Hi Miscellaneous. mind vtit;it mvN Cdxcuuxs. llln J your own concvriu, my friend, For I hoy tiro yours mono; Dun t talk about your neighbor's f.uiiH, Hut strlre to mom) your own. Buppmo lie iIiam not nlnujslcnd A truly plow I lie, What muttiT tf h nometlmoi frets or quarrels with iiH wifot Don't meilillo let. him know, my friend, Your better natupspurns To net thu Hiy on maor his Just mind your o.vn concerns. Yo?, mlnil vour own concerns, my friend, And presently you'll ttnil Til it (ill your time Is occuplM, Anil ou'e inoiuli to mind i Wnat iibihI ion care It Snooks or Spooks should wed wim sally Jones t Wnat matter It your n.Miliujr i", A half n million owns? Tim money Is nut 5 ours, my frl.'iul, Though golden stores hti pirm; Ho do not envy him his wealth, Hut xlnd your ow n concerns. Yes. mlml your own concerns, m friend, It tsn better plan Hum alvnija to Lo spylnff out The ilecos of brolhir nun. ltemcinbcr that nil persons lave, Thouirh hidden from your lew, Thought tunt lo them of right telonu, Ami not nt nil t you And tin bear In mind, my friend, A Kcncrous nature worms Nj sueret from a nelf htmr's breast, so mind your own concerns. Wise Snyipgs. Good bread is often much kneaded. Men ate grateful in tho same degrco that they fire resentful. To bo nngry is to revenge the faults of others upon ourselves. A man of business may talk of philoso phy ; a man who has nono may prnctico it, Somo people will never learn anything, for n reason, because they understand every thing too soon. Tho vanity of human life is like a river, constantly passing away and yet constantly coming on. Whoever has flattered his friend success fully must nt once think himself a knavo and his friend a fool. That character in conversation which commonly passes for agreeable is mado up of civility and falsehood. Our passions nro like convulsive fits, which, though they make us stronger for the time, leave us tho weaker ever after. Dupes, indeed, are many ; but of all dupes thero is none o fatally situated as he who lives in undue terror of being duped. Thoso peoplo only will constantly troublo you with doing with littlo ollices for them who least deserve you should do them any. It is impossible that an ill-natured man can have a public spirit, for how should ho love ten thousand people who never loved one? When two people compliment each other with the choice of anytliing, each of them generally gets that which lie likes least. To neglect at any timo preparation for death is to sleep on our post at a siege, but to admit it in old age is to sleep at an at tack. Giving advico is many times the privilego of sayinpa foolish thing one's self, under pre tenco of hindering another from doing ono, Men aro too prune to view their own op rorsand failings with indulgence, whilst they visit those of others with unsparing.rcpre hension. Thero should be as little merit in loving a woman for her beauty as in loving a man for his prosperity, both being equally subject to a change. J Friendship is the cordial of life, the leni tive of our sorrows, and tho multiplier of our joys; the source equally of animation and of repose. If men would but hate themselves as they do their neighbors, it would be a good step towards loving their neighbors as they do themselves. Temperance and exercise aro easy enougli, yet, when added to the tranquility of the mind, they constitute all that is wanting for our happiness. A man should never be ashamed to own he bos been in the wrong, which is but say ing in other words, that ho is wiser to-day than ho was yesterday. A short and certain way to obtain tho character of a reasonable and wise man is, whenever any one tells you his opinion to comply witli him. A brave man thinks no one his superior who does him an injury, for ho hasit then in his power to make himself superior to the other by forgiving it. A person who is too nico an observer of the business crowd, like one who is too curi ous in observing the labor of bees, will often bo stung for his curiosity. Such peoplo as are always watching others aro those who aro always abroad at other men's houses, reforming everything there, while their own runs to ruin. False critics rail at falso wits, as quacks and imposters are still cautioning us to be ware of counterfeits, and dccrj'other cheats only to make way for their own. Tho world is a thing we must of necessity either laugh at or be angry at. If we laugh at it, they say we are proud; if woaro angry at it they say we aro ill-natured. Knowledge cannot bo acquired without pains and application. It is troublesome, and like digging for deep waters, but when onco you como to tho spring they rife up and meet you. Somo old men, by continually praising the timo of their youth, would almost persuade us that thero wero no fools in those days ; but luckily they are left themselves for exam ples. Tho best way to provo the clearness of our minds, is by showing its faults; as when a stream discovers the dirt at tlio bottom, it convinces us of tho transparency and purity of tho water. It often happens that thoso are tho bett people whoso characters have been most in jured by slanderers, as wo usually find