The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, June 18, 1875, Image 1

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    L il -U. I
Issued wceklv, every, t'rlday inornhx-, nt
tlfflllMUIIttlfll l-lllllltlltt Hiiltiri,i''..
ono Inch, (twcl o llnis or Its equivalent In Konrn
ell type) ono or tt'o Insertions, $l,cu thrco Inser
tions, f,i.
urAtr. 1. M. est, CM. ly
OnMnch mo . fc. o fio.oo
?tvo Indies..,. r..oo t.ui
hrce Incites coo D.oo 1 -.i o 19.00
Fonrlnchcs t'.uo
ounri or column H.en co.oo
naif column s.'0 no.oo
on column a .o mvw 40.m lo.oo
Yearly advert IwmonUi payable quarterly. Tran
dent advertisements must tin paid before Insetted
except micro pnriles liavoacooiinto.
l,eiral,ndicrtlomcntii two dollars pi rlneli for thr
Inscrtlons.nndatthntrnto Inscrt'ons
without reference to lonirtti.
nxr-cutor's, Ailmlnts-rotor n and Auditor's Notlcts
three dollars. .......
T.-ansiont or toeal notices, twenty cents a line,
rcg-ulnr advertisements half rnlef.
I'ardn In the "mmlness Director'' colun.n, ono
dollar per j ear for each line.
At two P0t.t,ui3 per jenr, pivabin In ndtnnec, or
(lurlm-thu year. After lliu expiration ot tlio jew,
i.m will In) eli.trired. 'Co HiibscrllH'rs out of the
ro'inty thct"rms are JJprr t cur strl lly In advance
--ll.snlf not paid In nduinco una It payment
UU I . Till) I'll WJIjll'l I UU t ill.
No papordlscontlnucd, except at the option of llio
t'uWlKli.T, unlit nil .irr.Mir,iei are paid, butlonsf
continued credit i niter tlio expiration uftho ilrst
mm mm
J" II l 111 I Hit. ui'KUl lli
AlIpiipcriiHeni nut of thoH ft'e, or In distant post
o r.M cs, must bo paid for In ndvaneo, iintcsa n rctimi.
all in person In Columbia county assumes to b.t Iho
mitisorlntlon duo on demtnrt.
1'Osi'aiii: is no longer exacted from subscribers In
tlio county.
"lie ,!i')l)inir Department of llv cvm-mman Is trry
ct. npleie, nhii our .loli Pi-tntim; mil compare tutor
ably til ti Hint uf Hie lnrip' II l s. All work done on
demand, tir-Mlr nnd at moderate prlios.
in;:ny t ijikkkunhacii,
C'OI.C.MlllA Dli.MOCHAT, VOL. XL, NO. 13
""nun au J'L JJLllliilt.
(f 1 t'
w mm mi
Columbia County Official Diroctory
l'.v-li1ent .ludO'-'iVllllnni Cltrell.
Aw .t,idi?efi-Ir.m Kerr, lini'o s. llcnruo.
I'iMlh'iiiot.ii'v, .Vt'.H. I'tetil; Xarr.
ifhi.-r lleeordfi--V. Illliimimi II. Jaeouy. t Atiorn-y trim M. (.1 irk.
-i ii'i-irt-MMin'l ttrotcr.
h ire or Hewitt,
i rive nrer lolin Sn iter,
c iinmHiliiiieM-NMIllam Lawton, John llcrner.
do in 1 nr.
I'linrnl'-ilniierii't'lertf -William KrleMwun.
Aiulli'iM-r. .t.t'mnp'J"!'. s. i:. smith, l.n M Ymt
( uri'ii"!' -Chillies II, AHlrplioe.
.lury I'oiniidKl.inensl.teoi) it. 1'iltj, William IT.
i it,
( unit siupMlntendent-Wlllhm II, Rn.vtler.
Illium t'nir DH'. I"t DlreetorH-l). I' nnt.Kenit
WM.'Kr.imer, niu unsburir nnd ThenuM crovolln.
i.cui.1. Jt i t i.iu, ni.' iL.nry.
Bloomsburg Official Directory.
rtliniiiHliurtf Ilnnlilnirt'otiipnny ,Io!m A. Vunston.
I'n's i en', ii. ii. urn-. c.Hiucr.
l'lr.s1 Hunk t'lwrlesi:, 1'nMon, I'reBlilcnt
.1. l". i us in, v 'isiil'-r.
iVIumW.i oniniy Muiual SaMnjt Fund and Iian
.t-..'K-i '.tinii i;. ii. i.iuie, rresiueni, o. w. Miller .
Ii!-, inibnrff HulldlncnnilHrttlnir rttml Awl.ttlon
-n in. i-i'iiem-K, iTesiueni,.), n. uooivin, s.-ereinry.
IlliWiiisbm- Minimi Ini; I'und Aswiel.tHon J
in-oiver, I'roBiuent, u. n. n.irkioy, secretary.
Di'rtr cnciicti.
I!.".'. .T. r. TiHtln, (Supply.)
Hund ty K.-i'tleeH ln; n. n. nnd o4 p. in.
Mtitld I.- Neli'inl 0 n. in.
I'r i.ver Meeting H.-ery Wedned:iy evening at C;
Be.i s Ire. Tin public arc Iml'cd lo attend.
fT. MATTtinw's i,cTiit:r.ANciifncit.
Mlnh cr-l!cv. ,T. 11. William'!.
Hund.i) SerIee i-10, a. in. anil C.4 p. in.
Hund iy school On. m. or Meeilng livery WetlncuLty evening nt
feats free. Nopotvs rented. All nro tvelcomc.
l-lHSnVTmilAH CIlfRCU.
Minister Iter, f.tu.irt MIioLell.
N'liul.iy Si-rvlees liiv, n. in. nnd CV p. in.
Mitid.iy Schonl 9 n. m.
l'rnt er Moo.liii i;very Wednesday evening nt v
t lock.
Hcniafree. No potvs rented. Strnngera ta-leome.
Presiding Elder Itev. N. K. llueliltn-liaiu.
MlnKIer-Ilet. .T. II. MctMn.ih.
-.uint.iy Sen Ices 1iij ninlc4' y. in.
Mind-iv heliool 'i p. m.
1IIU1" I'lnss llvcrv Monday cteiilngnt G o'clock.
luiui-, .';-, i raver .ueoung l.tcry iiicsuay
Illlil ,1' l 'i UUJVII.
jener.ill'r.uerMeetlng-lItery Thursday cvenlii!
To clock.
ukkokm::d cui'ucit.
Corner ot Third anil Iron blrects.
I'.i'.b.r-llov. T. r. Iloirmeler.
i! l.icnt't' i:.i ,t sti-eit, near l'orks Hotel.
Siiiul.iy .-lertli-es-leVj u, m, and c p. in,
siiinl.iy heluwil a ii. m.
l' tin r Saturday, T p. in.
Ml uie lntlti d 'I h' re Is iilwnvs i-.inm.
Sen lo scti-rj Sunday ixTti ripion ia 'J o'docU nt
lli-iiei 3uuueu, .iiti'iiHoll lottlltllip.
bT. l'ALX'KtliniClI.
