RATES OF ADVERTISING, Ono Incli. (twelve lino or Its cnuivnkut In Nonjw ell type) ono or two niscrtloxs, l,t Hiiro luicr tlons, ,. tfOtUMDlA fitHOOBAT, ST All Of TUB NOHTn AND OOIOM- Issued weekly, every Friday morning, nt 11I.OOMSUUHU. CUI.UMIIIA COUNTY. PA. At two iot.t.AM per year, paynblo In advance, or nitnnfr ui" eiu. flir um eAiuriuiuu ui inoycar, tM will 1)0 chari-crt. To Buhscrtbors ont of the BrACK. Onoltich Two Indies.. '1 liter Indus . 1M. SM, tM, fM. It county thotcrras nro Jlpcr t ear strictly In advanco U.MIf notpalil In advanco and $3.0i) if payment ..H.r.o fS.C'O fJ.OO R.IK) J.M 7.C0 .0l) v.iki ll.oo 11.10 ll.MI tO.t'O iio.to B.r.o , r. .no O.OT IMI) ls.m IUII 21' 1 0 ix. 10 H..0O Ul) llUUVOll iiv-vunu mu ju.u. No paper discontinued, except nt tlio option of tlio Publisher, until all arrearages aro paid, butlonir continued credits after tho oxplratlon of tlio tlrat year will not hu K'lvcn. All papers sent out ot tlioHtn'o, or to distant post 0 mcos, must bo patd for In advance, unions a rospon Binlo person In Columbia county assumoa to pay tlio Biitivrlptlon rtuo on demand. pus I'AOU Is no longer oxactod from snbserlborB In 1 bo county. job DPiiisrTiisra-. Tho Jobblnj Department of tho CouiMiiuNlsvcry complete, and our Job Printing wUl compare favor Ably Willi that of Urn large cities. All work done, on luinnnd, neaily and at moderate prices. riiurlti'iKM. I'uarlcr column 111.00 naif rolumn Ui.oO 10.00 m.ro H.ou to.oo B0.lt on column,. ,,,... .00 8.oo 40.00 oo.oo nw.eo v..nrlv nlvnptliiAtnmila tint-liMn nlinrtrrlV. Trnll nlvrrtwomcnw miui io pnm wioro imnuu oxcent where wutlos tiavonrcounm. insertions, and at Uiat rata for additional Inmjtk It.nlfiilvej-tlHOjnentfl two dollars TXT rlneti for Ohio ultlintil ri-if-trrmii tn li'tiiUl. B Kxccutor's, Administrator's and Auditor's Notlctd tlireo dollars. Transient or 1x-nl noticed, twenty cents a line, reirulnradverllaeinints luilf rutin. Cards In tho "liuslness Dlreciory" column, one dollar per year for each lino. HENRY L. DTUKKHNnACir, KIJITOU AND I'UllLlSIIBIl. BLOOMSBURG, PA., FRIDAY, AUGUST 27. 1875. thi: cor.uMiuAN. vol. ix, no. 31 COLUMI1IA PK.MOUIlAT, VOL. XL, NO. 98 THE COLUMBIAN lie Columbia County Official Diroctory. President .Ttntgo-Wllllnm Elwcll. Assocl.ito .lodgei-Iram Derr, Isaac H. Monroo. Prolhonotary, Ac. It. I'rankZarr. II Mister K Kecorder Williamson It, Jacoby. District Attorney lohn SI. Clark. Hhcrltf -Michael drover. . Humwor Isaac Hewitt, ireiviurer John Snuter. Ooiiimlsaloncrs WIHUm Lnwton, John Hcrncr, ''comm'ssloncrs' clerk William Ki Ickliauni. Auditors-!!, j.cnmpiwli, s. u. smith, David Yost. Coroner-Charles (I. Mm ptioy. Jury commissioners-Jacob H. Fritz, William II, L'oiintv superintendent William 11. Snyder. lllooml'oor Plstilct-nircctors-o. 1". lint, Scott, Vim. Kr.imcr, llloomsbiirs nud Thomas Crotellng, ricoit, o.l'.Knt, Secret nry. Bloomsburg Official Directory. llloomsburir Hanking Company John A, Vunston, President, II. II. Iroir, Cashier. Plrsi. National Hank Charles It. Paxton, President J, 1'. Tusiln, Cashier. Columbia County Mutual Saving Vnnd and Loan Assoclaltou-15. 11. l.ltilo, President, 0. W. Milter, HciTetary. llhminsbiirgimildlnitnndSartnir lnnd Association Win. Peacock, President, J. n. Iloblson, Secretary. Illoomsburg Mutual Savins Kund Assix'latlon J llrowcr, President, C. (1. Harklcy, Sccrotary. CIIUKGII DIRICCTORY. BArTIST CntlRCH. ltov. .1. r. Tusiln, (supply.) y services iii,h a. m; nnn iH p. m. Sunday Sen tecs lux PUIIIMV JM.-1IUU1 tf II. III. I'rnj or Meollug-Evcry W Odncsday evening at 6 Soa s'lrce. Tho public nro invited to attend. fT. MATTHEW'S LDTHBllAN Cnl'nCH. Mlnls'cr ltov.J. McCron. Sunday Services iom a. m. and tysi. m. Sunday School 9 n. m. Prav er Slcoilng livery Wednesday evening at 0 eloek. scats froo. Nopowsrentod. All nro wclcorao. rnBSDYTBiii in envnen. Jllnlster-Itcv. Stuart MHcholl. Sunday Sen Ices lox a. in. and 8,if p. m. Sunday school I) a. m. l'ravcr Mcoilng Uvcry Wednesday oveilug at OK clock. scats free. No pevrs rented, strangers welcome. MKTH0D1ST JiriBCOrAt. CIll'KCII. Presiding Ktder ltov. N. S. Buckingham. Minister Itev. J. H. McOarrali. Sunday Services 10,S' and 0,v y. m. Miruuv ficiiom -i p. m. Jilblo Class-Kvery Monday ovonlng at ty, o'clock. voung Jiena rrayer .Meeting isvcry Tue.ni.iy nlng nt CK o clock. jencral Prayer Meeting Kvcry TuurBday ovcnlng OCIOCK. nnroRMED enmcn. Corner of Third and Iron Btrocts. I'astor ltev. T. V. llorrmelor. itolileneo Kiust street, near Forks Hotel. Sunday Sort tees loirf u, m. and ays p. m. Sunday School 3 a. m. l'rajer Meeting Saturday, 7 p. m. All nro Invited Theru Is always room, services every Sunday nltcriioon at 1 o'clock at Idler's church, Madtson township. ST. l'AUI.'S C1IUHC11. Hector ltev. John Hewitt. Sunday Services luf a. m,, 6 p. m. Sunday School 1 n. m. l''ln,t Sunday in tho month, Holy Communion. Services preparatory to Communion on Friday evening before tlio st Sunday in each month. Pews rented i but everybody welcome. Persons desiring to ceusult tbo Hector on religious mailers will and him at tho parsonage on Itock btreet. ETANOEL1CAL CtltJIlClI. Presiding Elder Hev. A. L. lteeser. Mlnhter ltev. J. A. Intne. Sunday senlco a p. m In tlio Iron street Church. l'rni er Meeting Every Sabbath at 3 p. ui. All nro tnvltod. All oro welcome. CATAWISSA. ST. JonN'S (Ul'ISCOPAL) CHOItCH. Hector ltev. John Hewitt. Sunday Services 3 o'clock p. m. every Sundny. Sunday School 1:30 p. m. Holy communion tho second Sunday In tho month. ULOOMSHUnO Diuiccrouy. C1I00L OUDKUS, blank, jti . printoil ami neatly bound In small books, n hand and sale at the Columbian Olllcc. eb. 19, lbT5-tf lirs ani otllce. LANK DK1JDS, on I'arclmunt nnd Linen l'aner. common and for Admlnlsi rators. Kxtcu- :(X iruswes, lor b.uo cneapai uio uolumumn 'AHH1AGE CEltTIFICATKSjiut printed anil for salo at tho Coluubian Olllce. Minis ters of the (losuul and Justices stiould sunnb' Uiem- selvcs with these necessary articles. JUSTICES nnd ConsUibles' l'ec-liills for sale at tho Colcuuian ofllcc. They contain tho cor rected fees aa established by tho last Act of tlio U'g Uaturoupon tho Bubject. Every Justlco and Con btablo stiould havo one. ENDUE NOTES just printed and for Balo encap ai mo Columbian oniee. CL0TII1N(I,&C u AVID LOWENIiEKCS, Slercliant Tailor Main St., abovo central Hotel. U00T8 AND S1IOKS. TTKNItY KLEIM, annfacturer and dealer li. in uooLsnnil suoes, , groceries, eic, jiuiu su, uioomsuurg. 