The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, August 20, 1875, Image 3

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it i, o o Ji s ii Ji it it. v u i if a v un. 20, is;s
Itnll Uoml Time. TnMe.
Accommodation Train,. .
Mali Train
UtprcRS Train
it. in A.M.
1.30 A. M
l.W P.M.
7.30 A. M
M t P. M
ll.M A. M
. R!U 1 XI
Accommodation Train i,2S A.M. Kxpress n,r,i P.M.
7,30 p.
11,3.1 A. M
Through cars on Uxpress train i-tlhe-r to New York
or Philadelphia, Accommodation train runs bctui'i-ii anil Wllllamsport
Mr. K. T.. MvKin, collector fur Ilia Columbian, will
wall upon Ihoso indebted lo this oMeo for tho ittir-
posoof receiving llio amounts duo. Wolrust that
tlioso Indebted will Ihi propvrod lopay what they
owe when no cans, viii.ii not, nicy win ngaln Ikj
called upon. It will scarcely bo demanded of us to
orfer mi apology for making collodions, but for tho
mtlafACtlnn of tlioso doslrlng It wo vv ill just nay that
ns wo liavo to pay cash for every thing as wo go our
pursolsnotlongor deep enough to hold out unlcs.1
It 11 leplenlshcil with sorao degree of promptness.
The rain, tlio rain, tlic beautiful rain.
Oysters will 1)0 in season next mouth.
Tlio trout fishing season
ended 011 llio
A coloreil camp meeting It In progress near
Peaches nro very plenty in our market, anil
pclliug at $l.2. per crale.
Tlio indications are that tlio apple crop will
1 10 nu abundant one tins fall.
Oil. A. I), body, of Iicrwiik, liail charge of
llio police force at tlio Mountain (Irovo camp
Somebody in Monlour cotmly (tlio Amrriam
says) Hunks tho lli'piililiinis"vvill ho sticevesful
at llio r7ci." Well, who cares especially nt
tho north polol
Alxmt 5,000 peoplo were in allenilance at the
Mountain (Irovo camp inciting last Sutid.iv. to.
wards which iiumhcr liloonisburg contrihulcil
Three e-old lilooiled niurdcrs whom ciiimiiillt-il
on SaluiiIaylat.,rcopeclively nt(iiranlvillc,.Shcn
andoah, and Mah.inny city, .Schuylkill co. There
nro also rumors of mm or more murders in tho
coal regions of this county on Saturday.
Some of our cxchanpisarogravely cautioning
people ugannt stepping on water melon rinds.
Nevertheless it is often n source of nmutcmcnt
to pco a high-headed nice young man step on
Camp MwrriNn. Tho Columbia circuit of
the Evangelical Association will hold a cainii
meeting on tho land of Joseph Conner, four
miles cast of Light Street, commencing Augu-t
Mlb ami to continue one week. 2t
The Lutheran Sunday School of Cntawmi
held a basket pie nic in Knorr's (irovo below
town on last Thursday. A largo miniber were
in atlcndanco and despite tho rain a good tiniu
was had.
An Indiana court lias decided that a (.ingle
woman under marriage engagement wilhsevernl
young men at tho same time, may maintain an
aition against each for broach of promise, if no
0110 marries her I lct gallants Ihj warned I
A cent lin accidentally fallen into our xmrcs
sion boaiing tho date of 1711), at nearly as wu
can mako it out. As coin of that date it ex
ceedingly scarce, any leputablc collcclor of
old pieces can have it by calling for it, and es
tablishing hinuelf as a numismatic caterer.
Tho editorial coriei pondont of the D.invillo
Auiericiin ought to know that I!loomsburgi- not
Y now and never was "incorporated under a bor
ough charter." 'The Town of llloomsburg" is
the ollicial and legal designation of this embryo
I 1,293,000 postal cards were Issued during
(lie month of duly on the requisition of post
masters. This is a laiger nuniber issued than
in any one month before. It is estimated that
nearly 110,000,000 cards will bo used during
this year.
We direct tlio attention of our readers to the
advertisement of Edward J. Kvaus it Co., Nur
serymen and Seedsmen, of York, I'a., who oiler
nu unusually largo variety of articles in thin
line of business for tho fall trade. Wo have
done considerable business with this firm and
have found them reliable in every respect.
It is eminently duo the postal scrvico to say
that tho northern mails carried by tho Northern
(Vntral nnd Lackawanna and Jlloomsburg rail
roads did not fail on Tuesday morning last, not
withstanding tho trcuiciidoi's rain and nemo
lightning and thunder. Wo congratulate Hie
officials concerned in their triumph over the
elements, for once.
Persons residing clswhero who visit IHooiih
burg all speak of evident signs of prosperity
which they fail to discover in any other town.
Considerable building, of substantial and tasty
character, has been going on all giuiiiiu'r and is
t-till in progress. All agreo that lSloomsbiirg is
a very pretty, cleanly, healthful and agreeable
town, as well as a prosperous one. A largo
.till. tlllll nf ,i,ni.lir.r.l.,...iti ,..,iwlil..ln.l lit. Ill.ll.
" 111 h v".... .y
vldual enterprise and industry, is carried on in
Ibu town. Tho superiority of this system over
large manufacturing establishments is palpable.
The popular superstition of centuries ngo,
that if it rained on St. Swithin's day, showers
would contlnuo for forty days, has held good nt
least this year. Of the old Saxon we have this
history, St. Swithin, Uishop of Winchester,
and tutor lo King Alfred was canonized by the
lloman Catholic, church. Ho is sail lo have
wrought many miracles, tho most celebrated
bting a rain of forty days continuance, by
which ho testified his ilisplenuruat an attempt
sif tlio monks to bury him in tho chancel of the
ministry, instead of tho open church-yard, as he
had directed, llouco tho popular superstition,
that If It rains on St.Swilliin's day (July 15),
it will rain for forty days thereafter.
A runaway marriage recently took placo in a
alaco car of tho Northern central railway, inv
mediately after tho train left for Italllmore,
llio hero of tlio occlusion was npopulnreon
ductor on tho lino and tlio heroine a daughter of
onoof the most reputable citizens of Northum
berland. Tho father of tho brido wasopposesl
to tho match nnd llio movements of tho daugh
ter wero closely watched. Tiio conduclor was
observed to have passeil west on his train that
inornlng, as usual, and unlit tho proper timo of
mum of that train the bird was therefore e,s-
teemed safe. The conductor, however, on mee t'
lug llio Iruin bound south changed places will
the conductor of tho latter, but did not exhibit
himself at Northumberland. In tho meanllmo
tho lady had obtained consent nnd purchased n
lleket for Ninbury, ostensibly to pay nbhort visit
to a Irlcnd nt that place, fiom whence Hto pro-
ceeilesl on Ibo train without a ticket or paying
t'lr, contrary lo tho rules prescribed toordinary
1'asiengcrs. Immediately after leaving Hunbury,
llio pair, who weriiblanding together in tho mag
nlficcnt palace car, chatting pleasantly, wero
approached by ltev. Dr. Ollison, who having
had much experience in that lino of business
and was therefore supposed to bo thoroughly
piallfhsl, procucded by n short but impressive
ami must binding proe'ess to uiakotliem man
nnd wife, which, being fully accomplished, tho
happy pair now unitized wero congratulated
heartily by the passengers generally. AVu with
hold Ihu named by roipicst nevertheless llio
hero and heroess of Ibo occadluu aio man and
'fe. Ho la a Ifutap.
Ami now tlm liotisovvifo wllillv slugs,
While rcutni! her Imx the limo wings,
Over Die ciikes anil other things
"I feel, 1 feel as If I'dillo-
iiii of Ihillintler- olT that plot
t, ili'ur, (i, de.trl tho Innro I try,
1 can but cry, 'Hhoo, ily I Shoo, ily I"1
AVo nro Informed thai a passenger train will
run from Catawissa lo Milton next Sunday, ovc
tho Philadelphia nnd Heading railroad, for tho
ncoommodatlon of ihoso wishing to attend col
orcd camp meeling.
On l,il AVcdnesday n week tho team of I. W.
McKolvcy vvhlNl standing at tho L. G It. It. 1!
depot, beoainc fiightcnod nt a passing train, nnd
ran out Sixth slrcct nl a furious rato until they
overtook a wagon loaded with hard oie, whci
one of llio liorsesjumped upon tlio wagon and
the other ono wascaught by tho sldcof the wagon.
Tho horses were, hurt more or less and llio wag
on was considerably damaged.
L. b Copcland, a sensational preacher, who
held forth nnd cut n considerable splash In
llloomsburg a year ngo last winter, and who was
then represented to bo a "much married man,"
though passing himself oil as unmarried, was)
tarrc.l nnd feathered lit Knoxville, Tennessee,
on Monday lost (10th Inst.) No other violence;
was ollcnd. IIo was denounced there as n swln
dler, confidence man, Ac., and is said to liavo
called himself by illfiercnt names in diilerent
localities. Ho was about being married to a
highly rcspu table young lady of Knoxville,
but tho mob put an cud to that piece of amuse
incut. IIo is under Indictment for some of his
crimes, it is stated, but where or what for wenro
not Infouued.
The (1. V. . H. 1!. ('., of lliis placo indulged
in a inaleli game of base ballon tho Fairground
with a club of tho saino title from AVilkes-
Jlarre, on List Friday afternoon. Tlio game was
merely n soeiablu one and not fnrthe champion-
ship of the State or a bag of gold, The result
of tho game in favor of the homo nine is duo
to the fact that three or four of its members had
played hall befoie, while those of tho AVIIke
llano nine had never played. The suits of the
W.-ll. club were very handsome and nil alike
while of tho'-o of the llloomsburg boys there
wcie no tno suits that coi responded. Thegatuo
allot ded a groat deal of amusement to the partici
pants mid spectators. The match closed at tho
ending of the eighth innings in order that tho
visiting club might return to their home. Tliu
following is tho seoio.
