THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBUEG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. THE COLUMBIAN. 11 li O O 31 N II V It (I, VHl 11 A V, Aid. 27, 1S"i IUII Tlmo Tnlilo. LACKAWANNA fi llt.OOMSIlUlt(l UAH, ItOAl) wmiTii. nniT-rtt Aeeommoilatlon Train OX, Ai M. 7.3(1 A. SI. Mall Traill 7.30 A. M 6.' 3 P, It Exnrcss Train 1.4(11'. M. 11.61 A. M 5.04 P.M. CATAWISSA 11A1I. ItOAl). Accommodation Train Ms A. M. 7,no p. M. ltoirular Ktpress 8,M P. M. U,M A. M. Tlirungli cars on Kxprcss train cither to Now York or Philadelphia. Accommodation trnln runs between Caluwlss.1 and winiamsport. Xtr. I!. I Myers, collector for tlio Coldmiiian, will volt upon thoso Indebted to llilsonteo for tho pur nostof receiving tho nmounls duo. Wo trust that those Indebted will bo prepared to pay what they owo when ho culls bill lnot, they will again bo called upon, it will scarcely no tiemaniicii or us io nn mviliiftf f nr mnktni collect trim. blllforllin satisfaction of those dcslrlntf It wo w 111 Just Bay that M wo havo to pay cash for every thins ns wo (jo our purso Is not Ions or deep enougiuo noiu oui unless It is replenished, wnn bouiu wki ui iiiuminm-as. I'inback pantaloons nro tho latest male agony 1 Tlio bcccli nut crop In Sullivan counly U good. . Tlio granlinppers of tlio west nro said to lio "capital" food when propel ly slewed or boiled Try it who likes I In Allegheny county the camp meeting man x,rr Inivii minuted tlio nlan of cliarcimr an ad' mivloii to tho camp grounds an excellent ex pedient for paying expenses. Children or perron Biid'enng from infections ilUe.ves should never lio allowed In touch or fondlo rats ns they nro frequently tho means liy which contagion is carried to others. Judue Pearson, at llarrishurg, has fined five men $100 each for fishing wilh a seino in the Swatara creelt, above Jliddletown, and lo stand committed limit the sentence is complied with. Up in Sullivan county they complain that they have no npo tomatoes yet. They admit, too. that sleighing is not good lliero in August. I'utthey do boast that Ihero nro no inu'quitocs in that county. Hev. John Hewitt, of Ulnomsbiirg, has de clined a call from St. .lames' l''pic)pal church l'itHon, l'.i. AVc helievo this is tho third or fourth call Ihe reverend gentleman has declined within tho past year. The latest novelty ill skirts is theglazed cam bric to imitate sill;. The colors are plain black, navy hluo and violet, and Ihey are llouneed, eath llounco prettily scolloped with while cmhroi dery done wilh machine. A buggy hip cloth, marked with initials, was picked up on Saturday last at tho double track bridge below town. The owner can obtnin it by applying at the Col.UMlitAN olliee and identify ing it as his property. Some genius of a statistical turn of mind has arrived at tho conclusion that there are 2,700 varieties of apples, known by 1,800 names ;'J,'2()0 of pears, lOUof plums ."00 f our nativegiapes, 50 of currant", SO of raspberries and liOof black berries. Our townsmen, Messrs. Cieorgo llassart and 1'etcr Harmful, hnvo conuncnecd tho erection of a machine shop and foundry on the lino of the L. A 1!. U. It. near Kat street. They nro prac tical mechanics of years exiierieneo and hucclm will no doubt attend their enterprise. Catawis.i is a town of much proper ambition, and its merchants .loNllSifc Co., will eompaio favorably for energy and serving eii-lomers wilh good goods at the lowest prices with any in tho counly. There are larger towns in the world than (Intawist.i but no faiieror accomodating merchants than Jones ,0 Co. A gentleman in Philadelphia, last week had occasion to advertise in Ihe J'uhlic Iicihjer for "a femalu copyist who writes a good bold hand." Tho next day he received over six hundred let twin reply, and nnny of them told heau-rend- ing stories or tho tlcntiliite condition of tho wri , ters. This fact is proof of tho awful pressure of hard limes upon tho people. When the train was leaving thu Hlooinsbiirg i depot, on Sunday, for the negro camp inciting ; near Milton, some miscreant threw a stuue into Jncir window, badly cutting the face of a pas fsengor with broken fragments of glass. If tho i railioad niauageineiit has not nuimalion enough ! to detect and punish Ihe criminal it is about ' time that its decease be recorded. As it is probably possible to borrow a diction- ! ary for the occasion, wo perhaps could if wo would tit-fine lo the lli-nton Weellij man "what a eiowd is," but us we do not relish useless work we havetosay that if ho will appear on a Ilenlon sidewalk after pulling himself around a pintol grasshopper he may illustratoa certain variety of crowd, An exchange says that the cry comes from all ! tho watering places that there is a terrible scar jcily of beaux. Why doesn't some man of cap- litaland enterprise gather up a few hundreds f of tho young men who are loafing about the oslreeLs, dress them up gcntcely and take them to Saratoga, Cape May, Img llranch, Ac, and hire theui out to the girls for beaux at so much per Slay? There's millions in it. Hut, it isa good asigu that thriftless loafers art) growing seaiee fort-ii at watering places. Various intelligent newspapers seem lo share the opinion that the grand scare over Ihe threat ened uppearaneeof Jcllersou Davis us an agti iiltiiral orator in Illinois is a tiillo hysterical, liliot to say hollow. They evidently think thai the fact of Mr. Davis's leader-hip of the l!e- ibelliou has little to do wilh his opinion of Ihe I crop, and (hat If treason docs luri; inthoturnip. tMr.Davis is not likely lo extract it. When a new siiperintenilciit took charge of the Hloonisbiirgnnd Lackawanna railroad, it was hoped that there would bo reform in tho mall carrying service. Them has lieeu none. Vali um is as common as ever. Tho piinciplo upon which Ibis ruad is managed is to disobligo the people along the line as much ns possible. In clhcting that cud the management is nn eminent ibucccss, yet ill spite of their tactics Iho Harris- liiiitr malt reaches hero half tho time when it i .should, How to ThiiatTkahih. At this time, when I Uhu tramp nuisance is a subject uf general com : plaint all over the country, any reasonable plan for diminishing the number of vagrants nnd Ijiggars would ho welcomed, Iho H-nvliJie 1 Aiuurican suggests such a plan, Itealls tomiiid the stiddiu and tliectual manner In which Count lluniford cleared out Ihu vagrant who at one tiiiio had virtual possesion of H.ivaria, demone liting Iho people and threatening Ihu worst ol ; evil. 1 ho Htnacioiis count s remedy was ork. fairly rewarded, m presuilcd a.sloinakolndu-lry as altraetlvo as possible, but rigorously insi-tci I on. His plans for housing, ficdlngnndemploy I lug tho beggar class wciequletly perfectnl ; then 5-on tho first day of January, 1700, every beggar w as arretted and set In work. The law was : No Idhness, no beggary, no Ulrt or debauchery : but work for all, good food, klnd treatment, and Instruction hi tho way of Jioncst living, Inonoilaythoplaguoof beggary wai stopped. And it was not long beforo tho "iisjorlty learned to prefer tho comfort, tlect ncy laiiJrcipectablllty of honest Industry to Iheir 31 'Uler bmifttar. hlh-iies.l. dcballchrrv and crime. 