The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, June 11, 1875, Image 3
THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBUllG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. THE 00LMP1AK- II t, O O M S II II It Hi V H I l A Y, .It'SIl II, 1ST.-, Hull lloml Time TuMc LACKAWANNA k IILOOMffllt'IM KAIl.ltOAD Accommodation Train,. . Mall Trnln Impress Train .... SOUTH. POETII. ....(US A.M. 7.3HA.M. 7.Si) A. M B.' 8 t'. M 1.41) l'.M. 11. M A. M ti.34 1'. M. t'ATAWISSA UAH. I!OAl). NORTH. Arnnmmodat Ion Train U1 A. M. Itegular lltprcss ThroiiBli cars on l'.xpress trnln either lo New York or Philadelphia. Accommoilallon train runs between CaUnl3M anil WllllainspoU. Tlil-i is n pango from a ltmton rcportcr'n ac. count of n meeting of the llailical (,'lnli: "Then nialion made for i-Usei-, in tliolovclie-t oftlrcs- fen, and with eyes that sliono moru Wight- ly Ihnn llio dlninondi flio wore, ppoko in tones llulc-llko Kwci tiie-M, woriU of such exceeding lltnc."", plira-es of micli linppy iicalnc', that wo lapped oiifhauda fur more, ns Willi grace slio left llio floor." eon 1 1 T,r. p. m. a.MI'.M. lt.siA.M. io in n kkikxds, (im:i:iiMii liy tlio first of .Inly coming wo shall liavo complet ed two jenrs of llio publication of tlio Columbian slnco It last cumo Into our hands. Mom than three, lourlhs of Its mitwcrlljers aro Indebted upward of a sear's subscription, nnd morn than haltot fhem ha,o not paid anything. As our circulation Is largo Hil t lsahea.ytaxupon tho publisher and too hcny a load for htm to carry much looser. During the sum mer ami autumn, and especially the ensuing mouth, Mr. 1" I" Myers will call upon thoso subscribers who nro'li'i'arrcarsfor thopurposoof rocchlngpajincnt of tlio amounts due, and -A' hopo all will meet hhn kindly nnd bo prepared to llould.ito this Indebted' ncas. HM far from n pleasure tons to send out a collector or dun people for ilw-s In any form, but cerlhlnglnour lino of business must 1m paid for In cash nnd wo cannot, thereforo nlTonl to carry a largo amout of Indebtedness for 5 ear utter year, nnd which Is conttanlly Increasing. Wo trust, then fore, that none w III tako ofTcncu at belngcalled upon for what Is duo, but that all will tako pleasure In aiding tho paper to tho extent of paling what they ouo for It. Mr. Myers Is also ntitlioilM-il to take Job work nnd advertising, to recelio subscriptions, ic, nnd to tako pay and receipt for tho same. tf. This is delightful weather. The i-Hico of llio (.'iirbniitlalo Leader wns en ured on Widnuday evening of laitweek nnd wine, .100 pounds of iicwi-p.ipor typo taken out and thrown into tho l.ack,wj,nu river. It is Mid that an attempt was made to kidnap tho lltor, Mr. A. W. Cook, on his way homo tho rainc night, for the purpose of tarring and featli- ring him, hut the police foiled llio intention of the gang. Tho puhlilier procured new typo and ailed his paper n.s lutial last week, in which ho offers SlOO reward for tho airest of the parties. Hui.T.r.roNTr. at this Chstiissut.. Sil.-is K. lelllck, machinist at W. 1'. Duncan & Go's machine fliop, in lids place, is ijiiilding a min iature locomotive for cxhlhiton at the Centennial. I'hc entire length of tho locomotive including tank will not exceed Iwenty-sovcn incites, nnd from preuntappearaiiec", will he llio most perfect mil cmnplUo lunll its detallsof anything of the kind yet attempted. lMlrftmle Wnldim in, Hunt up a munlc for yourdorg. This day, Friday, is 11 hours and 50 minutes long. t Tho indications are that wo ehall have a late harvest. . , -p Last year Harrishiirg paid out $lfi,03S,(IC for teachers. ' . Mint of llio hgal holidays tif the present year fall on Sunday. Dog days hcgin this year on the llh of July and cud on the 12th of August. N'ew Cohimhils is to olnervo the FoUllh of July with a grand celebration. From appearances tho farmers will have In contend with short hay this season. Tuiii'e.leuks. in a late announcement in the Clarion county court, added ju(ioe to juri-pm- 'lice uncn no torn panics oniaiinng license io II Honor that on proof of the sale of drugged or impure liipior their licenses would ho re voked. Hrnuiii'ic. Tho same rule ought to apply to saloons and hotels whoso proprietor sell to hoys or harbor them. No license ought to ho granted to any pplicaiit who will not swear that in his foiisi- lies he has in nil respect complied with llio iw. The next annual meeting of (ho State Teach s' Association will ho held at Wilkes Jl irre. 'e have jut received a nolo from -Mr. Fast- hum, Chairman of Fxeculive Committee, stating thai the lime of holding the meeting ha been lixed for August 10th, 11th, and l'Jlh. Those laving suggestions to make, which they may ink it desirable to submit for the consideration of tho Executive Cominiltec, will please address r. If. 11. Fadburn, X'c.v Hope, liuck county. Three pio nie parlies went nut of lllooin-hiirg lat Saturday. All report agood time. The street sprinkler has had little to do the pa-t week on account of tho "beautiful raiif." Mr. l'ernhard Stolincr has sold his confec tionery establishment to Mr. John iirown Scott. I!cv. J. 1!. Williams has resigned his charge as pa-tor of St. Mathcw's Lutheran Chinch of this place. Tho drain pipes connected with llio Exchange Hotel were takin up this week ami larger ones put down. Mr. Al. F. Ilender.-holl, of San Jo-'o, Califoi nia, hut lateof llloomdiiirg, is in town visiting fiiends, Tho "tleneral" looks very hearty. Mr. Geo. II. Ilroivn, of liloonidiurg, sold one of his team-, together with an oinniliiH, last Tuesday, to Mr. Charles McDowell, of Sunbiiry, Col. C.(i, . Jackson, jf lierwick, will deliver the oration before the Alumni Association of Dick inson Seminary , Willianisporl, on ' the "3d i.-t Tin: KlNixir Lni is I'lixni.. Tho "load lead pencils is not lead at all though it is died "black lead." The wcight,if nothing else, tells you that it is a mineral, called yrujthitt', (from tlicOicck word lo write,) and is more near- related lo coal than to lead. You have learn ed that hut i coal and tho diamond aro formed of the clement, carbon. Graphite is till another ape in which carbon is round; it usually con- litis a very little iron. 1'hiinhago i another line for it. It can not be incited, hut at a very h heat it will burn. The lino kind aro very sirce. l.t. The Grangers had a grand pio nic in Knorr's grove, below town, on l-riilay last. J lie at tendance of tho order and farmers wive and iiighteis, as well as others, was large. A. 1'. Young, of Millville, presided, and addrcs-cs were made by Col. I'iolett, of llradford, and Dr. Sleek, of Lycoming. The former was peculiarly entertaining and eloipiuit. Thu supply of cata. hie was abuidant and the river and creak of course furnished a sufficiency of water. Every ling p.i--eil oil' to llio utmost satisfaction of all. e had no reporter pre-eut, as we expected the order to make an official report, ami the editor is necessarily ali-ent from Columbia countv. 