The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, August 20, 1875, Image 1

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MAN CONSOl.tllATIjt'.)
Issued weekly, every l'rlclay
1llK)MH!lllt(),UOLUMIllA CUlUm? l'A,
At tvvohoi.i.aih per enr, payable In mivance, or
during tho year. Aflrr tho expiration (it tliu year,
l.M will bo rlinrgi'rl. To Hulnerlbcra nut nf tho
Bounty tholoriniiiro fiper jc-r slrlclly In advance
U.wIf not paid H advance aud f.i.oo If payment
Im delayed beyond t In- year.
No ii.iiior itlfi-'dii lniK-il, tixoopt nt the. option of llm
Publisher, unlll all ntrenrages uro paid, bulking
mlHiuod credits nllur tin) uxplnilloii ut lliu Hint
year will not lie given.
All papers writ out. of thoHln'o, or lodlstnntpn-d,
nlileo ', mint Iw paid tor In advance, unless n rospnn.
xliilo iierson In Columbia oinuily assumes Ui p.i tho
HUbocrlplloti iliioon demand.
l'uSTAOK U no toiigor exacted from miliscrlticra In
tho county.
Tlio .lobbing Department of llm (Mlumriak Is very
i uuiploic, niul our .loli I'llnllug mil niioiuio favor
ably Willi that of Hid largo ell los. All work iluhooii
Acmuhd, lu'iiily Hint nl modcinlu prices, j
Columbia County Offiuinl Directory.
l'io.ililenl.tii'1go--Wllllain HI well.
V. nelalo Dorr, Isaac. H. Monroo,
I'rnihonol.irv, .ve. li. l-' Zuir.
ilegl-der iV. Itec-order -Williamson II, Jncoliy.
Mitrlct. Attorney -John M. Clark.
In'rlir -Mloliae.l drover.
Hiirvofor-lsiiui liunliu
1 ri'iMni'r-liiliti Kn diT.
f'niiinil'MloiieM-Wllllaiii tiwlnn, John llerner,
.101111 i.oi.
ciniiiKsloiiei-n'Clork -Wlttl.iiu Kitekli.Lion.
Auditors U. .I,l'ahiili'-li, H. II. X111III1, luvld Yo'U.
I'orciner ciiariea u.uirpiiev.
.lury t'liimnHHloiiors liiculi II. 1'illz, William 1
r.iiiiit SuiHTlnlendenl -William II. Snvder.
Ul'jom I'linr DMilcl-Dlreuloi's (i. V. Cut , Menu,
win. l.riim'T, iii'iiinisoMix ami iimiti 1 uruveniu,'i
riiio t, . 1". lint, Hcnolary.
Bloomsburg Official Directory.
lllnnni'.liurt? ltntiklnt (Vmp.iny .lohn A. run'ilon,
riesldeni.ll. Il.drou, (Milder.
l'lrsi N.illon il'h.ulesll. lMxlon, I'lvoident
,1. 1'.TiH'In.i'.i.shler.
CiiliiinlU.t Oiunly M11l11.1l Satin,; Kutid and Iiiii
'-.oi'i.iiioii 1 11. lhiic, rre.snieiit, u. w. .Miner,
I eivlaiv.
HlooiiHliiirK IPilldlntr nndS.ivlnif Pmul Association
-Win. I'e.ieiH'k, l'ieldetil,.l. II. Itnlils'in, Ho relary.
iwooiasiuiri; Mu111.11 n.iMiu: Kiiiid AMMiH'i.iiimi .1
llroHer, I'li'Sldenl, c. 11. Il.irkley, Hei retary.
Itov. .1. 1'. Tusdn, (Supply.)
HundiySenlci'S-lo 11. in. nnd r, p. m.
Hlllnl iv Ni huol 3 a. in.
l'r.ijvr Mcotliiu-Hvery Wednesday eicTilngntc,
Ho.uhIii'0. Tlio pulillo nro Invlled lonllend.
RT. HATTIIKW'S MrrilKltlM I'lttUC'lt.
Mlnls'cr- llev. .1. MrCrun.
Sunday Hen Icon -W-, 11. m. and Sjj p. 111.
Sund iv eliool '.in. 111.
I'raver JleclUig -livery Wednosd ly cenlni; nt c.
ISoats fi'co. Nopuivsrenled. All nro wetcoino.
Hlnhler--ltev. Nil irt Mllchell.
.Sunday Services -luj$ 11. in. mid ; p. m.
Sunil iv Scliniii -no. m.
l'r.n er Meoiliu; i;ery Wednesday cvenlnt; nl 0i
1 lock.
He.i'H free. No pi-ws rented. HI rnncra welcome.
METllOIIWr Kl lrfClll'.U.l'lll HCII.
I'resldlii,' Khler Kor. N. S. lliickliujliam.
Mlnlsier-llev. .1. II. Jledarrah.
Miinl.iy Sen Ices -lu.'i iuidi;;i p. 111. School I p. 111.
I'.IDlu class l'.very M0111l.1v evenlnttnt 6f n'rliK'k.
I'ouiu; .Men's Piayer iMuoiliii; Kery Tufsd.iy
M'ldnic ill iu o'clock.
feiieral l'r.ij or .MucUiiif Every Thursday uvcntng
Corner of Third nnd Iron street.s.
i'as,tor-l!ev. T. V. llolTniclcr.
Hcsldencu llast street, near 1'orks Hotel.
Sunday Services in.v, 11. in. and 0,v p. m.
Sunday School 3 n. 111.
l'layer Meetl lis Saturday, 7 p. m.
All uro Hulled 'I hero Is ulwiijs room.
Services overy Sunday nftenumn nt 2 o'clock nt
doner's church, Madison low nshlp.
ST. l'AUI.'S C'Ut'KCIt.
lteelnr l!ev. .lohn Hewitt.
Sunday Services 1o; 11. m., ex p. m.
hiinil.iv School 9 11. in.
l'li-sl Sunday In tho month, Holy Communion.
Services pieparalory to Communion on Friday
cvcultiH heforo lliu ist Sunday In each month.
1'ows rented; liutoveivljody vvelcomo.
Persons dc.Miliur. tnrun,iilt II10 Hector on religion,
m liters will II ml him ut tho tursuiuiKu on liock
I'resldlnR Klder Rev. A. L. Ileeser.
.Minuter Itev. J. A. Irvine.
Sunday Senleo .1 p. in., Hi tho Iron Street Church.
I'raver Jleellne;ilvt'ry Saliliathat '1 p. m.
All nro Invited. Allaio vvelconie.
Hector liar. John Huvvllt.
Sunday Sen lees 3 o'clock p. in. every Sunday.
Sunday School I :::o p. m.
1 loly Coiuiiiunlon thu si'oond Sunday In thu mnnlh.
i!L3misiujrd iMiTKcnoKV.
QWIOOL OUI)i:i!S, Mank, ju piinlwl niul
neatly IhuiihI In hin.ill iKHiks, 11 hand and
for sale, ut tho Coi.umiuan Ollloe. eeli. In, Isir.-K
I) LANK DKICOS, on PareliiiK'nt and Linen
It I'.nier, eouiinon anil for Ailiiilidsirators, leeu
fow anil IriiiU'es, for sale cheap at II10 CoiX'miiivn
.lA. 11IIII1UIS.1IU ill lliu l III. USII.1AH W11HI-. iMIill'
ivini't 1 1 1'J 1 tin. t , (i.ti ii. ati'min eiii,.,ij iiiiil-
helves v Itli theso necessary iu tides.