Vi'lt.KKS-nARIlK (I. V. S.
iii.oo.tsmriMi (1. P. N.
O. It.
O. I!.
1 1
Ililehler, p
liislier, rf
Hesse, c
Hitter, .'! b
Loger, s s
Zeigler, 1 f
Iiower. 1 b
Arniflrong, c f 2 8
r o
Vannatta, If 2-1
Myers, r f 3 5
.laeoby, lib 2 7
Thornton, hh 0 0
Itupert, 12 b G 1
Maloy, p I! I
Sloan, O. c 17
Clark, 14 . 1 b li 3
Nuebeek, 2 b
Wellcr, 1 f
24 12
II 51
ttmpircir. Itiickinghaiu.
Scorer A. Clark.
Cn.NTnAi.iA, August 10th, 1S7.".
lWltor of Tub colcubiav:
I seo in your issue of the 13th, in tlio pro
ceedings of tho convention, a mistake which I
would like to have corrected. It is stated that the
seat of John Crane was contested by Tlioma
Kinds. It is just tho contrary. My scat was
contested by John Crane, l'lcasc correct and
jblige. Yours, Ac., Thomas Lsnis.
1'. S. I just happened to borrow tho paper or
I should not have seen it.
O. U. A. M. AT 11UCK ItOltN.
Hiick Hon, August lfith, 1S75.
To tho lldltor of The Columbian :
A pic nic was held near Duck Horn on Sat
urday, August Mill, under tho auspices of the ().
U. A. M. Members met at their Hall at ten
iiid-a-half o'clock a. m., formed in procession
and preceded by martial music, paraded to the
grove, (.hi motion, Jlro. Jns. iM. rsler, irom
ISIuo Hidgc Council, No. 272, O. U. A. M., was
made President, llros. Matthias Clirton, Daniel
AV'anicii nnd Amzi AVhitenight, from Illooms-
mrg Council, No. 14t, A'ico Presidents, and
Veil 11. llartmnn, of 212, Secretary. Tho ojk'ii-
ng (slo was sang and prayer ottered by ltev. J.
M. Reimctisnyder, from Lcwistown, our former
astor of tlii.s Lulhcraii charge. A short but
appropriate address was made by llro. I). 11.
ppleman, after which all present were invited
to paitake of a lioiintiftil repast, prepared by the
mechanic's wives and others. Then vocal music
and a very eloquent and pointed address by
the ltev. J. M. lteimennyder, followed by John
Iartman, ICsq., and l!ro. Win. II. Shoemaker,
nterspcrscd by vocal and instrumental musio.
Tlio programme being filled, tho procession
formed and marched back tolhollall,all feeling
that it was good to be there. Tho members of
lluck Horn Council, No. 212, O. U. A. M., ten
der a vote of thanks to llio speakers; also to
the ladico and friends of the order, through
whose, kindness the tablo was so bountifully sup-
pi ii.l. F.ll. H.
This State is becoming celebrated for grapo
ultiiro. Borne of tho richest ixirt in tho world
is produced in New Jersey by Mr.Alfred Sneer,
whoso name hits become celebrated as a producer
of strictly pure unadulterated wine. Tlio Port
(irapc Winool .Mr. hpecr is not botllesl or put
in market until it is four years old, and has do-
comethoroughly liucanil mellow. It lias proves!
itself a wonderful assistant to physicians, who
prescribe it from the fact thatlhcy bavohilberto
loiiuil it difiiciilt to obtain a pure Port Wine.
This Wine is recommended for debilitated per
suiis; nnd is given to consumptives to use with
fresh raw eggs, and as a medium for Inking rod
liver oil. lliuelillicully ol gelling mi imported
or even a pure California Port is well understood
lo be so great as to preclude Doctors from allow
ing their patients to run the risk of itsnse'. Mr.
Speer being aware of tills fact lias taken the
inmost care in tho making of his wine from the
rliics.t and finest giapes, so aslo supply tbe ini
portesl wines by prodiiecing u geniiino article.
His wines are knoweii hv chemists to be pure
and the most reliable for me'dical purposes.
The DruggMs throughout Ibo country sell it, as
Ijoltlesl by .Mr. r-pecr. umnicic
You can nlways find a nice iissoilment of La
dies' Shoes at I. W. llartm.m's.
New llbiek Alpacas and either Dress finodsat
Cinik ii Wolfs.
Good clean lo be had
Neal .t llio.
only .iff!. W.
Clieeso! Cheese I Chee-so!
of Che-ev-0 at ltuscl's.
Fino assortment
liny tl.em, try them and you will nlways
want the m. For sale ntMoKinney's ho is solo
agent for Hurl's line Shoes.
Hambnnio Chroinos and Frames for 50 e-c ills
nnd upwards. Steel engraving and fraino from
75 cents to $1 at Fiiriiiau's Ftirnlliiro rooms.
Itusscl has just iceelved a fresh supply of
Apples, Hinanas, Oranges, Unions, Pino Ap
ples, oie. Kxiiuilne his stock.
K. M. Knorr takes this opportunity to thank
Ids patrons for tho liberal patronage that has
lie-en extindesl and wMics to announce to the
public that he will sell at cost, all goods in Ills
line, in older lu make nsjin for Fall lioods. next
week, commencing on Monday Ihu 23d mid end
Ing on Ibo 2sth, for CASH ON I A'. There will
be bargains for nil and especially for those) who
call first.
Don't lo worrits! and nnoyisl wllh not only a
poor quality of but dlrtv and slaty In-sides,
hut buy of C. AV. Ni:.U. A lino, who deal only
in the best qualilios. 32tf
Jlussel Is receiving fnh Waleriuelons, Can
teloiies, ll.iiian.i. kc, dally,
Ooi.l.Kdi:. Accoinmolatioin for 0(1 hoarders
Hildas many day scholars. Studtnts prcpartsl
for ceilie'ge, profesilonal study, Icaehing and bu
siness. Thorough Instruction and discipline,
II.-uikliiL'. uhtiltvih) and ntnll business, rallioad-
ing, tie, iriutlcallf taught. Next term opens
Keiiioiuhcr 1st. For catalogue containing a
beautiful steel engraving of llio Seminary and
for Illustrated CoiiimiTrhil .lourunl address ltev.
D.Copchind, priuilpnl, Kingston, Liuerneooun-
Iiy, a, till toiuiiitieiiu iiiuiuib ,i.,Mie-n ... ...
Spingue 'iw
I,, tM..: . . -tf
Winn fyou want a Nice Dress call nt I. AV.
llarlniiin s.
lllnek Heaver cTiMh at Clark Woirs.
H. M. Knorr will sell al cost nil next week for
cash only,
. i - . i.
(lood news nnd New ('msls. Ladies' Ties, Km
bioideries, Lin-n Collars nnd Cti.Ts, Linen
llniHlkerehlefs, Towels nnd Napkins, Table
Linens, Wntcr Proofs, Heaver Cloths and lots of
other New Hoods jint recctvvd at Lutz if
Sloan's at the very lowest rash prices,
Fino slock of Kubbers at McKtrncy's.
Moro new Calico, Mu-lins, Ac., at Clark &,
AVo! Ps.
I'armcrs in want of first class nrticles of
Threshers and Cleaners) also, one nnd two
Horse i read 1'owers, call on or adihoss J. JI,
Jlul", Ijigbl hlrect, ueilinnhia County, Pa,
O. ,S. Fiirman has on hand at his establish
Hu nt some of the line-st and cheapest sets of sill'
(Jo nnd doiihlo Harness uvc mmle ill llloonw
lnirL'. I'nch sot of his Harness will show foi It
self that skilled workmanship has been brought
into reiiuisltlou to make them what Ihcv mi
first clas In every respecl. Mr. Fitrnian uses
none but the liest of slock in his Harness, as nn
examination of tlieni will nrove. Ho invites nil
in met! of Harness lo call and see for themselves
thai tho above statement is not an exaggerated
Ladies' Neck Tics very cheap nt Clark it
uii n
C. AV. NiiAt, t Hito., sparo no expense to'send
out nice uoai. 32tf
fin to Hu.isf.Ui'h for your Groceries. Ho
sens itir casii mm win not do imelersold.
Canescat chairs fiom $10 to ?S per scl.
Cane scat chairs from i?0 to S7 per set.
AVood seat chairs fiom Sli.50 toSl.f,0 ncrsct
AVood seat cliairs fiom 7 to $5.50 per set.
All kinds ef Fuiniliire at corre-spotidingli-
low figures. Call and see for yourselves at Fur
lnan's Furniture rooms.
VAH'.fKRs, Atti:ni io.'. llussi:i, tnkc.s Hutler
Kggs, Lard nnd Produco in exchange for goods,
Just received, n fresh invoice of latent styles
Children's Summer Suits nt 1). Yocum's. Also
Men's nnd llovs' Clolliintr. all of which ho Is
II! t ' ' '
sailing ciicnp.
lllack Jewelry at Clark .t W'oWk.
l'owlcr Sand for sale at Kussi:i,'s.
Try the j2.00 (Jailers at K. M. Knorr's.
Tobacco and (iinfeclioncrics. wholesale and
retail by M. M. Itussei.
C!o lo Fi. M. Knorr'is for llio best nualilv
of .Shoes.
Granulated Sugar for salo at l!i','.s.
If you want a first class Farm Wagon,
If you want a Platform Pleasure Wagon,
If you want nu Kliplic Sming Wagon,
If you want a Pleasure Avagon,
If you want your Wagon put in good trim,
If you want repairs ilune trood with short
notice, Go to J. It. Fa up.
Oat Meal for sale at ItiHscl's. Call and try it.
AVater Proof at Clark & Wolfs.
