Miscellaneous. Wild KNOWS? Pit llO.Mi: UUKSI'IOSS Win known where pirn and necdlea go, Where nil the buttons stray t Who Knows where nil the. pennies go 'Hut somehow Ret ntvny Who knows how nil the china breaks Tiiat wasn't toucheil nt nil f How baby tteti so black n bruljo Yet nettrffets a foils Who knowi whence nil the fashions come, And when they disappear Whv one lirlct iiioilh should mako a fright, Of what was "such it dear'; Who knows how little bills can swell To Mich prodlirlous blio ? Who knows Indeed, w nat's going on llencath Ids Jury eyes? Who knows J nt whero her husband soes When "bmlnoss-' keeps hlin out J Who knows when best 10 wear a smile, And when lo wear a pint? Who know, tlm time to face tho fact Thatsho'anolongo.'.toiiin' Who knows how bui . speak her mind, And how to hold her tongue 1 Who knows tho tnoH convenient day To brlnit a friend lo dlno J Who knows tha halt of what ho spends (in clubs, clears and wine I Who knows one tionnet cannot last A woman halt her life J Who knows tho woman Is tho samo When sweet-heart turns to wire? Who knows why nil tho pretty girls Aro oflen last to go ? How nil tho ugly women wed Who never have a bcaur Why small men fancy tvlt es no largo And largo men fancy small ? Who knows. In fact, how half tho worU Was ever matched at all ? Wno knows how far to trust a friend, How far to halo n foo 1 Just when to speak a kindly Yes, And when a sturdy No 7 Who knows-tlm grim old droclan sago Sa s graveb'i 'or myself, Tho wisest man In a 1 the old world Is ho who knows himself. A poor young man remarks that tho only ndvico he gets from capitalists "is to live within his income," whereas thodllliculty ho experiences is to lire without an income. A Frenchman having heard the phrase "I'vo got other fish to fry," very readily learned its application. One evening, after escorting n young lady home, and being in vited to walk in, ho thought of tho above expression and excused himself by saying "I tank you, mum; I must go cook some fiih." Human Laiior. Human labor is nthous and little rills that replenish tho fountain of man's existence. It rends tho rocks assun der to build tho marts of commerce. It fiends its tiny but powerful roots into the soil, that the crops may in duo season, fructify and replenish and gladden the earth; it drives into darkened mine, whero cheering sunlight never penetrates, to bring forward some of tho most important necessaries of modem civili.ation ; for whero would that civiliza tion bo witiiout tho product of labor? As wo value the products of labor, how much moro should wo esteem the intelligent agen cies by which they aro produced? In what ever sphere of action it may be, labor is lion orable, and there is at times a moral heroism and spirit of self-denial exhibited which renders it sublime. Yellows in Teaches. Tho committee of tho Michigan State Promological Society, after careful examina tion of this subject, raado the following re commendations : 1. Tho primary cause of the yellows is a weakening of the trees by overtaxing the soil, thus depriviug them of a largo portion of tho substance thoy should receive from the earth. 2. Yellows may be produced by planting pits taken from the fruit of diseased trees, The disease will be developed sooner or later. no matter on what soil grown, or how well cared for. 3. OrchardisU are recommended to destroy every peach tree on tho premises that shows sigm of yellows ; not to raiso stock from diseased trees, or to bud from them, or to buy trees from a district whero the disease is known to prevail. 4. The practico of allowing trees to ripen largo crops of fruit for several years in sue- cession will reduce their strength and ability to resist the disease. Hard Boiled Eggs. "It will surely kill yqu if you cat that hard boiled egg. Dr. says so." We heard a mamma say this to her daughter at a hotel tho other day. Wo made no audible com ment, but did not help thinking quietly how- many times wo run tho risk of life in the samo way. And when at the supper table, we saw this parent eating sponge cake, which WW unexceptionable, wo tried to tremble for her rashness, and wondered if baking the egg made it. moro digestible than boiling, adu men wo wonaereu n ur. Ulaan ever said so. And then wo remembered how many times Dr. tins and Dr. that had said one thing and another thing, which we know they had novcr said. And wo remembered tho story of tho three crows 'that somebody vomited. , And, on tho whole, we thought that is not best to trust much to what some body says Dr. Blank said. But, in tho first place, about hard boiled eggs. Wo have seen dyspeptics who suffered untold torments with almost every kind of looci, and torments of which they still felt af ter somo medicines given for relief. N liquid could bo taken without suffering, iiread became a burning acid. Heat an milk were solid and liquid fires. We hav seen these same sufferers trying to avoid food and drink, and even going to the enemy syringo for sustenance. And wo havo seen their torments pass away, and their hunger relieved by living upon the white of eggs which had been boiled in bubbling water for thirty minutes. At tho cud of a week tv havo given the hard yolk of the ecc with tho white, and upon tltu diet alone, without lluldot any kind, wo have seen them beci vu Kuiu uisiu mm strength, aim rclresliing siecp. Alter weeks ot this treatment, they havo been able, with care, to begin upon omer loou. "And what medicine?'' says Dr. Doser, Why, no medicine. Wo advised them