THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBUIIG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. THE COLUMBIAN. II I, Oil MS II H It (I, rll'lllAY, JUI.T 2, IS" Ilnll llmul Timo Talile. LACKAWANNA 1II.OO.MS11UIM ltAHi ltOAl) NOllTII. SOl'TIt, Accommodation Train e.45 A.M. T.3S A. M. Mall Train UO A.M tVUI'.M UMircss Train 1.1(1 1'. M. 11.61 A, M i" " M(4 I1. II, CATAWIKS.V HAlt, lt(IAI). noiitii. son-it n.m a. M, T,nu i m Accommodation Train Itetfiitar Kxprcss a.Ml'.M. 11,33 A. 31. Through cars on Impress train cither to New York or rhtlidclphla. Accommodation train runs betw ecu CMUwIsha and Wllllainsporl, To'oi'it iniKMiM, (iiu:i;timi liv the first ot July coming wo shall hare complet cd two years ot tho publication ot tho Coi.imman stneo It lait como into our nanus. .More man tnrcC' foiirllnof Its subscribers nro Indebted upw ards of a jcar's subscription, and morn than halt ot them have not paid an) thing. As our circulation Is large this Is a heavy tax upon llio publhhcr and too heavy a tnul for him to carry niucii longer, miring thpstim incr and autumn, and ot peclally the ensuing month, Mr. 11. ' Mjcrs will call upon tlicno subscribers who tiro In arrears tor tho purpose of receUlng pajment cf the amounts due, and wo hopo all will meet him lindly and bo prepared to lltpiiii no Ihls indebted ne-..i. it Is far from n pleasure to us to send out a collector or dun people for tines In any form, but cverjthlnglnour lino ot business must be paid fur In cash and wo cannot therefore afford to carry a largo amount of Inueblednesa for year utter year, and which Is constantly increasing, wo trust, there tore, that nono will take orfeneo at Ik lug colled upon for what Milne, but that nil will tako pleasure In uhlluT tho paper to tho extent of paying what they owe for It. Mr. M)cra Is also nuthorlml to tako Job work and advertising, to receive, subscriptions, Ac, and to tako pay and receipt for tho same. tf, Hot, hotter, hottest. Cherry pies are ripe. August will have two new moona. Dog il.ivs hegin Sunday the tilt int. 'I'lic "glorious Fourth" will not vi-it Illoonis- h irg ihis year. A number of farmers in this viclnltv have made their haw Tho pre-tent month will have live Thur-dayy, Fridays, and Saturdays. The present Indications are that tho corn crop will be nn abundant rue. A wngon loaded wilh dried bullalo meat was in market on Thursday morning. The Susquehanna river at this point is con siderably below low water mark. About $000,000 worth of fire crackers will bo coiwnsicd in !Iooinbug this Fourth. Four "ocily-lookliii; Iranipt hold fourth in the pic-niu (;rovo at Itupcrt Sunday. o The grain fields hjve assumed a golden tint and in n few days will need harvesting. The Wyoming camp meeting eotiiinuices August 17th and will continue ten .lays. The old piers of the CatawNa bridge are be in" rapidly torn down to make way fur the new ones. The brick work on Mes-rs. C. A. Kleim and C. S, I'linuan's new building is going up rap idlv. Tho street lamp on tho corner of Iron and Third streets is broken. How It came thin we know not. Kvciir-ion tickets will be is-ucil on the diflei fr.t railroads in this section of the State for a few days to come. The b inks ami a m ijority of the stores and othes buduess places in llluomsburg will be cloed on Monday next. Thatcher & flcarhart have closed out their gas-litting establishment in itloonishurg, and re movul thcgooils to Danville. Mr. 11. Slolnicr has assumed entire charge of lirown's llolel, and proposes to run a fir-t-clas house at very muileralo rates. Sec his eaid in another column. We are obliged to F. W. Ilelmick, music publisher, Cincinnati, for two pretty pieces of sheet niil-io, inlitled "Darling Aroon" and 'Tatty Little .lakey." Showers to the north of us, showers to the south of us, showers to the cast of us and show on lo the wet of us, but Mi) ical old-fa-diioned dreuehiiig showers in Itloonishurg. A liloom-btirg damsel hastened the departure of a lingering gentleman caller the other night, by remarking as she looked out of the window: "I think we shall have a beautiful sunri.-e." Mr. (ieo. 11. Ilrottn connected himself wilh the Kxehango Hotel on last Monday. We are safe in asserting that under the management of Mcvih. Koons it lirown, tho Kxehango will be one of tho best hotels in the State. Tho firm of Drown, I.lackbiirn it C'urtin, of Lock Haven, has been awarded the contract for supplying tho limber for the Catawlssa bridge. They are prompt and reliable business men who will perform their contract to the letter. The Uev. Mr. Hewitt has resigned the Kee-tori-hip of St. John's Fpiseopal Church, Cata nivsi, lo lake effect at once-. IIo has also ile slined for the Ktond time toeon-idera call to tho Church of the (loo I Shepherd, llingliauitoii, S. Y. On Friday last, Aslilon, n son of Mr. Win. Saunders, while at work in the planing mill had his right handteriibly ui ingled by coming in contact with a el cular saw. Drs. Tinner and lUbjr were immediately summoned who found it necessary to amputate two of his fingen. IislSatutd.iy evening, about sixty ladies and gentlemen of Illoouislurg went lo Danville to witness Charlotte Thompson in tho character of "Jane Kyro," at llie'Opera House. Had it not been for tho liberal turn tint from this place, Mlis Thompson would havo had a slim house. On last Monday, Isaiah Andrews, an employ cent tho Columbia Iron Works, met wilh a painful accident by having his hum! tcriibly mangled wilh n circular siw, two leaders being severed, Dr. Kutter was Immedla'tly called upon who dressed ho wound and Mr. Andrews is get ting nlong finely. Itev. Dr. MeCion I). I)., of Hagcrlow, Ma- rylaml, will preach In thu Lutheran church, at liloomdiiirg, on Sunday, July llh, inoinlngand evening, Dr. MeCron is a clergyman of very high reputation and peoplo will seldom havo an opportunity of hearing n gentleman of ko much dhtinctlon. To-morrow, Saturday, (,' itawis-a -vlll celebrate under the nitspioesnf ihuoiderof Sonsof Amtri 'i, Tho secret order) of that place will all mm out, and tho Milton and Kerntowu hra-s oaims are expeded to parliclp.tlc. A lively "me is nutielp.iied. A cordial Invito is extend l tn Ihu public tu bo present and belli ''e'e urate. Tho Uev. Charles II. IWmlcn, Into of Del nvnie. Ijtw i. ,.i i ....... i ! iii.niii nun luiigiii-ii it iiii.iiiiiii.m,-. j U lu Hie Jteetoiship of Si. John's ICpIscopal Y""uli t-ntawlssa, and will enter upon his ilu IjcHoii Sunday next. Tho