THE COLUMBIAN Ci)ttIMlllAI)Kil()CltlT,STAn.'TIIH NOHTIt AND COLClf. bun I'OH.wt.iimitnO Issued weekl, ,i)vcr.v Friday tnomltiff.nt limmiaiimtii. Vm irvilti t Ji..!V..t . At two ou.AK.i per ear, pavnblo In advance, or iiHiiua wioi i-n . ' '.si'ir;uiiiiiti mo yewr, a.fw win in charged. To mibscrllicrs out of the! county tlieterms nro t2vr j car Hlrlcilv In advance Moult not nnlel In ndiniipo nnd faajoit raiment 1.., . 1 1,1, ..nrll .,.., ,1.1, l.n....... " " No p.perill'ytiiliiu'il,(?ppt nt llio option of tho I'liniiu ui ,.. ilk ,. m , 1'iiiill.ilwr. until all iitrenr.i.ri' urn on eihlii'icl credits utter the expiration of tho llrsi nut long IciirwlllnotboKllcn it All naoerSHPIll out of tho Sta P. nr tn illntnnf Ttrtaf unices, imiKl. tii' imld for In advuiiep, unless iv resiHui Molo person In Columbia counti assumes to pay tho B'llm'rlntlonclui'on (Icnmtul. , Pin I'AUK Is no lonjcr exacted from subscribers In llio comity. Tho i)L!nir Ttnpiu tnvnt. of Hip I'ot.i'MniAM is very i n oi'l. v, iiii'i our.ldli I i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 v' win pomonrofaror MiH wl lithilor ih Itirirx'liles. Allvmik done 011 loiiiaud, urn h Mid ill IcuthTiilc .rli ps, Columbia County Official Directory. I'rtwMont .Inttiro William Plivpll. Amuclito Indites -Irani llorr, Isuao 9. Monroe, rrotliuiioturvi ft.ii.-li. rruuk Starr, (.flstpr.v lliieoidi'l'-Willliiin.sim II. .lacoby. District Attorn 'Vluhu ,M, Uark. ruierinr -Mioh.ioiiirovor. H mo, or Isaac lMultr. I ivasurer lohn Hn iler. 0)minisloiieni-VllH.m I.awton, John llcriicr, John 1'nt. t'ominHslo'iorfi" Clerk Wllltam Krltkbanin. A i.itt'ji.-t -t'. .l.t'mnpPPl', N. It. amilh, David Yost. ( vioiicr -I'lmrtPH l. Miirpho,'. .lury Commissioners J toot) II. frits, William It. I'll. ivunt" suppilntPiulont Wl lln.m It. Kn.vdpr. HlojoilMor M't'k't -lilroctori o. p. Mil, stout, Vm. Kramer. Hl'iiinubiinj ntut Thomas creveUiiir, (Co t, (i. I'. Ulit, Mi'crol ury. Bloomsburg Official Directory. niomniuurg linnklntr l.'omiHiiy .tohn .. runslon, PiiirtKU' tl.dln'Z, t'n.Hlilrr. l'lrn National lunik thiuliHU. l'.ix'on', i rosMcnl J. 1'. rus lu, I'aslilur. folimi'i' i I'onntv Miinial saMn? Vund and Assort illoii-H. 11. Unit, PrcMilclit, U. V. illlkr, Bpnn tnry. llloomiurillnllillii?onJSAVIii KumlAmorlatlon -Wm. ivni'oi'k, t'ri'ilitpiit,.!. II. KoIiIikii, n,ciotnry. lllimm-iliiirrf Stuiiml Knvlnjr rimM ArdopKi lou-I Kiwcr, l'lt.-iWen1, C. (1. Uiukloy, Sei'relnry. eiiuituit niitl-XTOuy. BAPTIST C1IUKC1I. IIpv.J. I'.Tuvln. (Supply.) siiivl.iv M''i vIpi'H-1'Vs n. in. nml ni p. m. Miniil.iv siiioul a a. in. I'r.o it llcut lii llvuiy Woilncsilay cvcnlu'j at C,' rioui;, Moi slrop. The public nfolnPeil toatteuil. BT. StAlTHKW'H UUTMKIIAK (,'IIUIU It. Minis or liov, J. It. Williams. Niiiul.iv spri loes-lox ii. m. and C.vp. in. HllnOiH Setuiiil -On. m. I' Met" lii) i:ciy Wedncsd.iy oTenliiff at C),' tk'ulHfrer. NnpcwsrenU'il. All nro welconip. I'ltKOYTKIIMNl'llfKCII. Mlnlsipr-ltPV. Mu.irt Ml'iut'll. H'Tvleos-lu, a. iii. unrl 6t p. in. Miiiul.iv Nili'iol n. in. I'r.iver Mtu liiif lHury Woilneulay cventn? at ta tlock. Heaisrri'o. Novwjrentorl. Hlrangcra wclooinc. MRTIIOl'IST tl'Ht'Ol'lt. t'lll'llfll. Prpilllni; U!Ji r-H.'V. N. H. lluckllisUam. MIiiMit IIpv. .1. II. MPllatT.ili. siinilay si'iil"i's li unai'ijM' f. m. Slllnl.lV .i hool 'i p. 111. Illble t'LiM -i:vi'iv Mouiliy cvenln'atOK o'clork. voiiiij; ilenM l'muT Momlusf Lliery TuetiLiy liilnsr at Ca oVliM'k. ieiior.illTajer.Mtelliig lliery Thursday cienln o'floi'k. lIKroilMKDlMIUIICII. Corner of Thtnl anil Iron streets. I'nstoi- licv. T. l' HolTmi'lor. ittMilcneo liist slreet, near Kork3 Hotel, nunday services pi '4 a. in. nml 0J p. ni. N'liitlav School .1 n. in. I'imjit .Meet ln Saturday, 7 p. ni. All nie Inilk'il 'lhi'io li nln ns loom, sen lees every Sunday urtornonn nt 'i o'clock nt ileller'n cliuieli, Jladlson tuivitslilp. . ST. PAUL'S ClllT.CII. lteelor l!ev. .loliu Kcnltt. Sunday Hen Hps 1iij u. hi., i)4 p. m. Hiuid.iy School -'J a. m. l'lrnl i)im.l.iy lu the month, Holy Communion. Cenloes preparatory to communion on tilday evening lieloro llio st Sunday lu pneli moutli. l'oiv.4 rented: but eieriboilv welcome. 1 Vinous dt'ililni,' to ewiiMitt tho lteetor on lellloin miitiTsnlll 11 in I him at tli'j p.ti-aoiuge on ltock Ml cot. EVANOELICAI. C1IUKC1I. PrcsWIns Dlder-ltey. A. I., lleeuer. IHiUler-ltev..l. A. IrWno. Kim lay S n leu :i ii. m., lu tho Iron Street, Church. l'r.i. or Meellng l,,er.v Sabbath lit 4 p. in. All nro Im lied. Alt are w eleoiuc. - "lii.oo'MaiiL'iar Diuj'X-roi.y. QCiIODi, OUDKIlf, U.mkrid 'lirinte.l nml 'O neatly bound In sin ill bouki, n linml and lur aide at llio Coi.umi'.ian Olllce. -eb l'.i, HiS-tf 1"IAKK DKKOS.nn i'arclir.i.'iitaiul J.ii.en I) l'aiu-r, common and for Adinliils.rntori'. UtK u uji.i HM'I ll u.-,lec.i, for halo thcipat tho tii.i'.Miu IN Olllce. , MAHKlAtiH C'KnTll'K'ATKS.iii,tiirinleil nml for sale at tlto Coi ujiiuan oillee. Mlnlj--t the ituipel and Jiu.lliv s slioiild supply tliein bt'lios ilth lhc.-:o neceisiry articles. TUSTICKS anil Uuntalilci' Kee-llilN for sale at tho Coi.t'MiiiAM onlee. They contain tho coi l ected lees as eitablM.ed by the last Act, of tlio U i blaluro upon tho subject. Bvery Justice and Co. i blablo blioutd have one. "ITKXnn-: XOTHS ju-t inintea aniUor Mile cheap at the Cow'Miuan olflcc. ci.ornixn,.,ic. T" VVII) l.nWICXISKlKl, Merchant Tailor .mo i.wui'i.Mii'.mi, .uei Main St., above Central llutel. 11U0TU AND SIIUI'.S. TTHNUY KM. KIM, Manafaclilier ami dealer a m in ochjis an i huoes, 'uiocencs, etc., .iiain bu, lllouuibburtf. I? M. KNOIUl, Dealer in Hoots and Piioes, .111, latest and b 'st blyles, comer Main and Market btieels, In llio old po.-t o.llce. CLOCKS, WATCH!".:', AC. iCt'eL K. SAV ii:, Dealer in Clock?, Watclies and Jowelry, Muln st Juit below llio Central LOUIS maker MCltXAltl), Wnlch and Clock near boulheast coiner Main nudltou. jiiLi.i.sniiy & i'axcy uoods. M I.SS M. DICUHICKSOX, Millinery and l'.incy Hoods, .Main St., below Market. IMIK MISSUS HAKMAX, Millinerv and 1. l'micy (ioods, Main bticet, below Ccnlr.if llutel. MLIiCIIANT.S AND (IKOCL'ltS. " H. C. IIOWICI!, Hats and Cap', limits and Shoes, Main blreet, abovo Com t House. CJ II. Mll.I.lCli .V ilealers in Dry ball, lioods. L'rocei'les. irieensware. Uour, bhoi s, notions, itc, Main street. l'lturrssioN'AL cAiti). c 1 (1, H.VKKI.lw, Hoonn 4 and o, iTOwer H ouiiiiiu, -u iioor. 11. WM. M. KKMCIl,. Surgeon mid I'liysi clan. oillce. S. D. corner ltock andJIurhet t1). T K. 'KVAXS, M. 1)., Siii-kpoi ) . elan, north bide of Main utpvl and I'liVfl - t, above J. K. Ii. M,'K'!:i.VY, M. I)., Kiirireon and IMiy. tldan, nun Ii s.ldo Main sircel,btlow Market. Jl!. HOr.lSOX. . In ll.iiliuan'sbulldliiir.V.iliiblivct. Oflico QAMriCI. JACOliy, Marlilo and lirown J stone Woi ks, Uait iUoomsbui's, Ik'rwlck road, HKO.SNIT()CI, I'liotoyraplKi', over , Clark K Wolf'Hblore. Main Hired. U. II. C. IIOWICI!, Surgeon DentlM, .Main ht., nbole th Court llou ic. TII. MAI.K, Manimolli flrooerv, I'm cones, fruits, Nuts, ProUilous, Jo.,M, line f Iro. tin and Cent re blleels. IlSCKLLANr.ol'S. 1. R. KUIIX, dealer ii. Meal, Tallow, itc., t'eniie bireei, i eiweeu ftcconu nun i nun. M. CIIUISTMAX, Saddle, Trunk mid Harness maker, White's I'.lm'l;, Main bliei l. r I1II0M S W10llll,'onfeelloiiery and Hikij", X wholesulo and retail, L'.uhnuk'o llloi'k", G. W. COliKI.I., riirniliiro Ilooms, tlirec bl jry Lilck, Main btreet, esl of Market St. BW. K0I1I1IXS, I,iiiior dealer, pccond door . from Iho iiurlliwest comer Main and Iron I J. TIIOItNTOX, Will Paper, Window . shades mid Ilxliues, llupert block, Main bt. OJJAXaKVII.I.KDiniCOl'OUYr A, 11. llKltUIXfi, Carpenter and builder, Slalu bliivt below line. Bll. O. A. MUCAUOKI., riivHician and Burgeon, Malu blreet, next door lo (lood's llu lei, I) WII) lir.ltHIN'd, I'loiirnndOrl-t Mill, ana ili uler lu krrmu, Mill mi cel. TAMIX 1. JIAUMAX, Ciiblntt Maker t l nd' H.ik' i, Main hlrut, below I'lne. mid LKJIIT STltKKT. 1 S. KXT, dealer In Slow and Tinware in t. ell lu brunches l)i:TKH UNT, Millet', and denier in all kind J. , of drain, J'lour, l'ood, sc. All kinds of drain l'UITllllsul. KSl'Y, W. KDuAlt, BuHiuchamia J'lanlng Mill TTOUNI' V'S hi SNKM, Cuunoti , JuO' jl nt liiids, lut pilni d nd fir l Ai it. ltl, i All I 1 1 i.l j 1. 11 Allnrnnv'. tltlier kepijou liand or pilatta to ordor, , niKiTiwmcir, ,W rUUMSHI'.K. IlDII'Olt OATAWrs?A. ST..)()llN'S(l:i'ISCl)PAI.)CIIUItOlI. Uoctor Uev. John Hewitt. Hum ay Sen lem-3 o'clock p. in. every Sunday. Sunday school -li'io p. m. Holy communion tlio HeoonJ Sund.iy In tho month. jQit. v.. livrFvin, ' l'llYSICIAN ft SUIIOEOM, Ofllco, on Main street,,'TI-y (MtnwUsa IM. ATIOUNKV-AT-I.AW,' Oiitnvlsaa, l'a. Collpotlons promptly mado aiid remitted, onico opjionlto cutan turn Deposit Il.uil;. Cm-ss WM. IT. AliUOI'T,, .In!n Mrect. T V. f)A I.I.MAN', Mprclrmt 'J'.iilor, Second JL Bireet, liohiiiiia'lrjildliii;. JIUCKIIOI'.N. MU. .V: V. II. SIIOHMAKKK, Dealers In . Dry (lood.-,i,ioceilos aud titntrnl Mciehan- IIIJSIXIS ('AIU)A jyll. A. I.. TUKNKH, IlXCHANdl; IIllTL'L, 11L00MS11UU0, l'.l. Oillco cut Klelm's Drue; store, oillcp hours from 1 lo j p. in., for ti eatment of diseases of tlio i:i e, L'nr and 'nnoat. All cult) iitffht or day promptly attended to. Apl.!3'I!) tf JU.J. C. KUTTKU, PHYSICIAN' A SUIUIKO.V, oaicc, North Market street, ?lai'.;7,'H-y llloomsburg, IM. It. II. V. GAHDXKi:, 1'lIYSrCIAX AX 0 SUilGEOX, HLOO.MSIlUKd, PA, onico abovo .1. scliuy lcr Son'a llardwnro Store.'.-tt Q W.MU.LKH, . Arroil.S'KY-AT-LAW, OUlcoln llrower's biilldlnj, second lloor, room No. llloomsburi;, l'u. Jitlyl.TJ y Q li. & W. J. HUCKALKW, ATTOUNUYS-AT-LAW, llloomsburi, IM. (iflloo tn Main street, llrst door below Court Itouso .iiar.ii, , l J V. .t ,r. M. Cl.AHK, " ATTOItN L YS-AT-LA W, Illooinsbur?, P.i. April in,"l-y onico Innntsliulldlng. A. CltKmt.tMl SMITH. Itni'.VEV EWIbO SMITH. CKKVKI.IXO SMITH A, SOX, AT TO I IN I.YS-AT- LAW, lllooinburff, l'a. d7".ll business entrusted to our ram m in rncipvn prompt attention. lulyl.'is y C. II. 11110CKWAV. (lUOKCIK II. EI.WEU- jiiouKWAY t, ATrOI!NI3VS-.VT-LAW, Dloomsburfr, Pa. "-WA1I buslrefs entrusted to our ram win nvelvp prompt attention. Sept.11,'71 y K. II. M1TI.H. iton'T. ii. i.m i.k. It 11. 11. LITTLE, ATTO UN P. VS-AT-IA W, Iiloomsburtr, Pa. f-lluslness before the r. s. I'ntent ORlcootlended O.llco lu tho Columbian llufiaiiijp. ly 3i to. Al TUIISHY.AT-I.AW. Will lir.lCtlCP lll.lll tho i'Alillnf 1'nliimhl, tiilll. van aiiil LicomliiK PuiinlU, In tho Supremo court of ' Vim .yhanl.i, and lu the i.'lrtult and HWrlct courts r .'. !','., . "'.I'''' states het.lit Wllllamsport, Pa. Will be 111 his olllce In the Coluiiiblan btilldlne;. roo.iiNo, I, llloomsburi,-, in Tuesdais, mid I hursd ii m of each we.!; nml lu lit ntonon Men il.n s, 1 l id and sauirdajs, unless absent on pro ftsslonal business. Sept. lSildTn. ITIKICAS HUOWX'S l.VSUHAXCK AG EX X CY, Lxchiiugc Hotel, llloomsburs', IM. .litn.i, ins Co., of Ihii tfurd, Connecticut.. .oSJiijioo i.iil-1 ('inn, ..wiii'iji una moot! Iloial of I.lierpool Lanciin-htre l'liv A.-soclalli.n, I'htladelnlla Aiueiteanof l'lilln:!'-! i.l.l i t'll.lH 11,1V o 13 oIlO.IWO 1(1,000, on i;,ii',eeo l.IU'i nun s o,m 211,iiii.) 1,0011,(100 T.'i.ll III 5,fito,ftoo AUasof Ilnrlfuid..... wyniiiinir. of Wilkes llarro... I'armei'a Mutual of DanMllo Iiamllle .Mutual Home, New Yoi k March S(l,'7l-y Jiil,ti5S,tiio MltiOKI.LAXKOUS. riLI.lAM MOIiHIS, JIEUCIIANTTAILOI!. . Cutting, clcanlii'; and ippahliiiipininptlynttcndott to. 1 I'M lloor oicr J. 1', YVIdcuiiii'.sllaidwareHtore. liloomibiirir, IM. Jan. ii, '73 tt Ii M. TU1513S, WIIOI.kSAU: PEVI.tlt IS lUIliXIXG AXI) I.UHItlCATIXG OIIS. Oillco 111 Maize's 1 111 1 ltllli '-. eornt r: Muln nnrl renin. Htrtets, liLOOMSIllIItO, I'LN.VA. IVOl'ders bCllClttd Ollil nri.mntlv Oil. il May, Ss,'iwy ' ' EXTISTItY. H. C. 1I0WEU, DliNTIST, ltcspeetfully oifera heritppctn tun la IM I'.iidifeiulcinciiof isiooiiiblmre and ilclulty. lielspiepari.-d lo attend to all tlio various operations In tho Hue of l.u i,or, s.',lon, ami IspioUdcd ulthtlio l ite .1 Iinproied l oiiciu.AiN Ti:i.i ii, u hlch illl bo lu. leried uukuIiI pl'itliiif, (.liver and mbntr base to I'l'.k as Well IIS t l" lialtir.ll It otll. Tp.'lh ivl,M( b.V till the 1IIJW UUd liuiit aonr.Aeil InellinilM. .mil nil Ions oil tlioteitu cuicfuliy and properly at- leitn. u lo. oillco ii few doors above tlio Court House, samo side. Julvi.'ia E.J UiUg III J.TIIOKNTOX would iiiiuoiiiico tot ho eltl7eiisof lilnnni. ijitii; and ilcliilti thai ho lias Liit reteHivl.i nil nuti complcto iissortmeut tf WALL I'Al'EIl, WINDOW SHADES, nxTfiins, conns, tasseis, and all other (roods In his lino of business. All tlio in tm.t Hint limit iipproud paltemsof ll.oil.rv alii al s lobe found In his est.ibllJimeut, Main s'liect, oetu .Miiiuei. Jlllll. i.l BJIOWN'S HOTEL, BXiOOriSIIURG, VJL., B. STOHNBR, Proprietor. Aecomitiodallons First t'!ass-tl.S5toI.M per day, I HSTA U R A XT ATT AC Hl'.l). Largo, Airy Samplo Eooms oa 1st Floor, llloouisburs, July i, lS75-tf. YULOAN UlOiY AYOHKS. DANVILLE, MONTOUIt COUNTY, PA. TTflLLIAM IL LAW, Manufacturer ol 1 Wioiu'bt Iron llild.-es, Hollers, (luslioldcr, rireproof llulldliik's, WroiU'hv Iron liooilni;, Itoolllni; Kiaiuen, Hooilnjf und Doors, l'miii linles and I'Vno. lnsf, tilso Wioii'.'lit Iron I'lplnir, htneks mid nil kinds ol .Sniltli Work, Ac, llepalrs promptly utteuded to. N. 11. Dmwlnt's and lWlmatos bupplled, Julyl,li73-tf BLOOMSBUItG TANNERY, (i, A. UKUV.IXU i ICSI'ECTl'l'LLy announces lu tho imbllo V that lie lias leoiicued rriX YJJKK a TA X X li KY, (old Maud) llloomsburi.'. l'a.. nt Iho Korku of tho Espy and Llk'ht htieet l ii'H, Mlirro ull dcsfilptloiis of li . r will bo tnaile In tlio most SU' .i am l it ami v 'aidlku intiiiiir, undbold ut prl'i 1 1 1 mltth'' tlin . 'lliu lilghibl prlco .In cash will at all limes bo paid lor , ailEHN HIDES of every d sei Iptlon lu tho country. Tlio public pat roii.i is Is rciiK." ttully bollclied. llloomsburi;, Miuvh IV, llo-y iikxry i BLOOMSBU11G, PA., FRIDAY, AUGUST 13, 1875. NEW MUSIC STGlli:. OPERA. IIOUSi:, 3il ROOM, :.s.ot.ij!snti:j?j, 13. H. ST lTFoKLi AND i:oieetfully Infoiins th" puHle tbnt ho hns opened a New llinte Store, lu the 111 lotnitniriropi ralloii'ie, on Cenliostreit, below Jlalu.nliero hokeepjn full a.iiorlineiit or i'iANin:s. 0I10ANS, MUSICAL INS riH MKNTS, sih:i:t 'it stc, MI SIC IIOOKH, nc, nl-asonluind.nndfnrHal' at iho lowest prlPrs. lie Iiiiltt s the pinions of music to cull iiiidoxiimlno Ills stock. lSlU'AUlIXa AND TUNINO, also attended to ondeiiiiiiul. Thopubllo palromirc H rospecttully solicited. api 11 tt "ft-ly BT-. OOM3BUEQ a Ml II State Normal School. rpIUS Institution adori tOFludrtils prpparin" I for Iho protes-lon of 'I li.UTHNO, eu-ellcnt fa ciutlt s for liuprirtcmcut lu tho most opproiednieth oils of Instruction, 1'ortlio accommodation or students deslrlnt: prep aration for Colli'ire, or for the buMncss relations of life, nn Academic Department Is oijrunlnsl, which aHords tho most ample facilities for ho dollijf. Each course of study Is complete In Itself, superlerndianl.iKes nro olTerc'd for Instruction In ML'SIC and LANOl'AdliS. Pull soHston commences Wclnesdav, Auirust l'all Si-ssloii Plooi's Tuestlai , December W.I. Sprlnif Session etmineiii es Wedni'sitay, Dec. roth. Spring Session closes 'I'tiosday, Juno U'.ith. spriii Tkiiit commente.i W edueuaay, ilarch 31st TEIiMS. Kml and Wnfliln; llo.ii'.ii. Ineludln l'orn Doi i . mis per week. Tuition O'ie noixAitner week. In Model Sehoo orty to sixty cents per week. Students are admitted at anv time, and to and pourse of study for wlilch tecy ma Imi prepued. It Is better, It posilbie, to bo present at the commence ment of a term, or a ses.ilon. Scud lor a Catalogue. Applications for admission may bo addressed to Dll. T. L. (HIISvVOLD, Principal. COL. J. 0. ITiEIizn, secretary. Ann. 11,'71-ly GREENWOOD SEMINARY- npil E f Irccnwood Seminary will open tlio Fal' JL Tei m of School Sill JIOXTII 10th, lS7."i, under tho ciro of KrlemH, with A. W. Potter, I). E., Principal. Tho dc.ilrablo location of this school and tlio IiIrIi stanfttn or the prlticlpal ai.uni','it. educators anil studenls are seldom found, si ndeiits from a dlstaneo can leach Hie seiiilhary by pulilio conieyance at u trlfllns cost, from liloiimburi,', IM. lio.irtlln? can bo had at the seminary or p.'lvalo houses on rensonablu terms. Tor pariieaiars Inoiilrv liny be inaduof Lllli Eves, Anion Hester, or Ik s.Evci, Mllliille, Pa., or J. I.. l.e, l'illliue, 121, MilUllle, 7 mo.,r,, ls7r. tf. A? M A N U F A C T "0 E Y IiLOO.MSUUltG, PA. M. C. SLOAN & 15R0TJIEU HAVE on li.ind and for sala at tho most reasonable rates a bplendld stock of and every description of Wagons both PLAIN mid FANCY, Warranted to bo mndo of tho best and most durable maeerlals, and by the most ppeilenced workmen. All vnik sent out from Iho establishment will be loimd to bo of tho blithest class and sure to lvo per fect satlstactlou, They havo alioalliieassouinentof SLEIGHS of nil tho newest and nvwt fa'hlonablo stjlcswell and earetuliy made and of thu best material. An Inspection of their work Is naked as HI. s be lieved that utno superior can bo found In the coun try. July l, 1573-tf. KEYSTONE CAERIAGE WORKS! iirxjOMsnuRO. texn'a. i S. Ci!(sSLEY has on hand and for -ex. cheaper u.iii tho ilie.ipest, for cash, or w 111 iiAthaiigo for old Wiifons on icasonnblo terms. CAltlUAGES, ItUGGIES, AND WAGONS of every description both plain and fancy. portnblo Top llu'-icli's, open luijfifles. Plain and Panel I'l itftiiiii Spiliu; Wavonsnll tr tlmlatesi stslo nun ni'iuu 01 eooti uiaieiiai aini limy waiiiutieii. i lira mo a camiToro puren.isiiu: eisinwi.Tc not no uni!L'n.oiu. I claim Oiat'i luako thub'est whif. ous for tho least money. alio do naliitlmr. frlinmlni ,', tr nnd; nt tlio shortest notice, old sprliisrs weldetl and ui. nrliitts welded and ui- rnnted lo stand or no p ly. 1 will ecliaiii,-o n porta- bio lop liuwy for any kind of Itnnbir, sui h ns ht ir lock, t'lue, ush, linn ldekory nnd poplar tobodollici etl at niv slum bv thn ilrntor l'eliruary. 1S5.1. Iron. tl.ilo orilcrH taken and Mclitivy, msiisi ii Hiorio palilt as cosh. A. S. CHOSSl.EY. j uil 11 LIGHT STRBEJT BUGGY & 0A11IUAGE MnsrTJi-A.aa-'OiTt-- V. OMAN hcnliy Iiiforins tho jniliUj I hat he hiui eniereu iiiiiieo- iuiiiieii.iiii wnii 1.,T7.T.,i...b ii 1 , mi,. ii inn I ill I. 1 lie lmsl Ili'KH Mill lieieutter to ' coiitluuicd under tho linn namo or ti. nr. ojjas; m rtEtoTBSKit. Hiey will liaio on hand or manufacture to order HUGGIES, 0AR1UAGES, SJ'llIXG WAGONS, LIGHT WAGONf, KOAD AVACiOXS, nnd fAi-ry lliliiff In tlie-lr lino t.f biiilnois, of tlio lnt inatlilal und most comilelo workinausldp, und ut pro t low as cull 1k iiitordeil, tftiirc of Vullie uUronari U rcepcctfidlij eouriita, II. 1'. OMAN & WtOTIIElt. AUff.ll.'Il-ly. TII1S I'AIT.It IS ON I II.K WITH ROWELL & jPIIESIMH , Advertising Arjonts, llllnp.4 CHESTNUT CJ6., ST. LOUIS, MO i i; wm f W 3 I Poetical. Tin: oiiavk's voiuu. Unnls ns In drenms, and lost In nnxlous thoiik'lit, My footsteps brouKbt tne to this lonely i"it, To whom belongs tho Held? this flowery bed ? "llio dpnd." Entpr thou In, my noiil why thould'sl thou fear Naujlit but sit buds nnd Powers nro bloomins hero. Whence comoB Uiopssoupp tor Uicro sweet perfumes? "from tombs." Spo liorp, o man I whrio nil thy paths mutt end, However tarled bo tho way tlioy wend. Ltalcnl IhoUeadlcnicnsiionki fiyp, hear tlion mint j "To dust." WhTa nro tho mlglily who tnko life by ntorm 7 Who o'en to llonwn's In lghls wild wlhes form. Wlmleroiik llio ravens on on iins-giovn wall? "Hulled nil." Whei-o nlo tho denr ones, In death's cold sleep lylnff, To horn loro oro a memory undi Ins ? What wall you cyprosi tree ?-0!i, hcar'st thou not ? ' Forgot." To spc whoro tliowj oneo posnpil, did no oyocrac? Mn no iiilld longlnu; ieri'e Uijniul tlio grave? Tho Ilr tieos Mli.iko IhPlr wpkiIctI heads ono by one: "Xonp, iionp." Tho cveiilns: wind amid llio trees Is slghlm: i rettcred dieiuus, my fadilenud soul Ii lilnjri Thu tvmuiit falls, the reel Blow paleth fast "TIs past." DiiATll. Out of tho shndov.' of sadness, lulo the sunlli'lit of yladnpss, Intothellirhtof tbcblcEtj Out ot the day cry dreary, out of tho world of Iho weary, Into tho rapture of rest. Out of to-day's sin and sorrow,, lulo n blissful to-morrow. Into n land without a (,'loom ; oat of a land tilled ultli slgiilujr, lailid of llio dead and tho ill In.',', Into a hind t ltliuut n tomb. out of a land ot commotion, Tempest -swept as the matt ocean, Dlro Willi tho wreck dilttiiig o'er Into a land calm and ipilel; or a storm cometh td'li It, Never a w reck on Its bhorc. Out of the land In whoso bowcr.s Perish and fade all tlio Mowers Out of land of decay. Into llio Edunriihero falirst Of Honors, und swoetest and rarest, Noicr shall wither niMiy. Out of tho world of the wntlliig, v Thronged ttltli thu aiarulsh and nlllnjr, out of Iho w oi Id of tho sad, Into tho world that rejoices, j World of blight Mslons nnd voices Into tho world tf tlio glad. oat of a life ever lonchil, out ot a land eiorniourntul, Where lu bleak eilo w o roam, Into a Joiland nboio us, Whcio lucre's n father to love us Into "our lioni", sweet, swcvl home." Miscellaneous. JUDY, THE CAI'TIVi:. At dawn on a February morning some fif ty jvnrs sinco, tho look-out on board of the slooji-of'-war Rosebud, engaged in rcpres.-ing the s'nivo tmdooii tho Alricun coast, report cd a suspicious tail about eight miles lo leeward. C'haso being made tho vessel was piichly identified by her very delightful pur suers us Iho Arrow, a noted slaver, whoso capture had hitherto proved impossible; her enpluin anil mate, both English, being men distinguished alike for skill and hardihood, and possessing si moru nccurato knowletlge of Iho co.iit than wa.i furnished to tiio-e newly arrived by tho imperfect chart of that time. Tho keen Arrow had not been slow to dis cover her ilanger. Up went helm and nway she flew, witli studding sails set despito tho greatly inci cased wind shaping her course for a small but secure covo (very liltlo known ind probably unknown to the Rosebud's commander,) situated about ono hundred miles northward of Loango. i'iie chase had commenced about seven o'clock in tho morning, and by tlireo tho lookout reported land, something about twen ty miles distant; chase live miles to leeward and apparently running straight for the nearest headland. s they approached, the land roo up high, and shelving towards tho shore, dis played small clumps, marking itself its that kind of coast which generally terminates in rocks, "Strange," remarked Captain Henderson of tho Ro-ebud. "The fellow is now heading straight I'm- that beach. If ho escapes drowning ho should hung for at least a hun dred minders. They s.iy ho never ships less congos than a hundred a trip." "l'erliaps they'll r.ift it or try their boats," said tho first lieutenant, Mr. 11. "Wind's refreshing, sir. Had we not better shorten sails aud close-reef-top sails ?" "Yes. Turn tho hands up at once. Rend cables, and have all leady to como to an an chor. If this galo lasts, I doubt whether wo could wealher tho shore. Send mo the chart-." In vain did lie, with the master, examine, tlicioMucumeuls. The surveys hud been ev idently incomplete, and only a dubious mark indicated tlit) possibility of a covo at hand. Tlio captain gave orders lo reef courses anil ijot to bear up after tho chn-o, but to keep a good lookout upon her, and get a cast of tho deep sea land. "Thirty fathoms, sir; lino hard Hind," reported a quartermaster. "Ohaso still con tinues to run for tho shore, although short ening sail," "How farisbho from land, do you think?" "About four miles, sir standing end on." 'How far from its?" "About IV u same, sir." "I think, sir," Mr. Hall said, as ho saw his chief glanco anxiously at tlio iniincino sea rolling in, wo had heller get oil'. Wo must not lo-o sight of lier4;uid can anchor also should she do so," "You nro right, Hull, ntlll I tear to beat out against this sea is impossible, and as lo anchoring, you hear that wo'voa sandy bot tom. Nothing would hold hero," "Shall wo try tho other thing, sir?" "1 cs, try. Set tho courses. D.iwu your lop-g.illaut yard und masts on deck, Cap on preventer braces, and keep her a half, point oil' tiio wind mi as to forcreach," In this not very pleasant situation, by no mean sure of escaping wreck, and to see the ship thai had lured Iheiu into llio danger of standing in as coolly as though entering a familiar liiivcn, wc leave tho Rosebud I'ur a moment and board tho chase. " 'Twill bo touch and go," observed tlio mato Kitwloy, to tho hurley captain of tho slaver, Tho person addressed was u short and thlck'Sel, small. eyed vagabond, dressed in a round j.icktt, a glazed lint with u small iirlm, large, rough iMiwruiioliwci'her. worn alms btiickinidi r his mm. He '.point I perfectly uiiconc rit d.thoui'htho vcsvl tin der him was apparently ru liuj; on tj Inevi table destruction. MrjnUNMM "Touch and go! If wo had kept out to sea it would havo been touch and tako 1" " (i vo btfcn in hero before, Why not agniu? Is all ready to anchor thcro?" "All rondy, sir." "In foroloppdll. Don't bo nice in tho furl- ing. Lhoro s the entrance. Starboard, you, TonoH. ' "Starboard it fa, Mr," replied Joiicd, not nuito no clioerily a.i was his wont, as ho knew that if iho Amur touched, then every soul was lost; nnd w.ik, perhaps, booking up tho log of his memory, and seeing how the (lend reckoning of hiii misdoings tallied with tho observation, "There, meet her, now and keep that clump of trees on witli tho liltitl' point. Slondy, so. Jump forward, llnwley, and see the anchor is clear. We must be soon whoro wo cleai the first ledge, or ," lie made a sig nificant sijrn. Tlio A" iw had now got the passago (nt all Union d ingerous, but no fearful) open. It was mi narrow that the surf from Iho rocks whitened tho whole, and left no smooth part In indicate tho deeper channel. Tho long roll of tho sea rendered steerage extremely diffi cult, and so the captain stutiding on a small gun opposite Iho wheel kept his eye steadily on tlio clump of trees occasionally warning llio helmsman of tho coming sea which ho heard roaring behind him but which ho never deigned to look at. The crow wero all on deck aud fullv nwnro of their danger. The first line of breakers was passed, and their cotir.nfrt) roo as tlioy witnessed the coolness of tho captain, Onco they only bclraj ed emotion, turning deadly palo but not changing a muscle. It was when tho sea oneo caught tho Aiiow on her starboard quarter, and slio threatened to broach to beforo the helmsman could atop her. I!ut Jones was a l'ood baud. I lo hecked her nt tho critical moment, and kept her in the centre. It was when this sct which lifted tho vessel and surged along with it subsided, Hint tlio vessel when she fell into llio hollow just touched tlio ground. It was but for a moment. Tim next act lift ed them clean oil' tho passage, tho helm was clapped hartl-a-starbo.ini, tho point won rounded, and tho anchor let go in what was comparatively a mill pond, sails wero furled. Sho was as safe as in Cove harbor. "What about tho 'ebony?'" asked the male. "The sloop mu-t sec ourmat abovo the rocks, and may try the passage and then wc are trapped." '"She'll bo loit to-night," replied the cap tain coidy. Sho would never claw oil' in this sea, aud is too eloso in to c.-cape. If sho drifts to leeward only a milo an hour, she'll bo hard and fast aud battened to pieces by midnight. Send alol'ta band aud let me know what the fellow is doing." Report was presently made that the sloop was oft' tlto point, some seven or eight miles aud apparently dropping towards shore. 'JIali!" said tho captain, rubbing his bands. "She's not to have the picking of the littlo Arrow tliii trip, anyhow ! WellJ' now about the niggers, fu climates tho wind chops around in a second, and then wo should have our boats in tho cove beforo wo could land our ebony. They will ahvavs keen the pasago open for. it blows, 'tis their only opportunity." ''Well, sir, thev'll have mors luck than of ten falls to such sharks, if they get in here." "Well, land tho beggars, and away with llicm to tho rear of tho hillock where tlio old hut stands, Sliacklo them well and laud half tho crew to watch them. See to tho crew yourself, or they'll bo picked up and eaten before we knew of the cookcty if cruis ing on land. "Shall I land them all," asked tho mate. "No, not all. Leave Judy with me," re plied tho oilier glancing at one comer of tho dark cabin where, throughout tho recent perilous manreuvers, something like a hu man figure had lain crouched under a tar paulin. The mato hesitated. "If thoso devils sco her wo might just as well leave tho wholo lot of them on board," ho muttered. "D'ye think I don't know that?" said the captain with n dark, sinister look. "Oil witli you and get through with it before dark, I'll land and watch our friend in tho oiling. NYo may pick something when she goes lo pieces and mako oursalvago awards." Tho unfortunato slaves a hundred and seventeen in number, tlireo having died on the passage wero quickly lauded and goad ed along to the destined hiding place. They were an unusually lino lot, prisoners made in a recent nativo battle, and sold by the conquerors for glass beads, ruin, looking glasses and a littlo hard cash, not to mention an oecadiinal cocked hat, and somo metal buttons, at the great slavo mart, I.oangor, Tlio hold cleared, tho captain with a great deal more gentleness than might havo been expected i'mm such a riilllan, uncovered tlio crouching ft xmo and then assisted it lu stand. It was a ncgress and let it not s'.aitlo the reader a most beautiful ono ! If, as llurko asserts, beauty consists in curved lines and eschews tko straight, this young dingy Venus deserves tho appellation. Her head was small, of tho real Cong.) type', not a straight lino about it ; her hair curled, her noso was slightly arched ; her limbs were imind, iicr form symmetrical and undu lating, Judy was now at tho pertectiun of negrcsi womanhood sixteen. Sho was cheerful and intelligent; so quick, indeed of apprehension, that in thu short time that sho had been a captive, but distinguished by tho captain's favor from her fellows in misfor tune, sbu had learned much Knglish al ready. I'oor Judy beheld with much uneasiness her friends marching away. They wero the only companions with whom sho could free ly eouveisc, and it was only by tho judicious iitliuiuisir.itiun uf a Cow comllts, aud dually a small mirror that sho consented to bo pao Hied, Meanwhile on board llio Rosobiu tho stato of things looked hiss and lorn satisfactory. Dwplto all thi clforla lio noared tho hind cousldt'rably.tho 'viud rather increased than diminished, aud Oi plain Henderson, though externally calm, and confident as over, be gan to feel serious alnru. Again and again ho had fought fur tho narrow culraiice, and been eninpcllod to claw oil' from tho purlloiu spot, It was in ono of those soarehliigi that ho dLcovered tho Arrow's iiin-thond. Motionless, nml evi dently ill sectirlly. Suddenly t liert was ele vate 1 on It n mil hlllni an Tn. li-H I'lium ,T.i 1., Wu I' nt. nd l'"f .."t-:.ini. Wm it inf uje I to dir '. tar u t ) tin 1. i.c-jR v i). IrilW" ' Vu nnxlous consultation followed, WW- i-rt, ' Tho first lieutenant proposed bearing tip and running for the plnco at once. Anoth cr oflieer gavo more catitiotts counsel. Tlio Ilaj might ho shown on a dlfl'erent point as a lure. Hut tills opinion was scouted by the gallant Mraight-forwnid enptain. In tho meantime dusk crept on, the sea was running high, and llio sloop was almost buried under Iho press of her canvass, groan ing as sho forced her way on through tho rough, toppling sea. Al length the mainsail split and went to liblious, nnd there being no alternative) but to anchor the order was given. On Bounding ifiey found but eighteen fath oms of water muddy bottom showing how much ihoy hud drifted into shore, but nbo nfliirding foino hope, since their anchors would now hold, thank i to iho mud min gled with sand. Allowing her to drift into twelve fathoms. tho Rosebud's captain let tro both bower an- chuis one backed by tlio studc, Iho other liy the hedge at tho same moment and veered away a whole eablo when she let go tho sheet anchor, and veered away a cable upon that, so that now ho had fivo anchors lown ouch bearing a proper strain. Tho l"adman in the chain announced that tlio anchors held, nnd tho ship surmounted ouo or two terrific jerks without slar'lni; anything. Of CDtirs", in such a predicament little hilarity prevailed. Tho master, a stendy old seamen watched tho coast, nnd taking bearings of tho softest spot to run the vessel upon should she dtifl. The sea roared as it rolled past, ami sometimes over tho sloop; but still she held. "Does she drift ?" asked Henderson every miuitto in his accustomed steady tone, though an affirmative would huvo been his ship's death warrant. "Not an inch, sir," was the invariable reply. Thtu affairs remained for moro than an hour. On shore the captain and male had been carefully watching their imperilled pur suer. Tho suspicion started on board tho latter bad been correct. Tho Hair bad been so placed that had tho slnap'ttscd it as .uruido sho must havo been inevitably cast upon tho lower ledge of the rock. As tho day .shut in tho Iwo worthier re- folvcd lo improve the snaro. They obtained t couplo of lanterns from their brig, and hoisted them on the false bind'. This done, they leturncd on board when tho mato mado a kind of official report in refereuce to the .lave'. Judy sat by the captain's side, and was encouraged to taste his grog. Rough and brutal as tho man was all human feeling was not banished from his heart. After his courso fashion he loved the dark beauty, ana bur position, alone among whito strangers, ic negroo! terror and abhorrence appealed to whatsoever of pity that lingered in his nature. In sheer kindness, like the man that buttered Ids horse's oats, lie mado poor lu ly sip and sip until sho -hail to bo dis patched to bed, asucaily deprived of reason a a human being can bo without being a natural id lit. Day dawned. The galo had moderated. The Rosebud was Kale. She had held on well, mid though sho had dragged a little, had still ten fathoms of water. About noun a slight Haw of wind coming oil' tlio laud, sho instantly weighed aud got under can vass. The slaver's people eyed this operation with delight, and the captain and mato bad a littlo caroue of congratulation. At last it occurred to the weary skipper to ccek what the sloop was doing and a hand was sent aloft. The report was startling, "Hove to, sir. Boat lias just entered the covo. R.iwley looked at his chief. "Condemned, sir. Judy '' was all ho said. "No timo to land here,'" "Impossible." Tho captain's tanned visage (hulied, and then grew sheet-while. Tho mate pointed significantly in tho di rection of the coming boats. "Here, R.nvlcy," said tho other, putting his hand on his shoulder, and whispering in his ear. "Bo quick I You understand. Down, every man of you, foro and aft!" he continued, "and scrub out tho hold as quickly us pos sible !" Tho hands disappeared, and the mato, who had jumped below also, returned, leading Judy, Tho captain took her in his arms, and kissed her affectionately. Then addressing ho mate, ho said : "Bear a hand, my lad, or wo ar'o dono for!" And ho turned nway. Those below heard ono loud shriek, bound ing above nil tho noiso they mauu and sioppod appalled, Hut tho inato's voico was heard talking cheerfully : "I'll give thein work enough I Tlipy snan't get tho Arrow without a job! They shall weigh heavy anchor themselves. Ami Here goes another !" Tho axe was heard to fall on the stopper, and the larboard nuchor dropped from tlio bows, At this moment tlio Rosobud's uoau rounded tho point and dashed alongside, Mr. Hall had como in person. Too shrewd of observation to bo easily gulled bo had ob served on entering, that had they steered lor tho signal they must havo been lost. This continued him in ids opinion of tlio eharac- ler of tlio vessel pursued, ovon bad sho not been pretty well identified as tho victorious Arrow. As tho armed boats dashed up, tboraptiiin nnd mato wero seen quietly smoking nil dock, much al their cae. "What ves-cl Is that ?" demanded Hall, as ho Jumped on dock. "Tho Arrow, of Liverpool," "Whoro from last?" "Sierra Leone." "Your cargo?" "Kmptiiitw," was tho caucy reply. "Jump down there, nion," wild Hall, du dainiiig further colloquy, "and oxnmiuo tlio vcswol thoroughly," Half a duvren men obeyed. "How many men havo you on board?" asked Hall, uuw uddrcrfng the mate, "Six." "What are yril doing hue?" ' ( :t tun - out .ii thu way of tho wind ' ' "thru -v 'lur L iMii when wo Ar t sight, cd ' ' 1 i I,i i. i." ' ,v.i.,tn 'ftiiuCcx i travcr e," eh? said ft mt tun itUnri Mimimt r-lllfviIrM H 1 pita-tf lit iffu ,lt oil. 'TrnufinT.MiijAx, voi,. ix, xo. 3a Wl.UHlllA DHMoCltAT, vol.. xt., so. 0 tho other Ironically. "You wero standing AY. X. W. with a fajr wind. Is that the coitrfo of Loango?" "I was working my own reckoning," put In tho captain, "and perhaps I .should have found my port just as well without your as sistance." "Show me your papers." "Hero." There wru nothing In tho papers inconsis tent with what had been plated. The vessel was bound, ippnreiifly, for gold dint; and, as far as observation went, there was noth ing to justify her detention. The lniehhlp men reported, indeed, that tho vessel, though empty, was not guiltless of that peculiar aroma, that, to tho noso of experience, de notes the recent prosenco of negroes. And a shackle or two l.iul been found ; but be yond this thcro was nothing to bear out the suspicion that this notorious craft was still engaged in the nefarious traflic sbo had hith erto pursued. "Stay. How came you to stick up that flag in (he wrong place, yesterday?" resum ed Mr. Hall stemlv. "There, Mr. Rnwley," ejaculated the slav er's enptain, addressing his mate with a sanc- tllied look-, ",-iee what men get for doing n