1TI JI. KNOlUt, Dealer in Hoots nnd Shoes, JU . latest and best styles, corncrMaln and Market btreets, In tho old Jiosl umce. CLOCKS. WATCHES, SC. CE. SAVAOE, Dealer in Clocks, "Wntclies , and Jewelry, Slain bt. Just below tho Central Hotel. LOUIS I1EKNAKD, Watch nnd Clock maker, near bouthenbt corner Main andiron. illLUNEHY & FANCY (iOODS. TV,f IS.S . DEHHICKSON, Millinery nnd J.TX Fancy t. Hoods, Main St., below MorkoL. MEHCHANTS AM) OHOCEHS. H 0. HOWKlt, ITats and Caps, Itools and Shoes, Main btreet, above Court House. SH. MILLER 6 SON, dealers in Dry i (100,1s, grooerlcM, queonsware, Hour, bolt, bhoes, notions, etc., Main btreet. rilOFESSlONAL CAHDS. C G. HAKICLEY, Attorney-at-Law. Ilooms , 4 and ft, Drower's building, sd Uoor. TMt. WM. M. ItEIlEIt. Surtreon mid IMivsi I J clan. Offlco 8. E. corner Hock and Market Jjv. i.Mjt xy., umwi .tin. ..jf. . clan, north bldo of MAla btreet, abovo J. K. Lyer's. !. McKELVY. Sf. I).. Surgeon and Thy blclan, north side Main street, below Murket. J II. 11UUIHO.N, Attorney-: '. In Ilurtmau's building, Mam at-Law, btreet. Oilice s II D AMUKL JACOI1Y. Marlilo and Drown Stoue Works, East Hloomsburg, Herwlck road. KOSNESTOC1C, l'liotograplier, i Clark li Wolf's Store, Main street. U. II. C. 1IOWEK, Surgeon Dcnlist. Main St., auovo tui court iiouse. T II. MAIZE. Manmioth Grocery, (ine'Gro. I) . ccrlos, t'rults, Nuts, Provisions, to., Centre streets. ,Matn and MISCELLANEOUS. OnANOKVILLK D1HEOTOKY. AH. UEimiNO, Carpenter and builder, Main street below Pino. PK. O, EH. ENT, dealer in Stores and Tinware In , all Its branches. PETEK ENT, Miller, and denier in all kind of drain, nonr. Pnert. n. Aiittniianf rimin purchased. MO. & W. II. SHOEMAKER, Dealers in Dry Woods, Groceries and General Mcrchan- disc. JQU. A. L. TURNER, l.AUHAMHi 1IU1 11, lHAJUMHUUKO, i'A. omco over Klclm's Drug Store, omco hours from to 1 1, m.. for IrcAtment of diseases of tho Kvo. Kar ani Throat. All calls ntght or day promptly attended to. Apr.!3'75-tt JQlt. J. C. nUTTER, i'lllBIUIAfi .VfHJlltll.OM, omco, North Market street, Mar.ST.Tt y Illoomsburg, Pa. jyU. II. F. GARDNER, TJIYSIUIAN ANI) HUHOEON, DLOOMSDURO, PA. omcoahovo J.Schoylor A Son's Hardware Storo. Arr.t3'-tt n Q li. & W. J. DUCK A LEW, CRKVELINO SMITH. nKBTKY KW1NU BSIITU. CltEVELING SMITH & SON, A'ri01LNlSi-AT.l,AVV, llloom3btrrg, pa. f iy"All business entrusted to our caro will reclovo prompt attention. Julyl,'73 y B. BIIOCSWAV. OKOIIOK K. XLWELL. J ROCK WAY & ELWELL, Al-lVHMli S-AT-LAW, Illoomsburg, Va. "All business entrusted to our caro will rccclvo prompt attention. Sept.11,'74 y to. onico In tho Columbian molding. "1 1. 1,T1D ATTORNKY-AT-LAW. Wlllnractlcolualltho courts of Colombia. Siilll. an and I.veomlnc counties. In tho Sunremo court nf l'eunsj iv.uila, and In the circuit and District courts of tlio Itnttod states held at Wllllamsport, l'a. Wllboln his omen In the Columbian building, room No. 1. llloomsburir. on Tuesilavs. WeilnustUvs and Thurbda) b of each week; and In Ilentonon Mon- uayh, j nii iys ana oaiuruajs, unless auicnt on pro fessional business. Sept, lU.lsts. S. KUIIN, dmier in Meat, Tallow, etc., ccntro street, between sccona ana i mm. n M. CIIIUSTMAN, Sdille, Trunk and J , Harness maker, Phlve's HlocJt, Main street. HMIOMAS WEI1D, Confectionery nnd lUker, ,i. wuuiusiud anu rciuu. x.cuauu mua Ci W. COHEMj, Furniture Rftftm?, tlirt. VJ Biory unci, .Munbireai, vrti oi miukvu t,u "W. KOJJIUNS, Uquor dealer, socoml door irum uio jiuruiwcst. curutr main uuu nuu E. J. THORNTON, Wall Paper, Window Shades anu iixturea, iiupcrt diock, .nam hi, OATAWISHA. "V' II. ADIiOlT, Attorney-at-Law, .Main I T btreet. I " P mi lAtAV rrplinnt Tallnr. SeCOll J . street, pnliblns' building. JU. E. W. RU1TEK, PHYSICIAN & 8UU0EON, omce, on Main street, Mar.,H-y catawlssa, l'a. WM. I- M.wka srJ KYEHLY, :NKY-AT-LAW, Catawlssa, Pa, ly mado and romlttcd. Otllco posit nan, (.in-? Author S wnntdl to eell "Uio I'eo- icnw) Medical anvcrtiserruy n, , mnht reaay leiunir uook out, ml liberal uj uw. Addrum tno r A. MEGA KG EL. I'hrdleLn snd Surgeon, Main street, next door to Good's Ho, LIGHT 8TUEET. BUCK HORN. BUSINESS CARDS. W.MILLER, ATTOIINCY-AT-LAW, omco In Drower's building, second Uoor, room No. Illoomsburg, Pa. Julyl,73-y Illoomsburg, Pa. omco on Main Htreot, Are t door below court Houso Aiiir.r, 1. y ) E. & J. M. CLARK, " ATTOHNEYB-AT-LAW, omco In Itnt s Building. Blooinsburg, Pa, April to,! l-y U. 1.I1T1.K. UOB'T. Jl. LITTLK. i H. & K. 15. LITTLE, "i" ATT'OHNKYS-AT-LAW, Illoomsburg, Pa. tir-iiuslncss before tho U.S. Patent omcontlendcd ly 33 I7IREAS BROWN'S INSURANCE AGEN . CY, Eichango Hotel, Illoomsburg, Pa, Capital. Wna. ins Co.. of nartford. Connecticut... c.buii.ooo LUcrpooL Umdon and (Hobo . S0,io,imi Hojklot LUerpoo! 13 Mo.oim 1-uicaushlru 10,000, 00 lire AssDClatlon. Phtladeltihla 3.1110.000 American of Plilladelphla . 1,100 0011 Atlas uf HiU'tfunl &o,mx) Wyoming, of Wilkes Harm 231,000 Fanners Mutual of Danville I.Oihi.ooo Damllln Mutual 75,000 Home, New York.,,. 5,Cti,000 March JS,'74 y f01,'J,',1,lW J1ISCKLLANEOUS. -yyiLUAM MORRIS, JUl'.KUllAn'i'l'AILUlt. Cutting, cleaning and repairing proinptlyattended ). I'lrbl Uoor over J. F. Wldemau's Hardware storo. Illoomsburg, l'a. Jan. e, '73 if I) r 1 1 1 i"n v ti c WllOl.KtUI.K DF.il.KU IN BURNING AND LUBRICATING OILS. onleu 111 Maize's lluuduur. corner Main and Centre btreets, lz"Orders bollclted and uromntly tilled. May, 2S,'7S-ly ICNTISTRY. H. C. HO'It, DKNTIST, Hesnectfully orfers his profesAlonol ben-lccB to Uio lames uuu geuiiemcu 01 lllooinoburg and vicinity. rn laU'ht tmproveil Poiicklajk Ttlm, which w 111 bu in UCLsnrentued to attend to all tlio various unerutloiix in the Hue of his prof esslou, and U prov ldeu w 1th ttui ru-d 011 gold plating, look as w ell as tho natural ti-etu. bllver and rubber base t ral Uiith. Teeth ml r.irti'it by all tho now and most anuroved methods, anil nil oH.'Mttonson tnutoctn carefully and properly