THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA Miscellaneous. SIMH.KH. As wot an n, rhli t as dry as a Ij mo. As llvo as a bird; as dead as n stouo. As plump as 11 lurlrldjro j iu poor ai n rat. Ai strong as a horso j im weak ns n out. As lmnl as llliit j at sort ai ft inolo. As wlillo ill n Illy j ns black as a coal. As plain ni n plkojUirri na rough aahx boar. As tight as ft drum ivi fruo us tho air. As heavy ns load i as llsht as a feather. As steady as tlrao ! uncertain as weath cr. As hot as an oven i as cold us n frog. As jray in a l.irk as sick as a diu. As slow as a tortolso j as swltt us tlio wind. As truo as sospcl ! as f.tlso mtnklnd. As thin as n herring '. as m .1 pig. As proud as ft poAoook j as ulltho m a grU. As Bftvajo as a thjeri as mild us n djvo. As stlrf as a poker; as llniii as a glove. As blind as a bat; as os a post. As cool as cucumber! as warm ns a tout As fiat us a llotin ler as round iu u b ill. As blunt us n liammur in sharp as iv n I. As red as a turret! as BAfo as tho stocks. As bold as n thief j us sly ns a fox. As straight as an arrow ( 111 crooked as a b V . As yellow ns saffron j as black as n sloo. As brittle as glass ; as toun as a grist lo. As neat as my nail j as clean as n w hlstlo. As good as a feast i as bad as a witch. As light as tho day j as dark as Is pitch. As wldo ns ft rlierj as deep as ft well. As stPl us ft mouse i as loud as a bell. Ah suro as a gun j as truo us ft clock. As frail as a promlso ; as Urm us n rock. As brisk as a boo j as dull as nn nss. As fu 1 ns a tick s as solid as brass. As loan as a greyhound s a t rich as a Jew. And ten thousand similes equally how. THE UKASSIIOITEI!. He lomelli, from AYIh-iico sunt How A liorkv .Mountain l'anlonal Upii-. Tlio grasshopper ; Ho Cometh ; Ho cometh immeiously; Ho hringcth his family j Also his relatives; And hU frieinls; Likewise his mother-in-law; And hor friends ; As well ns all that hato her ; Anil they nre legions ; Tlio wiidom of man computoth thorn not ; 1 Hey spread over tho land, And there is no placo where they aro not. iney nip tlio springing grim ; They devour tho fragant onion sprout ; Aim tno savory celery. Tho wheat field is left desolate, And no green thing renmineth where the hopper hath been. His pathway is tho abomination of desolu- tioti. II10 ranchman mourneth for his green fields that were, but aro not; Mayhap ho sweareth; Possibly ho saith audibly, and crycth aloud uanicth. What careth tho hopper-grass? It troublcth him not. Ask tho prophets of Kansas ; Ask tho wise men of Nebraska; And they will answer likewise-; But the relief committee agent liftcth up his voico and called tho hopper Blessed. Tho patriotic grasshopper cometh from tho mythical western land, where tho glorious orb of day sinks in roseate splendor to his evening couch ; The realm of Brigham ; The land of Mormons ; Whence cometh many bad things and some that are good ; The hopper is one of them ; Several of them; But ho is not good. Ho cometh in the latter Summer days, In sun-darkened myriads ; As tho winds come when forests are rend- cd, As tho waves como when navies aro strand ed, Ho alighteth on tho potato vino ; And 011 tho fragant tomato tree; And succulent roasting ear, whilst it is yet in the milk and toothsome; And upon all other fruits of the field that cometh late into market ; And they disappear and aro seen after that evil day no more forever. And the lady grasshopper maketh straight way her nest "down in the cornfield." And in tho wheat stubble ; And upon the hillside ; And all over tho sandy plain ; And everywhere elo under tho sun ; And sho filleth tho nest with eggs every day, until tho Winter days cometh and tho ground freczeth hard, when no grasshopper can make nests. And tho egg3, aro they not ranch eggs? With double yolks T And warranted to hatch? Yea, verily, and the warranty is good. And tho lady grasshopper's mate, what of him? Verily, I say unto you, ho sitteth upon tho sweet-potato vino and singeth all tho gladsomo bummer day ; Ifo climbeth up the corn stalk and lop peth otTit; verdant branches; Ho taketh no heed for the morrow Nor of tho groans and curses of tho irato ranchman ; And in tho hottest Autumn days ho lead- eth tho fisherman beside tho bubbling wa ters; And up the steep mountain sido; And over prickly pears ; And through soap-weeds ; And through thorny bushes ; And when at last the fisherman fulls upon his knees and puts his hand upon Mr, Hop- per, whero is ho? Alas, ho is not there; But ho soareth aloft; And cracketh his heels together; And laughcth out of his left optic at the fisherman, who is seated on the hillside, Digging cactus thorns from his bauds and knees. And framing cues words. And he will never kneel any more. And when lu tho fullness of time tho Will' try days liavo como ; And still his voico in death ; "With Frost's Icy mantle about him, he gdeth henco to his fathers, Content with the fitting close to a well spent life, And happy in tho reflection that ho will live again in his children, When gentle Spring Bhall come again, And again, And again, forever, In tho returning cyclo of returning years. 