'iii ihe expciiuicnt paid unanclally, Sugary wai hillslied, In live years tho va li:fntcla' had lf Imioself-siiiiiKirtlng, nnd Iheru Ivan n k,rS(t nuitt gratifying itsluctlon in the f-ITOMt 01 C 1 ((1 If nny body refuses lo believe that Bomo tim ber Is more crooked than any other that ever growi-U let him take a look at tho new tclcgrapl poles Btrung along Cenlro street. Ho will bo convinced. Tho telegraph is a nuisance In thai street Inlinllely mora o llian it would bo In any other street In town, tt is only another illustration of tho hopeless perversity of human lly that keeps It there. Tho American A'cirqxnw lleportcr Bays I A page of solid, lerao trade advertisements Isgen crally n map uf n hundred men's capabilities In life. When we conlcinplato doing business In a distant town, from its local advertising col limns wo get n true picture of tho men wo have lo deal with, a complete record of tho town, its commerce, its homo trade, tho facilities of Its store keepers, Its banks, and in nlinost every case we can estimate the character and feelings of tho men who aro soliciting public trade. Thendvcr- llsing pago is a map of tho town, record of Its municipal character, a business confession of the eitizens, and instead of being the opinionated production of ono man it is freighted with the life thoughts of a hundred. CAltl) OF THANKS. In reply to tho action and resolutions of St. Paul's parish, Hloomsburg, published In tho Co LUMutAN of Augut 1,'llh, Hev. John Hewitt bus it-lit us the following OAltl) Of THANKS. Govanstown, Mil., August 10, 1S75. To Ihoso whoso unselfishly and generously dis played Iheir sympathy and afiectloii for me and mine in tho heavy bereavement which a wise Providence recently visited upon our home, I hereby tender sineero thanks for pecuniary help and personal attentions which cannot bo enumerated; and wilh tears of gralitudo 1 pour out prayers lo a Ihronoof Divine love, that they may bo rewarded willi everlasting riches in mansions, reserved in Heaven. Very respectfully, John IIi:witt, Pastor St. Paul's P. K. church. TitAMI'fi AND Tlintlt J.ANUUAUI:. In speaking of tramps Iho Heading O.iullc says: It now appears that Ihey havo hiero glyphics which they use to communicate willi each other. They are simple chalk lines, on walls, pavements, doors anil boxes, attractive of no attention, suggestive of no meaning as these Uarksnipear,theyneveithelcss inform succeed ing vagrants of all they require. A cipher with a twisted lailprojeitingloward the place, indicates "Uo on," projecting fi om the place, indicates "Go away," Acrossis "Toopoor'aFquaroorparal lelogram, "CriKs, mind tho dog;" a trlangle,"Used up;" tho leilirO, with a cutter dot, "Danger ous;" anil wilh a central truss. "Ili-l i- niis;" u diamond shapid figuie, "Good, butchccRu your palter," don't talk too much. There is also a language of signs a panto mimic language in well understood use among tramps; and there aro cant phrase in use just as expressive and significant as those employed by thieves, burglars, and other clxsses. Itissome what curious to note that this cant language is steadily on the increas, and that many new ex pressions are being continually added. KOllllSlimm COItllllSPONDRNCU. Dr. Harder of this place was badly kicked by his horse last Sunday. Dr. Megarglo is attend ing him, and it is hoped by his many friends that ho will soon bo able to resume his practice. Kev. l'i-ank Patterson, of Potlsville, visited his numcious friends here a few weeks ago, and on Sunday before his departure ho dellvorid a in.i-leily discourse ton largo audience at tho Pii-byteriau chapel. 1'heM. ls. held their quarterly meeting here on Saluidiy and Sunday hist. The attendance was good, and Iho senium by Hie Presiding HI- der, very impressive. One of tho Kldi-rs of tho lower church considcied it his duty lo lep rimand lhu,i.fiicialiiigministcrof PishingiTeel;,' of n misih-me-mor. This su displeased the olli- t ialing niim-lcr and his friends that thev noti fied Hie elder lo appear hefoielhem on Saturday last at two o'clock. Ho made his appearance in duo limo and after a 'long delay they began to nsacmblo fiom all pails to hear tho trial. Tho Kldor quietly aro-o in older lo maka his state ment of Ihu case; butas tho "ofiieiating" seemed to think himself entitled lo the iloorat the same time, the cider left in disgust. At this point Rome of ihe Ai.uw anno nnd clapped their hands and stamped their No. sevens in a very noisy manner. When reproved hy an old lady one of them replied they wcro drumming him oil'. Docs this not speak well for tho piety, moral and refinement of those ladies? Tho tlntf iiiinUcr" then nad a small sheet in vindi cation of his character, while tho old minister sat by apparently wrapped in religious awe. Iho next session of tho Peiiu'a. Christian Conference, will bo held at their meeting house in this place, lo begin on tlio last Wednesday in September, of which we hope lo record much good. KoitKSMJlto, August 25, 1875. COUNTCltl'lUTINd IN MIS.SOUIII. Some eight years n-ro. Drown Weber rni.l Graham, wholesale druggists in St. I,ouis were loingtholarucst business in thoStiito of M Among other goods they sold largo quantities. of Specr's Port Grape Wine, which is pronounced the purest wine in market. In 18(18 ono or two members ol Iho linn conceived the idea of gel ting no a counterfeit of this wino hv ni.-il.-ln.. n cheap mixture of Ihivurins hiL'redienf wTth whiskey and water, nnd called it wine. With thisstull'lhey filled several thousand Imltles, put on a counterfeit label of Spier's wine, ami a counterfeit of Mr. Alfred Specr's signature over ino corn, ami supplied a majority ol Iho retail uriiggiMii iiimuguoui mo couniry west or tho Mississippi Kiver, who purchased it of 11. W. ci G. lis Specr's genuine Port Grape Wine. Tho trick was not di-envered until Ihe consumers re luuied Ihe stull'to their druggists as not fit for Use. Hearing of this in IKO'J, Mr. Sneer at once went from New .Icisey lo St. Louis, tmployiil met lives anil traeeil Iho liead-quarlers fordeal ng in this imitation of his wine in tho of llrown, Weber and Graham, Ilooomnicncod suit for isol 1,1 IIJII.II0 damages in the I'nileil States Court. Such dui'plion onlhepattof this hou-e allied them to lose their busine-s. au-l hefmc- the trial came oil the firm failed, and became wm'lhless. This slull'isoutnf exi-lence, Imviui! iioiled and hur-t the bullies, so that nonelsnow to ho found in tho market. The large yield from tho New Jersey vinyards' Iho last fow've.irs has enabled Mr. Spier lo icduee Iho price of his wine. His N'ew Jtrsey l'ort is far superior to anv herctnfiro put in the mat ket; none of which is holllcd until tour years old. It Is iircscrihu by physicians as tlio best and most reliable wino to lio had, Most Druggists thloughniit the country sell Spier's PoitGrapowine, Intlrinn iUnl, SoMirrniNii Ni;w run Hoksiimkn' The Great American Sole Leather Pad to lake Iho place of iho zlne nail heretofore In u-e. Tho advantages elaiiiied for thu Sole Leather Pad aro too numerous to mention, but wo will at tempt to tlcsiriho a lew ol Ihem. I-irsl. Iho sun will not effect tho Leather Pad at all, while it will the zinc nan. mauinir it a uio-t burn u- hot. tho result of which is that the horse's neck he- limit sore, and every horseman knows that leather Is healing lo hnrso llch. This we claim is a gieat advantage. Second, the Leather Pad Is considei-ahh cheaner than tho zino; t tlni- ureal ativanliiiro In liit'-o hard limes. Third, one Leather Pad will outwear Ihreo uf iho zitie pads, o mhdit recilo ti great many other ad vantages claimed for tho Great Aiueiiean Sole Leather rail, hut will leavelhonialterwilh own ers of horses, and they can call at Ihe establish ment of C, M, (iiitnn, Main street, Hloomsburg, and exam no Hie article to their satisfaction -Mr. tllrton Is tlio only pally in Hloom-huri.' who keeps this Pad. Ho has Just received tho largest stock ol Collars ever Imniirht to till place. Call and cxamhio hi stock, all of which IslTHST CLASS, H. M. Knorr takes this opiiortunlly to Ihauk his patrons for Iho liberal patiouage that has been I'XIciiiiih aim w i-ucs to aiiuuuuee to mo pun He lhat ho will sell ut cost, all goods, III Ills Hue In older to make loom lor l ull Goods, next week, comiuenellis on .Monday Ihu ..Id and cm) lug on the iMth, lor CASH ON IA Therewlll bo bargains for all and especially for who call lir.t. New lot of Hibbons, Ties, Hrown and other Hash Hibbons at Clark iV Wolf. O. (.!. Marr ktepi K for 1875. Hutlcrluk & C'u'u Piitlern Kvervthlnv In iho T-'nridlorn tltin rrtbtrril In ino lowest Hgtiro at l-iirman s, corner Alain and WmI Blld A largo lino nf Cheap l-'all Dress Goods at '.'