JUSTICES and Cml.-itiles' Fec-llills for sale
at tho C01.UM111AM ofllee. They contain thoeor
recled fees as established tiy the List Act of (ho lcg. um upon tho subject, livery JotIIco and con
stable should havo ono.
"VrKNM'K NOTRS jut iirintiHl niidfor sale
V cheap at the coMiiiimNortlce,
AVID LOWIINItKUCi, Mercluuit Tailor
Main St., nljoro Central Hotel.
"lldOTS AND HllOltS.
BKN11Y ICLKIM, Miinafaelurer and dealer
In boots nnd shoes,, groceries, elc, Main bt.,
"IJI JL KNOUK, Dealer in lioots and Wines,
Jl latest aJid best stjles, corner .Main iindMarket
btrccts, Hi thu old post olllw.
Ct H. SAVAOi:, Dealer in Cloel.s,
. and Jewelry, , Main St., Justbelovv IhoCeutral
OHIS IlKllNAKD, "Watch and Cloek
maker, near houlhcast corner Main ami Iron.
illl.l.INIIUV & TANCY (lO(ll)S.
ISS .M. DKIIIIICKSON, Jiillinery and
Fancy noons, .Main si,, neiow juariiei.
('. nOWHU, Hals and (!npi, 1'oots and
Shoes, Main bticct, above Court Home,
Q II. MILLICU .0 PON, dealers in Dry
ij i (loods, Kioeerles, (pioenswarc, Hour, half,
bhoes, notions, etc., Alain street.
1 (i.llAl!IvLKY,Atl(iriiey-at-Lavv. ltooms
1 nnur, i rovven) uuiiuiui;, . m innir.
DU. AV.M. JL ltKKIt,Piir)!enn and I'liysi
elan, ofllee S. li. coiner Hock nnd Market
T It. KVANS, M. !)., PurKeon and I'liyji-
ft , cun, norm side 01 m.i
: Main btreet, abovoJ. K.
" II. McKHLV Y, JL J).. Surgeon and I'liy
. blclan.iuii Ui bide Main blriit, In-low Market,
II. ViOlllSON, Atlornevwit-Lavv.
In lliu Iman's bulblliiy, Main street.
AJIUKL JACOI1Y, itarlilo and Ilrovvn
St one works, Hast llloomsliurif, Hi rvv ick roan.
ItOSNRSTOCK, llioto(,'raplicr,
1 Clark K Wolt'a More, Main street.
It. II, 0. HOWKIt, Surgeon DoiitUt, JI11I11
bt., nnovu til) court jiouso.
TIL JIA1.I0, Jfnniiiioth (Iroccry, fineOrn
. cerlns. FriillH.Nula. Provisions, .tc. Main anil
S. ICUIIN, dclcr in Jrent, Tullovv, cle.,
, Cenlro street, lietvveen Second and Tlilrd.
'1 JL CIIItlSTJIAN, Ssddlo, Trunt. and
J . Harness maker, Fhlvo's lilnelt, Main street.
J. vvliolesiilo and retail, Kichanjjo Hlock.
"1 W. COKIOLL, 1'iirnituro noonm, tlirmi
J", btory brick, Mln blrm t, west of Market M,
V. HOI1I1INS, Liipior dealer, Foeond door
out mo noriuvv esi corner auuu miuiron
Ut XllVMia 1 W4i$ niui I T( 11 muuvt
"i. Mh-iilfsi diwl flTliiroj llntu-tt Mi ic If. Mnln Kt
JL JL Altliori',, .Main
V. DALLJIAN, .Merchant Tailor, Second
, btreet, lioMilnv hiilMliik'.
Tlt.K.W. HU'ITKIt,
omco, on Main street,
Mar.7,'7t-y Catawlssa, I'a.
Wil, Ii. KYKHLY,
CaUiwlss.1, l'a,
(,'nllccllon., promptly mailn nnd fomlttol. onleo
uppWlIU CUUlWCttill iicpusii HOJIK, mn-iia
OOK AOKN'J'S wniilid lu nil "TI10 I'co.
bio's Corciuon Scn&u Al(dleulndvertlser."livll.
. 1'leice. M. 1). 'llm innKt. remlv ti'llliu. Iuilr oof.
lxcllltiliii li irtlnrv 11111I nlirnl (1 mm. Ai1iIiti.m llm
junior ni jiunaio, n, t,
A H. HUllIUNd, Cirpciilcr nnd builder,
J.X., Main Hlns'tlH'luw Pino.
DCoTa. MKOiUUJKI., I'hysrciTirand
Surgeon, Main street, next door to Hood's Ho-
S. HN'P, dealer in Moves nnd Tinware in
nil Its branches.
T)WHIl UNT, Miller, ami dealer in nil kind
JL 'fdrnln, Hour, I'eed, He. All kinds or drain
pm chased.
I" (I. As W. II. HIIOKMAKKIt, Dealers In
I., Iny dooils.droeerlcnnnddcneriil Mciehan-
nusiNiftS cAitns.
jyt. A. L. TUHNKU,
onico over Klehn's llnijj Store. (Ulleo hours from
1 to-l 11. in., fortrciluieiil of illsi' of tin, llye, liir
Alleall, nlKhtor day pi omplly nl tended to.
Ollice, Norlh Market street,
M.iM7,'74-y lll.mi,l,urt;, 1M.
jit. n. k. ciAiti)Ni:it,
limo.MSIIUKd, 1A.
onicoatiovo.l.Siliujler.t Son's Hardwaro store.
1 W.JIlLLIClt,
oilk'o In Ilrowei's liullilln, second door, room No.
1. lllooiusburi;, l'a. Julyl,73-y
1 i. A W..1. 1IU0K ALHW,
llloomsburpf, l'a.
Oillco on Main Ktiect, llrstdoor below Court Houso,'74-y
K.6.I. JLCLAltK,
Illoomsburff, l'a.
April 10,'71-y
omco InEntsIlulldlng.
Hloomshurff, l'a,
JSfAii business entrusted to our euro will rrclcro
prompt nllenlloii. July 1,'73 y
0. n. imocKWAV. ucoiuie n. ei.vv ei.u
llloomsburi;, l'a.
'f"All business enlrusted to our caro vv 111 receive
prompt attention. Sept.11,'74 y
11. it. it. LirrLi:,
lllooinsbury, l'a.
lo. llulldlnj,'. ly 33
K. OliVIS,
Will practice In all lliu courts of Columbia, sum.
van and Ljeonilng counties. In llm Supremo cum I nt
I'enns.v Ivaula. and In tho circuit and District enures
of tho United MliiU's heldiit. Wllll.ihisport, I'a.