'e can therefore oulv make this brief mention. OiiTriday last, a file at Hull I'un, a niiiiinp village some three miles west of llloom-buig destroyed four dwelling hoii-cs, tho property of Win. Xcal A; Sous, of this dace. Tlio Odd Fellows of Orangevillo will giw a grand pie nie in Mcgargi I I's grove near that place, on the Fourth of July. The Hloom-biirg lodge is invited lo attend. Three weeks fiom next Sunday will ho Ihe "Glorious Fouilli." It will hegenerally eelibia ted on Monday. Aioour people saving their enthusiasm for a grand demonstration next year the Centennial? You may he well known in your town without adverli-ing, hut you need to he uelt b'jil in mind as well as well known, and you shouldstrike for other town than yours. There i no especial merit in getting a fair tiado among your own friends. Tho five o'clock p.m. mail from Philadelphia via. 1. & K, It., did not reach us on Monday Iat until 8J o'clock, p. in., on account of a wieck near Shlimnn's station. Though serious enough to cause a detention of near four hours, there was no one injured. Mr. II. C. Lutz, formeily of Illoonishurg, hut or five orsix years living jn tho west, a large'r portion of which time he resided in Fort Scott, Kansas, wa in town visiting freiid hint week. Horace looks well, even though ho did come from the grasshopper region. 'Wowcieshowii a few days since, by Mr. John, G, tjuiek, of ltupcrt.a lemon measuring 10) by 12 inches. This lemon grew upon a tree beloii; ingto Mi.(Juiek,tliatisabout 2S year old, and at the present lluio is loaded dwu with the golden fruitjthc quality of w hieh, it i said, is much bet ter than of that coming from the buulli. Our old typo liicnd Mr. M. F. Conner, loule agent on tlio D. II. &. W. li. It. from Suubury to Iliuletoii, stepped in to see hi Cui.vmui.VN riciuU on Saturday last. Judging from his hale apptaruueo it agrees with Millard to lill llio position of mail agent for Uncle Sam. llu is now rusticating in Orangevllle. Mr. Win. Cullman of this place lost a valuable cow ono day last week. lie had cut some new hay for her, and after eating considerable she began to bloat, and soon alter died. Mr. John .Sterner also lent a fine cow tl xauio week. She had caught a cold which ellectesi her internally. She was sick but a few day and apparently died in great agony. Accim:Nr,-A young man, named Timothy liegijln, whose parent reside in Catawima, ami who uaiu theeinpluy of llio L. iV;. I). It. It. Co, tinder Mr. -M. McDonald, of lid place, stalled for his homo in Cntawin, after concluding hi, day's work on Monday, anil on Tuesday mom lug wa found lying near llio Hack a lew miles below CalawlfMi, dead and honibly manglcil, A fellow who had evidently bccndoingcoii sldeiable sampling, tho other day wa coiuiii; elowiituwn nnd seeing uu oiango peel on the pavement in lionl ol a tonlcctiontry, sloppei audiuldiew.ul it in follows: "You'cralhieJ ml srablejtiillliu', insignificant looking ihiug, sojou nie', haiilly woith noticing', hill elai nil you ehicj eoiihl thiow Goliar mid not hull liy." The .tuufbiiK d'eijiiu' contain llio following Kiuiblu caution; The Piaetieeof young ladies and otheis sitting ut iheir eloois, expo.-eeI to llio cool bight uiriccrtuhily vciy pn judical to htallh,lho meet of which may ho lilt In year to conic, Jl I not i ous in lite inily pail, tay up sikhlo'eloekorulillleul1er,uiidtvenlheii watiu sitlotlilnL'thuu that worn during llio hint tho day, does not como iiinUs. Young ladies, hoinrifulofyourheidlhi it I u blessing wldch W'luksl, Is gono forever,nndu littlo nttenlloii now may mvo ninny a pang of pain uiidslcei--i lilghls,1' The Ilellefoiito 11'icimniiEays: Candidates ale becoming numerous. Wo would advise our ountry friends lo scour lip their littlo ones, but then eeiuio to think of it, wo don t know as it akes much dillerence with theaverage candidate for lie-ran kiss the dirtiest-faced young one in existence w ith a better relish than some men can it ice cream. The poor lean dog will be glad to see him coming around, for hu will get many an xtra cracker. The hov wrestling with tho wood pile-, remembers how often ho has been spelled beloreby (lie kind hearted othce-seeking man nnd sighs fur his approach. The hired man who has taken a contract lo shear tho sheep by the piece, is looking for his coming, or he will ho obliged to hire a hov lo hold ihe uneasy ani mils down. 'Tis sweet lo serve one's country. specially for ten or twelve hundred or two or three thousand dollars per annum. The "Centennial Dramatic Association" will ippcar at tho Illoonishurg Opera House, on Friday evening, June thu ISlh, 1875, in a inelo- Irama in three acts, by tho popular author, Douglas Jcrrold, lep, entitled ''The Drunkard's Doom." This day ha been produced with im meiise success, ny the special request ot Jler Majesty, (Jiicen Victoria, at tho ltoyal The'atre London, and lias also met with universal favor in our bet American Theatres. There is sup po-ed to he an elapse of fivo years between e-ach ict; each scene closing with a grand picture. The object of the day is to show how a onco ippy, rich and respected homo may ho mado wietehed by llio terrible) curse wine. This play was never produced in this or ncighborin places, and coii-idcring this fact everybody should attend. Tho programme will also con tain a laughable Farce, "Turn Him. Out. " Look out for tho bill containing full particulars, etc Tickets for re-erved seats will bo found at the Hook Store of Mr. G. A. Clark, where a diagram of the Hall may he seen, The adniis.