THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURGr, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. THEOOLUMBLAH. II 1, 0 O M S II t) II (I, I' ft I II A V, M IV II, 1873 Itnll Rotul Time Tnlilc. LACKAWANNA & DI.OO.MS1IUIKI MAIL UOAI) NOItTn. , a. Jt M3 1'. M. . C.&O A.M. Mall Train Kxpross Trnln Accommodation Trnln,. CATAWISSA ltAII, UOAI), NflltTII. , 6.S9 A, M. , 3,M 1'. M. ROCTII. e.u I', m 13.31 1', M T.4T 1'. SI. SOCTIt 7,00 1'. M. 11,31A.M. Accommodation Trnln llcgular toprcsi ...... Through ears on Kxpross train cither to Now York or Philadelphia. Accommodation train runs between Cul.twlssa and Wllllainsport. NUTICi: 1 SUIISCIIIllKltS. All other business having been brought to a cash lial, It has becoma necessary that tho samo rule should be applied to tho I'rlnttng business. A sub scriber who does not pa by tho ttmo liU jenr 1 up H no prollt to tho onlec, nnd It payment bo longer tic 1 ijcd ho la a positive toss. Wo shall expect nil, there fore, to pay tip between thU tlmo nnd the llrsl of July ensuing, as wo baveheavy payments to meet nt that date.. i:acli subscriber can see by tho date print ed with Ids namo on cacii paper from what tlmo ho ones. Hcmittanco' may bo matlo by mall, ntour risk If witnessed by tho Postmaster. Those Indebted for .lob work nnd advertising must also bo prompt In tli.'lr paj incuts. Produce will continue to bo taken In payment ns heretofore. lt Gas pipes are being laid through Sixth street. Centre slreit. graded. An ncUHlionnl this week. from Main to llock, is being candidate fur Commissioner Our hotels have been doing a lively business Ihc past two weeks. The present indicalionsnre that we shall have nn abundant harvest this season. Trout fishing is now in season, and tho "ppeck Icd beauties" will have to stiller. Chief Woodward made " nrrcsls for drunken ness and '2 upon warrant dining the past month. The street sprinkler laid the dust on Main street, for the first time this seaon, on lu-d TuesiUiy. Mr. V. Krickbauni presents in n hen's egir, measuring OJ by "J inches, and weighing HJ jiO'iiids. lt was laid by a crossed white Ilr.iniih. Old "Boreas" was on n rampage last Wed nesday, blowing down signs, Ac. It would have been a good day for balloonisls to bicak their necks. Mr. William Oilmorc has begun tho work of tearing down (ho old Episcopal Church. The rt moral uf ibis dilapidated structure will add materially to the appearance of Main street. Texan are turning their attention to spelling for the first time. They generally shoot a man as soon as he misses, hut the spelling goes light on without particular interruption. So an ex change says. The cnterlainment given in the Opera House List Saturday night, by the Third street public school, No. "J, was well attended and gave good satUfietiou. Miss Carr deserves credit for training the children so well. ltcv. J. A. Irvine, pastor of the Kvangelical Church on Hlooiysbtirg Mission, will preach ill the church on Iron street, near Michael Casey's, on next Sabbath, the llilh in-tant, at tl o'clock p. m. All arc cordially invited to attend. Mr. Geo. II. Hrown has jut, placed in the oflice of his hotel for tho comfort of his guest-, two very handsome softs, divided up by an iron arm, one into six seats and the other into eight. Mr. lliown is continually studying the comfort of his guests. Last Monday night the people residing on North Market street, were disturbed from iheir peaceful slumbers by the melodious voices or mveral young men, which rang out upon the still midnight air in pitiful strains. They Here out scieiinding. , lly reference, to a canl in another column it will be observed that tho lllooiusburg Silver Comet Hand have tendered their services, free'harire. to tiarticinatc in the observance of Decoration Day, the li'Jlli instant. As yet, we believe no measures have been Ukeu for the observance of this Memorial Day. Messrs. A. IS. Ctlicart and C. II. Clark, druggists, for the past three or four years with Moyer lirolhers, have purchased the stock and trado of 1 M. liarber, in Wilkes-lS.irre. Messrs. ('titlicatt and Clark take immediate, po-ession of the store. Tho best wUhes of their friends in liloom-burg go wilh these worthy young men. Mr. lt. M.Tubbs has mirchasid (he wholesale smd retail burning anil lubricating oil trade of organization The M. K. Sunday School Convention of Dan ville District, for 1875, will be held lit Berwick, the 2.jlh, Mlh nnd S!7tli Instants. Hf.ooM9nuiui,FA., May 10, 18"fl. To uhom it may concern .' At a regular meeting of tho llloomiiburg Sil ver Cornet Hand, It was unanimoiuly resolved to lender tho services of tho, free of clmrge, to any Lodge, School or Committee, (on part of citizens of Illoonnbiirg,) that may wish (o (ake part in a proper observance of 29th of May, Decoration Day. A. W. Mo.vnou, Leader of Hand. A novel exhibition of pugilistic, elements occurred in llltonnbiirg laUSiturday evening. Some six or seven men from tho country, filled with tho "ardent," boarded a spring wagon In front of (ho Exchange Illock, and after crossing market street commenced lighting among them selves, keeping It up until Ihey crossed Pishing creek, below town, occasionally spilling a man out of tho wagon. Main street was" crowded to wllness tills traveling "knock-down." "Ilavti you hcarTum mighty spellers, Spellers from (hu dictionary, hpcllcrs from tho new edition (K the unabridged pictorial; l'roin tho pages of old 'Wooster, From the mudern high school speller, From all tho books that deal lu language, From nil technical conclusions. From nil ubsolute confusions? 