The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, June 25, 1875, Image 3

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Unit Hoail Tlmo Table.
NOItlll. POtTlt.
Accommodation Train, 0.41 A. M. T.30 A. M.
Mali Train J.M A.M B.Jl'.M
L'xnrcss Train Ut V. M. It.M A. it
v 6.31 l'.M.
NOHTIt. writ
Accommodation Train C,2t A. M. 7 fin V. M.
Uvular Impress 3,M 1'. M. 11,33 A. M.
Through cars on l'.xpross train cither to New York
or l'hllad"lphla. Accommodation train runs between
Uitawlssa ami Wllltamsport.
10 (It'll I'llIKXIrt, (IIIKLTIMU
Hy tlio llrst ot .Inly coming wo shall havo comptet.
Ml two jcnr.i ot the publication ot tho Coi.lmiihn
since It latt comu Into our hands. Moro than three
, ulHtit Us subscilbcrsnru Indebted upwards ot n
vcir's subscription, anil moro than halt ot them havo
not p'nl'l anything Ah our circulation H largo this
Is a heavy tax upon tho publlihcr and too heavy a
lovl for him l" carry much longer. During tin-sum-in'cr
and autumn, and especially the ensuing month,
Mr. K. I.. Mjcrs will call upon those subscribers who
are In arrears tor tho purposo ot receiving pajmcnt
ut t no amounts due, and wo hope all will meet him
Undly and bo prepared to liquidate this Indebted
ness. It H far from a plcasuro to us to send out a
collector or dun people tor dues In any form, but
everything In our lino of bu.slncss must be paid for
In cash and wo cannot therefore afford to carry a
large nmountof Indebtedness forjcnrullcr yenr.and
which Is constantly increasing. Wo trust, there
fore that liono w 111 take orfenco nt being called upon
for what Is due, but that all will tako plcasuro In
Hiding tho paper to the extent ot p.ijlng what they
owe for it.
Mr. M era ts also authorized to tako Job work and
advertising, to reeelvo subscriptions, .e and to
tako pay and receipt for tho same. tf.
Tho county jail at present contains no pris
onors. Harvest liamls will not bo (liflicult to find tills
Hiittcr Is worth 20 cents per pound In our
Tlio roads are. terribly dusty tlironsli the
The work of grading Market street Is progress
ing finely.
Tho old Church is among tlio
things that w ere.
Cherries arc ripe and the birds and boys are
feasting; tbeieon.
The farmer's attention will soon bo turned to
harvesting his crops.
Mr. Cholera Morbus, tho doctor's friend, is
once moro abroad in the land.
The M. K. .Sunday School hold a pic-nie at
Hupert, (to-morrow) Saturday.
A number of our citizens aroin Williaimport
this week attending United Slates Court.
Tho boys are in ccstacy over the fact that
.Tiloom-biirg is to have a circus on the "2d of
Hoys should lenieniber that it is n violation
if the law to go bathing within the Town
lioating this season is poor business, judging
from the number of boats lying at the wharf at
Port Noble.
The shade trees in front of the Court House
need trimming as the limbs hide the face of the
town clock from view.
Mr. II. V. Zarr has reinodled his residence on
I'.ast street, and it is now one of tho finest resi
dences on that avenue.
The exchange lintel is crowded to execs, and
the proprietor, Mr. Ivnons, is arranging the house
to accommodate more people.
Josiph K. Sands, KlUha llayman and I'rank
Evans announce themselves as Kepublican can
didates for county Commissioner.
Header, if you want to know what is going on
in the business world, just read our advertising
icnlumus, the local column in particular.
.11 r. II. Ko.scn-tocU, corner Third a-ul
s'lreets, has enlarged and otherwise improved
his resilience, making it appear beautiful.
The so k on I. Ilartman's building is
progressing rapidly, and when completed will
be one of tlio iine-t blocks in ISlooin-burg.
Wilber 1'. Uceder, son of II. J. Kceiler,
of Uatawissa, fjr.idiiated last week at Dickinson
Seminary, IVi.'liainsport, with high honors.
The bridge over Huntingdon creek in l'ish
"uigcrcck township, was alloted on the 23.1 in-t,
to Messrs. h. Manning and Joseph Kedliue fur
Sl.a 13.50.
Potato Hug Powder, "warranted to kill tho de
structive little insect at forty yards," is nileroil
fur sale by tramming pedlars, and should be la
belled "humbug."
A company of sixty men, of IMoomsburg,
dressed in Indian costume are n training to go
to Wilkes-ll irro on tho Fifth of July to partici
pate in the demonstration at f.'iat place.
Abraham Ixkhaid had his hand bully man
gled whiM coupling cars on tho L. A 11 it. It,
at this place, on Satmday last. Dr. Turner
dressed his wounds and thinks ho will soon re
cover. (notion of the day Where are you going to
spend the Fourth? If it it as warm on that cl.iy
as it lias been the p 1st three or four, we should
think somewhere in the shade would bo the most
The (Jalaxy comes out with tho July number
in an entirely new cotuiu.', and tlioeli'eet of the
new type and line tinted paper admirably corres
ponds with the fre-hnesioftlio contents, gratify
ing the eye as well us the mind of the reader.
The public are cordially invited to attend the
Anniversary Kxerciscs of tho Callicpian Liter
ary Society to bo held at Normal Hall, .Monday,
J una 23th, nt 7:30 p. in. Admission free.
15. 11. Ci.akk, President.
"A sMluictfiit has got into tho papers, said to
have originated in tho Danvillo .Iwrncuu, that
Columbia county owes a debt of $-100,000. There
is no (ruth lu it. Columbia county owes no
debt. The county has never been in charge, of
Itepublican ollicials. The taxes are low and Ihe
county finances honestly managed,
A young man named Itunyan, while cutting
down timber near IJeaglo's mill, In Mount Pleas
ant township, last Friday, was cru-hid by a tree
tailing on him and died In a few hours thereaf
ter, lie had been engaged nt work at this place
but a few days when this sad accident occuried.
HI'' patents usiilo lu .Sullivan loinily.
I'nlnwissa not let the "glorious Fourth"
pass by unoliMrviil, us we understand the Son's
of Amcilea of that place intend to obscrvu the
ljy, Iftituiday) with n demonstration. They
ill have it grand parade, some sptevbes mid n
J "Be dinner, together with n ball in thu evening.
