THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA, lVir IIioL'oumiiivn. ANIIKIi SMUT AND ANIIKI, IlKATll. IIY T1I.I.IK l.AllllACll. Continued, UHAl'TIM V. Early In tlio Bpoolflt-it evening tlio Ang,e.l Bleep called fur tlio Angel Dcatli. Tlio truth Is Angel Bleep hail noticed ninny things hft wished tlio Angel Death to ex plain. An they net out, Angel Sleep ink 'd Angol Death whom ho would rather visit Unit, to which Angol Death replied ; "pleaso yourself and H will bo my pleasure." Then tlio Angol Sleep amwercil "thoro is a little boy, 11 lovely one, wllh curly linir, nnd deep bluo oyef, and skin, 0, so lllto tlio dell cuto lily. When my eyes aro hungry for the beautiful, I look on him. llo is not only beautiful, but so amiable, no gentle, I lovo to visit him ; but I often find him in tears, and it Is long cro I can send him to tho fairy land of dreams. I often woudcr why that gentle child should havo ao much Bor row. I thought you must bo lurking round, idavinc with his tender heart Hiring, lltit now I know you to bo too good : Tell mo all you know of him, you aro to who. "Thero my brother" said tho Angel Death for they wore now In tho child's room. ThU is Indeed a lovely child, and I too havo of ten feasted my eyes upon his beauty. Hut if you would know tho causo of his tears, look at his littlo feet, bruised, chatted and Koro from going barefoot, and, nlso, list lo his breathing and that cough, if rough, indeed, it may bo called, nnd not a conviil hivo whistle. Exnosuro bears hard upon that fair, fragllo ilower too dclleato by lar to cndiiro tho scorching rays of tho nun and tho wind's rudo bla.sK I do not lurk around it: but I do limier near him is a garden, brother Angel Sleep, wlicro purest, faircst,falntest, fragile llowcrs bloom. Where tho hot tempered sun Is not their guardian ; or passloualo winds their warden. Neither is thero ugly worm to gnaw their roots but whoro Uioy may afcly, Hweetly bloom on forever, kopt and now riched by tho King of bcautr : Say. brother Angol Sleep, would you not this flower bo transplanted thither." "I would, indeed, 0, good Angel Death Hut why aro his leet no soro, and why ?" "I will toll you," interrupted tho Angel Death. "his parents aro too poor: or too caroleua to buy shoes for tho child, and though thoy lovo him, (after n fashion of thoir own) ho must go without shoes, and, too, ho must cat coarso food for they cannot procure tho dolicacics ho should havo." "And now," said tho Angol Sleep (m y readers must know while. Angel Death nnd Angel Sleep woro talking of this littlo boy they visited thousands of whom they did not Rjvoalc at all. Perhaps they would liko to know their exact position, or attributes, or power; but I cannot,posltivcly,promi3o them when I can tell.) Sco there, as ho pointed to a young girl who though It was nigh morning was still seaming on an olaborato garment sco that beautiful girl ; twenty moons ago I usod to find her In yon mansion wearing almost such garments as nho is now making and seemingly happy as a bird, Then tho roses played over hor cheoks, but now ;tho lilly supremely roigns over her visage. What wrought such chango, brother Angel Death ? Ah, tho story so oft repeated by mortals. Tho father found refuge benoath my wing. I carried him to tho tomb. O, how gladly did he look on tho prospect of rait. His property was seized by his creditors ; thoao to whom It rightly belonged. Thero was nothing for tho poor dclleato girl. So sho must support herself and a sickly mother by tho work of her own hands. I!ut now send her to tho fairy land of dreams and on the morrow when tho glorious ltulcr of day has finished his work on this sido of Ilis garden, wo will meet again and seo her take tho garment home and hear the kind words of encouragement sho will rcccivo from tlio saintly lady to whom it belongs. CHAPTER VI. "Ah,"cxclaimcd tho Angel SIccp,''sco sho enters tho back way, surely sho knows the front door." Just at that moment tho sweetest music greeted their'eara. Tho Angel Sleep stood as if enchanted for a moment. Thon ho glanced In tho princely parlor and O, what splendor greeted his view! Tho bright golden chandaliers. Tho cllcgante wrought furniture. Tho carpet, O, such carpet Brussels? No, but a very extraordinary pattern A very volvct pilc,with (lowers 0110 might almost fancy to bo real and tho windows graced with, O, such delicate cur tains held back by human hands. No, but by tho sculptors best representations of humanity. Hut I must not thus digress; but follow tlio lady of those, princely rooms as sho majestically bwocpb toward tho kitchen to meet her drcea-maker. "Ah t" sho says, haughtily, as sho meets tho girl, "you havo brought it at last, I greatly feared I would not get it to-night. One does not know who to trust," nnd was about toleavo tho kitchen when tho sowing girl (sweet lady) Angol Sleep called her, timidly asked If sho could pleaso pay her that night as sho was really In great need. To which my lady Coraclla, replied, not a littlo uncrlly, sho would cxamino tho work first and seo if sho was entitled to any pay. Saying which sho unfolded tho garment and examined It, O, how beautiful it was, and how tastily trimmed. Uut It did not seem to pleaso my lady Coraolla. This flounce was too deep. That cord too large, that "gulpuro" not properly set, tho slcovcs were trimmed n full half inch too low. In deed, sho was aggrioved, injured and ought to rocorer damages ; but as sho know the girl was almost n beggar, sho would pay hoi four dollars. Hut then sho must not expect her to hothor, Mr.'