..iiiinjtii ma ,11111-1, in mo , iiiiiiuoian niuioinir,
roiim No. 1. Illouuisbtirir. onTiiesdavK. r..ihuii..ivM
nnd Tliui-sdajs uf each week i and In Denton on Mon
il.ivs, I'rldajsmid Saturdajs, unless nliHent on put-
.t.u.u.i... u.isiu-f. cn;pu i,is,o.
X CY, Kxcliaiido Hotel, Dlooinsbunr, l'a.
.Una, ins Co., of Hartford, Connecticut. .. c.wki.inio
Liverpool, Indon and dloue stun n oon
Hoyalof Liverpool i3Sno,i
iriuic.iiisiuro 10,000, 00
1'lro Association, 1'hllndelphla j.ttHi.noo
Aiiierlc.'iii ,.r I 'till n.t..i ,.l I 1 ,,.. ......
At las of I lurt foul . ........ .' .' '. .'.V.'.'..!!!V o!imhi
j oniiujr, of v likes lkuro ., mi.uiHi
i-.iiuii-in niiiiiiai 01 iimiviue l.oeo.ouo
ll.iniill., Xlnti, i ..'....
Home, New Yorli".'.'.'.'.'.'..'.!.'.'.'.' .'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'..','.! o,r,oo!oiKi
March SO74 y
Col line cleanlni,' and repairing promptlrnttonded
In. 1'lrM Hoorover J. 1''. Widem.ui's Hardware bleu e,
illoomt.uri,', l'a. Jan. (I, 'JS-l t
OllU 0 In Malo's HutldliiL.. eorner Mnln niul n,.,tr
57"Orders solicited and promptly filled.
M.iy, y-My
llespectfiilly olfers Ids professional senlcesto tho
ladles nndKonilcmeiiof liioomsburK nnd vicinity.
Ilolspiepared to attend to ull tho vrnlousoiierallons
In t lie lluo of his profession, mid Is prov Ideil Willi tho
l.itobt improved Pokckuintekth, which will bo in
hcrled oiiKold platln?, silver and rubber base to
look us well as tho naliirat teeth. Teeth extrarti d
by all the now and most approved methods, and nil
ojiernttuuson tho teeth, can fully and properly 11U
tendril to.
onico a fewdoorB nborotlio Court House, samo
sloe. lulvl.'73
,lJi. would announce totho ellliensot lllooms-
nii' iiinniciiiiiy inai no naa jubt received a full mid
omplclu assort incut of
and all oilier Koodslnlds lino of business. All the
newest anil most unproved patternsof the day are
idwav s to bo found In uls establishment, Main btrwt,
K'lovv Market, lulvi.'TJ
uiiOOMSDirno, fa
B. STOHNER, Propriotor.
Accommodallons 1'lrst$l.Mlo$l.D(i jierday,
Largo, Airy Samplo Booms on 1st Floor,
Dloouisliurtf, July a, Uls-lf,
TiriLLIAJI H. LAW, Manufacturer ot
1 vvruuKiu iron iimiireH, Hollers, dasholdcr,
l'lrciroof llulldlngs, Wrought Iron Itooilni;, Itooillnu'
l'rmnrs. Fksirtmr mid Doors. I'r 1 (lutes nnd I'mr.
inir, also Wrouiflit Iron l'lnlnif, SUicks mid nil kiwis
01 nnuui v urn, ac jiepmrs prompuy aiienaeu (0.
N. 11. Drawings and Kstlmates supplied.
a. a. iiuituiiva
1") ICSl'IOTl'dLLY nnnounccfl lo tho lnihlic
Vi lliathuliua reopened
(oldst.ind) Illoiimsburp, l'a., nttho
Forts 1 it tho ,py and Llitlit Street
roads, whero till descriptions or
leather will Imi inailoln tho most
substantial and workmanlike 111, inner, and sold ut
prices to suit tho times. The highest price lu cash
mil lib uii iiiuvn iiaui 101 ,
of overy descrlpl Ion In tho country. Tlio pulllopat
roniiKo Is respis'tfully solicited,
lllooiu'diuit;, Muivli VJ, l7&-y
Published asa win nliicr and for IhuU neiitof vnuni!
menu nd others vihu Butur flora Nervous Dibllllv,
Loss of WoniunliooiJ. etc.. WVIiil' Ida rules of sell.
cure, titter uiiUergoliiir lnu( li Bulk Unit nnd ex nsu,
and Inn IK il fieo en leielvlnif 11 ios.psld illieiled
euvelopo. Aililrebs Nnusiti. Maifaih, P.O. llox
1M, iliuoklyn, N, Y, lily VIMm
IIHNUY I.. 1)11
H .J) '
iiiioonisituuii, pa.
n. ir. STitToKrjANi)
l!esH'Cl fully Inform, the pulilli1 that bo lias opened
n New Mink! Store, In the IllonmsburL'0ior.i Mouse,
on Centro sirccl, below Main, vv hero lio keeiis a lull
always on h ind nnd for Kilo at llm lowest prices.
in 111 v lies mo pat tuns 01 music-10 can aii'icxtiiinuo
hi, block.
also nt tended lo onileuiaiul. Thcpubllo patronage
I IS ( VI 1 1 II 1 1 J HOI II 1 1 1 II. lipi II J 11) IJ
C.- . TiT t 0 -T 1
rSAIHH Iiistiliition afliirds In sin
1 for tho profession of TEACIIII
I'tiTllCH forluiproveiuent Hi tho inos
iidents preparing
I Nit. excellent r.i-
nroveiiient Hi tho most iirnrorcdinelh.
odsof tnstrucllon.
For tho iiceoiiiinodatlonof students deslrlnmirerv-
aralloiifor Collece.or fiir tlio buslnes.irelallons or
lire, an Academic Department Is nrifnnlicd, which
aHords tho most ninplo f.icllltles for so doini;.
Jlachcoursoof sludytseomplctoln Itself,
Klllierlor advantages arn nrrered for Instruction In
Kail Session coinmeneos Wednesday, August 2f.Hi
l'all Session closes Tuesday, DeceiulKT ssii.
Spring Session commences Wednesday, Dec. 30tli.
Spring session closes Tuesday, June vulli.
Sprlni; Tkum commences Wednesday, March 81st
liomn. lncludtnt: 1'uel and Waslilnc. l'ocn Dol-
i.aiis jier week.
ultlon one noi.i.Auiier week. In Model Hehoo
orly toslMyccuts per week.
Student, arn admitted at any lime, and to and
'Ourso of slnile Tnr tileli ti'cv innv lin nron.iri.iL 11
Is boiler, If possible, lolsi pieseutiit thu coinmcuce
lnent of a term, or a session.
?vihi 101 n v;ai.uoi;ue.
Applleallon, for admission may bo addressed to
DIE. T. L. dltiswol.l),
col. J. (I. ri:r.i:?;i:,
AUf. 14,'74-ly
riMII? (ireenvvood Seminary will oiien Hie Kill'
X Term of school
Sill MONTH lfii'll, 1S75,
under llio care of rrlends, with A. W. Potter, 1). TJ
I I UlLlfUU.