If you want a good Hani,
If you want cheap and good Tea,
If you want Codec Java or llio,
If you want good Cannod Fruit,
If you want the be-st Mackerel,
If you want Sugar for tho least money,
If you want tho best Syrups in town,
If you want good Cigars,
If you want good Tobacco.
If you want :uiylliing in tho Grocery and
'rovisiou line, go to llussr.i.l.'.s, Main street.
AVlien you tro lo Philadelphia stop at
lbu Allegheny House, No. 812 nnd 811 Mar
ket street ; ba ing been recently renovated,
l'ricu only $2 per day. A. Kmc,
March 10,'75-ly Proprietor.
All Coal slated nnd screened before leaviiiL!
the old established coal yard of C. W. Nkai. V
lino. !',2tf
Genuine Mason Fruit Jars for sale at M. M.
lilt! Kstalilislieil Coal Yard.
C. AV. Ni:ai, ,t Jlito.. Wholesalo & Kctail
Dealers in all sizes of tlio best (nullities ol
Ued and White Ash Coal, at tho very lowest
market rates. Have constantly on hand largo
stocks of
llhieksinith's Anthracite,
and Liniidiuriipr's Coal.
Ksneeial attention iriven to llio prepara
tion of coal before leaving our yards. Grain
mil Lumber taken in excliango lor I'oai.
Coal delivered to any part of tlio town at
short notice. Orders lett at I. W. Alclvedvy's
store, or at our ollico, will rcccivo lirompt at
tention, OMieo and Yards at William Neal
& Sons' Furnace, Host liloonislmrg. Your
latronngo rcstiectlullv solicited.
COAL. 17 tf 2.11 COAL
Wheat per bushel
t l.u
5' I
.... 7.ll
I.. 'J)
'lour per barrel
irteil Apptes
I. mis
Hides &Muniliti'rs
.am is-r ismmi
'l'linnihy he-oil
No. 4 on Wharf , -),no per Ton
.mi. n a.Tti ' "
No. B " ' f i!,.V) " "
iiiaeksuiitii's i.uinpnn wiiurf
lilllllllltlOUS i ti,UO
no. 4 south tiiiiii) stui:kt, piiii.adiili'iiia
Auui'sris, is;s.
U. H. 1M1, 0
. J45f
.... IBM
.... 1117
.... t!.4
&-wi, e. , JI. mid N
" " 'ill, " "
" " 'ill, " "
" " ,, .1. and .1
" " V.7, " '
" ' '6S, " "
M-li), eoiiMiii ,
P.ieliler.'s. cy' ,
New rs, I leg, si
- o ji
Villi -
'enlist ivaiu i
U-liUili NavK'ullou
United H. It. ofN.J
oil fnck
Northern Central
1 Vntral Tr.insisirtalloii
O, & A. Muilg.igu li's, VJ
Hum rlsos n o'clock is minutes-sets 0 o'clock 4a
(lo).n Is now iiunteil at a premium of about in In
oilier words green backs aioalsmt 13 -rcent. below
Hunk limis, on I'nrcliiaent ami linen paper, com
mon mid for Administrators, KxeciiUirsanU'l'rubU-eS,
fur salo cheap at the Co vmiiuh ofllre,
wiihiiu ToAlivi-:itiisi:.
A.T. Hlewnrl b.vS tho lx-st lelvertlslmr iiiedluiiiH
ho has eter foiunl '-aro tho old established organs of
the two poltilcal parlies, at llio scvcrul county so.its
throughout tho Union." "'lliese," Uo says "renth
etery family of tho least account In their several
counties, mill uroinoro carefully lead than any other
cliissof Jonrniils." If Mr, Htennrt's JmUtmeiitlsot
ieluo, thuni Is no illlllcully In ilecldlug tthUll paper
Itlsfnrtholiiteiestof biislnoss men toadvertlso In
TlioUoi.uuiiii DsJiot'iHT, U)ii which this paper Is
parilally founded, wus established In l-uo, nudthe
Columbian now enjojs a wider circulation mid
greater prosierlty Ihau It ever did. It goes regul ir
y Into two thousand fniiitlles luColumMa mid ad
joining coiinlles, mnl by most of Iheia Is read from
tll Drbtlo Ihohvst line. It Is tho only lecogulseil
cximnenlor nerly fHo thoiisand Iieicocratlo voUrs
In llio county. It gives advertl.sements u tasty tits
play, that makes them nttrnetlvu to Its patrons, thus
ensuring grcuU-r ceitulnty that thoy will jmtu'io
them. While Its circulation IsuiuloiibUellyinurlillio
lar'iibl In llio county, llio uiHertlMiiK rales of tho
Coi.umiiun aro no liljther than those of other papers
with barely half mid Hcveral not one-fourlli Ihu num.
ber of subst'i liters, l-'ucts llkti thei,o sm ak fur them-
iieltes. No tin ewil business man will iieulecl lo In-
belt his udveilUcmelita lu llio Col I'liuiiN
TI1ANKS "I'ltO.M TUB DKtlllH Ol' Till! III5AHT."
Whunotom, tflraln Co., ()., Aug. ?l, 1971.
Dr. 11. V. l'lu-i-n. Iliirfnlii. J. V. ,
Dear I Sir-Your medicines, (lolileri'Mcdlcnl Discov
ery, Dr. Kago'.i Cnlarih Itemed)-, hato protcel of the
creatrst sertlco lo me. w- monllm ngo no ono
thought that I could p03ilbly llio lonif. I hail a
complication of etlsoAs, nerofutaiiiiiiiireMlnit It
seir in eriiptions nntl great blolchca nn my hnvl that
inmlo such sores that I could not hato my balr
combcil without causing mo inucli suiTcrlngi also
causnitf swollen glands, ton-Mls enlarged, enlarged
or "inicKnecK," nnai.irco anil numerous liolls.
nlso Riirfcred from a terrible- chronic Ciim-rh, and In
raci i was so iiiseaseii that life was a burden to me.
I had tried many (tectum with liubeiicllt. Illnnlly
procured one-half dozen bullies of ) our (lolden Med
ical Discovery nnd ono doreu SSagn's Catarrh lleincdy
nnd commenced their uyj. At llrst I was b.vlly Uls
cournged, but after taking four buttles of tho Dis
covery I be'ifnu to linnroro. and when I had taken
tho remaining I was Well. In ndilltlon to llio uso of
Discovery I applied n bolutlou of Iodine to tho Uollro
or thick neck, n.s you Advise) In pimiihlet wiiiptilng,
and It entirely disappeared. Vour Discovery Is cer
tainly tho most wonderful blood mcdlclnoever In
vciiti'd. I thank (hsl aid you, from tho depths ol
my ncatt, lor llio great gooii it has iluno me.
Very Bintefully, Mius. I CIIAl'Kim
Most locdlelne-s wlilcli nro advertised, as blood
pin tilers nnd liver medicines contain cither mercury,
in Kunio rurm, or potassium nnd tmtlno variously
tomblnid. All of tlie30 aijcnls have strong tendency
to breakdown tho blood corpusclos, and ileblllntu
and olhervvlsopeinmncnily Injii-o tho human sys
tem, nnd should thcre'uro bo dl.scnrded. Dr. I'lerco's
(lolden Medical Discovery, ou tho oilier hand, being
coniioHod of the lluid extructs of nallro rhinta, barks
and roots, wld lu no caso produce lnlury, Its effects
oeing strengthening and curnllvo only. Sarsana-
rlli.i, which used to enjoy qulto a reputation us a
Wood purlller, Is a remedy of thirty oars ago, nnd
may well glvo placo as It Is doing, to tho moro posl
titonnd valuable vcgctRblo alteratives which later
medical tuvestlKatlon and discovery has brought to
light. In KcrofuUi or King's Kvll, Whito Swellings,
Ulcers, Kryslpelas, Swelled Neck, (loltro, Bcrofulous
Iiillaminallons, lidolent Inll.immallon, Mercurial
Airectluus, Old Sore-s, Eruptions of tho SklnnndSoro
l;)C3 as In nit other blood diseases. Dr. I'lerco's
Oolilou Medical Discovery has shown Its great rcmo
dial powi rs, ( uring tho most obstinate mid Intracta
blo cuses. Sold by alt dealers In medicines.
o "
Many who nro stUTciing from tho effects of tho
warm weather nnd niu debilitated, uroadvlseel by
pli) t Iclatis 1 o tnko moderate amounts of w hisky two
or Unco times during tho diy. hi a llttlo whllo
thoso who adopt this ndvlco frequently lncrcato tho
number of "drinks," nnd In tliao become conllrmed
Incbilales. A Kvcr.igo which will not create thirst
for Intoxicating liquors, mid which 13 Intended espo
daily for llio bcncllt of debilitated persons, whether
at homo or abroad, Is Dr. Schenck's Sea Weed Tonic.
Containing the Juices of many medicinal herbs, this
preparation does not crcnlonn nppetlto for tho In
toxicating cup. Hio nourishing nnd tho self-sup
porting properties of many vatuablo natural produc
tions contained In It and well known to medical
men liavo a most (strengthening Innuenre. A slnirlo
beittlo of tho Tonic will demonstrate Its valiiablo
qualities, l'or debility arising from sickness, over
exertion or from any caiiso whatever, awlncglassful
of Sea Wood Tunic taken after meals w ill strengthen
Die stomach and create an nppetltefor wholesome
food. To nil who aro about leaving their homes, wo
dcslro to say that tho ezcellont cffe'Cts of Dr.
Sehenck's seasonable remedies. Son Weed Tonic, nnd
Mandr.iko rills, nro particularly evident when taken
by thoso who nro Injuriously iitfociod by a change of
water nnd diet. No jiersoii should leave homo Willi
out Inking a supply of llieso safeguards along. For
sale by nil Druggists.
