The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, August 20, 1875, Image 2

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F v i d iv y , A u g . SO , 1 B 7 f.
At n incotiiijr, of tlio nctnocrntii) Stato
Committee, In llnrrisbtirit, March -I, 187G,
tho following resolution was ntloptod, viz. :
That tlio next Domnrriitla Ktnto Conirntlnn, for
tlinpiirnimni nominating mmlliUtra for Wioetnor
mid stato Trciinnvr, Im hold nt thoCltv ut Erie, m
Wednesday, tlm Rth day (it September, lift, at noon.
Tlio Convention will consist of tho usual
number of delegate, viz: ono delegate fur
each member of tho Seuato ami llonsoof
HciircscHtatlvcs. JOHN MILLER,
It i a rcmnrknblo fact that, wbllo not ouo
rx-l'rcsldcnt Is living, tho wives of II vo of
them Mirvivo Mrs. I'ollc, Mr. Filniorc,
Mr j. Tyler, Mm. Lincoln, and Mrs. Johnson,
And now tlievhavo discovered that I'lill.i-
dolphin Is built upon a formation of gold, tint I
subsoil being estimated to contain over a
hundred millions of tlio precious metal. It
has long been recognised that Its surface was
covered with rags, rascals nnd vermin, as
well tut with other things, people and injccto,
ami it is well therefore that it is discovered
to have a desirable foundation.
Complete official returns from Kentucky
uivo McCreery, Democrat, n majority of
!!ii,139 for Governor. Tho Legislature stands
Democrats 'JO, Kcpublicans 10. Tho Repub
lican candidate for Governor, Ocn. Harlan,
ran beyond his parly strength, especially in
tho city of Louisville, where ho resides, and
vtliero his father in former days had much
personal strength.
Goldsmith Maid having ceased to "draw,",
tho trotting raco gamblers nuuounco that alio
was beaten by Lulu, a now favorite with tho
jockeys, tho best limo of tlio latter being sta
ted at 2. 16 jockey time. The public havo
been so much humbugged in this trotting
business that littio interest is excited by it
now. The winning and tho time is nearly
nlways arranged beforo tho horses como on
tho field.
Beeclicr is summering among tho moun
tains in Maine, where ho is overwhelmed with
immense audiences whenever ho preaches.
Whatever other people may think about
him or however moral people may regard
such characters as he, tho yankces aro cer
tainly ready to worship him. He is "smart"
in moro ways than one, and that is the sum
of all merit with them.
A great deal of fault has been found with
Old Probabilities on account of so much
rain. Grant cacapes blame, becauso ho h
not supposed to meddlo much with water.
But tho Louisville Courier-Journal accounts
for tho)heavy wet by saying: "Tho truth is
that a kind Providence, in answer to millions
of prayers sent up during tlio past seven
years, is making a protracted and determin
ed eflbrt to put a stop to playing tho gamo
known as baso ball.
Hon. Horaco liinney died in Philadelphia
on the 12th inst. He was born in that city
January 4, 1780, and was therefore in tho
96th year of his ago at death. Ho was ad.
initted to tho bar in March, 1800, and was a
member of tho Legislature in 180G-7. Ho'
was also a leading member of Congress from
1833 to 183.r). Ho was a gentleman of high
character and much Philadelphia distinc
tion. Ho filled many positions of important
public trust, and was always held in tho
highest esteem in his native city.
Tlio Stato board of pardons is growing
rapidly into a sort of Imrlcsquo court, whero
sympathy instead of proof of Innocence
voids punishment. Tho lawyer witli a peek
of tears stands no chance with his adversary
of n bushel. Maudlin strains despoil justico
of her attributes. It gives lawyers an addi
tional field for splendid fees, forms a sort of
rogue's harbor, and relieves tho Governor of
just responsibility and somo unpleasant labor,
and thero tho functions of tills board of
mercy cease.
It is not necessary forus to have discussion
witli tho Philadelphia Commonwealth about
tho strength of epithets. No doubt any
gentleman .will despiso "shabby" tricks as
much as blackjacks, and of such tho Urio
Convention will bo largely composed just
Bcallawags enough in it to attract attention,
unless it shall wisely and bravely voto tho
most obnoxious of them out, including Hill.
Dimmick and a considerable! number from
Wo have issued in supplementary form
the speech of Hon. Franklin II. Gowan,
beforo the legislative committee charged
with tho investigation of tlio truth of
certain allegations mado against tho Phil
adelphia and Heading railroad company. It
is a speech of rare power and literary abili
ty, and will bo profitably and eagerly read
by those interested in the subject. Of courso
we issue It as an advertisement. It receives
an extensivo circulation all tho Philadel
phia papers containing it in their regular
columns and all the county papers issuing it
In tho supplementary form. It may also bo
had in pamphlet form upon application to
tho railroad company.
'o Coroner to Meet.
Tho nomination of Mr. Isaiah Yeagcr for
Coroner, by tlio Democratic county conven
tlou lost week, was a mistake. Thoroisnu
Coroner to elect at this time, 0. G Murphy,
Esq., of Cenlralia, (whero, by-the-way, they
need Coroners) having been elected last
November and commissioned for three years.
Thero was no disposition to take oil' tho
gallant Squire olhcial head, but tho im
pression erroneously prevailed that ho had
not lifted his cominIsiion,aud hence tho new
nomination. Under tho circumstances wo of
courso tako Mr. Yeagcr'a namo from tho
Mortliern Pacific I tall road.
This road, with all its privileges, franchis
es and property, was hold hist week, in New
York, to a "committco of bondholders," for
1190,000. As tho sale was on mortgage,
all its debts, bonds nnd stock aro now wiped
out, and the small tiumbcr of stock and bond
holders represented in tho purchasing com
inlttco aro the only ttpes who will reap any
benefit from tho sale. Thero are, also, largo
bodies of western lands, appropriated by thq
government to tho company, to bo Hold In
September, but those will bo gobbled up by
tho committee mentioned at a nominal price,
Tho proccfdings upon tlio wholo will wipo
out all claims against tho company and pans
tho road with all its property into tlio linnih
of tho few men who compose tho firm of Jay
Cooke A Co., and their friends and partners,
3'coplo heroaboutH who own bondi may re
volve a few rents upon them, but that is the
but they can hope for
iSfnto Treasurer.