The deslrabln location of I Ids School nnd llio litcrli
standlntf of the principal amonifst educators and
students mo seldom found, students from a distance
can reach tho Seminary by public conveyance al a
inning eosi. iiiiiii liiiiouisourL, ru. liouruinic can lie
had ut tho Seminary or prlraui houses on reasonable
teiiius. l'or paitieuiars Inquiry may be mado of Ellis
i.ves, jviiron ivesier, or u. r. uves, JUlllvuie, l'a., or
i. i.. i.ich, uauviiie, riu
Mlllvlllo, 7inn.,r., Is7 tf.
AVH on hand nnd for sain nt the most
reasonable rates a splendid stock of
and every description ot Wn-jona both PLAIN nnd
Warranted In be made of tho best and most durable
m.iecrlals, nnd by tlio most experienced woikinen.
All work sent out. from tliu establishment will bo
found In be of I ho blhesl class and suro to (lvo icr
feet satisfaction. They havo ulsonllnonssortmeutof
of allthonovvest nnd inot fasldonablo stjles well
mid carefully luiido and ot tliu liesl material.
An Insneclloii of their work Is asked as His be
lieved tliutiiouubupcrlorcun bo found In tlio coun
try. July 1,1573-11.
AH. CltOSSLKY has on hand and for sale
. cheaner than thu (homiest, for cash, or will
exviiauiju lor out vv hkoiis oil reiisouaiiiu leriuj,
of every description both plain nnd fancy.
l'orlnbln Top liuirulcs, open liH(ri,'les, rinln nnd
I'nncy Platform Spi Im,' Wagons all of llm latest sl lo
and madu of trood material mid fully warranted.
(iivo mo ucau iieioruiiurenasiiuj eisevv nere, as I can-
not no uuiicrsoiu. i ( laun uuu i innxo mo liesl wu
ons for thu least money.
I also do iKilntliiL. trlmmlni! nnd renalr old work
at lliu bhnrloht notice, old bprlixrs welded anil war-
ranieu ui siann or no pay. i in nxcuaUKO a Jioria
bietopliui'i.'yforaiiy kind of luinlK r, such as heir
kick, pine, usii, linn uicKory ami nopiar to li'deiiver
i-,b,ij D....I. t.j . ...oo.i, , .ui uiii jr. infl, lllill'
dalooulers taken and McKelvy, Neal k co's for ro
palrlr r as cash. A. 8. CUOSbLEY.
'11 UL I
IT V. OMAN horchy Informs tho imhlls
II, tint ho lias entered Into co-partnership wiili
Id, brother,!!,!.. Oman, and that llio business Will
licrciutcr ou conuucieu umier urn iirm niiino in
II. V. OMAN fi
lliuy will have on hand or manufacture to ordor
nn.l everv lldm? In Ihclrllno of business, of tho liesl
iii.iliilul nnd most, eouiplelo workuuinslilp, nnd at
pi li i low u, call Imj iifliuded,
siarei J'ubltn jxilrunage U nlclfully
II. 1'. O.MAN & 1I1IOTI1EI1.
TIMS I'il'r.ll IS ON I I U! WITH
. Atlvortising Vy Aycnts,
-jxx. t-frmrj
Wo llml this lieaiillful llttlo ikhjiii lu llm Williams,
port dn7cttoi. llullelln. Wheltier original wo nru
mil Intnrined, but Ju.lifo It to lio so as tlio nullior
boars I he name of ono of ILs edltora!
In tlio fanciful scant our wnklnc; dream.,
I, an Island of rare d llihl,
All covered over with k roves ot crcen
And odorous llowerels bright,
Mansions, Splendid as c.Vdle, In Spain,
llumii for the (food, and blest ;
Couches of velvet, as soft it, down,
For tlio weary one.i lo rest,
I'uro breeies, cool to thu heated brain,
On their wing, wall melody
Of tho llnj souirsters, vvllli pluinuKogny,
That dwell In each scented treo.
Ah, never was sunset-sky so fair,
All tinted In brilliant dyes,
And luu elory eliclea that far-orr Islu
Is tho llfhl of our loved Olio's eyes.
On, on e sail, but so distant sllll
Is tlio Island ot our rhjini!
ltu Ihe lollors of life's sea e'er reach
Tho shores ot I ho far ".Some! Ituo ?"
Mhvii H. IimU-rt.
I ::1 mi' il p lu my bed, wife;
There's lliu Hound of tho sol In my car;
And ltslnus to iny soul In a musk!
Hint cai Hi Is not blessed lo hear.
Open tlio Htilu window, wife,
'I hen eomn and bit by my side ;
We'll wait Hod's sweet llood-wulcr
To tako mo out Willi I ho tide.
I see tho harbor-lnr, wife,
And my dear llttlo Imnt In tho bay;
Hut w ho shall lio nblo to Kuldo her
When lier mailer hath p issed away 7
I know that her helm, so trusly,
Will answer no other hand
As II answered mine, when I knew,
You weio waUlus for mo on tlio strand.
our Imys aro all lietoro us, wife ;
Weo Jack Is lienealli tlio wave.
And blue-eyed Freddlo sleeps, wife,
In jonderyovv-bowered crave,
Wheio tho early d ilsles cluster
Arutllcl hi, baby lied,
And Hid thrush sit., cliantlnc; sofler
In j on tnxi that shades tho dead.
There's a chill runs through our hearts, wife,
When tlio harhor-har doth moan ;
Hut tho darker Brief will Ixi yours, wife,
When you aro left lu tlio cot nlono ,
Hut a few more ilown of tho sea, vv Ife,
And afew mom ebbs of tku lido,
Then dod's sweet Hood shall brln you
Ai;aln to your uld man's bide I
The red sun 1, lovvtn tho west, wlfo,
And the tide sinks down vvllli thu sun ;
Wo will part with each other In love, wife,
l'or sweetly our lives havo run.
dlvo me jour band, my own love,
A, you gave In tlio d.ij s of yore ;
Wo will clasp them, ne'er lo bo sumkMcd
When wo meet on tlio far-off shore!
"Chmnht-n" Journal,
Don't bo In too great a hurry :
Hurries never pay;
Tako your tlmo a wary general
Always feels hi i way.
Do not pull your line too quickly ;
Takolier sometime., to n concert
Sometimes Ion ball;
Sometimes spend n pleasant evening
Somet lines only call ;
Souiel hues 'tvv III be far the wisest
Not (o go at all.
Do not meet your would-bo rival,
With a Jealous frown;
show her that you don't cam two-pence
For nnyninnln town,
l'ralso her other beauv, then surely
Sho will run them down.
Send Her presents not too costly
Tillies llglitasalr;
Dainty fruits lo please hor palato ;
Flowers for her hair
Something that will show you chose It
Fairest for tlio fair.
Vcv her sometimes (constant sunshine
Is so very tamo ;)
Just u llttlo dash ot water
Iwn that dwsn't ilzr. nnd splutter
Isn't worl li the name.
Then at last, some quivering evening
(Moonlit nights nru stale,)
Drop Into her cosy parlor,
Lnoklug rather pale.
Strive lo hldo jour woo unutteied,
Hut hoburo to r.i!1v
Just hlntof Journey
As n secret half confessed ;
Darkly speak of hidden borrow,
That foi bid, j oil 1 est ;
Whisper that 'It, hard to leave her,
Hut, perhaps, 'tisliest.
