The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, August 13, 1875, Image 2

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Frldn y, A u f.r . 10 , 1 8 7 r.
At n meeting of tho Democratic PtAto
Committee, in llarrisburg, Jlarch 1, IS',),
tlio following resolution was ailopteel, vi.. :
That tho next Ticmocratlc Stato Coin cnt Inn, for
tho purposn ot nominating candidates fur (l.iYemor
nml Htaln Troaiuror, bo In-Ill nt tho city of I'rlo, on
Wednesday, Uio sill day vt September, lSTs, at noon,
Tho Convention will consist of the unial
number of tlclegntes, viz:, ono delegate, fur
each member of tho Senate) and House of
Keprcscntativct!. JOHN MILLEIt,
Mock, tho defaulting Ashland cashier, U
said to have escaped to South America. The
Wen of tho banV, it is nlso stated, will be
mado up by (lie stockholders.
Tho miners rtro rapidly making up what
was lost by tho strike. lJy tho first of Jan
uary they will no iloubthavo mined as mucli
coal tho preceding year ns was consumed du
ring tho same period.
An elephant, supposed to be Si years of
aj;c and tho largest over in America, died re
cently in l'hiladflphia, probably from an in
jury tnjlhe spine cnuscil by falling through
a bridge. The skin was four inches in thick-
When an editor publishes a libel in l'cru,
ho is mado to cat Ins own words by swallow
ing thu paper in which it is primed. Homo
editors would get a mighty slim did if thai
fashion prevailed here. Gaiitte and Hid
It that were tho practice in tills country
you would bo stuH'oil liko tatisagcs.
The best, and indeed tho only way to re
form tho Itepublican party of tho nation, is
to treat it next year as tho people havo al
ready dono in a majority of the States turn
It out of power and thus afford it an oppor
tunity to ruminate over it.s grievous delects
nnd repent of its grievous transgressions.
In a short discussion between them some
tiino ago tho Republican of Illoomsburg
gave tho Williiimaport Gazette i llulletin so
Bovero n shot that its editors have been reel
ing ovcrsinco; consequently they about half
tho time credit articles to tho Itepublican
which they copy from tho Columbian.
Tho thieves who stolo $47,000 from tho
U. S. Treasury nt Washington havo been
discovered and arrested. Ono was a clerk in,,
the office, lie appears to have been a tool
of the others mid leceived only a small
share of tho plunder. They have been com
mitted for trial in default of $100,000 bail
The peach market in tho large cities is
fairly glutted and prices aro low. The qual
ity of fruit is so far poor, but its nono but
tho variety known as Hale's Early,-ahvajs
inferior, is yet in market, itnnrovemc'nt in
this respect may be looked for. Tho crop
throughout Delaware, New Jersey and Ma
ryland is very heavy, and approved varieties
aro of good quality. They should bo sold
here at less than usual prices.
Whenever a thunder shower occurs dur
ing night or early morning the Harrisburg
mail fails to reach Illoomsburg by tho proper
train, but is delayed until afternoon or
next morning. The L. & 15. railroad is sup
posed to be responsible for this, but wo aro
told that it is because the mail agents on the
Northern Central aro afraid of lightning
not tho liquid some times dubbed with that
name, but the genuine ethcrial fluid.
The booms at Lock Haven and Williams
port were again filled witli logs by the late
Hoods and tho mills are once more in full
operation. Tho booms contain logs enough
to cut near two hundred million feet of lum
ber, it is said. This is very lino for those
who want to buy and for the workmen on
the naw mills, but not so for tho manufac
turers, whose yards aro already stocked witli
manufactured lumber for which there is no
During tho first six months of 1875, f.'i5,
000,000 in specie was shipped to Kurnpe.
This is done under the liatlicnl system of fi
nances, which drains our country of moio
than 100,00(1,000 annually that foreign
bondholders may draw their enormous in
terest in gold, American industry is mort
gaged to tho money changers of Lombard
street, nnd all for tho purpose of keeping tho
Radical leaders in power. Is it any wonder
that the mosses begin to complain? Ex
cluinge. Tho Democrats of Montour county hold
their dclcgato elections on Saturday tho 21st
day of August, and their county conyentoiii
will bo held on Monday tho 23d. Tho fol
lowing candidates aro in tho field, to wit:
rrothonotary Wm. O. ISutler, K. G, Ilolf-
roau, Paul Lcidy, William II. McCarty,
John M. IlcBt, and George W. Miles.
District Attorney -George I). Ilutler, Lan
der K, Mowrcr, and J, C. Montgomery,
Commissioner William J, McKcc, James
Auld, James Woodsido, Andrew C, ItusscI,
mid George Wllmycr.
Harney M'Cuo was convicted about a year
ago, in Lycoming county, of murder in tho
first degree. His execution was ordered on
tho 17th of March, but that being St. Pat
rick's day it was withdrawn. In tho mean
timo an appeal was taken to the Supreme
court, which directed mm to bo le-senteuccd.
Another day was then fixed for his oxecu
tlon, but that warrant has also been with
drawn upon recommendation of tho State
board of pardons, in order that it may hear
an appeal in favor of commuting tho sen
tenco to Imprisonment for life. Public opin
ion in Lycoming seems to havo settled down
to the conviction that tho oifenco of M'Cuo
was no greater than murder in the second
degrco and that Imprisonment would be tho
just meed ot punishment. Thcro is much
sjmpathy for tho culprit.
Hon. A. Taylor, lion. J. II. Orvls and J.
L. Darlington have been elected trustees of
tho Pennsylvania State Agricultural Col
lege, in placo of V, M. Watts, A. W. Tay
lor and Joseph Turner whoso terms hail ex
pircd. Tho public never had much confi'
denco in tho Slalo Agricultural oollcgo as an
educational Institution, but miicc Judge
Watt has been left out of the board of ill
rectors a rational hopo nuiy properly bo In
ilulgcd that iu future it may tiling forth
more promising results. Tho addition of
Judge Orvls to tho boaid is equally encour
aging mid pcoplo may now look with confi.
deuce for valuable results from tho Agricub
turul college. Tho Institution is most liber-
oily endowed and ought to bo n success.
"Were the nonsensical military feature cut off
It would bo greatly to iU ftuvMHUge,
Democratic Convention and lis Work.
An abstract of the proceedings of tho
Democratic county convention, by our own
reporter, will bo found In another column.
While some of tho ofllces wcro earnestly
stniirgled for, the proceedings wcro entirely
harmonious. The nominees are all excellent
men and well deserve the stippn't of tho en
tire parly. They arc each and every one
fully competent and of good report before
tho public for honesty, energy and patriotic
purposes. Now that tho nominations are
imulo wo earnestly appeal to tho party for
union and harmony, that its utmost strength
may bo dovotcd to tho polling of every poa
siblo vote for tho Democratic nominees for
Governor and Plato Treasurer. Any acttvo
disaffection or bolting of nominations, and
especially an organized opposition, within
the party to any portion of the local ticket,
will bo nil efi'ectivo means of abstracting
votes from its State candidates, and wo there
fore urge upon the party to ft own down ev
ery endeavor to crento strifo and division
within our own ranks, if such bo attempted,
Though many Democrats had other desires
as regards sumo of tho candidates, tho nom
inations wcro all fairly made, in just obedi
ence to instruction and the doslros of the
voters who elected tho delegates, as inter
preted by the latter themselves, Tho major
ity has announced its judgment, in tho legal
way appointed by party law, and it !. a uni
versally recognized principle of Democracy
to yield a ready nequiesccuco to tho will of
tho majority, when duly expressed. This
Mr. Jell'erson declared to bo tho "vital prin
ciple of Republics." If that principle be
disregarded there never can be unity of ac
tion and tho ni'isses will become the prey tit
tricksters, and their will must be over de
feated when discord prevails.
Hut we aro not apprehensive of discord.
Personally tho ticket is an unexceptionable
one, all tho candidates being men of good
character, unimpeaehed Democracy, well
qualified for the places for which they aro
named, and of substantial personal popular
ity. This preliminary work being now accom
plished, nnd tho Slate nominations soon to
be concluded, let every Democrat now gild
on his armor and prepare for tho important
struggle to redeem tho State from extrava
gance and misrule, and to place tho State
government again upon tho honest founda
tion and freedom from taxation nnd fraud
that characterized the past days of its
prosperity and renown. That battlo will
not bo tho usual ono of mcro political oxcite
ment. The plunderers of tho State who
have been these many years reveling in tho
gains they have stolen from tho people will
only bo defeated after tho most despcrato
struggle. Therefore every Democrat should
prepare to discharge his individual duty with
all the power that may pertain to him. Ev
ery ono has his sphcro of influence. Wheth
er little or much it is Ins duly now to exert
it to the utmost. To this end, union and
harmor.v in our ranks is most important of
all, and whatever the intent or motive, ho
who would destroy or mar it is an impedi
ment to the success of tho principles he pro
fesses. When a great army is on tho'eve of
decisive battle it is no timo to collect beef
bills from its individual members.
Oar Candidates The Senator.
It is quite unnecessary to waste words on
the personality of tho Columbia county
Democratic ticket. The candidates are all
well known as excellent and fit men, worthy
of personal confidence and generous support.
So wero their competitors iu most instances,
and tho support received by tho latter was
an honor to them. Tlicy will now best
prove themselves worthy of it and of tho
confidence of their party by giving an active
support to tho entire ticket.
Of the nominee for Senator it is proper to
speak specially because tho confirmation of
other ceunties, whero lie is not so well known,
is necessary to make him the candidate of
the district. Mr. Charles G. llarkley be
longs to an old family of Columbia county,
some of whoso members have iu the past
given good service to tho public in ollicial
position. He hiniclf is an attorney in good
practice, of unblemished reputation, and
formerly served two or' threo terms, with
ability and satisfaction, in tho office of su
perintendent of common schools, and ashort
time as principal of tho State normal school
at Illoomsburg. He was named for benator
by the Columbia county Democratic con
vention three years ago, iu preference to two
able and popular competitors, by a close,
vote. He was defeated in the district con
ference, but witli tho discreditable proceed
ings on that oeoaifon ho had no connection,
lie is a gentleman of fair talents, undoubted
probity, of supeiior education and schooled
in the line of liusiiics.i that devolves upon n
legislator. Tho local claim of Columbia
county is at least us good as .my other, and
its preponderating Democratic majority
ought to command tho consideration and re
spect of tho other counties of tho district.
Presenting an unexceptionable and lit can
didate, tho fact that Columbia county gives
a larger majority than tho combined majori
ty of all tho other counties in the district,
ought not only bo respected but should havo
great weight. Tho gentlemen selected by
tho Columbia county convention as confer
ees aro men of ability and decided personal
weight of character, and will of course rep
resent her desires and just claims witli earn
estness nnd propriety. It is to bo hoped tho
other counties will recognize tho justice of
tho claims of tho Democracy of this county,
It is said that Lycoming, Sullivan and Mon
tour will each present a candidate of their
own. As tho latter couuty lias the Senator
it (ortaiuly has no churns to press, Sullivan
lsa vcrysnull couiityaud (swell represented by
having ii member. Lycoming will no doubt
bo the principal competitor for tho nomina
lion and will also without doubt present a
meritorious candidate. Its local interests
aro of great importance nnd it will thercforo
in all probability btrugglo earnestly for tho
nomination, lint this nomination is to a
largo extent n question of political proprl
cty, aud us such Columbia may fairly claim
tho precedence ou thia occasion,
County Commissioners.
Tho result of tho nominations for county
Commissioners suggests sonio explanation.
Uninterrupted by occurrences of nn unusual
nature, tho Democracy would no doubt havo
re-nominated tho Commissioners whose
terms wero cut short by the new Constitu
tion. Hut last year thero was an unusually
closo contest for nomination, Ou tho face
of tho credentials Mr. Quick had a majority
of two, but tho convention decidod iigninst
tho uccuracy of tho Hcrwick return and
required tho two votes of that district to bo
cost for Mr. Kut. This produced a tlo. It
tvui then resolved that recourso should bo
had to tho popular voto cast, tho majority to
dctermiuo tho nominee. This resulted in
Mr. Kill's favor by a few votes. Although
his nomination was submitted to, Mis fair
ness was not so generally concurred iu. Yet
his nomination this year would havo been
a matter of course, as ho Is a worthy man,
hud it not been for n systematic courso of
libel and abuse of prominent Democrats
that was pursued by a dUrcputablo littlo
patent outsldo paper, issued in Uloouuburg,
tho iusldo page of which are printed )n this
town by Mr. lint's son-in-law. Wo havo
never seen a copy, and except In general
terms nnd regarding other persons, do not
permit Its contents to bo repeated to u?, but,
as U liotorioiM, although without material
circulation, thoo of its columns printed
hero teemed eotxtanta luring the past year
with tho grossest, meanest nti'l most ground
less falsehoods against active Demociats and
faithful ollicials, to an extent that required
quiet submission or direct resentment, Vat
all this libel, smut and blackguardism, Mr.
lunt was held responsible and is tho princi
pal sull'ercr, Ho was mmlo to bear tho bat
tle for tho sins of thoso whoso family con
nection brought them in closo proximity,
tho gauntlet thrown down by tho crew of
libellers who cluster orouud the patent con
cern as responsible principal and irresponsi
ble advisers, (the latter In some cases closely
screening themselves) was taken up, nnd
tho result is n complete, perfect and triumph
ant vindication of tho person against whom
tho principal slanders wcro u'nncd,and of all
who were included iu or bespattered by the
patent outaide's libelous ftiluilnalions.' This
whole matter Is only nnolhcr ii'u.tration thai
houest officials will nlways Lo vindicated
by an honest pcoplo when unjustly traduced.
Of courso Messrs. Mclicnry and llcrncr,
the succcs'ful nominee, had nothing to do
with the personal Uue.The decided popular
ity of tho former nominates! him by acclama
tion, nnd tho latter received his nomination
by a vole that any man might be proud of,
lu lew ot tho recognised division of tho
county mado by tiio r'.vcr, Mr.MclIenry nnd
Mr. Knl wcro tho nulm-jl antagonists. Tho
voto cast for Mr. Kut m against Mr. Her-
tier, was In obedience only to indiuclion.s,
slippo.-od lo be applicable in an issuo they
were not intended lor, and were east it no
disposition to deny tho south side of the
river a representation iu tho board of Com
missioners, and as wo judge from no inten
tion even of defe'nting Mr, llcrncr.
Thu Treasury Investigation.
Mr. Treasurer Mackcy having exhibited
names aud places where lie lias Hie large
balances of the sinking fund deposited, it
will now be proper for tho House investiga
ting committee to examine these bankers nnd
nscertaiu what interest they pay for the de
posits they have, to whom, and what securi
ty they give for tho safety and tho eventual
return of the State money they have on
hand. If tho committco can not compel
tho bankers to testify, they can exhibit their
refusal to do so, nnd the negative testimony
thus furnished will bo nearly as valuable ns
though tho affirmative had been obtained.
Lot the public havo all the facts it is a dis
cerning body and will sift out tho truth.
It would scarcely bo accepted as genu! ne
repentance if u robber sinner were to make
confession but refuse to make restitution
though iu tho full possession and enjoyment
of tho ill-gotten gains. Mr, Mackey's con
fession is only a partial one, and now that he
has turned State's evidence he ought to be re
quited to tell all he knows. L"t him appear
before the House committee nnd tell his talc
let him refuse to appear if that suits him bet
ter but let him bo followed up by the com
mittco and driven to tho wall! Ho has re
fused to submit his books as desired by the
committee, but after giving a partial state
ment about the condition of the sinking
fund, which ho desires the public to believe
was voluntary, how can he refuse to tell all
he knows to members of Assembly who have
a light to ask for the information, whether
they are a legal committee or not ?
Thcro can bono manly or just excuse, for
an officer to refu-o to give the public any in
formation regarding his ofiico that may bo
of general interest. It is tho right of the
public to know how their affairs aro being
conducted. It is tho business of their rep
resentatives to find out. As tho House has
appointed a committco to act for it, let it
show that it has made every endeavor to get
the information desired. If any officer re
fuses to answer them, let them givoliis namo
to tho public. Whether means can be
found to punish his wrongaction in refusing
to testify is not of any present importance.
It is tho facts in the case, whatever they lie,
that tho public jtiat now want. As to any
political effect it is of littlo importance
whether Mr. Maekey opens his shell or not,
A refusal lo answer will probably tell more
than all he will say. Hois somewhat ex
pert as ii gabby witness as a dumb ono ho
will bo prolific.
Hartranft Implicated in Treasury liolililnxt
Hy tho State Treasurer's leport for 1S07 it
is shown that Wm. It. Mann received 512,
1 1 1.3 1 "for examining books of foreign in
surance companies,'1 and iu ISO'S? ho received
$17,922.71 for tho same service making in
the two years over $,"0,000 for services of
littlo account and littlo value! It was pri
vately explained, however, that this money
was not given to Mr. Mann for hia personal
uso but to aid in carrying tho elections for
tho Republicans. This is only ono of tho
many ways by which tho pcoplo wcro plun
dered to cnablo the Republicans to carry tho
elections ono way that was combined witli
many but is nn item to show how merciless-';
ly tho pcoplo ;havo been plundered and de
frauded in order to keep power in the hands
of tho Republican party.
When theso accounts wero settled Gov.
Hartranft was Auditor General, Ho certi
fied to the correctness of both items. Ho
is thercforo responsible for theso amongst
numerous other frauds perpetrated upon tho
Treasury. Will people vote for him for a
place where ho can contlnuesuch action? It
is said that eels liko to bo skinned when
they get used to it. Do the pcoplo liko to
be defrauded because they nro getting ucd
to it?
The Statu Treasury ami the Auditor (leiicral.
Tho Democratic Auditor General has not
only furced the payment of hundreds of
thousands of dollars into tho State Treasu
ry from which tho Radical leaders havo heie
tofore derived the means to corrupt aud car
ry elections, but ho has also compelled a full
exposition of the condition of tho Sinking
Fund and forced an ollicial agreement to
pay its millions upon the Statu indebtedness
as required bylaw; thus drying up another
prolific bourco from which tho Radical lead
ers derived largo amounts of corruption
funds with which to carry elections ; and
thereby General Tcinplo has greatly promot
ed tho interests of tho people, pecuniarily
and morally.
The despatch published last week does not
glvo tho pcoplo tho benefit of tho whole
proceedings of tho Sinking Kund board,
That body is composed of thoStato Treasur
er, (Mackcy, Radical,) tho Secretary of tho
Commonwealth, (Quay, Radical,) nftd tho
Auditor General, (Temple, Democrat,) Up
on meeting on August 2d, tho latter offered
tho following: tho thirteenth section of nn
net of assembly, approved tho 9th day of
nay, loci, it is proviueu mat tno commts
sinners of tho sinking fund shall, on the first
business day of tho month of May, August,
Aiuti-iiiLHT mm cuiiiury, in e-ucii uuu every
year hereafter, apply all moneys Iu tho sink
ing fund to tho redemption of m
mi eouivalcnt
amount ot uio piiiuio ucut, ami snail glvo
notice, etc., therefore
Rttohed, That in conformity with Bald aq-fc
ni assomuiy an mo sinking mint now in tno
n I
treasury uo iinme-umioiy nppucei to tno re
demption of nn equivalent amount of the
public debt.
Tho majority of tho board being Radical
and General Tcinplo having no Democratic
colleagues to second his motions, no vole
was taken on this resolution, but a substl
tnto ns offered by Secretary Quay, of exactly
Hitntlar import, published by us last week,
was adopted. This was littlo else than
child's play, lo gain tho Radical Commis
sioners tho credit of doing voluntarily what
they wcro driven to by tho Democratic Au
ditor Gcneinl.
Rut tho Auditor General by tho act of as
sembly creating bis ofiico possesses extraor
dinary powers which tho Radical leaders iu
tho Legislature forgot lo repeal when they
wcro attempting to screen tho Sinktng Kund
moneys from his observation, and in virtue
and by authority of theso General Temple
demanded a full and explicit statement of
tho condition of the Sinking Fund and tho
places where tlio monoy is deposited Treas
urer Mackcy gracefully yielded what ho did
not daro deny and furnished the following
exhibit, to wit:
I.Nli INSTimiOM.
PiMitsu rem.
Itnnk of Commerce, i:rK IM
VcnntiKo Nut. IMnk. Franklin,
Kpeysci', M'Doiiaht .V Co., Ilorlirstcr, l'n....
Jacob i:. lililKi'Wiiy. l'lill.iililplila
0. P. .Mnscin .. i'o., 'I'onand.i, rn
IJonl, lliiff A. I'o. (iriTii'liiir, Pa
i vulral Hank of l'lttsliuiir, l'a
t'lr-t natloiitil lunl: of Allirns. l'a
I)murln-tv thnu X I . I Inri-Ulilircr
I.i sail 4s
,.": i m
f,n o
SlI.IMI in
V'i 0 nt.
ft hi m
M,li I (HI
:i,ii in
r.ikin on
1H,(H1 III
HViii ml
a.iwi s;
l.i'ir. u
fi.lrfM IK)
vysi ii
s.i m
l'copliV siaMmrH' Haul;, Nuw ensile
I'lirnmrs' Hank, Kinainc,
rim Nntionai r.aiik, lowanua, ra
IVankllii eoiiniy Hank, eiiamln rslnir, l'a.
Ililaml Insurance anil llojiosll Coiniuny,
I.anp,ut1er, l'a
Imllaiia county Deposit Hank", Indiana, l'a
eiolil l'a mors ami Mechanics' National
Hank, niraili'i)iiia,r,i
liannhln lopi.-ll Hank, llnrrlsbnri
Kxcfi.uiQr llnnfc, Vn in' .umj, l'a r.,'m I a I
ll.iiik m llr.iinivwlnp, ml I'licbK r, l'a...,
6.I4U til
2SK.44.1 19
l.7,M.-. 15
.1, i:, link A en., MPinuini', ra
Allnjiliriiv Null m il Until:, I'ltlbnrg...
Peon cs' Hank, I'm1 ulclplila
.Mechanics' Haul:, llarnstnut;, l'a
Ilalanco lu Slulilns I'uiiJ July SI, 1s;j. r,H,sis so
Farmers anil Mechanics' Nallonel Hank,
Homer Deposit Hank, IVuwr, J'a
Ailelienv National Hank, l'tltsliiir;;
Peoples' Hank, I'lilbilelplila. l'a
easli In Drawer
tr,,2rn r.'i
'iiianr, s-
s,7NI 71
lh' m
iujwt :i2
llalanri.' In general rcoimo fund July
31, isTt.
cniTov Acioi'nT
l'ariiirrs and Meclianlcs' NatlonU Hank,
Sinking I'unil
(leneral Uovenuo I'lind
Coiilxjn Account
$!0.i7l ro
tr,si,3S-i '.'n
iKl.KIl 31
111, III Ui
Ilalauoe In Treasury .1 lily 31 l ,035, v)4 CI
It should bo specially noted that this ex
hibit is mado at a time when tlio deposits
are the lowest of any timo in tho year, a
considerable amount of the principal and
all the interest upon the State debt having
just been paid. Here is nearly n, million,
and in a month's time thcro would be a mit
lion nnd n half, of the people's money in tlio
Hanks, Sec, to tho credit of tlio Stato Treas
ury, upon which tho people receive no intcr-c-t.
Hut no doubt somebody elocs. Of course
that somebody can only bo tlio Stato Treas
urer, or the bankers pay the sum directly to
other Radical leaders for election purposes
for their personal use. This busbies is often
transacted thus : Mr. Radical goes to a bank
and says (alter an understanding with the
State Treasurer) to the officers: I will get
you a deposit of ft"iU,000 of Stato funds pro
vided you pay nio live per cent interest on it
while you havo it. Of course tlio bank ac
cepts, as it can loan tho money out again at
ten per cent at lcat. Thus an average sum
of two millions of dollars of tho people's
money luu been used for tho last twelve
years, aud it is with this that tho Radicals
carry elections. It is ii-ed all over the State,
has been used in Columbia county, to buy
up corrupt politicians and voters and to com
mit frauds upon tho ballot box and in the
If the resolution forced by General Tem
pi o is honestly carried out, this electioneer
ing fund will be destroyed. All tho money
iu the Sinking Fund will be promptly used
in payment of Slate debt, nnd the people bo
thus saved from the payment of a large
sum of interest upon it.
What business has Mr. Jacob K. Ridgc
way, of Philadelphia, with t?!iO,000 of tho
people's money ? Ho pays tho Stato no in
terest. What business has the "People's"
bank of Philadelphia with three hundail
thousand dollars t It pays the Slato no in
terest. And the same question may bo asked
of each of the others. Not one of them ev
er pays the Stato a dollar of interest, yet
they use an average of two millions of tlio
people's money and rcceivo a largo interest
upon it! This is the way tho Republican
leaders cheat the people in order to obtain
tlio means to corrupt and control them, nnd
Ihus retain the power to them.
The Radical papers givo Mackcy great
praise for making this exhibit. Hut why did
lie do it? llo never did it before no other
Republican Treasurer over did it why is it
made now? Jleeausc tho Auditor Gencntl
mmptllcd him lo do it. General Tcmplo is
not a closed mouthed mousing owl, but is an
honest, frank man who has no hesitancy in
declaring that he will dischaige his duly and
how lie can reach the purposes the interests
of tho peoplo demand. Ho said ho would
offer his resolution and ho did. Ho ex
pressed his determination at tlio same tiino
and iu tho same way to compel :i full expo
sition of tlio Sinking Fund, and where de
posited. Tho Republican ollicials knew tho
thunder was coming and they sought shelter
under a confession when they saw they
could no longer escape expo-ure. That is
why they opened their mouths. So much
for an honest and determined Democratic
Auditor General.
Thin tho-public havo the facts and now Is
thu time to apply tho corrective. To com
plete tho protection of their interests tlio
peoplo muit elect a Democratic Governor
nnd State Treasurer. Then thcro will bo a
full opportunity to cxposo frauds, to compel
restitution, and to carry out reform to its
fullest extent.
Iiailh'iil Stupidity in Sihcr Coiuai.
Tho following from tho Pkllndctidiia
Ledger illustrates Radical stupidity in ono
branch of government, which may f.iiily 'iio
taken as a sample of all, Why our inljits
aro kept busy at tho expenso of our pc oplo
in making silver dollars which our p ieijijo
never see, for tlio bolo use of tho Cli'itusc,
should bo explained by sonio Radiol lir
miliary :
It was a stroko of policy on tlio parlofwur
iiovcrnmcni toimvisoin tho trnelo dnjr;irji
coin which should compete with tho. Mar'
can dollar and eventually drlvo it uir
out of tho Chincso market. AjPiWiw 'st
that country it encounters H-teliO' chinej
fate. Tho Chincso send H tow1' '"'"ions
purchasoof opium, Thw no. ir " for tho
cutta mint nnd como tut a,s, 1,0 "lu
uro stamped with th'ivy rupees, which
tlio ono sldo and tW valw characters on
tho other, Tho trade ofi ' .,, ,ot tl10. ll,CL' "Ji
Iu opium cxccciUtluitno Six w,t" ,m,r
ties, nsls shown, by !& "U other cotnmodl.
neso customs servjf To, L "Tort of tho fid
for tho last clglid J ho amount returned
amount smiim-kel J',0?"! exclusive, of tho
double it j fKv A'tn V0" .'1. i'rob,ll,1y
oi American M' ,..' i'i , ' "'""""i
India ftoui V a annually goes to
inciue. "fna 10 W for Mum I im-
Il is u .
mints aro' " ' flvr- ' . our "T0"al
rinif ii i, Mantl 'fWtl in mnnuractu-
"fa letrnl rnrro,," w,l.l..l. i
wl,l,., ll,n ,. ,...!..
never . . , .
.cc, find not only that, but a currency I
.0 antipodal ljcathc. of China and Ja-d
. Tho "tradn nf la ..ii.. ..
HlllL'O. OI U'lllf'h nrn nw, 1
r n ------ a viiiuuiv llt'ev
'.dly, its wo nioof tho writliiLu of ConAiclusc
It is sent to tlio Ajslallcs nrnftakes tho placo
or tho ancleiit Hnanleh ilnllnr. i.i,.. r...
i CeleJtfnls m "' onycum'"cy Of the
iiiniiur.n,. r .. I ., ' i
In pursuance to the call of tho Democrat
ic standing committee, tho delegates to thn
Democratic county convention ntsembltd ut
thu Opera House, In Rlooinsburg, on 'i'lles
day, August 10, 1875, at ono o'clock, p. m.
On motion, Joseph 11. Knlttlo, of O.ttuwlssa,
w:u elcttcd President. Wm, H. Shoemaker,
of Hemlock, Allen Maun, of Reaver, and W.
11. Snyder, of Orangcvlllo, wcro elected Sec
ictaries. Tho following delegates nppeared nnd nn
Hwcred to their names, to wit:
7ftiirr A. O. Mann, J. P. Fry, J. S.
ifiAui Isaac Gibbons, A. Da is, Abia
ham Hartman.
Hcrwick John (1. Jaeoby, Gideon Mi
chael. Jlluom li D. Lowciiborg,Oharles Thomas,
M. W. Nuss, Florenco Donahue.
lllooiii If. John O. Freeze, S. Knorr.
Jh iar Creek-T. 11, 11. Davis, J. R. Mas
tcllar, fj, J, Adams.
Oim-'iVM-.T. 11. Knittle,Mahlon Hamlin.
CcntraVia Kd. Currcy, I'd. Curley.
Ocntrc-l. A. Fredericks, W. H. Hess,
D. Rower,
Ojnyiifflmm A. Neat Lcnihan, Thomas
Ginynyhani S. John Momoc, Thomas
I'ishingcreci Jacob Wcnncr, D. Yost,
James Dewilt, M. A. Ammciman.
J'ranllin Wm. Stoker, Mixes Dower.
Greenwood .Tallies Manning, G. R. Thom
as, Georgo Dorr.
Jfcmloc.';'. II. Shoemaker, John lietz.
Jachon Georgo Hurleinaii, R. F. Savage.
LociulV. H. Rcinbuld, Homy Fink, A.
Johnson, R. llcrbein.
Madison.!, G. Ncovtis, Wm. J. Allen,
James Kisncr.
Jiiiii Joseph Hartman, William Mrsin
ger. Mifllin J. . Schwcppcnheiscr, S. Nuss,
A. W. Ile-s, v
MimtourV. A. Evans, W. P. Mottscr. ,
Ml. J'eaaiitVAM Howell, John C. Mo-
Orange W. II. Snyder, 0. W. Ammcr
nian. J'inc Joseph Treiblcpiece, A. K. Girton.
Kutjarloaf Alinas Cole, J. II, Fritz.
Roaring Creek Nathan Houck, Abraham
d-otlO. P. Tint; John Savage, Ross
Tho seat of Charles Thomas, of .East
Illoomsburg, ivas contested by Milton Charles,
Onmotion.W.H.Rciiibold, of Locust, C.AV,
Ammcrman, of Orange, and O. P. lint, of
Scott, were appointed a committee to cxaup
ino their claims, who leportcd iu favor of
Mr. Charles, and he was admitted. .Also,
the seat of John Crane, of South Ooiryng'
ham, by Thomas Funis. On motion, Col.
John G. Freeze, of Illoomsburg, L. J. Ad
ams, of Rriarcreek, and Georgo Derr, of
Greenwood, wcro appointed a committee to
examine Uicir claims, who reported iu favor
of Mr, Enuis, and ho was admitted.
Charles (1. Rarkley, Esq., of Rloomsburg,
was unanimously nominated for Senator,
and Col. John G. Freeze, of Illoomsburg,
and Cyrils R. MclTenry, of Filiingcreck,
were appointed conferees. Tho Exchango
Hotel, Illoomsburg, was named ns the place
of meeting.
1. Frank Z.ur was unanimously nomina
ted for IVothonotary.
For Associate Judge the first ballot stood
as follows, viz :
Georgo Scott, of Catawissa, had "" votes.
Isaac S. Monroe, " " 20
John R. Yolie, of Mifllin, " 1
For Register and Recorder tho ballots
stood as follows, to wit :
1 2 I! 4
W. it. Jacobv, 2.s !!1 !!t II!
Cyrus Robbiiis, lit 111 1I 25
Mordccai Millard, IS 13 . 15 w
White N. Hoilcr, (i 5 w
The nomination of Williamson II. Jaeoby
was mado unanimous alter tlio -Itli ballot.
For Treasurer tho voto stood as follows
Hugh W, MoRovnolds hud !!t votes,
H. A. Schwcppcuhciser "32 "
Tlio nomination of Dr. McRcynolils wa
then mado unanimous
l'or County Commissioner, Silas W, Mc
licnry wis nominated unanimously, Tho
following is tlio result of tho first ballot lor
a second candidalo for Commissioner, viz
John Herncr, had -11 voles.
JohnEtit, " 27 "
The nomination of John Herncr was then
mado unanimous.
For Auditor, John II. C.lsoy, of I'lnoins
burg.M. V. R. JCIiuo,of C.ttawistaauiucl E,
Smith, of Rcrwiek. U, J, Campbell, of Mnln,
1). Mcgargcll, of Orange, 0. 1. White, of
Scott, nnd Jmnc? Dewilt, of Fishingercck,
wcro nominated. Tho ballot stood as follows :
John it. Caov, had
M. V. 11. Kliiuv, " ai
Samuel E. Smith, " M
U. J. CanipbelL, " 1.'.
D. Meuarj;ell, " IS
t). R. White-, " Id
Jnnitu Dcwitt, " 1
Tno noiiunations if Messrs. Casey and
Klinowero llnally mado uiiniiimoiM,
C. R. Rroekwny iuid AVarrcn J. Ruckale-w
wcro appointed Roiircsentativo Delegates to
tho Democratic Stato Convention.
Vm. II. Shoemaker, ot Hemlock-, was
unanimously nominated for Senatorial dele
guto to tho Stato convention, and David Low-
cuberg, of Illoonisburg, aud O, P. Eut, of
Scott, were appointed conferees, witli instruc
tions to support him,
Jacob Ycagor, ot Roaiingcreek, was nom
iiwtcd for Coroner, on tho Jlrst ballot.
Tho folluwing resolution, olfcrcil by Col,
John G, Frcczo, was unaniuiously adopte
to-wit : 'a'
Jletolced, That ill tho opinion or
vention tho new Constitutio'- . this Con
fairly tested beforo any pro- ' should ho
tallied for changing it ; iositioti is cntcr
struet our Rcprcsun ..ud we therefore In
tho general Asscf' -atives nnd Senator in
resolution of ' -'Dly ' voto against any
sion. .iiejjulineiit at tlio coming scs-
'' . .
'jttf 0' lion, tlio commiiico on uiu icvisiun
I,, .e rules, (appointed by order of last
' ear's convention,) was continued, with in
structions to report to tlio next convention,
and to publish tho revised rules along witli
tho call for tho next convention, Tlio fol
lowing compono tho committee, ns appointed
last year, vi : J. G. Erecze, M. E. Jackson,
0, it Hock-alow, Joseph R. Knlttlo and D.
Tho follow! ogStanding committco for tho
onsuing year was then announced, viz :
Reaver M. Sllclier.
Ronton K. E. Orvls.
Hcrwick Sr'tamuel Chambcrlln.
llloom E. "W. J. Huekalcw.
Jllooiu W. E.R. Ikcler.
llriarcrcck Wm, Lamou.
Catnwissa JC. J, Recder.
Ccntrnlia -trUomas Gelirltj.
Contro A. T. Knorr,
Pishlngcrceiu h'Uas Mclicnry,
Fraiikllii--W. F. Stoker.
Greenwood' -John Leggolt.
Hemlock G. L. Shoemaker.
Jackson Einnnacl Savage.
Locust Isaiah Ycager.
Madison (i. J.'Carr.
Mifilln Samuel Snyder.
Tiio.itour John N.Gurden.
Mr. Pleasant -D. It. Applcni.tii.
Orunjre J. R, Haimnn.
Pine -P. W. June.
R.urliijj Creek-.!. It. Kllngor.
Sihwl-uf E. J. Alberlsnu.
Scott Ell Hnrtnian.
On motion of D. Lowcnborg, it was or
dered that future conventions assemble, for
organization only, ut It o'clock, a. in. Ad
After tho adjournment of tho convention
thu committco met : but us there wero but
few in attendance, it was determined not to
ell'ect n permanent organization nt this time.
Warren J. lliieknlew was chenon chairnf.iu
pro tern, and E, E. Orvis, clerk, nro ttm.
The t'ommiUrp then adjourned lo inert at
the ofllco of C. R. Iluckalow & Son, on
Thursday, Aug 111, 1875, to organize, and
attend lo such other matters ns may require
attention nt that time.
How tin' l'ciili Pay fur It.nlical Mectlnss.
Our opponents for weeks gavo nolico that
a grand opening of tho campaign would
como oil' at Erio durliti; tho session of the
U. H. court there. Tho Chairman (Col.
lloyt) of tho Radical State Committee, had
invited all his parly friends in tho Stale to
be present and assist him ou ids grand open
ing occasion. More, south-western New
York nnd north -eastern Ohio, and friendsby
rail stid the Lakes wero invited. Well, tho
period nriivrd, but the thousands, nnd even
thu hundreds who wero invited did not come,
A few scores wcro present to assist iu the
grand oponing ceremonies; chief among
them weio Chaiiman Hoyt, ox-United Slates
Senator John Scott and about fifty other
grand and petit States jnroiv, who had found
their way lo Erie at three dollars per dag and
ticcntg evil's per mile, which amount was
drawn out of the United States Treasury.
Cha rnian Hoyt'i bill uniiist tho tax-payers
fortius Radical campaign opening was:.
To s i'.. . a jeior ut U :ci 'i y, in oi
i s-iii i.i.'.e:, travel al '.'ii cents ;'o.' mile, cs em
Total (Picnlns expenses, t'.ij no
Senator Scott's mileage was much less as
ho resides In Pittsburgh, while tho Chair
man lives away up tho North llranch iu Lu
zerne cotrgty. Tho bills for tho other open
ing delegates averaged about i?f.". The sur
face cost of this opening process, as near as
wo can conjecture, were about as follows :
rifty Juiois at Ms. .vi-iH nn
chairman lloyt's till,
airman uoyi s eui, vi m
Total, no
This sum was paid out of the United
States Treasury. What amount was drawn
out of the Statu Treasury for incidentals, wo
havo no means of ascertaining, as State
Treasurer Mackcy will not allow any body
to take a look at his two million unexpended
balance. Rut wo have no doubt that tho
Stato Treasurer and tho nominee Rawlo
who was right at his home would raic a
good opening campaign fund from some
source, if not out of tho State Treasury, they
would of course, take it out of their pock
ets iu order to ofl'-ct the bill paid by Undo
Sam. Tlioso fellows aro all great Union
men, anyhow.
Let it be remembered that crerg tpeakcr at
thii lladival eaiiip'tign opening at Eric drew
out of the United Stales Treasury nt least $Co.
This for meanness aud superlative impu
denco supcr-ede.s the Credit Mobilier larce
ny, oakcs Ames and bcliuyler Colltix arc
small rogues when compared to Scolt and
Hoyt. The former robbed the people when
money was plenty everybody h ail it, such
ns it was but theso campaign openers conic
down on us nnd tako their swis; when wo
have not money enough to pay our taxes,
after having added 2." per cent, to our to
bacco and -10 per cent, to jur whisky bills.
It ically looks as though George O. Evans'
butties were determined to clean out the Uni
ted States and the Slate Treasuries before
they ship for Europe, where many of their
dear friends havo gono already to escape
closi! confinement.
Lastly, we learn that thisopcniiigoec.ision
was oneof tlio tamest allairs ever c.tme
oil' at Erie Ordinary county meetings are
often as largely attended. Jiur the ojfitvrs
a)id speakers were never before jmid out of the
Unitut Stales Treasury. The next Radical
meeting at Erio will no doubt bo a lingo one
in view of this fact. Clearjield Republican.
Jmlgct Womlivaril's Will.
Tlio will of the lato Judge, Georgo W.
Woodward has been admitted to probate in
the register of wills' ofiico in l'liiladelphia.
This document was mado at Lexington, Ky,,
July 2il, 1871, and bears tho testator's signa
ture alone, the names of no witnesses ap
pearing, in n, tno latc.iudgo omits all pro
vision for his wife', "not from any in-eusibili
siliili- j
'cause j
ty lo tier kindness and aficelion, but becattso
sho possesses an estate in tier own
ami by ante-nuptial agreement wo voluul a
lily renounced nil lntrest in tho estates, of
each other. Tho will then provide.) for tho
following legacies :
To each of his grandchildren and cj-,ch of
his sons-in-law and daughtcrs-in-la.ty, ijOOO,
To his llireo daughters tho sin ,u placed
in tho hands ot Stanley Woodw nril, and J,
Pryor Williamson, as their tru jtcc.s; and in
addition ho gives to his daugl 4terj KljraJieUi.
Scott, 12,000 invested in 1 ier dwelling on
Franklin street, Wilkes-R:i re, $,,000 invest
ed iu Slnlo Iiisuranco comjiauii-f stock, a
quantity of household Airnilure, and a leg
acy of SUO.OOO to bo S'jltleel upon luu lor licr
solo anel absolute uc,
Teibis daughter Lydia lie given in addi
tion to forme; advances tho sum of Si.'i.OOO,
with power to dispoio of it by ,vill.
To Lis daughter Mary It. Williamson, ho
gives nn additional $10,001), for tier solo use.
To his eon Stanley he a hou-o nnd
lot or 'nshini'ton street, ViTil'jcs-R.irre, and
' o.iilitlnii to ormcr ativuiices, i.ouir
To his son Georgo lie gives His gold wnicu,
iin,,nstitlitioual" cauo nnd 111,1)00,
To his sons John K., and Charles Francis
ho gives $10,000 each, and wh.itovcr of his
...nt.) remains after tlio payment oi
;ifnrepaid legacies, ho gives to his four sous
,i,.,iA mid sluiro alike.
He appoints his son-in-law r., er. cum,
I.E.. mti lnlill i;. Woodward, as exec-
and i ,
Tho pc.''0"" eMo U JH,fi"c'1 ul -S
vious iidmiiiistratiou bus tho
Under no pre
r.. . . 1 .... 'iiirniiv iiruspoiuua UU' v.
" l'- ... ... -,..tJ tctl I
niaio di'cii ni "in '
..,.1 (".,
in l... I4 from i." xeccill auurcs.s ui uiw
Chairman of tho lladlcil Slato committee. It
is liko a joke at n f.tuera.' for n man to boast
of pospe.ityin sue.
" . 11 1 in.r Will? 11
d t. . ...i--.ll nriVMlV U ftl lHU
,1m.1s of thousands of pooplo i
fowof tho'many thousand wuecise..
nro turning, and tlio coming of winter ii
1..,..-! forward to with painful anxiety uo
oauto of tho hard times. Hut ho is not con
tent with saying that things are no worso
..i.n fnnoerk. but lio eiivs that "under no
ndnilnibtratioii Ims tho Ktuto been
Uo prospeJous and well cared for! I I" Uo
thought while 110 was uv u u "v
tclUblgouol Tho pcoplo will respond lu
November, and by tlio defeat of Hartranft
and ltawlo let tho men know who havo
brought theso hard times on, that the Stato
no l.rosperous.nnd that tho imrty in pow
or is iLpo.islblo for it, and will not bo Ion
ger left to misgovern and distress tho people.
Columbia Comity Democratic Xoiiilnnlloiii.
OHAHIES G. RARKLEY, Illoomsburg.
GEORGE SCOTT, Calnwlssu.
11. FUAN1C ZARIt, .Illoomsburg.
iii:iiisTi;it nnd r.r.e.'ountiu,
Dr. HUGH W. MeREYNOLDS, Hemlock.
ULAS W. MclIENRV, Jackson.
JOHN llEKNIllt, Locust.
JOHN 11. OA WHY, Itlonmsbiirg,
MARTIN S'. 11. KLIN' 1-5, Cutawlssa.
JAC01J YEAGint, Loetft.
(in Julv alst. at KansUllf,1y liev. 8. 1', tinner.
Ml. llAMKI, lir.lSW'Il'K, of Miss l'lllIHli:
li IA NdKIt, of Centre.
"TritHREAS, the Hon. Wll.t.lAM EiAvr.t.!,,
V 1'iesiaeiit .!udjc tf tlio court of ojer una
Te rminer nnd licnei-Jl Jail Delivery, Court ot ijuai
terKcRslomettlH) 1'evcenml tlio Court t Common
rioai nivl ornlianvi'o irt la tno s.tli.liiulclil in
trlct, e'om:iieil if tnc connli'i of Colunilila nnd
Montour, nnilt-.! 1mm. li A" Dtaa nnd 1 uo H.
JloNKon, As i dp to Jiiiv- 'S of CiilumUa co.mly, Iia o
Issnwl tlmli- vcsvir. ' v' l.r itow lliol.irul.iy of
J.lnv.. l-i t;i ) year of our Ijul ono t'i'msaril cljlit
hundred end ooveni v-t'.re, nnd IJ mo illrecieit for
holrtlnsae'oari. pfoor mid 'l'nrnitn-s'n id
Oiiailci" s'lBSli n. or the l'eaec, Court e.f Co.nmon
I'lAii t.nd l.r.i.r.iis' Cant, M 111 loi.u.bu s. lu tlio
count v or ( u'.'.in! I.t. o tin) Monday, lielni tliej
r,;h il iy of no 'tcmiwr n-:f, t conllniw two weeks.
Nulle n 1 1 lio.-oliy i.i .on t j 1'ao ev. am.', la inu jus
tleos rftlu 1 OA"", mi t I'm Const lies of tlio said
CiiuaW U Culuiii '.a, fiat iiii'y if Uieni'iiil llie-ioin
tlioio rro u:'' a) it J i o'ol :i I; In tin) forenoon of
saldu'i (!. i f S"H o a'ui ,vl ;i ilin.- :ecuiils, lucii'l-
FlIloniiiiidiniiD.''iir laucef, loo) tarse uungs
woleiito I K-l.' nuiiei:. la la I done. Aim
tho o Uptn.a 1..T.IH I lee jni. uasom luoi'.cuto
nvilinl 1 1" .tli. tr.oor ui'V lolulao l.ill
of tlio sMil 1 n- 1 1 ' liuiibl', Ii Ia) then I'lid there)
to '.roLiciilo liieui i s ill. It !:( 1 1 t. .luiorsnro lc
iiK'sle.l label'".!.'! i lln.lnli.t' 1 lance, osroe.Ujly
In their nr.lli'os, I), leant l'a:; I he Mill day
f 1 ot August, la t ie j ear i if our 1ail ono
! US. Mhoiisaml eight huinhed i end ecMiiiy-llvc
( , J nnd in the nineiy-nlnlli 5 eai-oiino huh."
iniuleneeci ino e linen Males tr .n leneu.
-linlirsomee, MICIIA1 U, HKOVKlt.
Illoumsburff, August 11-to Mieiirr,
-4i7-II)f)Ws! M'lHAIsSKMH:iCTS.
W Tlio fiillowliit. nniiinkpineri Is of real nnd
personal proiK'ilysi' wldo wsof decedenls
haeoljoeu Hied In thooilieo ot Mm i:ej;Wir of Col
umbia comity, nailer the llnlesof c ouit, and nut ho
mesented lor absolute enntlrmallon to tho urpuans
I'nin tlo ho held hi lllouin-buii.'.Iii n dI tor salilconn
Iy, oiiVe(lncsilay,lhi"tlHl.iyof ser ti'inber, 18J3, atv
it (liipl. in., tit K.1I1I iliiv 01 1 10X.4 t' zeotlons to such
eonilrmallon aro pi'cM.iii .ly Hied. 01 ' whlcji nil per
sons intcie'slcil in sai,i esiaies win 1 .iko noiice1:
1. Widow ot Wm. Savage, lalo" ot l'lslilnucrccl!
towuslilp, ileeeasca.
S. Widow of Henry Iiitltaln, la to of Urlarcrtcl;
lownsmn, uce'easeu.
3. Widow of l'll.vs Wilkinson, la tc of Ililarcreel:
township, ueeeasoii.
I. Widow of .lohn Hml tli, lalcot ' Madison lonnsli.'p,
n. Wl.loiv of ril.'.h M ils, l.ilc of Sladl-on township,
it. Widow ot .1"- Il.'ers, latei.f Jlemlock towi'-shlp,
lleslslor'semice, 1 W. II. JAi imv,
llloomburi,', July 13, ts;...f Keghlcr,
I li Notice Is hereby cli en to nil lecrntcos. rreeU
una and other persons Intore.MeJ 'ji tho estates of
the resiwllvo decenikiits iuid ml n.irs. Ihattliu fol-
low Liu; rat Ion and yuan nan iiccnuntH havo
been tiled In the ollleo of the It .j;nter of CoHiinbl.i
eniiiity, anil will Iio pre.ienlisl conth'inalloii nnd
allowanco la tho (Irphan's couit to bo held hi
lllooinsbur!;, 011 WeilnesI.iy, ttit. n( d.iy of seplein
Kt, isi j, nt ! o'clock, 11. 111. 0 u F.Ud day:
1. Account of William Mj u,t anil Joseph Maust,
Ilxccut ors of Joseph .Maust," uio ot Mailk.011 tow nsblp,
2 Account or Joshua I'r" tz.Ailmlnlstratorof lllrain
Ilakcr, lale vf Jackson to' anshlp, deceased.
3. I'lrst and Ilnal tutiej nt of llivld Masters, etuar
dl.iii ot I'owler I. i oils 111' 1101 1 hlldot llobcrt J. Lyous,
lato of I'lno township, il ..ceasei'.
t. l'lrst ami tlaat ace-r unt of John II. Ilcttlcr,
ulorof llenjamln Yohf .lale of Jllllllu tuwnsliln. do-
f. Tho second and : imal nei'ount of Isaac K. 3'rltl:
baum and.lo-epli AS 1, Ailmlul-tralors ot JacuhAsli,
late of Uenton towiifi hip, djeoased.
a. Aecoiuitnt 11.1' .iiaiiln, (luanllanot John M.
Rnil'h, mini rehlld 0 I.I. 1'. Sjiullli, lalo of (iieenweied
township, ilec'Ciucl.
7. rirstnml llaal account of John II. Holder, Ad
ministrator or Wit' lam J. llaunah, I.1U1 cf Mlullu
township, deceased .
S, Second and 11 ,ial account of John II. Hrlller,
Ailmtiiliiratori.t J Ihhael l'iy, lalo or Minim town
ship, decoastil.
'.i. Account of r.l llmjton llucklo, Adralnlstrato.rof
Isaao Seltteld, Lit e of tho lown of liloomsbui1:, elo
ceaacd. la. Aieount T James i?. JleNlneh. UuanlLui ot
Slapy K.rensrerr l.ieher. mlnuv child of Ellas len
stermacher, Ute e f Columbia county, deccaai d.
11. Dim and at al account of Anim K Ifctiesirk.
Adinlnlslialorof Ullabelh Keter, lato ot ttnlbou.
tuwnslitrv deceust 1,
VI. l'lrst aecouo t of William li. Cox.oiioottllo Aet
ralnlstratois of .'eiley Johnston, Lite of Madison
lowndilp, daciij si,
13. iscouil sup plemcntnl accounl of 1'otor Ent,
lLsewutorot ViV .hew Mcliovu'll, lato of scott town
ship, dcecaHisil.
1 1. First .iiil II lal account of Ion.ird II. import,
l'xucutoi'o! KIim a Ann liupcil, late of tholeinnot
lilooinsburT, de las'il,
15. Actsjuitof James McAlarnoy, UxecutoroVeicei.
I.oni;oubcri;er, It .to of Heaver township, deceased.
hi. First and f nal nirountof Annacoirman, Ad
mpiiuratrl.' of Moses Cotlman, e.f tno lown ot
lib iiibisyuie;, do "eased.
i:. 1'h-st and llnal account of Freeman Slt'er and
sUitora Mtlcr, A ilnihditnilors of Jiilin filler, lato of
ci uwo lownsit p, uoceabcu.
is. Account e,f e". II. limlcwav, nuardlan of .IrJui
Owens. inlneT cm d of Jo 111 1,. Cmt'iis. la 0 of e'o-
tumbla county, el"ccasod.
l'lrst and partial account of Wm. Harris and
James A. Hauls, AihnlnKtratois of Jacob Harris,
latoef llcmlQCi: uiwnsinp, iiecenseij.
'in Account of Andicw Ijiubach nnd John (I. Ih'iu-
lucli, Admlstriitors of Kredi rid: haulucli, lalo of
ini-ranout lownsuip, ueicusuu.
il. Account of John llelnhol I and Samuel licln-
liold, IXcculors et J.11110J A. ia, lato of IaicusI
lownsnip, eictcascu.
Second and llnal nceountof isamiiel Cieasv. Ad
ministrator ot llcmy W. Creasy, laloof Kcott loirn-
snip, ucccau'u.
23. Vlrst nceountof Stenhen IL Miller. Administra
tor cum tpstruiu'ido nnnoxo ot Johu tilxer, lalo of
.Moinour township, uecoaso'i.
'.'Ij Account of John A. runs' on. Adinlnl-.trator tl
I Wllua Ueii, Into of Mailtsou towiuhlp, deceased.
21. rir.l .iniltlnal accouiir if win 1 ctemy. nd-
mlulslraloi'i.f Ji.nld e ica.y, laleol Jlllllhi luwusulp,
ya. 'nio imal account of Chailcs narlman.i.'ii'irdlan
of John rrln. tnlii'ir child ot Jolm t'ltn, Sr., hitont
Catals-.i, twp., ded'ad.
Hil.ici'bOlhce, ) W. II, JAror.Y,
Uloonului';,.liilj 13, lsi.i. I lliKtttr.
vlrtiionf stiiidrv wills eif I'liibtionl Ivx
I poaasaiul I'leil l ai'l is Nsued out ol tho Court
iu Common I'loa -e ol I'oliinihl 1 eminlj, nud to 1110 ill
li e-hid, will be e.sposod lo public salo nt Uu-CDUltT
HOL'Si:, III Illoomsburg, on
Jlnuilay llio (illi day of Soittot.ilicr, IS7r,,
at ono o'clock, p. ia., Iho follow liii'dcsciUnsl proper
ly, low It:
All cct tain icalestnto situate In Scott town
ship: bounded on the1 noilhbj .Main street of iho
town of Kspr, on Iho east by nn alley, 011 tho south
by an alley, and on Iho wi'stbyalotot Alonolioil'e,
belli',' m, feet deep and S'J'j feet In width. Mtuato
In ricott township, Columbia county, w hereon Is
erected a Iwo-stoiled liamo houso and other out.
"e'li-il taken Into exHcullon mid U bo sold as tho
piopcrty ot M. c, .Me-Colhim,
All that certain lot of land sltuato lu tho Town iif
lllooinsbursr, Columbia comity, Uiuiided 011 tins not IU
by a public road loadlm,' lo Cspy, nn Iho cast by lot
oi A Noble, on tho south by mi nlley, and on tho
west by lot of M. ('. Wooilward. In front w fiet and
liideplh xiHiMot, on which aro creeled a two-sliry
liilckilwelllii't house, friiuio stjibloniidoiit-liulldhi'fs,
hi Itrsl, taken Into oxirutlon mid lo bo sold as tho
property otJouatluucluomlse,
ALSO, certain lot of trroiindtltitito In Ilia Town
of eatawlssa, e'atawlssa township, Coluiiiblacoiiiityt
bounded on thonorlh (iuft)bj land of Thonms !:.
Haider, im Iho oast (13. II ) by public load to Paper
-Mill, Oil UIO SOIIHI ei'1; n ) "J "l u, n. if, J111111MI, IIIHV
onlliowcst (liii,lt)by 1'iiiiillislreit, ou which 1110
iris-lcdaiiiioniid one-halt stlor iluvlltns; houv.u
Heied, taken Into execution and lo be sold as tho
piopcity of Isaac TUompson.
All that cci tain lot t ( land sllualo lu tlio Town of
Illuunisbtirc, culuuibU county. Imundod by an ulloy
on tho west, by lot of Daniel -Miller on Iho noilli, by
bcveiit h st red 011 1 ho i-ut. aud mi alloy em thu soul Ii,
belni; about M fect Infiont mid wifeet In deiilli,
wheroon aro creeled a two-story framo dwcllluj
house and out-bulldluus.
helled taken Into execution and to Ui sold as Uio
property eit A T. blaylaun.
AUthat eeitalu rcol ettato bounded on thonorlh
by Main klloet of the Town of lapy, 011 Iho oast by
unulhiy, 011 lhi souUi by unalluy, undeui Iho wut.
by lot of Alonm Doditc, bilui,' lialj feetdteiinndsiw
tact la width, Mtuato In Keolt township, lolmubLi
cuunty, whircon U elected a two-Hoiled Immo
lioosu uud out-bulldhi'ts,
All that rertaln pleco of land sllualo In llriarcrcck
town-hip, Columbia county, adloliilnir land of Johu
Van IVlt on Iho north, Al-ehlbald rowlcr on tho,
soulh, Wui. Kline em tho west, and Duniils blbert on
tho e ast, coiitaliilni thirty acres mors or loss, wuurv.
on 1110 t rtcled u ono nnd ono-lialf story Hotel, a shed
and other out biillUlnss
htUiU, taken Into execution and to bo sold att tno
pi cpei iy tf w iiucin uuue n, wun nonce w mrrv wa-
All that lott.f lahitnltiinloliilha Town of
Coluiahla reunite, t'ehnsjlvMila, tiniuuleil nml do.
wilbodnH follows, town i llynn nllev 011 Iho
nnd noitli, nnd on Iho esnt hy lot of liiiil. rr.ii ,,r,
nnil souill iiv .,iaiu in reel, nuiil lilt m loir 'UTV Iil't
In rrontundono hundred and sceetilv-iivi f. , 1 ,,
ho the mine more or less.wlicreon nro eretleil n iu.
tiory noue nun siaom.
Hrlrrd, taken Into execution mid to Ik) sold nslho
proiierty of I'llsha II. l'urnel.
All thntluht, tllloand Interest nt Iho ilefomlant,
.'r. rreniyel hi Iho followlite real i shite. In.wo,
All that rerlaln lot ot land sllualo In tho lioioui?luif
liorwlck, In tho eounl) ot e'olinubla, on .Muihorry
Fins I, ndjnlnlnif Iho Calhollo coinelrry, lot of o.
lleer, nmChV Im kson slteet, In Iiik ubotit otu hun.
ilred nnil lllly feet In fumtuii .Incksmi street, ami
nnohiindieil midelKhly hs l inoronr less In depth 1
Also, ounolhor lot boundeil hv lot of said Welliver,
nald ejeinelirv lot by lot of John Kn.viler.and Jackson
Sire'l'l, ih'iiiioiui vino let 1 iiuiil ujr uooui ono IlllQ.
droit and eluhty feet In depth I Also, ono other pleco
coiuiiieiieliiKoii said Jackson street, nt rorner ot lot
of Sheimnn, Ihenco by samo lo lot of M. 51,
Jackson, I lienco hy Jack-Bon's lot nlnety-llvo fecllo lot
eif l'reas llro's., thenco bylho samo to Jackson street
aforesaid uienoo iuoii(f sain 1.1 "or, inneiy.tnp feci
to tho plaioot hi'KlniilnL'.oii Mhlehnro e'rccleil 11
framo ilnelllnfr 110'iso aiiiloiil-liullillnt,?.
Hrlned, laken Into elocution mid lo Iw sold as Iho
pro'icrt) of A. '1. lVciKi l fc A, 11. MeCre.i,
A 10,
All that certain lot (jf irrounrl fltuatn In tho town
eit Uspy, Scott township, Columbia rounty, hounded
aia 1 koi. hi reel on iuuwcki, ioi oi Miumiei lililleni.lli
oil tho north, lot of Stephen Aueheiihach on Iho oust,
mul mi nllev on Iho souih, whcicon aro elected a
framo ihrelllnij house ami oiitbulldlni;s, mm tho
011eii, i.iivt 11 uuu ueuui:uii uuu lu ou n'jul lia 1UO
propel ty of 0. W, 'I'riunp.
Hu undivided, nno-lhlrd of nil Unit certain lot r,r
L-round sllualc In Iho township ot Hootl, lu the conn,
tv of Columl'la nforosnld. Isiundcd ami ilcscrihed us
follows, limit: llcctiiiiliiir at a Mono corner in iho
mldilloof Markctsireetef Iho Wll.iiro of I 'spy, nnd
liinnlii thence nlong nil nlley north Slxty-M-; nud
ono rout th ilecrrcs, east twenly pcrehes and neo
ieei 10 a poM,iner,ce aion iiiouoi i in. m lines norin
Uienty-llirco nnd thlee-touith dcirices, we-t thir
teen perches eleven fi i t lo a post, thenco tolamis
ot same, south Hxty-'K unit ono-foiirlli ihwes,
we'hl twetilv pereln'S and mefeet to Ilia luliliileof
said .Mmket stieet, tliencelby lulddloof game, Miulh
Iweiny-iiireeMiniiiiiiei'iouriosuepreea, east intrl ceu
1 relies nnd eloienfect to Iho place ot bi irliiiiiin,-,
lontnlnhn; 0110 hundreil ami sol enlcenand a half
pcrciii s.
Tho iiadlildi'd ono-thlnl part of another lot on tlm
west hioo 01 iunr
of .Mail. i t street,
Marl.i t street, Ui-pltirilnir lti iho mtduio
rcct. runnlm- thenco hiinlli slxtvioiiirin,.
fourth dcirrccs, nest Iwenty-nlx iei dies and Mini
and a half feet to 11 post, thenco poulli twentj-.thrco
iimllhreo-fi'iirtbs ilcsTi es, east cloven feet lo a pusl,
thenco north slxty-slx and one-fourth dcirrei's, cavt
six lH'loia ami iwouii'i oui'-iiuiiucce 10 a im-t,
themo south tweiil.v-ihieo uud thrce-fourths do.
Crces, cast threo pcrchca aud two and one-half fit t
Ihcni'O norlh slxiv-slx nnd ono-foitrth ilert es. east
nlno (ktlIios nnd two ai.d onc-thlnl fiet, thine
soulh twcnly-tliu'o and Ihrcc-toinlln iIclti ci, ea't
nlno pel chc. undelcicii and one-foiiith feet to an
alley, thenco alon-; sild all,".-, north slUy-Mx mi'l
one loiuiu ueisiecs, ea.sL jiuieo i fn-ue.s uiiu ioui aim
thiee-fo' ilhsfi'ct I.) t 10 mldilloof Jlaikil blieit,
thcni'o n!c m; inlildlo of i.,.i,;c, malli tweijtt-ihiiii
ami ibrcc-foi'rlh'i iic-u't's, i.ea. Ihlrleen mid mu'
halt perches to tho pi u e ot b'lnnlii,', enutahihi';
ono aero au.l twcuty-lli c cad one-foul th perches, lo-
tjciupr w.itt tno nnpurienaicr ;.
seized, taken Inlo execulloii and to bo iioldiulhn
pioperty 01 M. C. MtCollum.
All that certain mcsMi.itro or lot of cround sllu.ito
In tho MlliiKeof;ht hlreetnforc'i.ilil, on lhei.i'.t
sldo ol a public loud k'.iillajf from llloomsbun,' n,
(iinii!,TvilK', boundi'd bvtho armv ,a!il.
lands ot llcorjio Hlms, Ih'Oi'irn John, Peter White and
Matthew McDowell, coiilalnlm; boicu acics and ono
hundred and twenty-four jierches, whereon aro
elected a (,'ood iwo-story traiuo dwelling house uiul
Seized, taken Into evolution nud to bo sold as the
property of r, P. Kelly,
All that certain real cstato situate In liobcils
Addition of thu town ot Catawlssa, Cohliubl ixoitn
ty, ixainded em Sho northwest by Iho public: road
icadln'jtmni 1' to tho upper I'erry, on the
nort beast by land i-r w, II, i:ills,
tiy Second stri'ft of said tnmi, wlioroon nrocrocted a
two-story framo dwclllni,' houv nnd out-houses.
Scto d, laken Into ceeuilon nud to be sold us tlio
properly ot W. r. inbby.
All that certain farm or tract cf land sltuato In
scolt township, Columbia county, on iho northern
lunl; or tho Ninth llranch tit II. .Misiiiu hana Hut
between tho Town of i:ionrasbui,'uiiil I "spy, bouml
od on thi'luoith by land of .1. Harvey t:icvi llnp-.em ihe
oastbylaud of John Mitimati, on the' west b land or
II. 11 I rcullnr nnd rdwuid Itaulln.,.-, coiitaluUii
r.bout till ncies moro or less, with appiirtcnaee's, iin:
whereonaro creeled ono lariro two-storied brlci.
ilwcllla'-house wlllimiji-,ardri)f,wlllihcallii?v.inn'
nml wuicraiiacnnienis, wun siaiuoauii waf;oiinoiii
nun ouisiiio iiuiKii-ii. iu'wi
w II h said Un-eMua house.
. bi'lonj.'ln'f to nud cgrrtspondlii
ouso. .i..o,otfotwo-rioritiirrauii
tenant hoaso and lar,-') b.inKbaru wlthsheds audi
other out-bulliilns. l.ind In riksI state i f tuitH-v
tlon. 'Iho property will bo sold In two parcels or ) 1
tho liest advaulaes lo luuchasei'S and trenllora,
Seled, taken Into oxecutlou nud tt ho sohlijutln'
properly of Daniel Snyder.
All that certain pleco ot (ovnuiiUutuiaslii Scott tow 11
shlji.e'olumbla coiinty.huiinilcd ou the north bj land
of A. mi" der, on tho west nndPasi by the same and
011 tlio guutli by tho Lackawanna ,V liloomsliiiri; II. ill
lioad Company, containing two ncrcsmoro or less,
hereon nioiie'Clcd a Plantns Mill and nU machln
erv nnd oitt.bulldlnifj and two dwelllii!; houses.
Scl7ud, lakon Into execution mid lo bo sold as tho
property of l). Snyder Co.
Ono lot sltuato In Iho town of lspy. hounded as
follows: (in tho soulh bv Main street, west byallej,
unrth hy nllcj aud eai-tb,' lot of W'm.Sclieehleilj,
lu'lng sax' te't front and tfn, fect deep, whcicon Is
erected u twtK.tory divedhig, brick bank, and frame
stable, Willi out-biilldlnst:.
one other lot hounded on tho soulh by .111 allev
we'st bynlle-y, norlliby Ss'eouil slieot. andi'ast b
Win. 11. urotcn, belli;: S2kj feet front by 1T3V, feu
deep whereon aro erected a 1,'j story buUhcr slop
ollleo mid out-bulldlns.
Ono other lot bounded north by Second jiieei
east by Thomas W. I'aljrar, soulh by nllof mi'l' wen.
by .M. A. ilrecn an l 01 her property of II, o. cicm I,
Im;, hehiK sj, fiet front by it :1, deep, wluiion
i-ivctetl 11 two-stoiy framo stable.
Ono other lot hounded on tiorlhhv sccend street,
west by l.tght suei't road, south hv lot of .M. .
(irecn and east by other pruiorty ot II. 11, e'leeelhi!;,
liehi',' 011 Second street, on 1.1','litstrect uud.
wlit 1 on Isercclcd a lwo-slory framo dwellliiK and
Seized, taken Into oxecutlon and lo bo sold a3 tho
properly of II. 0. cioudlm;.
llloomsbuii;, August 12,'15-tc Shillf.
$33.00 PER T03ST.
A sea fowl deposit imiorteil exclusively '0'
ourselves from Smilli America.
Jnnnn 1
Analj sis on each baifmidepiallty Kuamntecd. s
samples and clrculars.on hand bydealearsfcherilj
No, 1 S, Delaware Avonuo Philadelphia.
a Jiosiiii.v I'Ai Eii, rria.isiiEii .er
Unvoted lo liallroad Inlcrcsts, Mieratnri', H'H a'
Iliiiuor. us ccnis r jcar. Chiomo loevtrj c
hctlbcr, Addiess KliNhUAWlUZETrv
l'l anil Over (lid Mi-tlio
lo Im ItiuUy, in (ibjo
nlilu, ilisciirtU'
1k round
; a:-
At their AVot" miulilooinslniia
Vonnorly HlooraoB
comp.lnj), whetx wll
re Iron nnd Manuf.icturln
l bo kept coiiktmilly on baud a
IVhitu iwel
Ha AnJi AillIll tK He
vok r
(it prlcta
parixl U"
to suit Iho trado. All coal upeeially pn -foroolnif
tho Yard. Also
T .vs and Throsliing Machines,
and an LUids 01
Castinglmul Mochjaio Woilc.
. ItKrAIIIlNfiproiDi
ItKrAIIIlNfiprtiiDbtly titt(ic'(!i lo. 'I lay WMiU
Of iv 1 i.o ru
mJiI 11m 1 llbllC.
Vi . IDCKAllD,