The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, July 30, 1875, Image 3

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n i, ) o ji s 11 if u (i, v ni i) a v, j n,T so, is;.-,
Hull Komi Tlmo Tnlile.
Accommodation Train 0.45 A. M.
Mall Train 7.3(1 A, M
i:prcs3 Train 1.4(1 1'. M.
" p.m.
Accommodation Train 0,2s A.M.
Itcgular lltmcss .... 3,1.1 1. St.
T.9H A. M.
11.64 A. M
7,30 I'. M,
11,39 A.M.
Through cars on Express train cither lo Now York
or Philadelphia. ArcommoiUt Ion train I una between
Catawlssn nnd W llllamsporl,
TlioH mocrntlo voters of llio several districts of
Columbia Comity will meet nt their U3Vial places oj
liohlliis tho "general elections;, on Saturday the "Hi
day ot August, lstn, Iwtivocn tho hours of threo and
seven o'clock In tho afternoon, nnd elect delegates
by ballot to represent tho cltstrtcl-H In n County
Convention to bo held nt tho opera llouso In Illooins
burg, on Tuesday, tho loth day of August, 1SJ6, at
ono o clock, p. m.f to piaco in nomination ono can
dldato for Senator, ono candidate for l'rothonotnry,
ono candidate for l!egl?tor& llccorucr,lvvo enndl
dales for County Commissioner, two emulates for
County Auditor, nnd to transact such other business
nslho Interests ottlio Democratic party may require.
Also, nt tho same tlmo nnd places nnd In tho tamo
maimer, t ho Dcinocrutlo electors ot each district
will elect ono person to servo as member of tho
fount y stntidlng commit too,
l)y order ot tho County Committee,
AlTOllTlONltBNT or Deldiatm accoiidikh to ions
Iloavcr 12. ...
lientou 191....
lienvlck. 41
liloomsburg 11 'in....
" W 127....
, 2
calavv Issa
Co utro
Centrnlla ,
tvmjngham H.,
Jit. l'leas.itit ...
By Hulo tho ratio Is (Wort nt CO voters for delegate,
but no district to havo leas than two or more than
four delegates, and nlluwaneo Is tobomado within
those limit for tho largest fractloni of a ratio.
Utoomsburg, I'a., .1 illy in, is;s.
Mr. 11. L. Mvrxs, collector for Uio Coi.omiAV, will
wait upon tlioso lurtcbtortto this ollleo for tho pur
posed receiving tho amounts duo. Wo trust that
those Indebted will bo prepared to pay what they
owo w hen ho calls, but If not, they will again bo
called upon. It will scarcely bo demanded ot us to
oner nn apology for making collections, but for the
satisfaction of those desiring It wo will Just say that
ns we havo to pay cash for every thing as we go our
purso Is not long or deep euougii to hold out un less
It Is replenished with somo degree ot promptness.
litick Horn lias a brass band.
An immense market last Tuesday morning.
Owing to the rain on Thursday morning last,
the market was not well attended.
Mrs. K. Ent is enlarging and otherwise im
proving her huilding on Main street.
A largo number of Danvillatis and lleiwick
crs spent last Sunday in llloomlitirg.
They hive organized a horse thief detecting
and iii-iminco company in Mnntoiir county.
Dr. J, 11. Kvansis tenting down (he old Acad
emy huilding to make way for a haniUomo brick
Header, if you want In know what is going on
in tho world, just read our adverti-ing columns,
the loyil column in particular.
Hubert V. and John M. Clark have removed
their law oflieo from Hut's block, Main street,
lo the room over Maize's grocery store.
The re-opening of Ilrown's Hotel by IS. Ptoli
ner on Iat Thursday night was a grand allliir,
nnd was attended by a goodly number.
The (). K. It.iso Hill Club of ltlnoinburg
vill go lo Lewi-burg somo day next week to
play thu second game with tho Independent of
that place.
Mr. II. CI. I'hillips has broken soil for a fino
residence cm Hast Hock street, to he completed
in sixty days. A. S. I'hillips of llcrvvick is the
Messrs. David Loivenhcrg and W. IS. Koons
ncieup l'Uhingereek in the fore part of this
Week on a piscatorial excursion. They repoit
very good luck.
Two of the young limbs of the law of Illooins
hurg purchased a pair of miMangs from the
drove noticed last week. Ono of tho animals
hung itself that night in tho stable. Sen-ilive
.and precocious mustang !
The .Supreme court of Pennsylvania has just
le.'iHirincd an old decision that in the matter of
he highways a county, lown-hip or municipali
ty is liable tu any damago resulting from neglect
of duty in keeping tho highways in proper state
of repairs.
Mr. Thomas Goroy, of Hloonisburg, recently
put n hell weighing 1.800 pounds into the belfry
of St. Ignatius C.itholio chinch, CVutr.tli.i.
Tho height of tho belfry is OS feet, ami about
12.000 persom assembled to witness the raising
of the hell.
A slight lire on Saturday evening last burned
a pirliou of the roof id' the kitchen attached to
tho building occupied by W. II, Drown as a
grocery and dwelling. It was discovered and
extinguished before it had attained much pro
gress, else it might have been a serious eonlla
,gr.ition. No alarm was given.
The return match g.imo of base ball between
llie O, K's. of :loomhiirg mid the Champions
of Or.mgeville, will be played on tho Fair
.ground at this place to-morrow (Saturday) after
.noon at - o'clock. An interesting game miy
lie looked for and nil lovers of base ball should
diet fail tu be present.
A horso race is nnnoiincod to take place on
the Fair ground to-morrow afternoon, (Satur
day) fur u pure of $.'10, It is scaicely probable Goldsmith Maid, Lucy, American Girl or
Judge Fullertoii will compete for tho prize, as
they would sland but little show of winning
along side of Itlooiusburg's 'Vpheclcrs."
There will bo no servico nt tho Episcopal
church on Similar next, owing to tho death of
thoyounget child of the rector, liev.Mr. Hew
Thero will bo a funeral service in tho church
on Friday morning, nt 10J o'clock, to which (he
unigregal on is nv ted. Iho remains will bo
taU'ii lo llallimore for inlermtnt.
"No Friendly Voice to Greet Me," song nnd
chorus by the popular composer, H. 1'. Danks,
TliU beautiful song, although new, is already u
great favorite, Hvery one wUlilug soiuttlilUiJ
new or really beautiful, should send for n copy
Mailed (freo of postage) for !!) cents by W. II
Tsoner & Co., Mu.lo Publishers, 1102 Clielnut
street, Philadelphia.
Giiovk MnirriNO. Tho Kvangelical church
of ltloomsburg niUslon, will hold their Second
imrtcrly meeting. In Mr, Neal'sGrove, (Wooius-
burg) commciicelng on next Saturday, tho Ulst
nt, Services on Saturday afternoon and eve
ning, also, on Sabbath morning, afternoon and
evening. All nro coidlnlly Invited to attend
Itev. A. L, ltuiJJHH, I'. 1'
Mr, IT, A, Kramer recently disposed of n lot
of ground CO feet front by 21-1 j feet deep, situ
nto on West Font lh slrcct to Mr. W. J. Conk-
ling for tho consideration of $000. Mr. Conk'
ling cotiteinplalcs erecting thereon n fino resl
denco during tho present season.
Tho gift concert of tho Miincy Firo company
culminated on Wednesday of last week. W. II.
l'oiist, of Illoomsbnrg nctcd as Secretary of tho
drawing Unrd. Win. II. Kakln, of Sullivan
county, drew llio highest prize, $500 J S. Mosicr,
rcimo county ,tho second highest, $!100 ; nnd .1.
D. Wnmcr, of Jerscylown, Columbia county.
tho third, $2o0. The minor prizes wcro scat
tered among various localilics.
Tho following candidates for Democratic nonv
inatlon nro announced in MontotirtountVttowi
l'rothonotary, Win. O. Hutlcr, U. (I. Ilolhnai
I'aul Lcidy, Win. C. MiOnrly, John M. llcst,
and Oco. W. Miles. For District Attorney,
Cleo. D. llullcr, and I.eander K. Mowrer. 1'or
Commissioner, Win. .1. McICcc. James Atild,
Jhuich oodsnle, nnd Andrew C. Husell.
Tho Lutheran Ico Cream Fcftivnl hebl in
the Opera House lntwcck during threo even.
ings netleil tlio linndomo sum of about $160,
after paying all expense. The Opera House
is evidently the proper placo in which to hold
pleasant and profitable festivals of tho kind,
yielding much largor profits than when held in
small and illy ventilate.! rooms, that aro crowd
id to excess, overheated and in nil respects un
pleasant, and whero thero is necearily an ab-
senceof all pleasure nnd enjoyment.