'Mao jou heard them spell together? Mpcll In ranks llko lighting soldiers, Doctors side by side with preachers, l'tiplli slilo by side with toaclu-rs ; lliuo sou seen the mighty umpire, Hit his open diction rising, Willi his glasses on his optics, And hl.i ears erect for errors 7" The following resolutions were adoptctl by the U. S. S., of Orangovillo! Wiikhras, an Allwiso God has taken one of our number, Mi's Delia Mateller; therefore ' lltaokeil, That, since Almighty God in his infinite wisdom has done this, though sorrowing vi t we sav "fhv will be done," knowing "lie iloelh nil tilings well." Jlemlreil, Thai, remembering "Ho dotli not afflict willingly," we strive to learn what lie would teteh us by (his sad dispensation. Each of us mint die, we know not limy soon. Jl-mhol, That a copy of these resolutions be sent It) the family of tho deceased, with whom we deeply svmp ithise, and (hat they be printed in each of (lie county pipers. MAfinn: Lvr.s, ) Makv AcliCN'iiAcif, f Committee. Sutui Strait, J "Gentle Spring!'' "Ethereal Mildness.'' Geiitlu l'r.iuill Ethereal Humbug I What ever ditl Thompson write (hat nonsense for? Spring indeed 1 Mildness, forsooth I Willi one thy from June sandwiched between two from December. Everybody might to be obliged to Tom llooil for rebuking Thompson in the fol lowing ode : "Cjiii", (Ikvtm! Spilngl ethereal MiinsBssconio I" till I Thompson, void of rliyinn ns well as riMson, , How C'Kihl-.t Hum (Hits poor human nature hum? There's no ste-li season. Tim spring I I think nnd shudder nt her name. For why, I llii'l le-i- breath a bitter blighter! Ami suffer from blows as it they camu From hprlng the lighter. Let others culoglza her lloral shows ; From me they cannot win a single stanza. I know her blossoms are in full blow and so's 'lite luiiuenza. I limp In agony, I wheezo and cough ; Andipiakc with ague, that great agitator ; Nor dream, before J nly, of lcavlug off My respirator. In short whatever panegyrics Ho In fulsome odes, too many lo be cited. The tenderness or Spring Is all lu my el e, And (hat Ls blighted I A V.U.UAHLF. HOOK. The l'olilicil, I'ci-onal and Properly Bights of a Citizen of (ho United Slates How lo exer cise nnd how to preserve them ; by Theophiltis 1'ar-ons, LIJt 1). Jones lirotl.e's it Co., Philadelphia, Pa. A careful perusal of this work will convey an adctpiale understanding of all legal tptestions arising in public or private life, for i( gives a clear explanation of those universally recog nized principles, on which are based all existing laws enacted (o secure us in (he enjoyment of out our rights anil privileges. That every one should ha well informed con cerning the rights and duties of (he citizen, is of the greate-t importance in Ibis country where he participates so freely and so directly in the allaitn of government. This volume will prove of great value to the statesman anil to lawyers, ami cannot but be eminently u-efiil to the citizen of every class anil calling. '1 lie ability, accuracy and long experience of the author as a law writer and teacher, are a Miflieient guaranty that (he work is one of mciit anil usefulness. The language of (he author is simple, lie eliminates from it those abstruse Alonzs Dodge. Appeal. Howell for Dodge, no counsel for plaintiff. Judgment by consent for plaintiff for $20.31. 0. S. Fowler for tho uso of 0. II, Fowler, administrator, vs. W. II. llakcr, This was an nclion of assumpsit on promissory notes. Howell for plalntlfl; l-'rccio for defendant. Verdict in favor of plainlllT for tho sum of $203. C. H. Fowler for the uo of Ci. H. Fowler's admliiNtr.ilor vs. 9. W. llaker. Howell for plalnllll", Freeze for defendant. The caso of samo nature ns (ha former one. Verdict for pWlnlilT for (lie sum of $300. Joseph Curl, assigned to Solomon Hclwig, vs. Maldon Hamlin. Seiro facias to revive judg ment. Ilrnt-kw.iv A Elwell for tilalntlff. W. II. Abbott for defendant. Verdict for plalnliin for $321.77. 11. L. Diefienbach vs. C. P.. llrockway. Ver dict for plainlill lu the sum of $321.83. K. II. & lt. lt. Little for plaintlli; Freeze, 11. F. Clark, and llrockway & Elwell for defendant. Campbell vs. Geo. J. Luce. Ordered that tho petitioners he allowed lo defend ns (crre tenants, and that their names bo entered upon (he rec ords as defendant". Charier of (he Incorpoiatiou of tho Mutual Firo Insurance company of Mlllvillo granted. lu tho estate of It. Hampton, deceased, order ed that the return ho filed as of May 3, 187o, nunc pro tunc, ami that the same shall be con firmed unless exceptions arc filed by the 3d day of next term. Account of Peter llayman, trustee of Eliza beth I layman, confirmed. Account of Kelllaln Dunkle, committee of Margaret Dunkle, confirmed. Account of C. It. Woodin, ns-ignco of the Columbia Iron nnd Manufacturing company, confirmed. Account of Fred. Ilagcnbucb, trilteo under (ho will of Geo. Hidlay, confirmed nisi. Wm. Milnes vs. J, D. llice. Sheriff's reliirn made in open cotirl, Itoad in Locust township near Widow Trox cl'. Iteport of viewers confirmed nisi nnd width fixed at 3:1 feet. lioad in Locust township near Henry Hclwig'.si Iteport of viewers confirmed nisi and widlh fixed at 33 fict. Itotd in FishingcrceU and Orange townships near David Achfiibach's. Iteport of viewers confirmed nisi and width fixed at 33 feet. Levi Kiuley vs. X. L. Campbell. A. C. Smith and Hervcy E. Smith for plalntlfl', Itob ert F. Clark and J. 11. Itobison for defendant. This was a motion made for a new trial by tho defendant's counsel. His honor read a decision refii-ing to grant the saute. A. C. Smith, I'sip, called the attention of the court to the fact that the names of Smith it Sun had been stiiekeit off of tho appearance docket in three cases without tho consent til the said attorneys or tho plaintiff. The Piothonotary statctl that it had been done by his clerk at the itistaticu of the assignee of the plainlill'. His honor said that the names should be reinstated upon the record. In the estate of Xoah Prentiss. Petition of real estate. 1 1141101 awarded. In the estate of Denton W. Waplcs. Petition of real estate, ltettirn confirmed nisi. In the estate of Mary llarlocher. Iteport of sale confirmed nisi. In the estate of Peter 11. Wenner. Iteport of sale confirmed nisi. In the estate of Solomon Buss. Petition for sale ordered. Iteport of viewers of a roatl in Greenwood from Jackson church to llolirsbiirg, coiifiiincd ui-i. May 10th, lS7,r). Otdered by the court that Section 1 of Itule 1, of the ltules of Court, he amended ns follows : All after the word plain till' in tho 2:!d line, is stricken out to the wonl provided in the 32d line, and the following is substituted in the place of the words stricken "Which judgment for the purpose of lien John Dellrich and Cyrus II. Mcllcnry appointed reviewers, Petition for a publlo road In Centro township near Geo. II. Kelclincr's, deceased, Peter Knt, Charles Leo and James 0. Hrown npjioliitcil viewers. Petition for viewers to chango a publlo road In Jackson township, near Pino Grovo school house. James Lockhnrt, Geo. W. Derr and Isaac A. Dewllt appointed viewers. Thatcher .0 Gearhart vs. Daniel Snyder. Scire Facias Wur. Mechanic's Lkn. ltobcrt F. Clark, A, C. Smith nnd Hervcy E. Smith for platnllfl's, E. II. Litllo nnd Robert lt. Llttlo for defendant, l'rom tho evidence it appeared that plaintiffs wcro plumbers nnd gas fitters, and had dotto work pertaining lu (heir t ratio In and about tho defendant's house, to tho amount of $1,200. for which they filed a mechanic's lien. Subseipiently defendant gavo (hem $300 In money and (wo notes of $3j0 each, for which (hey gave htm a receipt in full of nil demands, Tho notes were protested mid never paid by defendant. Defendant claimed that iho accept unco of tho notes extinguished tho lien. Plain tills claimed that they only did so, if paid nt maturity. Verdict for plaintiffs for full amount of claims with interest, being S73-VJ3. Ill the matter of the account of Stephen Hill, executor of Adam Hill, deceased, Tho court appointed E. H. lkelcr auditor on exceptions. Jacob Evans nnd Hannah Evans, hclis, vs. Win, F. Cox. Ejectment. Ikeler for plaintiffs, Freeze for defendant. This aclioti was Lrotight to obtain possession of land held by defendant. Defendant puichacd the laud of Jacob Evans, now dead, the plaintiffs, ihc heirs of said Jacob ami 11 atmah, his wife, also dead, claimed that the title lo the land was in said Hannah, nnd that tho sale of the land by her husband did not pass any title to defendant. Verdict for pljintlil's as follows: And now May 12, 1875, (he Jury upon (heir oaths nnd nllinnalioiis aforesaid, say that they find for the plaintiffs (lie land described in the writ of ejectment subject to tho conditions, tltnt tlto said judgment shall bo discharged and stlUfied if the defend ant shall pay, or cause to be paid, into (he oflice of the Prothonotary (he sum of one thousand nine hundred and eighty-live dollars and thlily- six cents, with interest from this date. Said payment to be made by ihc 12th day of August, 1S7"), with costs. Citation awarded to Alfred ('reveling on peti tion of Mary F. Trendy nee Crevcling. Charter of Incorporation of "The Lime Kidgu Methodist Episcopal Church'' at Centrevillc, in Centre township, granted. Ladies vott can Imv a nice Two-ISiiKon Kid Glove of Clark it Wolf for U0 cents, all shades. The attention of Farmers and others diiving horses is called lo the fact that C. S. l'linnau lias 11 line lot of Harness, both double nntlsinglo, that ho will disposo of cheap for cash, lie is also prepared to make Harness to order on short notice. Has on hand a nice stock of Trunks, Traveling Hags, Vali-es, Shawl Straps, l hips, &c., all down to bottom prices. llusstl has iiist received a fresh supply of Apples, Bananas, Oranges, Lemons, Pine Ap ples, ic. Examine his stock. James Cadman wi-lies lo sav to the general tuiblic. that lie has nut prices down 011 his stock ol I'titniture to Hie Oullum liguu-, ami will eu for cash. White Deer Mills Cassimeres at C. C. MairV, Don't buy till you see them. Fur Black at 30. -10. -15. 60, 00. 00, Go. 75. 85 and DU cents or S1.00 and 1.25 per yard, go to LitU A: Sloan s. You can buv of I. W. llaitman Goods very Cheap this month before repairing Ids store. Wool Fringes all shades at Clark it Wolfs. and execution shall be final, but shall not be a bar to the recovery of any balance which may be justly due to tho plainlill'. If the plaintill' takes judgment for tho sum not in dispute he shall state in his praecipe or motion therefor, whether he accepts it in full of his claim or will proceed for the balance. In case he shall not take such judgment, or if he shall elect to tak the same as part of his claim, ami shall proceed to arbitrate or try the cause before a jury and shall not recover in (he whole (exclusive of in (crest from (lie (into of allulavil hied) a sum greater than that admitted to be due by the de fendant, he shall pay all costs which shall accrue tfter the tiling of ntlidavit as aforesaid." The rule alters somewhat the practice in filing of phrases so common in most law books and brings his subjects within tho comprehension of allidavils of defense. llio-e imlearneil 111 the law. ii..., i i, i!,.i l!nl, tlis explanation of tho causes which led lo ,1.1!,1in' n, ,.,itor into bond for navment uf cu-ts mil- ir.tiitiiig tiiiu utiopitoii 01 1110 loiisiituiiou 01 foutimitil me Li.ueu suites, anil us principles ami pur- Milrv j.inu Wllncy , Sarah S. Ma.-leller and poses, is alone well worth the cost of the volume williat.i Barber. Motion for iiidement atrtin-t to every one who aspires to tho full enjoyment of the privileges guaranteed him by the supremo law of the land. The vast amount of useful knowledge, the excellent forms, the rules for the and procedure of deliberative J. Schuyler A; Son, and will liereafler carry on ttlie business extensively. Mr. 'lubbs is con intruding .1 large vault near the L. it B, lt. It. depot, in which to store his oils. Mr. Tubbs is nn i.iiti.nirislni- voiuiL' man. and we predict for him success. The Susan Denin Combination will again favor Bloontsburg with twu entertainments, on .(be 17(h and lS(h instant Miss Dentil was in .this place some two months sinco anil was tpilte well liked. Sinco appearing here she has hem (traveling in the western part of the State, ami litis met wilh universal plaudit. Tickets to be procured at Clark's Book store. The largo receipts on subscriptions during court were gratifying, and tho persons paying them have our thanks. Yet there is still a very largo number who have paid nothing since July 1, 1873. We hope all these will come forward nnd square their accounts before July coming. Tho date may bu seen on caih one's paper every week, printed immediately after the name. We cannot afford to wait year afler year for our dues. Tlu; public schools of Bloom-burg closctl vc.stordav (Thursday), after a term of eight , , ., ..w.jt rn'ornbht ..r.:"...! f township, as rcpiired by law, its nubile scluols. having two line largo build intrs finished up in good style and furnished with (ho very best of school furniture, ami willi a .conn of teachers of the best qualifications, 'making them both convenient and pleasant for il'upllsi As Pmrrrv as a Lirrtu BuTrniiFLV. 