to throw physic to the dogs ; avoid it as poison that medicine had been partly to blame for the dyspepsia. Hut Dr. this and that think we injured the profession by talking against medicine. We dont mean to talk against medicine, it is a very useful UiIuk; some times useful when wo give it, and sometimes when wo don't. But wo don't mean to use It when it is not needed, and especially when something else will do better. Physicians need not fear that there will not be work enough for them, and if without medicating irny so much tho better. This much for hard boiled eggs. Not half bo bad as half boiled ones, and ten times as easy to digest as raw eggs, even in egg nog. In tho second place, about what "Dr, Blank said." Wo wish to caution tho reader not to believe a tithe of tho statements quo ted in that way. A set of busy bodies liko to tell what ho said. They misunderstand one-half and invent tho other. You kno that there are fouls in every profession, but you know, If you stop to think for a moment that Dr. Blank is not ono of them. And then thcro Is an occasional' old fool, gener ally a femalo fool, who talks for a living, and who has had everything that mortal erer had happen t her except tho risks of becoming a parent; who always had every dlscaso more severely than unj one whom Dr. Blank ever knew to haTO It and recover, and who had every sickness moro than auy one else. This is the person to whom you can generally trace Dr. Blank's opinion, Cqt, Motion iftdical and Surgical Jqurnat, Quince Culture. Almost every good housekeeper who has garden wishes thcro wcro quinces In It, N'o Irult seems moro dcslrablo In tho kltclt- n, but it is seldom that it Is seen there. hey aro planted In tho garden tlmo and again, but seldom seem to do much good flicyjuit live, growing but little, and tltat little seldom of the vigorous healthful kind. Tho whole plant U knotty and scrubby, and though they may Uowcr freely, the young fruit drops prematurely, and n bush of a lozen yours old will often not glvo a dozen sound fruit, Now, some say that tho trouble is In tho soil, that it Is very peculiar and particular u this respect but wo think this is an error. rtalnly wo have now and thcnsccnqulnco trees doing well in all sortsof soil and many sorts of situations, It Is more than probable that much of failure, comes from injuries by the borer, which saps tho strength of tho whole tree. Tho borer enters the stem at or near tho ground and boring into it cuts oil' a largo portion of its supplies. Somo trees liko the applo and plum, when attacked by tho borer soon die; but tho quince roots out so readily from every part of its bark, that, unless very badly attacked, it will manage to llvo on In'a lingering sort of way for a good many years without any but a practiced oo suspecting what tho real matter is. But sometimes tho quince gets what gar- doners call hidc-bouud. Tho bark has i h ird, scrubby look, and tho growth is puny aid not at all what we liko to sco on healthy tree. Whether this hldo-bound condition is tho result of some disease, or it adiseaso in itself is not clear; but it is re moved tolerably well by washing and scrap ing and washing tho stem with soapy water occasionally, and a trimming out of the weaker shoots. This course seems to lead to a vigorous growth, after which tho bark seems to expand as naturally as any one can Icslrc. It is frequently recommended in tho news paper.? that salt should be given as a ma mire to the quince, and perhaps in somo cases it may do good. Tho quince docs not send its roots far away but has an immense number in a small compass. It will there fore require good feeding to a greater extent than those trees which can send their roots lonir distances in search of food. Salt is a great promoter of moisture, and as theso nu mcrous roots will mako tho earth about them very dry it may bo beneficial in this respect But any'good manuro will benefit tho quince and it should ijaro plenty of it. German- town iciegrapn. Tho Source of Salt. The sea depends on the disintegration o rocks on land for salt. It docs not originate in oceans and seas. Rains wash it and hold it in solution as particles aro liberated by violence, decomposition, and gradual action of natural forces. All streamlets and rivers therefore, are constantly transporting salt to tho sea. If there is more than can bo held in solution, then it accumulates in masses at very deep points. Thus tho salt mines of Portland and tho vast horizontal beds o pure salt in Texas, as well aS tho mountain of rock salt in St. Domingo, were collected at the bottom of ancient seas, which arc now dry land remote from water. There are places in Africa whero tho pro cess of disintegration of salt from rocks is regularly going on, but there is not water- power enough to forco it onward to tho sea, Henco tho particles aro Bprcad abroad and mixed with tho bow. The negroes of north cm Africa having discovered its distribution where thcro is no water to dissolve in the ground leach it. In that way they separati the salt. Salt pervades the earth. It exists in tha grasses and most vegetable product: on which animals feed. In that way they derive enough in moat couutries to meej the demands of their natures. They require as much as'civilizcd humanity. With ,them it is necessary, as with ourselvcsfor keeping the organs of vision in good condition. Stop the supply and blindness would ensue. Cookino "Obeens." Every house-wife thinks sho can cook "greens." It is tho sim plest of all