-ion i low Orchestra chair 111, l'arquette " and Gal lery lo cents, We are infui ineel of aecitain M. D., in lllooius burg, who has of late beeiidevotingcousiderablo of his attention to chicken-raising, and in some respect has made it a success. It appears that a neighbor of his has u cat whoso thieving propensities nru preltv hugely developed, and which lias been demonstrating the fact by semi occasionally making a pny of onu of the doctor'; chickens. Tlds,of coiirse.wioiiglit dire vengeance in the M. D's. mind, anil ho determined lo "lay low" forthls feline mii-unce-. Ho then prepared ;i "do-o ol'graiie and canister" and told his wife tu inform him of thu cat s next vi-ittothochicl cry. lie had not long to wait, liancvcr, eru h had an oppoiluuily lor revenge, for it was but a few minute till tho madaino told him that tho eat was alter the chickens again. In hrcalhlcs iliueu the doctor, with mii-kct in hand,crept up is near lo his foe as possible without frightening it away. Taking a long brcalh and deliberate aim, ho liresl at the jat, hut owing to a 11 tlio illation as to distance, mi-scd hi m irk and tho next moment three' little, innocent thickens lay scattered nil over the doctor's yard. is yet at large and ready for more fun. It U Impossible, lo ralo a family decently, re- fpectahly and Intelligently, without a rcgularsnp- ply of newspapers In tho house, and In a news paper a man gets more for Ids money than In nhuost any other Investment. Tho man who stops Id newspaper to ccononiizo is like tho man who goes barefoot to save ids shoes nnd his in- Iclligcuceat llio end of tho year will faro n bad ly as his unclothed fool. Heported for Tun Cnt.ciint an. SAIIIIATIl NUllOOt. CONVENTION. The annual meeting of tho Danville District S. S. Convention mid Intitule was held nt Her- wick, I'a., on the 2.)th,2lilh and 27th of May, 1875. . Officers -President, Ilcv. X. S. ihickinglutm ; Secretary, H. E. Sutherland; Treasurer, S. Creighton. Executive Committee Uevs. X. S. llueking- lam, II. II, Portlier and S. Crelglitoii. CoinmiUco on Music Cyius Straw, L. T. Sharpies and J. S. Mr.Muiliie. Organist Miss Dora A. Thompson, Firt Session, Tuesday May 25, 7;!!0 p. m. Opening Services by 11. II. Crcever. Annual Sermon by ltcv. .1. II. McGarrah, o.i "Training Up a Child." Tho subject to my mind was very ably and plainly discined. Space forbids giv ing the outlines. Second Session, Wednesday, 8:"( a. m. After devotional oxereisi-i, "The Teachers Preparation for hi Work,"' was dicus-cd lu opening liy H, H, Crcever, followed by Carver, Seeley and Wilson, after which, "The Obstacles Encountered by Superintendents," was discussed in a very fine essay by Kev. II. E. Sutherland, :i layman. The obstacles, lo hi mind, the Su perintendent had to conl. ml with, were the gen eral surroundings, want of co-operation on tho part of parent', teachers, pastors, scholars, church members and lastly tm much Ohopemtion, followed by Dr. Howell ami E. M. Tewkslmry. Tho hour for opening tho "Question Drawer" having arrived, tho Chair called Uevs. ltiddloand Wil son, who proceeded to answer very many qucs- lions propounded much tothowmhVicafioa, if not satisf iction of the questioner and nil concerned. Third Session, Wednesday, 2 p. m. . Children's Meeting., lllaekho.ird exercise by Dr. Howell. Addresses by Keys, J. T. Wilson. A. A. Kmc, and J. H. Torrencc. Fourth Session, Wednesday, ":3U p. m. Temperance Meeting. Addresses by Itevs. F. Kiddle, A. A. Keeseand I. 1 1. Torrance. Fifth Session, Thursday, 8:30 a. m, "The Susceptibility of Childhood to Keligious Impression) and Obligations" was opened bv Key. .1. Moorhead, followed by Keys. Kester, Creighton, Kecse, lorrence, layiiriu Jackson and Kev. Kiddle. An invitation of the Trinity Church, of Dinville, by Kev. J. P. Morse, was accepted lo hold the next Convention and In stitute there tiuio not fixed. A lesolutiou bv Kev. F. Gearhmt, inviting Kev. A. A. Iicoc, Chaplain of U. S. A liny to be then again present, was passed. Kesolutinn liy E, M. Tcwkhiiry, in relation to hospitality ol the pe'oplc of Her wick, in entertaining tho delegates and visitors was oll'ered ; amendment by II, E. Sutherland to insert the name of II. K, Dower, accepted and resolution pissed. Kesolutioii by E. M.Tewks bury, pledging tho Convention to renewed cfi'ort in the Sabbath School and Temperance Cause. Lesolutiou adopted. The hour for final adjourn, ment having arrived, the work of tho Conven. tioii closed and A. A. Kecse, D. I)., pronounced the I.eiiedietiou. lucre were over seventy delegates prc.-enl, besides p.i-lors and many visitors, together with thoso in attendance from the surrounding conn try and lienvick mado at each session fair, and at some, largo congregations. Tho interest in created from first to last. Impressions were there made and resolutions thcro formed that. in my opinion will not only tell in time hut Eternity. The music, instrumental and vocal was pronounced by judges all that could ho desired. Looking upon the Convention as a iictuiv, 1 e-imlil see no dark side. Our Sabbath Schools have become a power for gooil in the land. Ihe virtue and moral intelligence of (un people young and old thereby is being greatly advanced. As lias been truly said. "How cm we maintain our form of government without viitue and intelligence '!" The general expres (ton of delegates and people was, "Wo have had a good lime," There wjs much said and doi that space will not allow of mention, and as I rcpou inainiy irom memory necessarily some who took part aro not mentioned such will pleae forgive. E. M. Ti:vksiuiiy, Mcl.-m:i: Pi.aci Catiwissa, May 29, 1S75. Hareatn In Furniture, can bo had nt Elta Fumum' Furniture Emporium. I tu lias re- bleed prices within a few days pat lo llio hoi- lout figure. Give him a call nnd bo convinced. Ladles' LnsthiL' Gaiters for $1.75 nt E. M. Knorr's. Kiu-el lias lift rccclvesl a fredi supply of pples, Il.innnas, Oranges, Lcmon, Pino Ap ples, Ac. Examine his stock. Just received, a fresh Invnlco of latest styles Children's Summer Sulls nt I). Yocuni's. Also Men's nnd Hoys' Clothing, nil of which ho is selling cheap. Xew Goods just received nt Knorr's. If you want a first class Farm Wngon, If you want a Uniform Pleastiro Ungon, If you want nil Ellptle Snring Wngon, If you wnlit a Pleasure Wagon, If you want your Wagon put In good trim, If you want repairs done good wilii short notice, Go lo J. K. i. Army Shoes at McKlnney's. W. II. llrown keens a line assortment of Can ned Fruits nnd condensed good'. Also, n full nssortineiit of Xuls and French Candy and Or anges and Lemons. Oits taken on subscription at the Coi.U.mjiiax oinee. s "Shoot those Hoots" and buy new ones at vt.: , Foralland.-oniowhito Vdlgo to D. Lowcn nergs. Thatcher & Ciearhart intend closing out Iheir entire stock bv the 1st of July, and oiler their goousat cost lilt that date. A.NTmi. two smart Girls as apprentices io me tailoring .ppiy to win, .Morris, f ti st lloor above J, Schuyler iL' Son's Hardware Store. 2t Ju-t received, a splendid stock of Summer lints, in all ihe lavontu slyle and colois, at 1). Lowenberg'.s. Xo. 729 White Hoso nt I. W. Hart man's, for 10 cents. Everybody say Marr lias tho Xiccst Calicoes in town. Tuikish Tnwliiig ami ll.iskct Cloth for Civil dren s hacks at Lilt. & Sloan's. Tho only place to get a first-class DreE Shiit is at l. l.owcnbcrg s, C. C. Marr is selling nice Dress Good at 12 cent not ill 20 cents. More new Linen and Grass Cloth at LnU e Sloan , Granulated Sugar for sale lit Ilu&KiH. While Shoe at E. M, KxonuV. Tin: UKUT pitiNTiso oiTici:. llio present Is a good opportunity to remind tho friends of the paper, a'ad tliopubllo generally, Hint tho Coi.uuntAN Jon Printisu okick has no superior lu lids section, ami, In sonio respects, I without nn equal. Duilng tho last year wo have completely re newed ourtvpes ami mado largo additions, nnd It 1 no Idlo boast lo say that wo luuo how tho Heat Presses, tlio Host Assortment of Tjpc, tho Hesl Stock of Paper, carets, Ac., and tho Host Workmen In ciIII.DItKN.