.IS and .10 pruts hist rnclnil nl CI.-irL- noil s, Go to G. (3. Marr's f,,r M. ltnllosipl; At n.. Paltcrns, Hlack CiLshinero hist recelvrsl nt Clark ,t Vo!s. Extension Tallies at SI. 23 tier fuot and of his own make. You navo ono man' profit by buy ing nt 1-urman's, corner Main and West street. Large lino of Alnac-m from -10 cent lo S1.25 per yaid at Clark A: Wolf. You can buy Oueenswaro of Clark A Wolf nt cosi. iney want to close it out, People are carrvlnir shoes from H. SI. ICimrs's this week hy the ariushill. One hundred uoro hieh-luek (Tombs lust iv. celved atChuk it Wolf from 15 cent to!? 1.2-3 Don't bo too lato to L'et bariMuis nl. it. St. Knurr's, Ladles, try Clark & Wolf S1.75 l'oxod Gaiter. C. C. Marrhasthi- hit-frtiKt sir,,-L-r V. ick it Co's. Patterns in ton. Hair Hraids at Clark A Wolf. A full lino of Domestic Goods at Clark A- Wolf very cheap. Hargalns nt Knorr' all this week. New Goods nt 0. C. M-u r's. Heaver Cloth at Clark A VoIf's. Hush at Klioir's this weik. Selliinr .it nisi In make room for fall gojds l'ivo uross more of Ihoso cheaii Huehci at Clark .6 Wolf's. Good clean Coal to bo had nntv f ('.. W. Neal A llro. 32tf Cheese! Cheese! Cheese! l'ino nssnrlmeot of Cheese at Itussel's. TOWANDA HOOTS! TO WANDA HOOTS! liny, try ihem and voii will nlu-.-im want ihem. l-'or sale at MeKi"nney'H who is solo ngent for Hurt's fine Shoes. Hussel has lust reci-ivid a frrsh snonlv uf Apples, Ihuianas, Oranges, Lemons, Pino Ap ples, A.c. Kxamiuc his slock. Don't ho woiried and anoveil with nnlv n lioor quality of Coal hut dirt'v and slalv besides, but buy of O. W. Ni:,u. & Hno. who 'deal only ill the best qualitii-s. 82lf llusst'l is receiving fresh Watermelon. Can- telopeit, Hauanas Ac., daily. Wyoming Sp.minauy and CoMsniuciAr, Coi.l,i:tin. Acconimodiitinns for ajl) boarders and as many day scholars. Students prepared lor college, piolcssioual sludy, teaching ami bu siness, thorough instruction ami di-i-inlinc. Ruikiii''. wholesale and retail business, railroad ing, etc, praitically taught. Next term opens September 1st, l-'or catalogue, containing a bcaulilul steel engraving of tho Seminary and for illustrated Commercial Journal address Hev. D, Copclaud, Principal, Kingston, Liuernc coun ty, Pa. On commercial matters address L. L. Sprague. tlw Good news and New Goods. Ladies' Ties. Km- broideries, Linen Collar and Cull's Linen Handkerchief, Towels and Napkins, Table .nuns, Water I'rools, Heaver Uloths and lots ol thtr New Goods iiiat received at Lul. t Sloan's at the very lowest cash prices. Fine block of Huhbers at McKinney's. l'armers in want of first class articles of Thlcshers and Cleaners; also, one and two orse J read rowers, call on or address ,J, ,M., Light Street, Columbia County, Pa. iliu HA UN 1CSS ! 1IAHNKSSI! C. S. Kiirman has on hand nt his establish ment soino of the finest and cheapest sets of sin- le anil double 1 Unless ever made m ISIoonis- liiirir. n.ich set of his Harness will show for it self lhat skilled workmanship lias been brought into requisition to make them what they art- first chivt in every respect. Mr. l-'urmau uses none but the best of stock in his Harness, as nn examination of them will prove. Ho invites all in need of Harness to call and sccfortheni-clvi that the above statement is not an exaggerated one. C. W. Niut, t-Hi!0., spare no expenso to'send out nice Coal. 'AM fln to Hushi:i,i,'s for your Groceries, lie sells for cash nnd will not be undersold. Kaumiuis, Attention. Hrs.-i:t, takes Hiiller iggs, Lard and Produce in exchange for goods. Pewter Sand for sale at lUi.ssr.i.'H. Tobacco and Confectioneries, wholesale and retail by M. SI. Kus,el. - T Granulated Sugar for sale at Kusisiu.'h. If you want a first class Kami Wagon, If you want a Platform Pleasure Wagon, If you want an Kliplio Spring Wagon, If you want a Plea-uro Wagon, If you want your Wagon put in good tiim, If you want repair dune good with shoit notice, Go to J. H. l-'.vu.-. Oat Meal for sale at Husscl's. Call nnd try il. If you want a good Ham, 11 you want cheap and good Tea, If you want Coffee Java or Ilio, If you want food Canned Fruit, If you want the best Mackerel, If you want Sugar for tho least money, If you want tho best Syrups in town, If you want good Cigars, If vtm want good Tobacco. If you want anything in tho Grocery nnd rovisiou line, go to Ilushi:i,1,'.s, Main'strcct. tt-o Vlien vou iro lo Philadelphia slop at tlio Allegheny ilou-o, No. S12 ami 811 Mar ket street ; iiuwng men recently reiiovaieu, tico only per day, A. iii:ck, March lH,'7.3-ly Piopiietor. All Coal slated and screened beforo leaving tlio old established coal yard of ('. W. NliAI. A lino, --u Genuino Mason Fruit Jar for sale at M. M. Iluwcl', COAL. COAL lllil IMahlishoil Coal Yuvil. C. W. Ni:ai. & Hltfi.. Wholesalo it Itelail Dealers in nil sies of tho best qualities ol ltcil and Whito Ash Coal, ut thu very lowest market rates, llavn constantly on hand largo ntneks of Domestic, Cupola, Hlacksmitli's Anthracite, Hituniinoiis, and Liuicbiirner'is Coal, Kspci-ial attention uiveii to tho iirepara- tiou nf coal before leaving our yards, Grain uml Lumber taken in exchange fur coal, Conl delivered to any part of tlio town at Hhort police. Orders fell ut I. W. MeKelvy's store, or at our office, w ill receive nroiupUit- ten on. uiiiioaiiu varus at wiiiiani icin A Hons' Furnace, Lust lilooinsbiirj;. Your tiatronagu respecllully solicited, COAL. l7-tl2.- COAL Marriages. On Iho mil lust., by Hev. Win, (I, Ulule, Mr JACOII IIOWIIS, of I'atttvvlssa township, to Miss CIIHIsTIANA HOAi'H.of Itoailngcieek luwnshlp. On thol'ilh Inst., ut Iho resldenco of the I Hide's parents, by Hev, J. A. Irvine, Mr. JOMU'll, of Shenandoah Clly, to Jllvs OATAIIIilNU SNV- Hint, of Hloomsburg. At tho homo ot iKo bride, Mill Drove, I'a., August, 81st, IstJ, nt bimrise, by Itev. Henry H. Mendenhall Miss A.MAMM, oniy uaiii'iiiertu jur. n. n. wise, io Mr. SU.AS YOl'.Nd, ot Numi-dltt. On Iho lith Inst., In orangtvllle, by Kev, N, Kpcar, Mr, 0, M. IMIHISTMAN, of Hloomsburg, to .Ml HAltAII ZfHIII.UH.ot Mt. I' At tho resldunco ot tho oriicljilng mlnhtcr, on Sunday, August leih, lil, by K. I.'. Or Is, Mr, (ICO, KVKItlf IT, ot I'alrinount tow nshlp, I.iuemo itiunly, to Miss HAU.U1 A, I'OUST, of Henton Uiwnihlp, Columbia coilnty, I'a. On Ihe Sid ot Aligns, ls7D, by Henry C, Ilt-ss, Ilsq, ut his omen, In Sugiirloaf township, Mr, T, s I'KWAIll) pol hi . of Heuion, loiunibia county, nnu .miss m.i. PIIA VANIH'SUN, (it Thoiueilale, Sulllvuu county, I'll. Deaths. In Jackson township, Columbia county, on Tues day, August 10th, lsir., Mr.JACOII WATTN, aged 39 j ears, A montlis n nil 7 day. At llspy, on (Sunday lust, after a lingering lllncne, Mr. W1M.IAM JIII,Ni:s, oged about 74 year. Il A RKKL'ltEPO RTsr HLOOMSHUHG MAHKKT. Wheat per bushel $ l.M UjB ,, HI Corn " .hi) Hat " M l'lour per barrel 7.uu riovi-rsred 7.00 Fl.u.sccil J.m iiuticr 3) I'gua is Tallow ,., , lis Potatoes , Ml lirlril Apple , 10 Hums to sidcsAShouldora 1-2 hard per Mimd is Hay per ton-. lii'i-swa an Ulnolliy Seed 4.W til'OTATIONS roil CO Ah. No. 4 on Whai f t 4,no per Ton No.B " " f " No. il " " t 3,rs) " " lllaeksmllh'sl.uinponwiuiit $ 4,ii " " " lltliimlnouH " c,uu " " TOWN AND COUNT11Y. Scs rises B o'clock M lalnutes seta 0 o'clock 34 mliitites, o (loi.i Is now quoted nt a premium of about 113 In other words green b.u-ks are about 13 percent, below par. o Hi.ank Drmw, on I'aielunent and linen paper, com mon imil for Administrator, llxeeulors and Trustees, tor salo cheap at the to i-miuan ofllce. o "l-'ivi: JIist'TKS ron lHiini.siiMHNTS." Kvcry body who has tnueledby railroad has heard Iho above nntioimri'mcnt, anil has piobably mirfercd from eat ing too lustily, Ihtieby sowing tho seed ot dyspep sia. It Is a comfort to know lhat tho I'eruU.m Syrup will cure the worst cases of dyspepsia, as thousands have It-Milled. o WIllIIli: TO AllVKIlTIsn. A. T. Stewart sajs Iho best advertising mediums ho has ever found "aro tho old established organs of tho two pull I leal parties, at tho several county seals throughout the Union." "These," ho says "reach every family of tho least account In their several count lc.i, nnd are more cart fully read than any oilier class of Journals." It Mr. Stewart's Judgment Is of value, there Is no illnlcully In deciding which paper Il Is for Ihe Interest of business men to advertise In Tho I'oi.mou Dkmocii vt, upon which this paper Is pal Hally founded, w.vs established In lsoii, nndthc t'ot.t-Mi'.lAN now enjojs a wider circulation and greater prosperity than It ever did. It goes legular ly Into two thousand families In Columbia and ad joining counties, and by most of them Is read from Ih llrstto the hist line. Ills tho only recognised oiponcnlcf neatly live thousand Democratic, voter In the comity, ltglves ndvcillsemeiils a tasty dis play, thai nukes Ihem attractive to Its patrons, thus ensuring greater ccilaliily that. Ihey will jieruso Ihem. Whllo lis circulation I iundoubtcdly much tho largest In ihe counly, tlm advertising latcs of the t'oi.i-MiUAN are no higher than those of other papers wilh barely halt and several not one-fourth tho num ber of Biili-cilbeis. l'aels like Hit-bo speak for them-Mlu-s. No shrewd business ninn will neglect lo In sert his advertisements In the Coixmman tf. o Many who nro suffering from tlio effects of tho warm weather anil aro debilitated, nro advised by plivslelans lo I.Ike moderate amounts of whisky two or three times dining the day. In a llltlo while t hose w ho adopt this iidvleo frequently Increase the number ot "drinks," and In time become confirmed Inebriates. A beverage which will not create thirst for Intoxicating liquors, and which Is Intended espe cially for Iho benefit of debilitated persons, whether nt homo or abroad, Is Dr. Sehciick's Sea Weed Tonic. Containing tho Juices of many medicinal herbs, this pieparatlon does not create an appetite for tho In toxicating nip. The iiouil-ldng nnd tho self-sup-poi ting properties of many valuablo natural produc tions contained In II and well known to me. Ileal mi n havo a nuM stieiiglhenlng Imiiieucc. A single bottle of the Totile will demonslrato its valuable qualities, for tU-MHIy arising from sickness, over exert Ion or from any rauso whatever, a wlneglassful uf Sea Weed Tonic taken after meals w 111 strengthen the .stomach and crcatonn nppeHtefor wholesome food. To all who aro about leaving 1 heir homes, we ilislio to say that Ihe excellent eilecls of Dr. Schenek's seasonable remedies, Sea Weed Tonic, and .Mandrake l'llls, nro particularly evident when taken by (hose who me Injuriously arfeetcd by a change of water and diet. No person should leave homo with out taking a Mipply of thebo safeguards along. l'ir by all Diugglsls. o itihi-'V Tin: sphinhs oi-" It Is aslno qua non of health, that thesouices tf vitality, tho "springs of life," should be fieo from conlamlnatlnn, 'Iho iiaids which, by their action uiM.'i the food, transforms It into blond, and the great vital nutriment Itself, must bo pure, It tho muscles, the bones am! the brain are to bo properly nourlshcd nnd kept vigorous. To this end the stomach, tho liver, tho bowels and tho kidneys should perform uninterruptedly their various func tions, sliico If theso am disturbed tho vital llulds Kpeedlly heeonio tit luted. The best, nay, tho only blood tlepurent which purines them, by overcoming Ihoso bodily Irregularities which produeo them, Is llostctter's stomach Hitlers. Tho principle upon which lids .salutary alterative acts Is as simple as It Is philosophic. Tho origin of most diseases, and in v.iil.ibly Ihoso which affect tho organs above men tioned, Is weakness, caused by liisuMclent assimila tion of tlio food. Tho Hitters speedily rectify the auso of Iho dllllculty by restoring vigorous tllges- tluii, all parts of tho physical structure uro supplied wlih an abundance, ot pure, rich blood. This Increases tho ntllvhyof thodtscharglngorgans, and cnablo Ihem to throw off tho effete matter, which, rankling In tho system, destroys health. This bodily refuse having been got rid of, nnd per fect assimilation ro-eslabllshed, there Is nothing to prevent a healthy and ni tlvo pcrformnnro of tho vai Ions f unctions, such lielngtho exse, It Is plain that Iho Hitlers aro not only tho most reliable siuin- ichle, but an er.ullcant ot thoso diseases of the liver, bowels and kldnrys which contaminate tho springs ot life. i:. p. in'Nur.iH mrnnt wink ot-' ikon, Has never been known to fall In tho euro ot weak ness, attended with sj mptoias, Indisposition to ext r t'ou, lo-v, of uicnwry, difficulty of breathing, general weakness, horror of dlsehsc, weal.-, nervous, tremb ling, dreadful horror o( death, night sweats, cold fi et, weakness, dimness, of vision lauguor, universal I.issltudoot the muscular svslem, enormous appe tite, with dyspepllc system, hot hands, llu.shhi'' of, drvnessot iheskln, pallid countenance nnd i-upl Ions on Iho lace, putting tho blood, pain !n Iho back, heiivlniss or Ihu t-jclhb, frequently bhu k spot i li) lug before the cjos with temporary suffusion ami loss ot wimt of attention, etc. These symptoms all uilse fiom a weakness, nnd to remedy lhat. use i:. 1'. Kmikd's lilt tor Wino ot Hon. It m-ver fulls, 'thousands are now ciiJovIiil' heallh who have ustd It. t.'tt iho genuine. Sold only In l buttles. Take only K. 1'. Uniikcl's. Depot und of llce, No. SMI Noith Mnlh SI., Philadelphia, l'.i. Ask for Kmikel's Hlller Wine of lion. Tldslrulj valuable tonle has bun bo Ihoiouglily leslutby all classes of the community that It Is now deemed In dispensable as a Tonlo medicine. 11 costs but little, purities Iho Mood and gives tone to tho stomach, rinovatisthosjblem and prolongs lite. I now only ask u malar this valuablo tonic. Prlco I perbolile. II. r. Himkel, Solo Piopili lor, No. 'AMI Ninth Ninth sr., below Vine, Philadelphia, I'a, Ask lor Kunkil's lillltr Wine t-f Iron, and take no other. II Is sold onl In it b Hies, wilh a photograph of the propi let or on each vv rapper, nil other Is countci fell. Sold by all druggUts. T.VI-K WOHSI liKVIOVlMl AllVK. Head and complete In two hours. No feo t ill head passes. Seal, 1'ln and stomach Wonns lemovtd hy nr. Kiinuel, Wi Noilh Nlnlh SI. Advice free. No fie until tint il. Ask. for Kmikel's Worm Svrup. l'l loo, II, und guaranteed. Send fur circular. COURT PROCLAMATION. "WrilKHKAS, Hie lion. William Ki.ww.l, ITenldciil Judge ol Ihot'oiiil ofojer and I'eriidni-tiiiid (leneiul J i'l Hcllv cry, Court of Quar- Icr Sessions of the ivateand the Court of common Picas and orphans' Com t In tho vcih Jmllclal Ills. 1 1 1ft. t-oniiosed ot Ihe eiiunlles of Columbia and Montour, and Ihe Hons, lit v m Diuui and Lsvao S, MositoK, Assoclale J udges of coluiabla counly, haw Issued Iheir prtivpt, be.iilng dale the nth day ot May., hi tho jearot our Uird ono thousand eight bundled and bttenly-tlve, and to mo directed for holdlhgacourt of oyer nnd Termini rand tleneral (mallei' Sestluns of Iho Peace, Court ot Common Fleas and oi plums' Court, hi Hloomsbiiig, in tho counly ot Columbia, on Iho lht Monday, being the Clh d ly of September next, loeontlnuo two weeks. Milium is iieri-ny given to tho Coroner, to the Jus. tlecs it iho Peace, und Iho constables ottho Mid county of Columbia, that Ihey bo Iheuund therein lime proper pel sou nt lit o'clock In Mm foienoonot suldi'Jh day nf Seileiulr, with Hit lr records, luipd. billon and oilier lemembiaiicea, to do Ihoso thing which to their ofllce api italn to bo done. And Ihoso that are Iwuiulby iceognUanco (o moHivule ngaliist tho pilwinci that moor may IkiIiiUio J.ill til ino bum county ii iniuiuuiu, lo Ui tlu-ii and there lo piohtsiuto Ihinius bludlbii Jii,t, Jurorsaro re- (lUcsled lobe punctual In llii-lr attendance, iigi eeabh In their notices. Haled lit Hlotiiusburg Iholllh da ) nf Mtgusl, In Iho ear of our lord mm I. ... ........ ... , (v ,,,,u,i4 iiiii, ra-l em, -, - - J untl Iii I Iii iiUKl.-iiliilhjtarof tho ludi j. ndeniijuf Ihe I nlb d stult mt iMniildi, Shell lis Ofllce, MRHAHIiOllOVHIt. Hloomsburg, August U to fchetlff. Juries for Sept. Term, 1875. OUANI) .mitOUH. lllnom-t!. r. Itnapii, t;. A, Mojer, Herwlck-c. H, liavenporl. Heavrr-,tohii Khuin.ui. Hilarcieck -linos Adams. Centie-llliaiii Whitman, Thomas llrobst. centralla-liavld Welsh. i'on ngnain William tioodmnn. I'raiikllii-Win, (I. I l.sher, Haiilel llnacland. rixK-ust-Kobcrt Watklns, l.'noch Kesltr, Isnlah Sharfcr. Minim Isaac Andrews, Anron Hess. Mudlson-Wiish Wclllver, John sil lier. Montourllcnry iJiarus, Lewis Itolli. oiaiigo-Abniui Dlldlne, Jacob Snj tier, Scolt-t'.c, In-nth. Sugarloa t Win. 1 1 u rll ngcr. THAVKHSU .IUHOHS. MUST WKKK. liloom-Cnlcb llarton, A. Tirwlilegcr, 1.. T. Eharp Icsss, Audievv llui.slnxer, sol, 1'ostir. Henvcr .losh. shiiman. Henton Clark Hrlnk. Calawlssu llamllion nshcr, ltiighci. Cenlie .lacob Sponster, John Walters. Convngham Win. Iluiburt, Cenlrafla John tloiey. (ireonwisjd-tleorKo iilrlon, Daniel Wclllver. IWmlock-Hamuol old, H. n, Uldy. Jackson Henry Wagner. MicustMa) berry Mivder, Win. Irwin. .Madison John M. smith, James Klstler. Main I), s. Ilrown,.!, It. Jninl.son, Joslah Drum. Jit. I'lvrtMint Wm. Oman. Jtllllln .lacob Hrown. .Montour Wm. I'. Mouser. orange D. H. Huyman, c. W. Iflvy. Honrlngereek Jenks liver, Scott A. C llagenbueh, Charles f-o. Uugarloat Wm. case, Hmanucl Dlltz, A. Cole. SKCOVIl WKKK. Illoom A. .T. I'.vans, W. S. Conner, 0. M. Knorr. . Ilernlck Lovtl Kurtz, 1). c. Jlclleury, Jleidecal Jackson. Henton John Kcler. Heaver Nathaniel Hrcdbcnder, Conrad lircdbcn der. llrl.ircrcek Wm. 11. Vroas Levi CotlrlRht. Catawlssa-lleiijamln Harudt, John, John Mensch, M. v. II. Kline, John I,, shuinaii, c. W. JlcKtlvy, cenlro -om. TI. Hess, Wm. Hennli, H.D. Knorr, i-'lshln-'eieek -Daniel smith, Moid Carver, Hiram Crawrord, I'eter I less Kline. Hemlock ivtcr Wcrkhelser, Sr. Jackson -.1 im Hatdz, A. J. Derr. JladlM)n-.l..lui Allen. Jit. Pleasant Samuel Nolton. Miniln-slohn Wlntersteen. Jlontour Alfred Iv nn. Orange John Vnnllew. Heotl .lacob Tcrvvlllecer. siigarloaf Wm. A. KHe. "1 KGLSTL'K'S N'OTICK. iV Notice Is hereby given I o nil legatees, crcdl-lui-s nnd other persons interested In Iho estates or thnrespeclliodccenileiilsand minors, Hut Ilia fol lowing administration und guardian accounts have been llled In Iheotlleo ot thu ItecMer of t'nliimlii.i county, and will be presented fur continuation and uuumiiH-u iii urn uiiii.ins t oun io ihi neiii in liloomstmrg, on Wednesday, thu sih day of Sentem- ber, , lsii, at 2 o clock, p. in. on Raid day: 1. Account of William Maust nnd Joseph Jlaust, HKeenloi-Stif JoaCIiIi Jlaust.t.Llenr .M.iill.snn fntviisliln. d-.ceased. 2 Aeeounlor Joshua rrlt,Admhil.strator of Hiram llaker, tale of Jackson township, deceased. 3. First and Ileal account nf li.nlil M.istr-rs. rm-ir. dlan of row It r Io ons, minor child ot Hobei I J, I.vons, lato of Pino township, tieeuiued. 4. First nnd limit account ot John 71. llettlcr, Exec utor of Henlamlti Vobe. latnnr Miiuin triwnshin. ii... ceased. 0. 'I ho second and account or K. Krtpir- baurn and -lose pi i Ash. Atlmlulsiratoi's of Jacob Ash, ui iciiu,ii tunusuip, ucccii.seu, . Account of 11. 1". Itat tin, (lu.irdlanof John JI. Smith, minor child of J. 1'. sinllh, lato ot tlreeuvvood township, Ueceased. 7. Klistiuul final account ot John II. llettlcr. Ad mlnlsiralor of William J. Hannah, lato ot Jllllim township, deceased. 8. Second und llnal account ot John If. llettlcr. Administrator of Michael fry, lato of Jllllim town ship, deceased. 9. Account ot llllllngton Itucklo, Administrator of Isaac Selgfreld, l.Uo of tho town of Hloomsburg, de ceased. 10. Account of James s. JleNlneh, fluardlan ot .Mary 1). I'enstt-rmacher, inuior child nf Hllast'cu slermacher, lato ot Columbia counly, dcce.iscd. 11. First and llnal account ot Amos K Heaeock. Adinlnlslriilor ol Hllzabeth Kester, lato of Jladbon township, tleceastd. 12. First account ot William It. Cox, ono of Iho Ad ministrators of Wesley Johnston, lato of Jtadtson township, deceased, 13. Second supplemental account of Peter Knt, i:eculurtif Jlatthew JlcDovvcll, lato or Scott town ship, deceased. 14. First and llnal account of Ix-onard H. Itupcrt, Heculorot IthodaAnn Itiiicit, lato of tho town of Hloomsburg, deceased. 15. Account or. James McAlarnev, llxceutorof flco. Lougenberger, lalo of Heaver township, deceased. Hi. First und llnal account of Anna Cummin, Ad ministratrix of Jloses colimiui, lato of tho town of Htooinsbuig, deceased. 17. First and Una! account of Freeman Sltlcr and Simon Sltler, AdmluMraloisot John hitler, Into ot Centre township, deceased. 1S. Account of c. II. Ilnnkwnv, fluardlan of John S. Owens, minor child of Juhn i Owens, late of Co lumbia counly, dei o.u,ul. 19. First nnd partial account of Wm. Harris and James A. Harris, Administrators nf Jacob I Ian Is, lato of Hemlock low uslilp, deceased. '.'il Account or Andrew Luubach e.nd John fl. batl bach, Admlslr.itiU's n( rrederlek l.tubacli, lato or sug.ulour township, ileei-a.sed. 21. Aceounl or John Helnbold and Samuel lifln lild, Hveeulers or James A. Fox, late of Locust low nshlp,. deceased. 22. Second am) llnal account of Samui 1 Ciensy, Ad inlul -.t liilipr ul Iteniy W. Creasy, late ol Seoltlovvi hhlp, dec-.l-l d. 23. First ai roimt of Stephen It. Miller, Administra tor cum li-siaiiM-iilo uniu-Mi of John tiller, lato of Mimluur townslilji, dece.ised. 21. Aerniiiitof John A. Funston, Administrator of Wilson Allen, late of Madison lowiHilp, deceased. us. First and llnal account of Lewis cieasy, Ad mlnlsi i utur uf Dav la creasy, late ot Jllllllu tow nshlji, deceased. 2d. Tin- llnal account nf Charles of John I rln, minor child of John 1'ilti, sr., late of Catawlisu, twp., tleceastd. Itcglslci-'s Office, ) W. II, JACOHV, Illoomsbiirg, July u, ls75. litglster. I- 1ST OK t'AUSLS 1-OH THIAL AT SKI' J THMHHltTHH.M, ls7.-,. Mt. Carmel savlni; Hank vs J. 1). Mellenry. 1'atson, shubert .v: Co. vs J. D. Mellenry. William ohey vs Oliver H. Vohey. Oliver Yohev vs William Vohey. John J. Mellenry vs Jonas Doty and Mlron Fellows. Loander carman's Admr., vs William Aprleman. Chrlsll.ur Wolf vs 't he Noillut West Hraiich It. It. Co. Wellington Hughes vs Philip Sponcbergcr. i:. 