that to be the sweetest fruit which tlio birds have been pecking at. It is not isolated great deeds which do most to form n character, but small conter minous acts, touching and blending into one another. Tho greenness of trees comes not from trees, but blades of grass. We must glean knowledge by reading, but tho chall' must bo separated from the wheat by thinking Knowledge. Is proud that he has learned so much. Wisdom is humble that she knows no more. When wo are young we are slavishly cm ployed in procuring something whereby we may live comfortnbly when we grow old; and when we are old we perceive it Is too late to live as we proposed. Flowers of rhetoric in sermons and serions discourses aro like the blue and red flowers la corn, pleasing thoso who come only for amusement, but prejudicial to him who would reap the profit from it. We aro sometimes apt to wonder to see those people proud who have done the mean est things ; whereas a conscloubness of hav ing done poor things, and a shame of hear ing It, ofteu making tho composition we roll pride. Many definitions there havo been of a gentleman, hut the prettiest and most pathet ic is that given by a young lady, "A gen tleman," says she, "Is a being combining a woman's tenderness with a man's courage." The manner of doing a thing always de termines its effect. The greatest act may be spoiled by tho way In which it Is done, and the homeliest act of kindness may he dis charged with a grace that stall never hint of Leaven, , practice. Or will tlio render say It Is tlio hardest? It is onlv wnltlnir: la It not casv iiiirutsi i it is only wailing, is ii iiui easy cnuilKli lo wait 11 1 not UOiniMVIui labor- pr i i , t.i t.'u inns nun ncuuvi:nu vxuriiuua, ii in nin n i i - I or resolution spurring on mo wean nim miici- ant miiui it H not courage in tno mum of V,1 rangers winch the, common mlml might fear. It is keep still j ami It Is u vlrtuo tn ketp still. It Is much needed In iloniestlo lite, mid in many private mid public relation sliipi. Can wo not have more of It? And Is it delusion that enables us to say that it is only through moinuiitary thoughtlessness that wo ever violate- its important rcqiiisi tioiis? It is so great an excellence that, upon thought wo shall llnd It the primo cle niuut of all other, nt lcistof which partake , . , , , .. , , in nuy way of self denial, It is trot exercise, nlono in waiting for a dilatory friend to ride or walk with us; in suircring our poverty the long delay of tho debtor's promise ; in endurance of tlio tedious cunning of thestlit at law. The vices and crimes of Individu als aro eminently owing 'o a want of pa tience. . eli ,. , , i inc slave ui iiiiuiniicranuu iiuiiks i , . . .!.. i 1 1 i i no cannot wan till ins nppcuio snail nine passed. Ho cannot wait till sleep shall overtake him. nnd ho furirets It. He cannot wait till he can reach better company than his own solitude orhis common companions, and ho will bo ashamed of itlilulKCiiec, ami ui,!, ,i i , r ,i, . .,i I find denial easy m tho society of tho good. llecannot wait, waking and alone, till tho lire is consumed and his nature is all calm ii'ain; and Impatience, , , i .1 I doubtless, is the causo of a largo proportion of tho Intempcr mice of the laud. Tho child in early years was never tauyht to wait. What it wanted it wanted at the moment'; and nt tho mo ment the parent always hastened to gratify its imperiousdesircs. Wo ucod have no laws for the suppression of intemperance, nono to prohibit or liceuso the sale of liquor, if we could only in nonio way teach men to wait. And tho passion that demands relief ill (lie use ui intoxicating urium, is t-uu byjiu 1 ., . .. .1 ., .1.. Patience. Of nil vlrtiics, imtlcnco Is tlio easiest 01 nil otuer passions, an to nnu uieir reiueuy yar3. A)1 kln,)H of operations were performed on In flu. t.imK wnv ILiveniTK wnulil st'iv its I my c'es- and a" 40 n0 CJod result. Finally the dis til the same way. Jicengi. wouiu "y 118 eprtncipaiivaetued In mv body, limbs and feet, liatlii if it would only consider, xne grosser . . . . .1 vices that destroy the body and tho soul ., . , . , .. .... if ,1 would chaneeto health and purity if the iriiiltv wmiM lint wall tn know what thov arc guilty wouiu uui wa.i to know wnat uiej are about. The irritations of domestic life and ... , . ... common relationships that impel to unkind 1 . , , , , i! . 1 words, unkind deods nnd to alienations nnd hatreds would never lie allowed indulgence it neon t! would but wait ue oro thev SDOke. 