Then, If she bliould blush nnd tremble
If there Ls no roguish sparkle
Tvv Inkling In her eyes
Then-then tell the old, old story
Told first, 'neath Eden's skle.,.
riio following iiilarcsting fuels nro (raus-
nted from Princess m's "Recollec
tions of Mexico :"
Although tho Mexican, nro a lazy people,
they riso early tho gentlemen to tako their
morning ride, tlio ladies to go to early mass,
which l, tlio only occasion on which tlioy
appear in tho streets on fout. They tako u
uncheon between tvvelvo anil ono o'clock.
i'lio Mexicans aro a very temporato iieoplo;
they drink little brandy, wino or beer, but
on every tablo you find pulque, a light,
vinous beverago resembling cider, obtained
from tho American agave. As a general
thing they lead very regular, exemplary
Uvea, hut gambling is their passion.
I ho men aro usually small, dclicatoly but
symmetrically made, and havo very small
landj nnd feet. They nro very pollto nnd
graceful, reserved and cautious, as though
they were always on their guard against de
ception nnd for a very good reason, siuco
trustworthiness Is far from beintr n lead
lug virtue among them, Tlicy nro ready to
proiuiso Willi words; nro. always nt your
service, lint they nro not to bo trusted, Ell-
ty years of civil btrifo would bo suluclent to
uemorallzo better peoplo than tho decend
ants of Corlcz ami his followers. Thoy lovo
money, but havo littlo Idea how it is to bo
honestly obtained; hence, it is looked upon
rather ns being meritoriom than sinful to
steal from tho Government, bo that Govern
mentwhiit It may. Whoever gets into of
fice uses bis position for this purpose.
In general they nro very hospitablo and at
dinner thero nro always two or threo covers
laid fur guesls who may chaneo to como In
1'iugal as they usually are, when they en
torlaln they provide very bountifully.
mo women oi mo better class aro very
hnndsome, mid nro especially remarkable for
their abundant heads of black hair, their
huge, dark, inebiiieholly eyes and tlielr small
(lelicalely formed extremities. They marry
young, often at tho ago of fouileeiinr fifteen
and usually have huge families; it is mil
unusual to see a woman with a doicu chit
dren, and homclimcH with even more. Tho
children aro very frail, very milct and well
behaved, I havo never seen them romp iuk
quarrel, ui I havo always seen hearty, stron(
children do in oilier countries, Tho moth
era usually liurso their children themselves,
nro very fond nnd devoted, and bring them
up very Irrationally. They treat them liko
dolls, and their chief study Is to dross thorn
prettily. Tlio children aro very precocious ;
up to thclr tenth or twelfth year thoy pro
gress with wonderful rapidity, but then their
Intellectual development becomes very slow
or entirely ceases.
Family life in Moxlco Is qui to pleasant;
tho husband and wlfo aro always seen to
gether, and they livo mostly nt home, sur
rounded by tlielr relations. Parents ecpa
rato themselves from their daughters willing
ly, nnd not unfreqiicntly thoy marry thcmlo
men who nro content to mnko tho houso of
their father-in-law their homo and to livo nt
his cxpeiuo.
Tho ladles uro exceedingly ignorant.
They rcsd nothing but their prayer books
and nro hardly able to write tlio mo,t com
mnnplueo loiter. They know no language
but Hjianisli, and of history nnd geography
they nro entirely ignorant. Thoy knew be
fore they wcro evaded by tho French that
Paris is tho capital of Franco, and of London
they had nlso heard, sinco from both
of theso cities thoy havo always re
ceived their finery nnd many object of
luxury. All they know about Romo is that
tho Popo has his residence there, and but
for that circuinstanco lliey would not know
there is such a city. Thoy, howovcr, havo a
good deal of taste for music and many of
them sing and play very credibly.
In many Mexican houses thoy have, as a
rule, no regular dinner. If they aro hungry
thoy eat some simple dish or drink a cup of
chocolate, which is excellent ; tho cotl'ee,
however, although they raise a good quality,
is not good. They do not know how to pre
pare it.
At six o'clock they drivo out and from tho
promenado they go to tho opera or theatre,
taking their daughters, dressed in their fin
est with thorn. If perehanco thero is no
placo of nmuscmcut to whico thoy can go,
then they remain nt homo nnd amuse them
selves with card, and music. Tlio young
people assemblo very frequently for a hop or
a krtuliix, as Mich gatherings aro called in
Although thero nro lu Mexico among tho
8,000,000 inhabitnns about half a million
negroes very few in the cities tho house
servant., uro Indians, mostly young girls,
who aro generally treated in a very friendly
and familiar manner by their employers.
They are well skilled in household allairs,
ami many of them embroider beautifully.
Moro than half tho population of tho
country aro Indians; tlioso who livo on the
plateau of Mexico, and in tho vicinity aro
decendants of tho Aztecs, who, 000 years
ago, astonished tlio Spaninrd-nvith their civi
lization, which somo say surpassed that of
the ancient Egyptians. Tho conquerors,
who expected to meet with savages only,
found iu tho Aztec capital a nourishing city
containing many fiuo buildings adorned with
numeroin works of art. What has becomo
of this intelligent, industrious people? Tho
milliner in which tlio English treated the
Vmerieau Indians, bad ns it was, had somo
excuso in tho obstinacy with which they re
sisted every attempt to civilize them ; but tho
Aztecs vrcro very far from being savages.
Maltreated as tho poor natives were, they
took rcfugo iu tlio forests, whero thoy wcro
leprived of every means of culture. Their
children grew up in ignorance nnd, in course
of time, they even lost mechanical skill.
No wonder they nro shy and distrustful.
When they aro well treated they evince great
goodness of heart, aro faithful and evince a
Irong desiro to learn.
When tlio conqiicrorsspreadover tho coun
try tho aborigines could not keep entirely
ivvay from them, ospcciallyinthocities. Of
this contact thero camo among them a now sort
of civilization. Theysoon learned tho valuo
of money, and that it could bo obtained by
sellingthcirscrvieestothcir lazy masters. Tho
consequence is that wo see them every whero
llio petty tradesmen and laborers of tho coun
try. They wcro almost exclusively tho pro
viders for tho capital they camo from every
direction witli their poultry,frtiits, vegetable-!,
wood, charcoal, etc., etc.
The women work moro than tho men, and,
togcathcr with a heavy load, carrying their
baliies on their backs, they can bo seen on
every road leading to tlio city, going on n
dog-trot to market. Their dress is very sim
ple. A piecoof bluo cotton stun" is wound
round tho waist and falls to tho ankles, whilo
tho shoulders and breast nro covered by.
another pieco of cotton of a difierent color
in which thero is a hole to put thohead through
I havo seen tlio peasants in tho Tyrol wear
pieces of carpet in n similar manner.
Tho dress of tho nion is still loss complete,
Around tho waist thoy wear a piece of leath
er in such a maimer that it forms a sort of
short breeches. Their shoulders they cover
in tho tamo way tlio women cover theirs, and
on their heads they wear a palm-loaf bat.
Tho Aztec women havo large, handsome
eyes, are generally well formed, and many
of them aro nulla good looking; but tho
women of tho other Mexican tribes are, for
tho most part, ugly.