'Douhlft Solll? ami Dance. Words ami nitiste by .John T. Itutledge. This song and dance is already used by professionals in nearly all lir.t- . class traveling troupes. The words are charm- Im': is very fine indeed; will com mand Immense applause every whcie. The dance attached is entirely new, uud is alone i, ,i. .,.;., .L-,.il for thu song. Can be played on eillier Oigau or Piano. Price 35 cents. Will be mailed lo all poilions of this country upon reciint of marked price, by V ti,,l,,,lt. M,,.l It, nl, i- nod Publisher, 278 West Sixth street, Cincinnati, Ohio. HTATi: BAllllAI'lI kfllOHI. CONVKSTIOV, Thu I-ocal ContiuSlUe of Arrangements lor the Stale S. S. Coiivintlon. to bo held at Lebau bodies and the glossary of law terms in common u-e make (his work one of great popular value. COURT PROCEEDINGS. Charles Lie, (o (he use of William Milnes, vs. Jesse 1). Jticc. Court appointed Monday lOih, at (ho afternoon session for tlie reading of the return of (bat part of tho properly purchase ed by Wm. Millies, lien creditor. In the matter of the account of C. Menden hall, atlministiatorof tlie estate of Peter Winner, deceased, C. W. Miller, E-ti., appointed auditor to distribute fun ls-in tlie hands of tho adminis trator among (he creditors and parties entitled tlierito. In (he matter of exceptions to the account of Jonathan Forttict, uxcetdor of Sarah Further. On motion exeeplions stricken oil' and the ac count confirmed. In the matter of Thomas Burns for insolvency, Petition and bond filed conditioned for his ap pearauce at next Court of Common Pleas to apply for his discharge under (lie insolvent laws. The court having examined (lie la( returns of the assessors fix all licenses for hotels within tlie county of Columbia under tho 5lh class Tho application of S. Bog irt rejected some of the signers lo his petition not residing m tlie Tho application of ( ('. llo-lcr, because of erroneous publica lion. The application of S. B. Hess, Peter Gross and David Gross withdrawn. All the licenses advertised granted except the above in Benton township, near Gleu illy, confirmed. Report of viewers of a road in Greenwood tuwiisbip vacating (be saute, confirmed. Report of viewers for a brulgo in Locust township confirmed. Edward Murphy appointed auditor for Cen tralia borough, Tlie following Sheriff's Deeds were ucknowl edged in open court, viz ; Deed from M, Giover, Sheriff, for 110 acres, Tlie larrrest Stock of Readv-Madc Clolhin, for Snring and Summer Wear, Elegance', Dtira- l)ili(v anil Cheapness combined at D. Lowen- berg's. W. 11. Brown keens the ino-t complete and fintst assortment of Groceries that can be pur- hasetl in market. Ills Groceries are Iresli ami are seltctitl from first importers' hands. His prices are low, as he has piiicltastil lusgwous at liollom figures to suit tlie linn's. Lace Curtains nt Clnik A Wolf's. $1.75 will buy a pair of Lasting Gaiters nt 15. M. Knorr's, Pewter Snml for salo nt Uusscisi. If you want n first class Farm Wagon, If you want a Platform Pleasure Wagon, If you want an Elipllo Snrlng Wagon, If you want a Pleasure Wagon, If you want your Wagon put In good trim, If you want repilrs done good wilh short notice, Go lo J. R. Fac. Go lo W. II, Brown's If you want a good Extra Mackerel. Lndips' nnd Gents' fino Boots and Shoes nt Mckinncy's, 2d door below the Court House. Ladies buy tho "M,nn!' Corset tit Clark Wolf's. lints for Men. Bovs and Children. Spring Styles, Lowest Prices, nt D. Iowcnberg's. Gents' Favorite Buckle Shoo at Knorr's. Go to C. C. Marr's for White Deer .Mills Can- siincrcs. Don't fall to see them. Cheese 1 Chcosol Cheese! Fino assortment of Cheese nt Russet's. House Furnishing Goods in Great Variety at Clark & Wolf's. Lulz Sc Sloan have (lie largest assortment of Dross Trimming and Buttons m Bloontsburg. When vnu mi lo Philadelphia stop nt tho Allegheny House, Xo. 812 ami 814 Mar ket street; b'tving been recently renovated, Price ."U- - j per day. A. ltl'.ci;, Maiv'i 1 '."-ly Proprietor. A fn"! 7in of Hosiery, Striped and Plain, Laces, II .- burg Edgings, Rnllllngs, Collars and Cull's, vei - cheap, tit Clark it Wolf's. Go to W. H. Brown's. His Fish nro New and warranted full weight. His prices are low. Iiok at his Fish before you buy at any other place. F.utMl'.us, Atit.xiiox. Kiissixr. take-) Butter, Egg l gootls. and Produce, in oxehango for A new line of Tie", Ribbons and Gootls nt Clark A Wolf's. Fancy Merchants tining to tho city will do well tn cull on W. II. II UN' nil'., who is engaged witli tho old mid reliable firm of YliAonit A l?'oc'K, for lints, Caps, Straw (fOod,c-U , 257 Xortli Third street, Phila delphia. March l'J,'7o-3ni COAL. COAL 01.1 IMablisliod Coal Yard. C. W. Kiiai, it lino., Wholesale & Kctuil Dealers in all sizes of tltc best tptalide'S of llc l ami White Ash Coal, at the very lowest market rates. Have constantly on hand large stocks ol Domestic, Cupola, Blacksmith's Anthracite, Bituminous, . mid Limclnmicr's Coal. F.-iccial attention given to the prepara lion of coal before leaving our yards. Grain mill Lumber taken in exchange for coal, Coal delivered to any part of tlto town at short notice. Orders felt nt I. W. McKclvy's utori-. or nt our o iff. will receive liromnt at tention. Ollico and Yards at William Xeal & Sons' Furnace. East Bloontsburg. Your patronage respectfully solicited. CO A L. L7 tf-23 COAL ""town and country. scs lhcs s o'clock l mtuutc sets a o'clock i'j minutes. o Moon sets '): 13 o'clock p. m. o r.oi i) Ls now (luott-it nt a premium or about Its in other words green bteks are 15 por cent, below par. o lUASK Peeps, on l'aicluneiit ami linen paper, com monanU fur Atliuhilstrators.Kseeu tors anUTrustees, tor sale cheap at (he Co umuiah olllee. I'ai-eh 11 ins Just iccelveil antl for sale nt (ho Co- I l.i'itiiiAN otilce. o Charles I.amh, Ilssajht, denounced all splrltotts liquors as "Vet Damnation." roorftllow; heknew whereoi he snake, by sad experience, ami IllUIn; would apply the siuai- to Alcohol i:xcIt.uHs,advei Used as Cure alls. Hut Iheie Is out; Tonic and Alterative lu existence the best tho world his ou-r known which eontilns no alcohol, tl Is nr. Walker's fall (jiiiU Vim-gar Illlleis. Examine E. nobbv Shoes. M. Knorr's show window for ICE I ICE! ICE I All no sons wantiin; Ice during the Season mu-t procure Tickets at Kleim's Drug Stoic. Ice Delivered to all parts ol town. Burl's fine Slices a( McKinneyV. sold us laud of Gcorgo W. Shaller. Deetl from M. Grover, Sherill", to Gotlelb Wilehey, for 0 acres, sold us land of Fred Wilcliey. IKul from M. Grover, SheiilF, lo Daniel Smith, for 0 acres, sold us laud of John II. the paily served, William Barber, for want of a plea. Jennie- E, Jenkins vs. John S. Jenkins. Xo. 21 December, 1S7-1. Siibpuna in Divorce. Alias returned nihil habit. On motion publication ordered. Robert F. Clark vs. Martha Clark. Subpuna in Divorce. Motion made for appointment of commissioner lo take depositions. Ten days' notice of the time and place to bo given le- fpoiidcnt. J. M. Dewitt vs. E. Rawlings. Appearance of E. 11. A R. It. Little as attorneys withdrawn and judgment for want of an appearance. J, M, Dewitt vs. J. W. Sankey. Same as above. John While and Tacy, his wife-, In right of said Tacy, vs. Jesso D. Ilitv, II. G. Crevcling and Frederick Hagenbtitb. On motion of E. R, Ikeler, attorney for plaintiff, judgment for S3'Jti.02 wilh interest from February 4th, lS7o, as admitted in defendants' affidavit of defense, which sum of $.'i'2!!,02 with interest us aforesaid is accepted in full satisfaction of all demands its debt and interest in the above case. Win. Milnes vs. Jes.-o I). Rb-e. Rule granted lo show cause why the sale by (be Sherill' of lite tpiarry lot returned sold lo vuiiiam -M tines should not bo set aside. Columbia county, ss, At a Couit of Common Picas, held in Bloomsbiirg, for tho county of Columbia, tho 10th day of May, A. D. Ib75, before tho Hon, William Elwell, President Judge, and bis Associates, the petition of Rob ert Mannon, comniitteo of tho person and estate of Martin Mannon, a lunatic, was pie-iulnl, selling forth that it would bo to the lie.-t interests of said lunatic for tho court to make an order, authorizing (lie sale of said lunatic's real estate in the estate of his deceased father, Jacob Man non, upon thu samo terms for (he samo price and (o the same parties, as did tho oilier clnl dreu and heirs of said deceased i whereupon tin court appointed an auditor to investigate the facts of the caso and report upon (ho expediency of uranliuir said application. Ten days' notice of the hearing bv the said auditor to be givui lo James Mannon and Rebecca .Mannon, the mother antl oldest brother of said lunatic Henrv Soiuiuers vs. Juhu Yeager. Scire Facias lo bring in the administrator as u paily Mav 10th. Wellington Yeager, lulinliil-trator uf John Yeagir, deceasi-tl, substituted us defendant in abuve case, Scire Facias for that puipuse having been served on defendant, Bradley t Gordon vs. lleckley A Phillips. Gknti.i:mi:x, are you aware that Cruteliley it Kline-, proprietors of the Centennial Tobacco Stole-, oppo-ite the old Episcopal Church, keep the be-t Cigars, Chewing nnd Smoking Tobaccos in Bioouisburg? Try them anil be convinced. X full line of ill ck Silks for Dresses and Coats at reduced prices at Lilt. te Sloan's. A full line of all Dome-tie Goods a( Clark it Wolf's as low as (lie lowest. Sailor Suits, Seliuol Suits for Rule Boys at D. LowenbergV. Go to Rt!;i,i,'s for your Groceries. selN for cash uud will not bo undersold. Who wouldn't ui.-h fur a pair of E Knoii's Fancy Spiing Style of Shoes? ami see them. lie M. Call Xew Skirling at Clark it Wolf's. 1 tell you C. C. JIarr has nice Bills, yrs, and I am going to have one. Wbito Gootls in gicat variety at Clark it Wolf's, very cheap. Fine .Dress Shirts at Lowenberg's. W. II. Brow n kit us a fine assortment of Can ned Fruits and coiulcli-cd uoods. Also, a full i-soiliiunt of Xuts ami l-reneli Candy and ir aiigcs ami I. unions, Kimble ieil fioinM. Grover, Sheriff, toll. D.Knorr, I'reezo for plaintiff, Kuorr, Brockway and El tho propeily of Jesse D. Rice. well for defendants. Action of Assumpsit, ir- Deetl from M. Grover, Sherill; to Alex. Lin- diet for plainlill' for $1,600. Iteport of viewers of a load in Locust (own ship, near Win, l'fahler's, conlirintil. s vs, Clinton Cole it Benton Cole Vn i,, Kii, (i.l, .mil 10th. Ib75. extend a ken, for 511 acres, sold as land of Patrick Linden ,.r,lli !.,v i ... ll t.l,l,;itl. School workers Deed from M, Grover, Slierlli; to I. S. Kuhn, to bo present at (he Convention. They promise a lot o ami, sou. us iniu oi v. i .-outer. (. lo do all in (heir power lo .nolo (heir sojouu. Deetl fro... M. .rover, M.erlfl.lo Robert C or- Jl(, , fur in their u.I.lst us phasaut as ),o.siblf Hi, aw acres oi lui.o, som as ma-, o., DilcgalcsandothiispurpciiitoiilUiiilwlll iiaeuiiia.t. ,, ,.i....... tr .1... rv,,,,l,...., n h,i.-r than June Wm. Milnes t. Jesse D. Rice, Itulu granted Ut of their Intention lo bo present, so (hat upon Michael Giover, Hherlli; (o pay Into court (.laces for entcitalnuuiit muy bu assigned them, the money arising from (lint portion of the real All communlcullun. should bo addressed lo estate, of Jesse D. Klcc, sold uy ino mierl .o U XI. !,m. K..'y T.i-Imuoii. Pu. II. 1). KllOrr. -,-..,.,,,-. , - , , . ,-, -, ir.ll.l. ... xr J. L-LE-jbtitOLn. Chairman. Re ur uw w v. . Judgment for want ol a plea. Petition for viewers of a road In Orange lieu- Isaiah Conner's wtate. Samuel Frias, David Driblcpleco and Laao A. Dewilt uppolutcd viewers, Petition for reviewers of it road lu Mount Pleasant township to vacnto uud relay at or near Wathlks ghafUVa laru. ltmo Falrumn, Till! WKAIt AND THAU OF A CITV 1,1 FB. Tho wear and (carot aclly llfonro asovcro (ax upon tho strongest constitutions. Tho Imrry and btisllo and nnxlelles of business keep Iho nervous system In n state ot unnatural tonston during busi ness hours, nnd In tlto end Impair the elasticity and vlgorof IhoMtal or,ranlztlon. Tlis penalty o( nil uiidua excitement Is saini'iuent exhaustion. Tno Iwst remedy for It, whatever the cause, Is Hosteller's stomach Hitters, tho tonle nnd alterative properties ot which rapidly dlff use themselves through tho en- llro system, revlvo and reinforce every dormant acuity, an I restore a ntttiral con lltlon of body nnd mind. Homo moral reformers Insliinon the disuse of nil Btlmulants. This, to 8 ly Iho least of II, Is Irra- tlonal. All competent physicians admit that a pure medicated stimulant Is otto of Ilia most useful rcme dies known. As a tonle and Invlgorant for tho aged nnd lantfttld, llostettcr's Hitters has no equil. lt Is tho sheet-anchor of the feeb'.onnd debilitated. In all climates and In every species of disorder which breaks down tho bodily strength, lt Is an absoluto npoclllc. It Is nlso nn Invaluable remedy for sea sickness. Tho nausoa and retching caused by tho pitching nnd rolllnj of a vessel at sea paralyzes the bodily antl mental energies, and thoso who surfer from It would do well to resort to tho Hitters us a means of u sure and permanent relief. No steamer should sail without a supply of the article. Among botanic Ingredients of which It Is composed nro soma of the most powerful blood dcptircnls which tho vcg. elnblo kingdom affords. Consequently, It not only tones and InMgorates, bat also purines tho system through tho natural sluices which nature has pro- tided. o Tin: nrtUAT niscovnuvi U. !'. Ktinkel s Hitter Wlna of Iron, Tor tho euro of weak stomach, general debility, Indigestion, dis ease of tho nervous system, constipation, acidity ot tho stomach, and all cases requiring a tonle. Tho wine Includes tho most agreeable and efficient Salt of Iron wo possess : Cltrato ot Magnetic 1 , combined with the most energetic ot vegetable tonics Yellow Permian Hark. The effect In many cai"s of debility, loss of appe tite, nnd trcneral prostration, ot an cfllclentSalt of Iron combined with otirvatuablo Nerve, Is most hap py, lt augments Iho appetite, raises the pulse, takes oil muscular II bbltiess, removes the palor of debili ty, and gives a llorld vigor to the countenance. Do jot. want soinethlug to strengthen ou? Do j on want a good appetite t Do you want to build up your constitution? Do you want to feel well? Do you want lo get rid of nervousness ? Do yo'l want energy? Do you want to sleep well? Dojotiwtuit brisk nnd Igorous feetlngs ? It you do, try Kunkel's Wlni of Iron. Thl t truly valuable tonic has been so thoroughly tested by all classes ot tho community, that It Is now deemed Indlspeuslble as n Tunic .Medicine, lt costs but Utile, purines tho blood and gives tone to tho stomach, renovates (ho sys(em anil prolongs life. t now only ask a (rial of (hl.i valuablo Tonic, l'rleo tl per bottle. 11. 1". KUNKLK, Sole Proprietor, Phila delphia, ra. Ask your ilruggt-t for Kunkel's Hitter Wine of Iron, and lake no other make. Sold only In it bottles. All others nro counterfeit, sobewnie of Iheni. Tarn Worm Inllrely removed with purely vegetable medicine, passing from tlto syslt-m nine. No fen unlit (helicad passes. Come and rifer to patients treated. Dr. 1'. r. Kc.NKLi, No. ski North Ninth St. Philadelphia. Ad Wee free. Seat, Pin and Stomach Worms also le moveil. Ask jour ilruggUt fur Kunkmh Wohsi si iter. Price, Jl per buttle. Send for elrctil tr. o 187o. 1875 THE COLUMBIAN If you want a good Hum, If you want cheap ami good Tea, If you want Coffee Java or llio, If you want good Canned Fruit, If yuu want the best Mackerel, II' 'you want Sugar lor tho least money, If you want tho host Syrups in town, If you want good Cigars, If you want good Tobacco. If vim want anything in the Grocery nnd Provision Hue, go to Rui-i:i.l,'sj, Muiu street. tt-tii (in to The Singer Sewing Machine office ill Opera Iluuse for Utl Oil, Needles, 1 tickers, fleinuiers, tiv. A bin lino of Worsted D.css Goods, belli Plain and Plaid, at bottom prices at Walk iV. Wolfs. . . Daniel Yocuin has iiist received from the city a largo iissortnu nt ot Fine Ready-.Mado Cloth ing. Muniner Mills iroui ?f lo f u. Cu-toiu Wo.l: a speciality at McKiniiey's. 1 1 cents per vaid for Iho Wide Gras Cloths, at LtiU tV Sloan's. Peacals at thu same price. You can buv While Tea Sets (Ids mouth at 1. W. llariinaii's for SrS.UU, oilier dishes in put-portion. (in In .1. Si-hitvler & Son's for tint llarooon Hay Fork and I ntures, ulo for Steel Cultiwitor teelh. Meal for sale at Russet's. Call and try il, Parasols, Fans, Bells, Jewelry, Combs, etc., at Chill; .v Wolf's. Plaid Calico at C. C. Marr's. Citizens and Strangers who desire a Fine and l-.Kgant hprlng hull mould call al l. i-oweii be.g's. Gent's Fancy Slippers nt K. M. Knorr's. Granulated Sugar for sale at ltriu.'s, Go to W. II, Brown for lino Iroitslono China Wale. Ask lor J. Widgootl's ware', It will not bible r mid is tliet I e'rt in iiinikct, Tea Sets $1.00, I innt r Sits .old nt bottom liuurc, Those Ih'it nro in want id' Wuie will tint! it lu their Interest tu go to , II, Bio-in. Aiiollur I'liee of Black Cushuieio fur Ladies' HacU at Sl.OOpir jnid, Just received at Lull A jvu. a, Tin: ockstiox Skttlkii. Thoso ciiilncnt men, Dr. J.ts., I'lijslel.m to (iuien Victoria, nntl Dr. might Hem-alt, sav thai consumption cm be cm ed. Dr. Wlslar knew this wl.t-n he tllse-oveied l.Is now v. idclj -know n of Wild chei ry, nn I expo- He-Leu has prot.-d the coireeiness of his opinion, so cents ami H a botlle, large bottles much the cheaper. o 1H1.N T HACK, HACK, COUflll, COTfllt! Cough Is a Hjhtem by which various diseased con dlllons of tho throat, bronchial tubes ami lungs manifest themselves. Hut whether It arises from tho in lttttl n products! In tho throat and I irj n by Ing com, from an attack of Itiunehltls, (ruin Incipient Consumption, or from arluus other causes, nothing will allay It iiinrrsncedlly or cureltmuro permanent ly than Dr. Tierce's liolden Discovery, lt doe not matter whether It bo a recent attack, or t. llngeiliig cough, the Dlseotcry Is 111 titlter case equally well adapted fur Us relief nnd permanent cure. In taet, It will euro a cough In one-halt the time lieecss.u-y to euro It with tiny other medicine nud lt does 11, not by timing lt up, but by remoUn; the cause, subduing the Irritation, uud healing the nut-cti'd parts. No lime should be lost In commenc ing the use of a proper medicine for tlie relief uf a cough, for unless this course ls putstied, serious and dangerous disease of tho luns Is llaole to result (iolden JU-dleal Dlscou-ry Is sold by all dealers lu o THi: HUoT PlllNTIN'fl OFFICE. 'Iho present I-a good opportunity to lcmhid the friends of the paper, sad tho public generally, that iho CoLCMMAN Jou I'BiNi IM. oi ncK has no superior In this section, and, Hi sumo icspeets, is without an Duiittg tlie last jenr wo iuto completely re nown! our tl pes uud made largo additions, and It Is no idle- boast to say that wo lute now tho Hest Presses, tlto Host Assortment of Tjpc, tho Hest block ot Paper, Cards, Ac., and tho Hest Workmen lu the county, Oar workmen are specially adapted for their places, and w e make it a point tu ulwajs glo our customers a neat, coirect and sadsfactuiy lob. e do nut claim tu du wort; fur less than ulhers, but will nui rant It lube- ili cheap as c.ui beduiioanj- wheie nnd jleid a decent prollt. All who tirolti need of Jub Printing ot nni Llitd-lialH or in cuiors-wiu llud It to their Interest (o give tho Coi.umbum Olllte a (rial. We hate-on uand eury aiktyef Cauls Paper, Ink, Ihiuiopcs, Tags, 4c, that Is likely to be called fur, andean furnish any quantity or sljlo of work on shurtnollee. Dlndlng to older. tl o To all, particularly Invalids, spiing is a trjing tea son, indications ot skktiess sliottldut once bo at tended lo. l-' may bo caused by allow, lug the bowels iobccjii.0 constlpatid, and the sys tem lo remain In adlsorde.ed condition, until (ho disorder has lime lo deu-lop Itself. Au ounce of pie-u-uttuii Is woitn u pound of cure, Is nnoUIiiii'l truth (ulsajlng. ihiTefore wo adtlso ullwhu ate troubled with tho complaints now cry prevalent headaehe, lnillgeslluit, dlsurtleivd liver, want of appetite, nausea, or fe-uilsh skin, to take, without delay, Selienek's Mundrako lills. Wo know of no reiaedj so harmless uudtkcl-lto lulls nctlun. It at onco strikes nt the root of lite disease and produces ti health) tolie(o thus) stem, reople never neod suf fer from 'tin) dl-caso ttilslngfrum ill-.ordered contll lion of thu merit (lit) would take nils excellent medicine when the) (tel.lho llrst Indications of Iho malady. 1'auillles leatlng ltumu lur stiutiiier utoiuhs should take three or lour bu.esef these pills with Iheni. ihey liaeiin almost Instantaneous effect, i he-y w 111 re-llttve lh,- pallenl uf headache lu one or two bonis, mid will rapltliy cleanse iiieuveroi siirruiiuu- lug 1.11c, uiidwlll clfeituttll) prcuid u bullous tit- tuik. i he) ule told by all druggists. 0- wiii:iii:to advimhisi:. A.T. Htewurt s.i)8 Iho best adertlslug mediums liu has ever fuiind "are the old established organs of the two political parlies, at tho se el til county seals Ihroughuiit the liilon." "These," ho s.t)s "reach every fauillyof the least account lu llielr socral eoinilli-s, uud are itteie carefully read Ihauaity othtr chissot Jotiiimls." It Mr. Mewuit's Jtidgu.eiit Isof Mtlue, Ihere Is no illil'.eulty tu deciding width paper It Is (or llio Interest uf business men to adu-rttso In, iho coi.cmuu DtuocitiT, tqsjn which this paper Is pattl.tlly fotmtletl, was established In !s3t, and the colcmuus uuw enjoys a wider circulation and greater prospei lly thau It ever did. It gwsivgul.ul- into two thousand (amines lu Columbia and adjoining counties, and by mosluf them is lead (rum thu Iiist to the last lino, II U the only recognised exponent of near Hhi thousand Demoeiiille oterslii the county, Itglvosn'tUertU-- incuts a tasty display, that makes them all rut tin to Us pa( vim, Ihuseiisuilng greater certainty thai (hey win juitiso (hem, While its circulation l un doubtedly much Iho largest tu the county, the ad- terttslugialesof Iho Cdiauihan it.o no hlylar than those of other papeis with barely halt and scn-rul not ow'-fourlh the number of subscribers. Kuci llko these iH.-uk fur themseiies. No shrewd business man will heglecl tu Inwi t udMi tlsement lu tho 2fcwspaner. tho largest sheet published in Columbia county, neatly printed oi Xew Type, ill contain all the current Xew of tho Day, and n condensed account of LF.GISLATIVi: and COXGIU-SSIOXAL PROCF.KDIXGS, witli cxptanntion and comments upon all important measures proposed in cither: 1'OKTRY AXI) SOXG. M ISCKLLAXKOUS RKADIXG, AGRICULTURAL AXI) SCIENTIFIC SUBJKCTt IAYTO.S' IIU.NYON. CIIAItt.K4 W. 11U.NVO.V, HARDAVARE STORE. DLHUrSOiYII I MsJ LAYTON HUNYON. & CO., BLOOMS1WRG, PA., keejn constantly on liand rt Full ami Complete; Stock of HEAVY .A-lKTr) SI-IELF HARDWAEE, which ro will sell to tho Puhlio at Prices so Low as to defy competition, OUl STOCK CONSISTS IN PAltT OP IRON, NAILS. PAINTS, OILS, GLASS and PUTTY, MEOHANIOS tools and agrioultoral implements of nil Grades and Latest Improvements, S BELLOWS, ANVILS, SLEDGES, and HAMMERS. Burden's Horse and Mule hoe Horse Nails, &c. PATENT WHEELS. OLD'S AND WARNER'S PATENTS, Spokes, Heavy antl Light, Carriage Mallebcls, :Yxlc3, Springs, Gum nm Oil Cloths, Valentines Varnishes, Spirits Turpentine, ami a general Stock of WAGON AND CARRIAGE MAKERS GOODS, Building Materials, such as J) (fXCAXXON FAILS, Lewis' Lead, Best COlors, Pure Oils, itc., as low as thej can bo bought in the county. GIVE US A GALL AND SEE EOF, YOURSELF. LA"jTTON RTOIYON & CO Mar 19, 1S7& tr. . NEW HARDWARE STORE! SUCCKOltrf TO J. F. WI HUMAN" .t TO., Keep on Hand tho fFrSPWr W'&fet LARGEST STOCK mmmfw heavy It llGi.nlcls. Ootitrcs, Tweezers, IMicrs jliFfdulM U..ot. nntl KcttH Fan, a,l Fric,. A11 llniiga for all torU ol liuyorf. 'W m SHELF HAIOTAEE In the Couniv. Wo liavc nlso milled to o;ir Ptock WHEELS & SPOKES, WHKSLB4tRROW S GLASS, PUTTY, GVK-inSTIDSTOlSrES, ScO. OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE In all its l!raiielic-t, Carefully Selected nnd I'urcltasetl low for Cash giving us Advantages for Selling which can not ho excelled by any other Hardware torc in the Country. GIVE US A CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELF. Wc GUA11AKTKK both in I'KICl-: and QUALITY of our Goods. The Largest Store in the Country. .MardtivTw J. SCHUYLER &. SON, Bloonishurg, Pa. ir, ies 3s& x 2r a- a: o isr - Will also cnijro :i largo proportion of its column. Tiio DOMESTIC CONCERN'S OF COLUM11IA COUN'TV, Will receive particular attention, and all local affairs proper for publication will bo carefully laid before our readers, THE POLITICS OF THE STATE AND NATION" Will receive constant attention, and tho character and ollieial conduct of l'UIU.IC MEN' TllO llEMIXOTON HEW INO MA CHINE lias fiiruug rapidly Into favor as posHbsIne thebcn com bination ot good qualities, namely s Light runulng.smootli, KoScH-bs, Haul'), Durable, villi perfect Lock Stltcb. ltlsa Shuttle JInclilue, with Automatic Drop Feed. Design beautiful and construction tho very best. GOOD AGENTS ADDltESS, W-fi.JM.TEID. llEHiNtiTON No. 1 Machine to family tuc, In tte.Tinuu vkau OF ITS EXISTENCE, llSS IUCt Willi a more iiAt'io inciiease or ratio OFStl.ES THAN AXV UACUINEON 111'.: MAKKET. IIemivi.ionKo. 5 Machine for MANCI ACTIIIINM Bllll tlllUlly Uif (ready for delivery only since June, 1S74), for range, perfec tion, and variety of work, ls without a rival In faiallyor VOHKSHOr. SEJNTID FOK CIRCULAR Reminaton Mm Mm Cupany, Uion, 11 Y. uitAivcn orpiccs or iioiisgtox o3U'ami:s. 1'.. licmiuston & Sons, Iieiiilutoii .Senilis 31. Itcuiiugtun A'l Co., Co,, J -.1LIUN, .N. Y. Will bo pie.-icnteil to our readers, from lime to time, in life-like attitude and with entire iusticc and firmness. N'o frauds shall be committed upon the Veople or Wrong done Iheni without full ex posure in the columns of tho Coi.u.MIiIAN. COUNTY MATTEItS. March is, '7-!ra '.si ,f 2h3 r.riinflKiiy.'Si w Vcik, Aim". MitiUsoii Mniiiie, '(w Voik, beulnir Mnclilni-s. t hlcaKO, '.'it Hale M., t-t v.iugMtuhlnts ui.d Arms, lliistuii. Wat-IilniiUit M., M-wlnn Machines, fli-ilui.till. 1 Wct-t 4th s-t., tcwlnir Mttchlncs. I'llci, 123 (Untn-e, M Scnliifr Miitliltics. Atlaittii, da., Dt.l.Ue'bOi.ei.1 IIoum-, Mtult-tta Street, l-L'Wllllf MtKltlnt-s. Wnthtngton, 1). c.,Ut seMntUHl:cnlngMachlius. AFOItTUN'E IN IT. Evcrv fttinilv lmvs it. Hold by Agents. Address," II. S. tfALknt, i.t a-, l'a. eOfi DA 1 1 A' TO AOENTS. 83 new ar- r-'VJ tlclesandtho best ramlly Taper In Amei- lea, wilh tno M.tOL'hromos, free. AM. MTU tu, sw Ilroatlwuy, N. V. MONEY for Accnls in our ten New Nov elties ; lust out i needed In everj liouvt : httmple and clrcuUm free by mall, II. II. HITi: it to., EflOT-CDNS. MFI.LS, PISTOJWjpllETOLTi:il.S, All ollieial county advertisements appear in this paper, ns will alo intelligent hynop sis of the proceedings of the Courts nntl tho actions of tho County Officers when of pub- $10. fj 500. ' lie interest. OfanvindererrklDd. EendttamD ' lo, t.iklojfn. tltnu flnat H,tin Cmb AM YVMrk, t-ITTIiUUUttll, PA. invcMnl in Wall Htuit often leads to fortune. A u WllEltEVKU IT HAS llEUN Tltll'.l) J U R U E B A has cstitljll- hecl lUt-lt its a perfect regulator nntl sure leineiit for tilsurilt-rs or the ytcmtirlslug from tin-prunt-r ttt-tltin ot 1 he I.u er and How els. 1 i' IS Mil' A HlYslu, bin, bv humiliating tho se-t-i-ctlve or'.i!is, genlly antl Kratlttall.v removes all Im purities, antl regulates lite entire system. IT lh No l' A liucruHKl) 111 nxits, but Is a VEGETABLE TONIC .lilch assists diction, nntl lluis stimulates the np-pi-t Ito lor food iii-ccssary to ln Igoratt' lite weakness oi Hint ute organs, uud glcs blrt nglli to all hu Wtal fon-L-s. 11' l'ltlllK.-t ITS OWN ltECOMtr.SI).VriON as U.v lati,'" -Old rii)!U lm-rctisiiig s.tlcs testify, Trico tint' ti bultlf. Ask jourtliugil-itlorlt, JIHIN' tm.N, iitii.LuV. A iu, l'hlladt-lphla, l'a, Wboltu s.tle Agents. 4w. Tlio Columiiia.v already has much tho largest circulation of any paper in tho coun ty moro than tho combined circulation of tho other papers ami is tiio only paper printed in tho county that supports the prin ciples and time-honored usages of tho Deiti ociatlc party. Its circulation and cou-cnucn- usefulness may, however, bo much cxtciule if its fiieuds will uo their inilucncc to stir further ntltl to Its list of subscribers. At additional patronngo will bo retpiitcd by im proving tho paper, by adding to its cditsrial nntl reportorial force uud increasing the quantity of its leading matter. As an ADVERTISING -MEDIUM Tho Coi.umhiax is iinapproaehcil iu this ipuutcr of the State, nnd our JOltlllN'G FACILITIES Are superior to any other. Our friends uro invited to call nt the ollico whenever they coiuo to llloouisburg. pnere book cxplalMng evcrj ining, and a copy or tnc ttitti Mret-i itevict. SENT FREE. nllOADWAY, NKW YOIIK. JOHN IUC'KMNG & CO., Hankers anil HroUeif, "i'l ra-s TIN 111 lift iimttf u ilcj; ' a CO. TtarAixnvn r-pj . r.11 !.. m. A0EHT5 VAHTEU. Men or women. t3 1 a week, l'roof tarnllied.Iluliiej ptt-ai-But And honorable w lih mi I lk. A ift...-n.trpiit.r.nil ViitttHlilii Samples tree. nr"tft-ntl jourad. ilrcnoupomalcurfU Iloutd laybuturltt Houcn lo V. M. IIEEWtu KT.,Ntw vonii rr-J EBW A FIRST CLASS NEWSPAPER. 5000 AGENTS WANTED forCEUUIKE EDITION LIFE rmd LABORS ol LIVINGSTONE. lly llcv.J. II. l llAMllUss. whotrom hlsm-isotial Wllllngs (Including tho "I.A it Jockkaia. ) unfolds Mvhllt his (trnuil Achlccmi'iits, nlso thuL'urloltlttb, Woiulcrs nntl Vtciiltli or that marvelous cotinti), l'rulls, .Mlut'ials, r.tptllcs, HeusUi, Sav.tgt-s, Ac sr. pages, loi laru llltisliittlous, tuny t-'.oo, lik-h In Interest, low In 1'rlt-o iiut-so'ls cu-rythlng. a t-ti Ilrstawc-cks. Addiess, 111 llll.MIt) 11IIOS , I'ubll-U-crs IM Km&om hlrcet, rhllaik-lpliU. Free! Free ! Free PAILY AND WEEKLY. Intlepcnilcnt in Evcrytliing ! Neutral in Nothing, Opposed to till Corruiit Rings in iMuiiicipnl, KttUo nntl National Ai'Uirs. Till: DAILY TIMKS will bo Issued on Saturday, tho li.tli t.i Mitrcli iii-M, mid every morning thereafter, eMvptetl. untlt-r tho editorial tlliecllon of A. K. Mci-lun-. itilnlrtlcottitinrttv frtun i-n-ni-. n,.v t. i-e, on a large tollo sheet, couiiiliilng uli tlio new h ut tut- thiy, liieludiiiz tno At-SUI'I.M U 1'111S TK1.1: tillVJIs, bH-ilHl Telegrams uutl tvirt-spoutleiitfi lruni all points ot Inlt-rttt, unit fearless editorial Uls eussitms of current tuples. Price, TN ) CtSSTi. Mull stibt-iiliillnii. nibtutrit rri,. tv iumimu ri annum, or mi) i-enls per monlh, liiitdaiicc. AiHtitlstuii-iiih, liitivn. twenty unit tUlily cents per line, uiciuling luposltlon, The Weekly Times Will be Issued on hattuday, March toih, weekly ll.eit-Hlltr, coiitulnlng ull luiporiiuit, news cf tho week, ti ltd eoinplelB .Market uml niutncli-l llt-rtrls. .itiii .i, t-.i uttu jt-.ti, Misiiiiri) iree, iti tnc ioiiownti; i.. t THE PIONEER. A hnndsomo Illustrated iH-wspain-r eout.ili.lng In furumtlon for tucrjbody. Tells how undwheio to becuro a Home cheap, bentlits) to ull parucl tlie world. It contains tho New Horni-Head nntl Timber lawn, wltuulbcrlntercblln? uiiitttr fuund only In this pa per, Sond for it at oncal U will only coit j on a rostul Ohm. New uuuiber lor April, Just out. Address, o. V. DAVI3, una tx-uuuisiioiicr r. l. h. it , OMAin, M.t, one Copy,. T ra Cople tt.tu Conlus ,t ,, Twenty l'oi,tiu nt,,, AilVllitTISiai I1NT H I cut j.lUe i euls'per llite. l(einllanre bltould be mndeby lualtsiir 1'tM (if. llco uitlei'ft. Aiklre THE TIMES. NO. W BOUthHeM-UlllhllCt-t, u I'lllLADKLl'llIA- EliANlv NO'l'I S.wlih or wIlLout niuinlcu fur bale tit the tuvxiui-t Oulcv.