umial session of ll.o holiday Sthooi wm )0 hM j ,lu mwnng t 7S o , . ( .MiutHk ,itg ,tin ni-iituu, u, . UUU'K. I' .ii.uln tiI, L ...... ...... . i f --s'wiu ino atterjmoii. Tho Wjlllamsport Gazette & Jhllclm says: "Thero arc n less iiimiber of low liquor saloons open In this city now tinder thollccii'olawthan there tifcd to be at times under tho local option net." Dr. J, F, Chapln has removed from Ilcnlon to Schoolcrnfl, Michigan, whero ho has taken up his rcldenco nnd hung out his shingle. Ho enjoyed a good practlco at Kenton, was a gentle man of exemplary character, nnd Ids departure Is regretted by tho people of that legion. Ho carries with liliu lo his new homo thobest wish es of many friends in Columbia county. If anybody doubts tho efficacy of advertising m a remedy for hard limes, let him tako nolo of H.irnum's wonderful success, e'o!icquent on the almost prodigality of his payments to newspapers f r columns of space. To run Uarnuin's show it costs $3,000 n day or 3(1,000 n week. His expenses fir iidvcrtMng, sheiw bills, etc., will exceed $300,000 for tho year. Last year ho paid for show bills atono the startling sum of 203,000. This year ll will reach $300,000. ll.irnuin Is now paying newspapers at tho ratoof $1,300 per day. The expenses aro large, nnd yet Ihe Incomo warrants tho expenditure' Nothing pays like tho printers ink, when proper ly mixed with brains, Drs. Turner and Heber performed n novel operation on thu throat of n boy from Seott township about n week n;o, who had a chunk of meat lodged near hisstomach, completely block ing it up. On examination, it was found that a previous disease had caused .1 constriction above the obstacle so that It could not bo withdrawn. The boy was placed under the inlliience of chlo roform and an Instrument passed into the stom ach through the meat, and withdrawn, bringing out portion! of it until reduced in size suffi cient to pass into the stomach, when tho boy re covered. That boy is probably taught that grinders were furnished him by nature tho prop i r use of which is to ma-tic.itu food before he swallows it. On lat Tuesday morning Chief of l'olico Woodward arrested Oilis Long, Wm. Cros-ley and Chas, Taylor for violating the bathing law, and gave them a hearing before Inquire Drawer. The facts of tho caso nre that these young men were liatliin; in Fishing Creek just below town in bro id day light, Tln-y had gone to the op posite side of the creek, which placed them in Hemlock township and outside of the Town limits, thinking, as do a great main- others, that by so iloing they would evade the law, sit only ipplies to tho Jowu lunils, while it h a State law and one of the most rigid character. Dut ignorance of tho law excu-es no one" as thev will find out at the next term of court, for they were bound over in the Mini of $200 each to ap pear for trial in September. Una to advertise, is (ho great conundrum with most people. They know they oightto ad vertise are willing to expe-nd a generous sum therefor but they don't know how and won't rik the ordinary everyday methods of reaching the public eye and car. For such we quote from an exchange about the best "advice toadvertis- r'' we have met with, which is as follows: Lvcry advertisement fulfills its purpose to some extent, but the artl-tieallv drawn one tells m j-t powcrfullvin f.ivorof theskillful nurvevor. The words should be few and well chosen, the style epigrammatic, terse, pointed; and the rc-t usually left to tho skilled compositor who puts into type. As a rule wo would avoid cuts; for tho rea-on that if finely engraved it does not work well with news ink and piper, fills up and becomes a blotch ; and if coarse itdius not strike Ihe eye pleasantly, and tho printers abhor such. Adverti-imeiits in a new-paper may bo made very attractive by means of typography, but should not be dWlgurcd by staring wood cuts, which attract the eye but once, and then lose their power and all the beauty they ever possessed. Advertisers will always do well to eon-lilt their wives and Inly friends what is the best slyle for getting up a tclliiigadverti-ement. The p.i-tor of the Kpi-copil Church in Ihis place', Dev. Mr. Hewitt, on Sunday morning, the 'iOlh lilt., read to his congregation, a summary of his fifth annual report, which was rcndeie'd to thu Convention of the Kpi-copil Church of Central l'uinsylvania, held in Heading the Sth iii-l. The siiium.ii'v is as follows : Families, 09 j Diptisms, 10; Confirmed. IS; Coiiiiiiuniounls, ";i; Marriages, 0; DuriaN, 12; Dublin Services, 101; Money receipts fiom all souiee.', $3,711,21. Fur the four years and six months of his pas- toiati', the wole niimbeTof baptisms is given at 8s; Confirmed, 30; addeil to the Communion list, Oil; lod hy death and removal 33; present number, 17.'!: marriages, 2.1 ; Duiials.10: nub ile services in Church about 723. The money rceiipls fiom all sources have been, for 1871, $'S-US; 1S72, S-1.5IS.90'; 1S73, 0.C92.7S: 1S7 I, $i.711.2l. No account for six months of 1S73. Total for four yearn, $1S.695.07. Du ring that pel lod it is estimated that upwards of fS.000 has hecn paid on the building debt of the new Church. We are infurnied that Mr. Hewitt has served as Supeiintctidcnt of the Sunday School for more than three years. For three years he has al-o acted as Doctor of St, John's Church, (Jatas.i, where two years ago an.eligib!e properly was purchased and fit ted up for Church purples. For more than a ye.u previous tu the purchase of tills propeity, lie lulil service.) in tho public hall of thu Mason ic building, every allciualo Sunday j now service is held every Lord's day in tho afternoon. Four ye-ars ago the number of communicants was ' ; since added, 17; lost by death and removal, 3; present number, 17. It will be seen that Mr. Hewitt holds services and preaches three limes every Sunday, besides supeiintcmling the Sabbath .School, DICKINSON SUMlNAItY, WlI.I.IAMSl'O'.n'. The commencement e'creiuonlei took place at Dickinson Seminary la-t week, closing on the iiioruing of llio 21th nil, Tho valedictory ad dress, which is highly spoken of, was delivered by Wilber F. llcedcr, of CatanlsF.i. The follow ing are the concluding sentences of the addre-s : "There mo times when the glory of one hour it deemed more than a lecoiiipense for a lifetime of toil and obscurity, They aro times, thoinfiii cuev of which, will not nas awav as a shadow. The taslo of nobler joys, and the faint glimpse of future dignity, havo made