dishes, and yet in most ca.se they are not well served, for much depends upon tho manner m which they aro boiled The water should be soft, and a tablespoon ful of salt added to a largo sized pot of it, which should bo boiling hot when tho green aro thrown in ; and then it should be kept on the boiling gallop, but uncovered until they aro done, which can bo told bv thei sinking to the bottom of tho pot, and they should be skimmed out as quickly as possible, into a colander, bo that all the water will run out. Press them with a small plate then turn upon a small platter, add a larg piece of butter, and cut up fine. Serve while smrking hot. Thakhformino Liquid. Dissolve soma common Table Baits in Spirits of Wine, and placo it in a tin capsule or a saucer; this solution be taken into a dark room and set on firo a most ghastly color will bo ob served on Uie face of every person present rendering them truly hideous. The foregoing experiment may ho varied in an amusing manner by previously having ready a number of objects of different colors such as sticks of scaling wax, colored print dresses, or papers; these, when brought near the ilame, will all appear of a dusky, Ethi opian hue, with the exception of tho yellows which will still retain their color, owing to tho yellow rays given off by tho light. To Winder Hard Watku Korr. D'.s solvo some lime in a pail of water, stir frequently, and allow it to settle; then pour olftho clear solution, and add this to tho cis tern or tub of hard water ; tho limo water thus added acts upon tho limo in tho hard water, and depriving it of its soluble bicar bonate or lime, forms chalk, leaving tho wa ter soft. You can perform the experiment on a small scale. "A method which will break the most vi cious cow from kicking, and whieh should supersede the cruel practice of beating and whipping, and is the work of but a few min utes, is as follows : Tako a strap the sire of a common bridle-rein anil buckle tightly around tho cow (while milking,) just before the bag. This, practiced a few days, will havo tho desired lesult, as wc are told, from actual experience." Ilcnevolenco is not a tiling to bo taken up by chance, and put by at once to mako way for every employment which rmvoru o self Interest, It Is the largest part of our business, beginlng with our homo duties. and extending itself to tho utmost vergo of- humanity, A vague feeling of kindness to ward our fellow creatures Is no stato of mini: to rest in. It is not enough for us to bo ablo to say that nothing of human Interest is al ien to us, and we givo our acquiescence, or Indeed our transient assistance, to any scheme of bcnevolcnco that may coma in our way No; It is iu promoting tho welfare of others, wo must toil; we must devote to it earnest thought, constant care and xealous en deavor. A palace was recently discovered in Jeru salem which is supposed to have been the one occupied by Pontius Pilate. inu (JULUME1AN AND QDiW COMPLAINT. l'rnhablv them t tin rnmt,1lnt nniinta in hum in si stem, which Is so llttlo understood ntthe present tlmo, us somo uf tho turlod forms ot Kidney ConHalnts. 'I'h.-ro Is no dlse.tio which eauies such ncuto pain nrtujro alirmlug hi lis results th in when tho kid-lu-ts rail to sueretc from tho blood tho uric acid, and omer poisonous suliil in.vs, which tho blood iwcu- iiiiii.iics in us circuiatimi thriMirh tho system. It from any catiso tho kldiijs fall to perform tho functions devohlng upon thein, tho cumulatlous mo thrown Into nstato ot dlie.He, o.uiilng great pain and suffering, nud u-ry often Immediate death. iii-ii' u mo importance keeping (ho kidneys and blood In n heallhv condition, through which all Im purities ot tho body must pan. PAIN IN TUB HACK. TlierO IS 110 reinedv known tn ,n.1 f.il ttrlnnpn which has prov d Itself moro valuable Incases of nmiitj tuniluailllH Ulan 1110 V KdKTINK. llnCIS (11, recllyupon tho secretions, cleanses and purines tho tlon. ' and restores tho wholo system to healthy ac- 1110 fOllOWlnc? nttr.inrillnitrv pnrnrtf nmnl anfrnp. era, who had been given up by tho best physicians as hopeless cases, will speak for themselves, and should challenge tho most profound attention of tha iui.-uiu.li i.ujuuv, in wen ns 01 iiiosowuoarosuiiering from Kidney Complaint, THE BEST MEDICINE. East MAiisnrntLP, Aug. tl, 18T0. Mn.STBVF.N3! Hear Sir I nm Knvptl .nun enrs ot ngo! have suffered many jenrs with Kidney Complaint, weakness tn my bick and stom- aen. i was lniiuceii to try jour vkoetink, aim 1 think It t'.o best medicine f1irwe.1kne.s40f tho Kid. neys lever used, t havo tried many remedies for mta luuiiMium, iiuu iit;er lu-iimso uiueu reuei iw from tho VKintTiNB. It strengthens nml Invigorates the Whole SVSteln. Manv nr mi- nerni.ilnlanet'S havo taken It, and I believe It to bo good for nil tho com- l-iaiuia iur w iiim il it rei-uiiuiK'noeu. lours iruiy, J0S1AH II. SI1EUMAN. PRONOUNCED INUU11AHLE. Hoston. Mar no. lsTI. II. H. Stkvkns. llsn. ! Hear sir I haviiliuen badlv mulcted with Kidney Complaint for ten jeara; hao suilered groat pain In my back, hips mid side, with great iiiiiiciiji in passing urine, wnienwas oiien, aim in ery small ipiaiuiues, fieciuentiy accompani ed with blood and excrutlatliiir ruin. i nau i.uiuiuii ineu inusioi mo popular remedies receommended for my complaint ; 1 hve been under tho treatment ot somo of tho most skillful physicians In notion, all ot whom pronounced my ease Incura ble, -nils was my condition when I was ndWscd by a friend to try tho Veoktink, and I could seo tho good effects from tho Hist dose I took, nnd from that moment I kept on Improving ual II 1 was entirely cureu, iKiug in nu, i biiouiu iiiinK, auout MX twi nes It Is Indeed n valuable medicine nnd If t should bo aiiucieu again in mo samo way, I would glvo a dol lar a dose, If I could not get It w Ithout, iiesiieviiuuv, o, ,ii, uiLLi, Ml Third Street, South Doston. NEARLY BLIND. II. It. Stevkns : Dear Sir In exnresslm; mv thanks to ou for your beneuts derived from tho usu of Vko- n n r, aim 10 Dcncni omer, l win ttato : When eight ornlneycus ud I was mulcted with svruiuia, wuicti uiauo lis nnpearauco in my c)c: face and head, and I was very uur blind for two yeara. All kinds ot operations were performed ou my ej 1 1, and all to no good result. Finally the dis ease principally settled In mv body, limbs uud feet, and at times In an aggravated way. Last summer I was, f rm somo cause, weak In ray splno and kidneys, and It was at times very hard to retain tho urine. Seeing your advertisement In the Commercial, I bought ubottlo of VUOKI'INU. and commenced using according to directions. In two or tureo u.vs I obtained great relief After using iour or nvu oomcs i noiiceo unau uwonueriui ei feet on tho rough, scaly blotches on my body and legs. I still used Vkoktink, and the humorous sores ono alter another disappeared until they were idl gone, and I attribute tho euro of tho two diseases to Vkoktine. and nothlnt els. ir lam ever aileeted wlUi anything of tho kind again I shall try Vkoetink ns tho only reliable reme dy unce more accept my thanks, and bellcvo mo to wo, very respeeuuny, Aunun i'ahi.u.. uee. i, isi'i. itu. uano ai., tjuicuinaii, uiuo. unpleasant, and at times they beeomo thu most dis tressing nnd dangerous diseases that can affect Uie human system, ilost diseases ot tho Kidneys, arise from impurities In tho blood, causing humors which scttlo on Uicso parts, vkuktinb excels any known remedy in tho whole world ror cleansing anu purify ing the blood, thereby causing ft healty ucttou to all thu organs ot the body. Vegotine is Sold by all Druggists. EW STOCK 01' CLOTHING!. AND Gentlemen's Dress Goods. DAVID LOWENlSERGj Invites attention to his large and elegant stock ol Cheap aM FasMonalile ClotMna, at his store on MAIN STREET, IN THE NEW BLOCK, DLOOMSUUltO, PA., whero ho has Just received from New York and Phil adelphia a full assortment of MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING, Including the most fashionable, durable and niuiasomo DRESS GOODS, PONSISTINQ OP I30XJ FROCK, GUM ANDOIL CLOTH, COATS AND PANTS, OP ALL BOUTS SIZES AND CO LOUS, lie has also replenished Ills already large stock of CLOTHS AND CASSIJIEKKS, riUUllED' AND PLAIN VKSTS, HTRirED, 8IintT9,S CRAVATS BOOKS, COLLARS, UANDKKKCIIlliFS, ULOVtS, SUSPENDERS, AND FANCY ARTICLES. na has constantly on hand a largo nnd well select ed assortment of Cloths and Vostings, which be Is prepared to make to order Into any kind of clothing, on very bhort notice, and In the best manner. AU his clothing Is made to wear ana most of It Is ot homo manufacture. GOLD WATCHES AND JEWELltY, Or EVERY DKSCltHTION, FINE AND CHEAP. IIIS CASE OF JEWELRY IS NOT SUItrA8SED IN THIS I'LACE. CALL AND EXAMINE II IS OENKJ1AL ASSORT MENT OP Clothing, Watches, Jewl ry, &c. DAVID LOWENIlEItQ. uly l.ia-tf. "YAINWKKiHT A CO., WHOLESALE UltOCEItS, N. E. Corner Secend and Arch streets, I'lMUDILrilli, Dealers In TEAS, SYRUPS, COKKEK, SOOAII, MOLASSES? rici, aricn, biuihs bodj, Ac, &e. Unorders will rewire prompt attention, I1.T-U TTOB PIUNTINO OF EVERY DESCRIPTION p:XEOUTED PROMPTLY At the Ooltjmwan Office, DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. HEADQUARTERS l'OIt Paints, Oils, Glass, Putty, Drugd, Apices, Patent Medi cines, tfce., &c, MO YE It BllO'S "WroUM) call the attention of the public tn II their cr.v lar.ru nud wol selected stock of Bods which thoy offer at tho LOWEST MAUKUT HATES. soo boxes Window Olass nil sizes and nuatltlcs. Glass for Picture Frames a specialty; ll'liile Lead, lted Lead, Umbers, Litharge, Siennas, Greens( Blues, lieds, Yellows, dry and in Oil. General Agents for MONTOUR SLrxTE PAINTS LINSEED, OLIVE, . WHALE, CASTOR, and other OIL VARNISH and JAPANS from tho best Manufactories. Their stock of SPICES excels any In this section of tho state. Agents for Dr. BIOKLEY'S Family Medicines. General Depot ot supplies for Dr. J. C. Aycr's POPULAR MEDICINES. Tho Prescription Department Is under tho charge of competent Pharmaceutists. Physicians' Prescriptions CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED WITH DESPATCH. Colli Sparkling Water. The attention of country dealers, especially Is called to our stock of BOTTLED GOODS. SHOES, ALUM, CONCENTRATED Ii V E, Patent and Proprietary Medicines &c. Our wagon will continue as formerly to make Its usual trips to supply cu t . OIL OF GLADNESS, a special Coughs, Colds, Croup, Burns, Tetter, Piles etc, an Internal and External rem y whoso healing vlr tues are attested by thousands In this and adjoining counties Is manufactured by them and supplied to tho afflicted either directly or through their country dealers, Price 50 Cents Per Bottle, Nono genuine unless It bears tho trado mark and name of Moycr lira's the words '-Oil of Gladness- blown In the glass and tho signature of Moycr Bro' on the wrapper. Apr.lT,74-ly Tho only Reliable Gift Distribution in thu Country I $60,000.00 TIC VALUABLE GIFTS I TO I1K DISTR1UUTED IN L. D. SINES' 17Srd Regular Monthly GIFT ENTERPRISE! lb be ilraion Jfondatj, Jane