Illsaslnoquanonof health, that thoHotirecs of
vitality, tho "springs of life," biiould Is) free from
contamination. Tho muds which, by their notion
upon tlio food, transforms It Into blood, and tlio
great vital nutriment Itself, must bo pure, If tho
muscles, tho Imnes and tho brain nro to lio properly
nourished and kept vigorous. To tills end tho
sloninch, tlio liver, tlio bowels nnd tho kidneys
should perform uninterruptedly their various fimc
lions, since if theso nie disturbed tho vital Holds
speedily become vitiated. Tho best, nay, tho only
blood di-piii-ent which purities them, by overcoming
Ihoso bodily Irregularities which produce lln-in, Is
Hosteller's stomach Hitters. Tlio principle upon
whliiithls salutary altoriillvo acls Is as simple as it,
Is plillosoptiic. T he origin of most disoasea, and In
variably thoso wlilcli nlTe'Ct tho organs above men
tioned, Is weakness, caused by lusiillUiont assimila
tion, of tho food. Tho Hitters speedily rccliry the
cause of tho dlftleutty by restoring vigorous diges
tion, so that all parts of thophjelcal structure am
supplied wllh nn nbiimlanco of pure, rich blesul.
This Increases tho activity of the discharging oigons,
and cnablo thorn to throw off tho errclo mutter,
which, rankling lu tlio H)stem, destroyu health.
This bodily rcfuso having been got rid of, nnd per
fect assimilation re-established, there is nothing to
prevent u healthy and uetlvo performance of (ho
various functions. Such being tho caso, it is plain
that tlio Hitters nro not only llio most reliable stom
achic, but an eradlcunt of tlioso diseases of tho liver,
bowvls mid klibieys w hicii contaminate tho springs
of life.
Has never known to fall lu tho euro of weak
ness, at tended wllh H)inptoms, lndlsoslllon loeier
tlon, loss of memory, dlillculty of breathing, general
weakness, horror of disease, weak, nervous, tremb
ling, dreadful horror of death, night sweats, cold
feet, weakness, dimness of vision languor, universal
kissltudouf tho muscular system, enormous appe
tite, wtlhdjspi ptlc system, hot hands, Hushing of
iody, iliyuossof the skin, pallid countenance mid
eruptions mi I he face, purlfilng the bloesl, pain in
tlio back, heaviness of tho eje-llils, frequently block
sputs ll Ing before tlio ej es with temporary suffusion
and loss of Mghl ; want ol attention, etc. These
symptoms all arise from a weakness, and to remedy uso U. 1-'. Kunkel's Hitter Wlno of Iron. It
never fallj. 'I liousands aro now enJo)lng health
who have used 11. (let tho genuine, huhl only In II
bottles, Tnko only II. 1'. Kunkel's. Depot mid ot
llee, No. sail Noi th Mnth St., liilladelphla, l'n.
ask for hunkers Hitler W lno of Iron. Tills truly
valuable tonte bus been so thoroughly tcbtod by nil
classes of tho community that It Is now deemed In
tllleiisablu ns a Toiilo medicine. It costs but little,
piulllos I ho bloeid nnd gives tuna to tho btotnacb,
renovates tho system and prolongs life.
1 now only nsk a of this valuable tonic. Price
II per bottle, li. !'. Kunkel, seilo l'rupilctor, No.ifsa
North Ninth SI., below Vlue, I'hlladeiphla, l'.v. Ask
for hiuikclalilltcr W lno of lion, nnd take nool her.
It Is sold only In f I b llles, Willi a photograph of tho
prnprK lor on each wrnpper, all other Is counterfeit.
Sold b) all druggists.
Tai'E Wokh lSfctiovri) alive.
Head nnd complt to In two hours. No feo llll heart
passes. Si-al, tin nnd htiuiincli Worms removed by
Dr. Kunkel, Sf9 North Ninth St. Advice freo. Nu
feo iiulll cuied. Ask. for Kunkel's Worm S)rnp.
I'llee, J I, uud guaranteed. Send fur circular.
"Healing on tho wings," say alt who may have use
of Dr. W'Mar'8 H.iisam of Cherry, and by such uso
liocn cured of coughs, cotds, bronchitis, soio throat,
Iniluena or consuuiptlon, Tlio prudont will always
keep llio standard remedy by them. Ml cents and (1
a bnllle, largo lioftles much lliochcapcr.
Aunrroivvs noticic.
In thr Orjihun'i Court of OJumbia LhuiUy.
TllO llnde rsl-'neil. Allilltnr (n illslrllmti. flu, rnml In
the hands of AU,-I1 Aitml ills.! ral i.r or Mm
said estate, will attend lo ! appointment nl bls.-f.
Ilco, In lilofiniabiirg, on I'rlrt.iy, August 27, IMS, at Hi
ii clinic, a. in, when niulwheiu all js-rsons having
i latins against tin, said cstato arn required to present,
Ihu sauio Is-foro Ihu Auditor, or lie dt-baired fioni
eumlng In for a share of said mud.
C. W.Mll.I.l'.It,
Hlixmisburg, July 8i),'J(s-(t. Auditor,
Jn At! Orpuiin' Umrt if UtJurnhbi Omuly.
'I'll,, 11,1.1, isliilii.l Alt, 11,.. ... .111 . I, ...i..
. : ..-...v.., , ....,.. ,i, , t.ntiu iiiu iioui
In (ho hands of I jiuyet lo i 'reasy and Henry .Miiille r.
Adiiilnlstralors of Peter II, Wenner, laloof lirlar-
. .. . .. .... f.... I,,-, i-.w-,, , niuii.'iiti io i no
dutlesof Ills upHilnlmeiii at his ollleo, In blooms-
,.,nu,oii o.iiuiu.e.1 , Aligns!, v-lll, isiri, III ill Oi'lK-k,
ii. in., when nnd win-in all rsrms havln; ei.iluis
against (ho hald oslato urn required io tiresent
Hie K.iihii lu-r,irit Mm Auiiiiiii- i,p ii iL.i..,r,..t.i ........
coming lu fur a bhaio of said rum!.
Jiloonibburg, July so, it.Tfs.-it. Auilltor.
COUJtT ItvOclamationT
VriIlvlii:AS, tho Hon. AVim.iam Kuvin.i.,
tt ITesliieut Judge of llio Cum t of out uud
Terminer mid (loneral Jull Deilvi ry, Court of ouar-
IcrSe'Sslenisof tho I'e.veoand (ho Court of Common
I'ieasiuid orplians' Court In tho acth Judleial ills
lilet, coniiosed of tlio oounlles of Colimiblii nnd
Montour, and llio lions. Iiusi Dtmi mid Isaac S.
Monhob, Associate Judges of Columbia county, have
Issued their precept, bearing elalo tho l.'ith day of
May., In tlio year of our Lord ono thousand right
hundred nnd bove:il).lve, nnd to mo directed for
holillngn Court of Oyer and Terminer and (
((uuiter sehaluns of tho Peace', Court of Coininnn
liens unit Orphans' Court, 111 llloomsburg, lu tho
county of Columbia, o i tlio llrst Monday. Uing ho
cili day of September next, to continue two weeks.
Nolli-os Is hereby given lo tho Coroner, to tho Jus-
llees of Iiiu Poai'i', and llio Constablos of tho said
county of Columbia, that they bo Ihennnd therein
there proper person alto o'clock In tho forenoon of
Mild Bill day of SeptemU-r, wllh their leeurels, lnqu.
Htl ins ami other remembrances, to do tiiriho things
widen to their nillees anivrlaln to Is) done. And
tlioso that aro bound by recognizance lo proseculo
njiiinsi tno prlsom is that nro or may bo In tho Jail
(if tho bald county of Columbia, to bo then nnd there
loprosecutn them us shall be jiut, Jurorsmo re
quest! il to lie puui lual lu their alleiid.tnce, nirreeably
toiiicir noiiees, naieiiiu iiiuomsuurg tholllh day
(, a) or Aiigusi, in inn year ot our lird ono
1. H. J-lliousaiid eight lniinln d mid hevenly ilvo
I . I linil In llio nliii tv iiinili ve-ar or lbu 1 ml,-.
lulidenee of Ihu I lilted Stules of Ann ilea.
ShirlU'sOlllce, MICIIAlil.llllOVKll.
llluoiiibburg, August II - In Shei Iff,
Juries for Sept. Term, 1875.
(1UANI) .HHlOlty.
llloom-O. I Itiiiipn, C. A, Moyer.
Itorvvli-k-o. i:, DiiveiiKirt.
Heaver .tolm stititn.iii.
Iltl.irciis'k-i:i,os Adams.
Ceiilre-lllraui Whitman, Thomas Ilrobat.
Ceiitriill i D.ivld Welsh.
Con) hghniii-WHIIiim (lomlman.
l-'rniiklfii-Wm, (I. lislicr, Daniel Itnauland.
" ijjcust-ItoU-rt. Wntklns, Hnoch Kesler, Isalall
Minilu Isnao AndrewH, Anrnn Hess.
Mailtson-Wash Wclllvcr,.Iolin sti tier.
Montour Henry Ijiarus, livvls Ilotli.
orango-Abrnm Dildlne, Jacob Snyder,
Sentt-C.C.Triin'li. ,'
Uugarloaf-Wm. llurllnger.
linsT wnns.
Illoom-Calcb llarton, A. Terwllleger, I T. Oharp
lesss, Andiew llunslnge-r, Sol, l-'osU-r.
Ilcaver -losli. Shiiiiimi,
Henton-Clnrk Hrlnl;,
Cntawlssa-llnintllon l'lsher, M. (I. Hughes.
cent re Jacob Sjnsler, John' Walters.
Conv nghnm Win. Ilurburt.
cenirnlla John (lorey,
(Ireenvvood-Oenrgn (ilrton, Daniel Wolltvcr.
llomloek-Haniuel old, i:. i, Uidy.
