THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BL00MSBU11G, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. THE COLUMBIAN. 11 1, o o m h n u iui, i, j, is;s Unit Komi Tlmo THlile. LACKAWANNA X llLOOMHllUUd 11A1L ltOAD SOUTH, . ., (!." A.M. ,. T.IMA.M ... 1.411 l'.M. ... 6.31 l'.M, POUTIt. 7.S0A.M. 6.' a l'. M 11.64 A. M Accommodation Train,., Mall Train JUpross Train .., CATAWI89A UAH. IIOAt). KniiTlt. Accommodation Train 0,5-t A.M. 1 tegular lix press s,M 1'. M. SOUTH T.3CI I'. M. 11,33 A.M. Through curs on llxpress train ellher to New York or Philadelphia. Accommodation trnln runs between Catnwlssa and Wllllam'orl. 10 OlUt I'lttESliS OltmiMI I lly tlio first ct July coining wo Hliall have complet ed two jcars of llio publication o( tho Coi.vmkian blnce It last como Into our haniR Jloro than three f jurlln ot Us subscribers nro Indebted upwards of n year's subscription, ami more than haltot them not pahliinj thing. As our circulation U largo this Is ft heavy tax upon tho publisher and too heavj a loal for him to carry much longe r. During Hip sum mer nml niitiimn, and especially tlic ensuing month, Mr. II. 1.. M,cis will call upon thosu subscribers who nro In arrears for tho purposo of receiving pajincnl of the amounts due, and wo hope all will meet Mm kindly and bo pa-pared to lln.ulJ.ite litis lndeblol iiess. H U far from a pk'.isiiro to in to send out a collector or dun people for tin.'. In any form, but ever1 thing I" our lino of business must bo paid for In cash and wo cannot thcrcfoio nltord to carry a largo auiotit of Indebtedness tor j ear alter year, and which Is constantly Increasing. Wo trust, there fore, that none w 111 take offence at being called upon for what Is due, but that all will take pleasuio In aiding tho paper to tho extent of pay Ing w hat they one for It. .Mr. Mj era Is also nutliorlred to take Job work nml nilvertl-lng, to receive subscriptions, Ac, and to take pay and receipt for the same. tf. Strawberries in mailed. Straw Iiats anil while vests. Spelling beesliavc liail llieir clay. The days nro now longer llian the night--. The K.inday school jic-nic season is open. Oarileii-weetling will soon ho In full blast. Tho Grangers are picnicking at I.upcrt to tlay. The cherry eiop promises to bo an abundant one. Contrllmlitins to tho O-eeola suirerers are now in order. Iljss may now he caught williout tiie interior aneo of tlio law. An ailililion.'il caiulitlalo for Trca-urer this week. Sunhiiry is ahout to hnvo tween its eilitoi.. a spelling beo lie C'roiiuet, cpioils ami bae) lull are having a big run this season. In Montour county, if the American bo correct they" vvnicr juries!" This is the month for roes, but as yet they are very backward. Decoration Day was appropriately observed throughout the county. it is possible that the Slate Fair will bo held at I.anca-ter this season. An attempt was recently undo to burn the borough of .Shenandoah. Northumberland decorated on Sunday and Klmiru, X. Y., on Monday. The pro-pects for a largo grapo section are very liatleriug. crop in this C'alnwissa now has a wire-rope improvement on Hie pole ferry. lorry, an The Stale Temperance alliance will meet in llarri-biirg on the loth in-tant. Four steamboat (rips daily between Wilkes liarre ami Xanlicokeare now made. Ice Cream salooni-ts are kept busy dialling up congealed milk these warm nights. The hardest work in thoM) days of financial depression, is the collection of small bills. On the first of July next a new law regulating the money order system will go into clleet. Mr. D. 1'. Kay, of Tyioue, has been eleeletl I're.-ident of Hie State Tanner's As-ociatioii. A " knock clown " on the comer of Main and Market street last Tuesday, was the topic of that day. It was so windy just before the rain l.i-t Saturday, that the ferry could not cross llie river at this place. Ilaud-omo awnings were put over the second tory windows in the front part of the Kxehaiige Hotel last Tuesday. Danvilliaiu nro nlloiud a specified time in tiliicli to sprinkle their streets, wah their pave tuculs and windows. It takes the one-sixlieth part of n second to count the wagons in attendance at our curb-stone market, generally. The Hiistpiehanna Synod of tho Lutheran Chinch will convene in Milton, beginning on the 19th in-tant. The Itloom-biirg 'Silver Cornet Hand, one uf the best in the State, will go to Wilkes-llarro on the Fourth of Julv, If ibis 1-uo of the Coi.umiii.vx is oilier than int;re-liiig, it is tluo to llio fact that tlio senior editor is oil' recreating. Smibury is lo have a eofliu factory. Xow let some cnteipri-iiig individual slait a hearse factory In Illoom-biirg. Mr. S. II. Miller lias enclosed the large vacant lot, corner of Fifth and lion strccts.wilh a pick' et fence eight feet high. The new twenty cent silver piece is now read,) for disliibiitlon. It bears a striking resemblance to tho old silver cpiarler. Some people who have planted potatoes affect 'to thevaro not covered deep enough tu prevent them from l' Apparently the road along tlio narrows be tween Kupert and Calawksi has been receiving the attention of the supervisor. Tlio Pennsylvania IMitorial Association will hold a summer meeting at Iicdibrd Springs on tho iKJil und iMlh of tho present month. The banks weie cloud on Saturday l.i-t, and moil of the sloros suspended business iliuin; the parade and whileilceoiallnglhe graves. Mr. Jeremiah Hess presents us a hen's egg measuiing 8 by lil Inches, mid weighing ounces, It was laid by a crossed lir.imali, Win u heat it ! Jt is'iiuiiored that Mr. Ueo. II, Prown, pici' prletor of Jhowii's Hotel, Illuoinsburg.wlll soon take nil lutero.t with Mr. W. H. Kooiis lu the Exchange Hotel, Allcntovvn, wllh 1,000 population, has a debt of SfOOO.OOO or 33.01) fur eath Inhabitant. Tlio cily of Wllllumsiiort is in debt fUiO.iWS, 1!. llloonisburg owes in the neighborhood of 512,000, and koiuo of our citizens think that Is Two weeks from next Monday Is tho longest day of llio year. llrolhcr Smith of tho I teuton 'etUg, wai in lown lat Monday and called In to secii?. Ho reports everything lovely up tho creek. The lighlning-rod unii nnd tho Irco nursery ngctils are once more abroad in tho land, nnd llio price of dogs lias gono lip in the rural districts accordingly, Tramps nro beeoinbig mora numerous every day, Tlnco of lheo pestiferous vagabonds, tliu seediest wo ever saw, were In town last Tuesday night. A fi-liiiig parly consisting of twenty couple, some from Ibis place and some from llriarcrcek, went up lo Kenton lat Saturday to enjoy a days