The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, July 16, 1875, Image 1
THE COLUMBIAN COtCJIDIADEUOOnAT.STABOPTHR NOKTIl AND OOtUSt. MANCONSOtlllAUCl).) Issued wceklv, every Friday morntni,', nt liboo.Msllllttl. coi.UMMA whin i v. i. i . At two notions per yenr, pn.nblo In mlvnnce. or during tho yenr. Alter tlio ctplriillim ot the year, 11.01 "in uo ciiuikcu. iu niiuscruicrs out ol tliu county tlieterms nro ;per jcar strictly In ndvniuo VIM If not p.Ud In ndvutico nnd 3.iw It payment No p.irier discontinued, except iU the. option ot the Publisher, until nil nnvnruKin nro p.itd, bullninr continued credits utter tlio eiplrutltm of tlio llrst will not Ira irltcn. All papers sent out ot UioHta'c, or toOlstntit post oillecs, must lio paid tor in ndrniiuc, unless n respoti. Mlilo person in Columbia county nsiuuios to pa. tlio subscription duo on demand. posTAOU Is uo longer uxnclcd from subscribers In tlio county. job fhhstthstgi-. The .tobblmr Department ot tlin rni.raniw tu v,nr complete, nnd iiur.Iob Printing will cnmpnru ntor. Ably wMi Unit ot ilinlarKuclttis, Allttork dona on acinand, neatly and at, modornto prices. Columbia County Official Directory. President Judge William lllttcll, A nocl itc Judges- 1mm Perr, Kmc S. Monroo. rrollionutiirv, sc. 11. frank Znrr. Itr rlsler X lli'corder Williamson II. .lacoby. District Attorney John .M .Clark. Hlii-rl If -Michael drover. Hitrvrior Isaao liuwlti. r usurer -John sn d"r. commissioners William l.awton, John Hcrncr, John Knt. Commissioners' Clerk W illiam Krlckbaum.. An mors -I'. J.campbcl', s. j. smith, Datld Yost. I'oroncr Charles (LMnrplioy. Jury commissioners-Jacob II. Fritz. William II. Utt. countv Superintendent William II. Snyder. llloomPoor I)lsl.i'l-l)lri;ctoi-s-o. P. F.nt, Ncntt, Win. Kramer, llloiiinsbiirg and Thomas Crevellng, rico. t, 0. 1". Kut, Secretary. Bloomsburg Official Directory. liloomsburg Ranking Company John A. Ftinslon, l'resl.tcni, II. II. (Iro z, cashier. Flr.s National Hank Cliailoslt. t'axton, ''resident J, p. T us In, cashier. Columbia Cnuiity Mutual Hating Fund and Loan AMoolatlon-i:. 11. Utile, President, C. W. .Miller, ScTctnry. lllooinsburg llnltdltig nnd Sating Fund Association Win. Peacock. President, J. H. Itubtson, Secretary, lltuomsburg .Muimil Hating Fund As.snel.ulou J llrowcr, President, 0. (I. Ilarkley, aocrelury. ClIUltCH DIliKCTOltY. T.Al'TIST CIllT.t'lt. Ilev. J. P. TiiUln, (Supply.) simdiy services -i n, a. in. andc, p. m. Sunday school-9 a. in. l'raj it Meeting Every Wednesday evening at Gj e oek. S-u a Ireo. Tlio public arc IntPcd to nltend. ST. SUTTIIinv'd l.CTHKIUN CIICKC1I. Minis cr-ltov, J. 11. Williams. Sunday Services 10 n. 111. and lfp. m. Sunday School -an. m. Pra cr.Mcoilng livery Wednesday evening at ox I llJvh. ti ati free. No pews rented. All arc welcome. l'KIISBYTKUtANCltUI'.CII. Minister licv. Stuart Mliihell. Sunday Sen lrcs-li,' a. u. and Ctf p. m. KllUll.lf Sclniiil 9 a. 111. 1'r.iver .Meu lug lltcry Wednobd ly evening at I UU1.. Ueasfrce. No pews rented. Si r.uigcis welcome MnTimniMT u'tscoi'Ai. ciii-ucii. Pre .Idlng illder ltev. N. S. Iluekliwham. Mlnhier-ltev. J. II. MeO.UT.ih. Sunday Sen Ices iiudii; . m. Sunday School -2 ti. in. lilble Class IIvi re .Momlav ovenliiffat cm nVlnct. Voung Mali's Praver Meo.lus-i;ery Tuesday jencnil Prnjei'Mcetlng-Kvcry Thursday evenlti; o'clock. nr.ioiiMEti citnictt. Corner of Third and Iron streets. I'astor-Kev. T. V. lloltmeler. UeMdenco liast street, near Forks Hotel. Sunday Service tujj a. m. and 6y, p. in. Mindly school a a. in. Prayer Meeting--Saturday, 7 p. in. All nro United Theru Is alivin s room. SerUecs every Sunday nltenioou at i o'clock at ucucracuumi, .-u.iuisou lownsnip. 6T. IMIISCIIIKCII. Itector-llev. John Hewitt. Sunday Services inj a. in., Cjf p. in. Sunday School 3 n. m. First Sunday In tho month. Holv Communion. Services preparatory to Communion on Friday evening before the st Sunday In eacli mouth. rows reiuen ; out evcrj oouy welcome. Persons desiring to consult tlio Hector on religious m utcra Mill Hud lilni lit tlio parsonage on ltock ni let;!-. "liLOOilSUUUlS DlUKCTOltY. SCIIOOl; OKDKItS, Manic, 11 neatly bound lu small books, lor sale at tho Coi.umiuan oillce. piinleil anil n band and eu. la, ls.s-tt j.ij.hmv ji'.iviw, 011 i-arciim.'iit and Allien 1 l'aner, common and for AdiiilnUsirators, i:xccu Ujis and trustees, for s.ilo cheap at. tlio Coll'siiiun- MAUUIAOK C'KltTIl'IC'ATKS iu.tiirintol mid for sale at the Coi.c mbian oillce. Jllnls tiia f the (losp-jl and .luslices sliould supply them selves with these necessary articles. TUSTlCKSaiul Constables' l'ee-ltills for silo j atthoCoi.oiniAN oillce. They contain tho cor lected fees as established by the last Act ot tho Leg- Hlaturu upon tho subject, lively Juittco and Con etablo should havo one. "TrKXDUK XOTKS just printed and for sale ihc.ip at tliu Colusiuian ufilce. CI.OTlIINU.ifcC. DVVI1) LOWHXUKUO, Mereliant Main St., above Central Hotel. HOOTS AND HH01'.s7 Tailor HKXIiY KI.K1M, jrunalaeturer anil dealer In bonis and bboes, .groeeiles, etc., Main bt., lllooinsburg. jjl JI. KXOItl!, Doaler in Hoots and Shoes, U . latest nnd best stjles, corner Main and Market ttrci'ls, lu tlio old jiosl oillce. CLOCKS. WATCIIIIS, AC. f K.S.wX(i:, Dealer ill Clocks, Watches J , and Jewelry, .Main St., Just below tlio Central llulu, LOUIS llKIiXAUD, Watch and Clock maker, near suulheast corner Main andiron. J1ILI.INIII1V & FANCY (1001IS. MISS M. DICIMIICICSOX, Millinery and Fancy Hoods, Main St., below Market. r'l 1 1110 MISSUS IIAI1MAX, Millinery and JL Fancy (loods, Main stiect, below Central" Hotel. Jli:i!CHANTS.NDU!OCIJl;S. TT C. IIOWKI!, Hats and Caps, !ts and JLJL. Shoes, -Main street, above Couit House. CJ ir. bfiue.i, null MII.I.KU .6 SOX. dealers in Dry (loods, griieerles, oueensware, Hour, sail, bliue.s nulloiiH, etc., Main street. PUOFIISSIONAI, CAI1DS. c 1 CI. IIAIUCI.KY, Atlorney-at-I,aw. Uoouis 4 auu ;, iiiower s uuiiiiing, vi 1 lioor. DM. WM. M. UKIlKl!,SurKm and Pliwi elan. Onico S. U. corner lioclc and .Market sueets. T I!, KVAXS, M. I)., SurKeoiinnd I'liysl ft , clan, north side ot .Main street, .above J, K. l.yei a. " II. McKKI.VY, M. I)., Surgeon and 1'hy , hlclan, norlh side Main street, below Market. II. UOIIISOX, Altornevitt-Iiw. Ollico In llaitman's building, Main street. QAMl'KL JACOI1Y, Marble and Ilrown KJ htoue W01 ;s, I.'ast lllooinsburg, llertt lcl; road. H, UOSXUSTOCK, JMiologrnpher, Clark Si Wolf's store. Main stieet. D It. II. C. IIOWKI!, Surgeon DeiitM, Main St., above th Court House. J II. MA1Z1C, Mainmoth (Jroccry, fine (1m- cerlos, Fruits, Nuts, lTovblous, sc.,Jluliuind stleels. JIISCIILLANIIOUS. iT S. KUIIX, dealer in Meat, Tallow, etc., . Ceiitio street, tcltvocu Second and Tlilld. c 1 M. CHUI.STMAX, Saddle, Trunk and jiauu'ro ni.iuer, Miito s iuock, .tiaui sii eei. 1 piIO.MAS Wlvllll.CoiifeclIoiiirvnnd Ihker" X. wholeb.Ho anil retail, ll.uliango lllock. G 1 W. COIIKLIj. riirnitiiro Itoonw. three- btory brick, Main stieet, west ot.Maiket st. X). W. ItOIllSlXS, I.lijiior dealer, second door from tlio northwest corner Main and lion "I? J. TIIOItXTOX, Wall l'nper, Window .lJi. Shades and ltxtuies, Uupert block, Main st. OUAXU KVIMiH DI UKOTOUY . A, IS. HKltltlXaCarpeiilcr iind hullder, -Main street be low pine. 1"U. 0. A. MKCiAUCilC!., I'livsleia IJ Surgeon, Mala btreet. ue.t door lo (ioi 111 and ioud's llo- D VVII) HICUUIXO, Flour nnd Grist Mill, and dealer lu grain, .Mill btreet. JAMICS 11. IIAUMAX, Cabinet Maker and Undertaker, Mulu btreet, below plus. LlCUlT STitK KT. " HI'. OMAX & Co., Wheelwrights, ilr-t door above School House, f) S. KNT, denier In Stoves and Tinware lu LV. nil Its branches, pKTKU KNT, -Miller, nnd dealer in all kind .A , ' Crulu, Flour, Feed, &e. All kmds of drain I'urcliwsed. Krfl'Y. fP V. MDllAK Htlwllnliniiiin 11.,,,1., Mill i. . a ...... BUSINKSS CUIUS, -IJ VISITINIK vims, LUTKH 1IIIADS, DILI. IllUliS, PltOOKAMMIIrt, ,,,,, FOSTKltH. Arc., C. NUTLV AND0I1I5API.Y 1'ltlNTKD, A'l? THIS CO .LliMUIAN OFFlCli. IIF.XUY I. nilCI'KKN'IlACir, UOITOU AND PUillXSIUUl. OATAWISSA. ht. Joiin;s (HPiscoi'Ai,)ciium;i!. lloctor ltev. John Hewitt. Sunday Servlces-3 o'clock p. m. every Sunday Sll ldiiv Hi-hunt l.-ltl ,1 in J Holy Communion tlio second Sunday In the. monlh, jQU. 13. W. IlUTTKll, l'llYSIUIANMUIldnoN, onico, ou Main street, MaM7,'7l-y Oalmvlwa, Pa. "y M. L. KYKUI.Y, ATTOltNnV-AT-I.AW, Catnwlssa, Pa. Collections promplly mado and remitted, onico ui'pumu Limn issa ueposii natiK. cm-3S yiKII. A linoiT, Attorncyat-Law, ilaiu 1) V. DALUr.VX, Merchant Tailor, Kecoml J. street, linbblns' building. HUCK 1I0HX. MO. .c W. U. SIIOKMAKHK, Dealers in . Dry (loods, (1 rocei les and lleneral -Merchan dise. 1 1 WUagJJ,.JHWWWIHWlJAiMijM,MjMZM UUSIXKfcS GAUDS. JQIt. A. 1,. TUltXKI!, KXCIIAN'OI! IIOT1II., IU.OOMSIlUIiCl, Pa. 1 to 4 P. 111. for treatment ot diseases of the My'e, liar nnicc oer K i ins llm r Hlnm rinlo.t tin,i, ff... All mils' n'lght or day promptly nl tended to. Apr.iit'.v.-tf J. C. ItUTTIOl!, 1'IIYSICIAN.tSltItCinoN, onice, Norlh Mai kot street, Mitr.27,'71-y lllooinsburg, Pa. J) U. I!.F. GAUDXUU, WlYSICrAX AND SUHCIKOX, JILOOMHIlUltn, PA. onico ahot 0 J. Schuyler ,t Son's Hardware store. Auv.'rrr,-tt '1 W. MILLER, ATTOHNIIY-AT-r.AW, onico In llrower's building, second lloor, room No. lllooinsburg, Pa. Julyl,73 y Q W.J.llUCKALKW, ' AT ioi:nuys-at-i,aw, liloomsburg, Pa. onico on Main Street, llrst door bclcw Court House .Mar.iVil y ! V. A.J, M. CLAUIC, ATTO UN II YS-AT-LAW, liloomsburg, I'a. Apt II 10,71- onico In lints l'.ulldlng A. CKEVKMSII SMITH. IIKHVKV EWIKO SMITH, CllKVKLIXa SMITH it SOX, ai i oi;miys-at-i,aw, Hloom5burir. Pa. C'"A11 business entrusted to our mm mil i--rinvn promiit attention. Julyl.73 y C. II. lUIOCKWAV. 11!0CKWAY&K1AVKLL, (IKOIKIE C. EUVELL. ATTOUNUYS-AT-IW, liloomsburg. Pa. "All business entrusted to nnr ntm Will ffPU-n prompl attention. Sent.ll.'74-v T.. It. I.ITTI.K. ltOU'T. 11. LITTLE. J II. A 11. 15. I.ITTI.K, ATTOHNUYS-AT-LAW, liloomsburg, Pa. f'lluslness before I hn IT. s. l'.ui.nt 1 mi..., m i.,n,i.,.i to. o.iiee lu tlio Columbian llulldlng. ly :is U. OKVIS, ATTOIINEY-AT-I.AW. Will practice In all the couitsot Columbia, Sulli van mid I.) coining counties. In the suiirciimrniiitnr ivnin.t taiila, and In tho Circuit and District, emo-is ".VlV.1 hlle.l states held at Wllllam.spuit, Pa. lit buln his onico lu llm iviiiinira ,n i.i.n.tin.- room No. 1, liloomsburg, on Tiiesd.ijs, s and '1 liui-sd.ij s or each week ; 11111I In lientonon Mon, I'iMa.t.s.iiiil saturdajs, unless absent on pro fessluual bus .., 1. IKKAS UllOWX'S IXSUUANCIO AGKX X C, E.iluugo Hotel, liloomsburg, Pa. Ktn.T. ins Co.. of Ilnrlfnril. Cnimopilonf , ...L'. .1 ' inllal Liverpool, Loudon and Ulobo I. ' fo'ii n'o 0 ujjioi i.neipoo: is sou mm ancaiisblm ... ..i.,.' .... Kim Association. I'litlnrtiUniit i" ,' Aiiieilean of Philadelphia .'.',.'.'.!.'..'.,' i.'liin'ouo .ll.l" l-t Hill UUl ll 6 ll IKIO Wyoming, ot Wilkes Harm ' it'uo,) Kanners Mutual of DanWlle 1 non'ono ii.iiitiiio Mutual KJi Home, New York u.coulouo March 2J,7l y jci,a.w,ioo MISCIHJ.ANI'XIUci. "yynu.iAM Monms, JUIltCIIANTTAir.OH. Cut till'' clennlnL- nnd rcinlrlmr,tn-n,, to. l b-si door otcr J. F. Wldelu.m'slliudwaiustore. IIIOUIIIS lliri'. P.l Int. .1 Jan. 0, 7j-tf 11. M. TUH3S, WI10I.V.SA1.K HEH.K11 IS nunxrxo axd luiiuioatixo oils. Oltlco ill Maize's llulldlng, coiner Jlnlu and Ceiitro streets, 1ILOOMSI1U1KI, PCNNA, re-Orders solicited and promplly nihil. May, Ss,7Wy JQKXTI.STUY. II. C. IIO Will!, DflNTIST, llespecttully otfers Ids iirofessional services to tho ladles and gentlemen of lllooinsburg and tlclnllv. lloHpiepaivd ! nltend to all tho vaitousoiierallous In the lluoot Ids profesblun, and Is protlded tvltlitho l.u. st luiproted poui H.AiN TU.T11, tthlcli will be In. sert.'d 011 gold plating, sllter and lubber base to ujk as well as the natural teeth. Teem extrai led lij nil the new and most approted inethods, and all opoi nt Urns on tlio teeth caiclully 11111I propel ly at tended to. i. onico a few doors above tho Cotut llouso, bamo bWl-'- Julyi.73 17 J. TIIOItXTOX Ili, would iinnouncu lo tlio cltlensof Iilooms. buig and tlelntly that he lion Just leccttcduiull and cumplcto assorlmeut of WALL PAPI11I, WINDOW SIIADIIS, rixiTiu.'s, conns, tassels, and all other goods In Ills lino of business. All tho liewcstand intht aiiproted p.ilteuisof (he day aro alwajs to be found lu ul establishment, Main stieet, below .Market. jj " J3ROAVN J J OTEL, BLOOMSBURG, FA., B. STOHNER, Proprietor. Ions First Cl.iss-f l.'rt to Jl.u) jier day, UIWTAUU.VXT ATTAOI I UD. Largo, Airy Samplo Rooms on 1st Floor, liloomsburg, July s, ls's-tf. YlMAJTiliO DORICS, DANVILLE, .MONTOU11 COUNTY, l'A. T ILLIAM IL LAW, Mntmfaclurer ol iW.' Ironllridges, Hollers, flasholder. Fireproof lliilldlngs, Wioughi Iron Hooting, Howling lrauios, Flooring and Doors, Farm dates and Fenc ing, also rouglit Iron Pining, stacks and nil kinds of sniltU ork, i-c. licpalrs promptly attended to. N. V. Droit lugs aud Kstliuates buppllcd. July 1, 1ST3 tr 13L00MSBUKG TANNERY. a. a, uirjiiRixR 1) KSl'IXTI'L'LLY iinnoiiiict's to llio puhllo Jj lliut ho lias reopened . svvm.'iiia fn 1 xx't.mi (uiiisianin inooiiisinirL- i'a.. ntine I'orksof llio llsn.v aud Llcht Mreet 11. nl., itheio ull desi'rlptlouu ot ll. r Will bo lnmlo In llm inm.1 bubstantlnl and we naullku manner, and sold at prices to suit tho tlin s. 'llio lilgliubt pilco lucasU will ut all times bo paid for , OltliliN UIDKS ef every description In tho rountry, Tlio publlopat. ronago Is rcspci'lfullt kolleiled. liloomsburg, Mai cli in, lsl& y i' NEW iUUSlO ST011E. Ki! OPERA HOUSH 0.1 ROOM, I Oil i:i,oo.usiuiiuj, J.4. 11. 3-1. STJII OICLAN.D llespect fully Informs Iho public thnt lie lias opened a New Music stoic, In I ho liloomsburg Opera House, 011 Centre sn eel, below Main, whero I10 keeps 11 lull assoi tment of PIAN01X OltOANM, J1UMUAT, INSTIItlMr.NTS, SIHIIIT M1SIC, Ml'SIC HOOKS, AC, always on hand and for sale at tho lowest prices. Ilo Invites tho patrons ot music to call and examine his slock. UEl'AIUIXG AND TIIXIXO, nlso attended to on demand, llio public patronage. Is respectfully solicited. apill 9 75-ly BLOOMSBURG I fM!IS Institution nfliirds to students prcparni" B tortlio lirofesston of 'I'FACMIMl. i.vli.llimi r,Fl cintles rurliniu'otement In tho most iipp'rot-oilmcUi-oils of InstrueUou, For till! accommodation Of RtUfleilta flnslrlnr- nrn,,. nratlonfor College, or tor the business relations of llfi', an Academic Dcp.irlinent Is orgimled, which affords tlio most ample facilities tor so doing. Jl.icli cotirso of st udy Is complcto In Itself, Superior advantages nrn orrereii for inomptim, i MUSIC and I.ANllL AUHS. 1 all session commences Wednesday, August SOtU Fall Session closes Tuesday, December i!Jd. Spring Session commences Wednesday, Dec. soth. Stirlinr Session closes Tiiesdnv. .Iiiiio y!it h. Spring Tuuu commences Wednetaay, JlarcliUlst THItMi. Ilntnn. Includlnff Fuel and W.i.Wnf. run, in, 1.A11S nor tti'i'J.- TllltlOll ONE IlOI.I.tlt tier week. In Mmlnl Kplinn uiij iu fciAiyeeuis per ttecK. Students aro admitted nt. nnv lime, nnil to nn.l fO'ifsp of study for ttlileh teey may bo prepared. It . ' ' 11 i'v""nJu , in "u pieseui. ill. mo commence1 incut of ateini, or a session. Bciiii lorn catalogue. Applications for admission may bo addressed to UIt.T.1. (1I1ISW OLIl, COL. J. (1. Fltr.L'ZII, Secretary. Pi Aug. 14,74 ly CARRIAG5-B M ANU V A. C T 0 R Y IlLOOMSUUltO, I'A. 3f. C. SLOAN & lillOTIIEU TTAVH on hand and for sale at tho moit JLX reasonable rates a splendid block ot and every description of Wagon3 both PLAIN and TANCY, Warranted to bo inadu of tlio best and most durable m-uerl.ils, and by the most expeilenced workmen. All work sent out. from tho establishment will bo tounil to be or 1 ho highlit class and sure to glic per feet satisfaction. They hat 0 also 11 lino assoi uncut of SLK1GIIS of all the newest and most fashionable styles well uuuiaieiuiiy uiiiiio iiini ot inu 01 st. material. An Inspection of iiieir wnri.- 1 nsi.-i.ii n. in a 1.1,- iiet ea ui.unoiio superior can bo found In tho coun try. July 1, 1ST0 tr. KEYSTONE CARRIAGE WORKS! ULOOMSIIUUG, l'KXX'A. AS. CUOSSLEY has on hand and for sale cheaper than tho cheapest, for cash, or w 111 I'Ailiango tor old Wagons on l eason.iblo terms, CAUUIAGES, UUGGIKS, AXD WAG 0X8 of every description both plain and fancy. Portable Top Uuggles. open lluggles. Plain and rancy Pl.Uforiu spnng ti'agons allot tho latest stylo and made of good material and fully warranted. lilve 1110 n call before pun liaslng elsewliere, as 1 can not bo undersold. I claim that I make tho best w ag 011s for t he least money. 1 also do painting, trimming nnd repair old woil; nt tho shortest notice, old bpilnus welded nnd wnr 1 anted to stand or no pay. I will exchango a porta- ,ii ii ..' 1 '"'I "inn ui oiiiiui'i, s'jiii us ueir lock, pine, ush, linn hickory and poplar to bedellvei 1 a 111 my biiop by tho llrst or February, lsia. Iron, da c oolers taken and -McKelty, Neul .1 Co's for ie- pulrb as eobli, A. S. CHOSSLKY. JUIJtt LIGHT STHBBT BUGGY & C Allll r AGE TT F. OMAX hei 1L. thiithohiiseiitere his hrot her, d, L. Oman, 1 hereby informs tho publb ru iiuiirti-niiiiiu'rsiiip ttllll Mitel that Mill bilsliioi.H Will hcrealler bo conducted undir tho tlrm iiumo ot 11. i ii:coTC9i:i:. They will ou hand or inauufacluro to order llUGGIlvS, OAUULAGKS, Sl'llIXG AVAGOXS, LI'JJIIT WAflOXr?, UOAD WAGOXS, nn l every thing In their lino of business, of 1110 best nialiilul nnd most complete workmanship, uud at pro t luw ns eau bo aifordeil, lharc 1 J'ubtle xitronufje U respectfully tolicilal. II. F. OMAN 4: IlltOTHEII. Aug.U,71-ly. II10N IN Till! 1ILOOD. Tun 1'eitpriAM Sviit'r Mtullzcs uud enriches tlio blood, tones up tho sjs tem, build up tlio bnken down, cuies d siieitala Debility, dropsy, chills and fevers, chronle iliarrlinu lici t oils ntTee pais, bolls humors, diseases of llio kldnotHnnd bladdor, re iiulo complaints, ,u-. Thousands have boen changed b tlio uso of the remedy from weak, sickly, buffering crcatim s, to hiiong, lieuliliy, liuppy men uud ttuuieni and Invullds canum icaMiutiuly la Jlnto tot,U' It a trial, iaihon.- 110 mio ou get llm "1'kiiivun Hvuvi'1' (not I'tiuMnii Hoik 1 Milbs dealer 1 g.'u r nlly, A S2-pii;(i pamphlet, lout diilii a tiiuM.o ou lrunasaui'illcal ugintuiid ulhtr valiiabln pajx i-s, testimonials Iroin disllutiUl died pluslei, 11 1, iler . men and others, will lu bent freu to an. nddi i s. htiiiW, l'owi.t: & Host, proprietor 1, bO lluiiisou Atcuuc, liostou. I State Normal School. (ill iftf tf'illl lilfifilllf lb Ip 1 1 ill Jp f I4 BL00MS13URG, PA., FllIDAY, JULY 16. 1875. Till': POPULAK CASH STOItK OF W.P.JONES &C0., AND THEIE DAltaAINS HKItNAMKS Wo have n very choice stock of these cry deslrnblo goods, plain and miiiksI at is, an, I.'., ( lu J cents per Mud. 'llm nlKno goints nro fullj m per cent, loner than last j 1.11 r fit hum. W. l JONRS CO. Catau ls.i, Pa, "Y7"IHTK GOODS-Kverylhing dcslrnhlo in VV l'tritlPS frnin IS III Ml fonlu vi,r,t i"1"'" ft u, lll'ellls per yarn, i,ace Miipes'o, 4i, and fit. cents per yard, plain and checked Nainsooks, l-'l'i'llf'h ' 'nr-U-lntf . ' W. r. JONES k CO. catawlssa, l'a. TPUUKISIt TOWELING. Kreneh Goml nnd ,JL , Whlto.Matalasso Cloth for l.ullcs'nnd children's loans, r..ieipies, at. uoods nut to be had elseitliere White FrencnMeiliio. W. 1'. .KINKS' c 00. Cnlatt Issa, l'a. 7-iiitk Qimrs, KXtl!l jjirK0 m II coinbl.'i-i wllh fringe, still better ones l.iS, and S.-5, very linnet IV frlniro on lionet'- er ones ?t.f.ii. . fere llinvst. 11 fi-lnm, no llir,.,i sides Theso pi Ices all worttiyot j our atten- W. P. JONI1S tc CO. OatnnhHa, 1M. 11011. r OODS T'OIl MorUXIXn-Wo pat- great X nltenllnn to this branch ot our You win always llnil our stock mil and eompletuln Dress (loods, mack French Merinos, llhv k Cashnicie, Al pacas c. lllaek Crape Veils from fi.uu In l.frfi, IllncV; Silk ells lroml.,r, upwariK m.ick Kid and .'Ilk lllOVCS. MOUrnlne-,.l l-nrru Iilaek .lewelery, A-e., llbick Thlbbel Shawls, single at $ i.2. 3,;r,, J.Mi to n.f. i. Doublii ThlbbetSh.iHls JI.on, 10.110 to our prices 011 tlii'so goods aro tho tery lowest and thoipiallty tlio lilgliest. tt . 1". .lUMiS fc co. Catnwlssa, Pa. rntKAT KKDUCTIOXS-Wo have made X groat reductions Insbaiilsand Dress (loods lo clo-o them out. Nice goods nt2J nnd'Ai cents per yard. W. V. JONIW t: CO. Catatt Lssa, Fa. "(OliSIvTS 12 dill'erent styles and prices. Corsets at .vi, Tn cents, li.iin, 1.2.'., 1 mi to Mi. 51ndamo Foy's, 1 'I ho eelebraled doubled steeled Corsets, etra largo sizes uji to 33 Inches. Ouo W cent Corset a mart el of cheapness. W. l'.JONlISitCO. ciitattlstn, I'a. "pilir.OXS, XECKTIKS AXD HUCIIKS, JLV large assoi 1 incut Neckl les, every color, nt is. SS7:ir 4 and mi cents to $i.ii each. Ituelies, 4, r., 10 to a cents, Job lot collars all linen, r, cents. W. F.JONHSKCO. Catatt lssa, l'a. fATCII Till; I'KXXII'S-C'hirk'H & Coats' best Spool Col ton Deems, Skill Ilrald S cents, Spool Silk 6, S nnd 13 cents, best Needles 8 cents per paper. W. P. JONIIS A CO. Catatt lss.i, l'a. IT Sell tin MKMlSKlt. that wo keen a full line of llm best brands of Muslins, l'l Inls. 'rlekliii-4 nnil them at bottom prices. W. I'. JONIH ,t CO. Catatt lssa, Fa. SPACE WILL XOT PERMIT ns tncontlnuo but wo want etery onetn bear theso facts In re lnembi ranie. Ut. That wo sell the best quality of over thing. 2d. That wo pay tho cash for our goods and make all discounts. 3d. We sell only for cash and guarantee the lowest prices. Call and see tor ouiself tlio great advantages to bo obtained at TllII FOPL'LAIt CASH ST01IU OF V. P. J0jStES & CO. Corner Main ami Third Streets, C.VTAWIsSA, I'A. A GREAT STRIDE I Slj) mid Over Old iflcHimlw Ion nd (o lie faulty, oi- olijecllou :t!ile, discarded! A JNKW AXD VASTLY ADVAXTAOKOUS l'LAX HEU'..:i!Y ADOPTED I!Y .f At their "Works in Bloomshurj;, Formerly Hloornsburir Iron and .M.iniir.ietiipiiii- eoinp.iu), tvliere will bo kept eoiistanlly on hand a luiu tisui iitii iii ui White msil Rm1 Autliincilo 'ual, FOI! DOMESTIC PUI1POSES, AND CUPULO, liLACKSMITII A XI) J1ITUM1X- OUS COAL, at prices to suit tho trade. All Coal specially pre- p.ireu ocioio icatingtiio yard. Also Plows and Threshing Machines, nnd nil kinds ot Casting and Machine Work. IIIIPAIUINO nromotlt attended tn. Tlmi- unuLl it.-piii.-iiiiiiij euueu my i-auouagll 01 llio rillJlIC. U. .M..VJ. K. I.OCKAIID, liloomsburg, Pa, Jan. 8, '15 ly ujNDEJisiiorr's OI'POSITII TlIll C1INTI1AL 1IOT1II. lias a complete stock ot puro and rcllablo Illtl'n.S, MIIDICINUS, (1IIU.MI0AI.S, DVF.S, ACIU3, SOAPS, SODA, SODA ASH, FAINTS, MIX, OI.AKS, 1'IITTV, VAItNlHIIl'.s) AND A IX I'AINTUUS bUFl'LUIS, Sl'ONOIIS, IlUUSlt IIS, PIIItFUJIlIUy, SO., AT VERY LOWPHIOES. Country 1'rodiico taken lu oxcli.mgu for Drugs, JIcdlclucB, Dyes, Sc. CENTRAL! STORE. llato a carefully selected stock of clioleo TCAS, COFFKE, KU0A1I, SPICTji, SOAP, PICICLIU, 8.WCUS, l'ISIt, HAMS, CANNIID FIU'ITS, VUOin'AlILIIS AND OTIICit FINI1 (lUOCEI! IIW. FOltKION AND DOMESTIC Pruits, Nuts and Confoctionurica, all ut tho lowest possible prices. tweountry 1'roduoo tak"n In ext'liaii!,'e.jij liloomsburg, March 111, I'is-y Poetical. 1'orTltKCOl.tIltlllAM. Como Thou nml All Thy llouso Into tlio Ark I nvTii.t.iBUtnAcit. Come thou, o, como Into the ark I Tho Rky Is lowering -tho nlr grows dark, Thou dost notseo It, then llilnc eyes are blind, There Is danger I danger I mnrkl The sky Is lowering, and tho air grows dark, Como llioti, o.corno Into the nrfc I Say not It Is In the valley n street mail;, Fur angry Ioi rents, and Rtorm find's wrath, Tu bent their fury, and llio frail bark Would let llieo to perish In tlio cm rent dark. Como thou, nnd thv liouso In tho arkl Tho lightnings Hash, tlio Ihunders, hark I Como thou, 'tis laii'O enough, Tlsstrongoiiough, Til it sure safe ark, It lias born millions Bafely through tho dark. Coino Hum, o, como into llio nrk I The floods will ralso and not ono spark Of light bo left to guhlo tlio tiny skiff, liven on llio mountain top, O, hark I The Hood will raise to sink such barks. Como with nil thy liouso Into tho nrk I 'Tls safe and sure, and wilt thou mai k ? Not one ot millions c'ro was lost, WliD stayed aboard that good old ark, oi ono was lert into the, Como thou, como all, ttlililn tho arkl And thou tt lit soon cinergo tho dark, And gain tho realms of light and bliss, Where all Is light and nought Is bliss, O, como aboard this heavenly mk. Como thou, O, como within tlin nrk I stay nut without In outer dark, There Is nothing else can bear theo safe, Then como Into till) good old nrl;, And thou shalt bo no more In tlio dark. Tiii:iii:s .no sucHjniiNii as dkatii. "There's no such thing as death, To those who think might i '1 Is but the racer casting off What most Impedes his lllght ; Tls bill ono little act. Life's drama mtit contain ; Ono strugglo keener than tlio est, And then an end of pain. "There's no such thing as death:" That which is thus mhcnlled, Is life escaping fiom tho chains Tint have so long enthralled ; 'Tls at onco a lildd.ui star, Piercing through tho night, To shine In gentle ladlanco forth Amid Its kindred light. "There's no such thing as death :" In nature, nothing dies I From each sad remnant ot iceay Souio turm ot llio oiise. Tlio faded leaf that falls, All sero and brown to earth, Fro long will nilngio with the shapes That give the tlowerct birth. "There's no such thing ns death :" 'Tls but tno blosjom spray, Sinking before the coming fruit, That seeks tlio summer's ray i 'Tls bjit tho bud displaced, As comes t ho pel feet ilower i 'Tls faith exchanged ror sight, And weariness for power. Miscellaneous. From tlio Columbus (Nebraska) llepubllcan. ami;i;icax LUITSTS. lleail this nml lip Amnzeil. A CAULTUI, CALCULATION AS TO NUJIl'.r.US. 'Hopper) Funr .Mifc Mjimir, anil 22.ri lert jikjii, in a iioiai .hum, i-iMi iieerancViintile Comity The Whale Army Make a Solid Cubic Mile nf Gnf-ilmppers, Tlio gra-shoppcr question length ns- suiiicil stupi'iHluus pnipoi lions anil alarming importance. All cur histories, theories anil iiroiiliccics of 187-1 are iipsct by the fuels of 1S70. Then tve saiil that the only proline anil durable home of this pest is tho high, dry, hot and stony plateaus of Arizona, and Xeiv Mexico; that away from their fatherland they suddenly degoneruto and perish in tho third generation. Then, wo said, that ex cept in ono county in Kansas, no egg depos its were made that would hatch this year ; that ono portion of tho army of 1S71 propa gated early in tho season, and their progeny laid eggs which hatched before tho iarly frosts, and tho tender hoppers pci'Micd ; that the remaining portion 'cumo too lato and laid no eggs. Xotv, what aro tho facts? Grasshoppers havo hatched out in every county in Kansas and Xebraska, and in portions of Dakota, Minnesota, Iowa, and Missouri, tvliilo in south-eastern Xebraska, eastern Kansas and western Missouri, whero tho seourgo was comparatively light in 187-1, such an army has como forth from the ground and perpe trated such ruin, ns had not been known in tho history of this pet. Thus all our wKo ascertainments prove fallacious, and tve might as well stop proph esying. Much, however, as wo aro iu tho dark re specting their pa-d, and much more as tvoare in tho dark respecting their future, several things may bo put down ns certain and oth ers at probable, and taken together, theso facts and probabilities present a most up palling view of tho situation : 1. Tho American locust will ncclimato and thrivo in any part of tho continent. If his eggs will live through such a long severe winter as last winter was iu Minnesota and Nebraska, pressed in solid (ro.en earth, then they will endure any winter that will ever occur on tho continent. 2. They aro increasing in numbers aud general distribution, and getting farther ca-t year by year. Wo know this from personal observation for tlio hist thirteen year?. 3. Wherever hatched, their custom is to rise up iu swarms aud migrate, when fully Hedged. They cannot go against tlio wind and aro disposed to yield to Its course. Hut it seems ipiito plain that, when they onco mako a start with the wind, thy will not materially change their cmiro if tho wind does change, but settle down and wait till it conies around again to favor their first direc tion. After making a long journey they are liable to return over substantially tho samo course. Their principal havoc was mado last year on their return trip. 1. Tlio winds provident in tho whole coun try west of the Mississipi, from spring tn fall nro from south to north, and return, llenco their progress eastward has been, and still may bo slow. lint still, just assoniodc' tachnicnt, meeting a curieiit iu high alti tudes was borne- to Wayno county, Indiana, this year, so another may do noxt year, or a smaller or larger number may thus bo homo to Ohio or Pennsylvania, 5, It seems impossible to give people, who havo not seen with their own eyos, any nde ipiato idea ut tho numbers, destructive pov ers, and utterly uncontrollable movement of Ihoso pests, It Is really amusing to us who know, to read tho advice of our eastern friends, to guard against them, by raising lots of turkeys, letting tho birds live, dig ging dltchts uud setting pans of lime water in them, smoking with straw, setting nets, ke. What aro such playthings worth against millions on millions ot insects, each of which can jump 20 feet at a jump, or fly 20 miles per Hour, 10 hours nt a stretch 7 If all tlio turkeys nnd birds of tho continent had been collected in l'latto county In 1871, they would havo mado no perceptablo Impression ou them. What the incvitablo Yankee niav yet in vent ns an instrument of effectual fright or destruction, wo would not call In question nirr i.ook at this piciri:i: and hi: AMAznn. Tills year, tho locusts that were hatched in Xebraska, Kansas and Missouri, commenced passing over tho latitude of Columbus on Juno lath, and continued to fly for thirteen days, omitting only threo days In tlio time, they continued to fly at tho rato of 10 miles an hour, r hours a day, and tho vast nnny measured 400 milc9 cast and west, from flank to Haul;. At tho universities of Kntnas and Xebras ka, measurements were mado with optical and mathematical Instrument-, nnd tlio ver tical depth of the army commencing 500 foet abovo ground, was found to bo a full mile. This data, being nuito ascertainable, mav be safely assumed. What number of insects should bo reconed to a glvcu space, is more ilillictill to determine but wo venture to say one to tho cubic yard. Many good judges would say ono to tho cubic foot ; but wo will say, what perhaps no ouo will question, ono to the cubic yard. Now, take a forly-acre-fleld, how many locusts would bo directly over it at any given moment? Forty acres contain lD.'l.OOO square yards. Multiply this by tho vertical yaidsofthe army 1.700 and the result is the amaztng total of 330.737.000. Over a homestead tiiere would bo four times this number, or Over a square mile, fi.l!U.77G.OOO. Over a township, 181,743,041.000. Over an ordinary county, threo trillions. Leaving off a largo fraction, fivo billions of tlicso insects aro directly over each square milo at any and every moment, for five hours daily during ten days, aud are passing at tho rate of ten miles per hour. Xow come to our aid, thou grand old ar ithmetic and let the army bo numbered. 1'Asstxo ovmt oNi: SQi'Anr, mimi. Fifty billions per hour, 200 billions per day, and 2J trillions in 10 days. I'ASsino oviiit oni: squAiir. township. Eight hundred billions per hour, 4 trillions per day, and 40 trillions in 10 days. PASSINO OVillt AN Ol'.DINAltY COUNTY. Twelve trillions and S00 billions per hour, 04 trillions per day, and (HO trillions in 10 days. run wnoi.r, Ar.w. Passing over each mile north 20 trillions per hour, 100 trillions per day, and 1 quad rillion in all during tho 10 days. lint becauso neither wo nor any of our readers have any proper conception of tho value of such numbers, as applied to insects, wc chango the figures to denoto quantity and bulk. Wo havo taken somo pains to as certain the facts near enough for practical purposes. There are about O.GOO livo locusts or 10.000 dead ones to the bushel. From this data we get the following estimate. Passing over a furly-acre-lield at any mo ment 3.1.172 bushels. Over a homestead. 151.SS8 bushel, or if theso were all dead, 31.083 bushels to the 40 acres, and 130.202 bushels to the homestead, or more than five bushels to the square rod. Kissing over ono square milo 5.20S.333 bushels per hour; 2ii.031.0li.) per day, and 200.41C.G.)0 bushels iu 10 days. This would make a pile 1 milo square, G feet 3 inches high. Passing a square township 187.490.9SS bushels per hour, 037.430.910 bushels per day, and 0.374,999.400 bushels iu all. This maks a pile, ouo mile square, two hundred mid twenty-five feet high. Passing over a common sized county 3 billion bushels per hour; lo billion bushels per day, and IfiO billion bushels in all. This would mako a pile 4 miles square and 225 feet high. Wliolo army passing ouo milo north 1.- 0S3.333.333 bushels per hour, 10.41G.GGG GG5 bushels per day, and 101.1GG.GliG.G50 bushels in all. This would mako a pile of 4.800 -202.331 cubic yards; or, including largo fractions omitted in all the foregoing calcu lations, ono full cubic mile a mountain of locusts a mile long, a mile wide and a milo high. Como ou now witli your turkeys and birds, your ditches and limo water 1 Ha ! ha ! ha ! Hut, alas 1 this is too serious a matter for sportive words. Tho calamity is fast assuming a national aspect. Unless somo adequato natural cause or somo divino cause shall interpose, one pait of this continent will havo to clothe and feed tlio other for many years to come, Tims far, tho damago which tho locust could do if his armies were to light down in forco in a cultivated country is only feebly foreshad owed. Xot ono in a million iu this west ern world has ever tasted tho cultiva ted fields, but wo havo the most tcrribio proofs (jf their capabilities. Whero they hatched in vast nbinbers this year, they took everything clean within forty days after their incubatiuu. Then going north at an av erage ilistaneo of fifty miles per day for tho whole army, somo portions much more uud somo much less, n mere fraction of thoso passing over would light to rest and feed, nml in many cases not a stalk would be left to mature. In IS hours, or 21 hours, some times in fivo hours, all is'gone. This year, thank Heaven, they commenced their work so early that gardens and grain fields could bo replanted. For somo reasons, nlso, tlio iminenso swarms that havo lighted down iu central Xebraska havo douo but little eat ing, their object being rather to rest. At this date, (.luno 20) they are mostly beyond all tho settlements far in tho north. Hut tho laud is iu dread suspeme, and will bo until tho crop is matured, lest, as last year iu J illy, tho devouring host shall consume what is left. Hut suppose these legions should next year como down ou tlio gardens, grain fields, meadows, vineyards and orcnards of Ohio, human power would bo unavailing nothing green would survive, l.ct tlio inappropriate term, grasshopper ho diopped and thlscontinentarpont be dig nllled by his lit title of American Locust, For Ills aspirations anddesilny nro continen tal invasion and national calamity, Was it this or somo other similar post that destroyed tlio mighty agricultural and com mercial nation? of pre-lilstoric America? Xo theory is so feasible. Tho process is easy. fs',i!)sstenco inn t como out of tho ground, it would only require tho coincidence of a few prolldo years of this insect spreading over tho nation upon tho tciuler crops to lay tho people in tho dust from starvation. Wo the commmax, vol. ix, xo. 28 COI.V.MIIIA Dli.MOCHAT, VOL. XI., NO, KJ indulge no such gloomy anticipation, but only nlhrm its possibility.. And tho point of theso lnt reflections is, that this trcmcn dous curse is likely to bo local in tlio future ns iu tho past. There will bo neither special danger nor special refuge, hero or there, in tho years to come. m -cm TlIll l'liOIIIIIITION CANDIDATES. TitKiii t.r.rriiiH of acct.ptancf.. Tlio noniiuras nf tho prohibition State convention for (lovcrnor and Htato Treasu rer, Messrs. Audley lirowno and Elijah F ii , , ... ... i ouiiypacKcr, uavo written loners ol accep tance. Tho following is tlio letter of Mr. llrowne, tho tiomlneo for Governor : .1AMII3 IJI.ACIC, EQ., ClI.UH.MAN OF PltO- liinrnoN Statu Conviintion Dear Sir: "Your letter of tho 10th inst.. has already been briefly acknowledged, and now with tlio resolutions to which you referred before me, I am able to answer more formally. I accept tho nomination mado mo by tho Prohibition party us their candidate for tho ollico of Governor of Pennsylvania, with the issues involved and approval of tho princi ples announced, and am happy that I share the responsibility of being their standard bearer with so excellent and eminent a citi zen as Mr. Penny-packer, and thus to bo by their act a public representative of the deep moral and religious convictions of thousands of tho purest citizens of tlio Commonwealth, who aro painfully impressed wltii tho need of a general reform lu politics and deliver ances from tho rttlo of unscrupulous party leaders, and who now feci this need with new force aiuco tlio lights of tho people havo been recklessly sacrificed by theso leaders to tho demands of tho liquor traffic. These party leaders are upon ono sido and con science upon tho other, and tho contest be tween them is tho pressing issuo of tlio times. Tho position assigned mo iu tho con test is ono that I could not have sought ; yet it is ono from which, when thus assigned, I cannot shrink. Tlio causo is unmistakably God's; His providenco works out tho way. and men aro of small account, except as in struments to do His will and accomplish His work:, it is a l.ivorablo omen for our work that thoso wo opposa havo themselves pre sented tho issues so clearly, and that as the result ol their action, so profound a sense of indignation pervades tho entire State. To tlio wrongs essential to tho lecalized traffic in intoxicated drinks is now superadded tho fact at tho bidding of this traffic, tho Lt. -laturo and Governor have stricken down tho local option law, and by so doing I!lV0 removed tlio protection of prohibition en joyed by the people of two-thirds of the State, anil restored this traffic against tho expressed will of tho citizens. Tho local option law was a tender of protection ; forty-one out of sixty-six counties had accept ed it. The Supremo court had approved its constitutionality ; under its provisions these counties enjoyed a protection which they es teemed their just right against a destructive traffic which lives only by tho snares it sets for tlio wealth growing out of tho people's productive industries, while it ruins the lives and morals of citizens, imposes heavy burdens of taxation, and sows tlio seeds of indolence, tliriftlessness, disorder, underline. The law provided fur an election every tltiid year to adopt anew or reject its provisions. Tho people concerned were satisfied with this law. Within a year, if dissatisfied they could havo declared the fact at tho polls, and their verdict would havo afforded light to every legislator's mind. If they were sat isfied, who, under our popular system of government, and with a law constitutionally affirmed, had a right to object ? Legislators aro elected to represent the popular will, especially tho popular conscience ; and in this easo thoso wero so definitely expressed as to bo beyond mistake. Yet we havo tho spectacle of a Legislature stripping entire communities of their dearest rights as citi zens and most valued safeguards, and of tlio liovcrnor of the Commonwealth sanctioning tlio outrage by appending his signature to tho bill aud thus making it a law. Hut tho ballot remains to us tlio most of- fectiveprntest against political wrongs and surest piotection of tho freeman's rights, as it is also tlio dread of every public servant who has betrayed his constituency and stands again before them for their votes. That wo should now use it for our defense iwakcns tho liveliest alarm ; and we nro met with appeals to keep this question out of polities, as if it wero not already in ; and sinco prohibit on and licenso aro each of them political measures, cauuot by any pos- sibilty bo kept out. Wo nro also appealed to nut to maintain a party on this issue, but to seek our object through existing parties, although it is existing parties that havo per petrated this gross and monstrous wrong, and wo aro also warned that by our separate action wo will bo responsible for the destruc tion of "tho only party that can save tho country," as if a party could save tho cotiu try which can no longer avo itself. In con tradiction to all this tlio first need of tho hour, citizens should teach their public servants that conscience is an clement of power in American politics never to bo aban doned ; that tlio senselessness nnd temerity of party leaders who ignore tlio conscience of enlightened and virtuous citizens and count on their votes to indorse unrighteous acts, must bo rebuked by thoo very votes ; and that if parties follow their leaders to a merited destruction, new and healthful or ganization will nriso and fill their places and accomplish their destiny tho better as they tako warning by tho fato of parties be fore them that havo onco been popular but havo perished for their sins. Our own party leprescnts tlio spirit of reform demanded by tho times. It is uo artificial chim'iery, but a creation of God oud an outgrowth of tho convictions of a great christian people, who will never ceaso their protest at tlio ballot box while tlio cm uf God and humanity require it. Wo can therefore cheerfully aud hopoful- ly nddrciss oni'solvo to our work. I rcniaiu mut truly yoiUM. ItOIlIUlT AUDI.F.Y IlltOWNF.. Xf.w CAfcTi.n, Pa., Juno 21, 1870, Too Dinii- foi; IliM. "What's do occa skm of dat big smoke over dur?" inquired ono colored man of nnothur at tho niatket yoeterilay. "Fire, sah," was tho niuwor. "And what's do occiuloii of dat firo?" "Uombustshuii," "And what's combust slum?'' "My fcriiid," replied the other, crossing his legs, "dar's heaps of things in this world tlmt no nipper everknowed or ever will know, an' we'll chango do subject to gooseberries.". RATJ2S OF ADVEIITIMIKC Oiinlntli, (Iwtlvu IHirjiorMjicmihiiii in n ijtu oll typr) one or two mwrtlons li,K'; u ij t lions, ft,ntt, srAtr. iw. m. i m. , i. iy OlK'llll'll t.'WI Jil.M) (I in f TWOllll lHS II.MI I..IIO l.i II l ip, : Thrtolhclics to T.m ii.wi I'OlirllHllOB 7.00 (.no 11.10 l,.i.o i':,,(,ii ilunricrcoluinn ip.ho it.m um llalf column is.oo is.oo to.eo so.eo co.09 on column 11 .on 80.00 40.CO oc.oo 110.00 onrlyniherllwment8pnyiiblonunrlrrly. Trim Blent Rdvertlwmenta must be paid before Incited uxotpt w hero pari leu lm e aerounts. T1tfatlnMVrrtlumntitM lrnftlltifa trtnrli Tr.i tlit-rn Insertions, nnd nt that rate fornddltlonal Insertion wiuiouireicreiieoio irnifiu. llxeeillor'ft. Arlmlntiiil'nlnr'H nnd Aodllhr'i. TJr.l'rra three dollars, Transient or Iienl nolleM. twentvemt n linn. regularadvcitlsi mints halt intes. Cards In tlio "lluslnoss Illrcetorv" column, nnn dollnrperyeurforcncli imp. Tlio Father or Waters. Tho Mississippi river Is the guardian and plcdgo of tho union of tho State of America. Had they been confined lo the eastern - lopes of tho Alleglienles, there would have been no geographical unity between them, nnd tho thread of connection between lands that merely fringed tho Atlantic must soon havo been sundered. Tho Father ofltivcrs gath ers his waters from atll tho clouds that break between tho Allcghcnles and tho furthest ranges of the Hock Mountains, 'llio ridges of tho eastern rhnln bow their heads nt tho north nnd nt tho south; so that, long before scienco became tho companion of man, nature herself pointed out to thobarbarous races how short portages join his tributary rivers to tlio shores of the Atlantic coast. At tho other sido his mightiest arms interlock with tho arms of Oregon and Colorado, and by tho conformation of tho earth itself marshals highways to tho Pacific. From his remotest springs ho refuses to suffer his waters to bo divided ; but, as ho bears them all to tho bosom of tlio ocean, tho myriads of flags that wave abovo tho head are all tho ensigns of ono people. States, larger than kingdoms, llourish where ho passes ; and beneatli his step cities start into being, more marvel ous in their reality than the fabled creations of enchantment. His magiiificicnt valley, lying in tho best part of the temperate zone, salubrious and woudcrfully fertile, is tho chosen muster ground of tho most various elements of human culture, brought togeth er by men summoned from all tho civilized nations of llio earth, and joined in tho bonds of common citizenship by tho strong, invisi ble attraction of republican freedom. JNow that science has como to bo tlio household friend of trade and commerce and travel, all that nature has lent to wealth and intellect the uso of her constant forces, tho hills, onco walls of divisions, arc scaled, or pierced, or leveled ; and tho two oceans, between which tho republic has unassailably entrenched it self against tho outer world, and bound to gether across the continent by friendly liuks of iron. How Tin: Hindoos lino aud Wojin.v. Tho famous passago of tho lulnia Parana, translated by Abbo Dubois, has been part ot tlio domestic code of tho Hindoos four thous ands of years. According to tlio Hindoo lawgiver, a woman has no God on earth but her husband, and no religion except to grati fy, obey, and servo him. Let her husband bo crooked, old, infirm, offensive ; let him bo irascible, irregular, a drunkard, a gam bler, a debauchee ; let him bo rcckle.-a of his domestic afiiiirs, ns if possessed by a devil; though ho livo in tho world without honor; though ho ho deaf or blind, and wholly weighed down by crime and infirmi ty still shall his wife regard him as her God. With all her might shall she serve him, in all things obey him, see no defects in his character, and give him no cause of uneasi ness. X ay, more; iu every stage of her ex istence woman lives but to obey at tlio first her parents, next her husband and his pa rents, and in her old ago sho uuut be ruled by her children. Xevcr during her wholo lifo can she be under her own control. Theso aro tho general principles upon which tho lifo of woman in India is to lo conducted. Tho Hindoo writer was consid erate enough to add a few particulars : "If her husband laughs, sho ought to laugh ; if ho weeps, she ought to weep ; if ho is dis posed to speak, sho ought to join in tho con versation. Thus is tho goodness of her na ture displayed. What woman would eat till her husband had his fill? If ho abstains, she will surely fast nlo ; if ho is sad, will sho not bo sorrowful ? and if lie is gay, will bho not leap for joy ? In the absence of her hus band her raiment will bo mean." Such has been tlio conception of woman's duty to mau by all tho half-developed races from time immemorial, and such to this day aro tho tacit demand and expectation of tho brutal ized males of tho more advanced races. Ifarper'e Magazine, Do Iliglit Kverj'wltero. Man's own safety is in doing right at nil times, under all circumstances. It is Sa tan's trick to mako our doing right depeud on times and season, persons and places. Ilo who does wrong becauso no ono will know it, will bo terribly disappointed when Ills sins find him out. Ho who ceases to bo watchful and circumspect among frieuds,will find that thoso friends in whom ho thus con fided in an unguarded hour, will betray his confidence and becomo his foes will rc- buko what they before havo justified, and license him of tho very nets which they aid ed and encouraged him in. Do right everywhere. There is no safetv in sin. Confide iu no ono ; presume upon nothing sufficcntly to do that which is wrong, Tho watchful eyo of God is upon us, when wo depart from Hun Ho has ten thousand rods with which to chasten us and correct our faults. Trust no friends ; trust not in ecrc- iy ; trust not in" lies do right everywhere, and trust to God to givo victory and rest. IJo not follow the multitudo to bo evil. Do not bo a time-server nor a tool. Stand bold, ly up for tho truth and righteousness, and ever livo with a solsmn coiucieneo of direct and personal responsibility to God. Mako no compromise with orror, sin, and wrong ; striko no bargains with Satan, everything which ho proposes is a delusion and a snare. Man is weak, Satan wily, only God is true. Trust in him ; do right everywhere, nnd Ho shall protect, direct, aud save yon ut tho cml. A Shopkeeper purchased of nn Irish woman a quantity of butler, tho lumps of which, intended as pounds, ho weighed iu tho balanco and found wanting. "Shuro it's your own fault if they aro light," said Hid- ly, lu reply to tho complaints of tho bluer. "it's your own fault, sir, wasn't it with n pound of your own soap I bought hero that I weighed them with?" Tho shopkcttir had nothing to say on the bubject. Ono of our physicians who had been great ly annoyed by numerous questions concern ing tho condition of a certain patient, was stopped whllo on his busy rounds, with a man by tho aino question; "How's Mr. ?" "Sick," replied the doctor. "Docs he keep his bed?" "Of courso ho dues, You don't supposo he's fogl enough to sell nu bed because he a sick, do you?" People who do wrong seldom havo nny difficulty in finding cut excuses and Justifi cation fur it. TIiojo should not venture on slippery places who cau scarcely btand Upon tho firm est ground.