Jackson Henry Wagner.
locust Ma) berry Snyder, Wm. Irwin.
Madlsnn-John 51. smith, James Klstler.
Main Ii. H. Ilrnvvn, J. U. .laml.son. Joslnli Drum.
Mt. PlMsunl Wm. Oman.
Mlrliln Jacob Ilrown.
Montonr-Wm. r. Mouser.
Orange I). U. I In) man, v. V. Low.
ItoarlngcriH'k .lenks Dyer.
Scott A. 0. Ilagenbucli, Charles Iro.
Hugarloaf-Wm. Caso, Kmanuel Dlltz, A. Cole.
skcond wrr.K.
Illoom-A. .T. Ians, W. s. Conner, C. M. Knorr.
Henvlck-Lowls Kurtz, 1). c. Mcllenry, Murdecal
llentonIohn Kteler.
Heaver Nathaniel llredbcnder, Conrad llredoen
der. Ilrlnrcreek Wm. II. l-'rcns, tvl Cortrlght.
Catawlssa-llenjimlu Ilarndt, Isaiah John, .Tolm
Mcnscli, M. V. Ii. Kline, John U. shuman, O. W.
McKeivy. '
''entru-(leo. It. Hess, Wm. Dennis, II. D. Knorr.
llslilngcreek-lianlelSmltli, Uoyd Karver, lllrnm
Craw fonl, Peter I less.
(ireenwiKsl Mntlhlis Kline.
Hemlock ruler Werkhelser, Sr.
Jackson .lohn Hani, A. J. Derr.
Maellson lolm Allen.
Mt. 1'lcasaiit-Kamucl Nolton.
Miniln-,Iolin Wintcrstccn.
Montour Alfred Ivrln.
Ornnge John Vanlievv.
Scolt Tacoli Tcrvvlllpger.
Sugarloat-Wm. A. Kile.
Xi Notice Is hereby given to nil legatees, crcdl
lora and other persons Interested In tho estates of
the respective decendehts unit minors, that the fol
lowing administration nnd guardian accounts liavo
been tiled In tho ollico of llio Iteglste-r of Columbia
county, and will bo presented fur contlnnatlnn and
allownneo iu the Orphan's Court (o lm held lu
llloomsburg, on Wednesday, tlm sth dvy of Septem
ber, 1S7S, nt 2 o'clock, p. m. ou Bald da.v :
I. Account of William Maust nnd Joseph Maiist,
Kxeuutors ot Joseph Maust.lato of Madison township,
2 Accountor Joshua Frltr.Admlnlslratorof Hiram
lukcr, late of Jackson township, deceased.
3. First mid llnnl account ot David Masters, (luar
dlan of l'owlcr I.) ons, minor clilld of Hubert J. byous.
late of lino township, deceased.
4. lirst.midlliial account of John II. llcttlcr.Hxec
utorof lieujainln Volio, lato ot Mllliln township, de-
B. Tlio becond and final nccount ot Isaac K. Krlck
liaum and Josepti Ash, Administrators ot Jacob Ash,
lato of llcnton township, deceased.
r,. Account of 11. F. Hatlln, (luardlan of John M.
Smith, minor child of J. r. Smith, Into of Oreenwoud
township, deceased.
7. First and llnnl nccount of John H. Hettler, Ad
mlnlslrator of William J. Ilanmdi, lato of MHUln
Umnslilp, deceased.
s. Second mid llnal account ot John II. Hcttlcr,
Administrator of Michael Fry, lato of Minim town
ship, dcce'iiscd.
9. Accountor nillington Huckle, Administrator of
Isaac selgf reiil, lato ot tlio tow n ot llloomsburg, de
ceased. 10. Account of James H. Mc.Ninch, (lunrdlon of
Mar)- 1). l-'enstcrmaclier, minor child of Ullas l-'cn-btcrmaclier,
lato of Columbia county, deceased.
II. First and llnal account of Amos K lleaeock,
AdmliiWratorot Kllzalieth Kcster, lato of Madison
township, deceased.
12. First nccount of William It. Cos, ono of (lio Ad
mtnlstralurs of Wesley Joliuslon, into ot Madlbon
low'iiblitp, elecensed,
l.i. Sis-ond nupplemenlal account of retor Cnt,
Uxe-cutorof Matthew McDowell, Kite of Scolttown
bhlp, deceased.
14. First and llnal account of Leonard 11. llutiert,
i:ccutorof KtioiUAnn Kuiwrt, Into of (hotowuof
llloomsburg, deceased.
in. Account ot Jnnies McAIarnoy, Tlxecutorof (!eo.
Longeiilieiger, l.ilo of Heaver township, deceased.
IB. First nnd llnal account of AimaCoirman, Ad
ministratrix of .Moses Culluian, lato of the town of
Hlooirishurg, ilece'ased.
17. First and llnal account e,f Freeman sitter and
Simon siller. Administrators of John siller, late of
Centre township, deceased.
is. Account of c. p. lirockway, (luardlan of John
S. Owens, minor child of John 1,, Owens, latent Co
lumbia county, deceased.
19. First mid partial account of Wm. Harris and
James A. Hauls, Administrators of Jacob Harris,
lato of Hemlock township, deceased.
20 Account of Andrew Laulitch and John fl. Lau
luch, Adintstratoi-s of Frederick iJiubach, lato of township, deceased.
2t. Account of John Ilelnlmld nnd Samuel Heln
bold, Hxesjiilors of James A. Fox, lato uf Locust
township, deceased.
22. Second nnd llnal account of Samuel Creasy, Ad
ministrator of iluiiry W. Creasy, lato of Scott town
ship, dfceabed.
23. First account of Stephen H. Miller, Administra
tor cum tostaineiito annexe of John (llger, lato of
Montour township, deceased.
sm. Account of John A. Fmiston, Administrator of
Wilson Allen, lato uf Madison township, deceased.
i". First nnd llnal account of IajhLs Creasy, Ad
ministrator of David Creasy, lato ot Mllllln township,
2B. The llnal account of Charles iiartman.guardlan
of John Pi in, minor child of John t'rln, sr., late of
Catuwlssa, twp., deivascd.
Iteglsler's Ollico, 1
llloomsburg, July 13, 1S7S. j
W. II, J An HIV,
Ml . Carmt 1 Saving Hank vs J. 1). Mcllenry.
Paxson, Sliuls rt .t Co. vs J. D. Mcllenry.
William Vohcy vsOltvcr K. Vuhey.
Oliver Yoliey vs William Yohey.
John J. Mcllenry vs Jonas Duty and Mlrnn Fellows.
Leander Carman's Adinr., vs William Aprlcinan.
Christian Wulf vs The Nuilh R Wejt Ilr.uicli 11. II. Co.
Wellington Hughes Vd Philip Sponeliergcr.
'.. II. John's Admr., vs Aarou Orover.
Kit Kendlg vs Danlul Morris.
T.S.Sinlih vs Tho Scliool Directors of llenton Dis
William Sn)der's Kxr's. vs Tno Town of llloomsburg.
William Harris vs liervvlek ltolllng Mill Compauy.
D. S. Moiguu it Co. vs. Samuel Johnson.
Aaron llarrel vs Tho L) coming Ftre Insurance Com
pany. William T. Andrews vs D. F. Se)bert.
K. II. (iulovs 15. Mcdready.
1-ii-st National Hank of lllooomsliurg vs Charles
Us', ct al,
Flrbt National Hank of llloomsburg vs Jesso 1), lllco.
Levi Klnlcy vs N. S. Campbell.
A. T. Ikeler vs Jonas Doty.
lolm lleaeock vs. Jonas Duty.
Pardee, Jlarklo drier vs II. O. Crovtiing.
First National Hank of llloomsburg vs Ueorgo Cava
nee, etai.
Charles M, Marpie's Ksr's. vs Kno3 Jaeoby.
Samuel J, Doty,
Wilson millions vs Jonas Duty,
M. (!. Hughes vs Jesso D. nice.
M. (1. Hughes vs. Oscar F. Flit.
I- F. Davis vs Jonas Doty,
lesso Harlmau vs Jonas Doty.
II. Calvin ltobbins vs Kllsha bliultz, et nl.
Va-sllno Hoouo vs II. (I. Groveling,
John J, Mclleni-) vs D. I., .t W. 1!. It. Co.
Cbtlurlne Mostuller vs Anthony Slng'ey.
Iienjamln Winttirslocn vs Willtam lloughton.
St.ey John vs II. (I. Ci evellng, et nl.
Hliw Miller vs liilladelphla 4; Heading Hall Ilnad Co.
luhn Meuam"s Kx'r., vs (ieorgo Luce.
Charles W. l-'rnnu' uso, vs Simon Charles.
Kesty ti Hodlno vs S. J. Faux, et id.
ra renter's Adiu'r., vs S) lvester 1 Valor's Adm'r,
Tho Strew Mower and Itcapcr Co., uso, vs J. S.
D. I". So) liert vs Iiilllp Applcman.
Mary McAlarne) use, v s Mmon P. Kaso, et nl.
Itacliel ltoblilns vh Sharpless & Son.
David J. Waller vs First National Hanker lllooms
Joseph ii, Kvnns vs Kllas Olger.
I, Kramer ys Charles It. Hamon.
Milton Charles vs. I, D. Illeo, et al.
Francis Itlchert use-, v.s W. II, Itelnliold, ct al,
Jesso Coleman vs T ho Town of Hl.siiiisburg.
Isaac Miter vs Jacob (lining's Adm'r.
HIIalK-th W. Sanders vs Willi un Scheektorly.
Williams fc Chalfanl vs II. II. (lulu.
Nelson llraiidon vs William T. Shuman,
Allnas Cole'H uso, vs Thoiii -is II, Cole, t rro tenant.
Allans Coin's use, vs Thomas II, Cole, terro tenant.
Allnns Colo's use, vsThomas II. Cole, te no tenant.
William Millies vh Michael drover, Mieilff,
lllooomshurg, Aug, HI tc. ProUionotniy.
KSTAI'KOr 11. I.. laXUIlT, lire'KASKII.
iA.uerH or Adiiiinlsimiion ou tho e-statn of II.
... nuu.iii, i.n.j in un-eiiwiMHi lowiismp, county of
(Joliinihla, Slato of I'ennsUvanla, d(sea.seil, have
Is'i'ii granted to Samuel Hogarl, of (Irei'iiwisid
township, Pit., to whom all iiersons Indebted to said
isitnliMirii K,iinui,.l ... ..M.V.i. u. .....
: ... iii.-iii. anil iiiikv
having claims or demamU will muko known tUo
sanio wllhout delay.
NAMIII'I. in k i tin-
jiuy u-iov
have lids day withdrawn from the llrm ot
111. hhntTer mill Slenhen 1',-ttlt dnttii bu
btilchcrs undr (he nrinnsinnuf hiiAVK'u a-'pi-t-
TIT, In thnliiwnof Kspr, I'a., nndlhp said llrm Is
lu-rebv dissolved, VVILI.IA.M HllAFFKIl.
, j n., uiii) wu, isip, v(
Funny K, Jenkins by
In Ihn Villrl of
ner iiijai nil-nil
William t. shuman
Cnuiuioii lieasot
Coluiubla county.
Alios subMoua tu Dl.
John S. Jenkins.
To John H. Jenkins, llesoniiileiit ,
oiiwlllplciusoliiko nutlco that tlio Court lias on
(It-red publle-utloii to lie niadu on von to bhovv euuso
why a invoice, u vliiiulu iiiatilmimll bhould not li
den-reedln llio uliovocaso. Will lotuniiibli) oil lliu
Hist Monday of M-plember, A. D., isia.
IVibouuI urvlcohuvlng ailed lus-uusn of vour ub-
Ullll,. All, II1LI l,l,(-L-ll
llleoliibbuig, Aug, 1,15 4t bherltr
1A virtnoof minitry writs of A'cmlitlonl ICt
I pnnas mid Flei I l'.v Inn Issued out.ot thn Court
in Common liensoof I'olnmlilacounty, mul to mo dl
i is;tsl, will bu exposed tu publlo halo nt llio COPia'
Itob'sfC, In llloomsburg, on
Moinlay the dlli day ol'Seilomlior, IS7o,
nt ono o'clock, p. m the follow lug described proiicr
ty, Ui-wlli
All that certain real estate sltunto tnHcott town
ship i hounded on tho north by Main stree t ot tho
town of Kspy, on tho oast, by nn alley, ou tlio south
bynn nlley, and on tho w est by n lot of AlonzoDodgo,
(King IH'i feet riei'p and S24 fis t In width, situate
In Siolt township, Columbia county, whereon In
i-iis-tod a two-storied framo hoivio mul other out
buildings. Sei'ed, taken tnto execution ami to bo sold as tho
proiicrty oi m, c, jiiccoiiuni,
All that certain lot of land situate In tho Town of
llloumshiirg, coluuibla county, bounded on tho north
by n public road leading loKspy, on tho east by lot
oi A rtnoio, on mo soiiiu oy mi nuey, uiKiein ino
west br lot of M. C. WiKslwurd. In frunt M fes-tnnd
In depth 2iifcet, nn which nro orectisl a Iwo-story
brick dvrrlllng house, fraino Htnlilontidoul-bnlldlngs.
Seized, taken Into execution nnd to bo sold ns tlio
proiK-ny or Junainan e-nromise.
All that, eortnln lotot ground ttuito In tho Town
of Cnlawlssn, Cntawlss.1 township, Colmriblacoimt v,
boutiiledon thuiiorlti (CI ft V bv land of iiinmas I:.
Harder, on the oast (IM fl ) by public lond to Paper
Mill, on the smith (13.1 ft,) by lot of S. t). Illnnrd.mid
on llio west. (I'iifDby Fourth street, on wlilcli are
creeled a ono and one-halt strory dwelling house, (v
nillliiu Illlii oiliiiiiniiiiii;,
Seizisl, laXen Into execution nnd to bo sold as tho
property of isaao i iiompson,
All Hint certain lot of land situate In tho Town of
llloomsburg, Columbia county, bounded by un alloy
on the west, by lot of Daniel Miller on the north, by
Seventh slreet on llio Kast. nnd nn alloy on the south,
ncilllt uiAiUbenf icci. uiiiuiie uuii xiw ii-ei, ill oepill,
whereon nro erected u two-story frainu dwelling
binisn and ouUbulldlntrs.
Seized, laken tnto execution and to bo sold as tho
property or A. i. Maymitu.
Alt Hint certain real estato bounded on tho north
by Main street of tho Town of Uspy, on tlio cast by
nn alley, on tho south by nn nlley, and on tho west
by lot or Alonzo Dodge, being 173 V( feetdcepniuls-2
f-ct Ir. width, sltuatoln scolt township, Columbia
county, whereon Is erected a two-btoiictl framo
nouso una ouL-uunumgs.
All Hint eortnln rlecoof land situate in Ilrlnrcrcok
tow nslitp, Columbia county, ndjulnlng land ot John
Van l'tit on the north, Archibald Fowler on tho
south, Wm. Kline on tlio west, mid Dennis Slbcrt on
the east, containing thirty acres moro or less, u here.
on mo erected n ono nnd onc-Iialf Mory llutcl, a bhed
nun oiuer eiiv-iiiiiii!!iig.s.
Seized, taken Into exi cutlon nnd to Is) sold as the
priqieriy ot vv imam uneien, vviiu nonce w terre ten
outs. ALSO,
All that lotot land situate In tho Town of F.spy,
Columbia county, l'einisjivanl.i, bounded nnd do
scribed ns follows, to-wlt: Hynn nlley nnt I lowest
and north, and on tlio oust by lot or Hutler lidgar,
and houth by Main street. Said lot being sixty feet
In front and ono hundred nnd sevonty-llvii feet ileep,
bo tho ssinn mora or less.w hereon aro erected a two
btory house nnd stable.
Selisl, taken Into execution and to bo sold ns the
property ot Kllsha 11. l'ursei.
All t ho right, tltlonnd Interest ot the defendant,
A.T. Frcnlel In tlio following real estate, to-wlt:
All certain lot of land bltuato In tho norough of
llerwlek, In tho county of Columbia, on Mullierry
street, adjoining the Catholic Cemetery, lolofWoI
llver, nnd by Jackson street, bring about ono htin
dred nnd fifty feet in fronton Jackson street, and
ono hundred nnd eighty root moro or lews in depth:
Also, ono other lot bounded by lot of said Welllver,
said Cemotorv lot by lot of John Sn) der.aud Jackson
street, lx-lngfourly-llvo feet front by ubout ono hun
dred mid eighty feet In depth: Also, one other pli-eo
commencing on said Jackson street, at corner of lot
of Sherman, theneo tiy Mino lo lot of M. JI,
Jackson, theneo by.Iatksoii'slolulnciy-llvoreettolot
of l'rous Hro's., theneo bylho sanio to Jncksun street
aforesaid, theneo along said stie-ct, idnety-llvo fesit
to tho place of beginning, on which nro erected a
framo dwelling house ami out-bulldlugs.
seized, taken Into execution and to liesoldnslhe
proiwrty of A. T, Frcntzel & A. II. AicCieo.
Alltliatceitalnlotfif ground sltuato in tho town
of Hspy, Scull townslilp, Coliiinbla county, bounded
Maikel street on I he west, lot of Samuel HliUem.iu
on I ho north, lot or Stephen Auehcnbaeh on tho easl,
and un alley on the soiilli, whereon aro en clod a
framo dwelling liou.) and out-bulldlngs, with the
seized, laken tnto execution nnd to bo bold as tho
propel ly ol C, W. Trump.
Tho undivided one-third eif ail that certain lot of
ground sliu He In llio townslilp of sootr, In Ihu coun
ty of Columbia aforesnld, bounded nnd deseillied us
follows, tow II: beginning nt a stone comer In tho
middle of Mai kct street of llio village of Kspy, nnd
running Iheneo along mi alloy north slxty-slx mul
pne fourth degrees, east twenty perches nnd live
feet to u lsistitliei.eo along land of Win. Millies north
tweiity-tlireo mid Ihree-rotirlh degiees, west thir
teen perches eleven feet lo a lsist, theneo by lands
of same, south sKtj-sIx and one-fourlli degrees,
west twenty lsiehesimd llvofeet to tho niliiilliinf
said Market slieel, theneietiy mlildlo of name, south
tvvo)il)-llitvemiillliieo-ruiirl hs degrees, oast thirteen
lM-rches mid eleven fee t Hi llio plaeoot Is-glimlng,
cunlnliilng ono hundred nnd beveiiteenand a bait
Thn undivided one-third pai t of another lot on tho
westbldoot Market Mre-et, ls-glimlng In tho mlildlo
ot Market street, running thence south slxiymidonu
fuurth degiios, webt tweiity-blx M-rchos mid nine
and u half feel, to a lwst, theneo south twenty-tune
nndturo o-fourlhs degrees, cist e-loven feet U) it nosl.
theneo north slxty-slx and one-fourth degrees, east
six pereliis mid two and one-third feet to a post,
theneo south twenty-threo and threi'-fourths de
grees, e'Osttlueo is-relu-s nnd twomidnno-halt feet,
thence north slxty-slx and ono-fourth degrees, east
nine pere'lies and two and one-third feet, theneo
south twenty-threo nnd three'-fourtlis ile'grees, east
nine porches and eleven mid one-fiiiirlh toot to an
alloy, theneo along said alley, nurlli slxty-slx and
one-ruurth degrees, east eleven perches and four and
Ihree-Ioiirlhs feel to llio nilddiuof Market btie-et,
llieneo along mlddlu of saino, north twentv-threo
and Ihrcevluiutlis degrees, west thirteen nnd one
half pi-rehes to the place of lie-glmilng, containing
ono ueio and twenty-ilvoand one-fouith iiorches, to
gither wllh tho appurtenances.