Hi etnr liev. .Totin Hew Itt.
Sunday Sen lie t 1n,y, a. m., 0 p. in.
Mind it Schdiil 1 a. m.
rir-t suiid iy In the mouth, Holy Communion.
surlier -i pn-p:ii-iitory to Coniinunloli tin 1'iM.iy
d.i-iiiii ,...i. iru iuu ri .-iiiuKi,, iin'm;,i uiuillU.
I'ewu renu-fl : but et en limit- tteleume.
l'ei-'iuis deslilng to ciiMill the Hector on religious
in in - u ui nun una ai. inu iiarsoiuigo on itoel:
Ml cut.
Qt HOOL OIJDKKS, Maul;, pi
O neatly bound In fm.ill liool;-,,
lor sale at tlio t'oi.i-MiiiAN tinice.
' prniteil ami
n hand tuid
eb. l'.i, lhT.vtt
1LANK DKKHS, on r.irclii:unt nnl l,incn
Paper, common and for Admlnls ratm-s, i;.eeu
luis iuiU truslten, for bale iheiipnl thu i oi.lmi.i ts
M.UUE1AUK C'KUT!I'K'ATI-:.S iuti,rinle,l
and for wile nt the ( 'iiuiikian Oillee. MIiiIp
lers uf the (Impel unit .lustlees should b'.ipiily thei.i
beltei Willi theso neeobiary nrlleleu.
TUSTKIKSnml ComtnlilcV l-Ve-Jiills for Kilo
I) attho Coli mohn oillee. They contain the cor
leeted fees as established by tlio l.ibt Act of Hie lg-
Maturo upon tlio subject. Ktery Jiulke and Coii
bt able bliould hat o one.
ICN'DL'K Jt'OTICS iiKt printcil anil for sale
(.heap at the I'oi.isii.ian oillee.
tl.OTHlNd, 4,0.
DAVID UnVIONIllCKU, Meichant Tailor
Jlalu St., aboto I'tuti-al lloul.
H1CNMIY Kl.KIM, Jliinnfacturei' ami dealer
In boots and shoes, .groceries, etc., Main bt.,
i.aii, llloouibburg.
? M. KNOOll, Oealer ill Hoots ami h'lioos,
J-i . Utoit and Iiest mj les, eornerMaln and.Malket
Mns-iH, In thu old pot ofhec.
E.KAV.UiF, Dealer in Clocks, Wntelies
and Jettc-n-j, Main St., Just below thu Ceiilial
Ob'IS iSIOitXAKD, Wntch anil Clock
maker, hour houthSast comer Main andiron.
MII.I.INi:i!V & l-'ANCY (iOOI)S.
TiJISS 51. DEIIKICKSOX, Millinery ami
i.yJL J-'uiiey (looils, Main St., below Market.
'PUB 5IlHl-:s llAli.MAK, Jlillliifrv and
JL Fancy Ooods, Main btieet, below Central' Hotel.
m intcii Ax i s a ND ii hoc 1:1 ;s.
TT C. 1I0WKH, Hats and Caps, Bo.,ts and
JLL shoes, Main blreet, aboto Court lloubc.
II. 5ULLKU .t SOX, dealers
1J floods, gioeeiles, nueenswaie, Hour,
bUoed, notions, ilc., Main bliiit,
0. 11AKKLKY, Attoriiey-nt-I.-iw. JJooms
4 ana c, lirowei-s bulUUug, sd lloor.
DM. W.M. 51. I1K11KI!, Surgeon nnd I'litvi
tlan, Oflico it, 11. comer lioel: undMaiket
T It. KVANR 51. D., Suigeonaiid 'liji-
J eian, uorill blue
ilan, north bldo of Main btreet, ;ubovo J. K.
T 11. 5IoK KLVY, 51. D., Surgeon and I'l.t
tj . blci.ui, north bldo Main blreet, below .Malkit.
1!. ltOIIISON, Atloriiey-at-I-aw.
In Ilartiiun'sbiitldliig.M.ilii btreet.
QAMl'KL JACOI1Y, .Miulilo and llruwn
Ij stone Works, K.ut liloouisburg, llei wKU road,
Hlttl.SXlCSTOCK, J'liologniplier. over
. Clark Wolt'ssiore, Jlalu street.
I!. II. C. IIOWIli:, SuigJon Dviilt't, 5luln
St., abotu th Court Huii.'.
II. MA !,!;, .Manimotlt llrueerv, lluvtirn-
"I cue, iTum,
Nuts, l'l'utlilolis, &e,,.Muln,ili.l
.unliii livc.
iH. KL"1IX, dealer in 5leul, 'I'allow, etc.,
C utro sli'eel, I elweeu .ieeond and '1'lilid.
f M. CHK1.STMAN, Saddle, Trunk md
J, Harness iiiakt r, sliltu's llloel., Main strict.
' 1 M I OM AS WW 1 1 1, CiuTFediotierv umUlalicr
X w'Uok".ale una retail, i;.ehango Woek. '
GJ. W. lOHHLL, Kiiriiiluro Itoouvs tliree-
. btj brlek, Main ttreet, west of 'JUt bt.
1 W. ItOIllUXS, I.iijuor dealej, seooiul door
J Ircm thu nurlliwt-bt corner Main andliou
't? J. TIIOltXTOX, Wnll 1'ain'r, Window
Jt-j r-'hades mid ll.ture.t, liupert block, Main hi.
All. J 1 K U I tl XU, "( '.iri iJiitcr null builder,
M.iliiblleet UiJutv l'lne.
:., O. A, MKiiAKClKL, l'litleiau nnd
burgeon, y.uhi btrutt, next door lo llood'j llo.
VVIDlII'.IUtIKU, Flour nnd (liU Milk
and dealer In gralu, Mill blreet.
JAcI,!i:1-11i,1IvVSAX' !l'lict Maker
u t'ndirtuker. Ma nttroi t. i,einw imh..
light STni:i-n
V. 05LVX A Co., AVliecliyriKlibT, iirst
door ubovo School llouso.
ll.Ha!'ruJb,:in:&.IlgVM liml Ti,mwo 1,1
PIii;ur!l.l;II!V,'l, 'i''iiTi!ml
l"mrelufa.a"1' Uour' l uuJ-". AltklmUoI (iralu
"i';i'Y.J!!S!"" rrm
rV W. KDUAU, .Siutjiuhanim I'IuiiIiil' 5IIII
iTi.M'Xs ('Vitus,
-U VIsiiM,i mjiw,
LUlTDIt lli-.Mw,
1HI.I. Ill MH.
V I t. ...... - - M-fc4r
Hector Hev, John llettilt.
Mitnl.o Sen lees-a o'ul'n'k p. in. every Sfund.ty.
Sund.i.t Seliool-i:Mp. m.
Ib'ly communion t ho sec nut Sunday In tlio Inotith
J1. H. KUTTIvIt,
onleo, on Malnstroet,
MuM7,'Tt-y t'atiwlwa, 1M.
yil. h. KYKULY,
CfttAwlMd, r.i.
t'ollpctloni promplly mado nnd remitted, onieo
ojiposito cabin issa Deposit Hank. Cm-v
'yL IT. A111JOTJ',, Main
n v
. DALLMA.V. Merelmnt Tni!r
(tree!,, Ilnhhlns' buildliig.
nucK iioux.
