THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBUJftG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. THE COLOMBIAN. II I. O O M S II t! 11 (I, KU I II A V, MAY SI, IS". ftntl l'.o.iil Tlmo Table. LACKAWANNA .t IILOOMSHUIKI HAH, ItOAl) NOIlTlt. Mall Train lo.' A.M Express Train &. 1'. M. Accommodation Train, A.M. CATAWIS9A llAlt, 1IO.VU NORTH. Accommodation Train e.2S A. M. id'sutar llxprcss 3.M 1'. M. SOt'TII. B.u p. M 11.31 P. M 7.17 1'. M. BOl'TII T.Eil 1. M. 11,83 A. .M. Through cars on l'.xprcss trnln either to New York or Philadelphia. Accommodation train rum between Cntawtssa and Wllllainsiiort. notici: io si'iisriiiniiiis. All other business havlns,' liecn brought to ncash basis, It has become- necessary that tho satno rule should Ire npplled to iho Printing business. A sub scriber who does not pay by tho timo Ids car Is up U no profit to tho orllce, and It payment bo longer de layed he Imposing 0I0.-3. Wo shall u.pect all, there fore, to pay up between this tlmo und tho llrst of July ensuing, as wo havehcavy paj mcnls to meet nt that date. K.ich subscriber can seo by tiio dato print ed with his name on each paper from vv hat time ho owes, llcmittanco may bo mado by mall at our ilsk It witnessed by the Postmaster. Thoso Indebteil lor Job work nnd advertising must alio bo prompt in their pa monts. Produce will continue to bo taken In payment as lierctototc. t' The dust begins to Hy like "ilmiT licforo tlio wiml." Tho Orangcvillo Academy is in n prosperous condition. Tourlli of July 1 mi Sunday tills year, so Eiys the ulmanac. The Montour county court is in session in Danville this week. Homo individual maliciously threw a stono through the street lamp on tho comer of Main and West street. Mr. Nathaniel l'leckenstine, of Orangcvillo on lat Friday shot n largo wild goose in Fish ing creek, weighing 11 pounds. llesides decorating soldiers' graves, on tho 29th instant, 1'ervvick will have a grand parade during the day and a concert in tho evening. Columbia county merchants and dealers should read tho mercantile appraisement pub lished on Iho second page of tho Cot.UMlil.VN this week. One day hut week ono of tlio largo windows, including the frame, of thu Normal Hall build, ing was blown in with a crash. Two of tho students barely escaped being struck by it, And now Danville is complaining about 'crowds" at Iho street corners, hut it can't come up to Jtcuton in that particular, if we are to rely upon the statements of Iho local papers. The Huzlcton Sentinel tempts m lo visit that eminent locality by the promiso of a real Ha vana. That temptation will lead us almost any where. Wis shall go to llnzlcton ono of these days. The liluomsbiirg, lluckhorn ami Catanissa lodges of American Mechanics, have each ac cepted invitations lo go to Wilkcn-1'arre and participate in tho Fourth of July demonstration at that place. The Fast Susquehanna Classes of tho Itc fonned Church will meet in Orangcvillo on the HI of June, and will bo in so-sion several days. About !!0 minister will be prc.-ent accompanied by their ciders. Andy Campbell, whoso feet were in a slate of entanglement, last Saturday afternoon, fell down thosteps leading to tlio saloon in the h.ieinent of the Exchange Hotel, sustaining severe injiuies about the head. In lat week's issue we said that Mr. 1!. M. Tubbs bad purchased tho wholesale and rttdil oil trade of J. Schuyler & Sou, which is a mis take. 1 1 is trade is confined exclusively to wholesaling oils. At a meeting of the Friendship Fire Compa ny, held last Wednesday night, it was iin-ini-muiir-ly decided that they turn out in full uni form lo participate in the observance of Decora tion Day, the 20th instant. A correspondent wants to know whether there is a mechanic in town who can cut a board !) x 10 inches in si.e in two pieces, so that when the pieces are put together they will bo exactly ono loot square. It can be done. o Mr. F. Hoycr, near Washiugtonville, lost by lire lat Saturday morning, a line barn with n number of sheds and their contents. In the barn were three calves that were burned. The loss is partially covered by insurance. A street vender of n preparation to "extract your conn without pain or blood," held forth in front of llrown'H Hotel last Saturday night. People will do well not to patronue those itin erant men, for he it known that they arc all humbugs. The dwelling house, including contents, of Thomas Wiight, of Millville, was totally de stroyed by firo on last Friday afternoon. It originated fi out a defective lino in the kililien, Tho loss U estimated at S1,000, there being no insurance. A public meeting will bo held in "Mechanics" Hall, lirower'H Iluilding, Wednesday, May "fith, at 7:30 o'clock p. ni.. to make arrangements fur tho proper observance of Decoration Day. The ladies aro especially requested to bo present on tho occasion. Tho Superintendent of Common School of this Slate lias appointed C. 15. Iluckalcw, Sam uel Know, C. (i. llarkley, C. W. -Miller, D. A. lieckley and If. L. Diefienhach, Trustees on the part of tho Slato of tho Normal School located at liloomsburg. Tho Independent Hand, of Danville, visited liloomsburg last Saturday, and serenaded tho hotels, as well as somuof our prominent eilucm. They discoursed somo excellent music. Mr. William (iilhnoro gave them a fine supper and showed tiieai about tow u. Tho Nob Mountain, near Orangcvillo, has been on fire sinco Thursday of last week. The flames have been subdued several times, but owing to tho prevalence of winds have started afresh and fears aro entertained that much valu able timber will bo destroyed. Mr. Charles, a student of the liloomsburg State Normal School, has been elected County Superintendent of Wyoming county, at a salary of J300. Wo congratulate Mr. Leo upon his good fortune, just linl-hing his courso as u stu dent and entering upon tho duties of a County Superintendent. Messrs. Frank Muloy and Wallace- Penman brought into town hist Monday, as lino. a string of fnh as has been our lot to see in n long lime. They wero caught in tho Iroiidalo company's dim above town with hook and lino. Jhey had onu trout that measured 121 Indies in length und n while, chub measuring 18 Indies Tho new license law, now in foicc, provides that n husband, wife, parent, child or guardian, of any driukard, may notify any person, in writing, not In sell such drunkard Intoxicating drinks; If such liolleo is not complied with the pe'rsou giving the nolico inuy recover from tlio one selling, damages not 1cm than $50 nor nioru than $500, as may ho assessed by tho court or Judge; u married woman may suo for such damages fur her own separate uso; If either parly should die tlio action may continue with A Juvenile set-to occurred just below tlio Kxchaijgo Hotel, Saturday evening last, between a youth from the country nnd n ltltlo "nig" of town. They wero fighting a scientific stand-up-nud-knock-down light, when tho pollca inter fered nnd parted them, giving each ft sound lec ture. After promising to "never do so ngaln" llicy were let go. Tho liloomsburg Silver Cornet Hand kindly played without charge at the exhibition given May 8, by Iho pupil of Xo. 2, Third street I'nbllc School, on whoso behalf, as well as for herself, tho teacher of that school returns thanks; and also to Iho editors and others, from whom favors wcro received. Mauv Jani! Cauii, Teacher. Mr. I, W. Hartnian has begun tho work of remodeling his building, corner of Main and Mnrkit street,", and when completed it will bo ono of tho finest business blocks in liloomsburg, He is going to add n third story, enlarge tho windows In the two old stories, and in fact remodel both exterior and Interior. Thus Iho building Interests of liloomsburg move along. Tlio money drawer In Hrown's Hotel was rob bed of change lo the amount of about five dol lars, hist Tuesday morning about '1 o'clock. Mr. llrowu hearing a noise in thu bar-room called his porter, nnd proceeded Ihenco to ascertain what was going on at that time of night, when ho discovered the shutters open and the window, opening em Centre street, hoisted, but no thieves, they having seemed their booty and lied. The fi"h laws impose n lino of $25 upon any ene for catching, or having in possession caught therein, a black bass, in nny stream that has been stocked. The North llraneh and FMihig creek have been so slocked. If people living along them will protect the fish by giving In formation to Col. Urot, the fidi commissioner eif any one who Cliches them, those streams will contain an abundance for everybody in a few years. John Smith, F-q., for many years :i Jus tice of tho lVaeo in Madison township, n steward in the Methodist Church ami a man of sterling worth nnd honesty, died on last Satmday. lie was a life-long Democrat, a good neighbor and citizen, and leave behind a record of which his children may be proud. The deceased was a brother of A. C. Smith, Esq., of this place, and was about 05 years of age at tho time of bis leath. Pleasure seekers will find a snug little sail- boatj.just completed for tho waters and ready to die, by calling on Abraiu Long. It is well rigged, 17 feet long, fi) feet wide, and 2 feet in leplh. Wc aie told it is a very neat and safe structure, will be ready at all times to hire, and that Mr. Long is an adroit sailor. Sailing upon the waters is always a pleasant diversion and wc are glad In sec that a boat has been launched, and hope it may soon bo followed by others. Charles Shiiman, son of Mr. F. I,. Shuman, of Catawissa, about 20 years of age, lost his life almost Instantly at the Glen City coalmines, last Wednesday a week. He was caught be tween the bumpers of tho ears and crushes! while in the act of coupling Iho same. He was mmedialely rescued from his situation but was insensible, and died in about fifteen minutes. lie was a voung man of excellent character which endeared him lo Ids many friends. In I'oscinont Cemetery, liloomsburg, there is i tomb-stone with a verso of poetry, tho first line of which roads thinly : "(lone trom lloso who loved her," wlim it should read '( lono from thoso w ho lo ed her," We would suggest that the sculptor guilty of this blunder attend a spelling "bee-," as there arc several other orthographic errors on the same stone. Hy refering to the imprint it will be seen that it was not done in lllooMisbutg. CATAWISSA 111(11)01! KI.EUTIOX. An election for Directors of tho Catawissa llridgo company was held on tho lid inst. witii the following result : (ieo. II. Willi!, (icorgo Scot!, Henry Hol- lingshead, .1. II. Hiirman, Win. llartman, J. V. Pf.ihlcr, M. (!. Hughes. Mr. Willi! was re-eleclcd President, and Mr. Geo. S. Gilbert Secretary and Treasurer. The reconstruction of the bridge will probably soon be commenced. Tho Wyoming Dcmoerut i again in Iroui lo about the Susquehanna Salmon, because people will call it Silmon for tho samo reason that tho hitcliman called his son Yawcup, "because that is his name." The editor lias abandoned hi favorite name for nothing "pickerel," a species of fish that stand upon their heads in shallow water, and which llie yanks pull up like onions but discovers that our noble Salmon is identi cal with a li-h of Ot-i'go lake, which Seth Green pronounces a species of whito fish. Tho lilor, however, cannot seo wherein our Salmon resembles the hitler named fish, nor can any body else. Afler all the fins and botheration, it will be found that our Susquehanna Salmon is ii peculiar n'ld independent variety of Salmon, strongly marked a of that genus, but diU'eiing radically in fonio respects, and that it i not found anywhere except in tho Susquehanna and some of its tributaries, COURT PROCEEDINGS. Union Hand of Catawissa vs. Chas. Schmeck. icplevin. Freeze for plaintiff, Clark and Ah- nit for defendant, ibis was an action brought recover a horn kept by lielendant on leaving e band. Veidict for defendant. In the mailer of the account of C. It. Wood In, signee of tho Columbian Irun and inrin" Comnanv. On motion of M. E. Jackson court appointed E. E. Orvi auditor to make slributinu among the creditor. Win. Thoma vs. Isaac F. Fi-hcr. Trover and conversion A. C. .Smith it Hcrvey E. Smith for plaintiff, and John O. Free.o for defendant. This suit was brought