.rhlllips that night, and sho had not tho money by her. So saying sho haughtily swept from tho kitchen. And tho sowing girl pale, weary, disappointed and almost heart broken returned to her sick mothcr. And when near tho hour for tho removal of the somhro robo and silver decked turban of night, tho Angol Bleep and Angol Death, visited my lady Cornelia. Her palo weary face did not call forth one spark of sympathy, oven from tho breast of tho philanthropic Angel Slocp,for although ho had long siuco learned that sorrow sorrow no matter whether real, or fancied, ho had yet to learn that pain and weariness are pain and wear! new, no matter if deserved or undeserved. And now Angel Death reminded Angel Sleep it was tiino to part for tlio night. Tho Angel Sleep requested they might meet again as soon as possible. To which tho Aiigcl Death replied "Asl when tho next golden light illuminates tlio earth Nay ovon already has tho Babbath, tho soventh day of rest, beguu, Wo will where men meet by hundreds to prepare fur tho time when I shall carry their bodies to tho laud of tho dead and waft their spirits to the land whero thero Is no need of tho light of the sun, neither of tlio moon, to Kliino In it, for tho glory of Clod did llghton It, And tlio tomb Is tho light thereof. VH. Angel Bleep's work for that night being of tho meeting and eagerly watched Tor Angel Death to come, which ho did as soon in tlio congregation had nscmblcd, and vtigel Sleep and Angel Death entered tlio templo together and sat whero they cotliu seo all but were of rouro Uicmtclvoi in visibles Tho Angel Slccp'scyes naturally wandered from ono to tho oilier, lo find hit former ae- lualntances. And whero Im recognized tho littlo hoy whom ho and Angel Death hnd vUited tho night before, hU surprise, know no bounds. Theio In a cushion pew sat the boy looking indeed moro llko a seraph than a child of earth. Droned in puro whllo relieved only by a bluo ribbon at hla throat and band around lih hat of the same hue, and tho dclleato gaiter boots in which his poor bru!t.ed chapped fot wcio encased. And tho parents and other members nl tlio family Hut what need to describo them, enough to say their dress might have cost a hundred dollars c and still havo been re spcctablc. Tho Angel s!e p was mi astonuhed lie could not sneak and looked blankly at Angel Death. Tho tranquil Angil Death said why my brother such is life. 1 told you tho tiuth, when I told you his pareuU think they aro too poor to buy shoes for tho child to wear, those delicate gaiter boots aro for Sunday show and not. mr weir, ijook mere v mu lady Coraclla. Tho Angel Sleep did as ho was bid. Tho H.iinl-liko lady dressed in tho elaborate silk lrosalho scwltis irirl had returned to her tho night previous. How beautiful, indeed, it looked, witli that elegant shawl, the latest from 1'aris. And bonnet, too, to match a bonnet of the richest velvet, trimmed with ribbon and feathers held by a pin of burn ished gold. And t.eo the lady Coraclla opens her gold edged hymn book, and hark, sho joins tho congregation In a hymn of devotion, and (0, consistency how beautiful thou art) sings as loudly as her tightly laced cornets will permit. "Lot worldly minds tlio world pursue It has no charm for me. Onco I admired its trifles too Hutgraco hath set me free." And then the prayer, at tho closo of which all join, my lady Coraella not excepted, and repeat with tho pastor; "Our Father who art In heaven, hallowed bo thy name. Ah J kingdom como. Thy will bo done on earth as It is In lwaven. Oivo us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our tresspasses as we forgivw those who tresspass against us, Lead us not into temptation ; but deliver ns from evil: for thino is tho kingdom tho power and glory, forever, Amen." After they arose, Angel Sleep asked Angol Death: "Whero is tho sweet lady" wo watched last night. "Sho is not here brother Angel Sleep," replied tho Angel Death "Sho is watching her mother whom I shall soon carry from this beautiful wilderness of pain and sorrow." Hut 'lis well for tho soul that it sutrers now. And, too.for you swett lady. that alio must sutler to-day To purify tho gold from dross it must bo put through a heated furnace.' Hut, said the Angel Sleep, to think of that lady trcatlnghorso harshly (Sending hcrhomo last night