fishing and recreation. Tho infant class of the M. K. Sunday School give an entertainment In tho Opera IInuo this evening, tlio proceeds of which arc to lie dis bursed for hooks, mottoes, &c, for tho clns. Williamsport "cops" captured seventeen tramps in that city last Sunday night. They took thirteen from n box ear on tho 1'. & 15. railioad, nnd four from a stable in llerdick l'.tik. ' I.a'l Sunday was a delightful day for a chive, the dut having been settled by the rain of Saturday afternoon, and tlio thermometer rang ing at "cool comfort." A number of lllooins burgers look advantage of this fact. A match game of b.ic ball was played in Or.mgevllle la-t Saturday between the "Cham pioin"oftliat place and1tho"Koiigh-aiiil-Ke.idy's" of Stillwater. The game ended with a score of 1(1 lo li tuns in favor of tlio "Champion's." A valuable horso was stolen from tho stable of liriiglcr & Kelig, butchers, on Third slreel, t Thursday night. The animal was fount! rood Irontlalo with llio bri He on after much search on Friday moiiiiiig. Mr. John K.Oirlon, aged "0 years, fell dead on last ThuiMlay, while engaged at work in the carpenter shop at Xeal's furnace. His sudden illi is attributed to a paralytic stroke. His riiiitiiis were buried from the Keformed Church on Sunday. John Vanderslice, aged 19 years, son of Mr. Jo-cpli Vatuler.dice, of Light Street, became eranged l.i-t week, and was taken lo the insane lo-pital at Danville on Friday last. This is indeed a sail bereavement to llio family of Mr. VanclcHieo. It is to be hoped that his mind may speedily be tccovered. Wo enjoyed a hand organ scrciiaile,lho first of the sea'tui, last Monday morning fur two mortal bonis. Wo fired our very soul at the friend and even that shot mi ed him. The wretch lid not cease until we Hung a Xo. 1 Wa-hiiiglon hand press at him and this knocked him down- it did. A parly of some thirty persons, from Lock Haven, propose to vi-il tlio Centennial in a novel Manner. They will secure tents from the ovcriimcul, nml pitch them on lauds outside f 1'hlladclphia, where they will boartl and 1ccp, spending the day at Ike exhibition. Lock Haven's ahead as far as heard from. A maleh game of base ball was played at lime .Kitlgo on last Saturday, between the Keystone " 2ml nine of lint place, nnd the Friendly" 1st nine of Mifllinville. Owing to io high wind the game was closed at the end of the fifth inning in favor of tho "Keystone"," the game standing .110 to 15 runs. The ISIoonisburz Crfumbiun says a boartl 'J x lfi inches cannot bo cut in two pieces ami joined s;ain so as lo lie one loot sipiare. o say it in. minus what is liit in saw iliist, ami, if we hail room would give a tliagiam, showing how. Miilonhn, We big your pardon, Mr. Miltoninn, we said eoaW bo dune, ami demonstrated the fact in :i.-t week's Cui.L'Mm.vN by giving a diagram. The Superintendent of common schools of the Slate announces that the animil examinations of the several Slate Xormal Schools will occur lllis year us follows : West Chestcr,ou Monday, lime 7th ; KiiUlown, on Wednesday, June Dili; Shippen-burg, on Monday, June 1 1th j liloonis lmig, on Thuisday, June 17th ; F.dinboioiigli.on Monthly, June 2Kt; Millersvillc, on Tile-day, July (ilh; Man-field, on Tuesday, July 1:1th ; ;.iganioiv, on Wednesday, July 1 1. The State Superintendent, or deputy, is to be present at ich of the exaiuin ilion-. All superintendent l llio several Normal School districts arcollicinl vi-iturs under the law, and should be present at the proper examination. A parly of ladies nnd gentlemen visited the Wiilll" oppo-ile Catawissa, Lust Sunday after noon, for the purpose of obtaining a good view f the surioiindiug country ami behuld the beautiful ami romantic scenery that the hand of nature has wrought in that section. While one uf the gentlemen was standing on tho verge of ;i ravine, Hinging in depth of from ten tu fifteen feet, the sides of which were lined with rugged rooks and the bottom of which is a solid bed, one of the ladies innocently and playfully eanio up fiom behind ami pii-hed him. It was by the utmost presence of mind and agility that saved him from being hurled to the bottom. What might have proved a fatality was only a big care, and the whole party left the "Illuli'" ather more sidately than they went there. si'mmch nvr.Nixn coN-cnuTH. Mr. Peter Ilertllo has made arrangements with the Kciia-. band for three evening concerts each week on the grounds of the Herdlo House, A luiid-ome baud stand will be erected on the lawn, and the pleasant eiiteitainments w ill be gin al once. This will be a most delightful thing for the guests ol the hoibe, unil eili.ens generally, timing the pleasant evenings of summer, as there is not a better baud in the Slate than that under the leadership of Kcp.i-,2, Mr. Herdle lias also contributed twelve hundred lollars towaul llie purchase of new instruments for tlio players. Il7(fiat;wr( Gazette anil ;,! in. Among the victims by theiatedi-astrous fires in the pine foie-ls, none have prut ably had u sadder experience than .Mr. Win. Goetz. At the time the lire broke forth, Mrs. Goetz was laying in the iioiiso a corpse, awaiting the "ilut unto dust," etc., and a son, 20 years of age, in Iho delirium of typhoid fever. To save the orp-eof his lute paitner and tho lile of Ills fever-stiiekeu boy, were the first care of poor Mr. (ioeti. Ilaidly had ho cuccecdctl in mov ing botli into an open space, than the hoii-e be came n prey of the devouring clement, and Mr. (1. was left homeless and ruined, Messrs, Kclsey nnd John Fekerl, two others of those who have been mixed by tlio lire were lit town on Satuiilay, and gave a very duleful account of the slate of all'alrs in tlio pine swamp. -Viuc7i C'iuii; J)emocrut. As Kunciit'ti Al'l'iai.. As the itpoit lliat wo nro very wealthy has gouu abreud aiiioug our subscribers, and has nmdo llieni awful slow about Having up, thinking doubtless wo don't waut llie money, wo hasten lo say the icport of ,,,. uoiilili is' fal.o In every liarllcillar. If ocean steamers were selling at a nut a dozen, wo couldn't make llie liut payment on a canoe. The lluhtnlrg of poverty lias struck usujuare, and had It nut been for uu iiriiiful of hay our devil managed to steal fiom a blind mule, our largo and Interesting family would be without a mouthful to eat at lids moment. Is not this a sad picture, and c von delliiipiciil subscribers look up m It wilbo.t feeling llie greenbacks rustle with indignation In your poeket-books? Wo don't like to dun you, but wo must if you fall to take tho hint.- Alunuiulali ) u.) VA'mo . CAlf, Decoration Day was appropriately observed in llloomshiirg. At Ihrco o'clock llio band left their room and marches! down Mnln slreet as far as West, where ihcy met a part of llio Illicit Horn Lodge, American Mechanics, and escorted llieni lo tho rooms of Iho llloomshiirg lodge. Tho .hand then marched up lo the Xormal School buildings nml escorted the Plillologiati Society down to Mnrktt Sipiare, when llio pro cession formed under the niarstiaUlilp of Messrs. J. II. Koblson and 0. S. Furman. They pro ceeded to the old Presbyterian burying ground, perfoi mod their mission, and llienco lo Kose mount Cemetery decorating willi ebaplcls and wreathes the graves of Iho fallen dead, Mr. Itcrvey 15. Smith was Introduced ns tho orator of the occasion, hut after a few remarks, owing lo llie signs of nu approaching storm, excused himself, nnd In a few minutes llio largo assem blage of people was dispersed by a severe storm of wind mid rain. Sonic people advertise regularly, like It, find their profit in it and continue it. Others liavu tried it and given it lip as a failure. Some have never tried It, but are going to do so "some lime or other," and others me firm im their intention never to ndeertie at nil. Those who have given It Up as a failure, should ak themselves if they have given it a fair trial, willi reference t' llio style of advertising, Iho ground covered acid the period of lime occupied, for some illicrtncn pull up their hooks and depart ju-t as the fish ale beginning lo bite. Those who are going lo advertise "some time or other," should go out of the business altogether; they tire too lazy for it. The fact of their intent in tho matter shows they believe advertising n good tiling for their business, yet they willfully neglect it. Of tho-o who think they will never advertise, it is safe lo say that they will be likely before long lo change cither their principles or their business. Oats taken on subscription at the Cot.u.MM.ix office. S. II. Miller A Sou have ju-t received a full line of Summer Dry Good'. Call and examine llieir slojk, A new lot of best finality Calicoes iut received at Lvrz it Sloan's. All floods down to tho lowest cash prices at Clark & Wolfs. Granulated .Sugiir for sale nt llL'.sSKi.'t!. C. C. M.vnu pays 10 cents for l'ggs. White Shoes at 15. M. K.sonu's. At I. W. Hautman's vnu can always find a nice assortment of I)res Goods. Xew Hosiery. Gloves anil a larce assortment of other goods received at Lurz C Sloan's this week. For Kcliable anil Hund-onio Pools and Shoes go to McKiuncv's. All Silk and Wool Ilernani ill plain and striped at Clark A Wuif's. Go to W. II. llrown's. His Fish are Xew and warranted full weight. His prices are low. Look at Ins ri.-li beloie vou buy at any oilier place. Xew Plaid Dress goods at C. C. MAllIt's. For Fans or Para-uls iro to Lut. & Sloan'm. Go to .1. Se'iiuYi.i:it it Son for Ilia-ting and Kitle Powder. FAiiMi:ns.ATn:NnoN Hf-sm. lakes Putter. Eggs, Lard and Produce in exchange for goods. A ntw Cabinet Kmiu're Sewin" Machine, a beautiful article of furniture, for sale very cheap it called lor soon at Catluian s. Don't fail lo call at S. H. Miller .6 Son's and see their new stock of Goods ju-t in. Fresh Sotla A-h at C. C. Makr's tho best in town. Clark .t Wolf keen the KAZAK Cut Paoer Patterns. Go to W. II. Drown for fine Ironstone China Ware. Ak for J. Wciltrood's ware it will not blister and is the be-t in market. Tea Sets $1.30, Dinner ."sets sold at bottom figures, ilio-e tint are in want of Ware will Unci it to llieir interest lo go to W. H. Itro-vii. lhiy only L. II. Sudick's Manufacture, of lA'hips, sold only by C. M. Girton. Something Xew. Call ami 15xainine. Xew lot of Linens Grass Cloths at Clark A Wolfs. lifthnrhe Fans nnd Ibis week. Parasols at's The linn of Crutehley it Kline having dis solved by mutual consent, the business w ill be carried on by A. C. Crutehley. A full and com plete lock of Smoking ami (.'hewing Tobacco, Cigars, Pipes, Aa;., will be round at his establish ment, opposite the old Church. Give him a call and bo convinced as to the good quality of bis goods. Xew Parasols and Fans at Mahii'.s. Something Xew and Cheap the lllako Organ at 1. K. Miller's. Oat Meal for sale at Kussei's. Call and trv it. While Goods in gootl variety and other Summer Dress Guods cheap for cash at it Wolfs. li.irgains in Furniture can bo had nt Kllas I'liriuan s I'lirinluro Linpoiiiun, Jle has re duced pi ices within a few days pa-t to llie bot tom figure. Give him a caU'antl bo convinced. Ties, Collars, Kti-hings, ju-t received at Clark A Wolf's, Ladies' La-ting Gaiters for $1.75 at 15. M. inorr s. Ilussel lias just received a fre-h supply of Apples, Uananas, Oranges, Lemons, I'inu" Ap ples, Ac. F.xamine bis stock. Ju-t received, a fresh invoice of latest styles Children's Summer Suits at I). Yocuin's. AIo Men's ami Hoys' Clothing, all of which ho is selling cheap. Xew Goods just received at Knorr's. The laleat styles C'alietus at Maiiu'u, If you want a first class Farm Wagon, If you want a Platform Pleasure Wagon, If you want an Kllpl'o Soring Wagon, If you want a Pleiisiuo Wagon, If you want your Wagon put in good trim, If you want repairs done goutl with shoil notice, Go to J. 1!. F.un. Army Shoes at Mclvluiiey's. W. II. llrown keeps a lino ussoitment of Can ned Fruits nml condensed goods. Al-o, a full assortment of Xnts and French Candy und Or anges and Lemons. Gents' Favorito Jtuckle Shoo at 15. M. Knorr's. W. H. llrown keeps tho most coinpleto and finest as-ortiuiiit of Groceries that can be pur chased ill market. His Groceries are fresh and are selected fiom first importer-.' hands. His prices are low, as ho lias purcliasccl ins goods at tiollom figures to suit llie times. Men's Congress Shoes at IvNouil's for $2,30. Go lo The Sinner Sewing Marhlno office in Opera IIou-o for best Oil, Xeedlcs, Tuckers, milliners, ive. Men's Ihillou Gaiter at Knorr's. Don't fall to look at llie lllako Organ. I. K. Miller has them. fjo to lU'fesi:,i,'is fur your Groceries. He sells for cash ami will not bo undersold, McKiuncv's, 2d door below Iho Comt House, Is IIcadjiia.ttl's for Good Hoots nml Shoes. Go to W. II. llrown's If you want a good F.xtra Mackcul. Men's Congress Shoes at 15. M. Knorr's for ,t2.60. . If you want u good Ham, If vou want cheap and good Tea, If you want CiiU'co Java or Uio, If you want good Canned Fruit, If you want the best .Mackerel, If yuu want r-ugar for the least money, If you want the liiHr-yrinn i' town, If yuu want good Clours, ir mil wont coot! Tobacco. If you want anything In tho Grocery and Provision Hue, go to Kijssi.i.i.'tf, Main street. f'heesol Cheese I Cheesel Fino assortment of Cheese at Kussei's. When you (to (o Philadelphia tnt nt tho Allegheny House, Xo. 812 mid 814 Mnr ket street j having been recently renovated. Price, only $2 per day. A. llr.cic, March 10,'70-ly Proprietor. Still a largo lino of nil kind of Dress Goods at low cash prices at Clalk & Wolf's. Children' Pearl 'nniTiiuir Shoo at 15. M. Knorr's. . Pewter Sand for sale nt l.U.s.slllsj. Merchants going to tlio city will do well tu call on W. 11., who is engaged with tho old nml reliable, firm of Yll.uiUlt & UllliKr.VRTorK, for IIat, Cap', Straw Unods.Ae., 237 North Third street, Phila delphia. March H,'7G-3m Go lo 15. M. Knori's for Spriiis and Summer Shoes. COAL. COAL (llil IMatilislieil Coal Yard 0. W. Xr..u, & Km)., v1iolcsnlo A Kctall Dealers in all sizes ol tho best qualities of Kcd nnd White Ash Coal, at tho very lowest market rates. Have constantly on hand large slocks of Domestic, Cupola, lllacksmith'st Anthracite, Ititiiininnus, and Llmelmrncr's Coal, r.sprcial attention given to tho prepara tion of coal before leaving our yards. Grain and Lumber taken in exchange for coal. Coal tlollvpretl to nnv nart of tin: town at short notice. Orders lelt at I. W. McKelvy's store, or at our oihee, will receive prompt at tention. Ollico and Yards at William Xeal A .Sons' Furnace, F.ast ISloonisburg. Your patronage respectfully solicited. COAL. 7-tf-23 COAL " TOWN AND 'COUNTRY. Srs rises 4 o'clock SJ minutes sets 7 o'clock 21 minutes. o .Moo;: sets S:.-) o'clock p. in. o (loi.ii Is now quoted nt a premium ot about 114 In oilier w ords green Metis aro tit per cent, below par. o W.isK Deeiis, on Parchment and linen paper, com mon and ror Administrators, Kxeculors and Trustees, tor sale cheap at the co cmiiias onice. 0 l'At'Ku inns just received and tor salo at tho Co U'iiiu in onice. o Honesty Is the best policy In medicine as wcllnsln other llilnys. Ajer's Sarsaparllla Is a genuine prep aration of that iinoiiuallcil spring medicine nnd blood purlller, decidedly superior to tho poor muta tions heretofore In the market. Trial procs It, o Tin: nffisT l'MNTixo orrici:. 'Iho present Is a good opportunity to remind tho friends of the paper, mid the public generally, that the c'oi.usibian Job 1'kisiino Oiuck has no superior In this secilon, nnd, In some respects, Is without an eijual. Hilling the last jear wo completely re newed our types and made hirjo auditions, ana li is no Idle boast to sny that wo liao now tho llest Presses, the Host Assoitment ot Type, the licst Slock of Paper, Cards, Ac, and tho llest Workmen In llie county, our workmen nro specially adapted for their places, and we make It a point to always gUe our customers a neat, correct and satisfactory .lob. Wo do not claim to do w ork for less than others, but will warrant It to be as cheap as can bo dono any where and j leld a decent prollt. All w ho nroln need of Job Printing ot any Und-lintu or In colors-w ill Una It to their Interest tu give the Coi.cmoian Onice atrial. Wo liaoou Land cery variety ot Cards Paper, Ink, Kineiopcs, Tags, 4.C., that Is likely tobe called for, andean furnish any imantlty or stjlo of work on bhoitnutlce. llludlng to order. tt o IV YOU WANT TO 1111 STKOXU, HIIAI.THY ASI) vigorous, take Kuukel's inner WIno ot Iron. Xo language can comey an adequate Idea of the 1m me diate and almost miraculous eliaugo produced by taking 11. 1'. Kuukel's Hitter WIno of Iron In the ells eased, debilitated and shattered nervous system. Whether broken dow n by excess, w cak by nature, or Unpaired by sickness, tho relaxed and unstrung or ganisation Is restored to perfect health and vigor. !-old only la II bottles, onice and store, Xo. aw North Ninth St., Iiill.ul'Iphla. Only lull bottles. Koldliy all dru-'glsts. NiaiVOl'S HKIIII lt', NF.HVOUS PKBILirV. Debility, a depressed, Irritable stato ot mind, a weak, nervous, exhausted feeling, no energy or ani mation, contused head, weak memory, the eonse nuciices ot excesses, mental overwork. This ner vou. debility lluds a sovereign euro In II. 1'. Hunkers Hitter WIno of Iron. It tones tho system. Sold only In 1 bottles. (let tho genuine. Take only II. !' Uunkei's, It has a jellow wrapper around It, I1I3 photograph on outside. Sold by your druggUt. I'.. V. Kunkel Proprietor, 1'httadiiplda, Pa. JVJ Hl'i; VVOIiSl IIKMOVKU Al IV K, 2"9 Head and nil complete lu two hours. Nofco till head passes. Seal, I'ln and Stomach Worms remov ed by llr. Kunkel, W) Noith Ninth St., Philadelphia, Pa. To have Tape Worm removed, patients must como on, but tor ull other worms, jour diugglst can procure It. A'k fur Kunkei's Worm Syrup. I'lico it, unil guaranteed. Send fur circular. o wiii:ki:to Aivi:itTin. A. T. Mewait sajs the best advertising mediums he has ever found "are the old established organs of the two political parties, at the several county scats throughout tho I nlon." "These," ho says "ivach cuay family of the least account In counties, and are more carefully read thaiuiny other class of Journals." If Mr. Stewart's Judgment Isot value, there Is no dllllcully Hi deciding which paper It Is for llio Interest of business men to advertise lu. Tho t'oi.i'Miiii liKMoeniT, upon which this paper Is partially founded, was established lu Kin, nml tho coi.csiiuav now enjoys n w Icier ( Iretil.uion and greater prospei Ity than It ever did. 11 goes regularly Into two thousand families In Columbia and adjoining counties, and by most of llieni Is lead Horn the tlrst to tho last line. It Is tho only recognised exponent ot near live thousand Uiiiiocralle voters In llie county. It gives advcitlse i.ienis a lost) display, that makes them attractive to Its patrons, thus ensuring gi cater certainty that they will peruse them. Whllo Its circulation Is un doubtedly much the largest In the county, tho nd- veiilslng rales ot llio Cou'Siihan nro no higher than those of oilier papers Willi barely half and several not one-fourth the number of subscribers. Pads like these speak for themselves. Xo shrewd business mm will neglect to Insert ids advertisement In tlio COLl'llll IAN tt o AN ISVALUAM.i: TItA YL'UNO COMPANION. Change ot climate, water or diet Is apt to luduco lurras-lng and often dangerous diseases. Tho thieo changes combined aro fatal to thousands of emigrants every year. Is It that Hostellers stom ach Illlters are an absolute preventive of the hurtful cuiiseiiieiieis uilslng from these causes? Travelers, voyagers and enngrauts to new count lies can nut be (uo ultra iciidndedi.f Die fact thai lids aiirceablo vegetable) tuUe Is the most reliable safeguaidagaliist disorders which Iheyuio far more liable than the habitual dei.tens ot healthy legions. The pilmal cilecl of tho unwholesome nlmosphero which pio diioes w hat nto called malarious rev ers, Is to depress, aul d'Sblllatu the system, The body then becomes an easy pre to the inaPgiiant pilueiple In the air. It li manliest, therefore, that tho suiest wa lo avoid all epld-iuite and endemic maladies ol uu inter. Minna t pe, Is to counteract llio weakening lend. eucies ot miasma by luvlgorutlon. That llo-tcttor's stomach Miters Is the suiest resusti, taut of II egging vigor, Is a (act which Is best appie. dated vvhoievcr Inlliienccs Inimical lo health exist. llul is not alone ngnlust mulalla that llie) protect tlio system. 'I he io toughen It as to enable It to endure with tnipunlly extremes of heat and cold to which luiv elcis are oflin subjected, nnd they never neutralise those clonic ts In unaccustomed water or diet which would otherwise, beget disorders ot tho biAjiiiacu and bowels. The brackish water with which vo users b) the sea mo often compelled to uaonch their thirst, Is apt tu provoke d)benter) and other bciluus complaints', but when the illlters are mUcd with It, It becomes harmless. Truly this protective liivlgoranl Is an Invaluable traveling companion. o Da. SeiiE.xcK's Pn.JioMu HvntT, Km Wkeu Tomc, asu Mamuiakk lii.ij. 'Ibeso medicines l.nvo uu duiibtedly pel formed more cures ot consumption than any other lemuily known lo uio Aiiicnean puu- llc. They lire compounded of vegetable liigroiUcuis, and contain nothing whlchciiu bo Injuiloiis to the human constitution, oilier remedies as cures fur eon sumption, piubably cenlulii opium, which Is a bomenhut d.uiiicioiisdiug In all cases, und If taken freeily by consumptive patients, It In liny for Its tendency islocoulluo luouioibiu mm ler In tho s Hem, vv Ideh, of course, must make a cure liiinu-slblo. seiieiiek's Puliiioule S i up is w urrautc hut lu contain a pal llele ot opium: Ills composed uf powerful but liallulcbs hcibs, which uet on the luugs, liver, blomach and blood, and thus euli'.il all morbid icei'etlons, and expel all the diseased matter fiom the body, 'llieso mo Iho only means by which cohsuuuilluu can bo ruic'U, unil us senenei.s rm nionle Syrup, Sea Weed Tunic, and Muiidriiko lills uiv the only medicine's which operate in lius wa), it Is obvious they uie the old) geiiulue euro for Pulmo nary Con-uiiiplloii. i:.nii butile of this Invaluable lit dlilue Is . ivunip d.lcd by flip dlr i-llmt , Dr. hiiiciM'krs piofc- 1'iiially tit Ids prim ipalolllee, cor ner sixth a' d Ar h ' lit, ts, Philadelphia, ev ry .Monday, wlnio ull letters for advice HiuM be ad dles ed, llio in the IU.00II. Wli"n the blood Is well su,i piled with Its Iron clement, wo feel vigorous nnd full ot animation. It Is an unsuniclcney of lids vllnl ele ment Hint makes usieelwenk nnd low-spirited i In such cases, the Peruvian Syrup (a protoxide of Ironj can mipply this doUclcncy, und Its use wllllnvlgerate us wonderfully. -o- iii:i sniiinNi.Y op iiEAitT ihsiiasi:. How common Is tho announcement. Thousands nro suddenly swept Into elendty by this ratal mala dy. This dtseaso generally has Its oilgln In Impure blood tilled Willi Irritating, poisonous inatetlals, which, circulating through tho lienit, Irritate Its delicate tissues. Though tho Hrltatloii may at first bo only slight, producing nllttle palpitation or irreg ular neilon, or dull, heavy, or sharp darling pains, et by nml by the disease becomes firmly seated, and lullainmatloti, of h) perlrophy, or thickening of the lining membrane or ot the valves, Is pioduced. How wise loglvo early ntlentlon to acaso of this kind. I'nnaturul throbbing or pain In Iho region ot the heart should ndinoiilsh one that all is not right, nnd If ) on would preserve It from further disease, you must help It to beat rightly by tho use of such a remedy ns will lemovo llie cause of Iho trouble, t'so Dr. Pierce's (lolden .Medical Discovery before the dis ease lias become too seated, and It will, by Its great blood purifying and wonderful regulating proper lies, clTect n perfect cure. It contains medicinal properties, which net spcclileally upon the tissues of tho heart, bringing about a healthy action, Bold by nil Urst-cirss druggists. iimiiT msf.isk crur.n. ltocurouT, Siicncer Co., lnd., February 1st, 1874. Dr. 11. V. litiicK, HutTuIo, N. Y. : About tw o years ngo 1 was nluicicd w Ilh n disease of tlio heart, which nt times ciented a pressuro around II, nlmo-t causing sulTocatlcn. I saw an ad vertisement of ) our (lolden Medical Discovery, rec ommending the same ns a euro for disease ot tho heart. I thin bought half a dozen bottles of It, and after using three bottles I was entirely relieved and am now enjoy Ing good health. Gratefully yours, VITUS KH.I.UN. 1S0. 1875. THE COLUMBIAN Newspaper, tlio largest sheet published in Columbia county, neatly printed on New Type, will CDiitain all tlio current News of llie Day, and a condensed account of LF.OISLAT1VK and CONGKKSSIOXAL PUOCEF.inXGS, with explanation anil comments upon all important measures proposed in cither: I'OETllY AND SONG. MISCELLANEOUS HEADING, AGRICULTURAL AND SCIENTIFIC SUI1JECTS, Will also engross a largo proportion of its columns. Tho DOMESTIC CONCERN'S OF COLU.MIJIA COUNTY, n Will receive paitieular attention, and all local affairs proper for publication will be carefully laid before our readers. THE POLITICS OF TIIE STATE AND NATION v ill receive constant attention, and the character and official conduct of PU11LIC MEN Will bo presented to our readers, from time to time, in life-like attitude and with entire iustico and firmness. No frauds shall be committed upon the People or Wrong done them williout full ex posure in the columns of the Coi.u.muian. COUNTY MATTERS. All oflieial county advertisements appear in this paper, s will also intelligent synop sis of tho proceedings of the Courts and the actions of the County Ollicers when of pul lie interest. The Coi.u.MlilAN already has much the largest circulation of any paper in tho coun ty more than the combined circulation of the other papers and is tho only paper prinled in the county that supports tho prin ciples and time-honored u-ages of tlio Dem ocratic party. Its circulation and coiiscquen- itsefulness may, however, be much extende if its friends will Uso their influence to stir further add to its list of subscriber. At additional patronage will bo requited by im proving the paper, by adding to its cditerial anil reportorial force and increasing tho quantity of its reading matter. As an ADVERTISING MEDIUM The Coi.umuia.v is unapproaclicd in this quarter of the State, and our JOIillfNO FACILITIES Aio superior to any other. Our friends aro invited to call at tho ofllco whenever they como In Illoomsbiirg. kxXminatkiN nil! mini: ismc'ron. APPLK'ANTSfiirtheOfliceorisspiMTiiHop Jli.Sf.s for the l'lrst nml second il'ottsvllle and .vsiil.iml) t! 1 c 1 -Ions of the stiiuy 1 K 111 district, ore here b.v notllled to present i hcmsiives f or exninliintlon Infurotho Hoard uf Kxamlm rs, at Iheonicoof the Mine liispcctur's Clerk, No. 113, Centre Stieet, Polls vllle, on Monday Juno Tth, lsT. at lu o'clock, a. in. iii:iii:us Thompson, May -VTJ-it t'hiliiii.iu Duardof Ki.unliais. ".k."m. tubus, VVUOI.KSAI.K OKll Ell IS IIURNINU AND Ll'IIRICATING OILS. oniee In Mal.e's minding, court Main und Centre stiecls, Ill.OOMSIiri!(l, PKNNA, urorjlers solicited and promptly tilled. FOR SALE! Valuable Town Property and Farm at Private Salo ! f !MI E iiiidcivigniil, one of the Executor of 1. (.noiliil-; vviiA villi, ueceasetl, oilers at private Mile, me loiiumnii lunmuiu piupiji), co wu ONE TWO-STORY ItRlCIC DWELLING house, with niit-biilldlnirs and lot attached, situated on Main street, llloonitburg, Pa. This house Is suitable lur l u l.llllllieM, AI.SO-0110 two-story rr.cmo elweillng house, with otiL.bulldlmfu. fi-umu slublo und crood lot tillaehetl. ihls propel ty Is oppoallo the lesidenco of tlio lute Dr. ot. Also, one two.story fraino dwelling housowlth stable outbuildings mel lut utiai lied slluab d on ftuii, street, Mm wishing, p,t. Also six v.n ua Inii sum deil on loiirth street, Also, a valuable farm -li uut'-d one half mile I rum Iho dm not M'liw iisvllle, Pa. said furm contains Del III I 1 HI 1.UU1. I'or teiins ol salo npiilv to (jUOUUld ', couun.i, 1: :xculor. i'eb. 12, 'iWiu. liloouuiburg, 1 A, POND'S -EXTRACT CIllt.DIll'.NV No family inn nltoid lo l) with Pond's Dxliacl. A' , Itlents, Hrulses. contuslo Cuts, Sprains nr lelleyed nlinosl lnstantlr cull mat npplleai Ion, Prompt ly relieves pains Hums, scald , i'.c illation-, chnnngs, old sor llotls, felon ,(oms, etc. Arresli Inllamaltn letluces aw. hiims, stops bleeding, removes ill' coloration unit heals rupldly. ITMAI.i; VVi:AKNi;ssixit niwnjs relieves pain In tho lurk and loins, fullness nnd pressing pain In tho head, nausea, vcrtlifo. IN l.lX'i'OMlllillA It has no equal. All kinds of ul cerations lo which ladles are subject are prompt ly cured Puller details In book accompanying each bottle. l'lLlls, lillnd or blccdlne meet prompt relief nnd I eiuly cm c. No case, how ev er, chronic or obsti nate, can long resist lis regular use. VAltlcosK VHINS. it Is tlio only sure cure. KIHNUY DISDASHsj.-lt has no equal for permanent cure. llI.PllliINO from any cause, for this It Is n specific. II has saved hundreds of lives when nil other remedies failed lo arrest bleeding from nose, stomach, lungs, and elsewhere. TOOi HAiilll, Diiraehe, Neuralgia and llhcumatlsm nro nil ullko rcilovcd, nnd ollen permanently cur ed. 1'ONII S IIXTHAI'T COMPANY, 3 Maiden I.ane,Ncw York, .May 2S-H Mercantile Appraisement, T LSI of dealers of Columbia county. I do Ii hereby certify that llio following list of dealers takin, returned and ciasslllcd bvmotn accordance wltn the several Arts ot Assembly In and for the county of Columbia, for tho sear A. D. 1975, Is cor- rcce co me oesi oi my Know leugo anu oenei : I'.KlVKll TOWNSUH'. Class License nice. Abraham store 14 U It 11 Hroduciider, s. 11. grocery Krev. .1. P. store 7 Oil 7 OH 115 OH 7 l)' 10 1)0 sliiunan, U. A. store lessee, .1. A. store lirlcslucli, dco. P. sloro suumnh, l'rank I,, store 11 14 13 4 la 12 14 14 14 lll:ST0MT0WS3llll', Heaeock, Samuel store Mcllenry, KohrRtoro Mcllenry, store Cole, li fc H. store 7 (HI 12 M 12 Ml 7 W 7 (I) 7 01) niiiAitcnr.Kit townsiiii' Ilaton. Mrs. A. W. store Kllnetob, W. M, store IIKIIW1CK COIlODllI, Snyder, O. D. book store 7 OH ir, oi 7 01 12 Ml 7 on 111 00 Ml 00 7 on 7 01) 7 () .viilier, A. Hudson, .r. 11. ilriljclst sleeker, N. vv. fiirnlluro store Herlran Miss il. millinery Howei',.1. .v; II. It Horn .lackstm ,t vv oodtn, mf'g. co. store IliicMneii no, (1. A. ttu x stoves seesholl?, .1. .VI tin ,V stoves I'owler, c. Ii. tin A: stoves llockmaii, II. M grocery I're.'s lire's., store l'reas Hro's., lumber dealers Utile, Dr. It. II. druggist Adams .V Son. store VV llsoii tc Scnderllng, drugglats lirooks, li. ,r. tin .v. stoves llggert, John Jewelry limuniin lil-plu, ftore (H'OsS, David bottler 7 00 7 III 1(1 01 7 01) 7 no 7 00 ir, in 7 to TOW N Of Ill.O0JlSnCKi. Wldmlre K Co , confectionery 14 7 to Vnnatta, II. II. paper store 14 7 in Ilohtns ,v Holmes, gas litters 14 J oo VV'ugonseller .1. fc Co., store l.i 10 00 Savage, C. lijcvvelery store 14 7 00 Lowenberg, D. clothing la lo 10 Illoomsbiirg Iron Co., stoio 7 jo oo Hoi, tins c. score 14 7 oj sehii) ler .1. X son, store 12 lilt liunyau Uijton .c Co., stoio 13 lo no MllhT s. II. ,t son, store 12 12 So Long, .1. II. grocery 14 7 oo lietker.vsteekel, confectionery 14 7(0 Marr, C. ('.store la 10 00 llrown, W. II. grocery store la in oo Hoi nard, Louis lewciery 14 7 uj llviins, a,. i. nothing 14 700 'I hatcher A. (leaih.ut, gas litters 14 7 no stroup, David store 11 7 00 crutehley A Kline, tobacco stoio 14 7 o) Kreamer, William store 14 7 no .Meiidenhall, li sloro 12 12 60 llugenbiich, Isnlah ttn stoves 14 7 oo Kleim, Henry grocery 14 7 on Yost, Henry grocery 14 7 00 I less, VV. P. store 13 111 to flower, II. C shoe store 1 1 7 oo Male, .1, II. grocery 11 15 00 Webb, i nomas cotifecilnnery 14 7 ml stohner, Ilernhard (.Tocery II 7 00 Clark, (I. A stationery 14 7 in Meyer Pro's, drugirlsts 14 7 00 Knorr, 11. M, shoo store 1' 7 no Cole nan, -lesse dealer In paper 14 7 no I! 'ssel, M. -M. confectionery 14 7 oo Itiipeit, A. M. tin .v. Moves n 7 00 Whary, I., t;. tin A. stoves 14 7 eo Johnson, D. W. confectionery '14 7 01 I'lirmau, li It. furniture 14 7 oo Ilrobst, Mrs. David confectionery 11 7 00 linbb, Augustus grucory 14 7 00 11) er, J. K. store 13 le, 01) Coiell, o. w. furniture store 13 1) 00 Hartley i Keller, store 11 710 Kleim, 0. A. dnuglst 11 7 00 Ilartmau. II. U. carpet story it 7 0') Yociini, D. clothing 11 710 Ilartmau, I. vv, store 11 1500 McKelvy, I. W. store li ta o1) McKInney, vv. c shoo store 14 7 00 I. ut ,t sio.ui, store it in eii Mo)er lire's., drug'-lsts 12 12 r.u llrown, c. M shoo M 01 u 11 7 00 Jacob) , o. A. grocery 11 7 00 Yost, Henry fttrnlliiio 14 7011 .Mason, dealer 14 7 on Ncal c. W. x lire., coal dealers 12 12 .10 llendershott J. W. grocery 14 7 () liro-s, Peter bottler 14 7 no Jacoby, li dealer 11 7 00 CATIWISSA lOW.NSllir. Illle ,t Pro., store 11 15 no Hawks, Davtilcoufectloncsy 14 7 00 VV e ,v er, F. store 12 12 r,o Ilrobst, M M. store 11 ir, on illlbert A' Kline, store 10 1:0 ihi 1'oitner H. p, & son, storo li 7 en orange, Wm. storo 14 7 on seeshult, 1. H, grocery 14 7 in Hauler, t. li tutidturo II 100 John I. x son, sloio 10 2 loo smith. ,1. M. iliugKlst 11 7 (c John, William tin .v. stoves 14 700 M.inliardt. ileo.sliue store 14 710 sluipless J. K. A: sons, store 10 20 no Clean r, A. II. Uu A; stoves 14 7 () liiin.iril, s. D. store 11 7iu Jones vv. p. .'c Co., sloro 11 111,0 II. irliuan, William furniture 11 7011 Dlcmer, S. 11. sloro , is 12 m llOIIOl'UII, Hi') son it. A Co., storo 10 21) 00 vior.ui, Jiihu shoe store 14 7(0 llo.iitriiiil, J. .1. shoe storo 11 7111 Collins. Thomas (,'rofcry li 7 ou Dike, James leeil storo II 7 Ml, I) ('.grocery 14 7 111 Murphy, C. 11. sloio 14 7011 i nriner,. 11. 1111 k stoves 11 7 01 I'tiiaiiii, conraii grocery 14 71m Millard, o. II. stoio 12 12 mi Menscli, Aduu Jewelery It 700 iiniiey. Mrs Marv confectionery 14 7 00 Van lluren. S. sloio 11 7 ihi lav s. tieonro sr. iirii'".' st 14 1 no Kane, Andrew grocery 14 7 10 Davis Wm coiirecltoiiary 11 7 10 curley, lldivardgiucery u 710 ei.Ni lie lovrxsmr. Lowe Hro's. x Co., store 13 10 ro nous er. .lacou sioie 11 tiki Kniiiier, Joslali store 14 7 in iiieieneu, s.unuei grocery 14 7 10 Ilrobst, i horn is grocery 11 710 Wall man .V Kivln, stole 13 10 ou Lamun, .1. 1', sloro 11 7 co 4 ISIUSUCIIEUK TOHS.UIr. Mollemy, I), .v .M. store 14 7 tiu .v miiica man, a, .,1, sioio 14 700 Mcllenry, J. r. sloro 11 700 Hosier, I) It. storo 11 7 on llailsuu, Jeilus store 11 5 00 iiriisiiacu. 11. 1 . scorj 1.1 ?u llovfci, u. il. store 11 7 tu IIIANI.L1N TOWNSHIP, Dyer Pro's., store is 10 ou uuciiNiroon toitnsuu'. lllaek. P. D. storo 12 m Derr .t It.uice, slum 14 7 cm Henry, mis iianiMhstore 14 701 laias i.ves s 1110., si. re 12 1251 .viiisiers, wm, store 12 12 t'i I.ves x llelicr. sloro 11 700 Leggott X Lore, slere H 7 0) Welilver, J. I., store 11 7 00 HogaltAtSeii, u lg to iii:iiock TonNSinc, shoemaker, M. (I. .t W. 11. thoe stotei 14 TW old, wm. shoo store 11 too Han is, s, t. shoo store 11 701) loecsTloivs-iiir. Yi'.iger, Jacob slot 0 1 3 pits I'lthilngei, Liic.isstut'O II Tut Vnsllne, .1. II. slcno u 10 00 l i Herman. Charles sloro II 7 nil Yoi tiiu, P. M store li 1.1 111 Leo V llhoade.s, store II 701) iieniMis lowksiiir. Kramer. C. Hmi. storo 13 18 11,1 (Ingles, Wm. stole " lev OJ mis townsiiii- Campbell X Co, stole 14 7(0 iiouine. .1. i. siore 1 oa Dcrr, li P. stole " 7 uc) um UNTOWNSIIII'. llellor, John II. storo 13 10 no IIiomii, Win. v. ktme 1,1 o) creusy A iiiow 11. sioie in m Sehw c'ppcuhelscr, li. storo 11 7 cw MOSTOlilTOlVNSllll-. Morgerum. P. It. sloro 11 1 rci Auiuieruiaii A. J. X Jackson, store " 7111 raiuti , iiariuaii, tieaiers 11 is iH) rurnsworth, .1 1'. grocery 14 7 eu MOUNT li.KASNT TOWNSlltr. Sands, Joseph libtoro u 700 OliASUK TOWNSUII'. Stewart, A. 11. storo 13 iu 00 smith it Iiro., 1111 A stoves 11 7110 Coleman, A. mcieliant taller " I oo Sloan, li. K, sloio ) 10 00 Itn-ner, II. confectionery 14 701 Keller, M, (J, confectionery ' 1 to liNK lOWNSIItl', Lyon, 11, W, btore n x 00 IIOAIIINIICIIEKIC TOWNSUII'. Chen Ington, Owen storo u 10 to SCOTT TOWNSUII'. Die tterleh, V. li store 14 TOO llovvell, A. P. confeiilonery 71m Allciiiau, c, II, stoves ,v tin leu Hates X shoemakt r, fundi tiro " Tim chamberlain X Kile hen, sloio 7 10 siuiman, P. P. suae to) linker, s. VV, tobaeciiuUt Too Wormiili, Samiiel A. sloio ' T OJ Crc veilng M. .v, sun, btoro 11 l.too W'erkhciser. .1, D, tlre 14 101 creviilinr,jr.'thom.ustortv too sn)ilii' D. x Co., lumber merchants " Toe cieve llngA: Tiembii,)-, tturo 11 00 Widte, A. 11. Hole 13 j,i to I. Id, II, H. tin A: stoves II Tim liens), D. A. ttore 12 jjtm (ioidmr, J, II diugglst 14 T 10 Ut.Aiium'TOWNiiiir. cole H, H, A Uro., sturo it 7(0 All i-rson- vi im may feel np i.rlevo 1 by Iho ul oya (I -ill', iiimi e .ill linvei iniopiioiiuiiltv 1 oi a by uu ' lln. Hi" Illuli ivibeel, oiiTuosdav, the mill e. .v cif Jui.e, isi , al tin' ComiiilssloiiersOlllci'. lu inituuiiuiii leoiu v uciucii a. 111., co 4 ei ciuck p. iu , . I XM'Uit ltll.WVN. May, SHI IKichuIUk Ajiprai.i I.AYTON HUNYON. HARDWARE STORE. LAYTON JtUNYON, & keeps constantly on hand 11 1'till nml Complete Stock of HEAVY .A-HSnD SHELF HA-RIDWnFtrE!, which vro will sell to the Public at Prices so Low as to defy competition. OUi STOCK CONSISTS) IN PAI1T OP IRON, NAILS, PAINTS, MECHANICS TOOLS AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS of all Grades nml Latest Improvement, BLACKSMITHS BELLOWS, ANVILS, SLEDGES, and HAMMERS. Bunion's Ilorse and Mule 11003, Horso Nails, &c. PATENT WHEELS. OLD'S AND WARNER'S PATENTS, Spokes, Heavy and Light, Carriage Mallebels, Axles, Spring.?, Gum and Oil Cloths, Valentines Varnishes, Spirits .lurpentinc, will a general Stock of YAGON AND CAUUIAGE MAKERS GOODS, Building Materials, such as DUNCANNON NAILS, Lewis' Lead, Best Cblors, Pure Oils, Ac., as low as they can bo bought in the county. GIVE US A CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELF. LAYTON RUNYON & CO Mario, 1ST& tf. NEW HARDWARE STORE! SUCOKSriOnS TO J. . P-, - v -' --"is 1 ,'ij-tAii a Gimlets. Goutres. Tweezers. Pliers , ' $F$!LSW Sfril'ots and Kettles, Pans and Friers, lilftfSI ifefAll things for all sorts of lniyers. '1 Wo have also added to our Stock WHEELBARROWS GLASS, PUTTY, GKRIIJSTIDSTOlIES, ScO. OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE Tn all its llranchen, CarefuHy Selected and Purchased low for Cash giving iu Advantages for Selling which can not be excelled by any other Hardware Store in the Cbuntry. GIVE US A CALL AND SEE FOE YOURSELF. We GUARANTEE both in PRICE and QUALITY of our Goods. The Largest Store in the Country. .Marchiv;w J SCHUYLER 8c SON, Bloomsburg, Pa. IR, IE IM: 1 1ST C3- T O 2sT . -:0:- Tbo IiEMlsnTOS SCWINO SlA- ciiinb lias i-rruns rapidly lata favor ns possessing tho best con msiTiox of food qualities, namely; Unlit runnlng.smootli, Noiseless, Uapl'l, Darnble, Willi perfect Lock Mitch. UHa Shuttle Machine, with Autuiaattc Drop reed. Doslfii beautiful and construction the very best. GOOD yvQElSTTS W-JSITEr). ADDKESS, Remiitou Sewing iiii.vncn orric'ts or I',. Ileiiiiii-lon & Sons, 1 llciiiliiston Sew is M. Co., ILION, S. V. Ut'Uiiiilou .Vg'l Co,, ) Mai-chB, '73 2in AN ACTUAL HUSINCSS INSTITUTION AND TEI.UOltAl'llIC INSTITUTU. Tor Information call at onice, or send forCoi.LF.OB AmtiiTisKR. June20-ly A ' sc ITlle, IM. 1'OllTUNH IN IT. Every f.cuiilv l.uv- it. Suld liy ABtuts. Aadicss, el. Is. WAI.KU1!, QCi( DAILY TO AGKNTS. 