man superior lo ircuiustances, and helped 111 lit lo surmount the seemingly unsurpassable t'Uictilil's lu lilt's vary ing coullict. Whether we tre-ad heedlessly on tjicpcbblcin our pathway, or study it with Interest ; whether we visit the lofty peak, travel the valley ; wheth er wu hehuld with admiration tho gentle llowing stream, or guo in awe and wonder at the catat- act, wo aro enabled to see evidences of a divine Creator, and lo trace Ilini throughout Ihe univeisc. Now classmate', wo havo attained that fur which wo havo long walled. We now aie reap ing the reward of toil and lab ir. Let not llio inllucnco of this pass nway with ll, but let it burn fresh lu voiir memories. Often in tho dream of life you will refer to it, nud bo urged on by Its Inspiration, Our honored l'rolde'iit: You havo watched our successes ami failures, nud have urgesl us on bv kindness nud encouragement. Now our re- 1 ttlous are about lo ehange The instructions you have imparted will not be forgotten, We "can only hopo that success may crown your ellurti In thefutuie as it has in Ihu past. And now classmates, wo must part. Together we have tolled In thu weary yet delighlfill paths of seienev. No nior as students shall wo cng igo In fiiendly strlfr, b , wilh kindest regirds for all, each will contend with other minds. Now with feelings of biotherly regard, awl undying friendship, let mo nay to you, dear cla-uiatc( faicwelll Thodwelllng homo of Mrs. Jano Hampton, in Doarlng Creek, wns destroyed by fire, with nil Its contents, on the 22d of June. Mrs. Hampton's husband wns killed some two yesrs ago, since which tlmo she had built this house, the fruits of her own toll, and on the day of tho fire she remarked to her children Ihnt the prop erty was now about paid for and sho was out of debt. The Iom is about $1,300, with no Insur ance. The lady deserves tho sympathy and aid of the community. Tun Dotato Dtros, Now the Potato bugs havo commenced their operations In real earnest, any word wilh reference to their de struction becomes of Interest to cultivators. The following Is from tho Hvcry Kventng, of Wil mington, Delaware, and was furnished by agcu tlcman who has hnd large experience with the pest lu ihe West. With referenco to the treat ment of the bugs ho says,: First don't poison them with I'nris green or arsenic, or nny thing oftho kind, Don't be persuaded to use It by papers or people who tell you that It takes too small a quantity to do any damage. It will kill the bugs, but they wilt re turn nnd must be poisoned again. Meantime you will poison your land, your crop, your bands, eye's, face, lungs and wholesysteni. Urccii isonc of the worst poisons. Don't use tt. Don't try to dc-tioy the bugs by crushing theln. The eggs have wonderful vitality. They will live alter the old bug lias Iiwik crushed lo powdir, and rear their liilhv generations. Don't bury llio vermin. They like it. They thrive on it. Don't let your children handle them. You are lisedtodirty thingsiud your hardened old hands e'.in ilu it with Impunity. Dut don't itick your lingers inlo your eyes, or scratch your face or arms while handling them. Your face and cyc, and your children's soft hands will break out in soiesif you do. The best and surest way to de stroy them Is lo have a bucket or pan with water enough to drown tho bugs. Dut in a little kero sene oilwhich is n "dead shot" anil nut every old bug into it. Look on (tic under slue of every potato leaf if von find the old bugs about and you will find tfic eggs in a lilllc cluster. Dreak oll'siich leaves and, if von can, take them home and bum them; or ruli'them oil' wilh your thumb hut wah your thumb before long. If the eggs arc hatched, holdjonrbiicket containing water and oil, under thu vine and strike tt (the vines) aquick blow fiom tlieoppos'itosidewithaslilnglo which will knock the tamo Into the vessel, Diirn Ihe bugs after this, if vim can, or scald them with hot water, but have it very hot, to kill the egg contained in thu bug. Don't inhale the steam while burning or scalding them. For a while eon will seem to maku no he-adway agiiust the lings, j hey will como as fast as you kill them. Dut you will soon conquer and save your crop. I believe live or six careful diallings will rid the field of them. Only be thorough with the old bugs and cggJ, The advice looks reasonable. Kill the bugs now and destroy their egss upon the leave of the plants which may be found here and there anioung llio vines, tin over the ground every day, and if there is a possibility of saving the crop, you will have taken thobest means of accomplish ing it. Do not neglect the advice given in the above extract. Lost. A male Canurv. (beautiful singer.) head a few shades brighter jellow than body, with darkish grav stripe on back between wings. escaped fiom bis e-age at the residence of ihe subscriber on Catharine street, between Sixth and Seventh, on Fiiday morning the 23th of June, 1S73. To any 'one finding the bird (alive) and returning same', or give any Infor mation that will aid in captming him, il liberal reward will be paid. 0. 10, Myuiis. J. H. Maize has lust received a large stock of Glass Fruit Jars, porcelaiii-linesl tops, superior to all other jars, which he is selling very cheap. o Arrow, Anchor. Arlington and Trov Fine Shirt.- at MeKinnev's. Heinanisand Grenadines at Clark it Wolfs. Dussel has just received a fresh supply of A mile's, D.inanas. Oranges, Lemons. Dine Ap ples, Ac. Kxaininc his stock. Man' is ahead again, he has the Mason Fiuit Jar. Colored Yak Laces for tiinuuing at Clark A Wolf's. D.Utis GltlTA I The onlv rcmcd v for tho Dotato Dug pe-t. Sold wholesale and retail by Moyer Drothers. Now that llio fruit-ciniiing scaon is at hand every body wanting Jars, Cans, Jelly Tumblers anil all kinds ol i rockerv are. Mig'irs.r-pices, Kxtract. Ac., should cill at J. II, Mai.e'sbefore purchasing chew heie". A largo lot of clie'ap Gaiters at M irr's. Kxamino the Silver Steel Sevthes at J.Sehuv- ler A Son's before purchasing e!-ewhcre. A foil stock of Shoes ju-t rci'civcd at Clark Weill's. Chilili'tii'spink foxed shoos at K. M. Knoir's. A largo lot of Jellv Tumblers just received at Maine's very ehe'iip. I. W. Ilartiuaii's store will be closed on the fifth ofJulv. Custom work a specialty at MoKinney's, A cninnhto stock of While Goods, Notions and Fancy Goods to be sold at extremely low prices at Clark A Wolf's. Congress Gaiters at Marr's. tobacco and Confectioneries, wholesale and retail bv M. St. Diis-.