without a penny and then pretend ing to bo a christian O, I can never forgivo her. If I were not obliged I would never visit her again. "Do you remember our first meeting?" said tho Angel Death, Had I at that timo been clad in gorgeous apparel and yon in a moro humblo garb, do you, verily believe you would have dared reproach me asjyoudid?" Tho Angol Sleep looked abashed for ho knew ho would not. Then tho Angel Death continued "did you not, too, repeat Forgive uh our tresspasses as ,wo forgivo thoso who tresspass against us ?" ' Aim nt Peaches. Tin: or.nnn of tump, comino. Tho 77t gives a full account of tho peach crop, with tho order in which they ripen and nro sent to market. Although a few premature peaches have been shipped from points on tho peninsula. tho markctiug of tho fruit will not begin tin til the middlo of next week, with the first shipment of the Hales. Tho present wcath cr Is very favorablo for this variety, which rots cosily with rain, and is always picked grcon to provent this. It is likely there will ho a largo yield of Hales nnd they will be tho most remunerative of any variety to tho growers for several obvious reasons. I havo taken the troublo to obtain a carefully ar ranged estimate of tho yield of each variety. and tho 1 laics arc put down at 300,000 bask' ots. They nro not n very excellent pencil. though demanded with eagerness as tlio first tasto of tho year. When tho Hales havo all bocn marketed an interval of two or thrco days will occur, when tho "Tropny" a very excellent variety of white peach will como on about tho 6th of August, of which it i estimated 600,000 baskets will reach the mar kets. Following this, August 15th, is tho "Early York" variety and its genus, tho most delicious nnd best ilavorcd of all tho yield a juicy, rcd-whito peach. Along with it, and only nn offshoot from tho York, is tho new variety, tho "Mountain Hose." About a million baskets of York and Hose will bo shippcil. When the Yorks havo been nl most exhausted, about August liOth, tho first of tho delicious yellow poaches, the Karlv Crawford, a largo variety, will begin to pear. With these and much llko thcni, but larger in fact tho largest peaches grown some of them measuring twenty Inches i clrcumforcnco will appear tho Susquehanna and tho Kecvcs. They nro all offshoots of tho old Malaccatown fruit. Thcso peaches nro considered tho nepliu ultra of tho fruit, and always command tho very best of prices, Quito a good crop of them was grown this year, and they will he plenty. Seven hun drcd thousand baskets will bo shipped. Tho growers will send this fruit to Kurope on tho Pennsylvania lino, if practicable. Immcdl ately followiug these, near tho first of Soj tember, will como tho "Oldtnixou" and tho "Stump of tlio World," a largo white peach llieroaro moro of this variety of peaches than any other, and whenever a glut has oc curred in tho market previously, it has been miring tho shipment ot thcso peaches, When they ripen fruit will bo very chcao. and It is not unlikely that on account of low prices tho growers will refuso to ship any moro until they havo disappeared. Not loss llian two million baskets, and pobably moro, of this class of fruit will beshljipcd, (lencrally, when tho Mixou havo been dis posed of, an Interval of some days occurs bo lero shipments aro again heavy, when tho lata "Crawford" appear, of which there aro a great many. Thoy como on about Septem ber fall, nnd about a million and a halt will' bo marketed. When they disappear tho "Ileupens" and "Ked Hare Ulpes," a mealy, dry peach, of only medium nuality, begin to coma mi and coutlmio until bcpteuihor 1Mb, after C0O.000 havo been shipped. Then tho "Smock," tho best peach to keep sound nnd much used in canning, will como on, Thcso eachcs aro generally very profitable, as thoy keep well ami may bo re-shipped after a tew days delay. Many of them this year will be sent West and to Kuropo. They aro not a very juicy or first class peach, but on ac count of their solidity nro much grown, and not loss than 120,000 will ho sent from tho Peninsula. Thcso generally closo up tlio heavy shipments, only n,MriliAd fwinlnir fut ami i jnly a few small white rmmnlllntr until f li. WI1AT I KNOW A1J01IT VKHKTINK, South lionTON, May t, lsio. It If a-rttvfr , Rns. 1X11. I lftr Mr. 1 navn linn consnicronin o.m" r L" Si. vmmv,w rn, riviv.n1ft. irencrnl ilrhllltv flTKl ,i n Hln...1ftwi .ia-ma I nnnerlnr tonnvthllllf Mcl Tfi f tor ur1. I commenced lotaho VroK m t bonl iho middle i Ut winter, anil, alter tislnir t ttw bottles, It. tnttreiy cured inn ui upepsia, mm my .Mood neiTcrviiui InatimoCl condition as tit tlio 'f'SPIir; Umfl. IS WHI nuru Hlw I'lmnini i" KiiiJt.'ij urther prUeu1r relatt Hi what I know about this Rood medicine to any mr who will caller an litem me at ray residence, Athens HtrceL very ri'siM'i i inn. 8VI Alliens MU'cct. ntsHrsiA. viriiMM'iini nf nMK tlto. rhunirof food nnd wind from tho tom!u:h, acidity