11 peopiu wouiu uui Willi, uciuro incj apuni, or IIIOURUI or ieil. jiuu uie uiswsio uiu , e ... p ,),!. a.ii0, DUlilu Halt; .1. kuu ouv.ii;iji w. vi.vi. ,.w,- mcn, which Uiey UiinK tncmselvcs comes ft-nm n Bonan thou linvn nf iho niiwnrlliinos lrom a sense incy haveoiine unwortnines of other people, might find its easy rcmcdyin iiatienco a patience that can look for the . . , , , ... , , 1 r ongin of people's and the way to tho end ot it nnd can overlook tho pressing view and take knowlcdgo of existing virtues also. Impatience is sometimes a Bort of de rangement. From being a habit of thought, it gets to bo a habit of body. It is ado' rangement of ideas como ont of their proper UlUll , Ul llUilTlilVU, Ul VI, U HVI IWUl OJO.lll, I also the blood nuickenin- alone: its cur- renU, habitually rushing up to overfill the brain. And their habitual derange mcnt, though it may not be great enough to send its victim to an insane asylum, but onlv enough to make friends and family wish that he would hold his tongue, or stop his crossness, is, during its seeming uncontrolla. bletiess as much an insanity, though not as great a degree of it, as the ravings of the maniac which are sometimes cured by con tinued cfTorts of self-control. The irritable, impatient, passionate man, whatever form that his passion may assume, for in spirit they are all the same, only tho manifestation being different needs often the composing I draught to quiet his nerves as much as the crnjv man iloes. ilannv It he has not ai- lowed his impatience so to get the better of himelf that ho cannot always control it by just a moment's consideration, The Best breeds of Chickens to Cross. The lir.ihma is a valuable and favorite breed, but it is not profitable when thorough bred as it is when crossed ; that is, when the raisinz of chickens is an object in' view. We havo had considerable experience with all tho large breeds of poultry, and we have in variably found the half-breeds tho most profitable. The chicks of the' thorough breds do not mature so rapidly, and they are, from their nakedness of feathers to the mast critical period of their lives, more sub ject to disease than tho half-breeds. To the poultry breeder, then, who wishes quick growing and early maturing chickens, who cares more for two pounds in a "Fourth of Juhj Broiler," than fivo pounds in Sep tember, a cross between one of tho varieties of the Hrahma and tlio common fowl is most desirable. Bvcry popular and profitable cross has been found between the Brahma and the Leghorn, the offspring maturing quickly, and the pullets being early and good layers. To the large poultry-keeper who wishes eggs more than chickens, of course the non-incubating breeds of their grades are most valuablo. Crosses of Leghorns, Spanish or Polish, with the common fowl, we have found to be on the whole about as profitable, or rather as good layers, as the thorough-breds, and they stand a rough cli mate much better. Horse-radish sauce is a great improvement upon tho plainly scraped or grated horse, radish for eating with either hot or cold roast beef. A desert spoonful of olive oil or cream, same quantity of powdered mus- tarJ, a tablespoonful of vinegar, and two tablespoon fills of acraped horse-radish, with a Utile salt to taste, must be stirred ami beat en up together, until thoroughly well-mixed, Servo separately in a sauco tureen, It will keep for two or three days, or even longer if oil and not cream bo used uiiANiu.Nd tiRuv. a cnango or eccil in agricultural operations is always beneficial Growing tho game crop in one locality from the same Eced, year after year, pftcn tends to deterioration. Tho avisibillty of this change of seed from ono locality to ftmither is well instanced in the oat crop, Beed' grown In the cool atmosphere and Ho'iPof, Northern Vermont and Caoad Is found to be luxuri ant when re-bown in the Middle and Western States, and uniformly turn out heavier weight to the bushel. If the fame, seed is own every year, iu the latUr States, with out new Importation, the prodnce per acre and tho weight per bushel gradually deter iorate. A man may conceal his n&ino, bis age, the circumtitanctia of his life, but not bis charac ter. That Is bis moral atmosphere, and is 11a Inseparable from him as the fragrance of the rose from the rose iUelf. In the glance of the eye, in the tonea of the voice in mien and gesture, character discloses It self. We can bardly Imagine the porwible dig nity and value of our lives, unlets wo con sider their probable bearing on other lives. A word of cheer, an Act of pawdng kindness, a trilling sacrifice, may be junt the help re quired to give vitality and permanence to good resolves which lead to high endeavor and to generoui action. THE COLUMBIAN AND KIDNEY COMPLAINT. . ''rnbaMv thero Is no complaint that nfillcU tho tmm n s item, which Is so little understood nttho -m nine, ns somoot tho Varied forms of Kldnoy nphilnts. i acre is no unease wmcii onuses such nemo pain luoro nt.trtnlni? In Its remits tii.m when the km. ,., fall to sucu'to from tlm i.looii iho urld ncid, and f !--V.v?.iLV.. ,vIKi.'' "m ",,nl ul.0011 ftccu If from any cause tun lildn i fall to perform Iho Mncllons devolving uptjii ttiom, tho cinniilallo. thrown into n stain of"llse.we, causing (treat llllll, lUtll III u irirrcnt naln iiii.i Biiui'iiiiK, nun very oiicn Ilrncotho liniHirtanci) 1jIo.h1 In n health,' eiuii iiniiieiiiaKi ueiui ljn.Mllna heiillhv condition, llirutuli which all lui. lot kitiinlti.. Ihrt kliltiill'M unit pin tiles of tho body must pass. PAIN IN THE 1JA0K. There Is no rerr.pdv known to metlinil sctenen ttldch has pror il Itself moro valuable Incases nt Kidney complaints than tho Vkhbtink. It nets cl. rcclly upon tho secretions, cleanses and purities Iho blood, and restores tho wholo system to healthy ac tion. Tho following extraordinary euro of great surfer, crs, who hail been Riven up by tho best physicians ns ho k-lcn cases, will speak for themseli'es. and should clullcniro tho most profuund nttentl in of tho medical faculty, as well ns of thoso who aro suffering from Kidney Complaint. THE BEST MEDICINE, Kast Ma'Diifiki ii. Am. 22. 