good turn. There wero wc, up half the night straining our blessed eyes out, witli ropes and everything ready to render these people assistance, and this is the reward to be treated as slaves aud pirates !" That doesn't answer my question, sir," said tlio officer. "Come, you must sco the captain ; and as we can't afford to part com pany with such kind and well intentioned folk", just weigh at once nnd out with you, alongsldo tho sloop." "Weigh for yourself," was tho sullen re ply. "I shan't go out of this till better weather. If you start my anchors I bold you responsible for any thing that may hap pen to tho vessel. Mind now, sir. I tell yi,u beforo you begin, not a man of mine shall render you the least assistance. The instant you touch my anchors I give up the cbargo of tho vesel and hold you responsible to its owners. Mark tho csact time. And now, sir, begin a soon as you please." The officer lie'.itated bo knew the danger of the passage. Tho wind was very light, tho sea still running heavily on shore, and it was far from certain lie could take the brier out in safety. In this dilemma ho despatch ed one of his boats to tho Rosebud, giving an account of ivliat be had seen, and request ing further orders. In tlio meantime be got into the other boat, ami examined the sound ing of the cove. No sooner had he left tho vessel than tho captain sent mn aloft to unbend tho foro top-sail, slightly split near the starboard clue, but which could have been quite as ea sily repaired where it was. On the return of tho boat sent to the sloop the midshipman banded a card to Mr. Hall, who at onco pulled back to'the slaver. "You will get under way, eir, and go out to the sloop. There are your orders. About it, with no moro palaver." "1 shall do nothing of the kind," was the answer. "I am in a safe harbor and here I stay till my sails are repaired and my rigging set up. If you eliooso to take charge of her do so, but you get no help from me." "Very good. Then I relievo you from all respousibilty. Bo'irtl her, men. Some of you get that top-sail aloft just as it is. Tho rest weigh anchors smartly now. Wind's dropping. The mite here interfered. "Why give yourself and us more truoble than is necessary? Yon know very well wo shall bo back here in a couple of hours." "Will you?" said Hall doubtingly. "At all events we'll take the chance. So why not slip tho cables and buoy the ends. There's nobody hero to steal tho wood." "All right. I've no objection to that. So slip and buoy, my lads." Giving this direction while walking for ward, Hall remarked that the larboard an- chor, which lay in three fathom water, was upside down. Ho therefore ordered his men to slip tho starboard cable ; aud as ho came aft again observed to the captain : "As you've so little cable out on the lar- board anchor wc 11 weigh that." "Why so?" asked the other uneasily. . "iiec.'uiso if tlio wind fails us, as seems most likely, we may have to anchor outside, Xow bear a band aloft tbero with the topsail and jump up, one or two of you, and loose tho sails on the mainmait." Meanwhile tho mato had run forward and was seen assisting busily to unsplieo tho lower cable. "t.elay that," cried Hall, "Unsplieo tho other, tlio starboard cable, men!'' Tlio mate mado a desperate effort to com- pleU the Murk. by attempting to let tho cud slip through the ha'.v.e-hole. But ho was ngiilu fiTiitrated, for soino of tho Rosebud's men had stiilencd tho cable beforo all, and brought to the messenger. Ify this timo the sails were loosed, and tho men, assembled by tlio captain, began to heave around. Tho result must, 1 think, have been nutlc- hinted. Wrv few wlin liavn iipiiiminte.l Very few who themselves with tho but too authentic nar ratives of the barbarity practiced by slavo captains ut this period will doubt the truth of this. They need not ; for the circumstances, names excepted, aro perfectly accurate. When tho anchor nviched tho bows, it brought up with it, lashed to thu shank, and gaggeil to stllilo her cries, the corpse of poor Judy This condemned tho Arrow as a yrba. Such, however, was the indignation of tho Itosebud's in.-ii that It required llio energetic en ,ur. nun in protect mo cap- tain ireiiu summary vcugoiiance. tinimppi. ly inr uawiey, in mo murder, that miscreant, hoping to escape al- together, leaped into the sloop s boat, which ay wiiu oniy mo Keeper romaui ing in it. Striking tho latter on tho head ,, sti.i.u m-.ny iiLiiuiiiem nun wmiiug Him into me water, the mato Jimipid over uoaru aii-i uiaiio lor wo snore. "ivomo Hack-, you murdering eoundrol," snouted uaii,wiioo quick eye bad caught tho wliolo proocodmgs, rapid as It was, "Back or wu tiro I Ho had kcarcely uttered tho lost word. whoa a shot from tho bows, fired bv a sailor who had nitakeit tho inonuoo for an ordur, stopped the fugitive, Turning round, bo rose by some convulsive movement half abovo the surface, then, with n wild toss oi bis anus, went to li, o i.ouuin, Tlio numan bavin," been quickly picked up n"d i a- fdr'iilmi.l, theboat pro ill t. . . cciii i in scartu oi inr intue s ' i ! , wiiieii, cwl i ' a if i tr ctV , 1 . d bet n me hefto ill. tunc' If. m tl.c fpot at which ono Inch, (twelrp linen or in pqo'i.'l' til In Nnnpft' II tyno) ono or to Inscnions, H.'" Inr e ltiscr. lions, $t,oo. M(iP. nt. ttt. ". hi ly f 10.00 CO in .00 rtnir rotumn. . .lS.Uii tNur Wttf T .0 co!oo on column n .en ii . o r. o 1 o.oo Yearly advert Iscmciii s pn able rpi. u ri , Trail Ment ijdrpr(lspnrentiriiiiKt be pi" bfuro In.Drtcd oxcert Whore pnn les HVCi" count tBnIdiertfseinefiltnTilolliir'. perlri' li fi r thrf o InscrtlonaTnwtiiUluUrRtft ftiraddltltni insertion witiioutJrefereiit t hTtrtti. HxeVytnrni AUifllnlstrii tor's ond A' t.ltor 1 Icca tlirpo dollars. l'tansO iji. ot .Ural jintlrt n, yn i t n llr.p, reKitiari.vurtlmit4fVhiAPril ( arils tn tho "minInpRS Director, c iiurtn, ono ilejllnriM rytmr foi eu h line, ( , , t lie sank. It' tvas nt length discovered through, tho clear water and by means of tho boat,s anchor hauled on board with littlo ceremonj'i of courso liclOM. The brig was coiiiloinne'iT and lf.r valtto of tho prino was much augmented by tho circumstances of liar oxew-s-to 'ntratiato themselves with tliolrenptorst be1 ing tlio hiding pJnce of the lavo cargo. The e wero Hpoedily roshipped in tho very vt.-.r.l in whioli'tlicy had been m roughly atore J, but this time with a little more rci'i'.A to hu manity. ,.,.' I,,. How (lrasslioiiorS'Xako Flight. A correspondent of tho St. Louis 11 ,uUU cm who has been olwerving the habi j of the grasshoppers in tno interior of Mi -;ourl describes their method of taking flight as follows : "Grasshoppers, to say the least of tlicm, are epicer Insects. They muster in fcrco at regular hours, thon depart; and til's pro-, gramme has been followed without variation in that vicinity for the past three or four elays. Between 10.30 and 11 o'clock a. m., they congregate In swarms, oftentimes cov ering from one-quarter to half an acre, or more. They now begin maiueuvring for a good start, and in order lo attain an alti tude (ly against the wind in a man ner. Large swarms soon reach a rcat ht 'faht where they mingle witli other swarms, and thus in vast myriads pass away to tho north cast. Yesterday those at tho hi,,lip 1 1 "int went in a northwesterly dircclior, it being observed they wero carried alon ' itli tho wind's force. No accurate c.'ic. p.ioti could bo made of their height. Shielding tho eyo with an umbrella from tho sun, they appear one vast snow fall, traveling at tho rato of leu miles an hour. From the space ol ono hundred feet abovo the ground to an alti tude beyond correct ilemon-tralion, thry ap pear in myriads, although it was clearly ob served the larger part attained tlio upper cur rent. Beginning their flight in warms, they maintain tho samo order throughout, l or minutes the sun's light is almost shLUed, when for a timo nono are observe 1, again w bo followed by millions moro of tho tiny host. "At a low altitude, barely pas.dn;; tops of tall trees, thousands of hoppers fly in a ven turesome way unable "to obtain tho proper height. In a few days, however, they gain sufficient strength and then form a part of tho departing multitude, and so tho flight keeps on. Tho eyo grows weary with upward watching, but the moving hosts form a pan orama in tho heavens on which the toiling husbandmen gaze with unspeakable joy. At noon tlio procession had reached its grandest proportions. The voracious pests pour forth in ono. cxhaustleij swarm, their tiny bright wings glistening like silver in tho sunlight. A hawk sailing at its usual height w as far below the most venturesome? Tow ard two o'clock they decrease in numbers;. Swarms grow perceptibly less, and soou a few straggleis alone arc visible, slowly fol lowing tho lino of march. Another half hour and all have passed for tho day. "These flights havo taken place daily at the hours named for tho past tlireo or four Java, and from llio best information learned extend eight miles bouthwcst from Windsor and seveial miles northeast of that place. It is said by persons that tlicso pests also fly the samo hours during the night as day, weather permitting, their flight being plainly disccrnablo when passing beforo tho bright moon. Already threc-iifths of these depre dators have departed. During early morn ing Hours mvnaiU ot tlicm lly short dis tances over the prairies, evidently strength ening their wings and preparing themselves for the general flight. "Farmers arc greatly encouraged. In lo calities whero fields have been ravaged, fann ers are preparing to replant corn, which, even if it should not mature, will mako ex cellent cattle feed. Ufcoiit Holy Land Discoveries. Lieut. Condor of tho F.nglish Palestine party is confident that he has identified tho site of the aucient city of Adullam, witli Da- vid's famous cave, some four miles from Bethlehem. At this rate of discovery b!x or seven important Biblical places having already been definitely located our map.! of vicrc.d Palestine will have to bo entirely remodeled. These announcements appear to bo made only after a careful comparison be- tho localities and his historical tlata. aud may bo accepted as correct. In tho case of Adullam, for example, the topography nn- swers to the recorded facts, and tlio nam?, 1 moreover, survives, tho modern places being called Avd cl Mien, which preserves all tho essential letters of Adullam l'rof, Faine's claim, in tho Intcst statement of tho Ameri- can society for tho exploration of Palestine, tu have discovered in Jebel Slagbah, a lower peak ut Nebo, tho ancient Pi-gali, is quoted I by tho Alinnt iiu and oilier Knglish journals with remnrks that as yet the propi srd id.-'iiti- fic.uion rests solely on tho grounds that t .'s summit is the only spot whero Mosci could havo seen the wholo of the Promised laud, mld wit1' tho m,ao of 1i3Sal1 lingers in tho Word Sl.lgliall. How Jliii'ldcs are Made. The chief piaeo for tlio manufacture of marbles those littlo pieces of stono which eontribulo so largely to the enjoyment of boys is at Oberstein, on tho Nahe, in Ger many, whero tbero nro largo ngato mills and quarries, tho refuso of winch is turned into good paying account by being inado into small balls, employed by experts to knuckle, and aro mnstlv sent tn tho American ui-irk-nt. The M.bstnnco u,od lu SnSonv in lmnf col. L.U.C0U( bt()lui( whidl u flr4t broken' into biocU nciuiv Mlurf. by blows with a lam- -nor. The,,o aro thrown bv the limi lr.-.l or tVl0) ilU n sll,alUoit of mill, w!ilch Is formed of a ,ut stationary slab or, with a wmwt f eccentric furrows upon ii . taec I Mock of oak. or other hard ond. of Iho diametric si.o i. placed over llio stor,. Vi ,d Onelnph ,.,.A0 f'-"" fltj'O Two liiphi'H. ., . ..TiStrw nv v'""J "' nlftitnehi's.U....liJj) 7.oo,Vii.iliUi.7'Liii is. I''i)iirlH1ii.i.....','!.0) tlijlflMii .0 So, ....-.... ..." ...I . It.. ULJllh'rfii.n parity resting on thorn. The small bit 1 1 f - ,,,11Mi i( i;0llt ...volvlna while w t. r .,,.,. n, st,,,,,, i,ii,. i ni,t ni, . ,, ,, tiles tho stones aro turned into splur , .oi'l thon, being lit forali, aro )ic!iiv''"rth .M I imublcs. Ouo establishment, with bitt tbr o mill- turns out (iu.000 marbles each w Ir i,iere ' way of doing good in thMWfid, 011 n "!' s0b that is scarcely appll'd t. cu' A iiiiin who cduuitcs one clilid' fin'i - 1 luily may cllect a work ot greutcrb'ftu'vj- b.',u'p wn u who has Iho mii'ie elf ft'f'iil- Uantlirophlst, Ihe love coiicciitiuii.T'Hi a fumi'y may produce u riehtr mi il'i(("l'nt - Kli'.th cmbnas tl.o v.rW ,u ; ,'.'iri ja I .. ....... in it intense m it 'ii i- hp, i . t n , ivnt s ir.nv '-o idle, d . . ' un ti.i vL'k tiiiLsif a community 1I1Q lHw