THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSETJRG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. THE COLUMBIAN. HI, 00 MS II II it II, KIM DAY, At 11.1:1, 1S7.1 Hall Komt Time Table. LACKAWANNA IILOOMSIUIIIO UA1I, ItOAt) niiktii. merit. Aceoinmnd.tll'jn Train, n.r, A, si. 7.31J A. M. Midi Train 7.SH A. M fi.' 1 V. M UM'teaa Train VIM'. M. ll.MA. M " Ml r. M, CATAWISSA KAIL ItOAl). N011TII. BflfTtt Accommodation Train t,!H A. M. 7,30 1'. M. Itetfiilar Hxprcus 3,M 1'. M. 11,83 A. M, TlirotiRti cars on llxpross train either to New Ycrlc or Philadelphia. Accommodation train runs between Catawl3.n nnd Wllllulinporl. Mr. 11. L. .Mvkbs, collector for tho Cot.nini in, win wait upon those Indebted lo this onlco tor the pur pose of receiving tho amounts duo. Wotnit that those Indebted will t) prepared to pay w hat they owo when ho call's, but If not, Uioy will again bo railed upon. ItwIUwaicoly lw demanded of into olfer nn npolojry for making collections, butfortho satisfaction of thoso desiring It wo w 111 Just fay Hint, iw wobao to pay wall for e cry tlilnjr ns wnyoour puiiio Is not lonif or deep riioittfli to hold out unless It Is replenished wllh soino degree of promptness. Tlio cliestnut crop tilts season promises to lieu large one. Wmk tin (lie new liriilge at C'atawis;i is pro growling rapidly. Tlio lot ollieu at I'omulrvv lllo, Culitinliia counlVi lias been iiliolMicil. tlio Court lulvcrlHeiiicnUi ill this week's isstioof tlio C'oi.UMiitAK. A large number of our citizens are attentliiH. cuno inciting al Mountain drove. Tlio Lu.crno County l'nir will lio licit! at Wyoming, September 28, 2'J anil 30. , The ferry boat n-eil at P.invillo during tlio aliHiieeof n briilge at tbal place, is now in running onler at Ciilawissa. Main sheet i now open to tlieNorinalScbool biiililingt willi llio exception of tlio ilcliris of tlio" 1'oiks Hold, wliiili will, ill a short time, bu denied up. Tlio Lutheran .Sunil.iy fVbool of tills jilaco lielil a pic nic in Neil's (Irovo on la't Tuesday. A largo tuimkr wcro in ulleinlaiice, anil n gooil time is reported. The lienlon editor is still trntililcd with the phantom uf crowds in that place. It edicts huiiio people in (bat way, but makes in tlio booU are most common. An active and ropomiljlc m ill, to wliom an igiiiiiy for :i lire t class nursery for this county would be desirable, can -wbt.iin Midi position by calling at the Cum'miiian ollicc, with pioper references. A man iinncil 1'at Oaugliin, an employee of tlio hackawana & l!loombtirg It. 11., bad oncof bis feci cut o(l by a coal trainiiear Kingston, olio day laft week. It is thought that amputation of the lea w ill lio necessity. Vkw Mr.r.riNd. The C'olumbiit circuit of llie Kvangelical AsMiciation will bold a camp meeting on tbe land of Joseph Conner, lour miles cat of l.iglit Street, coiniiiencing August "(itti mid to continue one week. -t The INt of registered voters is now posted up at lb.o polling places, where they can bo consulted by taxpayers and tho-c entitled to vole. ( 'oihiiIi the book and see if your name is on the list. Wo liieMay,Scplcmbcr Ht,is the last day on which voters can bo assessed. The 1'atioin of Hiisli.iudiy, Centra (ir.inge, liaie postponed tlio dedication of their J (till for vx indefinite period. After more maturely considering tho subject they concluded they would not have leisure to attend to it at tho time fixed upon, i!lst Inst., a very busy se.ioou, and beuco tlio postponement for tbe present. On last Sunday evening as Harry Anic-trong, of ISIooiiisliurg, was driving up Main strict, a. joung man named Zeigler, driving downsticct ran into his horse, which took fright ami turned suddenly around, throwing Mr. Arni-trong fioin the buggy, ran down to Market street, thin up toltock towards home, bringing up at the gale near If.ti. I'hillips' where be was found with the buggy upside down and considerably tangled up in the harness. The buggy was con.-idiiahly damaged and the horse sligblly injured. Mr. Arnistiong escaped unliiut. The accident was the Jesuit of ciglcr's carelessness. iuito a niunlior of Kuglish Sparrows, tlio uioA polcut of all feathered insect destroyers, mtifle their appearance in liloom.-burg during tin suiainier, but now few if any are to bo seen. That most useless of all domestic nuisances, hou-iholdcals, have ciuglit and killed them, as well :n nearly all oilier scini-doniestic birds, and whole broods of young chickens. A cat was seen running along .lib street, a few nights since, willi a chicken half its own size in its mouth. They aro too lazy or cowardly to attack rats, but arc death upon all tbe birds that bree I iilviut town premises, and are also very dcsliiut ivo of poultry. Tho town is literally over-inn with the lillby nuisance, and a general war of extermination ought to hi waged ngiin-t than. Cnder tbeoper.ilion of tlic cumulative system of voting, a real in tho Democratic convention on Tuesday was given, in a contested case, to a candidate for delegate (In a district where four were to bo elected) for whom, it is alledged, only .11 persons had voted while 130 had voted for eaeli of four other candidates. Whatever tho peculiar facts in this exact caso may bo we in .vito discussion and explanation of the main ipuint involved, vizi that by the cumulative plan, webeiotlieiearo four delegates to elect and 100 ' itiiesare polled, 20 inen may elect a delegate that thercuiainiiigTl.nro anxioiisshould not be lied cil aiidllwughlhelattcraro.i majority of two. lldids tlackiiirfuiic)tliey liavuuo power to keep tho objectionable candidate out. This simple statement of the cine relieves us from tho neees-lly of further notice of several cnuiiuiuileations on tlio subject, and gives to tli friends of tlio cumulative syskin iiiinppniionlly to vindicate it agalu.