THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBXJEG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Miscellaneous. - tiii: (KiiiDSMinrs iiAiHiiirint. I'AUAriinAMn ritow Tits nuniun or viii.ANn. t. fp tpoKs Ilio nolipmidh proudly Unto lira itiuifflilcr fair "A(U Intro nrc ponrh nml, Awl rubles rich nml rare i llutneno with Mie. my Helen, In beauty can oomparep' it. In oma a knight no gnjly, A arontli of noble mien ; Wild "I would turn n wrlanil, ThaJliHUt e'er waa toon t ttixire noilliDr cost nor labor j Tit lor mj ri IdaV-riltocti." nt. The work is done s nml Helen Crlod, "Lucky brldo Is lia Who wears IhU qilemtlil tent land I Ah f would lie Biro to ins A Simula wreath of row, How happy 1 should bo I" If. "TIs well," the knlf lit made answer, When bo this iv roath htd seen i "Now mako iiiliijf Willi diamonds And of tho purest sheen j Sp.iro neither ooit nor labor j TIs for tny bridal-queen l" v. Tho WorX U dono i and llolon fried, "Lucky brldo is alio Who wears tliU clrclctt Ah I would ho Rive to mo One, of his golden trestes. How hnppy I isliould bo I" Vt, '"TIs well," tho kuujht raado answers Then to tho maid ho crlod, "I fain would lmvu those Jewels On Uiee, n moment, tried ! That I may Judgo tho surer If they beeorae my bible." And soon her blushing forehead Was w It li t ho carland srncod j And then upon hir ringer Tho knight, In lovhifr haste, Tho rtnjr of sold and diamonds In mciTy trlumpli placed 1 VIII. "Ah! lIclon-dcarcBt Helen!" Tho happy lover cried ; "For thee they were Intended, My darling and my prldo I And by those Jeweled tokens . I take theo for my brldo. "That fir' patch of ground's mcm'rible," said an Omaha man, pointing to a grave all by itself outsido tho town. "I reckin'y ou'il know that, stranger, when you sco it ng'in. Tho oekypant of that was tho furst man that llorriw Grccly ever told to git west like wise, he was hung for stcalin' a mewl." In Cumberland county a gentleman dug out from underneath his garret floor a bee hive, and secured ono hundred pounds of honey. The bees worked their way through tho cornico of his house, which is built ol brick, and mado their homo beneath tho floor. Tho tcrriblo effects of tho uso of tobacco aro frightfully illustrated in tho case of an old lady, who begau to uso it at tho ago of Bisty, and she i3 even now but ono hundred nnd ten years old. If she had let tobacco a lone, sho might today have been a thousand years old. "Whore aro you stopping, Hill?" inquired ono seedy man of another. "Stopping at tho llussel House," was the reply. "llussel House? Where is the Rtisscl?" "Oh, yon sccTl sleep in a dry goods box nnd russel around llko blazes to get some thing to cat." A woman was recently arrested for sellin; to some colored peoplo in Iloston a liqiTu warranted to make them white. This storv bears intrinsic improbability upon its face for why a colored man should want to get whito in Boston, and thus loso all his priv legos, it is difficult to understand. Tho item izer who got this yarn up, should havo lo catcd it somewhere clso than "tho Hub." Who Hath Wisdom V Ho who turncth awoy his head wheit he punchcth up a lire. She who puttcth not on her bridal raiment until tho bridegroom nppearcth. He who smiteth not a strango nnimal,but nrst informcth himself ai to its nature. Bho who wrappeth herself up in her bus band so that another man may not find her, Ho who punishes yo refractory mulo at distance, with n long po. Sho who docth over her own bonnet when her husband btoppeth his whiskey. Ho who salutcth not yo servant girl unless ho knowolh ins wife n not in tho lioiiae Sho who rofraineth from naming her child Jemima until after ye child is born. Ho who subdueth his temper when tho provoker of his iro is tho lifeest fellow, Sho who comfortcth herself with dignity in tho presence of her pastor. Ho who plcdgeth himself to abstinence when vo liquor recoileth from his stomach. Yo young girl who pcrsuadeth not herself that yo husband will bo kinder than yo lover. Yo young man who dismisseth tho hope that yo vision of wedlock is as dull as yo ono of love. Ho who puttolh not up his money on a liorso race, without first having an under standing with ye horse's rider. No Fear of Death in ilio Dying. A striking fact in connection with the dying is that they aro not afraid of dcatli You notico this even in executions. Tho mtjority of men who are hanged aro report cd to dio "game." Death following diea.-e or injury u, with tho rarest exceptions, ae companiod with fear. dulls tho in telligence so that tho situation may bo fullv comprehended, or thcro may bo pain and death is looked upon as a relief. Nature, by n kindly provision, seems to preparo for tho flight of tho spirit; as tho hold of life grows weaker, so does the desire for life grow loss and in scarcely a single instance within my own experience, or within that of my pro fessloual brethren, with whom I havo con versed on this point, hai not tho dying man relinquished life at tho last without bccmlng reluctance, or fear. The Boveral physical phenomena which accompanying tho net of dying, vary con siderably in tho earlier stages with tho causes which produco death, thcro is much similar ity in tho latter steps. Death offers them a physiognomy, which, onco witnessed, is not ltard to recognize- again. Among tho moro constant signs nro tho falling pulso, which gradually becomes im perceptible, first nt tho wrist, nnd lastly nt tho hrcast itself; tho extremities grow cold, tho countenance changeo as tho venom blood courses tho arteries; Ilio skin grows clammy as tho vessels relax, tho eyo glazes; tho jaw droops; tho iluids nccuinulato in tho wind pipo, causing tho "death rattle," bo called, as tho nir pusses through ; tho breath bo comes short and finally coaos, As tho red blood leaves tho brain, tho judgmont beceines obscurod, and tho sensos doficloiit. Speech is incoherent. Many timos "lost words" aro Imagined by affection to mean moro than intended, if there was any inteution at all. "It grows dark," or "moro light," aro common sayings as tho optic ncrvo loses ita stimulus. Or btrango sights may bo seen or sounds heard, as occurs sonic timos iu tho btill twilight. Tim hallucina tions of tho dying may bo often explained Upon natural causcs.