-l. Gents Lasting Opera Dools at K. M. Knorr's. Good Sugars at Maie's for from S cents lo 12 cents per pound. New stylo of Cloaking at Clark A Wolfs. Lnok at I. W. Hartnnn's Grenadines and IIcTiiaiitiics before purchasing elsewhere. Stair sells a splendid Corset for 30 ets,;r. takes Duiter. Fggs, Lard and Drodiice In exchange for goods. Ladies, you will find tho largest stock of Dib- bons, Ties, Sashes and H.ih Dibbous in Dluouis burg at Clark A: Wolf's and at extremely low prices, FreJi Groceries of all kinds at Maize's. A full lino ofall kinds' of Hoderv at Clark .C Wolfs. Droti'Ltlon toe Shoes never w:arout. Fur sale at SIcKinucy's. Oat Steal for sale at Ilu-sel's. Call mid try it. r Ladles' Lasting Gaitem for $1.73 at K. SI. Knurl's. A lino stock of Fly-nets, l'lv-sheets, Siiinmer Dlankels and Du-leis ju-t lecclvcd at the Horse Slilliuer Stoioof Chas. SI. Glitou. Cash buys cheap at O. ('. Starr's. Try tho.-e two-button Kid Gloves at A Woll's. Only P0 cents per pair, Norwich celebrated Film Shoo ntStcKluneyV. Granulated .Sugar lor salei ut,',s. lleduclloii In the prieo of Dress Goods at Clark .t Wolf's Maizj receives ficidi vegetables of all kinds I've ry day. A new Cabinet Kmptro Sewing Machine, a beautiful aillele of furniture, for sale very cheap If called for soon nt (.'ad mint's, 10 dozen new Silk Tie's lust received at A; Weill's fiom 13 cents to i 1.30 Just icci'lvcd, a fresh Invoice of lates; styles Childre n's Summer Suits at D, Yociuu's. Al-o .Men's nnd Hoy' Clothing, all of which he is selling cheap. If you want a first clas Farm Wagon, If yon want a l'l.ilfurni I'lea-uru Wagon, If you want an Kliptlo Soring Wagon, If eon waul a Dleasiiru Wagon, if you want your Wagon put in iood trim, If you want repairs done good wilh shoit notice, Go to J. 11. F.M'.s. A lot of Deuinaiils to close cheap at ('lark & Wolf's. -. - tleuU' Favorite DucMo Shoo at K. M.Knorr'. Go lo The Singer Sewing Slae'hlno office lu Opera House for best Oil, Needles, Tuckcrtf, lleminers, Ac. (in to ItrsMi:i,iri for your Groceries, IIo uells, lor cash mill will not bo undersold. Mcu' Congres Shoes ut K. St. Knotl's for $2.50, Pewter Saiul for sale nt Ilussiii.'fl. s- Chccsol Cheesol Cheese! Flno assortment of Cliccso at Dus?cl'. , When you pn to Philadelphia, stop nt tho Allegheny House, No. 812 and 811 Mar ket street; having been recently renovated, l'rlco only $2 per day. A. ilncit, Starch l!V70-ly Proprietor. Children' Pearl nnd Dull' Shoes nt H. St. Knorr's. Duy tho Danr Patterns nt Clark A Wolf's. Merchants going to tho city will do well to call nn W. li., who Is engaged with tho old and reliable firm of YllAtir.u & DnitKlINs'rot'K, for lint-, Caps, Straw (Jonds.&o., 237 North Third street, Phila delphia. SInrcli 19,'75-3m Go lo U. St. Knorr's for Spring and Summer Shoes. COAL. COAL (lid IMahlislioil Coat Yard. C. W. Nr.AI, & Duo.. Wholesale & Detail Dealers in nil sizes ol tho best qualities ot Ded and White AhIi Coal, nt tho very lowest market rates, i lave constantly on hand largo stocks of Domestic, Cupola, Dlucksiiillli's Anthracite, llltuniliious, and Liinebtimer'a Coal. Kspecinl attention given to tho prepara tion of coal before leaving our yards. Grain nnd Lumber taken in exchange for coal. Coal delivered to nny part of tho town at short notice. Ordcrslcltat I. W. SIcKclvy's store', or ut our oliicc, will receive prompt at tention. Ollico nnd Yards nt William Ncal A Sons' Furnace, Kast Dloonisburg. Your patronage respectfully solicited. COAL. 7-11-231 COAL If you want If you want If you want If you want If you want If you want If you want If von want a good Ham, cheap and good Tea, Coffee Java or DIo, good Canned Fruit, tho best Slackcrel, Sugar for the least money, the best Syrups in town, good Cigars, II von want good tobacco, anything in the Grocery and If you want Provision line, go to ltuesjixits, Slain street. tf-23 TOWN AND COUNTRY. srv rl-es 4 o'clock 36 minutes-sets 7 o'clock 21 minutes. o JIoos- rises 3:ii) o'clock a. in. o Is now quoted at a premium of about US In other Multiscreen backs are about 10 per cent, below par. o Ili.ASK HrRi's, on l'nrcliracnt nud linen paper, com mon and fur Administrators, llxecutors and Trustees, for sale cheap at the Co umbias ofllce. lMi'F.a llius Just received nnd for sale at the Co r.i'Miu in ofllce. o I.tfo has few charms furtho Hjspeptlc, which Is not to bo wondered at when wo tako Into account tho amount of bodily and mental suirerlns that this distressing milady Kcnc rales. The Permian Sjrup ( i protnildo of lion) Ii is cured thousand who were btirrerlng from this disease. o It jour hair Is comlns out or turning Bray, do not murmur uier a misfortune jou can to easily aveit. Aycr's Hair Vls'ur will remote tho cause of jour Krtef by restoring your hair to Us natural color, and therew Ith your good looks and good nature. o Dr. Pleice'sOulden Medical Dtscotery will erne. i Cough In one-half Iho time necessary to cure It with nny other medicine, and It does It, not by drjlnglt up, but by romoWiig the cause subduing the trrltn-. Hon and healing the eltcctcd parts, l'or all cases of Lnrjngllls, Hoarseness, Suppression or Lo.vs ot Voice, llronchltls, Set era Chronic or Lingering Coughs, It will bo found to surpass nny. medicine that has ever before been offered to the public. It Is bold by all dealers In medicines. o Tin: iiiist PHiXTixo omen. The present Is u good opportunity to remind the llK'uiism uiu iiatici, aim tun niuiu; Kt:iierun , uiut . ,1... I'm , ... . ... ti . IliilLTlvr, nil-rrrliia iiiiLHm.i't... I In this section, and, In some respects, Is without an cipial. liuiiug tho last j car we have completely re newed our types and made large additions, nnd It Is no ldio boast to say that we halo now the lle.