A U. it. II. SlIOKMAIvKH, Dealers in
J-li.. cry
i- Goods, Groceries and ( Mcrehai
i . i '-j-iiiimr
jyR. A. L. TUUXKIi,; iiui i;i,, JII.ooMsnt'ltO, p.t.
(Ifllee over Kit tln'.s llinr Sl.iro rini.mhm,r.n,,
nr i Vi ill t ' rl,oftlIU' "I ot diteaoes ot thofiyc, L'ar
au i t.iw ni?nt or day piomptly ntlendcd to.
JQU. J. C. UUTTl-I',
i'hysiuiak ft suitor.o:
oaice, Sorth
liloombburg, l'.i.
lll.OO.MSIlUHO, I'A.
onkenbovt) .LScluiylei-,t Son's llardwaro store.
Oflico In llrov.'cr's tullJIng, second lloor, room No.
liloombburg, l'.i. J ,i ly I y
Illooinbbur. I'a.
''nl ?.n Mn'n Street, llrst door btlo,v Court 'Initio
.-lar.C, , 1 y
:? v. .e a. 51. olaiik.
Hlooniiburg, I'a.
Apill 10,71-
ORIee in Kntsliulldlng
i. Ul.l.Vl.l.IMI SMITH. limitT-V KWJKO bXITH.
Iilooin.-burg, I'a.
.111 1'u'ir.ess cm rusted to our i-mi mm mtm
piompt alleiitlon. iVl r3v
MTO I ( N l YS-AT- t. W,
liloornfitjtii'ff. lla-
in mil (.rn i III w-tt n
I'i'iinjilauui.lloii. Scnt,ll.,:i-v
11. i.irnu.
ItUlI T. 11. MTTI.L',
II. A: 11. K. LITTLE,
DIoomsbiirLr. v.i.
Ii' f'.lt'.lness bt furr 11. n 1 K I'nliiT.i tim..,, n,
to. Oillee In tho Comiubl.m HullilliiL- ' n-u
Wl T mm..
Wlllpracllt'olnalltli.t eourtM uf coh.mi.i.i Mitot
an and bteoinlinr counties. In the Sit i ire ft i ..nit 1 1 it
'''jiusiUaiil.i, and la ll-.e circuit ami District courts
. ii.,,-,A nuiin iiL-iii hi . liu.itnbport, I'a.
will belli bis eCiee In Hit, Cfihiii.i.t ii. i.iiti.tir...
'''",' '". 1, liloombburg, on 'lliesd.its, Wediu-sdat .J
i"" V. J , "en;; nntiiniieiitonon.Mou-
1.l.t.. 1 lldAtsillltl Snlurilni. tinl...... .w... business. scot. Klfc.
17Iii:as insowx's ixsuisaxci-: agv.s
JL Ct, Kxehauge Hotel, llloomsbui-g, I'a.
It n.i. in--. Co.. or li.usrniti i-..n,.,...tiot..
.. r,,Mi'i,iii!-,
. tl'.tl 0,0 I,
. IS iio,tMin
. IH', Ml
. Is'ttajUo.!
., 1,100 I.IHI
f, O.Oillf
.. l,'llH!fllttlJ
.. S.noii (niu
1 Itcrooo!, I.0111I011 imd(,lobe
i or Liteniooi
Il'e AsNOClalldli. Mill.idt It 1.1-.
tlllelleiill i.l l'lilladeltilil,.
Atlssif llai-IUltl
.toiiung, or win,,.., iiluv
ini"-r., of l).,ntllle
nr. I o Muiual
Home, Now oik
M.ireh ec,'Ti-y
C litlliig ( leaning nnd repairing promptly nltendotl
1. Mel IIOul- (III 1- J. 1-'. Wliletii.-.ti'M 11 ir.liv
Uloohiibing, l',i. .I.,,, a .': ir '
ltt ilw-lfully mil rs hlsiri, ttrtlceui
o llio
lie Ispiepaitd lo attend to all tho turlnus opi ,t
in-.-, nun Kt-iiuei.ii-n oi iiiooiiitiiurg ami v
me iinuui ins iiioieviiun. and n urut ded . m. , . . Ililpl-tJU-ll l-tl ll hl.AINTHUll, which W ji Ije lu.
....... ... , n,i,u uuu llll-UU
luul: us ttt-ll ustlie ti t-lli. Teeth
0.1M' IO
to .m iiH-uuw ui.a iiiiii njiproteii lulth
I'periitb.iisou tUoteeih i.inlull audi
e.1 rat-led
ids, and all
roperly at-
(iplcy ,i fewaooiM aboto thu Court' jouse, bamo
t 1 Tlllll.'VI't IV
v.oulil aiiiiouiieti to tho (-III PnsCf i;;or,ns
idtleliilivlhaliiohas luyLr. .. V. ,, .
buig ate
luplete iissunim lit ot ..................
W'ALL, I'Al'UK, WINIXIV,' shauks,
I KU'lirs, coups, t .A-tu.,
nml .ill oilier good, in Ids 111' ,rf iisness. All llio
IK-Hi'niuuii in.i-.i. up rineii jiiti-ri.H or I ho (lav ai-o
Wl)"r K' ""'J '" UU 'Wl'bmelil. Midi. Mi'i-et"
U'UlU .MarKUl, i ill i I 'T-4
DANVTI.Li:. Mir rniUU COl'.NTY, I'A.
WILLI M. II. LAW, .Muimfict.nvr ol
Vi..iK'ut, Iro ., llrlilges. Hollers, i.asimi ler.
. prifi ngy , tr.,ugnt Hon Hooting, nooning
lLk. lloorlut: ' rut li.ii.r. is,,., j. ..... .....i
'W,"t,?-10',u1,'' lru" ''IP'", statks niiil nllklndj
U hndlhtoik,A j. Koiiada pionuuly niiended to.
11. Dr.iwlr-' and Climates supplied.
July l,l.T3-tf
5L00M.snuiC TANiNliKY.
"I LSP'it'j'FrLLY announces lo llio imMIis
XV thji. lie has reopened
(iiMMunn) Hloomsbiirg, I'a., nilho
l'.,rksi.iihe I'.py ami l.lght Mreel.
load , where all tlesi rlpllous it
h.tlher will bo in.iditlit Dim ihii.i and w.. kiiiaiil!l:e luaiiner, and sol.l at
pile , lo will tin- Tho hla'he.t pileo In cash
will ut nil limes be paid for .
(i R n 13 N
11 I 1) K S
nf every description In tho country
Tho public pat-
liili.i 13 ii- i. lining .-nut. in ti.
llluombburg, Marth
u r.',
isit y
TTVKJl'STRKCKIVKI) nnd are ttCkvlnu'
I s (or Halo at ti rt low rirtet s ono oi tlio best us. I
snllillel.t.s uf CAIII'HTS l-lt r Otfl-llit for suit, nf V
in i.m ii or iiioiuiisouig. 1 1 ley me nu iuw and 111
the ury lali-Mtsltles. Pilees inly Irolu cenls to
1 1 .Ml pi r ) aid, ( all uii'l see Iheiii,
Oi l, !. 'II -If.
wpsmvbwsmmmm i ijwiji iinmiiiii MM in ii Mm 1 1 I m
zuowr fxhaTcju. Tin: nlw iisom
Mil I) i'i lliu (. Urn Hi Uifon 1- nnolii tho
Win Itl, f ir I s l lueleilr a . KmikI Ini'iireular
totiU r h.i'4 4 lirj., liiiJllIdjc .ieiiuo, I'hlla.
Al Hi' old i iiuui' in1 1 Maud or MVUIIH
tvrfi miu ivvv diivci, 4 mi.iuviiiiuaf
BCK.niMlSISl'llfi:, I'A.
h. h. stjTTokiand
ltebiwtlull.v Informs tli" puiill that lie 1mm opened
a New Mit'testnrc, In the liloouisburg nm-r.i uow,
on Centre street, l low Main, where liol.eepsn full
nsMiftinen' uf
Ml'nicM, IMntlfMENTS,
Ml'.-Uf lludUS, He.
altvajt en litndnnd for sale nt lb" lowest price".
He Inilles the p.iHotnot music to call audexanilne
nil block.
also attend"! lo on demand. TUepubllc patronaito
Is ri"i)ettully solklled, apill 9 75-ly
'tTrdtt'; -ii i ifn w v1 " J J 1 ' ' 1 1 1 1 & 0 11 11 u
State Normal School.
'rTITIS IiHituttnn aHi'ttls to "Indent" preparing
I fertile profe-. lnn ot TKtclIIN'O, eeellent fa-
-eliflles for tmprotement In tho most approveduotb-
ods (if instruction.
Tor the accommodation of Mudrntfl desiring prer-
utatlonfor college, or fur the buMnoss relatlona of
lire, an Academic Department Is organized. MhlcU
Jillords tho most ample facilities for so doing.
Uncli course ot study Is complete In Itself,
superior adv.tntagts uro offered fcr Instruction In
JILsiu and l,AN(ii;A(ii:s.
l-'all Session commences Wednesday, August 2Gth
Tall SesHon closes Tuesday, December ssd.
Spring Session coiiimeEces Wednosdnv, Doc. Doth.
Spilng Session closes Tucsdav, Juno Mth.
.spilngTtKJi commences W ednesaay, March 3lst
jloutp, Including I'uol nnd Washing, FonsDoi,
umsper week.
Tuition evil hollar por week. In Model Schoo
oily to tixlytonts per tteclf.
Students am eilmtttoil at nnv time, nnd tn and
poursn ct btudy for tthlcli leoy may bo prepared. It
H better, It possible, to bo pi escut at tho commence
ment rf a 1'vin, or aiepslon,
Peiiil for a Catalogtie,
Appllcr.tlor.3 tor admission may bo ndilro33cd to
coi,. j. ii. i-iinrzi:,
. Secretary.
Aug. H,'TJ-ly
Mosiday, Ausst 3d, IS7L
For parlicuJart, Adtlny,
5IiM,vn.LK, I'A.
lll.OOMsllLUtl, FA.
ir. .'. si.oan a mioTimn
TTAVK on Iiand and fur salo nt tlio mot
.OreasonaJilo rates n splenilld atocK cf
m actcry description ot Viagoiis both PI-UN1 and
tVniTtiiitedtobomndo cf HiobCbt and mo'L ditr.ibip
lnAei.rials ona iy me mosi e.peileneeii worgincn.
All won; wilt. out. tioi.i tlio estabilshment v. ill l-r
louial lo U of tho hlghd-vt class and snro lo glto per
fect sat).-faction. They hato alboatluu assortment of
tf all ther.e-.t-est and mo-t tahIonable stjlea will
aud cari.fully and ot thu b.'bt malerlal.
An Impee lion of fietr work Is luskerl as Ills to
HeteJ that nouo aujiei lor e.tu Ii j found tin tho couu
lr; .
July 1, 1. n-tf.
r.i.ooMtfuujtct. r'KNX'A.
A S. CUKKSLUY Ii.h on hand nnd for ml"
j! . i heapi r ilinn tho il,eiist, for i-asli, or ttbl
u.TOiaugo tor old Wagons on leasonablo terin.s,
tit every deaerlf Hon both plain and fancy.
Portable Top lluggl, s, open Haggles, Plain nii-l
Vuijc Plat Tin m Spring H'l.gonsiillof I be latest sl tU.
Hint niiide ot good material and fully warrunietl.
I lite me ueall luforo niiD'harliiK elnitlure, as I i-.m.
not ii-- mi u-rsoui. i ei niu tnai i iiuko i no oust tvug-
nnsfor tt.ti le.i-,t mollis
I also do painting, tiimmtn:
and repair old tvorlt
nt llio sheilest nollee, old bluings weldeil and war.
innli il tost.uiiior no pay. I win eeuange iirorii
will eeUange u porta.
ble top buggy tor unv Mud of lumbi r, s-sehiislieir
loi k, pli.e, ,ih, linn hlekorj and ik plar I.i Is-dollti-i
ed at n.v slu o lev tne llrsiof I'ebiu.iri. lsK, lion
jiuarj, 1st;:, lion.
dileordiiB taken and Melnltj, Nt al -co's for ro.
palrl us cash.
A. s. t liOW-LKY.
OJIAX liertliv informs the hiiWIj
tluti, he bus cut en d liiioeo.iarineri,hlli ttltlt
1i)h broi
iilier.o. I., din in. mid the biiilncM Will
heroaltir bo condintt-d under tlio iinu naiuu ot
ii. r. 0.11A.V ii tsn'?.ai'.!t.
They will Into ou baud or inanufaeluru loonier
and every thluif In their lino or biwlnowi, of tlw twnt
mull Hal and mot wiupleUi itoikuuiuhlp, and al
low as cull no iiiiouieu.
thart J 1'uU.c jmlmiwjt U nnttfuVy
FO'lCth O,
II, I'. OMAN 4; lillOTIH-i:.
Printed at
thia Ofiico
mmu 0PEM1MG i
HAVIXH ro'iiined the btiinciM of Jlctelinn
discing at his Old .Store, on
main .vrunnr, nr.ooMsnuRci,
.s'eaii Tim ronsa Horn.,
Deslresn cnlltlie nitentlon of hli Friends tiniltho
ruoue generniiy.o ii's
:;t;w, kit.i. a:j vahiud
And solicits aaharo of pitblWimtronaKo
In connection ttlih his stock of Merchandise, ho
constantly keeps on ban 1 In his yard.
anrl TTnilrDoeml f.n'nliOTi
UIVJU. UliU UlUUUMUIl JJlliill.l,
33111 Lumlior made a speciality.
Oct. 2, 1873-tf.
Iron Mred, lttirrt,i J.;'i r(;i(J Third Streets
BL0O5rSiUUi, I'A.
A LL kin
J liiolcen
r.L kiml i ot Fiiiniture made lo nrdtr and
furniture neatly repaired. The nutllly
ua rriiutcf tils werl-will cotr.Djru with any tha
can be produced and ho rupectfully solicits .1 sharo
of public pat ro:.age.