1970. Mil. SrBVKNS l I).ar Sir I nm so.ventv.nho vonrs ot niffl: h.no Buffered many jears with Kidney Complaint, weakness In my bick and stom ach. 1 was Induced lo trv our Vkiiktink. ntul f think It t o best meillclno for weakness of the Kid neys lever used. 1 h.ie tiled many remedies for I HI'S inis i-uiiiiii.iuu, uiui iieur tuiiiiii so iiiuen renei ils ironi mo k.iiktink. It strengthens nnd Imhrnrates ino wnoio system. Many of my ncnualntances havo vo It to bo ifooil for all the com takcn lt, anrt , uciicvo It to bo Voo, piamis ror wuica ii is n-commeiiacii. joiah if. siikuman, PRONOUNCED INUUltAUL I103T0M. Mnv.1i. 1STI. II. II. Stkvens. Ksii.s Pear Sir I have ix-en badly nnilcted with Klduey Complaint for ton years: havo BUlTeroI grout patu in my b..ck, Iilpi nna Mile, UU Buffered (treat pain in my back, hips and side, with Kn.M ,,niicu ty In passilur urine, which was often, 'ViViZ, I haws faithfully tried most of the. popular remedies ii;i;i.uiuiijuiiiivii iui iiij tumniuiiib , i 11 1 u uren miner tho treatment ot somo ot the mosUklilMl physicians in uosioii. mi ui wiioni pi onoiinccu mr case incura ble. This was mv condition when I was niHlsedbv a friend to trv iho Vkukiink. and I could seo the (,ood effects from tho llrst close I took, and from that inoinoni. i Kepi, on niiprownir 11,1111 1 was entirely cureu, iuKin 111 uu, 1 suouiu mtUK, nuoui si uoi' ties it is indeed a valuablo medicine nnd If I should bo anncu'd airaiu 111 1110 same way, 1 would glvo a uol. lor a dose, It 1 could not gvt It w itliout. JlC3eCllUllV, .1 . iH. 1 11 lit.. joi i mm direct, ouui lioston. NEARLY BLIND. 11. II. Stkvkns : Dear sir In esnn'sslnc mv thanks to i ou for your benellls derived from tho usu of Vku- V,V!.'?S'i 0illc 1 wli", st?t0!7,i, , 1 m ocroiuio, which inauu 113 appvoruueu in my ejes, face and head, nnd I was very near blind for two unu n times 111 nn urernvaieu way. La&t Mummer I was. f rum somo cause, weak In mv spine and kidneys, and It was ut times very hard to rutaln tho urine. Seeing your advertisement In tho commercial, lbouuht abottio ot vkoktink. and commenced uslnB according to directions. In two ortnreo ,Uvs 1 obtained great relief After using four or ilyo bottles 1 noticed It had n wonderful cf- feet on tho rough, scaly blotches on my body and leers. I still used veobtinb. and tho humorous sores ono after another disappeared until they wero nil ROne, and I attribute thocuroof the twu diseases &JSNev'aS? airoin 1 siiaii iry viktib u.s me uuiy renauiu rcino. ay m(jr0 luxcvt my UiankSi aml t,eiie.vo mo tc e, very reKpecuuuy, lunun raiuiui', Dcc.1,1871. No.33(!anoSL, Cincinnati, Ohio. Diseases of tlio Kidneys, madder, etc., aro always unpleasant nndnt times Uiey becoirto tho most illa- mn, m$ dangerous diseases that can affect tno buman system. Most .dlsca.-, cs of Uw Kidnej s, arlho settle on theso juris. Vkoktink excels any known remedy In tho whole world for cleansing and purlfy- lne tDc uioou, thereby causing a heolty action to all uc organs ui tno oouy. Vegotino is Sold by all Druggists. J-EW STOOK OF CLOTHING. AND j . Gentlemen S DrBBS GrOOdS. DAVID LOWENBEHO lnvltt s attention to his large and elegant stock ot Cheap ai Fashionable Clotliit at his store on MAIN STltEET, IN THE NEW BLOCK, BLOO-MSHUKO, PA., "ucre ueuos just nxciveu iroin .cw lorsanui-uii adclphla a full assortment of MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING, Including tie most fa-shlonablc, durable and nonasoino DRESS GOODS, CONSISTING OP 130Xj . FROCK. GUM ANDJOIL CLOTH COATS AND PANTS, OF ALL SORTS SIZES AND COLORS, lie has also replenished bis already large stock of OLOTUS AND CASSIMKKE8, VjaUHED' AND PLAIN VESTS, UTHIPED, SIIIUT9, CltAVATS SOCKS, COLLARS, UANDKEUC'IIIEFS, GLOVES, .SOeiiKXDEIlS, AND ARTICLES. FANCY ?I has constantly on hand a large and well select- od assortment ot ClotllS and VoatingS, which be Is prepared to mako to order Into any kind 0t clothing, on very short notice, and In tho best manner. All his clothing Is made to wear and most of It Is of home manufacture. GOLD WATCHES: AND JEWELRY. OF KV.EKY DESCHIITION, FINE AND CHEAP, U18 CASK OV JEWn.ltV IS NOT SUItl'ASSKD IN THIS l'LACE. CALL AND EXAMINE HIS GENEHAL ASSORT MBNT OP Clothing, Watches, Jowl ry, &c. DAVID L0WENI1ERQ. uly I.Tl-tf. "yyAINWRIOHT A CO., WHOLESALE OIIOCEHS, N.'E. Corner Becsnd and Arch streejs, I'U1L1ULF1II1 Doalers In rKAB. SVIIUl-S, COFFEE, HUOAIt, MOLASSES 1UCI, BNC, BIC1KB BOOi, tC, tC, I y Orders will recetre prompt attention, lU-tf JOB PRINTINO OF EVERY DESCRIPTION EXECUTED rROMPTLY At tub Columbian Office. DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBU11G, COLUMBIA COUNTY HEADQUARTERS POIt m ramts. Oils. Glass. Pultv. Drugs, ASjpioos, Pulout Medi cines, &0., ite. MO YE It BRO'S WOULD rail the attention of the public lo tlielr lory lariru