Not a few of tho companions of Cortez
married Aztec girls, and from theso unions,
which became more and moro frequent, thero
sprang a mongrel raco called Creoles. Many
of theso aro ranchcrot, planters or farmers,
and aro looked upon as forming tlio best por
tion of tho nation, Somo of them nro very
rich ; nnd, as they havo littlo opportunity to
get rid of their money except by gambling,
they gratify their passions for costly apparel
Mrs, Mary Abbott, of Smyrna, Del., has
been led a blushing brido to tho nllar seven
times. Sho has been Mrs. Williams, Mrs.
Traux, Mrs. Farrow, Mrs. Rlggs, Mrs. Wal
lace, Mrs. llerry, Mrs. Pratt, and now Mrs,
Abbott, and has married n widower every
timo but once, nnd has reared numerous step
children for her husbands, but has never had
children of her own.
Ridiculo is n weak 'weapon whon lovcled
at a strong mind; but common moniuo cow
ards aud dread an empty laugh,
Spilo is a littlo word, but it represents m
strango a juinhlo of footings nnd compound
ol discords ns any polysyllahlo iu tho Ian
A teacher lu tho Port Jervis schools win
last week explaining to tho children that
usually all words ending with "let" meant
hinnethliig small, a, streamlet, rivulet, ham
let, cto. Whereupon a smart boy wanted I
know If hamlet meant it small ham I
A Virginia widow refused to marry a
lialil-lieadcil man, though ho was n million
aire. Sho explained ; "We'd havo a family
light some time, and ho has no hair to catch
hold of."
Ono of tho dcspicablo characters that
disfigures society with his presenco Is tho
sycophant. Ho Is nlvvnys obsequious to
those Iu power, nlwnys fawning upon thoso
who hnvo pntronago to bestow. In politics
llii-) class of persoiH will "grciwo nnd swal
low thomselves" with tho most remarkable
skill, nnd n facility which only innato moan
ncss or long practlco could produeo
Tlio reader has scon theso fellows by tho
score, nnd times without number, Just pre
vious to n convention or nn election, they
will denouiico certain candidates with vio
lence, and heap upon them all manner of vi
tuperation, dechiring.Hiost emphatically that
thoy aro unlit to hold any position of trust
or honor, and that their oleetion would bo a
triumph of fraud and villainy, nnd nlarm
ingly disastrous to tlio country. Hut a soon
us theso persons nro nominated, nnd especial
ly alter they nro elected to ofilco whero pnt
ronago is to bo bestowed or. help secured,
thoco virtuous donounccrs of the men will
get down on thoir knees to tho olliccrs, hum
bly cravo n slico of bread and butter, and
toady in tho most disgusting manner to tho
individual iu authority they had defamed iu
private life.
Can humanity present itself in a moro pit
iablo and contemptible aspect? Can what
ought to ho manhood get down to nny lower
debasement? For a serf or a slave this ab
ject littleness might lio excusable ; hut for a
frco American a sovereign by birthright
it is not only unpardonable, but nauseating.
And next to tho debasement of tho tradu
cer, is tho acceptance of his subjection by
tho ono ho seeks to propitiate. Ho must
know tho hollowness of tho professions of
lriendsliip, and havo somo appreciation of
tho unspcakablo depths of contempt to
which tlio being has sunk who can thin stul-
tify himself for n littlo pelf; and yet ho ac-
cepLs tlio empty tender of good will, takes
tlio lick-spittlo into bis commence, nnd they
mutually plan to further each other's ends.
It is tho most common occiirrcnco for pol
iticians to thus exhibit themselves beforo tho
world; and, wo pen tho words with a
senso of shame, it is no uncommon tiling
for tho people to tako up theso very men nnd
elect them to ollico I
Thero is something noblo lu tho forgive
ness of an injury. A man is never moro
God-iiko than when ho can pardon an do-
my who is deserving of clemency. lint this
taking of leprosy to tlio bosom ; this making
a common bed in slime with pestilent cor
ruption ; this collusion of traducer and tra
duced for tlio spoils of office aud the pur
poses of political public robbery, is so oppo
site to the other that it may bo classed ns di
abolical. I tender, havo you seen anything of this
kind of men? Do you recall any instances
which havo fallen under your notico of this
sort of co-partnership in political legerde
main? Havo you ever known of nny of
theso compacts between former enemies for
tho solo purpose of "feathering their own
nest?'' Have no instances of men "eatinrc
their own words" fallen under vour observa
tion? How many of tlio politicians of tho
times nro freo from theso blistcrinc infamies?
this loathsomo wallowing iu Ihomiro? How
many of this class havo you upheld, voted
for, aided nt tho primaries, assisted by word
and deed to honorablo positions ? If any, do
ou not feel the blood of honest manhood
mantling your check nnd browns tlio memo-I
ry comes in upon you, and you reflect bow I
low you have trailed tho banner of frco suf-
frago in tho dust? How beneath your own
conception of manly dignity and patriotic I
luty you havo been led to net in btich an cx-
crciso of your rights as a voter and a citizen, I
Can you excuso yourself to your own judg-1
incut and conscienco? Will you not bo a I
man hereafter and do better? lZcchwiyc,
Tim Wise Choice, of a Wife,
that fuideth a truo wife, flndcth"
treasure whoso beauty and lustro not even
the shadow of death can dim. It has often
seemed strange to mo that men nro so blind
in llieir choice of companions, In this they
sometimes scorn lo bo tho weaker sex, for
they yield to dclibcrntely planned bchcmcs,
nnd in tlio faeo of nn unhappy lot, tako
painted doils or nrtful women to shnro tho
'better or worse."
iVnd yet, after all, ns tho responsibility.
rests moro on him, it mny bo a harder thing
than wo nro nwaro of, to find ono whoso
price is abovo rubies. Thero exists such nn
artificial stato of society I ISoauty is ranked
so high, nnd tlio graces so iudisponsablo,that
homely in-door life looses its chlcccst
nnd woman becomes n creature of
waywardness aud prcttincss, that must bo
petted, In ordor to keep her iu sniilos nnd
leccut humor.
Most young men think of "an establish'
i,,nt n.l cnxinon,!., I ..;.! nf ,..1.,.,.,
......... ...... o.....i,...,j in.,.., ... iiiii.ui
tlieynro proud. They lovo to hoar their
friends say : "Well, L has a fino wife
a woman worth having, sho plays nnd sings,
sho talks agreeably, nnd altogether, make-in
Hut when troublo comes, whero Is tho
strong helper tho courageous spirit I
Thoso modest homo bodies, who seem so
timednnd backward who overseo tlio hum-
blo household, nnd ask no pralso but that of
tho husband 8 heart who shinti but llttlo at
parties, but who nro tho btnrs of 'lioino-
theso nro tho wives for ' tho trials of earliest
life. Their lovo is tlio rock novcr shaken
by tho tempest. Cr.i.LAv.s. It is not probable
that tlio amount of sickness bred iu cellars
can over bo accurately estimated, but Ihcio
is no doubt that many mysterious cases of
typhoid nnd bcnrlet fevers, rheumiitism nnd
ague, may bo correctly traced to tho mnlari
ous cflluvia emanating from these neglected
corners. Old boxes, bins and barrels, which
havo contained vcgatablo matter, meat, fish,
etc., need thorough overhauling, because
when standing in n dark corner they look
empty, nnd there may bo enough poison left
sticking-on tho sides und bottom to died tho
health of tho household, Tho work of
cleansing is often loft U tho women and boys
of tho family. A man had much better
leavo his work a dav. to mako a thorough
examination and purification of tho celhr,
Hum to bo unduly anxious nbout getting iu
. . ... ...
his crops iii extra season. After all garbago
is carried nut. let tho ccillne- mid wall lia
faithfully brushed with nn old broom; nnd
if this is done oneo u month tho ntmosphero
will ho all tho sweeter. Uso plenty of iluie,
and iu dry weather keep tho doors and win
dows open n part of every day. Old tin nnd
wooden ware should not bo allowed to stand
year after year upon tho cellar shelves. If
it is not lit to bo used, throw il nway,-
Mmmfnel unv ami Jluuder.