-t an obiectlon that Is iiif uuallv growing moie formidable. MOltll AltV-ST. V.WUH AND Mil. HEWITT' It has already bciu announced in our col umns, that tho llev. Mr. Hewitt of St. Paul's Palish, llloom-burg, loH two childicn by dlp tbcria within a few days of each other. It win an occasion for active sympathy, and fiitnds were ready for everything in their power. Near ly Hirco hundred dollars for fuueial expenses was pronipllv rabed mid tendered j nnil the vor. trv, with a libtralilv and tlioiightfuluess which does honor to all parties lo those who receive as well as to tlio'O who give, adopteil tlie follow ing preamble) and rcsolutlonsi At a meeting of tho Vestry of St. Paul's par idi. ItlooinburL'. Pa., be d on Monday eveulii; August 2d, lb7.r), on coiisldeialiou of the rievnl .l.nm.sf!,. idlllellull of Olll' ltcCtlir. Kl'V. Jllllll lliwill.ln thodealh of mi only daughter and a ton within a week or each oilier,; it win uunm. Jtisolved, That we tender on our own behalf, I...l,lf ,,f iln, our healtfeil ton- dollnce, to Mr. and Mrs. Hewitt, in lids their deep ulllicllon, and pray that they may be) able to Iook to llio iilciil I ousoier en summ iui and stiinglli anil comfoit. H. ..Iv, ,1 'I I. !ii wo earnestly recommend inn Ms. Ilewllt shall bo rellevid for at least ono month from Palish duties, and Kg him to accept a vacation lor inai penou, noi m liulhciiince ol tins our iiisiie, in p.. Tlml tlm Tiensiirer bo authorise InglvoMf.'jfewltt two bundled dollars out of lliu geniral t liurcn uiui, w'1" """ "v Hiargitl to Mm oiiarcuummrimiv, ii?,.i.,... i ii,ni i v . John 11. Piecio coinpniilt-d Mr, iind Mrs.llewitt lq llulllniorolii il,,.li l,t .,! l..wvriiienl. that 10 (Col. I reie) bo requested to nccompniiy (licit) to tho Bawo KDITOIlIAti AMKNITIKM. On Monday Dr. W.H.Ilradlcy.of thoJiWniir -.Imrriemi, Danville, I'a. IicIiib on ft vlwt to llloonubiirg, wns arrested soon after U arrival upon n slander process, at tho milt of e.veditor i). A, llccklcy, formerly of tho llloonisburg 11 Mioin,'ntu present po.'tniasler. The articles complained of were very severe In the tiso of np prolnious terms nndlbeirapplicatton wa.sdlrect, (!ol. iSamuel Kuorr, lion, (3. It, ltnckalcw mid C. (1, llarkley, llsij, have been retained by tlio pro-icculion. Ai tho case goes to court remarks upon It aro precluded, Dr. llradlcy was requited to enter ball in lliORum of $i!0,UOO. IlAPl! UAU A very Intcreftlng inalch gatuo of bau ball was played on the Tair ground on last Kitnrilay nfternoon, between tho "(loml-for Nothing" nine and tlio "Never Sweats," of Illoomsburg.' Ubo ccntost wa, as the score will show, a very close one. At tlio beginning of tlio game everything was In favor of tlio "Never Sweat?," but their opponents discovered tho f.iettbat to win the gamo some line work must bedono; aiidllicyilidgutoworkingood earnest, difeating tho "Never Sweats" 19 to 20. Tho following is the score : .vi:vi:u bwiiATs. IIOOD-IOII-NOTIIINOS. O.K. Peacock, cf ' 3 O. 1! IfcUt, c f Drelier, n h Sloan, V., c l.illle, 3 b lVniuan, p Melz, 1 f Clark, I!., 1 b Gregory, r f V amiatta, 2 b T.4al, 1 -1 Drilier, J ,1 f 1 t l Tubbs. rf 2 2 II .'i .Tacobv. 3 b fi 1 1 2. Thornton, h h 3 -1 3 llliupeit, 2 b 1 1 1 l .Malov, p 4 2 S Olsloio", U. o 3 2 2 3,Clark, K. lb 3 1 27 lilj Total, 27 20 Umpire TIuh. AV'cbb. Scorers Clark and I'uuston. Time of game one hour and fifty minutes. The (1. V. N. 1J. 11. C, of Itloomsburg will play a match gamo of h-io ball with a nine from Wilkcs-liarre of tlio samo name, on the Fairground Ibis afleinoon (Kriday). An inter esting gamo may be looked for. Admission 15 cents. Ladies and carriages free. WINK l'liOllfCW OP MKW .miWKM This State is becoming eclcbraleil for grape culture. Somcof tho lichcst port in the world is produced in New .leisey bv Mr.AIfred Sneer, whine name has Income proilincT of strictlv pure unadulterated wine, 'llio l'ort (irape W'ine of Mr. Specr is not bottled or put in market until it is four years old, and has be come thoroughly fine and mellow. It has proved itself a wonderful asi-tant to physician", who prescribe it from the fact that they have hitherto I'oiind it dillicult In obtain a pure l'ort Wine. This Wine is lecotiimciided for debilitated per ilous; and is given to eoti'innptives to uo with Iresh raw eggs, and as a medium Tor taking cod liver oil. The dillicully of getting an imported or even a pure California l'ort is well understood to bo so great as to preclude Doctors Irom allow ing their patients to run the risk of itsiisc. Mr. Spier being aware of this fact li.H taken the utmost cam in the making of his wine from the ripest and finest grape", so asto supply the im ported w ines by produeeing a genuine article. Hi w ines are kiiowen bv chemists to bo pure and the most reliable for medical purposes. The Druggists throughout the country sell it, as bottled by Mr. Specr. Clttonitle I Slack (foods, Alpacas, lirilentines, Satin Dc Chime at Claik A: Wolfs. (iood clean Coal Neal oc l!ro. to be bad only of C. W. !tf A large stock of new Teas tit tho Central Tea Stoic at 2"i per cent cheaper than ever before old in Jiloom-biirg. Large lilies of Ladies' Tics, lluchcs, I.imu Collars, high-Kick Combs and other l'ancv No tions low for cah at Clark Jt Woll's. Cheese I Cheese! Clieesi ! 1'ino nssoi Intent of Cheese at IttHscl's. Towimda Doots at Jlelvinney's i?2o cash will liuv of C, M. flirton, harness maiiufactuier, Main street below Market, a handsome sit of new buggv Harness. 'Ihco harness will rcll all over the country for f 3. They have a silver-mounted saddle, round tra ces, lair leather mnma lines, and are in every respect a liit-cla-s set of "gears." They must be . old and $2o will buy them. Call early and secure a bargain. Handsome Chromos and Frames (or oil cents and upward'. Steel engraving and frame from o cuds to fl lit Mutilan s I'Uriiiturc rooms. has just received a fresh siipplv of Apples, Jlmaiias, Oranges, Lemons, l'ino Ap- ilisi, ,v.c. I'.xaiiiiue Ins stock. htrt'.s yhocs ul!McKiimev'onlv. D.lo't be wotricd ami alioecd with not onle a lour quality of Coal hut dirl'v ami slaty besiilis, sit buv of C. W. Ni:ai, & lino, who dial only in the best qualities. 32lf New Dress (loods tit 2.1 cents per vard and up just nceivvd at Clink & Wolf's. Itiisscl is receiving fresh Watermelons, (.'an telopes, Uinanas. Ac., daily. WVO.MIXO SUMIVAltV ANI CoMHIUtliAI, Coi.i.roi:. Accommodations for 200 boarders mil as maiiv day scholars. Students prepared for college, professional study, teaching and bu siness, liiorougn instruction and discipline. Hanking, wholesale ami retail business, railioad- elc, piactically taught. Xsext tirm opens September 1st. For catalogue, containing a beautiful steel engraving of the Seminary and for illiMratcd Commercial Journal address Itev, I). Copelaud, Principal, Kingston, Luzerne coun ty, I a. On commercial matters nddicssL. L. Sprague. liw C."W. Xt'.Ai. iC'llito., sp.ue nocxpuiso tosend out nice Doal. 32lf (lo to's for your CirncoriiM. Uo sells for cash tind w ill not bo undersold. Fine Shirts, 'J'icu, Collars, Ac, .at .McKin- IK'V S. Water Proofs and I'eaver Cloths, icw Mns- lin', Prints and other (loods iu-t received at Clark ci Woll's. A (il'iKAT KFDl'CTIOX. C ' chairs fioin 5d(l In $. per sel. Cane seat chairs fiom $'.i lo $7 per set. Wood seat chairs fiom fli.oO to $ LSI) pirsit. Wood seat chairs I'loiu $7 lo T'i.'iO per sit. All kinds of Furniture at corrcspoiidincly low figures. Call and see for yoiilselves at 1 in - in s I llumine rooms. kntios. Ut'ssi.t, takes liulter, Kggs, Lard mid Produce in exchange for goods. Just iieeived. a fresh invoice of latest styles Cliililicn's Summer Suits at I. Yoeiim's, Abo Men s tind llovs' Clothing, nil of which lie is selling cheap. - i - Atniy Shoes al McKiniicy's. Pewter Sand for salo at Uiifi:iH, Try tho $2.00 (laitcrs at K. M, ICnorr's, Tobaeeo and Confeiiioiieiies, wholesale mid utail by M. M. Itusscl. (into I). M. Kiiovr's fur tho best quality ofShocs. ' (Imnulatcd Sugar for sale nt IUishdih. Hoots ami Shoes mado to order by experi enced woiknieu at McKiniicy's If you want a first class Farm Wagon, If you want a Platform Pleasiiie Wagon, If you want an Fliplio Sluing Wagon, If you want a Pleasure, wagon, If vou want voiir Wagon imt in good tilm, If mi want repairs done good with shoit notice, tlo to J, 1!. l Aty. Oat Meal for salo at ltiissdV, (.'all and try it. . . - If you want 11 good Ham, If you Vllllt I'ln'i'I' tui'l t'""'l '''"'i If you want Collces .litvit or Uio, If you want good Canned Fruit, If you want tlio host Mnokeiel, If you want Sugar for tho Ica.t money, If you want tho best By tups in town, If you waul good Cigais, 11' von want irood Tobacco. If you want r thing in tho (Jroccry and Provision line, go 3 Hl'ssilMfl, Aliun meet tt'-25 When you go to Phlludolphla htop nt tho Allegheny llnuse, w, W inm i m kit Htrett , linvlngbetn ic(.cntly reuovnttd l'rico only f2 per day, A. lluac, JlarcU lt,70-ly IVopHctor, Alt Coal slated and i"ercened bcfoio leaving tho old established coal yard of C. W. Nr.Al. & lino. ii'jtr (lenuitio Mason Fruit dam for sale at M. M Itussel's, A largo lot of llrasi Kettles just received at nciinyicr iv foil's. COAL. COAL (Ihl Kslnlilislieil Cnnl Yard. 0. W. NllAI, i!t illto,. Wliolcsalu liefall Dealers in all lzcs ol tlio liewt qualities of Itcd tind Wlilto Ash Coal, nl tho very lowest market rates. 1 Ia a constantly on hand largo XIOCKH oi Domestic, Cupnlit, lllacksmitli's Anthracite, Ditiiininous, and Lliiicburner's Coal. Kspccial nttcntion given to tho prepara tion ot coat ucioro leaving our yards, uratn and Lumber taken in exchantro for coal. Coal delivered to any part of tlio town at short notice. Orders lelt at I, W. McKelvy's store, or nt our ofilcc, will receive prompt at tention. Ollico mid Yards nt William Neal & Sons' Furnace, Knst Dloomsbitrij. Your I'.uioiiuiiu ii'siieoiiuuv noiiciecii. COAL. l7-t'f-2!i COAL f ji-m-m? !'! Mini TwTiJ1Tfl" WIIIMimil llll IC Hl Ul HLOOMSIlUltU MAH1CKT. per bu:,hel f 1.21 " '.II Com " so o.Us " tin Flour per barrel T.iw tioierseed T.m liaxseed i,r,'i Hut I or ai l'ggs is Tnliow lis l'otiitofa M Dried Apples to nams , in sides )c Shoulders 12 Laid per pound is Hay per ton 20.10 oeeswax , Tliiinihy seed 4.W) (jroTA'rio.NM roii coal. Nn. 4 on Wharf t 4,od per Ton Vn ft . . 11 t :,'o.o" " ..'....!!!,.. 1 2,Vo " 1 l!lacl;nnltli'sLiimpon'.vnail f 4,011 " ' " Dltumlnous .; j c.ini " 1 aUOTATl ONS or W 1 1 IT 1 1, PO WF.LL it CO. II.INKKKS ANU llltOKEHS, no. -is south Tiititn stiii:i:t, i'iiii,ADr.r.pitiA' tf.S. lssl.C " M", c. T.2, M, and N " " v.i. " urn. AshTIl. 1,1 S, 1" 1U; l'. s" sruf is S.1 ' II lW Ml V 'tli', n, 61JS 02 lain,' 'i r.n 47. Wi sj ltd '-IV l.iv 1,SJ mil IS vi'i in !'. I3, 1117 fin'; few 20', M ca' 1310.; 0', .IKIsJ 4 Ml UO.Vf v.i, ., " "., '.,.!. and .1.. ' la-in, coupon ' I'aelne r.s. ei' New l.'s, Keg. lwl " " 0 Issl nntd siuor rennsylvarila ue.iiiim: liUIiidiiplila .': Ilrlo Lehluh NaUgatlou " Valley Hulled It. It. ofN.J oil crock Noilliern C'entrnl Central Ti'.uisiiortallon Nesiiiiehmiliii; U. A. Mortgage fi's, vj TOVX AND COIINTHY. Scn Uses 1 o'clock .V, minutes f-eta 7 o'clock ,1 minutes. 0 (I01.11 Is now minted at a ptenilum or about lir.-lu other woreU green backs are about 13 percent. Ulow par. o W.AMs Helps, on Parchment and linen paper, com mon and for. diiilnKtrators, Ilxcciilorsaud Trustees, for salo cheap at the 1 n cmuun' ofllce. win:i!i: TcTAiiviutrisi:. A.T.Ktew.nt S.1J3 tho Ileal advertising mediums lie has eer found "aro the old established organs of the two political parties, at the scleral county seals throughout tho t'ulou." "'lhcse," be says "reach every family ot tlio least account in their several counties, ami are inuro carefully lead than any other class ot journals." if Mr. sicwart's Judgment Is of Milue, there 1 uio dimcully In decldlug which paper It Is for tho Interest ot business men to advertise In Tlio C'oi.i'Miu.v DuiocuAT, upon which this paper la partially rounded, was cstabllblied lnlsM, and tlio CoLomiAN now enjoys 11 wider circulation and greater prosperity than It ever did. 1 1 goes regula r- Intotwo Ihc.usainl families lu Coluiubu tmd ad joining counties, and by most of them Is read from tli llrst to tlio last line. H Is tlio only recognised exponent ot nearly tlvo thousand Democratic vou is la the county. It gives iiilvertlsiincnt!, a tasty ills play, that makes them attractive to Its patrons, thus ensuring gi eater ccitalnty