at- office- u few doors abovo tho Court Uouso. somn bide. julyi,l3 17 J. THORNTON J i. would auuounco to tho citizens of llloom.s burg and Mclnlty that ho lias Just received a lull anil completo assortment of WALL I'APKIt, WINDOW SHADUS, tlXTUUkS, COHUS, TASsELB, and all other goods tn his lino of business. All tho newchianu ino-i approve!! paiierusoi uioiiay aro always to bo found In his establishment. Main struct. neiow .iinrKci. juiyi, ia BROWN'S HOTEL, xmooivzsstma, rA B. STOHNER, Propriotor. Accommodations First CUss-lt.ssto JI.50 jicrday, RESTAURANT ATTA01IBU, Largo, Airy Samplo Rooms on 1st Floor, A good stable In rear of Hotel. Dloom5burg, July J, 1875-tf. NEW MUSIC STORE. OPERA HOUSE, 3d BOOM, ni-ooMsruinu, r. 13. H. 8THIOKLAND Heirictfnlly Informs the puMle that hf has opened it New UuMc store. In tlio llloomsburir opera liotw, on iVntM strrft, Delow Main, where he keeps n full hfiortrint of m0!t. OHtlAXS, MUStcJALTftninMBNTP, SHEKT MI'SIC, MUSIC HOOKS, 0., nlwsyi on liana And for snl at the lowest prloen. ll Invites the patrons of musio to call andetamlno his stock. REPAIRING AND TUNING, also attended to m demand. Thernblle patronage Ls rtupocttnlly solicited. nprll 'its ly BLOOMSBURO- State Normal School. rtiniS Tntlltitlon afibrds to sludrsts prcp-anng I for the nrofesatoa of TKACfllltfl. excellent fa- cmttei forlmprovrment In the mcit spproTodmeth odsot Instruction, For the Accommodation of students fleslftnir trei nratlon for College, or for the business relations of lire, in Acaaemie iiepanme nt is orgamzea, wmcn affords the most unplo facilities tor no doing. Bach courso of study la complete ) Itself, Superior idvanttges aro offered for Instruction In MUSIC snd LANGUAGES. Fall Session commences Wodncsday, August 50th ran hessio closes luesoay, ucccmnr tx. Spring .esslon commences Wednesday, Dec, 3nth. Spring session clones Tuesday, .tune wth. Spring TsnH commences Wednesday, MarelUlBt TnitMS. Domn, tnclnrtlng ruol and Washing, VotoDol tjtM per week. Tuition oss nni.nn ner week. In Model Bchoo orty to sixty cents per week. Students nro admitted at any time, anil to anil coursoof study for which U'ey may be prepared. It 1.1 ueiu'r, u possum, 11' i pivbeui ul mo euuiuieiie ment of a wtm, or a session. Send lor a Catalogue. Applications for admission may lw addressed to DIt, T. L. OHISWOI.D, Principal. col. J. a. HtKr-zn. Secretary. Ang.l4,74-1y WM. Y. K ESTER, )1IX)0.MSBUI!0, PA. Has removed to Iron street, roconrt door abovo tho Heformed ( huivh.where ho w 111 lw pleased to seo ull his old friends and new customers, anil servo them with hatMacUon. All work warranted. 15-v CARRIAGE Poetical. MR MAPPT M Tllll CAN. Hits liro is not sit suniiiiiic, Nor Is It yet all showen, Hut storms snd clouds alternative, As thorns imong the flowers; And while we seek the ro'fs, The thorns full oft we scan i SHU let us, though they wound in, Ho happy s juu eah. This llfo has heavy crosses, A well as Joj s to share, And griefs snd disappointments, Whlca you nd I must bear; Yet, If misfortune's lava Entombs nope'a dcarcst.plan, Let ns tilth what U left us Do happy as we can. Tho eum.ot our.cnjojment Is made of little things As of.the broadest Hve rs Aro formtd from smaller springs; Dy treasuring small waters Tho rivers reach their rpan ; So wo Increase our pleasures, Enjojlng what we can. There;may bo burning deserts Through which our feet may go, Dul there are many oases Where pleasant palm-trees grow; As It we may not follow The path our hearts would plan, Ixrt us mako all around u j As happy as wa can. Perchance we may not climb wltli Ambition to Its goal, still let us answer "rresent" When duty calls the roll ; And whatever our appointment, lie nothing less than man ; And cheerful In submission, De happy s we can. I tlintotir futuro merchant labored at the oar I liltlo dreaming hotv important n pntt that that was to Kid in carrying him to his tlosti-1 parchment was to plar In Ills ftitttro career. ny, nnd with pride ho took his first earned llio iortiilt was numbered 03, and it after ten dollars tvhen tho raft arrived at tho littlo wards opened tip to lilm n tfado whero mil Dutch seaport of Katwyknati Zee, nt tho lions ncro made wllh tho case of previous mouth of thoRuinowhcro ho was not long in thousands', engaging pa!'ngo for Loudon. Here. inhH Malting over tho mattor of tho documents brother's manufactory, ho went to work at with his rrlfo alter his return, they decided onco but worked as hard In learning tho it would bo jood plan to open tho matter Knglish languago as in making musical In-1 to a celebrated merchant of tho day, named slruincnts, so that In sixwook's tltnoho could Jamc LiTonnore, who was largely engaged speak it sufficiently well to malto himself tin- in tho WcH India trade, nnd owned many dcrstood, though to tho day of his death he largo ships. So Mr. Astor called on Mr. could not rid himself of tho German ac- Llvcrmore, and showing him tho document cent, said: "Now, If you will mako up a voyngo for ono of the largest shlp, you can havo these, provided I have half tho profits for them and my suggestion." 'Tooh 1 pooh I" exclaimed tho great mer it is Miscellaneous. MANUFACTORY BLOOMSDUItO, TA. M. C. SLOAN & liROTUEIl HAV10 on hand nnd for sale nt tho most reasonable rates a splendid stock of CAURIAGF.S, ItUCiGIUS, and every description of Wagons both PLAIN and FANCY, Warranted to bo mado of tho best and most durante maecrlats, and by tho most csiierlenced workmen. All work bent out from tho establishment will bo found to lw of tho highest class and sure to gtvo per fect satisfaction. They have also a Hue assortnien t of SLEIGnS of all the newest nnd most f.iihlonnblo styles well and carefully mado and of tho best material. An Inspection of their work Is asked as Ittsbe Ueveil that none superior can bo found Ui Uio coun try. July 1, 1S73-U. ASTOR ASD MH MONEY. HOW 1111 MADK IT AND HOW HP. KEPT IT THH LOTEOF IT RULED HIM LIKK A TYRANT. Tho ancient city of Ilcidleberg is famous throughout tho world nolcsa for its silk stocking r.nd kandkerchlef manufacture, cotton, wax-lights, etc., than for its institu tions ot learning. And who has not heard of tho vin du Arciar, presed from grapes grown on both