'Tis Spring; Winter hath loosed his icy fetters ; Robin lled-breast'i) carol in tho cotton woods ; Tho Beecher-Tilton trial Is well on ; Jenkins busyeth himself writing pardons, And the genial sunshine again bathes tho earth. Aro thoso eggs spoiled? Not by a jug-full. In tho earliest warm sunny days; Forth come a few millions of tho juvenilo toppers; Tiny, mltey, midgcto ; Mil f1. . . 11.- ... .t A , xU0 , wio , inu ...a, tuners r f nniiiiMiMii linultf ill fir hrtiit ivill IiiUmus I iu . - b " .1,' , ' ' , , , . , J M'rli!. Iiinniv fi re It o oil I it t cririin rriuf I , ,, 1 b The little hopper relku on l'rovideuco; Anu nil reliance is buouuio; I wall. It putteth the "shoddy" religion of man to shame. Drown him iu tho Hoods that would have appalled Noah; Bury him in tlio Artie snows ; Sulijccta him to frosU Hint ireeiiclti the ears of 11 brass monkey ; l'Jncaso him iu tho heart of nn Iceberg ; Lict old llorcis carets him with Chicago winds, or I'oiullo him in his Icy embrace, the llttlo martyr calmly folds up his arms, draws up his nether llinbsr uiiil walteth; Wulteth for tho next sunrise ; when bo cometh forth to breakfast, gay 11s a school girl and Milium npputilo that is always u positive luxury. "You can't kill him." Denver Xcuis. A Soi'liun of tliu lleoviicr Trial. I'no .Ulamlsburg, Ohio, MulUttn gives tho lolluwlii'' m iv chunk cut at random lrom the verbatim report: (J. Do you drink tea or cofl'eo at break fast? A. Sometimes ouc, sometimes the other, and sometimes both. What did you drink for bic.ikf.wt April 1,1 SOI ? A. I do not remember. (.'. Oh you don't remember. Now, do you not know you drank oiTeo at breakfast that morning. A. I do not. Q. Well, do you think you drank cofl'eo and have forgotten it. A. If I drank coileo 011 that occasion I certainly have forgotten it. Q. Cm von .swear it was not coffee? A. I can swear t do not recollect. Q. Did you use suttar and cream? A I may have used one, or both, or neither. Q. Ah, ha yes ; did you lick tho spoon after sweetening your drink? A. Can't say positively. Q. Uin can't say ; did you stir it with a spoon or with your finger, and if so, which finger?. A. Have no recollections of any ueh circumstances, sir. Q. Haven't? A. Have not no, sir; not the slightest. Q. Bo careful, sir; perhaps I can refresh your memory. A. 1 crhaps you can. JIero another juror tumbled off his seat, with teeth set and frothing at the mouth. Recess. The Seven Wise Men of Greece. Thcso men were supposed to have lived in the fifth century before Christ. Their names were Tittacus, Bias, Solon, Thalcs, Chilon, Clcobulus and l'criamlcr. The reason of their oeing called "wise" is given differently by different iththors, but tho approved ac. count states that as some Coans were fishing certain strangers from Jliletus bought what1 ever should bo in tlio nets without seeing it. When the nets were drawn in, tlicy were found to contain a golden tripod, which Helen, as she sailed from Troy, is supposed to have thrown In there. A dispute aroso between the fishermen and tho strangers to whom it belonged, and as they could not agrco they took it to tho Tcmpio of Apollo, and consulted the priest- ess ns to wnat snouiu do uone wuii it. Sho said it must be given to the wisest man in Greece, and it was accordingly sent to Thalcs, who declared that Bias was wiser, and sent it to him. Bias sent it to another one, and so on uu- til it had passed through the hands of all tho men, afterwards distinguished by the title of tho ' Seven Wise Men," and as each ono claimed that some ono was wiser than he, it finally was sent to the Temple of Apollo, where, according to some writers, it still re mains to teach tho lesson that tho wisest aro tlio most distrustful of their own wisdom. Methoditl. Jealousy is at onco tho meanest and the most unaccountable of vices. What belongs to us we shall have inevitably and what wo want and have not, wo shall never win by unreason. It wc aro lovely, wo shall be loved atid if wo aro unlovely we shall not bo loved. no matter weather any other takes our place ornot. Jealousy of wealth, the social import ance, or the uappiiiess ol others is alike uu- occountable and absurd. Your own liouso is not lower because your neighbor Jghbor'sistwosto- rics higher. If ho should fail, and have to givo up his carnage, it would only crowd tho omnibus a little more and by no means pro vide you with avchicle. What is it in hit mau nature that makes our poor faro seem poorer becauso our neighbor is eating roast duck and drinking champain? To envy tho lovo bestowed upon another is equally idle. Hearts keep their accounts usually with very tolerable fairness. Wo shall recievo that of which wo aro worthy no more- and what is our own, by virtue of our desert, no fato can tako away. . Mr. Carruth, the Vineland editor who was shot through the head by Mr. Landis, still lives, and his caso is remarkable in tho an nals of surgery. His homeopathic doctors, who wcro called iu tho case to the exclusion of ono of tho most celebrated surgeons of Philadelphia, havo given him but ono med icine from tho beginning. They havo ad ministered arnica internally with tho view of preventing inflammation, and not yet at- tcmptcdanysurgicaloperation. Theorificoof tho wound is in fact contracted, and tho uso of the probe is considered injudicious. Tho ball is supposed to havo lodged near the eye, upon tho skull, and should it become encyst- cd thcro is hope that the patient may recover. That ho still lives and is conscious is cither a marvel of naturo or a triumph of medical skill. Jones gavo a lawyer a bill to bo collected to the amount of 30. Calling for it, after awhile ho inquired If It had been collected. "Oh, yes," said tho lawyer, "I havo it all for you.' "What charge lor collection?' Oh' said tho lawyer laughing, "I'm not going to charge you why I havo known you over since you were a baby, andyour father before you ; S20 will bo about right," handing over $10. "Well," said Jones as ho meditated upon tho transaction, "its darned lucky ho didn't know my grandfather, or I shouldn't havo got anything!" A gawkey saw, for tho first time, a school girl going through somo of her gymnastic exorcises for tho amusement of tho littlo ones at homo ; after gazing at her with looks of interest and commiseration for a whilo ho asked a boy near if that gal had fits ? "No," replied tho lad, contcniptuously,"that's gym nastics." "Oh, 'tis' hoy?" said tho verdant ; "hoiv long has sho had 'cm ?" A conductor put a "dead beat" off his train politely oncp,kickcd hlin offthrco times, then findiiiglheiiiipeciinlous in tho car again, inquired, "Whero in blazes aro you going anyway?" Well Bald tho not-to-bo-got-rid- of, "I'm going to Chicago if my pants hold out but if I'm going to bo kicked every fivo minutes I don't bcllovo I'll mako tho trip. Tho conductor let him rldo a llttlo way. T,)0 Lmll8villo Q,, Jtmial , , shall I keep my husband at homo in the oven- i"Sl" ay " -J" o"0 Hy enowh by " . 7 I opening a first class beer gardcu in the back Tho ripest fruit grows on tho roughest Throo Points for Oonsidpration. During tho past llvo jenil, tho VKOKI'l.NJ has lieen steadily working itself Intnpubilo favor, and tnoso who cm ai Urst molt lucredulous In regard to us merits are now Its most nrdcul mends and tuptwiters." Ti'oroaro thr-o essential causes for those having nm.11 1, .iuiiu ui imhmii, mcinrinas, cu.snging tticir uihiiiimi mm leu 1111 inmr inuucnco towurii me nil Mincemeat ot VUHif 1 ink. lut-li has nonostlv ore. pared medicines from imiks, toots and herbs, ad-lt honestly accomplishes all dial. Is claimed for it, ii.iiv.iiu 1V-...IIIK uiij n.m ..iircm 111 1 no pysu "in 1.11 it presenls honesi wniclt.'rs 111 testimonials from Holiest. WClUklinn 11 rlllxiMK llhnui (Ifln.ttlir.x. nni n Biuilctunt gii.irauieu of then earnest ness in the mat 'er. 'I akliiif Into eoiisldiTiitloii the vast quantity of 1111-iiii.inu uioumii conspicuously ik'ioio 1110 pnulio through die naming iiilteillsemonw lo tho newspa per columns, with no proof of meilt or genuine vouchers or what it has done, wo should lw lurdon pd for inanlfestinga small degree of pride In present ing tho following from Itev. .r. s. Dicker S""'ti 11 "iV10 '"'P"1"1- "'", eier-geulal pastor of the ..... ..uii.ii, i.uawui The Tired lloilj Sups for Morn. ., .. L'o.sion,.M.-it;il til, 1ST4. 11. 11. KriCVKN. Ksn. t Dear Wlr 1 1 Is as imiMi from a urnqn nf iint v tt grill Iliiile that 1 wihe lo sjy VUdUTINI! even It It Is n patent medicine has ln-en of great help lo mo when noitilng else seemed lo avail which 1 could safely use. Kltliur evccssiie mental work or iiiiiisii.ii cam uiings upon nie n nervous exhaustion nun uraiimiiuiy Hern-, jieen, u.ii, iw He iper.iu'iy ilc lleslt Slifiit utter olirlit the poor, llivd IxhIvbiios tor sleep uiiiiithii d.iy-d.i'i li welejined'iack, and wu uo;iu our worK Hied out with . n nmiosi truilless ulur "sl- 1 "ae o'liiii n uttio MIHI'INK taken J.isl n-rore I icllru -lies inesweet u'nl Inline llati'Meep, ami Hllhoilt.niiy o' ihoeUtef. recta of tho mual uueollcs. I nihil: two things would lend to make braln-woikeis sleep. 1st A nuio less worK. an -a 1 1110 mom v ;iii:tini.'. mis jimsci ipiioii lias ui'iin'u me. Now Ihavo 11 particular horror of "n.ilent modi. cine, ' but I n greater horror or being afraid to tell tho straight out truth. Tlio VIKIUl'I.NH luis ueiiicu me, uuu 1 own it up. 1 ours .ve.. I. B. HH'Kl.l.'S'U. Vnlu;ililp Ktlitrnre. Tho following unsollelted lestlmonlal from Ilev. (). 11. 11.. lonneliv ll.islni' or llow'.lnln Knu unuieii, and at present settled In DroMdcnco, It. must bo esteoinoihas roll.ilile 111 lilnnce. No ono should fall 10 oinerve that this Ieslli110id.1l . 1 ....... 01 1 wo years' experlenco with tho use of 1 i.u ui mo nev. .ir. waiKer s rat imlly, who now prououueos 11 lnv.ilii.iult riioviimscE, it. I., II. !. .srsvEN.s. Us 1. s lilt Transit street. I feel bound toexnivssivlth inv Rl-fhiitiim ihnlif'rii itiitit' 1 ih.l n. 1111111 iii ir 1 .111: 1'l ; 1.: ill r.ttiit v hltV('US"ill forlll'MAsL twolenrs In th: bllll It Is lll' ulld 1 r. 1 mnm. n.l It In all vi-hn iu.1.1 uec 1 uu uiMjoriiiiiif, ivuoaung toiiie. ii 'i U'l'ii Formerly lust or of Conduln sju'iro Church, Jj'osion. Tlio Host IMJt'iice. Thcfol ow n!? Idler from Kev. 11. s. ltest. p.mtir M. K. CllUrcll. Natlck. .M.lss.. will he ri-iil i-llli tntir. est by many phjslclaus. Also those sun"erlnr from inu Mine inseoso nsniuictoil 1110 son or thol.'cv.I;. . nest. No person can doubt this testimony, nnil mere is no uouut iioout 1110 eiirallvo n.iwernr vi:(l- N.lTirK. Mnsa.. .1.111. 1. IS71. Jill. II. It. Stkvens. near .-ir w o nni e goon reason for regarding your 'Ulln'INE ft medicine uf tho irrp.itest. v.aliie. Wn feel assured that it has been tho menus ot saving our son's life. Hois now seventeen sears ot ago; for the last two years ho has suffered from necrosis of his leg. caused by scrofulous affection, nnd was so far reduced that nearly all who saw him thought his rccuicry nupo-ssio e. a council oi iiDio puysicians could irlvo US but the faintest lionn nf his ever r.iltv. lng, twoof tho uumberdeelarlngthat ho was beyond iiiu it-uuu ui iiuiii.iu rciucuit's, mat even umpiuuuon could not savo lilm. ns ho had not vigor enough to endnro tho operation. Just then wo commenced plrtng htm VKGHTINK, nnd from that time to the MXBS. 'BSSSi 10 nwnv crutches und caue, and walks about cheerfully and buiiuk. Though tliero Is somo dlschar?o from thn oininir "iiciu mo nuio ivih lauceti. wo 1110 iniiest eon- tldenco that In a little time ho will bo perfectly cur ed. no has taken about Unco dozen bottles of VE(I1 TINE, but lately uses but little, as no 13 100 wen to do tiiKing medicine iicspecifuiiy yours, 1'.. HEaT. Jlus. I.. C. 1'. Dear. Itidlnlde Ktlilcnre. ITS naltle Street. nito.iKi.vv. M. v.. Vnv. 1 1. 1ST4. II. It. bTKVKNs. i:.-o : Dear yir From personal lieneilt recelveil liv Its use, as well us from personal knowledge of I hose whoso cures thereby liavo seemed almost miracu lous, I can most heartily nnd sincerely recommend tlio VEdETINH for thu comnl.ilnts for which It la claimed to cure. JAMES P. I.UDI.OW, t-aio rastor calvary nap. Church, Sacramento, Cal, Vegotine is Sold by all Druggists EW STOCK OE CLOTHING. AND GGntiOlllOn's DrOSS GrOOds. DAVID LOWENBEKG Invites attention to hl3 largo and elegant stock ot Cheap M FasMonaWe ClotiiiDo, at his sloro on .MAIN STltKCT, IN THE NEW IILOCK, llLOOMSHUltO, I'A whero ho has Just received from New York and rhU- adelphla a full assortment of MEN S AND E0YS' f!T,nTRTMfi- ' lncludln; r tho most fashionable, durablo and naiiasomo CON3ISTING OF BOX SACK, FIIOCK, GUM AND OIL CLOTH, COATS AND PANTS, OF AI.LSOItTS SIZES AND COLORS, Ho has also replenished his already large stock of CLOTHS AND CASS151EI1ES, STItirED, FIGUltED AND PLAIN VESTS, 8 II HITS, CI1AVATS SOCKS, COLLAItS, HANDKERCHIEFS, QLOVES, SUSPENDEItS, AND FANCY ARTICLES. Ho has constantly on hand a largo and well select- ed assortment ot Cloths and Ventinga, which ho Is prepared to mako to order Into any kind of clothing, on very short notlco, and In tho best manner. All his clothing Is made to wear and most of It Is ot homo manufacture. GOLD WATCHKS AND JEWELKY, OF EVERY DESCRIITION, FINE AND CHEAP. HIS CASE OF JEWKI.IIV IS NOT SURPASSED IN THIS PLACE. CALL AND EXAMINE HIS GENERAL ASSORT MENT OF Clothing, Watches, Jowl- ry, &c. DAVID LOWENI1EUO. uly 1,'73-tf. WIIOLKSALK (lltOCEUS, N. 1!. Corner Secend and Arch Strceis, rillUDEU-lIUi Ooalers In TEAS, SVIIUI'S, COKKBE, tfUOAIt, MOLASSES K1CX, irlCKS, DIC1KB BOBi, tC, tO. Iirorden will receive prompt attention, 1T-U HEABQUABTEBS run in Paints, Oila, Clluss, Putty, Drugs, S)icog, Patuiit Modi- ciueH, etc., &G, MO YE It B LIO'S WOlTIiI)i':iU ilic ntirntlon of tho imMlcio ilU'lr t'l' l.lfffil ntnl wnl miWtn.l of .. Kuua twncu iiil'J UUU1 lit U1U LOWJWT MARKET HATES. 800 boos Window (ll.iss all sizes nnd qualities. Olasstor Picture, l'ramcsn specialty, iriiilu Load, lied Lead, UmboiM, Litharge, Siennas, Greens 13 lu es, Keds, lullows, dry and in Oil. Oeiieml Agents for MONTOUR SLaCE PAINTS! OLIVE, WHALE, OASTOH, and other OIL VA11NIS1I niui JAPANS from tho best JIanufactorlcs. .Their stock ot S 3? I O 33 S excels any in this section ot tho state. Agents for Dr. BIOKLEY'S Family Medicines. Ocncral Depot of supplies for Dr. .1. C. Ajcr's POPULAR MEDICINES. Tho Prescription Department Is under tho charge 01 competent ruarinaccutlsts. Physicians' Prescriptions UAltEl' FJLLY COMPOUNDED WITH DESPATCH. Sofla Water. Tlio attention of country dealers, especially is called iu uur blOCK OE BOTTLED GOODS. SHOES, ALUM, CONCBNtRATHD I, v s. Patent and Proprietary Medicines &c. Our wagon will contlnuo as formerly to mako Its usual trips to supply cu t OIL OF GLADNESS, a special Coughs, Uolds, Croup, Burns, Tetter, Piles nn Internal and External rem y whoso healing vlr rues are attested by thousands In this nnd adjoining counties Is manufactured by them nnd supplied to 'o ":ted cither directly or through their country acUcr3' Price 50 Cents Per Bottle, Nono genulno unless It bears tho trado mark and namo of Moycr lira's tho words '-Oil of Gladness" blown in tho glass and the signature of Moycr lira's on tno wrapper. Apr.l7,74-1y Man&oofl : How Lost How EesW! JUST published a new edition of Dr. CUL VERWELL'S celebrated essay on tho radical euro (without medicine) of Spermatorrhoea , or Scmtnal Weakness, Involuntary Sem inal weakness, Impoteney, Menlnl and physical Incapacity, Impediments to Marriage, etc,: also Consumption, Epilepsy, and Fits inuueeu uy seu-lndulgenco or sextual extravagance 1'llCS, C. SSpPiuce, in a sealed envelope, only six cents. Tho celebrated author, In this admlrablo essay cieany demonstrates from a thirty years' succcssfu practice, that tho alarming consequences of self. abuso may bo radically cured without the dangerous uso ot Internal medlclno or tho nppucatlon of tho knife i pointing out a mode of cure ntonccblmplo certain, and enectual, by means uf which every suf rercr, no matter what his condition may bo, may cur uimscii cueapiy pjivatcly, and radically. flThls Lccturo should bo In tho hands of every yoiuu ana every man in tno land. bent under seal, In a plain envelope, to nny ad dress, post-paid, on receipt cf six cents, or two post stamps. Auuress tlio Publishers, CHAS. J. C. KLINU .t CO., 1ST Ilowcry, Now York, Post onico Iiox 4,5'iC. April lo, '7C y Coughs Colds, Droit cliitN, Sore Tliroat, In- lliuiua, Croup, Whoop. lug Cough, Hoarseness LlverCoiuplaint, I'ains or Soreness in tin Chest or Side, Weeding at the Lungn, and every anectlon ot ihe Throat, Lungs and Chest, aros eed Uy cured bv tho uso of iih. Viht.kM iuimau win. t'UKKiir, which docs not dry up a cough and leavo tho eauso behind, as Is tho caso w llh most remedies, llUt lOOSens If. Plpnnwu till, llllKnl nnil illlflvu Irrltn' inn ,i,i .r.,.-r..." " :....-" ""'.v." ." vuw .u.uufllltl IIIU UI IUU COIUpiUIUU Consumption can bo cured by a timely resort to this standard remedy, as Is t'weuu; iiutiumiu UI ll'BlIiUUUims II 1103 rOCCl CU. Nono genuine unless signed '1. 1IUTTS" on tho wrapper, hi cents and l nbottlo; largo homes much llio cheaper. HUTU v. Fowl. if x sons, i lupnevurs, uosion, .iiass. now uy dealers gen crafty. duu.rj, ia-iy UjiK'IOS'iO per day. Agents wanted. All 'Hi u classes or work ing people ot uoui sexes, young nnd old, make more inonuy nt work for us,ln their own localities, during their spare moments, or all tho time, llinn at any thing else. Wo oner eniploj inent that will pay handsomely for eery hour's work. Fuil particulars, terms, 4c., bend us i our address nt uuw. iiumuuiiy, tuv in me nine, lion i. iook for work or business elsew here, until youhave learn- eu tvuui. u unci, u, aiiMuN & vo., i uruauu, juaiue. ..Ill .W II.J. 'KW YOllK THIIUJNR "TIIK I.KAD- I1AMKIIIUAN NKWHrAI Kit, 1 UK IlKST AllVnil'l'K i iniiMi jii'.ijiuai. ijuiiv. xiu a veur. fsenn. 1'oi.tairo Free to tho Hllbscrllier. Koeelmen f!onl,fi and Ailtcrllslni,' Hates Free. Weekly, In clubs of so ormoio-oniy u, iKiuuiiro juiu. Auareus Tiiu'Ihi- uuna, it. t. jau ID lo-l. a nvKirnsiNHi a J V lie. All iK'rsons ho c (TuinA with new bpaiKm for Clwiil: fiynloina. coii(CMnl)lali)liiaUliL' con. bnaoers lor Hut InserLljii nfiulver, tlseinentn. bhoultl kenil ur, cents tn den. I'. Howell A I'll Jl ll.irtr l,r.u. K'i.u V.rL- trm II...I. DA Vffcllif L", liuiiK in nety-seicn i ei on.) conla n nir Ms of over soki newhiuX'rs and estlinaUs, bhow Inir tho I con. Aiitcriisi.'iuenis taken lor leauinir Ti.uer iiuiny Males uta trenunilous reduction from Ushers' runs, (.ithiU'okk, Jun, is'tt-ly. this 1'irEit is on m.i'. with R 0WELL & rHESMAN Advertising Anents, TMIRP & CHESTNUT STS ST. LOUIS, MO rrOHNEY'H 11I.ANKB. (iimmon ami Judgment llonds. lustnrmtcd md for Biloat I tLo ei tHhvr oa ituM or prUlwl to urdvr. NEWjGOGDS! A HEAVY STOCK, Cheap ep.thaw Ever! S. H, MILLER & SON Have Just .Received tlio largest and best supply ol CHEAP AND' FASHIONABLE DRY GOODS, nicy naio ever ofTercd totnelr friends nnd cus tomers. (jlotlis, Cassiniur-es, and Satinelts for MEN'S WEAK, Cloths, Alapacas, Merinos, for LA DIE'S WEAK, CALICOES, MUSLINS, CAMUKICrf, anil every variety of Dry Goods desired, Carpets, Mata, Ottomans. in great variety and nt tlio LOWEST CASH PRICES. FAMILY GROCERIES. Including all the varieties of COl-'KEKS, TEAS and SUGARS, CO UN THY PHODUOE, and a ceneral suinilv of articles meful fir tlm table nhvuys on hand. CALL AND SEE. Country produce of all kinds taken in ex change for goods at cash jiriccs. Oct. 30,'?4-tf A. J. EVANS, JIEADY MADE AND CUSTOM MADE CLOTHING. HE HAS THE FINEST GOODS, LATEST STYLES, AND EJIl'LOVS THE BEST WOIiKMEM For Good Fits ana Promptness In filling orders tucro Is tlio placo to go. Ills goods are selected with care nnd his CUSVUM WORK will compare favorably with tho best effort ot tuo fashlonaulo City Dealer. HE KEEPS A LA11GE STOCK OF BOYS' & CHILDKEN'S OLOTHIiNG AND GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS At Astonishingly Low Prices. A. J. EVANS. Julyl, lS73-tf. BLOOMSBTJBO- MAHBLE WOBRS, T. L. GUNTON, Proprietor, MAIN STREET, BELOW MARKET. Manufacturer of and Dealer in all kinds of MONUMENTAL MARBLE WOEKS Wo uso tho best AMERICAN and ITALIAN Marble, Ho has on hand and furnishes to order MONUMENTS, TOMIiS, IIKADSTONKS, UHNS, VASES, be, Kvcry variety of Marblo cutting neatly executed at tliu luivunb iiuiihei. iiicea. A long practical experience nnd personal attention to business makes the nrotirliitor conlldent of eti Iiil- satisfaction. All orders by mall promptly uttondcu IU. i . I. UUA -UI. OSfX Jl. Worli delueredrce of churgc.mXM Aug. VI, IJ-ly. T. L. (I UNTO N, Proprietor. A FIRIST CLASS NEWSPAPER. DAILY AND WEEKLY. Independent in Evcrytliin'r. ! .Neutral in Nothing, Opposed to all Corrupt llings in Municipal, State and National Allhirs. Tilt' nill.V rmIL'vl will l.n loc.nrt U.,....n.r hA lltli .f ll.n..i,.l'.h.luv..,U n.r..ln .l.....f. -l" " ...... v .. .iv-,, niiuv.iij iiiui tiiii .iiv.luilll, hundays excepted, under tho editorial direction of A. K, McCluru, printed compactly from clear, new tyK, on u large fullo sheet, containing nil the news of llio day, Including tno ASSOt-'IATt: PlIEhS TKLU (1RAMN. Hneclal TcleL'rains nnd cerresnoiidence from all points of interest, nnd fearless editorial dis cussions ot current topics. Price, TWO CrlN'TH. Mall subscriptions, postage free, six dollars per annum, or llfty cents per muuth. In advance. Adiertlsements, Hfieen, twenty and thirty ccnta ln nui uieuiuiii iu jiusiiiun. The Weekly Times Will lia Issued on Katunliiv. Vnrch Mill, werklv iiiL-ii'uucit luuiuium mi mi pur i ma neH ui ino wit h, mm Luiuiuuiu JHarhei uuu fiuuueiai HeiHjria. Mailed, forono year. io&tniru free, at tho fullowluL- I U llfl i Ono Copy.. l.oo Ten Conies 8.00 Twenty t'oples 10.WI A llVEli nsKM HN'I'H twenty.llvo cents per lino. Hcinltanccsbhould Lo madoLir lnaftsor l'ubtor. ilco Orders. Address TT-TF. T?np'S. No, ll Boutli Kevenl li street, l'lllLAIIIil.I'lllA. Ui; li'li'M will IM SEMINARY. Uiiwmi II JJIJ NEXT TEHM I1EOINS Monday, August 3d, 1874. For particulars, Add reus, It. II WlIITACltE, MfU.VU.UC, l'Ai Ayer's air vigor. For restoring to Gray Hair its natural Vitality and Color. A dressing which i a nt onco ngrccalilo, healthy, and effectual f 0 r preserving tlio , iinir. It soon restores faded or gray hair to its original color, with tho qloss and freshness of youth. Thin hair is thickened, fulling checked, ami baldness often, though not always, cured by its use. Nothing can rcstoro tho hair whero tho follicles aro de stroyed, or tho ghnda atrophied and decayed; but such as remain can bo saved by this application, and stimu lated into activity, so that n now growth of hair is produced. Instead of fouling tho hair with a pasty sedi ment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional uso will prevent tlio hair from turning gray or falling off, and consequently prevent baldness. Tho restoration of vitality it gives to tho scalp arrests nnd prcvonts tho forma tion of dandruff, which is often so un cleanly and offensive. Froo from thoso dclotorious substances which mako somo preparations dangerous and inju rious to tho hair, tho Vigor can only benefit but not harm it. If wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing elso can bo found so desirable. Containing neither oil nor dye, it docs not soil whito cambric, nnd yet lasts long on tho hair, giving it a rich, glossy lustro, and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer Si Co., l'ractleal nnil Analytical CliciulsU, IiOWliLU; MASS. W.P. JONES &C0.5 CATAWISSA, FA. OUR AIM lias always Iieen to sell Roods at the very lowest nrlCCS for cash. Tlml. nnr nlTnrtanrn nnnrn. elated, no better proof is needed than that ourlms- muss hlw ueeii emisianiiy increasing rrom year 10 year, our facilities were never better than nt present, to continue Blvlnj; tho most goods for tho least money. W.l'.JONKSSCO. Catatt lssa, l'a. NOTHING IS CHEAPER than cotton goods at our present prices, our stock Is all ot tlio very best standard brands of Wenched and Unbleached Mill tings and Sheetings In sit, 41 and JJUicii and ir j us. wmiiis. ruiu iiieuiiuii nna neavy goous. Prices aro ns low and some brawls are lower than over before. Wo uro offering great llargalns In jviusuus. W. 1. JONES tc CO. Catawissa, Pa. 25.PEH CENT. SAVED is 50 per cent. made. iiiv mio ujf uuj UJJJ Ulir goods UI, W. P.JONUSitCO'S. Catawissa, Pa. PASASOLS Wc liave llio largest nssorlment lo kiii. "r. ""-in'-i-iiuii. i-iiuii, mack-anu uronii, is !' 'Hf, with jila u and fancy handles, la extra In ft, i , - '"'"-'y Parasols In colors, lined ami u..Mvt, nuui uu I L J1U3 lO f -I.IIU. w. p.joxi:.s&co. Calaivbvi, Pa. HOSIERY This is ono of our specialities. AVc soiuuwi n u iiui-'ji i.isb ear, nno inir oargainsin Stockings Is tho talk of tho town. Try our shilling stockings, dents best llrltlsh Hose, at 25 undS5 ccnis pel pair, W.P. JONES (10. Catawissa, Pa, FANS Over 25 clilTereiit slyles all the latest nocitics Largo mack pointed Pans, Plain, mack anil Fancy runs. Jananeso l'o d iil' Fans. largest sle 2" cents, medium size 10 cents, suuil bizu sccnia, louiot at 2sceni-s, worm m cents. W.P, JONES A CO. . Catan lssa, P.i IT IS I1IP0SSIBLE lo (mil a larger anil more varied stock In this region than wo lime, and wo aro constantly In receipt of Now ooods. Wo aro ahvajs ready to show our goods with pleasure. If you do not buy tuo urst lime you usil ns, wo shall endeavor to convliieo you by our very low pilci s to havo ou call again, como andscoforyourscif tuo great aiivniituges lo bo gained uy buj lug j o goods at tho POPULAR CASH HTOHU OK W.P.JONIiS&CO. CatuwlsKU, Pa, A Erie; Pa OKTIJNK IN IT. Every family lmvs it. tress, U. S. WALUER, Sold by Agents. Address, $20 DAILY TO AGKMS. 85 new nr tlclea nnd tho best l-'oinlly Taper In Amer ica, witu two f.i,t)o Cliromos, free, AM, Ml-'Q CO.. niki TlPimlti'i.t- XT V ' WIIKKHVEU IT HAS UEK.N TillEI) J C R U E E B A has established Itself ns a perfect rejfulator and sm o ii-im-iij iui uiuiia-ia ui too Hjhiein iirtsin'; irom im- jiruiHTiu'iioii ot 1110 i.ivernno iiowch. IT IS NOT A PIIVSIO. bill, bv fctlmlilnlliir. ii,a ui. crellte organs, yemly and Krndually removes ull Im-1 jiuimun, unit ii-ijiimu,n ino emiro hbiem. it is nut a iiuuiuiti;ii iirrjxiw, but is a which assists digestion, and thus stimulates tho ap petite for food necebsary to lntl(;oralo tlio weakness in mutmu uiKiuis, unui;tTcs bireuifiii to an no vital forces. IT OAHHIIIM ITHOWN HECOMMENIIATION, as tho Inrco and rapidly Incrcaslnt; sales testify, lMleo Ono Hollar a Imi lie. Ask your druirgist for it. JOHN. HTON, 1IOIXOWAV K Co., I'liUadurphla, l'a, VllOlo. AGENTS WANTED.' Men or women. $3i n week. 1'ruof (urnishuU.IIUfluci'Slilcuii uu t nnd ttonurutilo ti ti hit rUtc. A 10 pii0 circular and Valiu0la Kamplenfree, rHiiuI jourad ilroH on pnf tul cunL liuu't di AN ACTUAL J1US1NESS INSTITUTION AND TKIJSUHAl'IUO JNSTITUTB. For Information call at onico. or send forCoLucax AurmiTisisu. Junesd-ly Qvov Thhfy-fonr Competitors -,-..1873 ufnm.TI RAIL ROAD. ME TABLES P IIILADELI'lIA AND HEADING HOAD WINTER AltllANOEJIENT. NOV. Olll, 1874. T11AIN3 I.SAVK HUl'EUT AS 10I.1.0WS (St'NDA Y BXCErTKIi For New York, l'litladelphia, Heading, rottsllle Tamaqua, sc., 11,33 a. 111 1'orC'alawlssa, 11,33 n. m. nnel 7,30 p. m. For Wllllamsport, 0,2s a. 111. and 4,ik! p, in. THAlNSPOll lll'l'KKT I.KAVK AS V0I.I OH 8, (St'NllAY EX CEltl.I).) Ix?no New York, 0,m n. ni. Iavo I'lillnilelplila, 0,16 a. m. Lcao Heading, 11,8 1 a. m., 1'ottsMUc, 15,10 p. m. and Tamaqua, 1,30 p. in. Lca'.o Catawlssa, c,2u a. m. and 4,eo p. m. I;ave Wllllamsport, O.ii) a. m. nnd 0,00 p. in. l'assengers to and from New York nnd Philadel phia go through w Ithout cliaugo of cars. J. E. WOOTKN, May s, 1974-tf. General Superintendent. DELAWV WUSTL UH. LACKAWANNA AND HUN lUILUUAD. liLOOMSHUKO DIVISION. Tlmo-Tablo No. Takes elTect at 4:30 A. I. TlUTllSDAY, DDCU.MUlill 10, 1S74. NORTH, STATIONS. scrantou llelleuo TaMorillle.... . .Lackawanna pulsion .. Westl'lltstou... Wjonung toaltby Kingston Kingston ..PI) mouth .tunc. Plymouth Avontl.ilo Nimtlcoke .llunlnck'H i reek. . ..Milck.-hlnny .... lllck's l'erry... ....Reach llmen... lierwlck .... in lar creek ...Willow (iroe.... Lime lllilgc Espy. ...llloouisburg Hupcit Catawissa lirldge. ..Clark's Snitch..' Dam llio I'hulasky Cameron SOUTH. p.m. p.m. p.m, a. in. P m. p.m. 12 K S .' .2 25 1 l.-i Pi no in 04 19 to 10 n 10 25 10 20 10 34 HI 3S 1(1 45 U VU 1 ill I 12 2) 12 1 I 11 45 11 311 11 20 11 111 11 01) 10 45 8 25 8 17 S 12 8 05 8 110 7 40 7 20 7 Oil 0 67 fi 4.1 fi 32 0 27 0 20 0 Oil B fS B Bl s .11 S 2.1 8 13 S 15 - t,a 7 M 7 4S 1 40 13 3 2 20 2 83 I 41 2 50 2 Ml 3 01 0 0 3 IB fi 85 fi 41 U 1.0 7 00 7 Uj 7 11 7 ill 7 25 7 35 7 4 7 r.o 7 f.S 8 02 8 15 S 85 8 fii 9 OB 7 (VI 7 12 7 IS 7 25 7 .IS 7 47 7 M 8 12 8 (li 8 35 8 4S 8 ,r5 J 20 1 !5 1 111 1 11 1 If, 1 CO 7 ti) 12 M 7 M 12 JO, 7 .1,1 12 41 ill 50 8 20 10 B5 3 25 7 25 12 2 7 19 12 811 7 IB 12 20 7 IS 12 Hi 11 00 3 80 11 05 .1 31! 11 19 3 40 11 1S 3 f.0 11 32 4 15 11 40 4 1 0 SO 12 01 B 85 11 40 0 2S 11 83 C 20 11 81 r, is u 22 G 03 11 n C 03 11 11 EM 11 U'2 11 ta 12 1 12 18 12 12 12 17 12 20 12 82 4 2S 4 80 4 IB 4 Ml 4 50 5 05 B 12 S IS 5 40 10 :.- 5 411 10 49 12 37 B 44 fi 34 10 43 12 4 2 fi 2-1 12 45 S 31) 1 03 5 4S l n r, m r, 40 5 SO 10 411 fi 15 B 12 10 22' B 01 8 02 111 12 4 M 4 B7 II) OS 4 30 4 40 9 BJ, a.m. p.m. a.m. 1 14 C 03 1 30 0 20 .Northumberland. 'p.m. p.m. a.m, DAVin T. 1UI1INI). Sllnl. Superintendent's onico, Kingston, March 5, 1&74. NOKTIIKHN COMPANY. CENTltAL KAILAVAY On and after November sotlt, 1S73, trains will lcavo SUNUURY as follows: NORTHWARD. trio Man g.20 a. m., arrive Elmlra a. m " Cnuandalgua... 3.85 p. in, Rochester 6.18 " Niagara 9.40 Rcnovo accommodation a. m.nrrUo Williams port 12.65 p. m. Elmlra Mall 4.15 a. in., arrive Elmlra 10.20 a. m. llunulo Express 7.15 a. m. arrlvo lluffalo 8.60 a. in. SOUTHWARD. lluffalo Express 2.60 a. m. arrive Ilarrlsburg 4.60 a.m " H.utlmoro 8.40 jiimirajiau u.i5a.m., arrllo Ilairlsbuig 1.60 n. in Washington 10.30 " llaltlmoroo.30 " Washington 8.30 Harrlsburg accommodation 8.10 p. m. arrlvo Hnrrls- burg 10.60 p. in. arrlvo li.utlmoro 8.25a.m. " Washington 0.13 Erlo Mall 12.65 n. m. arrlvo Harrlsburg 3.05 a, m. " Baltimore 8.40 " . ". Washington 10.85 " All daily excert Sunday. D. M. 110YD, Jr., tlencral Passenger Agent, A. J. CASSATT, General Manager CARRIAGE MANUf AC T O R Y I1LOOMSI1URU, PA. M. C. SLOAN & imOTHEIl T.TAVIv on liaml and for salo at tlio most - .. - jLJureasonauio rates a splendid stock of c.n:iti4Gi:s, Huacs, and every description of Wagons both PLAIN and FANCY, Warranted to bo inado of tho best and most durable maeerl.its. and bv the inns.r. .ivni.t-inn..,,,) wnrti.,.,n All work sent mil from tlm establishment will be found to Iw uf the highest class and sum to give per fect satisfaction. They hat o also a line assortment of SI.EIOJIS ef nil tlio newest anil moit faslilonahlo Mjleswell una caivrully madu and ut tho tcbt matciU! 1. All lnSIH'CMnil nf tht1r WnrL- la no lltolm lleedthutno!iobui)erlureau bo found lnthocoun- Julyl, lS73-tf, GAS KxAS ! THATCHER & GEARHART, n, Gas anfl Steam Kilters W.OOMSliUIta, l'A., OI'l'EH TO THE I'UUUO THEIlt BE1IVICE.S IN PlumLinir niul fJns Ififfino- Q - - ' - . , J In which Iheylmvo had many jearaof experience, au worn ot mis Kiuii warrnutcd lo bo of tho liebt description and executed In tho most ivoikmaullko manner. Gus Piim Laid at 12 Cents Por Foot ! Steam Engines and Boilers, Steam and Hand Pumps, Pipe and Fittings. A Splendid Assortment of Ghnn- leliora, Brackets, Lamps, Shades, Bronzo Ornaments, etc. EXQUISITE SLATE MANTELS, THE CEI.E11HATED JAPAN PAPEWARE: WICKETS, I1ASINS, IiOWI.8, Ac, Ac. SUI GENERIS. 22 CABINET ORGANS. nHEOOALEDKMAPPROACHED In enpacity and clccllcnco by nny other". Awnnlcl DIPLOMA OF HONOEat VIENNA, 1873; PARIS, 1867. nil I V Amcrlcim Oiyftna ever awarded nny mnUl (JUL In Kuropo, or whlrh ircsrnt nuch pxtnionll nary exocllonco an tit commmid n wldo wile thrrc, AlltAVO ftwrdcl ldtflicft rrcmhinn nt Imlna. IlLlI l I O trial KipnsiUonMnAnicrlntnftweUfi i:uropr. Outof biitiiln-! tht-ru linvu not Iforn In nil where any other orjfrina liavo In-eii prcrtrrcd. nCCT I'pcIwM liy Eminent MiiFlrlant, tn both jLul hcmtfiphrreis tn lio iturlvnlctl. Beo UiariMONIAL CIHCUr.AH, with opinions tf muro than Ono 'riiomxaiid (Kent frct), IMCICT on hflTI"t? ft Mnnon Hamlin. .Tin not I ll u I U I tako any other. Iea!cr (jet LAnriF.n con mibhioss for tcllifia inferior oraans, an,t fir tM$ reason often try tery hant t( tell iometktng else WCU CTVI PC wlthmoFt lmH)rtant Improve lit II ul I LLu mentB ever tnndc, New Solo and Combination Mn. Suprrli IClagoro and other C'iini-n of ukv (H'Ml;tiNt PIAMO-HARP CABINET ORGANS fjulsito txiuibination ot theHoinHinunem. EASY PAYMENTS ( for monthly or qunru'rly linymrnta; or rented until rent pnyii for tho organ. PSTAI flPIICC "nil Clrcnkm, (th full inrtlo. UrllHLUUUtO utarsfrm. AiMitm MAKON .6 1IAMMN OHO AN CO., 151 Troinont Btrrtt, l'.O.S TONs US Union &inrc, NEW YOllK; cr U0 i; Kl Adams 61., CUICAUO, MASON & HAMLIN T JtAV HE OBTAINED AT WHOLESALE OR RETAIL Of I.. II. POWELL, SCRANTON, Pa. Otncrnl Agent utao far the celebrated CHICKERING PIANOS. ALSO, OF I. 1C. tiILTjT31t, JILOOMS11UJIO, 1'A., pcalcr in above Instruments. March 13, 'To y KOLLrNS & HOLMES No. 17 Centre Mro Plnnite Gas and Steam Fitters MANCFACTUHEHS OP JC I 3ST "VT" -A. JEl ZE3, OALVANIZED IKON COIiNICE, WINDOW CAPS, AWNINGS, Wire Trellises, Ac. Denlcrs in Stoves, Hang cs, Furnaces, Haltiiuoro Heaters, Low Down Grates, Mantels, l'UMl'S, Weather Strips, Ac. Also GAS FIXTURES of the latest doslen. Special allentlon paid to re- pairing sen int; Machines nfo cry dehcrin inuon.M'aies, UlCKS. Sell lLlllLMOL'. Kev l-'ttllliL-. i. I'llvnlii deuces Heated bybtenmat iibhiull cost above Hot, Air. l'eU.2i'.,'73-tf. J. II. STECKEll'S FL0U8, FEED, AND GOAL DEPOT, ULOOM,SlHJI(0,-I"A Krcamer's old stand on Iron street, between ticcomi and Third. All kinds of grain taken In cuckaiigo for coal. J. II. STIX'KKIt, Illoomsburtr l'a. Mar. lo-tf 1)LATCIILKY'S Im li proved circlJMHKIt iutlll l'L'MI' Is Iho ac knowledKCd ttandard of tho market, by popular verdict, tho best pump for the least money. Attention Is Invllcd In lllntrlilevfe lmn,f,Kl llror If. et.thplirop check valve, which can lio wliluraw n w uiiout dlattu blue; I ho Joints, and tho copper chamber which neier cracks, scales or rusts and will List a llio llmo. l or sale by dealers and tho trado generally. In order tobosuro lhatjou UCt 11 UlChlev's IMlmn 1, f ,,,.f,,l a,,,!'.,,., Lnowyn.l.rS1ri1110 ,,narks above. It you do not iff fti;.'!1' escilptlte clrculai-st tiiKethcr w in the name and address of tho "cnt nearest vou will bo furulsheil I by aildresslnj wltlrstamp" 1 J" ' I'LATUHLIiY, .Manufacturer, uuuiiutiiuoi., i jiuaueipuia, FOlt SAI.i: 1IY J. SCHUYLER Si SON, Bloomsburff, Pa. ilarch fi i5-tm A9.KNT8 WANTKI). At llio rate this work Is now belling It vmu attain a tsalo ot coriEs !ii'?",.!!.J.n!'ras? " complete. I'rcsbvterlan mln. ish to retaiif ,t ?M IX Vi? "THE IIISTOUY OF TIIK 1'ItESHYTE. KIAN OHUKOII TIIliOUGIIOUT TUB WOULD." c.A!J'a,i,"UI l0 oc'ivo volume", Illustrated wilh f,.miJ'wiiY'lnf ntfravlntra, which every rSJ tertan family will vtont to possess. Prlco In cloth u Wi ni il o , Half l'urkcy Morwco , Tull ' Turkey Applications for cxclublie tcrrito?v should bo made at once. Address, "-"itory HE WITT C. LENT 1- en Dec. 85, Tl-om. 410 llroomo Street. New Ym v A Fortune For &1 The Wyomlnj' Lottery draws on tho 15th ami soth of eaclt inontli. nni t-im nun m .!.. .. HV.!.yl, paid In full, nnd no deductions. Capital im Second Hft.fM,oooj Third, jii.uni'j rourth "Kmi Hflh, U,W, biith, l.oe(i!c!ildes lo.OiSSffi llio iiiiit i;xiraoniinary M positively iirntmn ly Klh. 10J5. capital (llil, tluo'ii-'oi Siwmi .S f.'".r? . Wiroutllii UKuil MnallerSfflv.S'Jffl bers sen by mall to ticket holders "i T so" i Ss ' 1 shed. Tickets for ellher nro ll each o for 13 si fij t). AiAiits anted i lllustruti d T lines heiftfrco otcrjhody.coutaliilniffmi parllciiiara TlckclBsoli up to tho hour of drun luf. Addi ess bm Hay 14 mIJJa W" Nls"u bT" Nbw YoillE v,. " Jlml,y K ven llial tho liloom.. ? rJfi.tlut'ff t0.. '.llB c"''"a " "ffi urn for1 1H.MI whero tho dlsliinco fiom tho Mreot . lnii im ixeced Wfeet! excess ot w ffkwlll iJichnmJnt ho rate of uinnti, ni.rmr.i .iVV.."":'.''' HpalmamJqu i f&wti UtRUiT.yrEnATf A