--No family can afford lo lw without thocouhty, our workmen aro specially nuaptcuror ronus i;xiract. Acemenes, uniw s. e omusiuin, .he.rplnces.nndwomako.tnpo.iit.oalwajsgho "'fr our customers a neat, correct nnd satisfactory lob. liurns, xeniil', Kx 'orlatlons, dialings, old Hores, Wo do not claim to do woik for less than others, but Polls, Felons, corns, etc. .Airest i Inllamatlon, w 111 w arrant It lo bo as cheap as can bo dono any- fXUtmv'1' " '"S hero and Jleld a decent prollt. All who nroln need n;M WIlAKNiysils. It nlwnys relieves pnln In Gents' Favorilu lluekle Shoo at E. M, Knorr's. W. H. llrown keens the most complete and finest assortment of Groceries that can be pur chased in market. His Groceries aro fresh and lire selected from first inipoitcrs' hands. His iriccs aro low, ns be lias purchased his goeiils at jottoin figures to suit tho time". Men's Congress Shoes at Kniiiiii'm for $2.o0. Go to The Simrer Sewing Machine, office in Opera Item-o for best Oil, Xccdles, Tuckers, lleuimcrs, ivc. Men's Ilulton Gaiters nt Knorr's. of .lob Printing ot nny klnd-l'latii or In Colors-will tlnd It tolhelr Interest to glvo tho Coi.vmcun Otllco trial. Wo liavo on Land every variety of cams Paper. Ink, Envelopes, Tags, Ac, that Is likely tobo called for, andean furnish any quantity or styloof work on fchorlnotlco. lilndlng to order. tf o AN INVALUAllt.ll TItAVllf.INO COMPANION, chango of climate, water or ellctls nptto lnduco harrasslng and often ilangeron diseases. Tho llirco changes combined nro fatal to thousands of emigrants cut- lear. lslt that Hosteller's Stom ach Hitter aro nn absoluto prcventlvo of tho hurtful consequences arising from theso causes 7 Trav elcrs, voyagers and emigrants to new countries can not no too often reminded ot tho tact that till ngrcoablo vegetable tonic Is tho most reliable safeguard against disorders which they nro farmoro llablothan tho habitual denl.ens of healthy regions. Tho primal elTect of the uuwholesomo ntmospbero which pro eluces what nro called malarious revers, Is to depress and deblltato the system. Th.i body then becomes nn easy prey to the malignant pilnclpleln ttioalr, Go In Kussi'.l.t.'.s I'or vour Groceries. He sells lor casli nml will not uo timicrsoiu. MnKinnev's. 2d door below tho Court House, is Headquarters for Good Hoots and Shoes. Go to W. II. Hrown's if you want a good Extra Mackerel. Men's Congress Shoes at 12. M. Knorr's for iMO. If you want a gooel nam, II' you want cheap and good Ten, if von want Codec Java or llio, If 'you want good Canned Fruit, If you want the host Mackerel, I f von want Sugar for tlio least money, If you want the host Syrups in town, If you want good Cigars, If vmt want. imod Tobacco. If vou want any thing in llio Grocery and Provision line, go to llUsisr.l.l.'ss, Main street. Fine assortment Cheese! Cheese I Cheese! of Cheese at Hostel's. When you gn to Philadelphia stim at the Allegheny House, Xo. S12 mid 81-1 -Mar ket street ; having been recently rcnovaieei. Price only 2 per elay. A. jhxk, March ly'O-ly rropricior. Children's Pearl and Hull' Shoes nt E. M Knorr's. Pewter Sand for sale at lluftjl'.l.'s'. Merchants going to the city will do well to call on W. II. llliNrr.n, who is engaged with tlio old and reliables firm of et Itr.uKiiNSToci:, for Hal, Caps, Sliaw Goods, Aic. 257 Xorth Third street, Pliila- .1-1.. i.!.. AT....,.i. iit'rr. im eicipuiu. .iaii.ii Goto E. M. Knorr's for Spring Shoes, and Summer COAL C, C, Marr sells Sen in1; Machine Xcedle nnd Oil. For Kolhiblo and Handsome Hoots and Shoe go to McKlnney's, Ask for tho AKKOW SHIKT a perfect fit sold only by I), l.owenbcrg. I. W. llaitmnn has a full lino of Ilriti-h Hose, sliiped, for Ladies and Chlldien, CO cents to b5 cents a pair. 50 cents buys alianiUoiiio Laco Trimmed Cor set nt l.ulz A Sloan's. To Coliuiai'ONiilis'M. Certainly llio dullest .... .I S . t 1 1. memory might nave ino i.ici uupresseii upon n by tli i-t thne that editor never glvu attention to coniinuuicalions that nro not aecoinp.inled by the name of tho author. It i an insult to oiler tliim and they tiro seldom ever lead, but go stiaight lo ihe waste basket. Arithmetical problem nro not of general public- interest, are very troublesome to put iulype, and editoi do not often have lime or Inclina tion to lest their accuracy. Theso are ubuudant rciooii for declining them, A coiiespeihdtut rather savagely denounce the Kipubllcuii plalfoim, but u denunciation without illuslrallon or uicoinpiinyiiig proof and iimmiiinl Is uupicfilnblo, if not incouiprelieiiI' tile, we Pilfer lhal tho wilier liddics liiuiself lo a tempeiiitedlscufsloii of the position ho assumes lu general linns, There 1 no law, wo believe, ,.l,ist i eonle m. I dig all thu lino professions lliey plen-e, nnd none) lo compel anybody to he llevo tluni. Pruclico would materially aid thu eoircspondeiit wo lifer lu hi becoming a new paper water, Go loW. II. Hiown's. His Fl-h nro Xew nnd warrnntcd full weight. His pi ices nie low, Look at Ids l'ish before you buy at any oilier place. Kai:mi:ii. Arms rinN. Itl's.-i:t, take's llutler, Egg', Laid and Pioduce lu exchange for goods, Tho noiiular Coat for tho season Is a Xavv Flannel a line stock at D. I.owenberg's. A new Cabinit Empire Sewing Machine, a beautiful ailiile of furniture, for sale very cheap If called for soon at Caduiau's, Go to W. 11. lb own for lino Iron-lone China Ware, Ask for .1. Widgnod' wale It will not bllste r nnd Is the best in niaikel. Ti a Se ts S 1.511, Dinner Sets sohl nt bollcni figures. Those lint me- in want of Wale will find it lo their iuteiest to go to W. II. Hro'vn, For n Nobby suit go to D. Lowenberg's. Fine iindslylbh Hoots Shoe at Mi Kiuncy'. Huy (inly L. II. Sudlek's MunufaiHiro of Wldps, sold only by C, M. Glrton, Something New, Call and Examine, Tho firm of Ci ute hhy iS: Kllnu having ills stilvid by mutual eonunt, llio hiislnis will ho cniiied on bv A. L. Crulihlcy. A full und loin pletu stock of Smoking nnd Chewing Tobacco, Cigurs, Pipes, &c, will ho foundal Id islnhlUh mini, opposite Ihe old Episcopal Chinch. Give lilinacutl and bo convinciel ns to llio good quality of hi goods, For a Nobby Hat go lo D, Loweiibcrg'a. Out Mud fir tide ut IIushTij. Call uud try il. COAL. Old established Coal Yard. C. W. Xi:ai, & lino.. Wholesale et Kctail Dealers in all sizes of the best qualities of lied and White Asli Coal, nt the very lowest market rates. 