to recover tho valuo of some hay of the plaintiff converted r defendant to In inc. Iho l.icls wero ns ought out by tho evidence that in December, 172. idainlifl' sold a fan to defendant, posses sion to bo given on tho following April, that plaiiitill left certain personal property on the premises, among which wa tho hay for the valuo of which lhisuit was brought, that plain tifT hauled away somo twelve tons when coming back a few days afler for more ho found hi hay covered hy two load lately cut by defendant, ho informed him ho could not liaro JiH nay mil tin- next subsequently defendant .nbl .id i-wt. of iilalntlfV's hay and refuses! to alluw plaintiff to havo the balance. Verdict for ,,l ,i,,ilir in tho sum o 5-IUU.IU. Peter Haymaii discharged a coiniuiiieo oi :ilzabeth Dietrich, on paying over the amount I his hamh, and Win. Laiuon appointed. Rood in $2,000. Alfred Smith vs, Amanda Smith, Petition in divorce'. Subnu'ii.i awarded. I, il,n nviller of Ilia estate of Phillli Salzic. deceased, annllcation of Samuel Neyliaid, exec- uior. to revoke order of court, made in case No. 2U February Term, 1872. On presentation of petition rule granted lo show came why said r.l..r .hnulil not bo revoked nt next term. In thu matter of tho distribution of balanco In tl, band of Wellington eager, adudnislra of tho e.tato of John eager, deceased, tho ..,., nmu.fiiiml W. Wirt. l(i.. auditor to dis- tiibulo balanco ill Iho hand of the administra tor to and nmong the parties eiilillcd to the sinm iiprnrdlius lo law. Sarah A, Petrlkln ct id, v. Iho Town of liloomsburg. Iluckalcw, Clark and Jackson for plainllll's, and IkuLb-y for Town. This wa an ... f,,m thi! it.esuient uf damages for removal of the Fork Hotel, plainliln claiming u larger amount. Verdict for planum in tue Kiiitoii Coi.ummav ! In a match gamo of Hall played in llenlon, Saturday, May 15th, 1875, between Iho llenlon Hovers nnd Hough and Heady, of Stillwater, the challeng ing nine refused to play even Innings. There fore tho Hough anil Headys claim tho gamo by rule nine to one. E. J. MuIIt.Nnv, Umpire. Mosns McIIr.snv, Scorer. Somo fellow who ha n hundred year nlmanac says it contain a prophecy that the latter part of thl May will bo a period of severo cold, freezing grape vine, &c, nnd ho add that all tho past prophecies of thi almanac, commencing with the year 1800, havo been fulfilled. If these prophets of evil do not ccao their braying It will soon be time to give them some examples of choking and hanging. There ha been cold enough for tho past six months, without Intrud ing upon spring nnd summer. Tho Cor.UMlilAN has n general circulation in every locality in thi county, In each one, wo believe, exceeding that of any other paper. It i read by or it content talked over and made known to, almost every body in tho county. No other paper except the liloomsburg Hepublican, nt nil approachc half its circulation, and that fall far short of it. Advertiser must therefore see the great advantage to them of Inserting their advertisements in Iho Cui.umiiiax. It is not doubled that an advertisement in it i com municated lo more people than ono inserted in all tho other paper of tho county. As thu prite in nil i Iho same', it will bo seen that tlio cost of advertising In Iho Coi.umm.vx i only a fraction oi what it cos in the others, nnd tlio advertisement in it allects Iho purpose of the advertiser much heller. We would of course be justified in charging much higher rates than tho other but we charge only tho same. For the exact truth of what we say a to circulation we can refer lo the candid postmasters generally, though for the most part they aro politically opposed lo in. AfllllfUbTUitAt. feOC'inTY ANNTAt, MIIHTINO. The annual meeting of tho Columbia county Agricultural Society, for tho election of ollicers, was held in Iho liloomsburg Opera Home', on Saturday thu 15th instant. The attendance was very large. John G. Quick, E-q., was unani mously re-elected President, J. P. Conner, Syl vester Pun-el and W. II. Koous wero re-elected nnd M. C. Vunec newly elected Vice-President. Eli Mciidcuhnll and Haitmau were re-elected and Wesley llowmau newly elected members of the Executive Committee. Joseph Garrnon wa rc-clcctcd Secretary, Eli.i Men- dcnhall wa re-elected Treasurer, and Johnson H. ikeler re-elected Librarian. A vote of thanks was tendered the proprietors of the Opera House, for their kindue in permitting the Society to u-e their largo and commodious hall free of charge. Afler the meeting adjourned iho Executive Committee met and organized by unanimously electing J. P. Conner Chairman. M. C. Woodward was engaged lo tike charge of the Fair Ground during the coming season. The committee decided to hold the next Fair on Iho lOlIi, 14th and loth days of October. The committee will meet on next Saturday lo decide whether they will rent the ground for pa-turago luring the summer. Oat taken on subscription at the Coi.umihan" office. A new Cabinet Empire Scwins Machine, n beautiful article of furniture, for sale very cheap n called lor soon nt U.ulman s. Full Line of Domestic Drv Goods at Claik & Wolf's. Go lo E. M. Knorr's for Snrius and Summer Slices. Go to I). W. Johnson's Itakcrv and Confec tionary for Fine French Candies, Cakes, leu Cream, Ac. Mr. Johnson is the only liaker in iiioonisiiurg who runs a lireaii wagon, lie is making preparation to run to Light Street and r.sjiy with I'le.-li llread, takes anil liisciuts. o - More Wool Fringes nnd other Dres Trim mings, new thi week at Lul. it Sloan's. For Reliable and Handsome lioots and Shoes go lo McKinney's. 10 new pieces White Dress Good at I. W. Harlmaii's. CULTIVATING COIiX. Jint received direct from Iho Manufactory 2 Hands Steel Polished Cultivator Teeth, tho licst hy lar in tlio -Market, and lor Kilo at much Less in Price than the Pittsburgh Tooth. Call and See. Laylon liuiiyan it Co. Ask for the Airowbhirt, a Perfect Fit. sold only by D. Iiweiiherg. Something Xew and Cheap the Illake Organ at 1. K. Miller's. Grind-Stones at Cits- Prices at J. Schuvler it Sun's. Itibbom, Tie. Kuchc. Collars. Fans and Lois of Fancy Good at Clark it Wolf s. Ladie-' Lasting Gaiters fur SI. 75 at E. M. Knon's. The attention of Farmers and others drivintr lior.-es is called to the fact that ('. S. I'lirniau lias a line lot of Harness, hot h double and single. that he will dispose of clican for cash. He is also prepared loinake Harness lo order on snort notice'. Il.n on band a nice slock of trunks. Tiaveling Hag, Valise, Shawl Strap, Whip, Ac., all down to bottom prices. Hinsel ha lint icceived u fresh supplv of apple, uajiaiias, e;ranges, i.emoin, nne -p tne-s, iu. j.a.iiiiiiiu ins siocii. New Goods jint reecive-d at KnorrV. Go and seo 1. W. Harliuan's Pistol Fain, Fine Lino of Ladies' and Children's Plain and Sniped Stockings nt Clark & Wolf's. Army Shoes at McKinney's. Gents' Favorite liuckle Shoo at E. M.Knorr's. Tho large'st Slock of lieady-Mado Clothing for Spring and Summer Wear, Elegance', Dura bility and Cheapness cumbiiied at D. Lowcu bcrgV W. II. Ilrnwn keens Iho most complete and finest assortment of Groceries that can bo pur chased in market. His Groceiies are l.vsh and aro selected from first importers' hand. Ill prices are iuw, as no has puiehaseit hisgouu til bottom figures lo siiil the times. Second lot of Parasol for this Spring will bo in this week at Claik it Wolf's. Gknti.i:mi:v, sire you awaro that Crulchli'V A Kline, proprietors of tho Centennial Tobacco Store, opposite- the old Episcopal Church, keep the best Cigars, Chewing nnd Smoking Tub icceis ill liloomsburg r Iry them nnd be convinced. Men' Hiitton Gaiters at Knorr's. A full assortment of Whito Good and Em broideries at Lutz it Sloan's, Don't fail to look at tho llluko Organ. Miller has theiii. I. K. Harpoon Hay Folks at J. Schuyler & Son's Hardware Slure'. Have you seen I. W, Hailnian'H New Par niulrf? Sailor Suits, School Suits for little Hoys at I). Lowcuberg's. (lo to Ki'hi:i,i.'t) for your Groceries. Ho sell for cash and will not be undersold. W. II. Drown keep a lino assortment of Can lied Fiuil mid eonileiised goods. Also, a full iisMirluu-nt of Nuts anil French Candy and Or ange and Lemons, i i Men' Congress Shoes at E. M. Kuorr' for $2.50. O.U Meal for salo at Himcl's. Call mid Iry it New Parasol and Fan at Lutz & Sloan's. McKinney's, 2d door below the Court House, is Headquarter for Good lioots and Shoe. Daniel Yocinn ha ju-t receives! from tho dly a largo assortment of Fine Heady-Made Cloth ing. Hummer Suits from J7 lo $i0. Children' Pearl and Hull" Shoe at E. M. KuorrY If you want a good Ham, If you want cheap and good Tea, If you want Coffee Jnvn or Hlo, If you want good Canned Fruit, If you want tho best Mackerel, If you want Sugnr for Iho least money, If you wnnt tho host Syrup In town, If you want good Cigars, If you want good Tobacco. If von want iiiivthliiir in llio (Irocerv ntnl Provision line, go to ItusBixf.'t), Main street. tf-23 fin n M'ltn Sump,- Jsnu'ltof Mnrlilim nfliro til Opera House foe' bc't Oil, Needle, Tuckers, 11 dinners, ivc. What Is it? Why Clark .t Wolf have now a Full Stock of all kinds of Dress Goods. Very Iiw for Cash. Citizen and Strangers who desire a Fine and Elegant Spring Suit should call nt D. Lowcn hcrg's. Granulated Sugar for sale nt Hussmn, Go to W. II. llrown for fino Ironstone China w..... e.i. I-.,- t iiv.l p., ,,.w, I, utii ,,,a blisler nnd' i the bet in luniket. Tea Set S 1.50, t ., , ... i ,1-t I.... dinner cci soiu iu nouoiii ugurcs. i nosu uin. are in want of Wnro will find it to their interest to go lo W. II. Hro'vn. Pewter Sand-fur salo nt HtMnr.'s. if you want a firt das Farm Wagon, If you want a Platform I'leatiro Wagon, If you want an Eliptie Spring Wagon, If you want a Pleasure Wagon, If you want your Wagon put in good trim, If vou want rcnilr done good with slioit notice, Go lo J. It. Faw. Go lo W. II, llrown' if you want a good Extra Mackerel. Hal for Men, Hoy and Children, Spring Styles, Lowest Prices, at D. Iowenberg's. Cheee I Cheese I Cheese! Fino assortment of Cheese at Rinsel's. When you go to Philadelphia, stop at the Allegheny Home, No. S12 nnd Sl-1 Mar ket street; having been recently renovated Price only S2 per day. A. llr.Cic, March ID,' 70-1 y " Proprietor. Go to W. II. llrown'. His Fl-h nro New and warranted full weight. His prices are low. Look at his Fi-h before you buy at any oilier place. FAUMr.ii.i, ArrnxriD.v. HussKi.i. takes Ituttcr, Ejrg and Produce in exchange) lor good. Merchant jfniinr to thu city will do well to call on W. II. llu.s, who Is engirded with the old nnd reliable firm of & !i:ki: unstuck, for liat, Caps, Htrnw Goods, ecu , 257 North Third street, Phila delphia. March iy,'75-liui COAL. COAT; Old IMiildishfil Coal Yard. C. W. Nr. A l, it lii:o.; Wholesale & llctal! Dealer. in nil size ol tho best qualities of Hod and While Ash Coal, lit tlio very lowest market rates. 1 lin o constantly on hand large stocks of Domestic, Cupola, Blacksmith's Anthracite, liiuimiiiiuis, und Liinclmrner's Coal. Especial attention given to tlio prepara tion of coal before leaving our yards. Grain and Lumber taken in ecliange for coal. Coal delivered to any part of the town sit shoit notice. Orders If tt at I. W. McKelvy's store, or at our nllicc, will receive prompt at tention. Ollicc ami nrils at llliam cal & Sons' Furnace', East liloomsburg. Your patronage respectfully solicited. COAL. 7-11-251 COAL "town and country. Son o o'clock l minute sets fl o'clock Ml minutes. o Moon sets S:I3 o'clock p. m. o (loi.n 1 now quoted at a premium of about tin in other words green btcks are t5 per cent, below par. o Wank Pckps, on Parchment and linen rarer, com mon and for Administrators, Kxecutors and Trustees, for sale cheap at the cr, cmuian oniec. l'.ii'Eit liens Just received and for salo at tho Co LV'MI'.HN olllce. o . Charles Lamb, IXsajIsl, denounced all sptrllous liquors as "Wet Damnation." t'oor felluw ; he knew w liereor ho spake, by sad expei lence, and If living, would apply the samo to Alcohol i:xeltant,ndei'tl ed as euro all, imt mere Is one Tonic and Alter.itliclu exMeiiee-llio best tho world lias out known which contains no alcohol. U Is Dr. Walkcr'n Cali fornia Vinegar Hitter. o Dyspepsia Is a hydra-headed monster, from which oilgltialo nearly all "iho Ills tho human llebh Is heir to.' Tho l'eruU.iu sjrup, a protected solution of Ihu protoxide of lion, 1 a luiis-tiled and well-established remedy for this distressing complaint; It has cur ed thousand when other remedies have havo failed. o A I'llW WOHDS TOl'mil.UANl) DIXlUATi: wo- .mi:n. r.y 11. v. I'lintci:, I. D , of tho would' Discknsa r.v, nuiTuio, x. v. Know Ins that jou nre subject to a great amount of sulicihii', that delicacy on our pait has a strong lendeney to prolong, and I he longer It Is neglected the more jou have tocndiuo and the more dlfilcult e f curi' your case becomes, I, as a phj slclan, who 1 dally consulli'd by score of your sex, desire losaj to jou, that! om constant! nicellUB with thoso who liaio been treated for their nl.ments for months without belnif benellted hi Iho least, until the become perfectly dUcourajjed and hao aluiost made up tlulr inliidi never to take nnolher doso of nicdl ilne, nc-r bo tortuied by any fuilher treatment. They had rather die anil hao lliclr Mitlerlngs ended than to live and sulTer as they have. They say they are w orn out by sufTeiln nnd aro only made wor-e by treatment. Of nut thins mora dhcoimc'lnir, wo certainly cannot eonctHe, ami wcro there no more Micccssful mode of treating sueh dinicullle tlian mat, Iho piliielplesof which teach tlio reducing ami il-pletlns of tho lt.d force of the system, when ll.u Indications, dictate a treatment directly 111" icier e of Iho ono adopted for tlieiu, their cases would lo deplorable Indeed, lint lady s'llterere, lin-r.- is a better and far moie succi sstui plan of treatment fi r oil; ono moio In Harmony wi'.iuuo lausami re iiutreineiit cf our sjsteni. A harsh Iriltailn can tie treatment and strung uiedUlue w III ni'vi-r cure you, if jou would uso r.itljnal imans, sui n .is com mon sense thould dlctiUo locuT lutelllgem lad, take sueli inedblnes a embody llie very bir um,. orating tonics and nenlues, compounded won li fei cue o to your deileatu sjstem. mm a happy combliint Ion you w 111 llnii in my Favoi lie l'r, -scilpllon which lias rcecUcd the loudest pralso from thuusand of oursex. 'Hiomj languid tlie-soiue sensations causing 5011 to feel scarcely able to be on jourleetor ascend a flight of stairs, that continual drain that Is tapping torn je,ur sjstein alljour former elasticity, and drlUng tho bloom from oiir checks! sliuln upon jour Hal forces that renders you Irrllabk' und tut fid, may bo all oureeiiie inn Hiildueil bya i-sterlngiisi'if uaiu'lous lenied"-. lrregulailtles und obstructions lo the proper hoi kings U our systems aro icllcwd by tills mild und safe means, while periodical pains. tho oxl.stcme of which h a sure Indication of serious disease that should not be neglected, leadlly teld lo It, and If Its use U kept up fur a reasonable leiiglhof tlmo the special cause of these pains Is permanently removed. I'lilllier light cm thoso subjects may be obtained freni my pamrhlct on diseases peculiar to your sex, u nt on receipt of two htainps. .My l'mor lie 1'rcsc-ilptlon I sold by ill ugglsts. 0 Till: WllAlt AND THAI! OI' A CITY UVV.. Tho wear and tear of a illy life are a severe ta upon tho slrongest constitution, 'Iho liuiry and biistlu uudiinMelle of business keep tho nervous sjstem In a state of tension during bust- ness hour, nnd In tho c mi impair 1110 eiasiicuy aim lgorot Hum Hat organlnallou. Tho penally of nil undue excitement Is subsequent exhausllon. Tho best remedy for It, whatever tho cause, Is Ilostetler's stomach Hitlers, tlio tonic and nlteratlu propertied- of which rapidly dltluso tlieniselios Ihruugh the en tire bjsleui, roWio und relnforco eu-ry dormant njulty, an I restore a natural condition of body and mind. Homo moral reformers Insist unou Iho dlsiiso of all stimulants. This, to say tlio least of It, 1 Irra tional. All comieteiit physicians admit that a puiu medicated stimulant Is 0110 of tlio most useful reniu dieskuowu. As atonic and luvlgoraut for Iho aged mid languid, Hosteller Hitters has 110 It Is tlio hlieet-anchor ot tho feebto and debilitated. In nil climates, nnd In every speelos of disorde r which breaks down the bodily strenglh, it Is an absolute spccllic. It I also an Invaluable remedy fur sea sickness. Tho 11 uisea and retching caused by tho pitching and roiling of a vessel at sea para' tvs thu bodily energloj, and ihoaowho sulTer from it would do wcP to rosort t) tho lllttera as a meaiM of a sure und permanent relief, .So steamer should sail without a bupply of tlio aitlclo. Among botanic Ingredients ot which It I oonipuued urosome of thu most powerful blood depurenU which tho vug. emtio klugdum ulfords, Consoiueutly, It not only toned and Invigorates, but also puililcitthu sjstem through thu natural sluices) which uaturclus pro-Tided, Till: llliUT I'P.INTINO OITK'l!. tho present l a good opportunity to remind tho friends of I ho paper, and the public generally, that tho coMJiintAN ,Io'i I'niNiiNU OrricK has ho superior In this section, nnd, in Dome respects, Is without an eipinl. Durlngthclastjcnrvio havo completely re- ncvicd our typcH and made Inrgo additions, and It is no litto boast to nay that wo havo Jiow tlio llest Presses, the llest AssurUnctit of Tjpe, tho llest Stock of Paper, Cards, Ac., and tho llest Workmen In tho county, Our workmen nro specially adapted for their places, and wo make It a point to nlwajs glvo our customers a neat, correct nnd satisfactory lob. Wo do not claim to do w ork for less than others, but will warrant It to be ns cheap as I'an be dona nny where ami ield a decent prullt. All who nro In need of Joli Pi lilting of any Mint-Plain or In Colors-will Unit It to their Interest to glvu tho C01.vs1r.tAN onico nlilnl. We have 011 Land every vaihlyof Cauls Paper, Ink, llnv clones, Tnirs, Ac, that H likely to bo called for, andean furnish any cpiantllyor stloof woikou tlioitnotlce. Illndlng to order. tf o To nil, parllcul.uly Invalids, spring la n trying sen son. Indications of sickness bhould at once bo at tended 10. Putal dlseasea may be caused by allow Ing tho bowels lo become) constipated, nnd Iho sjs tem to remain lu a disordered condition, until tlio disorder has time to develop Itself. An oinico of pre vention I worth 11 pound of cure, is an old and truth ful sajlng. therefore! we ndvlso nllvvho nro troubled with Iho complaints now very pievalent hendaclie, Indigestion, disordered liver, Vant of appetite, nnusen, or feurlsh skin, to take, without delay Scheiick's .Mandrake Pill. Wo know cf no remedy so liaimless nnddecllvo lulls action. It at once strikes at the root of tho disease nnd produces a healthy tone to the sj stem, I eoplo never need suf fer from .any disease niWnir from disordered condi tion of the liver If the, would take this excellent medicine when lln'yfeel lliellrsl Indications of thu malady. l'ainKk.s leaving homo for summer months should lake tin or lour bovesot lln'so pills with them. 'Ih'.v h-.eiui nhnost. Instantaneous effect. They v.l.l p 1 'ti.'pulleiitef liead.ielielnon"ortvo hour., 1111 i v 1 . , lellv elcan-o thi'lUi rot surround ing!. i:, . ..vii elTielunlly pn vent a billions at tack, 'i I .11- del by all druggists. 0 1 in: niiiiAT liiscoviiuYi II. 1". KunUel's Hitter Wlno ot Iron, l'or tho euro of weak stomach, general djblllty, I cdl?estlon, dh eiisu of tho nervous system, constipation, aridity of Iho slumni'h, nn 1 nil cusi'j reuniting 11 tonic, ThM.Inu includes tlio moil agreeable and cniclent Salt of Irun wo pos-isss :" ot M is'ii"tle Ould'', combined with tho most energetic of vegetable tonics Yellow Peruv I in 11 11 k, Tho effect In many en.-tot debility, lo.-, of appe tite, an I evn.-ral pivistrailon, of nnonicl'iit Hall of Iron combined wit ti o n- valuable Nen-, Ism i,t hap py. H augments lb 3 appetite, ralsojth'j pulse, takes off museul ir llihbli.cs, removes tlio p dor of deOlll-l-, and gives a llorld vigor t'J tlio count emmee. Doyo'i want someltiliig in strengthen ou? l:o you want a good appetite '.' iVj j'ou want to build up .voureotislllullJU'f Do jou want to feel well-; Do you want to get rid ot ni'rvousii"is : Dojo'twatit cneivy: Do you want to sleep well f D j you want brisk and vl;orous feelings ; If jou do, try KunUel's Win? of iron Tills tri'lj valuable tonic has been'o thornugll tested by nil classes of lb.) community, ibal It Is now deemed Indi-penslble ns a Tonic Medleluc, It costs but little', puillles thu blood and glees tone lo Hie stomach, renovates the sjstem and prolongs life. I now only ask u trial of this valuable Tonic. Price II per bottle. II. l- Kl'NUI.i:, Sole Propiletor, I'hlla dilj'hla, Pa. Ask jour druggist for Kunkel'.s Hitter Wine of In. 11, and take 110 other make. So;d only In II bjtllcs. All others ill o coilnterfe It, so ts'waro of them. Tait. Woast Kntirely removed Willi purely vegetable medicine, passing from the s.Wcm nllve. No fee until lliehead passes. Come nudil'fcr topatlcntstroalcd. Dr. 11. 1'. KI'nkfi, No. 2.VJ Noilh Ninth si. Philadelphia. Ad vlco free, heat. Pin and stomach Worm. also re moved. Ask your draggl-t for Kcnkki.'h Woku Sviti'r. Price', 1 per bottle. Send tor clieuljr. IPI-V-A-TIE SALE REAL ESTATE! subscribers oiler at private sale, on f.i JL vorablo terms tho follow lug described proper tj.vl.: V I V T r A ORES 1 11, it I'lnrt. TiHiro nr 1ow. vltn if oil In lt. Plp.m. 'bum Mill. Iftv. iivhln nliiilt tun inlliu unifli i,t ithinmiburir. on the tmblic mm lu.iilin j from WA.ik LMitstivi'i t Itifklinrn. mil ilnln-" i.iihIh of IIIUs Unwell 011 tin- v.iM, Win. JIouvll ami .J.uiics (.rimes on lln souih, Ximuol lUrtdl on i lie r;it. ami .TnsrpH dllbeit ami Win. I low ell on "llio 1101 th, all I'l'Micii f'M'cpt tib nil m.iciv1 whlcli Is well tlinb-'icd, on nliicli an' riveted a Uv llo'lv aiidli li.un, oiit-b'ii!itl(iifs A-c. Also a vailely of cliulee rnilt in beutln. NINE AND ONE-HALF ACRES. situ ite In Ml. I'le.ismt township, on the public road leading rroiii M'tlit Mr, et lo .leiscjlovvn, about four miles li'om llliiomsburg, all clrareil, wliereon mo cieeleil a TvvoMor I'll Ult: IliM'si: un,i Kitrbt n, a 'i:W llANle ll.M'N, .iiKlout-biilldlngs. 'I here Is n Yot ci (iKCIIAIIIiof clielee Krult , f nil kinds Just coming Into be.11 lug on ilie-,e premises, ,t.0 .1 gocd hpilnvof soit water at tliedoij-. l'or terms, ,ve., nr pi,, .1 llie litter premises to c.l'o. W. JAi'iHIV ll'-'Jai illilZEI.I.IIll.JAeOIIY. FOll SALE! Valnable Town Property and Farm at Prioate ala! rpiIF iindersigncd, one of the Feciltor.s of 1 i.ianiiii; vv i;.yi;ii, deceased, oir. rs at t rlvate tale, the following valuable propeil, to wit: UXK TWO-.STUltV lillICK DWFLL1XG Huu.-si:, with out-biiiMlngs and lot attached, sltiiated'on Alain street, lilooinsbuig, l'a. '1 Ills house Is sullablo lor iwn laiuoies, two-story dwelling bouse, vvltb out-buildings, rramo stable and good lot attached. This piopnty Is opposite the resilience ot the lato Dr. Yo,t. AI.M), one two-story frame dwelling house vrltb sitotie oiu-uuiiomgs aii'i ioe aiiaciied situated on liocl. 'tleet, llloomlnu-g, I'.i, AI.Ki. sit vuc-iiit lots situated on 1'ourtb Ktreet AI so. a valuable farm sliu.ited one-li.df nilln irnm the town of M'lhvciisvlllu, l'a. .said farm coiuahia mi a1 n-soi 1.11111. l'or lerms of s do applv to lli:i)l!(ll! W. COItltRM,, Kxecutor. l'eb. P.', '75-Cm. liloomsburg, Pa. inos in Tin: iii.ooi). I UK l'MIUVMN bVHCP vtt.dtes mill eiulches Iho mood, tones up the Ss i 'Hi, builds up the broken w li, cures d snepia ollll.v, drops, chills and r-s, eiuoide dlai'HiiL'i noils ulf Ions, bolls uiinol's, diseases i f llie .uiiio.vs and ler, re Coin itiilllts, Ac, I'h'in.-andH have loan changed b the u-,0 of llie .( ,. '.ickl. sulferlng creatures, to '. b pi" men und vvomin; und luliit In spate lo give It a trial. -.ii. on git lis' "l'l.iie'VUN ice I. n I . ik ) soldi' clealeis guicr- .111.. .. ' - I'.ilnpmi I, coniJlllilligll ire.ui-e on linn ie. am ,lli el ii;.'iii and oilier valuatilo papers, lost lmonlals fi om dlsi liigulshed phi stcl.ins, e lerg men and otlicrs, will lie sen! fro" to uny uddiess. sun w. l'ovvii: ti hos, proprlclers, so llunlsou Avenue, Doston. Al.r.NIri wasii:d TO si;i.i. The 1'nlilical, IVisiiiinl ami i't'uiu'ily -SsJ TSISirrffTsyri 1 P-jry--AT.sjcT 'Awsr.?frs3 iRights0 Citizen of the I lilted stales -How to exercise and how-to pie'-ei vi- th in. 11 'I hcupnlllils l'.iisous, I.I.. I). out lining a coiiimeular.i on the I'ljleral iindSlnto i 'oa-1 II in ions, mvb.g llielr history and oilgln, und a full eplanaiioii of Hu ll' piliiiliilci. purposes und provl.lous; the poweis und duties of piililteonii-ers; (lie 1 1; rlits of the people, and llie obligations liiciu red Ine, ei' lel.nln.i of llie; ids i, aiUtinciii ir.v rules lor He boilli and lull illrectlom and legal forms lor all business ir.uis cetloiis, u-, tn ikl.ig VV Ills, in eiH, Morlgages, Lease-, Noies, Dranlis, Lonlracls, ele. A Law I.Uirar hi a snulo volume. II uiceUj llie wunt.i of Hildas,,'! unit sells toeverl)ody, .MINDS llltDlTIIJKS .V, CO., Pllll.Vllhl.l'IIIV, l'.V. 5Iay ll-li Manhood : IlowJLost How RestoveiTl Tl'ST piililisliecl a new eciitioii of Dr. CFL t) Vi:itVYl'.Ll.'M celebrated essay on Iho radical cm u (without medicine) of Spermntoiiha'a ' 1 "iitnl or vv eakuess, liivoiunlur M-in-xJZik.&A weakness, Impuleney, Mental mid &Biatiy jilijsical liieapacliy, Impediments to Matrlage, etc,: alo('oiuuuipllou, Kpllepsj-, and Kits Induced by selt-lndulgcuco orsexlual extravuganco Plies, Ac. DeffViice, in u unu'iM' tnnlupe, only six cent. Tho celebialed aulhor, in- this ndmlralilo essay cloaiiy demonstrates from a thirty ears' buccchsfu practice, that tlio alarming conseijueiie'eB of self, abuse may be radically cured v Itlioul the dangeious uso ot internal medlelno or iho uppllcallon of the knife; pointing out a mode or euro at onco simple eei tain, and clfectu.u, by meuiisof which every sut fcrcr, no matter what ids condition may be, may cur hlmticlf cheaply palvulcly, uud radically. ffThls Lecture bhnuld Ik) In tho hands of every joutli and ever' nnin In tho land. Sent under soal, In a plain envelope, to any ad dresa, poct-pald, on reset pt of tls cents, or two iost stamp. Addruiu the 1'ublUhcru, CJIAS. J.C. KLINi: .V CO,, m Howe ry, No" Vorn, I'ust onico uox ,t$o, April in, '7ts-y r- .1 -cl . ni In- 1 li In 1 'Miui'it 1 t 1 iO . 1 i.t I'r TPllFF. HAMI'LKS to Agents. Ladies' Com E.1 blnnlion Needle-book. with Chromo. Fend blimp, 1', 1', OIX'CK, New Hedford, .Massachusetts. T o KNT8 WA NTF, I ) " J V for Ina fastest, selling IkkiK ever published. Piid for eireu nrsnnd oiireslrn terms to Agents. NATIONAL l'L'llI.ISIIIMI CO., l'llll.Aur.l.l lllA, I'll. A valuable mine for side, wm pay p 0 pe r cent. In vestigation solicited, l or Informal Ion, nddress W, II. Moore, (icorgetown, Colorado, or J. tl. cuzreu, Newport, It. I, Sri: si) uxi'iiOUATioN' Willi Ills famous LAST .lot K.N AI.M now ready I New nnd authentic llfn and thrilling adventures In Africa of the great hero traveler end explorer. Profusely Il lustrated, mkm AUliN IS WAN! KI) cpilckly. l'refght prepnld. lTMIM.HI Dooudoubt7 'I hen write for extra terms ami prove It! or. If In basic to begin work, Rend fl for complete outfit, to I.IVINOSTONI: j-uoi.isiij.ic.", cinciiiiiau, uuio. FOit " ' COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, And all Throat Diseases, WKUiS' CARBOLIC TABLETS I'L'T UI' ONLY IX IlLUF IIOXICS. A THJi:i AMI .SCltti; ltt;.,lt:uv. Porsnle by Druggists generally, and JOHNSTON IIOM.OWAY & CO., l'ldladelphla, Pa. HV vv .vi. vv', a. h. 11. ' A splendid .Music Hook upon a new, natural and easy svstein, by which nnv 0110 may learn lo read music and losing in one-fourth Iho time required hy the old methods, DiiUned for choirs, singing N-hooH nnd Musical t-ocic les. Liberal Inducements to Mu-te Teacher.-.. Speelmi 11 pages inalled free. Mii.i.i:iis itiin.ii and pi iii.i.sfiiSci iiousi:, iicii und llui Sainom it l'hllftilelpliU, Pn. upr.lo-iw HIGHEST STANDARD LETTERS OF INQUIRY PROMPTLY ANSWERED A Fortune For $1. Tho Wvomili'' tnntblv dravvsreo'iilarlvonlhol.ivf d.n of each nionlh, und iJi)i),i)i)) In Cash filft-i me pal I In full and no deductions Capital (lift. jwi.Kh) N'eond lilft, $!',,iMoj Third, l!uv; l-'ourtli, f liyi'): Fifth, Ji.O'ui Mxlb, f.i,(M); besides TO.CPJ smaller gifts, The Fifth Rxtranrdlnary will noslllrely draw on .lull Dsih, ic,;.-,. e (.lit, Iiio.ii ii; seecuid, : Third 2-,,ni.,; l'ourth ; fd,o I smaller gifts, tlio whole amounting lo r.ivi,iim, vvlileh Is paid to ticket holders al each drawing. This liistltiiitou is chartered by tlio Leglsl iture, .nut earli drawing Is supervised by tlio legal nuthoiltles. An onielat list of drawing num beis sent by in ill tollckel holders as soouns pub lished, 'i li'kets for cither nre f I each 0 for f .1, it for tin. Agents wanted: Illustrated Times sent fn e to ever bod , containing full p.u ilculars. Tickets sold up to tho hour of drawing. Address, A i.ixx d: Co., ;j Xass it- s, r nbw- YoaK. May 11 am. 1S75. 1875 THE COLUMBIAN Newspaper, the largest sheet published in Columbia county, neatly printed on New Type, will ontain all the current News of the Day, mid a condensed account of LUGISI.ATIVK nnd CONG11ESSIONAL I'llOCKKDINGS, witii explanation and comments upon nil important measures proposed in cither : POETTIV AND SONG. MISCKLI.ANr.UUS HEADING, AGKICULTUliAL AND fciCTENTI KIC SUIUECTS, Will also engross a largo proportion of its columns. Tho DOMESTIC CONCERN;: OF COLUM1SIA COUNTY, Will receive particular attention, and all local ailairs proper for publication will bo carefully laid before our readers. THE POLITICS OF THE STATE AND NATION Will receive) constant ntlcntion, and the character and ollieial conduct of 1'UIILIC MEN Will bo presented to our readers', from time to time, in llfe-liko attitude and with entire iii-tice and firiniiexs. No frauds shall bo committed upon tlio l'eoplo or Wrong done them without full c.v poiitre) in thu columns of tho C01.u21u1.tx, COUNTY MATTEUS. All odicial county iidvcitisements appear in this paper, a.s will aUo intelligent hynop bis of the proceedings of tlio Courts and the actions of tho County Olliccr.s when of pub lic interest.- Tlio Coi.umiiiax already lias much tho largest circulation of any paper in the conn ty more than tho combined circulation of tho other papers and is tho only paper printed in tho county that supports tho prin ciples and time-honored tiagcs of the Dem ocratic party. Its circulation and eoiiscmien uscfulucKS may, however, bo much cxteiulc- if its friends will o their iiillueiiee to tir further add to it,s list of subscribers. At additional patronage will bo requited by im proving tlio paper, by adding to its editorial and reportorial forco jind increasing tlio quantity of its reading matter. As an ADVKnTISING MEDIUM Tho Coi.umiiiak is unapproaclied in this quarter of tlio State, and our J011IHNG FACILITIES Aro uiiperior to any other, Our friends nroinvilcd to call nt tho olllco whenever they coino to lllooiiuburg. mm roAU ft. Chestnut stTv PHILADELPHIA GATiiWISSil, FA., Invito tho ntlcntion of CASH HUYKUS to tliclr I,Alian nml IlKAUTirUL STOCK of SPmWG AMD SUMMER 0000$, Fino Dress Goods, nt 12, 20, 25, 37 els. nnd upwards. Newest nnd most desirable styles at reduced prices. READY MADE LINEN SUITS FROM $3.50 TO $12.00. Whito Dress Goods in great variety, very low. Piques, Lawns, Cords, nnd the most popular styles at 20, 2o, 137 i to 50 ets. per yard. A largo assortment of Fancy Shawls for Fpring and Summer, from $2.00 and upwards. Paisley and Black Thibbit Shawls very low. BKST KID UL0TES, 0SK AND TWO HITTOXS, $1.25 TO Corsets at CO, 7o, 88 cts., and $1.00, $1.25 to $2.25. Madame Foy's Corsets $1.25. Children's Corsets and Waists. We Have the Largest Stock of Corsets in the County. Great Bargains in Embroideries. 1,000 yds. from G cts. to $1 pr. yd. Insertings and TumniingB in Groat Variety. Parasols.10 different styles, at 50, 75 cts., $1.00, $1.25 to $-1.50. Fans, immense stock, nt 8, 10, lo, 25 nnd 50 cts. Largo black painted Fans, 75 cts., $1.00, 1.25, to $1.75. Everything new in Bulls, Neck-wear, Collars and Ciifl's, Swiss Trimmings, etc., etc. ri37"Iii addition to tlio nlioyc poodi wo keen n full lino of licst Stnndnrcl make of I'll I NTS, MUSLINS, Ac. liiiymg our poods direct from tlio Importer and Manufacturer for CVIi, wo arc enabled to oiler uiiiifitnl inducement!). Our buiiness is to sell goodj, To sell them wo must show tlicni, which wo do with pleaittre. Don't fall to call nt tlio FOPnEailR CASH BTOB.13 OF W. P. JONES & CO.. Corner Main' nnd Tljird streets, Catawissa, Pa. I.AYTO.V HL'.NYO.V. HARDWARE STORE. LAYTON ltUNYOX, & CO., IjLOOMSBURG, FA., keeps constantly on hand n Full and Complete Stock of HEAVY A-ISTD SHELF KCA.E.ID-WA.S.E, which vro will sell to the Public at Prices so Low as to defy competition. OVJlt STOCK CONSISTS IX 1'AltT OP IRON, NAILS, PAINTS, MECHANICS TOOLS AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS of all Grades and Latest Improvements, BLACKSMITHS BELLOWS, ANVILS, SLEDGES, and HAMMERS. Burden's Horse and Mule hoes, Horse Nails, &c. PATENT WHEEL?, OLD'S AND WARNER'S PATENTS. Spokes, Heavy and Light, Carriage Mallebcls, Axles, Springs, Gum and Oil Cloths, Valentines Varnishes, Spirits jl tu)i;niiiiu, and a general Stock of WAGON AND CARRIAGE MAKERS GOODS, Building Materials, such as DUXCANNON irJZ, Lewis' Lead, Best Cblors, Pure Oils, &c, as low as they can bo bought in the county. GIVE US A CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELF. LAYTON RUNYON & CO MnrlD, lS75-tf. NEW HARDWARE STORE! SUCCKtfSOllti TO .1. . AVIDEMAN & CO., ,ffiSrfis?-rZ!XPfT j :;-i I in -:t' ji tj tCt. v ; 1M a5f a Jri . vmzMxz sr stock "ii. .i j ii-M. fi si .1 i Ln7 , Wc have also l joimlcls, Gourcs, Tweezers, Pliers, ftliS S J Pots and Kettles, Pans and Friers, .VU things for all sorts of buyers, ''jtf!?' 1 WHEELBARROWS GLASS, PUTTY, GIRXTSTDSTOIIXnES, ScO. OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE In all its liranclicH, Carefully Selected and Purchased low for Cash giving us Advantages for Selling which can not bo excelled by any other Hardware S'ore Ul tlio Country. GIVE US A CALL AL SEE FOR YOURSELF. We GUAKANTKB botli in PUICB and QUALITY of our Goods. The Largest Store in the Country. J, SCHUYLER Mivrclils.TS-r IR, IE HVL" IlSr Or T O IsT . : O- Tho ItBaiNaxos flbttiKO Mi- cuimi lias trrunc raiildly tnta favor aa positCSblni; tho Lest coa cts avion ot good riualltlos, namely i UfliV runntns.iimoolli, Kolsdcss, liapt-1, Durable, vv itli pertect Lock HlUti. 11 Is a Miuttlo Maclilne, wlih Automatic Drop l'eeil. Drsleu beuutltul and nmstructlun tlio v cry bebt. QOOD AQENTB WAMTED ADDllKSS, iiuam'ii orncxs or I', neminslon fi Souk, ltrinlnjIoH Srtvitig SI. Co,, Ui'Uiiiigloii Ag'l Co., linos, N.Y. March 5, IS-Stu AS ACTUAL lIl'BINESa INHTITUTION ASU TELEailAl'llIO 1NSTITUTK. For Inforruatloa call ut ortlce, or aoud tor Coixeok Auvbiiioiu, Juntvw-ly CHAIILKK W. ltl'NYO.V. OILS, GLASS and PUTTY, -i.tI Keep on Hand tho v-k s- . f tv tt Ol' SHELF HARDWARE In tho County. added to our Stock 0 POKES, & SON, Eloomstarft Pa. UsviiNiiTox No, l Machine t f.unlly use, tn tt,c tuikd vkau of its kxistknce, tias met Vttth ft moro Kinu incueise op ratio OKSVLES THAN ANT MACIIINI! ON TUB HtllKKT. ItEuiNuroNNo. t Machine for MiNiTAcmtiNa una fumlly uso, (ready for delivery only since June, 1ST4), tor ranse, porfec. lion, and variety ot work, It without iv rival in famllytr noKKSuor. SE3STI3 FOR CIRCULAR BuiBnton Sewius Machine Cuinpany, Ilion, 1 Y. nu. - iii.To. co.mvixius. tn K va UroadvveyNevy York, Arms I IIICII1IIUU. 1SI West 4111 M., K'WIlii; Muclllni-H 1 tUM. llfj lleiirsOf. ht.. Sl'W I1L. MnA.ln. Allaula, (la., UvUlvv'b Ojivrn llouf-e, Muriottnfitrcut vaihlUSton, 1). i..,mi toentUbMiwSfefc ADMIXISTUATOH'S XO'l'ICK. KSTATB OF CATH VltlVn (IKAUIIAHT, HFCrAfm. utters ot Ada InlstriUlou on Ihu estiito of Cutha rlno (ieurlmil, Into of .Minim township. Coluiu in county, deceased, liaVo luen crnnted by Hie HceiMer of (sild euunty lo JaincsiKk-fcr.ijf Midn tovvushiii All persous hftvlni; elulins nitalnst tlio t-stntu of ti n decedent, uru rniuyHwl to pretent them fur krttlo. ineut, Bin tliosu indibted lo Iho cslate to muUii nuv. incut to the- uuuertlBuediuiuilulsirator wiiiiouliif. u5'. ,, JAMCS KU'.IKH, Apr,S0,t5-Cf Admlidatrator. E LANK NOTKS.wHh or wltbout winitiou for trla at. tliu 1m mmnti mti 4 . vp.V ut limit at to damages. turn of $7,50tf.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers