks of fact : and as wo have this week addeel to our staff a shotr-hand repoitcr, wo take this occasion to "trot him out." Upon calling court (Judges Klwell and Monroe on tho bench,) John IC. Clirton, N. Fowler and Lot Hill wero appointed tip staves for tho first week, and Isaac Mcllrido anil Michael Waller for tiic second week. Commonwealth vs. Samuel Miller. Ke- cognizance of deft, and Miner Hill for appear ance of deft, at next .session. Commonwealth !!. William C. Milnes iVo pro, allowed, on payment of costs. Daniel A. Deck ley r.i William II. Iiradlry cl. nl. Motion to withdraw an appearance for Lewis II, Gordon, In rc estate of Samuel Miller. Petition for a sale of realty. Sale ordered. IJond in $1,200. It. Fahringer approved as surety. ltoad in Scott and Ulooni, near Samuel Shatter's. Report of second reviewers con firmed nisi. John 11. Donaldson r.s. II. M. llockman Report of auditor, making distribution of tho fund in court, confirmed nisi. In rc ejtato of Henry Dietrich. Auditor's report confirmed uiii. In re estate of Kobert Watts. Report of sale confirmed nii, lit the matter of the assignment of Colum bia Iron and Manufacturing Company. Au ditor's report, making distribution, confirm ed nisi. S. X. Walker was appointed stenographer for this court, under the Act of A-cmbly oi loth May 1871. Commonwealth vs. Jacob S. llindcrlitcr On motion, the forfeiture taken off, and deft, and Charles Seman bound, each in $000, for appearance of deft, at next session. Commonwealth e. Sarah Stinc. Aoh ycoi. allow ed, upon payment of costs, $3.1.", Commonwealth n. Catharine liarry. Larcucy. A true bill. Commonwealth r. Ira I'obbins. Son jiroi. allowed, on payment of costs, $1!5.0.3. In the matter ot tho assignment of J. J. lloagland. Inventory of goods set apart to J. J. lloagland, $:500, confirmed nisi and or dered to bo published in one newspaper in liloonisburg for four weeks beforo the next term. Petition to change the place of holding election in ISerwiuk. Ordered that tho elec tions, general and special, bo held in tlio of fice now occupied by John McArnnlt, Commonwealth w. George Fellermaii.-- Recognizance of deft., and Ilcnj. Felternian, in $000, for appearance of tlcfl. at next .ses sions. Report of reviewers of a road in Mt. Pleas ant, near M. Shatter Vs. Confirmed nisi, and width of road fixed at thirly-lliieo feet. Commonwealth rt. Solomon Sliumau. Nuisance. .V true bill. Tuesday, Sept. 7, morning session. Char ter of tlio Millvillo Mutual Firo Imuranee Company granted and ordered to ho recorded. Commonwealth e. Solomon Sliumau. In dictment I'.-r nuisance in fencing up an alley, Verdict for defendant, tho prosecutor, Wil liam Sharplcss, to pay co.sts. In the e-tate of Sol, liuss, Report of talo confirmed ni.n. Commonwealth ri, Thos. Gentry. Son pros, allowed. Commonwealth rt, David Strauss and J, llinl. Xot truo bill, County pays costs. Commonwealth m. Wm. li. IloIIuian. liill ignored. Prosecutor to pay costs. Commonwealth n. Calharino ll.tiry. Verdict, not guilty. Grand Jury reported public buildings in good repair, recommend screens for privies, tnd continuation ol gas pipe into pruthono- tarv's InsWo oillcc-vuuil. Commonwealth vs. Gross. Indictment for lareney. Verdict, not guilty, SiiinstiT i Jlnri'laso ami l,e:al Titles. To the 1-Mltor of tho Cobl'MIHAX : Sir. Your aniniadvcrslons upon a decis ion of Judo Pierson, of North Carolina, as to tho trau-l'er of real estate by a woman, on the cvo of committing matrimony, that such transfer is in fraud of tho marriage relation. teem not to be founded upon either law or cnnltv. Our own supremo Court have hclil -. . - . . . and now hold the same doctrine. Air, duel Justice Lowrio delivered tho opinion of tho Court, and I quote so much of it as shows tlio cine Duncan's Appeal 7 r. 07 : LoWltli; '. J. "Wo feel very sure that no fraud was intended here, and very probably tlio arrangement was U'ry discreet and pru dent; but it was Improper to inako It with out tlio con-ent of tho intctideil husband. Common candor forbids that so iiupoitaut a change In Ids Intended wile's circumstance, hiii fii her power over her estate, should bo iniulo without hU consciil.undequily sternly condemns it as a fiaud upon hU ju.t expec tations. This prinelplo of equity law stood tlio tct of expcrlcncu too long to be open to dlspttto now, "Nor does our married woman's act of IRIS nt all tilled the question. It pi events the niuirkige Ire in updating u- u tm.-ter ol nny o the wile's property lo the husband, and it save It tar hertell, Tho platntlll has thereloio a right to bupposo that ho was mar rying her with all her legal power over her estatc.whcrcas by this arrangement it was se ccrtly clipped Into tho bands of trustees, and out of her control, jn l befuro tho marrlago was consummated. This Is nnt.justorrquit able treatment of the husband. A fraud no greater than tills would avoid any other contract than Unit of inarrinRo; but as this cannot bo avoided, equity avoids the con track that aro lu fraud ol it." Yours Ac, J. (I. l' Notwithstanding tho high authority quot ed, wo neither appreciate- tlio law or morali ty of tho decision. Common sense plainly suggests that an unmarried person not a lu natie or an idiot may ellsposo of his or her estate without compromising tho rights of other parties not actually In interest, nnd It Is not necessary for tho purchaser (Iftho grantor ho a single woman) lo make Investi gation Into tho probability of her future marrying, or for her to make proof that no such act is Intended. If that wero really law, there would not only never be safety in purchasing properly from nn unmarried wo man, but it would despoil her of proper con trol over her own estate. And if it bo law as to women, why not as to men? Any an swer to that question shows tho titter absurd ity of the position, Judgo Lowrio's view is liko many other decisions of Courts: bas ed upon whims and not upon nny letter of law, Ho quotes neither act of A-cmbly or common mage to sutain his position, but liases his decision rather upon tho Idea of the Irishman who married a lady that pos sessed a largo number of slaves: when aked by the officiating clergyman, "do you take this woman to bo your lawfully wedded wife," ho replied, "yes, bo jabcrs, and tho unguis too!" If the decision bo just, it is ba.-ed upon exactly that principle, and makes the man marry tlio lauds and chattels as well as tho woman. Tho arrogance of courts in miikinij laws may not always bo tolerated, and if this decision comes in tlio way very often it may require tlio Assembly to repeat what it has occasionally dono heretofore, lo wit: pass an act correcting and controlling tho action of tlio court. We, however, thank the correspondent for his correction. l'rnhihitory Temperance. Dr. J. A. Clark, of Lewisburg, a speaker of more than common ability, delivered a political temperance prohibition address from the steps of the Court House on Mon day evening last. As ho had no assistance from cither politicians, blatant tcmperanco men, (when it helps the Republicans,) or other activo vorkers,btit little efficient effort was made to obtain a turn nut, yet the at tendance was ro.-pcctable, and tho address was well received by a consielcrable number of earnest listeners. Aside from the usual platitudes of temperance orators, Dr. Clark branched oil' on tho necessity of political action by men who were earnest and sincere on tho temperance quc-tion, arraigning both the Democratic and Republican parties as hostilu to the cause. So fur as tho De mocracy aro concerned ho was unjust to them in stating the position of the party. It is not liostiio to temperance, but insists that it is ono of those moral issues tltat aro best promoted outside of political or govern mental action, and that it is not proper for government to invado the domestic circle and dictate to people what they may or may not swallow, whether by eating or drinking. Tho altitude of tlio Republican party is different it would icgulato people in every relation of life in which it chooses to dictate, and govern them in morals and religion a i well as in all other respects. Tho speaker charged the Republican leaders with cheat ing tho temperance men and was severe up on them for not filling their contract to give the local option law a three years' trial. The liloonisburg silver band interrupted the meeting by playing a few doors above and below and finally directly in front, in the latter case drowning out the concluding remarks of the bpe.tkcr. The proceeding was a discreditable one on the part of those engaged in it as well as to the town shabby and insulting. People m this country have a right to a-semblo in a peaceable way to promote any cause they h.ivo at heart and he who disturbs them attacks ono of the most sacred of privileges. If this may now be practiced upon thu temperance men be. cause they aro weak in numbers, the same means of annoyance will soon reach all other voluntary assemblages of people. It is also the most inellective of all modes of opposition, invariably leeoiling with power upon the oll'endei.s. For the good uanio of llloom.-burg it is hoped the objccliouablo conduct may not bo repeated. The police did not do their duty in permitting it. Who Jlay Vote. l'or tho benefit of voters wo hero give tho icqui-ites that must bestr'u-tly followeduniler the new Constitution, to enable them to vote at the ensuing election. Wo earnestly hope that every Democrat will sec that ho has in every respect entitled himself to vote beforo it be loo late. Llectioti officers aro hold to a severe penally if they disregard their duty to refu-e every vote that does not come before theiulegally qualified, Do not entriistthcso important matters to your asse-sor or regi-ler. They may omit jour name, as they frequent ly do. See to it ye.iuself, A foreigner whoeamo to thiscountry under the ago of eighteen years is entitled to nat urali.atlon after a rcsideuco in this country for live years, tho last year of which mint have been in this State. Such an applicant require no "llr.-t papers." A foreigner who arrives at tho ago of eigh teen, can at any timo after ho lias resided in this country three j'eais, make his declara tion to become a citizen ; in other words ho can take out his "first papers," At any time subsequent to tivo years thereafter lie can get his "second papers ;" that U, lie declared a citizen. Ho must havo icsided lu this State also at lea-t ono year. A naturalized citizen, to bo entitled to vote, must have been declared a citizen, at least thirty daj prior to election. All persons who aro entitled to naturalization shouhi tec that it be dune prior to Uctober 1st, ' Voters inti-t be assessed at least two mouths prior to the day of election. Tho books aro closed two mouths piior to tho election, and no application can bo received thereafter. All male clticiis between tlio uses of twenty ono and twenty-two years aro entitled to vote "upon age," without payment of taxes Those over the ago of twenty-two years must havo paid a Stato or county tax within two years, which tax must havo been useiscd at least two months before tho election and paid at leat ono mouth prior to tho election. See that your taxes are paid on or belure the Hist day of October. Young mm who voted "on ago" lat year should beo that they aro awiCoseel and pay taxes, as their names are frequently omitted on tho tax lists, A citizen to havo tho right to vote, must haven "residence." A rcidcuco inadill'erent election elUtrlct from that in which the voter formerly resided can bo acquired only by residing in such new election district a period of at lcat sixty days. A citizen wlio removes from ono ward or township to another, alter thu first day of September and beforo the day of election, forlells his light to jote in his old district, and bus nit iicquiic 1 a if" lit to vole in tlio new, He, theicfo'e, by his own uct disfran chises himself,- Exchange, VJNR t't'LTl'lin AND W1NI! MAK1SCI. Mr. Alfred Speer, of Passaic, N. J., so long and favorably known tis (lie wine man of New Jersey, expects a larger yield of grapes this venrtliau nual.ntid has icducpil (he price of Ids four year old port v as In bring it within tho rench of llio poorer families wlio need n pure and rich wino for iiudliinal pursues, Mr. Spcer's mode of fermenting and keeping his wine illlleH from the usual methods. This Is tlio reason why II Is mi much superior In quality, but It respilrea four years management and changing of temperature in order to make such a perfect lino wino as It is; the knowledge of changing lo various temperatures at different limes, and at tho right time, Is where ho hts tho advantage of g'tllng so lieh a wino without Ihe use of liquor. Large quantities of Speeds Port Clrapo Wino have been ordered to South America, and by luiropeans, Physicians rec ommend it as superior to most of thu Kuropettn wines. It is dealt in largely by druggists. Dmly lirprctn, r Wyoming Seminary and Comnierci.ll College, Kingston, i.ttzrrno county, Pa., has accommo dations for 17o boarders and 1M0 day scholars. Students received at any lime and charged for board from llio lime of admission. Mltidents prepared for college, leaching and bulnes. Commercial course and telegraphy unsurpassed. Common Knglisli sludie thoroughly taught. College preparatory course equal to that of any other school. Send for a citaloguo and a Com mercial Journal to Rev. I). Copeland, Ph. I). Commercial students address l'rof. I.. L, Spraguc. Timothy Seed at J. Schuyler it Son's. simiVxoTick A splendid slock of Fall Goods just received at David Lowenbcrg's, Consisting of it ady made Clothing for Men, Youilis and Hoys, all of tlio latest .-tylo and lowest prices. Tobacco and Confectioneries, wholesale and retail by M. M. Russcl. Men's Calf Hoots at K.'lI. Knorr's, 1. W. llartman buys and sells mora nice Rutter tliiiu any Homo in lilootiidiurir. so sa- judges of tho aiticle. Tho largest Slock in tho county to select from at D. Lowenbcrg's. Pewter Sand for sale at Rl'sshlV. Good rloan Coal to be had only of C. W. Xcal et Pro, 32tf 21 dozen yards Wool Fringe to arrivo this week at I.utz tO Sloan's. Torsion Wagon Springs at J. Schuyler A Son's. Xcw Goods at Knorr's for fill Irado. Cheese I Cheese! Cheese! Fine assortment of Cheese at Itu-tl's. Rest Calicoes 10 cents, Good quality 8 cents per yard at I.utz A Sloan's, For a stylish Ready Made Suit go to I). I.owcnberg's, TO WANDA HOOTS ! TOWAXDA I'.OOTSl Huy, try them and ynu will always want lliein. For sale at McKinncy's whoisso'le agent for Hurt's fine Shoe-'. HATsI HATrfl HATS I Latest Styles ! Lowest Prices I Largest Stock I At I). Lowenbcrg's, Hoots for fall trade at Knorr's just received try them. FAHMims, Ati us'i'iox. Rtis.-nt. lakes Hullei Kggs, Laid and Produco in exchange for goods, I.W. Ilartman's remodeled store is worth visiting to buy your Fall Goods. l'or a Nobby Shiit go to I). Lowenbcrg's, Don't he worried and nnoyctl with not only a poor quality of Coal but dirtv and slaty be-iiles, but buy of C. W. Xi:at. A lino, who deal only in the best qualities. otf " Russcl is receiving fresh Watermelons, Can telopes, liauanas. Ac., daily. I. W. Ilaitiirin's comer gives new life in ap pearance outside, and cheap guods inside. Go to RrssLi.L'.s for your Groceries. He sells for cash and will not bo undersold. Klcgant Coats and Ve-ts, Latest Style, In Heady Mades, at D. Lowenbcrg's. Fine stock of Rubbers at McKinncy's. Fanners in want of first class articles of Threshers and Cleaners; al-o, ono and two horse Tread Powers, call on or address J, M, llul-hizer, Light Street, Columbia County, Pa. oin C. W. Ni:al etllito., spare no expense to'send out nice Coal. li-tf Granulated Sugar for sale at Russhl's. Oat Meal fur sale at Russel's. Call and try it. When vou go to Philadelphia stop at the Allegheny Hou-e, No. Sll! and Sl l .Mar ket sticet; having been recently renovated. Piico only $2 per day. A, llr.cK, .March IP, iJi-iy i toprietor. If you want a first class Farm Wagon, If you want a Platform Pleasure Wagon, If joii want an Kliptio Spting Wagon, If you want a l'lea-uro Wagon, If you want your Wagon put In good tiim, If "vou want repairs done good witli short notice, Go to J. R. Fai'3. All Coal slated and screened beforo leaving tlio old establi-hed yard of C. W. Xu.M. A lino. U'-'tf Genuine Mason Fruit Jars for sale at 31. M. Russel's, COAL, COAL Ohl IMalilislicil Coal Yard. C. W. Ni:ai, A lino.. Wholesale A Retail Dealers In all sizes of tho best qualities o! Red ami WhLc Coal, at the very lowest market rates. 1 lave constantly on hand large stocks of Dome.-tie, Cupola, JJlacksniith's Anthracite, liiuiminous, and Liiiicbnrner's Coal, lnechd attention given to tin- prepara tion of conl iiei'.ire lea ing our jrarels. Grain and Lumber taken In exchange for coal. Coal delivered lo any part of tlio town at short notice. Orelorslett at I. W, 3lcKclvy' storo, or at our olllce, will receive prompt at tention, omco and atels at w illiam .seal A Sons' Furnace, Hast Hloomsburg, Your nutremuifo respectfully solicited, COAL. 17 tf 23 1 COAL I TOWN AND COUNTliY Pes llso.; n o'clock 2 J mlnutcs-sets o o'clock Si minutes, o (loi.ti U nuw rmotea ut a iiroiutuin of about 113 In other word) green bacKs are about 111 per cent, below par. o Hunk Tifbos, on Parchment and linen paper, com mon and for AilmliiUrutors, Jlxeioittors anct Trustees, feir sa!u cheap at the u, cuius oDlee. 'I'lioiisawls of promlslag youths, ot loth sexes, go tlo.-.n to untimely grauo Hum gi-uerul tlebllliy and weakness, who liil.'hl botaveu by fuittfylng tlietr systenu with Iron, the I'iw Ian kkupI un Iron Tuiilo prepared expressly to supply thW vitalizing ele meiit, nml is tho only preparation of lion that will aisluillato ut once with the bioexl. o- wiiniiB to Anvi:itnsi:. A.T, f-towait suys tlio beat aUvettlslug ine-eUut.13 ln bai out tunnel "aro tho oM e.-.tabtlsl:ej oi'ifiuis of tho twei political parties, at the noveral county ucuU throughout the I'nton," "Tliese," ho say '-leaelt cury fun. II;. of tho least acoount In their ueeral counties, ami aro moro cure fully rood than any other elajsof Journal." If Mr. Mewurl's JUUVliU'litUe-f eulue, there Is no elilUe ully In iWcldlug w l.leli pupt r li is for Hie lute-rest ot biuinosn men to advirilw In The fut.i'Mi.u Utxociur, upon wlitelitliU paper U partially fuuud 'd, wus otuUUhud iu IsJJ, mU llii) t'eii'MiiiAN now enjoys a wider circulation m,4 ya-uttr pro,ptilly thuli It e ter eUd. It goes regukl ly lutotno lhi.usi.tid fuiiillk s In e'oluiuUa undid Jilulug cutmiliM, uudby mewl of them U loud lioin III llr .lto tho last 11 i.e. It U Ihuouly rccoghlaod oxpuui ul of In all) llo lhajsJUd Ueitocrallo wlera lu the count. Hylus uuteiiltbou i uls u lust dis play, thut lui kes llti'iu utlructlH' to Us put runs, thus eLburlug greater cuuluty tliut they will iwruou ll.em, WhllHlthetroululIunUitmduubtedl) luuclillio lar.esl m the cuimn, tli udn-itl-liig i.dts of the tiiiMii.nN up !" hi, i r ilu.iin. 1 1 eii.i r l-ipi'is wltULdel., I'.i'.f; nd s .r,dii t"in -niutnth' num. W of rub Tiber . 1' "SULCI!!' ','!' t f'Tthein t Ivci, NofhiMvdbu'lnrs nmlivlllne ''CUoIh-b-rt Ul i tidvettL'.einents In tho toiotiuN tf. 11. P. KPNKIU.S III1TKH WINK OF IIION. (lives tone to Ihe stomach, Improves tlio appettto nmi assists dlgi'Stloni rxrhVsttie bunch lu healthy ad Ion, cxpnlllnn nil the foul humors that contami nate tho blood, corrupt I ho secretions unci orfenil tho breath. ItPxcltes the liver lo ft henllliy iftlon and strengthens the iienes, linrmrilnft Unit glow lo life Hint proceeds iihme from perfect lionith. Tlitim nnds In all walks of lite, testify to tho virtues cf this excellent medicine In ooi roe ting tlio ik-rungi'incnt otthoillfrrsthoorgnns, (let tho genuine, Hold only In Jl bottles. Ask for li. 1'. Hunkers lllttcr Wino ot Iron, nnd Inko no other. Dvsi-hiftA. Dvst'xrsiA. DriruratA. 11. V. Hunkers Hitter Wino of Iron, astiro cuic for this disease. It has boon pi escribed dally for many jesrs In the practice of eminent physicians with tin pni iillelod success, (symptoms areloMof appetite, wind nnd rising of food, dryness In mouth, head ache, dizziness, sleeplessness and low splilts. (let the irenulne. Not Bold In bulk only ft bottles. Do sou want soinethlnff lo strengthen you, or a good appetite? Do j on want lo get rid of nervous ness? Ho on want energy, sleep well, or bo cured ot dyspepsia, kllne) or liver disease? Try 11. V, Kunkel's Hitler Wino of Iron. V. cry bottle gimrati tecel to do as recommended. Sold only lit Jl bottlou. Depot nnd omco, sii'.i North Nlntli St., Philadelphia, l'a, (let tho genuine. Hold by all druggists. Ask for 11. Y, Kunkel's, nnd lake no other. Tai i: Woum ItctnoHil nlleo with hend complete, In from two to three hours. No fee till removed, by 11. r, Kunkcl 2(i3 North Ninth St., Philadelphia. Heat, pin ami stomach worms also icmouhI. (.'till and sec j iidvleo freo, or send for circular. Ask your druggist for Kunkel's Worm fyrup. l'rlcc, fl pe r bottle. o lMrOKTANT linSL'MS rt.UASANTLY ArilIEVi:i. Althouftlt tho days of Irrational medication aro happily passing nway, and Intelligent phjslelans lmvo coasedlo measure the supposed o l cacy ot n remedy by tho Uolcnco ot Its erfects, thero still Un frersainong llio older practitioners a few of theso pre dilections In favor of "heroic" treatment, which It would bo lucky for their patients It they bad aban doned, ono ot these Is n rondncss tor administering drastic, sucli as blue pill, calomel, Jalap and castor oil. A contrast of tho efTocts of theso drenching drugs with tho mild and bonclleleiit oper ation of Ilostter's Stomal h Hitters, Is tho Very best argument thut can be adduced against thu whilom of such destructive treatment. The old fashioned cathartics convulse tho stomach, and relax tho bow els so abruptly and copiously nsto weaken llieni, llostetler's Hitters, on tho contrary, never grlpo tho Intestines, but produco n l.intlie effect resembling tho action of nature. At tho same time they removo thocntisoot constipation, by arousing tho dormant liver to sccrelo tho bile necessary to tho regular performance of tho oxtrellvo function, and enable tlio stomach to thoroughly digest tho tood. Indiges tion biliousness bating been thus overcome, a legu lar habit of body Is tho necessary consequence, which the occasional subsequent usoot the Hitlers rendera permanent. Kvcry ellsagrecablo sjmrtom which, lu thu absence of perfect digestion and evac uation, hairasses tho & stein, vanishes under tho Inlluenco of tlio great national stomachic and altera tlu Ilenltli nnd Igor are tw In blessings that fol low Us use. o SCIIEITK'S lTl.MON'lC SYIIIT, TOlt TIIK Cl'Iill Of CONSUMPTION, COt'OIlS AND COLDS. Tho gieat, vliluo of tills medicine Is all that It Up. c lis tho matter and throws It out ot tho system, pu lilies the blood, and thus effects n cme. flCllKKCIs'S MIA Wkiui Toxic, i ok the CLiu: or Dvs-i-Ersie, IxoinnsTtoN, Ac. Tho Tonic piortuees a healthy action of tho stom ach, ereatlnsan appetite, forming chjle, and curing the most obstinate eases ot Indigestion. SCIIBNCK'S MAXIUKKE PlI.I.S, I'Oll THE Ct'llC OF LlVKI! COltrt.AIST, Ac. Theso pills aro alterative, and produco a healthy action of tlio liver without the least danger, ns they are free from calomel, and yet laore ellaelous In le ttering a healthy action of tlio liver. Then; remeetles are a certain cure forconsumptlon, as tho pulmonic Sjiup llpenstho uiuucrnnd puil tles tno bloel. 'Ihe Mandrake l'llls act upon tho liter, create a healthy bile, nnd remove all disease of the liver, ottenn cause it consumption. Tho Sea Weed Tonic gives lino and si rengtlt to tho stomarh, makes a good digestion, and enables tho organs to loiin good blood; and thus creates aheallhyclrculj tlon of healthy blood. Tho combined net Ion ot thcfco medicines, aro tints e.i Dined, will euro cury caso ot consumption, If taken In time, and tho tiso of tho luedldno picstru'd In, Tim m;sT I'ttisTiNa ortTci:. Thi present Is n good opportunity to remind the fi lends of tlio paper, undtlio public generally, that tlio Coii'Mui n Jou 1'itiNTiMi OtTici: has no superior In this section, and, In some respects, Is without an equal. Durlug the last jeur we have completely re newed our tpcs and mado birj;e uddltlons, and It Is no Idle boa it to say that we havo now tbo nest Presses, the best Assortment of Tpn, tile Host Mod: ct IMpcr, Curds, Ice., and llio Hest Workmen lu llio country. Our woikmeu aie specially adapted ror their places, and wo make It a point t j always gleo our customers a neat, correct and satisfactory Job. We do not e to do work for less than others, but will wai rant It to boas cheap as can bo done any where and leld n decent prollt. All w ho are In need of .lob 1'ilntliigotuny Mud Plain cr In Colors-will tlnel It to their Interest to (five tlio coixiir.i is ot'.leu n trial. We have oa hand every t.ulety of c.nd.s, Paper, lu:, KiocIoik's, Tag.s, &c, that Is llkelv to bo called for, and can furnish any quantity or ttj lo of v.-oi 1: on sliort notice. HludlLg to oreter. tf. o Tilt: Ml'I.TIPUCATIOS' OV DISEASES. Diseases multiply. Ono begets another. A trif ling indisposition may, tlieiefore, oi Iglnate acompll c.ition if dangerous maladies. Indigestion begets far moro formidable diseases', a inttltttudo cf nil montsaro traceable to constipation; four and aguo unhinges tlio entire sjbteni, and Is therefore tho source of tho protean ailments -widen affect that ponton of the human crgnnlnn. Ilostetter's stom ach Hitters, howeuT, whether lesoited to at tho In ception of thoso disorders of the Mom uh, bowels or liver, width give bit tli to the majotltyof diseases and disabilities, or taken w lien they have llpcn-M Into formidable maturity, aro alike powerful lo cure. The pioeessof iccotery Is, ot court. longer when the maliuly has g.ilued headway, but It Is nono tho less certatn. DyspcpMa, constipation, blljti-ness kidney complaints ami Intel mllleut fee or, Invaria bly j leld to the operation of tho great alterative and Unlgorant. Juries for Sept. Term, 1875. TKAYKUSK .lUnOHri. SKCOMI IVICK, Mucin A. .1. r.vuiis, W. s. Conner, c, M, Knorr. Hern lik Lewis Kurtz, 1). c, Mcllenry, Mordtcal Jackson. Heiiton John Keier. Heaver Nathaniel Hrcdbcndcr, Conrad Hrcdben der. Hrliiivn el: Wm. 11. irons, Curtrlulit. e atawL-si Henjandn Uumdl, b-ulali John, John Jliiiseli, M. V. li. Kiln., .lulm I., islmnur., C. V,'. Melii l. 1 ei.lix--(len. II, Hess, Wm, Dennis, 11, D, Klioir, ITsiiiuc'cieek iiuuiel Smith, l.lojii l'uiver, Hiram crawtord, peter Hess (iri-ent.ood Matthias Kline, Ili-iidiKk-Ivter Wi'ikhi'lMT, sr. Jaekson-John liantz, A. J. Deri'. Madlsun John Allen. Mt , Pleasant Mitmiel Nolton. MUlllii-Johii Wlnterstecn. Jloiituitr Alfred Iwln. Orange Julin Vatdlew, heul I - Jacob Terwllli ccr, Sil.-iitloaf Win. A. I.llo. T 1ST OK CAl'SKS roil TllIAl.ATSKP (j TKMUEItTliltM.IWr.. SKI'ONl) WEEK, Attroii lijrrel vs Tlio Ljcouuatf Tiro Insuronco com pany. William T. Audrows vs p. P. SoyVjert. n. li, (iuu h v.. Mcl.'ivuily, I'lnt National luuk ot UlooonwUitnr vi Charles Iis et ul. rirst Nutu n.ti or Ploomaburir va Jeiso I, lileo. U'U Kliili y i ... s. e uii.plitll. A. T. lRi-Icr vh .lunus Doty, .lolni lluacui'k vh, Jenuiii Duty, I'jriVe, Mm kiv a drier n il. o. crovellnj. I'liti Dual; ol Uluuiniburf; vh (luorjo Cava, neu, ct ut, Clui'lta M. Marplo'ii llxr'd. vs i:iim Jaeoliy. Sanmi'l .1. i'umj v Juiiud Duty. Wllsun (.lbbcns s Jouua Duty, Jl. ( !. lliiflii'ii vs Je'bip 1), llli'e, M. (I. Hiik'tie t, Osear I i:nt. I v. m Is v Joaiw Doty. Jtdv llurtmnu t Jonas Doty. II. I'alv in UulililuH vs KlUliu Miultr, ct ill, V.Lsllliii Iluoiin vs II, 0, 1'rctollnv. .lull!! J. Mt'lIeT.ry v D. l a w. II. Jt, Co, I'utlioilui' JlosttlU'i' vh Atitliony Sliiit'oy. Iie'iij,iuitii wiiittivte'fu h Vi'llllam Houghton, Kt cy Julin vh II. (i, ( rtU'ltiijf, et nl. Mlllt-r vi I'lillaUtlpliU a Ittaeimif 1U11 lioaa Co, .Mm Mri'ull.i h l.. r.. v lluorno Luoci, I'liurliH v. rruiit.' uv, vh Simon Cl.arlei. Kfiy & Uodtuu v.i s, J, I'uux', ct al. Hit ruiilerH Ailm'r., vh sylveister lalem AeltnT, Tim Keiw Mower wid Jioanvr Co., use, va J, s, Turnuaciu D, r, .Sfybt'it vh I'lilllp Ariploinan. Mury McA'urue' i, us, va Slinon V, Kue, ct al, lltlt'lll'l ItobbllMI SlutnileHH Hon. Dulil J. WullorvH 1'lrut Nutloiuil lUuKot IHoorrm. liurif. JusfiUi It. Evans vs Elian (ilKr, i:. l Krui.ior vncbailew it. iiurtioH, Mlltoii (.'UurlOH va J, 1), Jtlen, et nl. ( I r.itu'ls lllclicrt iiho, vh W, ll. llilnboia, ct al, Jew t'ok-UWU H Tlltl TotVIl of illOOlUHbUrtf. Isiiuf Ytiier vh Jacob (ittlbiKHAilin'r. i:it.iUtit v. baiidem h WlllUtn vliecKlwly. v. lULims x clittlt.iutvH i:. 1). nulu. Xi Isdu UrauUeiu vh William T, blmiuau, AltiuiH e'n ut,u, h Tliuiiius II. Cole, u rre tuuaiit, Allliut. t'olu'H IW, H TllouiOH II. l'all, tonu telutit. Allu ! e'tk'H iibc, s 'I liHimis ll, ( ole, terra teitout. V, UU..U1 MUuch vh iltcliaei (iruur, bkerltl. 11. l". twin, Huc.iiisb'ir', Ant, ta to, I'rotboiiotory. 'i"iv,iivi i i.i'l;s r., ..,,,1 f J .ill' Hi- l "U'i , j v i' iim ., ,m j,- ,uii: ut tli (oi.t J1UUN win v. All MiulTiTi .itt iriicyH Uuaka hi lu r kept oil buna or pi laua to erUtr. IvTZETW GOODS RECENTLY RECEIVED. BLACK CASHMERKS, NEW MUSLINS, COLL AKS AND CUFFS, NECKTIES, llUCiriNGS, BACK COM US, LADIES NEW KID GAUNTLETS. NICE ASSORTMENT DRESS GOODS PROM 25 CENTS AND UPWARDS. NEW FAWj PKINTS TO AURIVE THIS WEI3K AT THE POP UL All CASH STORE OF W. P. JONES & CO., Cj&TAOTXSSil, PJL. LAYTON HUNVON. HARDWARE STORE. jAYTON RONYON, e CO., BLOOMSBlJjlG.PA. keeps constantly on hand n Full and Complete Stock of HEAVf SHELF H-A.K.IJ-W.IS, which ro will sell to the Public at Prices so Low a3 lo defy competition. OUH STOCK CONSISTS IN PA11T OFJ Z2 IRON, NAILS, PAINTS, MECHANICS TOOLS AND AGEIOULTURAL IMPLEMENTS of all Grades and Latest Improvements, BLACKSMITHS BELLOWS, ANVILS, SLEDGES, and HAMMERS. Bunion's Horse and Mule Shoes, Horse Nails, &c, PATENT WHEELS, OLD'S AND WARNER'S PATENTS, Spokes, Heavy and Light, Carriage Mallebcls, AxleSj Springs, Gum and Oil Clotlis, Valentines Varnishes, Spirits lurpentinc, and a general Stocl: of WAGON AND C A1UU iuilding Materials, such as DUNCANNON NAILS, Lewis' Lead, 3cst Colors, Pure Oils, itc., as low as they can be bought in the county. GIVE US A CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELF. LAYTON RUNYON Si CO Mario, is.n-tf. NEW HARDWARE STORE! bUCOKR'SOHS TO J. V. WIDKMAX ec CO., WMIPE) LARGEST STOCK 'dL --'-; ; 1 7 tslr HEAVY (,' fitiinilets, CmiKes-, 'JVcer-frs, Pliers. r.Pijl i.ats'I'iils anil Kettlv.i, 1'uns anil Friers I V rtfy-l All tiling r nil .orU of buyer-. WWmWm "g- - -- ' JZm&P T the County. We have aUo added to our Stock ?mm WHEELS & S! WHBSLBAKSOWS, OTJli STOCK IS COMPLETE Tu all its Branches, Carefully Selected and l'urcliatcd low for Cash giving Advantages for Selling which can not be excelled by any other Hardware Store in the Country. GIVE US A GALL AND Wq fiUAllAXTKE both in miCE and QUALITY of our Goods. The Largest Store in the Country. J. SCHUYLER March ts.'.s-y HgE;! and GOLD GOIM PRE Cmlth'a "HlMt Cress Devtlar." ! fii. n!.u or nil. li ot ihtwo titles tint U mru le ,cw, ffjii'tlMly in It ni'iiprotiriato ii-r pny fr.j Uiior Tart or t'i t-riri twronu rida gyil out , wnii tlx ' 7.t94 vator" OxJ lo. You i'Vivti n 'Ua our any ntliiT nt I'ainl lituiiiy. It 1 imo r.r t'.m lenilln rustumcHuf imr cily. flu "I""'- lau)' will flnUlt xM"'W0i Jmtlli'i ffpri'tcli irm llmt 1 u till,r jou fnktci i it rU J. JlkfH ttl.e I klt Ircri ilia iiiiu. I tl TvOOpH thciklrt tu ' uTajttifulnid Ta- tlicovml.ii 1 1,) sj. or in.) hiiii, Mini', or KlWion. rliier.aUo TJatinor, it dwwi .. rniinma t I trV. maklnr tllf Btrftli-ht front." H Bavea mor I iau Tn Timtit itwCofit, l(fn I (haoc i iroin One Urcd anctlicr. rricf , ceuti eiifit. Mulled, in 'i pim.i lor nan ts, wnli loiUtnoiiti, -artB. N'o, nl uM'rkui, al.'l; 1 .ittf il. "Itll ilotlii:liHM,i.'5(H. N,i ui uni'erfkirt, 2Tiv. Intl. ru,w M , ...1 mt r ., ....t'Jt .'.?. Vv.WK!. YJiilX"!!'' Inilrl s.lni m-iwU ijj.'io 'iii ts.'iiH ono jcai''H subsfi Union to llio TATTiiltN 11A.AAU.' ETfTE SMITH'S HUH Ul j ill FINE ARTS and POLITE Literature. tilualo Copies 25 CniitH. Knlwrtptlan l'rlc.'. Rt a "ir, im.t.imll, IiioIipIIiir it jiri'mluni "rTna Hollar. eurili ui in.ui.uiivu to eiuclt ruuseriucr. v,-o i.i . ir rr.nTirirATr.s t , r m . iTlVII hi i - HUhrtS lii.r.VA'rous ii I.' c'.i ' in ri..vti. ur Xj.i-i M-.ttli 1.1 i'aturui.Kii.Mri.i.j. rf-iirs "Is .t uirirW.II llinvi.rv Ulliifit. uiiKt iicauiiiai. aiti'ai'tive iiui;;a.iiie tu Smith's IllustratoS. Pattern Bazaar lu funnel in litis iiiiiiiiry, ami etery iir-i s.uiipio cop, s-.fent-. Mill Wilt) lii'Silts Willi lalcillj; II, Will' sutis rlptlon I'rlmi, Jl.i'iayt.u', po tpatit, NKVKIt iliscuu'.iauu it while it is puli-, imn il')'.i wortunt r.iturusgneutucacli lUlli'il. 'sabscrlWr trcu a. piv:iilir.n. $4,500.00 in Gold Coin to Givo Away ! Wi' nllt kH. In e.iil.l) ems' in tw Vi- vl 1 tsua i..vw.iM (ieil.l) t'tiis lo 133 per. p. rsniis v h i ml us Un- lii.-.kl iiuiuIht nt stun vliiihunl in tlw l.iruckt nmuUr lit seil)-hiilni-rli.1 rs lomir "HnilUtt l'ushlni.k, ' .it j soillim'i tu mil' "UaiAir," at JUO until, bctoru ui'li, l'i tme Mnii'li ti, is'ii. Mmrli i, ihiii. s lunuMM t u eiiu e,e tie i - np ut i ui ..i o.iiii in i in), 1 1',, in. ifill Jiri;. nt club.... Hit Utl'iii it i lllu 4tli I ni'irist cluli. ... Mil I it.ifi's nub.... t ill l.nHf.-.-t i lulj .. .. till l.unftst i lull. . . . kill 1 ,11'VUHl. e lull Hit l.ulliOll lull t 111 I.uirft -l cluli , vewtiei in i inti I'liiu. . I . ii In lllllll ci lu, , 13u.hi In llnlil eeiln.i , I'J,' in in llulil r..i , II ,ihi In e.ul'li'ulii. . Iihi m lu (iulil euiln. , In.ew In (iolilt'iilii.i lAt.Wf lllllll t'OlIl, lu (lul I l'uIii. w.n lutiolileiulu, Hill l.'.rirril ruin. (Hill do em 10 tliu i.'.tli UrsTkt club. VtH" ma k nr'iiilum t ir eii i rv sutn.'i ltii'r s tut IHJIIlll. till ktf liOlU UOIIl I IIM-Uls Ulll19 will IHl 10111UI ,11 mil U'lljfUl HI llltl .ipiUUllkT lllllll. tier, tHikt io. tl.11 tiiuiiew uu 1 1'. (., tul.lin.v-'s ut trj wrous to n uoiit wo liuvei tut iulJ 11 1 In Hull, uu'uruliii; louitr in tMnu ulturs. Voue-nii mltn tuutio or nil unborn, uael thuy will lull you mat ho uo iw ve proinUi'. V'IT I) I) lsj'll way li luHi'ii.l vnur emu HLbse'rlnttuii 1 1 tliltrr of our MJiTuluus, when I y U li 1)1 JO 1 ou "III not 1 in' lira iiiiiub.T 11 ml .Miurivreiiloiiuweit iin iuluinii, wliluli miu can bluiw. uu 1 ui l ei-tiu for unu ouiiy, Suml aUmii fur I'.nlil V. O. Kox GOSS. TllKKKNXKSAWGAZK'rrK, A MONTHLY I .el'Ull, 1'1'CUlilll.U AT ATLANTA, OA. -0 l)i v it el I It 1I.1, a Mi ! M . I.l'i nturn, Wlltiml lluim r. j ti'ni pir jtur cliroiuu loevery bub truuiT, AudiiiS Uknkuaw (iazm-ik, Atliuiui, lia. CIIA1ILE3 W. 11UNYON. OILS, GLASS and PUTTY, AGE MAKERS GOODS1 lCee;i on Hand tlio SEE FOR YOURSELF. & SON, Bloomslnirg, Pa. r- Jinmn wtna tlio admiraito'i m2fS&m SH K . f AH w ATft? form way f.'tl tlivy cmiicvit po uilMnjtasi;oj-ly 'i'i..,. if.ti.ii,,,!. .jihr t..b ler Miami : urapisi to tur.nn wieiu iuta evituu may no m i. r.iiqi.lrcariyariUuf iiitiiw n i. js.i. . i i ici'iinriouu, wus. , .,t l.rit',.. ill int. I..MIi;ii '. v, owi ,XA, Art iuuiiws t to tiiu eii'iicr-up ot ilia ..iri:i'.st e'lub ..J'l'wuii lit (iuia coin. 'in UiiKi'kt cluli SI lirei'-t club Jill l.irfci'kl I'liib . Mil l.uivisl i'liib.... Mil a eiub lilt Ijlli'.sl cluli Mil Lai.e'st cluli VUl l.uvkt flub 1 tli l.irk'ont iluU . visi.iumeiuia toin, . UM.IkltU (lllllll ulll, . 1'ffi HO III (K)lll t'lilll, ., tit e'.ul.l eoln, . :vhIu Hotel I'Mu, , lit (lolil colli. . ive.'iii lit tl. Kt i ulil. , Vh.e'U In (Iulil tot ll. , va.iiu lu t.olil colli, . lli.i li In (l.jhl coin. nil!'n.i eiuu nii.lnri on to tlio l.Uil lu xo! club, solid us, AN l) nvt'ry ktiiM rtiwr i ts a nivmiuui. oti.'i Iwla t'ottliu,' saLuti-llK'rj. ur n.uil u ceuts ill i'aluli.,'ii ', rst-s 'atui-fc. pt . ikmM A. MJRDETT SMITH, 0X1 itiondway, INTcw "STork OItyt GEOBtrlA S rLORIDA!BiiT"SS fclmulil bubM'ilbu fur II10M0KMM1 M s, rubUsluelttt Siiiuiiuuli, (lu, l)ull, tlOi Vietl.A, ier utiuutii, Aelvi riiM'is ilt'hlilnf eustiiiufis lu imm Mali a, slu ulil use' Its niluma Jl Is tin' best paper lu tlio suiain ast. Hpt'iluitit eiiptib n ut 011 ntttpt ct 0 lei.U. AUdr a J, 11, l11LL, hu,'.iinab, Uu, I.A.N K MOUTOAUKS foreuleUuaiiattlio t'ou'buusoaicti.