Wo find tho following notico of n former
llloomsburgcrln the Colutnbus(Nebraka)i)i4-
Ifoiit: In our opinion M. Wilmoyer has tho mod
el garden of Columbus. Tho luxuriant growth of
vegetation is wonderful to behold. Mr. Wilmoy
er has been eating "garden sass"for.evcral week 4,
early sipia'h, peas, new potatoes, beets, Ac., nnd
will havo new com this ivcek. All the seed was
selected with tho greatest care, and without re
gard lo expense. Wo would mako long notice
of Ids melons and grapes, but are afraid the bad
boys would take advantage of it, and give our
legal friend trouble.
l'uro firo clay has been found in incxhaustablo
ptanlity, it is stated, along the base of McC.iuIeyV
mountain on tho lino of tho Danville, Ilazlelon
and Wilkes-Iiarro railroad near Glen city, Col
umbia county. It is said that the vein of clay
averages about 1!! feet in thickness, mid appears
near the surface for many miles along the rail
road, overlying tho coal fields of that section.
It is said to be remarkably freo from foreign
matter and judges pronounce it superior lo any
now in use in the eastern part of the State, being
more durable and slrongcr when manufactured
into pipes, vases, brick, C.
On last .Sunday afternoon as Sammy, son of
.Mr. S. V. lioone, residing about ono mile below
ltloomsburg, was drivingiip the river-road from
Kupcrt tin this place, his horse became fright
ened at some object lying by the road side and
ra'i away, throwing from the buggy, its occu
pants, Miss T. S. Myers, and Mrs. Annie lilee.
Miss M. was in some way caught in the wheel
making ono complete revolution whereby sho
sustained serious, though not dangerous wounds.
Mrs. Ulec was thrown violently out, lighting on
the top of her head, making it pretty soro for
tho time, while Sammy escaped witii n very few
scratches. The horse was caught a slim t di-tanco
ihove Mr. Douglass Hughes' without having
broken llie hugary or hurting itself in the lea-t-
On last Tuesday morning, as Mrs. Washing
ton Huekel of Ml. I'leasuit township, was com
ing into town with n spring wagon laden with
utter, eggs, berries, te., to attend market, some
thing gavo way about thu wagon at thu upper
end of Iron street which caused the horse to
tart on a "dead run." Mrs. Huekel losing all
control of the animal, was thrown from the
wagon in front of W. F. Hess' residence, tho
hor.-e making the turn at tho corner of Iron
mil Main streets ran iIohii Main at n furious
rate, upsetting the wagon and spilling Us con
tents iu front of Savage's jewelry store, and
dragging it down to the alley below the Ex
change Hotel where it was caught. Fortunate-
Mrs. H. was not seriously hurt, but her mar
ket stuir being of a "perishable nature" was a
total wreck.
There is complaint in other towns as well as
here that cess pools are so neglected that they
become very ollensivo even to persons pishing
ilong tho streets, when the weather is very warm
and the atmosphere is damp or depiessiiig. The
unl iria arising from such pools and the stench
is most poisonous and is a prolific causo of ty
phoid and scarlet fevers, as well as olher dan
gerous and destructive ailments. Hemedy is
easily applied and not costly. Usually, lime
thrown into tho pools will answer the end, but
one or two pounds of copperas is much better and
entirely ell'cctive, as tho nnimaculn? that cause
the olience can not exii-t where it is present.
Much sickness, as well as olience, would . ho
avoided were tho remedy suggested applied,
and the town authorities ought to sec that it is
not neglected.
Fold air in cellars is also a fruitful cause of
disease. Whenever it has a sickening smell it
is charged with poison, Lime, copperas, car
bolic acid, thorough airing, eic.,are certain rem
edies. A little attention to this subject will
save many pains and doctor bills,
A terrible accident happened to Dr. Win. 11.
Hobbins, of, on Wolnesday. The
Mithodist Sunday School of that place was
holding a pie nie at Hupert, and about noon Dr.
Hobbins and others rode over to the grounds on
a freight engine. Arriving at the grounds, Dr.
Hobbins jumped oil' before the engine stopped,
uud owing to some mishap fell in such manner
that both feet were caught under the car wheels.
We are informed that one foot was entirely
crushed, rendering amputation necessary, and
two or more of the toes of the other were cut oil'
or badly eru-hed. The pain that followed is
said lo have been mo-t excruciating. We are
iifonued, also, that some time ago one of his
feit was badly injured in assisting tu play a
game of base ball, and to this his fait is altribu.
ted. He was iniuusliately taken back to Until-
wissa, since which time wo have not heard how
is progressing. Ho is a sou of Dr. .1. K.
Hobbins and is a young man held in high es
teem. It is, indeed, strange, that witli thousands of
such warnings before them, people will persist
in jumping oil' cars while they are moving.
A machine poet has grown up iu the neigh
borhood of Niimedia. Hear him on tho potato
bug :
Ilovasseticroau lay,
Ilnchoylng hlsself Iu der buii;
Hud cad der Liter tnbs,
Vust for a leedlo tun.
1 picked him off dot later stalk,
t'lul hit him on Ids lucdlu head;
I look ud lilin, uud sruw htm du u
L'nd den do poor fellow was dead.
I vent owl In tier Held Ton lay,
did vnt ou tluk I see?
A later bug on n tater stalk,
l'nd ho as louklu right ad me I
I ask 1dm vat bis plsness vas,
helling iu iu on my tater ttalk,
II ut ho did not say Ton vurd,
lie yuw got dona und took a alk,
Oh, dot penutlful pug,
at so nice uud trled pe,
Hi lling on dot nter suilk
Lookln' light at inel
l'nd cn I shpeak so lo him
lie hhinlled Is'liucn hid eyes,
I'lid laflcdoud his moot
AH lie net dele looklu bo Use.
iwnim nnii'lN AND THEIlt USE.
It UasioiiUhlngtoseelargeqiiantily of grapes
of the finest quality, nnd largo clusters, that nro
i - in. C.r Winn nt the Viucvnttl
csiiiiji.n u.."..s-. "i--."---;
of A. Sneer, Passaic. N. J. Mr. bpeer raises
Iho Oporto grape ; also purchases large quantl-
ties from which In uakes. ins ceieuraieu m iu,
...i. i i..i ,l,.,Unir,i nf nlenbol or solrlU
WllllUU, uiu .....,-,...- ------ . -
mm. i . .,.! tu Inniiil Iu- careful analysis, to bo the
best wine in niaiket for Invalids and debilitated
. . (. 11 1 U.w,.a P.-irl rlrmm Wine.
persons, ii i en" '!" " " I
iind la told by all druggists. twnoi-.
nAsn HAM
Tho following Is tho scoro of the match gamo
of baso lull played on tho Pair ground on last
Wednesday between tho O. K's. of ltloomsburg
nnd tbo Danvlllcs of Danville.
o. it's, NINE.
O. H.
O. H.
McKelvy. 2 h
Hasserl, i b
Edgar, C. o f
5 0
;i l
2 !
A ten. i)
2 1
1 2
11 2
Hancock, r f
Angle, 1 b
Frick, 2 1)
.Mcnagli, rf .1
ljuckiiigliani, p ft
Edgar, II., us 2
llueklngham,1t,, o 2
llittcnbcnilcr. 1 f 2
Heaver, h n
Van .'I b
Laubach.l f
Hoffman, o
Kinney, 3 b
a 2
v ooas, o l
Total, 27 18
Innings 1 2 3 -I G 0 7 8
O K. Nine 1 -1 2 2 2 2 0 (
DaiivilluN.O 1 !1 1 0 -1 1 f
Time of gamo 3 hours.
Umpire Mr. Knse.
Scorers G. Jacohy and Hobiiiou.
0 10
5 18
1 22
Trout cm lio taken from April ltt to August
15th, lint with hook nnd lino only. Set lines
nro prohibited in trout waters. Fine, $10.
1'iko can ho fihcd for from July 1st lo March
lt with hook and line. If anight or killed in
any other way, the penally is $23 for each of
fenso at any time of Iho year.
In slieains wheio trout nnd baps are found
nothing in the nature ofa net of less than three
inches moshcanbothrown,drawnorset. Penal
ty, $25.
Fishing witli nets or scius of any kind with
less than Ihreo inches mesh for any kind of fish is
entirely prohibited from Juno lClh lo August
10. Fine $100 and six months Imprisonment,
nt discretion of couit.