11. John's Admr., vs Aaron drover. Kit Kendlg vs Daniel Morris. T. S. Smith vs Tho School Directors of Henton Dis trict. William Snyder's IIxt's. vs Tho Town of Hloomsburg. William Harris vs Hervvlck llolllng Mill Company. I). S. Morgan K Co. vs. Samuel Johnson. SKCONI) WKKK. Aaron Harrel vs Tho Lycoming FIro Insuranco Com pany. William T. Andrews vs D. V, Scybert. H. 11. (iulo vs II. McOready. First National Ii.inlc of Hlooomsburg vs Charlos Lee, ct al. First National Hani; of Hloomsburg vs Jcsso I), Hlco. Levi Klnley vs N. S. Campbell. A. T. Ikeler v s Jonas Doty. John Ileacock vs. Jonas Doty. Pardee, MjiUIo .V, drier vs II. (i. ('reveling. First National Hank of Hloomsburg va (ieorgo Cava- nee, et ah Ch irles M, Marplo's F.xi 's. v s Knot Jocoby. SaniucI J. Case vs Jonas Doty, WUsuu Clh". iinvn Jonas Doly. M. (I. Hughes vsJcbse 1). Illce. M. (I. Hughes vs. Oscar I', i-.l.t. I.. F. Davis v Jonas Doty. Jesse Ilartinan vs Jonas Doty. II. Call in Hobblns vs F.U-hiMuiItz, ct al. Vtistlno Hoone vs 11. (1. Cii-vellng. John J, Mellenry vs 1). I.. ,t W, 1!. I!, Co, lhailne Mosleller vs Anlhony Slng'ey, llcnjamtn Wlntersteen vs William lloughtcn. st cy John vs II. o. Cr. vcllng, 1 1 al. F.ll.ts Miller vs Philadelphia ft Heading Hall Hoad Co. John Mecalla's IX'r., vsl Ieorgo Luce. Chailcs W. Fran!.' use, vs Simon Chailes. Kestv ,t Hodlne vs s. J, I'auv, ct al. Ira 1'ealer's Aihn'r., vs Sylvesler Fealel's Adm'r, The Screw Jlovver and Heaptr Co, use, vs J. N. Turnbach. I). F. sejbei t vs Philip Appleman. Mary Jle.Marnej's use, vu Simon I'. Kase, ct al. Itachcl Hobblns vs Sharpless d Son, David J. Waller vs Hank of Hlonni' burg. . Joseph It. Kvans vs rilas Olger, I.. Kramer vsch.iileslt. names. Milton chailcs vs J. D. Hlce, et ill. Fr.iru Is Hlcherl iim, vs W. II. Helnhold, et al. Jcsso Colt man vs Tim Town of Hloomsburg, Isaac : Yeller vs .lacob (lining's Adm r. HUalieth W. Sanders s William Si ln-i-kteilt-. Williams .fcChalfuiilvs h. II. (lule. Nelson Hrandon vs William T Shuman, Allnas Cole's ue, vs 'I'hoinas II. Cole, It t ro tenant, Allnas Cole's Use, vs Thomas II. Cole, lerre tenant. .Minus cole's tisn, vs Thomas II. Cole, u n o tenant, William Mllnes vs Michael (Irovtr, sheriff, H. F. ZAKH, Hlooomsburg, Aug. la lr. 1'iolhonoluiy, DIVOItCK iNOTICIi Fanny II. Jenkins hy lii-r nost filcnd William T. shuinaii vs. John s. Jenkins. In tho court of Common Pleas of Culuiubl i fount v. Alias Siibpaui.t 111 HI- HI i n. To John S, Jenkins, Hi-spoudent: Yon will uleaseinke iioilee that tho Cntirt deied Ion In l- lniulo on joii to show cuiiso vv-nv a invoice, a vinculo loan nioiill slimiM nut lui tletli e.l In tho uhiivcc.isti. Will reluiiuibloou thu 111 -l .sionil.iy l'l nepu-iiiiH-r, ., ll s,r,. rersoii.u si ivice navin luiieii neeauso nf viuii- at 6Ciice. MICilAHL (IHOVKIt Hi'simsiuire, Aug. '.'."iii it sheriir I IjMIN'IKTUA Toll's NOT1CI0. 1 KSTlTK 01- JOHN 0.sT, i.l-KSKn. I.elti'1-s ot Ad I'lulsli-allnn on Iho esluto nf John itMi, i. in-ut iiii.ui it i- iowiikiiip,i-tiiiiiiiinat'uuiiiy ilivi an d, have Isi-n liianied by Iho lieguter of s.ili counly. In Hllas Vnsl und Hmaiuu l Vni .nr im.ii- t'l-ecli luwuslihi. All iM-i-suiis having fhdius against tho i-stale nf I lie d'wdinl. aro leipiesti tl to iiiiseiil llii-hl far -a-lllt-liienl. and Ihoseluilebleil linliiu.i.iiiii to make pivineiii lo ihu unuerh,'ni'dadmlnlali,iluis wiiuutit ui-uiy, l.l.l.vsi Vlivi, ,. , . H.MANI'HI. YOST, Aug, C, "m-U.. Adinhdsiiutors, TVTI'AV YOllK' Ti:iiirN-i:. "Till: li:ai- iv. yi'.vvi-iui ti M.vtsi'u'Hii, t ni:s Aim H'llsiNd Ml.HIl M. Dally, tiuui car, stud vvi-i SIJ, t--. I' I ice tl Ihe Sill. Tiber, Six-elmcn Copli nnd Auviillilii" ittb 'lit Weekly, Intluli t'r oriaoie'omy ji, puslagi luld. Address Tim Tin """ii'i i tittu id io-iy, SILERLFFS SALES. TY vlrlue nf siimlrv writ of Venditioni V.x- .1 ) lHinnsand Fieri Fix" his Issued nut of I hn Court in t oiiunnn ricaso oi i nii-iuoia ennui), aim to on- iii rccted, will In) ejt)iosi-d to public sato ntlhoCOlllT llousl:, In Hlooinsliurg, on Miiiiilny Hie lilli tiny of Scilrmlirr, ISio, nt ono o'clock, p, in., thu following tlcsctlbtd proper ty, to-witi All that certain teal eslato Htuato In Scott town shlpi bounded on Iho noithby Main street ot tho town of font-, on the t-nst by nn alley, on the south by an ullcy, and on tho weslbynlotof AlonzoDodi.", Is lng 1731.1 feet deep and feet In wldlh. situ do In Scott township, Columbia county, whrreon Is citcted n two-btoiled frnino hoiiso and other out buildings. scHi-il, taken Into execution and to bo sold as tho property ot Jt, C. Jlccolluni. ALSO, All that certain lot ot Inml sltuato In tho Townot Hloomsburg, Columbia county, bounded un Iho north by a public road lending to Hspy, on the east by lot of A Noble, on tho south hv un alley, and on tho West by lot of M, C, Woodward. In front Ml feet and Indeplh 2-nfeet, on which aro erected a two-story brick dwelling house, frame sUtbleniidoul-bullihngH, Seled, liiken Into execution and lo bo bold its tho property ol Jonathan t hronilsc, ALSO, All that, crrUdn lot nf ground flluito In Iho Town ot Calawlssu, t.'alavvlssa lownshlp, Columbia county, bounded on Ihe north (In It) by land of Thomas I). Harder, on tho t-nst (isr, tl.) by public, road to Paper .Mill, on iho south oui it.) by lot of H. I). lihiuriLiuid in ins west (I2.ift.)by Foiulh bll'cet, on which nro creeled a ono and one-halt btrory dwelling house, it stable and out-buildings. Seized, taken Into execution nnd to bo sold as tho proinrty of Isaac Tlioinpson. ALSO, All lhat certain lot ot hutdsltuatn In tho Town of Hloomsburg, Columbia counly, bounded by an alloy on Iho west, by lot of Daniel .Miller on Ihe ninth, by Inlng about Wfett In front nnd son feel In depth, wheieon aro ertclcd it two-story framo dwelling housn and ouMailldhigs, Selztsl, taken Into execution nnd to bo sold as tho property of A . T. Slaj man. ALSO, All lhat certain real estate bounded on the north by Main street ot the Town of Hspy, on tlio east by nn alley, on tho south by nn alley, and on Iho west ny iot.t.1 rtionzo poiige, ocuig huh ici-i otcpanus-ju feet In width, sltualo In Scott township, Uilumhl counly, v?liereon It erected a two-stoiled framo houso und uul-bulldlugs, ALSO, All lhat certain pieco of laud slluato In Hrlarercck tow nshlp, Columbia county, adlolulng land of John Van I'elt. on Iho north, Archibald Fowler on tho south, Wm. Kline on the we ,t, and Dennis slberl on Ihe cost, containing thlity acres mnio or less, where on are creeled a ono and one-half btory Hotel, a shed and other out buildings. Seized, taken Into execution and In lie fold as the ureoerlv of William Linden, wilh notice to tcneten- ants. ALSO, All that lot cf land slluato in tho Town nf r.snv. Columbia county, l'eliiisjlvanla, bounded and de us rollows, to-wlt: lly an alley on the west and iioilli, nnd ontho east by lot of Huller Htlgar, ami south m .Ma n street. Sa d lot be nt? s xtv feel, In front nnd one hundred and seventy.tive rei-t deep, bo the same moieor leM.vvheieou are erected a two story house and stable. Seized, taken Into execution and to bo sold as tho projierty ot Kllsha U. l'urscl. ALSO, AH tho right, tlllonnd Interest or tho defendant, A.T. Frcutzcl In tlio following real estate, to-wlt: Ail that certain lot of land situate in tlio oorough of Htrwiek, In tho county of Columbia, on Mulberry street, adjoining tho Catholic Cemetery, lototWoI llvcr, and by Jackson btrcct, Islug about one bun dled anil titty feet In on Jackson direct, nnd ono hundred and eighty reetmorcor less In depth: Also, one other lot bounded bv lot of said Wclllver. said cemetery lot, by lot ot John snjder.and Jackson street, ni'iiigrourty-nvo rett lient by about one bun dled and eighty feet In denth: Also, ono other niece commencing on said Jackson street, at comer of lot ui - f-nernian, uieuco oy same to lot ot .si, .si, Jackson, thence by Jacksun'slotnlntly-livofeettolot or l'reas Urn's., theiico bjibe sumo to Jackson street aforesaid, thenco nlung saldsticet, nlncty-llvo feet to tho place ot heglimlng.on vvhltharu elected ix iraine dwelling notisc ami oiit-uiiuuings. .tit-ti, liiKt-u uiio exeemiun nun to no boiu as ino property of A. T. Freutel K A. 1). AlcCrea. ALSO, All lhat certain lot of ground slluato In tho t.nwn of ISpy, Scott township, Columbia county, bounded Market htreet on Iho west, lotot Samuel bldleman mi I ho north, lot of Stephen Auchenbaeh on Iho east, and an alley on the soul h, wlieienu are erected a frame dwelling house and out-bulldlngs, with tho appurtenances. l-llM'll lill.CU lllio (.'.MJlllLlUU ilUU tU UU .SUIU IU3 IUO property of c. w. 