--ZVc, Jl. 0. (Xvlina, j Trouble. Trouble Is the foo of n man's pcaco of mind. Hut half of our troubles aro imaginary, the creation of ourbrnlns. Things that trouble in aro not ns bad ni they pcoiii, and most of thoili nro only mints or p.wlng clout!, We idioiild treat our troubles as wo would Intru ders into our houses put them out and lock the doors against them. lieu men are worn out by over-work, or aro nick, then trouble lus tho advantage. At such times, a man's friends bIiouM contrlvo means of di version or find out ways of rest. There is no belter relief for troubto than travel nml new scenes. When men begin to feel that business and enro nro robbing them of sleep, and each day increases tho burden, they should put the will In excrciso and throw them olfor put themselves in the hands of their physician and obey his directions. It is suicide for them to go on after they begin to feel the grinding action of work on tho body and brain. Hut precaution is in using means of prevention. Givo a certain num ber of hours each day to actlvT) employment, nnd never allow your work to break over tho bounds. Takoa portion of your time for recreation. Mako real, solid enjoyment your medicine. Abow all, interdict everything that will tax, excite, or exhaust tho nervous system. Sleep, "tired nature's sweet restor er, balmy sleep." When troublo drives sleep from the eyelids and gloomy, depressed feelings possess tho mind, it is high timo for a man to pause and seek relief, for (hero is no telling what such a condition will lead to unless overcome. Thcro is danger in going on after tho strain begins to tell on tho health, for every turn of tho machinery brings the html crash nearer. Thcro nro events that come, nnd aro liable to come in every man's life, which ho cannot foresee, and over which ho has no control. llttt men should be like mariners, who do not know whether tho winds will bo fair or foul, but they go prepared for whatever may ciinic, bo it calm or storm, Nor do they give up the ship until sho goes down, Men should treat trouble in this way, and never givo up until death enters and tells them tho voyage is ended. l'ulilic'npinion. Tho influcnco of public opinion is greater than is generally Imagined ; nnd as it makes our reputation, it is well that we tako some thought of tho impressions we leave, nnd show a degrco of respect for tho sentiments and cherished opinions of society. Wo havo heard men say that so long as they acte'd con scicnliously and dono right, they cared but little what people or tho public thought of them ; reasoning highly commendable in itself, that may do very well for ono who would isolate himself from society and the world, but it seems founded on a somewhat selfish basis. "Happiness was born a twin," and to bo indifferent to public opinion wo must exist within ourselves and foroursclves alone, since no ono in this world is wholly independent, each depending on others for tho happiness wo receive. Many a reputa tion has been undeservingly lost, and many undeservingly gained. Great genius may moulder away in-solitudc and the world be ignorant of its existence, yet it is genius still, while tho effrontery and persistence of somo ignorant egotistic may carry him be foro tho world as a man of mark. Somo ac cident may rouse him to heights he is un worthy to attain, if tho tide of public opin ion but bears some first good impression on its bosom and carries it into tho great ocean of society. Yet ho is but a pigmy to tho co lossus whoso own thoughts in solitude are his solo companions. Public opinion is the barometer of the so cial atmosphere in which wo live. It is a signet placed by a community to mark worth, and a man can no moro journey through this life without a current of .public opinion fol lowing than a vessel can cross the deep with out a wake. Somo may imagine it presump tion or conceit to think they exert suffi cient influcnco to attract attention. Yet every life is fraught with interest in the par ticular sphcro of its existence, and wo nro in it what wo aro thought to be, and not what wo know ourselves to be. The character is to ourselves what wo really are, to tho world it is what reputation or public opinion makes It; and though a man may be fully conscious of his own virtues and his own worth, tho wold alono shall say whether to his memory ho leaves "Footprints on tho sands of time," or sinks into oblivion. Crowing Old. How strangely our ideas of growing old chango as wo get on iu life. To tho girl In her teens tho riper maiden of twenty fivo seems quite passed. Twenty-two thinks thirty-five "an old thing." Thirty-five dreads forty, but congratulates herself that thcro may still remain tome ground to bo possessed in tho fifteen years before tho half century shall bo attained. Put fifty docs not by any means givo up tho battle of life. It feel middle-aged and vigorous, and thinks ol ago a long way in tho future. Sixty rlimcin bers thoso who have dono great things at three score; and ono doubts if Parr when ho was married at ono hundred and twenty, had it nil begun to