1'ioni oxohaiij.-.' wo learn that In caso of
tho itomliiation of a western man for Gov
crnnrby tho Krlo convention, Hon. Clcorgo
Haudcrson, of Lancaster, will bo urged for
Ntato Treasurer I'ln n Is no man In the
citato better ..!... . 'ilier rcimtatlon
for lntegrlly, or mnie deserving of such n
Jmark of Dcmociallo favor. Always a most
rellahlo Democrat and ever literally nwbcol
linrso for his party, and proverbially modest,
ho nuvcr pushed himself forward for posi
tion, and Is now well stricken in years with
little of this woil Vt poll' to sootlio his declin
ing days or ensure him against tho common
needs of life. One of thoso faithful Demo
crats who sacrificed themselves to promote
Mr. Iltielinnnn to tho VresUlency, ho was left
with nearly all otlicrlinm-working, unselfish
friends ol that utisympathblng statesman,
who worked for him in season and out of
season, to make their way as best they could
against tho open and secret enemies they
mado by tho ardor and warmth with which
they pressed his cause. While such as l"oru
ey and hundreds of others fell from this
cause, Sanderson remained firm as adamant
in tho support of Democratic principles
Cold neglect by tho successful chieftain nei
ther soured him, nor (.cut him to tho ranks of
tho enemy, nor, iiouting, to nu attitudo of
iiidillerenco to cither personal friendship or
Democratic success. On tho other hand, ho
remained as firm a Democrat as ever and as
faithful a personal friend to Mr. I'.iichnnau
as that distinguished (statesman possessed. If
tho taller has fricniN now who hold him in
grateful remembrance or patriotic rcgaid
they cannot better show it than by assisting
to confer tho high honor suggested upon his
over faithful and vigorous friend, Geo. San
derson. Republics should not bo ungrateful,
nor should tho friends of distinguished Re
publican statesmen.
Wo bclievo Mr. Sanderson never held any
olliri.ll position except that of Mayor of
Lancaster. In that ho discharged his duties
most creditably nnd honorably, as ho would
in tho position of SUto Treasurer. If an
eastern candidate bo nominated for Govern
or, of eourso Mr, Sanderson will bo with
drawn as a candidate for Treasurer, Were
the convention to nominate him for Govern
or there would bo no occasion to growl
about it.
Tho Rapacious Maw of Corporate Monopoly
Still Yawning.
"The Heading railroad company has mado
a proposition "to furnish tlio forty or moro
f i , , , , ii. i . i .
mrnaces now out oi mast aiong me jicuuing
railroad and branches, with all tho iron ore,
liinestono and coal, and to take tho product
off their hands, paying for tho iron a reason
able profit on tho cost of manufacture. Tho
proposition, it is said, is boing responded to
favorably by tho iron establishments, and
there is a fair probability of all tho furnaces
being again in blast within a reasonable
time." The Reading railroad company has
already obtained a complete control and
monopoly of tho vast coal business of tho
Schuylkill region, and now cssayH to obtain
similar power over tho production of iron in
that quarter. Of the success of its entcr-
prizo wo suppose there is no question. Of
tlio propriety of converting tins grand onco
perfectly freo country into a land of monop
oly wo aro glad thero is yet much diifcrenco
of opinion. When it is probably too late
tho people will possibly wako up to tho im
portance of the Jacksonian Democratic doc
trine on tho subject, and they will then, too,
if not sooner, wako up to tho fact that all
tho legislation of tlio Itcpnblican party that
could infiuenco the subject has been directed
to tho creation of monopolies, in a manner
to abstract all power possiblo from tho peo
ple, whom it has taxed and robbed, and
robbed nnd taxed, witli a promiscuous pro
fusion that has rendered tlio terms insepara
ble if not symonjiuons in meaning. Tho
mighty giant, tho freeman's morally unre
strained Kilt, ono of thesa days will wako up
to find himself bound hand and foot, nnd by
every hair of his head, through tho multi
farious machinations of tho Republican
party and its iutcrminablo chain of rings.
Tho starting of the furnaces is a good thing,
but they will never rid themselves from the
grasp of tlio monster that embraces them
until that day of doom, suroto come, when
tho overloaded corporations must bo crushed
to earth by thoir own weight.
As illustrative of Reading railroad
designs, hero is an nnccdoto related to us :
An intellectual looking gentleman in a
passenger car of tho company observed a boy
Felling matches. Calling tho lad to him ho
inquired, kindly:
"How much do you mako in nday Belling
"Sometimes ten cents, sonio twenty, and
sometimes oven thirty cents, when I have
good luck."
"Well, my lad," benevolently replied tho
gentleman, "mako all you can this month;
I am tho President of this railroad company
and on tho first of next month, it is proper
to inform you, wo will assume this business
Moral the Reading railroad company is
a hugo Anaconda that swallows nil tho gamo
that comes in lis reach.
Wo did not know that political lightning
had struck anywhere outside of Iiloomsburg,
until wo saw tho announcement in the last
Berwick Independent that Capt. John It.4
Yohc, of Mitllin, was a volunteer candidate
for Associate Judge. Tho valorous Captain
was the regular Democratic nominco for tho
position five years ago, but between a dislike
of tho practices by which ho obtained a nom
ination and a falluro to dlscorn his merits
and qualifications, the Democracy could not
bo very unanimously rallied to his support,
and therefrom a dwiblo oonscnicnco liaa re
sulted, to wit: tho Captain was then defeat
ed and has now grown nanguinary. What
other gravo consequence ro to follow wo
are too modest to undertake to foretell, and
nil that is miro about it is that ho can at any.
time treat all his Democratic supporters to a
rldo in a sluglo omnibus. It is not our busi
ness to interfere- with the tastes of tlio Re
publicans, and if they chooso to adopt him
as a candidate we will charitably wish them
joy of their morsel. Had tleir leaders been
in smart as they think themselves they
would Imve seen to his election five years
ago, but that is beyond their power now and
would result only to their own discredit if
they conld succeed.
Hut, gentlemen of tho Republican per
Hiiaslou, do not let tho forlorn Captain "go it
alono" trot out a volunteer for Commission
er. You like that business of supporting
volunteers you now have two chances on
thq Commissioner question where there is
usually only one, preserve your consistency,
and out with a volunteer. No craftsman was
over In greater need of a tool than you are
Just now, and at no time could ono be used
moro wisely ho could so nicely savo tlio
board from being marred by tho presenco of
a Republican I Do not wosto your ambi
tion upon tho baro election of John It.
Yohe to an Associato Judgeship I Uravo all
fortune ut onco!
Assessors who have failed to post up an
alphabetical list of voters in their various
district nro llublo to a penalty of ono hun
dred dollars for tbrlr failure,
llarltaiifl ami Temperance.
When John 1'. llartraull was a candidate
for Governor In 1S7'2, tho "liquor league" of
this State suddenly turned Into his support,
and In a brief tlmo It was ascertained that
the leaders of the Republican party had
mado n solemn engagement not only to pre
vent future legislation in hostility to tho sale
and use of liquor as a beverage, 4)iit also
agreed that they as n party would throw nolni
pediment In tho way of the repeal of tho lo
cal option law. They In fact promised to
repeal that law, If they should possess the
power, Tho leaders thus pledged themselves
personally, but of courso could not pledgo
their party followers. To this arrangement
Mr. Hartranft gave Ids consent, tho consid
eration fur nil which being that tho liquor
league was to support Hartranft for Gover
nor. After ho became Governor, not n word
did ho or his personal counsellors, including
all the leading Republican politicians, utter
against tho repeal of tho local option law.
When tho repeal bill passed tho Legislature
tho Tcmperiinco men unanimously protested
against tho Governor signing it. Thoy were
joined in this by tho clergy men of the Meth
odist church then assembled in coiifcrcuco
at Huntingdon. Their resolution of pro
test passed, wo believe, unanimously. Most
of tho clergy of tho State joined in tho pro
test, or were known to bo opposed to repeal
All this formidable array of protest hail no
More weight and received no more consideration
than thouijh it had come from so many prat
tling boys who had not yet trusted themsilecs
beyond the mother's apron string. The reason
was obvious Gov. llartranlVs hands wero
lied tlio pledge to tho "liquor league" duro
not bo broken. Ho signed tho repealing lull
and local option became a thing of tlio past,
without giving it tho decent respect of a sec
ond judgment of tho people at the ballot
We make no prctenco that the Democracy
aro a tempcranco party. That party believes
in leaving all moral questions to lie deter
mined by moral means. It is ngainst nil leg
islation that interferes with personal desires,
except so far as is necessary to restrain men
from doing bodily injury to each other or
wrong to each other's properly or rights.
It passes nnd sustains no sumptuary laws nnd
in no wiso invades tho domestic circle. It
leaves moral means to accomplish moral
ends. It believes in God's power to control
His people. As to moro earthly (political)
affairs it assumes to control only so far as is
absolutely necessary. It believes that tho
less the pcoplo aro governed (politically)
the better. It oppresses no ono and intrudes
upon no one. It is a party of political
rights and proprieties and refuses to go be
youd these.
Tho Republican party lias different prin
ciples. It pretends to reach all tho wants of
humanity and to accomplish by legislation
all that can be hoped for from morals. It
would control every individual at tho will of
its leaders and dictato to him if it could
whether he should tako his provender witli a
spoon or a fork, and when ho should tako
meat and when mush, or neither or both, and
as to either quantity or quality. In other
words, it essays tho right to control men by
legislation in whatever it chooses to control
to dictato morals and tastes, as well as
tho exercise of rights or tho pursuit of pleas
ure or profit.
While the Democratic party, therefore, de
nies that questions of morals are proper sub
jects of legislative direction, the Republican
party assumes to dictato by that means in
all that relates to human existence. These
generalities explain why tho Democracy
havo no responsibility in connection with
tempcranco legislation and why tho Repub
lican party is responsible. Tho latter party
promised its aid and support to tho Temper
ance cause, but in the supremo hour of
trial, Gov. Hartranft turned his back upon
his party principles to give victory to anti-
tcmpcrance, because, for tho consideration of
a few thousand votes, ho had secretly pledged
himself to do bo! Thero was infamy in that
act becauso it embraced treachery the be
trayal of friends and the betrayal of a cause.
It was corrupt becauso treacherous, dono in
secret, without tho knowlcdgo of tho main
body of his supporters, and for personal and
selfish ends. Tho bargain was a baso ono in
all its phases.
Under thoso circumstances is it any won
der that honest Tempcranco Republicans
set up Republican candidates of their own
way of thinking and sternly repudiate Hart
ranft? Why should Republican editors
nbuso them for refusing to support a candi
date who bargains with their leading ene
mies for their votes, and supplies the power
to defeat and repeal their f.ivorito laws ?
Hartranft has proven himself tho enemy of
a principle these men hold dear, and ho has
treated them and their petitions with utter
contempt. If they havo the spirit of "frco
raen who know their rights and dare main
tain them," they will repudiate Gov. Har
tranft at the ballot box.
A curious fight is maintained against giv
ing our Susquehanna salmon their proper
name, that by which they havo been called
over sinco they havo been known. Tho
most recent effort wo notico in a legal pro
ceeding at Sunbury, whero they are describ
ed as "pike-perch," a sort of elephant-mustard
arrangement. Tho Sunbury American
enlightens us witli tho information that "tho
court decided it had no jurisdiction," but
whether this decision applied to tho offence
charged or especially to "piko-pcrch," its
readers are left sadly in tho dark. "Pike
perch" is decidedly good, but why not call
him a salmon-eel? Man is sometimes do
scribed as "a quadruped that walks erect,"
and at others as a "biped without feathers."
Doubtless cither will answer tho purposo of
description, yet tho animal in question is
not a quadruped and ho is not tho only biped
that Is fcatberlesB. Upon tho saino princi
ple why is it not proper to double up tho
names of two other varieties of fish and ap
ply them In tho singular number to another
that you do not wish to call by its right
Tho last effort on the northern line, that
camo under our notice, to change tho namo
of tlio Susquehanna salmon, was to call him
an Otsego bass, becauso somo kind of white
fish is found in Otsego lake that bears n
rescmblanco to him. Even wero tho fish
identical it would bo difficult to sco why
Otsego should havo preference to Susque
hanna, or why tho namo of tho mushy bass
should bo used in preference to that of tho
flakcy salmon, which latter the flesh of our
Susquchauua salmon so exactly resembles
except that It is not of a roscato color when
boiled. "Pickerel" has at last taken its op
proprlate plaeo among tho meaningless vul
garities and is no longer put forward as an
example of yankco ingenuity in discovering
fugitive words,
Como down, nnd let tho noblest nnd rarest
of our Susquehanna fish enjoy his namo
the baptismal of hU locality ami tho surnaino
of his species,
Tho Ohio Democrats aro confident of vic
tory. Thus tho Cincinnati JCinjuirer says:
"It is unnecessary to arguo tlio question,
Tho election of Allen is conceded by tho
most Intelligent men In this end of tho Stato,
Against him thero aro no wngers worth taking"
Tlio lli'iiiixiMlle llulir-riiiitorial Nomination.
As tho fill county conventions are being
held, delegates at o nlso being rapidly up
polntrd to tho Krlo convention, A largo
majority go without Instructions. Chester
gavo unanimous Instructions for R. 1', Moil
nghan, of that county, who mado a thrilling
speech in return, from which wo may mako
extracts hereafter.
Judgo Ross, of Montgomery county, has
recently been looming up into prominence
as n competitor for tho nomination, but his
own county elected four out of six delegates
who are for Dr. 12. 1. Acker, of tho samu
Col. Noycfi has carried several of the north
western counties unanimously, nnd will ex
hibit considerable strength at Krlo. He Is
also prominently mentioned for Stato Treas
urer. Ho is just now moro interested in saw
logs and lumber than In delegates.
Indiana, Venango and some other counties
have instructed for Gov. lllglcr.
Judgo Drehcr will havo somo strength in
tho northeastern counties. Judgo Pershing
will have Schuylkill, Cambria and somo oth
or counties in thoso localities. D. M. h'ox
will havo a majority of the Philadelphia
dolegates, nnd a largo number of scrub can
didatcs havo obtained instructions in the
counties whero they reside. Possibly somo
ono not yet named may carry off the honor
at line.
It will bo tho duty of the Krlo convention
to nominate tho fit candidate who can obtain
tho most votes at tho election, mid tho dele-
gates should scorn to cat their votes selfish
ly or in tho interest of faction. A gravo re
sponsibilily rests on tho gentlemen who havo
been elected delegates and no doubt is enter
tained that generally at least they will dis
charge their duties in nu honorable and man
Tho Democrats of Centre county have
nominated Hon. P. Gray Meek, tlio vigilant
and nblo editor of tho liellefonto Watchman,
for Stato Senator, to succeed Hon. W. A
Wallace. Although violently opposed Mr,
Meek was unanimously nominated by tho
convention of his county. Ono of his oppo
ncnts went even to tho extent, probably by
tho instigation of others, ot committing an
assault upon him by striking him while
writing a telegraphic despatch. As Meek is
neither tall nor broad, and wo suspect could
not turn a scalo ngainst a hundred pound
weight, a moro cowardly act could scarcely
bo imagined. Tho fellow who did it narrow
ly escaped mobbing by taking himsolf out of
tho way. Tlio excitement and general feel
ing of resentment was intense. Kxccpt for
the fact that somo of our old friends in Clin
ton (among tlio best of counties) aro candi
dates, Meek ought to bo nominated in tho
district. He is n brilliant star and (except
physically) is an aggrossivo and successful
warrior. Though not an orator ho is a very
active, efficient and experienced legislator.
Every Democrat should bear in mind that
any ono who now attempts to produco or pro
mote discord, by fomenting opposition to or
prejudico against Democratic candidates or
ngainst active members of the party, means
injury to tho party itself and is probably do
ing it moro harm than if ho wero an open
enemy. At tho next election tlio Democrats
will need every voto for their Stato ticket
that they can possibly poll, nnd to this end
cntiro harmony should prevail, so that the
energies of every ono can bo directed to ac.
quiring every possiblo voto for tho Stato
ticket. As wo said last wcek,whcn an army
is on tho eve of a great battlo it is no time to
collect beef bills from tho individual
Government Lands Gone.
It is an open question whether, under tho
rule of the Republican party, all of tho pub
lie lands belonging to tho United States havo
not been appropriated. If not, tho balanco
will bo swallowed up within a very brief
period, nnd this will bo tho end of cheat
lands for the rising population of tho future
United States. Wo cut tho following from
a Republican newspaper published at Co
lumbus, Nebraska:
The Commissioner of tlio General Land
office announces that at the current rato of
entries, all tho soil beloncimr to the United
States nvailablo for agriculture and grazinir
III I.- .-1 - Ill.i.. i Jl. " p
win nu LHReu up wiimu inu jioxi iivo years.
This is a most significant prediction and its
bearing on tho land business of Nebraska
is most important ; lor, speaking in general
terms, tlio dividing lino between tho cram
and grazing regions of tho imnienso West
passes norm and soulli Inrougli Kearney
mere is some larimug laud west ot tlio
meridian and very much land east of it bet
ter adapted to grazing than to grain.
J lie- pastoral nnd mineral bells that in
clude tho west half of Nebraska and Dakota
and all of Colorado and Wyoming will act
as a wall from which tlio heavy wavo of ag
riculturists will ebb, for thero is in tho
wliolo migratory world as liigular disposition
to nihil to tho front, even if it shall bo found
expedient to turn backa few inilcsor leagues.
Millions of acres of lauds aro in tlio bauds
of thrco piincipal firms of Columbus,
Speice &. North, S. C. Smith and Taylor .t
Houston. Thoso lands, embracing every
variety, improved and unimproved, aro for
salo on tho most liberal terms.
S. 0. Smith and Speice A North are co-
ordinately agents for the Union Pacifichinds
in tnis region . Houston is agent lor tlio
lands of tho lliirliiiirton nnd Missouri river
railroad, in Platte, Roone, nnd tho bouth
half of Madison counties, wliilo Taylor has
tho lands of tho Midland Pacific, tho Omaha
and North Western, and the Klkhorn Val
ley, besides tho Immcuso tracts of Clark &
Craig and other land holders in tho counties
of Cuming, Stanton, Madison and Antelope.
Governor Allen, tho present nnd the next
Governor of Ohio, recently mado a speech
at Parkcrsburg, West Virginia, in which oc
cur thcoo ringing sentences. Kvery man,
of whatovcr political faith, who earns his
bread by honest labor, ought to commit the
extract to memory and repeat It ns ho goes
to tho polls
"Wo aro about, on our side of tho river.
to encaco in a Stato election : and if it wero
a State election and nothing else, tlio pcoplo
on this sido of the river would take very
littio interest in it. Rut it is a State election
that has rcferenco to a great approaching
National struggle, that will by its determina
tion settle tho great question whether tho
American pcoplo shall bo free and Independ
ent, or slaves to tho meanest despotism that
tho world has ever contained tho desnotlsm
of tho money power lapphiusol tho des
potism of avarice, tho basest and most mer
ciless passion in the human heart. A Gov
ernment in tlio lianas oi stock-jobbers and
brokers, who havo no other object than to
rulo that they may rob, is tho worst Govern
ment in tlio world. I Applause, That Is tho
power wo aro fighting, that is the power
wo mean to rebuke, and over which wo
aro sworn to triumph,"
Tho Sinking Fund of tho Stato of New-
York amounting to $3,885,111 is invested in
Stato and United States stocks and earm n
yearly Interest which Is added to tho fund
and offsets tho interest on an equal amount
of tlio Stato debt. If tho Treasury manage
ment In Pennsylvania was honest that por
tion of our Sinking Fund which doos nut
consist of railroad securities would bo regu
larly Invested In Stato or United States
bonds, Thero Is no law to provent It and it
needs no law to authorise It. There Is no
law to authorise tho deposit of Stato funds In
prlvato banks without interest, yet It Is dono
without warrant of law nnd to tho detriment
of tho public Interest. J'ntrtot,
W lull Has llpromo of I ho Inipracliers?
Let us sco what has happened totheso men
In tho order In which they are printed, Mr,
Anthony has been ro-cleted fioin a Stato In
which a properly qualification Is necessary to
voters, and tho firm of llrowu &lvcs which
ho represents rather than tho Stato has como
to naught. Simon Cameron has lost Penn
sylvania nnd will bo of no moro account in
politics, now that corruption has been stiuck
down 111 him. Alex. Catell has been lelt nt
homo nnd Is now known as tho naval ring Is
known. Zack. Chandler has been defeated
permanently. Colo, of California, Is n stur
dy ollico beggar succeeded by a Democrat.