and ntl Koloetoil slock of Roods which they oiler at tho LOWEST MARKET MATES. wo botes Window Class all sizes nnd qualities. Glass for Picture Frames a spcclaltyi irhile Lend, lied Lead, Umbers, Litlmrge, Siennas, Greens Blues, Keds, Yellows, dry and in Oil. General Aeento for MONTOUR SLnTE PAINTS! LINSEED, OLIVE, WHALE, CASTOR, nnd other OIL VARNISH and JAPANS from tho best Manufactories. Their stock ot SPICES excels any in this section of tho State. Agents for Dr. BIOKLEY'S Family Medicines. General Depot of supplies for Dr. .1. C. Ayer's rOPULAR MEDICINES. Tho Prescription Department Is under the charge of competent Pharmaceutists. Physicians' Prescriptions CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED WITH DESPATCH. Cold SparklinE Sofla Water. The attention of country dealers, especially Is called to our stock of BOTTLED GOODS. SPIOES, ALUM, CONCENTRATED LYU Patent and Proprietary Medicines & Our wagon will continuous formerly to make Its usual trips to supply cu t OIL OF GLADNESS, a special Coughs, Lokls, Croup, Burns, Tetter, Piles etc. an Internal nnd External rem y hoe hcnllns vl tues are attested by thousands In this nnd adjoining counties Is manufactured by them nnd supplied to tho aflllcted either directly or through their country dealers, Price 50 Cents Per Bottle, None genuine unless It bears tho trade mark and name of Jloyer lira's the words '-Oil of Gladness' blown In the glass and tho signature of .Moycr Ilro' on tho wrapper. Apr.lT,74-ly mi mm-m Tito only Ueliablo Gift Disti ibutluu in Hie Country I $60,000.00 TIST VALUABLE GIFTS I TO BE DISTItlUUTED IN L. D. SINES' 173rd Reyular Monthly GIFT ENTERPRISE 7b be drawn Monday, June 7ti, 1875 Tivo Grand Capitals of $5,000 EACH IN CASH Five Prizes, S500 EaCll 111 CaSll! Tda Prizes, 100 J Ono Horse ami Huggy, with Silver-mounted Ilarnciu, wortb SOOO, Ono line-toned rose wood 1'iauo, worlli $050. Ten Family Sewing Machines, worth $100 each 1 Tlirce Gold WntclicH nnd Clmiiw, worth $300 eacli. Thrfe (Inld American IIuntirB WntclicH, worth $125 incli. Ten Ladies' Gold Hunting 'WatcbcH, worth $100 each, 800 Oold and Silver Lever Hunting M'atehet in all, worth from ?20 to $300 each I OOLD CHAINS, BILVKIt.WAIIK, 4C., tc. NUMBER OF OT.V0.B00 TICKETS LIMITED TO 00.000 AflENT8 WANTEI1TO SELL TICKETS, to whom Liberal Premiums will bo paid. Single Ticket It! Six Tickets r, j Twelve Tickets tlo: Twfnty.nvo Tlckwtso. Circulars containing a full lint of prizes, n descrip tion of tha manner of drawing, und other Informa tion In reference to the distribution, nlllbo Kent to any one ordering them. All letters must be uddreitf ed to Oirice, Excelsior llulld'ir, I.. I. SI.VK, Cor, ltaceIngivorlh. Ilox 433, CINCINNATI, O. Apr.SO, 187S-4W A TJ'OHNKY'8 11I.ANKS, Common and r Judgment lionds, lust printed nil for wilont tko CoLtiiuuNjonice. All kinds of Attorney's blanks either kept on liana or prlmuxl to order. BLANKS ! BLANKS ! FOP. HA LS AT Till! COLUMBIAN OFFICK NEW GOODS! A HEAVY STOCK, 3heapcstha3i Elver! S. H, MILLER & SON Have Just llcccivcd tlio largest nnd best Ptipitly 01 CHEAP AND' FASHIONABLE BEY GOODS, They havo ever offered to their friends and cus tomers. jlotlis, Casshiiores, aiul Salinotts for MEN'S WEAR, Cloths, Alapucas, Merinos, for LADIE'S WEAR, CAL1C0EH, MUSLINS, (JA.M11IIIC8, nnd every variety of Dry Ooods desired, Carpeta, Mata, Ottoiuana, in gnat variety nnd nt tlio L 0 WE6 T CASH PIUGES. FAMILY GI10CER1ES, Including nil tlio varieties of COl-TKES, TEAS ntul SUGARS, COUNTRY PRODUCE, and a general supply of articles useful for the tnblii always on liaml. CALL AND SEE. Country produce of all kinds taken in ex change for goods ut cash prices. Oct. 3014 tf J. EVANS, HEADY MADE AND CUSTOM MADE CLOTHING. HE HAS THE FIH1STI000DS, LATEST STYLES, ANO EMPLOYS THE BEST WKKMEM- For flood Fits anrt Promptness In nuuiE orders there Is the placo to t'o. His goods nro selected with caroandhlsCUSVOM WOltK will comparo favorably with the best effort of the fashionable City Dealer. HE KEEPS A LAP.OE STOCK OF BOYS' & OHILDEEN'S CLOTHING AND GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS At Astonishingly Low ITlces. A. J, EVANS. Julyl, 1ST3 tf. BLOOMSBUEQ mm MARBLE WORKS, T. L. GrUNTON, Proprietor, MAIN STItEKT, 11EI.OW MAltKET. Manufacturer of and L'ealer in all linds oj MONUMENTAL MARBLE WORKS WeusothelWhtAMEmCAN and ITALIAN Marble, Ho has on hand and furnishes to order MONUMENTS, TOM IIS, HEADSTONE; URNS, VASES, &c Fiery variety of Miublo cutting neatly executed at t'.ic lowest market pilccs. A long practical experience and personal attention to bulnesH makes the proprietor conndent of glilug sutl-lac tlc ii. All orders by mall promptly ntlendeu IU. 1 . U, UU. VVI. C3S"Ar. 1!. Work deliiemlfrcc of charge ."a Aug. SI, 'IMy. T. I (iU.NTON, Proprietor. ISAIAH HAGBNBUOH llEALUIt IU STOVES & TINWARE, I1I.OOMSI1UKC., I'ENN'A,, lias tho pleasure of Introducing to the Public A NEW AND SUPERIOR COOKING STOVE, THE ECLIPSE," A new and beautiful Stoic, for wood or coal, lie) al bu keeps constantly ou hand u largo and arlcd assortment of othur COOKING BTOVES, I'ARLOR STOVES, IRON WEAR In great varlity, TIN WARE, Ac., Ac., Ac., which