The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, September 10, 1875, Image 2

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F rid n y, S o p t . 10 , 1 8 7 5.
Tlio Slicrifl of Lycoming county U ilc
stroyliig nil tlio full d.iim within his bnill
wick, l.ol nil other Sheriff's ln likewise.
A fatal disease, resembling ICplzooly In
horse?, has broken out amongst the cattle in
tho vicinity of Rochester, New York. All
that havo so far been attacked 'lieil.
Tho HcpubltoAn party In Ohio is doing its
best to rovlvo Know Notliingism. After it
defeat In November tho Republican party
in this Htato wilt be found doing the name
Tho licrks county Agricultural society,
probably tho best patroiii?.ed,best conducted,
and altogether most interesting institution
of the kind in the State, will hold its annual
l'nir on September 11th, loth, 10th and
Anthracite coal has been discovered in
largo quantity in tlio Shenandoah range.
Virginia. Companies aro organizing to
work tho veins. This is tho first discovery of
nuthracito bevond tho bounds of eastern
Tho Republicans of Columbia county aro
to hold their delcgato elections on Saturday
tho 18th lust, and their county convention
on Holiday following. Tlio Ripublican
naively informs its friends that it will be
necessary for persons nppeating as delegates
to havo credentials.
Tlio new editors of tho Republican make
their bow this week, rather modestly but
gracefully, and haul down tho name of Uris-
tow as a l'rcsidental candidate. The
"whisky ring" could never stand the notni
nation of tho Kentucky statesman who has
confiscated so much of their property for so
small a reason as cheating the government
out of millions.
Tho Schuylkill county Commissioners,
who wcro convicted of corruption in ollice,
were sentenced each to two years imprison
ment, to pay a fine of $1,000 and to refund
tho amount of tho embezzled money to the
county. Oao of tho threo was not proven
to havo participated in tlio corruption further
than permitting it to go on without op
position. Of tho other two ono is a Demo
crat and the other a Republican.
Ralston, tho President of the suspended
California bank, who committed suicide a
few days after the bank closed, is now
proved a defaulter to tho amount of about
four millions of dollars. Tho principal
stockholders, many of whom aro million
aires, will pay all tho liabilities of tho bank
and go on with tho business again. Asido
from its legitimate business this bank was
also a political institution and proprietor of
tho "independent" party in that State.
With a constant surplus in tho Treasury of
over ono million dollars for twelve years
there is no credit to tiie State for a dollar of in
terest. Now, what greater right lias the
Stato Treasurer to appropriate interest accru
ing on moneys in the sinking fund, than in
tercut on tho railroad bonds belonging to tlio
samo fund ? And yet Radical Stato Treas
urers havo kept this interest, or used it for
political purposes every year.
Nobody wanted tho Philadelphia Times
to shed tears over the publication of the fact
that certain Radical gentlemen of largo po
litical proportions wero endeavoring to effect
thewithdrawalofllartranftandtho fustion of
tho Republican and Temperance tickets, but
every body will bo delighted with tho re
freshing information it vouchsafes that it is
not well to underrates tho strength of an
enemy, and that Napoleon said so. Now
if it will go to tho additional troublo of es
tablishing that Napoleon once actually lived
but is now dead, it will shed more light on
current questions than it has yet done. The
sublime impudence of tho Times in its at
tempts to advise tho Democratic, press will
soon give it a reputation for presumption
equal to the little biped that attempted to
bwoII itself to the dimensions of an ox
with liko result.
A newspaper editor down cast tlio land
o' tricks complained to the P. M. General
thnt the ynnkee postmasters opened his pa
pers and enclosed circulars of a hostile polit
ical character in them beforo delivering
them to his subscribers, whereupon Mr. Mar
shal Jewell comes to the front with n fierce
pronunciamento threatening to lake tlio
official head off of nny cheesy postmaster
caught nt such shabby tricks. From tho
days that William tho Testy fired his bloody
proclamations from tho trumpet of Anthony
Van Corlear against the Wcathcrsfield pred
ecessors of the postmasters, who lived on
onions raised on territory that William
claimed, such missives havo not served to
very materially frighten people, yet wo hope
the commander in chief of mail bags will
fire ono somo of these days at tho miserablo
mail service on tho North llranch. A proc
lamation might wako even the sleepy olli
nls of tho Lackawanna nnd llloomsburg rail
Hiirtianft's Extravagance.
The llnrrisburg letter in another column
should be read by ad who desiro to comprc-
hend tho inaguillccnco of tho Governor of
tho commonwealth of Pennsylvania Mr,
Hartrnnft. Tho correspondent is a reliable
gentleman who has access to tho official re
cords, and what he states may bo depended
upon ns oxnetly correct. It Is refreshing to
know that whllo tho people nre oppressed in
nil quartets by tho hard times, whllo tho
property of many is being sacrificed and all
aro compelled to economy, their Governor
rovcls in tho luxury of tho most frivolous
but gnudy vanity, upon tho taxes ho wrings
from them. Another correspondent men
lions tho payment of eighteen dollars for ro'
pairing a mattrass, when threo new ones of
the same quality and stylo could Havo been
purchased for that sum. Tho item is insig
nlficant In amount but is illustrative of tho
manner In which Gov, Hartrauft and other
Republican officials nt llnrrisburg spend tho
pcoplo's money.
Notwithstanding tlio fact that tho walnut
doors of Gov. Hnrtranft's horso stable nro
visible to everybody, ns wo nro assured by
reputable citizens of ilarrisburg, tho Rcpub
llcan papers havo tho audacity to deny thci:
cxistenco or that they wrro paid for by the
State. Wo shall tnko tho pains to prove
what has been asserted regarding their exis
tence and their payment by tho Slate, or ad
mit that tho wholo Is a fabrication. Wo
have not tho least disposition to misrepre
sent Gov. Hartrauft or any body elso, and if
wo can not prove what we havo asserted, or
liavo been Imposed upon, our readers shall
kuow It,
(loi.nn.v HBMoauTK' victoiiYl
Tho California election hits resulted In an
overwhelming victory for thn Democracy.
Their cnndldato for Oorernor U elected by n
largo majority not yet fully nieertnincd ;
three of tho four Congrewmen elect nro
Democrats nnd possibly all, (In tho Into
Congress tho Democrats had only one;) the
Legislature, which elects a U. S. Senator, is
largely Democratic; tho Mayor of S.m
Francisco, for tho fir.t time in many ycnrs,is
a Democrat, and finally nearly all the
counties exhibit largo Democratic gains.
Grant carried the Htato by 13.000 and tho
Democrats were defeated by C.000 at tho
List Governor's election. California may
therefore bo relied upon ns a solidly Demo
cratic State for the future. Tho "tidal wavo"
rolls on, and Ohio and Pennsylvania will
glvo tho Radicals and their rings such ex
tinguishers at the noxt election in those
States as will teal their doom.
Mr. Clialfant ami tlio Sinking l'mi'l Let the
People hate lCx'iluiinliuii I
In reply to a question put by tho Coi.rM
lt I AN why he did not vote or protest against
tho repeal of the wholesome net of Assembly
of 1S70 requiring the Statu Treasurer to make
monthly report to tho Auditor General of
tho condition of tho Sinking l-'utid, giving a
detailed statement and where deposited, &u,
Senator Clialfant says in his 'paper of last
week :
is disturbed over our not
voting on an act supplementary to an a
luting "to tho State Treasurer and the (
luissioners of the Sinking Fund." We
act re-
Stnklne Fund." We find
on referring to the Legislative Record that
tho bill passed finally in the Senate without
a dissenting vote of any Democrat, while
several voted for the bill.
The Senator is egotistical when ho says
tho Cifi.UMHlAN was "disturbed" about his
vote wo merely asked for his explanation
why ho Bat in his seat and failed to vote
when tho repealing bill passed. To this civ
il and highly proper question, in which all
his constituents are deeply interested, ho fails
to givo an answer, but attempts to excuse
himself under tho plea that others behaved
ns badly as he 1 Nobody ever doubted that,
nor doc3 any body doubt that Treasurer
Mackey and the Radical Stato Ring annual-
manipulated some Democratic Senators.
Uut that is not now a point of discussion
here. We ask tho Senator, who now seeks
re-election, why ho sat quietly in his seat
hen tho iniquitous bill passed ? It was de
signed and lias tho effect of preventing tho
rVuditor General from making monthly offi
cial inquiry into the safety of tho places where
tho Sinking Fund is deposited, and absolute
ly prevents hi in from legally demanding a
complete statement, that every citizen tax
payer might see it if ho chose, where the
State Sinking Fund is deposited and in what
amount at each place. Mr. Chalfaut did not
oppo.-e this infamous repealing bill, that uu
dcr the circumstances and at the time iuvol
cd tho verv cxistenco of tho Radical State
Ring and tlio destruction of its power to cor
runt and carry Stato elections. He neither
opposed by speech, or vote, or proposition
to amend, and by this failure gavo direct aid
and comfort to the most daring and corrupt
ring of plunderers, political debauchees, bal
lot box stuffers and ballot defrauding ring of
robbers and cheats that ever existed in this
or any other commonwealth I Why did ho,
by silence, thus aid this infamous ring?
That is tho question to bo answered, not by
saying that Dick and Harry did tiie same
thing, but why Tom did it? Nor does it
answer tlio question in point by quoting a
few lines from ono section that are not ob-
ectionablc. It is unusual for any bill to bo
so wholly bad that it lias not some unobjec
tionable lines in it, but every bill must bo
udged by its most important nnd clfcctive
provisions. In tins caso the most important
feature was that it repealed the law which
gave the people monthly information of tho
whereabouts and safety of an annual aver
ngo of two millions of dollars of their money
and provided a means to prevent undue
speculation therein by officials and of break
ing up their power to cheat at elections. In
short the repealing bill was designed to pre
vent the Democratic Auditor General from
taking tho provender from tho corrupt Trea
sury Ring, nnd thus destroying its powers.
3Ir. Chnlfant failed even to vote against tho
repeal, though ho sat in bin seat at tho time.
Why? That is what is to bo answered.
The Organization to Commit Oratnl Larceny.
Ono of tho ablest statesmen of this country,
in conversation with tho writer hereof, de
nied a party attitude to the Rcpublicans.but
described them as simply an organization to
commit grand larceny. In support of his
idea ho forcibly referred to tho immense in
crease of office-holders and of official salaries,
to tho terriblo incrcaso by them of all man
ner of taxation and governmental expendi
ture, to the almost universal defalcations of
tho officials having control of public money,
to the profligacy nnd corruptions of office
holders, of Congresses and of Legislatures,
and lo tho extravagant nnd unreasonable
appropriations of all legislative bodies con
trolled by tho Republicans, as well as to
the fact that all office-holders now grow rich
in brief periods, whether defaulters or not,
and to tho additional fact thnt nil Republi
cans who can in nny way reach the public
crib cngago in extravagant personal specula
tions upon the people's money. Ho also re
ferred to tho fact of tho creation of immense
public debts, governmental, municipal and
corporate, and notwithstanding tho collec
tion n:id receipt of extraordinary amounts
of taxation and other receipts, far exceeding
In the sum totals tho debts themselves, that
these latter were in no caso materially di
minished, butthat new expedients wero con
stantly devised to incrcaso their volume, by
specious means and disguised names so art
fully planned as to keep them from observa
tion tlio governmental debts under tho
namo of "guarantees" nlouo representing nn
undefined and illimitable but enormous sum,
besidos various other similar contrivances
which at somo period not in tho far ftituro
must catiso extraordinary oppression,
Thcro is great force in this view and it
will bo well for people to consider it. Tlio
reasoning is unanswerable, and tho wholo is
illustrative of tho fact that tho Republican
party can not long survive. Tho hard times
and general ruin ithas already brought upon
tho country, aro only a slight fore-tasto of
what Is coming, and no party cauenduro
under tho tremendous load of odium tlio
Republican organization is responsible for.
Tho violenco of its dcatli struggles only
exhibits tho fatal character of its disease
and indicates tlio nearness of its end, Its
corruptions are of immeasurable depth and
beyoud other power of remedy than total
destruction. Ithas committed grand larceny
on tho hugest scalo tho world over saw, it is
daily continuing lis depredations, and its
abuses can only bo stopped by destroying its
What have tccomo of tho Ku-Kluxes slnco
Williams vacated the Attorney General's ofhV.
Who can tell?
District Hriiresenlntton.
Tho Danville liilelliieneir makes n very
l.unu reply, indeed, to the Lycoming propo
sition in regard to district representation, lor
it falls to touch nt nil upon tho main point
at issue, viz i that representation should bo
ill proportion to population In other words
that n Democrat in one p.irtof the Senatorial
district should have just ns much weight
(nnd no more) in making a nomination ns n
Democrat in another part. If nny ono
thinks differently let htm show wherein or
why thnt proposition is not perfectly just
and fair to nil. As to tho Intelligencer
threat to bolt, wo have to say that wo do not
supposo any body In the district will bo
materially frightened about it ; and it they
aro determined to bolt if they can not dic
tate, they may ns well begin now. A piopcr
nomination, fairly tnadc,upon a just basis of
representation, can not be defeated in tills
district, by bolters or other enemies.
As to tlio recommendation of tho lnt
Senatorial conference, it was of course only
n recommendation and nothing more, ns no
conference can bind a future ono on that
point, unless expressly elected for the pur
pose of settling that question. The Intelli
gencer, however, mistakes when it says there
wero only two conferees present from Ly
coming, ns it docs also in its assertion that
nil the counties were not notified, Judge
ICIdted having given notice lo each, ns tho
conferees present were Informed by him.
Tho Lycoming basis gives fair representa
tion nt this time, but may not at a fuluio
period. Wo would prefer that (ho conferees
from each county should cast tho Democratic
vole of the county they represent, and a
majority of the wholo to make a nomination.
That would represent every Democrat upon
a perfect equality with his fellows, and
would therefore be eminently just.
lilliul rii'losoplicrs.
It ! stated in telegraphic despatches that
the Catholic priests of tho vicinity of Mor
ristown, New Jersey, all preached on Sun
day last in opposition to j proposed amend
ment of the Constitution of that Suite pro
hibiting tho appropriation of any part or tho
school fund to sectarian schools ; whereupon
the protcstant clergy of course unanimously
resolved to support said amendment with nil
tlio influence they could bring to bear.
Some years ago quite an excitement was
raised in this State, by tho discovery that
there wero too obsolete sections in an old
school law authorising tho payment of pro
rata shares of school funds to endowed ami
sectarian schools. These sections had really
been so loaded with conditions at tho
time of their adoption that no such school
could comply with them, and they might as
well not have been enacted. They wero so
utterly inefiictivc that there was never even
a cent applied for under them. Rut it suit
ed a crazy political organization ex' -ting at
that time to represent that it was a scheme
of the Catholics to insist upon a division of
the school fund between the schools under
the system and thoso of that Church. The
f.ict was that the sections had been adopted
twenty-years beforo nt the instance mainly
of the Quaker school at West Town, Chester
county, and nobody but members of tho so
ciety of Friends had asked for their adop
tion. Vet theso ineffectual Quaker sections
were made to serve the purpose of adding to
the then existing excitement against the
Catholics, and to this day many believe from
tho representations of the time that the lat
ter then mado an effort to seize upon a por
tion of tho school fund, though an indignant
officer of tho Stato school department of that
date declared, in reference lo tho chargo that
there was such intention, that "whoever as
serts it is a liar whoever believes it is an
ass." Rut with the disappearance of the
Know Nothing pa.-ty the chargo died out.
No such attempt was over mado in this
Sullivan County Democracy.
The Democrats of Sullivan have nomi
nated the following ticket, to wit: Senator
Geo. I). Jackson, Treasurer Walter Spencer,
Commissioners James M'Mahanaud Griffith
Phillips 2d, Coroner R, W. IIcnlcy.Auditors
Geo. W. Itcnnett and Adelbert L. Williams,
Surveyor Job L. King. A resolution was
adopted claiming an equal number of confer
cesiiitheScnatorial conference with tho other
counties: that is, that 1,000 Democrats in
Sullivan should havo an equal representa
tion in conference to -1,000 in Columbia or
5,000 in Lycoming! That Sullivan abounds
in great men we havo long known and freely
acknowledge, but that one thcro is equal to
four hero is a little too extravagant for us to
believe. Great ns they aro they havo but
0110 vote per head when it comes to the
election and in that respect wo aro equal to
them here. In broad presumption and some
other qualities of tlio human mind wo ccr
taiuly do not claim to rival them.
General Jackson's candidacy, liko some
others, may bo explained upon tlio same
theory that Thaddeus Stevens once explain
ed his. Meeting an acquaintance something
liko tho following occurred :
Stevens Can you support mo for Congress
again Y
Friend Why, when you wero a candid'
ate before you said you would not ask it
Stevens Rut an old farmer convinced 1110
I should bo a candidato again, notwithstand
ing my promiso.
Friend How did ho do that?
Stevens llo said it was not worth while
to spoil another man !
Tho argument was elfcctivo and Stevens
was re-elected.
Kr-nnlilicaii or l'rolilliition V Whlcli King?
After its defeat In November the Repub
lican party will not likely again rally. It
will go tho way of all parties heretofore
beaten and crushed by tlio Democracy.
new antagonist will then bo built upon its
ruins. This new foo will probably bo built
substantially upon tho old Know Nothin
platform, unless that is superceded by tlio
Prohibitionists. Much depends upon tho
voto tho latter will poll at tho ensuing
election, If their voto bo formidable, wo
do not doubt tho party hereafter to opposo
tho Democracy will bo built upon tho Pro
hibition platform. Wo take it that that
is tlio reason why tho Prohibition leaders
aro making so caruost an effort now for
votes. Tho Republican party must dio
within another year at furthest probably
this fall nnd if tho Prohibition voto bo
strong it will bo tho inevitable successor,
llcneo every carnost and sinccro advocate
of liquor prohibition will voto for Rrown
and Pennypackcr. After being both be
trayed and insulted by Hartrauft of courso
no mnn who was biuccrely a friend of local
option can voto for him, but many Re.
publicans who pretended to bo friends of
that measure wero so only to thooxtcntof
thereby giving aid nnd strength to their
party. Tlico will remain firm supporters of
Hartrauft, for they wero playing as faWo to
tho cause of temper.iiico and local option
as he.
Howell' A'f wtmntt Reporter says : "It Is
noteworthy that of late tho Democratic news
papers starting throughout tho United States
outnumber very much tho newspapers ot lie
publican tendencies.
I'nlltltal No I os from tlio Cnpllal.
"Tlio'lhisol mill cm
in tliii House Unit. .lack Ijullt."
llMitUMiumi, September l!, 18715.
"Roll," said ii jovial old Democrat the
other day to an Inllucntlnl but very bitter
Republican, "Rob, you're, pretty good nt
figures nln't you ?"
"Well, what of It?"
"Why lako that piece of paper nnd inako
a calculation for mo."
"All right."
"Put down $1,000 11."
"Well if Hint is thocostof tho walnuldoon
of Governor llnrlvanft s stable, whnt is tlio
probable cost of tho entire stable?''
And "Rob," following tho illustrious ex
nmplo nnd convincing stylo of argument
tied by tho Ilarrisburg ring organ, tho Tiie
graph, said it was a "lie."
This stylo or argument however will not
answer with the people in tho faco of figilies
which will not lie, and facts liko tho above
and following which nro tho official records
of tho commonwealth. Wo append for tho
information of you.1 rcadeis tho following
statements of tho actual cost of tho lato im
provements to tho Governors mansion.
In tlio general appropriation bill for 1R73
appears the following "Sjc. 00 For re
furnishing tlio Executive mansion SO 000;
or so much thereof as may bo necessary ; tho
hill 4 for tho same to bo nudiied by tho Aud
itor General."
If wo take tho accounts audited by tho
Auditor General and look for what i'cnis
this amount was expended wo find tho fol
lowing "Statement of account" which is cal
culated to make, tho good pcoplo of this
commonwealth open their honest eyes in as
tonishment at the airy and regal siyJo of fur
niture with which IhcH-Cinef Kxccutlvosv
routids himself. Not a singlo chargo ap
pears for such commonplace-articles rs
chairs, tablcJ, bedsteads, &e., but more than
tho entiro appropriation of $0,000 is expend
ed nnd a largo majority of tho charges aro
found to bo for thoso "airy nothings" with
which the regal are wont lo surround them
selves, and revel in, whilst tho working
classes struggle, half starving, almost in
sight of their palaces.
From tho appropriation of tho generous
Legislature of 1S7U, the drawing rooms, par
lors, Sic, of this regal mansion and tho car
riage rooms of its princely stables were sup
plied with ca.-pctsand appurtenances in cost
and style, as follows :
lsjy yards Axtalnstcr carpet....
sio t.i
1111 I'.O
123 75
1St 03
ml " llrussels "
137'i " "
3lif " Plaid I.lncn
Amount paid for carpet
Ht.ilr puis, roils, mats, Ac
$ l.K.S 2J
i.n as
let 2.1
i,aj ing eurpcis, ireigni, &c
Total amount for tlio lTcm of carpets sj l.sni si
fins item however is small in comparison
with tho following "trifles :"
V-i yards Vert do lthlnc llgured Ilrocado. Z rro no
19 " heavy drop fringe lsi)to
in Fancy silk loops 10
lit j .mis double, inlet lining "s ;s
si) " satin lining 4s Hi
s " fancy brocade border sal It)
K " " gimp 1141
r. making longcurtalns 77 to
is " lambronutns ta mi
OS yards clli nn llgured brocade 0,2 ui
r.s " nil Mile curd head fringe 3.1.1 m
liiin " double interlining u.t 10
i)ii " satin lining r7 m
c'J " fancy brocade border 41s mi
3(M " gimp is so
1. making lung curtains U.I 110
fi making draperies as no
21 nil silk tassels ia. ill
12 " " fancy loons do ro
10 yards fancy cord for piano cover e 0
10 " lining ' a r,o
1 making piano cover 12 mi
1 medallion sailu grand piano cover. 17 ffl
'Minds ran satin tit 71
so drah " loo no
Making slips for two doen chairs nnd ono
piano mow si) no
ashing lace curtains ::T Ml
Ml.sccllnncous expenses
a 0
:ti 11
f J,5l C-l
211 sa
Di'diictlon to bring
bill within npprriprta-
Amounl expended for curlains, Ac.
, f 1,142 in
l.svr sr.
.uu uui 101 uarpfis
Total amount expended J 0,010 no
Total amount appropriated $ g.ouii 00
So we sco that so much of tho appropria
tion "as was necessary" was tho whole
imouiit and $211 89 iu addition, which it
was found necessary "to deduct in order to
bring the bill within tho appropriation,"
Tho above nro tho onlv itemized vouchers
for expenses incurred in refitting the Gov
ernor it mansion, winch aro to bo fount!
among tho rccorils of tho Auditor General's
office, yet these items unbecoming and ex
travagant as they arc, aro not half of what
was expended in this little job as the follow
ing will provo as well as what a perfect
farco tho deduction of 5211 SO in tho abovo
bill "to bring it within tho appropriation,"
On pago 109 of tho pamphlet law of 187-1,
Section f of tho general appropriation law,
wo find an appropriation of $5,G5G 07 made
to tho superintendent of tho public build
ing and grounds for expenses incurred as per
vouchers filed in the State Treasurer's office.
In tlio same Section, a paragraph or so bo-
low, tho sum of eight thousand dollars or so
much as is necessary is apuropriatcd for
necessary repairs and improvements to tho
public buildings and grounds.
The last mentioned is tlio usual annual
appropriation for tho expenses of tho Capital
buildings and tho grounds. Rut let us seo
for what purposes tho appropriation of $!,
510 07 first mentioned was expended.
In the Auditor General's report for 1871
under tho head of Public Iluildings nnd
Grounds, wo find tho following record of dis
burscinents :
H. II. Wallers for amount expended in Im
provements nnu repairs or ine puniio
buildings uml grounds and U10 i:.euulliu
mansion 11
Let us itcmi.o this account :
To llio
repairs of I ho buildings on tlio
bill" (ls.4.1
t 8,933 n.1
r.,r.iti OT
Tu Incentive mansion
Total ,
, ii,ir,) co
Nor Is this all : In tlio samo siTlloti of llio
npproptlatlonlJlll ot Isfl wo Hud a furth
er Ion for "nddttlomd expens
es In rctlltlnir l.'vicutUo inuuslon ns per
bills londued," to wit: $ l,5:w ."'.
Referring ngaiu to llio Auditor General's
report for 1871 wo find tlio following further
record of disbursements:
"II. V. Mackey, stale Treasurer, amount
paid by htm for rotltttni; Dxi'ciithinn.m.
Hun, lu'lii'.' n detli It iu former uppropila
tlon, per Act of .May U, lsli" f 4,wi 00
Sinninliiir up wo 1 1 nil tlio enllrn cost of lu
llttlnir llio (lou-rnor's mansion to bo $!6,si I si
Tho itemized vouchers for 0,000 of tills
amount only aro exhibited above. No doubt
quite ns much economy (?) was exercised
iu expending tho other amounts, for which
tho Stato Treasurer holds tlio vouchers, as
is manifested in the above exhibit, which it
behooves the hardworking economical tax
payers of our commonwealth to ponder well
liefoM they cast their votes again for tho
present princely incumbent of tho guberna
torial chair. N.
Several republican newspaper nro very
much concerned about tlio discussions iu
Democratic newspapers on tho currency ques
tion. The New York Evening Vast, for in
stance, thinks that tlio party is hopelessly di
vided, as its members disagree. And yet
thoYW, which for half a century has been
tho sturdy advocate of free trade, in season
and out of season, has acted steadily with
tho party which has been and now is the ad
vocate, of a system of protective tariff that is
ruining tho country, Then thero is tlio Ros
ton .Wvertwr, tho supporter of the adminis
tration which debauched the currency, nnd
of lloutwell, tho great father of inflation,
worrying It'elf as to what tho hard-money
democratic press would do in cao tlio party
advocated liillatlon. Go it ! llalltmorc 6'a,'-Ule,
Democratic Stale Convention
The Democratic Slalo Convention as
sembled at Frio, pursuant to call on tho 8th
Inst. Hon. James Flits, of Schuylkill, was
elected temporary chairman. Afterwards a
permanent organization was effected by tho
election of Hon. Hcndrlck 11. Wright as
permanent President, with tho usual Vice
Presidents and Secretaries. A commlttco
on resolutions was then appointed, when
tlio convention adjourned until four o'clock
to enable the commlttco to report. .The
committee, not being ready nt that tlmo tho
convention ndjourned until Thursday nt 11
o'clock, without balloting. As tho public
do not caro about tho platform but all aro
nnxlous ns to candidates, this looks very
much liko supcrlativo nonsense. Wo keep
our paper back to tho last moment that will
enable us lo make the mails, hoping to re
ef Ivo tho nominations.
lliirtratil'l's Salary.
u nci 1110 poor men ot this cinto wish to
sco who is really their friend, and who is will
ing to mako some sacrifico for 'heir benefit,
they should notlook lo tho Governor, Hait
ranft. Notwithstanding tho fact that faim-
ers nnd mechanics nro working hard for a
baro living, and many laboring men aio get
ling only a dollar a day, whllo a few years
ago they received threo times thai amount,
llarlrmft has 110 scilples in taking from tho
Stalo Treasury more than has been paid 10
nny Governor before him, oven in 1I10 most
prospcotts times. Rut say his supporter-she
only takes what tho law allows him, and (hat
law was made a fewdavs before ho camo into
office. It is truo that tho law was mado n few
lays beforo ho was inaugurated as Governor,
becauso if it had not been it could not havo
taken effect till after his term had expired,
It is a well known fact, however, thatho was
at Ilarrisburg and actively lobbying in behalf
of tho bill during its passage. Itwas passed
by a legislature vhoso members expected
favors of the Governor, and whoso good olfi
ccs they; were anxious to conciliate, by a lib
eral expenditure of money not their own
Had Hartrauft not been anxious for the
passago of the act, and had tho legislators,
who wero intent on getting their local bills
approved, not been anxious for favors in rc
turn, it is certain tho Governor's salary would
not havo been so enormously increased. Iu
its conception and carrying out . it was as
much an attempt to tako tho people's money
without giving any return, as was tho steal
ing by Tweed on fraudulent vouchers. Tho
diirercnce is, that otic is done under the forms
of law while tho other was not. Stealing by
Governors and legislators is, however, not
whit better than stealing by private individ
uals. No one will pretend that tho Gov
ernor of Pennsylvania cams more than the
Governor of New York, but still ho receives
more than double the pay. No 0110 will for
a moment, pretend that Hartrauft does half
the work that was done by Governor Cttrtin
and yet ho receives threo times tlio salary
uiat uuriin did, and is paid in currency
worth twice as much. With 0110 exception
wo believe Hartrauft receives moro than
paid to the Governor of any Slate, and
amount entirely- out uf proportion to tho
wages paid to tho workingmcu of the State,
Tho people universally condemn congressmen
for increasing their salaries fifty per cent
but wo certainly cannot sco why that should
bo anv moro severely censured than Ilart-
ranft's per.sistentlobbying iu getlingthe Gov
crnor's salary increased 200 per cent. If the
Governor of to-day ought to reecivo three
times as much 03 tho Governor of ten vears
ago, then why not also tho miner and median
ie? Yet, while Hailranft draws his $10,000
a year from the public money paid by tho
people of tlio Stato ho is over ready to furnish
troops to help tho corporations grind tlio
woikingmcn's wages down to starvation point,
For such a man to protend that ho is a friend
to tlio workingmcu is rank hypocrisy. We
say that the State ought to pay its servants
a fair compensation, 110 moro and no less,
Finploycis ought to do tho samo by their
workmen, but tho wages of one ought to be
no higher iu proportion than thoso of tho
other. When tho-o who havo been trusted
by the pcoplo to fix the price of their own
labor, put it nt a figure abovo what they
really earn, the surplus is simply so much
stealing. Wo hopa tho coming Democratic
Governor will promptly recommend tho repeal
of tho iuciciiso of tho Governor's salary
let it bo fixed at a point somewhat in pio
portion to the wages received by tho miners.
mechanics and farmers. Kc.
Southern Troubles.
Tho Yick.sburg Herald gives an account of
a riot at Clinton, Miss, which shows that it
was sanguinary. It appears that there is a
law prohibiting tlio sale of liquor in Clinton
and n young man named Sivelcy, who hud
brought n bottlo of whisky from a neighbor
ing village, was about to take a drink with
somo friends, when lie was forbidden to do
so by tho colored marshal of tho meeting.
They paid no attention to n marshal, and
when ho attempted to seize llio bottlo struck
him on the head with it. A colored Senator
named Caldwell started to tcltlo the diffi
culty, and was followed by twenty other
colored men. Ho told them to go back but
a hundred others caino on. Attliis juneturo
"nomo ono fired a shot," and a general dis
charge of firearms and scattering of tho
crowd ensued. Sivoloy, after discharging
all tho barrels of his revolver, surrendered
to tho negroes and had his brains knocked
out. Ho was then stripped of his clothing
and one of his fingers was cut off to get a
ring. Charles Chilton was killed iu tiie
yard of his house, a young lawyer named
Tlinnias.son was shot oil' his horse, and John
Ncal was fatally shot in tho lung. On tho
other side four negroes were found "dead in
llio field and two mortally wounded," and
"six additional negroes havo been found
dead about Clinton since." Tho white men
"organized at ouco for self protection," and
telegraphed for reinforcements, which speed
ily arrived, giving them absoluto control of
tho town. Ono of tlio trains conveying
reinforcements from Jackson was fired into
on Saturday night and obstructions were
placed upon tlio track, but no one seems lo
havo been injured. A telegram direct from
Clinton last night, says that 10 negroes havo
been killed, nnd that tho leaders of tho
whites in this business are repotted to bo in
Jackson, tlio capital of the State. Governor
Amos has called upon General Gcorge.Chalr
niau of tho Democratic Stalo Committee, to
usslstiu restoring order.
Let's havo done with all this prattle about
fluunco nnd currency, In this campaign it
is a false tiio black cloud of tlio cut
tle fish to blind the pursuer's eyes. What
lias caused tlio wide eprcad distress which
aflllcts tho country? Kxtravaganco and cor
ruption iu public affairs. Who is responsi
ble for it? Tho Radical party. Theso aro
llio facts which aro to bo demonstrated mid
brought beforo tho eyes of tho people.
Frederick Cttiten.
.Hniinl Vl"'vi.
Among the vm'i iknt ics iliitions
! county
by the N'nrthumfieilnii'l dciini'r.ilii
ciMiwi'tiiiii we flail the following:
I'lial lo avoid thu daimcrs lo bo appre
hended from u consolidated government we
iilllrm t lut t tho principles of unfettered homo
ule in nil tho States is the true recognition
of tho sovereignty ofrcseried rights.
'I lint wo nre in favor of a tinllorm curren
cy on a specie basis, and believe a return to
tlio same should bu accomplished by efforts
so gradual its not to dcraiigo tho business in
terests ui tlio country! anil litrtlier, no long
ns the ;itcscnt national banking svstein ex
ists, that tho national banks should bo lim
ited in tho amount of their loans and dis
counts to ono hundred per centum in excess
of their capital, for the reason that an Inllat-
nl or extended credit upon until: ledgers
works greater injury lo tho business of tho
country than nn nugnicntcd volume of tho
ciirrcncv, nnd they alo bo required toielaln
tho gold interest paid them by tlio govern
ment on their deposited securities, with n
view of ultimately redeeming their notes
with coin
That tins oxhntisltvo demand mado tinon
1 1 its Industiial energies of our pcoplo for tho
support of thu Federal government suggests
a reduction of our State revenues to a point
that will bo stifiielcnt to meet the expenses
of the government, honestly and economi
cally tidiiiln'stercd, allowing an excess for 11
rcasiniaolo reduction ot the btato debt.
Tiiiiin F.vti:. That the "friends of frcc-
do.n" havo sttcceded in putting tlio iiei'ro
race on a line of extinction in tills country,
there is no doubt, nnd the census of 1880 will
convince the most captious upon this point.
The attempt to get around that old declara
tion, "Ye shall bo a servant of servants to
all generations forever," lias assigned to tho
colored race a worse fate. The last stale is
worse than the first. Thn Charleston Aete
and Courier s.iy.s that in Fairfield district, iu
that State, during tho last eight years thero
have been eleven burialsof whites in Winus
boro and one hundred and forty-seven ne
groes. In a small section south-east of
Winnsboro, where thcro were seven hundred
nnd lifty negroes, there are now but two
hundred nnd fifty. Tho negroes nre dying
of consumption, a disease formerly almost
unknown among them. Idleness nnd bad
living seem to bo tho chief cauo of tlio mor
tality. What a pity it is that there are so
many people in this world that will not "let
well enough alone," and thereby disturb and
annoy their neighbors. Rcchange.
Some of our Southern contemporaries aro
making calculations of the losses sustained
by tlio South inconscqucnccof tlio rebellion.
They set down first tho value of the slaves at
2100 millions of dollars, lo whish is added
12S1 millions wortli of property destroyed.
This would givo a total lossof 3GS1 millions.
Judging, however, by the rate of Southern
progress previously to tho rebellion the losses
wero much greater. Tho census of 1S70
gave the total valuation of piopcrly in tlio
Southern States at 5102 millions. Jlad the
increase between 1S00 and 1870 been iu the
same proportion as tlio increase between 18!50
and 1S0O, this figuro would havo been lf,!iSl
millions. In the matter of the former slave
property, however, there has been no loss,
although there Ian been nchangoofotdicraf.
J'hia. Ledger.
Tho Cause.
Tho Allentown Democrat says moro than
twenty-five per cent, of the internal revenue
is believed to be absolutely stolen every year
ns tho result of tho Republican officials.
The recent revelations in New York of fraud
ulent importations and collusion with cus
torn house officials, and the raid on tho west
cm whisky ring, furnish somo idea of tho
magnitude of tho robberies, which at last full
on an overburdened pcoplo, in tho form of
added taxation.
Tin: r.i:.Mi:iY.
Let tlio people make a change of rulois,
f.-om I'rc.iidenldown to the paltriest clerk
All the New York and Philadelphia nows
papers declare that thero is nn improvement
iu business. It is a slow and cautious move
ment, made apprehensively, in consequence
of lato commercial disasters, but a movement
nevertheless winch is proceeding in spito of
businci-s t oublcs. It is based on tho pros
perous condition of tlio pcoplo of tho west
ern States and thcexccllent crops at the south
Tlio farmers of tho south and aro able
lo pay for what they want for the coming
year, and tho wholo trade of the inanufac
ttiring and commercial Stales shares iu their
good fortune by supplying their wants.
A righteous decision lias been made in the
Louisiana courts in a caso whero bodily in
jury resulted from tho uso of explosive oil
Tho injured parties sued the mauufacturoi's
whoso product was sold as "non-explosivo"
and the award of tho lower court giving
exemplary damages has been sustained in
tlio supremo court. A law making tho
vender of explosive oil liable for damages
resulting from its Uso wilh recourno against
manufacturers in cases whero oil was sold
for illuminating purposes, would bo tho best
remedy that could bo devised against tho sale
of bitch dangerous compounds. It would
bo more effective than any inspection law
that could bo devised. Patriot.
Andrew Jnekson, James K. Poll;, and
Andrew Johnson wero all born in North
Carolina ; were nil elected to tho Presidency
whllo citizens of tho Stato of Tciincssetyind
all lio buried beneath tho soil of tlio latter
iSlale. I'ollc and Johnson, wero immigrants
Jackson was mado a citizen of Tennessee by
tlio act of Congress creeling it into a Stato
out of n part of North Carolina. Tlioro is
11 project nfool to place tho remains of the
threo Presidents together and erect a grand
monument over thcni ; but it will bo- IasI ter
to let them lio whcio they are, in places
fainiliary known and dear to them durhig
their lives and ncaily associated with tb eir
memories in tlio all'cclioiiato regard of the
people. AV.
Tho ministers iuutteitduticout tliuCuinh rr
land Valley camp meeting iinaiiiniou sly
adopted tho following resolution !
Remleed. That inasmuch as tho I.eglslal tiro
nf Pennsylvania nnd tho Governor of tlio
Commonwealth, In disregard of Ilia prol est
of tho Central Pennsylvania Conft-reii ce,
held at Huntingdon, and in disregard ot
various other protests by tlio people, nnd iu
disregard of tho expressed will of a mnjoi ity
of thu voters of tlio Commonwealth, repeal oil
tlio Local Option law and iu its stead tnacU il
1111 iniquitous Ifccnso law, wo hereby declare
our purpose ourselves to voto tho Temper
ance Prohibition ticket, and to uo our per
sonal iiillueiico in its behalf.
llui'uneiiii .News.
Tlio Tuiks chilin to havo succeeded In sup
pressing tho Christian revolts in two or threo
Kuropcuii provinces,
The Spanish war is on tho evo of sup.
pfcsslou, tlio Carlist forces being beaten at
nil points nnd rapidly disorganizing,
Tho attempt to export peaches from this
country to ICuropo has proved a failure.
It Is shown that Delano, liko ex-Attorney
General Williams, has been indulging in tho
hiiidaulet business, and hits cost thu United
states Treasury, for horses, carriages mid
drivers f 10,000 per milium. Mr, Delano evi
dently believes iu tho great principle, of
Viking a carrlagoand driving mound -at, tho
public expense. Ex,
llxrrrpls nml News items from llxcliiinsos.
l!t, (Irlllilli Sr. C.i. uhflluKlto BtOCCrs of
Toronto, have made an assignment for their
What security docs the Allegheny Notional
11 ml: of Pittsburgh givo for the quarter of a
million dollars it holds of ihc money belonging
to tlio Treasury of this Slnle ?
Who Is rupoiiilile lo tho Hlnto for the mil
lion of public money now iu llio hands of banl;.
lirnkcrK. nnd snccu Inters? Taxpayers, rtllect
on these things.
The Republicans have encouraged pulpit
Politics In this country for many years J but
I'nrsoti llrowno the leinner.uicu caindidalo lor
Governor Is giving them n surfeit.
Tlio Lonisvlllo Lolger gives nn nccotint of n
leaden bullet being extracted from the brain t
a young mm of that city, after it had been im
bedded In it for 18 months, nnd that be will
n..!.,.l.. ..,nn., TJil. olirmlil lllt f II fnl I M CO I
other voting fools to try to lilmv their brains out
,!, t!,.,l, iLnrl.tllUbrm.
Tim iirn!iNht nf llio Ridlcnls In Ala lie looks
...I.I C s.l.,... t... 1. ,,.( f,,r
i l -
, , ... ., . i , Iciistli's hs a elioap rertlllrer for nil drops. Tlio
to revive llio war spirit. When .Maine lias ".,.,,...,,. mur onrjmos ,lmvs nn im ni'-o of fts.ire
send to Indiana for n Radical doctor, the rei of
Ibo rnmdrv mint ha iii n vcrv bad wav indeed
Is there nny good reason why
the Radical
parly should bo longer retained In power 7
What have they done in llio lat ten years lo
merit a contiuuanco of public favor? lly llteir
fruits let tlicin bo judged. They promised
economy nnd reform. Ruin nnd bankruptcy
nro the results of their mmncmcnt of tho pub
lic nllairs.
Tlio action of the Mcthndhl clergymen at
O.tkville, in deelating for thu Temperance
Stale Ticket, is denounced bv Republican jour
mils ns n gloss nltcmpt to improperly liderfero
with political affairs. Tlio ministers will bo
ntotiishcd to find that tho parly that has en
couraged pulpit politics for liflccn years past has
suddenly found the practico hurtful.
Columbia County Democratic Nominations.
OIIARLKS G. RARKLKY, llloomsburg.
GFORGi: SCO'IT, Catawissa.
1). FRAX1C ZARR, llloomsburg.
itKOisTr.n and
WILLIAMSON' II. JACOI1Y, llloomsburg.
Dr. HUGH W. McRFYNOLDS, Hemlock.
SILAS W. MclIEN'RY, Jackson.
JOHN 11. OAS FY, llloomsburg,
AlAllTIN V. 1!. KI.1M;, Uatawia.
ivxcii I iciy ccj.
la.Ieekson tow.isiM, oi tuoiMst diyof Aujiist,
1s;r.,by tho llcv. lloury Waso-icr, Mr. WILLIAM I',
DitAKi:, of Llsht stroJt, and Mrs. SAIiAU (IIJITY,
ot Orange township.
At Kcreno, Pa., on tho Hit Inst,
1'llANi: YV.
iJd; 1
son of
Isiac M. and Martin J.
Lyoni, n
month and 20 daj s.
In Locust township, on August 21, Mrs. JIAIIY
om'i'Y. wife ot Mr. (Icomu (Jetty, aaed 89 years, 7
months nnd 20 dnjs.
In Ccnlrali.i, on August eetli, Mrs. I.YIIIA SNY-
I)i:i:. wlfo of Mr. lvtcr Snyder, aged C'J years, 8
months and lr.i'.iys.
In Iioarln-'creeh- township, nn September 2d,
MAltY lli:ni:cOA, daughter of Mr. Jo'oph and
Mrs. lieliecca Craig, avd r montns and 8 days.
Iu r.sny, on tho cth Inst., PHILIP It., son of Lents
nnd Anna Margaret llcss, aged 1 jenr, t. raontus and
10 da;s.