of t hoKtom.ieh, henrl Mirn, dryness and whiteness ot tho tnnt?uo In tho mnrnln, muso of distension In tlv Miiinach and howels, Boroctlmon rtiuiMlnu ind puln; cmttfoness, whicn is occasionally lnicrrmueii uj uiuiiuh., uiu nessof theurlno. Thu inoulhln i-Uratny, or has a sour or hitter taste, other trcuiiPBt Kjiuiitoius nro watornrann, ivumtauon oi in" iivun. w-wvwun, mm disorders of the senses, M wcltijr double, clc. Them Is L-eneral debility, languor and avt rslon to motion : dejection ot tho krlrlts, illbturhed Meep, and frlght tul dreams. Gainod Fiftoen Pounds of Mosli. hoittii HRnwifit. Mr.. Jan. 17. ISTJ. II. H. STf.vr.xs, Est). : ... near Sir -I hare had dyspenalaln form for ths last ten years. andhac tascn hundreds of dollars' worth of medicine without obtaining nny relief, in fieptcmbcrlasl tcommeneed taklnif tho VmiETixr. since which time my ueau n nna meuuiiy Improfcd. .My ioou uigcain ivcu, nnii i uiivn iiii-" pounds of flesh. Thero nro scleral others In this placo taking Vkuetink, nil havo obtained relief. Yours!, truly, TIIUHAH K. iUUUlii;, Oterseerot card room, Portsmouth Uo'.s., .Mills. All Disojiaos of tlio Blood. If Veiibtisi will relieve nata. cleanse, purify ami cure such dlse.vs, restoring tho patient to perfect lioaiih utter into,? iiinvrent nnvs ci.ins. many leme- rtlcs, surfcrlnir for years, it Is not concluslte proof. It ounroa sufferer, you can Is) cured 7 Why Is this iiH'dtclno tH'rformlnif such great cures 7 It works In tho blood, la tho ctrcuimtiiir fluid. It can truly ho called tb (rent Jllont J'mlfler. Thn im at sourco of illncaso originates In tho blood: and no medltlno that ihvs not act illreclty upon It, lo purify and ren- tiT.iw, mls nny jusLi'iaiui unm uiu pnuui; uueiiuuu, GOOD EVIDENCE. ClNCINSATt. NOV, 2C, 1S72. Ma. It. It. Rtrvpks! Dear S r Tho two nolt csor vkiiptink rurnisneii ni9 by j our agent my wlto has used with great uene. tit. For a long time sho has been troubled with dlz rluesannd costlveness: thi'so troubles arc now on. ttrelv remned ltv tlmlisn of Vkoktinr. She w as also troubled with dyspepsia nnd general ueuuiiy, anu nas ucen greuiiy ih.'iiciiiu:u; ii'JJX WiUnut Street. RELIABLE EVIDENCE. Mr. If. It. NrRTRNfl! Hear Hlr I w 111 moat cheerfully ntid my tesi imony to tho great nuinlieryou havu already rceelvvtl in favor oi your great and good mcdlelne, Vkoki ink, for I do lot think cnuugh cm m Bald in Its praise, for I was troubled over thirty jenrs with that dreadful illseaso. Catarrh, and h.ulHUch liadeoiighlng sik'IIs t hat It would seem a.s thoiifjhl could never breath uuv moro, and Vmirtink has cunnl mo: and I do feel to thank lod nil tho thuo that thero Is no good a medlcluo as Veurtinr, and I also think It ono of tho boat medicines for coughs mid weak Hlnklng feel ings nr. ino siomaeu, auil uuviao overi iio,iy 11, him' Iho Vfjiktinr, for I can ns.iuro them It Isono of tho XtuiA roodlchies that pter was. Mils. I,, (loin:. Corner Mngailuo and Walnut Htroela, C'ainbildge, aitrecTation. ciiiRtxsTOK. Mass.. March 10. vteo. II. Tt. Stivrns: This Is toerUfy thntl havo usod your "luoon rrciv. amtlon"(VwiRTiNB) la my family forsoveral yuarn, ana think that, for scrofulaor Cankerous Humors or llheumattc atleetlons. it cannot noeiceiieu: anil ns a blood purltler and spring tncdlclno It Is tlio txist thing lever used: and lhac used almost every thing. I can cheerfully recommend It to any ono in need of such a medicine, yours respectfullj id of such a medicine, lours respectruiiy, MKS.A.A.niNSMOI!!!, 19 Uussoll btrect. Vogotino is Sold by All Druggists. EW STOCK OF CLOTIIINa. AND Gentlemen's Dress Goods. DAVID LOWENBEltQ Invites attention to his large and elegant stock ot top aM Fasliionable Clotliing, ;at his store on; MAIN STREET, IN TIIU NEW BLOCK, HMlOMSnUHO, l'A., whero ho has Just received from Now York and rail (adelphla a full assortment of MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING, Including tho most fashionable, durnblo and luuiasoiuo DRESS GOODS, (JON3I8TINU OP BOX; SACK, FKOOIC, GUM AND OIL CLOTH, COATS AND PANTS, OF AT.Ii BOUTS SIZES AND OOLOIIS, JIo has also rorlenlshed his already largo stock of clotu3 and cassimeites, fiquiied; AND rMIN;VESTS,r. STIiirED, Fill I ITS, CIIAVATH: SOCUH, coujvua, HANnKEiiciiiKra, (1 LOVES, JSUSriiNDEIW, AND FANCY ARTICLES. Ha has constantly on hand a largo and well select ed assortment ot Cloths and Vostings, which ho la rroparcd to make to order Into any Ulna of clothing, on very Bhort notlco, nnd la .the best manner. All his clothing is made, to wear and most of it la of homo manufacture. UUIiI) WATCHES AND JEWELRY, OV EVKItY DESCItimON, PINK AND CHEAP IIISCA8EO? JEWKLltY JS NOT BUIU'ASSICD IN TIIIB PI.AOK. CALL AND EXAMINE HIS (J1SN UltAL ASSOHT- MENTOF Clothing, Watchoo, Jowl ry, &c. DAVID LOWENHEna. uly l,7J-tf. TN 'Villi IfATTEIt Or TIIK TIT.MT I Potato of I'hiun Miller, late of Centra township, Culumhla county, iliiceJiicd. llvle on heirs to neccpt or rtjuse the J!tal Ibttite at tlte talmtion or iIuao cauae xihy the tame tlxndd not vc tout, ,f?,10 commonwealth of rennsjlvanla to r.cnjamln Mllh r, Harriot Ilrclich, Mary Ann f angles, Ueglna aaid Philip Miller, ilnceasod. Yomiuit nachof you oru heroliy coinmaudcd Ui ho and upwar Ix foro llw Orphans' Court of aald county, to Im held at liloom. burg, on Uio cth nay ot boptombor, A. I)., IMS, Uien anathoro toauoentor refusulo taico the real cistaUi of aald 1'hlllp Miller, docoouod, ul llio upirulb.l valuu. orahuw caumiwhv Uuihiune tdould not ho CIIEAr JOB niftm AT THE COLUMBIAN OFFICE. The Columbian Printing Estaly lishmcnt is amply siii"pliocl with the necessary Presses, Types and other material for executing all kinds of Printing at low rates and in tho most expeditious and satis factory manner. CALL AT THE Columbian Building. COURT HOUSE ALLEY, Br,ooMsnuiifi, Pa. When special nmterinl is required it will bo promptly obtained. Books and Pamphlets, Hand-Bills and Dodgers, Largo and Small Posters, Letter and Bill Heads, Envelopes with Business Cards, Bussines?, Pie Nic, Wedding nnd Visiting Cards, Programmes, Bills of Faro, t&c. Will all bo supplied and excuted in superior style, at cheap rates nnd short notice, Tho best workmen aro employed and tho best material will nlways bo furnished. A liberal share of public patron ago is respectfully solicited. Bix)OMBiiuito, June 18,1875. GRAND OPENING! ULIAS MUKDEN HALL H AVI Nil iciMiincd Iho business of Mt rehmi' discing at his Old Moro, on MAIN fJTIlliHT, ltLOOMSIlLJUO, NKAU T!!H t'OUKS IIOTKI, Poshes to call tho attention of his frlemU nnd the ruuuugeneiauy,o ins NEW, 1'ULI, AHD VAIIIE1) STOCK OF GOODS, JUST OPENED, And solicits aeharo of public patronage HIS STOCK CONSISTS 01' DitY noons, (inOCEIUEH, QUEENSW.UIE, WOODBNWAUK, WILLOWWAIIIS, HOOTS ft SHOES, HAltDWAltl., 1'I.OUI! AND V1XD. Iu connection wllh his stock of Xtircnandlso ho constantly keeps on hand In his yard. A FULL STOCK Ol' and Undressed. Lute, AND SIIINOI.ESOl' IttSMANUEACTillUC Bill Lumber nuulc u Hpecitility. CAM, AND SEE. oct.s,is73-tr. A. J. EVANS, I11EAD Y MADE AND CUSTOM MADE CLOTHING. UK II AS THE FINEST GOODS, LATEST STYLES, i AND lairLOYSTHE BEST AVOllKMEM TorOood FltHnnd Promptness In nuuig orders thero Is tho place to go. His goods aro selected with care and his CUSTOM WOlti; will coraparu favorably with tho best effort of tho fashlonablo City Dealer. UH KEEPS A LAUGH STOCK OP BOYS' & HILDBEN'SLOTHIM AND GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS- At Astonishingly Low rrlccs. A. J. EVANS. Julyl, 1S73-U. GLAZING AND PAPERING. T7"M. F. IiODINE, Iron Street below sec- ti onu. itioonibourtr. i a, is iircoarcu xouu iu i Kiuus or PAINTING, QLAZINO, and papeu hanoincs, In Iho hcBt Myles, at lowest prices, and at short nonce. Parties having such wor to do wll save money by work warranted to glvo (satisfaction, Order I solicited TO, F. LODINE. Mar. e, '74-ly. PHILADELPHIA ADV'S. BDATTTiriTXi XTHW SOW O. "NO rrleudly Voice totlrcet Me." hy II. P. Hanks. Sent iiost-p:Ud for as ccntH. Order our catalogue roristo. WM. II. HONNI'.ll K CO., Muslo Publishers, 1102, Chestnut Hireet, I'tiuaucipiiia, i-o. juiy iww, IHSTEVR OOTSAOB OROAN8. in l'iuis and Arlon Pianos. 11. M. HUUCI'. 13ua cheat- nut St., Phllx, formerly of 38 norUi 7Ui bt. Jy.hwsw yAINWKKlUT & CO., WHOIJ5SAI.K OIlOCEIta, N. U. Corner Sccondand Arch streets, PuhjUiblhiu, Dealers In TEAS, KYUUPS, COFFEK, BUOAIt, MOIJVSSia MCI, BPICES, SICA1ID 60IU,AC.,iC, l"Ordcrs will rcccivo prompt attention. ti,T-U i a FIRST CLASS NEWSPAPER. JDAITY AND WEEKLY. Independent in Everything I xscutrai in xsouung, Opposed to all Corrupt Rings in Municipal, Buuo aim jMauonai Alfairs. THE DAILY TIMES will bo Issued on Haturday, the 181U of March noil, and every morning thereto:ttr, Hundays excepted, nuder the editorial direction ot A. K. McClure, printed compactly from clear, new tilH', on a largo folio hheet, roitalnlngall the news oflhoday.lnUuaiiir tan AHSOCIATKI'IIUKSTKI.B (IIIAMH, special TelCKratna and Correspondence from all pohit of lnterett, and fearless 'dltorhi! dl cuvslons of current topics. J'rlec, TWO OiSNTS. Mall subscriptions, pobtngo free, six doUars per anuuin, or fifty cent per month. In advance Advertisements, fifteen, tweuty nnd thirty ccnU per line, according lo position. The Weekly Times Will 1 Issued on Saturday, March soth, weekly thereafter, containing all Important news of tho week, and coinploto Miirkot and 1'lnauclal lleporta. Mailed, for one year, iioMago (rue, at tho fouowlag j-atosi Ono Copy , , 11.00 i t:opiH ..,.., V.IHJ ..icon Tuentv (loolejl.. A.'lVKUf IHKM HNTS twenty-llvo centH per lino. luunllniioea should l) inaduby UrulUur 1'oatOf. Ilui fillers, Addrcs.1 nu. ii ctuuui NnomiiMjwij Ayer's Sarsaparilla la tldoly known ns ono of tho most etTectual remedies ever discovered for eleanfint; tho pvs tem and inirlfylii thu hlood. It has 6tood tlio test of yenrs, with n con dlantly growing rc utation, baited on its lntrin!o virtue, and sustained hy Us re markable euros. So mild as to ho safe and beneficial lo children, and yet po pearehlng ns lo cllocluallT purge out the j;ivat cor ruptions of the' Wood, Mich as the scrofiiloui and syiihllitio eontanilnalton. Impurities, or diseases lliat have lurked in the system lor years, noon yield to Una iiowerlul anti dote, and dlsaiwar. Hence ita wonderful cuies, many or which nro jmhlicly known, of Scroftllit, and all scrofulous diniafes, Ulcers, ICruptioiif, nnd crupUvu dis onlers of tho skin, Ttlfnors, Iilntclics, Jtolls, l'lmplcfl, lii9tuleA, SorcA.St. Antliony'n Tre, or I3ry5ii(v liu, Tetter, Salt Klicttm, .Scnltl llciMI. KinuVTOrin, ami internal Ul ccrntloiLi or tlio UUiriifi, Stoiiiueli, and Ijlver. It also cures other com plaints, to which it would not seem csiucl ally adapted, such as Dropsj', Wyspcp Kits NcurnlfUi,IIeart Disease, X'emnio wenuness, jieniuiy, and Ij(!llcorrli(C!l, when they aro manifesta tions of tho scrofulous poiioas. It is an excellent restorer of health nnd strength in tho Spring, lly renewing tlio appetite and vigor of the digestive organs, it dissipates the depression and lisllets lan Riiorol tho season. Kven whero no disorder for cleansing tho blood. Tho system moves on wiui rcnoTVii vjgur turn n uuw loitwj ui life. rnBPARnn n v n. i r avcd . nn i ,..ti Mn ui, jivinitnu vju,j luvvuii, niui3i,i 1'racUeal ruui Annlitlail ClmntiU. BOU) IIY AIJ. DItOCIOISTd EVEliYWIIEItEL April ic-"r.yi NEW GOODS! A. UEA-AY STOCK, unearier tnan iiiven Q TI All T T 171? fir SfYW KJ. XI, ULXUULmLM XI K)JX Have Just llcccivcd tho largest and best tupply ol CHEAP AMD' FASHIONABLE DRY GOODS, They have ever offered to their friends and cus tomers. (Jlotlis, (jassimercs, and Satinetts for MEN'S WEAK, fllntliu Alminnci Mm-inncj for LADIE'S WEAIl, OAIilCOKS, MUSLINS, C'AiinUICS, ami every variety of Dry Goods desired, Carpets, Mats, Ottomans, in great variety and at the LOWEST CASH Pit ICES. FAMILY GROCERIES, including all the varieties of COb'EEES, TEAS and SUGARS, COUNTRY PRODUCE, I and a general supply of articles useful for the table always on hand. CALL AND SEE, Country produce of all kinds taken in cx- cliango for goods at cash prices. Oct. co.'7l tt BLOOMSBTJRG MARBLE WORKS, T. II. IxUJN TOJN. JbTOprietOr, MAIN STrtKET, HKhOW MAltKHT. Manufacturer of and Letder in all lAndi d MONUMENTAL MARBLE WORKS WousothOhestAMI'.ltlCAN and ITALIAN Marhlo. He has on hand and f urulshes to order MONUMENTS, TOMHS, HEADSTONES, UUNS, VASICS, Ac. Rverv variety of Marhlo cutting nealh executed at tho lowest market prices. A long practical experience and personal attention to business makes Iho proprietor lonlldcnt of giving Hatlffmtlon. All orders by mall promptly intended u. i'. o. nox vji. Itn?"Ar. 11. Work dttifcrtd free if tliAinje."ut. Aug. 21, '74-ly. T. U HI1NTON, Proprietor. IIOBERT KOAN CABINET MAKER AND UNDERTAKER I -fro'i Street, between Mum and Third Streets IILOOMSIIUIKI, VA, A IA, lilnds oi Eiirnitiir niado to order and hioken furniture neatly rcnalied. Thu duality I iiiidprlcoHof his work will comnaio who any tna I can im produced anil no I'esiK'Ctiuiiy bouciisii suaru 01 puuno patronage. Undertaking' win lioonrefiillvonil nmmntlv attended to. Vhen called uiHin during nny hour of tlio duy or night ho ulll ut onco respond nnd lay out tho dead, when femato help In buck eases li desired ho will fuudah tho siune. Ready Made Coffins both of WOOD and METAI.I.IO WAltn nlwajs on tuuia. no is aiso ino ino hoib propneior iu uiooms buxg and surrounding districts for Taylor's Patent Corpw Preserver lly which n corpso may lio purely nnd carefully pro nerved In leo for anyneslrablo length of llmo. Tho uiuot IholTcserver may In) obtained from lit in at any time, hearts, rihrouds, O'.oveo nnd Mourning for lXKirs furnished when rwiucbtcd. Also, HJlAItsK and CONVEYANCES furnished bSS'Rememler he is a liegular Underlain and thoroughly understands Ms businss, lit will not be undersold by uny in llloomsburg or in the county. JtOIIUHT KOAN. Dec. u, 'T-iy AN J ACTUAL I1CBINDW INSTITUTION AND TBUQUAl'IHO JN8TITUTE. For InfononUon CM at onico, or fiend for Coixiiaa dm. w SClLBS. .ntf fhrreiirfy-foar Goitipetitocs Vvbr5 .1873 nATrttJT n RAIL ROAD TIME TABLES TH1i,AIKI,1'11A AND KHADINCI KOAi AV 1 NTKU A 111 I A NO KM KN'T. NOV. 9th, 1x71. TKAINH l.tlAVE liri'KUT A3 10I.I.01V8 (TJiPA V EXCKI TKIi For Now Vorlc, I'ldladelphla, Heading, 1'otlMlllo Tainaqua, Kc 11,93 a. m For Catawlaia, 11,XI n. hi. and 7,Sf. 1. hi. For WllllauLsiHirt, (i,ss a. in. and 4,(i p. in TllAtNS-OK IIITFUT l.KAVR AH I'OI.UmS, (Sl'NI'AV l'X tTITBP.) Iavo New York, o,oo a. m. Ix;axo Philadelphia, l,lf. a. m. Ix'avulieadlng, ll,::Jn. iu., I'ollsillle, 12,10 p. m and Tamariua, l,3(i p. rn. U'.ivu Catan Isaa, r.,2(i a. in. and !,' p. in. l'nvu, v,voiu in, nnd c,on p. in. Passengers to nnd from New York nnd Phlladel pbla go thiough Ithout I hango of cant. ,i. i:. wooti:n, I May8,lST4-tf. (icncraisupeilnlendent telawaue, lacica wanna AND I 17 WIMTEKN IIA1I.UOA1). iiLooMsnuitc; division. Thne-Tablo No. SJ, Takes effect nt 4:30 A. M, THIIKSIIAY, IlKCUMllUll 10, 1S71. NOKTII, STATIONS. Seranton llrllcMie Tailor tlio... SOUTH, ini. p.m. p.m a.m. 11 m. 11.111 2 2b H .Hi H BO 8 2.1 s 1:1 a in 7 t.'J 1 ta 1 -is 1 IV 1 40 13 .1 10 CO 10 ft is iu 10 II in as 2 20 r. ;iu 12 ) 12 11) 11 4R 11 311 2 20 2 33 2 41 2 Ml 2 tii 3 01 a en 3 IS a 20 3 Its a :; 3 3(1 3 40 8 m 4 lift 4 2D 4 W 4 30 4 45 4 Ml I t.(l ti nr. r. 12 r is r. in 5 30 r. is r. t.s 0 03 0 20 n :ia n 41 1 88 ...Laeknwniiha r. M) 7 no 7 US 1 1 I'lltsion . Wcht Plllslon... Wjnmnig. , M.lllhJ ....Kingston KIiil-Muii 11 20 11 10 11 t(l 10 45 1 11 1 If. 111 21) 10 31 7 1 1 00 in as 7 10 7 25 7 41 12 M 10 in 10 r.o 10 r." 7 llfl l'i 4C. 7 8 17 8 12 7 :w VI II . .Plymouth .tunc.. ...Plymouth 7 45 7 25 IU 3fi 7 10 12 30 11 00 11 10 11 lo 11 is 11 :i2 11 10 11 r,:i 12 il 12 (8 12 12 12 17 12 211 12 32 12 37 12 42 12 45 1 (1.1 1 11 1 II 1 3) 7 tO 8 Of ...wonoaio .Natitleol.0 7 ns 8 112 8 to 7 in 12 sr. 7 40 7 IB 12 10 .llunlork-8 creek. 8 1: 7 SO n Wl 12 (II ....Milckshlnny ....Illck'a 1'erry... ....UeaUl llalen... Ilerlck .... llrlar Creek ...Willow lrmu.. I.lmo Kldge lispy. ...Hloomsliurg Iluncrt 8 35 7 or. r. sr. 11 40 ! 8 r. U li 6 f,7 e 45 G 32 o as ii aa 2D 11 31 7 in 0 13 11 22 0 IS 11 17 7 1 7 1 r. 27 0 20 (i ml r. r.s n M t 11 r 10 5 1ft tt 01 4 Mi 4 30 r. n n 7 21 r. r.:t 11 02 7 as r, .10 in t. 7 r. 40 10 411 r 31 10 :i r. nn 10 40 r 12 in 22 r. i2 111 12 7 M Calalssa UrlilL'e. 8 I 8 ( ..Clark's Switch...' Danville..., Chulaxky.., Cameron.. K 4S 8 M 1 r.7 4 411 p.m. 10 IM 0 r .Northumberland. 1) 20 n.m. .1.111. p.m. p.m. a.m DA VI II T. HOUND. Sunt. Superintendent's ortlce, Kingston , .March n, 1st t. N' OKTIIEUN CENTKAL KAIEWAY COMPANY. On nnd after November 20th, 1S73, trains ; 111 lea SUNllUHYas follow a: NOlmiWAHl). Erlo Jtall6.20 a. 111., nrrho Hralra ll.roa. m " Cauandalgiia... 3.35 ji. in, " liochester 5.15 " Niagara 9.10 ltenovo accommodation 11.10a. ui.arrlio Williams lihnlraJlatl-i.lf, a.m., nrrlto i:imlra 10.211a. 111. liullalo Kprcbs 7.15 n. m. arrlvo HtitTalo 8.50 a. m, HOUTIIWAltP. liullalo Ksprcss v.50 n. in. arrive Ilarrishurg a.m " llalthnoro 8.40 ElmlraJIall 11.15 a.m., aiTlvo Ilarrishurg 1.50 p. m " Washington 10.30 ' " Baltimore c.30 " " Wasldngton S.SO " Ilarrlsburg accommodation 8.40p. m.nrrlio Harris- huig 10.501). in. arrive Iialtlmoro 2.25 a. in, " Washington 0.13 Krlo ilall 12. a.m. arrive IlarrLshurg 3.05 a. m, " llaltlmnro 8.411 " " Washington 10.35 " All dally except Sunday. 1). M. 110Y1), Jr., (ieneral 1'a.sscngcr Agent," A. J. CASSATT, (lenernl Manage PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD riiitaileliilitn & Krio 11. It. Division. SUMMEU TJME TABLE. rV and after SUNDAY. MAY 23.1. 187f., V. Iho trains on tho Philadelphia k Hrlo Hall KO.ui inuiMju win i uu aa iuuuh; WKSVWAim. FAST I.INi: leaves New York ' Philadelphia " ' " Ilaltliuoi'O " " Ilarrishurg ' " Wllllanispiirl " " ' Uick Haven " " " llellefonlo 0 25 a. iu 12.55 p. tn 1.20 p. in 5.H0 p. Ill 8.55 p. in 10.20 p. IU 11.50 p. Ill 8.25 p. m 11.55 p. in 4.25 a. in 8.35 a. m UltlllMAlI. leaves Now York " " I'lilljileipiiu ' Ilarrlsburg ' " " WllllamsiKirt " " 1k.I; Haven ' ' " lteli(iV( 1 " urr. nt lirlo .45a. , 7.W p. IU NIAOAllAKXPltlMSleaveslPlilladelphla.. 7.40 a, " " Iialtlmoro 7.35 a, li.ll la.ii.JK-, ll urr. nt Willi. inisir(.. t.r.ip ' Ik Haven ...3.15 p " ltenovo...... . j.aop RI.VIIIA M vtf. li'iivesVphltnilelnlila fi.ltftn. in " " " Ilarrishurg lir, p. in ' air. at. vv iiu.iiiisHiri i, " M " iaxk jiaveu iiop. m EASTWAIW. PIIII.'A EXl'UESS leaves I)ek Haven.., . o.toa, m " " vviiuamspori.,, ' " arrives at Ilarrishurg " " " llalllinoro " ' " l'hlladeliihlrt..,, " " New YorK' ... T.fJS a. . .it. ir, ii. m ., Mr, p, in ,, a.a.'i p, in ,. ii. in p. in ... 0,1 a. iu'.ti a. in a. in ,. 3.(i p, in DAY1IXPI1RSH leavea ltenovo hock Haven... ' " " WlllUhiBpoit. " " nrr.atllariWiurg..., " " " I'hlladelplda,. ' " New Vol k " " " lUUIiuoro EHI EMAIL leaves Erlo " " " ltenovo " " " IX'k Haven " " " Wllllainsport " arr. nt Ilarrlsburg,. 11 Iialtlmoro ' " Philadelphia " " Now York , . i, iu ., 'J. 13 j). in .. CM p. Ill ,1l.tfla. ru .. s.ssp. in ., i, iu , lii.r.o p, in . tt.san. in .. 7.sfin. iu , njr, a. iu lu.lou. in l'AST I.INIi leaves wmiamsport 18.95 a. w " ' " arr. at Ilarrlsburg a. m " " iialtlmoro T.80 a. in ' " Philadelphia T.8s n. m ' " New York a. ui Erlo Mall West, Niagara Express West, Elmlta Mall West and Day Express i:asl mako closo counec llou at Northumberland with U & 11. Jt. II. trains for Wllkos-Hurro unilheiaiitou. Erlo Mall West, Niagara Express West and Elralrn Mall West mako clow counecllou at WllluuAsporl with N. o. Il, W. tralus Norm. Erlo Mall East and West, Niagara Express West, Tast I.lno West and Day Express East inako close connection nt I?k Haven with 11. E. V, It. It., trains. Erie Mall East and West connect at Erlo with trains on I, s. 11. ti. It. It., at uorry with o. 0, A. V. It. It., at Emporium with 11, N. Y, & V, It. It., and ntlirlttwoodwlth It. ... Parlor Cars will run between Philadelphia nnd Wllltamsport on Niagara Express West, East Muo West, Philadelphia Express East ami Day ExprtfaH East, bleeping Cars on all ulght trains. WM. A. JJAIiDWIN, Jan. 8,76-tf ucnoral Uupt LANK Nm'KH,wllli or without taemjitlon SUI GENERIS. rrn. MtRUITiiJ'rcrtATfl CABINET ORGANS. iiMr.nn a T.En sss iin h ppii n a n mm UlViJHIUJllJXJiJ r,lr7,w., . liwivuililil lii Miwlty ami ccciionro uy nny omcr. AwnnliJ an" DIPLOMA OF HOHOEat VIENNA.1873; PARSS.1867. nlll V Alncrlimi OrRftHK tvvr nwnrileil nny nuilil UllLj In Hiirniwi, or which pre tent Mich cxlniunll. mu-jr c-iitilrmiu as hi eoiiiniiuid n vddo ih.Iq llu-re. 1 1 ill 1 VC luTunlml lilcliOht tr,nihiniM nt 1 nilim ALYl ll I 0 trl"1 1 x pr.Klt ImiA. In Atiiorli.AHHi II im I'.uropv. OutiitlllllnlwUllulolinn ll"l Ihtii l 111 nil wluromiyolhir erumi'i liino lieen prefirnsl. DCOT IKTlarcl by Emlucnt Miilelnr, In Imlli DUO I l mM'hrrcB, to bn lllirlvnlf il. Heo 'J laVlMONI.M, t'lltt'UI.All, viltli iiiltil.mi ct imm Uinn Olio 'I holLllind (tent free). IWPIPT lint Inn a Sliwn it Hamlin, 1 not Inulol take nny etliir. Draltn U'l unm li com Mit.ioM fur ntlttiK Inferior miih, "".I fur Mt tim often tru vrtt hunt M I'll tomtlhlna rlnf. fJElSj PTVI CP with inoit InilorlntitlluproTC. nClf O I I LCO iia'Kt" "r a'nJ". New U,7U and !MiiI.TnMlnn Slp. Superli ICtngero nml dlicr t'linen of new ile-lj.'li". PIANO-HARP CABINET ORGANS EASY PAYBIEBTSS. inytwuti; (,r rentnl iialll rent ui) fr IIhj eran. flUTBI ilPIICP l.u,1 ClrillUni, vvltll full piirlliv IjAI ALUuUtO ulafm-. AiWreMMAtONft HAMLIN (IllOArt 00., IM Tiemnnt Bl m t, I10. IVXt Oi Unli'ii Hinnre, NEW YOlUCj or SO & SJ Advwi) bU, CU1UAUO, MASON & HAMLIN CABINET (MANS may nu OBTAINED at WHOLESALE OR KETAIL OP Ii. 55. I'OWELIi, SCRAHTOW, Pa. Ornenit Atrnt otto for tlio cclcbratnl CHICKERING PIANOS. ALSO, OF I. K. MT.rjL.WR, r.woMsiwna, pa., Ilcalcr in aliovo IiistriiincnU. March Joir y HOLLl.TsS & HOLMES NjO. ITC'eiitroStio fin MANIIPACTUIIEKS OP nisr-WABE, :iAi.VANizi:niiioNConNici:, ' WINDOW CAPS, . AWNINGS, AViro Trcllit.cs, Ac. Dealers in Stoves, llanp; cs, Furnaces, Italliinoro Heaters, Low Down Grates, Mantels, I'UMl'H, AYVallicr Strips, Ac. Aa GAS FIXTURES of the latest design, fipcclal attention paid to re pairing Sn Ing Machines of every description, bcalcs WkH, lan Hanging, Key Fitting, .Vo. Prlvalo in fl uences Heated byMeamut ahiiiall cost almvo Hi t Air. rcb.W75-tf. 1) I.ATCII LEY'S Im A) provwl uircilMliElt WOOD PUMP is tho ac knowledged MJUidartI ot tho market, try lioimlar verdict, tho ik1 pump for t lie least money. Attention Is lnvlud to Dlntchlej 's Improved llraek (I.IIhi Jirup riu-ck valve, which cam l) w 11 lulraw n w It limit (list urblug t ho Joint ', and tho copper chainlier whkhneier cracks, scales or nistH and will last u life ..'tvBr) thno. Fori iSRv generally. Kl&iui getlllatehh oy ucnjcru nnii ino irauo y. In order tolionum thatjo'l get lilatehleys lTin)P,lK)c.'irerulnji(iH that It has my trndo inaTkos nhovo. if you do not l.'nmvu hern tn )niv rlnrrtnttvA rlrenlnrH. towtlier wllh thoiiainennihuldroiiHtif tho ngent nearest j on will bo furnished by ndilnnslng wit h stamp, C'HAS. (1. HLATOHI.HY, Mnnufaelurer, WW, Comrnerco St., Phll.ulelpula. FOU IIY J, SCHUYLER & SON, Bloomstrarg, Pa. March r. '78-sua CARPETS 1 C A11PETS ! ! S. H. MILLER & SON HAVK .1UST lllXUCn'KD nnd arc odering for halo nt very low prices ono of t ho best as sortmeiitH of OAHPHTH ever ogered fur sale of I he Ion n of Hloomsliurg. 'Ihey nro nil new ami Iu Iho very latest styles. I'rtccH vary from va lehlSTo tl.Mi jier yard. Call and heo them. Oct. S3, li-tt. NOTICJil "VTOTICK is hereliy given lliat llie Illoomn 1 1 burgdas company will put In service pliieaml furnish meters to tho citizens of Hloomsliurg fur I ISM whero tho (llstnnco from tho street dis'S not oeeeilWfcet; excess of M feetwlllboehargedat Iho lato of M cents per foot until Sepleinber 1st 1MB- o. W. MIMJilt, tiecrelary. t-ept. 11, '74,-u HENDERSUOTT'S fS'iisvywssTO OPl-OSITE THE CI2JTIIAI, HOTEL. Una a completo stock of puro and rcllablo DItUQti, MEDICINES, (IIIEMICAI.S, DYES, AC1IW, KOAPH, 80DA, bODA ASH, I'AINTH, OII-S (1I.ABS, PUTTY, VAHN1PIIE3 AND AM, rAiNTrat9 sottijes, m'onoe-s, iiuuhii IS, 1'EUVU.MKUY, 4C, AT VERY LOW PRIOICS. Country I'roiluca Wkcn In cschango for Drugs1, Medicines, Dyes, o. -: o:- i CENTRALS ST011E. Havo a carcfullyisolected ptdck of cholco TEAS, COl'FllE, BUOAIt, BPJC'U, 80AD, 1'ICKll fi SAUcri', nan, hams, canned niriTs, VIXH.TAI1I.K8 AND OTIIEU FINE OUOCElt IE3, VOKKION AND DOMHSTIO Pruils, Nuts and Confectionary, all at Uio lowest posUblo price . tCountry Proiluco tnkea liijjjahangcjl t,lr,...l.,,r. ll.ivll ,1, iLTrJL. ' Kf A i