feel himself nn old man. is the principle of immortality in us which makes us feel young so long. Wo wear out our bodios as wo do our garments; hut by tho timo their fashion has grown quite obsolcto will not tho celestial robe which shall clothe our souls for tho new life bo ready? Why l'otutJes Ilun (l:U. J. W. Prentiss, of Steuben county, N. Y, writes as follows to tho Country Grnlkmtm All vegetables can bo improved bv careful selection of seed ; beets, carrot", parsnip, turnips, peas and beans particularly so. I'o' tatoes aro equally susceptible-to this sort o improvement ; yet while more or leis attcn tion Is paid to selecting seeds, tho potato Is neglected, lot planting, if selected at all thoso which nro good for little elso aro cho sen not good enough to sell or to cat, but they will do to plant, ibis is tho rulo rati er than tho exceptian, Tho potato shows willingness to grow, however mutilated What other vegetables would bear being di vlded into detached parts, and regardless of circumstances, expected to yield an hundred fold? It Is supposed (If thcro is any supposition about it) that each eyo or germ is n seed i!ut tho potato is really a compound of nt least two qualities; theso nro what may bo called ;bo stem and tho seed ends, and when separated, tho seed end will produce iium bers, tho other size. It is truo that each germ will produco a potato, but it is imperfect seed, and will "run out." If wo tako a germ or eyo from tho bced end of tho potato nnd ilant. and follow next year tho samo treat incut, it reverts totho wild potato. Tho lublt of promUeuoua cutting and planting saves it from entlro reversion, bu its vital! ty is weakened, mid it degenerate. If care is taken iu selecting tho best specimens of medium size, uud they nro planted whole, or if cut, length wise, lo secure all tho pro. cr ties of perfect seed, they will not run out, but show as much capacity. for improvement as any vegetable grown, Kill him I kill hiutl" shouted a crowd iu Virginia City as they gathered around a hotel. "What for?" Inquired a stranger. He's got on alligator boots uud a velvet coat. Mash 'im," Throo Points for OonsidVration. Tlilrlhff Ihn rtntt. nvn iiim Hin VPriKTlMt! Itna Irvii BliuJIly wurklnif Itself Intopubilo faor, and iiiusvwiiu enini ursi. iiiuit lncrcuiuotis in rcjrnrti to Its merits nronjw Its most, nrdent friends and supporters. I'lieronru thren essential causes for thoso havlnjr siH'li n horror of pntrni medicines, chnngihtr llii lr opinion and Irtulliiir rhilr Inlluenco toward tho nil- MMieejiieia oi i.ur. ri i;, na u nas nonesuypre p.ired meillitnos from twrki, roots nndh'Tbs. id It honestly nrrotiiplMios nil tlut Is el dined for It, Hit limit leaving any lnut erfi et.sln the s stem M--It presents lumest vouchor Iu testimonials from honest, well-know n iltlens, who" signatures nro a sumclrnt Kuaruiitec of their earnestness In tho mat ttr. TnkltiK lido eonMiTatlon the vast quantity of medicine bmuitlit conspicuously before ilio puullo through tho flaming adertl'inents In ttio nesna per columns, with no proof of merit or Kenulno v ouchcrs of t hat. It h is done, we should bo pardon ed for manlfcstlnen small degree of pride In present lag tho following tostlmoiiUffroin Ilev. .1. M. Dicker son. O. Ii tho popular nnd pastor of tho South llnptlst church, Huston t Tlio Tired l!o.ljr Sues for Mrfp. IIOston, March 1, 1ST I. II. II. Stkvess. nsq.s Dear Mr It Is ns much from a sense of diit as of gratitude Hint I write to say that your VKtiHTINi: even If It Is a patent medicine has been of great help to ino when nothing elso seemed to avail which 1 could safely use. lather excessive mental w ork or unusual care brings upon men nervous extnustlon I tint desperately needs sleep, but as desperately do tleRlt Sight alter night. the poor, ttred bodyBU"s for sleep until tho da) dawn Is welcomed back, utul we tK'Ktn rnir wink tired out with nn almost Iriiltlcs chase utter test, Now I halo found that a little, Vi:iu:tim: takcajust. Is tore I retire gives m sweet and Immediate sleep, and without anv of IhecMl ef fects of tho usual naiveties. 1 think two things would tend to make brain-workers sleep 1st V llttlo less work. 2d -A Ilttlo mora VKdllTIN'H. This proscription has hclcd mo. Now I have a particular horror of "patent medi cine,'' but I havo a greater horror of lulng afraid to tell tho straight out truth. Tho VCtilfriNIl has helped mc, and I on n It up. Yours Are., J. 8. MCKKIIKUH. Vlr.tle IMilcnc, Tho following unsolicited testimonial from Kcv. O. T. Walker, II. I)., formerly pastor of liuw iloln square Church, and at present settled In Providence, It. I., must bo esteem. si as reliable evidence, No ono should fall to observe that thin testimonial Is tho result of two j cars' experience with tho uso ot viKir.TINU In tho iter. Mr. Walker's family, who now pronounces It. Invnluablo t l'nnviDr.s-cE, It. I., Hi Transit street. II. It. STEvnss, Us : 1 feel bound to express with my signature tho high value I plaeo upon jour VtullTlNU. My family havo us"il It for tho last two years. In nervous de bility It Is Invaluable, and 1 recommend It to all v ho may need an Invigorating, renovating tonic. O.T.Vt'ALKIlIt, Formerly Pastor of liowdoln Square church, lloston. Tim Shut Kvl'lencc. The following letter from Ilev. K. S. Host, Pastor M. II. church, Nnttek, Man., will be to id with Inter est by iniiivplivblel.ini. Alsi thoso siiiTerln r Irom tho sama disease ns Millet.