4k THE COLUMBIAN RATES OF ADVERTISING. COLOMBIA DKMOOlt.VT, UTAH OP TIIR NORTH AKIJ COLBJt- HMN CONHUI.inATKll.J Issued weekly, every Friday inornlmr, nt llLOU.MSIlUmf, COI.UMHIA COUNTY? I'A. At TWOU0M.AH3 lior year, pavnhlo In advance, or ilurlniMho your. After tliu expiration of tho onr. .w will bo cliarired. To subscribers out of thu county tholerms nra Jpcr j car strictly In advance ti.ii! If not paid In advance and M.uo If payment bo delayed beyond tho year. No paper discontinued, except at the opl Ion of tho Publisher, until all arrearages nro p.tld, liuUniitr continued credits after tho expiration of tlio llrst year will not bo given. All papers sent out of tho Wa'c, or lo d Want post oillcos, must bo paid for In advance, unless n resnnn Blblo person In Columbia county assumes to pay tha subscription duo on demand. ids I'AtilS 13 no longer oxactcd from subscribers In tho county. job nps-nsTTinsra-. Tho .lobblns Department of tho Cor.miiiAN is very complete, and our Job Printing will cotnparo ftivor mily wlih that of I ho largo ell Us, Allvvork donoon ileinund, n rally nnd nt luoderalo prices. Ono Inch, (twelro Unoa or Its equivalent In Nonpn ell type) ono or two insertions, llirio inter tlons, 2,oo. BrACK. lw. tit. Onolneh ..t2.M ftoo 1 wo Inches ti.no ttfiO Three Inches ft.o t.oo l'our Inches T.fO 11.00 oimn cr column .... . .1 o.oo 1 j.) Half column ib.ixi i,.wi on column a .00 e6.no tit. tu, 1y 11.00 fHXO 110.00 T.tl) e.im 15.00 o.oo ij.eo is.io 1I.M 1TX0 SB.00 H.m) yii.10 so.oo in. , 'i.oij 00.00 40.H0 C .ID PO.CO Yearly advertisements naj able nu.utrrly Tran- slcnt advertisements must l paid Liforo Incertcd oxcent whero panics havo accounts. ICEalndvertfscmenls two dollars pirln'h ferthrfo Insertions, nnd nt that rato f 9r addltlunnl li.'jcitlcns without referenNi tn lencrth. tfTCCittnr'n, Administrator's nnd Auditor's Notices three dollars. Transient rr Local notlccf, tvnit 1 -ir n lino. rtRUlflrioUertlHniH'iiis h.Jt mb . rnrds In tho "Iluslness Dlrcciory" coIuihd, or.o dollar per year for each line. henry i,. diki-ti- iN'UACir, BLOOMSBTJllG, PA., FRIDAY, AUGUST 6. 1875. THE COLUMIUAN. VOL. IX, NO. 31 COI.VMMA HISMOCHAT, VOL. XL, NO. M UDlTOlt ANU HUM, U.K. Columbia County Official Diroctory, President. tiidgo--VlllUm Hlwell. Associate Judges -Ir.im Horr, Isaac S. Monroo. Prothonolarv, AO. II. l'rank Znrr. (l.-gliter.V lleeontcr Willi itnson II, Jacoby. lilstrlct Attoiney John .M. claik. tUierllt -Michael (Itovcr. H irvovnr Isuno Povvlit. I H-astircr hilm Hu.itor. O.imtulssloners William Lawton, John llcrncr, UlMlll I. lit. CmnmlsslonorR' ( 'fork William Krlrkkiuin. All lltora-l'. J. Campbell, s. II. smith, David Yost. unronrr t nnries w. .-mirpnoy Jury Commissioners-Jacob II. Frit, William it, Ull. (lutintv SuDerlntcndcnl William II. Knvrtor. Win. Kramer, Hlu mburg and Thomas C'rovelln.r, mount ruor uisi,' lei, inruciors u. r, i-;nt, rscotr., SCO t. o. l'. l;ut, secretary. Bloomsburg Official Directory. ISIoomsburg Hanking Company John A. I'unslon, President, II. ll.flroz, cashier. first Nailonal Hank Charles It. rnxton, ('resident J. 1'. Tits In, Cashier. Columbia County Mutual Mating Fund nnd Loan Association j'.. u. j.iiue, rrcsiucui, u. vv. .Miner Keel clarv. lllnumsburg llulldlng andHavlng Fund Association win. reacocK, i-resiiicnt,.!, 11. iiotnsun, secretary. lllooiniburg.Miiiual saving Fund Association .1 llrovver, President, C. O. llarkloy, Necrelnry. CHURCH DIRECTORY. HAiTiar citi-iicu. llev. J. P. TusUn, (Supply.) Sunday Senlccs iii a. m. and cf p. m. Niind.lv School 9 a. m. I'rujcr Meeting livery Wednesday evening at ti ClUUK. Soa s lice. Tho public aro lntl'ed lo attend. SI. MATTHEW'S MJTU3HAN C1IUI1C1I. Mlnls er-licv, J. It. Wllllain. Sunday Services lo a. in. nnd Oft p. in. H11nd.1v School-on. in. l'r.ncr.Mecilug litcry Wednesday evening atcj L'llK'K, beats free. Nopows rented. All aro welcome. lMlKSnVTniUANCIlL'I'.CU. Jllnlstcr Ilcv. Stuart Mitchell. Sunday services wa a. in. nnd ays p. ra. Sum lay school 0 a. m. I'raver.Meoilng Kvery Wednesday evening at 0; clock. Beai s free. No pews rented. SI rangers v elcome. METHODIST Kl'IACOTAL CHC11C1I. Presiding lnder llev. N. H. Iiucklngham. Minister llev. J. II. Jlcdarrah. Sunday Services lojj and Xf p. m. biindav SUiocil i p. 111. Ulblo class Uverv .Monday evening at ejtf o'clock. Young .Men's Prayer -Meoilng Kery Tuesday .eulng at 05 o'clock. Jeneral Prayer .Meeting Every Tlmrsday evening o'clock. ItKFOHMKD CHCKCH. Corner of Third and Iron streets, l'astor ltov. T. V. ltolTmeler. ite.sldenco Hast btreet, near Forks Hotel. Sunday Senlees 10) n. m. and 0 p. m. Sundav School 3 a. 111. l'rajer Jleetlng Saturday, 7 p. m. All 1110 Invited There is nln aj s 1 00m. Services every Sunday ntternoon nt, i o'clock at ileller's church, Jladlsou township. ST. rAL'I.'S CHl'llCII. Hector liev. John Hewitt. Sunday sen Ices wyt .1. in., t p. m. Sunday School 0 n. m. First Sunday In the month, Holy Communion. Services preparatory to Communion 011 1'itday evening beloro Hie 1st Sunday In each moulh. I'ews rented ; but everybody welcome. Persons desiring to consult tho Keclor on religious nutters wilt llnd him at tho parsonage on llock Street. EVANGELICAL CIIUIICH. Presiding i:idcr Itev. A. L. lleeser. SllnlUcr Itcv. J. A. mine. Sunday Sci t Ico 3 p. in., In the Iron Street Church. l'nu er .Meeting l.iery Sabbath nt 2 p. 111. All aro Invited. All are welcome. QCIIOOL OltOKKS, Manic, ju printed anil Vj neatly bound In small books, n hand and fur sale ut tho coi.umuian oillee. " eb. la, l&I5-tt LANK DICEDS, on I'arclmuiit anil I.ineii I I'aner. common and for Administrators, i:ecu- furs nnd trustees, for bale chcauut the Columbian oillee. MA1UUAOE CEUTI KICATES iu.t printed nnd tor snlo at the Coi.umuian oillee. Mlnls f tho (lospcl and Justices should supply them bclves with theso necessary articles. JUSTICES and Constables' Kee-Uills for sale at the Columbian onice. They contain tho cor lected fees n3 established by tho last Act of tho Leg slatureupon tho subject. Kvery Justice and C011 btablo should U.no one. 