'I rump. 4 ALSO, Tho undivided onclhlr.l of all lhat certain lot of gloiind situate In thu lownshlt or seott. In Ihe conu tj of loliiinbl.iiirores.dll, bounded and described as fullotvs, to wli : Hi-ginning nt a stone coiner In Ihe middle of Miuktt sirett of the village of i;spv, and nuinln- thence along an alley noith hl.l-si and ono fourlh ilegiees, east twenty peiehesnnd llvo fetlto a along l.tndof m. Millies iioilli twcnty-lliiee und Hir-e-louith ilegiees, west thir teen pel chest lev en lei t In a po.-t, llienco by lauds of tame, south slxtj-slx and one-fuurlh tlegree.-. west tt.ellly t-n lies nnd llvefi-et lo tho mldoleot bald Mm ket street, thence hv middle of same, south tvvenlj-lhrieaiidlhree-riiuilhstlegrees, east, llili teen nei-Liies .mil eleven reel lot no ni.tcenr hee no n-r. coiiiulnlng ono hundred and sevenleeuaud a bait perches. ALSO, The undivided nne.tlttrd n.irt, or mother lot on the west side of .Mm l.i t si lei I. beginning In III'- middle or Market si ret I, i mining ilu-nci- south slxi.i .tmluiie fourlh degrees, vvi si Iwenlv-slx lii-re'ics and nllio und a liah f-iet fo a post, theiico south t wenl -three niiillliri-f-fii'irllis degrees, east eleven feel lo'a post. thence not lb sl.tty.sls and one-fouith d -glees, east sl peitlus and two and tuii--tliliil feet ton post, memo south Iweiitv-tniee and Ihiee-touilhs de- gives, t-asi tun e iviehcs mid I wo and nue-lialf feet, iiu-nee uorin mm v -six aim oiie-iounii tiegiees, east Ino in lilies mid two tout ole-tlilld leel. thi-iici- suiiih twi ntj-lhree and tliree-fouilhs degiees, ea-t nine iM-rches nnd eleven au.l tiue-fourth lectio an alli-v, ttieuce along said alle.v. north slxtv-slx and on. -loin in ilegiees, cast eleven perches und four and ini-ii-iourins reel m iim miiniieor Market slreel, tlience along middle uf same, north twenty-llnco and thrte-luiuths degrees, west thirteen and one half perches to tho place of beginning, containing one aeie and twenty-live undone-rouilh lurches, U- Ki-iiiei wnn tut- iippm teu.iiice.s. Seized, taken lulu c.vecuiljnundtobo bold as tho rnipert y ot M. c. JleCollum. ALSO, All that certain messuage or lot of ground situate in the village nf Light Street aforesaid, on Iho east Ide ot a nubile load leading from lllooinsburir lo Oiangevlile, tmutided by the nubile load aforesaid, i.iuii i et t.eorgo Ming, t,eurge donn, reier vv ui to anil Matthew Mcliovvt II, cental idng seven acres and nnu hundred and tweiitv-four iiercliet. whereon are erected a good two-story frame dwelling hoiiso and oul-hiillillugs. se zeit. taken n oexeeut on nna to 00 sold us tnu propel ty of F. 1'. Kelly. A1.31J, All that certain real estate slluato In Hobcrts' Addition of the town of Catawtssa. Columbl t euun- ty, lKiunded on Iho tiorlhwcst by the public road leading fiom Cat.iwlssa tuthu upper Feiry, on I ho northeast hy land of VV. II, i:ills,audouthuboiithcusl oy M't-onii siiet-L oi b.uu lovvn, vvne-reon areereciea a tvvo-stury frame dwelling house and out-houses. r-ci.eii, uihcu into t-xeeutiuu uuu to oo bum as tnu property ot VV, F, Hlbby. also; All that certain farm or tract of land situate In Scott township, Columbia county, on Iho northern bank of tho North Hi-anch of tl.o Susquchutia nver, between the Town of Hloomsburg and Hspy, bound ed on thejnorlh by land ot J. llaney Iho uy i.iuii in a uuu r-iiniiiau, on uiu west ny i.iuii ut II. (I crevellng and Hdward Haw ling, conlalnlng about 121 acres mure or less, with nppurtcnuces, and vvhereonuro elected oho large two-storied bilt-k dwelling house w lih m-insard riKif.w It It heating range aim w aiei tin acuiuenis.w un siuniu ami wagun nouse and uulslde building belonging to and corresponding vv Ith said dwelling house. Also.niielwtt-slorledfrumo It n. ml house and large bank barn with sheds und other oiii-hullillngs. Lund In good slalc of cultiva tion. 'J In- property will be sold in Iwo parcel.-, or to ine ne-i aiivani.iges to puieiiasers nnu ireuuois. !-t ii-ii, lasen inn, exeeuiiuu uuu to ue soiu as tnu properly of Daniel but der. ALSO, Alllhat certain plee-of ground situate In '-colt town- bhlp.Coimnbla eouuty.bnuiidi-d on I lie net tit bj tands- oi .v. Mi.vuer, on uiu west alio nv inu same atui on Ihe south hv tho Liieknwanua iV Hlooinsbiu-; Hull Kuail t nnioanv. eonuiliiing two acres more or e-.s. when on an- i-ree't-d a I'lanlng .Mill and nil machlu er.v and uul-bulldlugs and two dwelling houses. heizcu, i.ikuii mio execuuuu una lo ou sold us ino propel ty of I), snj der iv; Co. ALSO, One lot situate In Iho townot F.snv. bounded as follows: On tin- south by Main stieei, west byullcy, north by alley und east by lot nf Wm, scbochtci 1 j , htlug2,'. feet trout llll'l 1TH'4 reel deep, uhereuli Is -leu a iwis-siorv ii we mug. miei: uamt. aim ii-.l nu bllllil-.', w un UUt-OlllllllUgS, ALSO, Onomiicrlot Imimdi'il on tho south hv tin nllov. WI'hL MY lllll'Vi JlUlllim NTHIIUM '(l'l .inilCLSl, ll win. u.t ini'i . in i i' ii'i'L rniiiL iviii'. uvi ilivp wiii 'i run nri t ri't uil .1 14 biory UntcHir hhn, ullicu ami uiiL-bulMlni, ALSO, ono other! lot houinh'd iunth by Second street, nl bv W. lAhritt. MHiIh hv iillnv and west. iy ., iiit'i'ii uimi inner pniiK-uy ut n, u. i ruui liiift iM'Jnif f 1 1 frciii hy liu iUiji, hmou U ALSO, One other lot hounded on north bv Second si icet west bv llehl Slreit road, south bv lot or M. A oiei-n and east b) olln r pinpi ny ot II. tl. t'levelliic, being on second street, on Light siieet road, wheiun Is t it-ttcd a two-story Iraine. tlw filing mid oul.liull, lings. n- til. taken Into evecul on and to lio sold as the pluptity of it. ti, iTcicinig, MICHAKL (IHOVHH, Hloomshui'g, August is, '7f.-lo Shci Iff, H I I N"S l'l'KA ISMMICNTS. rMillllI I'l'iMH'll:, srl lin.ill III tiiitthlit lliWlli'lllB u in t u un 'i i iii i hi' unit u ir in- iiiirNti'i1 nt lui. iilnlil.i i mint), mull 1' I In' liuli'ii uf t'liiiii, uml will l.i i ivM-tut'ii lur aiiMiiiuti t'un I'ni.itiiiii in nut hi-iiIi'ihk' iMiiii in in' iii'in in iiHHiui'-iMu-ii.iii uml lui't.iiiii uiin iv. un tt fiiiH' ui si'i'ifiiiiii-i'. ii i. ui y in ih-K i. in., ui niKI il ty llllirsit t'i . pUulu In hMi li riillllllii.liiun III!' irt't liniMt IIU'll, UI ttlltl'll (til IhT- mil in uiu 1 1-i.n ii in Bttiii mi un n 11 in him I tut II 1. Wlilntv ot Win. hjjut. lui ui riiiiiuj.crot'i luttllKllIp, lllTt'Uat'll, !. v. lil m- ut Mi iii-y l;illtlllll, l.ll" tlf Ili'l.lltTl't'k ttltllllll, llt'Ct'llSi'J, h. Miluw ot l:il.n llklli .mi. Lit of llrl.trert't k ltntltbmi, III Ui'llW'il, 4 wiiluw ot .Mm sii iili, i it, of M.iuUon towiv hip, IKHI-llOl-U. I.. Wiiluw of I'lUli Milk, Lite 1 1 M.nllton Kmnsbl' UVll IIB 'I. I', Wl'lutV tt JCKMlll'lUY, lull' ft llt'llllOI'l;tOU'lllp, i:'ut-ti i onioo, i lllot itislitiiVt July is, u;c. W. 11. JA.'tlllY, 111 fcliUT, ni.KASANT AM) I'ltulTIWUU': l.M i ri in .mi'.m. iiiMiitiiui! "t li.ti iiiin.' : llilW 1'ltl'l.V I "Wli.n mu I lit .V Wl'llll!" Af, Km II urn UMHiiiiuiioiis ii) ttiui vu iiuj if.,.. !' i ani ' i i inn iini'iii' i i n mi' ..iiruii mu uml Ami' l.'.ut l liruinn f'liulMiiu r l.i Tint nr.' nil in u.-ct in ins ut ri No uiu, 1,1 iii" . mpi mn tu .,',, i.. 'ui ." , lll'llll"- l llllt ,1" ' 1 1, II 'i nil iiuaiull 1 uml , ut!, i n u uiiiof in,i, m, ,, Hi i it - ui un. urn in i ti'nii. r trr tinr.T' il to inukf iiiiirti-v, ) a- full iiat-lti ul.-is, t .uIm iiu,ifr c nm ili'iitwl flr-ULir. AiMpsil (il.l. htiN ro i i WasUliiiiluu bt , llUDtuii, tlj AUi", S0-8UI. CENTENNIAL I HILLS 3 J LEACHED MUSLIN AT 10 CENTS PEIl YARD. YARD WIDE HILL'S 124- CTS. PER YD. ONE OASIS OF UO PIECliS TO ARRIVE THIS WEEK. SEE OUJt BOSTON BROTO SHEETING AT 124 OTS. Tlio Best Muslin Manufactured and not to bo had Elsewhere. GOOD BROWN SHEETINGS AT 10 & 11 OTS. DOUB2U3E3 WIDTH KEEETIIUiSS, AT LOAVJiST NEW-YOllK THICES, AT THE POPULAK CASH STOHE OF W. P. JONES & CO., CSATAWISSii, FA. IAVION Ittl.NVON. HARDWARE STORE. iiYTON RUNYON. & CO., 13I.OOMSBU11G. I'A.' keep.1 coiiKtautly on lianil a Full nnd Complete tjlock of HEAVY .A-nXTD SHELF I-i-A.K.ID-WA.K.E, which "iro v.ill sell to tho Public at Prices bo Low na to defy competition. OUlt STOCK CONSISTS IN PAKT OF IRON, NAILS, PAINTS, MECHANICS TOOLS AND AGKIOULTUKAL IMPLEMENTS of nil Grades and Latent Improvements, BLACKSMITHS BELLOWS. ANVILS, SLEDGES, and HAMMERS. Eurden's Horse and Mule Shoes, Horse Nails, &c. PATENT WHEEL?. OLD'S AND WARNER'S PATENTS, Spokes, Heavy and Light, Carriage Mallebcls, Axles, Springs, Gum and Oil Cloths, Valentines Varnishes, Spirits lurpenune, and n general Stock of WAGON AND CAIIRTAGE MAKERS GOODS' Building Materials, such as DUNCANNON NAILS, Lewis' Lead, Best Colors, Pure Oils, &c, as low as they can bo bought in the county. GIVE US A GALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELF. LATTON RUNYON & CO Mans.lsTs-tr. NEW HARDVARE STORE! SUCCIOliS TO J. I .fl'ut.s nntl Kettic, Pans ami Ktiirs, 8jAll iliins? f'r nil sortu of buyer?. m - . m?zr --i m 'j riinilctf, Gouges, Tweezers, I'lk-rs, !fp Wo linvo nlso added lo our Stock PATER! WHEELS & SPI WHBBL3AHHOWS, OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE In all its lininclic, Carefully Pclcrtcd nntl Purcliafcd low for Cash givinj; Advanlugoa for elliii; which can not be excelled by any other Hardware Store in the Country. GIVE US A CALL AND Wo GUAIUNTKH both in PRICE and QUALITY of our Goods. The Largest Store in the Country. J, SCHUYLER .vnrchtv -y won ix Tin: in.001). Tim I'Ei'.rviAN svnrr vitalizes nuil cuildics the ""Vr7-wriHi?v oluoJ, tout's up Hit) K)b 'MivSi'A teln, builds up llioltrokeuj ..J- a Jlir J il.mii I'liri. ill lu'lisl.l liflilllty, ilropsy, thills nnd Y,it iiiT&pw-'fiAyt$ li')ersj ni "mi' ui.u i in .1 KW!tWVA3iti,jnL'rv,,u atfeuiUias, I10IH Kicf&irl?triY)i.J lllliuuis, iiiviiua ut uiu f.nSfAwSSv kl'lueys uml liUd'Ier, le. Wirir,V.)6.if!;y main raiinnljlntM. if. iiiiK chausotl b, the use ot tho remi'fU from weak, dlckly, MitrciluEcreimircs to blioiiA in-ill hy, li.iw men una nuuu-iii noil iiivttuii-C.UU1UI reavjiuuiy iit-uiiuv- ii,ki,i- OAniox, lio stiro ou net ihe. "1'kkuvun Svitii'"(notl'enilun Hark.) Sulilliy tleult re i;i'mr ally. A s.Mml'o mmphlct, eoiitaliiliii: a triMilso on Iron as a m iweiit ami other vitlualiln paivrs, tiKtlinuiiUls from ilMlnsuMifil plii slt'l ins, elt'W-mi-naiul otliein, will ho btnt fre" to any ui'ilrens. M.TH W. 1'owi.K x hoNs, propiletors, w! Hurrl'iou A euue, Uootoii. CK. TO520 tier tlay. Agents waiittsl. All rlu.tAi'K of uorklmrnoonluof ImiUi sexes, s ounir ami old, make more money ut work f ur ns,ln t lit lr ow a loealliles, tluilliLT ineir sparo iiidiiu'ihs, ur uu uiu lime, llian at anv tlilnj; els.e. Wn olfer emil(ijiiii'iit will pay liaiidst'iiu'ly for eery hour's urk. 1- llll p.ll UClll.irs, It'l llis, ,ve.. Willi nr. JUUI 1UUUI.-.TI, ill. oiitv. non lileiay. ."sow is mo tune, inut mot. lor work or business elsow here, until jouliate learn ed what wo olfer. el. &timon fi Co., 1'ortUnd, Malno. Jan. 15 iwj, i GKNTS. 2(1 HLKGAXT OlLt'IlltD.MOS. J mounieil,sl".isli torji. ; in i lur (a. Uup-Kt tTifiety In the woild. NA'HU.N.M, CIIIIO.MO to,, I'lillaiielphla, I'a. AGENTS WANTED FOK THE HU MOROUS WORK hy tho "Hin'liolT rllKl; l'IIIS MAN, wluise fame has reai'heil im DWlure. As a hiiniuilst h Is lie ivtiiiuli'iliri'il Id be iho iK'er ot Mark Tttaln. (inil as it fUli'll Wilier lias no t illl.ll In Mils lOUIlll). The bis Ifi'st thlni; )tet, will sell at Mailt, uten In these dull Huns, i ter) bod) w mis ami will have II, no p.i,'t s of Ills lit in tleli s anil V.Mi dilute tuts. Teiiliur) Colli1; rapidly. Agents apply at um e tor theularalu II. IN. .VCUI.S.M.1 &.eii., ii ouinuui im riuia, U'ATEItS'COXCr.RTO PART.OIl OnOANST nrci iiioinokc uriiuiuuiiiikiio uml iierfet't m ttiuoi'rr tuittlc.' Thul OM IlltTO hTOl)U Ihi rt er iiitterti in nny i)r It U product-fl by an rx trtt tt't ( rt-t'dn, iienu Marly tilreil, (An v.l'm l'i:i'T rirAlri It.llllsT CIIAinilMloiiJhOl'I, bTlltltlNti, Mhllo 111 1 II ITATIONortlio II IT MAN 01 li It hi'. l'i:itll. AVATIiltK' m:v niti'iic.vriiAi., LSIM'.K, (illAMIiiiul V'fu Uitliitio l'rrtit-li t'nscii, ioiiiblnu 1'1'ltlTV tt VOICINn wilh Krcnt tuluuie t toiuii kulinblti fur I'Alll.OIt tr ( III IK II. AVA IHltS Ni:V SCAIiVi 1MANOS .at Brt-ut potit-rnitit a fliiosliiKluultim-.ti .lAnll modern liiiiirtiti-iui-nlni aiitt are (A. HIST l'I AMIS .lIAIIi:. Tlii-so OruniiH n,l I'liiiios art Miirruuti'ilfw six fitr, i'llU'l i:Tlll:.Mi:. 1,Y I.IIW or t'u.U fr purl t iiklii'iil liuluurii tu iiiiiulhly imyiiitiil. Ket'tiiid.UiiuUttihlrtiuii-tilu iiltirt ut ImrKalnit. I'lium ""tl Oruuim rt-ut 'ill piilil fur im nerronlriirl. AtiKNTH WAN. T1UI. Npt-t-lttl Imltirt-mi-nu Inllio Irndo, A lib. t-rnl dUetinut f',7tiu-Ai-n. ihni'lnrt Chur hen.Sekt Jit lulia,k. ( .1 1 .1 LOUVfUUMLKl), IIIIItAl i: vati:iw iV SONS, i8 1 llrouditu), Notv Vol k, I', O, lio iillT. CIIAItLKS W. 1SUNYON- OILS, G-LASS and PUTTY, W1DKMAX tt CO., Keep on Hand tho LARGEST STOCK tT?.l )ITP7 V TI k TiTlTTT 1 nn ijffi 'LMJirli: It f I l, 1 1 11 i 1 11 ft 1 1 ft II K H am In the County. SEE FOR YOURSELF. Sc SON,' Bloomsbmr, Pa. A rOltTUNK IX IT. Kvery family liuys it. i. Solil by Agents. Address, el. H. WALKE1I, rue. I'a. A C11CN A for fi'iiil tor ti OTS WANTKl) tlio fastest wlUne blhln over raiiiitsiimi N iul mr our extra terms to Atrents. Natidnai. l'l'lll.lSIII.MI CO., 1'IIII.AUKI.I'HIA, l'a. $10. to $500. In Wall .Street often leads to fortune. A Ti rami hook- entitled: ".Men and ldloias of Wall blrtet," cxpMlnlug eterythlng. ilL'M I If J I1 M Je)llJ lllLlvl.l.M, A CO.. I llaiiUcrs nnd Iliukcru, 7'. llliOAIIW AY, NEW YOllK. PSYCIIOMAXCY.or SOUI. OHAIt.MlXG. Ilow either sex may f.iselnalo und gain tho lote and alTeetlons of nuy IM'i-bon they ehooso In stantly. This simple, mental iieiiolri iuent all ran imsness, fnv, by mall, lor as fents, Itiuellitr nh it manlaut; L'ulile, Empitan oracle, Dreams, Hints lo Ladles, WedilliiB.Mtrlit Wilrf, (co. A iiucor Unik. T. WIU.IAJI fi cel., I'ullbliers, I'lilladel. plila, l'a.. roit COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, And all Throat Diseases, USB WELLS' CARBOLIC TABLETS ITT l'l ONLY IN lft.UK liOXICS. i Tiiii: .irvt hvsik m:.isi:v. l'orsalo liy DrusKlhts gent rally, and JOHNSTON IIOI.1.0W.W fi ct) , I'lillaiielphla, I'a, w'THEPKMHELLOGHAPH." O SOMETHING NEW FOR AGENTS. C (i-oi iiredby mpjrlelit,) Wblcli Is uu lmeiiilonot i our own Ihe result of jeui sot usslttultousstudy ; ) and for lliellLe fMiiessintiM. rrrkiini'. nf ci.o.i. boflness of luilhli, Is i.ot upprouchttl by any other si)leut lletiiiu. liltn and vomin wanteil now tu KollcltculeiBfor enpt Ini; und enlttiilni;niiall pic. lures ot friends and looil from '1IiiI)ihs, Am. brolypes, I'hottiiriaphs, and liacuerrfjlyirs tnlo Iho new pi oeess width wlllpleaso ctery boily. tin at wat,Ts and a permunt iit biK-lnessiussmttl. send fur full Inslrutiluiis in iii n!sftv fi to t., bludlo, 31UU Mink. I Mni-I, I'hHuitelphtu, l'a. TREES A i N full I'A I.I. I'l.ANTINO. 1 Vkl Kl'lltt ntnl tlriiiii'.r.,.!, Ki'iitl and orniiniental Til-is, lAticrte'iis, Oi Ha iti, ntnl Klirnlii. I ',,.. l'lants, (.rapes, I'liiianls, i.toselHiiles, Miawbtr" iii s, UaspiM ii leu and other Nulls, Aspaiaus, Ithuliuin. fie. ' " ' s.hi).sfurlAI.l. snwiMj.i l'''tl Wheels, list -) Ol'l luilli, ii'-iim. imu tii,; t- luttr,- . ' Hmotli) nnd iiibtr lirusM M'tdsj 'I urnln St-ttlit ut ull r ."L' .V ''.'l"1' una t'lowtr beedai lleoge imtl iierns, (lira BULBS. llJiielntlis, Tulli, Croetiii, Ulkm nnd other Hull i for 1 .ill plaulliias lloiileulturul (iissls. Ttrr.t t uii.t are, AO, N-ud tor prttm llI, uri'iivluM it cent, lor lull lllustrati d Cululocue. Addles UllWAlin.l. KVANS CO.. hin-erjimii und Soodsmeu, oiu. 1 a. TUB KBNNKBANY GAZKTTli A MONUILV I'AI'mi, l-l'llll-UU) AT AT LA NY , OA, 1 o-.nt. tl to Ii i 'liiu'ir, it t. b ii ATuMl'l, At ,11 l"!.i ii t , ill i f it WU rd r )t ir i uiuiiio i i ' r i ii ism aw i - ". r Atlanta, Ua,