Air. Conkling sees Now York oO.OOO Demo
cratic nnd himself without a following ex
cept that which ho keeps In ofilcc. John
Coiincss has followed his colleague, Cole.
Mr. Frcliiighuyseu finds New Jersey and
himself with saparato careers. Harlan has
been ruined by disclosures of Credit Mobil-
icr, and ho Is Infamously rich. Howard, of
Michigan, was first defeated and then died
of n liorriblo accideiit. Morgan, of New
l ork, was put to a doublo degradation. Ho
was defeated by R, E. Fcnton. Cragin is a
barnacle on tho Navy, and Williams has been
retired for tlio corruption of his family and
tho incompetency of himself. Mr. Morton
sees Indiana repudialo him and his party by
23,000 majority. Pomcroy goes out all over
corrupt. Ramsey was defeated by his own
party. Sherman has lived to sec Ohio 27,'
000 Dcinocinlioou a Congress vote. Spraguo
has failed in both polities and busiucss,
Stewart, of Nevada, survives ns tho product
and horrible cxamplo of rotten borough pol
itics to sco worse jobbers than himself suc
ceed him. Corbctt has been sent back to
retail shop-keeping in Oregon. Drako has
been buried in tlio Court of Claims, and
finds Frank lllair honored, though dead, and
himself execrated, though alive, by Missouri
Mr, Kdimiuds and tho two Merrills seem ex
ceptions to retribution. They havo not lost
their seals nor their States, but tho country
has repudiated their party. Poor Nye is in
a mad house. Ferry, of Connecticut, is i
hopeless invalid and hisState has repudiated
his party, too. Patterson has retired, dia-
irraccd Iwith Credit Mobllierism, Sumner
died by inches amidst terrors, soured, dis
honored nnd repudiated by his own party
Thayer, Tipton and Wiley aro not even rc
mcmbcred. Henry 'Wilson is a victim of a
tcrriblo, self-inflicted malady and Massachu
setts has parted company with him. Wado
has sunk into a senile lobbyist, and Yates
died in n condition not necessary to recall
Who Has Our Money?
Elsewhero will bo found tho statement of
Auditor General Temple, showing tlio tax
payers whero State Treasurer Mackcy keeps
tho public funds. Mackey's own bank, tho
Alleghany National, at Pittsburg, lias nearly
three hundred thousand dollars, and a concern
in Philadelphia, termed tho People's Rank,
owned by Itill Kembloand his Pilgrim Ring
has three famdaed and screnty-two thousand
dollars. Thero aro no moro "scaly" institu
tions in tho United States than tho two just
named: compel them to pay over to the
Stato what thoy owe and they aro bankrupt,
Tho largo balanco of from one to two mil
lions of dollars, which has been kept in tho
State Treasury for tho past twelve years, has
been used by tho treasury ring for banking
purposes, and tlio members of this Pilgrim
ring have coined millions out of this bank
ing capital, and not ono dollar of these larce
profits have been returned to tho Stato trcas'
u ry.
To know that this huge palpablo fraud has
been successfully perpetrated upon tho tax
payers of Pennsylvania for a dozen of years
gives cvidonco of tho moral depravity nnd
commercial dcadness of tho people, who, in
a single day, could turn every robber out
without firing a gun. Clearfield Ilepublican
Three Remarkable Things.
It is remarkablo that no Republican
newspaper ventures to defend or deny tho
complicity of Governor Hartranft in tho
robbery of tho Sinking Fund, without an
thority of law, in defianco of a constitution
al prohibition, and against the tenor of his
official oath.
It is no less rcmnrkablo that no Republi
can newspaper bos ventured to defend Gov
ernor Hartrant's veto of tho fee bill, a mea
sure mado necessary by tho now Constitu
tion, which cut down tlio enormous salaries
of certain Republican officials in tho State.
Tt is equally remarkablo that no Republi
can paper has explained his approval of tho
repeal of tlio Sinking Fund act of 1S70,
which mado it necessary for tho Stato Treas
urer to report to tho Auditor General tho
names of tlio corporations and persons with
whom tho public moneys were deposited
once every month. Under tho law approved
by Governor Hartranft, May 9, 1871, the un
restrained custody of tlio moneys in tho
Sinking Fund is given to the Stato Treasu
rer, without any knowledge or assurance
Lupon tho part of any other officer of tho
Stale that such moneys arc safely or properly
bestowed. l'atriot.
Radical Ring Robliery.
In his exhibit of tho Sinking Fund nnd
where deposited, Treasurer Mackey says ?3,
8'J(V18 aro in the Rank of Commerce, Krie,
Pa., and $7,2M,G0 in tlio Venango National
Rank, Franklin, Pa. total $11,120.08. Tho
Venango fijteetator reminds tlio pcoplo that
both theso banks aro utterly broken, and wo
bclievo both havo been out of business for
somo tlmo past. How many more of Mr,
Mackey s pet bauks aro broken wo aro not
iuformed. If ho wero to attempt to collect
the 30,000 dollars Jacob E. Rldgeway has
held for tho last twelve years there would bo
a buzz in tho Radical ring hivo that would
bo refreshing, Thero nro many other sums
in the list a demand for which would raiso a
war in tho ring family. Yet upon tho largo
amount of money theso Radical ring pets
hold averaging two millions of dollars
the people are required to pay the annual inter
est in cash, This is why it is necessary to
tax coal, and to toll every bushel of wheat
tho farmer sells, or dollar's worth of store
goods ho buys (ly tax on tho gross receipts
of railroads,) Tho pcoplo pay tho Radical
treasury ring reaps tho fruits, and tho above
loss of fl 1,000 will bo paid by tho pcoplo,
taken indirectly from tho taxes Imposed up
on nnd paid by them.
FitAcrioNAi, Cuiuu:nct, It is supposed
that a largo percentage, perhaps ono-foutlh
of the fractional currency has been destroyed
by various accidents, and the government
will doubtless gain a considerable sum by
tho failure, neglect or Inability of tho tran
sient owners of this portion of Its paper is
sues to return them for redemption. It is
probable that ten or twelvo millions of dol
lars may ho realized by tho national treasu
ry In this manner, but of all forms of rais
ing money this is ono of the most discredit
able. It exposes tho pcoplo to a great deal
of inconvenience and final loss mainly
through a neglect of tho government to per
form what is ouo of its most important
functions in ordinary times tho colnago
of small denominations of metallic money
to servo as a circulating medium for all tho
small transactions of tho community, Tho
government thus profits by its own money,
nt tho expenso of tho people, lltehunye, j
Thai the Hulled Nate t tire to havo this
year an abundant cmp of corn, nil reports, An Increased niTcagO of eight per
cent, lias In en planted, mid tlio crop (al
though backward in thoipring)U now get
ting on finely and n good yield.
Tho cautious Agricultural Department re
port for July Indicates almost an average
yield of corn, and siueo tho data upon which
that report Is based were collected tho con
ditions in nearly nil parts of tlio country
have been extremely favorablo for Increasing
thoyleldl Willi cheap nnd abundant food,
tho facilities for fattening beef nnd pork
will bo Increased, thus giving cheap provis
ion'. We may thcroforoantlelpalcan abund
ant stock for tho coming season, nnd In ad
dition to bread stuffs, can consequently spare
largo quantities of pork, beef, lard, butter,
eheeno and other similar nrtlcles for our cus
tomers in Europe, and thus equalize tho ex
changes, which will go further towards Im
proving the finances than alt tho pet notions
of tho fancy financiers. J'hilad'a. Ledger.
To satisfy numerous Inquiries, and to set
at rest the assertions that William lllglcr U
a very old man, wo havo taken tho pains to
ascertain his age correctly. Ho was born in
Cumberland county, in December 1813, nnd
is consequently In tho sixty-second year of
hisiige. Forty years ago hu worked on tho
farm of Lewis Egbert, In Mercer county,
father of I)r, Egbert, out present member of
Congress. Ho was a full hand in the har
vest field. Twenty years later ho was tho
Governor of this grand old Commonwealtl
and a belter executive Pennsylvania neve
had , 1 cnango Spectator.
Poor. Fl.NANCli:i!IN(i. Tlio Washington
administrators have succeeded in extiiiguisl
ing one million two hundred thousand dollars
of our "national blessing" during tho monll;
of July; so Radical newspapers inform ns,
Dining the samo period tho pcoplo paid hit
tho treasury over three millioni of c.rlra ta.ccs
under tlio March tax law, the proceeds o
which wero to bo "applied to tho extinguis!
incut of the public debt." Well, this is
peculiar way of extinguishing that blessing,
lo givo our agent S3 to pay on a note of
$21, and ho succeeds in having only $1.12 en
uorscd thereon, look? Iiko slow redemption
yet this is tho way our agcnla do business nt
Washington. Clearfield Ilepublican.
Tho London 27mm, in its obituary articlo
on Andrew Johnson, says his career illus
trates both tlio strong nnd weak points of tho
American social and political systems. Du
iug his term of offico ho showed himself
wanting in tact, refinement, and knowledge
of men, cthohad somo qualities whicl
aro not so abundant in American polities as
to bo despised when found. Ho had courage,
somo political insight, and honesty never
shadowed by suspicion.
The report of tho Allegheny couuty dele'
gates to tho Temperance convention at Al
toona contains this sentiment :
Wo hopo to hear no moro of this wailing
cry, you will break up tho Republican party
or you ought to preservo tho Republican
party, but hope to sco every ono couvinccd
that the Republican party, liko the brazen
Bcrpcnt, having accomplished nil tho good it
ni iiiiunutjii iu, uuu iiuviiiir now oecouio ail
r :.!!, l.i" i... i
iii.juiyi. iuui.ii.ruua mjrsiup uv iimiirry 01-
fico seekers, should now be destroyed ns lnju-
iiuus iu me uuat imururuj oi our country.
Worked Ovmt. Stato Superintendent
Wiekcrsham succeeded in saving $3,000 to
tlio Stato Treasury last week, by frightening
tho school directors of McICcau county into
rcasonablo measures. Thoso directors, in
May last ot their triennial convention, raised
tlio County Superintendent's salary to $2,000
A movement on tho part of the Stnto author
ities, similar to Sheridan's Louisiana affair.
persuaded tho directors to ro-assemblo nnd
undo their May job so far as tlio salary was
concerned, which by a vote of 08 to 10 was
reduced to $1,000. Clearfield Ilepublican.
There aro too many mechanics out of em
ployment, too many smokeless chimneys, too
many coal mines with deserted shafts, and
too many men loafing .about X-roads with
nothing to do and no prospect of anything
lo augur well for tlio party under whoso reg
imo all theso troubles have como about,
Platforms go for very littio when men aro
hungry and tho rent of tho cottage unpaid.
Excerpts ond News items from Exchanges
O'hcary has failed in his second trial to walk
1C0 miles in thirty-two hours. AW aro patient
with O'Leary's performance becauso he walked
away with Weston's conceit a nil we hear no more
of him.
The Grangers will havo to incliido in their
plan of operations tho establishment of banks,
Tho California Grangers lost $100,000 by the
failurenf E. Morgan's Son, Middlemen cannot
beany more safely Iru-tcd with the management
of money than with transactions in irain, K1,
tic and other ngiicnlttiral merchandise.
The Louisville GjuniT-Joiirwi thinks "if (rood
sene prevails over partisan recklessness theso,
gcslion of Senator Thurnian will be followed,
and the question of national finances will 1
laid afulo as one of thoso questions affecting
tlio biiiiness prosperity of tho country which
Congress should bo allowed to handle undistiirl
cd by coiiderations of party feeling and party
Republican papers !oast that no defalcation
is found In tho Slate Treasury. Mackey has had
ever sinco List winter to put his accounts in
shape, lint why did ho deny thoUouso Investi
gating Committco and their expert access to Ids
books several months ago? It won't do to say
that they had not the proper authority. If his
accounts were all right, why not allow anybody
to look at them 1 The matter had a suspicious
appcaraiico at the time, ami has yet.
Tho old Know Nothing leaders in Daltlmore,
mainly Custom-homo and Post-offico officials,
aro trying to revive that defunct order. It is
the only dodge left them, and will amount to
nothing but defeat and discomfit lire, as it did
Tho Radical papers say that John Morriscy,
tho gambler, has risen above thoDemocracy and
been kicked out of the Tammany organisation,
When Tammany had him it was abuacd for keep
ing him, and when it discards him it is abused
for letting him go.
Excluding the- interest on the public debt, the
coot of the Grant management to the country is
$270,000,000 for tho year ending Juno ,10th
This is nt (lie rate of over three quarters of a
million dollars per day. Is it any wonder tho
people complain?
Thero is ono noticeable feature in Senator
Morton's Urbana speech. Ho failed to bestow
any personal abuse on Gov, Allen, Uu tried
that two yearn ago, and with a single speech
Gov, Allen drovo him out of the Statu, Morton
has profiled by experience.
Tho Kriu OUscntrmy Mr, Rawle the Pilgrim
candidate for State Treasurer as-sures Ids old
tlmo democratic friends that ho Is "not much of
arc publican." Thef.tct thnthoUlhorhigcaiiill
date proves that he h "not much of a democrat."
I fo makes no claim to bo much of atcmperanco
man, in tact .Mr, Jtnwlo ilocsn t seem to bo
much of anything.
Senator Morton, last winter, spoke of green
backs as "b.iltlu born." Yes they weru used to
pay tlio soldiers' orphnni nnd widows, but now
according to the Republicans, Iho "battlo born"
greenbacks are "rug babies," "shnin money," and
"nnllonal lien," Tliislsingrnllliidulothelr own
Coluinlilii County Democratic Nominations.
OHARIiKS G. RARKfiEY, Iiloomsburg.
GKORGK SCOTT, Cnlawlssa.
II. FRANK' .A 111!, Iiloomsburg. nnd iti:coi!iii:n,
Dr. HUGH W. McRKVNOhDS, Hemlock.
RIKAS W. McllKNRY, Jackson.
JOHN 111! KM; It, Locust.
JOHN II. OASKY, Iiloomsburg,
MARTIN V. II. KhINK, Cataw W.a.
At tlio rrsl.tciico of tlio bride's mother, In .tnckson
township, on Wuiul.iy, AtiKiitt sth, liy HMcr C.H.
I-one, Mr. W.M. COIXHV, ot Ilentun, I'a., to JtLss
AMANDA A. l'AltVKIl, of Jackson township.
On Iho I2th!nsl., at tho Lutheran r.monngo, In
CilanlsHO, liy lfcv. Win. (1. IjilUle, Mr. CAilt,
Hll!(IPItli:i, to Miss CAliOI.INK 1'AI.UM, both Ot
l-'riinkllii township.
On tlio saiiui day, hy tho same, Mr. .KilIN
HWAYIlli, lo Miss A. M. Fisher, hoth of I'ruiikllii
lty llu; samu, on Iho 12th last., Mr. MAYIlHItltY
I.KVAN, loMIss HIXA MIIYKltH, both nf Hoarlng
cieck township.
Ily tlio Mime, on tho 1vlh Inst., Mr. .TACOll IIOWKH,
of Catawlss.i township, lo Jllss CHRISTIANA, of
ltoarluuercek township.
on tho IMIi of May, al Iho resliloneo of tlio bride's
r.Uher, liy Iho Hcv. Wni. (1. Iiltilo, Mr. WILLIAM
YI!A(li:i!, to Miss ALICU UKTTV, both of Locust
AUhoMethoilliirarsunaKC Jerseytown, Ta., on
Iho 12th Inst,, hy ltev, II. H. Memlenhnll, Mr. JOHN
IIOWIiLL, or Ml. l'leasunt township, lo Miss MAltY
A. WIIITUNIOHT, of Hemlock township.
At, tho homo of tho bi IiIu'k lather, on I ho 12lh Inst,'
by llev.T. It. liceher, HUOII I). (HICK, of ltupcrt,
Cnlumbl.i county, IM to Miss MA(IOIIJ-M., only
daughter of James Shull., of Danville, IM.
In Alton, Seolt Inwiihhlp, HUhlli M, OA HE, nt'eit I
year, li months ami 1 1 it lys.
1u Hemlock township, Columbia county, on tlie
l&th last., Mis. HAltAH ANN HAHTMAN, In tho tilth
year ot her aire.
Nearl'luo fhinmilt, on Iho ICth Inst,, an Infant, n
chilli of Ifuan link, a few months nhl.
NcarSercno, on tho huh Inst,., Mrs. MAltY W'UL-
LIVKK, wife of tho lalo Abram Velller, nueil M
1 ears.
At lola.on tho 11th Inst,, HUHAN, wlfoof Ullslia
liayman, URCd 02 years. Tho body was Interred in
tlio Old Methodist burying ground In Greenwood.
On tho 12th Inst., In Alton, of cholera Infantum
EVAN OAltUISON, adopted son ot E.C. and Mary
Trembly, aged 10 months and 4 days.
l'ctltlon for tho Inn of Tho Mutual
!ro insurance Company of Mlllvlllo. has been pre
sented to the Court ot Common l'leas of Columbia
county, and bled In the ollleo nf Iho I'rolhonotnry of
said eoitntv. and If no sulllclent reason lio shown.
Iho said Charter will Interallied nttho September
j erin oi i omi uom, o. r ua.ii &yhk,
Aug. 20-lc. l'rotlionotnry,
j T .Muimay, pepieiuuer mn tan, ni,i, ueiween
one and two o'clock, p. in., lo lei the rc-himillng ot a
unmiy r.ri'igoovcr iirccncreci;, luurungo lown
shin, near M. II. lMtlersoirs.
It. Is in lmnn AliCH llllllKli:, one span, r.SM feet
long, nnd Wjtf feet hl"h nlK)o low water, to bu built,
on old abutments suitably repahed. Spceillcatlons
IIU (M t li III. llll) UIIICU.
Commissioners' omcp, ) WM. LAWTON,
lllooinsburg, Aug. 10, 1sI5.J- JOHN IIKKNUlt,
Attest: Wm. Kkickiiacm.J JOHN IINT.
Aug. 20-3t clerk. Commissioners.
xi iirinui, itr.ii i k lo., m. uupcrr. i a,,
his been dissolved by mutual agreement and that
Iho business will hereafter Im carried on In tho namo
of William Mlaos, who assumes nil tho indebtedness
hi Kiuiiirm, nun win iran.suer nu ino nusiness rela.
ling thereto, through his attorney In fact, Henry a,
Attorney In fact.
Aug. 10, ISTMt
Letters of Administration on tho estate of John
Yost, latoof lirlarereek township, Columblacounty,
deceased, havo Iwen granted by the itcgistcr of said
county, to Ellas Yost nnd Kmanm l Yost, of lirlar
ereek township. All persons hating claims ngainst
tho estalo of Iho decedent, aro requested to present
them for settlement, nnd thoso Indebted to Iho estnto
to mako payment to iho uiiderUned ndininbtrators
wit bout delay. KI.IAS Yost,
Aug. it, '75-ct.' Admlnbt raters.
I'Ylllt nnd Ornamental
Trees, Evergreens, orna
mental Shrills. IMIinlilnt,
Plants, Drapes, Currants, (loo-sehorrlcs, Mrawber
l les, Raspberries and other small I'rtUts, Asparagus,
lihiibarb, Ae.
Seed Wheats, (seo prleuW IJ' IJ1 I VJI
list;) OKlianl, Ky. Illue.r 111 111 I l
Herds, (lied Top.) clover.-' J-JJ-J X- KJ
Timothy nnd other (Irass seeds; Turnip Seeds of all
kinds; Vegetable and Flower Seeds; iltdgo and
Tree seeds.
Hyacinths, Tulips, Crocus, Lilies and other ltulbs
for Pall planting; Horticultural (loads, Tcira Cotlii
Wore, Xi: Send ror prleo list, oreneloso 'a cents for
Full Illustrated Catalogue. Address,
Mnseriineii and Kccdsmcu, York, l'a.
Wo nro now prepared to sell for a Slioi t Tlmo our
In Hags, on Hoard Cars nt Works,
ino Tons nnd over,
m " to w Tuns,
aj " lo-ni
in " tag) "
1 " to 9 "
M fflperTon
31 no
31 50 " "
32 en "
3.1 00 ' "
If Hacked 111 bairel.i. (no laronm will mnfcn n do.
diietlon ol lion iior Ion from tho ahuMi prices.
i i'i.-M,n iii-Miiuit iii umi uuvam.igu oi inunnno
low prices, should send In their orders at onco.
Ground Raw Bones
At tho following CASH 1'JIICJX,
loo Tons nnd over, j:u to
Ml " to us Tons, 85 ini
30 11 to 49 " Sit IM
111 " to S3 " 37 HI
i " to " as (hi
Tills Ilono is (Iroiuid l'nro : Is lint steamed or lint.
ed, and tho solid has becnselecled from It for Car-
uouuing rurixjses.
Farmers aro reuuested to l-Ivo their orders in tlm
Dealer early, and if they cannot get IIachii's sumi.
-tun Willi izEiia from Dealers, they will bo supplied
Wo wish Dealers to send their orders at once,
Vcrj Truly,
Aug. -2t.
A I'ORTUNK IN IT. Evcrv famlK- lims. il
Sold hy Agciita. Address, O. K. WALUKIt,
aiTuly iu the world, NATIONAL CIIKOMO CO..
by Iho "DI5TUOIT l-'HEF, I'ltESD MAN," whoso famo
has reached everywhere. As a humorist lia Is ac
knowledged to 1mi Iho tteer nf Mnrk Twain, nnrl nu h
sketch WTltcr has no coual in this country. TUu big.
gost thing Jiet, will selliit sight, ou'ii In theso dull
limes, ierylKMly wants and will havo It, ruipagiis
i.i iii-j in.-. wuiii-a uuu conuu um.s, jcrmnry
going rapidly. Agents apply nt onco for circulars to
II. N. AICKINNKY4 CO., m Sanson! St., I'lilla.
ureiucuom urnullluliti,tjl'
niklprrfrcKu fouoovrr uiiulr.1
, Ti-r I'mrra la nuyiir
, It laprodurrd fyarx
iru mi v rcetiMt vera
llurlr volroil. tin 1!F
VKOT nfuhUh OnlOST
NTlllIiINO, while llu
VEHl'I'll. OUANII iin.l
in u iihiuu rrurii t -nun,
ruuiklnn I'lllllTV ,
TOiniNO iWIAffrrat Vilnius q touei ullatilo
ArlAltIIUor CllllltCII. '
mm crritl power and a nnonlnilnc lone, uif A nil
uimlrrn laipruvruiostn, and art (A IIEhT J'l"
ANO.S niAlli:. Ttiewft Oruu ami l'luno. art
imrrunii'dor nil yenr,. rHICEH UXTUE.ME
l.Y LOW Jut rather imrt ati n4 bulnnro in
monthly pnruirnu. Hfi-ond-IUnd nlruiurnU
nt crrul (iiiratlua. l'luiiai ud Organs Iu n ut
HS. fut " prroBlrrl AllltNTS WAN.
'rlill. Nprrliil Imluteuirnm to Ihn Irniltt, A lib.
trl illMouut ttVauhtrt.UinltUri, Vhurrhi;Hthuii,
4NI llriinduiiy, New Yolk. 1, O, llo .1SJT
Kllills lllcaclicil MttslliH - lOcts.
Yil.w(lIllllsltlcaclicilMiisllnsl3 "
Vrtllt of Loom " " 13 "
Weaver's I'rido , " " 15 "
Vanisutta " " 18 "
l'cr yd.
Heavy yard wido Unblcaclicd Muslins 10
nnd 11 cents.
Very licst Rolton Mills fjlicctlnp: 12 cents.
Donliio Width Sheetings and Pillow Mus
lim, lllcachcd and IJiiiiblcached, equally
Wo havo just received n LARCH) STOCK
of the above (ioods since tlio recent dculino
in UottotH, mid olliir them by tho picco or
yard at tho nhovo prices.
licst. I'rints, Cocheco's, Hamilton's and
other standard makes nt ID cents per yard.
Wo havo mado sweeping reductions iu
prices of iSiininicr Dress (foods, I'nrnsols,
Fans and many other goods lo mako room
for Fall Slock.
Wo nro continually ofTerinp; bargains in
all kinds ol Dry Goods which you nro not
awnrc of; an examination of which will re
pay you.
N. II. Tho prices of tho above floods nro
lower than than they havo been sold sinco
1S01, and they will possibly get no lower
and wo adviso all to call at onco and scctiro
a bargaiii at tho
, P. JONES & CO.
Corner Main nnd Third StroclN,
Catawissa, Pa.
1 I'LOYM KNT. "iieautlfill 1" 'Charming I" "Oh,
how lovely 1" "What nro thoy worth I" Ac. Such
nro exclamations by thwo who seo tlio largo elegant
New Chronios produced by tho European nnd Atnor
Icnn Chrowo I'ubltshlng Co. Thoy aro all perfect
(lemsof Art. No ono can resist tho tinptallon to
tiny when seeing tho Chromos. Canvassers, agents,
and ladles nnd gentlemen outot employment, wlli
nnd this tho liest opening over ollered to mnku
money. For full pari IcuUni, send stamp for eonil
denilal circular. Address 1". (ILKAhO.N CO., 7:iS
Washington f-t , lloston, Mass. Aug. 20-2m.
"WM. Y.
Has removed to Iron HreeLsecond door nhovo tho
Deformed Chuich.whcrohowllllio pleased losen
all his old friends nnd now customers, nnd none
thorn with satisfaction. All work warranted. 15-y
$38.00 per Tonsr.'
A sea fowl deposit imported exclusively by
ourselves from South America.
Annlislson each hair nndnnallti' I'linmniiii.
sninples ami ctreulars.ou hand by dealoars generally,
No. 4 H. Delaware Avenuo Philadelphia.
A MONrill.V 1M1KII, l'Ulll-ISlllCU AT
Devoted to Itallroad interesLs, Literature, wit ami
Humor. cents iier jcar, chtomo tnecry bub
bcrlucr, Address Kknnehw (Uzkttk,
Atlanta, da.
rl Over Old MctliotlN Diuiiil
(olio lliully, orolijccllou
nblo, (llNCitrtteil!
At their Works in Bloomshm
Formerly Illoomsburi- Iron and Manuractiiriiu-
(ompaii)), w hern will lio l,ept constantly ou hand u
Urgu assort meut of
Wlilto anil Red Ash AiiUii'iicIlo
cui'ui.0, ulacksmith and iutumin-
nt prices to suit tho IrndH. Alt Coal specially nro
partd before leaving tho Yard. AUo
Plows and Threshing Machines,
and nil Kinds ot
Casting mulMaohino Work,
IIKI'AIIIINO promptly nlUnded In. Thoy!wonh
rfBiieclfullyfcolleltiiiol'atromiguof tho public.
(I, Jkt.&J. K.l.UC KAllll.
Jan. 8, It-ly llloe-Mbbiirir, I'fl.