ho win uisposo of at tho lowest rates for cash orapproiud cnsllt on short timo. Allarllchs war ranted us represented. Ho respectfully solicits a sharo of public patronage. Oct. 30,74-ly GREENWOOD SEMINARY- NEXT TERM IIEOINS Monday, Aagust 3d, 1874. For particular, Address, It. II WIIITACHK, MlLLVILLK, I'A, Ayer's Hair Vigor, For restoring to Gray Hair its natural Vitality and Color. A dressing which is nt onco ngvccaWp, licnlthy, nnd effectual for preserving tho liiiir. It soon restores faded or gray hair to its original color, with tho gloss and freshness of youth. Tliin liairia thickened, falling hair checked, and baldness often, though not always, cured by its use. Nothing can rostoro tho hair wlioro tho follicles nro do utroyod, or tho glands atrophied and decayed; but such as remain can bo Bavcd by this application, and stimu lated into nctivity, so that rv now growth of hair is produced. Instead of fouling tho hair with a pasty sedi ment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional use will prevent tho hair from turning gray or falling off, nnd consequently prevent baldness. Tho restoration of vitality it gives lo tho scalp arrests and prevents tho forma tion of dandruff, which is often so un cleanly and offensive Freo from thoso deleterious substances which mako Bomo preparations dangerous nnd inju rious to tho hair, tho Vigor can only benefit but not harm it. If wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can bo found so desirable. Containing neither oil nor dye, it does not soil whito cambric, and yet lasts long on tho hair, giving it n rich, glossy lustre, and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co,, lractlcnl nnd Analytical Chemists, LOWJiXL, MASS. CARRIAGE MANUFACTORY BLOOMKUUWl, I'A. M. C.SLOAN & ISROTlIElt HAVE on hand anil for pale nt the reasonable rates n splendid stock of c.vKui.ia:s, miofiiKs, and every description of Wagons both PLAIN and FANCY, Warranted to bo mado of tho best and most durable maeeilals. and bv tlio most e.xneiteiiced workmen. Allwcrk sent out. from tho establishment will be found to bo of tho highest class nnd euro to glic per fect satisfaction. They havo nlsoallno assortment of SLEIGHS f nil the newest and most fashionable sis lea well and carefully made and ot the best material. An lnsneclton of their work Is asked as His be- llcved that none superior can bo found In tho coun. try. Julyl, lST3-tf. GAS!GAS! THATCHER & GEARHART, PWers, &as and Steaiu Gitters RLOOMSRURG. 1A.. OFFEIt TO THE PUIILIC THEIIl SERVICES IN Plumbing und Gas Fitting, In which they have had many years of experience. All work of this kind warranted to be of tho b';t description nnd executed In tho most workmanlike manner. Gas Pipe Laid at 12 Cents i'or Foot ! Steam Engines and 13oiler., Steam and Hand Pumps, Pipe and Fittings. A Splendid Assortment of Chan deliers, Brackets, Lumps, Similes, Bronze Ornaments, etc. EXQUISITE SLATE MANTELS, THE CELEIlltATEI) JAPAN PAPEH-WAilE, DUCKETS, ItASINS, HOWLS, Ac, Ac Store Hoom In lilnomsburg, on Main street, oppo site St, Paul's Episcopal Church. Olic them ncoll! Oct.2,'7i-tt Couzlis Colds. Jlron chilis, Sore Tlno.it, III llnciua, Croup, Whoop ing C'oujjh, lluari'cncss Liver Complaint, I'aim or Soreness in llic Chest or Side, Weeding nt the Lung'1, and every affection or I no Throat, Lungs and Chest, nros red. Ily cured bv the uso ot 11.1. W istmi's Hauau ok Wu.n t'liKuuv, which does not dry up a cough and leac meciuio uemuii, usisiuo caso nn mosi reme(iu's' but loosens It, eleaui.es tho lungs anil allays In lta Ion, thus remol lug tho causo of the complaint. Consumption can be cured y it timely resort to this standard remedy, nsls proved by hundreds of tcsllmonl .Is It has locelied. None genuine unless tlsncd "I. lll'TTS" on tho wrapiier. M cents and 11 abnttl.i! largo hollies mucntiic cheaper. m;i h w. i'dwi i; .v suns, l'ropiletors, Huston, .Mxss. Sold by dojlcrs gen. erally. Jan.VJ, 'IWy FORTUNE FOR SI. Wyomlno Monthly LOTTERY. Ltga liitd by A ihcriiy ca Hactthi Ltfiifoturf. Tickets SI each, or 6 for 85. One chance in every nine. Drawl on tha lut week-diy of each and evrry month. Fifth Extraordinary Drawing, 1 Ciisli I'rl.i; r 0100,000 1 Cash I'l l.c ot 50,000 i cusii I'rio or u5,ooo 1 C'usli l'rl.e ol' i0,M( 1 Ciisli I'rl.o of I5,XM i cash 1'i ie or ia,ooo In all, 51,021 rath I'n;r mnount'nK tu t3.vt.00 Tb. tail Elinor ltn.ry Or.ltlng w.. i..ld.d ... bf C'sl. r.tfl.k, fr.it ! Bo.rJ tf lltd, lb wc.nd br 0..ru Jtm. Tb. Ui)rtb Cvtutalii. (.r lick. I U.lil.r. Tba f.urtll b Judf . H....I1, rra.'l f lb. h.u.t. Af.at.w.DUd. UUral Vot full ullculu. Mb4 Iw Clroul.r. Ad.lr... lb. Il.n.f .f, J. M. PATTEE, Luramla City. Wyomlns. M B -Urtinl. City t. lb. UrJ.r, r.cll. IUJ1..I, U IWMftCbU.9 s4 0d.a Apr.23-lw A.V ACTUAL Ill'SINCSS INSTITl'TION AND TEL1OT II A I'll 10 I NSTITUTE. For Information call nt onico, or bend forCou-Kan Aiivehtiseu. Junc24-ly 121 BYRN'C Pcekot Photoscooo. Km BTMt UiOMrnkQ power, deleftj couuturtt'lt mnnt.v. blin,l.lt,.lutli u..l.. tanrra in tlin p f. It, u..nml,i at. mine lotxxU, llowcri, I'lanla, ll.iwa In uu tola, lltcsrlblo wrlllnci lusi4U mlut-rula, ,n-ain, elo. l'mcEOOCtMn-afur $1. lately mad. Acenta Wanted. AJJreu-lt. I,. Jivun, l'.UHox 4M8. UewYutt. OlUce, lS'aisauBtrwt. Apr,!5-(iv SL-VNIC JIOUTOAOES forwletliuiiattho CObOMllUSOBlCO, ' PA TOM KTSf "KTXC!! i b P .Y ' . I Wn ,ieM" flvov Thirty-four Competitors rtheslmitst,YHll,HDEi.i'nu( RAIL ROAD TIME TABLES nillliADlvI.l'HA AND HEADING liOAD WIXTEIl AltltANGEMENT. KOV. Oth, 1S74. TK UN'S t.K WE ni'l'KllT AS I 01 LOWS (Bl'KDAT UXCEI'TFP For New York, Philadelphia, Heading, l'ottbvlllc Tnmaiii.i, Ac, 1 1 ,S3 u. in Tor Cntaw Ismi, ii. m. nnd 7,sn p. in. For WUllauispui t, 6,2s a. tn. and 4,00 p. m. TRAINS.) Oil IICI'EUT LEAVE AS lOLtOni", (ft'NIiAV h CErrEii.) U:avo New York, si.oo a. m. Lcaio Philadelphia, !,ir,n. in. Leave Heading, 11,30 a. m., rottsllle, 12,10 r.tn, andTumaqua, 1,20 p. m. l.cae Catawlssa, 0,20 n. in. and 4,00 p. in. Leaie Wllliamsport, 0,20 n. in, and 5,oo p. m. passengers to nnd from New York nnd Phlladcl phla go through without chango of cars. .1. E. WOOTEN, May t, 1s74-tf. Ccncrul Superintendent. DELAWARE, I.ACKAW WESl'EUN HAII.liOAl). ANNA AND IU.OOMSllL'RG DIVISION. Time-Table No. 8i, Takes ctTcct at 4:30 A. M TIIUltSDAY, IIU'E.MIIEU 10, lsT4. NOItTII, I STATIONS. SOUTH. p.m. l a ii.r n.m, p.m. s as 1 is1 Scrnnton 1 40' llelleiue 13 3 TaMorMlle.... 1 SAl . .In Kawr.ntuu... 1 lo PlUHon a.m. 11 in. p.m. I I hi lo 14 IS (8 in 17 iu as 10 19 b' 34 2 2il 0 811 VI i I S 3') 2 2ll C 1ft 2 83 C 41 VI 1 I 8 '.'3 11 !.- 13 u a i s,r 2 41 G tn 2 ftll 7 I'll u 2) 11 in it hi 7 f.o 111.. Wist I Itislon... 2 ftft 7 (Li 3 U 7 11 3 10 7 10 r.3 1 r,i .... Wiotmin,' 4S 1 nil -.Maliliy 4 1 la M ' Ki"jr-ton sr, v.1 4''. Klnir-ton V 3S M AT, 8 VS H 17 S !2 S ns k no T 40 7 it; 7 (ill 10 4.S in :.o 3 13 7 2ft 3 21 7 8.1 vi 41 ..Plimouth.iuiic 10 fti 3 85 7 4 7 2,' 12 Mi. ...I llmoulh 11 00 3 . HI 7 tO 7 19 12 3'i Acmd.llo II lift 3 30 7 ftS 7 1ft IS Ml.. .N.inllcH.c II III 3 40 8 12 7tft 12 K. .Ilunloek's i reil:. 11 is 3fti 8 1ft e, CO 12 01 . ..Sllleksl.lnllV 11 82 4 IB 8 3ft CM 11 4C .... IllCk'S 1'ellV... 11 4(1 4 21 b ft n 2S 11 8'J ....lleuch llaien... 11 Ml 4 sa (ft 0 4.1 11 3'J 0 27 C 20 ti Oil is rs ft M ft 44 ft 111 ft 15 ft 01 4 .V 4 30 a.m. 6 21 1131 Ilcrtt ck .... 12 1 4 30 7 0 0 3 1122 Hilar treik 'ism 4 4S 7 12 r, is ii u ...Willow (irno....U2 12 4 ft'l 7 is 6(13 1111 Mine Illllt'C 12 17 4 Mi 7 2.1 ft ftll 1102' i:py 12 2'! 6 in 7 3S .140 lo v. ...nioomsbiirir.. .1232 r, 12 7 47 ft 4 I M 411 Ituncil . .. 12 87 5 IS 7 Vi ft 34 in .3 Catanlssi llililire.'ls 42 ft 24 8 12 ft 811 10 4') ..Clark's MVIUIl...!l2 45 r, 30 8 (c ft 12 in 22 Hamllle.., ft 4S 8 3ft 8 48 ft (12 in 12 rhulasky 4 ft" ID us Cameron 4 40 Oft .Northumberland, p.m. a.m.' 111 ft ftS 111 (I (13 8 1 3t) C 20 9 20 p.m. p.m. a.tn, DAVID T. HOUND, Sunt, Superintendent's Ofllcc, Kington, March ft, is, 4. N TOKTIir.K.V CICXTItAL ItAILWAY CO.Ml'ANV. On and after November 20th. 1873, trains will lenvo SUNDUHV as follows: NOHTinVAItl). Erie Moll 5.20 a. ni., arrho Klmlra 11..V) n. m ' Cinondalt'ua... s.3.",p. 111 " Hocliesler s.15 " Nlagjra 9.10 ltenovo accommodation 11.10 n. m. nrrlie WIUIHiu iwrt 12.ft5 p. in. Hlmlra Mall 4.15 a. in., arrlio Klmlra 10.20 a. m. HulTulo Kpi'es3".l5a, m. an ho HuHalos.50a. m SOUTIIWAHD. Uuffalo Express 2.50 a. m. arrive Hairlsburg 4.50 n.m " Haitimoice.40 LIinlraMall 11.15 a. in., nnlic Ilarrlbbuitr 1.50 p. m " VVaslilngton 10.30 " Ilaltlmore0.30 " Wushlngton 8.30 Ilarrl-bur? accommodation 8.40 p. m. anle Harris- burn 10.50 p. in. nrrlie Haltlmore 2.23 a. tn. " Vashlr.tfton 0.13 Lrle Mull 12.55 n. in. nrrlie Harrlsburg s.05 a. m. " Haltlmore 8.40 " " Washington 10.35 " All dally except Sunday. I). M. HOYD, Jr., (lcner.il Passenger Agent A. J. OASSATT, (iencral Manager PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD. riiihiJelplila & Kric I!. U. Illusion. WINTKItTIMi: TAHLE. ON and after .SUNDAY, NOVKMUElt 15lli iJ'i 'i'10 Tra!"s 011 "l0 I'ldladelphla ,V HUo Hal .vi.v, ,,, lo.VJI ,1 114 I 11 u ..s, iuiiuts; IIVOTH'.IA'A I' AST LINE leaves f'litladelphla. 12.55p.m Harrlsburg.... 6.00 p, Willlamspijit.. 9.15 p, " " nnlioat UH.K naien iu.:u ii. m llulfalo 9.00 a. iu EltlEMAILlcaie.s Philadelphia 11.55 p. m " " " Harrlsburg ' Wlllliimspoit " " " Luck llaien " " " Hcnoio " " nrr.nl Ei In ELMIKA MAILleaves Philadelphia... " " " Ilanlsburg " " " Mllltamsport.. " " nrr.atLockllnun.... . 4.2ft n.m . 8.35 a. m . 9.4ft n, 111 . 11.10 a.m . 8.05 p. m . 8.00 n.m. . 1.23 p.m. . u.xu p. ui, T.SOp. m. LOCK 1IAVEX ACCOM, leaves Harrlsburg 9.15 a. m :; jv11nam6pr.rte5p.tn 4 " " Lock llauia.iop.in ! 0; EASTWARD. I'Hir A EV.l'ili:ss leaies Lock Haven.. . . 0.40 a. in. , " Millamsport.... T.53a.m. arrives at HarrMmrg 12.10 a.m! Philadelphia 4.15 a, m, EIHE MAIL leaves Erie " " " ltenovo " " Ik llaun " " " Wllliamsiiort " arr.at llirrlsburir " " air, at Philadelphia ELMIHA MAIL leaves Lock Haven.... .11.20 a. m. .. 8.25 p. m . .4 p, m . 10.50 p. m .. 2.30 ii. m . Vfto a. ui . ... 9. a.m. " Wiiilamsport UlOn.m " Hunbury, 12 40 n. In nrr.nt Harrlsburg oubu ii arr. at Phllidelphla c.w m NIAQAKA EXVHK.S8 leaves Kano 9.or a. m ''('"ova 4.03 , . m U.( k Haven 5.23 pm Ml ainunort. cwi, ,,, Si.nbiiry f.40p, m arr. at .Harrlsburg. lo.tAp. in J iuiaueii-hia. .50 u. m mu-2 .VnV i iV i nt '"'"e'on with oil creek and u V,3 W,?,. ",n rast w t'Una on L. s. ft M. Ma'AlVslteK 1""'tlu U.l creek no, h, und nt llairlsb'urg ith k v. h.y IfSiL' Houlh, W.M. A. IIALDWIN, Ucncral Supl Jan. 6,'75 tf THIS I'Ai-Etl 18 OX HLK WITH ROWELL & PHESMAN . Advertising Agents, THIRD & CHESTNUT STS., 8T. LOUIS. Mt SUI GENERIS. 1 :Tasi V MASON & HAMLIN CABINET ORGANS. ONEQOALEDr&UMPPROACIIED n cftpnoity nnt cillcnco ly any nthcr-. Aftnrdod An DIPLOMA OF HONORS VIENNA,1873; PARIS.18B7. nlll U Amirlrnn OrRmn cvrr nwnnlcil nny mnlsl UllL I la Haroiio, or whlih prc.cnt .nth rjiriiorill nary ptccllenco as t.i tonnnnnil n wide wilo there. II til I VP ritM lil!lil pirmlnin nt Il"1n ALll ft I O trlnl i:iKiritlun.ln .lmfrl.HH l'ur"c? OiiKif lmnlr.HUlliireli.ivo mit uiii ili in all nhi'ir nny ollur oritnmi Iiuto t'il prcfctml. rlCPT Diftnml by Emlnriil Mn.hlnns, In Wh Htol hrmlphrr.A to li iirlnlrl. B lUsYlMONIM. CIlll'Ur.AH. llhulllilul.iif Hkto tlinn Oliv TIlollBlllul ("t"t I') IftlPIPT on lifi.lnrf a Mn.un k Hamlin. Jin not llO 0 tnl-oniiy (itlier. VdlrH art laikimi com tii'uoss M Mliuio inferior urum: nml fur KM rtaton vfunlruxtru Aural ! KllimwtlHj tIK. NEVl STUto mrota made. M w Sol.. sndComliliinllim Mop. Milurl. Ulnscro ami other VitKm ''' ilcnimii. PIANO-HARP CABINET ORGAN?". qlllilte corablnaltun of tlirKOlnnniiiiPlils. EASY PAYMENTS. S!? pajmel"''! "n'01' "nl11 rinl 1"" ,ur "'" cri?"n' niTAI nfllCP nml Circulars, svllh fullrartle. (jAI ALUuUtO ulir'-lns-. A,l.1mMAFON'i It AML1N T)"lAN CO., 151 Turnout Bin it, HO TON! 23 Union Rinnro, NEW VOHKJ or Ml i: 1J AiLuuaBt., CUICAUU, MASON & HAMLIN CABIIET ARMS MAV HP. OBTAINHt) AT WHOLESALE OR RETAIL OF 1L. B. POWELL, SCRAUTON, Pa. aenrrat Auenl ntao fur the rttrbrateil CMCKERING PIANOS. ALSO, OF I. K. '.MILIEU, JlLOOMSRl'RO, PA., Dealer in above Instruments. J!arcnHI,'75-y UOLLINS & HOLMES No. ii CcntKCStro' .Z Pinners Gas and Steam Fitter?, MANLTAI."lTI!i:i!S OP 'J? X 1ST "W ARE, C(!Al.VAXlZi:i) 1HOX COHNICH, WINDOW CAPS, AWNINGS, Wire Trellises, &c. Dealer in .Stoves, Itnng os, I'tirnncea, Haiti marc Ihatern, Low Down Urates, Jliinteli, l'L'5lI'.S, Weatliur Striiw, Ovc. Also GAS FIXTURES cf Iho latest tlrshrn. Special nttcnllon palit to re nalilntr Scum? Jlaihlw 8 ofiicry (liscrll'tlon. scales, Uicks, lu ll llniiKlnir, Key I'lttlii!,', Ac. I'rluito Uo-I-ileiiccnllttttca byritiamnt a small coMnbon Hot Air. I'cb. sc,'75-tf. J. II. STECK'EU'S FLOUR, f AND GOAL DEPOT, HLOOMSDUItd, l'A- Kreamer'a old slunU on Iron .Street, between Second anil Third. All kinda of urnln taken In exchango for coal. J. II. STIX'KKi:, Mar. 10-lf Hloomstmrff I'a. 1L.VTCULKY'S Ini 1 t proicn llllll I'PMI Id tl'.n nn- I'l'I'ITM 111',, :nou leilireil kl .itiil.inl nf lilt tilfllkl.f In' t.Mniit.ip .riuivi, niu llllinp 101 iholcaiit money. Attention 3 lilnMledto Hl.itddey's Imiirnved Ilr.ick- KTvii ''''"?"rP v'v'. vtlilch can l. 3rfJl Ultlll HlWIl Wlllinilf llUtml.liw.tlm Ir.!..!.. 1 fErjf.ft nml tlio mnnnr .i(iiiilui . 1.I..I. ! IMtimW rai-hs, hemes or rusts and JSl A'!! lime. Koi'Kalo hviKulets KJCa generally. In order tolio Lijl (jet lll.itehlej's l'nmii.hoc sd5f cracks, scales or rusts and w 111 hut n Ilto I anil tho Iraili) iz-' ir JrA " . ... .'.'. iiiiiuniiin mill uii Acsjtrjf iret in.iti.tii.it j iiii...i. i... ..........i ...... ,, TTv' ' J " "mi-, w villi-, in unu mii L.1.nliLi!i.s ,r.;"10 "iarks atoie. If joudonot vlhoru Iu Imv, ilescrlpllve cltculars, lowlher n ..,,.1,?..na."lc' n.n,u aas ot tho ngent nearest )ou H 111 bu fin ii shed liy nililn'htiiiMit.,hUllip, CIIAS.II. IILATCIILKV, Manufnetiircr, Ml, Cointncrco Kt l'hll.idcl)hla. l'Olt SALi: HV J. SCHUYLER k SON, Bleomsburff, Pa. March 5 15-9HI A WANTKD.-AI ll.o rale this work . is now fcciilnir it win attain a Balo of 100.000 COPIES wish to retain It li.v operi-nlr cxercli" stu , nt lje incn, nnd others who'deslro tool tain luer itlra Jni IlcluTtnota,,,Jn,vI?0rSo,r,'!,'K'c,,ll',e "piuon,"nS,'JS: lulled to apply fur an nfency to bell "THU HISTORY OF THU 1'RKSIIYTF.. RIAN CHURCH THROUGHOUT TUB WORLD." AliMiitlful larco octavo loliimc. Illustrated ith 5 uikI wooi I td if mi nKn. v, ,ic) iVry I'reshV leH, i, family nil .want to powsw. I'rlco In clot h V I I reiicli Moirureo, , Half Turkey Morocco i , Kuii ' Tin kpv IteS", ,,J' Al'Pl'entloM for exclusive tem Wry bhould bo mado at once. Address, K-rritory DKWrn'c. iXNTJtco., Dec. 83, 14-cm. 4l(lllrooino Btrect, New York. PLANTS ! PLANTS! ii'iuij i uuirai-ii nants, host k nils cold fraim u-pll 'd,I.W, Wilson and Charles Downlns strawberry 1'lanls per doreu.vs cents.ii ,.r ,nudred,n.oo,per thomnnd bwoet I'otato Hants, per hundred, w ccme, per I loukand, (..,.. i.Jall,H, w cc.ta m lj,e ' Karly Tomato MantH best kind. i,. J.. ... . " ccntB, tomato plauta out ot hot-bed, per aZnu cent-s per hundred, sj eels, per thousand, t7 , I.ato (JabbaKe, tvierj .1 Pepr Plants la ih I rteu. son, lantssentby 6 ,ri..xpres.,. Whenordeied by mail lo cents ner da- . i..i ,n. .... . . ."'! bhoutd bo bent toWy ,k,41os;; " DIUv' ' "Nr0h,m.nh ''ml'-v """tlint the Illnoi,,., NTti ilZlv lei vi jus - , 11, K,-tt '