THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBUllG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA !fiit IndititftiiHt. j&LooMsr.uuo, pa. Kriilny. .r u n o 11. 1 H7 r. Xotirc. At ti meeting of tin? Democratic Stat' Committee, in Ilnrrlsburg, Match 4, 187iV tho following resolution was adopted, viz, That tho nou ln-mocrallc Rtnto Convention, fur ttinpiirposoof iirnntmillng candid itps for iiovtnr and stato Treasurer, bo held at thofltv of Hrle, on tuuesuny, me sail uay oi ttcpicmoer, i id, or no n Tho Convention will consist of llu- tr-.iml number of delegate, vlr.: one clolcjjato for each member of tho Senuto and House uf Itcprescntatives. JOHN MtLLF.R, Chairman, Grain is going up in prlco in Europe, tho weather belli;; unfavorable to llio crop-). If tho advanced prices prcvo permanent there must alio bo an increase in this country. Nincty-livo bank bills of tlio denomination of $.00 each havo been stolen from tho l-'cil-craltreasiiry. There is thus far no apparent cluo to tho thief. Several llritish iron establishments have failed with an indebtedness of several mil lions sterling, and trilling assets. Tho iron business there is fearfully depressed, as well as in this country. From the whole tenor of Grant's third term letter, says tho Patriot, it may do concluded that Grant will not decline a third term more than ho did n first. Woe to tho olliee holder or ofllco expectant who shall inter pret this riddlo of tho Sphynx as meaning that ho will not accept a nomination. It is stated that of tho Alleghany delega tion to tho Democratic Stato Convention, fif teen aro or James 1'. Il.irr, and threo for .Tames II. Hopkins fur Governor, as between those candidates. A private letter informs us that a majority of tho delegation, if not all, are for the nomination of some other can didate than cither. Gold has a steady upward tendency of late and is now quoted at 17 per cent, premium, or a fraction more. Tho honest way of sta ting it would bo to say that greenbacks are that much below par, with National Hank notes two or threo per cent, lower. Tho lat ter aro not worth over 80 cents on tho dol lar and can scarcely be exchanged for gold at that. A paper crash at any time need not surpriso people. A Radical exchange gets oft" this piece of sparkling wit: "In order to find out how many Democrats are candidates for Governor of Pennsylvania, they are taking a census of thoso who declino to run. This is easier than to count thoso who are willing and anxious. Perhaps so ; but it would bo an endless task to count tho Radicals who will bo glad they didn't run for Governor after next fall's election. Watchman, Despatches from Washington say that Grant has given Cameron the cold shoulder since the Lancaster convention and the lat ter is on tho war path. If true, Grant's op position to the election of Hartranft and Rawle may be counted upon. It is also said that Hartranft is to bo put in training for the Presidency, with a view to obtainiug a compact delegation from this Stato to the Radical National convention to bo peddled out to tho highest bidder. Two lawyers havo been addressing the Rcecher-Tilton jury for two weeks. All ngrco to get through with their talking this week, when tho jury will retiro to agree up on a verdict, after sitting about four months. Tho betting fraternity aro still waging upon no verdict when they can get takers. They probably havo somo ono or more on tho jury they can depend on not agreeing to any tiling, Makes to bo divided. Tho heavy failures in the iron trado an nounced in England go to show that it is not alone in this country that the production of iron has been in xcess of tho demand for it. These failures also demonstrate that it is folly to expect rapid recuperation in a business so far advanced beyond the necessi ties of consume". Cheap iron in foreign markets is equivalent to cheap iron iu our own, so long as we nro obliged to import any, be tho quantity largo or small. For somo curious reason tho Republican politicians all assume that tho newspaper fuss and froth about a third term has defeat ed them. Liko tho boy who scolds at tho stouo against which ho stubbs his toe, they never look to thoir own bad government as tho real causo of trouble. Yet who ever thought of voting against tho Republicans on account of a third term, but what largo numbers on account of rascally practices ! Tho Republicans of Ohio resolved against a third term in their Stato Convention and then nominated a caudidato for Governor for a third term. In thh State they wcro not epuita so boldly hypocritical but rosolved against a third term iu ono resolution and practically nominated Gen. Grant fora third term in tho next! Gail. Grant supplements tltfso proceedings by announcing himself a candidate, iu u similar strain of ambiguity. Tho minora striko continues though somo have cono to work. Thcro has been somo rioting and arrests and somo moving of troops, but in general terms tho situation re mains unchanged.. John Sincy, Xlngo Park, and many followers havo been arrested and will bo tried in Clearfield county for conspi racy and riotous proceedings. They made a gravo mUtako when they undertook outlaw ry among tho sturdy men of Clearfiold, and they will bo moro lucky than wo anticipate If they cscapo without Imprisonment. .Such things maybodouowith impunity In Schuyl kill, Litzarne, Ac, but not In Clearfield, or anywhere about iu that region. In New llampshiro n yankeo bobbery has bien kicked up about tno organisation ot tiio Legislature, alter llio numion oi uio curpct bag States. Two Senates wero organized with, wo believe, seven members or claim ants In ono and six In tho other. Tho Su premo court, In an opinion delivered, sus tains tho Democrats, and declares that tho Radical Senate is no body ut all. Tho Dem ocratic Governor has been holding over be cause no successor has beon elected, but tho Republicans say ho has no right to do so and that thq Stato in thorororo without a Governor I Tho Democrats contend that as tho day fixed by tho Constitution fur the election of a Governor by tho Legislature when there Is no cholco by tho peoplo has poBscd, that body can not now elect, and licm-i-that the Democratic President of tho Keualo must bo sworn in as Governor, but tho Re publicans dissent from this view, Whero Is fihcrldan? Where is Grant ? ' (Haul Railroad War. The war between the groat railroad linos leading from tho Atlantic so.i coast to the hikes and tho west, Is about reaching Its cul mination, with probablv a complete victoiy for tho Haltlnioro and Ohio road over its ri vals, tho Pennsylvania and tho New York Centra!, Tho weapons used are reduced ri-lghts -reduced to ruinous rates, The New Yin k Central, the mini fraudulent of nil tin' concern-', was specilily ilriwit to the wall and is now in a stato of bankruptcy and in tho hands of ii receiver. The Pennsylvania was coinpelled,desplto tho greatest efforts by borrowing and otherwise, to reduce Us an nual dividends from leu to eight per cent, with every probability of going much lowor, audits stoclfhas fallen from ten to fifteen percent, notwithstanding the extraordinary eliorts of tho Philadelphia!! to bull it up. llio latest skirmish was about tlio carrying of tho immense government mills between Washington mid New York, without mate rial present result, but a substantial victory for the lialtiiuoro and Ohio, We feel no special partiality in the strug gle, Ino crippling of tlio whole gang will bo of public advantage. When tho Penn sylvania comes to that break which is sure to occur, falling to pieces by her own great weight and net-work complications, and thus razeed down to its original proportions of a through line between Philadelphia and tho western limits of tho State, it will bocomo of f ir greater advantage to our people than it ever has been and will bo l.u- less potent iu political mischief than is now so common to it. Tho H.iltimoro and Ohio does not med dle in polities ami hence is not under tho ne cessity of subsidizing newspapers and politi cians or submitting to their dictation, and its legitimate business is its strength. There in is its great advantage over tho Pennsylva nia road, and therein also is the cause of its present victories. Mr. J. Edgar Thomson, the Into President of tho Pennsylvania railroad, was a thorough tactician and great manager iu that line of business. Ho had active and most efiicient lieutenants who carried out his orders with out hesitation, thought or question, and his success was eminent, although his principal activo subordinates managed to carry wit much of tho honor and glory duo to him alone. When at his death the leading ono of these was promoted to his place, the Hood gatesof tho puff mills wcro opened and a delugo of expectations were raised that wero quite certain never to be realized. Ho has capacity but never can bo the equal of tho master who taught him. Ho cannot bo en larged to tho dimensions of the present wants of his road, but his roail can and will bo brought down to his dimensions. When that is clono its hugo proportions will havo been shorn down to moderate size, and it will then go out of power in politics and tho business of trafiicing in Legislatures and politicians, simply from want of ability to continue in it. That will bo a good day for tho people and a first class reform. May it come quickly. Mr. Itawle, Cameron's Nominee for Stato Treasurer. Mr. Henry Rawle, the ring nominee for State Treasurer, is at present Mayor of tho delightful city of Erie, where he has resided for somo years. Ho was born in Milllin county, whero Ins father then resided, being proprietor or part owner of a large iron fur nace. The family, however, is ono of tho oldest of Philadelphia families, and in form er days some of its members figured somewhat conspicuously iu tho history of the State. The father having lost his fortuno in busi ness, tho son retired to liumblo occupations, and somo years ago wo knew him as an at tache to a corps of engineers on tho Suiibu- ry and Erio railroad. Afterwards ho mar ried a daughter of Gen. Reed, of Eric, a millionaire, and inherited her property upon her death. His marriago enabled him to resume tho business of his father and tho aristocratic pretentions of his family. Ho is said to bo an amiable and plastic man, well suited to tho wants of tiic ring that nominated him. Ho was not conspicuous iu politics or otherwise, was little known in any way, and had not half a dozen delegates. Iio owes his nomination to Gen. Cameron, tho State Ring, and tho banks which expect to profit by his election. If successful, he will, of course, continue to cover tho frauds iu tho Treasury by which tho people now suffer so much, and will bo tho tool of tho speculators who havo so long preyed upon the hard-paid taxes of the people. The National Educator ought to know that an editor is not responsible for the statements of an article he copied, duly credited, for tho purpose of commenting upon some ot its po sitions, nor dues ho th-;roby endorse any thing it says. Tho Educator would havo been much more just, piid would have given his readers a much clearer view of that which ho denounces, had ho given tho whole of our short statement. s to the salaries of Jounty Superinten dents, iu probably a majority of cases they all'urd less compensation than is due to a com petent and faithful oflicer; nevertheless, a alary oi'i2,000 In Mckean, where thesehools ire mostly open only iu summer, mid on an averago not half tho year, is a steal, a dis honest grab, and a vicious example. It was unnecessary for the editor to grow eloqvent on tho woman's lights question. Wu pay moro deference to tho sex than ho, and relegato them to a higher and nobler plane. Rut wo protest that they aro unfitted by sex for somo duties, just as an angel would be out of placo iu tho lawful occupa tion of hostler at a low tavern. Wo know of lawful business In licrks county, and es pecially honorablo about battalion times, that perhaps even our scusitivo and sturdy friend of tho Educator would not consider appropriate for women. If this be so in any case, let us have no more bosh about giving to women tho blessings becauso thoy must bear a sharo of the curso to which tho hu man family is condemned. Nominee for State Treasurer. Mayor Martin Powell, of Willlamsport, is suggested ns tho Democratic ncmlneo for Stato Treasurer. Ho is a most honorablo man, of the highest business and personal qualifications, a truo Democrat ami a very popular citizen. His qualifications both ns a caudidato and an oflicer nro unexceptiona bio and superior, and we know of no ono who would bo desorvlng of moro cordial support. He is an ablo, proficient and honot Lusinets man, and if oleetcd Stato Treasurer tho peo plo would soon know tho exact condition of that institution. .More than t Hat, during his term thcro would bo no peculation or fraud connected with tho Treasury, and tho Legislature would at any tlmo get any In formation it desired In regard to Us manage ment and condition. If tho convention at Erie does not iiominato him wo hope it will glvo tho Democracy as proper a candidate. Jt will certainly nnine none better. IW the ili i-InIoii of tho court of claims, on Mondav. Hubert M. mid Ktcphcu , Omijda", sous of tho gr at Illinois senator, receive an nunnl fur Si!59.000 for 1.-1S7 bales of cotton seized on the Mississippi plantation belonging to Mrs. Dougluss by tho federal forces. l!cmMlran I'lalform. As u matter of record wo print llio plat form set Up by tho late Republican Stato Convuution, with stiuh explanations between brackets as are iuvnsary to render It Intel ligible. Our Republican friends tiro very fair on resolving to do better J but, like tho lncorrlglblo school hiy, they never fulfill their promises, nor do they mean to : The Republicans of Pennsylvania, iilllrm iug their continued adliesiiiu to tlu) parly whoso perpetuation is rendered necessary by the causes which called it into existence. make a declaration of tho fundamental prin ciples of their political faith, ns follows : To emeu voles, First The coualltvof all men hcfiiro tho law. Equal justico to all and special favors to none. iiftncK and wittle. Second Thoharmonv of tuo National and Stato Governments, lloth nro parts of ono system, alike necessary lor tne common pros perity, pcaeo and security. Provided that States rights and truo lib erty aro subordinated to Federal centraliza tion. Third -Tho unity of the nation. Wo lire ono people, mo constitution ot tuo United States forms a government, and not a league, That is, when Radical necessities require, tho Federal government may control the States and decide their elections with bay onets. Fourth A faithful execution of tho laws, nn economical administration of the govern ment, integrity iu oliice, honesty in all branches ot tho civil service, and a rigid ac countability of public officers. Hut in practice to institute salary grabs, tho utmost extravagance, defalcation and plundei, the proscription of integrity and honesty, and no investigations of Treasury accounts, State or Federal. Fifth Protection to home industry, and a home market for our homo products by tho establishment of corporate monopolies.! Sixtli Tho right of tho laborer to protec tion and encouragement, and the promotion of harmony between labor and capital by subordinating tho former to corporations Seventh Cheap transportation and the advancement of closer intercourse between all parts of the coun'ry. Eighth Freo bankiug.u safe and uniform national currency adjusted to tho growing wants of the business iutero-its ot tho coun try, and a steady reduction of the national debt, by increasing it and squandering the revenue. Ninth The public domain, being the her itage of the people, should bo reserved for actual settlers exclusively. And, therefore should be appropriated by millions of acres to railroad corporations. I Tenth Tho equalization of tho bounties of soldiers and a speedy settlement ot nil .pist claims arising out ot' the Into war which we have failed to accomplish in ten years of administration. Eleventh Honest men in office, men with brains enough to knowdishonesty when they see it, and courage enough to light it where over they find it. Liko tho chairman of our convention who tried to steal a half a million from tho government for Chorpenning, and its Presi dent who led gangs'of Legislative "roosters," and its leader W. 11. Maun, whose naino reeks with corruption. It, llesolccd. That wo declare a firm and unqualified adherence to tho unwritten law of tho Republic, which wisely, and under the sanction of the mo-t venerable of exam ples, limits tho Presidential service of any citizen to two terms, and we, the Republi cans of Pennsylvania, in recognition of this law, are unalterably opposed to tho election to llio Presidency of any person for a third term. Rut wo refu-eel to fledge ourselves not to support a caudidato for a third term, know ing that that alono would prevent Grant from forcing himself upon us. '2nd, llesolccd, That tho Republican party of this Commonwealth recall with pride their effective agency in tho creation of tho ad ministration ot President Ulysses S. Grant, and point with confidence to its general pol icy and the benetieient fruits thereof for their vindication and his; that having received the Government from his predecessor, de moralized iu every branch, corruption and recklessness iu ollico tho rule, tho fruits of tho war ungathcred, the lately rebellious States sullen, tho late slaves unprotected, and yet denied that great means of self-protection, tho ballot, foreign States unchastiscil for their wrongs to us, and hoinoStatcs defi antly inefficient to tho expiation which their rebellious action required, the administration of President Grant has in six short years steadily and unpretendingly reformed every known abuse, and is to-day relentlessly upon tho track ot wrong doers, has largely re duced the nat oil's debt, has largely reduced the people's taxes, has inflexibly punished all violators of law, has .secured by constitu tional provision tho ballot to all freemen, and by law thrown sorely needed safeguards around tho ballot-box, has wrung from un friendly iorein States confession of their faults and reparation for injuries dono us, and has influenced reluctant homo States to at least tho appearanco of just dealings with all their citizens all which events made tho present Administration as among tho most brilliant iu achievement iu our annals, Though untrue in nearly every particu lar, that alono wipes out all we have said against tho third term. !ii, Ilesolced, That in presenting tho nanio of Governor John F. luirtranil for re-clec-tiun to tho exalted position which ho now fills, wo meet tho unanimous wish of our constituents who desire in this manner to in dicate their approval of tho careful, consci entious ami ablo manner iu which ho has met and discharged every duty incumbent upon him, making thereby a record which will securo his reputation as ono of tho best upon tho roll of our chief magistrates. Hravo in the field, modest in tho cabinet, tried often and always found faithful, self poised, just and honest, wo present him for tho sulliagcs of the people, confident that their judgment will approve and ratify our nomination. Though tho head of salary grabbers in Pennsylvania, being now iu tho enjoyment of So.UOO per annum moro than tho people agreed to pay him, steadily refusing informa tion to the Legislature about the uiioxplainul iucrcasoof tho Stato debt to tho amount of nearly thrio millions of dollars, and now nominated by this Ring convention, we "conscientiously" say all that, iu order that we may havo an excuso for voting for liiin. Uh, Jlesoleed, That in view of the evils common to the government of most of the largo municipalities, of tho municipal taxa tion in this and other States of tho Union, it behooves our Legislature to dovlso ado (piato means to protect tho peoplo as well from existing inrladminLtration as to pre vent its recurrence, and to this end wo sug gest, as a preliminary step, a thorough In vestigation by an ablo and experienced com mission, to ha formed under proper authori ty, of the wholo subject. All of which wrong action wo havo per petrated by every means within the power of our Legislatures.! toll, Jlesoleed, That wo arraign tho Demo cratic party of Pennsylvania fur its utter ii'iluro to redeem tho promise upon which it partially attained to power in this State. It pledged itself to reform, to legislative puri ty, to greater economy, mid to a higher aim iu legislation j whilo it has reformed noth ing, has economized in nothing, and has dis honored tho Stato by an unseemly and arbi trary oxcrcUoof legislative powers. That is, wo arraign tho Democracy fur passing only fifty-nix pages of laws, whero wo passed sixteen hundred, and for driving off the wholo squad of roosters wo steadily maintained in the lobby, and for rendering It impossible to "skin" tho peoplo by Login lativo enactment. fift, Hetoleed, That the ofi'orts now being inado by the National Administration to fer ret out and bring to punishment thoso who havo been defrauding the Government of Its lawful revenue), should enlist tho sympathy ami lu arty support of men all parties. Snb ro i, it will do the people's eyrs food when thev in siif h efforts or rather, to sco what they nover will ae, exept what'llrls- Jow is audaciously cWngto injuro the Re publican party. i Centennial Amnitiilments. Tho following appointments havo been made by tho Centennial commission t President of the An Tho President of the IViti-d States, CVhii'iii'ii iTIio Chaplain of tho United States I'lll.llV. Orators Charles Francis Atl.ini-. nf Mnss.-i climelts; Lucius (),(!, Latunr, of Mlwh-lppl. Poet Henry V, Longfellow, of Massnchu setts. It liter nf thr ).rhiratinn .of In ,-;-mf wv l!..lf.t. w.,1.1.. i. e m....'L....i... dmnd ,1Wit-Ui!n. V. 'I'. Slierin m, Unit cd States Arinv. Marrnf Veremonie Gen, Jin. E.Johnston, of Georgia. It is most singular that Massachusetts is allowed to cam oil' threo of theso high hon ors, while Pennsylvania is Ignored. Tho former is ono of tho fourth or fifth rate States, whllo tho latter is the first and great est. Somo small engagements took place iu Massachusetts lu tho beginning of tho Revo lution, and with them ended tho activity of llio State iu tho prolonged struggle that followed, except as to a very few of her prominent citizens. Pennsylvania nt all times replenished tho Colonial armies and fed and gavo them a resting place and shel ter in tho darkest hour and when they had not elsowhero to lay their heads or warrant existence, and continued faithful and tin dismayed to the end. Massachusetts was against this country iu the "second war of independence," whilo Pennsylvania was again tho main pillar of strength. In tho Mexican war theso States occupied tho samo attitude. In the Into internal war, so large ly incited by Massachusetts, that Stato lard ly filled her quotas (when filled at all) with negro troops who were of little other service than to consuinoatniy rations, while Penn sylvania furnished over a quarter of a mil lion of as sturdy, hravo and hard fighting soldiers as ever drew a sword or shouldered a mliskct. Yet when an event occurs that is to tho crown tho honor, greedy Massaehu setts demands and receives the lion's share of high positions! The State that deserves to lie at tho bottom is placed at tho top and the harlot that should be spumed is raised to beinistrcssof thegrandost household I Tho commission which permitted Impudence and insolence thus to impose upon it may bo complimented for its good ualiiro but cer tainly not for great regard for propriety. If its members do not know thai there aro nu inerous other Slates in the Union besides fanatical Massachusetts it is time that they compose their libraries of something else than yaukee school books and read higher historical information than Mother Goose's Melodies. Fi.uxki:yism, Gen. Sheridan was mar ried at Chicago on the ,"d inst to a daughter Rucker. Grooms men, and, perforce, bridesmaids, wero dis pensed with, ns thcro is no army olliccr of equal rank with tho Lieutenant General Sheridan would have none beneath him in rank, and Sherman, his only superior, could nut be expected to act as Usher fur him. Tho subordinates, however, wcro not exclud ed by the same punctillious respect for feath ery dignity from making costly wedding presents, which thoy were rather too plainly invited to do! Sheridan's conception of mil itary dignity was once illustrated by the wife of Gen. Scott. Having been addressed by a friend as Mrs. Scott, slio haughtily re sented tho careless afi'i out by tho informa tion that she had not married Mr. Scott, but Major General Scott the rank and not tho man. All well enough, perhaps, for fuss and feathers, but rather finely drawn for common sense. The Depavtiuchts at ilari'isliui'g. Tho now Democratic officials at Harris- burg havo filled their depaitsinents with competent appointees and aro fairly under way. Wo suggest to impatient contempora ries, however, that every thing can not be dono at once and that a vast amount of per sonal labor will be required by the new heads before they can know tho exact con dition of their departments. In tho Auditor General's office, four or five months arrears of work was inherited, Iu fact, littlo if any thing was done by its occupants after the election of 1871 up to Gon. Temple's inaug uration. All that work must be brought up, in addition to the current business, before the new officer can know exactly how mat ters stand. Until then it would bo unsafe to form conclusions, or to act upon any that may bo formed. Tho Democracy want no splurging, but solid and reliable facts. To arrive at that end, time must be allowed for careful work and thorough examination Tho new Auditor General will di.-chargo his duty properly and manfully. No man so constantly and ofiicioiisly ob trudes his "views" upon tho public as Vicn President Wilson, who so conspicuously proved himself a liar during tlio Presidential contest of 1S7-, with regard to his Know Nothingisin. Now tho Philadelphia Times, which so prominently parades its "indepen dence," says of Wilson that "he steadily pro tested against all the evils which havo dis honored" tho Republican pnrty. Will the Tiinm givo a specimen of Its "independence" by giving tho public tho benefit of Wilson's protest against tho Credit Mobilicr rascality, which may certainly ho counted ono of tlio "evils" of the Republican party? Wo don't want a reproduction of his maudlin effort to shift ids own responsibility fur sliuing in tho plunder to tho shoulders of his dead wife, but his own "protest" against the "e vil" itself. Wo havo no objection to Mr. Wilsiin m-ignifyiug tlio importance of "hide5 pendent" journals ho appreciates tho pow er of pu'f-ry and enjoys tho valuo of it hut we do object to Impudent and corrupt politicians liko him being palmed off upon the country as statesmen, A Hut in the Cheese ISox Hero is a short pen picture of Hob. Mat-key, present Stato Treasurer of Pennsylvania. A Philadelphia paper chronicles tho itner osting fact that ho "drives a span of S1,S00 horses." When ho was elected Treasurer iu 18G8,ho didn't as much as a hob-tailed mulo. Out of asalary of $.'1,000, ho not only lived nt tho top nf the heap, entertaining his friends most handsomely, but has paid off soveral thousand dollar of old debts, subscribed sov eral thousand dollars annually to tho Radi cal Campaign fund, lost SHJO'OOO through Ycrkosiu Philadelphia, boughtSlO.OOO stock in tho Vithblrij Vummerciul, paid fora brown stone residence on one nf tho most fashion able streets lu Philadelphia, and now sports mi $1,800 span of horses. Isn't It about tlmo for Republican Stato Treasurers to step down and uiit, and for tho rulo of a party to ceaso whoso disciples do nothing but feather their own nests? Exchange, Tho Republican Stato Convention merely re ferred to the "unwritten law" of the land on tho third term uuostion, but thu President responds by saying, In edict, that as there Is no written law on tho subject tho pooplo would bo guilty of no impropriety in declar ing for a third term. Hut tho peoplo have moro rcsnect than tho Prcsldeht for both kinds of law mentioned, The President has now completed u record of disrespect for both, Ho will bo compelled tu writo u few moro arguments before tho peoplo comotohls wuy of thinking. Ejcchunyc. Why Times are Hull. Tho whole country Is engaged nt this time In paying, extending, or compromising debts, and lias been ever slnco tho collapsoof 18711. Tho treasury figures, tho money movements, and tho change of ownership golngon every where, show this. Tho government, which is the greatest nud most reckless of all debt ors, has begun to contract Us legal tender le.'iio, or lu other words, to pay its current debt. It has called in :i,t).'i.1,()00 of Its greenbacks nud .':i,l!J7,(i00 of Its fractional currency making a total of J7,r)SO,000 In the currency. At the same time tho banks aro reducing their indebtedness. They havo more notes on hand than they find investment for, nud rath er than keep it idlo iu their vaults, they aro redeeming it nt fifteen per cent discount, to avoid redeeming It iu gold nfter 1870. Tho statements show that thcro was $1(5, 702,000 less of national bank notes out on March 1 of this year than fourteen months previously. Tho total reduction of currency, therefore, has been $21,282,(100 s'n;co 1873. The bank contraction is still going ouj tlio amount of bank notes being redeemed nnd retired is larger than tho amount issued by new banks so that the currency is contract ing itself without asking the permission of politicians and financiers. When there shall have been a sufficient payment of debts inado to re-establish cred it when the volume of currency, which is only a form of debt, shall havo contracted till the present rcdiindanev in tlio banks seall have disappeared then there will bo a new commencement of business and a gen eral revival, marked by tho unerring and in variable signs of speculative movements in western produce, stimulated consumption, and in vestments of money in manufacturing enterprises. "Exchange. Tlio 1'iililic. Domain. How tlio Hon. Edward McPhcrson must havo chuckled in his sleeve when he wrote tlio resolution for the Republican State Con vention which says: "7'ie public domain, being the heritage of the people, should be re served for actual settera exctuncetg." The honorable Edward has been clerk of tho llouso of Representatives for eight or ten years and knew wlierof ho was speaking. During that time tiie Republican party has been in tho ascendant iu both Houses of Congress, and has had a ch'ef executive of its own at tlio other end of tho avenue, and during that liino it lias deliberately taken from "actual settlers," and bestowed upon wild-cat railroad corporations an amount of public domain equal in extent to the entire .State of Venmyteania. Every intelligent citizen must remember the enormous grants of land made to tho Central Pacific, the Union Pacific, the Kansas Pacific, tho North ern Pacific, tho Denver and Santa Fee Rail road, tho Lake Superior and Mississippi, tho Texas Pacific, tho St. Paul and Pacific, and a dozen other roads, most of which havo already proved to bo bankrupt, and havo in volved the. people, independent of tho gov ernment, in a loss of hundreds of millions of dollars. It is encouraging to sco that a change lias come over tho minds of tho Rad ical leaders. Probably their plethoric pock et books aro not ablo to hold any more sub sidies; but the nation would have been bet ter oil' to-day, by u billion or so, if this streak of honesty had como to them ten or twelvo years ago. It is a littlo lato now to talk about "reserving tho public domain for actual settlers." Pottseille .Standard. M'Clure on Ihmie. The nomination of Mr. Rawlo for Treas urer was Hartranft's severest blow. It was probably not so intended, but it will grow iu its dead weight until it must drag the ticket into such a slough of despond that no average measure of Democratic folly can res cue it. When Simon Cameron sits down to chooso a candidate for Stato Treasurer tlio people of Pennsylvania know well what it means; and when ho decides upon an ami able, blameless but unskilled and pliable man, no man will bo deceived as to tlio pur pose of tho creating power of btich a nominee. Without political antecedents, or experience, or past services to commend him to a Con vention for a mo-t important State office, and unable to command half a score of tho dele gates on its merits or by his own efforts, it was natural that tho earnest men of the party, who fought its battles when its victories wero for priuciplo and not for plunder, should earnestly protc.-t ; and tho fact that their protest was as unheeded as the pa-sing winds taught them tho abject humiliation that Republicanism lias reaped as the fruits of its modern leadership. 77ic Time). Tlio deatli of Gcorgo O. Evans has caused a renewal of discu-sion iu regard to tlio rob bery of the public money in which ho was concerned. Tho pertinacity with which ho withheld the names of his confederates was must remarkable. Hut there never was great er laxity iu tho pursuit of knowledge than that exhibited by tho Stato officers in the Evans ca-e. Mr. Evans' reticence was not tho insuperablo bar to the recovery of the stolen money on tho part of tho Common wealth. It was tho guilty knowledge nud connivance and tho guilty division of the spoils among persons in tlio influential ad ministration that inado it possihlo fur I'vans to jjar tho dour to disclosure, but only so long as others kept closed tho door ot inquiry. It is not at all likely that Mr. Evans has car ried any secret connection with ids defalca tion into tho gravo with him. Hut It is likely, iu tho good time coining when tho peoplo are enabled once more to settle their accounts with tlio agent of the Republican party, that tho dead man's memory may bo in somo slight measure vindicated and tho odium ho boro for tho sake of others laid on their own proper shoulders. llarr'uburg J'atrict. Tho demand fur American wheat abroad will, of course, depend lu a. great measure uiion tho crons ofthat irralu In Europe. If they nro abundant, tho supply to bo forward ed will ho limited; if short, more will bo peeded. As yet, enough faetshavo not been developed to show tho exact condition of llio crops in Kngland and on tho continent, lu both Franco and England tho season has been cold and backward, but tho appearance of tho wheat fields at tho latest advices from the hitter country gives assuriinco that the crop of 187i ifill bo fully up to, if not a tritlo in advance of that of 187-1. Tho Hlack Sea wheat region of Russia is yet to bo heard from, and also a portion of Hungary. both er tho demand for wheat Is great or small, wo can meet it, and that Is tho point of tlio deepest homo Interest, A problem fur tho Philadelphia lightning calculator: Tho Indianapolis Sentinel has gone Into llio "mental arithmetic," business and asks: "If tho mm or $1,200,000 wassto leu annually out or tho whisky tax, and tho Indian ugciits purloined Iwieo as much more and tho post-olfico contractors defrauded tho government out of two-thirds of tho amount taken by tho Indian agents, and if tho Navy Department squandered onco ami a null times what tho Postolllco Department lost, and so on to tho end, how much did the pec ulation of a single year of Republican rulo amount to?" Such problems, tho Sentintl thinks, "will coinblno practleo iu figuring with accurato historical Information," I Tlia Whisky UIiir. Tho report, relative to tho operations of tlienlilsky ring and th-) vigorous effort of the givriiiiient to bring the operators to condign punishment, Is being supplemented by accounts of tho seizures of Illicit distil leries throughout the West and South, No definite return has yet been received from officers lu southern cities, who wcro or dered to seize lot" of crooked whisky, but the orders havo doubtless been carried out. Iu Cincinnati, Collector Weitzcll, bv order of the treasury dep.utnicnt, seized the largo whisky hotiso of Pike, Doylo fc Harrctt, No, 81!), Public Lauding, and placed the same in chargoof United States Marshal Thrall. An inventory of the prupcity will bo made. Somn Interest Is excited, as it is uncertain what others may nlobe involved. Tho rec tifying establishment of H. A. Felnman & Co., Kansas City, has been taken possession ol by the United States authorities, and tho distillery of Slienans & Sons, St. Joseph, has been seized. Eight hundred mid eighteen barrels of whisky, in St. Louis, belonging to Ulricc, Taiulan ec Hro,, havo also been seized. A special telegram to Solicitor Wilon from Milwaukco says that in ono of the dis tilleries seized in that city there wcro found subterranean fcinks with a capacity of twenty-live thousand gallons. This is strong confirmatory evidence of illicit productions and the wisdom of llio seizure. In threo of the St. Louis distilleries seized, similar con firinatury evidence was found in secret en trances to tlio cistern room, and in the fourth the keeper was bribed and tho books burned. The examination of tho vouchers and re turns of tlio whisky distilled and rectified at Cincinnati and shipped from that place is now being made and thoseizure will bo made in a day or two. In Chicago, tho government officials aro endeavoring to induce certain distillers and rectifiers, whoso places have been seized, to opyi their safes and ilisclo-e their papers, but have met with but littlo success thus far. Parker R. Mason, one of tho distillers, ob tained nn injunction restraining llio revenue officials from further attempts on his safe and there tho matter rests at present. When the Secretary of tho Treasury was asked how much tho government would probably save by the movement against the whisky ring lie replied ho could not tell. "It is enough to know," said lie, "that there's millions in it." Exchanges, No! n Single Cheer. Among tho peculiarities of the lato Re publican Stato Convention perhaps thochief esl was that tho nomination for Governor was made without drawing from a single delegate or individual iu tlio largo audience even the faintest indication of a cheer. Not that wo believe the convention would not havo cheered if it had thought of it; for certainly tho members would havo paid this much respect to the requirements of tlio occasion, however littlo enthusiasm thoy felt in regard to the nomination. Hut tlio rcmarkablo tiling is that they did not thiol; of applauding when the nomination was declared. They clapped their hands to n inoderato extent when their chairman in his address upon taking his scat, alluded to Hartranft as about to receive, their endorse ment. They wcro ready for this occasion perhaps becauso tho place for "applaiiso" had beforehand been marked in White's speech which was printed before it was delivered Again, when Mr. Mann presented tho namo of Hartranft, the convention mildlv applaud cd, and wo are at liberty to supposo that in tins case also it was suggested to them bv "gag" noted in tho address, which was also iu typo before it was spoken. Hut when Mr. Haines moved "to cut tins matter short' that Hartranft bo declared to bo unanimous ly nominated, it appeared to tako tho eon volition by surprise. Tho motion evidently had not been on tlio programme at that par tieular stago of the proceedings, before oven tho nominations had been declared closed Hut Mr. Haines saw his opportunity am precipitated tho nomination; tho delegates placidly said "aye, and then felt no iucli nation to make a further demonstration. any ono had called upon them to applaud no doubt they would havo dono it, yet they did notfeel sufficient interest iu the matter to originate it. Thcro was no such leeliii; prevailing as that from which npplati.-i would spring spontaneously; as it was not ordered it did not come, ami Hartranft'i nomination was unaeeom niuied by asingl cheer. Lancaster Intelligencer. Occasionally so seldom, however, that it must be by chance nu Iioncst, independent man lias gut into President Grant's cabinet and tho result has been to show tlio rotten i less of the Usual administration of tlio pub lie service. Ex-Secretary Cox, of Ohio, was given a short tenure of ollico on account of his independence. Secretary Hristow is now on the war-path, and frauds on the reve nue especially in tlio collection of tax on whisky and tho custom duties on silks, laces. etc., havo been unearthed during tlio past week to tho extent of millions of dollars, Tho present stato of public sentiment may enable Hristow tu maintain ins place. It Attorney-General Picrrepont will scrutinize tho doings of tho Department of Justice, under the administration of his predecessor, lie will find material fur as lively a sensatiuu as Hristow lias produced. Senator Spencer of Alabama, is not llio only Senator or Con gressman who has been secured to misrepre sent a constituency through the use of gov eminent troops and government money. Attoonu San. Tho New York correspondent of lliolto chcstcr Chronicle, has the following liuaucial record oT nu immciiso moneyed institution iu tho runner city : Hank shares are in rapid demand, tho highest prices being oll'crcd lor that wonder ful stock known as tho Chemical Hank, This s an institution unequalled ior pecuniary success iu tho world's history. Tlio stock, which was originally worth $100 per share, lias gradually advance) I in a very strange manner, ii is i-cmum union iii-uinrwci, urn occasionally durinir irrent intervals it is un der quotation. The rates which I remember I l , AA ,1 ,!AA 4.'. .l !l - IlilVO UCCIl -VAf, Ull'U UVV, IHCMtiMU !L lUO to 1.000; last year it reached 1.C0O, and this spring it brought l,i07. Tho stuck of tlio Chemical Hank Is JilOO.OOO, and it enjoys sucli lluo opportunities ot malting money that its advance is a natural coiiseoiieucc. Among its stockholders and patrons are sumo of the old and opulent families, who have their cash iu heavy deposlts.andtliiseuables the liaiiU, on so smalt a capital as mis been mentioned, to havo seven millions under ills count, What docs tho reader think of men who havo $100,000 or perhaps SUOO.OOO lying idlo u largo part of tlio timo? Jinny such instances can bo mentioned, including such men as It, 1.. ami A, l. Stewart, i'etcr Hoe let. William 11. AMor, Commodore Vauder- lil 1 1, iili'l other kings of wealth. These arq men to help a bunk, and such men as theso nave built up mo uiieuilcat. General Hhcrinan wrote to tho editor of the Memphis Appeal somo years ago that ho did not want his biography to appear until after ho was dead, General Grant during his first term us President said ho did nut want n second. And now Appletons are try ing to buy Hicrmnti'H autobiography from him for $00,000, and Grant estimates that nothing short of a constitutional amendment can iiitorposo between him nnd a third term with any degrco of cfllca.cjr, ( TlieRlxtv-snveiithnnnlvcrsary of the Penn sylvania lllhlo Society was held at Pittsburg, on .May 21. Hishop Simpson ot tlio .Memo dlst l-'.nlsconal church presided. Tho report of tho secretary gives a rfiuwe of tlio results of the effort, now continued lor seventy years, to circulate the sacred scriptures. Tho llritish and Foreign lllhlo Society, which was tho parent Institution, was established lu 1801, and branch societies are .now In ox istenco lu ICurope, America and Asia. Trans lations of tho blblo havo been inado In two hundred dlll'ercnt languages and dialects. Tho llritish and tho American Societies now distribute, Independent of the transactions of other societies, three nnd a half millions of copies of tho biblo yearly, and up to this tlmo havo published altogether 102.103.897 volumes. During the past year tho Ameri can Society acknowledges tho receipt of J577.r.00.80, and lias printed 020.!)00 bibles. Tho Pennsylvania Hiblo Society is the oldest Stato society in this country, being eight years the senior of tlio Central institution. During tho past year it has distributed 00,000 copies of tlio bible, printed without note or comment. Notwithstanding tlio country is poverty stricken llio rash Importers of Now York are searching the marts of the world for silk fab rics which they expect to sco sold to our countrywomen. Iu March tlio valuo of silk and mniiufacturcsof silk which wcro recioved at Now York was $;),178,SSG, and iu April $1,701,001. Tho avcrcgo valuo of our Im portations is over two millions of dollars per month the year round, to say nothing of tho extensivo quantities smuggled into the country. During tlio year, notwithstanding the searching taxation imposed by tho feder al govcrmcnt tlio rato of payment upon the national debt has been less than one million dollars per month, lessthan ono half the sum lavished upon tlio adornment of our maids and matrons in this single item of luxury. Patriot. HlilsTow'sCoNUNlir.UM. Tho co-stof high wines in Chicago, including tlio package, at the present price of corn, is twenty-seven cents per gallon. With tlio ninety cents tax added, it is $1.17. Yet tlio selling prico at Chicago is 1.15 per gallon ; at Cincin nati, $1.1!!; at New York, $1.18; at-l'hila delphui, $1.20; at Haltimurc, $1.10. The problem which disturbs the govern ment is, how this business can bo carried on without a margin of profit. It is easier for John .1. Patterson to fill t lie seat of Calhoun than for a whisky man to buy his corn, mako his whisky, pay his tax and make money nt tlio prico which high wines now sell for iu the open market, A special from Washington to the Haiti more Sun says : A member of tlio Cabinet said to-day that there was no doubt whatever that Mr. Hris tow was eiideavoringtosell out tlio President and the Republican party. A prominent Republican .Senator also denounced openly on tlio street the Secretary of the Treasury, and said that ever since ho had come into tlio Treasury department hehad dono every thing lie could to break up tho Republican party. Mistaki'.n Soui.i. Tho backwoods dele gates who wandered to the recent Radical Stato Convention at Lancaster, may bo vain enough to supposo that they helped to nom inate Hartranft and Rawle ; but such is not tlio fact. Tlio nomination was mado two months ago and ratified on Saturday night previous at tlio Lochicl Hotel in llarrisburg and tlio meeting at Lancaster was conceded on tho part of tho ring roosters for the pur pose of getting a lnuk at their country cousins. Clearfield JlepubUcan, Kxcerpts ami .News Items from Hxi-lianges. Tho fuel used at the Rawle blast fiirn.-ice.Krie, is charcoal and natural gas. The gas is con ducted a distance of eight or ten sqiiarcs.tlirougli largo sue g-is pipe, Tlio iron is said to be better than when the fuel was all charcoal. Tho King of Greece wants to abdicate. If Logan could bo persuaded to fore-go writing his book an ! take this vacant throno it might con tribute to the happiness of the two countries, 'o man feels entirely Kill-lied with his morning new-paper unless it announces a fresh government fraud every day. Frauds are so plentiful that a failure in rc-pect of their an nouncement shows a pitiful lack of enterprise. Speaking of centennials, on the 2M of April the Romans commemorated the foundation of the city of Rome by Romulus twenty-six hun dred and twenty-nine years ago. Tho republicans commenced their campaign at Lancaster with pyrotechnics. Such begin nings u-ually end in suiiike. The Xew Orleans Vieuytinc calls aloud for a " Clean-man's party." Let tliem have it. If it is started iu the South, somo ono is going to make a colossal furtune out of soap contracts. Well, these Republican journals beat all for self-complacency, Tho Chicago Tribune thinks that the exposure of the whisky frauds will do the party good. It certainly won't d tho country any harm, and that is a matter of more Importance1. -Mayor ansant, ol ilaltunore, lias some antiiiii.iti-d notions about tho lirotier u-e of mil lie money, He vetoed an .-imiroiiHatioii of 000 out of tho city funds tu pay the of a trip of the Fifth regiment to the Hunker Hill milennial. The ninncv Mas aflenvard subscribed by private individuals. It is rumored that Secretary l!ri-tuv is be coming su formidable a caudidato for tho nresl deney that Grant is beginning to wish Iio was in Constantinople. Jfews from France says, that Prince Napoleon lias ilcclarol lilmse-lf iu favor of n lie public, ami that Iio is about to is-uo a manifesto to unit cllect. Mlus looks as if the present republican government of Franco will ho a permanent institution. Twenty-four States aro Democratic! nnd eleven Republican, as represented bv Ibelr dele cations iu tlio next Congress. A few venrs imm, ami tlio Democrats will have tho Senate. Wo havo "the best civil service in tlio world" for funiMilng campaign funds for tho admin i.-trilion. CANDIDATES. Wo aro authorised tonnnouiirndinfi.llriu ing candidates for tlio offices named, subject louemoeralic rules; AfeSOl'IATi; judoi;. dOHXR. YOIIK, Milllin, (IKOIifil-: SCOTT, Catnivissa, ISAAC S. MOXROl-:, Catawissa. I'UOTHONOT.Usy, .If, 11. FRANK All It, llloomsburg. iii'.cusrKU and itr.counr.ii. H..TAC011V, llloomsburg, CYRUS ROIIRLS'S, FUhingercek, MORDF.OA1 MILLARD, Centre, .' '.VH'I!' I-I-INK. (irJenwood W'llITKN. IIOSTLICR, 1-lshlngcreck, Tm:.snti:it, I!' W. MlI-YNOLI)S. Hemlock, II. A.SWKI'PKNllISl- R.Uentro. ISAIAH ROWKK, licrwic'k, JOHN Ll-XlliOTT, Cireemvood. 'oMsiissioNi:u, IIBNHY (lAIILl-;, Locust, 8ILAS. V. Me IIICNRY, Jackson, JOHN HKR.NLR, Loc ust, JOHN LNT, iWt. ' Marriages. T. Davis, nt Carlhc-lni, llio re-ililcneo ot t'li.ulcs It. l'axlon, nsq., now un'sb-inr, V.i on Wi-ilnesil.iy evontnif, Muy Sillli, Col. ItOMVAU CMIItf.STIAK, ot !,extii;tion, Va., to Miss MAItOAUKT I'AxI'ON,;f!itcr ot duties II, 1'aMnn, llsq., ot Minion pri'inty, Va ami lato ot lllonnislnirrf, Deaths. In Kii.utiisr.-ri-ck townslilp, on Tlmrsitay, 3it InstT, Jtrs. MA(ll)AM!MI! ri.KMINO, uKo of Mr. .lolm 1 lominir, nseu hi jeursiuiu it iijjs. MARKET UHPORTS. HLOOMSHUHO MARKET. Wheat per bushel f l.vr, ltu " IH Curn " si oats " ca l lmirner barrel cloversiril 7. in naxseeii llutter tr, iX'irs ic Tallow IIS Potatoes mi Drleil Apples id Hams is skies & siimiMera 1-2 I, aril per poiunl is Hay per ton lu-eiiva-c -jr, Tliaulliy.seeil l.w citroT.vrioxs roit coal. No. 4 on Wharf f 4,no per Ton No.r. " " f " ' No. o " " 2,M) " " ULtckstnllira Lump ommarf t ,m " " " liltiiinluous " t fl.iiu " " -UOT.VTIOXSopWIItTU,I'OWHL L&CO. Vsf. UANKKHS AND IIKDKKHS, NO. 41 SOUTH Tllllil) HTHIIHl', l'HIt.ADI :r,i'nt., ASKED, is 10 JU.SK li, 1SIO, inn. V, s. ISSI, o " Mi), c. Mi, M. nnd N " ., ., lUi ,. ... I 21 at', 19 m 1'IV ln7,'.f P',' '-:i'i' '-'); 4'J',, !. nu sv -'i no " " " v.i, ,r, nml ,1..., '". " " ii it it v.s, " 10-10, coupon " rm-lili' ils, vy' NOW t'S, Itl-jf. Issl " ' o lssl lloM Sllvur 0 1 villi-. IvSiila Ite.iilliii; l'htl.iilelilil i .Ulrle U'liIgH N.iMsatlon " Valley t'nlloillt. It. of N..I oil t-reek Northern Central , Central Transportation N'csqueliniilnjf U. A. .Morlf.i'ie C's, V). . .. 21 to ' ?' is I. loo 1 04 sr. r,i) NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ADM. liters DMINISTR.VTOR'S XOTtt'K. nsriTi: op, muni smith, iikl-kiseii. ters ot Ailiiilnlstiutlon oa llio estate of John Siullh, i.itoof Maillson township, ikilumbl.i county, ileoenscil, havo been granteit by tho Itcrlsti-r of salil county, to A. ". Smith, i;st., nf llliininsburir. All persons having claims agatiisliho estate of theite eeilent, aio roiiucstcil to present, them for seltle menl, anil those ltiitobteil to tho estilo to nuko Hi) meat to tho uiiilcrslgnoil ailuitnlstrator without ilehy. A.I,', .SMITH, Juno 11,'TS-W Administrator. A1" CTler DM I X I ST I SATO R'S NOTIOli KsTeTK or jciin sir.ssi-it. m-cuAsKn. rs ot Ail-nliilstiatliin on tho eslnte of .Inlin Meiiscn, late or .Milllin township, I'oiiunbli enmity, iteeeaseil, halo been granteil by ihe Ui-glsterot salil eniinlv to Jesse Menscli unit Mlehaet Mensch, or rr.iukltn township. All persons hating claims lunliist, thu est.ito ot tho ilcceilent. nro reiiiesteil to present, tlieia for settlement, ami thoso Imlehtcil tothi-ostatu lo make pa incut to llio imilersl-.'neil ailmlnlstratorH ultboutuu.iy. jisi;.mi;n-scii, -MlUllAIUi.MDNM'lI. Ailmlntstrators. Win. T.. Ilyerlv, Attorney for tho Ailinlnlstrators. Catawlssa, l'a., June tlh, isis. Juno ll-ct. BRIDGE LETTING. T7"U WILL M10I-T on tho premises to let 1 V tho re-bulldlng of a county brhlgo over Huntington rreek, In I-'hlilngcreeU township, nt u point near Joslah lless's, on Wcilnesilay, Juno 2.1, ls75, between InoVloefc.a. m and 1 o'cloek.p. in, 'folio ,iu ircli llrlilge, one span, 01 feet long. Abutments to bo 14 feet high from low w.itcr-m irk, lirhlgo to rest on rock on north slilu. Wing Walls to bo (by 10 feet, nml 13 by 2 1 feet long. SK;clllitlons cm bo seen at tho ollico or on tho ground on ilay ot letting. Commissioner's oniee, 1 W.M. I.awton, lllooinsliurg, Junes, 1S7.1.J- John lti:itNi:u, Wm. KnickiiAOi, J JOIINr.NT, Clerk. Commissioners. Juuolt-2t rjOWX TAX iis lO Tltn TAX l'AYIIItS 01-' TUB TOWN 01' iiLooMsnrita NOTIG'i: Is hereby given tint tlio itnnilerslgiieil, Treasurer for t he Town of lllnouisbutg, III bo pre pared to rvce-lo TOWN TAX IIS, for tlio present ear, on and during thirty days from and afler Jlonilay, tho Kstli day of June, lsfs, at tho olllro of Koons and I'. Ilrown in llio lAchango Hotel, and all persons aro hereby reqlred to lay tho same. Any tax unpaid nt the expiration ot thlrtv days from tho said twenty-eighth d.iv ot Juno will ham to Iio paid to tho Collector of Tnes, with llvo per centum on tho amount added then to. V, 11. KOOS'S, J emo 11-lw Town Treasurer. Si'fEHTFFS SALR 1Y VlllTl'i: 01- Sl'Ntmv WHITS of Levari Fact I) as, Issued out of tlio Court of Common l'leasaud to mo directed win bo exposed to public salo nt tho Couit lloiise.ln llloomsbiirtr, on SATURDAY, JULY 3, 187.1, at ono o'clock p. in., tho following real wit : AH that certain housonnd lot ot ki-oiiiiiI sllualo lu tho town ot Catattlss.i, bounded nnd desei Ibud ai followK, towlt: on tho west by I'ront street, on tlio south by land of lato Samuel lick, on tlio cast bv land ut L-atawtssa It. it. Co., and on tho north by lands ot (eorjfo Strieker, contatuln-,' In fronton s.dd front struct thlrty-tlvo feet, ami eMenilliitf In depth ono hundred and sixty feet, whereon aro creeled ono iwo-story house, ono bummer kitchen and ono framo stable, scl?ed, taken In execution and to bo sold as tho pmiierty of James S. .MeXIneh. simmrs omen, 11 lull A HI, (ittovntt. llloomsburtf, Juno 11, 1S75. MicrtlT. " SHJUWS SALE. nV,1",'1;1,'1' x Wi'Tof levari Vaclas, Issued I ) out of Ilia Court of Common Pleas and to mo illi eelei , w ill bo exposed to public salo at tho Court House, In llloomsburif, on SATURDAY, JULY 3, lS7,r,, nt 1 o'clock, p. in., tlio following real estate, to wit : All that certain messuage or tract of land sltu-itn In 1 1 nwlssa township, Columbia co I'a bounded ns follows : On the south by lands of lleo. y.arr, on he east by lands of Win. JIcKclvy. Solomon llel wlir iiiid Josei.Ii dowell, on tho north by lands of Joseph llrclsch, m, llurtinau nnd lands of Win. i.-otrm. n. dec it, nnd on the west by lands of Samuel Kuslen- h.l llili-r. mm nl ii I, li ,m,i h...i ... .. . i v- .'iiiiuii:u uim luin teen ueies rri!, , ni J,? ii S rSV eron "ro erected ono slono - ; " iiiiiuu nun nun umoininir, ono two-story mono mansion house, four framo teii nnt lioiises-slnsle, three framo tenant housi-s-doiibli', ono fra-ro bank barn, ono wncuii shed and t cleared"0 bU About, 'A acres of this tract, ALSO: All th.-il. eerlnln trnM nf i ...! ..n..t.. .n .. .. nwlssa townslilp nnd partly lu .Muln township, Co l! !!VU,i'n!ml.y- a",l"l"f lands of J.s. llrobst on tho spilth, lintfi Ann I lioiuas on tlio east, Calawlssa It. It. on the ninth, awl .Mrs. Wm. Martin on tlio west, appurien ui"ce3Cre,S' "10''U r k'hS' ,0IL'"'l-,r wUh tllu rS','"i','!: ",lki1'"' " 'xccutlonnuato bo sold as tho property of James S. JlcMuch. SHERIFFS SALE. llyjlrtuo of sundry wrtisnf rie-rl I'acl is, Issued out of tho Court of Common Pleas nnd to mu illreet il. 111 bo sold at public outcry, ut tho Court llouso lu llloomsbury, Columbia county, Pa on WHDXI'SDAY, JUNK 23, 187."., ?J V?m!SSk U' -no, 'ollowlnir real estato Mtuato In is follows- tuw"iull Columbia county, bounded t)n the n'ortli.west by land of Joseph ruUiner. on i,?i,Ii0?.l,;v!U,t b5:.l!""1 tmm f'y ow ' ' ' w i i.i e"S, i m,110 "?!""-t''l?f hy la'l of Jacob Kerns, ile! fra.,o lunk Immand S tor ouMMmdhS. S prt'y'.ftio'rliolrtl0"1"1" iubo B0"lns 11,0 ..SsburuyW J"C,,Amili,& Juno i.-at, ' c-uuiii. PUBLIC SALE Ol' V.tI.UAllI.1! REAL ESTATE! l-Y,1r');," lr. or'.1t'1' r tlio Orphan' Court iJratprofioinoulh SATURDAY. .TTTT.V 1ft iq7k. osuto.fJlmT "' m" ,b0 ,ul""'"".' a'"'iblo real township; bouniniTho nor! llv Jo.uVwenf'o m tho east by William lioblusnud llllas lleni er. m u south mid west by Wllltaw luderbaeli, coiiuiiiilnLi TWO AUJtlflS. on which nra erected a ono nnd-a-half story framo muse, a triune, stable, a (food will of wi'tVr awl u'i1 l'i,'5im Hl.','s' . 1,1,'u I'""1 Is " " food sta o of i-u tlvntlon. Also,nt tlio sumo tlmo unit place, will b . nold1fu.t'u'.I1('',' L,"'H'13' l;iUlu U"J " 101 i i.iui.s in- !.i;.-i)no.fourth of tho purcluiso money to i bo paid nt tho hirlMuu down of it, IV, nnd tlio lemnmhiL' ilnn..i n L i,. : tuerratlfr. JDltv wi:n-ni:i.,'j' Ailmliil.tritlor. "AJOTin-! Is hcriliy kIviii that nil persons urn ,- cautioned not to nei;ntliito ft ntf. blmifil liv ffi' h1 ..'?".ll"","ur!r'" paiublo blx inonihsfro ii audwlKt'paytnoLanr "ml "u Wluu I'Mawls a, l'a., June MMlT""" A . t " . '"""""i e iiuimoii anil Jinlcmmt nond.-, lust piluted ml for suto ut KlUitr kt-L&niqorilMlioiu(T, ' A 'lvIYllivi.via -in is......
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers