THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA, Miscellaneous. Epitaph on n Watchmaker. Hero Urn, in ix liorlsnntnl position, Tlio ouUtldo cao of Ocorgo Kotiglclgli, watchmaker, Whoso abilities in that lino wcro 1111 honor To hli profession. Integrity wiu tho main-spring And prntlonco tho regulator Of nil tho actions of hU life, llmnano, generous and liberal ilfohund never stopped Till he hail reilovcd iltstrcxs ; So nicely wcro all Ills actions regulated, That ho never went wrong, Except when set agoing Hy pcopio Who did not know his key j Kven thou he was easily set aright again, Ho had tho art of disposing his time ho well That his hours glided away In ouo continual round Of pleasure and delight, Till an unlucky minuto put a period to His existence. He departed this llfo November 11, 1S02, Aged 57 ; Wound up In hopes of being taken in hand Hy his Maker, And being thoroughly cleaned nnd repaired And set agoing In tho world to come. Why aro E nnd A like good people 1 Ile causo they meet in heaven. Babies nre described as coupons attached to tho bonds of matrimony. Why Is tho sun liko a good loaf? Because it a light when it rises. CitiCAXEnr Palming off an old hen as a young chicken. Why is a whisper liko treason ? Because- it is not aloud. Tho difference between a talc-bearer nnd sealing-wax is, that sealing-wax burns to keep a secret, and tho tale-bearer burns to tell one. An Iowa woman gave her husband mor phino to cure him of chewing tobacco. It cured him, but she is doing her own spring ploughing. "Tho proper study of mankind is man," says Pope ; but the popular study is now to make money out of him. "I say Pat what aro you nbout, sweeping out the room ?" "No," answered Pat, "I am sweeping out tho dirt aud leaving tho room." A Louisvillo mau complained of marble table cloths at one of tho restaurants. Ho Baid he didn't liko to wipo his mouth with a tombstone in tho abscuco of a napkin. California raisins have been pronounced by experts superior to tho imported Malagas. At present more than one half of tho raisins exported from Europo aro sent to this coun try. A lino in one of Moore's songs reads thus: "Our couch shall bo roses bespangled with dew." To which a sensitiv girl replied : " 'Twould givo mo tho rlieumatiz, and so it would you." Well, I always make it a rule to tell my wife everything that happens." "Oh my dear fellow, that's nothing I" replied his friend. I tell my wifo lots of things that never happen at all. Thoso young ladies of Kentucky who have resolved not to wear any dress goods costing abovo twenty-fivo cents per yard, will soon havo offers of marriage. It is a good plan for all fruit growers to apply lime freely in their orchards every two or threo years. A half bushel to each tree, or one hundred bushels broadcast per acre, will suffice. "Aro the young ladles of the present day fit for wives?" asked a lecturer of his audi ence. "They are lit for husbands," respon ded a female volco ; "but tho troublo is that you men aro not fit for wives I" Tho applauso was great, and so was tho discomfiture of tho lecturer. In former times it was a maxim, that a young woman should not get married until she had spun herself a set of body nnd tablo linen. From this custom, all unmarried women were termed "spinsters," an appella tion they still retain in England in all deeds and legal proceedings. Tho particulars of rather a mean trans action aro reported from Minnesota; A very pretty young lady who had awakened the tender sentiment in the breasts of two young men, was indifferent as to which should win her, being favorably disposed towards both. Hard words nnd blows failed to BCttlo the point of possession, so ono of the men offered the other his chance for $100. The offer was not taken, so tho first party offered to buy for a liko sum. This offer was declined but was advanced upon until the first young man got a clean field for $1C0, giving his noto for tho sum, endorsed by his intended father-in-law. A wedding was next in or der, and then that shrewd benedict resisted payment of his note on the ground of thero having been "no value received." The Stockings of the Period. Tho Paris shops aro full of tho most fanci ful designs in this ono detail of feminine at tire. They aro mado in cream color, lemon color, orange yellow, straw color, pink, pale blue, palo green, lilac, light brown, dark brown, crimson, scarlet, purple in short, in every shad of every color. But tho precise tint is only half tho question; the designs worked upon tho stockings aro by far tho most important part of it, as regards fashion, and these are of tho most varied description. Ono pair of stockings which excited much admiration from the passers of a certain well known shop in Paris was in lemon color, aud the Instep of each foot was covered with bunches of black currants, witli their leaves and twigs, most delicately embroidered in the colored silks. Another example of ornamentation lay closo at haud, in the form of a black bilk stocking, round tho leg of which a garter of pink rosebudi and leaves winding upward from tho ankle was exquisitely embroidered. This last fashion is vory popular just now. Stockings so embroidered are, of course, en ormously dear. Few women can afford to buy many such expensive articles of dress as tho garlanded stockings; thcreforo it be comes a matter of eager competition among the leaders of fashion to secure as many specimens of the latest rago as their purses will allow. The mania is instilled, nnd henceforth the woman of tho world takes rank according to her stockings. Garlands of flowers do not hold the field nlone, it must bo observed, In some cases inscriptions aud itttuljina n rrt atfilirnfilorAfl rnnnil llin lnfru r,f tho modern stockings, and rows and patterns are worked in colored silk stars or spots, Tho ground, however, of all this work must, on no account, be whllo. Homo Journal, Artificial Ire. Speaking of tho Ico works of tho manufac turing Company at Montgomery, Alabama, a correspondent of tho AdvcrtUcr gives tho following Interesting account of tho manner 11 which tho great frigid luxury Is made : Seventy thoinand gallons of wntcr arc used lally in tho manufacture of 12.000 pounds of Ico tho cost of which when placed in the Ico house, Is three-eights of a cent pe- pound, which is cheaper than tho freight fi om the taken, if tho Ico was put on the cars gratis, besides tho advantage of getting It in small ipiantlties when desired and being much cleaner and purer than lake ice. The distilled water is put in tin cam thirty inches long, iiluo and a half Inches wide and two nnd three-fourth inches thick, which leaves tho ico in convenient shapo for hand ling. Thc.o cans nre then placed In rows in tanks filled with salt water (though of course tho salt water does not come quite to the tops of tho cans so as to mix tho distilled water which they contain), through which iron pipes conduct tho ether. Tho ether is mado in auothcr room and after being puri fied is pumped into a receiver and brought under a pressure of 70 to 110 pounds to tho square inch, which liquidizes it. It is then forced through a small tubo to a larger tube which opens into all tho tanks (about 100 pipes in each lank); it' then expands into a gas and fills all tho tubes (its capacity for expansion being as 1 to COO.) The ether extracts the caloric from the water which surrounds the tubes, thus equal izing tho temperature, nnd bringing the whole below tho freezing point, tho distilled water freezing very readily, and the salt water being brought down several degrees colder than ice, yet without freezing. Tho gas passes on through tho pipes and into n receiver, from which it is pumped into nn ether holder nnd again reduced to a liquid by pressure, which is facilitated bypassing it through a long coil of pipo surrounded by cold water. It is then forced through the tubes again nnd performs the same work over. Some of tho ether gas pipes wore covered with snow to tho depth of three quarters of an inch, which collected from the surrounding atmosphere. It is very difficult to confine it, but if not allowed to escape tho same quantity can bo used continually. It is said to be much better than mercury; as the latter cat3 out copper pipes in n short time, and iron pipes in two years, while the latter does not effect the metals. The cans are taken out one at a timo and dipped into n vat of hot water, which loos ens tho cake of ice, which then slips put, and the can is again filled and set in its place. This is dono threo times a day. Tho slabs of ico weigh twenty-five pounds each, and four of them aro piled on top of each other and allowed to freeze together, making one hundred pounds to tho block. These blocks aro kept separate by placing small Bticks between them. It is said that this ico is actually cloldcr (if such a thing bo possible) than lake ico ; that in a room at 100 Farh., in summer, it would not even show moisture on the sur face for fully fifteen minutes. Budding. Almost all intelligent farmers know how to graft, and largo numbers employ that knowl edge in springtime to put a good head on n wild tree or to change tho character of ono to something more desirable. But the spring is generally crowded with work. Few get done what they desired and intended to do ! and among the put-off things very likely ot all others will be the grafting job. Some thing of this can be made up at this season by budding, or inoculation as it is some times called. It does not find tho same fa vor with farmers as with nurserymen, bo cause no time seems to be gained over graft ing six months hence; for die buds put in now do not push into growth till the next spring season. If grafts are put in next year they grow immediately and mako stronger growths and form a good head much sooner than buds put in at this season will. But then thero is tho question of time. If one waits for spring it may never bo done. This is comparatively a leisure season, and a treo budded now is done with. It will keep growing and will beat tho tree that is never donel Budding is so simple an operation and has been over and over again described in the papers that most persons who aro likely to bo benefitted by this article know how it is done. A piece of bark containing a leaf stock and the cyo nt its base is simply put under the bark to bo improved and which has been fclit and "lifted" or loosened by tho back of a knife for tho purpose. After tho insertion the bud is tied firmly in. Any one can understand this, nnd only experi ment will tench more. But there is one thing which all budders do not understand and wo will explain why even somo good hands fail in their work. The branch on which the bud is to go must bo thrifty, vig orous and in every way healthy, or the buds will not "take." Failure in most cases comes from this. It docs not mako much difference whether tho branch operated on is more than ono year old, so that the bark separates freely from the wood as tho bud ders say, "runs treely" but it is essential that it should be in perfect health . Tho bark generally loosens freely at tho end of summer, if in the condition wo have describ ed In retrard to the bud, it must not be too young. Failure generally conies from this. Thero is far less chanco of failure with very old buds than witli young eyes, though of course all tho buds must be of this season's growth. It is hardly necessary to say that in bud ding, as in grafting, liko must bo suited to like, and tho nearer tho bud is liko its stock the better will bo its succcs. It is not often that plants of two dissimilar families will grow together. The pear will grow on tho quince, but this is rather an exception. So closely allied things as the apple and pear will not do very well, aud only at all with difficulty. Germuntoien Telegraph. Flavor of Egoh, There is a vast differ ence in tho ilavor of eggs. Hens feci on clean, sound grain and kept on a clean grass run givo much finer flavored egs than liens that have access to stable aud manure heaps and eat all kinds of filthy food. Hens feed' ing on fish and onions flavor their eggs ac cordingly, tho samo as cows eating onions or cabbage, or drinking offensive water, imparts a bad tasto to the milk ami butter. Tho richer the food tho higher the color of tho eggs. Wheat and corn givo eggs tho bent color, whllo feeding on buckwheat makes them colorless, rendering them unfit for sonic confectionary purposes. Use sulphur freely in tho stables to keep off lice from tho cattle. It Is a disgrace to any farmer to allow tho cattle to be tormcu ted by such vermin, when they are so easily destroyed, "Heaven's Own" is tho namo of a new Nevada town wheron railroad passenger saw a woman pinning her husband to tho fence witn a pitchfork "Do you liko codfish balls, Mr. Wiggins?" Mr. Wiggins, hesitatingly "I really don't know; I don't recollect attending one." PUBLIC REPORT -Ol' A- 1 hum not nnlnvri! enml health for soverat Vcars p.wt, jcthimi not allowed itto Interfere with my lulmr. Kvery ono ticlonirlnir to the laboring class knows tho lncorncnlcnci" ot belnir oblleeil to labor hen the body, from debility, almost rcluson to per form Its dally task. 1 nf tf r was n believer In dosing with medicines! but having lieurd tho Vkoictink spoken of so highly, was determined to try It, and flinll never regret that determination. As a tonic (which every ono nee Is at some time) It surpasses nnUhlngl ever heard of. It Invigorates tho wholo sislemi l Is ft xrcat cleanser and purliler of tho Mood. Thero nre many ot my acipialnt.iiices who h.wo taken It, and all utiltolii praisoot Us satisfacto ry effect. I!liecially among tho aged class of Im parls to them tho ono thing most uieful In old ago nights as well us tho body, ono ngoil lady, who has been sulTerlnif through llfo from scrofula, ami has been sutlerlng through lite from Its erfects, having tried many remedies with uofivorablo result, was Induced by friends to try Mm Vkiiktink. After tak ing a few bottles, she obtained such great relief that alio expressed n wish for her sight, that sho might bu able to look upon tho man who had scut her such rt blessing. Yours respectfully, I). I . Jl. Ill'l'ill', I oucu viueei, numuu u, Boston, Mass., May 9, 1ST1. HEARTFELT PRAYER. Sr. l'u-t, Aug. J2, ISM. It. H. Stkvems. Ksq. t Dear Mr I should bo want Ing In gratitude. If I failed to acknowledge what tho Vkiiktink has dono for mo. I was attacked nbout eleven months Mnco with bronschltls, which bottled Into consumption. I hail nlirht. sweats and fever chills: was distressed for breath, nnd frequently spit bloods was emaciated, very weak, and so low that my friends thought my case hopeless. 1 was aoviseil lu maKU u iriiu la i uu , iiiiMinr., whipii ttniipr the nrnvMeneo of (lod. has cured me. That ho may bless t house of your medlelno toothers, as no lias to me, ami mat umnw ki"cuiuiiv ni tend you, Is tho heartfelt prater nf our admiring, humble servant, 11KSJAM1N 1'KTTlNfllLL. P. s. Sllno is but ono among tho many cures your medlelno has effected In this p ace. 1J. 1'. MAKE rFPUBLlC South Uoston, Feb. 0, 1ST1. It. 11. Stkvkns, IQ.t Dear sslr. I havo heard from very many sourcesot tho great success ot VhmtTixic In cases of scrofula, rheumatism, kidney complaint, catarrh, nnd other diseases of kindred nature. I mako no hesitation In saying that I know Vhiktikr to bo tho most reliable remedy for catarrh and general debility. My wlfo has been troubled with catarrh for many years, and at t lines v cry badly. She has thoroughly tried every supposed remedy that wo could hear of, nnd with all this sho has for several years been grad ually growing worse, ami tho dlscuargo from tho head was c.xcesslvo and orfenslvo. Sho was In this condition when sho commenced to take Vkuktinej I could seo that sho was Improving on tho second bottle. She continued taking Vmk tink until sho had used from twelve to tlftecn bot tles 1 am now happy In Informing you and tho pub lic (If you chooso to mako It public) that sho Is en tirely cured, nnd Veoktink accomplished tho cure after nothing clso would. Henco 1 feel Justllled In saying that Vkobtink is tho most reliable remedy, nnd would advise nil suffering humanity to try It, for I believed It to bo a good, honest, vegetablo med icine, and I shall not hesitate to recommend It. I am, Ac, respectfully, L. o. CAUDELL, Storo 415 llroadwny. Veoetine acts directly upon tho causes ot these complaints. It Invigorates nnd strengthens tho whole system, acts bpon tho secretive organs, allays Inllnmmatlon, cleanses, nnd cures ulceration, cures constipation, and regulates tho bowels. HAS ENTIRELY CURED ME. llosTO.v, October, 1S7D. Mr. Stkvknss Dear Sir My daughter, after having ft fccvero at tack ol whooping cough, was left In a feeble state of health, llelng advised by a friend sho tried Vkok tine, and after using a tow bottles was fully restor ed to health. I have been a great sufferer from rheumatism. I havo taken several bottles ot tho Veoktink fortius complaint, and am happy to say It has entirely cured me. 1 havo recommended tho VkuktinuIo others, with tho samo good results. It Is atircat cleanser and purtner ot tho blood ; It Is pleasant to take ; and I can cheerfully recommend It. JAMES mouse, SC4 Athens;sirect. Sold by all Druggists and Dealers Everywhere. EW STOCK OP CLOTHING. AND Gentlemen's Dress Goods, DAVID LOWENHEUQ .Invites attention to his large and elegant stock ot Cheap ana Mmk ClotliL at his storo on MAIN STIICET, IN THE NEW BLOCK, IILOOMSBUKO, PA., wucro lie has Just received from Now York and Phil adelphia a full assortment ot MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING, Including tho most fashionable, durablo and nunasomo DRESS CONSISTING OP UOX SACK, FllOOK, GUM AND OIL CLOTH, COATS AND PANTS, OK ALL SOIIT3 SIZES AND COLOItS, no has also replenished his already largo stock of CLOTHS AND CASSIMEItES, ViaUUED AND PLAIN VESTS, BTItlPED, SHIRTS, CIUVATS SOCKS, COLLARS, HANDKERCHIEFS, OLOVES, SUSPENDERS, AND FANCY ARTICLES. Ho has constantly on hand a largo and well select ed assortment of Cloths and Vestinga, which ho is prepared to mako to order Into any kind of clothing, on very short notice, nnd in tho best manner. All his clothing Is mado to wear and most ot It Is of homo manufacture. GOLD WATCHES AND JEWELRY, OF EVEItV DESCRIPTION, VINE AND CHEAP HIS CASE OF JEWELRY IS NOT SURPASSED IN THIS PLACE. CALL AND EXAMINE HIS GENERAL ASSORT MENT OP Clothing, Watches, Jewl ry, &c. DAVID LOWKNIlEIta. uly 1,'73-tf. TN THH MATTKIt OP TIIK It HAL I EstaUi of Philip Miller, latoof Centre township, Columbia couuty, deceased. Hide on heirt tn ucetpl or refute the lUul FAate ul the valuation or thorn mute ulnj the tame tliouUl not be fold, Tho Commonwealth ot Pennsylvania to Benjamin Miller, Harriet llrelseh. Mary Aim dingles, Ueglun Wolverlon, Henry 11. Knurr, committee uf lheier sou and est lite or IjivI Miller, a lunatic, thUdivuof said Phillip Miller, deceased, and Mary Alice Hopper and t'jrus Webb, grand children of said Philip Miller, defeated. You unit each of you uro heaby commanded to bo aud uppear befoi o tho Orphans' court of said county, to bo held at lllooms burg, on tho oth day of September. A. 1)., 173, then und thero to ucceptor refuso to tauo tho real estate ol said 1'hlllp Miller, deceased, at tho uppraUeil value, or show cuuso why the same, should not bo bold. Ily tho Court. II. PRANK ZAItlt. Illooni!.lurg,Julylii,18I6.t. cleric. HEADQUARTERS l'Olt 23J&&?3H3 in Runts, Oils, Glass, Putty, Drugs, Apices, Patent Medi cines, &c, &c. MO Y lilt BRO'S T7'OULD call Hie attention or the tmlilio to it their very laiire ami wel selected stock of goods which they offer at tho LOWKST JIAltKCT HATES. 00 boxes Window Glass all sizes nnd quatltles. Olass for Picture Pratnos n specialty, 11'hilo Lead, lied Lead, Umbers, Litliiirgo, Siennas, Greens( Blues, lleds, Yellows, dry and in Oil. (leneral Agents for MONTOUR SLTE PAINTS I LINSEED, OLIVE, WHALE, CASTOR, and other OIL VARNISH and JAPANS from tho best Manufactories. .Thclr stock of SPICES excels any in this section ot tho State. Agents for Dr. BIOKLEY'S Family Medicines. General Depot of supplies for Dr. J. C. Ayor's rOrULAlt MEDICINES. Tho Prescription Department U under tho chorgo ot competent Pharmaceutists. Physicians' Prescriptions CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED WITH DESPATCH. inn; Soto Water. The attention of country dealers, especially Is called to our stock of BOTTLED GOODS, SHOES, ALUM, CONCBNTRAIES LYE, Patent and Proprietary Medicines &c, Our wagon will contlnuo as formerly to mako its usual trips to supply cu t . OIL OF GLADNESS, a special Coughs, Colds, Croup, -Burns, Tetter, Piles &c, an Internal and External rem y whoso healing vlr tucs aro attested by thousands In this and adjoining counties is manufactured by them and supplied to tho anilctcd cither directly or through their country dealers, Price 50 Cents Per Bottle, None genuine unless It bears tho trado mark nnd name of Moycr Pro's tho words ''Oil of Gladness" blown In tho glass and tho signature of Moycr lira's on tho wrapper. Apr.l7,74-ly : How Lost How Eeslrf! I UNT publi tl VLKYVIXIVS celebrated essay on tho radical cure (without medicine) of Spermatorrhoea JrJBITifTA or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary sem ffoZHfrVf' Inal weakness, Impotency, Mental and vateShtr phjMc.U Incapacity, Impediments to Marriage, etc,: also Consumption, Kpllepsy, and Fits Induced by sclf-lndulgcnco or scxtual cxtravuganco Plies, &e. SttyJVicf, tn n tailed envelope, only sir cot(J. Tho celebrated author, in this admlrnblo essay clearly demonstrates from n thirty years' successf u practice, that tho alarming consequences ot self, abuse may bo radically cured without tho dangerous uso of Internal medlelno or tho application ot tho knife ; pointing out a modo ot euro at onco simple certain, and effectual, by means ot which every suf fercr, no matter what his condition may bo, may cur himself cheaply pjlvately, and radically, Thls Lccturo bhould bo In tho hands of every youth and every man In tho land. Sent under seal, In a plain envelope, to any ad' dress, post-paid, on receipt of six cents, or two post stamps. Address tho Publishers, CITAS. J. C. KLINE tc CO., 12T llowery, Now York, Post onico Box 4fiSt, April K. '75-y WM. Y. K ESTER, TAILOE. lii-ooMsnuno, pa. I Tns removed to Iron street, second door nbovo tho II Ilefonneil Chuieh.whciohewlllbopleasedtOHeo nil his old friends nnd new customers, und lurvo them with satisfaction. All work warranted. 15-V TO SO per day. Amenta wanted. All tliJU classes or won;ingpeoneoiootn buxen, juuuk ana oui, muKeinoroiiiuuejruLumiui wa,ui luui localities, during I heir hparo moments, or nil the tlmo, than at any thing else. Woorrer emplojinent that will pay handsomely tor every hour's wuifc. Fuil paitlculurs, terms, Ac, send us jour addrcs.s nt onco. Don't delay. Now is tho tlino. Don't look fur work or business clnow here, until you havo learn cd w hat wo oirer. G. minson & Co., Portland, Maluo. Jan. l6'T&-ly. TVT VTKWYOKK THimJNK. "THE LEAD- IN INll AMKltlCAN NEWSPAPKIt." Till'! WIST INll AMUltIC; SliVliltTIsiNUMUDlUM. Dally, tiu n 3 ear. bemi Weekly, fi. . . Pustugo Freo to tho Subscriber, Specimen Copies and Adiertlslng ItulesFiec. Weekly, In clubs of 30 or more' only tl, pootago paid. Address 'Iiib'Ihi sunk, N. Y. Jan 16'IWy. A DVKKTISINOt Cheap 1 (loodi Bystema 1 tie. All persons who conocmplato making con fiutls with new spapers tor tho Insertion otadver tlsements, bhould bend 23 cents to Geo. P. ltowell Co., 41 Park Itow, New York, for their PAMNII.I'"! IIOOK (nlnety-beveiith edition,) containing Hats of over wxxi newspapers and cMlinatcs, bhonlng tho cost. AdvertLscments taken for leading paivrslii many Mates tit n trcnunuous leaueiiou iiuuimu Ushers' rates, gktius poos, Jam lb'tb-iy. CONFESSIONS OF A YICTIM. published as a warning and for the beneii t of oung men and others who euHerfrom Nenous DeMlltv, Loss of Womanhood, tic., giving his rules of belt cure, after undergoing much buffering and expense, and mailed I reo on icctUIng n jiosupatd directed enu'loi'. Address NiiUMki, MAYrilu, P. Hox 161, llruokljn, N. Y. uly jj.'TS-em MUSICAL. MMIE I'liinsylvonia Normal Music School nt I Fieeburg, Pa., will coinmeneo lis Summer 'drm of blx necks, August lurb, lsio. For tlrculur, atldless. F. V, MtnXII, JuuoW.-it.' Director, TDOOK 7G IvNTS waTittiUoell "Tho leo I") pie's Common Senso Medical adverllser,"by II, VTierce, M, D. Tho most ready n-lllug lcok out. Inclusive territory and liberal urms. Additbg u.o Author at Huaalo, N, Y. .1 GRAND OPENING 1 ELTAS MENDENHALL HA VINO resumed tlio business of Mercbnti discing at his old store, on MAIN STREET, 1ILOOMSHURO, NKAU TIIR KOHKS HOTEL, Desires to call tho attention of his Friends and the Public genernlly.o his NHW, FULL AND VAHIEI) STOCK OF GOODS, JUST OPENED, And solicits a share of public patronago HIS STOCK CONSISTS OF DHY GOODS, GitOCKItlKS, QUi:nNSVAIU, woodcmwauc, wiixowwaiih, hoots & shoes, UAItDWAltK, FLOU11 AND FCED. In connection with his stock of Mercnandlso ho constantly keers on hand In his yard. A TOLL STOCK OF Dressed anil Undressed Lumber, AND SHINGLES OF HIS MANUFACTURE. Bill Lumber made a speciality. CALL AND SEE. Oct. 8, 1ST3 tf. J. EVASS, '.READY MADE AND CUSTOM MADE CLOTHING. HE HAS THE FINEST GOODS, LATEST STYLES, AND EMPLOY'S THE BEST WOEKMEM For Good Fits and Promptness In DUlng orders thero Is tho place to go. His goods aro selected with caro and his CUSTOM WOItK will compare favorably with tho best cflort ot the fasulouablo City Dealer. HE KEEPS A LAHQE STOCK OF BOYS' & OHILDEEN'S OLOTHENG AND GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS!' At Astonishingly Low Prices. A. J. EVANS. Julyl, lS73-f. A GENTS 10 Oil Chrome, mounted, sho 9 x 11 for $1. loo for t Largest variety in tho wortd. NATIONAL C11KOMO CO., Philadelphia, l'a. "WANTED, AC1ENTS. Everywhere for the Centennial Hlstory-ceo pages, 21a en gravings, wiling well. Address II. 0. HOUGHTON ; CO., No. 1 Somcrs street, lloston, -Mass. A GENTS WANTED J for tho fastest belling book ever published, heiid for circulars nnd our extra terms to Agents. NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO., 1'llll.AUEI.l'HIA, Pa. 810. to $500. t, Ill Wall Street often ndstofoitune. A72naco book entitled: "Men nnd idioms or wnii Bircei rirSlTm JOHN HICKLlNCi & CO., OCllU rililllll, Hankers and Dickers, llltOADWAY, NEW YOltK. CAUTION. K0TI5E.-Tho GEHtfllTE EDITION. nV K A N 1) L A HUlll) U r viira-sTonsrE. (Including tho "Last Journals,") unfolds vividly his si) jenrs strange ndwntuics, also tho curiosities Wonders nnd Wealth of that marvelous country, and Is absolutely tho only new, complete work, llcnco It bills; Just think, 18,0(0 Ilrst 1 weeks. Agents' success would astonish you, more wanted, send for terms and positive proof of genuineness. HUUHAltl) iiuus., ruousiiers, duu&uiu anet't, iniwwuiiiiwi l'Olt nnTTniTn nnrno TTA A T) O-MT?C!C! And all Tliroat Diseases, USB WELLS' CARBOLIC TABLETS PUT UP ONLY IN 11LUE HOXES. .1 Ttas:i am sum: kkhedy. l'orsalo by Druggists generally, and JOHNSTON HOLLOU'Av & CO , Philadelphia, Pa. PHILADELPHIA ADV'S. --AUTirUL NSW SONG. "NO l'rlendly Voice to Greet .Me," by II. P. Hanks. Sent post-paid for 35 cents. Order our catalogue for 1 tilts. VM. II. HONNKIl & CO., Muslo Publishers. 1102, Chestnut btreet, Philadelphia, Pa. paly ltf-Uw. ESSEX'S COTTAOB OROANB. organs nnd Arlon Pianos. K. M. lllllici:. 13ns Chest nut bt l'hlla., formerly of is north 1th bt, WHOLESALE OHOCEItS, N. E. Corner second and Arch Strcojs, PiiiLiDKLrmi, Dealers in TEAS, SYIIUPS, COl'l'EE, BUOAIt, MOLASSES KICK, SrlCKS, BICAUU SODi, &C, 40. MTOrders will recclvo prompt attention. el.T-tf NOTICE TO EAIIMEKS ! EEDUCTI0N IN PEI0E OF RAW BONE Super Phosphate of Lime. Stanflard of Qnality Strictly Maintaiuufl rniLK wo announce a rciltirllnn in tho V price of our HAW HONK Hl'PHK PHOS PHATE, wo would iesKclfully represent to dealers nnd farmers tliatlU standard of quality has been ktilcily maintained. Tho proportions of bolublo mill precipitated 1'hos.phorlc Acid, Ammonia aud Potash, havo never been higher than they uro in tho article) wo aro now wiling our customers, 'this statement wo mako as u binding guurauti-e. Prico $4C por 2000 Pounds, PACKED IN GOOD WTIIONG SACKS of SCOilSCach. B-A-TJOI-I Ac SONS, No. W South Delaware Ave., Philadelphia. No. HO South bticct, lialtlmore, Md. July 9-3 in. PUBLIC-SALE" HAND BILLS Printed at this Ofiico ON BHOHTKST NOTICE AND AT TIIK MOOT lf K A fJOV IU.F. TBHMB Ayer's Sarsaparilla la widely known ns ono of tlio most elTuctual remedies over discovered for clcansini; tlio sys tem nnd purify ing tlio blood. It lias stood tho test of years, witli n con stantly growing rc titntlon. based on Its Intrinsic virtues, nnd piistnlncd by its re markable cures. So mild ns to bu safe nnd beneficial to children, nnd yet so searching ns to cll'ectually purge out tlio great cor ruptions of tlio blood, such ns tho scrofulous nnd syphilitic contamination. Impurities, or diseases that havo lurked in tlio system for years, soon yield to thts powerful nntl tloto, nnd disappear. Ilunco its wonderful cures, many of which mo publicly known, of .Scrolula, and nil scrofulous diseases, Ulcers, lCrtilitions, nnd eruptive dis orders of tho skin, Tumors, IMotclios, Jloils, Pimples, Pustules, Sores.St. Anthony's Fire, Itoso or Erysipe las, Tetter, Snlt Itlicum, Sealtl Head, JUiifrworiii, and internal Ul cerations ol' tlio Uterus, Stomach, nntl liiver. It nlso cures other com plaints, to which it would not seem especi ally ndaptcd, such as Iropsy, Iyspep 8in, Kits, Neuralgia, Heart Disease, Female- AVeakness, Uehlllty, nnd liCiicorrlioen, when they aro manifesta tions of tlio scrofulous poisons. It is nn excellent restorer of health nnd strength in tlio Spring. Ily renewing tlio nppctitO and vigor of tlio digcstivo organs, it dissipates the depression and listless lan guor of tho season. Kven wliero no disorder nppcars, pcopio feci better, nnd live longer, for cleansing tho blood. The system moves on with renewed vigor nnd a new lease of life. PREPARED D T Dr.J.CAYER&CO., Lowell, Mass,, Practical and Analytical Clwmttti, BOLD BY ALL DltUGQISTS EVERYWHERE. April 10-"&yl REW GOODS! A HEAVY STOCK, Cheaper .than ESves?! S. H. MILLER & SON Have Just Received the largest and best supply ot CHEAP AND' FASHIONABLE DRY GOODS, They havo ever offered totnclr Mends and cus tomers. (jlotlis, Ossimeres, and Satinetts for MEN'S WEAK, Clollis, Alapacas, Merinos, for LADIE'S WEAK, CALICOES, MUSLINS, CAMHRIC3, and every variety of Dry Goods desired, Carpets, Mats, Ottomans, in great variety and at tho L O WEST CASH PMICJES. FAMILY G11O0ERIES, including all the varieties of COFFERS, TEAS and SUOAKS, COUNTRY PRODUCE, and a general supply of articles useful for tho tabic always on hand. CALL AND SEE. Country produce of all kinds taken in ex change for goods at cash prices. Oct. 80,'ji-tr BLOOMSBURQ T. L. G-UNTON, Proprietor, JIAIN STIiLET, IILM.OW MAISKLT. Manufacturer of and Dealer In all kinds of MONUMENTAL MAEBLE WORKS Wo uso tho best AML'IUCAN and ITALIAN Marble. lie has on hand and (urnlshes to order MONUMENTS, TOM 1!S, HEADSTONES, UKNS, VASES, Ac, Every variety ot Marble cutting neatly executed at tho lowest market prices. A lone practical experlenco and personal attention to business makes the proprietor confident ot (rlvlnir satisfaction. All orders by mall promptly attended to. i'. u, I'OX S'Jt. JGSyy. Jl. HVi delivered free of eharge.'VBU Aug. St, "7My. T. L. (1UNTON, Proprietor, ROBERT ROAN CABINETMAKER AND UNDERTAKER, Iron Street, between Main and Third Streets DLOOMSHUUG, I'A. LL hind J: broken fi aiidju lees of I LL hinds ot Furniture made to order am' fumlturu neatly repaired. Tho finality his work will compare vWlh any t ha can ho produced and ho respectfully solltltsu bhaio oi puuuc patronage. Undertaking Will bo carefully and promptly attended to. When called Um during any hour of tho day or nMit he will nt onco respond und lay out tho deud. when fenwlo help In such cases Is desired ho will furnish luu bume. Ready Made Coffins both of WOOD and JILTALLIO WAltK always on hand, lie is nlso tho tho solo proprietor lu lilooms bure; and surrounding districts for Taylor's Patent Corpse Preserver Ily which ncorpsorauy bo surely and carefully pro bcrtedluloofor auy desirable length of time. Tho use of Iho Preserver muy bu obtained from Mm at any t;ne. Scurfs, Shrouds, (l.ou'S and .Mourning tor Doors furnished vthen requested. Also, IlL'Altsl! and CON VJiVAKL'ja furnished ISiHrJlemember he it a Jlegular Undertaker and thoroughly undentandt hit butints, lie will not be undersold by any in Hloomtbuni or in the county, K011EKT ItOAIs'. Dec. II, 1-ly AN ACTUAL IIUSINESS INSTITUTION AND TBLEOltAl'HIO INSTITUTE. for Information call at WUco.or send torcomai iVtADSBlE WOKKS. Qvov Thitfyfonr Competitor 3hGslnutStfHILBDEtPKIS RAIL ROAD TIME TABLES P HILADELl'IIA AND KEADING KOAI) WINTEK AKKANGEMENT. NOV. Oth, 1ST4. TRAINS I.KAVn ItlTEKT AS FOMOMS (srKDAT EXCTrTEI For Now York, Philadelphia, Heading, PottsMlle Tamacpia, Ac, II, M . m For Oatawlssa, 11,33 a. m. nnd 7,f.o p, m, 1'or Wllllamsport, i,2S a. m. and 4,00 p. in. tkaix8;fok RurniT i.eavr as tot lows, (sipav CEITKB.) Lcavo Now York, 0,00 a. m. Leave Philadelphia, 0,15 a. rn. Leave Heading, 11,3 1 a. m., Pottsvllle, 12,10 p.m. and Tnmaaua, 1,30 p. m. Lcavo Catawlssa, 6,20 a. m. and 4,00 p. m. Leave Wllllamsport, ,2i) a. m. nnd 5,00 p. m. Passengers to and from New York nnd Philadel phia go through v Ithout change of cars. J. 13. WOOTL'N, Hay 8, 1S74 tf. Ocncral Superintendent. DELAWAHK, LACKAWANNA AND WLVl'L'UN' UAILItOAU. ULOOMSI1UKO DIVISION. Tlme-Tnblo No. 33, Takes erfect at 4:30 A, Jl. T11UKSDAY, DLCL.MUElt 10, 1S74. .KOKTJI. STATIONS. Sernnton 1 llellevuo Taj lorMUo.... ...Lucknvniunu... PlttMon .. WeslPlltston... Wyoming Maltby Kingston Kingston .. I'lj mouth, lunc. ....l'lj mouth Avond.ilo Nuutlioke .llunloek's 1 reek. . -MilckMiluny ....Hick's l'eriy... ....Heath Haven... Ilerwlek .... Hrlar I'rcck ...Willow move.... Lime Hldgc E-spy ...llloomsburg Itupcrt I'atawlssj llrlilge. ..Clark's switch... Danville Chulasky Cameron SOUTH, a.m. 11 in. p.m p.m. p.m. p.m Pi 25 B no 8 3') 8 2.1 S 13 8 15 7 t.0 7 53 7 44 1 451 1 40! 13 .1 1 25 1 10 lu n 10 14 is III 10 17 10 25 10 20 10 34 111 3S 10 45 111 60 10 M 11 00 11 05 11 10 II IS 11 32 11 4G 11 63 12 '1 12 18 12 12 12 17 12 20 12 32 12 37 12 42 12 45 1 03 1 11 1 14 1 30 2 20 c so 12 2J 12 10 11 Jr. 11 30 11 211 11 10 11 10 10 45 8 25 S IT 8 12 8 05 8 00 7 40 7 28 7 en C 57 C 45 C 32 0 27 0 20 fi l! 5 5S S 51 5 41 2 20 C 15 2 33 0 41 2 41 2 50 i 65 3 01 3 00 3 15 3 20 0 60 7 00 7 05 1 11 1 16 1 00 7 11 7 10 7 4') 12 51 7 25 7 85 7 41 7 35 12 40 7 3.) 12 41 7 25 12 30 3 30 3 30 3 40 3 m 4 15 4 2,1 1 23 I 30 4 45 4 50 4 60 5 05 r. 12 5 18 5 21 6 30 6 4S 6 6S 0 03 20 7 60 7 19 12 3il 7 5S 8 02 8 15 8 35 8 6V J 05 7 01 7 12 7 15 12 20 7 15 12 10 0 Ml 12 01 G S5 11 40 0 29 11 3!) C 20 11 31 C 13 11 22 C IS 11 17 0 03 11 11 7 18 7 25 7 SS 6 10 11 02! 0 40 10 5 7 4 7 i 6 40 10 49 5 31 10 43 8 02 8 10 b 35 8 4S 8 35 S 40 5 30 10 40 B 15 5 12 10 22l 5 01 4 55 4 30 C 02 10 12 4 67 10 OS 4 40 l 50, .Nortnumbci land. 9 a.m. p.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. u.m. DAVID T. HOUND. Sunt. Superintendent's Ofllce, Kingston, , March 5, 1S74. -VTOUTHKHN CENTKAL KA1LWAY On and after November 20th, 1S73, trains v 111 lcav 0 SUNUUHYas follows: NOIU'lIWAHD. Erlo Mall 5.20 a. m., nrrlvo Hlmlra 11.50 n. m " Canandalgtta... 8.35 p. in. " nocuesier 5.15 " " Niagara ti.10 " Henovo accommodation 11.10 a. m.nnlvo Williams port 12.65 p. m. Elmlra Mall 4.15 a. m., an ho Hlmlra 10.20 a. m. UuDalo Express 7.15 a. in. nrrlvo Uullalo 6.60 a. m. SOUTltWAltD. Dutralo Express 2.50 a. m.arilvo Harrlsburg 4.60 " Ualtimoro 8.40 " Elmlra Mall 11.15 a. m., nrrlvo Harrlsburg 1.60 p. m " Washington 10.30 " " Haltlmoro 0.30 " " Washington 8.30 " nnrrlsburg accommodation 8.10 p.m. arrive Harris burg 10.60 p.m. arrive Haltlmoro 2.25 a.m. " Washington 0.13 ' Erlo Mall 12.65 a. m. arrlvo Harrlsburg 3.05 a. m. " Haltlmoro 8.40 " " Washington 10.35 " All dally except Sunday. U. M. HOYD, Jr., (leneral Passenger Agent, A. J. CASSATT, aencrnl .Manager PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD. 1'IiihuU'lnliia k Krio It. It. Division. SUMMER TIME TABLE. ON and after SUNDAY, MAY 23d, 1875, the trains on tho Philadelphia & Erlo Hall Head lilt Isou will 1 un as follou s : lr7iSTjr,lJJD. FAST LINK leaves Now Yoik Philadelphia. ... " " " Haltliiiore " " " Harrlsburg " " Wllllamspurt " " " LocklMuu ' licllcfonlo EHIU MAIL leaves Now York " ' " Philadelphia " " " llarilsburg " " " Wllllamsport... " " " Lock Haven ... " " " Henovo " " nrr. at trio . 0 S5 a. m ..12.65 p. m .. l.vo p. m .. 6.110 p. m . S.65 p, m ..10.20 p. m .11.60 p. m 8.25 p. ni ..ll.'.i p, m . 4.25 a. m . S.S5U. m . 0.45 0. Ill ,.11.05 a, m ... 7.50 p 111 NI.UIAHA EXPHIibS leavcsIPlilladcIplila. . 7.40 a. in " " " lUlllmoro 7.US a, in " " ' lluntsluirg. 111 ' " arr. at llllauisiort 1.65 p. in " " " Lock llaveu.... 3.15 p. in " " " ltenovo 4.30 p.m ELM I HA MAIL lenves;Phlladelphla s.oo n. m " " " lialtlmore b 30 a. m " " " llatitsbuig 1.25 p. in " " air. at Wllllamsport n.10 p, in ' " " Lock Haven 7.80 p. lu L'ASTW'MID. 1'IIIL'A ESl'KESS leaves Lock Haven 0,10 a. m " " " Wllllamsport 7,65 a. in " " anlves at Harrlsburg 11 45 a. 111 jijiumore 0,15 p. m " " " Philadelphia 3.35 p. m " " " New York 0.45 p. la DAY EXPHESS leaves Henovo 0.10 a. in " " " UkK Haven lo..6n. m " " " Wllllamsport. ...11 35a, m " " arr. at Harrlsburg 8.00 p, in " " " Philadelphia 0.20 p. in ' " " New York u 15 p. m " " " llallliuore 0.85 p. nt L'ltlK MAIL leaves Erlo 11,20 a. m " " " Henovo 8.2A p. in " " " Lock Haven ti.isp.iu " " " Wllllainsiwrt lo.6op,m ' 11 nrr. at ll irrlsbuig , 2.2s u.m " " " imillmore 7.35 a. in ' " " Phlladeliihla c.45 a, in " " " New York 10.10 u.m I'AST LINU leaves Wllllamsport 12.35 a. m ' " urr. at llarruburg 0.65 a, m " " " Hatllinoie 7.35 a. in " " " Philadelphia 7.35 a. hi " " " NewYoik 10.25 a. hi Erlo Mall West, Niagara Express West, Elmlia Mall West ami Hay Expi ess Host mako close couuec Hon at Northumberland wllh 1.. II. It. It. trains for Wilkes. Iljrre und hcrantou. Erlo Mull West, Nlagura Exprefs West and Elmlra Mall West make close couneetlou at Wllllumspoi t witli N. o. It. w. tralus Norm. Erlo Mall Hast and Wol,Nhigara ExprossWest, 1 11st I.ltio West mid Day Ex pi ess East mako clOoe coniiecllon at luck llaveu villi II. E. V, It. IL.trulns, Erlo Mull East und West connect at Erio with trulus on 1. H, a M. H. It. It., at corry with o. t A. V. It. It., at Einpoilum vlth 11, N. Y. & V, II. It., aud at Drlttwood wllh A. V. It, H. ' 1'ifrlor turs vMU run utween Philadelphia nnd JUIIUinsnort on , Nlagura Expuss West, lW Lino Jet, Philadelphia Express Last und Hay fxpiets East. bUeplngt'ursouullhlghttrulns. ' WM. A. BALDWIN, Jan. 8,'78-tt ueueraisupt BLANK NOTKS.with or without cxomiitloa tot Ufl at Uio Iulchuuw omcci 1 SUI GENERIS. $ AiM; m tea ymi ui t y r t r iif f' 77 CABINET ORGANS. DHEQUALEDXUN APPROACHED In cnimelty nnd otcrllenra by nny other. Awanlisl TIISEKTIMS DIPLOMA OF HONOR at VIENNA, 1813; PARIS, 1867, fill I V AmrrUfin OrfUin ever fiwrmlol nny inrl-t UilL i I" IIiiroio,or whlth i)ropnt ruth catMordl. nary pxcclU'iico m Vi cominnml a wido bhIo there, II Ml A VP nwfinlrd Mfihcft j.rrmliimii nt ML II H I O trial KtiOi-ltiwi,ln Ainrrlrnitvttrlln Kurnpc. Ontof hum I ml thTO Imvo not bet-n on in all whero wiy other orgnu lm?o bt-cn rcfrrrcd. DECT IX'clMvrt liy Kmlnrnt Mu-1rlrtn, In hoth ULOl hemUphruN to ho uitrlmlt'il. f?ro 'Jiirtl'IMOMlAI CIllC'Ur.AIl, Uh oHulor.a of taof th&n Ono Tliunnnud (nnt frro). IMCICT on 'mln R ltft,n At Hamlin. Do not I ll u I u I lake any other. I'catcn get La nam com uibkions fur MlluitJ inferior or(in, ami Jur tht reason often trv tery bird to tU something ehe. fJClW CTVI CC lthmwt lmiortnnt ImproTo hCII wl I LCo mintu ever tnatle. NfW Solo nml CoNihlliiUloil MopM. Mlrrl lilnRfro nmt other Cuncs of niiv Ucniiin, PIANO-HARP CABINET ORGANS quhito uumblnntlon of theso lnstrumentfi. EASY PAYMENTS , for monthly or quarterly lnymcntt er rcnu-tl until rvnl njn tvt tho organ. flKTM nPIICe "d Clrculnr, with f nil imrtlo. Ufl I flLUUULO lilifroo. AddreiMAB()Nft 1IVMLIN OIK1AN CO.. 151 Tmnont Strut, 110 TON 25 Union Square, NEW XOlUCi or oO Si ta AiUuie Bt CUICAUO, MASON & HAMLIN BIST OEMS MAY BE OBTAINED AT WHOLESALE Oil RETAIL OP Iio IS. ElWJEI,X,, SCRAHTOW, Pa. General Agent alto for tho celebrated CHIGKERING PIANOS. ALSO, OV I. K. IIL1E, HLOOMSHUIiG, PA., Dealer in nbovo Instrument:). March 19, '75-y 110LLINS k HOLMES Ko. 17 Centro Stro Plmiite Gas ana Steam Iters MAJiurAUTunnits or JCIWWARE, OALVANIZEI) UtOX C'OliNICL', WINDOW CArS, AWNINGS, Wire Trcllic, ovC Dealers in Stove, Itang c?, I'tirnaccH, 1'altiinore llcntcrm, Low Down Grates, Mantels, rUJIPS, Weather Strijw, &c, Alo GAS FIXTURES of the latest tle&lgn. tittention paid lo ro. mltlne; SewliijrMaelilnesof ei ry ileberlptlon.St'.tli Looks, Hi II HuhkIhc Key l'lttlni;, ,te. I'rlMile lit ?l tleneeslleateil by bleum at ubiuall cost hIjom Hot Air. l'eb. M,'7i-U, T)LATCHLEY'S Im- " nrmeil flTCI'M IIKK mil) TUMI' Is the ac Iknowledsed Maiul.iril ct too maiket, vy lertllct, the W'hl pump fur the least money. Atlentlcn Is InMleil to lllnlohto's Itnnrned llruck- cl.tho Dron check valve, uhleh can lo WfirM withdrawn without illsturMiiiftha Joint, iHi p,'i3 and tho copper chamlier which nour .lUl,' 1 1 lILKa, neilien Ul I UM.t 111111 M 111 I.IM .1 loo iy ilealein and the Irani) lt.rj' Keii'iiiiii. in oioer uiuobuiu iii.iLjon ItsSLeaJ net lllatchley's rtmip.ho careful and see that alias inytraiio inarkns above. If jott h not know-where to buy, de&crlpttu' ilrcill.irs, touellur with the name nnd address of tho nsent nearest jutl will by furnished by addresslne; with stamp, C1IAS. (1. IILATOIILLV, Manufacturer, MB, Coinincrco bt., I'hlUdelpliU. FOR BALK 11V J. SCHUYLER & SON, Bloomsburg, Fa. March 5 is-ara CARPETS! CARPETS!! S. H. MILLER & SON HAVE JUST ItKCEIVLI) nnd are ofiuin' forsalo nt very low pi ices ono of thobe-i .. honiiieiits of t'Altl'ins eir oltered for sale it tho town ot l!looms,burL-. They aio nil newnmlla tlioverylatcftbtyles. hlces Miryfrom 25ccutslo 11.50 ier yard. Cull and beo them, Oct. w, -74-tf. A Fortune For $1. Tho Wyomlns Lottery draws on tho 15th ami 8 th of..c'?c1.1 .jnoutli, nnd 2ii,tio in Cash uifta a paid In lull, nnd no deductions. Capital (int. Lmuooi Second (iltt. M.ouoj Thtrd, fji-otoj 1'ourlh, f li',i; Bllts' ,UW)i b'X"'' s'uuu' Midi's 0fi "nailer .TnLK"111 Ejttraordlnnry will poslilvely diawon July ssili, 1075. capital nut, flun.iiiu! second, f.Mi'i"; 1 hhd f,00j j Fourth ; M.o.i Mimller trlfts, tho w liulo amounting lo $350,uou, w htch Is paid to ticket holders at each diawlu";. This Institution Is chaiteml by the Legislature, nnd each draw Ine; is bupcrvlsed by the enalaulhoillles. An onicliilllst ofdrawluc iiuin !rs sent by mall to ticket holders ns boon as pul llshed. Tickets for either nrofl each, B for t'a tot W0. Agents w anted ! llluslrated '1 lines sent free In oicpbody, containing fun particulars. Tickets told up lo tho hour of drawing. Address, May U !liiiA,'U''S' L''' 711 NAisAU M" New V01!li' atotipp , NQTI.CE. 01ICK Is hereby mven that tlio Illoomb. (TTrJ i.,Lu.rB!"ia C0lnl,vu' wl" Put lu service plw und wU'n 'V.'10 c'wof lllooinslurg for r. " "wvu ,(uui iiietiretiaoi'snut tit, r,.fiItfCiLexTl'i'3 G,.w 'ootwlllboeluirgediit ...vv,viuw i'k-i iuui, uuui eIIeInoer isi Kept. 11, fL-tf C Wl M1LLU"' wjr. GLAZING AND PAPERING. TyM. V, KOniNK, Iron Btreet below sec kinds of ' '"0umiuurt'i I'f'i '3 prepurcil toUo at l'AINTIXQ, QLAZINO, and rAPEIt HANGINGS, notice icst styles, at lowest prices, una at Bhwt rartleshavliissucUwor to do wll euvo money it , wdkvrarrnnicd to elvo satisfaction, crier cited Mar. e, 'T4-iy, Ml v, JSU" 1 xvjy