THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSJJ'URG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. THE C0LUJ1BIAN. n i, o o M s li v it (i, v ii i) A v, ji:i,y tn, is;.; llnll llnail Tlmn Tnliln. LACKAWANNA ft U1.00MSIIUW1 HAIL ItOAl) KnllTlf. Accommodation Train, o.H A.M. Hall Train T.30 A.M Kxprcss Train 1.46 1'. M. " B.81P. M. OATAWISSA UAII, ItOAU. Ndin it. Accommodation Train o,!$ A. M. iM..nlnr r.Ynrpss 3.69 P.M. 7.31! A, M. B.i.a 1'. M ll.M A. M count 7,30 1 M. 11,33 A, M. runt nn I' train either to New Y York or Philadelphia. Accommodation train runs between Catawlssa and Wllllamsport. DKMOCKATIC C0UN1Y CONVENTION. Tho Democratic voters ot tlio sovcral districts of Columbia county will meet at their usuat places of holding tho general election"), on Saturday tho itli day ot August, 19TS, between tho hours ot thrco and seven o'clock In tlio attcrnoon, and elect delegates by ballot to represent tho districts In a County Convention to bo held nt tho Opera Houso In lllooma burg, on Tuesday, tho 10th day ot August, 19TB, nt ono o'clock, p. m., 10 piaco in nomination ouo can. dldato tor Senator, ono candldato lor I'rothonotary, nno cafldldato tor lteglstcr tc Kecordor, two cahdh dates for County Commissioner, two candatcsfor County Auditor, and to transact such other business ot tho Interests ottho Democratic party may require. Also, nt tho samo tlmo and places and In tho snmo manner, tho Democratic electors of each district will elect ono person to servo as morauor ot mo county Standing Committee. Hy order ot tho County Committee, WAUUUN J, llUOKALKlV, Chairman. ArroiiriONiiBKr of Dei.butm accohdimi to voir rOlKIOVERKOIt IN 1372. Uuckalcw. Delegate!!, Heaver lie n ton Hernlck Ulooinsburg ti llrlarcreek c.ttawissa Cuntro Centralla Cunj ngham.N Conjngliam S l'lililtigereuk 182 3 191 3 81 a 221 4 127 2 1.V2 3 120 '3 1C3 3 11S 3 145 2 M 2 2CJ rr.iukltn ....50, (ireenwood lw 3 Hemlock ' Jackson lot 2 Locust ; Main lot 2 Madison 100 J Mllllln IM 3 .Montour 51 2 Mt. l'loosant 07 2 (ir.mgo 1W 2 l'lno l' 2 Itoarlngcreek M 2 Scott 160 3 sug.irloat 16') a S,S23 OS liy Itulo tho ratio Is IKed at M voters tor delegate, but no district to have less than two or moio than four delegates, and allowanco Is to bo made within thoso limits for tho largest fractions ot a ratio. Dlooinsburg, l'a., July 10, 1375. Mr. L L. Mvmts, collector for tiio Colcmdiak, will wait upon those Indebted to this oillco for tho pur pose ot receding tho amounts due. Wo trust that those Indebted will bo prepared to pay what they owo when he calls, but It not, they will again bo called upon. It will scarcely be demanded of us to oiler an apology for nuking collections, but tor tho satM.ictlon of those desiring it wo will Just say that in wo havo to pay cash for every thing us we go our purso Is not long or deep enough to hold out unless It is replenished with some degree ot promptness. Cool niglils ami mornings. Camp meetings aro in order. This clay, l'Ynlay, is 11 hours ami 20 minutes long. Some of the farmers in this vicinity have cut their oats. Whortleberries in ulmnil nice in market yes terday morning. Tho corn crop promises to he an over-abundant one till J season, Tho I're-diytcrhu Smul y School held a pie nic at Itupert yesterday. J, J. llrnwcr, Kq., had a slight attack of Mill MroUo a few days since. A new candidate for Conimi-Moner appears among the announcements lids week. Mr. Abraham DiKliuc, of Orange has a com mon dung hill rooster h itched from a guinea's 'William Oillmore has hrnken ground for the erection of n front to his residence on Main sttect. The ladiesof St. Columbkill'sGitholic church cleared seventy dollars by their ice cream festi val last week. Mr. T. K. Cleddis is at work phi-tering the looms that were iceenlly partitioned oil' in the Exchange Hotel, Toot pa-sengcrs aro now cro-sing tho new hnilge at Danville. It will be ready for carria ges within a few days. According to the Itcnton WrcUy out-door sparking and kissing over and hauging on gales is the prevailing mania in that town, Daniel Crcasey of Light Street has commenced tho erection of ail addition of 10 feet hack to the building recently occupied Vy Thatcher it 11 eat hart. A large number of strangers from the cities are rusticating in Illoom-buig. Surely they could not find a more inviting place to spend a few weeks; or, say a lifetime, At a meeting of the Columbia county Medi cal Society on Tuesday hist, Dr. J. 1!. Kvans was elected President, and Dr. V, M. Itebcr Secretary for the en-uing year. An exchange says; Trying to get up business without advertising, is like winking at n pretty girl thiough a pairofgreen spectacles you may know what you nro doing, hut no body else does On last Thursday afternoon, a horse belong ing to Fred. Williclm, of Danville, and driven by (ionier Thomas, dropped dead on Fifth street. The supposition is that it had been over-driven, Hugh and Uohert Buckingham, of tho O. K. Il.iso hall club, of llloomshiirg, lire playing a match game in licthlehem to day, They went to Hiuletou yesterday and nro'pitchlng and catch ing with a club of that place. The co-operative Itollingmill at Danvillewas Tigaiu started on Tuesday with a full comple ment of hands. Waterman it IScuvcr havo also started their Hulling mill with. i full force. Messrs. Kcshly A Hotline havo been awarded tho contract for removing tho Forks hotel. This will open up Main 6trect to tho Normal School buildings, They have already begun tho work and it will not he long until the "Folks" will ha among the things that were, .'i drove of mules and Indian ponies, about 50 liiUMiuhcr, arrived nt llloonisburg tho present week, from Fort Iirimie, Wyoming territory, where they were raised, They seemed to Eland their 1(100 mile journey right well. Tho pio prlclor and drover had raised nearly all of them himself. Tho ladies of tho Litlior.m Church are hold ing mi ice cream festival in tho Opera IIoiii-c, which will bo continued this (Friday) mid Sat urday evenings, the prolils of which are to bo devoted to pulling gas into their church build ing. They are lecelvlng, in they well deserve, n generous patronage, At tho February term tho court approved a new charter for tho borough of lterwick, The list Independent contain n series of new und wholesome ordinances passed in pursuance thereof by which that municipality Is to ho regulated In future. They nro eminently prac ticable, aro drawn with ability, and If enforced will keep allalrs In that vicinity in good tiliu, Tho poets aro after tho potato bugs woo to the iiiicrts I Ono poctslngss (lather them In, gather thorn In, (lathcrthobcctlcHlnii (latherthem ofT of tho bills und rows, (lather them orf ot tho potatoes' And pass them Into tho lire. Tho Lutheran congregation of llloomsbiirj. on Sunday last, in tho largest election ever held I by them, unanimously Invited Itcv. Dr. Mo Cron to the pastorship. He has accepted and will nnumo tho duties of tho position on tho first of August, This largo congregation lias been fortunate in obtaining tho services of so eminent a leader and Instructor ns Dr. MtCron nnd it will no doubt enter upon a period of in creased prosperity The employees of the