THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. THE COLUMBIAN. II 1, 0 0 M S II V It (I. I'll I II A V, JIM! IS, IS"i Kail lloiul Tlmo Talilo, LACKAWANNA ti IIUHlMSIIt'lUl HAH. UOA1) SOUTH. A nintiwiliillon Tmln IU3 A. M. M hI Train .M A. M I. iirem Tinln l.M l'.M. I "i r,.!Ul M. I'ATAWItMA UAlt. l'lOAl), SOUTH. A iiiiinotiatlon Train .W A.M. li ular lixpress 3,M 1". M. Plll'TII, T.SMA.M. Is. 11 1'. M 1I.HI A. .M FOtTII T,!M f. M. 11,83 A.M. Throiwli curs on lixpieii train either lo New York or Mil! ulripnlfl. AcccmiHHJii.mon train runs octwecii ( ,ii wi .wind Wllll.iinaport. io nvit litiKsns, iin:i:iiMit li.' the llrst of July coining: o shall hato complct r I two jean of tho publication of the IOM'muuh s ,. i It lust 'me Into our lianos. More man uirei f i ir.iis of lis suUicrluoM nro Indebted upwards of n . ,-, irWrlntlun, mid worn than lialtof them kxvo i. D iM mi) thing. Asmir circulation Is largo this i a in-,. O tnK upon the publisher and loo heavy a i , i for tilm to curry much, longer. miring the sum. i . an 1 autumn, ami oapect illy llio ensiling inonlli M, i:. I.. M.mis will ca'l upon those Mibscrlbeifi who ! in am .ir.s tor tho p'lrposo of rcccli lag p.ij incut oi i no amount j due, and wo hopo all win meet, liliu Mii'ltS and be prepared to liquidate this Indcuto ! in s. ItlsfarlMin a pleasure In in to "end out a t 1 1 ir or Uun people for dues In any form, but i ollili;,' In o'lr Hue of Imslnesa must lit'puldfor In c.iliauit tte cannot lliori'toro iilTord ti carry a 1 ,r,'0 1' no'it of Indebtedness fur year afkr year, mi l uhMi l- tuiiitantly Inci-oiilng. We trust, there fore, tint none will take olfenco at belngcalled upon f .' unit I', due, but lint all will tal.o ploasmo In u' iiu the paper to llio extent otpajlngwh-itthoy owe for It. ilr. Micrs Is also nuthoilwvl to take Job work and . '. 'rtl-ing, to rccclto nubscil.itlous, .w, and to t a!; p.i.v and receipt for the name. tf. Full moon tills evening nl IWO o'clock-. 'flic Sii-cjHthtuiiiii'rivcr Is very low at tills I'lillt. N" '.l Momlav.w lw t tic longest ilay of the Summer commence next Tiicilay llio "Jtl, anil ciuls Tlmr.-ilay the U'Jil of September. Mr. llernlmnl Klolnur has taken charge of hi hotel, formerly comlueteil by .Mr. CI. II. IJrown. o A heuty fpul lat Saliirilay night, hill wo h licve w,i aeintnpaliieil ly no wrious damage lo fruit, Afc-sis .Tnlin Ciihh', .lini Pehuyler and Harry Urol. vru on a fishing cxpeilitliin "up (lie creel." this week. They report veiy fair hie!;. A party cuTnistins of noma thirty lulic and gentlem.'ii nf li!ooiubiuy, went pic nicking; tip to i ViiMi'il t up, near ll'ieli IT iveii, on Tuesday. The v.'iro rop- f.'irv at Culawi-S'i i) n failure fo I ir in the r ipj is eoncerneil. In sittempline; In -a- 'teli it aenm the river it broke three tinny. Dr. IT. C. llower, of I.toomslmrfr, lost n valuable home one day hut wet I;. It had been driven lo iierwickyinil wai taken tick Hion nficr aniving, and died in a few hours. We arc informed that the C'ataivi-a bridge is to be rc-huilt by ihe first of September next. It is to bo a single track bridge, IS feet wide, and the piers to be 0 feet higher ill in the old out. : Tin. flioio.y s'.oro of Mr. l'hil. Marganmi, bilow Kupert an.l opposite f 'atavi-a, wis loblieil of about S'JOO worth of goods one night lai week. Wo believe, as yet, the thieves ale at large. Those of our tuih-criber; who have responded 1.) the oillofon.' collector h.ivo tho warn'Cft thanks of the editor. Tho-e who did not will continue to lu c ille 1 upon until Ihcy pay. The new .ulneribers are nls cordially thanked. .'Ii . D.T. r.oiuid.wifeof theSuiieiintendenlof the I.. .V I!, railroad, dieil very mddcnly at her hiun in Kingston, on 1'iidayla-t. f'he was in lier u-ual lu.ilth until i-he ate a plate of t-traw-b-riies and cream on the evening cf that day, when -he took r-tuldenly ill and expired in a few in'ii'ites. 1'oi.on is m-pceltd. V Vi'.vimii ro ii'.)s.--Onj dav this wee! It a lit;! 'Mm of Mrs. ltishlon climbed upon a trm 1: w.'-;iiii, and ill some way'bci'amo entangled in ihe wheels, and was pretty Kcverely injured, llr lle'i T amended li! in but found no hones bro ken. l!.ys ho:il.l take warning from this and nut jump upon wagons or cars. Tiie eii-aiin:.' dill of duly anniversary will be cc!ol rated at Oiangeville on Satuiday the !!il of July, as the lib occurs on Sunday. The pi o gramme u ill ho under (ho direction of the Odd I'ii;, and lho proceeds nri-dng fiom the sale of rifre-liin uits will bo devoted to Ihepaymuit of an indebtc incv, of Ihe Melhodi-t par-onagc. An nialion will bo delivered by llervoy K. Sniitii, I'sp of l!loom-burg. A liulu eight-yi ai-old i-on of Mr. Ihmett, of lloom.-buig, was diowned in Kidiingercek, ju-t bilow lown.caiThui'Mlay l.i-t. The little fellow was lMiing wilhiv nuiuberof lioys, and we are in formed was wrestling with ono of them and by Mime mean i w.n pmhed iulo ihe water and diowned ere he could he n'-cued. It was a fad stroke to the fnnily of Mr. Il.irrelt, as the child was a great favorite Tlie h tting mmia Ins tiken n new shape. An apoiliecary in Ilridgepoil, C'oiincclicnt, phte e l a gl.i-s bollle filled wilh pill In his idioiT win 1 hit, nnd.ollV'red any o-i" who'midethuncaie.t gue ." to the nuiiibern hundred soda water lie-kits. More than two thou-and per.-ous conlindcd for the prize. Tho iiumher of pills was and the gin,, oi ranged from 87 to 7,000, Two persons gue-.-ed the exact number. This intellectual contest is a til succe.-.wr to tliesp.'lliug hae. Jit I. i-t Monday evening as the toiithern bound ex ore train on the D. it' II- U. 1. was approach ing tho d 'pot at this place, it was ill-covered that a little boy about S years of ago was lim ning a wheelb urow up the railroad, The little fellow could not get lho wheelbarrow oil' lho track as il was loo heavy for him, so he hft It stand and ju-t had lime to get himself out of harm's way when tha train nidied along smash ing lho wheelb irrow all to atoms, Another warning to hovs. Mr. (leorgo Urccce, son of Mr. Daniel llreece if this place, died at his father' residence la-t .Monday morning, after a lingering illness of al moit three years. He. went to Danville three years ngo this coming Fourth of July, and was taken sick soon after coining home, where he rem lined an Invalid until Daalh cilled him lo n higher sphere1. Ills remains were followed to Koieiuont Cemetery by a large nuniberof friends im Wednesday last. A Grovo Meeting under tho supervision of llie.M. I), Church will bo held on thu ground of Mr. I. 1'. dinner, near 1'owlersvlllo Church; on Saturday ardS in Jay, lU.h ci iMlh lnt. Divino -Sji'vleowill ha held each il iv at 10 A. M., as also In tho aftornoiu, at !1 o'clock on Saturday, nd at ,1 on Sabh Uh. Thoinorulnj Service on Kih'jUh will lu proeadid by n luvefoa.l, All Christians and tha general public nro cordially invllod to ba present. J!. H, Citiivim. Dj nut forget that to niijht, (Friday), "The Ccutchhtal Di'nmallu Association" appear at lho Opera House, in llio mural draiua.culltlesl "Tho Drunkard' Doom," Wuareauured by the Aaso e'latlon no ejfl'urts have been spared to make the entertainment inteie-.tliig, mid therefore let everybody alb nd. The adnilsdon Is very lows 115, -5 and 15 cents, Itest'i vcd seat ("in he secured at tho Hook Siore of Mr. G, A. Clark, where u diagram of tho Hall may bo acc-u until 7 "cluck thl.i evening. Heab teh bill for fulher particulars. tiii: r.m'iNu nominations and i:m:otion. County TrcaMirers will hereafter he elected for n term of three years. Three Commis!oncrs mid three Auditor nro lo ho clecfed this fall,hut voters inn vote only for two of each. We imp poo the Democrat of Columbia county will nominate only two candidalo for each office, yet they might elect all thrco 1 y a proper dlstrihu lion of vote". We hear of no desire to do thi", yet if there idiouhl ha n volunteer in tho field that result might i utility mid probably would follow. Tho newspapers all over tho country are re cording robherie of private houses, nnd there is much appearance of an organized ging operat ing on that line. 1 or ordinary thieve locks nnd flight care nro mflieicnt. To expert locks and common precautions are scarcely an Incon venience or hindrance. Watchfulness is Ihe only remedy. Money in conid,.r.ihle sums should never ho kept ill nil' privato house. It Is only ntimptatlon to robbery nnd murder. Willi Hanks ns good as tho'e of this county theie is neither occasion nor excuse for keeping money locked up at home or nhout ihu person. The Hardware Stole of J. Schuyler & Son, of lllooiiisburg, was robbed of revolvers and cutlery to the amount of about JoU on Saturday night last, between Ihe liomsof twelve and one o'clock. The thieves clloeted an entrance to the store hy hlcikiiig two of ihe large plate glass windows in the front pait of tho building nnd crawling therein. It is very evident that the robber or robbers wanted nothing cNc in the hardware line than levolvcrs nnd kli'nes from the fact that they had taken a lot of other wares from the shelves and thrown them over the Hour. The aiuouutof goods stolen and the damage lo the windows will not exceed $"". On the same night, and about Ihe same lime, and it is supposed by the same paities, the Gro cery Store of W. II. Drown was lobbed of about $lil) worth of goods. In t t s the thieve did not cuter the -tore, hut broke a window nnd look such goods as Ihcy could reach by putting their aim through the broken glass. Their h )oly coiiai-led of tomato catsup, pickles, olive oil, Ay. Too much caution cannot be exercised at the present toprevnit ruhbeiies, as tioies are dull and Ihe country full ofdespcr.itecharacter.! who will resort lo mo-t any means to secure pillage. - Chiirlci l.ce, .i student of tho Dloiiuishury yiato Moruuil .School, hits, been elected Coun ty Superintendent of Wyoming en., at u sal ary of ;rft)(). Wo congratulate Mr. Lee tip on hi i good fortune, jitt lini-hing his cour.-o ns a student and entering upon the duties ol n cnimtv niperiiitjiiilent. Cuixmiuax of May ils't. J-ii'l there considerable hiiinbiiggcry about the siiperiiitciidency when n young manjic-t Ire-h (oltcnlimcs green) from a school llint tenches the science of teaching, is elected to biipjiinlend teachers, who mat have been en gaged in the pnil'e-sioii before ho. win bom? iSuiiOtay Aiiurimn. D ish I If our .Normal Schools are worth mi v tning, tliev are ju-t thu institutions to lit young men lor tho county supcrintenden- cy. ilesiiles tlmt, llio American ought to know (as it may find out by reading the law) that no one, however eminent his sehohir- s'lip or other (pialilieiatious, cm bo comui i sioned for the olliee in unction unless ho have "skill and experience in the art of teaching." Tho insinuation of "humbug- gery m tiuse.mueetioii tncreiore uisappears. We believe Mr. is well leualilied in all rc.pectJ. Communicated. h:minau!i:s and cui.uHirs. Our college men of to-day are being placed in very tinjii-t and dircpulahlu position, owing lo the fact that there are in existence ceitain ly pic il seminaries which are cmpnwcicd by law to coufer thu same degice of scholarship as can onlv beobtiiined in ourgreat gionpof colleges by liiird and incessant study, while the same de gree or degrees can be obtained in certain semi naries in k-s time and one-half the amount of study. In behalf of our colleges, tho-e monu ments of learning, and their member', I submit to every sen-ible man the ipie-tion for con-ider-lion, in tit U lijlilt -Should our seminaries be placed on nil eipi.dily with our college-, when the facilities nlKinled at -a cnllego for giving in struction in the higher branches of learning are far superior to those ollercd by any of our semi naries? As for example, compare thecorps of professors lound in our colleges with tho-e in our seminal ies. In the former we find men who by their nn-tcry over some special branch of Icarningare elected togivo in-truetion in t lint one branch, while in the latter, as a general thing, we find the corps ol professors composed of siipeiaunu.itcd niini-ters, whose health, (and often their minds) are broken down, yet with all the superiority that Ihe college has over the seminary, they both confer the same baccalaure ate di gives and in the words of another, ' in both cases the same hum I is given to the victor." I might expand more elaborately on the above subject, yet it is unneee-sary, as any person cm see ihe impropriety of seminaries having this pilvilcgo. In eonclii-ioti, I would only reiiruk to our si miliary graduates of to-day, that al though they may h ive Ihe same haccalaure'ate de gree that could have been obtained in our colle gi by difficult study, yet let him remember that he who Inn taken the degree in college can me e t the demands of that degree; for ill hint we find that thoroughness of culture and discipline of the mind which our .'eminariain lack. A friend lo the college inin and seminary men, "Anonymous.' NDilMAl. SUIIOOI, ANMVIIItSAUY UXCIIC'IXKS. J he yearly cvimlnalions ol tho Senior t la-s lit the Xo.-iual School, by tho State Committee, too; place on lhursil.iy last, commencing at v o'clock, a, in. The class numbered eighteen, eleven ladies and seven gentlemen, the l.irgc-t class ever examined at thu chool. Tho names of lho F.x tmlning Comuiltteo are :u follows : Hon. J. l'.Wiekei'sham, State Supjrintendent of l'ltblle Instruclionj Kobcit Curry, D putv Sup'l.j Frln. Maris, West Chester School, lih DN'l,! Supt. Dutii', of Hai'ii-bui'g; Supt, Ilur rows, Union Co.j l'riu. T. I..Griswold, Itlooms lmrg, The following rules concerning examinations at Xoriual School', have been iviied by the Slate Supciintcnduit: I, Tho voting shall bo done by ballot, J. A slnduil must nctivu four affirmative votes out of live in order lo graduate. II. The classes, especially when largo, shall be broken up into seelloiii and each siciiou bj ex amliud by it-elf, 1. The examinations shall bo strictly piivate, no per- ins being admitted except tho member of the Faculty, the Hoard of Tni-lecs and invi ted gnosis, ,1, The result of the examination shall ho announced lo the Cliss by the l'lividcnt of lho liiird of Fxamlners. Tho Anniversary Fxcrei-es for Commence ment week, areas follows: Mu-ical and Literary Hutci'laluincnt, Tuesday evening, June Junior examination begin Wcdnei.lay June -ad. Class Day, Thursday, Juno'Jllh. C'I.m Contests, Thursday, 'J o'clock, p, in., Juno -Hill. Model Schoul Inhibition, Friday Kvcning, Juno liulh. Anniversary lleiiuiou 1'hilologlaii Literary Soclttv, Saturday evening, Juno -'th, l'hllolo glan Hall. Anniversary llfiiulou Callleplan Literary So ehlv, Monday evening, Juuu USlh, Normal Hall. Aluiiuil Meeting, Tucday, June ilUth, Jj o'clock, a. in. Couimeuee'iiicnt FxercluM, Tueslay, June 2Uth. 10 o'clock a. m. Friuclpai Itecelillon, Tuesday evening, Juno 'J'Jtli. Tho uhovo mentioned vxercUei will be public mid all are Invited to attend, Whatever quarrel Dr. llradlcy may have with tho Itloonisburg postmaster personally, It Is ut terly uiilruo that the olliee Is not well conduct ed, It Is now, ns it has been for n considerable time, under lho care of Joseph Klcfler, wlrj I n pleasant, attentive, efficient nnd popular offi cer. Kven the Mimlour American might know that postmasters do not carry the malls. The Dev. Mr. ttcwilt, Mr. K. It. Drinker, and Mr. W. M. Monroe, attended lho Fourth Annual Convocation of the diocese of Central l'cim'a, which was held in Heading last week. Mr. Hewitt took part in the discussion on Char ier', made n stirring address on lho subject of Missions on Wednesday evening and nUted lho Ill-hop at the morning service of Thursday. Mr. K. Mciidcnhall, who was also a delegate win unable to alteiul. Ono day last week n stranger went to the livery slable of Mr. Wlllifbn, Milton, and contracted for tho use of a hor-ennd buggy for several days, to go to Cohunbiaeoimty. The fellow appear ing to bo nil right, Mr. Wlthcliu let Mm have lho rigging. On lViday the horse nnd buggy were brought home by u man who found tho horse wandering along thu road by himself, mid upon taking posses-inn, found in lho bottom of the buggy a note directing Ihe person llndingtho rigging to deliver it lo Mr. Wilhclm, its own er. Tho stranger w iio obtained Ihe conveyance h is not been heard from, an 1 Mr. Wilhelm is out of pocket tho contract piice. Vtiiimpjrt Jhlhtin. A walk or drive through lho country now, is one of lho most agreeable things imnginable. Everything presents such a lich, growing 'nnd attractive appearance, thwoods and fields are so beautiful in (heir summer drapery, and the wa ters exhibit such s clear and sparkling appear ance, that the vicinity of I'loomsburg looks more like a fairy region lhan anything c'lewilhwhich we cm at preascnt intimie a co.nparl'on. "Tho world Is full of beauty," and tho Toice.t of the birds ring with increased sweetness through "lho sounding ilcs of the dim woods" and along the shores of the wateis whero they hare built their leafy homes. As far as tho eye can reach the earth looms with tho variegated huesof sum mer, and the mild breath of June touches every leaf and every bud with its reviving influence. The goodness and niere'y of Divine Providence are seen in every direction. Oats taken on subscription at tho Cur.UMlilAX oliloe. Xew Lot (iitigham I. W. llarlnun's. Calicoes, Dress Goods' at l'roduee cash Slore the same as cash at Clark .t Wolfs The fourth lot of 1'ara-ols this se.niu at DutziO Sloans. -18- Marr's Calicoes are uieo and cheap, Ladies and Misses' ho-e at lOets. to $1.00 per pair, with lots of Yankee Xolions at pticcs to suit the times, at Clark ec Wolf's. 0 000 Oak Ties wantci peforc the middle of Aii'iist, for which cash wilt be paid by J. II. Stailon, Kohivbtirg. Slate Mantles of the handsomest design sell ing below coft at Ko'dins ec Holmes'. Marr is selling nice Stockings for I. id ies at lOeents p.'i- piir. Slill running out Dihes at I. Ilirtmufd White Ooods in great variety, flr.i'S Cloths. I'ercalcs, Cambrics, llaniliurgKdging', Collar', Tics Itu-hing', l'ara-ol', cheap for cash at Clark .0 Wolf's. l'or l'iqite, Swiss, Victoria Dawn, Cambric or any other white goods go to I.ut. & Sloans. A H nc lot of strawberries for sale next week bv Dillon. J Clark & Wolf have lcduecd the price of inanv of their l)rc-s. Goods and oiler same at co-t to :duco Slock. Tobacco and Confectioneries, wholesale and retail hv M. M. Itu cl. large lot of Calicoes, Mu-lins and other dome-tics ju-t rceievul at LuU it Sloan'. Another largo lot of Hair l'raids at Man's cheaper than over. liottom at I.a-t. Standard Vrints at Clark it W'oll's, at 7J and S els. per yard. "Shoot those Hoots'1 MeKiinicv's. cad buy licit ones at l'or a Handsome white Ve-tgo lo D. I.owin bog's. Thatcher & Gearhart intend closing nut their entire slock br the 1-t ol .1 til v, and oiler their guodsat co-t till that date. Wanit.k. Two smut Girls as' nppr, nlices lo Hip tailoring husuu'ss. Aiuiv to w in, .Morns, first flour above .K Schuvlcr it Son's Hardware! Store. -t .Iii't received, a splendid stock of Summer Hat', in all the favorite styles and colors, a! D. I.owcnberg's. The only place to get a first-class Du's Shirt is at 1). Lowiuiierg s, Granulated Sugar for sale at ItUs-sin,' Whito Shots at H. M. Knoiiu's, For lieliable and lland-omc Hoots and Shoes go to MclCinucy's. AskfortheAl:UO'SIIIl(T-a perfect fit sold only hy 1). l.nwciiuerg. FAi:.Mi:i'..',Arn:Nriox. ltussi:r. t ikes Hutu r, I'.gg-, l-ard anil rioduce in exchange lor goods. The popular Coat for tho season is a Navy Flannel a line slock at D, Lowenbcrg's. A new Cabinet Kinpiro Sewing Machine, a beautiful ailiele of fiirnltuie, for sale very cheap If called for soon at Cadman's. For a Nobby suit go to D. I.owenbeig'i Fine and stylish Hoots ( Shoes at McKinney's. Huy only L. II. Sudick's Manufacturo of Whips, sold only by C. ,M. Gitton. Something Neir. Call and Dxaininc. The dim o( Ciutehley Aj Kline having dis solvul by iniltual lolistiit, tho bu-ii'iss will be cariied on by A. L. Ciutehley. A full nnd com plete slock ol MnoKlng nnil l hewing loiiacco, Cigars, I'ipis, Ac, will he found nl his esiabll-h-mi ul, opposite the old Fpisconal Chiiich. Give him a call and bo convinced as to lho good quality of his goods, l'or a Nobby Hat go to D. LowcnbcigV. Oat Meal for sale at Hussel's. Call and try il. Dulles' Lasting Gaiters for ?1.7o at 1!. M. Knorr's. lliissil has Just received a fresh supply of Apples, n.iuanas, Grange, Lemon', Fine Ap ples, Ac. Hxamluo his stock, J list received, a fresh invoice of latest slvhs Childrin's Summer Suits at D. Yocum's. Al-o Men' and Hoy' Clothing, all of which he is silling cheap, New Goods Jut received at Knon's. If you want a liist cla-s Farm Wagon, If ou want a l'latforin I'lca-uro Wagon, If you want an Klipllc Spring Wagon, If you want a l'leasuio Wagon, If you want your Wagon put In good tilin, If you waul rep ilrs done good with shoit notice", Go to J. It, F.i'.s, -. Army Shoe at McKlnucy'. Gents' Favorite Hiickle Shoo at F. M, Knorr's, Go to Tho Singer Sewing Machine office In Opcia House foi' best Oil, Needles, Tuckers, lleiuuiei's, iCc, Meu'i Hultou Gaiters at Knurr's, (lo to I!i'iii:i.iH for your firocerhn. Ho soils for cash and will not bo undersold. MeKlnncy's, iid iloor below tho Court I louse, is lleadipiailers for Good llools and Shoes, Men's Congress fchoes nt K. M. Kuori's for $'J.o0. Ft'wter Hand for nalo at'.i.'H. If you want a good llnm, If you wnnt cheap ami good Ten, If you want Collec Jnvn or ltlo, If you want good Canned Fruit, If you wnnt the, bct Mackerel, If 'you want fiiiffnr for the least money, If you want the best fsyrupi In town, If you want good Cigars, If you want good Tobacco. If vou want anything In tho Grocery nnd FruvlMon line, go to ltUf.-Hil.I.'K, Main street. tf-25 Cheeso! Cheeel Cheese! Fine assortment of Cheese nt ltuscT. When ynu go to Flilliulolpliia, stoii at the Allegheny House, No. Sli! nnd St i Mar ket Hired; having been recently renovated. Frlco only per day. A. Hiick, March 10,70-ly l'roprictur. Chlhlren' l'earl and Hun' Shoes at K. M. Knorr's. Merchants going to tho city will do well to call on W. II. llu.vniii, who Is engaged u-ill, b ,,1,1 nnd ndbibb. linn nf YlUdl'.lt it Hi'.ukunntock, for llnt, Cap', Straw Good', Ay., i.",7 North Third street, l'hila delphhi. Mnrcli l!),'75-3ni Goto F. M. Knon's for Spring and Summer Slices. COAL. COAL Ohl LstaMishoil Coal Vnnl. C. W. Nf.At. fc Duo., Wholesale A llctail Dealer in nil ot the bent qiialilles of Fed and White Ash Coal, nt tho very lowest market rates. Haveconstniitly 011 baud largo stool: of Domestic, Cupola, lUacksmitli'si Anthracite, Hitiimiiious, and I.inieburncr' Coal. F.specinl attention given to the prepara- 1 on ol coal lie oro caving our yards. Grain and Lumber taken in exchange, for coal. Coal dcliNerod to nnv part ol tho town at short notice. Orders left. it I. W. McKelvy' store, or at our office, will receive prompt at tention. Olliee and Yard t at William Neal & Sons' Furnace, Fast Dleiomsburg. Your patronage respectfully solicited. COAL. l7-tf-i-. COAL TOWN AND COUNT11Y. sun rlsei 4 o'clock as minutes, sets " o'clock si minutes. 0 Moos 1 Iscs s&) o'clock a. 111. o (loi.o Is now nuotpil nt a premium of about llii-In other words green backs nro about 14 percent, below par. Iliast Dm, oil 1'areliineiit nnd linen paper, com- 111 jii and ler Ailnilalstrators.llxecutoi'.s and Trustees, for sale cheap at the u, i'Miiiak ortlce. IMi-Kit lliiis J list revetted, and for sale at tho Co- MMIDIVX oWec. 0 riuri.i:', nuriTioNs, uni-nii skin. The fi -teiu being put muter thu liillueiiee of llr. Pierce's ilolileu Mcill;.il l)l-,e'oery for 11 few weeks, tho s!.lu becomes smooth, clear, sott and Telvety, and belnj lllumliuted wtlh the glow of perfect health from within, truo beauty stands forth In all ll.s glory. The effects ot all medicines w litcli operate upon the sj-btum ihrougli the nieuluinot the uioou are necessarily somen hat slow, no matter how good the remedy employed. While ono tothreo bottles clear tho skin of pimples, blotches, eruptions, jcllow spots, comedones, or "grubs,' a doen may posiiuij be 1 eipilred to cure soino cases whore thu system Is rotten with scrofulous or lrutent blood poisons. The cuio ot all those diseases, however, from tho common pimple to the worst scrofula Is, with the use ot this most potent agent, only a matter ot ttiiie. Mild by dealers In medicines. covKiinn with laiei-noss. cckkp. o.eir.iiecic, Cousiniv Co., N, V. Dr. Ubv. II. V. l'lEiicc, Ilulfalo, . Y.: Diiaii sir. I am sixty 5 car of age, and have been nt lllolcd : Ith Sail Uheuia In tho worst form tor a great many jears, until, nccldently, I saw one of jour books, which described my case cxactlj'. I bought your liulden .Medical Ilkeovery and look two bottles and a lia'f, and was entirely cured, l'roin my shoulder to my hands I was entirely covered with eruptions, also on face and body. 1 was likewise nlfl'.eted with i:heilin.itlsiii, so that I walked Willi great Uinienlty, and that Is entirely cured. MaJ nod spare you a long life lo remain a bleshlng to mankind. With untold gratitude1. Jlus. A. W. WILLIAMS. An Eminent lilvhio tays, "I havo been using the rernrtaasji'iip. It gives mo new Igor, biiijaiicy of si-irlts, elastlellj of niUscle." Selh W. I'owlo Son', Host, 11, w III send, free, a pamphlet of :ii pngc3, conbilidiiga full account ef this remarkable medi cine, to any ono sending them their address. IF Y()r WANT TO III'. STIioXli, 1IKAJ.TIIY AN11 eliforuus, tal.o Kunkcl's lilltcr Wlno ot Iron. "0 language can convey an adcipiato Idea of the Imme diate nnd almost iiilrnciilou-, ehango produced by taking U. 1''. Kiinl.ers Hitler Wlno of Iron in llio ills cased, ileMlltaleil and shattered neivous sjstem. Wiielher li ol.en down by excess, weak by nature, or Unpaired' bj slekneiis, the relixed and unstruiig or ganl.allon lsiestored topcifect health and lgm: Sold only in il lollies. Ulllco and stoic, No. 85 Ninth NhilhSt., Vhllailelplila. duly lull bullies. Sold by llini.-lllglsls. nkuvoi's iif.r.11 iiv. XEiivots iu:du itv. Debility, a de-pressed, In liable state ot mind, a weak, 1.1 re ous, cxhair-lcd feeling, no energy or ani mation, confused head, weak meinorj', thu coiim'-(pieuce-b of e.eetsis, mental uurwork. This ner vous deblllly II111N a si-rerelHii cure In i:. '. Uunkel's Hitler Wine ot J run. It tones the sjstem. Sold only in il bottles. Get the genuine. 'lake only 1:. V. iiunlvcrs, it has a jellow wrapper around it, his phologiai li en outside. Sold by J our di ugglst. 11. I'. l'lcrrlitor, hllailelplila, l'a. S-VJ TAI'K WOIIH KhllOVKU AlIVC. !!". fiend and all complete In two hours. No fee till head passes. -Seal, l'ln and Stomach Worms remov ed by Dr. Kuukel, 'J.,U Noith Ninth St., Philadelphia, Pa. To halo Tapo Woim reinoit'd, patients must como on, but for all other worms, jour diugglst can procure II, Ail; for Kunkels W01111 sjrup. l'rlcell, and guaranteed. Send for circular. o AN INVAI.fAIII.i: Ti:Vi:i.IX(l COMPANION'. Change of iltmatc, water or diet Is apt to ludu.-e li.irr.essliig and oflen dangerous diseases. The three eh inges comblneiriiro fatal to thousands cf emlgiaiilsciery jear. Is It that llustctter'.s stom ach littler.! uro an absolute prevcnllvo of tlioliuitful Lunwqucnce-H aiblr.,' from theso caiLscs'.1 Tr.uelcir, voyagers nnd to new countries can not bo too often leinliul'.'dcf tho fact that this uijiecable vegetable tonic Is tho most n liable safeguard against dlsoulcrs whleh they uro far more liable than the del U"iis of healthy ie;lons. Tho effect ot ihe uiiwholeHomo atmosphere which pro daeus wliat are called lual irlous fovers. It to depress and d'iblitate the .system. The body than beeonies uneasy prey to the principle in llionlr. Il Is nunltesl, ihenfure, that llio surest way to avoid nil epidemic and endemic maladies of an Inter mittent li pa, Is to countcrnel the weakening tend encies of li.lism.l hy 111 1 tibial Invlgol'atlull. 'that Hosteller', stomach llllteis U the surest rcsusel- lalit ot nagging Mgor, Il 11 fact which Is bet apple cUU'd wlieieM-r liillueneis Inimical to hcallii cslst. Hut Is not iilino iignliist 1a.1l.11la that ll.ey protect the si st 1 in, 'Ihej so loiiKhiult as to enable It to ciidiiro wllh Impunity cxlieiiies ot beat and cold to which Irai cleis are 0II111 subjecttd, nnd Ihcy never neulr.illo those clean ts In unaccualomed water or diet which would otherwise beget illsoiders of tlio Btomacli ui.d bowels, 'lho braekhh water will, which Mongers by lho sen nro often compelled to quench u.clr Ihli'sl, Is apt lo provoke dysentery and oilier sulcus ci niplaliiis, but when lho Hitters aiomlicd with II, 11 b. cunios harmless, Truly Ibis gieat proteetlio HiUiforant lsanl!ivaluabloliacllng companion, -o Dll. Fl'IIKNCK'S I'l IM0MCSM.i l', SIH WKBII T'O'ilC, ami Mamhuki: I'll iji, 'I Iicso medicines i.nve ini doubtedly perfuiineil inure cures ot coiisiuiiptluu Hi 111 .my other remedy known to tho Amu lean pub lic. '1 Ley lire compounded ot vcgetablo Ingredients, an I contain nothing which can bo injurious to the luman eouslltiilluii. oilier remedies in cures for consumption, piobably conlnfii opium, whlih Is ,t sum iw hat ilaugcioiiHilrug in all cases, und it Liken freely by luiisuinpllie pallenls, It must do great in jury i for Us Icndu.ey Is loconllno thoinuiuid mat ler In the si Hem, which, ot course, must make a cure Impossible1. Seliciick's I'u'inoiilo Hj 1 up Is wairunled not tocontuln apartleleot opium 1 His couipe-cd of poiveiicl but liarmlcHS hcibs, which net on lliu lungs, Hut, stuimieh and blood, nnd lliuscoin cl till nun I Id 1 ecu Huns, nnd cupel nil tho diseased taut t, r froiullio Isiily. These me tho only means bj wldeh consumption can lo cured, nnd'as ScInuSck's 1'ul. 111011I0 Syiup, sen Weed Tonic, nnd .Mandrake l'llla 1110 lho only luidlcliies which osralo In Ihls way, it Is obilous Ihoy 1110 the only genuine euro for Pulmo nary Coiiuiinptlon. llacli bollle of tliLs liivnlualile medli'lno Is iiccoiiipaiilid by full dlreellons. Dr. Schenck Is 1 lofesslcnully nt las principal oflice, pur tier sUlli a'.d Areli Slicets, Philadelphia, CMiy .Monday, where all Utters for luHlco must bo nil dressed. .A TTOltNFY'ri HLANKK. Common and Judgment HoiuUs, just pilnled lid for sale nt aCiiiimuiN Ofllee, Ail kinds of Alluincy'4 blanks ther kvpl on ksnn or primed to ordes. )l,ANK MOItTGAGKSforialecheapaltho I'm I'uiit av (Hllrt'. POND EXTRACT CII1I.IHII:N.-No family cm alTord lo bo without I'ond'H Hxl rnct. Ac 'Idenl s, In iilses, lontlislous, cuts, sprains, nre relieu d almost Instantly iiy oxti rnal uppllcatloii, rromptly rcllcvis paliisof Hums, scalds, Kxeorlalloiis, e iialliigs, oiu sores, Hulls, Peloiis, iiorns, nc, Arrest, lidlamalloii, ii'diieessweiiiiie,,, -,iop3 bleeding, removes ills coloration nnd iienlsr..pldlj'. lX.MAI.i; Ui:AKN'i:sNi;s,-itnlivnjs relieves pnln In thu back and loins, fullness nnd pressing pain In Ihu bend, nausea, vertigo. I.N J.KL'COItlllKllA It has no equal. All kinds of til ii .it bins to which ladles nie subject nre prompt ly cured Fuller details In book ncooinpimjliig each bottle. I'll.DU. Illlndor blccdltig-incct prompt relief nnd ready cure. No ease, however, chronic or obsti nate, can long resist its regular use. VAllIcosi; VHINS. it Is lho only sure cure. Kl UN HY DIHIIASHS. it has 110 equal for permanent cure. llI,l:i;iMX(l from any cause, l'or this It Is asicelllc. It lias saved hundreds of lives wlpn all other remedies failed to arrest bleeding from nose, stomach, lungs, and elsewhere, TOOTIlAClll:, l.nruche, .Neuralgia nnd llheumatLsm nru all nllko lelleved, nudotien permiuehtly cur ed. POX 11 S JlX'i'HACT COMPANY, 03 Maiden tanNew York. .May its-It A DM IN I STI t ATO I t'S NOT I CH. KSTATK Ol' JOHN SMITH. PKCKASIm. 1,,'llei-s of Administration on tho estate of .Tolm Smith, late ot Madison township, Columbia cuimtj-, I'iceeitsed, havo been granted by thu Register of snld couiilv, to A, c. Smith,,ot Illoomsbiirg. All persons havliigilalius egnhisl tho estate ot lho de cedent, uro requested l present, them for settle iiient, and those Ind'Mcd lo llio estate lo make paiiitciil to th uii'Liislgiied ndinhilslrnlor without ilelnv. A. C. SMITH, ,luru ll,t.'-it Admlnlstriitor. A DM IN '-- . UATOll'.S NOTICU.. OK J3IIS MKNsfll. IU!CI!lKn. litters ' vl liilsiiatlon on the estnlu of John ,it 1 1. nivlln tiiwtislihi.Coluinblacuiiuty 0 di granted bj lie' Ueglslcrof said Ab 'i eh nnd .Mleh'tel Melisch. of ,.sl,lp. Ml persons li.nliiKi'l.iliiH against p the decedent, nre requested to picscnt Mcii'.i' :. decens- d, t county t.i rr.1nl.H11t.' tho fi-lllte , Ihem fur iiieineni, nun iiioseiiiucineiiioiiie lo make p.iimeiit to thu imuei'sljjned ndmlnlslralors Without delay. .Ilsi: mhnsi'II, .MIe'llAi:i.Mi:Nsi'll. Adiiilnlsiriilors. Win. I,. I'.yerlv, Attorney for tho Adinhil-trators. Catawlssn, l'a., .luiietth, isw. Juno ll-ct. A DMINlSTHATOH's! NOTICF. IISTAIKOleATIIAlllSK SIIKAMBU I.ITB OP MAD ISON' lOWSsJlll', letters of Admlnlslraltonim Ihe islnlo cf Catha rine Krcamir. late of .Madison to-, uslilji, ( oliiiubla counlj, deeea.scd, l.nve been granted by Ihe Hc'ls ler ot snld county to Conrad Krenincr, of Jladlsnn towii'hlp. Allpersom having ilnlins ng.ilnst Ihe i-lnte of the decedent are requested lo lit cscnl them for setlt iiient, nnd those lmltbted lo the estntu to make payment to tho undersigned ndinltilstrator VMthourilel.lJ. CONliAI)Klti:.Mi:il, i'.aj 'j5-ilw Adinlnlstralor. 'inUDGE LETTING. "7"1- WILL Mi:LT on the iiremi'es to let Hi" re-buhillnx of a county brldiro over lluiillnci-in 1 lei U, 111 l-'islilngerecK lownshlp, nt a poll,! n .lo-lali llessv, 011 Wednesil.ij, .Mine 21, H7r,, b"tiieeiiliio'clnek,a. 111 and 1 o'llntk.p. m. To be an Arch Ihl'Ue, one span. 91 fett long. Abutments lobe life, t high Iroiu low wiiter-in.irk, lhldgoto rest mi nirl.-on ina-ih side. Whig Walls lo bo I by in feel, und 19 bj '.Mf 'el long. Speeltleatli ns cm be s 'en 111 the olliee or on the ground on day ot letting. Commissioner's oflice, 1 WM. I.A.WTON, Hliiuns'li'irg, Juno s, iT5. - John IIKUXIIII, WM. KlllCKII ll'V, J .Itdl.NllNI', ciei k. cotniiilssioners. June ll-2t SIIEIUFFS SALE. IIY VIIlTlT. Of SfMIUY WHITS cf Levari l'acl- ) ns, Issued out of the Court of common Pleas nnd l-i me directed will be exposed lo public sale lit the Couit House, In Hloutnsbtirg, on SATLM'DAY, JULY li, 187."., r.t one o'clock p. in., the follo'v lug real wit : All that certain Iioiiso nnd lot ot ground situate In the town ot Catavvlssa, liouiiiled und described as follows-, lo wtt : on the west by front street, on tho south by laud of late sainuel bck, on the cast by land of Catawlss.i li. Ii. Co., and on the north by lands of (leorgo stiicki r, containing in fronton s.ild front street thlitj-llic feet, and extending in depth onu hundred and sixty fuct, wheicon are creeled 0110 two-story frame house, one summer kltclicntiud one liMine stable. stled, taken in execution and to bo sold as tho property of .latin's S, McMiich. siiimiFi-soivicK, micii.u:i, cutovi:i:. Hloonibbiirg, June 11, b75. ShcrllT. SHERIFFS SALE. 1-Y Vtin'l'E Of A WHIT of Levari l'.ic Its, Issued t out of tho Court of Common Pleas nnd to me directed, will be evposed to public s.dealtho Court House, in niiiiimsburg, un JjATFUDAY, JULY .1, 1S7.-., nt 1 o'clock, p. in., llio following real estate, to wll : Allll1.1t certain nwssiia :o or tract of lar.d sll uate In c.itnulssa township, Coiumhla CO., I'.i., bounded imfollows: on Hi-' south by lands of lieu. Z.irr, on the east bv l.tnd-, of H'111. Melvelvy, Solomon llelvvlg and Joseph eleivell, on the north by lands ot Joseph Hiilseh, Win. lhirtia.111 and lands of Win. Corfmaii, ibe'd, i.nd ii.i 1 lie west Iiy lands of Samuel Un-ten-baiider,'.ngoue hmidreil nnd ffiiiitien acres and tin ' K p-1, In s. v. hereon ure cm ted one stone gilst mill 1 . 1 I'm fen, oii.s frame saw iiillladj lining. nut hou-i s -htgl -, llu'' e frame lenntit houses it'iiible. niie fr.i-fo bank barn, one wagon shed and four fniiie stables. About V6 acres of this tract Is clean d. lie 11111-si ij-i ir.inr- 1:1 oiseiii 111111-1-, luur name icil- AL0 : Ail I 'Mil eei tain lr.n t ot land situitn p.uily In awl-sti im, iislilp and pa, II-. In M.-ln lounsldp, Co lumbia c units, ii.lji-li.lug liuds of J.s. Ilrobst mi lho south, l.ui'i Ann 'II10111.1., untile east, calawlss'i 1!. 1:. on me in ii in, uii'i i m. .ii.irun on 11m wesi, ci.iilalidng sj acres, more or less, together Willi tho appuiteiiii.ii'es. si Ied, in cvcutleii and to bo sold as lho propel ty cf . I. ones s. MeNlii'-li. Moaoss s t ps s 11 r , .iiieiiAi.i, iii.iii 1,11. Hloomoburg, June tl, 1 1.1. sheriff. iTiTmFivs sali'I llvviilu" cf sundrv wills of fieri l'acl is. Issued out nf ihe Court of Coiumon Pleas nnd lo me dtrecl- il 111 be snld at puhlle the Court llouie In liliium-iiurj, Columbia eountj', fa., on WFDNKriDAY, .UWi; 2:1, lS7.r., nt 1 o'l lm-k p. m. lho following real estate sltuato In 1 s 1 ti'i'ivek towiisiiio, Coiumiiia county, bounded as follows: on ttie north-west o i.iiiuor .losepn ruiiiner, on 111' noitli-i ast by land fori'ieil.i owned by Wllktiu Ikeh r, mi the sniilh-east hy innil of Jaeoli lietns, de. il. .ui 1 mi the south-west l.i land of John Held, coiitiMiltig s, ui res and .IT perches mm e or less, on which ale cm ted 11 good frame duelling house, franc bank hum and oilier lUit-buildlngs. Seled, taken In et eutton und lobe sold as tho propettv nf l.ei-rgc liilbert, siiEiini'soiFicK, ) MiciiAi:i.(iiiovi:ii. Illnniiisburg, May 2s, ';.,.f tlieiltT. Juno4-t WD iV-M', muz A FIRIST CLASS NEWSPAPER. JATf-iY AND WEEKLY. IiuleipemliHit in Evcrvthinjf ! Neutral in Nothing, Opposed to all Corrupt liinys in Municipal, Htato ami National A Hairs. Till: 11 Ml.Y TIM lis villi be Issued on Saturday, thu bllh o Milieu next, und every nun nil g thereafter, suodiis eveepted, uiid'-i' tin1 dlreetlon of A. K. Merluie, printed oaipaellv from clear, new ei pe, on a 1 11 g folio sheet nluliilug all the news ot the day, Inelii.tlng ten ASSOCIA'1 11 Pi;is THI.i: UUAMS, special I'elenl'ains mill Cori'espond"lic ri'oni all ", hits nf liilen -t, und feat less edlloilal ill eus.slnns of euricnt topics. Price, TWO CrkVl S. Mali suhscrlptlmis. p.,!,!,!,, five, sli delliis per aiiniiin. or ttftv cents tier liuititii. In ailvuuce. Adu'itleiii "ds, iifteen, t wenty and tlihty cents per line, aieoiiung 10 position. The Weekly Times Will bo Issued on S.ilunlay. March soth. weekly thereafter, coiitnlidiig nil liii.i lunt news of the wis k. und colillileto Market 11 lid itenolts. Mall.'d, foi one) car, postage free, nt lho following r.ues; Ono Cony.. ..$1,110 ,. U.IID Ten Coidns TwelilT Conies , ....1U..I.I AUVKltl IsliAIHNTri tweidv-llvo cents per line. liemllaneousiiouldbo m.idehy Drafts or fostuf. Ilea (inters. Address Til K. TIMES. No. 11 South Seventh Ml ct t, If fllll.Alifl.I'lllA t'ouglis t'olils, ISron ilillis, Soto Throat, In llueii7.apt'roiii, Whoop In;; Cough, Hoarseness I.trvrl'mnphtut, l'.iins or .Soreness in lite Chest or Side, Illecilinj; al the l.tuiirs, ami every ..IT...., I..,. ... , .... 'I , riii.irj .n.l I'liii.t nmu .....l. Ill cured bv lho use of ii.i, Wist vu's IUiAm 01' W11.11 1 iikiuiv. l. n il ilm s tint dry up a coiikIi itiul leave 1110 i"iu e ceiiinii, us lsine enso iiiiu mosi i-cineiues, hut loosens p. cleanses the lunipi titul ull.vs Irritu- ion, inns re'iiovinif tnoeausuoi inoconipiaini. Oonsumption can bo cured by 11 timely icsortto lids standard remedy, ns ts proved by Hundreds of testimonials It bus loc'clved Soimifenutuo unless signed "I. lll'TTS" on tho wrapper, fri rents und tl nbolllei l.uve bottles nun 11 in" cue ip,T, sr. 111 vv. row i.r. .v sons, froprk tors, llostoii, Muss, bold by dealers t'eie crum. Jau.SJ, 'JHy PUBLIC SALE HAND RILLS Printed nt this OHico OX SlIOUTf-ST NOTICU AND AT Till MOsJT itlCVriOXAllLU TKUJIS, CHEAP AT THE COLUMBIAN OFFI01 The Columbian Printing Estab isliment is amply supplied with the necessary Presses, Types and other material for exceutinjj all cinds of Printing at low rales and in the most expeditious and satis factory manner. CALL AT THE Columbian Building-. c COURT HOUSE ALLEY, Br.ooMsnima; Pa. When Hrceial uiateiial is required it will he promptly ohtained. Bookn and Painplilcts, 1 land-Bills and Dodgon?, Largo and Small Posters, Letter and Bill Heads, Envelopes with Business Cards, Business, Pie Nie, Wedding and Visiting Cards, Programmes, Bills of Faro, &c. Will all ho supplied and oxeuted in superior stylo, at eheap rates and short notice. Tho hesl workmen are employed and tho hest material will always he furnished, :V liberal share of public patron age is respectfully solicited. Bi.oomsiiuug, Ju.nt. 18.1875. LAYTON llUNVO.N. HAEDWAllE STORE. LAYTON JlUN YON, & CO., BLOOMSBUKG, PA., keeps constantly on linnel n 1'ull nnil Coniilcto Stock of HEAVY A.3STZ) SKCELF HAHRID-WLDEIEI, vvlilcli vro will sell to the Public .it Prices so Low ft? to defy competition, OVlt STOCK CONSISTS IN PAUT OP IRON, NAILS, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS and PUTTY, MECHANICS TOOLS AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS of nil Grades nnil Latest Improvement,, BLACKSMITHS BELLOWS, ANVILS, SLEDGES, and HAMMERS. Burdcn'sj Horse and Mule hoc.3; Horse Nuiln, &c, PATENT WHEEL?, OLD'S AND WARNER'S PATENTS, Spokes, Heavy and Light, Ourringc i1illcbcls, AxleSj Springs, Gum and Oil Cloths, Vnlentincd Varnishes, Spirits Turpentine1, ami n general .Stock of WAGON AND C Allll AGE MAKERS GOODS, Building Mntcritili, such as DUNCANXON NAILS, Lewis' Lead, Best C01ors; Pure Oils, &c, as low as they can ho bought in the county. GIVE US A CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELF. LAYTON RUN YON & CO Jlarto,nt5-tf. NEW HARDWARE STORE! SUCCKSSOItS TO .1. V. WIDKMAX eSt CO., jtlimlels, Gouge?, Twee-zers, Pliers, Jl.,l .,.! l.nlll..a. I'ntia nnil f'ril-ra. JsSjAll tiling.'! for nil sorts of buyers. JJf M Wo havo alo aililed to our Stock WHEELBARROWS GLASS, PUTTY, -C3-3lIrnDST03SrES, cScO- OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE T11 all its liraiicliei, Carefully Selecteil and l'lirclia'ied low for Cash giving us Advantages for Selling which can not bo excelled hy any other Hardware Store in the Country. GIVE US A CALL AjYD SEE FOR YOURSELF. Wo GUAKAXTEE both in PKICE and QUALITY or our Good.. The Largest Store in the Country. J. SCHUYLER March 12,'75-y IR, E IMI I IsT 'I'llC IIEMISC110N SKWIBO MA- chink lias Mirung rapUUy Into favor ns iKisse'sslns tUe best com. ms.vrios ct good qualltlon, namely; Uk'l't runuUig.Smootli, Sobe-lcss, llapl'l, Durable, villi perfect Lock Blltcli. It la a Shuttlo Maclilne, Willi Automatic Drop I'ceU. Deblijn beautiful ana fouatructten tlio very best. GOOD AGENTS WANTED. AUUHESS, MwM Sewing IIRAXCU OFriCKS OF Ri:.1II.TOX CO.H1MXIKS. I',. ltfininKloii & Sons, 1 Ki'iiiiiiKton SeHiiiR M. Co., IM0N. Iti'iiiiiiSton Ag'l Co., ' JIajs, T3 2m $10. to 3500. invo-tctl in Wall Ktieet ..linn inmistn fortune. A Ti nnco book expi.tiun Wall street Hut lew iniKO book explalulng evei thing, and a copy of tlio SENT FREE JOHN IIICICI.ING A CO., Hankers ami Hrokcru, llllOADWAY, Nl'.W YOIIK. 'klSYl'IIO.MANCY nr SOI' I. CltAKM 1 1NU." How cither set may f.i'clnuto anil gain tho lovo and atliTttoiw ot tiny peis'in thev cliiioso This simple, mental uciiutrcnit'iil all can pnssoM, flee, by mall, fur '.'.', cenM, tugethi r with a Marriage (Julile, Kgyptlan Oracle, Dieains. lllnta to Ijidles, Wedding Mght shirt, ic. A ejueer hook. Aildi cw 1 Wl l.u 'k .M ,u, nios. rnua. AKets Wanted. ThoC ENTENNIAL (i.tzin'i i:i.ii of tho iM-i i.n states. shows the giand reiillNef ti u i in s ef rrecilum ,V l'lOKiesH. New nnd Complete, liter ion pagiti llliistrattd. l.veiboily Lujh It, nnd ugriits lu.iki' fromJUM to J'iuua month. Aililri ss J. I'. Mel'l'UDY to,, I'uuiienerH, riiii.iueipiii.i, r.t. STOCK SPECULATIONS. Conducted by us In every form, on cumnihMou onl) l'uts nnd cilN, on bi'ht Iioum's and loweht rales, Oust, 1100 Ui 13 and often pay J.',,oiH) prullt I'.uu Dlile't. I'Tiihilnlng how Wall street biieeulallons are I'oniluctod, hint free. Send for a copy. liAiSKKl.s ami i:i:tiiti:rs. S Hull strut, N l'OIt COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, And all Throat Diseases, USE WELLS' CARBOLIC TABLETS l'UT in ONLY IN HLVK UOXIX a Tiin:t am .seen: iti:.m:iv, l'or sale by llruggl.-ts gi ni rally, and JOHNSTON 1IOU.OWAV li CO , I'hlladclphla, IM. TrmiMii, FnpporlPri tn.l Tlia I'lpf. "hooky HirJ Jlutb. Truiii'f." C-ool. cle.tTily, IlKht, UTf.'Cllr afu mid rumf.irtHlili,. IT---ir w2.irM from tilt noiir,rust)-.etmaDi;, klrapplui;, or puuHlaelllio uu- lAlltnel.l Unoil 111 Lultilliu.etiilAnul l.vllm i.rnfA. Hon.lonit tcittU, nlwun reliable. lll'.WAIlKi'i 1MI T.tTIONS:UciHitnotaniinsl"l.ri.N'i'ley." KalaU's. 1JI7 Che;. St., I'lilli.,i7.l7 llr'd'y. N. V. Sent by nia.I iircxi., & toM by k'.iJioi'druij:.ii. Suua forcntaloiiuu. AOENTS WANTED X'OR l'ATHW.WS w THE HOIjY laiilB, Heliig u full ilexi rlpllon of ralotluc, 1U llMor), An lliUllli'H, InhabllanU and culi'ius, aeeordlng In tlie L'lelit lUsci)te-rlen itcentlv Hindu bv llui l'.ih stlne Kjp orlng HxiHMItlons. It hclliat sight. Se-ndlur uiu e-.tiru it'ruii iu i 'ins, uiki te r tt uy u sens i.esi erlliau nnv other took. NATlo.SAU I'l UUMIIMI CU, I'hllaelelli 1,1, 1'u, CAVTIOM.-NOTICE.-Tho 0EUUIMS EDITION. UV li A N 1) Ii A H (1 K 0 F "V I UST Q- S T O 3ST 33. IliielUillni; lho "LAST JOl. UNA LS."i untofds tithllv hU S'. loirs btrnnire adventures, also thu ('iiilnlin k. Wondera und Wealth of that marvelous country, und la absolutely tho imlj now, eomplelo tioik. Ileiiee 11 bells J lust Ihlnlc, ilrat 1 eeka. MB poe-i rmq Illustrations only Age'lits tmnted. send fdr terms und lwMtlte proof. lIl'llllAllll 1IKU4., 1'uUMwu, et kuubcia, kl., I'hllaelelphla, l'a. CHAItLKS W. ItUNVON. Keep on Hand tho LARGEST STOCK OF M'J SHELF HARDWAEE l MS HI In the County. WHEELS & SPOKES, & SON, Bloomshurg, Pa. Or T 0 1ST . IlEuisarox No. 1 Machine for family use, In ti.o luntu vuaii OP ITS EXISTENCE, llOS met With n more ii.erm incheask or iutio OrStl.ES TlltV ANY MACHINE CN THE MAUKET. llEMiNUTOsKo. 2 Jtachlno for MANUFACTCKINU llllel f emllj' US9 (reaJy for elellvery only blneo June, 1S74), for range, perfec tion, and vb riot y ot work, li without a rival In fnmllyor V WOUKSIIOI'. SEKTID FOB CIECULAH Machine Company, Ilion, 1 Y. sl A !53 llroailwny.'Scw Yerk, Arm. Maill.sori Miunrt', w York, iM-nlng Machines. I'litenjiu, 23T Male ht., K'wIul' Machines nnrt Amis, llostun, Kit ViihliiKton (il., Sulng Muclilnes. ilnelnnall. if I Wi'ii4tli SI., hen lui; M uchlnvb. I'llci, ia (Itiu-be'e, M., SeMlnp Machines. Atlanta, i.a., DedUu'a Opera llouce, Marloltnfstrcut, t-cnlnir Mnclilnes. W'nslilngton, 1). Frteii(liM.,f-ciiigMnchlncs. U)iilsvllli. Uy., Weit JefTerson M.,Selng Machlncji. l'hll.idelpla, blu I'hestnut Mreet, fcewlng Jlachlnes." m. l.ouls, reu N. Fourth street, " I'etrolt, 1U1 Woodnard Avyiue, " " Inrtlanapoll-:, T'J Market hlreet, " " ILiltlnioii', 47 N. Charles street, " V. InI. TU15BS WIIOIESALF. PKAI.EU IN liUltXINC, AND I.U11UICATING OILS. tiflli'o In Make's llutldlng, corner ilaln and Centra streets, iiLooMsnrno, phnna. tsroiilers solicited and promptly filled. .May, avii-ly FOll SALE! Valuable Town Property and Farm at Privato Sale ! PIIK uiiilelgncil, ono of tho Tlxeetilors nf X (lliOllilK wn.Wlill, deceased, offera at privato s.iie, tho fi'llonlug taluablc property, to wit i OXH TWO-STOUY MUCK DWELLING HOL'SK, with out-bullillngs nnd lot attached, sltutJd'on Main stiei t, llloomhbiirg, l'a, This Isbultalfei tor lii tiiinllleK. ALSO emo two-story frnmo dwelling houie, with oiit.bulldlngs, frumostnblo and good lot attached, 'nil's property Is opposite the residence' ot tho Inlu fir. Yosl, Al.sei, one two-story framo dttpllln? houso tilth stable oul-bullillngii uiid lot altuehed biluated on Hock strut, liloomburg, l'a. ALSO, sK lolj slluati'don l'ourtli Street, ALSO, u t .tillable farm shunted nne.tmir miln rrmn the toil II of .M'llwe list Hie. l'a. Snld farm cni.ttiln u,l ui nsi.f land, I or terms of side apply lo OLoliiil ill W. COll'll'.l.I, Kiccntor, l eu. in, ,b-cin. Hioonitburg, l'a. or VAI.VA11U5 REAL ESTATE! 1) Y virtue of mi onler nf lho Oriihnn'a Court I I of I 'lluniMa county, tho undersigned, Admin, lsiratui of Solomon lluvi, late of 1'Wilngereek town ship, In said I'ouuty, deeeawd, will expose lu publlu sale on the prcintaoa, on SATURDAY, JULY 10, 1875, At io nvimk, a. in., lho follonliig valuable real esliit''. towiti c ii lain lot cf grounil situate in Flsldngcrcek township, bounded oa tlio norlh by John Wenuei. du th." exit li) Wllll.un HoUiw aud Kllat lleniler, ti "liu Buiiiu uuu oi 1, n iiii.un lAiiiaeroaei), t'Oliliuuiii Tr0 ACHES, on whleliarn erected a ouo and-a-)ialt story frnmu liouio, n inimo sliil.le, u goenl titll of water und some fruit I lee, 'i ho land li lu n good state of ceil tluitlon. Also, at lho suino time and place, t. Ill In sold n lot of bi.u's, burreb, kettle und a lot ot house ho'd furidlui-e, TtiltMS of HAl.H.-One.tourlh of lho purchasu inoliey to l o ald ut lho BtrlMiig ilnw 11 ot the proi er ty, and tho remaining ihree-fi urlhs In oim tear theivutter. JOHN WKNNi:il, juu u-m. AitmiuUiriilor,