that they will peruso them. While Its circulation Is undoubtedly much tl.e largest In tho county, tho ndiertlslug rates of the C'oi.i'MiujiN aro no higher than tliose of other papeis w Ith baitiy h:df and scleral not one-fourth the num ber of snb-crlbers. l'acts like these speak for them seli es. No shrewd business man w 111 neglect to In sert his nilveittscmentsln thot'OLi'MiiiAN. tf. 0 Many who nre Mitreiing from tho effects of tho wana ncatlieraud are debllltaled, areadUsed by plo slclans to take iiiodiuite amounts ot whisky two or lluee tlinei during tho day. In a little nbl'.o tliose who adopt this adilce fiequentlv Increase the luuiilier of "drinks," and la tlmo become contlnned Inel.tlatcs. A beverage which will notcreato thlist for Intoxicating liquors, and which Is Intended espe cially for tho benetlt of debilitated persons, w betlier ;it homo ornbrnad. Is Dr. Schenck's tea Weed Tonic. Containing the Juices ot many medicinal herbs, this preparation does not create an appetlto for tho In toxicating cup. 'J lie nourishing and tlio self-sup-polling propc riles of many valuable natural produc tions contained In It and well known to 1neJlc.1l men hao a most strengthening lnlluenee. A single tHjttle of tlio Tonic will clemonstraU' Its valuable qualities. For debility arising from sickness, oier exertion or from any ciuso whntcier, niilneglassful of Sea Weed Tonic taken after meals will stiengtheu tho stomach and create nn appetite for wholesome food. To alt w ho aro about leaving their homes, w 0 desire to say that the eiiellent effects cf Dr. Sclienek's seasonable iiinedles, Sea Weed Tonic, and M.imh.iko Tills, aro particularly evident when taken by those who nre Injuriously nlTcctcilbyaeh.ingoot water and dli t. No person should le.Hi' homo wllh otu laklng .1 supply of these sategii.tuls along. 1'c.r sale by all Dm rglsta. pritii'v tup. si'KiNtis or i.ii'i:. It Is a slno ipi 1 nou of health, that the sources of iltallty, the "springs of life," should bo fiee from contamination. Tho llulds which, by their ncilon upon (ho food, transforms It Into blood, and the ureal 1lt.1l nutriment Itself, must bo pure, If tho muscles, tho ticnes and the brain aro to bo propeily notiilsliod and kept vigorous. To tills end the sloinaeh, the llier, the bowels and tho kidneys should peifuim liulntormiitcilly their various func tions, since If Ihoso nre dlotuibed tlio lltat uuuis speedily become illlaled. Theliesf, nay, tho osi.v blood depurent which purifies them, by overcoming thoso bodily hiejularltli s which produce them, Is llostLtter's stomach Hitters. The principle upon whlelilhU salutary alteram) acts Isassluiploaslt Is philosophic., Tho origin of most diseases, and lu variably thoso which ageet tho organs above men tinned, n weakness, caused by lasunieient nssiinlla llou of tho fooil. 'llio Diners speedily leettfy the causont thodimculty by re.torln? Mg.nous dlges, Hun, so that all putsnt thophjsle.d strue lure nro supplied wi'h an nlnmdaiico of pure, rich blood. This lilt leases the activity of tlio discharging eii'iuis, nud cnablo thoia to throw olt tho effete mutter, which, rankling In tho system, destiojs health. This bodily icfuso having been got 1 Id of, and per fect assimilation re-established, Ihero Is nothing In prevent a bcallhy and actlvo of the MUloiis liinelhiiis. Mich being tho caso. It Is plain Hint the lllttcis nre nol oii'y the most rellablu oioin nchle, but an rradleant of lliuse diseases of the llvi r, lmelsiiiidl;ldiiejs which conlatnliuto tho spilngs of life. 0 1:. r. Ki'suns itn' wisu op ikon, Has iiever lieu known to bill In tho ruioi f weak- nebs, ntliiidedwllh sjinptomi', Indisposition toexei- tlon, loss of meiimry, diniciilty of breathing, general weakness, honor ot disease, weak, nervous, tremls- llns, dreailfiil honor e.f death, night sweats, cold feet, weakiass, dimness of ilslun languor, universal lassitude of tho muscular system, eivn mom appe lite, wllh dyspeplle sjstini, hot bands Hushing of body, ilrjnessof Ihetldn, pallid loiiiitim.nio ion! erupilons on Ibn fuco, i.iirlfylng Iho blowl, pain !u llio bo k, bemlncss of tbocjclhls, fieiiientii man; stwta tiling before thoejcswllliteinporaiysulfuslen and loss cf Ht'hl i want ef iiticntlon, etc. Thesii sjit)itcnns nil ailso from n weakness, nnd to lcmcdy that use i:. 1". Kuukel's Hitter Wlno of lion. It nuier falls, 'lliousaiuti uio now liijojlug health who liaieuscdlt. iictthogmuliic. boldonlj tu 1 bottles. Take only K, V. IttmUel's. Depot and of. lice. No. wit Noilli Ninth M Philadelphia, Pa, Ask fur Kiuikei's Hitler Wlnoet lion, Thlstiuly valiiablo ionic has been so thoroughly tentid by all Classen el the coiuuiuiilty Ihullt Is now del mud in- illspensiiblotisnTe-ldo inidliliie. ItcoetH bill Utile, puillles Iho bliKul nud glus lono to the sloniuch, iinoiales tho si stem and pioioiigs inc. 1 now only usk a ttlal cf llils iiilual'le tonic, liloo tt per bottle, I! 1', hunkel, Holo I'ropiletur, NO.W.J North Ninth M., U'low Vine, Pldladeli Ida, Pa, Ask lur Kunkil's Hitler Wine ef II 011, and lake no oilier It U lold only In ft b ttlis, with a. pliotou-raph of lh pi opt li tor on earn w nipper, ull olhi r li couiit.i felt Bold by till druggists. TAfB W'OUll IlKUOVItU A1IVE. lloadnudcoiniletolu twoliouis, Nufcc till head r.u-iscs. Hefct, 1'ln ana stomach w onus removed ny Dr. Kunkel, tw Ntii 111 Ninth Ht. Aitvlco frco. No (eo until cured. AtK. lor isunKfis worm njrciP' I'l lw, I, Mid KUteratiU'Cd. Stlnl tor Circular, TUB HIST PHINTINtl okpici:. Tho present Is a goodopiiortunlty to remind tho friends of tho paper, and tho public geherally, that tho CoLOinitN Jon l'niMTtNii (ii-iicc has nosupeilor tn this section, and, In snmo respects, Is without an equal. During the last Jcnr wo liavo completely re newed our typeu and mudo largo nddlllons, and It Is no Mlo iKiast to say that wo havo now tlio Host Presses, tho Pest Assoilment of Typo, tho Host stock of Paper, Cards, !cc, and tho Host Workmen hi tho country, our workmen aro specially adapted fur their places, and we m.ikolt apolnt to always glm our cuitomers a linnt, correct nntl satisfactory Job Wo do not claim to do w orlc for loss than others, but will warrant It to boas cheap as can bo done any ivbcro and yl'ldn decent protlt. Allwhanrolnnecd of Job Printing of nny kind - Plain or In colors will Unit It to their interest to give the Columbian Office a trial. Wo havo 011 hand every larlcty of Card, Piqier, Ink, limclopos, Tags, Ac, that Is likely to bo called for, and can furnish nny quantity or stylo cf work on short notice. Hlntlttg to order. tf. Within tho wholo rauo ot tonlo and alterative, medicines known, bono Is entitled to tnoro t onstder nllon than Iho Perm bin fjrup. In all cases of en feebled or debilitated eoiislluuloii It Is tlm cry rem edy needed, Tho most po.dllvo proof ot this can b, Juries for Sept. Term, 1875. lllnom -C f. linnpp, C. A. Moytr. HeriMck-c. It. Daieiinort. Healer-John sinninii. Hrlircrcck Knew Adams. Ceulro lllram Whllinaii.Tboinw Hroust. Iviitr.iltn-DaUd Welsh. Convngliam-wnilam iioridnian. l'rankfiu Wm. (I. l'l .hcr, Daniel llnaglmd. I.oeust-Kobert Walklns, Knoeh Kester, Isaiah Shalter. Miniln-tsano Andrews, Aaion Hess. Madison Wiisli l elllier, John nieiler. Muhtoiir Henry Lazarus, bowls itotn. ornngo-AbraRi Dildlne, Jacob Snyder, Scott-lt. C. 'ITencli. BugarloafWm. lliirllncer. TUAVUliyH .IUUOIIS. I II'.sT 1VEKK, I'.lnom-Caleb Harton, A. Tern Illegcr, I.. T. Sharii lesss, Amhew HunsUiger, Sol. I'oster. Heaver Josh, shuiiiuu. lienlon Clark Hiink. I'litawlssa-llamllton Usher, M. (1. Hughes. Centio .tacob siionsler, John Wallers, C'ntij nghain Win. Itiuburt. Cenlralla John ilorey. (ireeiiwood-Oeorge iilrtnn, Daniel Wclllier. Hemlock-s uniiel out, H. I). Uldy. Jackson Henry Wngnor. Locust Majbeiry Snvder, Wm. Irwin. Madhon lolin m. smith, James KKlter. Main 1). H. brown, J. It. Jamison, Joslah Drum. .Ml. lisasant.- m. oinau. Mlllllu Jacob Drown. Montour Win. 1'. Momer. orange U. U. Ilnyman, ('. W. Low. llo.11 Ingci cel. .links Dyer. Scott- A. C. Ilageiiijuch, Charles Uv. Sugai loaf Win. e'nse, unnnuel lllttz, A. Cole. SKCONIl WKCK. Hhiom A. J. Hv.ins, W. ... Conner, C. ?I. Knorr. HerwIck-U'Wis Kurtz, I), c. Mcllcnry, M0rduc.1l Jackson. Hentun lolm Keeter. li'Mier Nathaniel Uredbender, Conrad Hredlicn der. Hiiaiereek Win. It. liras Unl Cortilght. lMt.iwls.sii HeuJ.iiiilu llaindt, bsd.ih John, John Mensch, 51. V. 1). Kline, John J,. Mitimuu, C. W. Mctiolvy. Ceiilie-deo. I!. Hess, Wm. Dennis, 11,11, Knorr. lisiihigerei'k Daniel smith, l.lojd l'arver, lllram Crawford, Peter lless ( 11 eenwojd Manillas Kline, lleinluek Peter WoiHicKor, Sr. Jaekson -John l.'.tnt A.J. Heir. Miiillsonlohn All'ii. Mt. iMenmnt -vuniiel Nolion. Mimin-John Whiliisleen. Montour Alfred iirln. Orange John Vnnlloiv. Scot 1 Jacob Terw llleger. S11g.11 loaf Win. A. Itile. T 1ST OF aAUSKSFOUTKlALiATSIlP Jj ii' Mt. I'arniel Sa Ing Hank vs J. I), ileiieni y. raxsnn, shiibert .t Co. is J. 1). Jlcltemy. Wbllaiu Voliey vsodeei-1:. Vohey. Oliver Voliey vj Willi lm Voliey. John J. Mcllcnry vs Jonas Doty nral Mlron Hollows. beamier cm man's Adtnr., v 1 W ll'lani Aprlemiui. till Minn Wolf v .'Hie Not lb A West Hranehlt. II. IV WeUlugton Ungues i. I'hlllp siioiieiiaiee. II. li. John's Admr., s Amen c;ioer. r.ll Kemllgis DinU't Mnrili, i', S. Smli h is ihe school Director.) ot Heutoii Dls II let. William Snyd.'i's Hvi 's. 1 s Tno Town of Hlmunsburg. William Han Is is Heiwlck Itoinng .Mill company. 1). s. .Morgan A Co. is. Samuel Johnson. SKCOill WKKIC. Anion UarrelisTlie Lycoming tiro Insurance Com pany. Willl.ini T. Andrews vs I). 1'. Kojbett. II. H. (luli'Vs H. Medready. I'll at National Hank ot llloooinsburg vs chailes Lee, et al, 1'li'ot National Hank of Hlnotnsburg vs Jesse J). Illce. I.oi I Klnley vs N. S. Cainphell. i. T. Ikeler vs Jonas Doty. I0I111 Heacock is. Jonas Doty. Pardee, Mjrklo & Hrler vs II. (I. Creicilng. l'ist Nation tf Dank of Hlouiiisburg is (ieor jo Cava- nee, et a'. Charles M. llarple's Iltr's. vs linos Jaeuhy. Samuel J. Caso vs Jonas Doty. Wilson cilbbuns is Jonas Doty. M. 0. Hughes is Jesso 1). Illce. M. (I. Hughes is. Oscar 1'. lint. I,. I'. Dal Is vs Jonas Duty. iTcs:e llai'tman is Jonas Duly. II. Call In ltubblns vs Hlkha sliult, et al. Vnsllne Iloono vs II. (I, Crevellng. John J. Mcllcnry is 1). I.. W. It. It. Co. Cidlni tno Mosteller vs Anthony .Slng'ey. Hcnjamln Wlntcrsleen is William Hougten. St.'cy John vs 11. (1. Crevding. et al. Miller vj 1'hll.ulelplila & Heading Hall Hoad Co. John McCalla's Kx r., 1 s (leorge Luce. Charles W. I'rantx' use, vs Simon Chailes. Kcsty .c llodlno vs S. J. Funs', et at. Ira I'ealir's Adui'r., vs Sj lvester Healer's Adm'r. Tho Screw Muwer and Ue.iper Co, Use, is J. sj. Tmiibaeh. D. F. Se.ibert vs Philip Appleman. Mary McA'ainej's use, luMinun P. Kase, et nl. Itnehel Hubblns vs Sharpless fc Son. HaUd J. Walter is First National H.inkot llloOM- burg. Josi ph II. Evans vs r.llas tilger. I!. I.. Kramer vs Charles It. names. Jtlllon Charles vs J. 1). nice, et al. ' I'rancLs lllchert use, is W. II. Hiiabotd, et nl. Jesse Coleman vs The Town of Hloomsbiirg. Isaac Vetter is Jacob Ollllng's Adm'r. Hllzabeth W. Sanders vs William Sehecktiily. Williams A: chalfantis K. H. Oiite, Nelson Hrandon is William T Shiiman, Allnai Colo's me, vs Thomas H. Cole, terro tenant. Allnas Cole's Use, vs Thomas H. Cole, terre t enant. Alio is Cole's u-e, isThotnas H. cole, Icrre tenant. William Millies is Ml 'hacl droier, sheriff. 11. r. z.Mtit, Hlooomsbiirg, Aug. la-le. l'rothoisitory. ,4 DMINISTItATOIi'S XOT1CK. J kktaik or joiin vost. nrci!iri Li Iters of AiPrilnlstiatlou on tho estnln et .Tnlm Yost, bile M Hrlarereek lownshlp.Cohiuibliiniiujtv. deeeavil, have been granli d by the lli'sister ef said coiiiily, to HlI.isYost and Hrnaliuel Vost, of Hrlar euek township. All newais haling claims against. llie esiaie ei ine oeieiteiii, tiro nspiesieu 111 pivseiu them fur sett lenient, and those Indebted to the 1 slnio to make payment to tho imdersliinod administrators without (tela). HI.IAS vosr, e 1,0 1 1 ' , 1 . Aug. 11, Administrator1). ADMINISTltATOll'S XOTK'K. KSTATKOK II. I.. I'Oil HIT, IIKCKISKI). Leiiers of Ion on tho estato of II. L. Do'-'ait. lute of tlrcmwooil townshln. eoilnlv of i.'oliuubla, stain of ivnns.ilv.inla, deceased, have been CTanled to s.nrtuel Uncart, of Oieenwood tiiwnihlp, I'a., In whom all persons Indebted toK.dd estate are requested to make payment, and those li.u'lnu claims or demands will 111 iko known tho same without delay, SAMUIM. IIOUAKT, J'liy ii-ow Aiiiiiniisiraiur. ArmTou's Ntirri'ic. i:.stitb or iT.ri'ii iiKiiuiiRT, mtr or r.mvnu 1 wi ., 1 01.1 mil 1 hu so, lu.i isr v. In t!if Otphnu't ('will f LHmnbtH Cmiulij, l'bn iindiishrned. Ainlllur lo dlslilbule tho fiiud In Mi" liaini-i uf Alu 11 Mann, Adiiilnlstrntor or the said estate, will at lend 10 Iho appointment nl hlsi f lieu In llloomslnirg, on Fi i.lay, August 21, 1S75. nt b) o'clock, n.m, when nndwbiio nil peisuiis haWng rlahns against the sid.l estalenie required 10 present Ihn none bi fuie the Auditor, or bo debarred Iron) coming In fur a share of said fund. I. W.. Mil. 1. 1. If, Hloomsbiirg, July 3o,'t&-it. A UDITOU'S NOTH'K. l STAin np reiEii n. wEsNr.ii, mcEisr.11, 7ii ihi' fA'ieois' Cuurtvf (hhimbvt (binify, Tho under-l ined, Auditor tn dplrlbulo tho fiiiul III Ihe hands of I nfaieil 1 1 lossy nwi Demy Sbalfer, Adiididstialurs of l .ti-r H. Weiiner. late of Hrlar ereek tw'p.. ti.iitiililaco.,ik"easol,wlllntleiid initio diulesof his npiioiiiliui lit nl his ofilee, la Hlonins bin g, on saiiinliy, August 8sih,ls;5,at 10 o'clock, 11. In., when iiinl whim ull prisons hilling claims against Iho ntld I'hlalo mo leipilred to piesiid Iho snino before tho .ludllur, or be dlbitirid Hum coming in lur a blt.uo of said fiiml. SAMIT.I. KNOItlt, lllooinsbmg, July mi, lsj.v-lt, Auditor. DIKSOUITION "OF rABTNKHSHir. JJOTICK IS IIFItFIlV (I1VKN THAT 1 linio this day wlilidrnwn fmm tho una of in, Shalbr and htephen I'elllt, doing business as butchers under tho nrmnnineied MIAlTHlt A' PHT iiT, In the town of liny, I'a., and Iho said firm Is hereliv dlssohed. WILLIAM MIAliillt, Kspy, I'a., JiilyM.l, 1st.", iw. riFNTlilf COMMON SCHOof, HIS'I'IIKT. j nee. ipts and eipeiidlturus fur the School Year endlmr Urn Monday lu Julie, ULl'HllTS. Amouiit of dupUeato U-sM exoiu 1 all ins (i.u " eull'rn eoiil.iUs.l t f '.',:iti) I'i Kb a lt,m u f 1S.I IT J Wi !N U) tS,IKl Il.ilniiee fiom last J ear's sel Uo. incut Alanlltit of Htiltv wai rani IUI11 lien 011 blind uud uiieoliectisl flout Lost J cur 't otal reel Ipts I il l-.M lii'HUsi. 1 Hid ulltslanillle,' older f 'H is) " i'l Hill l"s 01 dels . . l,svu i " Willi , I'll' I Ullllrr'ill'les I 1 " " " schuiil upiuil'uius I'J " " " tut I del i.ii'd ,., 1 'i Hi " Teasurel'percimiigi 41 ut VI,I3 4li Halaucu on hand . , ( w n Thcie Is reiiiolnuiLr tnti.o handiif FuiuuelNey. hard, irensurer i.M balunee of bulldlnif monoy," Amount tux 1 1 1 duo und uiiiellmed fit . s. An 1 II, H, Ksoicji, J, P, tONNEft, Avg,o,-lit Hecntary, J'rtmdent, MUSLINS AT POPULAR PlllOliS. J Hills Illeaelicil .Muslins 10 ets. per yd, Vd. nil Itllli llleiielieilMiiiilliHlH " " Fruit of Loom " " l!t " " Weaver'H Pride " " in " " Wanniittti " " 18 " Heavy yard witlo Uiibleaclied Muslins Hi and 11 cents. Very licst llottoti Jtills Bliccliurr 12 cents. Dutiliio Width Sheetings and Pillow Mus lins, lllc.u'hed ami Utitihlcaclied, cjttnlly low. We havo just received 11 I.AKOK STOOK of the ahovo (loods since tlic recent decline in Cotton 4, and ofl'er them by tho pieco or yard at tho above prices. FOR CASH ONLY ! Ilcst Prints, Coelieco's, Hamilton's and other stanilaiil makes nl ID cents per yard. Wo havu mado sweepint; reductions in prices ol' Summer Dress ( hinds, Parasols, Funs nnil mnnv other goods lo make room for Fall Stock. We. nro continually ollering bargains in all kinds nl Dry (.loods which you are not .iivaro of; an eMiiuinatioii of which will re pay you. X. It. The prices of the above Cloods are lower than than they have been sold since 18(11, and they will possibly jiet 110 lower and wc adviso all to call at once and secure 11 bargain at tlio Tin: l'opui.Ait cash stoiiu of W". P. JONES & CO. Corner- Main ami Third Streets, CAT.UVIHA, I'A. MYOROli NONCE- l'.uiny li. Jenkins by her jiet filend William T. shuinan is. Jnlin s. Jenkins. In tho court of common liens ot Columbia county. Alias uubpaiia In Di vorce. To John s. Jenkins, Despondent : You w 111 please take notice that I he Com t has or dered imlillcatlou tu be made on jou to Hiow cause why a dlioice, a ilnculo inatilmonl! should not Ih ileerieil In the above ease. Writ iclmiiable. 011 the llrst Monday of September, A. I)., ls; Miilce haling failed because of voiir ab sence. MIC1IAKL IIHOVHII. Hloomsbiirg, Aug. It Sheiitr GEORGIA S FiORIDAS 1 'nrt les wn nl Imp In- formation about , ,, , ,, iti'uriii.i or I'iuriiii, shoiild subseHbe fur tho MmisiMi News, piiblLshed at .'..........., .. .. .,wij,,ti, ,,ri-K(, c -i jier niiniiiii, Adiertlseis desiring customers in these slates. siiuiim use its coiiuns 11 is the best, paper In the SuiithiMst. specluuii copies sent on ivcelnt uf eetiks. Address J. II. HSiiLL, Saviuinah, (la. A (MCNTS WANTKD r for the fuslest. Kellln. t.llil., nmr miiatL,..,, V for the suid lur our etru terms to Agents. NATIONAL l liOliSllliSli I.U., 1 llll.ADEI.IillA, a tn ?p;nO 1,1 WllU Strcct of", V'". Ill Vuv"' leads to fortune. AJ2pago lk entitled : "Men mid Idioms of Wall street," explaining ft tTVthtng. Qiiiirrp vnvi? .ioiix hickuko acq., CtViaL VtXhb, Hankers and lltokers, 7l HIIOADWAY. NHW YOI1K. "ISYCHOMAXOY.ou SOUh OIIAIIMINO. L How either set may fiselualo and gain Hie line and nUecllons of anv person Ihey chonso In stantly. 'I his simple, mental acquirement all can possess, free, by mill, for '' cents, together Willi a mani.ige guide, Hgvpllan oracle, Hreaini, Illnls to Ladles, Weilillng.Nli.'lit shirt, ,Ve A ciueer liook. Address T. WILLIAM .t Co., publishers, l'hlladel phl.i, I'a. FOU COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, And all Throat Diseases, "USE WELLS' OARBOLfO TABLETS PUT I'P ONLY IN' llhi'K 1SOXF.S. 1 Titini) asd st t.i: it::.iu:cv. I'ornalo by Druggists generally, and JOHNSTON HOLI.OWAY .t CO , Philadelphia, Pa. "THE PMHELLOGRAPH." O DOMBTIIING NEW FOR AGENTS. O (s'ceiiredby eopj light,) Which Is nn Invent Ion of -s, our own tho icsultcf y eat sot tissldulloussliiily j 1 and fur life Ike expressions, freshness of cc.lur, snftucs.s of finish, Is not approached by any oilier style of Picture. Mm and Women wanted now to sullen orders fur eopi Ing ami enlarging small pie Hues of ti lends, nnil loved ones from iinlj pes. Am brol.ipes, liioiogniphs, and Hagiierrntypes lulu Iho new piocess which will please en rv body, oienl wages and a permanent biisslnessiissuu d. send fur full InsliiicHnns lo llii ussr.v A Co., Sliiillo, iiliu'. .iiniKctsireet, rnuaticipiiia, ra. A Fortune For $1. Tho Wyoming Slnglo Number Lolleri' draws on I'io 1Mb of i .uii iiioutb, nml in bisli l.s paid In full to tlekei boldeis, Capllil Iilu(.'Ji.iKui, i;iv,,uf l'rlo jan.noii, Tblnl I'rle tM.Mm, 1'oiiiih, tt.Mn. I'ltlh, tPi.Miu, sixth, f.ium, Si vonlh, T.mji. ij.ddli twnw, besides (w.a sinaller prltes. 1 in: inosiiMi toJiiiixAiiox Virre ymnher) Iiltcryditiivson thnsnihnf each monlh, Capital Prlu, Second l'rlo if,.imi. Third, tw.twio, l'ouitn, tin.K, iosla, s tn Too smallei pi Ires, tho wholo amounting lo tseo.ooois paid out y aleiieh draw Ing, ihls Instltiillnii isehar leiedby social Act cflho ljglslaturo, and suixr vise d by tho legal niilhoillles at caeii draw Ing. (un cial List of itiiiwn nuinliers sunt by mnllio ilekit holders as somi as piibllshi-d. iickets fur i llher nro 41 carh, six for i. 'tt, fur t:n. t lrcul irs sent fn o to eieijbiMly, CHiiitiilnlng full piutleulars, Hclci ts sold up tu tho hour uf drnwlng, July Wrsm'-1 U NAit"U w" s"w Ym,s- phTl13elphi a" This nrllclo Is mado fiom tho sorter or gie.isy por Hon of Haw Hone Mfsk. llsiveoul on wheal has Iweiiot iiiiiaikaulesiierosH, 1'or Wheat and taasH It will illsap(rlnt no fanner who nsuu It. I'-cked In Hugs of sw pouiiik well, Prieo, $30 rcr Ton, iiAuan as sons, Sulu .Mmiufucturei'H, No, SO South Dtlawaio Ave., PldlaeU'lplila, No. J03 south Street, tlaUimom, MO, July so-m, on EM? AT THE COLUMBIAN OFFICE. Tlic Coluiiiliiun Printing Estab lishment is amply supplied with the necessary Presses, Types tind other muteriul for executing all kinds of Printing tit low rates and in the most expeditious and satis factory manner. CALL AT TJ113 Columbian Building. COUr.T HOUSE ALLEY, j,QOMSHUItCi? P.. When special nutteriul i.t rctjuiml it, will lie promptly ohtained. J Jtiolcs and PainpliletH, irund-ljillrf and Dodgerft, Large and Small Poster's, Letter and Hill ILwds, Envelopes with Business Ctii'd-f, JJtissiness, l'iu Nic, Wedding a ml Visiting Cards, Programmes, Bills ol' Fare, it c. Vt7ill all ho supplied and oxcutcrl in superior style, at cheap rales ami short notice. i Tho best workmen aro employed'. and tUo best material will ulway ho furnished. A liboral sharo ol' public patron ago is respectfully fcolicitcd. Bnooiisuuua, ,1uxk 18.1870. LAYTON KUHYON, HARDWARE STORE. LA.YTON 11UNYON, & CO., BLOOJISBaitG, 'A. keeps constantly on hand n Full nnel Comjilcto Stock ol' HCB A.VtT JlTJD SHELF lEi'.A.HID-W.-.RIEJ, which iro will sell to tho Public nt Prices s-o Low m to defy competition. OUlt STOCK CONSISTS IN PAltT OF IRON, NAILS, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS and PUTTY, MECHANICS TOOLS AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS of nil Grades nnd Latest Iniprovcmcntd, BLACKSMITHS BELLOWS, ANVILS, SLEDGES, and HAMMERS. Burden's Ilorso and Mule Shoes, Horse Nails, &c. PATENT WHEELS, OLD'S AND WARNER'S PATENTS, Spokes, Heavy and Light, Carriage Mallcbcls, Axles, SiH'inj-p.', Qutn and Oil Cloths, Valentines Varnishes, Spirits Turpentine, nnd a general Stock of WAGON AND CARRIAGE MAKERS GOODS, Building Materials, such as DUNCANNON NAILS, Lewis' Lead, Best (Mom, Pure Oils, &c, as low as they can bo bought in the county. GIVE US A CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELF. LAYTON RUNYON & CO Mnr la, i'"5-t?r. NEW HARDWARE STORE! SUCOESSOKS TO J. V. WIDKMAN & CO., 4?T2W' rf?JrK- cp on aml 11,0 mmMnrm-hF largest stock fLr wC , " fi ' i jf j Gimlets, (iouyo, Tweezers, Plier., SvPots and Kcttlw, Pani and Friers, iviAll tilings for all sorts of linyir.--, masm AVo lirtvc nlso ndded to our Stock FftTEfiT WHEELS & SPOKES, WHBBLBARHOWS, GLASS, PUTT-2-, OIlSTlDSTOlSrES, ScO. OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE In all iu lirancliea, Carel'nlly Jseleelcd und Purchased low for Cash giving Advantages for Selling which can not ho excelled by any other Hardware Store iirthe"Cbuntry. GIVE US A CALL AMD BEE FOR YOURSELF. We GUATUXTEE both in P1UCE nnd QUALITY of our Good. The Largest Store in the Country. J, SCHUYLER Jtnrcli u.TS-y ZEjIMZIZtsTCS-TOISsr. TllO IIEHINGTOS SRWINO MA- uiU'li Uas siming rapidly into favorns ptwseMltiS tho Lest com r.iNATiox of sooil qualities, namely; Light rtinnliiij.'-mootli, Nobi'lcss, Raiil'I, Duralile, ltli pci feet Lock MIUU. It Is a Slnittlo MadiliK', with Automatic Drop IVeil. ivlt;n beautiful anil eoiutnictlon Uio very boot. GOOD C? JJINTTS W-JST 113X3. address, T)piiiinrrtnii Rpwintr liuuiiutuu uuniug iiuiumuu uuuijuuj, iiiuu, n. i. JRRttI OFI'ICCS OV RK3IIXGTO.V Cp.lIl'.iMDS. P.. Ueiiiinctnii & Sunt. em iiirlnii Sew in s it. Co., ILION, X. V. Kemingtou Ag'l I'o., MajB, v-?m ir.oN is Tin: liLooi). Tint l'ltnrvuK , Mlnllres and enriches ihe I liliMlil, 1HIICS 111) lilt) sh tem. Iillllds up thclpiviken duwn, cures ilt.ipsla Delilllty, ilriipsy, rlillls ml fevers, clinmtn dlanluiM iien'om nnceiloiK, in. lis liiiinni's, illsexes nf llie klilueysand Mulder, le. iniilocoiiipl.Hnts, iVe. Thousanils have lieen chuised li the use uf the remedy from weak, sickly. sulTci Ini: creatures, to sliniii, liouliliy, h.ippv men uii't woiidii; nnil luMilliHeunniit ri'iisuiiiililj hei.laliilo cUe tt a III il. ( kiTiox.. tin sure ,ou Ri t the "1'riitvuN Svnvi'" (not 1' liaik.) Snldhj dealers gener ally. A sioki painplilct, eiintaliiliiira tivallso mi linn asu iieillcil iiir id mid oilier alualilc puivrs, lestliiiontiils frein ilWIiiuuHliol plnM''l.un,cli ru'S mcii and othirs, will l sent free lo any addiess. snitW, l'uwi.i: t Sons, piupileturs, sa ll.inlnin AM'IIUO, lloston. 1'OnTUNR IN IT. ICvery family Imvs il. Sold by Audits. Addiess, n. H. U'AI.Hllll, rle, I'a. AGENTS WAHTED.' lienor wiimoii. tai ft wmk. l'liu il fundi.linl.lliniliiei-spli'ni- Ulll I, III 1 1 H il 11 'i iii'iw ,f , . . lit, i liciilnrmiil VtlllliLlil.l sSsiill'lcafrec. riVS. lid iuiirad ilrrMon lmiiUlf anU lion lu IfYliiitwrlln utniirn tn l'.M. J 'X UD.Si u s r.,M:w vmr MOHK At.l'.NTS WANTIID. MAItriAL DE2D3 07 rEHUSVLVAUIA. 1'IHST KDITION KXHArfiTEI). "OoHiprelieiisUe, lit und lionoialile." N. A, ti V. S. tlarolti', I'lill.iiltll'ld.i. "iho lllOKraiihlesniii to li i.ileiltortliclrictiir.i('v.,'-Tlioi'ics8 riilt.idclphl.i. 'Ourlli'Mpais'c.! no Itl r.iiy roinpli to wlllioiu II," -Suiidav 'llni'i, 1'litladiliilil.i. "Vinir iiceount of (.iltMit.un: ts th ilniM, fulleM uud the iry l'St history of thegrf it. .st Imt Hoof modern times." 1 1.1. .1. V. MeTiol .li, l'l.lladilplili. "No bolillcr should lio without li. ' lt t. .Ma). Ocn. Mliulll, J'lilla- . 1 I - Al i tllCt I I I) .III .1 t l .1 ll.l'll1kWl1 kJ l" Iftlt. " .l..i.'cur.1.i. "H.e I.! book lluveit ,sein."- t ij iii.,srn. Ilntitsl.tiii. our Ot ttvhliinir li liio lush tt ii t i ii willed. ' .1 w. do I'i ysi" r, N, V. Address T. II. ().Vs v CO., I'ubllslael s, W San. snm St., I'hlladi'lrliia. WIlKllKYl-lt IT HAS HP.l-N Tltll'.U JURUBEBA tl has cxtatillshed ltslf n s n i'ei tw t lc'iiiator and suiu I lemedy Mrdlsoid. r - t trfi system uilstnsfrum tin- inois r nciiou oi ine i.ner iiim nuncis. II' IS N()' A VlilMl . Imt, l stliinil.ittnif the mv ereinn oruans, K' miy -oi' uriui'iauy reiitoeauu mi. purities, uud rci.'ui t. .s t ae i i.ilre ti in. ll'IKNOfAl".' H'ltl'.ll llini.lis.tsitlsa VEGETABLE TONIC v men ftn-iisis an ,iioi , and inns slimuliiios liionp- IU lUti or iinki in - irv i) iin ur ir.uo uio wcumu iss .id s tli 11,'tUluull huMlul Uiucine in un Mi AlilllCS ITSOl.S lllXOMMLSDATlON', as Hie Urs" mid rai i .) In 'i nslin;' alesti siUj , Vrlce onu DulUirttlotti". A i.jourilri'i,v-WMrli. JOHN HI'O V, HOLLOW A it uo., VhlUdclplda, lu, Wholo b.ilo AffeutK. wr. 1,1 1TUK.M.Y n lil.AlMvts, voinnitiii nun Jiudgiuent ItoiiiU, lustpilutod nd tor walonl tho OuSu'tf um OfUcc. All tli'ds ol Attorney's kUUU elOtcr Wt uau Vr I'rtuttsl to ordef . CIIAitMa W. 11UNYON. WW OF HEAVY jrj Ull JJiJJL UUUll II XLUXIl In the County. & SON, Bluomsburg, Pa. Remington No. 1 Macluuo for family use, In tto iniitD year of its existence, has met with n more ltiriD incueask of katio OFS4I.ES TUAN ANY MACHINE ON THE MAKKET. ' liEMiNuioN Ko. 2 .Machine for SI INCFACTCHINO .1Ucl f umlly IU0 (ready for delivery only since .Tunc, ls"4), for ranL'e, perfec tion, and variety of work, U wlthoutarlval In famllyor woiiKSnor. SEIsTID CIROULAK Maohinp nmiinanTr Tlinn TI V 2si & 2S.1 llroadwav.'Ncw York, Anns. Madison Miinrc, Ni'v York, olnir Machines. I'hlcitco, enj Muto St., scwlni; lacltlnca and A rms. Iiostim, 3S2 Washinsloii m., Sunln Machlne. Cincinnati. 1M West 4tli St., Hewlnn Machines. I'tlci, lai deiiosei'. S-t Sowln'r Machines. Atlanta, o.i Deltlve'a Opera IIoum', Marietta street, Suwlnir Machines. Washington. P. o.,f.!i Seventh St., sew Inir Machines, Lnnlstiiif, Ky Wes-t .lerferson St .Sewing Machines, riill.idelpl.i, Mil Chestnut street, scwl;iy ilachlaes. st.Ifl'ils. urj K. I'ointh street, " 1 let relt, 1!H WiiOdward Avenue, " " Indl.mainilts, M Market street, " ' ltalilmoie, 4" N. Charles street, " " FOll SALE! Valuable Town Property and Farm at Private Sale ! X V tale, 1III) iiinti ruiuiuil, ono of llio I'xecnlors of (ii;i)wiii; vi;.vi:i:. neei'asii. unci's hi. piuaio tlie follow mi; v.iiiiiii.iu pmiHiiy, lo nit i onu Two-siouy mucic dwelling uovxv,, with oiil-linllilliiKS and lot attarlied, pllnated'on M.ijnsiieei. iiiiHiiiisiiiii'i;, r.i. nils uuuso is buuauie tor wn families. Ai,v(ionii mn-slnry frimn dwelling house, with oiil.liulUliiKs, Hume still iln nnd irood lot attaclied. This proiurly Is opposite the residence of tlio lato Dr. Yost.', ono twn-htnry frnmo ilwelllntr hotiiowlth hi.ilile, oiit.iniiliUnitM tuiil let nttaeheit bttuat 'd on lli k Slui t, liloomstiurg, I'a. AI.sii.sIk lots Miuatednn rnurlh Street,, a nliialile farm situated oii' -lialt nitlo ffom llietiiwunf M'r.weiisitlle, I'a. Said f. i nil contains nil aciesnf laud. 1'or tei ins ef salo apply to (IKOItotl W. cOIf.tHLt, Vxecutnr, l"ol. l, 'ivcin, liluimsliiiri.', 1'n, SALB Of YALUAHLB REAL ESTATE! fpilH MiliseuUr oiruK for falo llie fiillowin I iliMrtticilioali'slatofclti'.tttoln Montnurtnwn Kliii,Coluuilla county, r.i., oiieiiillcfrouU :U ;i I oi. tint ii miles finui HloniiisliurKtiud sewn miles from luiiwuc; one u.U',' Ul ACltUS AND U!) VKUCIIKS, ' nillolidiur lands of Uwls Until, lairs of Win. O. Hurley other lands ileiiitud lilow, Andrews, Clark and others, on which arvercctcd aoenl House, llaru mid otln r out-butldlnvs. In koikI enndltlou uud lepalr. AtMione olliir tnul adji.liiliur tho utuu de. wiiwtriut, Win. llols its, Joseph Vry, Daniel l an nnd others, contalnlu;; 120 ACKKS AND 1!21 PnilCIlFf, Also ono trort of wood land contalnlns l'OUTT ACIli;", iidjolnlui! llui al.oo rtowiiied tr . uwis Ituth. .lolm Vruer und William Hoi. 'its 'llie ulmto di si rils d proivrtles will lio sold bepai iti Ij ss iiUi'h il. h illxil, or the whole tu one I met If (UMrol. It (lie nhove proit'ity or unj puit thcicif shall niuulu unsold until Thursday, Soptoiuber 9th, 1875, It will on that ilay Imputupnt putlli -alnnntin priiuufs at WoVli4.k ui. Hie alwe proHUli s vlil Imi sold oil the felluwlni; coudltloiis, cither ' ri 1" or pulillenile t leu inrri nt of thepunl i n iv to lie pidd on tlie day if mlo, I nlnnic il in llilnl of tlie purchase mmii'V intlie nru iluyof ApiilA. 1)., Isin, win ii i bchin will ln kIvi n. the nn , In iiii; twislldrdsif the puirlinie luoiii to be i luuil jy Lend mid Inniti'iiKe on the I'lomrty Tim TWO-'tlllliliHol tic .iiuliiifc iiirney re rr cui cd may, ut tlo olloii it iho puiihai-er lUuoln In tliu pionily lu in line, lu blx Jeuis. Intrrcblou eaiuutotuiwldtiunuully, WM.LAU luact) on uio lircbcut ociiMvii.