-1 tho Min or tlu Kov. H. H. Host. No poison cm doubt till, tesllmonv, nnd there Is no doabl about the curative iuvvvri of Vllil IITINK: Natick, Mas., Jan. l, isti. Mil. II. It. SrEVRXs, Ksn.1 Hear sir Wo have good reason for regarding jour VIXIllTIXi: n medicine of the greatest .Hue. We feel assured that It has been tho means of saUngnui' son's life. Hell now sjvontwu years of ago: for tho last two .veira In his s.irtered tr im n"c.osn ot his leg. cause 1 by scrofulous nn'ection, and wns so far reduced that nearly all who saw htm thought I1I3 recovery Imposslbe. A council of able physicians could givo us but tho faintest hopj of his ever rally-' lng, two of tho number declaring that ho was beyond tho reach of human remedies, that oven amptitall m could not save him, as ho had not vigor enough to endure the operation. .lu-t then wo commenced giving him viMUi'iNi:, and from thattlmiti the present hu has been continuously Improving. Ho lias lately resumed his studio', thrown away crutches and cane, and walks about cheerfully and strong. Though there Is somo discharge from the opening where tho limb was lanced, we havo tho full 'st euu lldcuco that In a lltlo timo ho will bo perfectly cur ed. He has taken about thrco do.on b jttlea of vi:oi: TINll, but lately uses but little, ns ho declares that ho Is too well to bo taking medicine. llcspectfully yours, K. S. II EST, Jlns. L. C. F. llkST. lh'll.iMi1 Dil.hiirf. 1.TS naltlo SUrct, llaoo.ii.YN, N. Y., Kov. 1 1, 1571. II. It. stkvbss. i;sq : Deur Mr from personal boneilt rccclvo 1 bv Its use, as well as from personal knowledge of those whoso cures thereby havo seemed nhnott miracu lous. I em most heartily and sincerely recommend tho viioiiriNi: tor tho complaints for which It Is claimed to cure. JAM IIS 1'. LUDLOW, Lato Pastor Calvary Hap. Church, Sacramento, C'al. Vogotino is Sold by all Druggists jVJICW STOCK OV CLOTHING. AND Gentlemen's Dreaa GJ-ooda DAVID LOWEXHKKCt t; tnvltes attention to his largo a-jdclcgant stock ol Jllfj nt tils store on MAIN STHLT.r, IN Till! NL'W I1L0CK, ItLOOMSIIUItO, r.v., whero ho has just received from Now York and Phil adelphia a full assortment of MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING, Including tho most fashionable, durable and nandsomu BRSSSS GOBS, C0N3ISTIN0 OF I!OX SACK, FROCK, CiUM AND OIL CLOTH COATS AND PANTS OF ALL SOltTS SIZK3 AND COLOItS, Ho has also replenished his already lurgo stock of CLOTHS AND UAS81.MKHEH, STHIlT.l), t'KJUUCD AND PLAIN VESTS, SHIM'S, C11AVATS SOCIIS, COLLAIW, IIANDKIUICIIIHFS, OLOVES, SUSPENDEItS, AND ARTICLES. FANCY Ho has constantly on hand a largo and well select ed assortment of Olothu and Veatings, which ho Is prepared to mako to order Into any kind of clothing, on very bhoit notice, nnd In tho best manner. All Ids clothing Is mado to wear and most of It 1j of homo manufacture. GOLD AVATOIIKS AND JEWELKY, OF EVLT.Y DCS CWITJON, FINE AND CHEAP HIS CASE OF JEWELHY IS NOT SUHPASSED IN Til 18 PLACE. CALL AND EXAMINE HIS CIENEUAL ASS0UT WENT OF Clothing, Watches, Jowl ry, 8co. DAVID LOWENIJEIia uly 1,'13-tf. yAiNWiuaiiT a co., WHOLESALE OHOOEIIH, N, E. Corner second and Arch Btreois, l'lilUDELHIli, Dealers In TEAS, SYitlTS, COFFEE, SlHlAIt, MOLASSES KICK, SI'ICEJ, DICiltB S0D1, C., 4C WOrdcrs will receive prompt attention. HEAlJQUiUnERS run in Puinte, Oiln, Qlnsa, L'titly, Di'itgrt, picod, Pst tout Moili cinos, Ac, &o. MOYJLOR B.L!0S TOULl) rail llie nlU-nllon of Ihe puMic t, r their vcrv l.ircni and wel wttctnil st,,r!r or goods which iheyulrei'nt tho i.owr.3T maiuu:t .uati:-?. 200 bo-os Window Olaw nil Mres and tpialll Ion. Class for Picture Frames a specialty! IPhilo Loiul, Kcd Lciul, Umbers, Litharge, Simnms, Greeny Blues, limb, Yellows, dry and in Oil. Ocnerat Agents tor MONTOUR SME PAINTS LIXSKBl), 0L1VK, whali:, CASTOR, nnd other OIL VAltNISlI and JAPANS from tho best Manufactories. ;Thch',loekof S 3? I O S S excels any In thti seel Ion of tho State. Agents for Dr. BIOKLEY'S Family Medicines. (leneral Depot of supplies for Dr. J. C. Aycr'3 1'01'ULAll AlKDICINKS. Tho Prescription Department is under tho chargo of competent Pharmaceutists. Physicians' Proscriptions CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED WITH DESPATCH. Colli SprMil Soda Water. Tho attention of country dealers, especially la called loour slock ot BOTTLED GOODS. SPIOES, ALUM, eosrcHiffsxi.a.sexis) hyb, Patent and Proprietary Medicines our wagon will continue ns formerly to make Its usual trips to supply cu t . OIL OF GLADNESS, n special Coughs, Colds, Croup, .Burns, Tetter, Piles &c, nn Internal and External rem y whoso healing vlr tuos aro attested by thousands In this and adjoining counties Is manufactured by them nnd supplied to tho nnilctcd cither directly or through their country dealers, Price 50 Cents Per Bottle, Nono genulno unless It bears tho trado mark and namo of Mover Pro's the words "Ollot (Madness" blown In tho glass and tho blgnaturo of Moj cr lira's on tho wrapper. Apr.U,74-ly Maiilifl: now Lost How Restored! TUST published n new edition of Dr. CUI t) VEltWELL'H celebrated essay on tho radical euro . (without medicine) of Spermatorrhea or Seminal Weakness. Involuntary Sem 'rii- .in. ,1, iiuiuieiit'j, .Meiuni nun Sr phjslcal ineapailly, impediments to Marriage, etc,: also Consumption, Upllcpsy, and Pits induced by self-Indulgence or uixtual oxlr.n aganco Piles, ice, tSSfiViw, til a tcalcd cimhpe, only sU ccnU. Tho celebrated author, In this admirable essay clearly demonstrates from n thirty years' successfu practice, that tho alarming consequences ot self. abuse may bo radically cured without tho dangerous uso of Internal mcdtclno or tho application of tho knifes pointing out a modoof euro at onco simple certain, nnd cllcctual, by means of which every suf ferer, no matter what his condition may bo, may cur himself cheaply pjlvately, and radically. tw-Thls Lccturo should bo In tho hands of every youth ami every man in tho land. Sent under seal, hi n plain envelope, to auy ad dress, post-paid, on lecclpt of six cents, or two pcbl stnnins. Address tho Publishers, CHAS. .1. (,. KLINE ,t CO., 1ST Ilovvery, Now York, root Oflleo llox t.ssc. April in, '75 -y h!onin TiuTm.i7tia Tub renew v Kvnri1 lt .ll'.i . uud s .he mocu, tones up llie sys tem, builds up Ihel'ii.Ueii dimn. eiires il sheii.1.1 )ii lllt,hipsy, i-iiiiis.uid 'v.Ts, euruniu iii.irruu'a neivoii') alfec lens, 1 ulls Humors, ihseasis .f the KUine.vsan'l il.vldir, te male coiupiainls, lew Thousands havo loon changed b, the Use uf the remedy ftx.i vvuk, Ud.lj, suffering creatures, In htrenif, heuhhy, happy men and women; and invalid ; c 1111101 reusouiibli' hcslliuo In give it a trial, lAinosv-1:0 Mini oii (Tt the "Phu'vmn Sviiir' (not I'rruvhiii llnik.) Mild by dealers irener ully, A w-paitu puinphli t, I'ontiiltilng a treatfsii on nun 11s 11 lie meal ueill linn 1111111 vuiiiuuiu (mists, iL-.stiinuu -ns 1111111 1 lsi 1 11M rri niiv biei.ius. i-ieiLrv Jiien nnd others, villi hu bent fro- to nnv address. iskiti w, 1 own; ,v 0NSI jiroprieiois, w jiunison ivienue, iiusLuil, di(XTO!?20 per day. Agents wnuleil, All ID ) ehibses of w 01 klmr neonlu of both s duiiu 111 d old, make moro iimnuy at vi oi k lur us, In I hi h ow 11 localities, iiiinng ineir hpaie moments, i nil 1110 time, thnn ninny thing else. Wo oiler 1 liiploji.ient inn win pay 11 iiuisoiui-iy 1 r evt-iy noui s wuik, l'uil pailleulars, Krms, ,v,e., send usjuur addieM lit once, lion l delay. Now Is Ilio lliuo, Hun t look Iffl' work or business clsow here, until you hav 0 leal n cd Mhnt wo otter, (i. hii.ssotl'o., 1'ortlaud, .Maine .juii. iu i-iy. TKW YOltiC TltUIUNE. "THE LEAD- l INO A.MllllII'AN NIlWSPAPlllt." T1IU 1IIS.T AllV 1IJ1IV. Ilea veal', setnl li. 1'iMtiiL'u Freo to Ilio Kubscrlber. Snechncn Conies and Advertising Kates t it u. Weekly, In clubs 1 f 'M or more" only Jl, postage paid, Address 'I'iiktiij neNK, N. Y. Juu 10'7tv-ly, A DVEItTISINOi Cheiipi ( Hvntcinn X tic. All perbons vv ho conocuiphito making con fiiiids with newspapers tor thu lusertkMi oftulvir tlscments, bliould M ild Its cents tu (ieo. P. Howell X Co., 41 Park How, New York-, for their PAMI''. HOOK (11 tietv-hiivenlh edition.) contidiilng lists of over 'itm nevvspapeis and ebllmates, showing Ilio coit. AdverlUeiueiitu taken for leuillug pupi-iulu many Mans m a irtmeuuous iiductlou Horn pub Hslicrs' 1 nits. M'l iiu: 1 (sk, J1.11. t-vr,-ty. AGEHTS WAHTEDj Iliuor women, Jl n woelr. mid hoiioriihlo vv I' h u.i I Ulf . Aldpagiiclrculnrai d nlual.h dimples free. ffHeud vi.niiid- ert'i-siiupobiuiiiiiii. J'"u l 11. iu;i:i),sru T.r- bw toi-ic. Tins wren is cw ritr. with ROVELL & pHESMAN . Advortlsino Agents, THinrv 4 CHESTNUT ST8., 6T. LOUIS, MO MEW GOODS! A JBAVYr STOCK, S. U, MILLER & RON liavo Just RoiuuyihI tlio Ini'gcst nml lust supply ot GHEAP AND' FASHIONABLE DRY GOODS, Til"!" havo tv.r offered to their friends and cus tomers, Cloths, Cssiinero3, and frithotts fur MEN'S U'KAIt, Cloths, Aliipicus, Merinos, fur IVDlU'a A'KA1!, CALICO ICS, JIUSWKS, (JA-MIllUCS, and every variety of Dry Goods do.-drl, Caxpota, Mats, Ottomanu, In gieat variety and nt tlio L 0 U7iS T CASH Pli Wo. FAMILY GliOCERIES, including nil tlio vaiuii. ' of COKl'KES, TKAS mid HUliAlW, OOUNTKY PltODUOi:, and a general supply of articles useful for Ilio table always on hand. CALL AEHD SEB. Country produco of all kind taken In ex change fur goods at cash prices. Oct. 30,'74-tf A. J. EVANS, IKE AD Y MADE AND CUSTOM MADE CLOTHING. nu has Tim FIHSST GOODS, LATEST STYLES, AND EMPLOYS THE BEST WOK KM EM For flood I'll 3 and Promptness In filling orders thcro Is tho placo to go. Ills goods aro selected with care and Ids CUSVUM W'OltK will compare favorably with tho best effort of tho fashionable City Dealer. lie kehps a lauoc stock op BOYS' & CHILDREN'S CLOTHE, G AND GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS ' At Astonishingly Low Prices. A. J. EVANS. dulyl, lS73-tf. , BLOOMSBUHG- 4 m -, uv i 7 hv s i, MARBLE WORKS. T. L. G-XTNTOSSI, Proprietor, MAIN SritKCT, 11HL0W JIAIIKKT. Manufacturer of and I'cater in all Units 0 MONUMENTAL MAHBLE WORKS WousothobestAMHItlCAN and ITALIAN Marble. Ho has on hand nnd f urnls'nes to order MONUMENTS, TOM IIS, HEADSTONES, TJENfc?, VASES, See. livery variety of Mnrblo cutting neatly executed at t'.io lowest market prices, A long practical experience nnd personal attention to business makes tho priiiil(.torconlltlcntof giving sal Isfael luu. All oi'dcin by mult promptly nttendcu to. P. o. box W, lizS'X. Jt. Work tlUinrcdJrec rj chinjc.-Sxi Aug. 21, 'IMy. T. L. (iL'NTON, Proprietor. THATCHER & GEA.RHART, PiiteB, Gas and Steam Gilteis IH.OOMKIlUnO. I'A.. ori-Tit io Tin; pfin.10 tiiuiii mii:vjcurM PIiiinltitKi' .mil Hot" li1!iilTiiy 1. iiiiuuiii mm X'iititiw.v In which they havo hndmany years of experience. All vvt.rK ct tins l:lnd warranted to Iki or tho In.-at doscilpllon and cxeculed In tlio most wuihmuullko manner. Gas i'j'iie Lnitl at 12 Cents Per Foot ! Stcutu Engines ami Hollers, Steam and Hand Pumps, Pipo and .Fittings. A Splendid Assortment of Clian-i lelicrs, Brackets, Lamps, Sliadcs,i Jjfonzo Ornaments, ttrc. EXQUISITE SLATE MANTEL. S, i 1 Tin: ci:i.i:iiiiati:i DUCKETS, 11ASINS, HOWLS, Ac, fei stotoHoomln llloomsburj;, on Main Mrcet. tcno- fcJto fct. Paul's Kptscopal Church, (ilvo t Dent a ealll.' .' 0(,t,V,'74-tf ( AN ACTIAI, Ilt'flNrWJ INSTITITION A HI ,' 'mXdllAPllIO INKTITL'HJ. ? For tnlormatlon call ut OUlte, er send lor Co iwit Aevtajt-tt), Jujicai-ly Ayer's Oathaa'tio Pills, I'or llie rellcT nnd euro of all derange menu In the limn, nrh, liver, nnd bnvv. t l, They nro ntulld aperient, and nn excellent purKntlrc, Heine l.tirelv vecc J; table, they contain ral whatever. .Much pcrloti Rlckncps and snlrcrltiR Is prevent" cd bv their tlnielv uoj nnd every family should havo Ihcmon liand for their protection nnd relief, when required. I.oiir expel lenco has proved them to bo tho fat cut, mil est, mid hct or nit tho l'illf Willi which tlio market abounds, lly their occasional uc, tho blood Is nitrified, thu eoiruptlons of llie tvn tern cxiclled, obstructions lemovcd, and Ilio Wholo innehhicry of lll'o restored to its healthy activity, Intel organs which bceonio rloftKcd nnd Phipfflsh nro cleaiiFcd by Aucr I'll, and rthnulalcd Into nctlon. Thus fnelplcnt illsonso Is changed Into health, Ilio vnluo of vv hlch chance, when reckoned on tho vast multitudes w ho enjoy It, can hardly bo computed. Their 6itRar coating them pleaiant to take, and preserves their virtues unimpaired for any IctiKlh of time, so that they nro ever froh, nnd perfectly reliable. Although scarehlnir, they nro mild, nnd operato w illioiit dlsturbaueo to tlio constitution, or diet, or occtiintlon. l'uil directions nro given on tlio wrapper to each box, how lo uio them ns a Family l'liyslc, nnd for the following complaints, which tlicso Villi rapidly enrol For lljipriulti or InillpftMloti, Jdsllrra iir, I.uii(rur nnd J,o uf Aiii'tllc,tliey ehnuld bo taken moderately to cumulate tho stom ach, and restore Its healthy lono nnd nctlon, For JLIvr Coiitithiliit nnd Its various nymp toms, Jtllliiiis llruitiicUi', KIcU Until, uclir, JmiiiiHcr or iJrcii Nlckiirni, llil, Ifina C.illc nnd Itlllnii IVrern, they should bo Judiciously taken for each case, to correct tlio diseased action or rcmovo tho obstructions vv hlch causo It. For Mynontflry or DlarrSiu-n, but ono mild dose Is Kcticrnlly is .mired. For lUinirmvf Ism. Clout, Ctratp, lu1, llltatlon uf Hip Ellirt, Culll III tl:o Nil!)', Iliith and l.iilns, they should bo contin uously taken, ns required, to change tho diseased action or tho system. v Itli such change llioso complaints disappear. for Iriiisy nnd llropslrnl Hiidllnic, they should bo taken hi largo nnd frequent dotes to produco tho effect or a drastic purge. lor MupiirrHNlon. a largo dose should bo taken, ns H produces tho desired effect by sym pathy. As a Dinner VIII, tako ono or two J'lffj to promoto digestion nnd relievo tho stomach. An occasional doso stimulates tho stomach and bowels, restores tlio appctltc,and invigorates Ilio system, Ilcnco it Is oden ndvantageous whero no serious derangement exists. Ono who feels tolerably well, ollcn tlnds that a doso of tlicsa rills makes him feci decidedly better, from their cleansing and renovating effect on tho digestive apparatus. i'iu:rAiti:i nv Dr. J". C. A YVlt ,t CO., J'rncflcof Chemists, I.OWEZ.T,, M.IHS., V. S. A, FOr. aAlX BV ALL DKUU013W tViyiYWUCIlB. A pi II IC-T'.yt KOU'JTXK IN IT. Every famllv bnvs ll. .--UllI L.V .VL-eilLN. .AUUreSH. 11. U. VVAl.lkl.lI. .lie, IM. tJJOn DAILY TO ACiENTH. So new ar iW)fCJ tlclesand the beat Family Paper In Amer lea, with two V 'J Chroinos, free. AM. MTU CO., aiu liioauwnj, is, 1. WIIKIlKVKlt IT HAS Ill-HX THIRD JURUBEBA has established ltsi lf ns n perfect regipnti r nnd ture leineuy inr uisiirners in me sviaeiu uriMii: irom inv pioperni'tlon ot the I.lver nnd llowels. IT IS NOT A PHYSIC, but, by stimulating the se cretive organs, gently and gradually removes all Im- 11111 lues, 111111 ii'"iu.uis uie enure sv si em. IT IS NOT A i)Ot TOItlJD 111 1TE1W, hut Is a VEGETABLE TONIC which assists di.'estlon. nnd thus stimulates the nn- pittto for rood necessary to lnv lsnrate tlio wenknehs or huicHvo organs, and gives strength to all lie vital forces. IT OAllHIKS ITS OWN HKrOMM HNDATION, as 1110 inrgo anil rapiiuy increasing sales testiry, nice ono Dollar n bottle. Ask-jourdrugsdstlorlt. JOHN STON, 1IOI.I.0WAY K Co., Philadelphia, IM. Whole tiuo jvgeius. -iw lS7o. 1875 THE COLUMBIAN ' Newspaper, tlio largest slieet imLlislicil in Colnmliia county, neatly printed 011 New Type, will contain nil the current New of the Day, and a condensed account of LEGISLATIVE nml CONGRESSIONAL l'HOCEEDINGS, with explanation and comments upon nil important metuiiics proposed in cither: POETRY AND SONG. MISCELLANEOUS READING, AGRICULTURAL AND SCIENTIFIC SUBJECT; Will also engross n large proportion of its columns. The DOMESTIC CONCEIiNS OF COLUMUIA COUNTY, Will receive particular attention, nml nil local jtllairs proper for publication will bo carcfally laid before our readers. THE POLITICS OF THE STATE AND NATION Will receive constant attention, and the cltnracter and ollicinl comluct.of I'UllLIC MEN "Will hf presented to our readers, from lime tntimu, iu life-liku attitude and with entire histico nnd firmness. No frauds xliall bo committed upon tlio l'eoplo or Wroiijrdona them without full ex posiiro if the columin of IIioColumiiian COUNTY MATTEHS. All olliuiiU coiiiity iidveiti.scmeiits appear in Ibis pitjier, us will also intelligent synop sis of tho proccediuss of tho Couits and tho actions of tho Comity Ollicerd when of pub lie interest. Tho Columbian- already lias much tho largest circulation of any paper iu tho coun ty moro than tho combined circulation of tho other papers and is tho only paper piinted iu tho county thatsupports tho prin ciples and time-honored usages of tlio Dem ocratic patty. Its circulation and conscqtien usefulncss may, however, bo much extendo if its fiieiida will uo their Influcnco to stir further add to its list of subscribers. At additional patronage, will bo requited by im proving tlio paper, by adding lo its editorial and reportorial forco and increasing tlio quantity of IU reading matter. As nn ADVElVriSINO MEDIUM Tlio Coi.UMUi.VN H iimipproachc4 lit this quarter of tho State, and our JOllllINO FACILITIES Aro superior to any other. Our friends tire invited to call at tho oft,' 00 YtheuoYcr they coiojo tu illoGin&iurg. Ok" Qvcv Thirty-four Competitor he5liUvSt;?HiURDEtPKIJ RAIL ROAvD MEo TABLES "PIIILADELI'IIA AND READING ROAD JL WINTER ARRANGEMENT. NOV. Oth, 1S74. TintNa I.KAVH ncrm-.T as iomows (simdavexclitxii I'or New York, Philadelphia, Heading, I'oltMlllc Tamanni, ice, 11,13 a. m I'or catuwlssu, 11,33 u. m. nnd 7,no p. m. I'or Vi'llliamsport, c,M n. m. and -i,M p. in. TUAlSSI Olt Ill'l'KI'.T LEAVE AS FOLUIWF, (SCNI'AV K CEITEP.) Lcavo New York, o,no a. m. Leave Philadelphia, P,15 a. m. Lcavo Heading, 11,3 in, in., Pottsvllle, 12,10 p. m, and Tamaipm, 1,30 p. m. Mavo Catavv lssa, c,so a.m. and l,eo p. ta. Leave Wllllamsport, m. and r.,eo p. ni. 1'assensers to nnd from New York nnd Philadel phia go through without chango of cam. j. 1:. wootiin, May t, 1571 tf. General superintendent, 1) ELAWARi:, LACKAWANNA WUSI'UltN ItAIl.ltOAII. I'.LOOMSllUItt DIVISION. AND Tlmo-Tablo N'o. S'j, Takes encct nt 4:30 A. M T1!L'I1S1)AY, DIX'CMIli;!! 10, lS7t. STATIONS. srrnnton.... SOUTH, p.m. la '2--. in a j 12 1 ' 11 tr, 11 .11 11 mi 11 l!l II III III 4.1 S 25 8 17 S 12 s er, S liO 7 4ii 7 !M 7 HO r, :,7 r, i", r, :z a 57 r. vo (i in 5 as r. m n 11 n 11 b is is in 1 ta t 30 a.m. p.m. h I!.-, N 111 S '.'I s vi S It, 7 t'J 7 f.t 7 4S a.m. p in. p.m, In no in u is 10 2 2.1 2 211 2 33 2 11 il tin 1 40 1:i 3 1 1 111 1 II Ili'llcvun TaMia rllle.... ...Laek.iMamia.... , Pittston ..West Pltlston... W.vomiuir Mnllhv KbiKslon Kington ..Pl.v mouth .lui.e,. ....Plvmoiith .... Avondilu Nnntleoke 0 !,: r. 4 llll 17 1 10 ;io 2.1 1,1 114 io r.s 10 45 a mi 7 no 2 no 1 I ft 1 nn; n id 7 t 7 1 7 1 3 or, 3 15 3 2 I 3 25 11 3 1 II till 3 40 S 51 4 (5 4 21 I 2S 4 SB 4 15 4 5 1 4 Ml 5 05 5 12 5 IS 5 21 5 il 7 41 1'.' M 7 IS V! W 7 31 12 II 7 S3 12 r.n 7 10 12 30 7 15 12 ill1 7 ir. 12 K. a aii 12 ni a sr. 11 4fi r. 24 11 311 r. 20 11 111 0 13 11 ti r. us 11 17 c 01 11 11 r, t. i 11 02 7 2.1 HI M 10 til 11 CO 11 (15 11 to 11 is 11 H'2 11 4IS 11 Ml 7 7 4' 7 t 8 .Iluidock's 1 nek. S 1: ..Miliksi.imiy ....Hick's l'erry... ....lleach Haven... HerwkU .... llrlar I'reek..... ...Willow (Hove.... Lline Hldgc f:spj ...hloomsiinig Kiipirt, Catavv lssa llrldge. . Clark's Switch... S E.I S 5 J t 112 1 12 18 Il2 12 112 17 112 2.1 1 12 37 '12 7 0 7 1 7 18 7 21 7 3 5 in 1,1 r.- n -II 10 43 7 47 7 6." 5 34 10 43 f. 311 II) 4'i 8 I 8 I 12 45 1 i3 1 11 1 14 1 SJ 5 12 111 K2 Danville ciml.imy 5 4s t, r.s n 0.1 r. 21 8 W. S 4 f 1'2 111 12l 1 f.7 10 (IS, 1 411 9 5 p.m. a.m. 1 iimcron .Northumberland. 8 55 II 20 p.m p.m. n.m. DAVID T. Superintendent's Oflleo, Kingston, HOUND, Sort. , March 5, lstl. N' OUTIIERN CENTRAL RAILWAY COil PAN Y. on and after November soth, 1S73, ttnlns will leav bU.NDUUY us follows: NoirrnwAiiD. l.rlo ilall n.!0 a. m., arrlvo Hlinlra a. m " Canatidalgua... .1.3.11'. in. " Hochester c.15 Magm-a u.10 " Henovo nccommodatlon u.10 a. m. urrlvo Williams I'l b l 111. Lhnira -Mall 4.1.1 a. m., an Iv 0 L'lmlm 10.20 a. m. Hxprcss 7.15 a. pi. airlv 0 lluffalo n. m. SOUT1UVAII1). uuuaio r;srres3 2.50 a. m. art iv 0 Hai rlsbuig 4.r,o a.m " HaUhnoros.lo " unuraiiaii 11.1.1 a. in., arrlvo HairlsbuigLtop. m " WuMilngion io.r.0 " Ilalllmoro cso 1 " n-shlngton 6.30 Ilarrlsburg accommodation s.iop.m.artlvo Harris bui'L' 10.50 11. m. arrlvo Halt Imoro 2.25 n. in. " Washington c.13 " nrlo Stall 12.55 a. in. arrlvo llartlUiurgl'.tis a, 111. " " Washington 10.35 " All dally except Sunday. 1). il. DOVD, Jr., General Passenger Agent A. J. CASSATT, oeneral ilanagcr PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD, Hiiladelplila & Krie I!. I!. Hivibiou. SUMMER TIME TAIiLE. N ami after SUNDAY. MAY 3il. 1R7.-. y tho trains on the PJilladtlplda & L'rlo Hall ,,w.iu 1 u 11 111 I llll 113 lUllUlV b 1 mxTn'Aiti). I'A ST I.INi: leaves New York " " " Plilluleliihla " " " Ikilllmoie " " ' Ilarrlsburg " " nir.ut Willl.uii.-piiit " " " Lock 11 iv en " " " Hdhfuiile KllinMAlLleavis New York 1'hll.idi'jphlJ ' niirrh.Lui.'...., ... " " " Wllll.iinIoit , ' Lock Haven " " " Hiiiovo " nir. at Pile ... 9 2.1 a. m ...12.55 p. m ... l.'.U p. Ill ... Mil p. Ill ,.. 8.15 p. in ..10.20 p. m ..11.50 p. m ... s.t.i ii.i.1 p. til p. Ill .... 4.25 .... S.35 .... 9.15 ....11.15 11. Ill 11. Ill a. in n, 7.'i0 p 1.1 NIAflAllAHXPIiKv'SloivesH'hlliulUphla . 7.40 ' " li.'iiiiinuio 7.115 a. m 11. m a. m " iinirisiitiiir. . .lo.r-5 1111. 111 vviui.iiiis,nri i..',5 ' " lKk Haven..,. 8.15 " " " l.'ellOVO -4.3U P. m p. in p. in KI.M111A il.ML loavoj Plill.idclnlila..., lUllhniiii " " " Hiiiilsljiirtr " " mr.atiiiaiiisii,rt. ' Lock lluun... , 8.0 1 . 8 311 . 1.21 . 0.10 , 7.30 n. m a. in p. m P. m p. m UASTWAllD. PIllL'A ilXPIilwa leaves Ijick Haven. . . " " . ", " " nrrlvesatlluirlshuiL'.,,. " " " li.ililinoro " " " PhUidelphla... 4 " " New Yoik . R.40 . m ., 7,.'.'. a. in .11 45n. m .. U.15 p, m ., 3.35 p, m . cup, m .. 9.10 a, m . in. 5 a. 111 .11 3.1 a. in ,. 3.00 p. m C.20 p, iu .. 9 15 p. in ,. C.35 p. Iu HAY r.XPilllSS leaves ltenovo " " " Lock II ivcn, . ;; " wiiuainspoit. " " nrr.atllariUbiiiL'..., " " " Piilladdiilila.. ' " " New York " " " Ilalllmoro L'MEIIAIL loaves Hrlo " " " Henovo " " " L01 k Haven ' " " WlUUnieport ' " arr.nt lliribburg " " " Halthnoru. ", " " l'titladehilila " " " Now York ....11.20 a, ra . .. S.25p. m ,. . 9.45 p. iu ... 10.50 p.m .... 2.2511.111 7.35 a m .... 0.1.1 a. in ., .,iu,lo a. iu 12.35 n, in 3.55 n. tu 7.35 a. Ill 7.19 a, in 10,25 a, 111 1'AHT LINU loaves Wllllamspoit " " urr. at Ilarilsbiir.' Hahhaou", " " " PhlkiilelplUa " " " New V01 k s.'n1?,.5"."1 V.'1' iV'Wnn H-tliress Wekt, Hlniha Sliill West 11 id Day Hxpiess Hast make clow eonnec !eni.n 'huiiiu nand with U & 11. it, it. trains fur Wllkos-liiiriu mid heranton. Hilo ilull Wcht, Niagara HxprosB Wefct mil Hhnlra "Hi'. &tn!TuX Nor'.rll" ut w W ,,)''" hill liifct nnd West, Niagara Hxprcss West, 9v.-...v ... ,u , aj 1.HU6U 1..1SI, 1I1IIKO ClOfcO l-lt xVIiiUi-l't'k "lui!f " ,!' v- " ll.i trains. iiiki Mill, lUIIIll IL UL I.I1U Ullll iiMlus , m L s. & i . s. it it., m cojry with t". c. A. at iiilitvuiod vvlih A. lt. 11. " 'v 1 1 BUU mIm,1"1!"" 1V between Philadelphia nnd llll ainsporton Mnifurn Hxiness Wr.t.lW 1 luu Wu'.t, 1'lilladiilp da Lxpr.'.ita .t and Hay ISxprebS Last, bliephitJCur-ionullullittruluH. ' ' V M A HAI lill'IKT OeucmlSupt I,ANK KOTES.vlili vr without cxuniiliuu - - T". s.,W SUI GEHEH.IS. mmmfMm ( TOr CABINET ORGANS. DNEQUALEDr,UMPPROACHED In mprtclty nm! (ixctllcnco by finy oilier". Awanlp.1 THfflElITliffi " DIPLOMA OP HONOR VIENN PARIS, 1867. nMI V Amrrlmn Orgnn crcr aw.inleil any meMl UilL i In Europe, dr vvhlch prwfnt pncli rxtniorill nury cxnllrnm ns t" command 11 Ma udo there, ftl HI HVP niTW.lM lilslidft prrmlnm nt In.hii ALlI A I O trlnl ExiKisltlonn, In Ann He w til ns "nfipc. ("it of biin.lnsH tluro trnvo not bran 1 In all whero nny other organ, lmto L1s.11 prcfnrnl. DCCT Dcclnrcl by Kmlnrnt Mulclm;, In both DUO hTOlifKN bi ho uiirlynleil. Sea ILSIIVONIAIj ClttaW, An, with opinion of more Uun One Tliousniid (sent free). IHPtPT on hnvlmt n Mnon St llnmlln. .Do net IflO O I take any other. nl'r 0" ixiiorn com. Mi'moxs M ccllta I'tfcrlor oiijiii, nml for Mil reaion often Irtl ten; A'lnl l tell tumetMna cm, lirill PTVI HP wlthmoft linimrtinit Imnrovo ntll 0 ULo menu ever tnado. .ey Siiio niiil ;(.iiitliintl'n Nlop. Snpcrh Ktnsoro nnd other Cnnch ot new lelt;ii. PIANO-HARP CABINET ORGAN & fiulfiitocombumUon of tlicoinstrumrnts. EASY PAYMENTS. pajmentsi or rcnusl unlil rent payii fur tho orEn, flATM flPIICP mil Clrculmn, with fullinrllc UA ALUuUCO Ulan, free. Aililrrs,MA&ON A HAHf.lN I OIllIA N l.'0., 151 Trrmnr.t, Blrcct, 110 TON", 25 Union feline, WBV YOItlCi tr W il W Adams St., CHICAGO, MASON & HAMLIN CABINET ORGANS MAY BE OHTAISIH) AT WHOLESALE OR RETAIL or li. Bo FOWEIiiL, Pa. Ornrint Agent atso for tho cctcbratetl CHIGKERiNG PIANOS. ALSO, OF I. K. iITL,L"EK, liLoinisiiuna, pa., Dealer in nliovo Instruments. Ilnrclil9,'75 y HOLLIES & HOLMES No. 17 Ccntro stro . 3.FS Gas anfl. Steam Fi iIAXL'1'ACTUHEItS OP J? X jCSI" "W 3L E3 (lAI.VASlZHI) IliON C011NICC, WINDOW CAl'tf, AWNINGS, Wire Trellises, &c. Dealers in Stoves, itang os, Iiriinees, llaltimoro Heaters, Low Down Grates, Mantels, PUMPS, Weather Strips, !ic. AKo GAS FIXTURES of thelatert doshin. Pprtlal nltrntinn paid to re luilrliij; Sewing Machines of every description, scales, Lochs, Hell IhiiiKln;, Hey ritllnjf, fee. ITlvnlo liesl ilcnces Heated by Mourn at a small cost above Hot Air. l'eb.2(i,'7.j-lf. J. II. STECKER'S FLOOR, AND GOAL m.ooiiiiiicna.-.PA Krcamcr's old staud on Iron Street, between Second and Third. All kinds of grain taken In exchango for coal. J. II. STI.CKHH, Mar. 10-lf liloomsburg Pa. TILAU'IILKY'S Im Jj proved crci'illililt vvuon Pl'MP Is the 110 l.iiiivvleilsed slaiidard of Ilio Market, by popular vi nllel, the best liuiup for tholcast money. Attention S Is Invited to Hlntehlej 's Improved llrnck- K, ei, uie Drop eini n vtuve, wnicli can 1.0 v. lthdravv 11 vv Ithoul illsl iiibln. lb.; Joints, ,8Sl "5 and the Conner chamber which never RS -iW-, ''racks, scales iii'iiisLsiind will last 11 llfo rf53A9,'i) ,llm;- I'or halo by de.deis and tho Irailo i-icr M generally. In order tobohuro Ihatjou JSiStJ tret Hhib lilej's pump, bo cjn ful and wo (li.itli lusiu) trade markns above. If you do not kiio'.v whero to buy, deserlptlvi thcuhus, linplher vv li 1 he naiae and nddi ess of the nBent nearest ytu will be furiitslieci i,v uriitn-sslntf with stamp, CHAS. 0. liL.VlCHLI'.Y, Manufacturer, mm, CoinmiTco st Philadelphia, von had: nv J. SOSUYLEB & SOW, Eloomcbum, Pa. ihu eh 5 '75 tin A (1KNT.S WAXTi:i).-Atllio ralo tills work 11 now biiutii; it win attain a salo of 100.000 COPIES !"i(P1J,im """"'""l" complete. PreMivterlan inln- J?t ? 1"' ''" If. r thoso In 111 health vino ...,,i ,!" ' ' i ""' exeri iae, Kiimetus, lay ;; l'' ,Jlhersvvhoili.Jro to uhiuhi Hicrallvu ein- Vil.;i . iini'eviuuuT ueeuiiauoii, uro so licited tu apply for an airency to tell "Till: HISTORY OF THH PRKSI1VTK. niAN ciiuiicii TimouanouT Tin: would." A hnnilllflll irtrtm nnlntn lli..,i...... .... MCPlnudwooil-nratln,whlclu-u-ryI'i'rilijicrI.iii xtnts"!',,H,i:?5. Jlcroceo jj. Applications for cxcluslvo teirllory ShOUldbomni nnr. n.ien A.l.lrLa I)K WITT V. LHN'i' t CO.. Dec 83, It-cm. 410 Hrooinu street, New Vork. A Fortune For $1. of each'monn. m ' Smi ' t ai l In full, nnd no dedueilous capital (tut. if o chhi ! i-eeoud (Hit. JJi.uoo : Third, ti m , lv.i.Vii,' .1.;, ,,..! 1'inh, tB.oeoi kimii, J5,oooj bcfctdes 70,07a' imiiUtr , ino nun i:trar.rdluary will poMtlvcly draw on dintiuntlfiB to tliuhiwi, w hlch H paid t5 llcte hoi m i'f..Vilt,1,,,,,rvi1.'K-'"lltHl5" H ( bin ten d 'ythJ r .' . '.' . ." isuiu i 1. ra, iicko ttkoiii up to the hour if draw Inj. Address, '"u,Du'li Jlay 11 Bint ' u br" NEW Yo", 1ST V. 5 u wuhy lvt" iit iiio iiioomH-i ik ?,i,i u.rt ;!'"3 wmi'iny "HI put In servlco iiIih) njid JiifJf'io'"''"?? l0,,,l'u ''"""sol lllof.nisiji r tur ?,lMwinl.",,u,,l") '"'"H' ""in "he treet does not yR.fy.'r'-.M "S0" w .'"twl'l bothuiKidnt tho itttotf wwnta erriii,!. m.iii i.,.,.i,,if I'll1. u. UV Mil 1 Kli ,.- ft y7 eoiA,U, , v.,.