sides of tho mountain In its capacious tnn, originally containing nvo hundred and twenty-eight hogsheads, and, when rebuilt, enlarged to six hundred, which is still shown to strangers? Though the cas tle and tho garden arc in ruins, tho statutes of the ancient electors and Count Palatines aro still to bo seen on tlio frontof tho castle, nnd tho remains of tho hall of the chevaliers arc still visible; while the granite columns iormerly supporting n part of tlio imperial palace at Ingclhcim, near Maycncc, are seen supporting tho roof of tho fountain of tho castle. It was near this historic city, in tho littlo village of Waldorf, not quito a docado ovor a century ago, that the light of tho world first shono upon a person who was dostinod to a remarkable career m tho New World j for hero John Jacob Astor was born on "tho 17th of July, 1763. His father, Jacob Attor, was .1 butcher of that village, and a "ne'er-do-well" of tho Rip Van Winkle kind, who having littlo to do in his lino of business in a villago whero animal food was considered a luxury,spont his Icisuro time, which was pretty much all of it, in about tho way poor Rip did, though wo nio not informed that ho ever bocame tho worse for liquor, except to becomo as idlo rw tho bccr-guzzling gossips did who spontthoir time in tho becr-house, where tho father of tho futuro wealthy New York merchant In September, 1783, news of tho peaco be tween Great Tlritaln and tho colonies was published In Europe, and young Astor im mediately made preparations to emigrate to tho Old World. Ho paid twenty-firo dollars for iiBteciaKOpa.sago to Baltimore, saved tho chant. "A ndlcnlous proposition sanio amoi. it to Bcrvo nun after arrival, and I altogether too ono-sided," tlio balance of hU earnings in London ho He thought Mr. Astor would como down paid to bis brother lor soven German flutes, on his figures. Rut ho found he would not, taken with him on speculation. and so after thinking over tho matter somo A characteristic story is told of tho futuro weeks, and reflecting on tho fact that no vei merchant on tho voyage. Towards its close. I sol nt that timo traded to Canton, and that while they wcro weathering a fearful storm tho East India ports were as hermetically at tho entrance to Chesapeake Hay, he slid- sealed to American commerco as though such denly appeared on dock iu bis best suit of a thing were not in existence, ho called at clothes. Mr. Astor s store, and asked "What docs this strange freak mean?" "Werojou in earnest tho other day whon ono of tho passengers asked, smiling at tho you showed mo tho pass of tho E.wt India singular sight, though all wero expecting company ?" momentarily that tho vessel would go to the "I was novor moro so." bottom. I Again tho two merchants talked the mat "Why,'" said he, "if I sava my life, it will tcr over, and finally an agreement was sign probably be all that I shall save, andlt will cd, that Mr. Astor was to tako no risk, havo bo in my best clothes. If I perish it is no no expense, and half tho profits of tho clear matter what becomes of them." trip, His coolness and foresight when others Tho ship, loaded with $30,000 in Spanish wero wild and forgetful with apprehension and milled dollars, and ginseng, lead and could not bo belter illustrated. Years afler, scrap-iron, was sent out and in duo time an it is stated, after a disaster befell him chorcd at Whampoa, loading and unloadin throngh tho treachery nnd mismanagement precisely as if sho had beon a vessel belon of others, ho attended tho thcatro on tho I Ing to tho Ea't India company. Her supply ovcnlng of tho day In which ho received tho I of ginseng, that cot twenty cents a pound news, and 110 ono would havo known of his in cw lork, was disposed of for three dot thousand dollars, merely nn nctthnt ho could do, but was not called upon to do by vlrtuo f his position. It wasn purely voluntary act, but ono which required determination, skill and courngo, All tho return tho cap tain received was 1111 acknowledgement of thanks; and yet "ho was worth ten million dollar, and tho captain had only his pay twclvo hundred dollars a year and a family." At the death of Mr, Astor, howovcr, his son Wllllnm R. Astor, sent tho old sea captain check in return for tho service. Parton says that "tho lovo of accumulation glow ith Ills years; It ruled him like a tyrant. If nt fifty ho possessed his millions, at sixty fivo his millions possessed him." How tlio Weather Is Foretold. Wise Sayings. Rngo is mental Imbecility. Tho mind knows no prison. rrankncs.1 Is tho sign of a noblo mind. Ho that will not reflect Is a ruined man. Llfo would bo to smooth if it had no ruts In it. An Inconstant man is ilcspicablo; a faith less man is ba.c. Many drc.nl being ill who nro very will ing their lives should be. In friendship, as in love, wo aro often hap pier In our ignorance thau In our knowl edge. A man Is fortunato If his enemies too vio lently censuro and his friends moderately praiso him. Respect is to tho person beloved what tho It is a mystery to many loaders of tho cncha'iug Is to tho com ; It shows tho valuo ally piess who nolo tho general correctness 60t upon It. f tho predictions of "old probabilities," on Tlio happiest of pillows is not that which lat tho weather prognostications nro has- lovo first presses ; it Is that which death has ed, and for their information wo would btato frowned on and possod over, that tho weather ofiko iu Washington, which They err widely who propose to turn men has been in operation nbout fivo yoars, is in to tlio thoughts of n better world by making telegraph communication with weather sta- thorn think very meanly of this. ons all over tho country, and Into at night To paulon thoso nbsurditles In ourselves tho probabilities nro decided upon according which wo can suffer in other, is neither bet to tho reports and calculations, and sent out tor nor worso than to bo more willing to bo by telegraph to nil nowspapers, so that on fools ourselves than to havo other so. ic morning of tlio day tho people can see Tho difference between war nnd peaco ha3 approximately what kind of weather they are I been well defined by onoof tbo ancients ; olng to havo. Tho fact that in the