Tun "Ilusy IW hnvo had their Intelli
gence questioned by Sir John Lublioclf, who
asserts that they nro stupid nnd Incapahlo of
communicating with each other, On tho
other band ho compliments the mils which
nro indeed wonderful croaturcs and says
they hnvo Ideas of their own which they can
readily Impart to their companions. Sir
John experimented with bees nnd ants, he
foro expressing theso opinions, In their fol
lowing way. He tool: a boo from the hive,
marked him nnd put him beside a plate of
honey, tor a week tho boo worked busily,
carrying off tho spoil, but novcr brought n
nolitary companion to help him. Ho came
every morning to tho bonny for observation
apparently, (low round it nnd back to tho
hivo without alighting, and then began tho
won. oi me nay. ar doiin tried a Nmiu
I. . ., ... . ...... i
uAi'uiiiuviii. i nil nn inn, wiiu mnocuiiiieiy j
brought back a company of workers, the
most of whom showed a definite knowledge
of tho place where tho food waa. Tho ex
periment was n uico one. Seventeen pins
wero put on ncork,and tho honey was placed
on tho head of three of the pins only. All
tho ants that came with tho first followed
him directly to tho right pin, nnd of twenty
seven others that enmo alone, nineteen went
up tho right pin, nnd only eight up nil tho
others. Rut nfter all, tho question between
thu ant and tho beo may not bo ono of intel
ligence, but ono of disposition or character.
If Sir John could look down on this world
of ours nnd try bis experiments with men,
ho would find somo who would keep dis
creetly silent about their discoveries of hon
ey, nnd survey their treasure each morning
beforo undertaking to gathcrit, whilo others
less selfish would bring all their frionds and
relations to bliare in tlio feast. And of the'o
big bees aud ants he world generally ranks
tho secretivo selfish fellow as tho more "cn-
tcrprising" If not tho moro intelligent.
A Trine Gentleman. A truo man is
nbovo a mean tiling. Ho cannot stoop to a
mean fraud. Ho invades no Hccrct in tho
keeping of another. Ho takes selfish nd-
vantago of no man's mistakes. Ho is
ashamed of imiedoes. Ho uses no ignoblo
weapons in controversy. lie novcr stab3 in.
tho dark, lio is not ono tiling to n man's
fnco nnd another to his back. If by accident
ho comes into possession of his neighbor's
counsels, ho passes upon them instautNibliv-
lon. Ho bears sealed packages withouj
tampering with tho wax. Papers not meant
for bis eye, whether thoy flutter in at tho
window.or lie open before him in unguarded
exposure, aro sacred to him. Ho profanes
no privacy forothcrs, however sound tlio
sentry sleeps. Holts and bars, locks and
keys, bonds and securities, notico to tres
passers, aro not for him.
Ho may bo trusted
out of sight anywhere. Ho buys no office,
he sells none, intrigues for none. Ho would
rather fail of his rights than win them
through dishonor. Ho will cat honest bread.
Ho insults no man. If he lias a rcbuko
for another, ho is straight forward, open and
manly. Ho cannot descend to scurrility.
Rillingsgatc don't lay on his track. Of wo-
man nnd to her, ho pnenks with decency and'
respect. In short, whatever ho judges hon-
orablo ho practices toward cverv one.
There is a third silent party to nil our bar
gains. Tho naturo nnd soul of things takes
on itself tho guaranty of tho fulfillment of
every contract, so that tho honest service
cannot como to loss. If you servo an un-
grateful master, serve him tho more. Tut
God in your debt. Every stroko shall bo
rapid. Tho longer tlio payment is with-
holdcn, the better for you, for compound in-
tcrcst on compound interest is tlio rato and
usage of this exchequer.
The bravo only know how to forgive ; it is
the most refined nnd gonerous pitch of vir-
Ituo human naturo can arrive at Cowards
havo dono good and kind actions cowards
I have fought, nay, sometimes even conquered;
but a coward never forgave. It is not in bis
naturo ; tho power of doing it (lows only
from btrength nnd greatness of soul, con
scious of its own force nnd security, nnd
nbovo tho littlo temptations of resenting
every fruitless nttempt to interrupt its hap
The Postmaster-General said nt tho ban
quet given by tho Chamber of Commerce,
just held : "I havo had occasion to boo the
New York City post-ofiico send out 2-r9,000
letters in a day representing to tho depart
ment over which I presido 40 per cent, of
nU .th T'TLn0 T,?'
1"V "'fa v 'vw '."-I .- w..v..h o s
000, Boston's 10,000, and Philadelphia's
J12 000 ; representing a city that furnishes
totho department over which I preside, JW
tons every day in letters and newspapers, ox -
. . . .
i elusive oi mercliandtse.'
Au a stranger was yesterday knocking nt
tho door of a houso on Second street, a boy
came around tlio corner and inquired:
"Got an? thine tb sell ?"
"Yea; I want to'soll your mother a box of
"Might 03 well cot off'n tho Btons ." con-
tiniicd tho bnv. as 'a smilo broko'out nrftund
da mouth; "sho'sgot stord tooth, nnd Hholwhomwoiussociato. If wo wcro to ncknowl-
cleans 'cm with a woolo'u rag."
When your mother is frying doughnuts,
nnd you're hungry, it don't make any dltl'er-
enco how her hnlr is combed, or if it is
combed nt nil or not ; just only tell her that
you think sho looks so han'snmo with her
hair dono up in that style, ami slio will feed
you on hot doughnuts till you swell up liko
ft toad.
Milwaukee needs a Heo. A sign there
reads, "Shooin dun beer." Lancaster is
more perfect in this respect; it has n very
prominent slgli which reads "Churk col for
sail heir.
Milwaukee, walks a ropn suspended tblrt y
tcct from tho L-round. A rona's end vlnr.
-l H. i.lllj lliu 11IIIO Villi. UUlMltlllllT
A nirl null I . -. i.n,IKI 1 .1 ! .
ously applied would bo good for thoso who
allow it.
ltl 01 tno picasuro in having dono
nnyming lor nnotner is mat tlio ono nlmast
'e-iiy uirgeis Having given, mm
I sl1.nH w.. nn.l....ll.. 1 I....