Ono ctiei 1-hcd form wo must resign
Unto tlio cheerless tomb,
And woep to Know that ho no moro
Shall cheer our ca-thly home.
llLOOMSIlUIltl JlAltKl-X
Wheat per bushel
lijo "
Com "
oats "
Hour per barrel
Dried Apples
Stiles A Shoulders
I. aril per pound
Hay per ton
Timothy Seed
f 1.30
20.1 0
No. I on Whaif
No. .'. " "
No. a " "
blacksmith's Lump on wharf
" bituminous "
t 1,00 per Ton
$:i,:r. " "
$2.r.o " "
$ 4,0,1 " "
$ o,oo " "
-J. . ..... t I, .tin &ll1iir I
lA-lU-ls ii-.MUIiii-iiLii "u uwv.-uiii, un.u.... ..,,w,..i.,
late of .Minilu low-iisnlp, Culumbl i coiint, deceased,
luncheon granted by tho Itoirlsiorof said counly to
.lohn II. Heller, of Miltllti township, Columbia comi
ty, Pn, i:ecitloi-, to w'aoni till persrns Indebted to
said cslalo nro u-iiui steil to inuko pa.Miient and
llioso hnWui; claims or demands against tlio said
estate will mako them known lo Hie said i:eculor
without delay. JOHN II, lini'l.LMt,
Aiu. lo-ct. Jixecutor.
J undersigned has been appointed an Asstenco
lurtho lK-neiilof tho ircdltors of .I. .I. Itojglnnil, of
Cetitralla borough, in Columbia county, and lias
tako nupou himself llio duties of tho I rust. All persons
aio theietoro required to sol How II il Iillu, niljust and
pay lohtmali accounts, debts nnd dues ur thosaid .!,.!,
Iluauland; and thoso Inuliur claims to submit thcin
to tho Asslgneo propel ly uiilhentleatcd.
Sept. 3-dt. I'axlnos, Northumberland Co., Pa.
It Is of Kreat lmuorlanco to you what kind ot
inanuro you apply lo your Wheat Lands this fall. If
you want a good cropot Whoatnext season, and a
hea y crop of Orass to follow, use.
Haw Bono Super Phosphate
Put up lu SOOlt. lugs.
Tlio baso ot this Old IMabllshcd Aitlclo Is Haw or
rnbiirncd Hones, and its strength cannot bo ex
hausted wllh Ibo cropot Wheat, but will proo ef
fective on tho follow Ing crop of Orass, nnd wlllulso
permanently linpimo tho soil.
runners look to your own Interests and provo If
what wo say about
Baugli's Raw Bonn Phosnliato
Is truo or false, nnd notify us of llio insult, Mako
application lor It caily to jour nearest Dealer lu
Manures, and It you cannot secure II through them,
send j our orders direct to your friends
Aug. lO-St. rillLAHHLl'llIA U HALTIMOlti:.
YOItl-C TltlllL'XK. "THIC I.ICAI).
i:inisi.S(l.Mi:i)ll-.M. llally.lloaicar. hend-
I'oslago I'reo to tho SubscrllH'r, Specimen Copies
nud Adicrlhdng Hutis l'lvo. Weekly, iu clubs of so
or morn' only jl, postage paid. Address Tint Tut
ucne, N. V. Jun ii"5-ly.
m lor testamentary on tlio estutoof i'Jillln Wil
son, lalo of rishlugciccklowushlp.Cnlumtilacnumy,
h const il, huo Uen granted by Ibo lteglsler of said
county, lo Julia A. o, WlUun, of
I'Wilngeii-ek township, Columbia county, 1'a. i:ec
mois.lo win lu nil pel sous indebted tosald estate
jiiu ruiiuosled to make payment, and llioso having
claims or di mauds iignlnsl I lie saldcstato will mako
Ihciil know u lu tho said Unocutnrswllhuut delay,
Aug, lil, 'TH-Ot.' KuccuUirB.
V 1.STA1K (ir JOHN MlsT, lltCKASm,
Utters of Adiuliilslrullon on tho cstido of John
"Yost, latent llilarciiek tow nshlp, Columbia counly,
deceased, liaui been granlcd by Ibo lb Ulster of i-ulij Kllas Vust and Kmttiiuil ost, of
township. All jiersoiis 1ml Ing clulina ugulust
tho estate of thtf deccdi'iil, uru leipiested 10 pusent
Item for settlement, nud thoso Indebted to tho cstiitu
to make pay incut to thu undersigned admlnUttulors
WUllOUl'K'lUV, ii
gj-J I'S SA M.
Itvttrlim nf mmlrv WlllHf.f FllTl l-'tli'i 1' , lsllod
out of the limit of common pleas nml I" tin i1iims
cd, will liiokt fll joilillo outcry, nt Hi'' lourt ilutiso
in llloomsbnrii, cofumbln couiil.t, 1'u., hi
Mmiilay, Sciilciiilier L(.
nt one o'clock p. in., tlio followlnif dcscilbi .l pi.ipcr
ly, to-wlli
Alltlmi rcrtnlnlot or piece of (rro'indsltti.d ;ln tho
Town of litoomslmrit, co'miibU cotinlv. on tin . ,ist
Mdnnf llnslMiwt.lKiundoilnsrollows.t'MUt t hvidn-
nln iitaer.iiirronniiiuiviui.i i.n-i "" ."" "l
nloiiirsniil lMstsltcct southeast ivnrdl.yr.r.f. cttolot ot
JiirobSh.-itTcr, tlicnro nlonjrHnld lot, of .lorob Hmtlnr
nortlicn.dwnid y feet lo fli sltuit li-y. tlii'tira
by wd.inllrv liorlhwcstwnrilly 'W tolhr alley
lust mentioned, thence by snld idtny iiurlliwrsiwnrd.
ly mi feet to tlio place ot iK-nliuunif, wlioreon nro
erected n lvo-Mnry inunu onciona uvu-v-, n nmuw
nnd oul-bullilnifs. , ,
sclml, taken Into evocation nnd lo be sold as tho
propel ly ot j ivostrr l'nu nnd Tllhn.'ii Vawc.
.Mil IIAI.I. I'HUH li.
Illoomslmnr, A ii just no, 'iWs. sheriff.
Bird 53
A vahafclo Bird Deposit,
Imported Into t lie 1'nltcil states
A TTlH T-T &r
JUJ.X. V.1 . WV , w s 3
i'iiir.Ai)r.Li uiA a.ii n.M.ii.iiui.i.t
., ,
TldHiltlllonoSSC'SI'S IHC mOKI lTmnrKauifi.inil.iu-
,.,'., ,. f n.m.irhosu'i.ituct I.imi'. Tin-to tsli.tvo
liciulildyfnll-uictory, nnd w hi ll you oncemopt
ino ni une. you n mi usu i. u..u . -...v..
1 ecucd In Itnyi of oo n ,i on- h.
Price, $38 Per Ton.
Sole Propviclors,
20 S. Dcliiwure Ave, Pliilu.
103 South Street, Baltimore.
, KMIt.
MaoB: How Lost IM Moml!
Xl'si-P nn blU boil n new edition of Dr. I I If
0 Vi'.lllVKI.I.'S celebrated essay on the radical ruro
(without medicine) ot Spermatorrhoea
or M'lIHIIill rillvili-ns, i ii.uiiiniiii . in-
Dial weakness', lnipotcnci, and
iter plijsleal incapacity, impeuimcms 10
Marriage, ele,: also Consumption, Epilepsy, nnu I us
induced by belMndtilitenco orse.ituat c.lraa0'auco
Piles, &c.
tfS"Peice, in a sealed envelope, oid'j sir nf.