United "In tlmo of peaco tho sous bury their fath- States, in tho north temperate zone, storms Crs; in tlmo of war tho fathers bury their almost invariably travel from west to cast makes it possible, wtih proper telegraphic notice, to givo warning to places lying in iielr tracks. Hence, if n storm is noticed crouitig tho Rocky mountains or developing on tho west ern plains and its course known by tele graphic dispatch, it becomes a comparative ly easy matter to notify, In advance, places KEYSTONE CARRIAGE WORKS! HLOOMSHURG. PENN'A. AS. CKOSSLKY has on hand and for salo . thcaner than tho cheapest, for cash, or WU1 uxehango for old Wagons on leasonablo teiuix, CARRIAGES, IiUGGIES, ANI) WAGONS of ovcry description both rlam and fancy. VULOAN IRON WORKS, DANVILLE, MONTOUR COraTY, PA, "XXT I IiM AM II. LAW, Manufacturer of T Wrought Iron llrldges,, IloUers, (iasholder, nreprooi uuiiaings, i rougnt iron iiuonng, ituuuuig Frames. Ploorlnir and Dour. Farm flatcs and Keue. ing, also wrought iron riping, stacks nnn an kino: ot Smith Work, xt. Itepafrs promptly attended to, ing a gut I N. II. Drawings and Estimates suppUed. July 1, lS73-tf BLOOMSBURG TANNERY, G. A, II Ull KIN; Tf KSl'I'CTKULLY announces to tho public JL li mat liu una 1 cupcucil ry .N YLMJlt'tf TAKMiltV, 'it- (oldBtanil) llloomshursr, Pa., nt tho 3S t'lirWH nt tint Esnv and Lltrlit htlee ruiUi, wuert, nil iirbenpiiuii in leather will ho made In tho most Fuhstanllal nnd workuinnuko manner, and sold at prices to suit the times. 1110 uigucsi price, iu cusu w ill at un limes u puiu lur G R E E N ot uvery description In the country, roniiKo Is respoitf ully solicited, llloomsburir, March H tM&-y HIDES Tho puhllo pat- CONCESSIONS OF A VICTIM. Published nsawarnlutf and for thobuientof young meuatid others who sutler from Kenous DenUItt, Loss of Womanhood, etc., en ins nia ruies 01 miu euro, after undergoing much buffering and eipensc, and mailed freo on n celvlug a post-paid directed envelope. Address NilUNIU. MAYt'JUi, P. U01 IW, lirookjyn, N, V, liox Ml H.TO-Ou troublo from anything observable in his manner. On tho vessel, young Astor had mado tho acquaintance of a German, who a few years beforo had emigrated to Amorica, and had mado considerable monoy in trading furs. iVttor became Interested, learned all ho could pertaining to the trade, and resolved to engage in it. His first thing to do on ar riving in New York was to find employment in a fur-dealing house, and thoroughly mas ter its details, bcirinninjr Ids labors at two dollars a week and his board. Hero ho be gan to amass new knowledge about furs, and tho habits and retreats of fur-bearing ani mals, tiuestloning all who camo iu with skins to sell, as many of tho hunters did in person, no only staid with his omploycr until ho had mastered tho busiuesj, and then began for himself. Ho had during this time, how- ovor, mado ono voyago up tlio Hudson, and across tho unsettled country to Lakes Oeorgo and Ghamplain, and finally to Montreal, where ho proved more than a match for tho shrewd Indians, and brought back a repu tation for "driving a hard bargain," which ho always retained. In 17S6, in a small storo on Water street, Mr. Aetor's first ontranco into business took place. His storo was furnished with a few toys and notions which would provo attract- vo to Indian eyes, and there ho began "dickering" for skin?. His ontiro capital consisted of only a few hundred dollars, mado merry over his troubles, and forget part of which had been loaned him by his them in tho hilarity surrounding him. brother. Hero ho bought, beat, cured and Yet there was one season of tho year when sold skins himself, having no assistant, and business was brisk with old Jacob, and that made several journeys on foot during tho was duriiic the harvest time. It was then year through Western New York, buying tho custom in Germany for the farmers to skim from trappers, settlers, savages, or each set apart a bullock, calf, sheep or pic. wherever ho could find them. IIo also kept and fatten against tho harvest sea-son j and these animals the villago butcher was called upon to kill and prepare. So this season founu jolly Jacob Astor on his journey from liou-o to house, making sausage meat of tho pig, or othcrwiso preparing the flesh of tho other animals in tho way tho owner desired, frequently spending from ono to several days a few musical instruments from his brother's store in London, he being tho first person to establish .1 musical instrument store in Now York. His wife, married shortly after ho entered tho business world for himself, had a thor ough knowlcdgo of furs, nnd cntored hearti ly into business with him, for a long timo lars and a half, and the remaining articles at a great profit also, and tho return cargo of tea was sold at a clear profit of a dollar a pound. Mr. Astor's profit on this voyago was $63,000, and it was sent to his storo packed in barrols. It is needless to say that tho next ship that sailed with that permit bo longod to Mr. Astor, and carried an assort ed careo. A laughable incident occurred on her ar rival at Canton, She had touched at tho Sandwich Islands to tako in fresh water and provisions, where tho captain took aboard a largo stock of firewood. Tho firewood was noticed by a mandarin at Canton tho moment ho came aboard and ho inquired "What ts tho price of that?" Tlio captain smiled to himself at what ho thought an absurd quettion, but finallyVaid : "What will you givoV" Oh, I guess it isvorth fivo hundred dol lars a ton." Every splinter of it was sold at that price. It was sandalwood. Tho traffic in sandalwood was monopo lizod by Mr. Astor for nbout seventeen years, no other concern In England or the United States knowing the secret. Nor was It finally discovered till n shrewd ship owner of I!os- ton detailed a ship to follow ono of Mr. As tor's and observe every event of the voyage. In 1830, Mr. Astor began to withdraw a little from active business, and then took the first steps toward building tho hotel which bears his name, but which wo seo is soon to bo taken down, to givo placo to tho marblo and brown-stono fronts that commerco asks for Its haunts. Mr. Astor was a peculiar man, and in family matters was as proud and oxclusivo as though he descended from a king instead of a butcher. With his family ho was lib eral it is said i 11 their day of affluence his wife used to demand and receive fivo hun dred dollars nn hour for her judgment on furs but with tho world he was close and in somo cases 'downright meanness wouh crop out. Tho story is told of a difficulty which Mr. Aktor onco had with ono of his threatened. To accomplish this of course it from him, and go beyond his ken on their becomes necessary to establish a largo num- perilous mission, ber of stations to cover as wido an area of Shoot a cannon ball against a column of country as possible, nnd to connect them all stnoko, and It shatters tho column, but only by telegraph with the central office, where f0r an instant, when it reunites. So it iswith tho results of observations taken at the same death. It dissolves tho theory we call moment of absolute tlmo in each of the sta- lifj for a second, to bo reunited clsewhcro tions could bo immediately collated, tho re- forover. at tho houso where ho win engaged, accord- doing much of the buying nnd beating and captains, which cost him tho snug littlo sum ing to tho length of timo it took him to uc- assisting him materially in many ways. of $70,000. Captain llePeystcr, who died eomnlish his work After a while Mr. 'Astor found ho had about fivo years ago, and who is well rcmem- Jacob Astor's wife, nnd the mother of our quite a lot of unsalable furs on hand, such its bored in New York, had asked Mr. Astor for Portablo Top liturgies, open lluggles, Plain nnd not bo undersold. I claim that I make tlio best wug- Fancy Platform Hpriui; Wagons nil of llio latest stylo nnd mado of iroml mati-rlal nnd fully wurrunted. Olve 1110 n call before purchaslnc elsewhere hero, was, however, a different person than her shiftless husband. Sho was thrifty, hard-working, saving, and ns devoted to her family as her husband was to the beer-house, If the truth must be told Dame Astor was blessed (?) with a peculiarity of tho Van Winkle household, as well as her husband a somewhat freo uso of tho tongue, which sho used iu a vixenish manner at times with much tho samo result that attended Damo Van Winkle's cxerciso of it, though in this cao it drove the boys from homo to seek congeniality in tho world at large, and seemed to havo little ellect on tho easygoing husband and father. So out from beneath tho parental roof went the Astor boys ata comparatively young age, and inheriting their mother's thrift and business qualities, fought their way success fully. Two of tho brothers of our hero had beaver and other high priced ones. Ac cordingly it was not long beforo ho foundjit necessary to go to London with them, as ho had no agent thero to consign them to. Hi went out as a steerage pas-ienger, fearing the re-tilt might prove unsuccessful; but on his arrival his venture was crowned with moro success than tho most s.tn''uino would havo prophesied, Reaver skim which had been bought from tho trappers in Western New lork for a dollar sold 111 London for six dol lars, invested In English goods, netted him ten in New York. Tho reader will readily see what an immenso margin of profit was hero open. As though this was not sufficiently prom ising, Mr. Astor during his rambles about London, waiting for tho vessel to sail on her return to New York, visited tho East India a chronometer. "Veil," said tho merchant, "you puy one, Supposing this remark to authorize him to hso on account, tho captain did so and put tho price in tlio account; but, when present ed, it was stricken out Captain DePcyster, ono of tho gcntlcme: of tho old school, brought down his gold headed cauo on the pavemcmt with empha sis, and said : Very good, Mr. Astor. I shall not sail in your service until the chronometer is paid for." Mr. Astor's rage, which had been gather ing, culminated -nt this, and ho said : "Veil,, tainu you I leave it." And Ie.tvo it tho old sea-dog did, though ho had been in Mr. Astor's employ for iif- The separation of friends by death is less terriblo than tho divorco of true hearts that havo lovod, but ceaso to sympathise, while memory Is still rocalling what they onco wero to each other. Tho blossom cannot toll what becomes of Its odor, and no man can tell what becomes of his influence and example, that roll away suits worked out and the consequent "prob abilities" arrived at. Tlieso probabilities aro calculated for fif teen departments or geographical districts, known as tho North Atlantic States, Middlo Atlantic States, South Atlantic State, East OulfStates, West Gulf States. Lower Lakes, It is not poverty so much as pretenco that harrasses a ruined man and an empty purso tho keeping up a hollow show that must soon como to an end. Havo tho courago to appear poor, nud you disarm poverty of itn sharpest sting. None but those who keep up nppearanco Upper Lakes, Northwestern States, South- against heavy odds can understand what ser- western State, Pacific btatcs, Ohio Iliver vitudo pretenco imposes upon tho soul. Tho Bting of confessed poverty is not nearly so Valley, Upper Mississippi Valley and tho Cxtreino Northwest. Thero aro now 102 stations in tho United States. Theru aro also 17 stations in Canada under the control of Prof. G. T. Kingston, director of magnetic observatory at Toronto, and 5 stations in tho West Indies iu charge of volunteer observers, with all of which telegraphic reports aro unchanged, making 121 stations in all, extending clear across tho continent, and from St. Paul's Island, Alaska, to San Diego in Southern California on tho Pacific, and from Sidney, Capo Rreton Isl nnd, at tho northeastern extremity of Nova Scotia to tho West Indies. Tho West India stations nro found to bo particularly valua ble in winter, ns .1 largo proportion of the most violent winter storms originnto there. In the United States thero nro stations in all principlo cities. On tho Pacific const there nro three, viz: at Portland, Oregon nnd San Francisco and San IMego, Cal. Resides thuso aro stations at St. Paul's aud St. Mitchell's Islands, Alaska. These, how ovcr, aro not In telegraphic communication with tho central office Tho Gulf and At lantic coasts, and tho northern boundary formed by tho St. Lawrcnco river and the great lakes, have n continuous chain of sta tions forty-four in number where observa- tionsaro made nnd cautionary signals are dis played. Cautionary signals aro also display ed at the lifo saving stations on tho New Jersey nnd North Carolina coasts, which aro reached by telegraph, The instruments used consist of tho barom eter, for measuring tho pres-mro of tlio at mosphere; tho common thermometer and tho self-resisting maximum and minimum thc'rmonieters ; tho hygrometer, for deter mining the relativo humidity of tho atmos phcro ; tho anemometer, for measuring the force of tho wind ; tho wind vane, for deter mining tho direction of the wind ; the rain gunge, for measuring the rain fall and a clock. Tho observers who hold tho rank of ser geants in tho army aro paid but a small sal arv, nud tho assistants still less. ons for tho least money. I also do oalntlnir. tr nt tho shorli-st notice, old springs welded and war- win rimming nnd repair old work weiueu anu war exchango a porta- rnnti'd to staud or no nav, bio top huggy for any kind of lumber, s'jeh ns heir lock. nine. ash. linn hickory and noniar to hedellvei ,U nb III, BUUI VJ HIU iubi,ui l kui um J, ,t,u. nun- rtalo orders taken and StcKelvy, Neal & C'o's for re- pairing as cash. iJIUJII LIGHT STREET BUGGY & CAR11TAGE V. OMAN hereby Informs tho pul.lh 1 111 l 11 nus ememi 111111 nwiaru criMim h i M:.T.i t itr.xin n,w, ll,nl II, l.lllm.wu vein IllS UI ,M III I. ... WIllUII, .HH. I( ..,u,.,l,l ..... hereafter no conuucieti miner inu nnn iituuo ui II. V. O.H.i.'V & ItltOTIIKK. Tlioy will havo on hand or manufacture to order RUGGIES, carriages, spring wagons, light wagons, ROAD WAGONS, and 'very thing In their lino of business, of tho liest maiurlal and most completo workmanship, and at low as can 00 uuorucu pru u thart of VubUe patronage U rctpettJvMjl - gwtcutu. Aug. n,n-iy. II, V. OMAN & llHOTlIIiU. mis rArr.R is ok hlb with LOWELL & HESMAN Advortisinij Agents, THIRD & CHESTNUT ST8., 8T. LOUIS, MO R proceeded hi.u-ono to become a dealer of I,or'c" mmoot thogovernor. Tho man house, and incidentally asked ono of tho teen years, and from forcoof habit wandered musical instruments in London, and tho other to follow his father's calling iu Haiti- more. It had been tho intention of tho father to, havo John Jacob follow his own calling; but tlio soul of tho youth rebelled against tho "uncanny" business, nud so nt tho ago of sixteen ho was allowed to go out in tho v.orld to seek his fortune ; but not until af ter tlio death of his mother, and tho marked dislike to him taken by tho step-mother his father brought homo subsequently to tho event. With two dollars in his pocket, and his scanty wardrobo swung over his shoulder on a stick, tho future mllllonairo passed tho confines of tho Hluek Purest, and reached tho Rhino whero ho was soon iu negotiation with somo of tho lumbermen fur a chance at tho oar of 0110 of the ImmciHu rafts of that region, which, instead of floating down replied giving 11 familiar German namo to .Mr. Astor, "Is ho an Englishman?" inquired Mr. Astor. "No; ho camo from Germany when quito a small boy." Mr. Astor was satisfied ho was an old nC' quaintanco, and entered his presence- asking him "Isn't your namo Wilhelm ? And did you not attend school at Waldorf when a boy 1" "I did. And your faeo is familiar. I ought to know you well. I remember you now. Your namo is Astor." Tlio two then had a long chat on school matters, tic, and two days beforo tho vessel sailed, tho two having met soveral times tlio governor asked him ; "Will you accept any present I mako you 1" Mr, .stor, Bceingtiio gentleman s earnest stream as on our rivers, aro rowed by n largo ness and good feeling, finally responded that number of men, sometimes seventy or eigli- ho would; ami so when ho culled to bid tho ty to a crrft; ami as tho work is hard, and governor good-bye, tho latter quito all'ected disasters often nvertako tho laborers, tho nt parting with his German school mato, wages paid nro high for that country at that said handing him a couplo of papers tlmo bolng about ten dollars for tho two I "Inko these; you may weeks, passage in addition to tho coarso faro value." furnished, Ono of them was simply n'Cantou prices. Hut what wcro cither labor or danger to current ; and tho other was u carefully pro- young Astor? His eyo was upon London, pared document, giving to thoship that boro aud America invited lilm smilingly at a fu- it permission to trado without molestation nt BLAi'K MORTGAGES for null cheap atlliu (XxyiuwuWilco. turo day, when tho war should ceaso its rav ages; for ever slnco his elder brother had been in America, it seemed to him as though that was to bo his futuro home, lleiico it was with enthusiastic camestucss any of tho ports monopolized by tho East India company, down Wall street, and into 0110 or tho largo bhipping houses iu that locality. "Ah! DePoystorl good morning. When ,lo you sail? 'I don't know. It's unsettled." "What's unsettled? Isn't Astor" "I'm not in Astor's service- now." "Tlio devil I Como now, that's is it so?', "It is." And, after tolling tho story, tho old sea captain was turning to go out, wheu tho merchant stopped him, "Do you want a ship? If you do, wo havo tlireo ready to sail for China, and you can take your choice. Captain DoPeystcrsaw his opportunity for repaying air. Astor s petty meannesses, in addition to resuming his labors and accepted tho command of tho largest of tho threo. aud unknown to Mr. Astor, set sail. Mr. Astor's ship returned with a cargo of tea, aud a lew days only transpired beforo tlio imu by tho rival house camo iu. Hut Astor, supposing ho had a monopoly of tho market, was iu no hurry about unloading. and beforo ho was aware of it tho cargo was sold, tho market glutted, nnd ho lost nt least 1 .1. . . 1 -I !.. ..-..Ri . find them of lIlu naiueu uuuvu 111 piums Shortly afterward, meeting Captaln;l)e i'eyster on tho street, Mr. Astor met tho former's triumphant suiilo with tho remark "Veil, captain, I might tam sight bettor paid for that chronometer." Ho seemed to baso everything 011 money. and seldom allowed a kindly feeling to rob Giving tlio paper no serious thought, as ho him of a dollar. It is said that 0110 of hi had no ships, nud not only had uotradowlth sea captains on ono occasion saved property tho East Indies, ho returned to New York, I for him to tho amount of seven huudred burning as is reality of being poor whilo seeming to be rich. Huhvcr, in ono of his early novels, writing of lovo says, "Perhaps it would bo better if wc could get rid of it altogether. Life would go on smoother and happier without it. Friendship is the wine of existence, love is tho dram-drinking." Nothing is so disgusting a3 tho whino of tenderness; tho mcro cant of feeling, tlio pa rado of sympathy; they bring tho most ami able part of our nature into disrepute, and prevent many a man from being generous, lest ho should bo thought ridiculous. Friendship has a noblo effect upon all states and conditions. It relieves our cares, raises our hopes, and abates our fears. A friend who relates his success talks himself into a new pleasure, and by opening his misforunc3 leaves part of them bohind him. Without a decision of character no manor woman is ovor worth a button, or over can be. Without it n man becomes at onco n good naturcd nobody, tho poverty-stricken possessor of but ono solitary principlo that of obliging everybody under tho sun rueioly for tho asking. It is a foolish idea to supposo that wo must Ho down and dio because we aro old. Who is old 1 Not tho man of energy not tho day laborer in science, art, or boncvo lcnce, but he only who suffers his energies to waste nwny and tho springs of lifo to becomo motionless. The fruits of tho earth do not moro obvi ously require labor and cultivation to pre pare them for our uso and subsistence than our faculties demand instruction and regula tion, in order to becomo upright and valua ble members of society, useful to others, or happy in ourselves. Perfect content was never ono of earth's institutions; that belongs to tho sphere ethe real, where perfection only is allowed, and where wo who cheat and torment each other hero hope to meet iu united bond of love, which nil tho sins of tho former lifo cannot sever. The activity of tho young is liko that of railway trains in motion. They tear along with euro and turmoil, and leave peaco be hind them. Tho quietest nooks provided by them lose their quictudo ns they pass, and recover it only on .their departure. Time's best gift to uso is serenity. Guilt, though it may attain temporal Dnslish Envy. The bitterness with which tho London Standard denounced tho American celebra tion of tlio Fourth of July in that city, and tho Englishmen who took part in it, shows that the largo number of tho English peoplo hich that influential paper represents never did nnd never will feel any real friendship for tho United States. England has always splendor, can never confer real happiness : onsidered her colonies iu tho light of lem- tlio evil consequences of our crimes long sur- 011s to bo squeezed dry for tho especial ben-1 vive their commission, and, liko tho ghost of efit of her titled pauper lords and aristocrats, I tho murdered, forover haunt tho steps of the and our country is about tho only ono of her malefactor, whilo tho paths of virtue, though inner dependencies which sho has not plun- seldom thoso of worldly greatness, nro Always Icrcd to enrich herself, Canada, never thoso of pleasantness nnd peaco. ery profitable, has been spared somewhat, a woman of irresoluto constitution elves becauso her oppression would havo resulted hersolf a treat of tho rack every time sho is n her Incoming a part of our Union. It caue(i to mako un her mind rcsncctintr somo was only by tho aid of our ancestors that petty domestic nrrangement. Tho poorest nglatid was ablo to tako that country from nruuments will mako their wav when deliv- tho French. Tho quotas of troops from tho crc,i wjth firmness and decision. ludecislou colonies wero always valuablo to England Uriscs from two very opposito causes sceinu 11 her wars on this continent and tho neigh- our wav too far. or not far onoutrh. boring islands, whilo our seaports and hardy RnnlMIlnBa , ,,,,,,,1 , , a , sailors wero almost Indispensable- to her long , . Im, , n, ,,, continued maritlmo supremacy. This conn try, if still under her sway, would be an ex cellent placo to which her impoverished nobility" could bo sent to hold sinecure olliccs and steal for themselves fortunes to bo Bpent in tho "Mother country," nnd its loss will never bo forgotten or forgiven by tho ruling classes in England. Exchange. causes on tho bodily framo is not unknown to any of in, though they ma perhaps not havo been thought, in regard to education , to bo of very great importance. Tho effect of anxiety, grief, and other feelings In di minishing strength and wearing away health aro'qulto familiar, A man falls in lovo just m ho falls down Tho cs-ieiico of jtntico is mercy. Making I stairs. It is an accident, perhaps, and a very a child suifer for wrong doing is merciful to probablo inlsforttuio ; something which ho tho child. Thero is no mercy in letting a never Intended, nor foresaw, nor apprehend child havo its own will, plunging headlong to ed. Hut whon ho runs in lovo, it is as wheu destruction with tho biu in its mouth Thero ho runs in debt; it is dono knowingly and is no mercy to society nor to tho criminal if intentionally, and very often rashly nnd tho wrong is not repressed nud tho right foolishly, even u not ridiculously, miserably vindicated. Wo injure tho culprit who comes and ruinously. up to tako his proper doom nt tho bar of'jus- It is in vain that ladders aro raised for tlco, It wo do not mako hlni feel that ho has I peoplo without strength of purpose. They uuuo n wrong tuiiig. wo may ucuver ms cannot mount. A boatswain can drivo a body irom tho prison, but not at tho expenso lazy sailor up tho rigging of a ship to tho nf justice nor to his own injury, Tho story of a man who had a noso bo largo that ho could not blow it without gun powder lias turned out to bo a hoax, maintop, but it is next to impctille to mako liis way upward from tho common levi 1, If futo has placed him nt tho foot of tin lnddcr, thero in ull prol ability, ho will gioveltill ho dies.