1 lave constantly on hand large stocks ot Domestic, Cupola, ill.icksmilli's Anthracite, l'itiiiniiioiis. and Liniebunier'.s Coal. Especial attention given to the prepara turn id coal bcloro leaving our yards, liram mid Lumber taken m exchange lor coal Coal delivered to any part of the town at short notice. Orders, felt nt I. W. McKelvy's store, or at our o ice. will receive prompt at tention. O ice anil liinls at w liiiam -c;u et Sons' Furnace', East Hloonisburg. Your liatrouaL'o respect litllv .solicited. COAL. 17 tf 251 COAL TOWN AND COUNTHY. scs i be I o'clock za minutes sets T o'clock minutes. s-O Moos sets 13:2 1 o'clock a. m. o ;oi.i Is now quoted at a premium of about tin In other words green blcks aro hi per cent, below par. o ISmsk Dkeh.s, on Parchment nnd linen paper, com. mon and for Administrators, Executors and Trustees, tor sale cheap at the lo cjiiuas olllce. o PviT.ii llvos Just received and for saloattho Co- i.e'Miu.vN olllce. o reilt AM. lT.MAI.i: COMPLAINTS, lnjoung or old, man led or single', at tho dawn of womanhood or tho cluinga ot life, Dr. I'leico iil avor Ito l'iecrlptloii manifests such a positively 'lemedlal lnllu, iilo as to call forth the loudest praSo irom all w ho uso It. Mr. John A. Kimzev, druggist, ot Knob Nostcr, Mo., w rites as follow s : "Dr. 1 lew, lluHalo, N. V.,1)kvii Sin Vour mcdl clues sell beilcr than any other 1 keep, and glvu mil versaUatlstae'tiou, Tho iwoplu aro especially delight ed with your l'avoilto Piescilptlou, audit seems to bo a favorite among all that has over used It." It la bold by druggists and dealers Id medicines. o A Distressing Cough causes tho friend of tho silt- ferer almost in much pain as tuo suQcrur himself, Dr. Wlatar llulsam ot Wild Cheiry speedily cures coughs, colds, liiiluenu, sol o throat, ic. It will al wavs leltevo coiisuinpllon, und In many well attest' ed cases It, nas eireeled a peifect euro, W cent and (I a bottle, huge bottles much tho cheaper. o wiu:itr.To AiiviiUTifii:. A. T. Stownrt sajs tho best nilverttslng mediums ho has ever found "ale Ihe old established organs of tho two political parties, at the several county seats thioughoiil the Lnlon." "'Ihese,'' ho sajs "reach every family ot tho least account In their sev counties, and are more carefully read than any other class ol Join mils," If Mr. Stewart's Judgment l.sof value, there 1 no illulculty In deciding which paper It Urol' the Inteivst of business men to advertise In. 'Iho Coi.c'Mim Dksiocu.vt, upon which this paper 1 partially founded, vwis established In WM, and llio coi.imuus now eujojs wider circulation und gi eater prosperity than It ever did. It goes regularly Into two thousand families In Columbia und adjoining counties, and by most of them li lead fioin thu Hist to thu last line, 11 1 the only reeeigiilsed exponent of near llvu thousand Democratic voters In Ihe county. It gives advertise menisatasty display, that make's them uttruclleo to It patrons, thus ciisiu lug greater certainty that Ihey will ih.ius.0 them. Yvhtlo Its circulation is un iloubtedly much tlio laigest ill tho county, the ud veituiuj: rates of tlio colvhrian aru no higher than thosu of other papers with barely halt and several not one-fouith the number of bubsci Huts. Pacts like those speak for themselves, No shrewd business mail will neglect to Insert his advertisement in Iho Coi. I Mil IAN tf o IP VOU WANT TO UU M'llDMI, UUAI.TIIV AND vlgoious, taku Kuiikil's Hitter Wluu of lion. No language can convey an udeipiato Idea eif the liiiiue illulo mid almost miraculous thuiigo preslueed by taking i:. 1'. Kimkel's lllller Wine of lion 111 Iho (Us eased, ekblllUlcd nnd shalleied liervuiis sjsleln VVhetlier bioken down by excess, weak by natuii Inquired bj slekness, lhorel.icd und unstrung or gauUatlon Isiesleued topertect lii'idlh and vigor. Isold only In (1 bottles, otllco uud stole, No, iVJ North Ninth St., Philadelphia. Only in I bottles. Hold by nil druvglsis. NKII VOl'S 10 Ml 1TV, XKIlVOl'S HKI1I1 ITV, Debility, a de pressesl, III liable state of iiilnd, a weak, iieivuus, cxhausled feeling, nocneigy or uul mailon, eoiifiued head, weuk memory, thu conse quences ot uxie'sses, luentul ovirwoik, This ner v ous debility limit a sov ere Ign euro In 1.'. I". Kimkel's Hitter W Ino of lion. It tones tlio bjsteui. tsotdonly III (1 botlli'S. (.it llio geuulno, Tuko only II. V. Kuiiki l's, Il has a jellow vvrapiwr around It, Ids photograph on outside. Kohl by j our druggist, 11, 1', Kuiikel Pioprleliir, I lilladelplila, Pa, Ul'i lll'K W0I1M IIIVKVtU AIIVK, ti ll Head nml all coinpleto lutvvo hours, No fee till head pusses, seal, Pin unit Momnih Worm remov ed by Dr. Hiilikel, v:,') North Ninth St., Philadelphia, Pu, To liavo Tupo Worm removed, patients must coine on, but for nil caber wouns, jour druggist can proline It, Ask for MiiikcU WoimlSjliip. Pllcoll, und guaiaidcid. Knd tor elrcukvr. POND'S EXTRACT tlio back and loins, fullness and pressing p.iln In ll.n l,.,1 Hn,n vn.lli.n IN I.UUccillltlld'.A It has no equal. All kinds ot ul- cerauons to wiucii lauies am suuje'ciiiru proinin ly cured Puller eletnlls lubook nccompau j lag eneli Poll to. Pll.lX nun I or bleeding meet prompt relief nnd reniiycnre. ko ense, However, cnronio oroosii nate. cun Ininr resist its regular use. vaiih'osi-: v KIN'S. it is tho only sure euro. KIDNUV DISllAMi;-!, It has no equal for permanent run'. DMXIUNO from nny cause. I'or this It Is n specific. il nas saven nuiiureus oi lives wncn an oiuer remedies failed lo nrrcst bleeding from nose, Sliilliaeii, nuius, uuui'iseii.-ie. TOOTII.vcili;, l.araelie, Neuralgia and Ilheuinatlsm nro all alike reiieveu, nnei ouen permanently cur-isi. PON I) H UXTIIACT CO.MPAN V, Os Maiden Lane, New vorK. -iaj as-n, Mercantile T 1ST of deal I J hereby cert Uki'Ii, relurni'd Appraisement. Chess I.lcenso 11 (7 no 1ST of dealers of Columbia county. I do rury inai ino rouowiitg use oi ueaiers I and I'tasstiled by mo In aeeorihnieo wiiu Hie weei'.il Acts of Assembly lu slid for tho It Is manliest, therefore, that Iho surest way to county ot Columbia, for Ihn year A. li. ts!f., lscoi- uvohl nil t plilemle and I'lidcmto mnlailles of an Inter- rcc to me oesi oi my sno leu);., uenei i mltteiit tvpe, 1 1 tocounteract tho weakening tenil- ..r.,...., .,....;,,,.. cnetes of mlisiua by artificial Invlgorallon. That nice .Abraham store Hosteller's Mouach Hitters I tho surest resuscl- liri'dbendcr, s. 11, grocery taut of II i. .;tni! Igor, Is n fact w hlch Is best appro- 'r?" : s,,or.,.. , elated whir"r ii.lluenccs Inimical to health exist. I 'insr-p, ,i. A, s'toro Hill Is not ..luno against malaria enat nicy proieee. iincsoacu. ' sioro thosjstcm. 'Ihcyso toughen It risto cnablolt to miuuu i runs i.. siuiu ciuluro with Impunity extremes o( heat and cold to m.sTOX towssiiii'. which traveleis are often subjected, and they never " neutrall.o those elemets In unaccustomed water or Mclieiiry.'.l. .1. store diet which would otherwise) beget disorders of the Cole, 11. ,v; II. htoro stomach and bowels. Tho brackish water with hhiauciikkix iowssiiii', which voyagers by llio sea nro often compelled to Haton, Mrs. A. W. ttoro mench their thirst, Is nptto provoke dysentery ana iiineiuu, ... muiu other serious complaints, but when tho Hitter rthiivvicK Eononiii. nre mixed with It, It becomes harmless. Truly Ihls Snyder, C. D. book store great protective lnvlgorant Is an Invaluable) traveling ,ir,lsrtrisst 14 H II 11 tl 13 II l'i 11! 14 14 11 IK) 7 W J Oil 15 01 7 0) 11) 0 7 00 12 M) 1'2 50 7 00 7 ro " t'J companion. o I)n. sciikscK's I't'i.noxic Hviii'r, Se.v Weed Toxic, and Masdkakb Pi M.S. Thoso medicines un doubtedly performed more cures of consumption Hum any other remedy known to tho American pub lic. They aro compounded ot vegetable Ingredients, nnd contain nothing whlchcan bo Injurious to tlio human constitution, other remedies as cures for steekcr, N. W. furniture storo erir.ui Miss ii. nunnery liovver, .1. K II. It storo Jackson .v. vvooum. mie. co. store loi'klii''ii.mi. (I. A. Iln x. stoves See.sholt , .1. M. lib .v. stoei'S rowler, c. I), uu k stoves lloekmaii, 11. M grocery l'reas Hros., store Proas Pro's., lumber dealers Utile, Dr. It. Il.ilrugglst aii ims oll, sioro consumption, probably contain opium, which Is n Wilson .V. rendi'illng, drugghts somewhat elangeious drug In nil eases, nnd It taken ,,,,', ""vV-try U'S n ceiy ny coiisumpmo paiieui, iv inus-v. uu 110. in- now man e i isnni, sioro lurv: for Its tendency Is to conllno tho moibld mat- uross, iiatiii ooiuei- ter lu tho system, which, of course', must mako a cuie Impossible. Sehenck'a pulmonic rup Is warranted not to contain npartlrlc of opium: It Is composed ot powerful but harmless heibs, which act on tho lungs, Hut, stomach and blood, und thus correct nil morbid secretions, and expel all the illseascd matter from the body. Theso are tho only means by which consumption can bo cured, nnd as lchonck's Pul monic Syrup, sea Weed Tonic, anil Mandrako rills nro the only medicines which operate In this way, It Is ob lous t hey aro the only genuine cure for Pulmo nary consumption. Ilaeh bottle of this Invaluable medicino Is accompanied by full directions. Dr. Sehenck 1 professionally at his principal ofilce, cor ner SKtli and Arch Mreets, Philadelphia, every Monday, where nil letters for advice must bo nd- dressed. 1875. 1875. TIFE COLUMBLVN TOWN OK lll.OOMI!CItO. Wlilmlre & Co , confectionery vainuta, u. il. paper sioro Kolllns K Holmes, gas litters VVngonselie r .1. X Co., storo Savage, c. 11. Jewelery store Lowenueiir, li. cioiiiniu Hloomsburg Iron Co., store llobblns. e'. storo schujler.l. .V. sou, storo ntiroun i.ayiou ,v e ei siore Miller S. 11. it son. stole Long, .1. 11 grocery Decker .V Meckel, confectionery Marr, e. e . sioro llrown, VV. II. grocery store llernard, Louis lonclery Uvans. A. .1. 1'lotldni; Thatcher .v Hearhart, gas Ilttera Slroup, David storo I'ruie iiiey Mine, lonnccostoio Kreamer, William store Mciiilonhall, Ik store llagenoiieii, nn & stoves Klelm. Henry uroeery Vosl, Henry grocery lless, W. r. store lower, H. c. snoe storo Male. ,1. II. grocery Webb, '1 homas conreellonery slolmer, llernhnrd gioeery ( lark, (1. A slnttoiiery Mojer Pro's , dnu'glsts Knorr. U. M. shoe storo Coleman, Jesae dealer in paper missel, .m. .11. coiiiecuonery ltupert, A. M. tin stoves Wii.irv. I.. H. tin .v, stoves Johnson, D, W, confiTl loncry l lirilKUl, I., lit luniiMiiu Hrobst, Mrs. David confectionery Itabb, Augustus grocery i:er. ,1. 1. store Newspaper, tlio largc-t sheet published in ISrl'K M0, Kii'im. v. A. dm -gist Coluiiibia county, neatly printed on llartuum, II. c.e.irpet sioro Vocum, l). eioiiunir Now Type, will cmitaiu all the current News Vi'ci.eny,' !.' w.' MoT" ,, ,. , , , , . McKlniu'y, W. c shoo btoro ol the Day, and a condensed account ot i,mv. ,v Moan, sioro .MOjei i,i u s.., uruviiisis lirov.n. C. M shoe sioro LEGISLATIVE anil CONC.HF.SSIONAL .lacobj.o. a. grocery 1USI. 11,111,, lMIIIUII Mason, Augustus coal dealer .Seal C. W. .v. Pro., coal ilealers llwiil.TshotL .1. VV. grocery (iross. peter bottler Jacob, Ik dealer CATAWIsSVlOWNSIIIl'. lllleAllro., stoio ll.l w lis, iiaMtieoniecuonery Weaver, !'. stol'O I'.rob't. M M. stole e.llbert .V. Kline, storo runner ii. r. .-on, sioro orange. Win. storo see'snoii, i. n, grocery Harder, T. i:. furnlturo John 1. K son. store smlih. .1. M. druggist .lulu,. WIUI.iiii tin At slnie SUIENTIKIC SUHJECTs, Manhardt Ceo. shoo sioro PHOCEEDINC.S, with explanation und comments upon all important measures proposed in cither : POETRY AND SONG. MISCELLANEOUS HEADING, AGRICULTURAL AND Will also engross a largo proportion of its columns. The DOMESTIC CONCERNS OF COLUMBIA County, cleaver, A. II. Iln A stove e nam, s. 1), sioro Jones W. p. & Co., stoio ll.utmaii, William fuinlturo Dlemcr, S. H. btoio CEKlllAIlA IIOI'.Ol'OII. Hrjson It. .V Co., storo Mi, ran, John shoo btoro, J. J. shoe stoio Collins Thomas grace ry in Ke,, mines ice ei storo Hhiek, 1). C. grocery Jiurpiiy, i'. ii. sioro Will receive particular attention, nnd all Poland, Cohnid grocery Millard, O. H. storo local alliiirs proper for publication will be Menseli, .vdaui leweiery 1 1 eiuiuiey, Mrs Mary confectionery carefully laid before our readers. tieiw sr. druggist Kane. Andrew grocery Davis Wm. coufeetlouary cui le'y, Kdward grocery CKM IIKTOWNSlllr. Low e Tiro's. A Co.. stoi o spoimler, Jacob store' ivromer, .losniu sioro Dieieileh, s.unuil grocery llrnlisr. 'I luitn tuf-inr, tv Will receive, constant attention, and tlio whitman. s; ihviu, stoio Isimon, J, 1'. stoi'o Till': POLITICS OF THE STATE ANI) NATION character and ollicial conduct of PUIiLIO MEN Will bo jiicscnlcel to our readers, from time to time, in life-like attitude and vvitli entire iustice and firmness, No frauds shall bo committed upon the Peoplo or Wrung done them without full e.v posiiio in tho columns of the Coi.umiuan. COUNTY MATTERS. All ollicial county advertisements appear in tliis paper, ns will also intelligent synop sis of the proceedings of tho Courts and the actions of tlio County Olliceis when of pub- uu iiuercst. Campbell ,v Co , stoio Tl.., re. ........ ..l l.. l i. ,i. i'ouiue, .i.u, sioro 4-iiu -iii.e .iijii.v.s eeiie.iiiy uus iiiucii liiu i llur, 1. 1, stole , , . , ,, ... MIH'LIV TOWNSHIP. largest eiiiaiiauou oi uuy paper in mo conn- ,.,,, , ,, . It,....., M'.n V ty moro tluni tho conibiueil circulation of creasy' ,v liiow'n, store Sehweppeiihelser, 11, stoio mo otner papers aim is ino ouiy paper Mosiouaiowssuir. . ... . . . .Mnrgerinii. P. li. slum printed in tho county thai supports tlio prill- Ainmeriuan a. ,i. a- .lorkson, storo i i iisiuii , , i in mull, ue.iu I s ciides and tinie-lionored Usages of tho Dein- luiiiswoiiu,.! I'.groceiy siovsr I'l.E.vsvNr lovvs'siiii'. ocrutie party. Its circulation and coiiseenien- sands, Joseph u. store , , , OIUMIE lOVVNSHII', u-eliiliiess may, However, uo nuicn cxieneie- Stewart. A. n. store smith. c Urn.. Iln A' stoves if its friends will uso their inlluciice lo sllr coieinan, a. miichant tailor I r-iu.ui, r, iv, slum further udd to its list of subscribers. At 14 n 14 VI u u n 14 ii u it 14 11 14 HI II II 11 It 14 II 14 II 1.1 11 HI 14 1:1 13 ii li i.i 1:1 u ii 14 11 li li p.' 14 14 14 13 II 11 14 11 II II 11 14 14 II II 14 11 11 II 13 13 II II 14 II 11 t; 11 11 VI n it u n 13 14 14 II 11 II 12 11 10 14 14 14 11 10 II It 14 10 14 11 1 I 14 13 in II II II 14 II 11 14 14 13 II 11 II II 14 II 14 13 11 II II II 13 11 I.AVTON ltUNYON, CIIAlthCS W. ItUNYON. HARDWARE STORE. 7 no !r, Irl 7 o) 13 fill 7 01 in no Ml 00 7 00 7 mi 7 III 7 O'l 7 1)1) 7 00 7 OJ 10 1)1 7 00 7 IM i m in 7 (0 7 10 7 HI 7 00 HI 00 7 00 10 II) IH CO 7 Oil 12 10 00 13 7 Oil 7 II) 1U IHI 111 110 7 IT) 7 00 7 OH 7 III) 7 0) 7 00 12 Ml 7 111) 7 00 7 00 10 to 7 110 in no 7 no 7 oo 7 III I III) 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 Ol 7 1)1 00 7 00 le oei pi eo 7 io 7 0D 7 00 7 10 1.1 no Ml UO 7 no IS O'l 12 r,o 7 III) 7 no on 7 no 12 fsl 7 no 7 00 7 00 1.1 00 7 no 12 Ml It) III) 21) l) 7 UO 7 00 7 III T (10 31 00 7 III 7 I'll 7 10 SO O'l 7 Oil 7 111 10 . II 7 (ill U W 20 (li) 7 ro 7 II) 7 HO 7 1,0 7 00 7 00 7 III) 7 no 12 .10 7 (l 7 () 7 I'D 7 IS) 7 10 7 (0 7 (0 10 TO 7 IS) 7 OJ 7 10 7 tU 11) CO 7 10 LAYTON RUN YON, & CO., BLOOMSBUJIG, PA., kceps'coiistantly on hand a Full and Complete Stock of HEAVY AISTJD SHELF HABDWARE, which vro wilt sell to tho Public nt Prices so Low ns to defy competition. OCU STOCK CONSISTS IN 1'AltT 01' IRON, NAILS, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS and PUTTY, MECHANICS TOOLS AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS of all Grade's and Latest Improvement, BLACKSMITHS BELLOWS, ANVILS, SLEDGES, and HAMMERS. Bunion's Horse und Mule hoe. Ilorso Nails, &c. PATENT WHEELS, OLD'S AND WAKNEIl'S PATENTS, Spokes, Heavy und Light, Carriage Mallebcls, AxleS, Springs, Gum find Oil Cloths, Valentines Varnishes, Spirits Turpentine, nml n general Stock of WAGON AND CAllItlAGU jSIAKERS GOODS, Building Materials, sueh as DUNCANNON NAIJjS, Lewis' Lead, Best Colors, Pure Oils, e&e., as low as they can bo bought in tho county. GIVE US A CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELF. LAYTON RUNYON & CO M ar 1 9, 1 1TS t f . NEW HARDWARE STORE! SUCCKf-SOltS TO .1. V. WIDKMAX ,c CO., i Keep on limn! tlio ppSLA.l 'W: HEAVY III if " ftlsfej ,'flL AN.) r Bra ft'O tvi ni, t '? , r.Wsi is-- 'fi ill uiijvix. HWJ filHOi STOCK rf!iinlets, Gouges, Tweezers, Pliers. ra-Pots and K tlio, Pans and Friers. JA11 tilings for all sorts IS SHELF HARDWARE In the Countv. We liavo also milled to our Flock PATENT WHEELS & SPOKES, WHEELBARROWS GLASS, PUTTY, 0-E.IlSriDSTOISrES, ScC OUK STOCK IS COMPLETE In all its Iiraticlics, Carefully Selected anil Pure'lia-cd low for Casli giving us Advantages for Selling which can not be excelled by any other Hardware Store in the Country. GIVE US A CALL AjYD SEE FOB YOURSELF. We GUARANTEE both in TltlCE and QUALITY of our Goods. The Largest Store in the Country. .varciv.r,-y J. SCHUYLER & SON, Bloomsburg, Pa. TllO HKM1XUTOS SE1V1SO MA- chink lias i-prung rapidly Into tavoraspassesilnn Hie best com mnatiox ct good qualities, namily; Mslit runulns.bmootli, Noiseless, lUpl'l, Durable, vilh perfect Lock stltcli. Ittsa Slmttlo Maclilne, wltli Automatic Drop 1'ceil. Design Ijcautllul anil construction llio NcrylX'fct. GOOD VGEISTTS WANTED. ADDiiEss, iiemiutttou Sevii Macliino Company, Iliou, 11 Y. nut i! orriCK.s of rrmixto. co.isimkbks. I IblllKHCIinEK TOtt'Ntlllr. Mcllcniy, I). A .M.Moiii 14 .iiiiiieiiii.iii, .1, M. sioro 11 Mcllt'iiiy, .1. r. stuiu H II.MT. 1) 1 . stuiu li Illllsi.ll,.ICllllSH01'L 11 Hri'M .11I1, II. 1'. stoio 11 IIUHI'I, 11. Jl.bloie 11 I lt.Mtf.IK I0WN3IIU'. DjCrHl'O'S., blDIO 13 Illli.l.SlVOOl) TOWillII'. Hhick. 1'. D. sioro 12 liirr.v l.'.iuoe, tiuro 11 Henry. Mis itniimili&tGie' 14 is Hies & Hid,, tt.lo VI .MusIitn U 111. bluru Vi l.U'S .v Ili lK r, M1110 II Ij'irirutt & I.01 e, k I uo 11 Wl'lllMT, .1. I bteio II Hog.irt a. Sun, u iii:mi.ock Ton.'aini'. Shoemaker, M. (1. i V. II, thoo sioro (Jlil, Win. hlioo fctoro IHUI'ls, !s. T. moo uru o l)l'l'!.T10.sllll', Yengi-r, .incoli htoro I lllll llllfl'l , l.lll'JIS fclol'O Vuhlllll', J. II, htOl'U l-'etli'i mini. t''U's storu Yoellln, I', M stuiu Leu ii's, store SU1)I0X lOWNillU', Kramer, ('. Hq. tturo dingles, Win, Moll) MAIN TOWNSHIP 1 III W 7 eo 7 UJ 7 eo 7 I) 7 10 10 on 12 f,0 7 UO 7 UO 12 Vi M 7 III) 7 00 7 1)0 10 00 14 II II 13 II 1.1 II HI II additional patronage will bo rciniiteil by im proving the paper, by adding to ii editetrlal and reportorial foiee and increasing the inutility of it)) reading matter. As an ADVERTISING MEDIUM Tlio Coi.umiuan is uiiapproaehei in this ipiurter of tlio Stute, mid our J011HING FACILITIES Aro superior to any other. Our friends nro invited to call at tlio olllce whenever they come to llloomaburg, Hii'wi'r, II eouferlloiiery Keller, -M. C. lenifeetloiioiy I'1M110NS)111-. I.j 011, It. W. btoro IIOllUMiC'KM'K TOU.VJIIU elienlniftoii, l)en btoro MirrriowNsuii', Dlettoilih, V. 11. btoro nuue'u, .e. l'. e-DiiU'i'iiuni'iy All mail, u. It, hiai s A tin H.ilort & hlitiiiiiuki r. fiiuillui'O e ii.tiiitii il.itii ,e Mil Inn, btoio Miulnuli, 1'. 1'. bloio, h. W. loliiiti'oiilil Wen man, Siiiiiiiel A. slum I'll MllliKM.M hull, Huio U'll.m istr, J. II. flul'o I'll'M'IIUir, jr. 'I btnl'll Hotter 1 1. A. Co., luinU'i' inert tuiila rit'MlliiK v '1 1 eiiitiley, oleiu t, tlllt', ,1. II, ititii tl Hill. It. H. Uu i ktuviu l ieiut), H. A. Moro (loiUiur, J, It iliiitftfUt BiuiitioAriowMiiir. e'ulo II, 1). .v. Hit)., btoro 1 11 11 14 7 (0 7 IHJ 7 00 1(1 lo 7 (II ill 1)0 7 MO lu 10 7 00 10 11) 10 DO 7 to 7 00 7 00 10 00 I.i 01 HI in 7 00 7 10 7 0) lr 10 T 10 7 O'J HI no 7 III) 7 ml u IHI 7 UJ 7 eo 7 10 10 to 7 00 7 UO 7 00 7 UU 7 tu 7 01 7 II) 7 0) 15 00 7 0) 7 10 7 00 n 00 10 eo 1 on 11 w X eu 2s& X 1ST G-T OOnT- ItEMistiTOS No. 1 Machlno for r family use, In U.o tiiiiid veau or its existence, has met with n moro kaimd incki;asb 01' hatio OPS II.ES THAN ASV MACHINE OM THE MAKEET. ltEMiNtiTON No. 2 Machine lor MANcrec'Te'iiiNU and finally usn (ready for delivery only since June, 1S71), for ravijfe. perfec tion, andvarloty ot work, Is without a rival In famllyor Tl'OUKSIIOl'. SEND 17013. . Rcminstnii 6. Sons, lleiiiiiiKtou Solving M, Co,, Uemiiigtim Ag'l Co., Mays, '75-?m IM0X, N. Y. 2si .t 2s3 lii'oatlwny.'New Voik, Arms. Maillson Miimre, Nov.- Vork, Henlni: Machines, 1 lilcngu, its? stufci M., .-.ewlng Moclilnes and Arms, liostou, svi WiibhlURton M., hewlntr Machines. Cincinnati, ltd Vesi4tli M., t-CMlHif Miiclilnes. Vtleii, l'j'j oeurcee, St., Sewlnir Mai nines. Atlanta, lia., De-OHu's Opera, Mai letta Street, hcnlnirMnrliluep. Washington, D. C'.,t21 sceutliMSfwlnBMoi'hliie8. houl-jillle, liy., West .Ic!Tciou st ,'-eMii Machines, l'lill.idtlpl.i, 1U e hfbtiiut Mi tet, iew Ing .Machines, ht. 1.UUH, lain N. l'ourth street, " Iielrolt, 11)1 Wtinilwartl Avenue, " " Indlaiiapiills, 72 Market Street, " " Halttiuoie, 47 N. Charles street, " " 10 tli '"iOO hivihtetl in Wall Stieet V'", IU i?sJUU, often leads lofortimo. A 72 lagfl Hook explaining eerjuimg, aim u copy 01 me iViill street HeMew. . .. (HMm TinT'tn JOHN IUCKI.I0 A; CO., OMU L'ilJilll, ISankers anil llrokcrs, "2 HHOAIIW AY. NIIW YOHK. tkT)SYt'II()M.YXt'Y or SOl'I. CIIAllM I IMS." How either sex may f.isctnato and pain tlio lovn and atlecllons of any liersnn they elinoso Instantly. 'i'ht slmpk-, mental acquirement all can poss.'ss, nee, ot until, iwrso eein, tuj;eiiier with a Maillagu (liilrte, Hgyptlan Oracle, DieAiiis, lllnls to Ladles, Weiltlliiu Mght shlil, Ac A cHlccr hook. Aildicas '1'. WILLIAM 4: va.. Pubs. 1'hll.i. Ii. M. TUBBS, WHIU.ESAl.K lELKit IN HUltXINli ANI) I.UItUICATIXO OILS. onice In Maine's Hiilltlliig, corner Main and Ccntio btrcets, HI.OOMSHl'HU, IMIN.N'A. crroidt n. holhlleil nnd nrcmutly tilled. May, 8-,'VWy mil SALE! "cents Wanted. 'Ihe CENTENNIAL (iAM'l' of tho I NI'l'Hl) S l ATl.'s. shows the Riuml lebiilts ot 110 3 ems of I'l eedoin A. Progress, New anil Complete. Out loot pageb Illustrated. Lvirliotly liuis n, nnd iigent.s make irom Jloo lo lino a month. Address J. c. MeCl ltl)V & eo,, I'UiuiMiers, I'liiiaueipiuu, r.i. STOCK SPECULATIONS. Conducted by us 111 every form, 011 commission only Puts nnd culls, on Lest houses and lowest rates, Cost, lloulofAH. und oflea pay ;.,(iih) proitt. rum phlct, explaliilni; how Wall sireel speculations aro conducted, sent free. Send for a copy. TXJ3VLB3RIIDC3--B &c CO. IIA.IKLIIS AMI HIlllltLl'S i WM strcit, N. 1. Valuable Town Property and Farm at Private Sale! rou COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, And all Throat Diseases, TJSB WELLS' CARBOLIC TABLETS l'UT I'l' ONLY IN lIU'l-; HOXKS. a Tin 1:0 ami sMti: ki:.-ii:iy. l'orsalo bj Drugglshs geunrnlly, nml J01INHTON IIOI.I.OWAt CO . Philadelphia, Pa. 7rmtM. Rnn-wtHp. PIIa W J Truio."-lViol, cklillr, Unlit. fiajs Ireu from all! t- Ir.itmliiis t n,,iiltl.(.llt .. i.n. rVMit.tnciti u.c1 In tullitiiK,cadnrs,.l tyliio i.rofe. lull. Ion J HkleO, l u) I rclliblo, II KVA UV. or 1 M 1 TATH)NSiOfili)lliiiiilmiiii'll"i,Il.M.,lc," litub'l. 1JI7 CUc.. &., I'UIil. 137 llrt') . N. V. Kent by mail vt luid vi ItrauiUK uruKiati. Bi'U4 IwrCltUlOSU AGENTS WANTED FOB 1'ATUWAIK W THE HOIaY InATS'D, lti tutr u full tlt-wrlpttoii jl Palestine, Its History, All. lliiiltlt.u, liihaMtiiiitM und customs, neenidtiig lu tho e-ieat DNctivtrlfS recently mado y tho Puli'stliie l:piorlug Kxpedltlons. It si Us nt Hiflit, stmlfur our extra tetn.s to Agents, und sro why It m lis fast er lliun any uthcr hoek, J,' ATIO.NAI. I'l Hl.P III.NU CO., Phlladclp hi, Pa. rpill. uiiilcwKiictl, one of tlio I'.xceutors of L UKOItiii: WHAVIllt, ilece.iscd. olfers at pilvalo sale, tho MUm log iiluublo pi opert) , to w It : UX12 TWO-STOllV liiilCIv DWELLING HOU.S1':, with out-bullillngs nud lot nttnchotl, blluatcd'on Main street, Hloomsliurg, Pa. 'ihls houo Is suitable lor two tamtltes. ALso one two-story frame dwelling house, with out.bulldlngs, lrninti stablo and 'good lot uttached. This pioierty Is opposlto the residence ot tho latu Dr. Yost., onn two.story.trnmo ilellUig housowltu stable out-hulldliigs und lot nttuehed situated on Hoek street, llliioiiisburg, Pa. ALo, nx Mieiuit lots hliuated on l'ourth Street, ALSO, a valu.ililo farm situated mllu ffom the town of M'lltvcnsMlle, Pu. said farm contains Vtl at les of land. I'or terms of sale apply to oiioiteii; w. coititKi.u i:ocutor, Kfh, IV, IMm, Hlooiakbui'g, Pa, "17X1:1. TTOU'S XOTK'K. Pj KKTATK 01' JOHN HUATH, DFCFASED, Iters It'sluiuelitai y 011 the eslnto of Johu Heath, hilt- tf.littKstiu lowtishlp, t tilumbla count), ik teas ed, hine bt 1 11 giuiileil bj the lleglster of said county, tiiiifoi'iie I). Ileutli, ot .li.el.seu low uthlp, C'olumbU etiunt, Pu, I'.M-ciitor, to Mhtiiunll perens Iiulebt eel I'isiild esltitu 1110 itiiuehUd tu make paiiiit nt, uud those Inning clulms or aeiunuus agulnst Iho sal. I estate will make Iheui knon to the said Hue utor wllhout delay, lli:oilui; 1), 1 U'.A'l 11. May 7-ct. Ilxecutor. tcv All iH'lsi.ns who may feel necrlevcd bv Iho 1kho clahslltt altiili i nn liiive tin oppoitiliilty of uppcullng, li) inet ttiitr the undersigned, on Tuesday, Iho IMh u.t- hi dtiuo, it ntiiiu Loiiiiuissioiiii Htinite, lu iiiuniii-uuri,, lioiu v 0 Clock a. 111., m o chick p. 111 Jtuy, SI U CAUII01T.-HOTI03.-Th9 0EMUI1IS ECITIOW. 8 l V K A N I) 1, A It 0 It S 0 I' L i"v 1 3sr a- s t o isr e. (liitludlngtlio "I.ASTJOUHNAI.S,") untiiMsMUillj -eaia rtiuue uutt'lltult'9. Hisu till- e tiriOSlllt S, WondcisBud Wtullh of thut iiiuii'louscoiiiitii,iiuii Is absolutely the onl) new, complete work. Ile-neo It bellSi lust think, l,ooi tlrst , wieks. s6 m.kes P)0 rare HliMriillnns. only AL,nit hiih7.,i 1 ItllAW.N, r.1;'.".1,'".'; u"a jwsimo proof. lU'liHMti) Llelk'ithiiic Appiuljei, I uiiva,, j uuuiuvis, ( uuusoin, ei., rniiautipula, Pa. A1 1 ).M IX ISTlt ATOH'rf XOT1CK. tf.riii:oi lAiiuiiisK kiiiiui-.u ute orsiiv- isoN iaw si mi', 1.1'tui'sot Ailniliilstrnllonoii iho estate ot Catlm line Kieiimti, lute it Mutllst u township, Columbia eoiiiitj, ileteitteil, huo vvu urnnte-il Ly the,ts lei of said lountv lo Com ml t.r Mnnisim tonnshlp. Allltrsoiis huMng claims tgniiu-t 11. J estule of Iheiliiiilt'lit ait'leiiiiektrilloiiitniitlhelii tor setlelnelil, uiul thotrc ll.illbltil to the tll..le tu use fitly llliolu tie Mai'M-iiu luukti luiyiuthl to tho UliUt'lslniiril t.iiinlr.l-liutor wllhoui ileluy., Auininisuuior, CAUTION. fPHi: pulilie l-i liuely 1111111011111 not to trust I. luj wile, thnrlollf.en mv areooiit, u I Mill pay no debts (hut the limy uutim t, uiiussetiiipell. e'dhla. Ulovuisbuiir, Mnyw h, 'I5-tl.