L. it. It. H. It, together with their friends from Northumberland to Scranton, held n basket pio nic in Knorr's grove below town, on Saturday last. A special train from each terminus of tho road camo into llu pert at an early hour, carrying in all about 1.000 persons. A comet nnd string .band of music accompanied the delegation from tho northern end of tho road. A largo plab form was soon erected for dancing, which was kept up most of theday. Two extra sitings were put up und kept in constant use, nnd all pres ent appeared to enjoy themselves. Tho potato bug, we aro told by tho Chicago newspapers, is being followed in its journey eastward by another potato scourge, more vora clous nnd destructive, if pmsible. This new hug has been announced in Northern Illinois, and is described as long and thin in form, of a dove color, and as suddenly making its appear ance in tho fields in swaims. Tho new destroy er is said to bo making havoc of tho potato fields, and Is only to he reached by tho samo treatment and In much the samo way as tho Colorado bug. Advice rou Dull Timiis. Advertising is a great bother. It only brings a lot of folks to your place of business. If they ..want you, let them hunt you up. Then if you get your name, in tho p.iper you will bo bored with drummers, and people from tho country will call on you and you will have to show Iheni goods, and like en ough have to do up bundles for them, which will exhaust your stock so much that you will be obliged to buy more goods, which is a great trouble. If you advertise, too, it gives your place a reputation abroad ; folks will go there and crowd you, and make it too lively. If you on t want to do anything, keep as still as you can. A'. 1". Cum'l Adierth'-r. "Good breeding does not sanction tho inter ruption of another in conversation. Politeness demands that we wait until the person speaking has concluded. If any in tho company are rude enough to talk, why just let them exhibit their ill breeding, but don't put yourself on air level by talking at the same time." There is no rule of common decency more frequently violated than tho foregoing, and the most intol erant boor can not so effectually make himself annoying as by this means. Even urofesseil gentlemen sometimes aro guilty of the vulgari ty, but under all circumstances it exposes the low breeding of any one, however artificially lolisbed, who insults his companions by thus nterriipting a person speaking, however hum- ile. A gentleman thus interrupted will most roperly lesent the insult in behalf of him-elf mil friends by ceasing to speak. To the Kditor of Tin; Coi.I'.miiian : The novel operation reported in vour issue of luly lid has excited some interest. Wo would herefore respectfully request the medical gen tlemen who performed it, to satisfy our curiosi ty by answering the following questions : 1st, If "previous disease had caused a constriction above the obstacle so that it could not be with- lrawn," how was it possible that the "chunk of neat" could pass through said constriction? '2d, Was there not great danger in passing into the stomach an instrument sharp enough to go through the meat ? And how could you dc teimine the difference between a chunk of neat lodged near the .stomach and a constriction uf tho (esophagus? iid. If chicken bones can ie removal from the throat by the action of ili ule acid, could not a piece of meat have been ligested by the action of pep-in and dilute acids with greater safely and less sull'ering to the pa tient? "Olive." July, lS"o. As the points at issue come solely within the province of medical practitioners, we leave the ubject to them, remarking only that our read- rs are not of a class likely to swallow ele phants. swindi.i:iw. The number of persons traveling through the ountry living by their wits, is unusually large just now. All sorts of dodges are resorted to, in order to filch money from tho pockets of honest but unwary people. Here are some of the latest of thc-0 swindles: Tramping peddler are engaged in selling 'Potato ling Powder," which should be labeled "humbug," for it will not kill the pests at all. V new idea is to bring a telegraphic dispatch to some person of means, obtain his signature to i receiptMn ajbook therefor but the leaves of the book aie so ingeniously arrainged that the signa ture is really made to a check or promissory note. In some places a person calls at the residence if farmers, tells a sad tale of woo and sufleriug and u-ks for a loan mi a gold lingor gold watch or endeavors lo sell gold watches or rings. Many persons bite at such baits, expecting to get bargains, but io wali bes nnd rings always prove to be of brass, or oilier worthless material. An Ohio Knave sills cows ol'a supposed new breid to fanners, showing only fictitious pho. tographs. He collects a small sum to bind the baigain nnd leaves the rest of the payment until the cows are delivered which of course never lappens. , The old dodge of fooling fanners Into signing promissory notes, under the delusion that they arc simply pulling their name to an agreement of some kind u lating to u patent right, and linn selling the notes for collection, has been revived. 7iV, 11ASI! HALL. On lasj Tuesday afternoon a very interesting match game of base ball was played on the Fair Ground at llloonisburg, between the Independ ent Nino of hewisburg nd the O. K, Nine of this place. The game was witnessed by a large crowd, In spile of tho rain, which made the game very dillicult in point of execution. A very few minutes had elapsed when tho lull be came so wet and slippery that it could scarcely be batted and caught, During tho hrst inning, (the O, K's. at the bat) Mr. HydoHotzcl, catch er for the Independents, in attempting to take a fuul ball finin the bat was struck on the right cheek bone and cut very badly, so much so that he was unable lo play for several Innings, Dr. MeUeynuld', of Duck Horn, being on the ground was summoned to dress tho wound, The acci dent put a brief stop to tho game, but was re sumed by Mr. Gelbart going behind tho bat, where ho remained until the game closed, Har mony and good feeling prevailed tluoughout the entire match. Tho O, K's, had a very fine din ner and supper prepared at tho Kxchango Hotel fur the Independents, who partook of tho same with good relish. The following Is tho score : o. k'h. sink. iNiiiU'LNiiu.rr mini:. O. II. O. 1!, Mclvelvv, lib Ilasscit, I! b Kinney; c f Menugli, r f liuckiligiinin, p Meuagh, J., s s li I! Neuycr, 1 f II Vandyke, c f !l 1 'J :i i i :i 1 2 iicrliurt, s s Kelley, :t 1. Kelley, C, I 1 1 err, r I, o 'J llilteubeudcr. 