I Otlior remembers ctcitnnlly having recciv
I t
Enemies spring up everywhere nf their
own accord, briends nro reared in tho af
fections, niul rcaso to bo Mich as soon ns they
aio removed from tlfo conservators of tho
A word unsnoken Is n word In tho pcnb
burd ; n word uttered is n (word in another'
Ono Inch, (twelve lines or tin equivalent In Nonpn
Ml type) ono or two Insertions, ll.toi Hirco Inbtr-
IIS, tJ,U1
onnlnch S.M 13.00
Two Inches tJM 6.i
'I hroe Inches Wl 1.W
Four Inches.. ......... 7.00 8.ii
CM. f.M, ly
rt.nil ffl.on $10.00
Quarter column HUO lv.oo
Half rolutnn 1&.CO 1H.WI
on column s .00 tew to.m on.110
Yiturlv ndwri!, twrnbln ntinrtrrlv.
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Wise Snylngi
How manv think tontono for tho evil thry
hnvo dono by tho good thoy intend to do,
and nro only virtuous In tho prospective.
In tho long run, a tried nnd proved char
acter for truth, honor, nnd honesty is the
best capital, and given tho largest interest.
Havo tuo cottnigo to be ignorant of n
great number of things, in order tonvoidtho
calnmlty of being Ignorant of everything.
It is only through woo we nro taught to re
flect, and wo gather tho honey of worldly
wisdom not from flowers, but from thorns.
Heforo you scold bo sure that you aro right
yourself. Ho that nttcmpts to cleanso ablot
with blotted fingers makes a greater blur.
Tho schoolboy counts tho tiino till tho ro-
turn of tho holidays j the minor long, to bo
of ngL,. tho lovcr j, patient until ho is
, i
Public feeling now is npl to side with tho
persecuted, nnd our modern martyr is full
as likely to be smothered with roses ns with
If you would win success, bo punctual,
courteous, honest, economical, agreeable in
your personal habits, and regardful oi your
Yet havo I over heard it said that spied
and tale-bearers have done more mischief iu
this world than poisoned bowl or tho assas
sin's dagger.
Ono cannot learn everything; tho objects
of knowlcdgo have multiplied beyond llio
powers of the strongest mind to keep paco
with them nil,
When doing what is right, tho heart is
easy and becomes better every day ; but when
practicing deceit, tho mind labors and every
day gets worse.
When two loving hearts aro torn nssunder,
it is a shado better to bo tho one that is driv
en away into action, than tho bereaved twin
that petrifies at homo.
He that loves Christianity better than
truth will soon lovo his own feet or parly
better than Christianity, and will end by lov
ing himself better than nil.
An elevated purpose is a good and ennob
ling thing ; but wo cannot begin at tho top
of it. Wo must work up to it by tho ofton
difficult path of daily duty.
A covetous desire in the heart of youth is
tho germ from which may spring a poison
treo, whose ntmosphcro is pestilential, and
tho tasto of whoso fruit is death,
If wo would givo ourselves only half an
hour's reflection at the close of every day,
wo would preach to ourselves several of tho
best sermons that could be uttered every
The beautiful laws of timo and space, onco
dislocated by our inaptitude, aro holes and
dens. If tho hivo bo disturbed by rash and
i , ...:n ..:.,i. i
s"lI,m "anus, maicnu ui iiimuj it iiiujiwm
Decision and promptitude, oven though
sometimes a man may err for want of duo
deliberation, will, in tholong run, morooften
conduce to success than n slow judgment
that cornea too late.
Tho first step toward greatness is to bo
honest, says tho proverb ; but tho proverb
fails to state tho caso strong enough. Hon
csty is not only tho first step toward groat-
ness, it is tlio greatness itself.
Tho opportunity of making happy is moro
scarce than wo imagino ; tho punishment nf
missing it is, never to meet with it again ;
I and the uso wo make of it lcavos us to nn
I ctcrnnl sentiment of satisfaction of repent
I anec.
Lord, wo know what wo are, but know not
wlint wo may be. Of all tlio animals which
fly in tho air, walk ou tho ground, or swim
in tho sea, from Paris to Peru, from Japan
to Rome, tlio most foolish animal, in my
opinion, is man.
If we wouldhnvo powerful minds, wo must
think ; if wo would have faithful henrts, wo
must lovo ; if wo would havo vigorous mus
?lee, wo must labor; and these three
thought, love, labor include all that is val-
uablo in life.
Fear guides moro to their duty than gmt-
itudo ; for ono man who is virtuous from tho
lovo of virtue, from the obligation which ho
thinks ho lies under to tho Giver of All,
thero nro 10,000 who are good from their np
prehension of punishment.
Fear is implanted in us as a preservative
from evil ; but its duty, liko other passions,
is not to overbear reason, but tonssist it;
nor should it bo suffered to tyrannizo in tho
imagination, to raiso phantoms of horror, or
bosct life with supernumerary distresses.
Tlio best thing to givo your enemy is for-
BIvnoS to 'our Prnent, tolerance; to a
friend, your heart; to your child, n good cx-
nmivln . In a tnthnr. ilerernnpi tn vnur-
moth cr comlllct tlmtwill malcollcr proud
I f to vourself. resnect tn all men.
1 ci.rjt,.
Discontents aro sometimes tho better part
of our life. I know not well which Is tho
mmt useful ; joy I may chooso for pleasure,
I ljut adversities nro tlio best for profit; and
somoumes moso wno an so tar help me, as i
sbould, wiUiout them, want much of llio joy
1 1 have.
If wo aro faultless, wo should not bo r-
much nnnovod bv tho defeats of thoso with
edgo honestly that wohavo uotvirtuo enough
to bear patiently witli our neighbors' weak
nesses, wo should show our own imperfec
tion, aud this alarms our vanity.
Tho mixturo of ono error with much truth
ndultcrntott tlio wbolo; as tho chalice of
puro liquid is rendered dangerously by tho
infusion of n drop of jioison. Wo should
therefore bownro of all error, howovcr Might
nnd inconsidornblo it may appear. One er
ror may booh lead to 100 ay, to 1,000,
Wax has been used for fcnling pinco tho
earliest ages. The oldest bonis appear to havo
been impressed on wliito wax. Subsequent-
I ly yellow was was usod. At n moro recent
period, scaling wax was colored red ; nnd
1(1 I .... , ..
T ,,10110lmc.;"ui U wn
Krcon ft,ul 0-Ptimca black.
as colored
ot know, but to nctaccordingto
I '"' knowlcdgo is thy dctestntion proclaims
I tho voice of my inmost soul, not forindp-
lent contemn ntion nnd studv of tbvself. not
for brooding over emotions of pietyno, for
mo action was existcneo given to thee; thy nc
1.. 1 .. . . . '
tlons, mid thy netions alone, determine thy
Iivo Is n heat full of coldness, sweet
full of bitterness, u pain full of plciienntncpa,
Lovo Is n chameleon, which diaws nothing
into tho mouth but air, and nourishes noth
ing in tlio body but tho tongue. A man has
choice to begin love, but not to end It. Love
knots nro tied with i')is, nnd (itumit bo un
tied witli hundti ; liuulo fast bis t lion flit , not
to bo unloosed with fingers,