Tin" celebrated ntiliior, In lids admirable essay
clcaity demon st rates from n tidily jean.' sur x -sfu
practico, lliit tho nlaimbiK ronseiiuences or sen
abuse may be radically cured w ithotil the riansrrrou.s
use ot Internal ineulclno or tho application ot mo
knife; potnthnr out n modoof euro ntonccslmplo
certain, nnd effectual, by means or which every -ut-fcrer,
no matter what ids condition may bo, may cur
himself cheaply pjlvately, and radically.
t3?"Thls Lecture should bo In tho hands of every
youth nnd every man In tho land.
Sent under seal, Inn plain envelope, 10 any un
dress, post-paid, on receipt of six cents, or two post
Address tlio 1'iiiiii.sner.s,
CilAS. .1.0. KLlNK.'grt'O.,
127 llowcry, New York, Post Olllcc l!ox 4,'o,0.
April in, 'J5-y
A fortunh in it. livery f.
ra-h" i,!""ia Uy Ascnt'i' A(Ulress,
FORTUNH IN IT. Rvery family buys it.
Si. WALUKlf,
.1 WKNTS. 211 I. LLC! A NT ()1 LI IIROMOS,
1 mounted. sUon-ill for fl. : 1) for in. Lai'-- t
Mitiely In llio world
riniuueipiua, ra.
TO $20 per ilav. Agents wanted. All
classi-s of worl.lnineciiU'oniotli sexes, s oun-'
and old, make more mnnc at work for us,tn tin Irown
localities, during Ihclr spare moments, or all (lu
time, man ni-auy uungei-e. nut i eiiiinuue m.
that will pn.V handsomely b.r every hour's will;
l-'ud pat s, terms, Ac., send i.sjournddrr s ut
once, lion't delay. Now is the time. Don't look
for work or me-mcss eieuneie, umiiouii:iie lenui
cd what wo oiler. O. biissoN &l'u., I'oilland, .Value.
Jan. ir. ir-iy.
iiv tho Divntorr riti:i: l'linss man," whose tuno
lias reaelitd everywhere. As a humorist li is no
knonledtfedtobo llio ieir or .Mm k Twain, and ns.i
sketch w liter in this country The blg-
L'cst tiling 1 1, will sou in si','or, even in inrae nun
times, everjboUy wmls and wllllmolt. no pages
of his best arlldes and vw cunilo euW. Tenllory
going rnplilly. Agents npplj at oneo for circulars to
11. S. .MU1VI.S.S1.1 .V LU., I . 1 D.lllolllll 1 IlLi.l.
nro mo moNt uriiiiiiiui 111111710
aiui perfect m iodo vyrr lundc'
xuo i.u.-i;i.ii 1 if rs i umi mc
. best ever iilnxrd In any Or-
, It laiirouucrtl lyan r
tru net f roods, peon.
1 llnrlr voiced, the V.V
I'KUT fir urttca nnnivr
t'll AlOIIMJnn.lNOIII.
IsTllllIINC, vlillo ItM
IMITATION oriliolli;
fllAN VOKIi: IS M'-
ri:it. wati:usi
ni:v ouuiinisTitAr..
VKSIMilt, (iltAM) unit
'in Unliiiiol-'rciicliCaseH,
oiitiiblnn 1'IIllITY of
VOICING v-ith frront saIiiuio 0 touu suitnblu
VIMItl.Oltm- ClUlltClI.
have great pom-rand a fine slntditK lone, in(a nil
nmlrrn liiiiiroonientn, and are the lli:sT l'l
ANOS .11 AIIH. Thrso O run ns nnd rhino are
snirrnnlodislx jonm. I'ltltT.S UXTUIi.lIi:
J.Y LOW formhiier jinrt ciudiuiu bnlnnrn in
monthly pnymrnls. Poooiul-IInnd InstrumenU
nt irroat Imrffniiis. l'lnnos nud Ornnnn to rout
until pulil for n per contract. Atlli.vrS WAN.
Tlill. Special IniblooinonlH In the trmlo. A III),
oral dUcotlllt toTrtichfr,MinUtert. Cliurch,Sehorl',
la)0",t'. II.IMSTIIA rtU) C.t 7.1 1.QGVF.SllAILEU.
iioitAci: wATiuty iV mnh,
48 1 Ilromliiuy, Mow York. 1. O. llo ItHr
ikon IN 'run isLooi).
Tub Peucvian bvucp
dtnllzcs and entlehis tho
blood, tones up tho si .
loin, builds up tliobiolceni
down, cures d spepsla
Debility, ihopsy.ehlll.sand
roer.sjuronli' dlanlui-a
nc.-vous, arfecilons, bolls
humors, diseisi i ot tlio
kldnoisnnd bladder, f..
malu complaints, ie.
Thousands hao b-cn
changed Uj the use of ibo
remedy from weal;, slcklv, sulTerlng creatures, in
strong, heabhy, happy men nnd women j and
luvalld cannot loasouahly lie .Itato to gbu it a trial.
cu-iiosy- llo suro ou i;el tho "Phicvia:
SvitiT"(notl'eimlan Haik.) Sold by dealers gener
ally. A U.'-p.igo namphlet, containing a tiv.ill-e on
Iron as a im died agent nud other aluablo pi-r.s,
testimonials fn m dl.stlnrfuUlied pin, elorgj
inen and others, will lie sent fl. to nny nildiiss,
Sktii W. I-'owi.b a; suss, proprietors, sii llunbou
AU'Utiu, notion.
DVKIlTISIXfi: Cheap: Oood: .Svstcma-
tic All nersons who couucmnlatomakin!' con-
i.Tuls witli nowsnatiers lor tho lnscrlluii ofadver-
ttscmcuts, should send 8n cents lo (loo. p. Howell t
Co., 41 Park How, hew York, lor their i'A.Ml'III.KT
HOOK (nlnety.sevenlli iillllon,) containing ll.ii.snf
over '.'Hon newspapers and estimates, showing Uu
coat. Adveillsenients taken for leading papers iu
many States at a litmendous icduttlon lrompub
Ushers' i olis. (.it in. i ot. Jun. ls'inj.
limit Work, NHIIIT M'HNHS IN 'I ill': iilill.i:, mid
a m.ignlilelent NHW IHiOK Jilst Horn Pre-. 1
dress, .1. c. McCfliDV X CO,, I', Pa.
soul Charming, Mesiui-ihin, and Mani.ige 4 i 1 1 . 1 -.
showing how i intersex may and gain tin
lmo and infection of any person lliey choose luslnui
ly. i'rleoljy in ill, t-0 cenls. licmemlier, this Is urn
a mero (lieular, but a book of Jno pages, .dilivsi,
HLNT X Co., uu south llh M I'ldladelphU, Pa.
I l'LOYMi:N'I'.-"Ileaullfiili" '-Cbatnilngl" "till,
huw lou-ly!" "What mu they worth!" ao sin i
aro exelauiatlons by thoso w ho sen tlio largo i le .ml
new Cliromos prod need by tho Huropenu und Ame -lean
chromo Publishing Co, i;u-rv ono will want,
them. It reunites no talking to sell tho pu-luii .,
they speal: for UiuiusoHes. t am a.-sers, agents,
and ladles and gentlemen, out of cuiphn ment. will
Hint lids tlio liust opening cier offered l i make
money, for full paillcuhirssend stamp for losu
dentlal circular, Address, l', ol.LAso.N .v Co , i
Washington street, lloslon, .Mui-s.
. KOf
5 '-ISMgS&!
If hi . IS
PS "a if S a
Is J IS 8 0 Q p
l ! ? 1 1 fei P
If 9 S; g I g o