1 1' - 1 1 Marsh, 2 b M irr, p JieUel, c Connor, lb 4, i!" 21 Total, '-'7 Time of gaiuoll hours. l'inplro-F. I'. llillmyer. Scorers G, J acohy for O. IC.'s and W. 1'. Goodman for Independents, The Millniiinn describes nn accident which befell (Icorgo W, Stnnfler, lately, as lie was on lilt way homo from Wntsonlown with n two-horso wagon loaded with lumber. When nenr Dewarl, ho was overtaken by n thunder storm, and lightning struck ono of the horses and killed It instantly j tho other ono was knocked down but not killed, although bad ly hurt. Mr. Slnufibr himself was consider ably shocked. Ho win sitting on tho load of lumber nt tho lime, driving tho tram, nnd remembers nothing of the circumstance save feeling a tap on tho head. Tho reins) fell from his hands and when ho camo to himself tho horses both lay In tho road. 1'UllLlCATlON OP ANNUAL HrAlTMENTS. The following Is the net of 1871, requiring tho publication of annual settlements, showing the financial condition, respectively, of tho several townships, nnd boroughs comprising the various counties in the State. Township and borough auditors who fail lo comply with there quiiemcnts of this law are liable to tho penalty prescribed in tho act: SncilON 1. Ik it enacted, A-c, That the aud itors of the several townships and boroughs within the commonwealth shall meet annually on the first Monday of June, and oftener. If nec essary, and shall audit, settle and adjust the ac counts of the supervisors, road commissioners, school, borough nnd township treasurers, as may by law he referred to them. Sue. '2. That the auditors of the several town ships and boroughs within this commonwealth are hereby authorized and required to publish by posting handbills, cither printed or written, in at least live public places within their respective, districts ; said handbills to bo posted within ten days after such settlement; and further, it shall bo the duty of said nuditors to file a topy of the same with tho township clerk in their respective districs, and also with the clerk of tho court of quarter scsious, which shall bo at all times subject to inspection by any citizen thereof. 1'i-ovidal, That where any two of said offices shall be exercised by the same person, only "!? statement shall bo required J Alio nroiirfrJ, That nothing in this act shall be constructed to inter fere with the present law which requires annual statements of the receipts and expenditures of tho borough councils, commissioners, supervisors, overseers of the poor and school directors to bo advertised in tho daily and weekly newspapers published in the respective localities. Si::.3. In case of neglect or refusal to comply with the provisions of this act, tho auditors so neglecting or refusing shall pay a penalty of twenty dollars, to be recovered in thesatno man ner as debts of similar amounts aro by law re coverable, by suit instituted in the name of the school district upon tho complaint of any tax- paying citizens ol the same, and the proceeds thereof to be paid into the school treasury of said district. Si:c. -1. All acts inconsistent herewith arc repealed. Ai'PiiovED. The 21th day of April, A. D. 1S71. J. F. IlAltlltANFT AllOUT DNSUATKD LAND TAXI'.S. The several County Treasurers collected nnd charged themselves us follows, for taxes received from seated and unseated lands returned : 1852, Koad School and l'oor, S 0S.00 1831, " " " fi:.03 18-30, " " " 079.39 185S, " " " 2.-HS.72 ISOO, ' 2.352 21 1S02, " " " 2.872.32 ISfil, " " " 2.31S.21 1800, " " " and bounty, 3.G 10.11 ISO, " " " " o.l 17.01 1870, " " " " 7.475.00 1S72, ' " " " 0.342.79 187-1, " " " " 0.082,90 From the books in the Treasurer's office, it seems that for 1S32, and former years, and even in 1831, but a small amount was collected, and it also appears that the several treasurers drew their pjy, if any, from the county, and paid the whole amount collected to the township. In 1850, Jacob Harris, lq. wascounty Treas urer, lie collected the several taxes, deducted therefrom bis commission and paid tho balance to tho townships. This custom was continued from 1S50 to 1872. During 1872 iheSehool board of Conynghain- town-hip, thought the law required the Com missioners to cause said school and other town ship taxes returned, to be collected without fee or reward, and that if anything was paid it should come out of the county funds and not from the taxes thus collected. Suit was brought by the School board, and the Court held that under the law, the school, road, poor and bounty taxes returned were to bo col lected and paid over and that the Treasurer had no right to retain any commission therefrom. The plaintiffs claimed from the county the amount that had been retained by the several treasurers from lS72backto 1S50, thedate when said commission was first retained by the Treas urer; but tho Court held that all that had been due over six years was burred by the statute and within six years was recoverable. The Commissioners then refunded to all the town ships tho amount due under this decision. The whole amount thus refunded was S1.759.S9. Conynghain township's share of it was $919.40. Under this law it follows that a township col lector has a right lo retain five per cent, of all money collected, and that which he fails to col lect be turns over to the county and the county must collect it for nothing. Whether this law is jti.-t or not we do not stop to discuss. One tiling is certain, if tho Legislature meant to fa vor districts having unseated lauds, and vacant seated lands, they might as well have made the law that the whole amount must bo collected by the county. As it now is Ihecolleetor has a light to collect all he can and upon that ho receives five per cent., the balance he returns and it is collected at the expense of the comity. It is hardly necessary to add that neither the county Commissioners nor their clerk, ever get into their hands any of this fund. It is collected by the Treasurer, and paid by him on warrants drawn by tho Commissioners, directly to the township olliccrs. Neither the Treasurer nor the Commissioners nor their clerk had anything to do with the system they found existing when they came into olliec. Not ono of them was in office in 1850, when tho claim was first made, and if it was wrong or illegal they are not to be held lesponsiblc, This ample explanation is made because vari ous crude slanders aro being circulated over the county, based wholly upon misrepresentation. The facts above stated embrace the whole sub ject and may bo relied upon as exactly correct. WYOMI.NU SUM1NAKY. This institution, of which Itcv. D. Copehind is Principal, is situate In Kingston, Wyoming valley, and is fast acquiring high credit. Wo make t tic following extract fiom tho report of the late board of visitors, of which Itev. A, M. Wiggins was chairman, to wit : As a college preparatory school tho seminary ranks very high. The presidents of Yule, Wes levan University and Laf.nette oilhgo report Wyoming students ns standing among the first in scholarship and gentlemanly deiiorimuit. The high reputation of the school In this re spect is largely due to Prof, llaudall, of the de partment oi i.aun niniiirciit, Advantages aro nllbrdcd by Wyoming Semi nary for a general academic education lor both ladies and gentlemen. There aro two coiincs of study for tho purpose. A three year's coursu of literature and science nnd a classical course of foiiryuu. llolh of these courses are complete, allording a broad and varied culture, Peciilbtr facilities are afforded for the study of natural science. The laboratory is well furnished with the necessary apparatus for thorough instruction In this dcpJitiiKiit. Tho course In mathematics li an extended one and the excellent maps shown tho commit tee by tho class In surveying gave evidence that the com so Is not simply theoretical but prac tical. The instruction In modern languages is given by teachers who speak the languages. The specimensof drawing and painting adorn ing the walls of the chapel were well cxccuUd, showing that this dep.utiuent had received its due of attention, In iu-truineiital and vocal music we hud full proof of the superior proficiency of the pupils at the musical soiice on Wednesday evening nnd dm lug tho exercises on commencement day. Tho commercial college connected with tho seminary has an able principal in Prof. L. L. Snrague. and is euunl to unv In thu country. oiing men lire hero thoroughly nrcpircd for all kinds of business, Muny of the graduates are now Holding position ol grcatii'UH and responsibility, In nil departments of study wo were pleased with tho examinations, they were tests of schol nridilp, not a drill upon a picooncelvcd set of iiilcstlons nnd nnswers, and tho students passed the ordeal in such a manner ns to give general satisfaction, Tho essays nnd nddi esses of tho students nnd graduates on commencement day showed moro maturity of thought than Is usual on such oc casions. This report would ho incomplete wcro wo not to speak of tho religious character of the semi nary. It Is thoroughly christian but not secta rian, and is largely patronized by all denomi nation. A laigo number yearly enter hero upon an nctlvennd faithful religious life. Mr. O. M. Qirton, harness manufacturer, of llloonisburg, recently put up a set of har ness which "lays over" anything In that lino wo have ever seen. They aro silver mount ed, and called track harness, tho traces. breast collar, and breeching being made of n singio leather strap, anil not quilled anil stuffed ns most harness aro that mado In tho country. For light driving they nro far more prcferablo than the old stylo and nro not so liablo to crack and rot. Any ono wishing n set of track harness will do well to give Mr. Oirtou a call. For fancy, durable, and cheap harness they aro "boss." Itusscl has just received a fresh supply of Apples, Jianauas, uranges, demons, rinu Ap ples, Ac, Kxaminc his stock. WVOMIXO SliMlNAIlY AND CoMHnilCIAL Cot.LUin. Accommodations for 200 boarders and as many day scholars. Students prepared for college, professional study, teaching and bu siness. Thorough Instruction nnd discipline. Hanking, wholesale and retail business, railroad ing, etc, practically taught. Next term opens September 1st. For catalogue, containing a beautiful steel engraving of tlio Seminary and for illustrated Commercial Journal address Itcv. I). Copelatid, Principal, Kingston, Luzerne coun ty, Pa. On commercial matters address L. L. Spraguc. Ow New lot of Shoes at K. M. Knorr's, the last of this week. Just received, a fresh invoice of latest stvlcs Children's Summer Suits at D. Yocum's. Also Men's and Hoys' Clothing, all of which ho is selling cheap. Army Shoes at McKinney's. Pewter Sand for sale at Try the W.00 Gaiters at K. M. Kuorr's. Tobacco and Confectioneries, wholesale and retail by M. M. Itusscl. Towanda Koots at McKinney's A new Cabinet Kmpire Sewing Machine, a beautiful article of furniture, for sale very cheap if called for soon at Cadman's. Another lot of Men's and Ladies' slinners just received at Knorr's. Go to's for your Groceries. He fcells for cash and will not he undersold. Fine Shirts. Ties. Collars. Ac. -at McKin ney's. FATtMrttil ATTl'Vrtn? D-arr. fnbnj Tin Hon Eggs, Lard und Produce in exchango for goods. Go lo K. M. Knorr's for tbn best nunlitv of Shoes. Granulated Sugar for sale at Itussr.L's. Hurt's Shoes at McKinney's only. Genuine Mason Fruit Jars for salo .it M. M. Itiissel's. Hoots nnd Shoes tmnln tn nril or liv- pvnorl. enccd workmen at McKinney's If you want a first class Farm Wagon, If you want a Platform Pleasure Wagon, If you want an Kliptic Spring Wagon, If you want a Pleasure Wagon, If you want your Wagon put in good trim, If you want repairs done good with short notice, Go lo J. 1!. Facs. Oat Meal for sale at llussel's. Call and try it. When you go to Fhiladclnhiu, stod at tho Allegheny House, No. 812 and 814 Mar ket street,; Having been recently renovated. Price only $2 per day. A. lli:cic, March 19,'75-ly Proprietor. Cheese! Cheese I Checsol Kino assortment of Cheese at llussel's. COAL. COAL Old Established Coal Yard. C. W. Niial & I!ko.; Wholesale & Retail Dealers in all sizes ot tho best qualities of Ued and White Ash Coal, at the vcrv lowest market rates. Iavo constantly on hand large stocks of Domestic, Cupola, lllacksmitli's Anthracite, llituiuinous, and Limeburncr's Coal. Ksncclal attention given to the prepara tion of coal before leaving our yards. Grain aim Lumber taken in uxctiaugo lor coal. Coal delivered to anv part of tho tow n at short notice. Orderslcftat I. W. McKclvy's store, or at our olliec, will receive prompt at tention, Ulhce and lards at William Neal & Sons' Furnace, Ksfit llloonisburg. Your patronage respectfully solicited. COAL. 17 tf-251 COAL If you want a good Ham, If you want cheap and good Tea, If you want Cofl'eo Java or Kio, If you want good Canned Fruit, If you want tho best Mackerel, If yon want Sugar for the least money, If you want the best Syrups in town, If you want good Cigars, If you want good Tobacco. If you want anything in tho Grocery and Provision line, go to Itu-ssr.l.L's, Main street. tf-25 .TOWN AND COUNTRY. Ki'M llses 4 o'clock 15 minutes sets 7 oMnck 11 minutes. o Ooi.n Is now quoted at a premium ot about lis In other words green backs are about Kl percent, below par. o ficuuNCK's sca Wkeu tonic In tho atmosphere expei leiiccil hero Umluglhe .summer mouths, tho lethargy produced by thu heat takes away the desire for wholesome food, nud frequently persplrallons re duce bodily energy, paitleularly those sulleilng from the effects ot deblltatlng diseases. In order to keep a natural linllbful activity ot tho system, wo must resoi t to artificial means, For this purpose Sell click's tea Weed Tunic Is cry effectual. A few dosta will cu-ate nn nppctlteand five afresh Ujor to luo enervated body, l-'or dj spepslu, It Is luvalua bio. jMany eminent plij slclaus ha o doubted wheth er djspepsla can bo permanently cured by tho drugs which are generally cmplojeil fur that purpose. Tlio Sea Weed Tonic In Its nature Is totally different from such drugs. It contains no corroslte minerals or acids j In fait It usslsts tho regular operations ot nature, und supplies her deficiencies. The tonic lu ,ts nature so much resembles tho gastric Juice that It Is almost Identical with that Uuid. Tho gastilc Juice Is tlio natural fcoltcut which, In a healthy eon dillonot the body, causes tho tuud to bo digested! nud when this Julco Is not excreted In sufllclent quantities, Indigestion, with ull Its distressing sjinp loius, follows. Tho Sua Weed Tcnlo perfoims the duty ot tho gusli lo Julio when tho latter Is deficient. Bihcuck's Sea Weed Toulo sold by all Druggists. o Tin: 1' coni'idiinci: well. ri.Acr.n. Although thewuild has been seeking specifics for dlsease for many centuries, few Indeed have been found. Prominent among these few Is Hosteller's stomach Hitters, which years ago received I ho en dorsement ot tho medical profession, and was hulled by press und public as tho great renovant nnd pre ventlvo ot tho ngo, And with good reason, slnco to thoweukenedbtouiaehlt ghes strength, totbolor I Id liter activity, to tho disordered bowels legularl ty, nud to tho shaken nervous system ilrmness and tone, Under Its benignant lutlueneo healthful M.'or rcturne to tho debilitated and wasted frame, tho llaeeld muscles becomes compact, tho wan aspect ot HI health Is replaced byn lookot checi fulness, tho mind ceases to despond, nnd llesh Is developed upon tho attenuated frame, There Is no exaggeration In this btatenieut, It Is as true us that tlio sj stem is subject to disease. Were proofs it-quired to sub. staullate Iho reality of tho comprehenstto effeit-s ot the Hitters, there Is probably not lu existence u medleluo lu tut or ot w hlch such a mass of cuneu 1 1 cut lesllinouy, from tho most rt'spectuulu houicos, could be adduced, Hut the elllcacy of the nation's altera tit o nnd lntlgoruut has becu a matter ot universal knowledge too long to i.eed any bueh corroboration, Tho fact (hut It has Iho largest talcs lu those por tions ut tho North and South America Continents, Mexico, aud the West Indies, In which atinosplu-rlo lulluences prejudicial to health exists, proves what conlldeuce Is felt In Us remedial and protean o lr tues. In localities tt hero fetors of au Intermittent tyjio prevail, especially, It has como to be regarded ie, an Indispensable ueceslty, Huwt Pseds, on Parchment nnd linen pnper, com mon and for Administrators, Hxecutors and Trustees, for sata cheap nt tho to i-mdian offlco. o flood food nnd plenty of It, produces tlio samo ef fect uponn person who has been starved that tho l' Sjrup, an lion Tonic, does upon tlio wenk nnd debilitated 1 It makes them strong nnd vigorous, changing weakness and suffering Into strength and health. o Till! IIKST l'ltlNTINO oitici:. Tho present Is a good opportunity to remind tho friends of tho paper, nnd tho public generally, that tho (Joi.uMnuN Jon 1'iiintinu OrncR has no superior In lids section, nnd, In somo respects, Is without nn equal, During tlio last year wo havo completely re newed our tyjies and mado largo additions, nnd it Is no Idle boast to say that wo bato now tho Hest Presses, tho Host Assortment of Type, tho Hest Stock of Paper, Cnids, Ac, nnd tho Host Workmen In tho country, Our workmen nro specially adapledfor their places, and wo mnke It a point to always glto our customers a neat, correct and satisfactory Job. Wo do not claim to do work for loss than others, but will warrant It to boas cheap as can bo done any w hero und leld a decent profit. All w ho nre In need of Job Printing of any klnd-1'laln or In Colors-will find It to their Interest to glvo tho colciihian omen a tilal. Wo havo on hand every variety of Curds, Palter, Ink, Envelopes, Tags, Ac, that Is likely to bo called for, andean furnish any quantity or stylo of work bnbhoit notice. Hlndlt.g to order. tf. o I- F. KUNKEL'S HITTER WINE Ol' HlO.f. Tho great success and delight of the pcoplo. In fact, nothing ot tho kind has ever been offered to tho American peoplo which has so quickly found Its way Into their good favor and hearty approval ns E. 1'. Kunkel's Hitter Wlno of Iron. It does ull It proposes, aud thus gives universal satisfaction. It Is guaran teed to euro tho worst cases ot dyspepsU or Indi gestion, kidney or liver disease, weakness, nervous ness, constipation, acidity ot tho stomaeh, Ac. (Jet tho genuine, Only hold In 1 bottles. Depot and oniec, 'J (i North Ninth St., Philadelphia. Ask for Kunklc'.i, und taxe no other. Sold by all druggists. Drsi-f.r- i, Prsi-m-siA. Disckisu. V., 1'. Kunhrl's Hitter Wine of Iron, a sure euro tor this disease. It has been presci Ibed dally for many yearsln the practlco ut eminent phjslclans with un paralleled success. Symptoms nro loss of sppctlto wind and rising food, drjuessin mouth, headache, dizziness, sleeplessness and low spirits. Oct tlio genuine. Not sold In bulk, only In II bottles. 259 North Ninth St., Philadelphia, Pa. sold by all drug gists. Ask for E. l". Kunklo's Bitter Wlno ot Iron andtako no other. VjI Tavii Woiim. sso Entirely remored with purely vegotablo medicine, passing from tlio system alive. No feo unless tho bead passes, otno and refer to patients treated. Dr. E. 1". Kunkle, No. 219 North Ninth St., Philadel phia. Advice fiee. Seat, Pin and Stomach Worms ulso removed, never falls. For removing all kinds but.Tape Worm.thc medicine can bo had of your drug gist. Ask far Kunkel's Worm Sjrup. l'ricojl. 1'ur Tapo Worm, tho patient must coma on and have It removed. o SYMPTOMS OF I.1VEU COMPLAINT, AND OF SOME OF THE DISEASES 1'liODL'UED I1V IT. A sallow or yellow color of skin, or jcllovvlsh brown spots on the face and other parts ot body ; diillnes and drowsiness with frequent headache j diz ziness, bitter or bad taste in mouth, dryness of throat and Internal heat ; palpitation ; In many cases a dry, teasing cough, with sore throat; unsteady appetite, raising food, choking sensation In the; distress, heaviness, bloated or full feeling about btomach nud sides, pain In sides, back or breast, and about bhouklers; colic, pain and sore ness through bowels, with heat; constipation alter nating w 1th frequent attacks of diarrhoea ; plies, Uat ulence, nervousness, etldncssot extremities; rush of blood to head, with sj inptoins of apoplexy, numb ness ot Uinos, especially at night ; cold chills alter nating with hot Hashes, kidney and urinary difficul ties; low spirits, unsociability and gloomy forebod ings. Only fow of tho above sjiuptoms to bo present at ono time. All whouso Dr. I'Icreo's Alt. Ext. or Golden Medical Discovery and Pleasant l'urgallvo Pellets for Liter Complaint and Its complications, ni cloud In their praise for them. They aro sold by all dealers lu medicines. o "Their Name Is Legion," may be applied to those who die annually uf consumption, although bcleuce has of late j cars sensibly diminished their nuinbir. It lsgratlfjlng to know that the general use ot Dr. Wtstur's balsam of Wild Cherry Is largely Instru mental lu attaining this end. &o cents and il a bot tle, Lugo buttles much the cheaper. o WIIEIIE TO ADVEItTISE. A.T. Stewart sajs the best advertising mediums ho has ever found "are tho old established organs ot the two p.u ties, at tho several county beats tluoughout tho L'nlou." "'Ihese," he bays "leach every family of tlio least account lu I heir several counties, and are mure eanfully read than any other class ut Journals." If Mr. Stewart's Judgment Is of value, there Is no difficulty hi deciding tt hlch paper It Is for the lntcrist ut businessmen to advertise In The Columbia DEiiociiAr, upon which this paper Is partially founded, was established lu 1SJ3, aud th e Colcmuian now enjojs a wider circulation aud greater piosperlty Hum It eter did. It goes regular ly Into two thousand families In Columbia and ad joining counties, and by most of them Is read from th llrst to the last line. It Is the only recognised exponent of nearly live thousand Democratic voters In tho county. It gives adveitlsetnonts a tasty dls plaj, that makes them attractive to its patrons, thus ensuring gieater certainty that they will peruso them. While ltselreulatlonlsundotibtedlymuchthe largest In the county, the adteitlslng rntes ot tho Co Li-tin i in are no higher than tliuso ot other papers tilth barely half nnd several not one-fourth I he num ber of subsci Ibers. Facts like these speak fur them selves. No shrewd business man will neglect to In seit lilsadteitlseinents In the coi.usuu vs. tt. liLOOMSlSUllC! MA11KET. Wiieat per bushel... Itjo " .... Cum " oats " .... Flour per barrel .... clovirseed Flaxseed nutter Eggs Tallow Potatoes Dried Apples Hams sides fc Shoulders . . I, m il per pound II. ly per luu beeswax Timothy Seed f 1.21 .v.l .SO .OS 7.0J , 7.0(1 . l.W A'i .IS .llS .so .11) .10 .12 .IS . 20.1'U .2.1 . 4.M) QUOTATIONS FOlt COAL. No. 4 on Wharf No. s " " No. 0" " blacksmith's Lump on whaif . " bituminous " f 4,no per Ton , I 3,75 ' " I li.SH " " f 4,00 " " $ 0.00 " ' aUOT.VTIOXSor- WIHTH.POWKLLACO. 1USKKIIS AMI UKOKEItS, NO, 42 SOt'TlI TIIIUD ST1IEET, PHILADELPHIA Jl-UV 21, 1S75. I'. S. IsSl.C " r-20, c. 'cs, M, and N " " " Mi, " " " " ' '(, " " ill, J, uud J " " " T.7, " " i " " -lis, " " 11 lit-tii, coupon " l'aclucii's, ey' New fi'.s, lleg. lssi " ' c lssl 01 Mltcr I'euiisjlvanla Heading Philadelphia fc El 10.. Lehigh Nut tun " Valley United H. It. ut N. J oil creek Nuitneru Cenlial Central Trauspurtuttou Nesquehonthg C, & A, Mortgage O's, VJ inn. ... 21 .. 11 .... i; ... is ... 17', ... lU'i ... is . .. 17 .... 22 ... U'j .. li ... U. .. im .. ... M ...01', ... lau'v .. 9'4 . 29 ...'si ,..llt ASKKU. 22 15 lllu W' 19 So ist; ' u. 15 , U ll-'J 11',' S( Hi; 62 130 9.'. r.o 45'. 101 'j i UDlTOItS'ItKPOltT OF CO.WWOHA.M A. Ad Centralla Four District fur the jeur euuiiig Juno Till, Is; 3. THOMAS OEHAdUTV, Collector nnd Treasurer, In account with Con) ngham und I'eiilralla l'oor Dls ti let, fur tho ear ending J uuo 7th, ls"5. To ain't, of township du- pit ato turlsll j,l75 57 Ain't, returned to county cumm'rs, fureullecllon . fill C2 Hy exuuerattuus allowed. ., s oj 4S2 at f 1,'J-Ji 95 To ain't, of Hurougiidupll. cue fur lsi4 Ain't, iciurnwl lo county cuiiuu'rs. for collection... Hy ain't, of cxuucratlotts. . iil') so 5.1 20 15 CO 70 SO 57S Mi 2U oo 997 21 l,!iuO 01 124 Ml Ain't, received from J. Curr.ui, poor tax ro tallied bycouuty commissioners Ain't, received Irum county commissioners, unsealed land tat To uiu't, friiiu Win. (landman, Lite Ticus " " " John curranon uecuuutot Patrick McNcnlls s,2il 19 Collector's commission on 5,67l is ut o per cent 17S 57 Treasurer's commission on I7,0s5 so ut 2 per cent 141 Vi Amount of orders redeemed 7,lss to 7,&oo 15 llulaneo In tho hands of Treasurer, 731 u-t List of unseated lands In township returned to county commissioners fur collection of taxos. Ebeucczer Hienchau JusliuaHcam Nathan Hiuttu Peter Huehiier Andrew Hurt Cithailuo Cook Datldcouk Julm E Davis , ,,. (leurgo Detvalt Frank (liillatrhcr lulhailuo lliuth John Houituii., f I'.-ter Ju.teo Jonas T. Evans Fred. Kllngiinii.u , Mrs. Jun.illiuu Knlltlo (icorge Kuehcircos (loorgel), Lludcinouth l'hlllp Lottcnbcrg TcrreiicoMugulre .,.,,.,, fit in 25 74 45 00 1U 10 a- 00 75 I'.ll 1 (S Ul 1 lis 0 72 fil MJ Ml 75 1 Ut MJ 1 05 41) a to 2 Mi ft' 40 67 Ml 70 75 U-. C0.J T'coi' ''r,.'.!.".7.!.'..'.'.! I Lands. J .'.'.'..'.!.'.!'.'.".'.'.'. 75 75 21 85 47 SJ 2 Ull 4 M) 6 (VI 11 Ml 5 HI 4 I 0 no c no tin 6-j List of exonerntlons allowed on township duplicate. 1'eter Hradlcy , 75 Wm. Hrotvn 1 00 Mrs.. Jno. Iiurko , 75 Catharine Doogan , 2 61 , tn i.isi. ui unseated mnas in Dorougn returned county commissioners for collection ut taxes. John vrter 1 James Hevans 1 Jano Codrlngtou j Michael crane l'cter F. Collins 4 .mines colohan Wellington Cleaver 1 Michael Dougherty Henry Davis , Tbeophllus Evans 1 Henjamln Orimth Thomas (l.tughen.... 1 Thomas How oil Michael llnnuon , 1 inuinas uoiincs.. John Helwlg 1 .loiinvones a Ann t. jones. 0. 11. Kllltllo j 1 nrouno liime Kllno .t llelnhold "" . 1 Lett Is Katitner Widow Keller Diehard Keller Nathan Llndemuth 2 II. A. Lot land Uhlgh A: Maliunoy It. II. Co 0 Patrick Langon 1 MlehailMcNiiliy John Moore j Marks Lloyd ' (leorgu Murks I." Thomas Median Ch 11 Us Mi-Henna James Mcllugh (Iraeu Mooro 1 Parks '. 1 Patrick (;utim H. F. Shepp.ird Torrey A. sttect 1 s. E. van Huron " . s s. 1:. Van Huron 1 Fred. Wlttleh Wm.Ztegler , 155 20 LUtof exonerations allowed on borough duplicate Catlmrino Carr 1 35 Ellabetli Cleary 1 011 Widow Gallagher 1 r,o Mrs. Mary ll.uiley a t,D Mrs. Thomas I-nngen a 115 Otven McDonald s.i Widow O I luliueil S5 Daniel Dixon 90 Widow (irndoy 1 mi .Maria lior.111 1 ks John O. llanley 55 t 15 CO List ot orders redecmod by Thomas Oeraghty, Treasurer. :o. 3ft, Wm. McNlnch, llmo for farm f 35 50 41, Mrs. s. Keller, Matron 100 00 43, o. 11. Mill ird, out door relief 47J 99 119, Thos. Ilcuno.ssy, furniture for poorhouso 92 us 40, Torry ,t Hryson' out door relief M7 41 42, Charles Dougherty, nursing 0 00 41, Thos. I!,grntn 25 si 4ft, Julin crane, lluur and tubacco for poor house 50 1G 10, Peter E. Hack, hardware 37 62 47, Ed. Foy nursing 1; no 49, (leorgu W. Dav is, medlclno 13 f9 5i, Walnrlght fc Co., groceries 35 17 fil, David mack, out iloor relief 20 no S3, C.o. Murpliy, " " s3ih) 53, u. (i. Murpliy, sundries for poor house. cs 40 M, P. E. Uncle, hardware 1195 5-1, John Crane, supplies for pour house 89 1 1 50, P. currau, carrlago and harness loo 00 67, Ell sujder, rye chop. 23 SI 5s, '1 kos. Hennessy, sundries for poor bouso T 00 59, Andres Heaver, farm work 7 10 Co, Jerry Hhodes, " ' 20 00 ci, Iiurko & Hro., undertaking 6'i 50 C2, Mrs. Sarah Harret, nursing uuo cj, Patrick Conroy, ' 20 00 64, John curran, pay as director 04 00 c, II. L. Dicllenbach, publishing statement 15 10 co, John llowaid, farm work 4 50 07, W. McNlnch, llmo fur farm 4s is C9, s. s. shultz, Iusano Asjlum 39 00 7o, Jolin Crane, supply for poor houso 21 50 71, 1). Harrett, farm work 2000 72, John Crane, out door relief 12 00 73. Mark Mcdialh, nursing 10 00 "5, M rs. Harrett, " co 00 70, (ieo. VV. Davis, inodlcino 9 50 77, Honora Dougherty, nursing 10 uo 79, s. s. sliuitz, insane Asylum 4S so so, .Mrs. Thus. Kllker, out duor relief 201 51, Johu 11. Kemmerer, harness 20 C5 ,S2, Henry Heater, blucksmlthlng 9 69 SJ, John Crane, out iluor relief 4 0 1 S5, c. (I. Murphy, " ... , 8.515 ss, Tlus. Hennessy, wurk on farm 11 25 so, 0.0. Murplij , merchandise for poor houso 107 so 90, Ed. Murphy, Clerk uki 00 91, (Ieo. v . u.uls, medicine fur poor house. . 14 4-2 93, c. (J. .Murpliy, out Hour relief rs w 94, Ed. Watklns, meat for poor houso 11 ol 90, Jos. Hlrnilngluui meat for poor house.... 1 Mi 9s, .Us Erttlue, wurk on farm 5 00 lus, -Mark Mc. ruth, out duor relief 20 On 103, D. J. MeKlbbln, professional service...'.. 5 00 1 4, Ed. curley, buppiles fur pour houso 19 11 lib, I.d. curley out dour relief ic 89 l-, Julm Crime, " " ' 1000 107, '1 humas (lerughty, services at puorhouso 4S 00 1 s. Neal U-nlliun, work at pour houso .. 45 00 109, John Hatier, work at poorhouso . 4500 110, Diehard Kcaly, " ... . 30 00 111, Ed. Hughes, " "' jS 00 112, Daniel sulllvan, " 0 05 113, MlcliaelhiillHan, " 3335 114, John Cushion, " s 35 ll, Peter Krlsher, " ' 2000 lis, Thomas (.eraghty, vtuik ot horses at puor bouse 37c 00 119, Moses Hotter, oatsandcorn 3905 1211, It. M. Lushcll, services C5 25 121, S. S. Sliulc, Insane Asylum ju 00 Ut, Thomas Ueraght.t, outdoor relief 50 to 124. lid. curley, supplies for poor house .. 92 22 125, Ed. Curley, out door rclli f 0 20 120jSul. Snjder. blaeksmlthlng u 3; 147, tico Strieker, ttheeltt righting u -j.-, 129, Houer fc llaitman, printing. 5 co 13J, Julm II. Kemmerer, harness and Uxtures 13 30 1 4, Nell IauiUiuii, work at well 02 50 H7, M.utln Ilrenan, " 7501 13s, Nell U-idhan, " 12 mi 141, Ed. Murpliy, work on poor housx- p, no 141, Ueo. W. Davis, medleluo for pour hutiso... 10 79 140, John Crane, supplies for poor house 17 M lis, Julm crane, out door relief 17 on 1 19, John Crane for Thomas O'Malley's funer al expenses 15 sn 15), Julin Crane, uierchutidlso for poor bouse. 4 (10 1 -3, II, s. Honor, Insurance 120 (10 151, c, (I. Murphy, supply for pour house is7 61 157, Jouu crane, lot in cemetery bio 155, 1), llanett, nursing 1500 139, John Crane, berv lees as director 70 110 162, Ed. Curley, out door relief 10 35 ioj, inuinas t.erugmy, eoai lur poor house... 7 07 161, Thomas (ieraglity, supply fur pour house 131 to 10, j iiuiiius wcraKiuy, bcrtiecs us uuecior and team litre 341 00 105, Thumos (ieruguty, expenses to Danville nnd sunbury 5-, 00 1f.s, Ed. Curley, out door relief s in K.9, Ed. Curley, " ' 10 15 171, c. H. lirockvray, professional services luo 00 170, 11. M. Lashcll, 1ucdle.1I bertleo 6S 75 172, Audltois aud Clerk 13-, no 142, Mrs. M. Mrtlulre, nursing 21 0) 53, Hoover S Hro., tin box, '73 7 oj 101, Dr. l'ruetur, medical services to 0 1 141, Samuel 1'. Levan meat fur poor bouse... . 16 32 lift, Henry Heaver, bmlihlng 3 i-s 113, o. H. Mlll.iid, out door relief 125 1 s I.U, Jerry Hhodes, work on farm 20 10 131, Henry Heater, smithing 12 70 123, Johu curran, sertlces as dheetor 4s no lo;, Wm. I'clffcr, coal fur pour house 10 0.1 92, P. E. Hack, biipplies fur pour liuiise c.l r.s 171, James D.vke, buppltes for poorhouso 1945 31, II. M. Lushcll, services 25 00 110, Thomas llcraghty, bervlces reudeied to pour no 2.1 100, John Curran, sen Ices ns dlrecctor CO 00 132, Tliumas Hennessy, freight 5 22 Hi.', Julm Hutler, ttuik at puor houso 7.1 00 75, Fan ell, nui slug ui no 97, Tuiry .v. nrjso.i, merchandise fur 1'. II.... f -2 79 Id, J. J. Vueuni. professional services 13 5 1 lis, Samuel Keller lor assisting matron 3 04 lis, 'I huinas ( ierughtj , Justices fees 2 S3 179, 'I humas (.eraghty, coal out door 7o do is Thumasiicraglity, out dour relli f so 11 1st, 'l humus (ieraglity, moving paupers... . 17 10 ls2, Henry Kingsbury, services fur pour house n 05 ls.i. EUttard vvutklns, meat for pour house .. 4 4- 10, Walnrlglit fc Co., groceries for pour house St 73 Iss, 'i nomas iier.ight) , out door relief 17 no 173, Thomas (ieraglity, expenses ot auditors.. 20 uo 1911, Neal, tt ork at poor house 12 0 , 117, Thos. Hennessy, Men aid salary account 2 i 00 191, Klchard Kealj, woik nt well 12 00 I9.i, Henry (Ieraglity, wurk at poor house 10 00 194, John miller, wurk ut pour house 12 00 197, (leorgu W. Davis, medicine fur poorhouso 21 90 214, Ellsha cleaver, meat fur poor house 01 20 215, Muses llutturd, hay j7 00 223, Tliumas lleraghly, hauling lumber to pour liuuso , 30 oil si, Julm crane, sertlces as director 87 10 HEAL ESTATE AND I.MPKOVEMENT ACCOUNT. Original cost of Huchman farm 74 acres unit 35 perches 11,500 00 Cost of Win. Millard tract, containing a acres and 9.1 perches 210 00 building iuUlltl'.n lo poor house, out buildings and repairs to barn to date.. 2.513 43 sinking of well 457 33 J7,749 70 I'EHSONAL 1'ltOPEHTV ON FA KM. llousehuld furnlturo Farming utensils Ilurses uud cattle. i S-2 C9 2,000 1 0 b,VS 00 (3.2J7 09 772 45 Hulanco duo by Treasurer. . " " Stewart.... f735 M .... 37 41 . . . . . , tll.Titf 9J .tiuu.iijt ui Liuistaiiuiiiuiiieinuiiu Jung- mcms ut Culharlno carr, (0.1 mi) which Includes all outstanding claims lu Juno 7th, 175 3.41S 55 ti,'lVl S3 .'5 50 STi:VAllI)'S ACCOUNT. To cash received from sundry lursons... ..... i. uuu u) .juuit i.ruiu uui'cior tiu Ain't, duo by Thos. (icraglily " lu ill Am't. duo by John uurruii 6 M fM si Ily ain't, paid fur sundry article! as per bouk m b-l Hy Immucu due by stewards a; it tOJ M We. the undersigned AmlllnrH nf cnnviiL' township ami iviuiuda Ivor District doceitlly ihat Iho luregulng statement Is conect und true, to tho Wo fllltlier UL'l-it'. IliuL Hut rif ivifh lllrnrtnr. shall Ui thrco ikillurb for racli day nocossarlH sin'iil as illrwtor. 'Ihu uuinberof imclliigsdi said board kill Hut ..V.....I . ...... ...... .1.?. ... ..l.l ........ ..vv ........ I...I1V ,v, Ul.l.lll.,, IVUI UI CMIIII Icily at Ihu l'oor Houso or ruu uiMiici, aivj, uui mo luuownig raios snail uo tho hlghiht dally pay tor liorn hlru i llu dollars for u sluulo. und clirlii ilullara fur 11 iiunhin iiuun. Ain. Ihat 110 uiiU'is Khali bo drawn by tho Directors lur iiuiu .111111 uiu oiiiiiu ,a BilulllMlVU IU UIO AUU1' tors uv.ihclr annual set tleiucnt. JAM us 11 van, 1 Auditors William l'uici:, I ot KDWAllli ilVltl'UV, J Centralla Uor, MA1ITIN FI.ANKIA.V.) Auditors kijw.uid m enu:, 'l ot WllUAil UUIUUHT,) Conjnghaia twp, July l-st Joun l, JUNON 'Clerk. MarrftMoirls 11. H. Morr Anthony Murpliy... HIchnrdMurphy,.. Tlinmas Murphy... Hubert Jordan, irn Andrew Porter, 1 Lewis Walker, ' Thomas Kushton, ' Mary itushton, Ixjttls Wnlkcr, Michael Hecse, 1 Thomas Itushton, 1 Mary Itushton, 1 lb tiry Shealfcr, Matthew sneltey, 1 Jacob Tilen, Jacob Trlcn, 1 LAVTON J1UNYO.V. HARDWARE STORE. LAYTON ItUNVTON, & CO., BLOOMSBUUG.l'A. keeps constantly on linml n I'tlll nnil Comilelo Stock of DHIE-A. V3rT .HSTID SHELF HARDWARE, which rc will sell to tlio Public nt Prices so Low ns lo defy competition. OUIt STOCK CONSISTS IN 1'AIiT OF IRON, NAILS, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS and PUTTY, MECHANICS TOOLS AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS of nil Grades and Latest Improvements, BLACKSMITHS BELLOWS, ANVILS, SLEDGES, and HAMMERS. Burden's Horse and Mule Shoes, Horse Nails, &c, PATENT WHEELS, OLD'S AND WARNER'S PATENTS, Spokes, Heavy and Light, Carriage xlallcbcls, Axle. Springs, Gum mid Oil Cloths, Valentines Varnishes, Spirits Turpentine, nnd a general Stock of WAGON AND CAlUtlAGK MAKEKS GOODS, k Building Materials, sueli as DUNCANNON NAILS, Lewis' Lead, Best Colors, Pure Oils, &c; a3 low as they can bo bought in the county. GIVE US A CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELF. LAYTON RUNYON & CO Ilnr 19, 187B tf. NEW HARDWARE STORE! SUCCESSORS TO J. V. WID13MAX & CO., N JA, h iftssr us Inimlnl ana Tf. ll!nru FjfljAlI things for nil sorts of buyers. . Wo have also u-u?r. ...4 t , '1 ft i rC...,.n r. . Z. . a , ,......,.,.1,, v,.,..,, .n,,...u, m n?:&s;tT WHEELBARROWS GLASS, PUTTY, O-KHSTIDSTOISrES, ScO. OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE In all its llranclics, Carefully Selected and Purchased low for Cash giving us Advantages for Selling which can not bo excelled by any other Hardware Store in the Chuntry. GIVE US A CALL AND SEE FOB YOURSELF. Wo GUARANTEE both in PRICE and QUALITY of our Goods. The Largest Store in the Country. J. SCHUYLER Jlarcli12,';5-y K,E3iiisra-Toisr. TllO liKMINOTON iSEWINd MA- chini: has sprung rapidly Into Uvor as posbcsblntf the Dcst com-msATio-j of good qualities, namely; I.lgUt runulng.SmooUi, Noiseless, ltapl'1, Durable, wlUi perfect Lock stltcli. ltlsa Shuttle Machine, with Automatic Drop l'ccd. Design beautiful and construction tho very best. GOOD AGENTS WANTED. ADDRESS, K. KeuiiiiKton & Sons, ) lleuiiiiKliin SewiiiK M. Co., HilON, X. V. Ueiulugtun Ag'l Co., J Maj 5, '75-2m Couglis Colds, llron J dulls, hore throat, In Uuenza, Croup, Whoop ins Cough, IIoarscnos LivcrCompljiut, Pains or Sorcncs in the Cheat or Side, Weeding at the Lungs, and everv aHecllon of iho Throat, I.ungs and Chest, nros-eed- IO lUU'UUI IHUUSOOI Ull. MSTUSIIAIAMOF CiiEituv, which does not dry up a cough and leaw the euibo behind, aslstho case with most remedies, ljulloovnslt, clean'.es tho lungs and allaj s li rlta lon, thus romoMug tho cause or Iho complaint. Consumption can be cured by a timely resort to this standard lemeily, nsls proved by hundreds of testimonials It lias received. Nono genuine unless signed "I. lll'TTb" on tho wrapper, M cents and 1 a bottle; largo bottlei imicn thn plioninT. sivcll U' rnu'i ir j- envc li . ' ' Dum uj uo.uers gcu. Jan.2'j, 'T5-ly 4 FORTUNE IX IT. Everv f.unilv l.uvs it. Sold by Agents. Address," a, S. WAI.Uint, j l'a. AGEHTS VANTED. Men or women. V'A a week, l'niof funilBlied.Uunhieiis pleas ant nud honorablo wllh uii rlk. 2 A 1lt,..n..rl.,ll.i.nt..n'..lniil.l.i MmiileSfree. tvseiul Miuiad tlreiis nn postal cariU DjuI do- Irvhutwrlto utouco to l-'.'M. lti:r.l),Si u T.,vet one mow: aoents wantiid. UARTIAIj DEEDS OF rEiniSVLVAMIA. 1'lItST EDITION EXHAUSTED. "Ooniprehenslu1. lit and honorable." N. A, i- f, s. Oaielte, Philadelphia. "'Iho biographies aro to bo praised for their accuracy," Tho 1'ress Philadelphia "0cr Ilium pagesi no library complete, without It." Sunday 'Utiles, Philadelphia. "Vour account of (littjsburg is Iho llnest, fullest and tho very best history of tho greatest battloof modern times." Col. .1, I'. NIchoNon, Philadelphia. "No boldler anuum uu t.iiiiiiui ii. uvi. .iaj. lien, JMIIKIU, riulu wiu:iii;vi:n it has iiki-.n tiui:i JUEUBliBA has establltheil Itself as a jierfect regulator nud suro remedy for dlsnnleis ut tho sjsUm uilslug lioin Im proiier action, of the l.tver nmf now els. " ,1S M,T A l'"VSIl', but, by bllmulatlng the so f,MriM,,K" '?' B''!".ly ".ni1 Bi'i'dually remoM'S all Im purines, and legulati f tha entire system. IT IS .NOP A DOCTOItUD UlT'l Klts, but Is a VEGETABLE TONIC which assists digestion, and thus btlmulales the np. petite lor food necessary to Im Igorato Iho w cuknnis tvnvs f e"us. "a cs ttreiiglh to all i ho Miul re Jillltlva irarnvw ni..ri.iii.i.... ......... tho largo und rapidly Increasing Baics'tcst'lly. i'rlco ono Dollar a tiuttlo. Ask jour druggist lor It. John. b'lOS, 1IULLOWAV H Co.. PhlladiPpUla, l'a Whole l wuy Agents, jw ueiniiu. . juai iiiuuio hi iiisiinguisneu K'rlce.." A, 11. curtln, "The iiest book lliavojit sieu." Col. J, K. 1'arnons, llarilsburg, "Vour (lellvsijurg Istho Justeatjet jmseiited.' -.1 W. do I'ejslcr. Is. V. Addresj T. II. DAVIS A. CO., Publishers, J2J Ban. bom St., l'hlladelphla. OIIAHL15S W, Ilt'NYON. "I LARGEST STOCK - i m was i OF HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE In the County. added to our Stock Mi-fcf ta t pvj EELS & SPORES, fk SON, Bloomslrarg, Pa. Hemisotos No. 1 ilachmo for family use, in the tiiikd yeak or its existence, has met with a more iiirm incuease of iutio ok than any aiacuine on the uakket. l'.EuiNiiTON No. 2 Machine for mancfactuiuno and f cmlly use (ready for delivery only since June, 1874), for range, perfec tion, and variety ot work, U wlthoutarlval In famllyor wouiisiior. SEND FOE CIHCULAH lue Cumiiauy, Dion, 1 Y. 5-51 ,t 2S.1 r.roailway.'New York. Arms. Madison Square, New Voik, Sewing Machines. I'hlcmru, 23T stato St., Sowing Machines and Arms. Huston, 332 Washington St., sewing Mnchlnof. Cincinnati. 1SI West Jth St., Sewing Machines. I'llca, 12 1 Genesee, St., Sewing Machines. Atl.inia, Oa., Dellle's Opera llouv, Marietta Street, sewing Machines. N ashlngton, 1). C, f.21 Seenth St., sow lug .Machines. Iulsvlllc, i;y Wett Jefferoan St ,cwlug Maciilnen. rbllauVliila, sio Chestnut sireet, Sewing Machines, si, Louis, foy N. Fourth street, " " Di Holt, 101 Woodward Aunuo, " " ludlanaimlls, tn Market Street, " " Haltliiiou', IT N. Charles street, " " . mil SALE! Valuable Town Property aud Farm at Private Sale ! rpiIK iiiiderigned, one of tho Executors of 1 (ilH)IlilH wil.WKH. deceased, offers at prlvato sale, tho following valuable pioperty, to wit: UNK TWO-STOltY I1U1CK DWELLING IIOUSK, with out-buildings and lot attached, sltuated'on Main street, llloomsburg, l'a. This houso Is suitable for two families. Al.s(i one two-story framo dwelling house, with out-bulldlngs, f i anio stablo and good lot attached. This property Is opposite the residence of tho lato Dr. Yost., one two-story framo dwelling houso with stablo, out-bulldlngs and lot attached situated on Hock street, llloomsburg, l'a. ALSO, six vacant lots situated on Fourth Street., a valuable farm situated one-halt mllo Horn the tow u of M'liweusvllle, Pa. Said farm contains no ticresot laud. l'or terms of sain apply to OKOHUK W. COItar.IX, Executor. Veb. 12, 'T5-0m. llloomsburg, Pa. DMINlSTIUTOK'SNO'nCft KSTATK OF II I.. llOiiAUT, PECEASE11. u-tters ot Administration on tho estato ot II. I,, llogart, lato of (ireeuwowl township, county of Uoluinbta, state ot Peuns) Ivanla, deceased, hao been granted to Samuel llogart, of (ireenwood township, Pa., to -whom all pcibons Indebted tosata estate aru reuuested to inako payment, and thoso ha lug claims or demands will mako kuown tlio samo without delay. BAMUKL IIOHAKT, July n-cw Administrator. A UDITOU'S NoficK! XX, KSTATK OF I'KTUt MINEU, IIECEASEH. In the Orphunr (btirt ( (WiiDiom Ojtmfy. Tho uuderstgiiod, Auditor lo rtlstrlbuto the luiid In tho hands ot Clinton Mendeuhall, Adinlulstiutor ot said estate, wlllntuudto tho apiwlutment ut his or. lieu In lilounibbuig, ou Monday, Julv 2Cth, lbil, ntio o cluck, a. in , when and w hero nil persons havlnir claims ugalnst tho said i statoarereipjlredtopit scnt tho same before thu Auditor or bo debarrvil from coming in for a share d( said fund. o.w.Miu.ini, llluoinsburg, July 2, 1s,.4t, Auditor, A I'DITOIt'S XOTICK. in tiik i in mi or run AccorNTOFi'. ii.woodin. ASMUM.K OF 1 UK lOl.VUUIAN IKON AMI MAM'FACTI'KIMI C'tHll'ASV. Tho undersigned. Auditor lo dlstrlbulo tho fund In tin; hands ot v. It. Woudln, Asslgiu e of the l olum. Man liuu uuilMaiiulaituilngi o., will ullend lo Ihu duties of his npiMjIulineut ulhls illisuus. burg, on Monday, August Ulh, a. n., 1bTS,ntlt u'lluck. u. ni heu uml where all persons haMug ilalms ngalnst the said compnuy aro iciiulml to pnbuit coming lu for a bbuio ot bald Mud. i . " lui " rtmiiiur.ur ue ueuarreu ujiu K. 11. (IHV1K, Auditor, llloomsburg, July 8,16-lt, A TTOllNKY'S 1ILAMCS, Common nnd t Judgment llonds, Just pi lutwl nd tor fall nt thu Coi iuuun Otllce. All kinds of Altornei blanks either kept ou baud, er printed lo order.