Will he carefully mid pro-r-r-t!:' attrade.1 to. When
called upon fluitn? suy hour rf tho day er night he
v. Ill -it nncerespot.1r.ndl.ij out the (lend. V. lii-n
female help In such cases Is desired ho will fundah
the fame.
Ready Made Coffins
hotli cf WOOD hvA "WAlti: nlttftjs on
Juno. Ilf is aKo tho tlio sole pvoprictor In Cloums
Mrg mid Mirrouricllrcdlstrifts for
ri II III 1 r 4 I r' 111 I 111" ll
i n
11 I1U1 I) J UIU1U OU1 pi) CI 1 IUijU
Hy which a corp.e inav be sun Iv anil carefully pro
scried lnli ..fur uii rteslisbie length ot time. The
Use of 111-' li esener m.o tie obialned from him nt
nuv time. vei."ls. Itroud. (..Dies and .Mo-irnlng
for Doers fiirnl-hed nl.-n i-fqii-stcd. Alio, HEAKsE
and furnished
tcgl'lteinciiifn r trim Rr)'itr,r Vwirrtal-rr
aurl io, v,,". ; vnitr- toirli hi 'Ci'C". c
vill no' it- t',i '(.vo.'rf I;' any in Hwuhiitturq or
in the county. ' ItOISEUT HOAX.
Dec. 11, 'Ti iy
f.'j RTitl ftvor Old Tilcthoii foetid
to !; ft iitij . ! iljfC!tMJi
nl)!c, lUsc'Hi'iUjd!
At their AVnrkti in Dlooinsburpf.
I'urini My
l.'i lii-blli g
whi'i" will i,i
I rmi nnd Manufacturing
kept iui-.t.iuily on land n
i.i! i:
U-.Serlll.t ll et
UiJSt! smi! liii! Isii AntJiincUo
OUSCOAL, at prices to suit the trad". All Coal specially pro
liarcd before leavlnif tho Yard, Alsu
Plovs and Tlirosliing Macliines,
and all kinds of
Caytinivaiul Macbiu? Wovk,
llllPMIIINd piuuiplh
resiH-LltllUi .joiiell the I'
Jan. s, "o-ly
t ttendt tl In. They .would
I'.l.' e of Hill 1'llblle.
. ,M... .1. 1.. LOCK VKD.
IllouiiiSbuiv, I'a.
JL F. IiOlUXl', Iron Slvcit liclow sec
o:nl, Iilooiiibburg, l'.i., t ipit'iiarcd to do nl
Inlha bert ntylus, fit lowsU pilCM, and titshoit
Farlleshatlnssuolnvcr todo tvll savomoneyby
workwatrantctlto elvu Batlslacllon. order
WJL F. 1101)1 NK,
lnr. c, T4 ly.
lloticr-c, Hosiery, Faney Gceas, Ac,
I'orrell'a llulldlng, Main Micit, btlow Maiket,
HLOOMslll'Itll, I'A.
AllUxhSil, UT4-8UI
JII.OOMiHl lid, I'A,
j 1 1- ii ' - 'id d' 'iral"v tn
, 1 1 ,y ; w
u U M tv i toinii s i-ml t. rte
ttne ' I v I U' nu t- i
.ua. ,w wiiK tiarmuaa. i-y
If vre knew tlio woe nnd hcnrlacho
Wall I ng f or us (low n tho rn-ul,
It ourllp.1 could taslo tho wormwood,
If our biiek'i could feel tlio load,
Would wo waste the day In wishing
For a Hipo ne'er can he ?
Would wo wait In such tmpatlenco
For our ships to como from soa?
It wo knew tho baby flngen
Piessed nsalnst the nlwlotv pane
Would bo col.l and t.1 Iff to-morrow
Ncter trcuole tin again
Would llio brlirht ojes of our darling
t'atehthc frown upon our brow J
1 ouhl the pi Int of rosy fingers
Vi a tn then as thc.v do now?
All I ll'.etic little Ice-cold lingers,
l!"W they point our memories back
To Hi': t-nsty w rdi nnd actions
H'rcivt a'ong our backward track.
1,9'V tneso Uttlo hand i remind us
As In raawy grace they lie,
UK lo scntti r thorni but rosea
For our reaping by r-nd by.
Strntigt' wo never rrlo tho music
1 111 tlio sn cct-vclced bird has Itown,
Strange, that w o should alight tho violets
Till the lot ely flowers are gone j
Strange, that summer skies nnd litiaahlno
Jiou-r seem half so fair
As when winter's snowy pinions
Mmko their ithlto down In the ntrl
I.Irs, front whtch tho seal ct Mlenco
N'ono but ood can roll away,
IJovcr blossomed In such beauty
As adorn thu mouth M-day
And sweet v orils that freight our memory
With their benu'ltul pcrlume,
Como to us In sweeter accents
Through tho portaH ot tho tomb.
Let. us gather up the sunbeams
I.j lag all around our path ;
Let us keep the tthint and roses,
Cabling out llio thorns and chart j
Let us llnd our sweetest comfort
In Iho oh." .stags of to-day,
Wtth a patient hand renvoi lug
All the briar i from our way.
lleacriptlnr, of tlio (luvcrnmcnt, Conntry
and I'coplc, y Kx-Uov. Cnrtin.
Tho following is an nl'stract of ex-Gov.
CiulinV, lecttcc on Uustia, which he has de
livered at various pnir.U over the Slate. Tho
lecture rcrjuircd about two hours for its de
livery :
Ho went on to speak of tho great extent
of that empire, occupying asitdoes one-fifth
in area of tho continent') of the globe, ami
cmbiiicing nine millions of square milc.
Come idea of tho iiiiignitiulo of these figures
may be gained when it is remembered that
tho United States, including tho territo
ric, contain an aica of but two million",
five hundred thoii.'and squaro miles, or lecs
than one-third that of Rusin. Thin great
empire contains about GO.000.000 jicoplo o(
Sclavonic oriyin, .md all Rti-sin, in Turopo
nud Asia, contains from ninety to one hun
dred millions of inhabitant?. Tho people
speak eighty different languages, andaredis-
tribtitcd among fifty-nine different provinces
or governments. Thcro are about 1.000. OOO
Roman Catholics, about tho same number of
rotcstauts, and tho bulk of tho rest be
long to tho Greek Church. Thcro are, how
ever, in remote p,-uviticc( many lire wor-
hippcro, sun worshippers and other idola
Russia was settled long before the Chris
tian era, became an empire in the ninth cen
tury nnd was converted to the Chii.'tiau re-
ion in the tenth century. Very little was
known of tho country by tho neighboring
nations, and as an illustration of this fact
the lecturer stated that in tho sixteenth cen
tury an 1'nglish navigator having sailed into
tho mouth of one of tho northern Ru-sinn
liven, reported to his own government that
ho had discovered a new country. Old as
tho empire is, Rutia of to-day is compara
tively a new country. There were great cit
ies long beforo Jlo-cotv. Novrogod, the an
cient mart where the transfers between Kuro-
pean and Asiatic Russia were made, w.n a
wealthy and beautiful city, and contained
half a million people; but to-day Novrogod
is in ruins, and barely thirty thousand peo
ple exist there. Thii and other cities flour-
shed when JioH'ow was a mere hamlet and
when the sile of St. 1'elersburg was an unin
habited mor.i-s, Thii latter city, now a
placo of 81)0.000 inhabitants and tho seat of
overnmcnt, was founded after Ilodoii, l'hil-
idclphi.i and New York weru well-known
Tho spciker then proceeded to relato his
experience in Russia when acting as Minis
ter to tho Court of St. I'ctcrsbitr,. Ho said
ho first entered tho empire by tho German
frontier, iind traveled to tho capital all tho
tvny on tho highest ridgo of tho country.
From tho cir windows tho laud appeared to
bo all a dreary iiuiulntbittd wnnto. At great
li-tuiii'cs apart thcro were littlo clusters of
mean little I'Mi"1, ono story lii'ii, nu i ire-
pieutly without li .ird floors, but except at
llio-c i'l.lgtiiiiiut hamlets thcro wero no
igns oi niu at mi. .s uio train drew near
t. iVt.-r.sbiia.g thcro were seen iwuo of tho
oiilinarv linlicatioiH of tho api roach to
great city uouo of tlio out lying- vill.u ami
country sMts of llyj wealthy cili.em no
trnggling suburb, Inn all at oncotho spires
and iniiiaivti of tlio city hurst in tiio vlutv
over tho oterilo plain. After ivachlng tho
cltv ho leinaliii'd thrco weeks at Ills lodgings
and nut a soul caino to seo him, and ho be
gan to think that life at Court might turn
out to bo it very lonely one. At tho end of
Unit time, however, a functionary of tho
Court called upon him and told him that
tlio would give him tin audience the
next day ut two o'clock, lie noticed ill Iho
public prints
was to review tho Imperial Guard tho next
morning, and so ho went to seo this great
ageaut. Tito sight was a magnificent one.
Tlio Guard comprised -15.000 picked men
li'.uvn from every province and tribo ol tho
western empire- and droned in their distinct-
ivo cosluine.i. lhoCarliliiHelt waslollotvei
by a special budy.guard uf three hundred of
Iho first nobles uf Iho ciuplro all littering
in tho chain armor ol tho times ot the Cm
sados , iiio sccno ciiuiu not uii to impress
ono w ith a seiio of the power of that despot
o government, especially when it Is remem
bered that this was but u fraction of tho
forcuullu disposal, and that behind this
Imperial Guard wcroSOO.OUO trained soldier
scattered over the Umpiro, Tho speaker, in
ho witnessed this grand review, could not
help contrasting it with that at Washington
in ISoVi, when our iiiibl'Staiuod mid battle
scarred veterans relume I from tho war, uu
hu could not help but think if thu bronzed
herois oft' ' til Vr.i f tho l'otiinae bail
been turned b" In ll' it par.tdo cr und
they would l ave clewed it In idnrt ord r.
In tho alciiu"jsi ho went to the paku'out llio
appointed hour, with his bccrctury, aud alter
being conducted with agood deal of oomical
parade and ceremony through a dozen dif
ferent apartments, ho was at last ushered into
the prcsenco of the, who received lilm
without any fuss, cordially grasped his hand
and followed his hearty .salutation with a
wholo volley of questions relating to tho now
.Minister and his country. All this timo the
lecturer Haid ho was trying to find an open
ing when ho might begin tho delivery of a
speech ho had in his coat-tail pocket; but
whenever ho reached for it tho Czar piled
him with now questions and so that oration
was lost to tho world.
This presentation at Court broke tho ice,
and after that thnro was no lack of aociety.
On his rettliirto his lodgings an officer pre
sented film a long list of persons ho was ex
pected to call upon. Ho had tho curiosity
afterwards to count their names, and found
thcro wcro moicthan three hundred andllfty
of them. And ho was expected lo call in
person on all theso it would not do to sim
ply leave a card, and so ho plunged into the
businerts, making twenty or thirty call) each
day. All these calls wero returned. lie
never received moro hospitabls and kindly
treatment anywhere than in (it.To.tersbtirg,
and lis thonld always remember his life
there with pleasure. IIo embraced every
possible opportunity to niako excursions into
tho country, and tried to learn for himself
the condition and prospects of the common
Their villages are -mall and mean, tho
houses being but one story high, and built
of log.), frequently without floors, and with
stable and cattle pen attached directly in tho
rear. There is generally a littlo church with
a priest of tho established religion, a smith's
shop and always a tavern. This latter insti
tution is a prime necessity in every Russian
village, for every Russian is an incurable
drunkard. Ho has a liquor dhtilled from
rye, much stronger than our strongest whis
key, and this ho drinks habitually. Tho
liquor is always puro however, for the gov
ernment carefully inspects it. Drink docs
not operate upon tho Russian ai upon other
men, for as ho gets drunk ho becomes good
naturcd, and tho drunker he grows tho pleas
auter ho becomes. Hven tho highest class
of Russians are not exempt from this vice.
Tho Russian does not treat his wife with
much affection or respect, and tho women
are not noted for their fidelity lo their mar
riage vow. ilie Uussiau "ays tho Tartar
blood in them makes tho women disobedient
and unfaithful, and that they must bo fre
quently threshed to keep them loving and
obedient. Itt illustration of tho treatment
of women tho speaker told how ono of llio
servants of tho homo where he lived was in
tho habit of whipping his wife in tho court
yard, in full view of the .Mini-tor's family.
llo objected to this, aud finally appealed to
the Chief of Folieo to prevent it; but was
told that thcro was no law lo stop tho whip
ping, although tho man w.ii required to be
littlo moro private in hu exhibitions of
family government afterwards.
Tho lecluier then passed to tho subject of
serfdom in Russia. He said that tho insti
tution was established by ono tho best and
scd rulers tho empire overbad. Serfdom
thcro and slavery in this country originated
about tho same time, but they sprang front
y dluorent motives. Serfdom was insti
tuted to fix Iho wandering nomadic native
to (lie soil, and so render the arts of civili-
iition possible and niako Russia a tntion.
lido slavery was established to gratify tho
greed and cupidity of our ancestors. Serf
dom was decreed in 1(113, and at firt was
comparatively a mild institution, but itaf-
rwards became an abominable system of
avcry. At first there wero only two classes
of people tho serfs and tho nobles who
owned both the serf and the land, After-
ards overseers, called boyarswero appoint
ed and, as tho tendency of power is always to
gravitate from tho many to tho few, these
boyars soon came to exorcise despotic power
over both tho herf and his owner. The soif
could be put to death with impunity and tho
noblo could bo thrown into prr-on by the-o
boyars, and thcro was no appeal. When
Fctcr the Great came lo tho throno ho set on
foot an inquiry about tho serfs with a view
to ameliorate their condition ; but ho was so
busy with his wars and labois to extend and
consolidate bis empire that the subject was
Tho speaker expie--cd a very high opin
ion of Fcter tho Great. Ho found Rus-ia
with 12.OUO.ODO inhabitants; ho left it with
10.OUO.000. IIo was a !.tutc-man and an ar
tisan a lawgiver and a civil engineer. Ho
mado surveys in per-ou. Ho worked in
ivory, and wood, and brass, many beautiful
pieces of his handiwork being preserved In
tho Russian palaces. Ho butt a hotiso and
tho furniture for it with his own hands, ami
Unit lion. o stunds in St, I'cterobiirg to-day,
being not much larger than tho slago on
vhseh the speaker stood Ho went to Gei-
iiiany and burned ship building, He went
lo K'lglundiind ordered a frigate to bo built
in which to ride homo Ho inspected tho
workshops, manufactories and schools, 1'ass-
ono day near ono of the coiiilsof law,
ho sawn crowd of men coining out with
robes and wigs mi, Ho asked whom theso
men were, and being told they wcro lawyers,
ho said, "Do they multiply so fast as that ','
I havo two in Russia, and I Intend, when I
;o home to hang one." Ho was a semi-bar-
b.iriau ; but civilization in Ru-sla dates from
hi i reign, llo built tho beautiful cltv ofSt.
reicrsiiiirg among tno intimites or tlio eva,
calling 10.000 people from one part of his
empire one year, and 10.000 from another
part the next, until tho work wascomplcted
All this ho did, dying at the early ago of 52 ;
and ho was drunk more Ihan half his time 1
Notwithstanding ho had cut oil' tho heads of
two hundred pci'Mins with his own hand,
and had put to death his own son because, ho
dltl'ciod with him politically, ho lost his life
by plunging into tho Neva to savo somopoor
peasants who had capsized.
Tho lecturer then procidulto speak of tho
rclgu of Catharine. thu most dissolute but
ono of thu gieateitt rulers Rus-hi ever had.
Sho procured Iho of her own
husband, and entrapped and drowned her
sister-in-law. Sho wasa Russian ruler with
out a drop of Russian blood in her veins,
being of pure German extraction. During
her reign thcro was no improvement in Uio
condition of the eijrf.
Alexander I. mado somo eltbrt to mitigate
the evils of serfdom, as also did Nicholas;
but tho hands and minds of thoso rulers wcro
too full of wars to permit of much belli
djii" fir tho nrf, It Is reported In Russia -
and the s-peiikrr In Ueved the report to be tho
truth that ju bifore Nicholas died ho ex
ib't I fic in his sen a prcini o that ho would
change the policy of thogovvmuieii uatlou
allzo Russia, nnd manumit tlio firth. It is
supposed that Nicholas, harassed by tlio re
verses of tho Crimean war, poisoned liimelf.
Certain it Is that ho announced ono day that
ho should not bo allvo on tlio morrow, and
beforo tho next day camo ho was dead
Within six wooksnfter ho ascended tho throno
Alexander II. turned his attention lo tlio con
dition of tho scrf3. Thcro wero nt that tlnio
23,000,000 serfs, 22,000,000 in a mitigated
kind of serfdom, and !l,r,00,000 persons who
had forfeited thcirliberty, making 18,r,00,000
slaves in Russia. Tho Czar appointed a com
mittee of tho nobility to consider serfdom,
and they reported against its abolition. Ho
appointed two other committees, but they,
too, rcpoited ngaint manumUslon. And
their reasons wero plausible. They feared
that tho native, freed from tho restraints of
serfdom, would return to his nomadic habits
and lapse Into barbarism. In all tho em
pire tho poor serf had but ono friend but
ho sat on tho throne. Tho Czar resolved to
signalize tho 100th anniversary of tho em
pire by tho abolition of serfdom. At mid
night ho attended church, nnd in tho morn
ing all St. I'ctorsburg was astonished to find
tho palace surrounded by troops. Tho unu
sual sight drew together a vast concourso of
people. At noon tho Czar appeared on tho
balcony of tho palace, and tho imperial ukase
was road, declaring free -13,000,000 slaves.
This act was effected without tho expendi
ture of ono cent or a drop of human blood,
and this in a country nonii-barbarous, while
in this enlightened land hundreds of thou
sands of lives wcro sacrificed and billions of
treasure spent to free -1,000,000 slaves. Rut
this was not all that tho Czar did. Ho did
not leave hisnow-mado freemen helpless and
penniless. Ho bought land from tho nobles
and gave it to tho former ncrf, taking his
bond to repay tho purchaso motioy. Amer
ican slavery and Ru;sian serfdom had boon in
stituted about tho same time, and they died
about tho same time. Itwasin March, 18151,
that the Czar declared tho fecrfs free, and it
was on the 21st of April, 1S01, that the first
gun fired at FortSumpter, sounded tho knell
of American slavery.
Ono object of tho Czar win to establish a
middle class in Russia, and this ho accom
plished. Tho merchant and manufacturer
aro now respected. At a recent city election
in JIoscow a merchant wai elected over a
descendant of the ancient nobility, much to
the Czars gratification. Tho recent mate
rial development of tho country hris been
very great. Tea years ago thcro was but
ono lino of railroad in tho country that be
tween JIoscow and St. Petersburg; today
thcro are 15,000 miles, and as much more
Tho empire is financially as strong as any
country in Europe, and its bonds will bring
as high a price in London as thoso of any
other government. Tho Russian courts of
justice aro conducted with as much propri
ety as our own. They havo the trial by ju
ry; but it is modified in a tvny which the
speaker thought we might do well to imitate.
Hut two-thirds of tho jury aro required to
find a verdict, aud two cxtrajurors aro sworn
who sit bv and hear tho testimony so as to
take tho placo of any juryman who may bo-
como suddenly incapablo of acting. The
government has thoroughly investigated tlio
school systems of all other counlrio.!, and is
gradually extending good schools over tho
empire. Tho speaker was glad to say that
tho Russian, found tho school system of our
own State so admirable that they have fol
lowed it to a great extent.
Tho speaker then considered tho probabil
ities of a general war in Europe, which
seemed to bo rapidly approaching. It is re
ported that Iho difficulty between Turkey
and Jlontcncgro has been settled; but any
day a spark may set all Europe in a blaze.
Great preparations aro being made for such
a catastrophe. Ho was informed that ono
firm in this country had a contract to fiirni-h
Turkey with 000,000 rilles, lo bo paid for in
London. Everybody knows that tho Turk
has no credit ; but England can furnish mon
ey easier than men. Every Rusjian, from
tho to tho peasant, is resolved to go
there, and fur his pint, tho speaker said, he
didn't care how .soon tho Russian got there.
He didn't know what tho rest of us would
do when that event took place, but ho knew
ono house that would bo illuminated, and il
there was a big gun anywhere in his neigh
borhood it would bark. Among all the
crowned heads in Europe it was a fact that
tho was tho only friend America had in
our late strugglo for life. When war came
in Europe ho would wish lluxia well; but
wo must keep out of the light. Then it will
bo a good time for us to kojp quiet. We
can feed tho ro u, n I'lig armies, and c.irrt
their goods, but we n- e l not mix into their
Whatevi r God bus given mo, it is not fur
myself alone; it is to iiuluenco to sumo ex
tent others, and to poribim a work for others,
and there is no man in society so insignifi
cant that God has imt a special work fur
him to do. Tlio other cuieeiitioii would be
monstrous. The machinist makes no
pan oi iiiacliincry. i ho luiililcr places no
iiscliss Umber in his building. Thcro is an
object for which every pillar Is laid, every
apcrluro is made. Thero is a reason why
every part oi a minding is toman as it is,
It is for strength and beauty, for tho admis
sion of light, for ingreos nr egress, Thcro !
a reason lor everything, And so the great
Architect of Creation, tlio Almighty God, in
forming man, puts no useless mail on this
earth, livery man has his place, a founda
tion stono or a tup-stone a part of llio edi
fice. No man lias a particle of intellect but
God saw necessary for this world, and to be
used for its advancement; and henco tests
on every man tho duty ol doing what ho can
for tho world. JIUhop Simpton.
Children aro often spoiled because they
get no credit for what they do well. Of ccn-
siiro tbiiv iret their duo: but of nr.'ii.o imv.
er. Thev do somct i hl- t b cb ihev feel t
" " " '
bo praiseworthy, but It is not noticed. When
a child takn palm to do well, it feels itself
paid for every endeavor bv praise, and the
most iiiisiiph!.scated child knows when praU
is due.
It Is no great matlor (says a quaint old
writer) to livo loYiuglj with liumblo and
meek persons ; but he who can do so with
tho froward, tho pecrish, and the perverse,
ho only hutli tho true charity; always rc
uieiiibering that our solid, tmopeaeo consists
in complying rather with others than In be-
Ing complliil with ; lnsuirering nnd forbear-
I"!', ratlrr than In contention and victory,
Weight of Land performancenot giving
tuow utwew lo mo irmiors,
Wise Hayings.
First understand, then argue.
A talo outof season is as music in mourn
ing. If rich, bo not elated; If poor bo not do
jeetcd. Lot him that knows littlo keep to that ho
knows best.
Ro slow in choosing a friend, and slower
to change him,
They who would rulo safely must rule with
love, not arms.
In a (juarrel it is always tho well bred who
will first glvo way.
Tliounlvorso would not bo rich enough to
buy the vole of an honest man.
Half tho ills wo hoard within our hearts
aro ills bocatiso we hoard them.
Sincerity is tho soul of virtue. W hen jho
files away tho whole body decays.
Tho good of a man's lifo cannot bo meas
ured by tho length of his funeral procc lion.
Do not anxiously expect what is not yet
como ; do not vainly regret wnat is already
Tlio envious man is made gloomy, not only
in his own cloud, but by another man's mm-
Happiness is n perfume that ono cannot
shod over another without a few drops fall
ing on himself.
Idleness is tlio dead sea that swallows up
all virtues, and tho self-mado sepulchre of a
living man.
Do the best you can, whatever you under
take ; if you aro only a street sweeper, sweep
your very best.
To quell tho prido even of the greatest,
wo should reflect how much moro wo owe to
others than to ourselves.
Slanders, issuing from red and beautiful
lips, aro like foul spiders crawling from tho
blushing heart of a rose.
Every violation of truth is not only a sort
of stiicido in tho liar, but is a stab at tlio
health of human society.
New actions are the only npologics and
explanations of old ones which tho nobio
can bear to offer or to receive.
Tho man who holds tho ladder at tho bot
tom is frequently of moro scrvico than ho
who is stationed al tho top of it.
A really great man is known by thrco signs
generosity in tho design, humanity in tho
execution, moderation in success.
We often seo young spendthrifts allying
thcmsilves to females who aro not so only
bocatiso they havo nothing to expend.
o aro suro to bo losers when wo quarrel
with ourselves; it is a civil war, and in all
such contentious triumphs aro defeats.
Tho man who loves children, and whom
children instinctively love, is always a man
with a heart good, and pure, and sympa
thetic. There U nothing in nattiro moro useful
than water ; but commonly speaking, you
can neither obtain a farthing for it nor get
aiiy articlo in exchange for it.
Never neglect your fireplaces. Much of
tho cheerfulness of lifo depends upon them.
What makes a firo so pleasant is that it is a
live thing in a dead room.
Philosophers themselves, liko tho stoic
gentleman of Jlarmontel, after praising sim
plicity of living, often sink to slccpon heavy
suppers and beds of down.
Tho demon of dulluesi which is oflcn al
lowed to reign at home lias more to do with
driving your men into vicious company than
tho attractions of vico itself.
Wo should manage our fortune liko our
constitution ; enjoy it when good, havo pa
tience when bad, and never apply violent
remedies but in case) of necessity.
Deep learning will make you acccptablo
to tlio learned, but it is only an easy and
obliging behavior and entertaining conver
sation that will niako you agrccublo in all
Don't send for an adviser with the mcro
view of being confirmed in your own opin
ion. You might as well send for a doctor
and prcscribo to him what medicino ho
should order.
Success in any calling is the result of a
man's lovo of and belief in tho work ho has
undertaken. Earnest and conscientious labor
often accomplishes moro in tho end than
brilliant genius.
Tho most momentous question a woman is
ever called upon to decide is, whether tho
faults of the man sho loves will drag her
down, or whether sho is competent to be his
earthly redeemer.
Life is liko a roll of costlv material passing
swiftly through our hands, and wo must em
broider our pattern as it goes. Wc cannot
wait too long to pick up a false stitch, or
Uitso too long before we set another.
Tho intoxication of anger, liko that of tho
grape, shows us to others but hides us from
ourselves, and wo Injure our own cause, in
tho opinrton of the world, when wo too pas
sionately and eagerly defend it.
.Many persons, when they find themselves
in danger of shipwreck in the voyago of life,
throw their darling vices overboard, ai other
mariners do their treasures, only to fish them
up again after tho storm Is over.
Nothing more powerfully argues a lifo be
yond this than tho failure of ideals here.
Each gives us only fragments of humanity-
fragments of heart, fragments of mind, frag
ments ol charity, lovo and virtue.
Of all tho loves on earth most liko tho ill-
vino lovo is that of llio good mother so un
selfish, unfurgetting, watchful, considerate,
frco fiom all jealousy, and desiring tlio good
of her children far moro than her own hap
If you lovo others they will lovo you. If
you speak kindly to them they will speak
kimlly to you. Lovo Is repaid with lovo
aud hatred with hatred. Would you hear a
sweet and pleasing echo, speak sweetly and
pleasantly yourself.
A smilo costs tho giver nothing; yet it in
beyond price to tho erring and repenting,
tho sad ami cheerless, tho lost and forsaken.
1. 1! .. 11 .1 1.. .
" '"sarins munce, suouiicw temper, turns en-
mil.v to ,ov'' rt'vei;e to klndiicks, and paves
1110 llarl:el Benin of tuiilight.
It lue mark of a noble uaturo to bo
'lulcl-10 recognize that which is praiscwor-
thy in others, and ready on tho moment to
award to It Its fitting meed. Such a nature
looks for that which Is good in men; bees It,
encouraged It, and gives it tho strength of
its ciHlunemciit
It In wtll that wo aro born babes in Intel
- lect, Conlil wo understand and rellcct unon
one-half of what most mothers at tho timu
my and do to us, we fehould drawconduslonn
in favor uf our own importauco which would
rrndcr iw insupportable for years. Happy
tho boy win -o mother Is tired of talUm: lion-
sent-o to him beforo lit is old encuch lo know
I Ui jiuauicg of It,