Hh, 1875, Two Grand Capitals of $5,000 EACH IN" CASH TwoPrizes.Sl.OOO") T . n , , Five Prizes, $500 EaC& 111 CdSll ! Ten Prizes, $100 J One Horso and Itujrgy, with Silver-mounted,1 Harness, worth s-ouu. Uno tinc-toucu rose wood Piano, worth $550. Ten Family Sewing Machines, worth $100 each t Three Gold Watches nnd Chains, wnrth $300 each. Three Gold American Ilontlrg Watches, worth $125 each. Ten Ladles' Gold Hunting Watches, worth $100 each, 800 Gold and Silver Lerer Jfunting Watches in all, worth from f 20 to $300 cuct GOLD CHAINS, SILVKIt-WAItK, 4C, Ac. NUAUlEIt OF GIFTS I TWKKTS LIMITED TO C6.000 AGKNTS WANTED TO HKI.L TICKETS, to whom Liberal Premiums will bo paid. Single Ticket Hi KIk Tickets M j Twelve Tlctets nu: Tweniy.mo tickujiw. Circulars contAlnlni? a full list of nrlzf-s. a (lnhcrll: tlonot tho maimer of drawing, nnd other Informa tion iu reierence 10 me uisiririuuoa, win uu hi-iil iu any ono ordering them, All letters must bo addrebs ed to Ollice, Excelsior llull.lV, J l. SIXI3, Cor, Itaco & Longworth, llox 432, CINCINNATI, O. Apr.30, 18l5-w 5000 A0EHT3 WANTED forOEHUlNE EDITION LIFE nnd I.A.BOHS of LIVINGSTONE. Ily Itev.J. K. uiiaMIIMhh, who from his personal writings (Including tho "I.istJouhnilh.") unfolds vividly his Grand Achluvaments, also the Curiosities, Wonders and Wealth of that marvelous cuuutry, FrulU, Minerals, Ueptlles, lieusta, Mavugcs, Ac. s pages, loi rare Illustrations. Only t-i.ix). Klch In InUiN-st, Low In I'ricu out-HO'hiverjthing. b oo nnIS weeks. Address, lll)IIIIAI(I) liltoa , Publish er 11) Hansom Direct, Philadelphia. 3 41 V - iu- r v.. NEW GOODS! A HEAVY STOCK, C hcapor.than TUvavl S. II, MILLER & SON llavo Just Received tho largest nnd best supply ot CHEAP AND' FASHIONABLE DRY GOODS, ruey liavo cTer ortcred to their friends nnd cus tomers. loths, Cassimeres, anil Satiiiotts for .MEN'S WEAR, Cloths, Aliiniicas. Merinos. for LA DIE'S WEAR, CALICOES, .MUSLINS, CA.MIIHICS, nml every variety of Dry Goods dcjirrtl, CarpotH, Mato, Ottomans, in great variety nnd at (lie L 0 WJte T CASH PRICES. FAMILY GltOCElUES. including all tlio varieties of COFFEES, TEAS and SUOARS, COUNTRY PHODUOE, and n general supply of nrlleles useful for the tabic always on hand. CALL AND SEE. Country produce of all kinds taken in ex change for goods at cash prices. OCt. 30,'7-t-tf A. J. EVAKS, HEADY MADE AND CUSTOM MADE CLOTHING. HUE HAS TUB FINES'PODS, LATEST STYLE?, AND EMPLOYS THE BEST WOKKMEM- For Good Fits and Promptness tn DUtng orders thcro Is the placo to go. Ills goods are selected with care and his CUS'i'UM WORK will compare favorably with tho best effort of tho fashlonablo City Dealer. HE KEEPS A LARGE STOCK OF BOYS' & CHILDREN'S CLOTHING AND GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS At Astonishingly Low Prices. A. J. EVANS. Julyl, 1873 tf. BLOOMSBTJRG MAHBLE WOKKS. T. L. GrUNTON, Proprietor, MAIN STItEET, 1IELOW MARKET. Manufacturer of and Dealer in all kinds oj MONUMENTAL MARBLE WOKKS WousothehcstAMEHICAN nnd ITALIAN Marble. Ho has on hand and furnishes to order MONUMENTS, TOMBS, HEADSTONES, UllNS, VASES, Ac, Kvery variety of Marble cuttlns neatly executed at the lowest market prices. A long practical experience nnd personal attention to biutness makes tho proprietor coulldent ot gl lug satisfaction. All orders by mall promptly utteudeu lo. i. w, uo VJ(. JCSTA'. II. Work delivered free nj charce.'XDi Aug. 21, H-ly. T. L. (IU.NTON, Proprietor, A FIRST CLASS NEWSPAPER, DAILY AN13 WEEKLY Iiulei)emlcnt in Everything Neutral iu Nothing, Opposed to till Corrupt Rings in Municipal, btate ami .National A flairs. THE DAILY TIMES w 111 bo Issued on Saturday, tho ism or Mareuncxi, anu e cry morning inereaiier, Kund.iss excepted, under tho editorial direction ol A. K, .McClure, printed compactly from clear, new of the day, Including tro Absoci ATI". I'HESS TEI.U (lltA.MH, special Telegrams and cvrrcspumlence from nil points of Inleri si, and fearless editorial dis cussions ot current tonics. Price, TWO Ci-INTS. .Mall subscriptions, postage free, six dollars per annum, or lift' ceul per month, Iu advance. Adtcrttsemehts, llfteen, twenty and thirty cents per ii uc, uceoruuig iu jhjsuiuu. The Weekly Times Will lie issued on Kntiirduv. March SOtli. weekly thereafter, containing nil linporiuut news of the wee, aim couipicio .Market, aim i-uiauciui in-nuna. Matlod, for ono eur, pustugu fi ce, at tho f ollon lug rati-Bi Ono Copy ..f 1.00 .. tt.00 leu tuple 'ojilcs Tut-lilv Conies .... ...16.MI ADVKltTISKMKN IS tMCnlv.flvo cents M r line. Kc uiltiuia a should bo made by Drafts or 1'uit Of- 11VU Ul UIT9. Address TI-TR TITVlljlS. t Nu. 14 South hcvrulliHU-rvt, I'llll.ADKI.I-lllA GREENWOOD SEMINARY- NEXT TEltM I1ECJINH Monday, August 3d, 1874 i-'or particulars, Ailtlrcm, It. II WII1TACRE, MlLLVILLE, I'A, Junc8,'M if ..V. v4' S , I fc ' 7MV Ayer's Cathartic Pills, Tor the relief anil euro of all derniifce meat hi the loin, neh, liver, nnd bow. eli. 'Ilicynrenuilld aperient, nnd im excellent purgative, llelnir muelv eiro. table, they contain ' nn mercury ormlne ral whatcer. Much serious sickness nnd fufrerliigH prevent ' rd bv their tlnielv use! nnd every family should have them on hand for their protection nnd relief, when reaulred. Long cxpcrlcnco has proved lliem lo ho the far cut, surcit, and best of all the Vlllt Willi which the market nbonnds. Ily their occnlonnl use, tho blood Ii imrlllcd, tho corruptions of tho sys tem expelled, obstructions lemovcd. and Iho wholo machinery of liro restored to 111 hcnlthy activity. Internal organs which beeomo clogged and sluggish arc cleansed by Anrr'a and fitlmulntcd Into action. Thus Incipient dlcaso Is changed Into health, Iho value of which chance, when reckoned on Iho vast multitudes who enjoy It, can hardly bo computed. Their mgar coating ninkes lliem pleasant to take, and prew-rves their virtues unimpaired for nny length ol' lime, fo that they nro ever fresh, and pcifcctly H-liahlc. Although tcarching, they nro mild, nnd opcrnto without dlstmbanco to the constitution, onllct, or occupation. Full directions arc given on itio wrapper to each box, how tn uc them ns n Family I'llVhlC, ' iv for Iho follouhiK complaints, which the ueso i'ffs rapidly curei For llyprilil or Indigestion, T.lallcss. nfis, Lunguor and X.om of Aiuetllr,thcy chnuld be taken moderately lo stimulate tho stom ach, and restore Its healthy tone nnd action. For I.lta-rC'nmiiluliitnnd its various symp toms, llllloin lli'ildattie, Nlclt llvud. iit-hi. Juumllcn or ii-f en stu litii-sa, nil Ion Colic and Illlloiia I'oion, they should be Judiciously taken Air each case, to correct Iho diseased nctlon or remove tho obstructions vt tilth cause it. For Iijscnter.v or lllurrliirn, but ono mim uuc is Kcncraii- ri-nuiruu. tor lllieiilnalisni. noui, CJrutel, lal- liltntloti at flit Ilrart. lalit In the Nil 1.1... rtLt.b nml v.iiliia. Ilmv f-liniiM lie enntin. uousiy laken, ns ldiuucu, m cnaiigo uie iusc.ieu action of the system. With euch chango those complaints disappear. For Itronsy and Ilriipslrnl Nnpltlngi, they should be taken tn large and Ircqucnt doses to produco tho effect ofn drastic purge. For NiiiiiPioii. n largo dose should bo taken, as It produces tho desired effect by sym pathy. As a Wiitirr l'llt, tako ono or two Villi to promote digestion and relievo the stomach. An occasional doso stimulates the stomach and bowels, restores tho appetitcand Invigorates tho system. Hence It Is often advantageous tthcro no serious derangement exists. One who feels tolerably well, ollen rinds that a dose of theso Villa makes him feel decidedly better, from their cleansing and renovating effect ou tho digcstH 0 apparatus, rnErAitcti nv Xlr.iT. C.AVr.nit: CO.,Vrneltenl Cliemlsli, LOWELL, MASS., V. ,S. A. t0)X SALE BY ALL DIlfOOISTS EVEItVWIlERB. CARRIAGE MANUFACTORY BLOOMSUUltO, PA. M. C. SLOAN & I5HOTHK11 XT AVI- on hand ami for sale nt the most reasonable rates ft splendid stock of CAIlKI.tGES, HUGO IKS, and every description of Wagons both PLAIN and FANCY, Warranted to bo niado of the best and most durable maccrtals, and by tho most experienced workmen. All work sent out, from tho establishment will be found to bo of the highest class and sure to gh e per fect satisfaction. They havo alsoaflnc assortments SLEIGHS nf nil tin. nnirn.t nnri mnt rnclilnnnliln Cft'lOQ Wf11 and carefully mado and of tho best material. An Insnertlnn of thetr work is asked as ltls be lieved that none superior can bo found In the coun try. Julyl, 1873-tf. GASIGAS! THATCHER & GEAEHAET. Gas ani Steam Gitters HLOOMSBURG. PA., OFFER TO THE PUBLIC TIIEIIl SEUVICF.S IN Plumbing and Gas Fitting, In which they have had many years of experience. All work of this kind warranted to be of tho best description and executed In tho most workmanllko manner. Gas Pipe Lnitl at 12 Cents Per Foot ! Steam Engines nml Boilers, Steam and Hand Pumps, Pipe and Fittings. A Splendid Assortment of Chan deliers, Brackets, Lumps, Shades, Bronze Ornaments, &c. EXQUISITE SLATE MANTELS, THE CELL'miATED JAPAN PAPER-WA RE, BUCKETS, I1ASINS, HOWLS, Ac, &e. Store Itoom In Iiloomsburg, on Main Street, oppo site St. Paul's Episcopal church. GUethemacalll Oct. !,T4-tt A Erie; Pa. 1-OItTUNK IN IT. ICvcry family lmvs it. Sold by Agents. Address, O. S. WALKEIt, d'Ofi DAILY TO AGKNTS. 85 new ar- J3 tisJ tlcles aud tho best Family Taper In Amer ica, wilhtHO tVOChroraos, free, AM, MTU CO., 310 Broadway, N, Y. 3l MONKY fur Agents in our ten New Nov tiij eiues ; jusi out ; ueeueu in every uouho ; sainpio and circulars free by mall. II. II. III Tl: CO. Newark, N. J. KnoT-cpss. nims.riSTOLSjf HEYO ltehs, lui eiftluKBa. lUiiu CkhI IVatlin fl3n ulrUUlWnb, 1-IIISDUnilU, PA. QlA fn QOO ""''f11'1 ' Wull Street VLyJ, IU ,?0JJ, ofLon leads to fortune. pago book explaining everylhlng, nnd a copy of the SENT FREE,' ,uu Mrect itt-Miw, JOHN IlIUvLING iV CO., Ilitnkers nml lirohers, 72 lii.u.Yutt . i, jir.w luiuv. TIN .til VIRE RINGS Will uut male u Ho;' .V ftC0 nordwaroPojUcrBBcnthem. r-Kinger, Hi Tin mnx (luu, .Qjuoci Coppered It in pa, 600 Qnira. t l.2f i bv mail. DOat- 0tCATUR.it I paid. Clroulam iroo. AGENTS WANTED.1 Men or women. 3l n week. Proof fumlBlu-d.Iiilsliirfspleaa. antiuid honorable with uii rli'k. AlOpagoclrciilnranu vuiuaiua Samples free. r"Si-nd)oiirad. drcBS on postal rard. Uon'tdo. Icy buturitn utonca to JVJl. llKUDtn st.,m:w vonrc. Free Free THE PIONEER. A hnndaomo Illustrated ueui-iiapi-rconlalulug In- fonn.it lun for ucrjbody. Tells how andhero to secure u Homo cheap, bent free toull piiilbot thu worm. It contains tho New Iloim stead and Timber Laws, with other Interesting mutter found ouly Iu this pa per, Send for it at onoo I It will only cost you u postal Card. New nuiiibt r fur 4 pi II, Just uut. Address, O. l'.DAVIA, Lund Commissioner II. P. I.. It uuaiu, Nun WJIEItKVKU IT HAS UEKN TUIKD JURU Jtf .E B A has established lUelf as a terfect regit 'a tor und sure reiiiL-uj lur uisuniurs 01 uiu syMem arising irom uu-iroH.-ruclUui of thu l.lvernud llowcLs. II'IHNOI'A I'llYHIC, but, bv htlinulallng tho ke c relive organs, geutly iintl gradually removes ull Im purities, mill icgiilales tho enllru system. II'iaNOrAHUUTllllKI) llUTKItH.butlsft VEGETABLE TONIC which assists digestion, and thus stimulates tho as petllo fur food necessary to Invigorate tho weakness or iiuu," iyo urganu, uuu gn us bircugiu iu uu uo Ital forces. IT tlAlllllllS ITH OWN HKCOMMK.SIIATION.bh the largo und rapidly Increasing sales testify. Price Ono Hollar it bottle. AsHiour druggist forlt. .JOHN. Sl'ON, lllll.LUWAV li Co., PhlUdefphla, Pa, Whole sale Agents, 4w, OftQvtDdevervklDd. BcnustamD MR0ED WEHMESMoOwrWpW totflWfrS Qvov Thirfy-fonr Compctttovs Standard QSfnutSHILBDEtPKW RAIL ROAD TIME TABLES. piIILADKLWIA AND KKAUINO KOAD WINTKlt AHHANGKJ1KNT. KOV. Oth, 1STJ. IBAISS I.EA VK KCrKllT 43 FOLLOWS (Sl-NPAY KXCKTTED For Now York, Philadelphia, Heading, PottsMlle Tamaiua, Ac., 11,33 a. in For Cutawlssa, 11,33 u. m. nnd ".no p. m. For WUllamsport, 0,SS a. in. and 4,00 p. in. TR1IN9.F0K llCfEKT I.EAVC AS fOLLOWf, (SVNDATjEX CEI-TEB.) Leave New York, t,00 n. m, Lcavo Philadelphia, 0,15 a, m. Leave Heading, ll,Bl)n, m., Pottsvllle, 12,10 p. m. nnd Tamaiiua, l,so p. in. Lcao Catawlssa, c,vo a. m. and 4,M p. m. Lenve WUllamsport, 9,50 a. in. nnd 6,) p. m. Passengers to nnd from New York and Philadel phia go through without change of cars. J. E. WOOTJ'.N, May s, is'4-tf. General Superintendent. DLLA1 WLS iVWAKK, LACKAWANNA AND LSTKltN ItAILIlOAl). iiLooMsnuna division. TIme-Tnble No. M, Takes cfTcct at 4:30 A, M TIIOltSUAY, HECLMUElt 10, 1S74. NOltTII. I STAT1DNS. SOUTH. p.m. p.m. p.m a.m. n m. p.m, 2 2S B M S 31) a 2.1 S 13 S (5 r.-j 7 t,3 7 -Is- 1 is scrnnlon IU HI 10 14 13 19 t ZU U fill 12 20 12 l' 1 401 llcllCVUP 13 a TmlorMlle.,.. 1 2.1 . .Lackawannn 1 10 PlltMon 1 It1.. West 1'lttMon... 1 (.1 Wyoming l tint...;.. .. .Maliiiv 2 20 2 83 2 41 2 Bl) 2 B5 3 111 3 10 3 1.1 3 20 3 2.1 3 3D 3 30 3 40 3 Bl 4 or, 4 20 4 as 4 30 4 IS 4 BO 4 r.o c 3.1 fi 41 11 4.1 11 311 11 20 11 111 11 Ml 10 4.1 8 2.1 8 17 R 12 8 0.1 8 (0 7 40 7 M 7 no C M fi tr, C 32 C 27 I! 20 0 00 B BH B Bl B 44 1(1 17 to 8B 10 29 111 31 1" SS 10 4.1 (1 Ml 7 nn 7 (15 7 1 7 10 7 2.1 7 4-1 1-2 M 7 .15 V! 4C. Kingston KltiL'stmi 111 Ml 7 il'l 12 41 7 2.1 12 3(1 ..Pl.mouth.lunc...lo Bl 7 4i 7 t.0 ....l'ljmoulh II oo 7 19 12 80 Avondulo Nanllcoko .Ilunloek's creek. . ..Mdtkehinny ....Hick's rcrry... ....Beach lhiM.ii.. Berwick .... Urlar Cieek ...Willow (I rote..., Lime llldge Kspy . .Iiloomsburg lumen 11 (1.1 7 AS 8 12 8 1.1 S 35 8 B- 9 OB 7 IS 12 2i 7 IB 12 10 n m 12 01 11 19 11 18 II 32 11 40 11 B3 12 1 12 IS 12 12 12 17 12 20 fi SB 11 4G 0 2S 11 S!l (1 i) 11 31 7 Oil ll 13 U 2l 7 12 0 l 11 17 0 0.1 11 11 7 IS 7 2.1 7 3S R 53 11 1)2 fi 4li 10 Ki B 0.1 B 12 5 18 12 32 12 87 7 47 5 40 111 49 5 34 10 43 f. 3l 10 41 1 7 to H 02 cntattls.su Bridge. atattRsu Bridge.; Clark's sttlich...! 12 42 B 24 12 4.1 B 30 B 4(1 8 ff, 8 2.1 B IB B 12 10 22 B 01 B 02 111 12 4 r.1 4 B7 111 IIS, numiue.. Chtilasky. Cameron . 1 113 B 4S 1 11 B BS 1 14 0 113 1 3) fi 20 p.m. p.m. 8 4S 8 M 4 30 4 40 9 B .Northuinbiiland. 9 20 a.m. p.m. a.m. a.m. DAVID T. ItOl'Nl). Stint Superintendent's Ofllce, Kingston, .March s, lb. 4. N OUTIIL'KN CENTHAL ItAILWAY COMPANY. On nnd after November 20th, 1S73, trains will leave SUNBUIiY as follows: NOBTIIWAItD. l:rlo Mall 6.20 a. m., arrltu Klinlra 11. to a. in " Canandalgua... 3.35 p. m, " Ituche.ster B.15 " Niagara 9.4U llcnovo accommodation 11.10 n. m. urrlto Williams port 12.55 p. in. Klmlra Mall 4.1.1 a. in., arrlto Elmlra 10.20 a.m. Buffalo Impress 7.15 u. m. arilte Buffalo S.50 a. m SOUTIlWAltU. BuHalo Express 5.50 a. in. nrrlt o Harrlsburg 4.50 a. in " Baltimore s.jo LlmlraMall 11.15a. in., arrive llarrlsdiuig 1.50 p. m " Washington 10.30 " llaltlmoro 0.30 " Washington 8.30 Itarrhburg accommodation 8.40 p. m. arrlto Harrls- burg 10.50 p. m. arrive llaltlmoro 2.2.1 a. in " Washington 0.13 Erio Mall 12.55 a. m. arrlto Han lsburg 3.05 a. m. " Baltimore 8.40 " " Washington 10.35 " All dally except Sunday. I). M. no I), Jr., General Passenger Agent A. J. CASSATT, General Manager PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD riiilutlelnlila & Kric 11. Ii. Division. WINTER TIJIK TABLE. fXS. anil after SUNDAY, NOVEMBER lBtl J 174, the Trains on the Philadelphia & IMo Hall iiuuv, ,i,,oiuu n 111 1 uii um luuuno; WESTWAHD. e A S T I, I N 1: leat es Philadelphia . 12.55 p, m " " " Harrlsburg.... B.oop. in " " llllamspurt..t).15p. 111 ' ' , " Lock llaten 10,2) p. m " " nrrlteat Buffalo u.eu 11. in i:itIF. MAI I. leat cs Philadelphia 11.5.1 p. m Ilartlsburg 4.2.1a. in " " " Wllllamsiiort s.3.111.111 ;; ; -ieii 9.4.1a. m " " " Itenovo ll.teu.iu " " nrr. nt Erlo 6.05 p. m EUIIKA MAIL leaves Philadelphia 6.00 a.m. " " " Harrlsburg 1.25 p.m " ' Wllltuuisport o.vo).m: " " arr. at Lock Hat en 7,sop.m LOCK HAVEN ACCOM, leaves Harrlsburg 9.15 n. m " '' " " Wllllamsport.csp. m " " " " lKick llatenl.lop.m EASTWARD. I'UIT A EXPUESS leaves Loci; Haven 0,40 a. m " " , " WUllamsport.... 7.55a.m. " nrrltcsat llarrlsbuig 12.ion.iu, " " " Philadelphia 4.15 u. in, 1.H11. ji.tii. iuut es j.rie 11.20 a. m, " " " ""mo 6.25 p. m " . " lock llaten 9.4.1 p. in .' '.' ", Wllllains-port Ki.wp.m " arr. at ll-u rlsburg 2.3tiu, m " " uir.ut Philadelphia 1.50 a. 111 ELMIUA MAIL leaves Lock llaten .t a.m. " " " WUllamsport 1 lo,-.m . hu,,'"-- 12 to p. m " ' nrr. nt llurrlstiiirg onsa. m " " urr. at l'hll-idelphla o.W p. in NIAGARA EXPHESS leaves Kano 9,0 n. in " " " llenova t.cs . m " " hoik llaten. war in ' a " WlllllllllbpOlt, 0.50 ji, m " '; " sunbury 8.40 i, m " '; nrr, at Harrlsburg. lo.r p. m " " " 1-hlladelpliU. .50 a. m Mall East ennnects east nnd west nt Erlo with L. ?-ii?il,.?,.,,i: V '.';.'a at inlucton with oil cret-k nud Allegheny It, It, W. c :i,,al.,,.Wl'!'t, Wi cliSit an'1 wctlt ,rln'1 0I I- K- M. aLdAh-ghenrHWr11 Unh':l'", Kb " Vn n.1.:!ln,,ril i,.a,.1.P.V,'J mn J'xrwxuuao. closo con i)f !! "a ?l ,w '""'""Port Willi N. v, II. W. train noil 1, uuu ui llurrlsburg wllh N, C, it. tv, traiu WSI. A. BALDWIN, General Bura Jan, 8,'16-tf inn I'Ai-iirt is on fur vim ROWELL & HESMAN . Advertl8lno Agents, THIRP & CHESTNUT 6T6., 6T. LOUIS, MO SUI GENERIS. ?rvtLMAMf'-pU I &' J yM tn UI T F E RAT t MASON &HAM CABINET ORGANS. DNEQUALEDlImXUNAPPROACHED in enpftcity nml rxcrllonco by nny nthrr. Awnrtlol anu DIPLOMA OP HONOR AT VIENNA, 1873; PARIS, 1867. nlll V Aniprtcnn Org-ins rtrr ntvniilcd nny mcl.tl J ll L i 1" Biirotip.or which present null cxtniordl. nary cxccllcnco a to cemmund 11 wUla Nilo there, Klllf AVO Afirdcil tdKhet pr-niliHiu nt Inilm ALYV ft I o trlnl l:xto"ltlon, In Amcrlrn si n ill B r.urnpf. wun'i iuiii,,iv..t ...... ...... .. -- nil tvlicro nny other organ liuvo 1h 11 preferred. DTCT Declnred hy Eminent Mu"lilin, In bnlh DUO I liemljiherr, to tin lllirltlllrtl. Peo lial'I.MONIAI, UltlCUf.AII, Willi ol'lniolm uf more than Olio TIlollHiilKl (sent frw). IMCIPT o" hnvlng it Mown A llnmlln. .1)1) not lllulu I tidumnj other. Dealer ait Mnnlll cum Hisaioss M uima Inferior vrgun), nml for thlt remon oflen Iru tnv l"inl fo tell something cut. IJXU PTVITP tilth moH tmpnrtant Improve II til f oIlLtO nwt' c,rr "rajc- Now Suli, nnu CninliTlllllloil Mop. Slipoi l, ISliiuero nnd other C'nieii of in iv i1iIi:um. PIANO-HARP CABINET ORGAfU" qultiitc coinhlnatton of thc-u liifltmmcnts. EASY PAYMENTS. Z"hiy.rl:$ Ia)mentfl; or rented until rent jmys for the organ, flATIU flPIICP "d Clrcutara, tilth full partlo LAI ALUllUtO nlirisfree. Addrem MAhOS HAMLIN OIltlAN CO., 1.11 Tremolit BIM-vt, ItO.-l-TON: 2.1 Union Riiinre, NEW VOlUiJ or bl) 4l N Adams St., CUICAUO, MASON & HAMLIN CABINET ORGANS MAY DC OHTA1KE1) AT WHOLESALE OR RETAIL Ol' SCRANTON, Pa. Oeiiernf yciif fso for Iho celebrated CHICKERING PIANOS. ALSO, OF I. K. jNIILLEK, liLOOMSllL'RG, PA., Dealer in above Instruments. March 19, ';.l y llOLLITsTS k HOLMES No. 17 Cenlro Strc Pluiiitos Gas awl Steam Fitter?, IMANITACTUIIKIIS 01' 'J? 1 1ST "W -A. IRE, OALVANIZKD IltON' COIINICi:, WINDOW CAl'S, AWNINGS, Wire Trelli-es, fee. Dealers in Stoves, liang cs, Furnace's Iialtimoru Healers, Lotv Down (.irate, Mantels, 1'UJH'S, Weather Striiw, &c. Also GAS FIXTURES of the latest design. Spccl.il attention paid to re palrliisr Settlnif Machines of eti-ry dc'hciljillon.fcnh-s, Locks. Hell lliuiRinir, Key riltlni,', Ki: I'rltnle itesl deuces Heated hy Meani at a small costahotn Hot Air. l'eb. 2(!,73-tf. J. H. STECKJSR'S FLOUR, AND COAL DEPOT, ULOO.MS1IUHU, I'A, Kreamer'a old stand on Iron Street, hettvecn Second and Third. All kinds of tynln taken In exchange for coal. J. H.S'lT.CKint, Mar.m-tl liloomsbnrs l'a. yt I ) LaTCIILKY'S Im A Ijproted crcir.Miinn ww, v Wood l'i'.Mi' u tho ac- j Kiiottieuwd standard of the market, by pupnl.ir j. mii.i, uto ui-at puiiip lur ' the least money, Atteutlou Is Intlted lo IUatihlej's Improved lliack- Sil'M' ttlthdrnttn tillhoutdMuiliiiiL'iiio totnis. P'. ll.lllO II1IMI I III ( K Y.llll'. 1 111(11 I'llll UI t:ttr nnd Iho copper chamber which never Si''-'; cracks, scales or rn-ts and mil l.istallto Jy-, lime. 1 or sale by dinh-rs and tho trado YS?J- Kfni'iiui.t. in cnier in no sum mat yon fowafr, (,-et lilalchlej's l'ninp, bo careful and seo that It has my trado mark as above. It ton do not knmt-tthero lo bin, ilr-si-rlpllte circulars loaclhcr tv th the name and addiess ot tho ugent nearest you ttlll bo furnished by addiesslmr Hllirslamp, C1IAS. tl. lll,A'icill.i:v, Manufacturer, tot), Commerce St., Philadelphia, run s.u.i: hy J. SCHUYLER ,5; SON, Bloomsburg, Pa. -March 5 'is-sin A 9KXTS WANTKD.-AIU10 rale this work 2x. is now selllui; It w 111 attain a sale ot 100.000 COPIES t0. ri n " hK IV"-lllr e-clso, Ml dti iy. men, and others who desire tn obtain liieratlvi em lot 11 ent In a most respectable occupation, aro iso Ilclted to apply for an agency to bell "TIIK IUSTOUY OF Till-: I'Ul-llYTI WAX CIIUHC1I Timouoiioux TUB WOltLD." A beautiful lartro octavo volume, Illustrated with steel anil ttooilenkTatlii,tvhU-heu-rvl'reshvtVr' ri family tt III 1 tt ant to possess. Price In cloth f-i, Vrt rich Morroeco, js. Half 'furkey .Morocco (7. l-'nll urkev Morocco fa. Applications for excluslvo territory bhould bo mado ul once. Address, "'"wiy nuwirrc. i.i:ntco Dec. 25, 71 Cm. 410 Iiroomo M rect, New York, PLANTS ! PLANTS ! I,,i.!,1if',"l'"l'ro I'!anls ,"st k,nils ftM trnme. well iw iho'usund', yiT'0"'"' " Wttt lK' ",luUrtJi'-W. Wilson and Charles Dotvnlng Strnttberry Hants per do?.en,s.l cents.JI per hundred.f 7.oo,ptr thousand' Sweet I-otnto Plants, per hundred, to cents, per lhous.mil, Jl.im. Kre I'lanis, so cents per doten. Karly Tomato Plants best kinds In pots, per dozen 60 cents, tomato plants out of hot-bed, per dozen 15 cents, per hundred, m cents, per thouinnd, ll'oo. I.atu Cabbage, Celerj u l'epper Plants In their tea son. Plants tent by i reApress. When ordered by mail l cents per do-, n, and to cents per hundred nhould bo bcut tu pay pcbtasc j, i nahox, lilooinauitf.'i'-tt. ATOTicr . NOTICIiy: ' rywiJU-. is liereliy u en that the lllnnin. t'l t"l WtX "SSiTs jra t.tv-