'VrKXDUE NOTES Ju-t printed and for sale " cheap at tho Coi.umiihn oillee. CLOTHING, &c. D WW I.OWEXliEUG, Jrerchant Tailor .Main St., above Central Hotel. HOOTS AND SHOliS. BENHY KL1C1M, Jranafacturer and dealer lnliootsand bhoes, gioccrles, etc., Jlalu St., illoomsburg. M. KXOKI!, Dealer in lioots and Shoes, I . latest and best sts les. corner Jlaln and Jlai ket btretls, In the old post oillee. CLOCKS, V ATOMS, &C. CK. SAVACE. Dealer in Clocks, 'NVatclies . and Jewelry, Main St., Just below tho Central Hutei OUIS HEUNAUD, Watch and Clock J maker, near southeast corner Main andiron. JlII.LIN'IIltY & FANCY GOODS. TISS jr. DEUHICKSON, Jlillinery and Fancy Oojds, Main St., below Jlarket. rpiIE JI1SSES HAIUIAN, Jlillinery and L Fancy floods, Slain stieet, below Central Hotel. MERCHANTS AND OIIOCEUS. II C. llOWEi:, Hats and Caps, Hoots and . Shoes, Main btreet, above Court House. Sir. JIII.LEU A SON, dealers in Dry i (loods, groceries, queensware, Hour, bait, bnoes, notions, etc., Main btreet. I'KOFESSIONAL CAltDS. c G. IJAIiKLKY, Attomey-at.T.aw. Itooms , 4 and B, lirow er's building, 2d lloor. Dlt. Wjr.Sr. KEIlEU.SurKeon nnd I'liysi elan, Ofllco S. corner lloclc and Market bireets. T 1!. EVANS, jr. D., Surgeon , clan, north bide of Main street, and I'll)'!' Hycr's, UUOUU. IV. Jit. JIcKELVY, Jr. D., Surf-eon and 1'liy , blclan, north sldo Main btreet, below Market, " I!. ItOllISON, Allorncy-at-I.aw. . in llartmou's building. Vain street. Olliec s AJIUEL .TACOI1Y, JIarlilo and lirowii stone W orks, u.ist illoomsburg, lienvlek road. II. liOSNESTOCIC, Photographer, Claik a Wolf's store, Main street. D 15. ir. C. IIOWEH, Surgeon DentUl, Main M., aoovo tin Loun, iiou-io, J1I. JIAIZE, Jlamiiiolh Orocery, lino Gin- cei les, Fruits, Nuts, ProMslons, &eMalunnd Cemro bireets. MISCELLANEOUS. H. KUIIN, denier in Jrent, Tallow, etc., , Centra bt reel, between Second and Third. c 1 jr. CIIHISTMAN, Saddle, Trunk and liarnesi maker, KhUo'a Dlock, Jlaln btrei t. rpiIOjrAS WEI1I!, Confectionery and Ihkerv, X wholesalo and retail, Exchange Hlock, i W COHELIj, Furnitiiio Konnis, three JT btory brlek, Main btreet, w est of Market bt. DVi'. ItOHIlINS, Liquor dealer, second door , from tho northwest comer Main and Iron bireets. J. THOHNTON, Witll Paper, Window , Shades and llxturc, import bluck, Main st, OltANGKVILLH DIHEOTOUY, 4 Il.'HErtnrNG, Carpenter nnd builder, Main btreet beluw Flue. Pit. O. A. JIEGAHGEL, Phy Surgeon, Main street, next door tc siciaii and 0 (iood's Ho- AVID IIKItlUNG, Flour and Grist Mill, TA Jri'S I). HATtJrAN, Cabinet jrnker and J Undertaker, Mala Mrect, below pine. LiailT STREET. RS. ENT, dealer in Stoves nnd Timvaro in i nil Ha branches. IJETEU ENT, Miller, nnd denier In all kind purchased'11 ,n' Fl0Ur vd.Ac. AlUlndiof drain ESPY. fj W. EDGAR, Kusquehann.t Planing Mill i. A ri'ORNEY'S II LA KKS, Common mid t Judgment Honda, lust printed md for 'solo at tho CommiiAN Ofllco. All kinds of Altorney's blanks eltiitr kept on baud or printed to older," OATAWISSA. ST. JOHN'S (UI'ISCOI'AL) CllUItClI. Hector ltov. John llewllt. Kimday Sen lcos-3 o'clock p. m. every Sunday. Sunday School-l:3u i. m. Holy Communion tho second Sunday In tho month rut. U. W. llUTTHK, lMIYSICIAN&stmOEON, onlec, on Main street, Mar.ar.'ll-y Catawlssa, Pa. JI. h. KYEUIA, ATTOltN EY-AT-I.A W, Catawlssa, Ia. Collections promptly mado and remitted. OHlco Ui'pUHU LllUlWlSS.llJepOSllrlt.lUK. oin-it jr.ll. AimOTT, Attomey-at-Law, .Main oil lit, I I V. DALIiJIAN, Jlerchant Tailor, Second llUOKJlOKN. MO. & V. II. SHOEMAKER, Dealers in a Dry Hoods, Groceries and General Merchar.- 1SUSINK&S CARDS. li. A. L. TURNER, UXCHANOE HOTEL, IlLOOMSllURO, I'll. Ofllco over lllclra's Drug Store, onlec houin from 1 to 1 p. m.. for treatment of diseases of thu Ei e, Ear and 1 hroat. All calls night or day promptly attended to. Arr.!3'I5-tf JQR. J. C. R UTTER, PHYSICIAN' & SUliOEON, Oillee, North Market street, Mar.27,'74-y Illoomsburg, Pa. JR. 11. F. GARDNER, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, HLOOMSUUltO, I'A. onico abovo J. Schuyler & Son's Hardwaro Store. Apr.23'!5-tt Q W. MILLER, aiiokm;v-at-law, Onico In Drower's building, second lloor, room No. Illoomsburg, Pa. ulyl,73 y c 1 W. J.ISUOKALKW, ATTOHNEYS-AT-LAW, Illoomsburg, Pa. Onico on Main Street, first door below court Houso -Mar.tyn-y 11. F. .t J. JI. CLARK, , ATTOHNEYS-AT-LAW, Illoomsburg, ra. April 10,'Il-y Ofllco InEntsIHUldlng. A. CKKVKL1NO SMITH. I1EHVET EWINU SMITH. CREVELING SJI1TH & SON, Ai TUJt.MJYS-AT-LAW , Illoomsburg, Pa. tf All business entrusted to our earn will rcrlnvn piompt utteutlon. Julyl,'73 y II. I1UOCKWAY. OEOKOE E. ELWELL. JROCKWAY it ELWELL, . ATTOKNEYS-AT-LAW, Illoomsburg, ra. WAH business entrusted to our earn w 111 rerrlvn prompt attention, Sept.11,'74 y I. LITTLE. UOU'T. It. LITTLE. E 7 U. & R. It. LITTLE, ATTOISNEYS-AT-LAW, Eloomsburg, l'a. CJ'"IliHlness beforn thnTr.R.ltatcnriimcn nt ti.nftml to. Ollleo In tho Columbian llulldlug. ly xs J E. ORVIS, " ATTOHNEY-AT-LAW. Wlllpractlcolnallthu courts of Columbia, Sulli van and I.j coming counties. In tho Supremo court of Pennsylvania, und In tho Circuit and District couits ut tho United stales held at Wllllamsport. I'.i. vt 111 00 in 111s omco in tho Columbian bulldtng. oota No. 1. Eloomsburir. on Tiinsil.ivs. v..rin.d.iv u and Thursdajs of each week; audlniscntonon Mon tl.u s, Fridays and satin days, unless nb.seut on pro fessional business. sent. Ie.ls75. I7REAS UROWN'S INSURANCE AGEN . CY, Exchango Hotel, Illoomsburg, Pa. .Etna, ins Co., of Hartford, Connecticut. .. uWooo I.leipool, London and (ilobe 2tu 11 mo liojjlot Liverpool 13 800,0011 Lnneaushlro lo.ono, 00 Hro Association, I'hllatlelphl.i a.loo.ouil f'nnltfil Atneilean of Philadelphia 1,100 000 Atlas ot Hartford n iwm Wyoming, ot Wilkes ll.irro i!3l!ooo r ariners utuai 01 1 )au 1110 ,tH),ooo Hume, New York!!!.'.'.'.'..".'.'.'.'.".'.'.V.'.'.'.'..V.! 6,cotuioti Jtareh sc,'74-y fcJl,tiM,Mio JIISCELLAXEOUS. "YrH'I-IAM JrORRIS, -11EICC1IANT TAILOIt, Cutting, cleaning nnd rcpalrlngjirompllynttended 1. First lloor over J. F. Wldemailsnaiilwarostoro, to. Illoomsburg, Pa. Jan. c, '75 tf R, M. TUBBS, WHOLESALE UEAI.EK IN I1URNING AND LURRICATING OILS. uinco in juaiio s uuiiuuig, corner Main and Centro streets, HLOOMSUUltO, PENNA. tT"Ordcra solicited nnd nrnmntlv May, !S,'7s-ly ENTISTRY. II. C. IIOWEH, DENTIST, llcspectfully offers his professional senlcegto tho la lies and gentlemen of illoomsburg nnd vicinity, lie la prepared to attend loan tho various operations In the lino of his profession, and Is provided 1th tho latest Improved I'oucl'Lain Teeth, which will be In serted on gold plating, silver nnd rubber base to look as well uatliu natural teeth. Teeth extracted by all tho now and most approved methods, and nil operations 011 tho teeth carefully and properly at tended to. onico a tew doors above tho Court llouso, samo side. lulyi.'ia 17 J. THORNTON ly, would aunouneo to tho citizens ot illonms Ciiil' and Melnltv that ho has lust reeelvcilnftilt nml cumpleto assortment ot WALL r.U'Elt, WINDOW SHADES, I'lXTl'ltES, COUPS, TASSELS, and all other goods In his lino of business. All tho newest uml most appiovcd pal terns ot tho day aro always to bo foundlulila establishmentMain btreet, below Market. Julyl,'73 BROWN'S HOTEL, DLOOMSDURO, FA,, B. STOHNER, Propriotojr, Accommodations First Closs-ll.ss to Jl.M per day, RESTAURANT ATTACHED. Largo, Airy Saraplo Rooms on 1st Floor, Illoomsburg, July !, 1575-tf. VULOAH" IRO 0IIKS, DANVILLE, MONTOUIt COUNTi-, I'A. 57 ILLIAJI II, LAW, Mnnufactitrcr of Wroimht Iron llrldnes. Hollers, (laslioldcr. Fireproof llulldlngs, Wrought Iron Itooilng, llooillng Frames, Flooring and Doors, Farm dales anil Fenc ing, uiso iiruugui jruu ri uiig, mucks aim niiKiuua of Smith Work, Ac, itepalra promptly attended to, N. H. Drawings and Estimates supplied. July 1, 1679 BLOOMSUURG TANNERY. (i, A, MUIIRINO 1") ESPECTFULLY nnnouueca lo Iho inibllo A that ho has 1 cojicned KKSStef SN'YDER'S TANNERY, wSSstw (oldbtand) illoomsburg, l'a., at tho JJf(7,' Forks ot tho Espy and Light btreet rondJ, whero all deserfpllons of TV n,.tT (,a) r Hin bo made In tho most substantial and wot uiiianllku manner, and sold nt prices lo suit tho times. Tho highest pUcoJaeash will at all times bo paid tor , GREEN HIDES of every description In tho country. Tho public pat ronage Is respectfully bollclted. Dloomsburg, Marui 18, l87&-y NEW MUSLO STORE. OPERA. HOUSU, 3d ROOM, tJ3.03JHUEJK, V.t. ii. h. strTokland Itcspcctrully Informs tho public that he has opened n New Music Store, In the Illoomsburg opera llimsn, on Centri' street, below Main, whero ho keeps n full ussortment ot PIANOS. OHO NS, MUSICAL INSTIIITMENTS, SIinh'T MUSIC, Ml'MC HOOKS, Arc , nlivnysonhandnndforsalo at thu lowest, prices. Ilo Invites tho patrons of music to call undexamliu his stock. REPAIRING AND TUNING, nlso attended to on demand. Thopubllc pntronago la rospectfully solicited. nriil 'ir,-iy BLO OnVCSEXJDRO- State Normal School. rPIIIS Institution nfmnli In student iireparmg B forlhn profession of THACIIINO. e client fa- cmtles tor Improvement In tho moot upprovcdincth odsot Instruction. For tho accommodation of students desiring tirciv aratlonfor College, or for tho business relations ot lire, nn Academic Depaitment Is organl?ed, which affords tho most ample facilities for so doing. Each courso ot study Is complcto In Itself, Sunerior advantages aro ofTeied for Instruction In MUSIC and LANOUAUES. Fall Session commences Wednesday, August 2Sth Fall session closes Tuesday, December nail. Spring session commences Wednesday, Dec. 80th. Spring Session closes Tuesday, .1 uno with. SpilugTEim commences Wednesday, March 31st TEIIMS. HoAiin. Including Fuel and Wxslilnc. rocn Doi ijius per week. Tuition one nm.t. Mi per week. In Model Schoo orty to sixty cents per week. Students are admitted at anv time, and to nnd course of study fnrwhlclilecy mayboprepaied. It is ueiu'r, 11 pussiuie, io no jireoeuL at, mo commence ment nt a term, or a session. senu rur n catalogue. Applications for admission may bo addressed to Dlt. T. I.. OlllSWOLl), Principal. COL. J. O. FHEEZE, Secretary. Aug. 14,'74-ly GREENWOOD '.SEMINARY- riIIJ'j Circcnwtod Seminary will open thcral1 . j. i VI HI Ul CLllUUl Sth JIONTII ICth, 187o, under tho caro of Friends, with A. W. Potter, 11. E., 1 1 lUllfUl. The deslrablo location of this School and tho lilnh standing of the principal amongst educators and students nru seldom found, students from a distance, can reach the seminary by public conveyance at a trifling cost from illoomsburg, l'a. Hoarding can be had at the Seminary or private houses on reasonablo terms. For particulars Inquiry may bo mado of Ellis r.cs, .wuuii lousier, ur it. c, ,vcs, .Mimiuc, i a., or T. E. Eves, Danville, l'a. MlllUlle, 7 ino.,fi, ls7f. tf. CARRIAGE MANUFACTORY llLOOMSllUltQ, FA. JI. C. SLOAN &. 15ROT1IER HAVE on lmutl nnd for sale nt the most reitsoiublo rates a splendid stock ot and evury description of Wagons both I'LAIN and FANCY, Warranted to ho mado of tho best and most durable inaeenals, and by tho most experienced workmen. All work Font out from tho establishment will bo tound lo bo of Iho highest class nnd sum to glvo per fect satisfaction. They have also a lino assortment of SLEIGHS ot all tho" newest and mot fashlonablo styles well and carefully mndo and ot tho best material. An Inspection ot their work Is nsked ns Itl s be lieved that nono superior can bo found In tho coun try. July 1, 1873-tf. KEYSTONE CARRIAGE WORKS! RLOOJISRURQ. I'ENN'A. A ac che.i oxulaugu Ii S. OROSSLEY lias on hand ami for sale caper Hun Iho cheapest, lor cash, or will for old Wagons on reasonable terms, CARRIAGES, RUGGIES, AND WAGONS ot every description both plain and fancy. Portable Top Iluggles. open Huggles, Plain nnd Fancy Platform Spring Wagons all of tho latest stylo nnd mado of enod material and fully warranted. (itvo mo a call before purchasing elsow here, as I can not bo undersold. I claim that 1 make tho best wag ons for tho least money. I also do nalntinir. frlmmlnc? nnd renalr old work at tho shortest notice,, old springs welded nnd wur- riinieu 10 siaini or no pay. j w 111 exeuaugo u poi ui- 1.11 pal ill as cash. Juljtl A. S. CHOSMLEY, LIGHT STREET BUGGY & CARRIAGE F. OJIAN hcrcliy Informs the piilillj 11, nt i.i.,iu ..,,tir,l Inln rinurf nerslitn with IdWiother.tl.L. Oman, and that the business Will ncreuiicr 00 euuuueivu uv., ...... .......v v.. 11. v, uiax u. imoTiiiiit. Thoy will havo on hand or manufacture to order BUGGIES, ' CARRIAGES, SPRING WAGONS, LIGHT WAGONS. ItOAll WAGONS. nnd every thing In their lino of buslnoss, of tho best material and most complete, workmanship, nnd ut r.. . iiur ns em) tiu uiTorded. 0UI(C(ltU. 11. F, OMAN 11UOTHEH, Atwj.n.'n-iy. mis j'Arrn is on i ilr with R DWELL & PHESMAN. . Advertising Aoents, THinn & CHESTNUT 8T8..6T.LOUI8, MO Poetical Selected for Tun coiX'Uiuam. Ol'ITTIXW IA ItAIIi CAU. BV A HUV. Hitting In a nil car, 1'ljlng on by steam, Head iigahist llm casement, Dreamed acut loin dream j Yell could not think It All a thing Ideal, For. though very monstrous, It was very real. First Micro came a gentlo-l Man In patent leather, Collar, bosom, wristbands, ltagl.an for tho weather; In I he height of fashion, Watch-key, hat ami glove, And with air profess'nal, Hi'iT upon tho stove. Near him sat nparson, Telling how tho Ixjrd Sent tho great lev Iraki, lllossed thu preached word ; Hut my dream discovered, Ilo was not above "llonoy-dow" or "line cut" Spilling on tho stoiot Next camo In a trader, Pockets full of cosh, Valked about the country; (lolirgall to smash; 'TWIIS lllO ''WOMEN'S IlllKSSINO," Did tho thing, "iivjovk!" Sipped a UKlo brandy, Sen upon tho Ftovc. Then a Jolly farmer, i:raglngof hH wheat, Thought his swlno and horses Nowhoro could Ijo beat; "Like lo bell his Durhams, 11V the head or drove," Kepi hlsjiws n wagging, sciT upon tho Move. l'.nldy thought 'twas "ijuaro" llko To bo silting still, All the while a-goln' Over bos nnd hill; Twos aglot loin counlra, Sure," as ho could prove, Equal lo his betteis, Si-it upon the etovo. Witless, pci turned dandy, rutting on his nlrs, Flourished diamond breast pin, Smoked In lorwnrd ear, Talked about Lamcrcaax, "Such a pel feet love," Twirled a carrot moustache, Hnrupon tho stove, Little boy In short coat Wants to bo a man, Following example As tho surest plan ; Watches gent anil parson, Copies every mov e, And, with Pat nnd trader, Sens upon tllo slove. Soon the 115 lng roil car Hecks wilh nauseous steam, Ladles almost Mini lng, Children In a scream , Husband, asking lady, " Wuat's tho matter love 1 Havo a glass of water V Sens upon tho stov e. On wo go, el 111 tiling, Notabrealhof air Fit for Christian pw.plo In that crowded car; sickening, fainting, dying, Ladles make a move, flcnt I brow s up tho window SriTs upon the stove. Talk of ladles' flounces, millions Jewel?, Dowers, O Inollnes and perfumes,' Gossip, Idle hours -Put all faults together Which men can't approve, Anid they're not a match for Si'irriMi on Hie Mine. Miscellaneous. Mother Shinton's l'ropliccy. Every now anil then, for these -100 years and more, sonio 0110 has brought to light Iho prophecy and memory of Jlother Shipton. As event follows event in mechanical pro gress, her doggerel vcres tall in so pat that they must needs ho quoted. This Jlother Shipton was one that would havo taken high rank as a medium in our day ; in lier's, the fifteenth century, she was said to havo been begotten, liko tho wizard Jlcrlin, of tho phantasm of Appullo, or some, ajrial demon under that guise, and a beautiful orphan Yorkshire girl, mimed Agatha. Sho had tho wield, hmelv girlhood that tho child of shame is apt to nave, avoided or persecuted by thoso who should havo been her mates ; sho was christened Ursula by the Abbot of liev crly, and grew up so eccentric and unnatur ally shrewd that by and bj;thi tradition, in thoso superstitous days, grew about her birth. SI10 prophesied as sho grew older, and oven "persons of quality" consulted her. Sho told tho great Wolsey that he, should never come to York, and, indeed, when with in eight miles of it, ho was arrested by Nor thumberland at King Henry's order, and brought to Leicester, whero ho died. Alo sho is said lo havo loietold tho great firo of London, tho execution of Charles I. and many notable events besides of tho Reform ation of tho reign of Eli.abcth and dames. At tho ngc of seventy-three sho foretold her dentil, nnd at tho hour predicted sho died. lleriinmonu popular tradition in York shire even to-day, and tho tradition is found ed in part on fuel. Her famous prophecy was said lo havo been published in her life time, nnd again two huedred years ago, it was certainly published forty years ago, for wo havo seen it in .1 book of that time, whero it was said to bo copied from an older book. Though most of Iho items aro vaguo enough some show a marked coincidence witli ie nmrkablo events, such m tho invention of steam, railway locomotives and tunnels, tho telegraph, ironclads, and tho admission of Jews into Parliament (in lf58). Without further preface, theso aro tho elegant lines j Carriages without horses shall go. And accidents till Iho world with woo; Aiiitmd tho world thoughts shall lly In the tw I nklltig ot an oj e. Water shall jet moio wonders do, Now slraugc, but yet they shall bo truo ; Tho world upsldo down will bo And gold bo found at tho tool of a treo ; Through hills men shall 1 Ido A ml hoi so.nor nss be ut Ids sldo ; l'ndcr water ini n shall walk. Shall ilde, shall sleep, shall talk ; In tho air shall men bo seen In w hlte, In black, In green ; Iron In tho water shaU iloat As easy lis a v ooden I toat ; Hold shall bo found and shown In tho land that's not now known: Flro and vvalei.shall wonders do; Holland shall at last admit a Jew; Tho world to nn cud shall comu In eighteen bundled ilghty-ono. No two sides of any human aro precisely alike. It is tho tamo with every limb, 110 pair of limbs nio fashioned alike, One. hand is almost always larger thtiu tho otht'r ; so with the foot, tho leg and tho arm, lint tho greatest of all marvels U this; never wcro two human faces alike. A tipsy man, who mistook n globo lamp, witli letters 011 it, for tho queen of night, exclaimed; "well, I'd bo (hie) blest, if somebody hain't bluck an advertisement on tho (hlo) moon," CMIAItlMKM) MOT CASKS. Charge of Jmlso Orvls. Commonwealth Ralph Parks, ct. nl.' In Iho Quarter Sesions(if Clear field county. ('HAimr, of the couivr. GCNTLEMEN" OF Till'. JHItY. Thh is ail indictment pioHented by Iho Grand .Iiiry of this county against fifty-two persons named in tho indictment, charging them in tho first count wilh liot, and in iho second and third counts with conspiracy, to Increase tho price of wages for mining coal front fifty to sl.'ity cents per ton, by means of threats, inliini datioiH nnd violence, directed towards other porsons who wcro willing to work in tho mine.i at tho former price.-. A continuance was granted to two of tho defendants by tho Court, ti tioh proicqul was entered by tho Conmionvvalth as to six others and twelve others failed to appear. Tho remaining thirly-tvvo defendants appeared and severally pleaded notgullty. You havo been nvoin to try tho issue thus joined between tho Com monwealth and these thirty-lvvo defendants. A riot is a tumultuous disturbance of tho public peaco by three persons or more, as sembling together of their own authority with an intent mutually lo assist one anoth er agaimt any 0110 who shall oppose them in tho execution of some, private object, and afterwards executing tho samo in it violent and turbulent manner, lo the terror of tho people, whether the act intended is lawful or unlawful. It requires thrco persons at least to he engaged to constitute a riot. Whero there are less than that number their offeino may bo an affray, an assault and bntlery, or some oilier offense, but cannot amount to a riot. All persons acting in concert and pres ent aiding ami abetting when a 1 lot occurs, aro guilty as principals. It is not what 0110 individual does, but what is dono by all that constitutes the riot. And every person pres ent taking part, or aiding and abetting those who lake an active part are guillyof what all ditl. Poisons who happened to be there by accident or wore drawn there by idlo cu riosity, but took 110 part witli tho rioters by actor word cannot beheld responsible for the riot. Tho Commonwealth alleges that these defendants, together with others to the number of several hundred, were guilty of a riot at GomRuii, this county, on the 11th of Jlay ht-t. if you find from tho evidence thai on tho 11th of Jlay at Goss Run, three or more persons assembled and proceeded to carry out their object in a riotous, tumultu ous and violent manner to such an extent as to put tho persons who came there to woik in fear, tho parties thus acting would bo guilty of a riot, and if any or all of these defendants wero present taking an active part witii the rioters or for tho purpose of aiding or abetting them, they should be con victed under tho first count of this indict ment. Only siuh of the defendants as wero pro-cut on that occasion can be convicted of a riot, whatever you may find as to their guilt or innocenco of the other charge of tho indictment. As we have air. ady stated, this indictment contains two counts for eouspitacy. These cuiuts cl.irgo substantially tho samo offense, merely vaiyiug in tho manner of stating the citcn Hstanees. Conspiracy is whero two or more persons agree or combine together, and to carry out an tubwfnl purpose, or to carry out an iodini'Tnt, or lawful purpose by unlawfjil means. It would bo impossible for us to detail to you all of tho various com binations which havo been heretofore held to amount to cou-p'tracy. All combinations to do unlawful acts, or to do acts otherwise lawful by unlawful means are held to be in dictable as eou-piiaeies. Other acts, which when done by an individual, arc perfectly lawful, when done by a (iimbin.Uiuu of two or more, becomo unlawful. Tho law upon this subject is so well laid down by tho picj ent Chief Justice of the Supreme court of this State, in tho ca.so of tho .Morris Run Coal Company vs. The Rarclay Co.il Compa ny, 18 P. F. Smith, 170, that wo will read to you a portion of his opinion. This was an action of debt brought by tlio plaintiff against tho defendant upon an accepted draft. Tho defense was that the draft had been given in pursuance of a combination or agreement between fivo coal companies, tho ptirpo-o of which was to rcgulato tlio prico of coal, which combination w.ii al leged to bo illegal and Iho draft, therefore, without legal consideration, JiidgoAjnew says: "Tlio effects produced on public interests lead lo tho consideration of another feature ot great weight in deter mining the Illegality of the contract, to-wit: tlio combination resorted to by Uico five companies. Singly each might have sus pended deliveries and sales of coal to suit us own interests, and might havo raised tho prico even though this might havo been det rimental to tho public interest. There is 11 certain freedom which must bo allowed to every one in tho management of his own af fairs. When competition is left fice, indh vidual error or folly will generally find a correction in tho conduct of otliets. Rut here is a combination of till these companies operating in tho lllossburg and li.uelay mi ning regions, and controlling their entire productions. They havo combined together to govern tho supply nnd tlio piico 01' coal in all iho ninilc.s from v'id Iludniit to tho Jlissisippi rivers, and fiom Pennsylvania b tho lakes. This combination has a power in its confederated form winch no indi vidual notion can confer. The public inlei est must succumb to it, for it has left no competition freo to correct its baleful inllu enco. When tlio supply of coal is suspend ed, tlio demand for it becomes importunate and prices must rise, or if tho supply goes forward, tho price fixed by tlio cop federates must accompany It. Tho domestic hearth, tho furnace of the iron master, and the (ires of tho manufacturer, all feel tho re straint, whilo many dependent hands are paralizcd and liuugiy mouths nro stinted Tlio inlluenco of .1 hick of supply or a rise 111 tho prico of an aiticlo of such primo no ccssity, cannot bo measured. It permeates tho entire mass of community, nnd leaves few ot its members untouched by its wither ing blight. Such a combination is morothnn a contract, it is nn offense. I tako it, saM Gibson, J,, a combination is criminal when ever tlio act to bo done lias a necessary ten deiicy to prejudico tho public or to oppress Individuals, by unjustly subjecting them to tho powerof tho conledcrates, and giving ef fect to tho ptirpo 'o of tho latter, whether of cxtorliouor ol mischief; Commonwealth vs. Carlisle, llrighlly's Rep, 10, In all such combinations when tho purpose is injurious or unlawful, tho gist of tho oflenso Is tho conspiracy, Jlcn can often do by tho coin blnatlon of many, what severally 110 ono could accomplish, nnd even what when dono by ono would bo innocent. It win held in Thu Commonwealth vs. Kberle, U S. it R. 9., that It was an indictable conspiracy for a portion of a German Lutheran congregation to combino and agree together to prevent another portion of tlio congregation by force ot nrms, from using tho English language in the worship of God among Iho congregation. So a conspiracy lo assist it female infant to escape from her father's control with a view to marry her against his will, is indictable as a conspiracy at common law, while it would havo been no criminal olleiiso if ono nlono had Induced her to elono witli and marry him. Jlilllln vs. Commonwealth 5 W. & S, 401, Ono man or many may libs an actor; but if thoy conspire lo do it they may ho punished; per Gibson, 0. J. Hood vs. Palm S, U.irr233 ; 1 llnsscl on crIiu.esV5H. And action for a conspiracy to defaino will bo supported though tho words bo not ac tionable, if spoken by 0110: Hood vs. Palm supra. Defamation by tho outcry of num bers, says Gibson, C. J., is. ns resistless ns defamation by tho written act of an indivitl- ml, And says Coulter, J., "the concentra ted energy of several combined wills, ope ning simultaneously and by concert upon one individual, is dangerous even to tho cautious and circumspect, but when brought to hear upon the unwary and unsuspecting, ills fatal ; Twitchell vs. Commonwealth,!) ISarr all. Thcro is a potency in liumbcni when combined, which iho law cannot over look, where injury is tlio consequence. If tho conspiracy bo to commit a crime or an unlawful act, it is easy to determine its in- lietablo character. It is moro difficult when i the act to bo dono or purpose to be accom- ilished is innocent in itself. Then tho of lenso takes its hue from tho motives, tlio means or tho consequences. If thOjinotivcs of tho confcdctalcs bo to npp -o-s, the means they use unlawful, or tho consequenco to others injurious; their confederation will becotno a conspiracy. Instances are criven in Tlio Comnmiweolth vs. Carlisle, llright Rep. s'O. Among Uio.so mentioned as crimi nal is a combination of employers to depress tho wages of journcym-Mi below what thev would be, if lliero w ne no i-esortto aitifichil means ; and a eoinbio.nlim of the bakers of a town to hold 11,1 (ho ntl'clo of bread, and by means of scarcity ihus produced to ox-1 ort an exorbitant prico for if. Tho lalter nstanco is precisely parallel witli tho pres ent caso. It i3 tho effect of tho act noon tho public which gives that caso and this its evil aspect as tho rcsu't of confederation, for any baker might choose to hold up his own bread or coal operator his coal, rather than sell at ruling prices; but when ho dest.oys competition by a combination with others, the public can huy.of no one. In rex vs. l)e. ISercumictal, 3 JI. & S. 07, it was held to be a conspiracy to combino to raiso the public funds on a particular day by lalso rumor. The purpose itself, said Lo-d EMcnborougii, is mischievous. Itstrikeslat the price of a valuable commodity in the market, and if it-gives a fictitious prico by means of false rumor, it is a fraud levelled again-1 the public, for it is against, nil such as may possibly havo tmyth'tig to do with tlio funds on that particular day. Eveiy 'comer," in tho language of tho day, wheth er it bo to afoot the pneo of articles of com merce, such us breadstiilfs or tho price of vendible stocks, when accomplished by con federation to taise or depress tho price and operate 011 the markets is a conspiracy. The ruin often spread abroad by these ltc.mlcss conspira' ies is inilc icribable, frequently fill ing tho land with starvation, poverty and woe. Every aso;iatioii i.i crimhul whore the object is to raio or depiess the pneo of labor beyond what it would bring if it wero left without aililicial aid -ir s ituuliis. Rex vs. liycrdyko 1 JL & S. 17!). In the caso of such associations the illegality consists most frequently in tho means employed to cavrv out the object. To Ik a standard of prices among men in Iho samo employment, as a freo bill, is not in it.-clf criminal, but may becomo so when the parties v.irt to coer cion, restraint or penalties upon tho em ployed or cmplnjers, or what is worse, to force of nrfiis. If tho means bo unlawful tho combination is indictable. Common wealth vs. Hunt, 4 Jlctc. 111. A conspiracy of journeymen of any trade or handicraft to raise the wages by entering into a combina tion to coei ee journeymen and master work men employed in tho samo branch of indus try, to confotm to inles adopted by such combination for tho puiposo of regulating Ihe price of labor, and eanying suehiiilcs into i-"'ect by overt acts, is indictable as a misdemeanor. Li Vi narr, (J. u, citing tho oplo vs. I'ishblee, 1 1 Wend, !). Without multiplying examples, theso are sufficient to illusi K'o the 1 1 110 aspect of tlio caso before in, and lo show that a combination such as these companies entced into lo control the supply and p'icn of tho lllossburg and R.ir cla regions is T'cgul, and tho contract there fore void." You therefore, that any agreement, conibidilion or confedeiatitm to increase or lcprc.vs tho price of any vendible coniuiodi ty, whether labor, merchandise or nnythiut elo is indictable u a conp'racy under the lavv.sof PeiMisylv.uil.t. Each individual has tin loubtcd right to demand whatever prico ho p'eases, for bis labor or property even though it should be twice or thrice its mar ket value ; but ir ho enters Into a combina Hon wilh others to compel tho employer or purchaser 10 pay tho pneo thus demanded by destroying competition, tho combination becomes an indictable offense. So with Iho employers, whether coal operators or others, if they enter imo a combl iuiIoii lo redueo the prico of labor, it is conspiracy and in dictable in Iho couri.s, Each individual mav determine to pay no moro tiriii a certain pi'co for a given kind of labor, but if ho en ters into a Tonibi.iat'ou wiih other employeis to contiol the pi ico by destroying competi tion, ho and his lonfedor.itiM aro guilty of conspiracy. Th's always has been tho law, not only with regard to labor, hut everything else, n.id still remains tho law, except ns modified by nn act of tho Legislature of Juno 14, 1S72, I will read that act au ex plain tho change it has mado in tho law as laid down by Chief Justice Agnew, "It shall bo lawful for any laborer or laborers, woikinginau or workingincn, Jour neyman or journeymen, acting cither its in dividual or ns tho member of any club, society or association, to rcfiiso to work or labor for any person or persons, whenovcr, in his, her or their opinion, tho wngos paid nro Insiilllcirut, or tho treatment of such laborer or laborer, wnrklnguinn or working- men, journeyman or journeymen, by his, her or their employer is buitnlor offensive, or tlio continued labor by such luborcror labor ers, workingmnii or workjngnien, journey man or journeymen, would bo contrary to tho rules, regulations or by-laws of nfiy club, secicty or organization to which lie, sho or they might belong, without subjecting any person or persons so refusing to woik or labor, to prosecution or indictment for con spiracy, ilndor tlio ciiminnllawsof the Com monwealth ; I'rooitlcit, That this net shall not bo held to apply lo the member or mem bers of any club, society or organization, tho constitution, by-laws, rules and regulations of which, aro not in strict conformity to the constitution of tho Statu of Pennsylvania, and to tlio constitution of the United States ; l'roviacd, That nothing herein contained r-hall prevent tho prosecution and punish ment, under existing laws, of any person or persons who shall, ju any way, hinder per sons who desire to labor for their employers from eo doing, or other persons from being employed as laborers. You will observe the purpose and scope of this act. II authorizes laborers acting ei ther as individuals or ns members of any as sociation to icfuso to labor whenever tho wages aro not satisfactory, their treatment is brutal or offensive, or when further labor would bo contrary to the rules, regulations or bylaws of their association, without being liable lo indictment for conspiracy. All this laborers had a right to do prior o tbo pas sage of tho act, if they acted simply as indi viduals; but if they associated together and acted in otieci'i, t heir conduct was criminal This act simply destroys tbo crim'iialily of conceited action on lite part of laborers in lefusing to wo.k for any of the three reasons given in tho act itself, lly the fir it proviso tlio act is mads not to apply to tho members of any organization whose constitution, by lrvv.s and rules aro not in strict conformity to tho constitution of Iho United Stales and of this Commonwealth. In order to prevent any misunderstanding as to the meaning of tho Legislature, tho second proviso continues tlio liability to "prosecution and punishment under existing law of any person or persons who shall in any way binder persons who de sire to labor for their employers from so do ing, or other persons from being employed as laborers." It ful'ows, therefore, that au agreement or combination amoug labu-ittg men to quit work for l'io ptuj oo of increos ing ihe prtto of their labor, or improving their trea.motil, is not unlawful thus fur the law authorizes them to act in concert ; but if they go oao step fur.her and nllcmpt in any way to binder or prevent, persons who aro w j'hng to labor from so diung, their acis be-jomn udluw.'ul and llteir combination criminal. The questions of fact which'yoi must dc teimine, under this branch of Iho c.-v-e, are, was there an agreement, combi.iution, or confederacy entered into by these defendants and other miners in tho Jloshaiinon district iluring tho months of April or Jlay last? If so, what was tho n.nuro and character of that agreement, combination or con'edeuicy? If it was merely to quit work in order to gaii au increased price for their labor, the combination was not criminal; but if the igi cement went further nnd Iho pa-ties com bining, not only agreed ihemse'ves to quit work, but to hinder or prevent persons f-om laboring in tho mines nt tho former p.-iccs by means of threats, intimidations and, if need be, actual violence, then tho combination was criminal and ail parties to it liable to indictment and conviclio;i fur "conspiracy. JIuch has been said during tho piogress of this trial upon tho merits of the supposed conflict between capital and labor tho con test between tho operators and tho working men. It is not our intention to discuss tho merits of this contest. If cither party has been wronged, tho law, if appealed to, would furnish a complete "emcdy, and to tho law both parlies must appeal when they have, or magino they havo grievauces which need a remedy. Xcitiier party cat bo permitted to tako tho law into their own hards and right their own teal or fancied woags. If the la boring men aro not paid their wages, if they are ciicatcd in tho weight of theii co.il, if their Iceuiiiieut by their employers is brutal or offensive, or if they sufler any other real wrongs or injuries, the law will furnish them ndcotintc means oi repress. It tliero is a combination among their employers to op press them in any manner, they may bo in dicted for conspiracy in Iho courts, and the net of 1S72 will not relieve, bccatiso it does not apply to them. In Ibis country 110 ono can bo compelled to rcork against bis will, unless ho becomo an inmate of a workhouse or pcniteutiaiy. ' Xothingcau properly con tiol tho piico of labor but the law of supply and demand. If work is plenty nnd labor ers scarce, thoy can increase their wages by demanding it, becau-o the employer.has no option. If work is scarce and laborers plen ty, competition will bring down the price of labor as it w ill of eveiytbiug else. No class of men has tho right to monopolize any par ticular kind 0" labor. Each individual has tho right. lo engage in any kind of woik that suits him. and to sell his labor for any prico 110 can obtain lor it. and a combination or organization designed to interfere witli this right is against public policy and unlawful. A'l pi- . -ins who labor for o'bers do so upo.i the terms ot a contract o'tber expres or im plied. If an agreement is made in advance as to tho wages, it is an exorcss oomract ; if no such agreement is made, iho law implies a contract on the part of xho employer to pay whatever tho labor is reasonably wotlh or what others aro receiving for similav worl: N either the employer nor employee can com pel tho other to pay or receive morn or le.-s than ho is willing to couirict for, Tho law give3 tho employer no right lo impo-e upon tlio laborer, for if ho is dissatisfied with his wages or his ttcaiment, ho may go el-cwhero or seek oilier employment tho whole cou-i try is open and feo 10 b'm, but bo must not prevent or hinder others fiom working who are willing to do so. H is niiegcu by 1110 defense in tins caso that the combination to which tho uoienuiitits ueiongen was a lawiui 0110 flic association known as "Tho Jlincrs' Xiitionnl Asso jiation" of which most them nro members, Is a legal nnd legitimate, organization under tho laws of Pennsylvania Pomona of tho constitution and by-laws 0 this organization havo been given iuovlde.ieo nnd lead tn you, to show that tho object of tho o-,;aiiizatloii is not only lawful, but com mcndablc, untl that thu by-laws and rules nro not in conflict with tho Constitution of the United States, or of this State. AU thi: may be truo. Thero may bo an organization for a perfectly legitimate object, and Iti members nuiy combino to do unlawful nets, and thus iiiaEo theiiiFelvos tjiillly of conspl acy, It does not follow that, because tho or iginal objects of a society nro legitimate that everything l.s members do is lawful L'Tho organization of n religions congregation lawful, but tbo combination of somo of its members lo prevent tho tiso of thu English language in tho public worship has been hold to bo unlawful' Au association of mi ners is itcclf lawful. There nro many other associations, societies, and organizations, hich aro perfectly lawful in themselves, and thcro can bo no proper complaint against icm, Unless their members proceed to do hat is unlawful. Whilo there may bo noth ing in tho constitution of "The Miners' As sociation" in conflict with tho constitution and laiv'3 of this State, tho provision of Ar ticle 8, concerning strikes, is not in harmo ny with tho spirit of our govcrnnion and in stitutions. To transfer to certain officers, or .1 central committee, tho power to lcgalizo refuse fo legalize a suspension of work, tends to tako away from individuals the con trol over their own timo and labor, which tho law gives them. All organizations or ar rangements which givo to ono person tho ght to say whether it is legal or proper for another to work under any given slate of cir-" oumstatioes, must