-t Presses, tho Pc't Assortment ot Tjpe, tho Ilea stock of Paper, curd', Ice, and the licit Workmen In tho country. Our workmen are spet laity adapted for tlx lr places, and we make 11 a point toalwajaglve our customers a neat, correct nnd satisfactory Job. Wu do noulilm to do woik for Ihan others, but tvll' warrant It to lie lis cheap as can bo done nny whero and Meld a iljcjnt prolll. All who are In need of Job I'l piling of nny kind Plain or lu Colors will llnd It to their Interest to glio the CuU'iiiutN Olllce a trial. VVu halo on hand etery variety of Cards, Paper, Ink, Kutctiipes, Tags, Ac, thai Is llkelv lo be called for, andean furnish any iiuantltyorbtjloof wgrk on short notice, lllndli g to order. tf. .o Tin: Pt iii.ic coNi'iiiDNt i: vi:i.i. placed. Although the tt oi Id lias been seeking speellles for dl-ciiso furiuuiiy Centura's, few Indeed havo been found, l'lomlnent among thcivo few Is llostcttcr'.s Mom ieli Hitlers, whh h jeuis ngo itceltcd Hie cn tlorseinei.t of the medical prulcuilon, and was hailed by press and public as thu great re not ant and pre teutlioef llio age. Aiidwllh got.d reason, since to thu weakened slomai h It gltes stiength, to the tor i Id liter oi lit liy, to the dlsordeit d bowels regulari ty, and to Ihe shaken nertuus sjsteiu llrmness and tjite. I'mlcr'eiil,'liaiit Inlliience healthful t Igor returnt to the (lelllltuted and wasted frame, tho tlaccli muscles Is. comes cumpact. the wan aspect ot III health lsreplxed by a look ot chcei fulness, tho mind ceases to despond, and ilesh Is developed upon lhoutLeiiu.itedtr.ini". Thero Is no exaggeration In till) statement. It Is, is true as that tho sjstemls ti'jbjt'cl to dlseas". Were iroufs reipilred to sub slautlato the rea'.lt) cf the coinprclienslto effects ot Iho Hitters, there Is probably not lu existence n medicine in favor ot which such a inassof eoncuirent testimony, from the most respectabto sources, could be adduced, Hut tho eillciey of tho nation's altera tlte uint lm Igoraut has been a matter ot universal knowledge too long to i.eed miy such corroboration, '1 lie fact that It haitho largest sales In thou) por tions ot Iho North and South America Continents. MelM, auJ th" West lndl's,iu wlilchatmuspheile luducncci prejiidlv'l il to health exists, prot es w h it coutlJeiicu Ii felt In Its remedtil und prute-etlt o vir tues. In lucilliti's wUru fut'er.sof an Interinlttenl typeprutall, espeelally, i has como to bo leg.irded us an IndLspjnsablo necessity. u- Scuuseu's Ski Vi:kd Tone In tho iittuosphero etiieilt'iiced lino during tho summer months, tho lethargy produced by thu heat takes away thudeslro for wholesome loud, and frequently per.'i'lridlons les. tlueo bodily energy, p.mleularly tlioso surfelliig ironi the elteels ef tli blltating ill-cases, lu order to keep a natural liMtlhfiil uetltltyof the sjilem, wo must retort to arlllu h,! means, l'or this purpo'-o Sehcnek's Sea WeidToidcls tery ctfeitual. A few s w 111 e leulu I ll ti pi elite und glio a fieslnlgor to the eiienated body, l'or dytpcpsl.i, It Is Invalua ble, .Many i mli.ent 1 1. slelans o doubted w lieth er ily.spe'iula ean be pcimniiciitly cured by thu drugs which are gennally emplojid for that puipose, Tho Sea Vi'eed 'loide 111 Us iiatuie Is totally dllTeient from aaeli dri'gu. It e'tmtalus no cuirostvo uilucials or at Ms; III fi.ct a nssl.sts the icgular operations ef nil. ue, anil supplies her ilelleleneli'S, 'll.o tonic In itsunlui'uso luiieh leseuibles tho gastric Juice that It Isnlunst hleiillcal wilh Ihallluld. Tl.o g.istilc Juice Is the I: solvent whleh, lu a healthy cou tlittJIiuf Iho body, causes tho food to bo tllgesli'd: anil when Ihis Julio Is not c.xcietcd lu suRlcUnl ipiai.tllles, Indigestion, with all ltdUlre.ssliigsjmi lonis, follows, 'Iho Sen Weed 'lento erferms tho dut) ef tl.o gastric Juice whin the hitter Isdellete'lit. Sjvhcnck's sea Weed Tonic sold by all DruggUts. o i:. r. iaxKi:i.'s ihitku wiNiioriitox, Tho great success and delljlitof the people. In fact, nothing uf llio klud has ever been ofteioil to tho Anierl Jan peoplo w hli'h has so ipilukly found Its way Into their goodf.uur undheaily npprotul its i:. r. Kunk'.l'.s Hitler Wlno of Iron. It doei all it proposes, und thus gltts uulier.sal satlsfaclton. Itli guaran teed to cuio thu wolbt can's of ihspcpsla or Indi gestion, kllni'y or liter disease, weakness, nervous. nttss, coiniliutloa, acid It) ot the stomach, Ac. tlet Iho geuiilne. Only sold la 11 bottles. Hejiut iiml unices 3 'J Norlh Ninth St., Phllad. Iphl.i. Ask for Kunklu's, and lake no other. Hold by all druggists, IIVsl'KI'sH, HVslM'SU, IITSI'KI'SM. D. I'. Kunki I's Hitter Wlno of Iron, a biiro cure for this disease. It has been proscilbed tl illy for many years In tho practlco of eminent physicians wilh tin paradiled sueet-ss. Hjinptoinsaro lossot appetite wind and lUPigtood, drjiicsiln nioulli, he.ida he, dullness, slceplessnesi and low spirits, (let Hie geuul.10. Not sold 111 bulk, only lull hollies, 2',J Noith Ninth St., Plillidalplili, Pa held by a liliug Klits. Ask fur I!. T. KuiiUoii Hitler Wlno ot Iron an t lake no oiler. :.9 Tait. Woiim. i'J lhitlrely reinoted t,llh puiely vegctablo inodhlue, pissing from lip slalom nllto. No leo unless the liii.ul passes, como and refer to patients treated, nr. i:, I'. Kuiikle, .No. a.S'J North Ninth St., l'hllndcl phi i. Advleofren, Seal, pin and Stomach Worms aim leinuvJ, never fall t, l'or removing all l.lndi b it Tape t oriii.tho medlcliu'tun bo had of our drug pM. ,sk far hunk' 1's orin Sj rup. VrW" V- V r Tape Worm, tin' patient must com) on and havu H leuiotcd. Ml OWN TAXIS. "TO TIIU TAX PAYKIW 01' THIS TOW.S OP HI)OM8IIVItO. NOTIc'IJIs hereby gleun that tho tiiinnVrslglicd, Treasurer for tho Tow n of llloomslmtg, will be pre pare,! to receive TOWN TAXKS, for the present year, on anil during thirty il us from ami nfior .Monday, the lllh day of .lime, JSM, at tho uniro of Uoons ami 1". llrownln the Kxchutigo llolel, mi l all persons aro hereby reqlred to pay tho sam, Any lax impnM at tho expiration of thirty days from tho Raid fourteenth day of Juno will lmvo lo bo paid to tho tJolleclor of Taxes, with mo per centum on the amount added thereto. W. II. KOON'sl, Juno ll-lw Tow n Treasurer. SJIERILTS SALE. By vntTt'i: or mt.smiY vitnsof rvan raci as, Issued out, of tho Court of common Picas and to mo directed will bo eiposcd tu public sato at tho Court House, In lllooinsburg, on SATURDAY, JULY 3, 1875, at ono o'clock p. in., tho following real wit i All tlut certain liouso mid lot of ground sliualolii Hot town of L', bounded and described as follows, to wit: on thu west by Trout street, on thu south by land ot lato sjamucl l'.ek, on tho cast by land of Catawlssa it. It. Co., nnd on tho norlh by lands ot (leorgo suricker, containing In fronton said Front street thlrly-llvo feet, and extending In depth ono hundred nnd sixty feet, whereon aro e rected ono two-story framo house, ono summer kitchen ami ono frame stable, Heled, taken 111 execution nnd to bo sold as tho properly ot James S. .MeNlneli. Niinimi-'.sOFncii, .MR'HAIlf, (lltOVI'.H. lllooinsburg, Juno 11,175. Mierirf. SllEUIIITS SALE. pY VIllTt'i: 01 A Wltrrot Levari l'aclos, Issued I) oulofthc Court of Common l'leas and to mo directed, will be exposed to public s.iloat the Court House, In liloomsburg, on SATt'UDAY, JULY a, 1875, nl I o'clock, p. in., tho follow Ing real estate, lo wit : Alltlut cililn messuage nr tract of landsltualn Incatuwlss, i i v nsblp, Columbia co I'a., bound) il ns follow,: -i tu' south b. lands (,f tleo.Zarr, on Hie cast ... I . ,,f wm. MeKclvy, Solomon Hetwl',' and ,los,'iiii i-i, II. on th" north bvlmds of Joseph llrelvh, . ii. II .i tin in Midland s nt Win. Corfmm, dee'd, u:i 1 1 'i Hi west by lands of Samuel Kosten bander, c ii" 'nl'i'roiio hundred nnd fourteen ncr'-s and tlftv-slx , er.'hes, whereon aro creeled emo Mono grist mill r, v lo i feel, ono framesaw mlllniljolnlng. ono tuu-siory frame in union house, four frame ten nut houses single', three frame tenant houses -double, ono fra're bank barn, one wugnn shed and four frame stables. About K acres of this tract Is cleared. ALHO: Alt that certain tract of land sit into partly In Cat awlssa townshijintid parti) In Main township, Co lumbia county, Probst on tho ninth. Until Ann Thomas nn the caM, Citawlssa It, It. on the north, ami Mrs. Wm. .Martin on the west, contalnliitf s; acres, more or less, toyelhi-r w Ith tho appurtenances. M'led, taki'ii In execution and to bosoM as tho properl) of James H. MuXtnch. SiiKHin 's nmci:, MIC1IAKI. OUOVIlIt, llioomsbur;;, Juno 11, ts:s. Mierlir. liF.NDErvSILO'JTS opposite Tin: cr.N'ritAi, iton:i llxs n complete sloek of puio nnd icllablo dhuos, Mi:i)ictxi:s oiiemicai-, iyi;s, acids, SOAl'fi, SODA, SODA ASH, PAINTS, OILS, (!LAss, l't'TTY, VAltNISHP.S AND ALL l'AINTr.US M'I'I'LILS, SPONiU'.S illil'Sli IN, PKltt'UMLUY, AC, AT VERY LOW PllICES. Country Produce taken In exchange for Drugs, Medicines, Dyes, GliNTRALs& STORE. Have a carefully selected stock of choice ti:as, uorrai:, suiiau, spicks soap, pickli:s, s.rci:s, nsii, hams canni:d i'ih'its, vi:oi:i'Aiii.iM and oriini: nxi: (iitocini n:s, rOHKIOff AND DOMESTIC Fruits, Nuts and Coufectioiiaries, all at the lowest possible prices. tiT-coimtrv 1'roJuee taken In cxehange.jij Hlo I'li.buri.'. ti iri'h io, is;r,-y TltON IS Till'. HLOOl). TUB l'Klll'VIAS' KvillT til illen and enrli'lies ihe blood, tones up Hie ss i, in. oull'ls up tiu'liruki'ii d ttn. i";res d spepsl.i liclillli..driiiis,flillls.iinl ti'ti-rs,. eui'oiih' (h.tri'lui'a ni'iious uirt'e Inns, bolls liuiiiol--, dlsi-asi'S f.f the kidn , s and I l.rlJ, r, fe male complaints, ,te. Tlin'isandH hate been changed b, Ihe Use of the remedy from weak, sickly, Mirrerlng creatines, to i.l roiig, he.tliht, happy men and women; ami lmalldse.iiniiil leavinnbly hesitate toglte It a trial. I .tniov.- lie sine toil gel Ih" "l'Kia'ViAS Svuci'" mi t llnik.) Sold by dealers genei a.Uv. A .i-'-p:ige piiiiiphlet, containing:', ta'atlse on Iron as a m dleal ugent und other taloablo paK'r., li'slliooiil.ils mini ill-,llnguslii'd lihv slU ins, i ,-rg.t-in"ii and otliri's, will Ik sent no" to any uddirss, STKiutV. I'oniK .t; So'is, pioprletois, sj Harrison Atenue, Hoston. A FIRST CLASS NEWSPAPER. DAILY AND WEEKLY. TiHlupomlciit in Everything! Neutral in Nothing, Opposed to all Corrupt Rings in Municipal, iiluto anil Ntitional Allan's. Till: DAILY TIMES will bo Issued on Saturday, the I3th uf March nest, MnUnry morning ther"ater, Sundats excepted, under the editorial dlivellon of A. K. Mci'lurc, printed compactly Iriun clear, new typt', on u large tulto sheet, eunlulnliig nil the nevis of thuihiy, lueliidhu tee AsiUt lA'li: I'liilsS I'lll.l til.A.Ms., siietlil 'Ifltrajui and Coi respondoitcc Iro'n all points t f Interest, and fearless editorial dls cessjoni or current topics. Pi lee, TWO Crl.NTS. Mall btibserlpilons, postage free, six dollars per annum, or Ittly cents per month, Inndvanee. Adteillseiiienls. ilfletii, twenty and Ihhty cents per 11 ne, according to position. The Weekly Times Will be Issued on Saturday, Match Biltli, weekly theivaftei', eonlaliilug all liiipoiliiut news of the week, and complete .Market and l'luaaclat 1'eiiuils. M ill.d, loroiie jear, postage free, tit tho follow lug rales : Ono Copy., .... u.oi i t-n i Twente Conies ii A 1 1 V l.ll I IS lit! UN'l s t w eni v-dveeent s ner Hue. lii'liiltaneesbliould bo niadj by 1)1. tils or Post Of nee Oi ders. Address Tl I F. TIM ES. JS'o, 11 South Setenlhitreet, PlltLADia.PHIA. A l'flliTtl.Ni: IN IT. lCverv faiuih- luits It. Sold by Agents. Address, tl. s. WAI.KI.I Krle, Pa. "13001s AfiKNTrf wanteil to sell "Tlio I'e-o-lj pie's Coicmon Sense Medical adverlscr,"by It. . I'leiie, M. H, Iho most ready telling book out, Hxeluslie tenltory and liberal terms. Address tho Author ut llurtalo, N. Y. AQEHTSWAKTEO.- 4ft f. Urn .11- UfimiMl. fill n week. rS9 l'rtiuf fiiniU,lil.niis'iiwsplt;s. SM'TfZ' 74i'iitniidlionoralilJV,hhiuirlsl;. BlAvJS'-' (Jfi A U p'igti e Iit-iil trniul iil'.mlilo A.;-i2sSiiiilili's free. I wrene. oiuwi. s!s'inil)H'Hri-l'. r m.,"Mi"i- 8"' tlress on piistalrinit. Don t du lly but wrllti nt tme'i in !', il. Jli:i:D,srii stsi:w ronn Wlli:i!r.Klt IT HAS I1KKN TKII'.ll J U R U ii ii B A has estalili hed It -elf as a iierfect regulator and sure remedy fur UN in Ids ot itm system arlilng frum lm jii'oiN'1'itelliiii i f Hut Liter and Dowels, 1 1' IS Mil' A Pin. -IC, but, tiv stliniiliillligtho siv ci ettio organs, gcnllt and gradually lemotes all lm pui Hies, and regulates tii.t entire sjstem. 1 1' Is Not' A DOeToltiai liUTHUS.butlsa VEGETABLE TONIC whh'li assists digestion, nud thiisfctlutulalcs Iho np pollto fur food necessary to lutlgorato tho tvuaknoss or In lei ho oi guns, and gliosstienglhto all ihu tltal lori'cs. ir cauiiii: uhown iti:coMtii:Ni)Tiov,ns tho large and r.ipldlt Increasing sales testily. Price ono Hollar n buttle Ak jour dru.'gUt lor ll. JOHN. SI'ON, IIOI.LOWAV .V Co., Philadelphia, P.I. Whulo salo Agents, 4w, rtHU'I'I.AU rot'N'I). -On Siimlay tho 'JM j of Mat-was found ni nr thu Mhleueo of tlm sub.scilUer In Mllillu I iwnshln n lil.'.i'U waterproof ('Uvular. TIioowiitcjii have Hi saiuoby callliu at Ihuhiiiisuof the sill 'liber, In U'Miminl!l", rot. lug propel ty und patlng l iisui-' sof iidierllsii". J. ll.beilWtPPKNIILUlill, Juna ls,'ls-Jt THK PUl'UliAR CASH STOItU OP W.h JON K &C0., TThtlNAMIsS Wo linvo n very cliolco .1 JL stock of these scry deslrublo goods, plain and striped at is, an, 4. 05 lo t.s cents per jnrd. Tho nbovo goods nro fully S5 tier cent, lower than last year's prices. W. 1'. joni:mco. Catawlss.i, Pa. r,IITK nOORS-Kvcrytliinji dclralilo in . t Piques from is lofsi rents pertnrd. Vlrtorla Lawns t, vr. to 4D cents per yard, Ijico SlrliiesM, , nnd M, cents perynrd, plalu and cheeked Nainsooks, French Tucking, Ac w. r..toNi:s a-co. Catawlssa, Pa. rpUHK'ISII TOtVICMN'O, lVcncli OomU anil L Wldto MatnlassoCIothforladles'andehtldrcn'S ( loaks, Suciiies, Ac. (loods not to be had elsewhere, tildto French Merino. . W. P. .lONIIs OO. CntawLssa, l'.s "WIMTH CJtJirrS, l-Uln Large lionet- T comb l.'ii wilh fringe, still b-ltcr one's t.r,,, Ms ami S.M, tery llncst iv frlngo on three jitdesJJ.'is. These prices all worthy of youratten- W. 1.. TO.NIN & CO. Caluw lssa, Pa. .OOIXS l'Olt MOt'ttNIN'O Wo pay great T attention to this branch of our business. You will always llnd our slock full and comph telii Dress HooiLs, Uluck French .Merinos, Hhc k Cashmi're, Al pacas Ac. Ulaek-Crape Veils from to. i.mi, lilacl: Silk tells fromfl.'.ft upwards, mark Kid and Mlk (lloves. Moiindng Handkerchiefs, cnllarsund Culls, lil.ick .Jos-elery, ac, Mack Thlbli-f. shawls, slnelo at MAS, B,i, imi to (l.rsi. Double Thlbbet shawls f Ms, lol.'i.w. our prices on iheso guods are tho tery lowest and the quality the highest. tV. P..tONi:siA;CO. Catawlssa, Pa. r.IU:AT ItKimCTIOXS-Wi- have made J great reductions lu shawls and Dress (loods to close them out. Mee goods nt'ij and is cents per yaid. W. r.JOS'LS A' CO. Ciitaw Pa. riOltSKTS 12 tliflerent stiles anil prices. Corsets ot m, '.scents, ji.i'hi. lMio'J.M. Jtadame l'oy's, 1 vs. The cl-tirali'd doiihled steeled Corsets, extra large slze.s up to3J Inches. Ono so cent Corset n mart id of cheapness. IV. 1'. .TONUS ,(;((. Cutattlscn, Pa. )tl!I!ONS, NKCKTIKS AXI) ItL'CIIKS, Sli larco assortment Neckties, every entnr. nt. ts. us, v,n and an cents to f l.isi each. Ituehes, 4, 5, lu to 'AS Cents, lob lOL colt.irsiilt lllien Rrpnl. w. p.joshs.tco. Catawlssa, l'.i. "T7"ATCII THK l'UXNIl'S-Uarli's & ? coats' lest spool Cotton o cems, skirl Ilrald s cents, Spool silk n, s and 12 cents, best Needles s. cents per paper. W. P. .10NKS ft CO. Cataw lssa, I'a. "P KMlCMIiKlt, that we keep a full line of .iV best brands or Muslins, Prints, Tickings, sell them nt bottom prices. of the and W. P. JONHS ,t CO. Cntaw ksa, I'a. Ql'ACK WILL NOT I'KIIMIT us In continue O buttle want etery one to bear these facts In re meinberaiiee. 1st. That wo sell the best nihility of everj tiling. 2d. That w o pay the cash for our goods and make all discounts. 3d. tVo Sell only for cash and gu.irauteo the lowest prices, call and see for yourself the great advantages to bo obtained at Till: l'OPL'LAH CASH STOIti: OF "W. P. JONES & CO. Cornel' Main ami Third Streets, C'ATAWISSt, I'A. AGREAT STRIDE ! Ui and Over Old Mtitlioilw mtisitl tolic i'an'.ij. olijcctlon alilt', ellsctuelce!! A XEW AND VASTLY ADVANTAGEOUS PLAN IIKK'sISY ADOI'TKI) 1!Y At their AVorks in Blooiiishurg, l'ormerlv Itloomsburrr Iron and Manufacturing, win re will bo kept constantly on hand a largo iLssoitmcnt ot Vtiito stml E.fMl ts!i Anttititcilc ;oal, POlt DOMI'.STIC PUUPOSl'.S, AND OUl'L'l.O, I'.LAt'lCSMlTII AND WTU.MIN OUSC'OAI, ut prices to suit tho trade. All Coal specially pre pared beton; leal lug thu Vnid. Also Plows and Threshing Machines, and all kinds ot Casting and Machine Work. ltni'AllilN'li ltromntlv attended In. Thev would respcctfull) solicit the pati-oiiage of the public. ti. .-i a o, it. i.i.t.iiti', Jan. s, '18-ty IHoomsburg, Pa. GP.ilND 0PEN1WG ! ELTAS MI5NDENHALL TTA VIXll resinned llie oininer4 of Jlcrclian- JUL ilUelni; at liH DM sture, on MAIN 8TIIHHT, lil.OOMSIlUltG, NIIAK Till! t'OIIKll IIOTKU Di'Mrei lo cull tho attention of liU 1'rlt'ndJ anil Ilia rubllo t'l'iH rally ,o I1I4 HIIW, I'L'I.I, AND VA11IU1) STOCK OF GOODS, JUST OPENED, A id HOllcIt-i aeliare ot nubile patrontigo HIS STUCK CO.N'SlSTd Of intY hoods, tntociniini, QUUUSSWAHK. WOODKXWAKK, wn.i.ovwAr.i:, IIOOTH & tilWM, IIAUDWAUL, 1'i.ouit ami i'i:i:n, In connection with tin btocU of Merriunillso lie constantly keepi on hand lalilyard. Al'ULLSTOCKOl' Dressed anil Uiiircssed Liter, AND .HlltXlll.I'.SOl'' Ills MANUrAt'TilltK. Hill Lumber made u speciality. CAM. AND SKi:. OCt.S, 13I3-tf. 1" KM.KII A J1AUTI.HY, Jobbers of llctions, Hcticry, Taney Goods, &c, CorreU'4 UulUllnif, Main street, bctuw Market, JlI.OOMSIlUllO, I'A. ilarch 18TJ-3W 15 LANK MOUTOAUUS for.aleeluttitthe J C'0Li'4eiA Office. LAVTON HU.NVO.S. HARDWARli STORE. LAYTON JIUNYON, & CO., BLOOMSBUKGPA. keeps constantly on haiul a Full nnd Complete Stock of HEAVY AISTOD SIIEIL.F HCj.S,r"WA.3R.Bs which tf o will sell to tho Public at Prices so Low ni to defy competition. Ot'Il STOCK CONSISTS IN PAI'.T OP IRON, NAILS, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS and PUTTY, MECHANICS TOOLS AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS of all Grades and Latest Improvements, BLACKSMITHS BELLOWS, ANVILS, SLEDGES, and HAMMERS. Burden's Horrio und Mulo hoe ITdrso iNiiilri, &o. PATENT WHEELS OLD'S AND WARNER'S PATENTS. Spokes, Heavy and Light, Carriage Mallebcls, Axles, Spring-), Gum and Oil Cloths, Valentines Varnishes, Spirits Turpentine, and a general Stock of WAGON AND CARRIAGE MAKERS GOODS, Building Materials, such as DUNCAXNON KAILS, Lewis' Lead, Best COlors, Pure Oils, ifce., as low as they can be bought in tho county. GIVE US A CALL AND SICE FOR YOURSELF. LAYTON RUNYON & CO Mario, ls;o tf. NEW HARDWARE STORE! SUCCKSSOltS TO J. F. WIDEMAX & CO., jQfV&p-x rl : ' fliinlcts, Gouges, Tweezers, Pllem, .'o,S and Kettta, Pan, and l-rlers, tAll things for all torts of buyer-. $P "aj, l-sSZL&ST Tu tlio P,, Wo liave also ndded to mir Stock PfiTtNT WHEELS & SPOKES, WHEELBARROWS GLASS, PUTTV, C3 - OTJE STOCK IS COMPLETE In all its llrancliC's, Carefully Selected and Pnrclia?cd low for Cash giving tts Advantaged for Selling which can not be excelled hy any other Hardware glorc in tho Cbuntry. GIVE US A GALL AND We GUARANTEE both in 1'RtCE and QUALITY of our Goods. The Largest Store in the Country. J. SCETOYIER March 12,'is-y IR, "E3 .Ml I 2nT G- T 0 1ST . TllO UnMINUTON SKWlN'll MA CHINE lias i-prung rapidly lat" tavor as posscsxlni; Hie best con. bixation ot gooil n ualltles. naraelj' i Uflit l uunlus.smooth, Nulselush, lt.ipl'l, Purable, nitli perfect Lock Slltcli. ItHa Sliutlle Jluclilne, Mltli Automatic Drop 1'ecil. Design beautiful auil construction the ery Ltht. GOOD AGENTS ADDHESS, Reiuiitoii Sewii Em.ilVG'le OSTBJJS 01' :. HcmiiiKtnii it Sunn, ) lenilnirtoii NewhiK 51. Co., IlilON, X. iemiiiKton Ag'l Co,, J Mays, twsin OTA fn OPIOO '"V1"1"' 1,1 Wa" Ht"lt V1", lu V'sJVJW, otten leads tofuitune. A r.iCT lmoU uxiilaiMns eicrj linns, ana a copy oi uie Wall street llei lew. , . Ql'im VUVT JOHN HICKI.IXC. AGO., tiML I'ilEllJ. unit I'.iukeis. 72 llltOAIlWAY. NUW Yoltli. "TlCTI'llllMIM'V KMl'l. ClIAint. S 1NU." How either sex inai f.isitnato and pain the hue and ailt'ttlons of any Iters n llii'V elioiiso liisiimtly. TliH slniiili'. nn' ui'iiiilii'imiit all puss ss, nee, oy ni.iii, rnr.v reins, luueiiii-r with n Miirrkipe inilite, 1 (mu'le, liieainx. Hints to I-idli'H. Wi ildliu''. A oueer bool:. AddiibS T. I1.1.I M A C I'lihs. l'hll.i. A,,,s wan,,... TheG ENTENNIAL l!Ah'ni:i.ltof Ihe I Ml I.Iisj'IATIS. shows the m anil result s m lm siais ut l'lci'dniii Progress. New unit ivini'li'ti', imr n' puui's. IlliihtniU'd. Kviilioily lnis It, tnul agent' from JUM in I'iOO u nioiith. Addri'bH ,1. c. McC'l'UDY A. i'u., riionhnii?, riiiKiui-ipniii, ra. STOCK SINGULATIONS. coniliicti'd hy m In every form, uii I'limnilssiiin cnl . riiia ami cans, on lu'si huum's ami iiiiii'ii, laies. Cost, tin i to tin), ami often puy rvw prullt IMuv lililet. eviil.ilnlnir how Wall Sim iMniulalluns are conducted, sent free. Send for a copy. TXJ3VLBDRII3C3-2d 3c C30. lltMil.llsAMl IlllOltCI'S, ll Unit Strut, N Y von COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, And nil Throat Diseases, TJSB WELLS' CAH150LIC TABLETS l'UT 11' ONLY IN llLl'i: 110.MX ,t TEtti:i) scsir. str..i!i:iv. l'or oalo hy Druggists generally, and JOHNSTON' HOM.OWAV A CO , Philadelphia, I'a, Traairtf. FnpiwtPM nit Ptlo Hii.. "tHelo) Hint liutUr I Tmi-,M." Cool, clojoly, lluht, lierfisrllr tVa &nd rrtnift.rt il.t... fyji.irre tium Ail iwur.ruaty.cuafluif. ilMUintnMt u"t In talhliiB.eaJoriu..l by tho profi J.I ..V. c p'susi, ,iwtt, , reimom. AUt. oflMN ifliiu.mi ut'inuiit, ,14IU ,hsi i, . StilCy IONS; Ufiiiiliii) tuiui -I, II. Hwley." lutab'n. A.;, bt . 1'U Iil. A 737 llr-J'y. N. V. s.nt Ir m.l p., i uAi tf Icidlct UrusjUu. tx.ui fur C4Ulo.c Wiip., AOENTS WANTED FOR 1 A I II n Ain til' THK HOLlTEaAHID. Iii'lng a lull ileM-rlptlun of ralcbllne, tts lllstnry, ah. lliiilli'H, InlKiMUuiU and CiMoim, uiTordlng to the glint UiHcowiIni nceutly nuido liy thu l'uiiMiiic llxp orlng llxtieillllmn. ll hilljnt sight, sciuliur oureMr.i terms lo Agents, uiidwoMlij It sells fust, er limn any other hook. NATIONAL 1'VUl.IillI.MI CO., I'ldiailelp la, Pa. CAVTIOIT. HOTICS. Tho 0E1IU1NE EMTIO.!. V K A K II li A li U ll S (I I vinsra-si'oisrE. (Iiulndlns'tlie "LAST .101 IINAW) imfuldsiliMly his nijiHiUbtrnngo adieiiliias, also the curlosllli s, l ondcrs and eullli cf Unit imirii lous rouiilrs, and Is alisoluli b the imly new, iiunplilii work. Hence ll bills; Jut think, U,uu tlrl1 ueiVs. sr pugns I'll) rare lllutlialliiiis, onlj jj.uu. Agents wsiiu d. Sead for terms und liohltlto oroiit, lll'llliAltli IlltOii, 1'uhUUwm, U b'uiisoiu, tl., I-Ulladeliihla, I'a, CIIAIILES W. ItU.SYOM. - AT Ivccl 0,1 "unA 1,10 i STOCK rjrt .i'i-i OF HEAVT AWn SHELF HARDWARE W K,I3STIDST03SrES, cScC. SEE FOE YOURSELF. & SON, Bloonislrarg, Pa. ltEinsuTOS No. 1 JIaehmefor family us,c, In tr.o tuikd yea a oi' iw existence, has met n 1th a more uai iii iscnr.xsii or hatio Ol'Hll.KS THAN ANV AUC1IINE OM THE UlRKET. ltEMisaroHNo. 2 Machine for siASCFACTCinxa aaX teinlly uss (ready for delivery only since June, 1TI), for range, perfec tion, and v a r 1 e t y ot w o r k, U without a rival In famllyor WOKKSI101'. lit SEND 2?OH CIHCULAB MacMiie Coiany, Ilioii, il. Y. Iir.318.TOA CO.IIll'AIVIUS. 2sl & ssa IlroailHiiy.'New York, Anns. Mailhon Niu.irc, New loik, Miilni; Muchlnes. ( lili'iiKO, S3" Mute M., Sewing Muililnes and Anns. lioMon, KM! Washington M t-ewliiu MaihlneB. t lnihinatl. lbl West th M sewlnir MniUlniH. I Him. l'.'j dciicsei', M., H iilnp MiuhlniK. Atlanta, tin., lac.lie'bOKr.i IIoiim', Jlurli'ltastr.i.r, heiMiiK itccliliics. WuFlilnctcn, 1). C.r'.'l SfiuilliM., t-eiilnk'Mnchlnes. Louliiilli'. Ky., Witt .lent rutin St .senlni; .Muililueii. I'lill.idclil.i, bin Lhi'stmii stiiet, fceiilni; .Machines. M. 1.0'lls, ClY) X. l'tilli'lli Mri'i'l, " " Detroit, I'd Wooiliii.ul Aumii;, " " Vi MaikLt Muet, " lMltliiiiiii', 47 N. Charles stieet, " ' K. M. TU13BS, M IHU THAI E llEtl.EK IS IlUltNIXG AND EUUltlCATING OUS. unu e 111 Maize's llutidluif, comer Main and Cent! u stieets, lll.OOM-illVlt(l, l'KNNA, tK-firdors solicited nud nremrtly filled. MiO.SVTf-lv FOR SALE! Valuable Town Property and Farm at Private Salo! r pHI'. imileinlgiied, one of llio Executors of .1. (iKoIiUK Wi;avi:ii. iteeeabcd, offers at i rlvato bale, ihe f ullonlny laluatle propirly, to Mlt: UNi: TWO-STOltY liltlCIC DWELLING 110U.SK, with o'lt-bulldlngs nnd lot uttnehed, situated on Main stui. t. Itloonishurg, I'a, This house Is suitable tor two families, two-stury frame dwelling house, with out-bulldlisgh, frame stnlle unit good lot uttuched. This property Is opiiosllo the lesldeiiee of the lalu Hr. ost. Also, one two-story frnmo itwelllng house with stable ouMiulhllngi iiml lot attached situated ou Hock strict, lilooiusljuig, I'u, Also, six Micaiit lot slltiatcilon 1'ourlh Stieet, ALSO, a mumble farm shunted imi'.h:ilr inin, iim,. the town of .M'i:weiisllle, I'a. Said farm contains V4 ai res of land. Tor terms, of sain apply to , , . . HKOiU.r. W. C01t:ti:i.I, Kiecutor. 1 eh. IS, '.5-Cm. llliiuiiihburg, I'a. publio"salb' Ol' REAL ESTATE! . viiliienf an rinlernf llie Orplmn's Court 1 cf iiiluiublj j , Hie iiuderstgiii'd, Admin IsTiratorof Soloninii llu., lulu of Ushliigcru k ton. ship, lu s.ild county, dueased, will ciposo lo publlo tsilo on the preiulsvs, oil SATURDAY, JULY 10, 1875, At lu ml.'ck, 11. in., the following lalu.iolo real eslale, In wu t t h rtulu lot of ground muato In ITshlngcn elc towiishlp, bounded cm ihe noith bv John Winner, on the tM by William llohluk und i:ilas llemlci, en Ihu south and west by llllaia l.oudn bach, eoutalutng Tr0 AUttMS, on which nio creeled a one nud-u-hnlf story fiamo house, a iruiae ttluble. a good will of wuier and some fruit lues, 'ihu land Is In a k "d state of ml. thulli'ii, Also, at Iho mine lime slid pluie, Ullu sold a lot nt boxen, barrels, kcllte una a lot of house, ho il tun. lime, Tl.hMS tit HAI-K.-Oin-fiiuilh of Ihe tureliuio lanni'V lu be ,'nld ut IheMllkligdiiwiiof Ihu lroptr tl, iiml the KinuliiliiL' ILiie-n urlhs In ei.e jcur tliercalttr. v JOHN WfcN.Ntlt, June Jl-tt. AauilaWrsUur, .., ttui. .atji, ijK M iiiunva mo moSt'tloTbC. it Him nmj tho woril In,