A net or nels set acro-'s any of the canals, riv
ulets or creeks is prohibited. Fino $25,
Deer can bu killed from September 1st, tn De
cember lt. Degs found chasing deer can be
shot by any poison.
Wild turkeys from Oelober 1st to January
1'heasants from September lt lo January
Plovers from August sl to January 1st.
Parlridgoj from November 1st lo January
Woodcock from July Ith to January 1st.
Habbils from Oelober 1st to February 1st.
Fox, grey and black squirrels from September
1st to January 1st.
Shooting or hunting on Sunday is punishable
by fimfrom $10 to $25. Fi-hingnn Sunday is
punishable under tho act prohibiting woildly
All inseetiverotn birds aro protected by law
nil Iho time under a penalty of $5 fur each bird
killed. For robbing or destroying a nest, $10.
Tlie fine for killing any game out of the above
seasons ranges from $0 to $10. IU.
Mr. E. H. Furman, undertaker, has iust re
ceived from Drisbrow A Van Clerc, Trillion, N.
J., one of their improved, felt-lined combination
Corpse Prcorvers, and is now prepared to take
entire charge of a corpse from the time of death
until interment. Tlieio are several very Import
ant advantages claimed for llie fell-lined preser
ver over all others now in use. First, it requires
less ice to preserve a corpse. Second, all the
melted ico is carried away from the preserver by
means of agumlio-e, so that water is not dripped
upon tho lioor or carpet. Third, tho inside of
the preserver is constructed of mateiial that will
not sweat or draw (limpness, anil a corpse may
be dressed before placing it in the preserver and
remain perfectly dry. The inventors of this
preserver will guarantee to keep a corpse thirty
days, if reuuired, or forfeit $1,000. The one
owned by Mr. Furman is large enough for the
body of tho largest person iu Columbia county,
and' is so arranged that the smallest child can
hd preserved us well in the same preserver.
The profile, made by tiio Tuwn Surveyor,
showing the grado of Second street, Hloonis
burg, is in the possession of some person un
known. Its immediate return to the Council
room is requested.
Hiissel lias jii-t received a fresh supply of
Apples, li.inauas Orange, Lemons, Pine Ap
ples, Ac, Examine his stock. "
Win. Morris has removal his Tailoring estab
lishment to the rooms formerly occupied by 11.
Stohncr, in the Exchange block, whero he is
fully prepared to gratify the desires ami supply
tho wants of all his customers. July 30-2t
T. W. Ilartnian is still running sets of Dishes
at $3.'J0.
Another lot of Men's ami Ladies' slippers
just icceived nt Knurr's.
C. S. Furman has on hand at his Harness
Eniiioriuni all kinds and styles of single and
double light and heavy Harness, Fly Nets of
every ile-eription, l ly Mieets, Lap Jilankets and
llu-ters, vt hips ot every conceivable Kind,
Trunks, Traveling Hags, Valises, Shawl Straps,
and in fact everything usually kept in a first
class store of Ibis kind. Give Mr. Furniau a
call when in need of anything above mentioned
ami you will save money by so doing, as ins
prices are calculated to suit the times.
Hurt's Shoes at MeKitmey's only.
Hussel is receiving fresh Watermelons, Can"
telopes, llauanas, ic., daily,
I. W. Ilartnian sells a nice Gaiter for $1,23,
Cui.LUia Accommodations for 200 boarders
and as many day scholars. Students prep.ircil
for college, professional slndy, teaching anil bu
siness. Thorough instruction and discipline.
Hanking, wholesale and retail business, railioad
ing, etc, practically taught. Next term opens
September 1st. For catalogue, containing a
beautiful steel engraving of the Seminary and
fur illu-trated Commercial Journal address Hev.
1). Copelaud, Principal, King-ton, Luzerne coun
ty, I'a. Un conuneicial matters address i,. it,
Sprague. t'W
Go to E. H. Fiirinan's for anything in tho
"urniture line. He has reduced prices to the
lowest possible figure, and bis stock is of tho
hist manufacture.
A big demonstration at M, M. Hilssel's Gro
cery Store to-niorrow night (Nilurdayl, lie
will "cut a Watermelon and shoot oil n lire
New lot of Shoes at E. M. Knurr's, the last
ot this week,
Just received, a fresh invoice of lale-t slyles
Children's Summer Suils ut 1), Yoeuin's. Also
Men's and Hoys' Clothing, all ul which he is
selling cheap,
Army Shoes nt MeKiiiiiey's,
Pewter S.iud for sulo nt UirssixV.
Try the $2.00 (i.iiters nt K. M. Ktiorr's.
Tobacco nnd Confectiunerics, whulcalu and
retail by M. M. Uussel.
Towamht Hoots at MeKitmey's
A new Cabinet Empire Sewing Machine, a
beautiful ni liele of furniture, for sale very cheap
if called for soon at Cadiuau's.
A second-hand Hug
;y far salo very low by J.
Schuyler it Sou.
Chccsol Cheese! Cheese I Fino assortment
of Cheese at Hilssel's.
Go and seo 1 W. llartman's Ilig Store now.
Wonderfully enlarged.
Go to niTjsi:Liis for vour Groceries. Ho
sells for cali and will not bo undersold.
Fino Shirts, Ties, Collars, &e,, .at McKin-
FaumekSjAttiintion, Ui'ssiir, takes llutter,
Eggs, Laid nnd Produce in exchange for goods.
Go to E, JI. Knorr's for tho best quality
Granulated Sugar for salo at Itussuis,
Genuine Mason Fruit Jars for sale nt M, M,
Hoots ami Shoes made to order by experb
enced workmen at MeKinney's.
If you want a first clas Farm Wagon,
If you want a Platform Pleasuro Wagon,
If you want an Hliptto Soring Wagon,
If you want a Pleasure W'ugoii,
If vou want vour Wagon put In good trim,
If you wont repairs done good with short
notice, Go toJ, It. Fai'3.
Oat Meal for sale at Hull's, Call and try it,
When you go lo Philadelphia slop nt
tho Allegheny Ilousc, No. 812 nnd 811 Mar
ket street; Imvlng been recently renovated.
Prlco only $2 per day, A. Illicit,
March 10,'76-ly Proprietor.
Old Kstnldlshcil Coal Yard.
0. W. Nn.U, & Hno Wlinlcsalo k Hetnll
Dealers in nil oizes of tho best qualities of
Hod nml Whito Ash Coal, nt tho very lowest
market rates. Have constantly on hnnd largo
stocks of
Hhicksmlth's Anthracite,
and Llmcburncr's Coal.
Especial nttentlou plven to tho prepara
tion of ceml before leaving our yards, Clrnin
and Lumber taken in exchange) for coal.
Coal delivered to any part of llio town at
short notice. Orders loft at I. W. McKclvy's
store, or ot our olllcc, will receive prompt at
tention. Oflieo and Yards at William Neat
& Sons' Furnace, East Hlontnshtirg. Your
patronago respectfully solicited.
COAh. l7-tf-2.- COAh
If you want a good Ham,
If you want cheap and good Tea,
If you want Coffee Java or Uio,
If you want good Canned Fruit,
If you want tho best Mackerel,
If you want Sugar for tho least money,
If you want tho best Syrupa in town,
If you want good Clears,
If you want good Tobacco.
If von want anything in tlto Grocery and
Provision line, go to Uussill.l.'tf, Main street.
on tho 2Sth Inst., nt tho residence of tho bride's
f.ilber, by Hot. K. 8. Buckingham, Mr. M. II. 110U
OATH, ot Kile llun, Minn., to Miss MZZlll 11. VAN-
1IOIIN', of Mierno county, I'a.
J.merm, county papers please copy.
In Nuga'lonf township, Columbia county, on Wed
nesday, July I llh, lST5,.MAI!(IAlti:i', wlfoof Mat
thias Fritz, aged 27 years, 3 months and 27 days.
In Catnwtssa, July sjlsl, ls's, after a lingering Ill
ness, MA11V, wife of Iho lato c. St. ftraiib, of l'otts-
Mlle, S"hUlklll county, Pa., aged lis years. Inter
ment at Ml. Iaiuiol, rottsvlltc.
HUMP Wilson, of Columbia county, dcrarlcd
lids Ufo July 11th, 1S7. aged M years, l months nnd
23 days. Ho had been long and oxtenslvcly known In
that part of tho county where ho lived, and has left
many friends behind to inournhls loss. Ho possessed
afecblo constitution, and nt different times before
his last Illness ho appeared to bo near his end, but
by proper care ho iecovered, and Ids life was pro
longed. Ho did not, as many do, neglect tho pivpa-
ration to meet hH (lod. linn death caino his work
was dono, anil ho longed to "depart and bo with
Christ." Whll it others mourn his loss their losi Is
his Inllnlto gain.
"lilcssed aro the (Kid that die In llio Lord."
Wheat per bushel 1.2'i
Ilyn " ml
Com " so
o.d-s " C.u
Hour ner barrel T.iii)
Cloierseed T.uO
Flaxseed 1..HI
llutter 2.1
Kggs IS
i ,il low os
Potatoes 7.s
Dried Apples in
Hams 10
sides & Shoulders 12
Lard per pound is
Hay per ton 20.10
beeswax 25
Timothy Seed 4.W
No. 4 on Whii f t l,oo per Ton
No. a ' " 3,7.1 "
No. i; " " j 2,:,o " "
lilacksinltli's Lump on iharf t 4,uo " "
l.llllUllllUUS J Ij.UU
NO. 12 SOUTH Tlllltl) STKLHT, l'lllLADHLl'IIIA.
Jl'IA'30, lS7r..
P. S. IsSI, C 21
" Mo, c. v.-, JI. and N l.i
" " " 'ni, " " in'
" " ' V.I, " " l'.l
" " " v.i.j. and J m'
" " " 'C7, ' " 204i
" " " V.S, " " 20",
" lo-tn, coupon nif
" l'aclilufi'n, cj' 2'J'i
40 1(
New t,'s, lteg. lssl 1,1
" c lisl lv
eiold h.
siivcir i"'
lVuns.vly.inla fll!
Heading r:,
l'hll.uhlphla,t Krlo 21
Lehigh Navigation tMH
Valley 01 a
I'Dlted It. U. of N.J 129V
on Creek OH
Northern Central wi'j
e'eiitral Trau.sinjrtatlon 4i)
Nesipiehonliig Wl
C. & A. Mortgage Cs, VJ 1H4
scn rises 4 o'clock ss minutes sets 7 o'clock n
CiOi.n Is now quoted at a premium of about 113 In
other words green backs are about 13 per cent, hi low
Sciiknck's Sea Wm Tonic In tho atmosphere
experienced heio during tho summer months, the
lethargy produced by the beat takes nway tho desire
for wholesome food, and frciiuenlly perspirations rc
duco bodily energy, particularly thoso suffering
from thu effects e.f deUltatlug diseases. In order
to keep a natural li;allhtul acttiltyof the system,
wo must resort to artificial means. 1'or
Sehenck's Sea Wicd Tonic Is u-ry effectual. A few-
doses will create nn appetite and give a fresh vU'or
to Iho enervated body. Fur dyspepsia, it Is Invalua
ble. .Many eminent physicians liavo doubted wheth
er dyspepsia can bo permanently cured by tho drugs
whlih nro gemrally cuiplojcd tor that purpose. Tho
sea Weed Tonic In lis naturo Is totally different
from such drugs. H contains no corrosive nilnei als
uracils! In fact It assists tho regular operations ef
nature, and supplies hir deneleuelis. The tonic In
ts nature so much resemblis the gastile Julco that
It Is almost Identical with that Until. The gaslilc
Julco Is the natural solienl which, In n healthy eon
ditionof the body, causes the food lobe digested!
and when Ibis Julco Is not excreted In suiliclcnt
iiu.uitltli's, Indigestion, with all llsdlstressliigsjinp-
toms, follows. Tho sea Wied Tome ici firms tho
duty et the gastllc Julco when the latter lsdellclilit.
siheiiek's sea Weed Tonic sold by all Druggists.
Although the world has been seeking spicules for
disease for many centuries, few Indeed have bom
found. I'loinlueiit among theso few Is llostilter'.s
Stomach Hitters, which years ago received the en
dorsement of Iho profession, and was hailed
by press and public as the great renovant and pie
U'nllvoof the age. And with good reason, Unco tu
Iho weakened bloniacli It glies strength, lo the lor-
I hi liver activity, to tho disordered bowels regulari
ty, and to the shaken nervous system firmness and
tone. Fnder Its benignant Inllueneo healthful vigor
rcturiii to the debllltnled und wasted frame, the
larch! muscles Incomes compact, tho wuu iusiect of
111 health Is replaced by a look of cheerfulness, tho
mind ceases tu despond, and llesh Is developed upon
Iho attenuated frame. Thero Isnoexaggeiallon In
this blatcuient. It Is as true us that thu sjsiemls
Subject lu disease. Wcro proofs requited to sub
i.laiil.ilD tbo real)ty of tho comprehensive effects ot
tho lilttors, there H probably not In existence a
luedleluu lu favor of which such a luass'uf concurrent
testimony, fiom thu most respectable sources, could
bo adduced, Hut Iho cfllc.icy ot the nation's altera.
thu and liivlgorant lias been u matter ot universal
knowledge loo long to need any such corroboration,
The fact that It has the largest sales In those por
tions ot tho North and South America Continents,
Mexico, nnd tho West Indies, In which atmospheric
Influences piejudlclal to health exists, proves what
commence Is felt In Its remeiUal and protective vir
tues. In localities whero lovers ot an Intermittent
ty w prevail, especially, It has como to bo reg.u ded as
an IndLspensabio necessity.
A,T. siowait says the bust udyirtlln? modluras
ho has ever found "aro Iho old established organs ot
uio iwo political parties, n uio sovcrai county seats
throughout tho Union." "Theso," lio says "reach
every family of tho least account lu their several
counties, uud nro more carefully read than any other
class ot Journals." If Mr. Stewart's Judgment Is of
value, there Is no difficulty In iloctdlug vv hlch paper
It Is for tho Interest ot buslucss men to advertise lu
Tho Cou'Jliiu Demoi'iut, upon which this paier Is
partially founded, was established lu ISM, und the
(;oi.i'muun now enjojs a wider circulation and
greater prosperity than It ever did. It goes regular
ly Into two thousund families In Columbia nndau
Joining counties, uud by most of them Is lead from
til llrstto thu last line. It Is tho only rocogutscd
expoucut of nearly live thousand Deruoeriitlo voters
lu Iho county. It gives advertisements u tasty dis
play, that makes them attracllvo lo Us patrons, thus
unmirlng greater Pl'lWuty that they will nrusu
them. While Its circulation Is undoubtedly much the
largest In Iho county, the ndvn Using rules ot the
Cou-iiui.iN are no higher thau thosu ot other papers
with barely half uud several not one-fourth the num
ber of subscribers. Facts ltko these speak for them
selves. No shrewd business man will neglect to In-
bert his adi crtlsemtnts In the colvmhun. tf,
Hunk Pritiw, on Parchment nnd linen paper, com
mon and for Administrators, Kxocutors and Trustees,
for salo cheap nt llio to unit an ontco.
loodfood and plenty of It. Produces the somo ef
fect upon a person who has been Maruidtlmt tho
I'eruilan Syrup, nn Iron Tonic, does unon tho weak.
and debilitated It makos thtm strong and vigorous,
changing weakness nnd suffering Into stienglh and
thoncoiirgoot Ihohiitnan family, liny InlLs early
Blagosbo promptly nrresled nndiiirmaiieiitly cur
ed. llAVEN.swoon, W. Va.
Dr. It, V. 1'ir.ncK, lliirfalo, N. Y, i
stu-ror tho last ear llmro been using (loldcn
.Medical Dlscoveiy. I owo lay Ufo to It, having been
nnilctcd for years, Dldnotuso It but a short tlmo
befolo 1 wasbentllttcdj nt that tlinol was M'ry bad,
not auio io sn up much, was suffering greatly with
my throat, was getting blind, had a dry cough, and
much pain In my lungs. 1 havo used twelve bottles
of the l)lscocry nnd am almost well.
A son of Mr. J. II, Jlescck, of Chatham Four Cor
ners, N. l ., has been cured of consumption by Dr.
I'Icree's (loldcn Medical l)tscocry,-sosais Mr. C,
11. Cnnlleld, editor ct tho Chatham Courier.
S. It. Eelar, druggist, of West union, O., writes to
stale that Dr. Pierce's flolden Medical Discovery has
effected n wonderful euro of consumption In his
:. v. kunkiil's lirrrmt wink of ikon.
The great success nnd delight ot theiieople. In
fact, nothing of tho kind has cut been offered to tho
American people which has so unit kly found Us way
Into their good favor and hearty approvulns 111'.
linkers lilttcr Wlno of Iron. It does all It proposes,
and thus gives universal satisfaction. It Is guaran
teed to cure tho worst cases of djspepsla or Indi
gestion, kidney or liver disease, weakness, nervous
ness, connipatlon, acidity of tho stomach, c. Oct
the genuine, only sold In 1 bottles. Depot and
Office, 2 d North Ninth St., Philadelphia. Ask for
Kunklo's, and tako no other, sold by nil druggists.
Dvsinr-'t. DvsrKrsn. Dtscki'sia.
13. 1', liunkrl's Hitter Wlno of Iron, a suro euro for It has been prescribed d illy for many
years In tin practice of eminent physicians with un
paralleled success. Sj mptoias aro lossof appctlto
wind nnd rising food, dryness la mouth, headache,
dizziness, sleeplessness and low spirits, (let Iho
genuine. Not sold in bulk, only In Jl bottles, 2M
Noith Ninth St., Philadelphia, I'a, Soldby all drug-
gWs. Ask for 11. F. Kunklo's lllltcr Wlno of lion
and take no other.
smi Terrs Woiut. 2K
Ilntlrely removed w llh purely vegetablo medicine,
passing from tho system nllie. No fee unless tho
head passes, omo and refer to patients treated.
Dr. II. 1'. Iviinkle, No. 2.1'J North Ninth St., Philadel
phia. Advice free. Seat, Pin nnd stonnch Worms
ulso lemou-d, never falls. For remoMngall kinds
but.Tapo Worin.thc medlclno can bo had ot your drug
gist. Ask far Kuukel's Worm Syrup. Price 1. For
Tapo Worm, tho patient must como on and havo It
llmlnent men of science havo discovered that elct-
trlclty und magnetism arc dceloprd in tho system
from the Iron In tho blind. This accounts lor tho
debility, low spirits and lack ot energy n person
feels when tills M t a I clement becomes reduced. Tho
Permian f-yrnp, a protoxide of Iron, supplies the
blond with Its Iron element, and Is Iho only foim In
hlch It can enter the circulation.
HY VlltTCi: OF A WHIT of Levari Facias, Issued
out of the Court of Cnnuanti picas nnd to mo
directed, will bo expo cd to public sale at tho Court
House, in uioomsuurir, on
RATUHIHY Al'OrsT 7th, 1S7o,
at ono o'clfn-k, p. tn.; nil that certain messuage, tene
ment, nnu i racier piece or i.iun, suuuio iu too low n
shtoot Mllllln. In Iho count) of ColuiaUta. and state
aforesaid, lu'lng eoniosi'il of six pieces or parcels of
land, bounded and described as follows:
l-'lltsT trartor parcel of land, beginning at a red
oak corner of land ot Wm. W. brown and running
llienco north iiftcen and inreiMiuaricrsdegrees, west
ttiiriv and slv-tentlis nerches to a stone, theneo
south sixty-eight degrees, west thirty-seven perches
ton stone; thence north twenty-one and llve-slxtlis
degrees, west sevehtv-tounierchcsioa stone; thence,
uy land oi i;niisuau vou,souuisiiv-eigui unuiWLi
llilrds degrees, west thirty-two nml seven tenths
leicues io u sione; inenee, oy laiui oi uie nioiesaiii
Ym. W. mown. south twenty-threo de.'iees. east
fourtcennnd tlve-tenths perches ton stone; thence
south sixty-seven and one-fourth degrees, west ten
perches to a stune; theneo south sixty-two degrees,
west one and three-tent lis ierelies to a corner;
theneo south twenty-six degrees, cast one and tlvc
tentlis perches to a corner; thence south sixty-eight
degrees, cist ilght-tinths ot h perch to a cornel;
lllence souiu inuo uegrees, i-ilsl inreo aim eigm
U'nths rwrehes lo a comir oi n building: thence soutli
twentj-llvo and ahaltdegrces,oasts!und one-tenth
perches to a corner; theneo south ility-llvo degrees,
east Ihreo perches to a stnue corner; thence south
twelve uegiees, c.isi lour nnu sL-,cu-it;niiis ienuis
to n comer; tlieiico south thirty-two and thrce-quar-tiirs
ili'L'i-ees. east four and spi-tcnths nerehes to a
corner; llienie south ten degrees, cast one and live
lenths peielns to a corner; thence soutli seventy
seven and three-quarters degrees, east four and tlvc
leiilhs perches ton stone; theniv south eighly.foui
anu llirce-qu.irn is U' -yict-s, i-.isi, hut .iuu iu-u-mns
perches to adoublo wnlto oak comer; thence soutli
sluv-ilglit and one-half degrees, east nrtcen perches
to iho place ot beginning, containing twenty-sK
an cs und one hundred and eighteen peiches, where
on Is erected a tw o-story und a halt
Wagon House nnd Outbuildings.
sllioNI) parcel o.- tract of hind, beginning nt n
red oak curlier on the bank et the Susquehanna south forlj-lhii-e and three quarters de
grees, east llilrty-clglit lurches lo stones; theneo
north slstv-fotir degrees, east nine and two-tenths
nerehes loa rock; thence south fourteen and one-half
degrees, inst twelve and four-tenths perches lu u
stone; thence south elghtein and three-quarters de
grees, west llftj-ono una four-tenths perches to a
SlOlie; lIlLUll, I'J I.IUU Ul L-tl.13 UlUllll, SUUIJ. SI-.1.-H-
tv-three and a quarter degrees, west seventy-one
a'udsit-lcnths perches tu u stone; Ihence, bv land
now or lato ot Abraham lless, north nine teen uud
tlirec-ipi,irter,s degrees, west tw nity-seien nnd
seven-lent lis perches tu a stone; thence north thirty
three degrees, west foiiy-four perches to a stone
corner on the bank ot tho Susquehanna rlur; thence,
along the same, north sixty-three and a quarter de
grees, east ninety ono and three-tenths perches to
Hie place Ol oi-KUinnij;, i uii i. lining iui ij-ov.i-u uin-a
and seventy-one perches net measure.
Tllliil' punn, iji'giiiniii
nt a pine, theneo north
nii'iitv-threu deerees. east, six- mid sl.v-unths ner-
ihes to a black oak; tuence, by land ot l' Ilrovvu,
south twenty-six degrees, east fourteen and ulni-
tcnlhs perciies 10 a sioue; uh-uci-, ujri.iuuoi neury
i'. iiks. south seventv-tliht decrees, west twenty-
six und one-half perches to a stone; theneo north
live nnd one-halt degrees, east twenty-ouo perches
to Iho nlaco of tiegtiuilng, containing seven acres
and ono hundred and twenty-six j erches net meas
1'Ol'ItTII parcel, beginning at a while oal;,thenco,
i-land of W. W. Ilrovvu, soutli ilghtv-slx iuu! oue-
half degrees, w est eleven nnd 1 lino tenths perches
to n stone; llieiico north twenty-three nnd three,
quarters degrees, west oleum und six-tenths per
i lies to n; thence, nj landot Henry llellaa,
north llftj-nvo anil luree-quariers uegrees, west
ihirii-pii nnd one-tenth nerehes tun stone: theneo
south eight v-sev en uud one-halt degrees, west thlr-
tv-slx and M-ienins iterenes iu it siune; iui-ui-e, tiy
.-!..., ... ,..1,.. llV.lf vr.ii,li livn,v!(.li, ,1...
rees, east iw enty-six perciies iu a sium-; iiieuee, uj-
w.....,(..l tinl.-r Tir.rfh I'l-.Iirv.tllfi .anil lino.
half degrees, east nuiety-sevcu ntul teven-teiiths
perches lo a corner; thence north fifteen and a quar
ter degrees, fa-t eighteen perches toil comer; thence
north iwentj-slx degrees, west live and seven-tenths
iierehos to tho place of beglnnlug, eonUdnlug nine
teen acres and three-fourths of n perch.
FIFTH parcel, beginning utu stone, thence, by
land of sU'pbi.n (lea! hail, south i Iglity-iilne and a
quaitcr degrees, v.csi utie hundred mid twtnty.two
pen-lies to ifd uafc; tin nee nurlh thliteeiidegries,
west thiee and tliiee-tenlhs perehc.Uo acurner on
theliauk of tho su-qui liauiia liver; thence along
said liver u atll tlflj-el-lit and three-quaiters do
giee.s, east slMj-tlne.' p.-r. lies ton curlier; tin mo
inn in ilfiv-two and u qual ler degrei'S, eu-a tllly
sevenaud thtve-tintlis ierehi-s to a stone; thence,
liv land of heirs ol Aoniuuill lless, s-nnu lhi-ih j -three
degiees, east ilft.v-ihe und live-tenths lurches
lo the mace of beginning, containing twenty ueris
Hid SIM v-toill H renes si i u-i iin-asnii-.
SIXTH lureel, iH'glunlug nt a stone In a public
n. i,l l. .idlii!.' fnuii llruvv n snillltu Mltlltuville, Iheiiee,
bv the same and land of Drown, soutli eigh
teen nnda qii.uiir degrees, west ten and ilght
leiiths pt-rehi-s lo u stone lu said rovl; tlu-iif o suiilh
ilahteeii und one-half degrees, east st und fuiir
tentlis pi-reh'-s to a sione iu the public road leading
from Mid lii.ul u'd mill; theiue, by landci
heirs uf John Hruw it, di 'leased, mil Hi siu j -sov un and
a quarter degu-cs, cast ten und one-tenth perches 1 1
u stone; theneo north tHciit,i-tllivo degrees, west
fourteen ami nve-icuius innue.-, u u sunn-, iin-iui..
b land of chilsilan Wolf, hoiilh sMy-elghi and
thu e-quurlers clegiciS, west two und llio-leiiths
H-li lies tn the place ul liegiiiiuui,-, 111111.1111111-tine
hundred unit eleven perches. Mild iiaicilsconiulnlng
Innlloiio liundrid and tweiity-lwu ucns.teii und
thin -funnies lurihcs, more or less.
seized, liiki-u In iMeolluli and tn Iki sold as tho
pl inicity of stiplien II, Wolf und Maria Wulf.
' siiiutn'sOiHiE, MIC1IA1.L(!I.0VCH,
liloouisburg, Jidy 1C, ls7. sheriff.
And I'eiitrallti l'oor Hhtrlct fur the jeur
emn'ii!;.iiuTtli, lep,
THOMAS flCllAflllTV, Collector and Treasurer,
In aeeiiuni Willi Cunj und evniralla l'uor Ills
tllet, fur the jcir eiidlut; -June- till, IsTi.
To ain't. of township Un-
plicate for HH fi,t 6T
Ain't, returned tn county
comiti es. le-rcuiieeuuii tn. (.
lly exonerations allowed... S eel isj r,j
To ain't, of llorouuh dunll.
tl.MJ 91
cato for ISH tM9 5
Am't. retiu-ncd to county
conim'rs.forcolleciton... fx 81
Hy am't. of eJioneratlons. . 15 co TO sa
Am't. received from J. Curran, poor tax re
tained by enmity commissioners
Am't. received from county commissioners,
unseated laud tax
To ain't, troin Wm, uoodmun, lato T'rei.s.
" " " Juiin curran ton account of
1'atrlct McNealls
tT3 M
997 21
l,aou t
121 m
fs,8U 111
collector's commission on tMl 15
ut 8 per cent (its 67
Treasurer's eorauilsslon un tI,o.-j sa
nt 2 ner rent Ill Ti
Amount of urdcrs ledeemcd T,imv sa 1,tM is
nalance In tho hands ot Treasurer, $ Mi oi
I.Ut of unseated lauds lu township relumed lo
eoiiiuy cimiuuahiuuers lor tuiieeuuu oi laxos,
llhcuccze r lireuehan
Joshua Ileum
Nullum l-oui
l'eter liuehuer
Andrew nun
Citlurliie Cook
John II Davis ,
(leorito Kuwait -
Trauk (iulluxhcr
eatliarlnu uroih
John lluustoti., ,
I'eler Jdveu
Jonas T. 1X1118
1'iod. Kllnt,'el .. ,, , ,.,
Mrs. Joiuilluti Uiillllo
(ieor'i) huelieliei i . ., ,
(leori,'Ol. Umleinoulh ,,.
I'lilllp Lowelibul f
,TerieiicoMiii:ulro , ,
(II 10
a u
4i on
lo 10
l 16
1 liS
o n
1 ll
1 ta
s no
2 NO
Hobert Jordan, tract,
r,7 m
70 75
75 76
21 V5
47 W
i 10
4 Ml
n vi
iiiuiun i ui icr,
1,011 Is Walker, "
Tliomns Itushton, "
Mnryltushton, "
lwls Walker, "
Michael Heese, "
Thomas Itushton, "
Mary Itushton, "
Ib-nry shentfer, "
Matthew Shclvcy, "
Jueoti 1 rlon, "
Jacob Trlcn, "
(.!'. CO.)
vox ::::.
li NI
6 111
0 HO
G 00
1177 02
List ot exonerations allowed on township duplicate,
t'eter Mradley is
Wm, lirnwn , l hi
.iirs., ,nio. iiurko 75
Cutluirliio Doogan 3 rj
$ 9 IK)
List ot unseated lands In tiorough rctiirneil to
futility commissioners for collection ot taxes.
John Mler
Jatnes beinns....
Juno Ctslrlngtou.,
Michael crane.,..
Peter 1'. Collins,,..
l en
l in
1 (id
4 00
1 10
1 ID
1 (HI
1 Oil
1 IS)
1 50
2 Wl
1 or,
2 W
a m
1 05
5 K.
1 HI
1 10
1 C5
8 t!S
1 CK)
James t.'olohan..,
Wellington Cleaver....
Mlihaei Dougherty
Henry DaMs
Iheopbltiis llvans ,
Henj.iniln (irinilh
Ihoinns iiaughen.
Thomas Howell ,
Michael Ilutuion
Thomas Holmes
John llelwlg ,
John Jones
Ann T. Jones ,
J. II. Knlttlo
t'urollno Kline
lillnoA llelnhiild
Lewis Knnlner
Widow Keller
Diehard ltelltr
Nathan Und,cmuth
II. A. Lov land
l hleli Ic Mahalioy It. It. Co..
Patrick Luiigou
John Moon
Marks Lloyd
(ieorgo .Minks
Thomas Median
Charles McKcnua
(truce Mooro ;
. I'arks
Patrick ijiiinn
II. F. sheppird
Torrey .V Mveet
s. i:. Van. Huron
s. ;. Van Huren
t ied. Wttllch
Wm. Zlcglcr
$.'.', 20
List ot exonerations allowed on borough duplicate,
t'nlharbio Carr..
l ar,
l in
1 M)
J 50
2 25
1 1
1 S5
Ulliibeth Cl.-ary
Widow (lallngher.
Mrs, llunley
Mrs. Thomas Imogen.. ..
owi n M( Donald
WIJjvv O'DonuilL
Dar.lel Dixon
Widow tlradey
Maria Horun
John O, Ilanley
i 15 CO
List ot orders redeemed by Thomas Ooraglity,
w. Win. MeNlncli, lime for farm
4.', Mrs. S. Keller, Matron
43, o. 11. Millard, outdoor relief
S3, Thus, llennessy, furniture Tor poorhoiifro
Ji, Torry & Hr.v son' out door relic..
4!, fhiirles Dougherty, nursing.
It, Thus. Iletue'ssy, grain
ir,, John Crane, Hour and tobaoos fee urir
40, l'eter 11. Hock, hard ware
47, lid. Foy nur-lng
15, (leorge W. Davis, medlclno
fm, WnlnrUht & Co., groceries
61, David black, outdoor relief
W, e'.o. Murphy, " "
t,3, c. (I. Murphy, sundries for poor house...
61, 1'. H. Huek, hardware
r-, John Crane, supplies for poor houso
M, p. I'urrun, carriage and harness
07, nisnjder, ryoeliOi
V, Thus. Ilcnncssy, sundries fur poor houso
1.9, Andres lleuverjarm work
oil, Jerry lihodes, " "
1, Iiurke U Hro., undertaking
r,. Mrs. v.irah turiet, nursing
iu, l'alilckconroj, "
iu, John cuiran, jiay ns director
Hi, II. 1.. Dletrenbacti, publishing statement
:;, .intin Hon ard, farm work
07, W. Mc.Nlnch, lime for farm
r.s, S. s. shtiltz, Insane Asjlum
tu, John crane, supply for poor house
71, I). Harrett, Mini work
72, John Crane, out door relief
7j. .Mark Midi nth, nursing
7. Mrs. Hiiriett, '
70, oeo. v , I uv is, medicine
77, Ilonora Duugheit, nursing
W, S. s. shultz, Insinu Asylum
s i, .Mrs. 'I bos. Kllker, out door relief
si, John II. Kenunerer. harness
S2, Henry beaver, bl iekstulthlug
w, .lolui Crane, out door teller
Mi, c. 0. Murphy, " "
ss, Th js. lleiinessy, work on farm
s'j, c. (I. Mm ph j , ini'ichaiidlte for poor houso
mi, lid. Murphy, Clerk
Ul, (leo. W. Davis, medicine for poor, house..
ta, o. ti. Murphy, out door rellif
'.'I, Ud. Watklns, meat for poor house
HO, Jos. HH luuighain incut for poor house....
lis, Jas Drvvlne, work on farm
112, Mark .Midr.itli, out door relief
tar, M
loo on
47.1 I'D
12 us
1517 4t
(. 00
to SI
'JO 1G
If! 52
11 no
13 0
55 17
f! (10
S.1 (1.1
G5 10
11 IT.
S3 12
100 00
23 SI
7 IK)
7 11)
21) III)
K'l 50
11 00
2n cm
r.i no
15 io
4 50
41 7S
33 00
21 M
20 H)
12 (.0
10 110
00 no
10 no
2 II I
20 05
i) .VJ
M (U
S.1 15
11 25
lu; s'j
11) III)
11 42
tS 01)
1 t.0
5 DO
20 0(1
S (10
13 II
10 S3
4S 00
15 00
4o III!
110 DO
2.1 00
(, Oi
Es 3 1
8 85
tea, li. .i. .Mcisioom, professional service
1 4, lid. curley, supplies fur poor houso .
li n, l urtey oui uuor reuei
Kin, John crane, " "
lot, '1 nomas (H raghty, serv lees nt poor houso
1 s. Neal Lentuan, work ut poor house
liri, John Hutiir, work nt poor house
no, lllclurd Kealy, "
111, lid. Hughes,
112, Daniel sulllvan, "
lia, Michael Sullivan, "
ill, John Cushion, "
117. l'eter Kil-her. "
20 (Jl)
lis, Thomas (leraghty, work ot hoi-ses
oor bouse
ll'.i, Moses Hovver, oatsandeorn
I2,i, It. M. Lushell, prufetslonal services..
121, s. s, shtiltz, Dis.ino Asjlum
376 00
3D C5
05 25
ll'J 0(1
Ml to
!)2 22
13 37
14 2.1
5 00
13 SO
02 Ml
iS2, Thomas (ieragnty, ouiuoor reuei
124. Dd. curley, supplies for pour house
12.1, Dd. Cm ley, out door relief
120, Sol. snjder. blacksmithing
127, lieo Strieker, wheelwrlghtlng
YiX Doner & Hart man, printing
13). John II. Kemineicr, harness and fixtures
1 4, Nill U'lilnan, work at well
1 17, Martin Hrenau, "
lis, Nell l'iilh.ui, "
141, Kd. Murphy, -work on poor house
11-2, Oeo. W. Davis, medicine for poor house...
1 io, John Crane, supplies for poor houte
Us, John crane, out door icltef
H'.i, John e'rune for Thomas ei'Mnlley's funer
al espouses
15), John Crone, merchandise for poor house.
11, 11, S, Doner, Insurance, i:. (1. Murphy, supply for poor house
1.17, John Crane, lot In cemetery
1.M, 1). Harrett, nursing
IW, John Crane, services as director
102, VA. Curley, out door relief.
10.1. '1 liouiiis l,era'htv. coal for ooor house ..
75 01
12 .10
12 (HI
10 73
17 54
17 IKJ
15 sr.
4 (ID
120 UD
1ST 01
5 IU
1.1 IKI
711 (HI
io :
(7 (17
101, Thomas (leraghly, bupply fur poor houso
1CI, Thomas (leraghty, services us director
and team hire
105, Thomas (leraghty, expenses to Danville
und Simbury
ICS, Ud, Curley, out door relief
lot), lid. Curley, " "
171, c. II. lirinkvvny, professloiuil services
170, It. M. Lashcll medical serv lee
172, Auditors und Clerk
H2, Mrs, M. Mcoulre, nursing
M, Hoover .t llro.,tlnbnx-, '73
101, Dr. Proctor, medical services
144, Samuill. Lev. au meat for poor hou-e....
14.'., Henry beaver, unllhlng
M3, o. II. Millard, out door relief
133, Jerry lihodes, work on farm
131, Henry Heaver, smithing
12.1, John curran, services us dlieelur
107, Win. l'lllli r, coal for poor houso
JJ, I'. K. Huek, supplies lor pour houso
174, James l),v ke, supplies tor pour houso
UT, II, M. Lushell, luidleul seiMeis
1 W, Thomas iieraghty, services rendered to
lot), John curran, serv Ices as dlreeetor
132, Thomas lleiinessy, freight
lar, John Duller, wink at poor hou-m
7s, Itobert Fni roll, nursing
U7, Toiry lir) son, merehainllso for 1'. II....
li'i-i, J. J. Yueutu. i'1-ofesslonal serv lees
14s, Ninun-1 Keller lor assisting niatrmi
Ifs, 'I nomas (leraghly, Justices fees
till, 'I hoinasOeraght), coal out door
Is , 'I homus t Ic night , out duor relli f
Isi, 'ihoinas (.erngliiy, moving paupers
ls-2, lleurj Klngsbiir), serv lees fur pour house
ls.1. Hdw.ird VVuikbis, meat for pour housu ,
I mi, Widnilghi x i'o groeeiles fur poorhuuso
Iss, Thomas l. evaghl) , nut lloof rillel
173, Thi'liwn iiiiughty. ox peiisesot uudlturs..
la i, Neul Letilh m, w ui k at poor house
117, 'lhus. Ibimess), stew.nd s.ilar) account
131 0
311 Oil
r3 no
s II,
10 15
1011 III)
RS 75
m 10
21 (II
7 0)
10 3-2
3 Is
125 III
in t II
4s 10
10 0.1
0 1 I.S
13 4.1
25 IX)
Tu u J
::n o i
17 (0
l I '
17 ml
JO mi
U II i
'2 HI (HI
18 (HI
111 I'A
18 l
'.'I '.ni
111 8U
17 M
SO Oil
57 10
r.'i, uiiuuiu i.euiy, wuu, ui wen
tlM, llenr.v (ieraghty, won, ut punr houso
un, John IliitliT, hoiI; at puorhmisu
ill", lleol'ge VV. D.lVls, medicine fot'lKiorhuUso
ill, cle.iver, hieal fur puur house
21.1, Muses lluwurd, h ly
223,Thuuias (leraghty, hauling Hllubir to
poor nuuse
SI, John Lraue, scivleosnsdliectur
iiiiAi, anu i.Mi'itovr:ir.XT account.
Original e'ast of llochuiaii farm T4 acres
nml Heretics
(I,t,ll0 Oil
210 00
,M3 13
Oil S3
C(tot win. Millard tract, contalilujr i
acres and ua perctitc
;i,UillriH' iUWllIon to inwr house, uut
iiiiiituuirs anu repairs iu uaru io iiaiu..
SlllKln uf well
7,T10 TO
Household furniture
t SVi CD
su uo
Iloisusuiid cuitio
3,2ji 9
T73 1.1
Ilal.mco duo by Treasurer 735 n
ovuwuu at si
JU.780 9J
Mnouutof outstanding orders and Jmlcr
meiitsof e'utharlno Curr, (iu ui) which
Includes all outstanding claims to Juno
9,119 U
1873 S3
t;s id
To cash received from sundry persons.. .
Ain't, duo by John Crane, director (lo l.i
Am't. duo by Thus, (leriii'lity " 19 oi
am i. uuo oy jouu cuirau d
35 87
lly niu't, paid for sundry articles us per
book " lio ti
Uy balance due by stewards 37 41
(C3 93
We. tho undershrnotl Auditors of Convmrhain
tovvnshlpaud t' l'oor District. docertlO ihat
iuu loreiroiiig siatetneni is correciuuu true, io uiu
bet ol our UuovvleUL-e and belief.
Wufmtlier nuree. tliut tho nav of each Director.
shall be threo dollars tor eiich day necessarily sieut
as director. Tho number uf luoetlugs ol said board
laeetiuiritobolieldiiiiartiilynt tho l'oor llouso ul
wild lilmict, nlo, that the follovvlui; rates shall bo
tho lilk'hubt dally pay for horse hire ; live dollars for
u suiifie, nun eigut u.iiiars jor u uouuiu leam, iso, lei orders shall i ilmvvii by tlio Directors lor
lietr lime until uie same is buouiilled to ihoAuui-
tors ut.tneir miuuai setiicmciit.
b I
Ccutrulla llor,
M ltTIN 1'I.ANHlAN,) Auditors
i:iwlti liroilKs, I of
WIl.UAM llliltliLHT.J ConyiiKham twp.
July 10 n John 1', IIasson, Clerk,
Marrft Motrls
11. s.Mnrr
Anthony Miitphy.,.,
HlehsrdM nrphy,..,
Dionias Murnliv
keeps constnntly on lmiul n Full nnd Conipleto Stock of
which wo will sell to llio Public at I'rlcos so Low in (o defy competition.
of nil Grades nud Latest Improvements,
Burden's Horse and Mule Shocd. Horso Nails, &c.
Spokes, Heavy and Light, Carriage Mallebcls,
AxloSj Springs, Gum and Oil Cloths, Valentines Varnishes, Spirita
nnd n general Stock of
Building Materials, such as J) UNCANNON NAILS, Lewis' Lead,
Bast Cblors, Pure Oils, etc., as lew
Mar la, 167s-lf.
4P (PMWLiil &
j'-t Gimlets, Oougc.', Tweezers, l'lier.s,
H'ot.s and Kettles, Pans and Frier.',
lUrjfjAU things fur all porta of buyers.
Wo have nlso
ft . i
glass, :ET7T"i?-sr, o
In all its llranchcs, Carefully Selected and Purchased low for Cash giving us
Advantages for Selling which can not bo excelled by any other
Hardware Store in the Country.
Wo GUAUANTKE both in TltlCF. and QUALITY of our Goods.
The Largest Store in the Country.
M,,ehiv:5-y J. SCHUYLER & SON, Bloomsburg, Pa.
Tlio HmixuTON SEvvisa Ma
sh has flirung wpUlj- Into
favor as possessing tUe best com
uikation ot fe-ooJ qualltlos,
namely ; Ugut runnlns.smoutli,
Noiseless, lt.ipl'1, Durable, with
rurfect I-ock stitch.
It 13 a Shuttle Jlachlne, with
Automatic Urop Vecd. Design
beautiful and construction the
very best.
f lHSf M
address, RBffiiQorton Sewius: MacMne Company, Ilion, 1 Y.
mt.ixcw orrtcts or i&smiiivotox toiiiA:;irus.
K. Ueininston & bnn,
lieiniimtim Sewing M. to-i
ltemiiigtuii Ag'l I'o.i
- IMON', X. V.
I HON IN Till. 111.0011.
The 1'r.neviAN svner
Mtall?esnndeiiil:lies the
blood, tones up tho sys
tem, liulldi up tliebrolien
down, cures disprird.t'
Debility, dropsy, ciuiisaiiii
fevers, chronic illarrliuu
nervous anVciluis, bolls
humors, dlsea-sts of the
kidneys and blMldcr, fe
Iii.Uo complaints, Sc.
Thonsiiids havo lioen
changed by the use nt the
remedy from weak, slcklj, wifferlnit creatures, it;
sti-mw, healh), happy men nnd women; and
invalids cannot icawmabiy hesitate to ulve It a iii.ii,
I'AfTlON. 110 Slllu oll k'lt llie "I'EKl VI VN
Kvnti'" jiut rTiivlan lUrK.) sold liy di 'lers ceiii'r-
ally. A S2-p.iTe tumpllli 1, eontallllll'.' a Ire.ilNl
iron ns aue illcid iiiienl und ullur valuable papers,
ICMtlllum.HS irolll (II .llllJ,'IUMieil pil sieillll-', '
meii und others, will be sent lie -In un uildn'xs.
SKrnW. I'owie a; sox.s, proprl. lurs, Mi llanlvui
Avenue, lloston.
Erie, fa.
KOttTUXH IN IT. Kverv family buys It.
sold by Agents, auOksj, u. m. wai.wi;u,
Men or women. S3! n week.',aH
't nnt nnrtlionoraWo v llh ia rl'k.
Phnmnlesfrec. nr-HeiuI jniirad.
tJs'drMaoniiottalctiril. Dontdo.
lay bnt v nto atoucrt lo
V,M. Hl.l!l),SmT.,NeWT0inc.
"Oompre henslve, nt nnd honorable." N. A, S I'. S.
lazette Philadelphia. "The lilnirmpulcs nru tn lo
praised for I heir accuracy," 'I ho I'rcss 1'hll.ulelptila
'over Hoik) pueesi no library eomplcto without It."
-Sunday Times, I'lillidelpfda. "Your accouut of
GctUsbuTir is tho, fullest nnd the very best
history of thu greatest battle ot modern times."
Col. .1. 1'. Nleliolson, Philadelphia. "No soldier
should bo wllhout it."- llvt. MoJ. (ten, Mludll, Phila
delphia. "A jut trlbuto to ilMhiKUlshed senlccs,"
.v. O. Curllu. "The ln'btbook lhavoet seen,"
esil. J, 1.. rarsous, iiarrisuuiK. "nmr m.iiE.uiut
Is tho lustest ji t prcsenteu." j. . uo rejuer,
Y. Address T. II, IiAVIS CO., l'ubllsheis, T'.M
som St.. I'lillailclpWa.
viu:i!uvi:n it has keen tuied
has cstablUhed ltselt ns a perfect regulator and sure
remedy for disorders ot I ho ss stem urlslni; from Im
proper action ef Iho Liver nnd How els.
IT IS Nor A I'll Yhic, but, by bllmulatttiB tho so.
erctlvo organs, gently and gradually rciuova (ill Im
purities, and regulates the entire sv slew.
IT 18 NOT , DOCTOllEli lU'ri'lllU, but Is a
which assUis digestion, nnd thus stimulates the up
petllu fur food necessary to luv Igorute tho weakness
or Inactive organs, and gives strength to all iho ital
the large und rapidly Increasing sales testify. Price
one Dollar a bottle. Ask) our druggist fur It, JOHN
STON, HOLLoWAY S Co., lTdladelphla, 1'u. nolo,
salo Agents. iw.
TM.ANK MOHTOAGlSforsaletlieaiiattliB
as they can bo bought in the county.
Keep on Hnnd tho
In (lie County.
added to our Stock
- tnsraDSTonsrES, scd.
Heminoton No. 1 Machine- for
family use, In tho tuiiid yeah
a more k.u-id increase of ratio
llEuiNOTON No. 2 Machlne for
MANCKACTcniNa and fcinlly use
(reaay for delivery only since
June, 1ST4), for range, perfec
tion, nndvnrloty of work, 13
wlthoutarlval lufamllyor
2S llroadvvay.'Nevv York, Aims.
.Maillscn Hituaie, New York, iicnlni; -Machines,
ciilcaitu, sal state Sit., olvlnL' Machines and Arms.
Iiotim, J&i WnsliliiKtaii St., Suwlii;,' MnelUues.
ctn.-Iiinatl. 1sl Wist Jth St., Sevvlnir Machines.
I'tlci, iw (, St., SchIiil' MaililneR.
Atlanta, (!a., Iiclilve's Oivra House, Marfettn Street,
sevvin? Machines.
Washington, 1). (' seventh M.,SevvlDgMaclilncs.
Imlsvtlle, Ky West Jefferson ht ,iewlns Machlnen.
l'lillailclplj, bto Chestnut .Mriet, Sevtlni; Machines.
M. l.oub, aw N. Fourth street, " "
Delroll, nil WriOilvvurd Avenue, " "
liidlanaiiolls, T2 Market street, " "
llaltlmuie, -IT N. Charles street, " "
Valuable Tov7ii Propertv
and Farm at Private
rpilh unileri-iirii'sl, (uio of llio l.xecntors of
1 (lllulict: wr.Wlllt, ilocenvoil, oners nt pi Ivato
sale, Iho tilhiuliiK Miliiuble propel ty, to evil :
wltti oiit-bulldliiirs nnd lot uttnehed, Elttialed'on
Mulu stivel, lilnoutsbiiiy, I'a. 'I his house Is sultublo
for two families, ono two-slorv framo dwelling houso, with
nut.biilldlnirs, frame slablo and iskkI lot attached.
This properly Is opiwolto the residence of tlio lato
Dr. Yost., ono two-story framo dwelling houso with
stablo, oiit.bulldliiKs und lot nllachcil situated on
ltock Street, lilooinsburif, I'a.
AIM), Mx vacant lots situated on Fourth Street,, a valuable farm situated one-halt inllo Horn
Iho tow n of M'Kw ensv Hie, l'iu Said farm contains 90
acres ot laud.
1'or terms of sale apply to
(IKOlllilJ W. COItltELI, Executor,
Feb. 12, '75-Cm. liloomsburir, I'a.
Y7M. V. 110DINK, Trim Street below etc-
oud, lllooinsburi;, l'iu, Is prepared to do al
kinds ot
In the best styles, at lowest prices, and at short
Parties having such wor to do w 11 savo money t y
work warranted to tlvo Eatlsfactlon. Order
WM, F. 110DINK.
Mar, B, 'Il-ly,
A Tl'OltNKV'S ULANKS, Coinnicn anil
r Judgment Honda, lust printed nd for sale at
the Colvusian onire. All kinds of Attorney blank
cither kepi vu band or printed to order.