produce pernicious results. Hie law recognizes tho most perfect liberty f each individual to control his own timo and labor, free from tho coercion or dictation of any other individual or associations. Rut bother tho purposes of this organization tro expedient or not, is not tho question for on to decide. Tho simple question for you determine is-, whether thnso defendants entered into a combination lo do an unlaw ful act, or au act otherwiso lawful but in an unlawful manner. If they did, they aro guilty of .1 conspiracy and fhotil 1 be convic- If they proceeded to c.ir'y out their urposos at Goss Run, on tho lltb of Jlay, 11 .1 violent, tumultuous and riotlios manner, so as to put peaceable citizens in fear, they aro guilty of a riot and should bo convicted under tho first count of tho indictment. You must determine all questions of fact, ncludiug Iho credibility of witnesses. If 0 are mistaken in tho law, as we have laid down lo you, aid the defendants, or any f them, are injured thereby, thev havo a complete remedy under a recent st.itute by removing the case to the Supremo Court for review. This case has occupied much litac. JIauy iinoases havo beeti called, and tho facts avo been argued at gteat length by able counsel on both sides. This was proper. Tlio caso is of great impoi lance not only 10 tho defendants, but tho public. Probably no calumny can befall a community greater lhan that jiotand viole ice should prevail. popula- w.'iter 111 a recent work, says : A ot unpunished is rcvolution'begiiti." It is absolutely necessary fur tho peace of society, ut me maintenance ot oruer, mat an com-tuuii-iis resuLiuz in violence, bo nut down nd proper1)' punished. If ihe civil power f government administered by courts and uries is inadequate to do this, iliero is but one other resource resort to military' force. Upon you rests the responsibility of deter mining whether the peaceful machinery of the law is sufficient to maintain peace and order in your county, and to punish, all offen ders against the same, or whether ncrealter resort must be had to the military power of tlio commonwealth in caso of like combina- ons. If these defendants aro cuiltv of tho ofTeuso charged in tlio indictment, they should be convicted. If tho evideuco fails to satisfy you of their guilt, thev should bo acquitted. Of course you must discriminate in individual cases. If tho Commonwealth has failed lo provo that anv ono of the de- l . . : . 11 , , . .... leouuuis ' giuuy, nu is cfu.ucu io a veruict of acquittal. You may convici auy of tho defendants of one or both charges. Each ndividual defendant is entitled to everv rea sonable doabr such c doubt as would mako prudent man hesitate before comine: lo a cooclusiou. As this is a misdemeanor, in caso of a general acquittal, you havo power over tne costs ami must sny uy your verdict netner tlio county, prosecutor, or dclcml- nnt, shall pay the costs : or you may divido tlio cosis beiwee-i tlio prosecutor and de fendants in such portion as you deem proper. it you impose any part 01 1110 costs on tlio prosecutor, you must name him in your vcr- uct. 11 you i-oiii'ict any ot tlio defendants f either oflenso, you sav nothing about tho cosfj. Counsel for tho defendants have submitt- d certain points of law upon which thev ask nslructions. Wo will now read and auswer these points. First The Court aro renuestcd toinst.net tho jury that if fhey believe Iho miners act ed under Iho organization of "Tho Jlincrs' National Asnoeition," such organization was not in law a conspiracy, but justified by tho act of Assembly. aiis. vto cannot so instruct you, lor the reasons already given in our ceneral charue. Tho Jlincrs National Association" mav of itself bo a lawful association, and yet its members bo guilty of conspiracy and riot. Second Tlio defendants are not under tho evidence guilty of a conspiracy, or of au tin- lawiui combination or coiilederntion. tho overt acts, if any wero committed, being tho acts of individual members, and not of tho Association. Ans. 0 cannot instruct von as mnttm- f law that tho defendants aro not miiln- This is a question of fast which vou must ileterinitio from tho evideuco under the in structions wo have given. mini it acis ot violenco or intimidation vycro done, or if threats were made, the of fe'ice was that of individuals who alone aro espoiuiblo tor their conduct. Ans. U 0 aro uncertain whether wo 1111. dcrstnnd tho meaning of this point or not, "The Jlincrs' National Association" is not ndicted here, iho defendants aro not in dicted as a corporation, but as individuals, who aro charged with having entered into 111 unlawful combination to preveut men from working, and aro to bo convicted, if at nu, as iimiviuuais, aim not as members 01 ine .Miners ..National Association." Fourth Under the evidence in this c.isp. tlio only oll'ciio that tho defendants could in auy way be convicted of, would bo riot, and tho evideuco docs not justify that, as there is 110 evideuco that anything was dono to in spire tho people with terror, aus. 0 cannot instruct vou asreouosted on this point. This Is a question of fact which you mii-t determine. II Iho defendants entered into tho combination alleged in tho indictment, tney arc guilty ot a conspiracy. 11 newer uiuy inn or lions a question 01 WCt for jou to determine. . 1- iftli Acts and languago used by any in dividual towards Capt. Clark in a personal altercation Is not sufficient evidence upon which to louuu a conviction lor riot Tlio acts must havo been dono by a combination or confederation of threoor more. Ans. In ono respect this is true. Single nets, such as threats, or personal altercations between 0110 man nutl another, wblild not bo sufficient to constituto a riot. If there was nothing but threats of one of iho de fendants to do personal violence to Capt. Clark, it would not justify u conviction tor riot; but you must tako tub with all other evidence in tho case and determlno from it whether tho conduct of tho defendants at Go.-s Run, on the 11th May, constituted riot, us wo havo heretofore defined that offense to you. If It did, tho defendants then and there present, tnklng part in tho demonstra tion, should bo convicted of riot. And if they had entered into a combination tu pre vent men front working intho mints at fifty cents a ton, who wcro willing to work, they nro guilty of 11 conspiracy. To which chargo and answer to points fl 1 defendants' council except, and pray flio same may bo reduced to writing and filod of record, wh'ch Is hero done. Jonv II. UnviM, , .s Ad. Law Judge, seal, ly