'J'he public uio cordially invlteel to be present.
Attention U directed to therepoit of Superin
tendent Snyder, ptlntisl on the first page. It is
I roucUo and cxprcs-lvu document, and hints
t dtlleleiicios thatcoitldbe caallymid profitably
'ti'iueJIul, We do not think piylug school di
rectors would work rrfnnn. but Meat Inlurv.
Otherwise we regard the suggestion of Iheieport
uuciccptlenablc and valuable),
During tlio "Centennial'" parade lat Satur
day night tho streets were crowded to excess.
It is not generally known that n recent act of
assembly requires tho executors, ndmlnUtrators,
or friinds of a deceased person, to putnn affidavit
on record in the register's office, netting forth tho
day niidliourwlientliedcathocciirreil. Friends
nnd parties applying for letters of administration
will do well to bear this Important fact in mind,
nnd thereby savo much inconvcnlenco In recicv
lug their legal papers. Tho act in question can
be found on page ill I, pamphlet laws of 1871.
Of late the thieves have been ipillo nctivo at
Willow Orovo station, on thu Hue of tho 1), I,.
A W. railroad. ( )n Sunday night last the station
was broken Into and a quantity of goods nnd
groceries were stolen amounting to nbout $150.
Tho hbuse of the agent, Z. T. Fowler, was broken
into a few nights previous, by a party who wcro
compelled to decamp beforo they could carry oil'
anything. Jlendck InilejKmUnl.
Tho "Centennial Dramatic Association," of
lllooiusbiirg, gave two entertainments in the
Opera llou-e on last Friday and Saturday eve
nings, to largo and appreciative nudienccs. The
drama entitled "Tho Drunkard's Doom" was
well rendered, the nclors performing their parts
in a manner only becoming stars. We under
stand the association is a permanent organiza
tion, for the purposo of cultivating tho literary
tastes of lis members, and giving them con
fidence and courage to appear in public. A
room is to be fitted up by the association as n
reading and debating study, and will contain
books, papers, and music, all of which Is calcu
lated for mutual benefit. Another entertainment
will lie given in the course of a few Months when
nil lovers of such amusement should not fail to
The prospect for a largo crop of peaches in
Xew Jersey and Delaware is very encouraging,
but not so in Ibis region, judging from tho trees
we have seen. The delicious fruit is expected
to be purchasable at reasonable rates during tho
season. At the late convention of the Delaware
peach growers at Dover, in making an estimate
of the crop for 1S75, a general Interchange of
views took place, and it was finally agreed that,
judging from present appearances, not Ics than
0,000,000 of ba-kets would be gathered, 1,000,000
of which, it was probable, would be transported
by rail and 2,000,000 by water. In view of the
prospect of a large crop a resolution was adopt
ed to the cllcct that freight should be largely
reduced, new maikcts opened and none but
choice fruit shipped.
Sad Atciur.NT. Mr. Harry Uing, well
known to the cili.ens of I'looinsbiirg, was thrown
from a buggy in Orangcville, on Tuesday last,
bis head striking a post which fractured his
skull, from the effects of which he died on Wed
nesday afternoon. At the time of the accident
Mr. Long was coming from 1'enton to Light
Street, where ho was summoned on account of
serious illness in his family, and as ho was dri
ving thorugli Orangcville his borc made a sud
den turn at an iiuguaided moment, throwing
Mr. L. and n boy out of the buggy, the boy es
caping serious injury. Mr. Long was a young
man in the prime of life, with a largo heart and
always ready to assist a friend, of whom he had
scores, who will be pained to learn of his fate.
He leaves a wife and two children to mourn his
SAVn THE lllltllS.
Few of us arc siillieently aware of the true value
of our insectivorous birds. From early spring
until late autumn theso restless visitors haunt
the fields and gardens in quest of food, prying
into every nook and crevice where the destroyer
of our crops lie conccaIed,a countless host of which
fall a prey to their busy search during the seasons
of planting and harvest. 15very bird that fre
quents a farm if we except the hen hawk
conies to oiler us unpaid service whose Import
ance we can hardly overestimate. Let any one
who doubts this watch a phccbebirdcraiparrow
for half nn hour, nnd see how, with se-areely a
moment's Intermission, our little insect hunter
pursues his eager task; and then let him relleet
upon the necessity of giving tho birds every
possible protection. Kc.
Pursuant lu notice, tho Patrons of Husbandry
by their dijcgates, Ma-ters and Past Musters
and their wivi's, if Matrons, from the subordi
nate Oranges of Columbia county and the south
ern portion of Luzerne county, embraced in the
di-lrict, nut in ('orrell's Hall, llloonisburg, Pa.,
June lSlh, 1S7S, to organize a "Poiuonia" or
District Orange. The meeting was callesl to
order by District Deputy II, II. Ilrown.of Light
Stieet, Pa., when the 5tli degree members in at
tendance made a preliminary organization, and
took the credentials of delegates, after which
Di-lrict Debuty lirowu proceeded to confer tho
Ath degree, upon those entitled thereto. Tho
olliceis elected by the Orange for the year aro as
follows: A. P. Young, Master; C. A. Knorr,
Overseer; J. O. Hotter, Lecturer; ltoubcn Kis
tier, Chaplain ; Samuel Mears, Steward ; A. J.
Knorr, Ass't. Steward ; Win. T. Shuman,Oate
Keeper; X. Heese, Treasurer; Reliecea Ms-ther,
Ceres; Llizibeth Ilrown, Poiuonia; M irgiret
White, Flora; Lydia A. Smitli, L uly Assistant
Steward ; 15. M. Tew ksbury, Secretary, which
were duly obligated and installed by tho District
Deputy The (irango then closed in tho 0th de
gree, and opened in the -1th degree, when all Pat
rons in that degree were admitted and proce'eded
to the general hu-iucss of Ihe order. A commit
tee of three, consi-ting of II. II. Ilrown, J. C.
Kuttei' and Cyrus White were elected on Consti
tution nnd Hy-Iiws of tlio District Orange of
Columbia and Luzerne counties, An Fxcciitive
Committee of five was elected, composed of X.
Itcesc, C. Knorr, J. II. Smith, II. II. Ilrown and
II. C. Iljrlon. Tho Committee on Finance
elected, consisted of llrolliers Campbell, McMi
chacl, Yocuin, Stephens and Kilkendall. Com
mittee on Credentials, llrothcr. M. Ilurtmau,
.. S. Stevens and Sister Ilieh.
The Committee on Constitution and Ily-Laws
reported mainly tho same as published in tho
yhmc.-'j JWtmfof May 1st, 1 S7 ", was adopted
too long for Insertion by tho Secretary hxing
the placo of meeting at llloonisburg, on tlio 1st
Friday of January, 2d Friday of Mutch, 3d
Friday of June and Ut Friday of October, at 10
o'clock, a. m.
The unwritten work of tho order was very
satisfactorily exemplified by District Deputy,
II. II. Hioivii.
A resolution was carried that tho Secretary
make a repurt to tho J 'urmcr'i Fricml, and also
to all tho papers of Columbia county, There
were various resolutions ollered and suggestions
made that space (not secrecy) will not iilloy
of mention.
Tho very best of feeling seemed to pervade the
entire meeting, Its deliberation were such that
aould do honor to any meeting convened to ad
vancetho best Interests of the Husbandman and
laboring man generally.
An invitation by liro. Dellows to a plc-ule nt
C)rangtvllle,) July 3d, next, was given. Also ono
byJv.M. Tewksbury to pie-iiio and festival at
Mclntyre, (.'utawissa, same time. Al-o ouo by
liro. Campbell to dedication of hall, P. of II,
Ccntio Orange, tlmo to bo (jlven.
No further business appearing the Orange
proceTiled to close In duo form.
Allow me to say in answer to many inquiries)
all the nominations made wcroelectcdand were
reported, as bus tiLo all resolutions ur discus
sions iclatlvo to the fixing of prices of produce
or labor, as has been ulhgul. Tho organization
Is neither partUan nor see'taiian, but I Institu
ted for agricultural iiiipioveuient.uiid wlviuiclng
the Interests of tho Agriculturist, The soil is
the source f)'W whence we dcrivo all that con
dilute wealth; without we would have no ug
lieulturc,niiuauuf I'turcs, no romnierce.
Patron', let it m.uo agriculture an liouorablo
and hunorcd business,
lly order of tho District Orange,
15. M.T'i.WKSiiuitY, Sec.
C-f,WY'Js-i Columbia co.4 June J if, 'b75.
The peach crop of Delaware and Maryland
will bo enormous. Six million baskets is re
garded as a low estimate.
lu tho spring It was thought there would ben
fair crop In this region, but as the season advan
ces It U evident that It will be nn almost cntlro
failure, caused by tho dryness nnd coldness of
the season, All fruit will probably be of Infe
rior quality uiiit diminished in quantity, for tlio
same reason,
Di9Tlii:.siMi FATAMTV.--Died, near Hitekhorn
on April 8lh, David Melllck, boii of Mathia
A. and Oatharino Moore, aged 2 years, 4 months
nnd 0 days. On Juno 11th, Jcrusha L, daughter
of same parents, aged 7 years, l months and 18
days. On Juno 17th, Nora Jane, daughter of
same parents, aged 10 years, -l months and 11
days. On Junu 21st, Alza Catharine, daughter
of sains parents, ngo.l 7 years, 4 months and 8
days, The first named died of croup, tlio two
next of diptbcrla, and tho fourth from thcefi'ects
of diptbcrla. Tlio stricken parents havo tho
deepest symptaliics of their neighbors, friends
and aqualntancos, In their mournful trouble.
The case of Peter Ilillmeycr nnd Mary Hill
nieycr, administrator1 of tlio estate of Martin
Ilillmeycr, deceased, against tho Ouardian Life
Insurance Company, of N'ew York, was called
for trial in the U. S. Cotitt lu session at Wil
llamsport, on Tuesday lat, hut before proceed
ing it was compromised by the company agree
ing to pay the sum of S1.S93.61.
D. J. Waller vs. The Kit it National Hank of
HloonisburK. Verdict for plalntlll for $100.73,
subject to nn opinion of tiie court to bo delivered.
We eilnerve a number of Life Insurance cases
before the court. A man insuring liii life now
days is almost sure to entail a law suit upon bis
The examination of the Senior Class nt the
Normal School on Thursday and Friday last, by
the State Committee, proved a very successful
one'. The class consists of eleven ladies, and
seven gentlemen, ns follows:
7t7a Ada M. Cole, I5llen D. Coolcy,
Lorena O. Lvans, Martha 15. Oraul, Martha J.
Edgar, Sallie 15. Ilaike, Alice II. Smith, Carrio
Tompson, Mary M. Thomas, Sarah T. Vanalta,
Alice 15. Wilson, 'Scientific course.
OcnlUmcn Aaron W. Hrungard, William T.
Creasy, Wesley M. Cleaver, Jacob C. Kisncr, D.
15. Lanlz, Charles M. Lee, Alvin W. Moss.
The Slate Sup't. Dr. Wickershain, exprcs-cd
himself to several of our citizens, as highly
pleased, both with the class and school. Tho
school he affirmed to be in a condition oneliun
dred per cent better than at any previous period
of its history. Ho expressed the opinion, that it
was now among the first, if not the first, in point
of excellence of any of the Normal Schools in the
State. ll'iiubl iean.
The Musical nnd Literary Knlcrtainmcnt at
Normal Hall last Tuesday evening, consisting
of duels, trios, dialogues and recitations, was
one of tho most elegant and tasteful affairs ever
given in lllitoinsburg. The eye was pleased, to
begin with, by the picturesque and effective dec
orations of the stage, and an air of refinement
was thrown over all by the trailing vines and
other artistic accessories.
Professor Did'elcliin by adhering to his high
standard in musical matters, has gradually ele
vated the tastes of the llloonisburg public, until
the music which at his first concert secnird cold,
and too high above us, was fully appreciated
and rci'eived witli warm applause and high en
coniums for the pupil and teacher.
Tho rhetorical exercises were highly credita
ble to the students who gave them, and rcileclcd
honor upon their faithful instructor in elocu
tion. The Shakesperian reading, "Henry fith's
Wooing," by the able elocutionist, Mrs. Dent,
was one of the finest specimens of Shakesperian
reading we have ever listened to, betokening as
it did, a delicate appreciation of the author, and
unusual lower and grace of delivery.
The Normal School may well feel proud of
possessing s brilliant an array of musical anil
literary talent as wis manifested on Tuesday
evening. l!i:ror.Ti:it.
1IAS1", HALT. AT OltAXtlllVlhl.E.
Last Saturday afternoon between ono and two
hundred persons acsembled to witness a game of
base ball played at Orangcville between the
"Hatchelovs," of Columbus, and the "Champion"
base ball club, of the former place. The (tame
was sharply contested until the ending of the
fourth inning, when the fielding errors of tlio
"Hatchelors" won for the "Champions" the fol
lowing score :
0. 1!.
Conner, p.
Williams, 3 li
McDonald, p.
Yaple, c.
Helles, s. s.
1 0
2 0
2 0
Keller, e. f. f
Oearhart, 2 b. 2
M. Williams, s. s. 2
DeLong, 1 b. fi
L. C. Williains.r.f. 3
Lowe, c. 2
Flcekeustine, 1. f. 3
Henry 2 b. stop 3
3Croup, r. f.
2 Hogarl, e. f.
ljllcadeii, 1. f.
3.C. How man, 3 b.
3, (i rover, 2 b. stop
3 Smith, 1 b.
3 liowuiau, 2 b.
Total, 27 20 Total, 27 0.1
Score by Innings 1 2 3 4 5 0 7 S 0
Champions, 2 0 1 0 12 4 3 i 2
Hatchelors, 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1
Time of game two hour and fifty minutes.
Umpire 15. II. Sloan.
Scorer V. A. Alkbaeb.
The cry of mad dog has been raised in the
land and soon the dug days will bo upon us,
when wle city fathers decree that all the caninu
race should wear unseemly appendages upon
their snouts. Now, in our estimation, this prac
tice is useless as well as foolish, because there
are as many cases of hydrophobia reportcdatono
season of tho year as at another, and if any thing
in the world is calculated to make a dog mad it
is to smell out a lovo of a bone which hu cannot
gobble, all on account of that pesky muzzle. If
owners ofdogi would bo careful to give theniull
the water they need there would bo no danger of
hydrophobia. W'pimwj Jkmorrat.
Wo repeat, what has often been said, that
muzzling councibuen would bo far more elfeet
ive iit;.iiiist mail dog excitements than muzzling
dogs. Tlio muzling of dogs is absurd and
cruel, and althuugh every other sort of filsehood
within thu range of human or devilish in
genuity lias been uttered we believe no ouo has
yet asserted that hu ever saw or heard of a mad
dog that had a muzzle on him. The practice
therefore is utterly ineffective against the sup
posed disease",
Hy proceedings printed in (iiiotliercnliiinn
it will bo seen that tho Patrons of Husband
ry of this region havo organized a county
Orange. Tho ollloers arc) gentlemen of the
highest respectability, ami the general con
duct of tho Grangers whilo in town transact
ing their business may safely bo taken as a.
model for other public gatherings. While
wo say that this may ho uscilbtsl in part to
tlio fact that many had tliolr wives, daugh
ters and (no doubt) sweethearts along, wo
do not mean to say that tho men would not
havo behaved themselves as well if they had
not been thus accompanied.
Tlio order seems to bo very prosperous in
this county and embraces within its mem
bership a hugo number of tho most respect
able farmers and their families, 'J'lioy havo
thin far studiously avoided everything that
does not directly concern tho leading purpos
es of their ntganiitatioii perhaps 'too close
ly adhered to theso purposed. Til" public
good and tho larmlug interest would no
doubt huyo been promoted, for instance, had
they taken charge of our county Agricultu
ral society and divided Ihe largo ptcutiitut
amonu funncm for their homo production
instead of idhwluu h"wo jockoyd and walk
1st to carry on" tho greater pari of tho fund
expended in that way. They mo (.-normou-ly
taxed, too, by our patent laws, and we
think they should miiko themselves heard
aud fejt oil that subject. Other imposition
might also attract their attention, which, so
fur, they se m iudUpo.ed to touch,
The numiat commencement In this Institution
takes place on Thursday, July 1st, 1875.
The address to the Alumni will be delivered
on Wednesday evening previous; by S. 11. Kief
fer, A. !., M. D., of Carlisle, Pa. Tho address
beforo the Literary Societies will bo delivered on
Tuesday evening by L. II. Steincr, A. M., M.
I)., of Frederick, Maryland. Tho exercises of
tho graduating class will lake place on Thurs
day, July 1st. Tho commencement promises to
bo of more than usual interest.
Oats taken on subscription at tho Columiiian
Gum Diapers at C. C. Marr's.
Custom work a specialty at McKinncy's,
J. lC.lthawiCatawissa, Pa., desircsto Inform
his friends and the general public that ho is
prepared to furnish n "square meal" nt all hours
of tho dav nnd night at his Hestnurant. He
keeps tho best Heading Heer on tap all the time.
Choice Cigars, Tobacco, &e.
Moro of cheap Tics just received at
Clark & Wolfs.
See Lutz it Sloan's stock of Prints and Per
cales. Fancy Dress Goods cheap at I. W. Ilarlinan's.
LaeJIes' nnd Children's Linen Dresses at co-t
at Clark ec Wolfs.
For the bc"t Sewing Machine Needles and Oil
go to C. C. Marr's.
For a Nobby Hat go to D. Lowenberg's.
The bet 12J cent Stockings in town at Clark
it Wolfs.
Calicoes ht C. C. Marr's 0J cents per yard.
Oat Meal for sale at Kus.el's. Call and try it.
Protection tod Shoes never wear out. For sale
at McKinncy's.
F.very dav brines somcthinir new in Dry Goods
at Lutz & Sloan's.
Ladies' Lasting Gaiters for $L7o at 15. M.
Cash buys cheap at Marr's.
A complete1 stock of Ladies' Shoes very cheap
at Clai k iV Wolfs.
Slate Mantles of tlio handsomest design sell
ing below cost ut lloUins A Holmes'.
A fine stock of Fly-nets, Fiy--hects, Summer
Hlankcts and Dusters ju-t received at the Horse
Milliner Store of Chas. M. Uirton.
A few pieces of that 7 and 8 cent Calico left at ,t Wolf's.
Tobacco and Confectioneries, wholesale and
retail by M. M. Hnel.
Fur a Handsome while Ve.stgo to 1). Lowen
berg's. Hair Hraids at C. C. Marr's.
Ladies, look at our line of White Goods, nil
new and of the latest patterns at very low prices
at Clark & Wolfs.
The linn of Crutchley it Kline having dis
solved by mutual con-cut, the business will be
carried on by A. L. Crutchley. A full and com
plete stock of Smoking and Chewing Tobacco,
Cigars, Pipes, Ac., w ill bo found at bis establish
ment, opposite tlio old Kpiscopal Church. Give
him a call and bo convinces! as to the good
quality of his goods.
Norwich celebrated Kino Shoo at McKinncy's.
Marr pays 18 cents fur eggs.
Alwavs to be found pretty styles of Prints a
I. W. Ilartman's.
Lutz it Sloan aro offering Great Hargains in
Dre- G joils.
Tho only place to get a first-class Dress Shirt
is at D. Lowenberg's.
Granulated Sugar for salo at Hussms.
White Shoes at 15. M. Kxouu's.
Parasols at Clark it Wolfs.
Ask for the AUKOW SII1HT a perfect fit
sold only by D. Lowcnberg.
Fahmi:ii,Atti:.xtio. Hv.-sm. takes Hotter,
I5ggs, Lard and Produce in exchange for goods.
The popular (.'oat for tho season is a Navy
Flannel a fine stock at I). Lowenberg's.
A big line of those cheap Hamburg Kdgings,
Uibbons, Ituchc.s, Collars and Culls just received
at Clark it Wolf's.
A new Cabinet Empire Sewing Machine, a
beautiful article of furniture, for sale very cheap
if called fur soon at Cadman's.
For a Nobby suit go to D. Lowenberg's.
P.Usscl has ju-t received a fresh supply of
Apple's, Hananas, Oranges, Lemons, Pinu Ap
ples, Ac. Kxamiuc his stock.
Just received, a fresh invoice of latest stvles
Children's Summer Suits at D. Yocuin's, Aio
Men's and Hoys,' Clothing, all of which lie is
selling cheap.
Ladies, try those 90 cent Kid Gloves at Clark
it Wolf's. All colors.
New Goods just received at Knorr's.
If you want a fir.-t cla.-s Farm Wagon,
If you want a Platform Pleasure Wagon,
If you want an Lliplio Spring Wagon,
If you want a Pleasure Wagon,
If you want your Wagon put in good trim,
If you want repairs done good with short
notice, Go to J. H. F.u .
Gents' Favorite ISucklo Shoe at 15. M.Knorr's.
Fans at Clatk it Wolfs.
Go to Tho Singer Sewing Machine office in
Opera House foe- beat Oil, Needles, Tuckers,
nemiuers, ite.
Men's Hiitlou Gaiters at Knorr's.
Go to Uus.sxi.l.'s for your Groceries. Ho
sell for cash iind will not be undersold.
Try the new Coisets at Clark it Wolfs.
Men's Congress Shoes at 15. M. Knorr' for
Pewter Sand fur sale at l!;i.'t).
Iiist received, a splendid stock of Summer
Hats, in all the favoiilo styles and colors, at
D. Lowenberg's.
Ladies, buy and try tho llazar Patterns at
Clark it Wolfs.
Cheesol. Cheese! Cheese I Fine assortment
of Cheese nt Itussel's.
When you go to Philadelphia stop at
tho Allegheny House, No. 612 and 814 JIar
kct street ; having been recently renovated.
Price only $2 per day, A. Hunt,
March 10,'70-ly Proprietor.
Children' Pearl and Hull' Shoe at 15. M.
Merchant (-lng to the city will do well
to call on W. II., who is engaged
with tho old aud reliable firm of YllAumt
it Iliir.KiiNbTot'K, for Hats, Caps, Straw
(ioods.Ac, 257 North Third street, Phila
delphia. March H),'76-3m
Go to 15. M, Knorr's for Spring and Summer
Ohl rMnhlhlicd Coal Yar.1,
0. W, Nr.Ai, .t llito., Wholewalo & Itctall
Dealers lu all sizes of tlio best qualities oi
Ited and White Ash Coal, at the very lowest
market rates. I luvo constantly on hand large
sloel-s of
lllacksniith's Anthracite,
iind Liuiebunier'H Coal,
1. special attention given to thu propitia
tion of coal hofoio leaving our yards. Grain
and Lumber taken in exchango for coal,
Coiil ilellvicil to tiny part of tlio town ut
short notice. Oidi-rslellat I. W. McKclvy's
store, or at our ollici', will receive prompt at
tention. Ullico and Yuul at William Neat
it .Sun' Furnace, Kant lllooiusbiirg. Your
patronage respectfully solicited.
COAL, l7-tr-25 COAL
if you want a good Jlnm,
if you wnnt cheap nnd good Ten,
If you want Colfce Java or Hlo,
If you want good Canned Fruit,
If you want tlio host Mackerel,
If you want Sugar for tho least money,
If you want tho best Syrups In town,
If you want good Cigars,
If you want good Tobacco.
If vott want anything in tho Grocery and
Provision line, go to, Main street.
Sum rises 4 o'clock 85 minutes scU T o'clock S3
JIoon rises 18:00 o'clock n. in,
)ol.i Is now quoted at a premium of nbout 1'9-ln
other w onls green backs nro about 16 per cent, below
Hunk Dkkh.s, on Parchment nnt linen paper, com
mon and tor Administrators, Itxccutorsaud Trustees,
for sale cheap nt the to vmiuan odlce.
1'ai eu lUns Just received and for salo at tho Co
I.UlilUAN onicc.
tiii: "iiorsi:Ki:i:piiir or oun health.
Tlio liter Is tho great depurating or blood cleans
ing organ of tho system. Set tlio housekeeper ot our
health at work, and tho foul corruptions which gen
der In tho blood and rot out, as II were, tlio machin
ery of life, are gradually expelled from tho system,
for this pun oso lir. Pierce's (loldeii Medical Discov
ery, with small dally doses of Dr. l'leree's pleasant
Purgative I'eilcts aro pre-eminently tho articles
needed Th.'j- euro every kind of humor from tho
worst scrofula 10 thu common pimple, blotch or
eruption, callus ulcers kindly heal under
their iiil'li': cmlKo lnlluence. Virulent blood
poisons tan Pus. In the system are by them robbed
of their nil' 1 1, nnd by their iwrsetcrtng nndboiac
what protr.i. 'i a uso tho most tainted sj stem may
bo coinplctf I' rcnoeated and built upanew.. Enlarg
ed glands, tumors and swellings dwindle away and
disappear under tho lnlluence of their great resolv
ents, Sold by all dealers lu medicines.
Dr. Wlstar's llalsam of Wild Che rry Is "a combina
tion and n form Indeed" for healing and curing dis
eases of the throat, lunirs and rhest. It cures a
cough by loosening and cleansing tho lungs, nnd nl
lajlng Irritation; thus removing tlio cause, Instead
of drjtnguptho cough and leaving tho disease be
hind, M cents and l a bottle, large bottles much
tho cheaper.
tiii: hist piiintinh omen.
Tho present tsn good opportunity to remind the
friends of tho paper, and tho public generally, that
tho Coi.cmiiias .Ion l'liisrisii orf ten lias nosupeilor
lu tills bectlon, and, lu some, respects, Is without an
dual. During the last j ear wo have completely re',
newest our t; pes and made largo additions, and It Is
no Idlo lioabt to say that we havo now tho Host
Presses, thu Uest Assortment of Tjpe, the llest
Mock of Paper, ('aids, Ac, and Itio llest Woikmen In
the country, our workmen nro specially adapted fur
their places, and wo make It a point toutwajsgtvo
our customers a neat, correct and sallsfactory Job.
We do not claim to do w ork tor less than others, but
will warrant It to be ns cheap as can bo dono any
w hero and letd n decent profit. All w ho are lu need
of Job Iflntlng ot any kind PlsJn or in Colors-will
find it to their Interest to glvo tho Cou-mman o.llcu
a trial. Wo hate on hand every variety ot Cards,
paper, Ink, Envelopes, Tags, Ac, that Is likely to be
called for, andean any quantity or stjle of
work un shot t notice. JUudti.g to order. tf.
vlguious, take Kunkcl's Hitter Wine ot Iron. No
language can convey an udciiualu Idea of tho Imme
diate and almost miraculous change produced by
taking E. P. Kmikel'a Hitter Wine of Iron In the dis
eased, debilitated and shattered nervous system.
Whether broken down by excess, weak by nature, or
Unpaired by sickness, tho relaxed and unstrung or
ganisation Is restored to perfect health and vigor,
.sold only In 1 bottles. Olllco and store, No. w)
North Ninth St., Philadelphia. Only In II bottles.
s.old by all druerghls.
Debility, a depressed, irrltablo state ot mind, a
w enk, nerv ous, exhausted feeling, no energy or ani
mation, confused head, weak memory, tho conse
quence 8 of excesses, mental overwork. This ner
vous debility llndi n sovereign cure In E. r. liunkePs
Hitler Wlnu of lion. It tones Ihe sj stem. Sioldonly
In Jl bottles, (let tho genuine. Tako only E. V.
Kunket's, It has a jellow wrapper around It, his
photugrnph on outside. Sold by jour druggist. E.
P. Kuukel Proprietor, Philadelphia, Pa.
tU'J 1AI K WOK1I Ill.MOVKI) AI.1V E, 'J 'J
Head and all complete In two houis. Nofeo till
head passes. S'eat, Pin and Stomach Worms remov
ed by Dr. Kuukel, sw North Ninth 1st., Philadelphia,
Pa. To havo Tape Worm removed, patients must
como on, but for all other worms, jour druggist can
procure It. Ask for Kunket's Worm Sjrup. Price II,
aud guaranteed. Send for circular.
Change of climate, water or diet Is apt to Induce
harrassing and often dangerous diseases. The
three changes eomBined are fatal to thousands of
emigrants everj Is It that Hosteller's Stom
ach Hitters nro nn absolute preventive ot the hurtful
consequences arising from theso causes? Travelers,
voj ngcrs and emigrants to imvv countries can not bo
too otten reminded of the fact that this agreeable
vegetable tunic lsthe most reliable safeguard against
disorders which they aru far moro liable than tho
habitual dentens ot healthy regions. Tho primal
effect of the uunholesoms atmosphere which pro
duces vv hat are called malai lolls fevers, Is to depress
and deblltato Ihe sjstcm. Tho body thenbeeomej
uneasy pre-) to I ho malignant principle In thu air.
It Is manifest, then fore, that Iho surest way to
avoid all e plilemle nnd endeinle maladies of an Inter
mlllent tjpe, Is to counteract the weakening tend
encies of miasma by nrllilelal Inv igoiatton. That
llosletter's stomach Hltli rs Is the surest rcsuscl
tunt of nagging v Igor, Is a fact w htch Is best appre
ciated wherever lniluenccs Inimical to health exist.
Hut Is not alone against malaria that they protect
tho system. 'I hey so toughen It as to enable It to
enduro with Impunity extremes ot heat and cold to
which travelers nio often subjected, aud they never
neutralize those elenicts in unaccustomed water or
diet which w ould otherwise beget disorders ot tho
stomach and bowels, 'lho brackish water with
which voyagers by tho sea aro often compelled to
quench their thirst, ts apt to provoke dj'sunteiy and
oilier serious complaints, but when tho Hitlers
nromlicd with It, It becomes harmless. Truly this
great protect Iv o luv Igorant Is nn lav uluable Irav cling
ami M vnpuaku Pir.i-s. These medicines I'.nvo un
doubtedly performed more cures of consumption
Ihan any other lemedy known to tho American pub
lie. They are compounded of vegetablo ingredients,
and contain nothing which can bo Injurious to the
human constitution, oilier remedial as cuies for
consumption, probably contain opium, which Is a
buinuMTlkit dangerous drug in all cases, and It taken
freely by comuuipllvo patients, It must do groat In-
Jury! for Its tendency Is to I'onlluo tho morbid mat
ter lu tho sj stem, which, of course, must makouciiro
Impossible. Sclieiick's Pulmonic sj rup ts win ranted
nuttoeontaln a parttele of oplumi Ills composed
ot powcrfi'l but harmless heibs, whlih act on tho
lungs, liver, stomuch and blood, and thus correct all
moibld teeietluns, and expel all tho diseased matter
fiomtho body, 'lliesenro the only means by which
consumption can ho cured, and as scheuek's I ul-
monlo Sj rup, Sen Weed Tunic, and Maudrako Pills
nro lho oul) medlilnes which operate tn this
Is obvious Ihe'j are the only genuine euro for Pulmo
nary Consumption. Euch bottlo of this Invaluable
medicine Is accompanied by full directions. Dr.
schenck Is profcsslnnullj ut his principal olllce, cor
ner slxlli a1 d Arch suva-i, Philadelphia, o.'ery
.Monday, wheie all Ittteis for ndvlco tnus bo ad
JDATIjY and weekly.
Independent in Everything!
Neutral in Nothing,
Opposed to all Corrupt Kings in
Municipal, Stale and National
THE DULY TIMES win bo Issued onSsturday.tho
IStli of Maich next, suit every inoridng thereatler.
sund.tjs excepted, under tho editorial dliee'llon of
A. K. .MciTure, pilnled eoinpactlv from clear, now
t.vpe, on a largo folio sheet, cimtalnliignll the news
nt lho day, Incliidlnif tnu ASSOCIATE PltKSS THI.H
(1IEAMS. Sni'itil Telegrams and Curresnnndenen
from all points of Interest, and fearless editorial ells-
cussionsnr euriene lopies. itiit, i ivu ens, in,
.Mall subscriptions, posiago free, sl dollars per
annum, or llflv eeiitu ner month. In advance
Adicitlsumcnu, i.iuh'ii, iiu'iii j and IhiifycemJ
pur line, ueeuiuui lei pi'pitiuii,
The Weekly Times
ll i Usund nn Kuiuidaj', slsicii uoih, weekly
thereafter, containing all Impurluiit news f the
week, aim compicio .-u.ufcre mm i-iu.iuei.u iii'ihui.
.M.1II.1I, furono, postage, tree, at thu follow lu;
rates i
Ono Copy ,,, ll.ujl
Ten copies , ,. UMI
Twenty Conies m.'ii
AIIVIHtfliiHMH.NTSlwciitv.lliu cents hit line.
KemllaiiiHMkliuuldbt) made by IhatUor PiMlOf.
iii u iMca.
No. 14 South seventh fiieee.
It riULADlXl'lllA
wp1" '-a vsi'iX.Xl' ". J
Tho Columbian Printing Estab
lishment is amply supplied with
the necessary Presses, Types and
other material for executing all
kinds of Printing at low rates aud
in tho most expeditious and satis
factory manner.
Columbian Building.
Pji.oomshuug, Pa.
When special material in required
it will be promptly obtained.
Books and Pamphlets,
Iland-Eilla and Dodgers,
Largo and Small Posters,
Letter and Bill Heads,
Envelopes with Business Cards,
Bussiness, Pic Nie, Wedding and
Visiting Cards,
Programmed, Bills of Faro, cfco.
Will all bo supplied and exeuted
in suporior style, nt cheap
ratC3 and short notice.
Tho best workmen are employed
and tho best material will
always be furnished,
A liberal share of public patroin
ago is respectfully solicited,
Bi.ooMsnuita, Junk 18,1875
keep? constantly on hand a Full nnd Coiniilclo Stock of
which vro will sell to tho Public nt Prices ro Low as (o defy competition,
of all Grades rind Latest Improvements,
Burden's Horse and Mule hoes, Horse Nails, &c.
Spokes, Heavy and Light, Carriage Mallebels,
Axles, Springs, Gum and Oil Cloths, Valentines Varnishes, Spirits
and n general Stock of
Building Materials, such as D UNCANNON NAILS, Lewis' Lead,
Best Cblors, Pure Oils, &c, as low as they can bo bought in the county.
l -
I Gimlets, Gouges, Tweezers, Pliers,
"JV". uia .urn jvmv.s, x uua uiiv. i.
rafe.Vll tliiiiM for nil sorts of buvert.
' .j.rl "
Wo have also added to ottr Stock
In all its branches, Carefully Selected and Purchased low for Cash giving us
Advantages for Selling which can not be excelled by any other
Hardware Store 111 the Cbuntry.
Wo GUAKAXTEE both in PRICE and QUALITY of our Goods.
The Largest Store in the Country.
CHINE has (.prune raptelly Into
ravorasnossesslng the best com
bination ot (,'ooel qualities,
namely ; Light runnlng.Sraootli,
Noiseless, Itnpl'J, Durable, with
jierte'Ct Lock Sllleu.
ltlsa Shuttle Machine, with
Automatlo Drop Feed. Design
beautiful and constiuctluii tho
v cry best.
Eeiiiiitoii Mm
II mv V V
luiu.v, .v. i.
11. llcuiiiixlon & Soil", "I
Iteiiiliigtnii Sevviiif; M. Co.,
Keiulngtou Ag'l Co., J
Mays, 1S-!m
01 A fn QOfl '"cste'l in Wall Street
lU otten leads to fiiitune. A
pagn hook oxpl.iimngcei)lhhig, and acopyot tho
Wall Street Kuv tew.
Quvim vnvv joiix iuckmng &co.,
uCilU P Lll!j!j, Hauliers and lliokers, 71!
1 INtl." How either sex mav fjsclnato nnd
gain lho lovo unit niteettous ot any ersm they
chooso Instantly. This simple, mental acquirement
all can possess, dee, hv mall, for2f cents, together
wien iv .suiniui, iiuiiir, i.jiiii.iii urm-ii', ine.iuis.
Hints lo l.ndles, Wedding Mghl shirt, ie. A nuccr
hook. Address T. WILLI M C l'ubs. l'lilla.
Agents Wnn.ed. TheC ENTENNIAL
eiA.r.ri i.r.u vi inu i
shows the gland result o( Ite. jeaiseif Freedom A
l'rogii'KS, evv aud Complete. nur iihj imges,
lllustruleii. LveiheKly buvn It. and ncentH main
n oui Jiooti) tmi a month. Addiess J. u. Met' I KDY
& cel., i'uuusnei, rnunueipuia, ia.
Oondue'teit by us In everj form, on eommlsslou oul.
i uus mm tuns, un uwii iiuuses ami uveM I aees.
Cost, jioi) to AM, and otten pay f,ooo proilt. I'am.
billet, exnlulnlner how Wall Slri'i't Ions nr.,
eonducled, sent freo. Send for a copy.
2 Dull Mrrt, M Y.
And all Tliroat Diseases,
a Tiii:i) ami Niiiii: ui:.mi:iv.
For salo by Druggists generally, and JOHNSTON
IlOLLOWAr H Ct , I'hlladelbhLi, I'.i,
Trntp, Rupportfffl n! Tlla
I'll: "sl'r lUrl liubbtr
TruM.B.M-IV3ol. rli'nW. licrht
ptTfi-cll, rafo unj vumfnrlAtjle,
lVAjMinlncMt i
.n.;liJ "'")' renui. lllkVVAllCKIiail
TATJONlilltlailuiiUratHl"l,ri.B'lcy.'' I'dtuVi,
ur tip., A told by hoolui,' drujtuu. 6eai (orcut joijue.
Ileitis a (nil description ot I'alestlne, Its History, An
tliieitlli's, liihublUiuu mid customs, ueeordtng tn the
gie-at Discoveries reeeutly luaelo by thu l'atestlne
l:xp oilng Kxiwdltlons, ll sells at sight. Scud for
uur extra leriiiy to Agents, and sen w hy it M ils
it Hum uiiv either b(jk. NATIONAL I'L ULlsltlNii
I'O,, I'lillailelp' la, l'a,
Ui" i; a n u li a li ) it s o r
llMiludiug thu "LAST .lOl'ltNALS,") unlohls vividly
hlsipiieniistrangii udventurn. alsutho Cuuoiiliv.
WondiVrs and We alth ot that marvelous eoiiuli y, mul
is uosoiuii iy ine oniy new, vempiet vturt;. Ileueo
II wllsj lust iIiIiik, la.eui tlristt vuels. wt, page's
1U0 11110 lllUSlralloUS. OUlV U.IO. Atvlils
Head lor terms uud pesttie pru(! ill lUiAltli
lil,Vs., I'ejVlnwo, ... fctOisvui, sl., t'hUadelpLra, l'a.
Keep on Hand tlio
mhmm&mu haptiwatjt?
-Sr5 BfT "iiiiu it iiiijj
In the County.
& SON, Bloomsburg, Pa.
ItEMiNUTOV No. 1 Macluno for
family use, In tto tiiiru year
a more iiArm increase oe iiatio
TIIE maiiket.
ItEsnxeiTON Ko. 2 Machine for
jianvfactckino and fomtly ItiO
(ready for delivery only Blnco
June, l:t), for range, perfee
tlon, andvarletyof work, ta
wlthoutarlval In famtlyor
Machine Conpny, 111, 1 Y.
1K1 & 23 iiroartvvny.'Xevv York, Arms.
Miull.sun hqunre, :cw York, Revving Machines.
Chicago, 231 stiiiu m Sewing Machines und Aims.
Huston, 33'i Washington M Mjvilng MucIiIiick.
e'lnclnnatl. 1I West 4tli M hewing Machines.
I'llca, 12'J cenosee, M Sew Ing Mn lilne-s.
Atlanta, Oa., Detllve's Opera House, Marietta Strer,
... , . (sewing Moelilnes.
Washington, D. C.,f,2l SevlnthSt.,t-ewingMiichlneH.
Ixjutsvllle, Ky Wett .lelTeioon M .sewing Muehtnen.
llillJdelpl.i, sint'heslnut Mnet, fcewlng Machines.
St. luuts, oeM N, Fourth Mrtt't, "
Detroit, nn Woodwind Avenue, " "
Indianapolis, 12 Market Mivet, " "
lialllmou', 41 x. diaries Mreet, ' "
einiee lu Maize's Uulldlng, corner Main nnd Ceutiu
lll.OOMSIll'lttl, I'LNNA.
tTtneti rs sollelted and promptly tilled.
May, ItVJMy
Valuable Town Property
and Farm at Private
Sale !
rpilh imileislgneil, one of tlio Kiccntnrs nf
I (UX)liili; WKAVLii, docease'd, ofrers ut private
bale, the follow lug valuable property, to wit i
with out-buildings and lot uttnehed, FltuateeVon
Main street, llloonisburg, l'a. 'Hits house Is sultablo
fur twu fuinlllt's. one two-story frame dwelling houie, vjlth
out-tiulldlngs, framo stntilo and good lot nltaclied.
This property Is opposite the resldeuee oflhe Uto
Dr. Yu:st,
Ale, ono tvin-stoiy frame dwelling housowltu
stable. out-butldUigs unit lut nttaclied situated on
ltoe'k street, llloonisburg, l'a.
AlJil), six vacant lots situated on Fourth Street,
A!o. a valuable farm sltmiiod .imif t.iitn ffn,,.
thu town vt M'Lvveusvllle, l'a. bate! farm contains V0
aiiesof hunt.
For terms ot salo npplv to
.. . . .. ("eiWll W, C01t:tF.LL, Kxecutor.
I en. U, 'is-cm, llloomsburg, l'a.
T Y virtue evf an onler of tlio Orphan's Court
I of e oluuiblu county, tlio iii.ilcnliriied. Ailinln.
. r . ,ttw ui.ui'iMj(llfll, AllllUU
,.,-, i.iiu m i-iMiuiKeTe'eik luwn-
Mi in. lu sa d e'ountv. iIivl-usi'iI. will i.iu,u, m,.
sale on the premises, on
SATURDAY, JULY 10, 1875,
At 1(1 nVlrclf. u. tn. tli. f,iii t,r t
estate, to vviu
A teriiiln lot of ground sliuato tn FMilnccrcrk
township, iHiuuded em ttiu nortli tiv John Weniier.e n
lho 1'iusl I.) w lti.bins, nmi i:ms liendcr. on thu
south und iesi by jvtlliam Loudeibueh, coiilaiiilua
cm which are i rec tod a ouo nnd-a-halt ttorj fratnei
lioue, u frame blubte, u good well of vatir ami
soiu;' (rull tree. 'Ihe land ts lu a uoexl ntuto of eul.
ttvtlun. Also, ut thewimu tlmo atd yluee, lu tn
lio'Il tuniiuri'M' ,'uruU' 11 WI uUvl.K lul of house
Tl.ltMS OF 'SALK.-Oue.Joarth ot Ihe nurduiSB
nouey to U paid at the trtkli.g down ol lho l iot'ei"
tv, und thu rctuuUitvg thtee-tiiurths lu !u nar
,Uim'!l' 7m J01lN Wl-NNKlt?