Solas), taken lino execution and to bo bold as tho
properly ot M. c. McCulliim.
All that eeitaln messuage or lot of ground sltuato
Initio village of Light street nfoivsaht, on tliooa-st
side ufu publlo road leading from llloomsbiiig to
ormigevlllo, Iwundud by llio publlo mud aforesaid,
lauds of (Ieorgo Shug, (ieorgo Julin, I'eter Whllo uud
Mail how-McDowell, com. lining wicn acres and ono
hundred mid twenty-four porches, w hereon nro
iroeied a good two-story fraino dwelling house and
Seized, laken Into execution and to bo bold aa tho
property of F. P. Kelly.
All that certain real estato sltuato in Iioberts'
Addition of tho town of CntuwiSsu, Columbia eoun
ty, lioiinded on ihu northwest by tho public road
leading from Catawissa to llio upper Ferry, on thn
iiorlheastbylaiidot W. II. Kllls,nndoiithesoutIieast
by Seei met si roc t of said tow n, w hereon are creeled n
tw o-stury frame dwelling house nnd uut-houscs.
Seized, taken Into oxeeutlon and lo be bold ns tho
property of W. F. Ulbby.
All that certain farm or tract of land sltuato tn
Scott township, I'oluinbl.t county, on tlio northern
bank of tho North llrnneh uf the isusquehana river,
iK-tvveen tho Town of llloomsburg and Kspy, bound
ed on the;nortli by land eif J. llarve-y creveilng.on (ho
i-ust by laud of Julin shtimun, on tho west by laud of
II. (I Crevellng and Kdward Itawllng, containing
about 111 acres more or less, with nppurlonaees, anil
whereoiiaro erected eme large two-storied brick
div oiling liouso with mansard roof.wlth healing rango
nnd watorattachmems,w 1th stable and wagon liouso
and outslilo building belonging to and corresponding
w ltii said el welling house. Also.ono two-storleel framo
tenant house and largo bank barn Willi sheds and
oilier out-buildings. land lu good state of cultiva
tion. Tho proiieriy will iw sold In two parcels or to
tlio best advantages lo purchasers nnd creullois.
Seized, taken Into execution and Ui bo sold as llio
property ot Daniel Snyder.
All that certain pie'ce of ground sltuatoln Scot t tnwn
slilp.ColiiuibUcoiiiity.boiiniled on tliHiiorUibylands
ut A. Sii) der, on tho west and east by Ihu saino and
on Ihu south by Ibo Lackawanna A Hlouinsburg Kali
Hi kid Company, containing two acres moro or less,
whereon mo e reeled a liaiilng Mill nnd all machin
ery and oiit.biillillngs nnd two dwelling houses.
Seized, taken Into execution mid to bo bold as tho
pruiierly of I). Snyder Co.
One lot slluato In tlio town of Uspy, hounded ns
follow s: Ou the south by Main street, west by alley,
iioilli by alloy mid e.islby lot of Wm. scheelittriy,
being iV fi'ol front mid U3t, feet deep, wln-i eon is
creeled a tivo-story divelllug, bilek bank, and framo
stable", Willi ouUblllldlngs.
Ono other lot Imiindedon tho south bynn nllov,
west by alloy, iirmhhy Si-cond slieel and oast by
Wm. (I.droton, belngs2iv fe-.tfronl by nab feet
deep whereon are oris led .1 )i story butcher shun,
otlleo and uut-buildliigs. '
Ono other lol bounded north by Second si root,
oast by i nomas W. Hilgar, south by alloy and vvo-,1
by M. A. (liven and oilier proiierty of II. (I. Crevel
Ing, being feet front by IT.Hi deep, wlieioon Is
erected a two-story frnmo stable.
A I -SO,
Ono other lot bounded on norlli by Second street,
west b.v Light Slieel load, south by lot of M. A.
(neon mid easl by oilier propcity of II. (I. (ioviilng,
Ik Ing ou Seiond street, ouLlghl stieel mid,
win-ion Iseiieied it two-story fiiinio dwelling and
Seized, laken Into execution and lo bo sold as llio
prosily of II. (I. Cruvellng.
All that certain lot or piece r,f ground hltinto In tho
Town of Itloomshiirg, coiunl.l i eniuil), on HioimsI
bldoof l-istbtrn-t,bouiideiliisfollows,nhwili l.-gln.
nlng lit u corner mi an alloy and Hast street, theneo
uloiigs.ild Last street soul lieiislivaidly M. feet to lol of
JiicoliMiallir, theneo along said lot of Jacob Shaffer
liortheaMwiudly lu.l feel to Chestnut alley, theneo
by said alley iiurHiwoslwiiiilly utfeicl loiho alley
lust iiu nlloiiod, llieneo by biildulli'y northwestward
ly mafeet to tho pl.uxiof U'gliiiiuig, wlieinon nro
creeled a two-btory frame dvv tiling house', u blublu
uud oiit-hiilldlugs.
Seized, taken lulo exis?ullon nnd to I sold as tho
properly of S) Ivuster Faux nnd i lllni.iu Faux.
llloomsburg, August 12, '15-to Slielllt.
11 ibo follow Ing nppraUeiiieiita of roul nnd
iK-i-honal pro-'rtysi t to widows of ihss-deiits
linvii bi eii llle-d lu Ihooilleu of tho KcgMcr ot Ceil
iimbla oouiity, under tho Itules ot Conn, and wllllsi
liresi iili'iliorabsolutoe-onilruialloii lollio orphans'
Coui Ho Iki held lu llloomsbur,lii and forfealdcouii.
ly, onWi'iliiesdiiy.lhosthil.iyi.f NiilcnilK-r, Is7,i, nt
ueiock p. III., of s.ild day nniess oxie -ptlons lo such
eoiiilriiiallou uru pievluiisi) uud, of which nil i-r-sons
lute reste d lu bald I'slateswlll take notice:
1. Widow of Win, Savage, lulo ot FWihucrcck:
township, deceased.
2. Widow of Henry Hrlttalu, lato of Hrlarercck
township, de'ccnsod,
3. Widow of Kilns Wilkinson, late of llrlarcreek
township, doex'iisod,
ileex-a-sud 'W Jo1'" Kn,llll 1'ltv ct -Maillsa townslilp,
(1JWldow of Urlali MIDs, lato ot MaJUon townslilp,
. Widow ot Jesso lifers, late ot Hemlock townslilp,
dee'ouscd. 1
Ileehler'a oniee,
llloejinsbuiv, July 13, 1S75.
W, 11. JArOllY,
keeps conslnnlly on hand n V nnd Comiilclo Block ol'
wlilch ro will sell to tlio Tulllc nt Prices so Low as to defy competition.
of nil Grades nnd Inlcst Improvements,
Burden's Ilorso nnd Mulo Shoes, Ilorso NiuIb, t"ie.
Spokes, Heavy and Light, Carriage Mallebcls,
Axles, Springs, Gum and Oil Olotlis, Valentines Varnialics, Spirila
nnd a general Stock of
Building Materials, such as DUNCANNON NAILS, Lewis' Lead,
Best Cblors, Pure Oils, &c, as low us they can bo bought in the county.
Mar 10, 175-tf.
p jjahiilets, Gouros, Tweezers, Pliers, ?
jjPota and Kcttle-a, l'nna and Friers, "Ps
ijAlI things for all sorts of buyere. ijj'' lp
Wo li.ivo nl?o ndded to ourStock
In nil it.s TlranclicM, Carefully fseleetcil and l'lircliased lnvv for Casli i;ivin;;
Aelvantages for Selling vvliieh can not be.cxccllcd by any other '
Hardware Store in"thoCbuntry.
Wo aUAHANTKK both in THICE and QUALITY of our Oood.
The Largest Store in the Country.
March 1V"5-y
CohrIis CoIiIh, liron
chiti, Sore Throat, In
lluenzn, Croup, Whoop
ing Cough, Hoarsene-n
Liver Complaint, Pains
or fjorencHs in the
Cheat or Side, lileeiliiig
at the Lungs, and every
arfeetlon uf iiiei, T.untrs ami Chest, arosroed
llj curt-el bv tlio use of Uu.'s Haiam op Viu
i.'iieuhv, wlilcli iloe-s nor ilry up a cough nml leave
tho causo behind, us Is tlio civso vv Hh ineiht n-uioellos,
butlrHise'iislt, cleanses tho lunf;s aiKlallayslrilta.
euii, enu.1 ruiuuvui enu cailbu Ol uiu cuiiipidllll.
Consumptiou can bo cured
! a timely ivsort to this blamum remedy, as is
provetlliy hundreils nt icsttuiontuls It liaa received.
None ge'uulno unless Utrned 1IUTTS" on I he
wriip-r. u cents and l aljotllo; largti Imttlra
much (ho chi'iipi r. Sin n W. l-'OWI.U A. ONS,
l'roprletors, lloston, Mata. Sold by doalera gen
erally. Jan. 5S), IMj
Manlioofl : How Lost How Restored!
UST jnililished a new edition of Dr. CUL
VEUWjciA'S celebrated essay on tho radical cure
gjg rs (without medicine) ot SpeTinatorrhaia
r Seminal Weakness, Inv uluntury Hcm-
m-Jr llial vvi-iikiicss, ImpoU'ncy, Mental ami
plijble'iil luciiiuclty, Iiiiiitdtmenta to
Marriage, etc,: also Consumption, Epilepsy, and Fits
Induced by self-lndulgenco or sextual citravagauco
files, Sc.
tSFPrUe, in a scaled envelope, only six cent.
Tho celebrated author, in this admlrablo essay
clearly demonstrates from a thirty years' succesbtu
practice, that tho alarming consequences of self
abuse may bo radically cured without tho dangerous
uso of Internal medlclno or tho application of tho
knlfoj pointing out a modoof euro atoncoslmplo
oerlnlii, nnd effectual, by means of vvhlch every sill
ferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cur
himself cheaply pjlvalely, and radically.
i7"Tlils Itcturo should bo in tlio hands of every
youth and every man in tlio land.
Hent under seal, In a plain envelope, to any ad
dress, pout-paid, on receipt of six cents, or two rost
Address tho rubmlicrs,
187 Ilowcry, New York, Post onico llox 4,5'sfl.
April 1(1, '15-y
A Fortune For $1.
rn u-Q nn
I liii IMlinf i-aehinniitli, and Ji.ik In eaxh Is paid
In full lo tit kit holders, l'rlzn, Memid
' 1 1 . VI f...ui,., . 1,(111 1 T1.H lOUIlll, Iin.lHH'.
I'lllli. ilu.noo. Mxth. Mum. Ki'vi-iiIIi. l irrliii,
.i.ueie, be sides eu.ta smaller prizes.
Tin: iniiJiiMi cuMiuxiTinx
(77ircc Xumher) Iiltery draws on tlinfmtnnf each
lillilllll, fanll.1l l'llu KNl.UAi. hirnnd I'rliii 1-Mui.i
Third, f2ii.inm, rnurtli, Jln.oid, N-sldestiUMi sui.illir
iiii-n, iiiu (vniun iiiiiuiiiiuuir in (';iu.iaki i.s palilfiut
ri'Kular'y nti aclidravvlnir. Tills Institution j-.el.ur.
tereil by Act of tho lA-glsliituri', and wnn-r-vised
by lint li-gui autlioillles at t-.ieli draw Ing, (nu
( I.lstof drawn iiuiiibi rs sent by iimllin ticket
iii.i.K-m mniii im uiniisneii. - leheiH ir i u ner are
11 I'lll-ll. Slit for ... flirf"ll (-lrrill.ll-S.kJ HI In-., tr,
evirjlimly, ennlalulng full Tickets sold
Ujl k'J It.VI ,111.11 HI 111 llll 111.
AI.I.KN a: f (1.. t'J Vamaii Kt Vi?w Vmiv
TOS-20 tier day. Agents wanlcil. All
l.iwi.ui.r l..rMi.,,iu.mJ. ..II..II. .... .
II.. ...... .....n. j ..u ..... , VI .1-111 UK II I'll II
l(Halllles, during their huru iiiomeiii.s, or nil tho
lime, lli.iu at any thing else, vviiniier empliivmeiil will pay h.ihdniuicly for every hour's work.
I'uil purlleiilars. tirins, c wnd us your address lit
niu-.-. mui'l delay. Now Is llio time. Don't lue.k
for work or business elsewhere, until jou have learn,
ed what wo oiler, (I, Stisson & Co., Portland, Mulno.
UUU. IU l.j .
.tiiVKHTIslKHMmiiUM. Dully, J ID u 5 ear. n-uil.
Weekly, I'i.
1' Krco to tho Siitiftorilx r. Kin-elmen f oples
and Adverltsliii; llati's i'ree. Weekly. Iiiiliibse'f so
or mul-e' only 1, junttigo luld. Addre ss Tiik'I ui
UUNK, N. V. JanlDiWy,
A DVKirriRINfl: Cheap: flood j Bystcina
J tie. All persons who oonupmplato making con
fi.uls with newspapers lor tho liiw rllun ofudver-
111 mi HIS. Should Se-llll (-fills III Ceil. ! I.'.iiv. 11 A-
fo., 41 1'ail; How, .Sew York, for tlie-lr r.Wirill.l.T.
lldliK (iilnely-seve'nlli edllloii,) eontalnlng lists of
over if'in newspaie-is and estimates, showing tho
cost. AdvcrllscincntH taken for leading imin-niUi
many Mates ninireuieiidous reduction Inanpub
Ushers' rules, l it i lit ivbn, Jan. Jt.Tf.'ly,
Parties wanting in.
luatlon about
Khould subscrlbo tor tho Mounimi Nkvis.puIiIUihIuI
Kivaunah, (iu. Dally, (lii Weekly. U lVr unnum
Advcrllhcm ileblilug eusiointrs lu iIiisai Malta
lillilllll 11SJ1 ItH i-nlllin!. It lj 11... ... ....
houthiakt Si-t-A-luiiii eople i mil on ue-eiu ii o
leuia., JCb'iai,rUvaunali,tja.
Keep on Hand tlio
In the County.
& SON,' Bloomsburg, Pa.
"'III-; subscriber oilers for sale tho follovrinc
r r. i . . ' oiiii.iMi m .siuiiLuiirieivvil-
iln. Cfiltirnlil.-L rnuntv. M nn.. nn
line miles fiom Hl6oinsUurgundM;vcii niUeafroin
lit ACRVS AND 110 1'EllCIIl,
idjolnlng I.iuels of U'vvls Hntti, lit-Irs of Win. n.
Ilurley. otlicr lands (loscrll-cel Ik-Iuvv, Anilrewa.
. huk and others, enivvhU Ii aroca-cted noond liouso.
Hani aud otlier out-bulldlngs, in irnod condlilou und
lepalr. Also unn othe r tract adjolnlm; tlm above dc
.crlbed tract, Win.llobe-rts, Joseph Fry. Daniel Iaj
ian and uihers, containing "
Alan nnn,., n. , 1
5Kr!l'i rrowrtJe-s , wui bo separately ns abovo
described, or tho vvlinio tn nn. t, ..n,
unsold unuiI't''ty any part ,Lcrc01 UaU rclnal"
Thui'sday, Soptemher 9th. 1875,
It Mill ,111 lklf A.,v ,,...,,.... ..t. I..
ILiiWuMS!?,'1? U' T1iP.aljoo proiH-rtlesvvlll
or publlcsalo : .Ten per cent, of (homirehasomnnpv
io iw paid on the day of sole, balance of ono-thlrll
n is'iy'T!""'0 '""noVonthoilM day of April A.
.n.V .! . k'ra. ine reniain-
In the i property from three to tlx tears, inu-reston
samo to I hj paid annually, WM. SKAU
..e--. ,v, r.icH, jiiifviuneer.
llloomsburg, July 80, 75-flw
1 t iNuldnta ntut nvi...,iti,.,.. r .. . .... ...
, Muv vti'viuiuuih iur LMM iii(hji xnar
ending first Monday In June, 1S73: "vi"-uwl 1Lar
. . KISCEllTS.
Amount ot dupltcato...... tisjo as
u'.i ('.voncrations u.49
coirra com. ius.h i;a ea
Iialanco from last jrcar'B settlo.
t J.-ill VI
I'M 47
i-n vs
m 09
Amouuiot isiato warrant!"!".!"
ii.u.uir.i nn iianu nna uncollected
i(uii( (iesL jeiur ......,.
Total receipts
t. i . . .. -."( (.. til i ej iiim.
..i- orncr
J so on
l,(-K) 00
an M
1 15 VI
H Ml 2,21ft 4.1 Kiuem
" orders for contingencies
H ii si'hool itppui-alus
.'. " " '"el tlellvered...,
" Trcaaurei-spercentago
IlnlAtiro on hand j Ic3 M
Thern I. n.imili.lnr. I.. .1 n i . .
. . ... w in in., KiKiKYiii rs.imiieir.ev-
Iinrd, 'I n-asurer, jii.M lial.inco of building money.
Amount lltv vet dim mul in .A.ll, Vnyi. .
II. (.. 1.-1UI(K.
J. l'.C(iN',Ni:i(,
Aug. ,.3t
t,.f 1 an Cml,.,! .,..111... in,. ....
Vi uTi?Sr. VMm.iK"n,i In AWMU NATIONAL
y,yJ. IU V"""' loads to fortunu. A72pap)
liook- i iiililed: "Mm nnd idioms of Walt slreeT."
Oiplaliiltigeverjlhlng. '
An o.ii"1!'.'1" f",x'"'ll MselnaUi and gain thn
I.'"?.?1."1 .Wl"".' ni'V Irs"'i thoy eliimsu m.
ilSliZ: rr i h"."p ?' .,llu,l,l (tenuirtmieiit all can
phla, i'li, uuiiaiicra, i-iuiaue-l-
am all Tliroat Disoasoa,
A Tlll(?l AXI Slim; itiliirnv
l'or salo by Drntrclsta irenernllv. nti.i innK-i-'i'ii-ki
110I.UIWAY Jt CO , l'hlladelnlila, pn.
uiu i a it iiu u U 11 tl I 11,
C (Kieui-edby oopiilKht,) Whlrli h an Inn ,ni,,not
. 3 uur. n. Ilt' riuU Kail, of asstduimus st udv i
HH mid for life ikoeipivMilons, tn Fiuunm cinr,
5 WiiP"1'"1' i'!"ul wmwliifl hi n.y .tlnr
s ilo of l leluie. Mciianil 'i-iniiiwm,t(,i now to
Kiilleltoiderafnr iupvlng nnd rnM-.i uns'l He
luri-Hof fileiuia and loved ei.isl; . t Jt,
brotyiH-a, 1'hologinplis. nml Imeui ii-(i i,
now preieiihsvthlili vvlllplciiMi ev ry boily. ( r -at
vv ages und n tiei insni nt liu:.- Ii.ers i un o Renu mr
full Instructions In hi-kiin iv4,ioh Slum , eim
Jlarki-thlri-el, Ihlladelplila, Pu.
L ANK NOTI'Rxlil, vj wllheix. tximialon.
lor fuUo ut the, t ounui an otucv.