8,1 nevr nr iJjfiV tides and Iho best r.niilly Paper la Ami r, lea, with two t-V Cliiumos, free. AM. MTU Co., llro.idwujr, N. Y. wiiinir.vr.u it has lirx.N tuh:i JURUBE E A has established lUelf im a perfect reifiitntur and sure remedy for illceinli-rs of tlio hyMcmu arhlns from Im jiruiier action ot tlw l.lver mid llnvvcls. IT IS NOT A 1'IIYMC, lint, lev Mliiiul.Uln'ithn he. rrellvo orirans, irenllj and Biadiiallr leniores ull Im purities', and re'irul.ili's tins entire svstcin. IT IS NOT A DOCTOItUl) 111 ITIlltS, but Is a vvlilch assists illirrsllon. and thus tlmul.tlCH tlio mi. bctlto for food necessary to lnvliroralo tho iTp.ikiicsH or InacUre ori;.uin, ud tiffs strength to all ho vital ion c-3. IT CAnilll'.S ITS OWN lti:i'OMMl'.Nl)ATI0N, as tho l.irco and rapidly lncretcslnu' sales tcvtiry, l"rteu 0110 Hollar a bolllo. Ask jour tor It, .loilN STON, I10I.I.0VVAY X Co., I'lUladolphla, fa, Whole salo Agents, 4vr. AGEHTS WANTED. ' Mm or womea, 131 a week, l'niof f iiniUlicd.llinlneia plcas- Ptit and lionoraniei v.1111 no 1 iu. i A Id pZJ clrcidnraud Vuluall.i -SSnnpleiifree. nrsviid vonrad. f' &vr 011 poital card, llou'l u- Irv hut write) alcmca in M. lli:i!D,Sni st.,nevv youk. Adf.NTS WANT 111 I TO HEM. Tlio rolltifiil, lVi'sounl unil I'i'opei'ty BMimi fvnTTMWwmSJw3gttacMCJcgs.ff Rights a Citizen, Of Iho I'nttod Mute c - Uuw lo excn lso and how to pri'M'ivo them, lly 'llieeiphlllus 1'ursuns, 1.1.. 11, containing a commentary cm the feeleral and statu Cohsllliillous, mmug llieir history und origin, and a full explanation of their pi luclnlea, purpu.-eis und irovlslons ; tho ioiveisundctiitl se t Public Ollicers 110 riglica ul luu pc i't i'-, unil inu UDiiruiiuiea uieurrc' for deilbct alive IkhIIcs, mid full direct u.nsuud h'n.,1 furius for ull buMm -s traunaciliiii-. ..s inukL.-; Win-, Ik-e-eU, Moiliia.' '.lease , Nous, ilraidts,i.uulriii is, etc, A Ijivv Lfbruo 111 uhlhUo Voiuiiii'. It inecU ihuwai tHi'f ill ciiiAses and mllstiiivi'ivtiodr. IIILIL'IV IL'l.lllUII VI 11.11. UI3.1. I 111 .ailll'UeUIl I lilt S JC'NC llUOl'lllil. CO., I'UII.iliUM'llU, Pi, Uuy It-it Wp7 ClIAHMS W. nU.NYO.V, CO., BLOOMSliUltG, l'A., OILS, GLASS and PUTTY, W1DEMAN" cc CO., Keen on Hand tho LARGEST STOCK $ SHELF HARDWARE In the County. ELS & SPOKES. llEMixaros So. 1 Machine fo famllyuse, In the frump year op its existence, has met VTltll ft nioro uiriD isciieise op ratio 0FSlt.ES TUAN ANY AIACntSE OM TIIE MARKET. ItEMiNOTON No. 2 Machtno for MANei'Ac'TCitiso and f cnilly us (ready for delivery only slace June, ls'J), for range, perfec tion, andvarlety of work, is without a rival In famtlyor WORKSHOP. SEND POE CIRCULAH MacMiie Company, Ilion, N. Y. cojumxius. 2si ,1: s?3 Ilroaclvvay.'New York, Arms. Mudlson Miuiirc, New York, hewtnp; Machines, ciileaw, 237 Mate M., Sewing Machines and Arms. Cincinnati. 1SI VVcsf 4th St.. s-cvcliii; Machines. I'tlc.i, l'."J (icnesee, M How Inc.' Machines. Atlanta, Ca., Uelllve's Opera ilousi), Marietta Street, liuscuei, oas c iesimii.euu s.e., .-evcintr .viuciuncs'. Seiwlnc? Miichlnes. Wasliliigton, I). a, Ml Seventh St., Sew ins Machines. PUBLIC SALE or valuaiiu: REAL ESTATE! IN iHirsininco of an onler of the Orphan' Court nr Columbia county, tlieimderslirned, act Im; Uxi'outiir or tho last win and Testament or Adam llulili', late or the tovwislilp ol Itoailiiccie el., In said county, deceaseel, wlllexpuse to public tale on llio premises, ou S.VTITIUUY, JUNE Otli, 1870. eommenciinr ul 10 o e'lock lu Uu- forenoon ofsald cIA' the lulliivvlim' described n-nl estate', lei wit : All Unit e-i'italn piece, luercel eiv tract of laud bltu nti, Ij IIiomii Uliik'lntliolinviislilpot Itoarln'-e'reek, lu Mid ciiunty, bounded and described as follows, t j wit 1 Attjiilulni; lauds ot M1I0111011 strauser ou thn west, lauds of smiiiiicI Iluuc k 011 llie north, lands ot .I0I111 luce em tlio 1'iiMt, ami lands or John Kltnoou thei suiilli, conlatiiliin' KUiUTY-l'IVi: AOKES, morel or less, nearly all cleared land, vv hereon uru elec ted a TWO-STOllY I'HAMi: DWr.I.I.lNll HOl'SU, A frame Hank Uarn nnd other out Imlldlnss, Thoro Ic 011 the premises 11 (rood A mile oreliard, and other fruit Also, i;ood vvnicr on the premise's. Tosscaslou given 1st or April, lsM. cosiil i'lo.NS of sale. Ten per cent of one lourili or tho purchase money to bet paid nt thnstrlk. Inn down nt tlio pioperty. the onu-foiirtli less tho leu per cent, at tliu conllrmallon of tho salo and llio bal nine In one sear thereafter, with inieiest from cou lli'iiiatlon nisi, of said sale. I.UCAS FAllllINOKlt, May H-a Acting K.ecutor.- ADM 1 N I ST 1 1 A T( ) 1 t'.S NOT1 C :. (STATE Of C'ATIUHISK IIEAKMAIIT, PFCEASEP, i.euers 01 .veiiniiiisuaiion on llio osimo or Catlia liiio (leaihart. lato of Minim Inwrishln. cnltimbiii. rounty, deceased, hnvo bee n ctninti cl by iholtc'Klsler of s.iUl county to James Khfer, of Slain township. .... I- ...una ,,.l,l(lK llllllllS llKUlllSC CIIU C'bCUlU ui 1110 elecc'dent, nre reimested to preMiut lliein forse'ttlc. uieut, nml those Indebted to tho estate to make puj. incut to tho uudcrtlgncd ndmlnlstrutor without do lay. JAMlls KIKl'llll. Apr. sn.Tti-cv Administrator. 17XK(.TTOIi"S NOTK'K Jli ESTATE OP JOHN HE HEATH, PECKASEU, 'U Iters tcstami'iitiiry on tho cstalo of John Heath, Id Of JaCkhOll tOWllslltn. I'tllinntit.e pnimtv. fl.rn lam ot Jackson towiisfi ed, have been grante d by the llegtslor ot snlii county, toiieurgc U. Heath, of Jackson township, Columbia couiitj.l'a, i:eeutor, lo whomull iwrsi'tis ludebu wi wm eiaiueu luu ie.-iUC-seeei lo IliaKO pas ineni, and tlionu having elulms or demands against thu bald estate) will uiuke them known 10 tho said llxec ulor without delay. UEOltHi; 1). HllATll, -May I-iit. Kxecutor. A DMINISTHATOH'S NOTIC1C. J.X. l.TilKOPCAUIiKlSK kllEAUEU LATE OF UAH ... .... TOWhSHII', Utters ol Administration on tho estate of Catha rine Kreamer, late of Madison township, Columbia count, de'couseil, have been granted by tho llcgls ler of buldeoiinty to Conrad Kreamer, of Madlsuu tovviishln. All persons having tlnltns ugalusd tlui 1 stutf of thcHle cedent nro rf-'itiestcd toprew iittliim Mr u lluneiit, und tlmbe luelebleel lo the cstuto lo inukii pauiu ut lo the unilersigncil admlulslrator vuthiuirdf lay, co.NUAf) KHUAMKll, Mii)Kti.c,v' Administrator, 51 BLANK MOKTOAOKS for sale chum at Um Otl'ULUM OUSC'V, S-Uornioui.